May 17, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community


May 17, 2015 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston –
1530 Norwalk Drive
Telephone: 281-578-0707
Katy, Texas 77450
Fax: 281-578-9161;
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday - 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM
Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM
Saturday: *5:30 PM
Sunday: 8:00 AM, *9:45 AM, *11:30 AM, 5:30 PM
*Nursery Available
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 PM; or appointment with a priest
Anointing of the Sick: First Thursday of the month at 9:00 AM Mass
Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 AM Mass until 7:30 PM
St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281-578-3845
May 17, 2015 – Ascension of the Lord – Readings on Page 1079
Rev. Tom Lam
Rev. Thomas Joseph
Parochial Vicar
Deacon John Evanoff
Pastoral Associate
Deacon Don Kish
Business Manager
Craig Shemon
Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz,
Dan Stamps, Mary Tran
Religious Education
LouAnn Svoboda, Director
Beth Harvey, Charlotte Fulton,
Maria Laiseca
Youth Ministry
Dave Clark, Director
Joey Harvey
Music Ministry
Spencer Schuyler, Director
Merle Vahlkamp
Outreach Ministry
Schottsie Hill, Director
Lisa Gilkeson
Facilities Manager
Kirk Harris
Young Kim
Karim Valdez
Nursery Coordinator:
Anne Salazar
Child’s Play: Alyce Gabrysch
Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m.
Welcome Newcomers
If you would like more
information on our Parish
A Reflection on Pope Francis and St. Joseph
o mark International Labor Day (May 1), which coincides with the Feast
day of Saint Joseph the Worker, let us take a look at the special devotion
Pope Francis has for this Saint as well as focus briefly on one of the social
issues central to his thinking: the dignity of labor. We begin with his devotion to Saint Joseph, as there’s quite a list of things that connect Pope Francis to this
saint. Among them the choice of the date for the beginning of his pontificate the
19th of March, Saint Joseph’s feast day, and the choice of the nard flower symbolic
of this saint on his coat of arms. Then in July 2013, his decision to consecrate Vatican City State not just to Saint Michael, as had been previously planned, but to Saint
Joseph as well. And on a more personal note his admission to cherishing a wooden
statue representing a dormant Saint Joseph, dressed in gold trimmed dark green and
red garments according to Hispanic iconography, by which he places prayer requests.
Simply because as he mentioned when he confided to us this personal gesture: “He’s
a carpenter and he gets the job done, even though he sometimes makes you wait.”
As for what links Pope Francis to Saint Joseph, International Labor Day and workers, let us shine the spotlight on his words the 1st of May 2013, so the very first year
of his pontificate, during his weekly general audience, words which focus precisely
on work and the figure of Saint Joseph. In a special way, we reflect on the role played
by Joseph as the legal father who teaches his son his skills as a carpenter in the workshop in Nazareth on a daily basis and shares with him, the efforts, the commitment,
the satisfactions and problems that come with the job. On this occasion, Pope Francis goes on to remind us of the dignity and importance of work. The Book of Genesis, he says, tells us that God created man and woman entrusting them with the task
of filling the earth and subduing it, which does not mean exploiting it, but nurturing
and protecting it, caring for it through their work: “Work is part of God’s loving
plan, we are called to cultivate and care for all the goods of creation and in this way
participate in the work of creation! Work is fundamental to the dignity of a
gives you the ability to maintain yourself, your family, to contribute to the growth of
your nation. And here I think of the difficulties which, in various countries, today
afflicts the world of work and business; I think of how many, and not just young
people, are unemployed, many times due to a purely economic conception of society,
which seeks selfish profit, beyond the parameters of social justice. I wish to extend
an invitation to solidarity to everyone, and I would like to encourage those in public
office to make every effort to give new impetus to employment, this means caring
for the dignity of the person, but above all I’d like to say do not lose hope; St. Joseph
also experienced moments of difficulty, but he never lost faith and was able to overcome them, in the certainty that God never abandons us. And then I would like to
speak especially to you young people: be committed to your daily duties, your study,
your work, to relationships of friendship, to helping towards others; your future also
depends on how you live these precious years of your life. Do not be afraid of commitment, of sacrifice and do not look with fear towards the future; keep your hope
alive: there is always a light on the horizon.”
But while Pope Francis on this occasion shares with us words of encouragement, he
also chooses to highlight some of the evils of society in the area of work and denounces once again, the practice some companies have of adopting policies that
favors profit over human dignity or even human life. And then uses an image to express how fundamental work is to the dignity of the person: “work to use an image
‘anoints’ with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us similar to God who has worked
and still works, who also acts.”
