Hato Paora | Prospectus


Hato Paora | Prospectus
hato paora
mihi whakatau
He kura Miori - he kura hihi - he kura
E ngi mati waka, ngi kanohi ora o ritou
mi kua wheturangitia, toni koutou katoa.
Nei te inoi ki t tatou Matua nui-i-te-Rangi,
kia arataki tonu ngi taitama tane
kua tat ki te puna o te mitauranga.
Ka whakamoemiti hoki ki a ia m ina
manaakitanga maha kua uhia ki runga
i a titou.
Ko Hato Piora te kura
Ko Parorangi te marae
Ko Tama-nui-i-te-ao katoa te whare tipuna
Ko Piora te whare karakia
Ko Hato Piora te tangata
Ko Ngiti Kauwhata te mana whenua
T hei Mauri Ora!
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
nga- ihirangi
Mihi Whakatau
Ngi ihirangi - Contents
Ti mitou kaupapa - Our Mission
O mitou whiinga - Our Vision
Te Tumuaki - Debra Marshall-Lobb - Principal
Te Kaihono - Peter Douglas - Chairman
Ko ngi tikanga matatika m ngi tauira - Code of Conduct
Te Pirihi - Nurturing Spirituality
Te Pirihi - Father Chris Martin - College Chaplain
Ko ngi hononga i-iwi - Cultural Connections
Te Kura - Learning Environment
Ngi whakaakoranga oranga pmau - Lifelong Learning
He whakamirama - Irene Powhairangi - Academic Director
Te whare manaaki - Living Environment
He whakamirama - Anthony Lobb - Residential Director
Ngi utu - Fees
Te whakauru tauira - Enrolment Information
Ko te whenua e noho nei te kura - Location
Whakapi mai - Contact Us
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
ta- ma- tou kaupapa
our mission
Hato Piora nurtures tomorrow’’s leaders,
through vibrant Catholic and Miori traditions,
creating a centre of excellence that challenges
and extends the mind, body and spirit.
I roto i ngi tikanga Miori ari,
Ngi tikanga o te hihi katorika
Ka taea e te kura o Hato Piora te poipoi
i ngi rangatira m ipp.
Kua tipu he uru kahikatea, he whakaruruhau
Hei whakapakari i te taha hinengaro,
i te taha tinana,
i te taha wairua o te tangata
Whiia te tika.
o- ma- tou wha- inga
our vision
To be a leader in education
ii To be strong in Tikanga
iii To be a beacon in our
society for the promotion of
Catholic and Miori values
iv To encourage and nurture
a climate of achievement
and success.
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
te tumuaki
debra marshall-lobb - principal
Education is an investment with the
potential for limitless returns. Hato Piora
College equips boys with the skills and
knowledge to step out into the world
as condent, competent young men
grounded in Mioritanga and able to
interface with the global environment.
The high school years are particularly important as
throughout these years we formulate our identity and the
values that underpin our behaviour later in life. It is vital
for whinau to show support and actively engage with their
son’’s learning during this time. As a school, we encourage
whinau to set high expectations for their boys, inspiring
them to achieve their potential and ensuring they leave
Hato Piora with formal qualications to increase their
opportunities in life.
Hato Piora College aims to develop well-rounded Miori
leaders - spiritually, intellectually, physically, artistically,
socially and emotionally. We provide a creative and wellsupported, learning and living environment where boys are
exposed to a multitude of experiences and opportunities
to prepare them for life beyond the school gates. We
endeavour to source any resources identied as being
benecial for our students’’ learning.
It is our goal to assist all our young men to reach their
potential and achieve their educational aspirations. We
take our roles as teachers, mentors and whinau very
seriously. Additionally, we acknowledge that your son
is much loved and we will continue to nurture him in
a caring way. Your son’’s wellbeing and overall positive
development is paramount. In return for care, education
and opportunities provided at Hato Piora, we expect
students to behave in a respectful and responsible manner,
contributing positively to their community and to society.
