March 22, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community


March 22, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston –
1530 Norwalk Drive
Telephone: 281-578-0707
Katy, Texas 77450
Fax: 281-578-9161;
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday - 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday: *5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, *9:45 AM, *11:30 AM, 5:30 PM
*Nursery Available
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 PM; or appointment with a priest
Anointing of the Sick: First Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 AM Mass until 7:30 PM
St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281-578-3845
March 22, 2015 – Fifth Sunday of Lent – Readings on Page 1029
Rev. Tom Lam
Rev. Thomas Joseph
Parochial Vicar
Deacon John Evanoff
Pastoral Associate
Deacon Don Kish
Business Manager
Craig Shemon
Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz,
Dan Stamps, Mary Tran
Religious Education
LouAnn Svoboda, Director
Beth Harvey, Charlotte Fulton,
Maria Laiseca
Youth Ministry
Dave Clark, Director
Joey Harvey
Music Ministry
Spencer Schuyler, Director
Merle Vahlkamp
Outreach Ministry
Schottsie Hill, Director
Lisa Gilkeson
Facilities Manager
Kirk Harris
Young Kim
Nursery Coordinator:
Anne Salazar
Child’s Play: Alyce Gabrysch
Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Welcome Newcomers
If you would like more
information on our Parish
Pope Francis’ Homily with
announcement of Year of Mercy
During his homily at the penance service in St. Peter’s Basilica, the Holy Father announced an extraordinary Jubilee dedicated to Divine Mercy. Below is the English translation of the Holy Father’s homily,
in which he made the announcement.
As last we head into of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, we are gathered to celebrate the penitential liturgy. We are united with so many Christians, who, in every part of the world,
have accepted the invitation to live this moment as a sign of the goodness of the Lord.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation, in fact, allows us with confidence to draw near to
the Father, in order to be certain of His pardon. He really is “rich in mercy” and extends
His mercy with abundance over those who turn to Him with a sincere heart.
To be here in order to experience His love, however, is first of all the fruit of His grace.
As the Apostle Paul reminds us, God never ceases to show the richness of His mercy
throughout the ages. The transformation of the heart that leads us to confess our sins is
“God's gift,” it is “His work” (Eph 2:8-10). To be touched with tenderness by His hand
and shaped by His grace allows us, therefore, to approach the priest without fear for our
sins, but with the certainty of being welcomed by him in the name of God, and understood notwithstanding our miseries. Coming out of the confessional, we will feel God’s
strength, which restores life and returns the enthusiasm of faith.
The Gospel reading of Luke 7:36-50 opens for us a path of hope and comfort. It is good
that we should feel that same compassionate gaze of Jesus upon us, as when he perceived the sinful woman in the house of the Pharisee. In this passage two words return
before us with great insistence: love and judgment. There is the love of the sinful woman,
who humbles herself before the Lord; but first there is the merciful love of Jesus for her,
which pushes her to approach. Her cry of repentance and joy washes the feet of the
Master, and her hair dries them with gratitude; her kisses are pure expression of her affection; and the fragrant ointment poured out with abundance attests how precious He is
to her eyes. This woman’s every gesture speaks of love and expresses her desire to have
an unshakeable certainty in her life: that of being forgiven. And Jesus gives this assurance: welcoming her, He demonstrates God’s love for her, just for her! Love and forgiveness are simultaneous: God forgives her much, everything, because “she loved
much”; and she adores Jesus because she feels that in Him there is mercy and not condemnation. Thanks to Jesus, God casts her many sins away behind Him, He remembers
them no more. For her, a new season now begins; she is reborn in love, to a new life.
Simon the Pharisee, on the contrary, cannot find the path of love. He stands firm upon the
threshold of formality. He is not capable of taking the next step to go meet Jesus, who
brings him salvation. Simon limited himself to inviting Jesus to dinner, but did not really
welcome Him. In his thoughts, he invokes only justice, and in so doing, he errs. His judgment on the woman distances him from the truth and does not allow him even to understand
who guest is. He stopped at the surface, he was not able to look to the heart. Before Jesus’ parable and the question of which a servant would love his master most, the Pharisee answered correctly, “The one, to whom the master forgave most.” And Jesus does
not fail to make him observe: “Thou hast judged rightly.” Only when the judgment of
Simon is turned toward love: then is he in the right.
Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear
its mission of being a witness to mercy. It is journey that begins with a spiritual conversion. For this reason, I have decided to call an extraordinary Jubilee that is to have the mercy of God at its center. It shall be a Holy Year of Mercy. We want to live this Year in the
light of the Lord's words: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.”
This Holy Year will begin on this coming Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and
will end on November 20, 2016, the Sunday dedicated to Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of
the Universe. I am convinced that the whole Church will find in this Jubilee the joy
needed to rediscover and make fruitful the mercy of God, with which all of us are called
to give consolation to every man and woman of our time.
Events & Meetings This Week
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
10:00 AM, RCIA Adapted for Children
Sessions: Rooms 205/206
1:00 PM, Baptisms: Narthex
3:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
3:30 PM, Jr High Faith Formation
7:00 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: PAC
9:00 AM, ESL Level 4: Room 307
9:30 AM, ESL Level 1/2: Room 310
9:30 AM, ESL 4 Conversation:
Room 301
7:00 PM, Matthew: The King and his
Kingdom: Epiphany Room
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1146: Rooms
7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room
9:30 AM, ESL 2: Room 303
9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411
9:30 AM, Second Family: Room 507
9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration: Chapel
10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for
Respect Life: Chapel
10:00 AM, Scripture Study: Den
1:00 PM, ESL 2: Room 301
4:45 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
4;45 PM, Junior High Faith Formation
4:45 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: 312
7:00 PM, RCIA: Epiphany Room
7:00 PM, Respect Life Meeting:
Outreach Center
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1288: Rooms
301/303, Rec Room
7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel
7:00 PM, Walking through Grief: Den
7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel
9:00 AM, ESL LEVEL 4: ROOM 307
9:30 AM, ESL Level 1/2: Room 310
9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Room 308
9:30 AM, Called to be Mom: Rec Room
9:45 AM, Easter Egg Workshop: 507
10:00 AM, Bible Timeline Series: Den
4:45 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
5:30 PM, Children’s Choir Practice
6:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
6:30 PM, Junior High Faith Formation
6:30 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: PAC
7:00 PM, Adult Choir Practice: Church
7:45 PM, Overflow: Great Room
9:30 AM, ESL 2: Room 303
10:00 AM, Adult Spiritual Book Study:
6:30 PM: Spanish Bible Study:
Great Room
7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center
9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Room 308
5:30 PM, Lenten Fish Fry: Rec Room
7:00 PM, Way of the Cross: Chapel
7:30 PM, Bingo: Family Center
9:00 AM, Homebound Training:
Room 303
10:00 AM, Baptisms: Narthex
5:30 PM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
3:30 PM, Children’s Faith Formation
3:30 PM, Jr High Faith Formation
7:00 PM, HSFF/Confirmation: PAC
Please contact parish office for
preparation classes.
Baptism Session for Parents
2nd Saturday of February,
May, August, November
10:00 AM – Noon
To register call
LouAnn Svoboda
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA)
For information call
LouAnn Svoboda
Sacrament of Marriage
Must be a registered, active
member of the parish at least
six months. Contact parish
office eight months before
wedding to begin preparation.
Finance Council Chair
Denny Dellinger
Knights of Columbus
Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Cynthia Viator
Ladies Club
Ann Hoar
Forever Young
Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow
Bulletin Deadline
Join us on a parish pilgrimage to
Rome, Italy on Oct. 25-Nov. 5,
2015. Travel to Venice, Florence,
Assisi and the Eternal City of
Rome to experience the rich culture and deep spirituality
of the Church.
Only 50 places available for parishioners of Epiphany. If interested, please contact Craig Shemon at
The deadline for article
submission is Thursday at noon
(ten days before publication).
Your article can be sent to
Check our website for
Liturgical, Youth Usher & Faith
Formation Schedules.
Liturgy & Prayer
Saturday, March 21
5:30 PM
Sunday, March 22
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Monday, March 23
9:00 AM
Tuesday, March 24
9:00 AM
Wednesday, March 25
9:00 AM
Thursday, March 26
9:00 AM
Friday, March 27
9:00 AM
Saturday, March 28
5:30 PM
Sunday, March 29
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Vigil-Fifth Sunday of Lent
†Fred Schmidt
Fifth Sunday of Lent
†Edwin Stasney
For the People
†Jose Santos, Jr.
