October - MOAA Alamo


October - MOAA Alamo
“ Five Star  Chapter”
Volume 32, Number 10
October 2012
You don’t have to be a MOAA or Alamo Chapter member to attend!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Parr Officers Club
Randolph AFB
On the deck, under the big tree & near the pool
(Will be indoors if inclement weather)
6:00p Social Hour – German Beer, Wine,
Soft Drinks (no-host)
7:00p Dinner
Bratwurst, jagerschnitzel, brochens (with 3
kinds of mustard), sauerkraut, german potato
salad & dessert.
German Oom-pah Music by “Rennie und Bob”
Casual attire - - wear your Lederhosen, Dirndl, Tracht, Gamsbart, etc!!
See back page for reservation slip
Inside This Edition:
Pg 2 Chapter News & Notices
Pg 4 Membership Stats
Pg 5 Officer Election Ballot
Pg 6 Golf Tournament Sponsors
Pg 8 Golf Tournament Round Up
Pg 10 Health, Benefits & Welfare
Pg 14 Chapter Events Calendar
Check Out our new and improved website
now with
For the latest chapter news, our strategic plan, past issues of The Lariat and
much more! (A Big Thank you to our webmaster Col (Ret) Bill Hudson!)
The Lariat October 2012
Chapter News & Notices
Corporate Partners
Abby Consulting
Cookie Angels
Thank You!!
Grateful thanks to those who either
Each of our members listed here have donatbaked and or took items to the wound- ed a little (or a lot) to either the Scholarship
Fund, Chapter Operations or both!
ed soldiers at Ft Sam Houston’s Warrior
and Family Support Center.
LtCol Jim Cuskey USAF (Ret)
If you were able to give this month on
behalf of the Alamo Chapter please call
Susie at (210) 654-0351, so we may add
your name to our list. Thank you.
Elizabeth Goetz
Maj Willis Humiston USAF (Ret)
We have received information that the
following members have passed away.
We wish to convey our sincere condolences and best wishes to their family
and loved ones:
Col Homer Lear USAF (Ret)
The Lariat October
Army Residence
Beldon Roofing Company
The Beyer Boys
LtCol Melinda Morrell USAF (Ret)
Col Ethel Nelson USAF (Ret)
Vision &
CPS Energy
Randolph Brooks Federal
Credit Union
Mission Statement
To be the primary advocate for the
military community
 To be a major source of information, support and social engagement for the membership;
Air Force Villages
LTC Clarence Hall USA (Ret)
Dr Wanda Hudson
Maryada Artiglia
Ruth Baliram
Mavis Cleary
Irene Collier
Frank and Delores DeVille
Nita Felder
Susan Filipini
Joe and Adele Genualdi
John Gibbs
Mac and Lori McDonald
Goldie Monroe
Lolly Orlowski
Lou Strong
Susie Tolman
Tom and Evelyn Woods
Air Force Federal Credit
 To provide programs and services for the common good of
our military community;
 To be a powerful voice support-
Republic of Texas
Security Service Federal
Credit Union
Silverbridge Realty
Spectrum Technologies,
See links to these companies on our
website www.alamomoaa.org
ing MOAA at the local, state
and national levels.
We encourage each of you to remember
our Corporate Partners in your business
and daily activities because we truly
appreciate their support.
To help us fulfill our mission come
join us at our monthly leadership
meetings - the 1st Thursday each
month 9am, Chapter Offices.
If your business or organization would
like to join us as a Corporate Partner,
please contact us at (210) 228-9955.
Thank you for your consideration.
President’s Message
This is a critical month when the Nation will be making
up its mind as to which candidate that it wants for President in the next two years. All of us have our own opinions as to who will be the best man and should exercise our
vote accordingly. The same holds true for our local, State
and Federal representatives and Senators. Whomever wins
will have the daunting task of building up our economy,
creating jobs and dealing with a world that seems like it is
at critical mass all of the time.
are on the issues that most concern us as present and past
members of the military and then make an educated decision as to whom you will support with your vote.