Noho pai mai i roto i ngi manaakitanga o Hehu Karaiti.
Niku noa,
Ni Debra Marshall-Lobb
Hato Piora College
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
te kaihono
peter douglas - chairman
Toni koutou
Success comes through merit and determination. Our
modern World is an unforgiving place where the ill-prepared
-ora College provides an environment
are left outside. Hato Pa
that instils respectful and responsible values that help
boys take their place in society as husbands and fathers; as
providers and leaders. We work hard to help boys become
men who understand their responsibilities and are as best
prepared for them as they can be. Our community needs
strong men, men we can admire and be proud of; men who
can make a place for themselves and their families.
Nau mai ki te whanau o Hato Pa
Peter Douglas
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
ko nga
matatika mo- nga
code of conduct
Ko koe ia, e ta te Atua tangata, oma atu
i onei; whiia te tika, te karakia pai, te
whakapono, te aroha, te manawanui,
te ngakau mahaki.
1 Timoti 6:11, 12
But you, man of God, ee these
things, and follow after righteousness,
godliness, faith, love, patience, and
1 Timothy 6:11, 12
When whinau send their son to our college there is
an expectation that he will be part of a safe college
environment. This expectation applies to all situations at
all times over the college year where parents rightly assume
that the college is providing appropriate duty of care.
There is also a mutual expectation that when a student
starts at the college he will treat people, facilities and the
environment in a respectful manner, contributing towards
the overall positive development of the college and
upholding the college motto, Wha-ia te Tika (to always do
what is right).
It is important to set high expectations that boys
understand, parents support and staff are able to manage.
Our comprehensive Code of Conduct provides a pathway
for the college in the event that an individual does not meet
the mutual expectation at any time.
All students are provided with a copy of the Code of
Conduct upon application. They are then asked to sign
this upon arrival at the college, following an expectations
hui, to ensure their understanding of college behavioural
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
te pirihi
nurturing spirituality
Hato Piora College provides education
based on the gospel values of Jesus
Christ, according to the tradition of the
Catholic Church.
Students are instructed in the Catholic faith and strive to
uphold the teachings of the gospel. They attend chapel
every weekday at 8.30am before school commences.
This is an important aspect of the day and attendance is
mandatory. Students also attend chapel every evening
and Mass every Sunday.
In sending their sons to Hato Piora, parents and guardians
accept that their boys will participate in the Catholic
programme that gives the college its special character and
sets it apart from other providers of secondary education.
Students are given roles and responsibilities in all aspects
of daily prayer as well as participating in Sunday Mass and
Catholic Feast Days under the guidance of College Chaplain,
Fr Chris Martin, S.M.
te pirihi
with father chris martin
- college chaplain
-ora College in 1947. As a
Marist Priests founded Hato Pa
Marist Priest I provide a priestly presence amongst students
and the school, encouraging and mentoring boys as they
discover the gospel, experience faith and grow in wisdom
and confidence.
I conduct one-on-one interviews with each of our new
students. Sometimes students come in who have not been
baptised and wish to be baptised. I offer opportunities for
celebration of the sacraments of initiation and different
ways of prayer.
As I priest I am separate from the teaching and hostel staff.
I’m here as a father and a support for the students, assisting
them in achieving a healthy balance between mind, body
and spirit.
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
ko nga- hononga a- -iwi
cultural connections
Hato Piora caters for boys with extensive
knowledge of Te Reo and Mioritanga
as well as those who have had little
exposure to Miori language and culture.
Teachers at Hato Piora have the qualications, knowledge
and skills required to assist boys in becoming fully bilingual
and bicultural and extend those already well versed in the
Miori language and Tikanga Miori.
The college environment fosters opportunities for boys to
engage in a rich mix of spontaneous and planned cultural
and extra-curricula activities. Students are encouraged to
become involved in many worthwhile pursuits including
sport and music.