Let’s hope the prayer requests that Pope Francis places by the reclining and dormant
figure of Saint Joseph are eventually answered…As he once assured us, they always
Events & Meetings This Week
Coffee & Donuts: Family Center
Master Plan Weekend: Family Center
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
Room 214
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of
the Word: Grade 3
10:45 AM, CLW Planning Meeting:
Room 212
1:00 PM, Baptisms: Narthex
3:00 PM, Jr. High Catechist Meeting:
Rec Room
9:00 AM, ESL Level 4: Room 307
9:30 AM, ESL Level 1/2: Room 310
9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Room 308
7:00 PM, Adult Choir Practice
9:30 AM, ESL 2: Room 303
6:30 PM, Pastoral Council: Main
Conference Room
7:00 PM, Adult Confirmation Class:
Epiphany Room
7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center
9:00 AM, ESL Level 4: Room 307
9:30 AM, ESL Level 1/2: Room 310
9:30 AM, ESL Level 3: Room 308
9:30 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: Rm. 301
6:00 PM, Wedding Rehearsal: Chapel
7:00 PM, A Biblical Walk Through the
Mass: Epiphany Room
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1146: Rooms
7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room
9:00 AM, Adult Confirmation
Morning of Reflection:
Epiphany Room
11:00 AM, Wedding: Chapel
9:30 AM, ESL 2: Room 303
5:30 PM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411
Room 214
9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration:
10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for
Respect Life: Chapel
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years:
10:00 AM, Scripture Study: Den
Room 214
1:00 PM, ESL 2: Room 301
9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of
4:00 PM, Holy Hour Rosary for
the Word: Grade 4,5
Vocations: Chapel
2:30 PM, Archdiocesan Adult
7:00 PM, RCIA, Epiphany Room
Confirmation: Church
7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1288:
Rooms 301/303 /Rec Room
7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel
7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel
7:45 PM, Marriage Ministry Support
Group: Room 403
Join us on a parish
pilgrimage to Rome, Italy on
Oct. 25-Nov. 5, 2015. Travel to
Venice, Florence, Assisi and
the Eternal City of Rome to experience the rich cul-
ture and deep spirituality of the Church.
Only 50 places available for parishioners of Epiphany. If interested, please contact Craig Shemon at
Please contact parish office
for preparation classes.
Baptism Session for Parents
2nd Saturday of February,
May, August, November
10:00 AM – Noon
To register call
LouAnn Svoboda
Rite of Christian Initiation of
Adults (RCIA)
For information call
LouAnn Svoboda
Sacrament of Marriage
Must be a registered, active
member of the parish at least
six months. Contact parish
office eight months before
wedding to begin preparation.
Finance Council Chair
Denny Dellinger
Knights of Columbus
Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Cynthia Viator
Ladies Club
Ann Hoar
Forever Young
Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow
Bulletin Deadline
The deadline for article
submission is Thursday at noon
(ten days before publication).
Your article can be sent to
Check our website for
Liturgical, Youth Usher & Faith
Formation Schedules.
Liturgy & Prayer
Through the waters of Baptism
Saturday, May 16
5:30 PM
Sunday, May 17
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Monday, May 18
9:00 AM
Tuesday, May 19
9:00 AM
Wednesday, May 20
9:00 AM
Thursday, May 21
9:00 AM
Friday, May 22
9:00 AM
Saturday, May 23
5:30 PM
Sunday, May 24
8:00 AM
9:45 AM
11:30 AM
5:30 PM
Vigil-Ascension of the Lord
†Martha Machado
Ascension of the Lord
†Marguerite Daigle
For the People
†Colleen Robb
†Dolores Derise
Easter Weekday
†Beatriz Rempares
Easter Weekday
†Betty Boudreau
Easter Weekday
The Laiseca Family
Easter Weekday
Margaret Beer
Easter Weekday
†Mary Allen
Vigil-Pentecost Sunday
Phillip Pool Family
Pentecost Sunday
†Emil Schaider
For the People
†Tess Ujano-Batangan
†Bertha Olivares de Gonzalez
Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:2-3ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab;
Jn 16:29-33
Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21;
Jn 17:1-11a
Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab;
Jn 17:11b-19
Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11;
Jn 17:20-26
Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab;
Jn 21:15-19
Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7;
Jn 21:20-25
Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or
Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35,
27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39
Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34;
1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25;
Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15
following infants now have begun
their journey of faith in the Christian Community: Addison Rose Kobermann, Adam Taiyu Lu, Sophia Ruinan
Lu, Lincoln Michael Taylor, Gavin David Moore.