MOAA National will be having the Annual Meeting in
Arlington, VA on October 29/30. Our Executive Vice
President, Bill Goforth and his wife Amy will be attending
and will receive the Alamo Chapter Five Star Chapter of
Excellence Award. This is the ninth year in a row that the
Alamo Chapter has received this recognition. With our
At the same time, Alamo MOAA and the Texas Council strong membership, we hope to receive it many years to
of MOAA will be working at bringing issues of concern to come.
the State Legislature, which will convene in January 2013.
The 5th Annual Golf Tournament went off despite our
Working with the Texas Coalition of Veterans Organizaworries as to whether it would rain or not. We managed to
tions, we will be asking for revisions to the property tax
increase monies raised to over $8,000 for the benefit of our
exemptions for partially disabled veterans that have not
been revised since the early 1990’s; recognition of disabled Wounded Warriors and our Chapter Scholarship fund. I
want to thank Colonel (Ret) Frank Rohrbough and his
owned veteran businesses as minority businesses that the
brother LtCol (Ret) Stephen Rohrbough who were the leadstate should give preferential contract consideration to as
they do with other minority owned businesses and a multi- ers of this effort. Thanks also to all of the others who
tude of issues relevant to women veterans. These and other (Continued on Page 10)
issues cannot be taken seriously unless we have the support
of our members. This is why it is important for you as
members of Alamo MOAA to recruit new officers and
warrant officers into our ranks. Everything that we do at
the legislative level is to the benefit of the military overall
and the all important spouses and families.
At the National level, MOAA is continuing its fight (and
it will be a fight) to protect our military, retirees and families from attack on the issues of retirement, medical care,
pay and benefits, which are unique to the military family.
Our benefits and retirement are potentially earned with our
blood and lives that we volunteer for the benefit of our nation. To try and fit our benefits into a civilian mold does
not make sense, and we must educate our legislators of that
fact. Most have never been in the military! We must support National MOAA, if in no other way than our membership and numbers to say to the Congress and President that
we are here to protect and defend this nation, but we have
some rather unique needs when it comes to how we want to
protect our families, retirement, pay, etc.
It is important then to weigh the candidates as to which
ones you feel will most benefit the military, retirees and
families. Ask questions of them as to what their positions
The Lariat October 2012
Welcome - New Members:
Year to Date Membership Stats
Col David Hafer USAF
Col Bill Osborne USAF
Alamo Chapter Membership
Col John Probst USAF
As of: Sept 30, 2012
COL Bonita Pruitt USA (Fmr)
Col Shane Stegman USAF
Col Mike Tillemot USAF
LtCol David Barnes USMC
Active 380
Former 10
Retired 698
Total 1318
LTC Walt Cooper USA
LtCol Derek Cossey USAF
LtCol Ronald Lueb USAF
LtCol Todd Prejenn USAF
LtCol Tim Telega USAF
Maj David Bopp USAF
Maj Steve Cicherski USAF
Maj Doris Eskildsen USAF
Maj David Lauderback USAF
Thank You - Renewing Members:
MAJ Thomas Neal USA
Maj Edward Torres USAF
Col Graham Aitken USAF (Ret)
LTC Leah Eubanks USAR
Capt Blake Cox USAF
Col Francis Brown USAF
LTC Clarence Hall USA (Ret)
COL Damian Heaney USA (Ret)
LTC Richard Holzmann USA (Ret)
Col Peter Hunt USF (Ret)
LtCol David Marttala USAF (Ret)
Capt Mathew Leonard USAF
Col David Malave USA (Ret)
LtCol Melinda Morrell USAF (Ret)
Capt Patrick Markey USAF
Col Ethel Nelson USAF (Ret)
LTC Joseph O’Leary USAR (Ret)
Col Teresa Page USAF (Ret)
LTC Cheryl Sofaly USA
Col David Rechkemmer USAF
LTC Rodney Takahashi USA (Ret)
Capt Anthony Emmerling USAF
Capt Jeff Fries USAF
CPT James Guthrie USA (Ret)
Capt Luz Vaigon USAF
Capt Brandon Vigneron USAF
Capt Alexander Williams USAF
Ltjg Will Doenges USN
Maj Willis Humiston USAF (Ret)
COL George Sarran USA (Ret)
CW4 Travis Wallace USA
CW3 Robert Hansen USA (Ret)
MAJ Raul Macias USA (Ret)
Col Thomas Spruiell USAF (Ret)
CPT Andrew Ullman USA (Ret)
CW2 Marlon Hall USA
LtCol Walter Ague USAF (Ret)
1LT Paul McCarthy USA (Ret)
LtCol Jim Cuskey USAF (Ret)
Karen Kraus USAR (Ret) (no rank)
The Lariat October
CW3 Kathleen Kaberides USA
Military Officers Association of America – Alamo Chapter
Election Ballot
For the term January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015
In accordance with the Bylaws of the Alamo Chapter, as amended, the Nominating Committee offers the follo wing
members of the Chapter to serve in the positions indicated. Elected officers must be memb ers of the Military
Officers Associatio n of America as well as members of the Alamo Chapter. Currently serving members are noted
by the symbol (I). Please mark ballot by annotating with an “X” next to nominees’ name. Space is also p rovided for
the write-in vote for another qualified member of the Chapter in lieu of the nominated memb er.