†Lois Farmer
Lenten Weekday
†Edna Berner
Lenten Weekday
†Lois Farmer
The Annunciation of the Lord
†Hope Mercaldi
Lenten Weekday
†O. J. Meyers
Lenten Weekday
†Virginia Costello
Vigil-Palm Sunday
†Arthur Tuttle
Palm Sunday
†Lois Farmer
For the People
†Alton Schultz III
†Rhonda Hyacinth
Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 [41c-62];
Ps 23:1-6; Jn 8:1-11
Nm 21:4-9; Ps 102:2-3, 16-21; Jn 8:21-30
Wednesday: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-11; Heb 10:4-10;
Lk 1:26-38
Gn 17:3-9; Ps 105:4-9: Jn 8:51-59
Jer 20:10-13; Ps 18:2-7; Jn 10:31-42
Ez 37:21-28; Jer 31:10, 11-13; Jn 11:45-56
Mk 11:1-10 or Jn 12:12-16 (procession);
Is 50:4-7; Ps 22:8-9, 17-20, 23-24;
Phil 2:6-11; Mk 14:1 — 15:47 [15:1-39]
Please pray for our
military men and women.
Please keep the following people in
your thoughts and prayers this week
as we wish them a return to good
Linda Doucette, Christine Bencivengo, Eva Lazarich, Jason Sides, Ronni Mensik, Mary Reuter, Leah Knaus, Chris Johnson, Andrew
Bencivengo, Janet Cuccia, Elizabeth Robles,
Charles Massey, Robert Roberson, Ray McGiff,
Dominic Tizioukdal, Patricia Givens, Kathy Del
Toro, Jackie Alfonso, Valerie Sanders.
To make a request for someone to be on our
prayer list, please call the parish office at 281578-0707. Your loved one’s name will appear on
our prayer list for six consecutive Sundays. If a
longer period of time is needed, please call the
parish office to renew your request.
Please Remember In Prayer
Our Deceased
William Bennett, father of Art Bennett
Bertha Olivares de Gonzalez, mother
of Ivan Gonzalez
You are invited to experience
evening prayer from the Liturgy
of the Hours each Tuesday
evening in the chapel at 7:30
PM. Liturgy of the Hours is the formal prayer
the worldwide Church prays daily in response to
Christ's statement to "pray always". Please join
us and the entire Church around the world each
Tuesday evening.
Sunday, March 29 — Palm Sunday
Regular Mass Schedule
April 2 — Holy Thursday
7:00 p.m. – Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Night Watch until 11:30 p.m.
April 3 — Good Friday
3:00 p.m. — Good Friday Service
Saturday, April 4 — Easter Vigil
No reconciliation at 4:00 p.m.
NO 5:30 p.m. Mass
8:30 p.m. — Easter Vigil
(Mass begins outside the Church)
Sunday, April 5 — Easter Sunday
Masses in the Church
8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
Masses in the Family Center
8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m.
NO 5:30 p.m. Mass
News in the Parish
Attention – Anyone Currently Taking
Holy Communion to the Homebound
We are instituting some new training and policies regarding the
homebound and hospice/hospital
Holy Communion visits. If you are
currently taking Holy Communion
to the homebound or are interested
in doing so in the future, your attendance at one of
the following training sessions is mandatory, even
if you were trained in the past.
March 28
May 30
September 6
December 5
These sessions are all on Saturday mornings in
Room 303 of the Parish Activity Center building
(two-story) from 9:00 – 10:00AM. You may sign up
in advance by emailing Deacon John Evanoff at or calling the parish
Job Opening for a Maintenance Person. It
is a full time positon with benefits. Light
plumbing, electrical, and heating and air experience would be preferred. Previous experience required. Please send resume and references
The annual Epiphany Knights of Columbus Scholarship process is starting. Applications are now available at the front
desk of the church office. Word copies
of the application are available by emailing Vince DeBonis at
The KC’s will honor 8 or more college-bound students at the Senior High Graduation Mass with $500
to $1000 scholarships. Applications are due no later
than April 24th in the church office. Interviews will
be conducted Friday and Saturday, May 8th and 9th.
Please take advantage of this excellent opportunity
to be recognized for your gifts to the parish and surrounding community.
eGiving with Faith Direct
You might want to consider making your generous
weekly contributions to the parish through Faith
Direct, the electronic giving program here at Epiphany of the Lord. Even if you are traveling on business or on vacation, you can make all of your contributions through Faith Direct by way of automatic
payment from your checking account or credit card,
just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. It is a great
way to simplify your giving, and it is the most costeffective, environmentally-friendly way for the parish to receive your gifts.