Please keep the following people in
your thoughts and prayers this
week as we wish them a return to
good health:
Eva Lazarich, Jason Sides, Andrew Bencivengo, Patricia Givens, Jackie Alfonso, Fidel Flores, Rosemary Klawikowski, Ingrid Stassi, Anthony Pocasangre, Hipolita Gonzales, Elizabeth
Colborn, Elaine Mueller, Eddie Holik, Josie
To make a request for someone to be on our
prayer list, please call the parish office at 281578-0707. Your loved one’s name will appear on
our prayer list for six consecutive Sundays. If a
longer period of time is needed, please call the
parish office to renew your request.
You are invited to experience
evening prayer from the Liturgy
of the Hours each Tuesday evening in the chapel at 7:30 PM. Liturgy of the Hours is the formal prayer the worldwide Church prays daily in response to Christ's
statement to "pray always". Please join us and
the entire Church around the world each Tuesday
Come and pray the rosary before
the Blessed Sacrament for
Vocations every Tuesday at 4:00 p.m.
in the Chapel.
News in the Parish
We welcome into our community:
Alfredo & Laura ArriolaGutierrez, Justin & Meg Burke,
Rheanna Dockray, Andrew &
Brenna Drennen, John & Maria
Christina Escoto, Bruce & Sarah
Levron, Tony & Anna Lolomari, Jessica Thacker.
Fr. Jack will celebrate the
52nd anniversary of his ordination at Epiphany on May 24th
during the 11:30 a.m. Mass. A
reception will follow in the
Family Center.
Music Ministry
New Choir Members and
Musicians Needed
We are still in need of special talents for our Music
Ministry. Right now we need
help in two to continue to
grow our Sunday 5:30 p.m.
Contemporary Choir, we are
looking for a trained percussionist. If you possess this talent or know of
someone who may be interested in contributing
to the Liturgy in this way, please contact Spencer
Schuyler, Director of Music Ministry for an audition.
We are always seeking new cantors and choir
members for our Mass, especially at our 11:30
a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Sunday Masses. Thank you
for considering volunteering to make our worship experience meaningful in God’s eyes.
Contact Spencer Schuyler, Director of Music:
(281) 578-0707 Ex.270
Attention – Anyone Currently Taking
Holy Communion to the Homebound
We are instituting some new training and policies regarding the
homebound and hospice/hospital
Holy Communion visits. If you are
currently taking Holy Communion
to the homebound or are interested in doing so in the
future, your attendance at one of the following training sessions is mandatory, even if you were trained
in the past.
May 30, September 26, December 5
These sessions are all on Saturday mornings in Room
303 of the Parish Activity Center building (twostory) from 9:00 – 10:00AM. You may sign up in
advance by emailing Deacon John Evanoff at or calling the parish
The Church is like a great ship being pounded
by the waves of life’s different stresses. Our duty
is not to abandon ship, but to keep her on her
—St. Boniface
This new fund is established for donations
to add to the beauty of our worship space.
With your contribution or memorial gift, we
hope to add Stations of the Cross and statues
for our Church.
At any time during the year, you are welcome
to send in a donation or place your gift in an
envelope in the collection during Mass with
the designation, “Sanctuary Beautification
Fund.” Thanking you in anticipation of your
generous response.
Our Stewardship
eGiving with Faith Direct
Stewardship – May 9/10
Sunday Offering
St. Vincent de Paul
Registered Households
“Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God,
God abides in him, and he in God.” — 1 John 4:15
How strong is your faith? When you have an opportunity to defend your faith or clarify a question about
your faith, do you do it? Or, do you remain silent so
that others don’t think you are weird? Pray for the
courage to be strong in your faith and share your witness with others.
Vocations Corner
“He has created us to love and to be loved, and
this is the beginning of prayer – to know that He
loves me, and that I have been created for greater
things”. Mother Teresa
Saturday, June 6 – Priesthood Ordinations –
10am Mass at the Co-Cathedral.
Have you ever attended an ordination mass? Every
year men are ordained in the Houston-Galveston
Archdiocese. Plan to attend the mass as Fr. Tom
Lam and Fr. Thomas Joseph will be present. Come
to our Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral, downtown Houston, about 30 minutes before 10 am. Let us offer
prayers of thanksgiving for these holy men as they
begin their priestly vocation.
Sponsored by the Vocations Committee.