For President: (I) Maj Jim Cunningham USA (Ret)
For Executive Vice President, Operations: (I) LTC Bill Goforth USA (Ret)
For Vice President, Administration: (I) LTC Jim Webb USA (Ret)
For Vice President, Membership, Recruitment & Retention: (I) LTC Randy Hoff USA (Ret)
For Vice President, Programs: LTC Jerry Gonzales USA (Ret)
For Secretary: (I) Col David Patrick USAF (Ret)
For Treasurer: (I) Col Vaughn Caudill USA (Ret)
Mail ballots by November 5, 2012 to:
Military Officers Association of America – Alamo Chapter
Inspectors of Election Committee
P.O. Box 340497
San Antonio TX 78234-0497
The Lariat October 2012
Thank You To Our Golf Tournament Sponsors
Title Sponsor
Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union
Platinum Sponsor
Alamo Masonic Lodge #44 A.F. & A.M. James
Gold Sponsor
Air Force Villages
Humana Military Healthcare
Silver Sponsor
Air Force Federal Credit Union
Broadway Bank
Corbo Electric
Delta Dental
Ernest & Ellen Irons
Scott McCabe
John & Michele Mierzejewski
Security Service Federal Credit Union
David & Diana Walker
Bronze Sponsor
Team William Cook
Castle Hills Dermatology
Team Henry Perez
Team Bill Puckett
Hole In One Sponsor
Lincoln Financial - Stephen Rohrbough
Additional Sponsors
Edward Jones Investments - Vaughan Ruple
Transition Management Solutions
Team Bob Reutlinger
Prize Sponsors
Broadway Bank
Chili's - Schertz
Creative Chocolates
Dixon Golf
Foresight Golf
Formosa Gardens
Golf Galaxy
HEB Schertz
Home Depot - Schertz
La Cantera Golf Club
Lowes - Schertz
Northcliff Country Club
Northern Hills Golf Club
Olympia Hills Golf Club
Quarry Golf Club
Randolph Brooks Federal Credit Union
Randolph Oaks
Red Cross Ft Sam Houston
Bob Reutlinger
River Crossing Golf Club
Romano's Macaroni Grill
Salsalito Mexican Restaurant
Silverhorn Golf Club
Spurs Sports & Entertainment
A. Stahlman
University Iowa Alumni Assoc
Walmart - Schertz
Individual Warrior Sponsors
LtCol Gene Culp
Mrs Clifford Edgar
Linda Gayer
Col William Harris
BG Robert Herring
Sandra Hicks
LTC Randy Hoff
LtCol Ed Lefebvre
Team Mike Lyle
LtCol Ed Marvin
Col Mac McDonald
Col David Patrick
The Lariat October
Ein, zwei. G 'suffa! Prost! Welcome
Alzheimer’s Symptoms to Oktoberfest in Texas. Texas has a
A certain amount of forgetfulness is large Germanic community since
normal with the aging process. It
many early immigrants chose it as
starts with difficulty remembering
their new home. Oktoberfest has become our second most popular festival
names and words as we get older.
in Texas. New Braunfels has the largThis is normal forgetfulness is not a
est 10 day celebration. It has won insymptom of Alzheimer’s disease The
ternational acclaim and visitors come
following are warning signs that may
from all over the world to share
signal the beginning of the disease
"Gemutlichkeit". How did it all start?
l. Memory loss that disrupts daily life.