Faith Direct is the leading eGiving program for
Catholic churches in the Archdiocese as well as in
dioceses across the country. You can visit their website at to learn more about how
to enroll securely online. Please note, our parish
code is TX613. Faith Direct also offers your family personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes to be placed in the collection basket on Sundays.
I would like to take this opportunity as well to express my deepest gratitude for your generous contributions throughout the year. It is wonderful to be a
part of a faith community that so graciously supports the parish and the important ministries that the
Church provides. I hope that you find that this new
program makes it more convenient for you to continue to offer your gifts to Epiphany of the Lord.
Expressing the assurances of my prayerful remembrance of you and your family and my best wishes
in the Lord, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Fr. Tom Lam
Our Stewardship
Around the Archdiocese
Stewardship – March 14/15, 2015
Sunday Offering
Catholic Relief Services
St. Vincent de Paul
Registered Households
Together in Holiness – An Inspiring Event for
“I will be their God and they shall be my people…”
- Jeremiah 31:33
What does it mean to be God’s people? It means we
recognize that everything we have and everything we
are belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything,
we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given
us. It means we are willing to use our gifts and our
lives to care for our neighbors and the world, just as
God cares for us.
Couples! May 2, 2015, 9:00 a.m.—3:00 p.m.
You don’t want to miss this...the first Together in
Holiness marriage conference offered in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston! As an initiative of the
John Paul II Foundation for Life & Family, this oneday event includes insightful presentations, Mass,
Eucharistic adoration, and conversation with the one
you love. It will help your marriage and family—not
just to survive—but thrive in holiness! Learn about
encountering God in your spouse and children, receive practical guidance for living your faith in the
home, and discover how Catholic spiritual traditions
can benefit your family. Cost: $45/couple, $25/
individual. Free childcare! (space limited) Epiphany
of the Lord is one of the parishes sponsoring this
event. Learn more and register at
Community Life
On March 27 the Knights will be hosting their
last Fish Fry of the season.
This year through your very
generous support we have been able to
help ten Seminarians (twice as many as
in the past) with their school cost, along
with assisting local charities like Christ
Clinic, helped fund some of the
Church’s needs, and added to the youth
scholarship fund. We would like to
give a special thanks to both Father Tom and Father
Thomas for their continued support. All of the
Epiphany Knights, their families, and the Epiphany
community thank you.
For those who have not had an opportunity
to come by, you have one week to try the best fried
fish around. We have expanded the menu to include
fried and baked fish, fried shrimp, mac and cheese,
pizza, onion rings, hush puppies, and shrimp salad.
Two new items this year are fish tacos and a 10 piece
spicy fish nugget appetizer. This year’s proceeds
have and will continue benefiting Katy area charities,
Seminarian and youth scholarships.
Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. and once again
you can dine in at the PAC center or drive-thru at
the west end of the PAC center.
Tickets for Ladies Club Fashion Show
The Epiphany Ladies Club Fashion Show Luncheon with Charity Auction will
take place on April 17th at Falcon
Point Country Club. We have
just over 30 seats left, $25
per seat. Doors open at 11:00
a.m. Call Marie Mormile at 281
578-8116 to purchase a ticket, all seats reserved.
7:00 p.m. in the
chapel every Friday
during Lent.
Outreach Ministry
Outreach Events in March:
Standing Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany Job Net-
working at 7 p.m. in the PAC; Tues.—Respect
Life Rosary at 10 a.m.
March24th: Second Family Meeting
@ 9:30 a.m.
24th: Respect Life Meeting @ 7:00 p.m.
24th: Walking through Grief @ 7:00 p.m.
25th: Easter Egg Workshop @ 9:45 a.m.
31st: Walking Through Grief @7:00 p.m.
We need help filling eggs
Come help fill Easter Eggs with
candy that are being donated to a
sister Parish. They will be having
hunts after all of their masses.
Join us in the workroom of the
Outreach office on March 25th at
9:45 a.m.
Why the Prayer Ministry is
Calling You
That the goal is to keep people in their homes as
Being part of the Prayer Ministry is a humbling and
uplifting experience, where you can connect with
your community and be a silent hero walking with
them on their journey. If you have an interest in
joining the prayer team or would like an intention
added to the prayer list, please email The prayer requests received at this email address will be compiled and sent out once a week to our volunteers. Thank you for praying!
long as practical. This is accomplished by providing
rides, going shopping, in-home visiting, and providing respite to the primary caregiver.
Walking Through Grief
See for details.