Save the Date
You might want to consider making your generous
weekly contributions to the parish through Faith
Direct, the electronic giving program here at Epiphany of the Lord. Even if you are traveling on business or on vacation, you can make all of your contributions through Faith Direct by way of automatic
payment from your checking account or credit card,
just as you may do now with your mortgage, household bills, and other monthly payments. It is a great
way to simplify your giving, and it is the most costeffective, environmentally-friendly way for the parish to receive your gifts.
Faith Direct is the leading eGiving program for
Catholic churches in the Archdiocese as well as in
dioceses across the country. You can visit their website at to learn more about how
to enroll securely online. Please note, our parish
code is TX613. Faith Direct also offers your family personalized offertory cards to replace your envelopes to be placed in the collection basket on Sundays.
I would like to take this opportunity as well to express my deepest gratitude for your generous contributions throughout the year. It is wonderful to be a
part of a faith community that so graciously supports the parish and the important ministries that the
Church provides. I hope that you find that this new
program makes it more convenient for you to continue to offer your gifts to Epiphany of the Lord.
Expressing the assurances of my prayerful remembrance of you and your family and my best wishes
in the Lord, I remain
Sincerely yours in Christ,
June 8-10 – Explore Retreat – St. Mary’s Seminary. For high school boys ages 15-18.
July 24-26 – Life Awareness Retreat -5:00 p.m.
Holy Name Retreat Center. For single young adult
men and women ages 18-45.
Fr. Tom Lam
Epiphany of the Lord
Respect Life Committee
Invites you to
Thursday, May 28, 2015 (7:00 - 8:30 p.m.)
Epiphany Room
(Parish Activity Center Building)
Human Trafficking thrives when it is hidden in the shadows.
Across the Houston area it has become a well-kept
secret…It is an out of sight, out of mind tragedy
with victims who are unable to speak for themselves.
“Let us not look the other way...this issue involves everyone.”
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel)
Presenter: Wendy Garaghty
Community Educator for the USCCB Amistad Movement (Office of Migration & Refugee
Services) and Outreach Coordinator for the Co-Cathedral of the Sacred Heart
You can’t do anything about something you don’t know about
– 281-578-0707
Outreach Events in June:
Standing Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany Job
Networking at 7 p.m. in the PAC; Tues.—
Adoration after morning mass until 7:30 p.m.,
Respect Life Rosary at 10 a.m.
19th: Gift of Marriage @ 7:45 p.m.
26th: Second Family @ 10 a.m.
See for details.
Baby Bottle Blessing
Forgot to pick up a Bottle last
Don’t Worry.
Just come by the Outreach
Office and pick up a Bottle. Fill it
with your loose coins and return it
to us on
Father’s Day.
“The Gift of Marriage”
What did I ever see in this person to have gotten
married? What can I do to put the spark back in
my marriage? Have I learned marital lessons that
may help others? If you’re asking these questions,
you’re not alone.
Parishioner Richard Yohr LPC, CART leads Epiphany’s Marriage Ministry, a support group for married couples. Please join him on Tuesday, May 19
from 7:45 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. in Room 403 of the
PAC. For more details, call the Outreach Office at
832-772-0306. Babysitting is provided for a nominal fee—register by emailing
Parishioners are invited to submit a photo of family members currently serving in
the military. Please turn in all photos and
forms to the Outreach Center. Instructions & return envelopes are in the
church, Parish Office and
Outreach Center.
Let us pray for the safety of all who protect us
and serve our country through the military.
If you already provided us with a photo but
need to update your family member’s information,
Who couldn’t use a prayer? If you can take a moment out of your week to say a prayer for those requesting intercessory prayers or have an intention
you would like others to pray for, please e-mail
Help the Homeless—June 6th
Do you have a heart to help the homeless?
There is a local breakfast and worship for
them and our friends in need the morning
of Saturday, June 6th,
Contact Gwendolyn at 281-235-2290 for
more information and to sign up.
Know of an elderly person who could use a
friend? You’ve found one!
Second Family is a team comprised of
individuals who have a one-on-one
relationship with an elderly, ill, or disabled person, and they have fantastic
volunteers who are awaiting to befriend a “CarePartner”. If you know of
someone who could benefit, please
call Outreach at 832-772-0306.
Old, broken crayons. Who
needs them: The Crayon
Recycle Program!
It’s true! The Crayon Recycle Program at Crazy Crayons employs
people with developmental disabilities to turn old
broken crayons into new ones—an effort that’s kept
75,000—plus pounds of crayons out of the landfills
so far! You don’t even have to sort them, just toss
them in a bag.