2. Challenges in planning or solving
3. Difficulty in completing familiar
tasks at home, at work or in leisure.
4. Confusion with time or place.
5. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships.
6. New problems with words in
speaking or writing.
7. Misplacing things and losing the
ability to retrace steps.
8. Decreased or poor judgment.
9. Withdrawal from work or social
10. Changes in mood and personality.
Source: Johns Hopkins –Health after 50
Col Irene Collier (Ret)
Happy Halloween! All cultures have Harvest Festivals
to celebrate the beginning of autumn
and giving thanks for a bountiful harvest. Mountainous countries have a
festival when they bring the cattle and
goats down from the mountains where
they have fattened up over the summer. Small towns set up parades. Cattle are adorned with flower garlands,
bells, decorations and embroidered
vestments. They are preceded by a
band and singing children. This is followed by a harvest festival. Their gods
are thanked for a good harvest and
ample food for the coming winter.
In 1985 he returned with the Texas
Longhorn Band. In 1987 he was joined
by the Bondaden German 32 piece
band. In 1989 members of the Texas
Accordion Association helped Myron
celebrate his birthday at the Festival.
In 1990 the Schorsch Pfeiler Band
came from Munich Germany. Their
luck ran out in 1998 when 20 inches of
rain flooded the Comal and Guadalupe
Rivers. Just 13 days before Festival
opening, their area was a sea. But
thanks to business men and community supporters it all got cleared up by
opening day.
ABC's "Good Morning America"
broadcast there on opening day in
2006. This gave them great national
publicity. This year the dates of Wurstfest are from 2-11 November. It is a
family affair. They have three large
halls. The Kleine Halle is for children
where they will even baby sit children
while the adults enjoy Grosse Wurst
Halle. The kids enjoy carnival rides,
games, food and entertainment. Meanwhile the adults partake in liters of
beer--dark or light, domestic or foreign-wine, variety of sausages, potato
In Bavaria in 1810 when Prince
Ludwig married Princess Theresa, he salad, potato pancakes, fried Oreos,
fried cheesecake, fried pickles, and
extended the wedding celebration to
16 days so that his commoner subjects various other delicious foods. The
could share his happiness. They even oompapa band plays continuously, and
people whirl away in waltzes, polkas,
had a horse race. As time went on
and yes--even the chicken dance.
since the community already had a
Fall Festival they combined them into
what eventually became an annual OkWear a funny hat! Any decorated
hat will do. Men get out your lederhosen and gals--your dirndls. You will be
transported to Munich! The music,
The New Braunfels celebration
started in 1961 with a one day Sausage liters of beer, smiles, food and whirling dancers ensure merriment and
Festival. It was very popular and has
grown to 10 days and renamed Wurst- good fun. Their equivalent of a grand
marshal is the Grosse Opa. He is chofest. The location moved around for
sen from one of the three Wurstfest
several years eventually returning to
Landa Park. Through growth and good Committees: Senior Opas, Regular
publicity they attracted many famous Opas and Kleine Opas. Criteria for
selection is his work in the committee
names. In 1968 Myron Floren of the
during the year and work in the comLawrence Welk Band, was the headmunity. They even have a Wurstfest
liner attraction.
(Continued on Page 10)
The Lariat October 2012
MOAA-AC’s 5th Annual Golf Tournament – another Successful Event!
On Friday, September 14th, our
Alamo Chapter hosted its 5th Annual
Golf Tournament at Ft Sam
Houston’s Loma Course.
ing $50 for each; David Carter won
Threatening gray
Hole #7 ($50); and Bill Cook won
Hole #12 ($50). Longest Drive Contests were won by Kathy Gibson
(Ladies Hole # 4) ($50), Jim Gibson
We had a good turnout on what
(Seniors Hole #9) ($50) and Tom
became a very comfortable, rain-free
Franklin (Men Hole #18) ($50).
day which was a welcomed blessing
Thanks to the great work of many
given the severe storms that preceded our event on Thursday afternoon of our MOAA Staff and Golf Planning
Refreshments and
and evening. We were blessed with Committee members, many donations
Raffle tickets
light breezes and temperatures in the were provided by local businesses, to
available between
include restaurants, retail stores and
mid to upper 70s.