Education and activities at Hato Piora are designed to
nurture the whole person - spiritually, intellectually,
physically, artistically, socially and emotionally; developing
well-rounded, condent young men.
te kura
learning environment
At Hato Pa-ora we value Ma-ori knowledge. Ma-ori is a
compulsory subject and Ma-oritanga is nurtured through
kapa haka, speech competitions and other cultural activities.
We provide a wha-nau environment; supporting boys everyday
in everyway including at tangi, unveilings and family events.
We know knowledge is not confined to the classroom.
Students are encouraged to participate and aim for
excellence in sport as, through sport, they learn discipline,
focus, commitment, responsibility and teamwork. It is also
important for our boys to learn an instrument and get
involved with music as it develops the brain, enhances
creativity, helps keep the mind active and sharpens memory.
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
nga- whakaakoranga
oranga pu
lifelong learning
The core purpose of Hato Piora
College is to provide education, which
empowers our community to maximise
its collective and individual potential
through the practical expression of
Catholic and Miori values.
Students at Hato Piora are involved in a full range of
curricular subjects and activities to assist in their spiritual,
intellectual, physical, artistic, social and emotional
development. Students and staff understand that holistic
learning and teaching is the core business of our college.
Catholic and Miori values underpin all aspects of college
life. Miori, English, Mathematics and Religious Education
are compulsory subjects from year 9 through to year 13.
In addition to these compulsory subjects, Hato Piora also
offers core or optional courses in:
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
Materials technology;
Physical Education;
Media studies;
Digital technologies;
Social Science;
Gateway; and
At Hato Piora teaching and learning is future-oriented.
Teachers understand it is no longer enough for students to
simply acquire knowledge and master skills. They must also
learn how to access information, work with technology,
interact with people and think critically. As a result of
this, learning at Hato Piora fosters competent, condent,
connected and actively involved lifelong learners.
he whakama- rama
irene pe- whairangi
- academic director
-ora education leads to increased
A solid, well-rounded Hato Pa
opportunities later in life. Our academic programme enables
students to explore any career paths and achieve any goals
they set their minds to for the benefit of themselves, their
whinau and their hap.
Our boys live in an ever-changing world. They need to know
how to access information, use computers and technology
and interact with people from all walks of life. Through
-ora equips students with the skills they
education, Hato Pa
need to participate as global citizens whilst retaining their
cultural identity and remaining connected to the Miori world.
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
te whare manaaki
living environment
Students at Hato Piora live, learn and work in a whinau
environment. Boarding and hostel life provides boys with
unique opportunities to:
•• Live and learn alongside their peers;
•• Demonstrate leadership abilities and responsibility;
•• Develop independence, self-reliance and the highest
possible personal standards;
•• Develop a healthy and caring attitude toward others characterised by a spirit of genuine acceptance and
concern for one another.
The Hato Piora hostel is divided into ve dorms which can
comfortably accommodate up to 140 boys. A dorm parent
is assigned to each dorm and these staff members are
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
supervised by a shift supervisor. The Residential Director,
and Principal live on-site and are available to assist hostel
staff and students at any time.
Pastoral care provided by on-site staff members ensures
boys are supported and comfortable in their living
environment, allowing them to ourish across all areas of
their education.
Boys lead activities and practices outside school hours and
develop lasting friendships. They participate in sporting and
social activities during the weekend. The boys enthusiasm
for spontaneous karakia, waiata and kapa haka sessions
illustrate the lively nature of hostel living at Hato Piora.
he whakama- rama
anthony lobb
- residential director
The residential environment is designed to ensure boys
become fit, responsible and respectful young men. Hostel
living is made up of ranks and structure. Our boys line
up and participate in marching, which is all about strong
leadership, teamwork and being together as a solid group.
With practice they improve and, as they improve, their selfesteem and self-efficacy is enhanced.
-ora spark up friendships that
Boys who board at Hato Pa
can take them from one end of the country to the other
and sometimes even across the Tasman. They establish
friendships here that they often promote during school
holidays. This means they share spaces, places and meet
new people.