To donate: Visit
QUESTIONS? Please call 952-847-0455
16830 Edgewood Avenue
Wayzata, MN 55391
Adult Faith Formation
Tuesday Morning Scripture
Study group will meet on May 19
from 10 –11 the PAC. Contact for information. Scripture Study Group will not meet
on May 26th.
VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children
Original training session will be held at
Epiphany Saturday, May 30 from 9:00 a.m.
until Noon in the Parish Activity Center (PAC).
Pre-registration is mandatory at http:// A valid identification must be
presented at check-in. No late admittance is
allowed. If you are over 18 and active in ministry at Epiphany, you must be VIRTUS trained.
All adult parishioners, ESPECIALLY PARENTS,
are encouraged to be VIRTUS trained! Questions? Need assistance with the registration
process? Call the Faith Formation Office at 281578-8271.
No walk-ins!
Interested in Becoming Catholic?
For more information on the
Rite of Christian Initiation
of Adults (RCIA) contact
LouAnn at
or call 281-578-8271, ext.
Treasures from
our Tradition
urprisingly, the
church moved
very slowly in
marriage as a focus of attention and care. Nearly everywhere in the Roman
world, citizens agreed on
how to celebrate marriage. Consent of the man
and woman is what made a marriage valid in the
eyes of the law, and although there was a traditional ceremony, it was home‑based and optional.
The ceremony was for showing the social status
of the families involved (the procession ideally
detoured through crowds), and for reminding the
woman of her legal transfer from her father’s
control to her husband’s. The “big moment” of the
ceremony had nothing to do with vows, but with
the bride’s donning the yellow veil with red highlights that was the daily wear of married women.
A wedding feast included soothsayers and animal
sacrifice to the new household’s gods. Christians
found that distasteful, of course, but since marriage was a family matter, they could edit things
out. The church was comfortable with this, and
sometimes recommended that the couple seek
the advice of the bishop. His permission was only
required for the marriage of a cleric, or for a
marriage Rome didn’t recognize, such as between
a free woman and a slave. There was no blessing,
no liturgy, no priest. Christians followed the customs of the day, but they knew that custom and
relationships were transformed from within
themselves by the fact of their baptism. Outwardly, Christians married exactly as their pagan
neighbors, but they certainly invested the usual
gestures with a dynamic sense of Christ’s presence.
—Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Children’s Faith Formation
Epiphany Youth Ministry
VBS June 22-26,
2015 Everest, Conquering
Challenges with God’s Mighty Power. Registration
continues for all participating PreK (4 years old
by Sept. 1) through students entering 5th
grade in the parish office during regular
business hours. Monday - Thursday 8:30
A.M.-4:30 P. M. or Friday 8:30 A.M. -4:00
P. M. ALL FORMS can be found online at under the Elementary Faith Formation Tab. Please mail or
bring registrations to the Faith Formation
Office. Regular registration will continue
until May 18th---tomorrow! After May 18th all
students are placed on a wait list. (Number of
participants is dependent upon number of volunteers.)
Volunteers are students entering 6th
grade through great-grandparents.
Contact our VSB chair, Stephanie Brierty for
more information. (
All adults (18 years +) working with our children
Visit to register for the training.
Check out the pictures of our picnic on Facebook. Visit Epiphany of
the Lord Catholic Church Facebook
page. Every year it gets bigger
and better! Our gifts are for
sharing and YOU do a great job! Consider cochairing this event next year. Call the Faith Formation Office for more information. 281-5788271. THANK YOU!
Update on Operation Rice Bowl:
final number is in: Operation Rice Bowl collected
$3,213.22. Thanks to our 3rd graders who passed
the bowls to ALL our faith formation students, K12th grades. Thanks to everyone for your generosity!
Class of 2015: Join us for Sunday
Mass on May 31st at 5:30 p.m. A
reception will follow in the
Family Center. Knights of Columbus will present the recipients
of the 2015 Scholarships.
The Steubenville Conference is a powerful experience for high school students to
see Christ fully alive and present in our
Catholic faith. We are traveling to Tucson, Arizona July 9-14 for the conference
then seeing the Grand Canyon! Please
see more information on our website. We
have 11 spots remaining! Cost is $480.
Congrats to the Lenzsch family
for winning the TV raffle and Mr.
Mathew Lehman for winning the
quilt! Epiphany helped raise
$5,285 towards our summer
mission trip!
Thank you all for your support!
515137: Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
1530 Norwalk Dr., Katy, TX 77450
Gerry Broussard #1 email:
#2 email:
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May 17, 2015
Tuesday, 12 PM

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