golf courses. These prizes were given
As a result, the net proceeds of
as Team and Door Prizes to the players
$8,200 will be evenly divided bewhich contributed greatly to the suctween the Fort Sam Houston Warricess of our tournament this year.
ors Family Support Center and our
On behalf of the President Jim
Chapter’s Scholarship Fund. A
Cunningham and the MOAA Staff, I
check presentation will be made to
the Center at our November Chapter want to extend a special thank you to
Stephen Rohrbough for his leadership
and all members who supported this
We were pleased to have our
annual fund-raiser by the giving of
Title Sponsor – Randolph Brooks
their time and/or financial contribuFederal Credit Union – participate
Volunteer Helpers Al Cote, Pat Shecter &
for the fifth time. Our Gold Sponsors
Mavis Cleary
include Air Force Village, Inc. and
Humana Military Healthcare SerFrank Rohrbough Col (R) USAF
vices. Silver Sponsors included DelChairman
ta Dental, Air Force Federal Credit
Union, Security Service Federal
Credit Union, Corbo Electric and
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCabe.
Frank Rohrbough
Altogether, we had 12 corporate
sponsors, 7 Raffle Prize sponsors
and numerous Door Prize Sponsors
from the local community. See the
full listing on page 6.
Thanks to Mr. Bob Reutlinger
from River Crossing Golf Club, we
had 5 teams from River Crossing
Golf Club. Four of their teams won
Team Prizes including 1st, 3rd, 4th
and 7th Places. We had one team
from Fair Oaks Golf Club lead by
MG Mike Lyle and won 2nd Place.
Humana Military fielded one Team
and placed in 5th Place.
For individual Prizes, players
from River Crossing won all four
Closest to the Pin Contests – Tom
Berry won Holes #5 and #16 receivThe Lariat October
First Place Winners
Tom Berry, Dennis Larsen, Henry Perez and
David Carter receiving their prize from Tournament co-chair, Stephen Rohrbough.
Second Place Winners
Rick McManus, Dave Crouch , Mike
Lyle and Glenn Mallory
Title Sponsor Randolph Brooks
Federal Credit Union
Last Place Losers!!
Jackie Salvadore, David Patrick, Ron
Hannan, & Dean Murphy
The Lariat October 2012
who will be giving us a briefing on all
of the new things going on at Ft. Sam.
Our Chapter Christmas party will take
helped. These include David Patrick,
place on December 7th at the Parr
Randy Hoff, Mac McDonald, Susie
Club, beginning at 1800. Rumor has it
Tolman, Pat Shecter, Trish Meserve,
Charity Watch:
that Santa will make a return engage- The following non profits who assist
Sandra Hicks and Al Cote. Thanks a
the military have been given A or A+
ratings by the Charity Watch organizaI will end by saying I hope to see
tion. This high rating means they
We had a nice luncheon meeting on
you at our future events and, whatever spend 75% or more of their budget on
September 14 at the Ft. Sam Houston
programs benefiting the military and
you do, make your best decision and
Golf Club. Mr. Mike Sprute from Colspend less than $25 for each $100
vote on November 6 or during early
lette Travel did a presentation on the
raised. Alphabetically these are
voting. Have a great month!!
trip to Italy that our Chapter is sponArmed Services YMCA, Fisher House
soring in April 2013. This is the Italia
Foundation, Intrepid Fallen Heroes
Fund, Iraq & Afghanistan Veterans of
Classica nine day tour that will leave
America, National Military Family
from San Antonio on April 15, 2013.
Association, Navy-Marine Corp Relief
If you would like to have any inforSociety, Operation Homefront, Semper
mation on this trip, please contact the
Fi/Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund.
Chapter office at 228-9955.
Source: www.Charitywatch.org
President’s Message
Health, Benefits &
(Continued from Page 3)
MAJ Jim Cunningham
(Continued from Page 7)
Check out our new and improved
website, www.alamomoaa.org. Colonel Bill Hudson has put in a great deal
of effort to make the web page a lot
easier to use and to be able to give you
more information as to Alamo Chapter
activities and events. If you plan on
attending a luncheon or dinner event,
you can now make your reservations
on the website and best of all, you can
pay using PayPal, if you wish. Thanks
for your efforts Bill!!