That Second Family Care Team is a group of
men and women who offer support to the elderly, ill
or disabled by visiting “CarePartners” in their
homes once or twice a week.
That members and “CarePartners” mutually support one another through prayer and sharing.
That there are so many in our community who
need a friend! If you know of someone who could
benefit, please call Outreach at 832-772-0306.
I say to you, whoever believes in me
will do all the works that I do.
John 14:12
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul provides
an opportunity to live your faith by
serving others. We work directly,
one on one, with people in need
who call Epiphany requesting assistance. With the generous donations
given by our parishioners, we are
able to work with other churches,
ministries and organizations in the Katy area and
assist people who are in urgent need of help. If
you would like to be part of this ministry or to learn
more about us, please call SVdP at 281-578-3845.
Whether your loss is recent or in the past we will
walk the grief journey with you. This session will
continue weekly until May 12th. There are new topics each week that are DVD lead and independent
of each other in the Den of the PAC.
Contact Michelle if you have any questions at
Parishioners, are you going in for surgery or
having a baby or for other reasons need a Meal
or two for your family?
Please let us know in Epiphany Outreach and
we will see what we can do to make life a little
easier. Call Lisa at 832-772-0306.
Join Us on Tuesdays
For one hour praying in front of the
Blessed Sacrament. Or come at
9:45am, 3:00 p.m. or 7:00 p.m. for the
Faith Formation
A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
Discover the Riches of the Mass
in this five-part DVD series
featuring Dr. Edward Sri
Come to know and understand the Mass like
never before. Discover the rich meanings behind what we say and do during the Liturgy.
You will hear and see the words and gestures
of the Mass in a new light, leading you to a
more meaningful and fruitful worship experience.
Mondays 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
April 20, 27, May 4, 11, and 18
Epiphany Room, Parish Activity Center
Cost is $18.00/person and includes:
36 page workbook
165 page textbook
Deadline for ordering materials is
Wednesday, April 8
Registration form available at:
adults and young people
who are preparing for
full initiation into the
Catholic Church, in
particular those who participate in
Epiphany’s RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) and RCIA adapted for
children processes. Their photos and/or
names are located outside the sacristy.
Keeping the Promise Alive
(VIRTUS Refresher) will be held on Thursday, April 16 from
7:00—8:30 p.m. in the PAC. A valid ID must be
presented at check-in. No late admittance. No
Walk-ins! Preregistration is required at http:// Contact for username, password and registration instructions or call 281-578
-8271. KPA is required for all volunteers who attended the original VIRTUS: Protecting God’s
Children in 2010 or before.
Called To Be Mom:
Join us from 9:30—
Noon on March 25, in the Parish Activity Center.
This week Called to Be Mom will discuss the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Contact for more information.
Tuesday Morning Scripture Study:
From 10:00 until 11:00 a.m. on Tuesdays, upstairs
in the PAC. Contact
for more information.
Adult Confirmation Preparation
Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation for
adults will begin with an onsite day retreat on Saturday, April 11 from 9 a.m. to
3:00 p.m., followed by six
Thursday evening classes
from 7—9 p.m. beginning April 16 through May
21. Participants must be at least 18 years old
and not presently in high school.
An initial interview is necessary. Contact or call 281-5788271, ext. 283.
Children’s Faith Formation
Epiphany Youth Ministry
Faith Formation today!
Remember to return your bowl to
faith formation class the week after
Easter! Thank you for your generosity in mind, body and spirit!
Calling all Parishioners!
Let’s Plan the End of the Year PicnicTHE EPIPHANIC! Sunday,
May 3 after the 11:30 AM
Mass till 3 PM on Epiphany’s
softball field. Get involved!
Email Beth Harvey at or
call her at 281-578-8271. She is waiting to get
you and your family involved! Lots of booths to
take charge! More information to come.
The dates for Vacation Bible
School (VBS)---June 22-26, 2015. Call-
ing all station leaders! If you have led or
would like to lead a station for Vacation
Bible School Contact Stephanie Brierty
( to get this
year’s program moving forward.
Theme: Everest, Conquering Challenges
with God’s Mighty Power. Registration begins at
the Epiphanic, Sunday, May 3, 2015.
Attention to those who use the
Please take
the time to complete the
yellow tags. Include first
and last name, age or birth
date and a cell phone
number. This is the best
way to contact you in case of an emergency.
515137: Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
1530 Norwalk Dr., Katy, TX 77450
Gerry Broussard #1 email:
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