On October 25, we will be having
our October fest dinner at the Parr
Club, Randolph AFB beginning at
1800. There will be German food,
beer and wine. Of course, the requisite
German “OOM-PAH” band will be on
hand to lead rousing renditions of your
favorite songs. Then on November 15,
we will have our annual business
meeting and election results at our
luncheon at the Ft. Sam Houston Golf
Club. Our speaker at the meeting will
be Colonel John Lamoureux, Commander of the 502nd Mission Support
Group for Joint Base San Antonio,
The Lariat October
Donating Blood on Ft Sam:
Akeroyd Blood Donor Center
B1240 Harney Road, Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234. For information, conOn 4 September Pat Shechter, our
tact Mark T. Salcedo, Public Affairs
National Auxiliary Representative,
Specialist 210-295-4655
gave the Solitaires a briefing of current mark.salcedo@us.army.mil
legislation affecting women. They are Hours of Operation: Mon-Thu 07:30lobbying for the auxiliaries to have a
12:00, Friday 07:00-10:00.
vote at MOAA national.
Source: Travel Bureau - New Braunfels
Craft Bazaar:
Chamber of Commerce, New Braunfels
The Randolph Officers' Spouses' Club
Wurstfestival Committee, New Braunfels
25th Annual Craft Bazaar, Deep in the
ARTS of Texas, will be held Saturday,
October 20, 2012 from 9 am to 5 pm,
Live Oak Civic Center, 8101 Pat
If you are a single man or lady and like
to eat, chat, make new friends, experience Booker Road, Live Oak, TX. The
or provide sometimes brief impromptu or event includes vendors, food & drink,
Silent Auction every hour, raffle prizscheduled interesting demonstrations,
es. For further information, contact the
talks, or discussions, whether you are:
visiting the area; active duty or retired;
Bazaar Chairman at (210) 241-0279 or
widowed or divorced; the SOLITAIRES is roscbazzar2012@yahoo.com. This is
the group for you.
the primary fundraiser for the RanThis is a wonderful opportunity to enjoy dolph Officers' Spouses' Club with all
proceeds going toward scholarships
camaraderie with other single men and
ladies whose backgrounds and experiences and local charitable organizations.
Princess who represents them in the
community during the year. Since they
are a non profit organization, the proceeds usually go toward scholarships.
Col Irene Collier (Ret)
are with the military. So make that resolution to get out and about and come have
some fun!! Call the office (210) 228-9955
for more details.
The Lariat October 2012
Benefits of Membership
of MOAA and the local
 Our monthly newsletter, The
Lariat, which includes a calendar
of events, is sent to each member
(or made available on-line), and
includes both MOAA and Alamo
Chapter news. Stay informed!
Referred by: _____________________________________________________
The Give Me 10! Campaign Options:
1. Active D uty, National Gua rd and Reserve office rs of all service s, who are not past or present members of
MO AA national are eligible for a one year free national and loca l M OAA (MOAA-AC) membership.
2. Retired O fficers or Auxilia ry (surviving spouses), and lapsed me mbers of MOA A national, c an rece ive a
2 year membership for $30.00 (The usua l yearly membership rate is $31). You will then re ceive a one yea r local
MO AA-AC membership fre e.
3. T hose alre ady members of MOAA national ne ed to complete this applic ation to receive a 1 year free loc al
membership to MOAA-AC.
Norma l Dues: M OAA national $31 pe r yea r, M OAA local $25.00 (Auxiliary & ema il newsle tte r subscribers $15)
Membership Application
(Annual Membership)
 Monthly luncheons, which
rotate between the Randolph, Fort
Sam Ho uston, and Lackland
service clubs, feature informative
speakers and are also open to
 Benefit information of all
kinds is provided through the
Alamo Chapter. We have an
experienced Vice President of
Personal Affairs who can give
quick answers to your and family
members’ questions, or who can
research the more complex issues.
 The opportunity to enjoy the
camaraderie of meetin g fellow
chapter members and their guests.
We also plan for vario us social
events, open to families and guests.
In addition, our chapter features a
singles group called the Solitaires,
some of who are surviving spouses.
The Solitaires have a busy social
 Make your voice heard on
proposed state and national military
legislation which may affect you
and your family. Both the Alamo
Chapter and MOAA national
welcome yo ur views!
Are you a member of MOAA National? __________
Military Officers Association of America
Alamo Chapter
Circle Status: Commissioned & Warrant Officers of all services - Active, Reserves,
Former, Retired, National Guard, NOAA, PHS, Surviving Spouse.
(P rint) Last
Residence Address
Date of Birth
Home phone_______________________Email________________________________
* May we have your permission to publish this information in the Chapter Membership
Directory? ________ (not dob).
(*Thi s directo ry and your e-mail address are exclusivel y for the use of the ch apter and will not be
sol d or used f or any ot her purpo se than chapter co mmunications and/or board approved activity.)
Would you like to access our monthly newsletter ( The Lariat) at our website versus
having a hard copy mailed to you? _______ (Dues reduce to $15 per year).
Would you be interested in helping in chapter volunteer activity? _______
Payment by Credit Card
Card Number:___________________________________ Exp Date: __________
Billing Zipcode: ______________ Amount: ____________________
 Enjoy many benefits,
discounts, and services, to include
career planning through TOPS (The
Officer Placement Service). The
Alamo Chapter also provides
college scholarships to those wh o
Please accept my tax-deductible donation of: $____________ to (check one)
Outreach Fund* _______
Operations ________
*a fund for annual college scholarships and other charitable programs and services.
Send applications to:
MOAA-AC, P.O. Box 3 404 97 , Ft Sam Houston, TX 78234
For q uestions please call (210) 228-9955 or e-mail: moaa-ac@sbcglobal.net
Also visit our chapter’s website at www.alamomoaa.org
Please feel free to copy and provide this form to prospective members.
The Lariat October
The Lariat October 2012
Chapter Events Calendar
1 Volunteer Hours Due
1 Volunteer Hours Due
2 Solitaire’s Luncheon 11am Ft Sam Golf Club
1 Staff Meeting 9am MOAA-AC Office
4 Staff Meeting 9am MOAA-AC Office
3 Retiree Appreciation Days Joint Base San Antonio
(Ft Sam)
8 Columbus Day
25 Oktoberfest Supper Randolph Parr O Club
28 Solitaire’s Sunday Brunch 11 am Randolph Parr
O Club
6 Solitaire’s Luncheon 11am Ft Sam Golf Club
6 Election Day
7 Board Meeting 10am Chapter Office
28-30 MOAA Annual Mtg Arlington, VA
10 Marine Corps Birthday
30 Extravaganza Sam Houston Club (Ft Sam Newcomers
11 Veterans’ Day Ceremony Ft Sam Houston
National Cemetery 9:30am
14 Ft Sam Volunteer Advisory Council Mtg 10am
15 Annual Business Meeting Ft Sam Golf Club
22 Thanksgiving
Note: Events bolded are for the general membership and italicized are for the volunteer staff, though members are always welcome.
Please call the office for details (210) 228-9955
25 Solitaire’s Sunday Brunch 11 am Randolph Parr
O Club
27 Decorate VA Hospital Hospice Ward 9am
27 Extravaganza Sam Houston Club (Ft Sam Newcomers
1 Volunteer Hours Due
6 Annual Chapter Planning Meeting 9am-3pm
Cookie Angels delivering items to Warrior & Family Support Center . Call Susie Tolman for details (210) 654-0351.
7 Pearl Harbor Day
7 Christmas Dinner Dance Randolph Parr O Club
19 Volunteer Advisory Council Mtg
1 Volunteer Hours Due
3 Staff Meeting 9am MOAA-AC Office
16 Dec -1 Jan Office Closed
24 Chapter Luncheon (Tent.)
25 Christmas Day
Please support the Ft Sam Houston Red Cross Office. Send donations to:
P.O. Box 340129
Ft Sam Houston, TX 78234
They also provide many useful classes - call 221-3355 for more details
The Lariat October
Just send your email address to moaa-ac@sbcglobal.net with the subject
line “OLLO”. We’ll gladly remove you from this printed version mailing list
and notify you each month by email when the new issue is available for viewing. Saves the chapter paper and postage and you get to see it sooner!
Alamo Chapter
MAJ James R. Cunningham
EXEC VP Operations LTC Bill Goforth
Col David Patrick
Col Vaughn Caudill
LTC Dan Cummings
LtCol Craig Erickson
LtCol Fred Koechley
Natl AUXILIARY REP Pat Shecter
LEGAL COUNSEL Jacobson Law Firm
Rochelle Koltz
Maj Len Mull
Lt George Frecsko
Col Kerry Green
Col James Payne
LTC James Taylor
PX/VAV/VAC Rep Susie Tolman
Col David Patrick
Col Bill Hudson
Col Janice Edgerson
DUTY OFFICERS: Col Irene Collier
Col Stuart Myers
LtCol Jim Cuskey
LtCol Bill Polasek
CDR Brenda Tobey
LtCol Ed Waggoner
Floater: LtCol Jim Webb
Admin Support
Trish Meserve
Chairman: MAJ Jim Cunningham
LTC John Gibbs
LTC Jim Finch
Col Lisa Skopal
Mrs. Susie Tolman
Col Mac McDonald
LtCol Ed Marvin
Col Frank Rohrbough
BG George Woodard
Gen William McBride
BG Robert Herring
Statement of Publication
The Lariat is the newsletter of the Military Officers Association of America—Alamo Chapter. It is published once each
month to inform the membership of issues and activities of
interest to all.
MOAA-AC is a non-profit organization within the state of
Texas organized to represent the membership and to support
the activities of the Texas Council of Chapters and MOAA
Advertising contained in the newsletter is not endorsed by
the Chapter and does not represent any recommendation to
the membership. Opinions expressed in articles contained
herein are not necessarily those of the membership as a
whole or the Chapter. Questions should be directed to the
Editor, at the Chapter office.
MOAA-AC P.O. Box 340497 San Antonio, TX 78234
(210) 228-9955 moaa-ac@sbcglobal.net
The Lariat October 2012
U.S. Postage Paid
San Antonio, Texas
2009 National Award Winning Newsletter
Permit No. 1553
P.O. Box 340497
Ft Sam Houston, TX 78234-0497
Phone: 210-228-9955
Email: moaa-ac@sbcglobal.net
Postmaster — please deliver by October 10th
Time Sensitive Material
Thursday October 25, 2012
Parr O’Club Patio
Randolph Air Force Base
Oom-pah Music by “Rennie
und Bob”
Meet & Greet begins 6:00pm - Supper served approx 7:00pm
Wear your Lederhosen, Dirndl, Tracht, Gamsbart, etc!!
Brats, Jagerschnitzel
Brochens with 3 kinds of mustard
Sauerkraut, German Potato Salad, Dessert
No Host German Beer & Wine
Cost per person $22
Enclosed: $______
RSVP by Noon Monday 22 October
Thursday November 15, 2012
Annual Business Meeting
Spkr: COL John Lamoureux
Commander, 502d Mission Support
Group JBSA
Ft Sam Golf Club
Meet & Greet begins 11am - Lunch served approx 11:45am
A) Chicken Fried Steak
B) Mango Chutney Chicken
Tossed Green Salad
Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Zucchini & Tomatoes
Dinner Rolls with butter
Chocolate Mousse
Coffee, tea or water, Honor wine bar
Cost per person $20
Enclosed: $______
RSVP by Noon Monday 12 November
Reservations not cancelled by noon 23 Tuesday will be billed
Non member Officers & guests are welcome with paid reservations
Reservations not cancelled by noon 13 Tuesday will be billed
Non member Officers & guests are welcome with paid reservations
Send reservation slip & check made payable to MOAA-AC to
P.O. Box 340497, Ft Sam Houston, TX 78234 Or contact us by
email moaa-ac@sbcglobal.net to hold a reservation or pay via
PayPal on line at www.alamomoaa.org
The Lariat October
Send reservation slip & check made payable to MOAA-AC to
P.O. Box 340497, Ft Sam Houston, TX 78234 Or contact us by
email moaa-ac@sbcglobal.net to hold a reservation or pay via
PayPal on line at www.alamomoaa.org

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