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
nga- utu
Hato Piora College’’s fee structure comprises of two
1. School fees to be paid to Hato Piora College Board
of Trustees and
2. Hostel fees to be paid to Hato Piora Trust Board
For budgeting purposes it is recommended that parents/
caregivers allow for the following attendance costs:
The Board policy is that rst term fees must be paid prior
to your son/mokopuna taking his place in the hostel.
Arrangements may then be made to settle the following
term fees by the following methods:
•• Hostel fees
$10,500 - $12,000 per annum
•• Cheque/cash;
•• School fees
$300-$500 per annum
•• New school uniform
$1,500 initial cost
•• Internet banking payment directly into the Board’’s
bank account;
•• Sports fees
$200-$300 dependent
on sport undertaken
School and hostel fees are charged at the beginning of each
term and detailed in separate monthly invoices, which are
mailed to parents/caregivers enabling them to settle the
balance outstanding.
•• Weekly, fortnightly or monthly automatic payments
and/or direct debit.
The Combined Boards of Hato Piora College have a clear
expectation that parents/caregivers will honour all fees
incurred for the education and boarding of their son/
Board policy is that any unpaid school and hostel fees will
be forwarded to a debt collection agency.
Options to settle your son/mokopuna’’s school fee accounts
*Full details of applicable school and hostel fees can be
obtained from the Finance Ofce (phone 06 328 9731 ext 702,
728 or 707) or by emailing secretary@hatopaora.school.nz
•• Cheque/cash;
•• Weekly, fortnightly or monthly automatic payments
and/or direct debit.
•• Internet banking payment directly into the Board’’s
bank account;
te whakauru tauira
enrolment information
The primary intake level at Hato Piora is Year 9 with spaces
available in other year levels as vacancies occur in both the
school and hostel. Application forms may be submitted
between one and three years ahead of the year the
prospective student would be expected to start Year 9.
All other year level applications will be assessed on a
case-by-case basis.
step one - the application process
Once you have decided that Hato Piora is the preferred
educational option for your son/mokopuna, please request
and complete an Application for Enrolment form and
forward this with the $250.00 application fee and required
supporting material outlined in the enrolment pack to:
Finance Office
Hato Pa
ora Ma
ori Boys College
Kimbolton Road
RD 7
Feilding 4777
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
The application fee covers the cost of considering the
application and is non-refundable.
During the application consideration process we may contact
current and previous schools for further relevant information.
step two - interviews
Following receipt of your application, you and your son will be
invited for a 30-45 minute interview in a formal yet friendly
setting. Many of the interview questions will be directed to
the prospective student with a parent/caregiver present to
provide support. Interview times are arranged by the college
and generally take place during terms two and three of the
year preceding entry.
step three - enrolment confirmation
In the event of a successful application, you will receive a
written offer of a place at Hato Piora College. To secure your
son’’s place you will need to sign and return the Enrolment
Agreement, arrange payment for the required fees and
provide all other information outlined in the enrolment pack.
ko te whenua e noho nei te kura
Located on 17ha of rolling farmland approximately 11km
from the rural Manawat township of Feilding, Hato Piora
College offers students an abundance of space and fresh air.
native bush attracts native birds including the kereru and,
as the college is set back from the roadside, students live
and learn in a peaceful setting free from the distractions of
vehicles and road noise.
College grounds are picturesque as well as vast. Surrounding
hato pa-ora
whakapa- mai
contact us
For further information about Hato Piora College please don’’t hesitate to contact us.
Hato Piora Miori Boys College
Kimbolton Road
RD 7
Feilding 4777
P 06 328 9731
F 06 328 9605
E secretary@hatopaora.school.nz
hato pa- ora college - prospectus
maori leaders
socially and
hato pa-ora ma-ori boys college
kimbolton road, rd7, feilding 4777 | p 06 328 9731
hato pa- ora college - prospectus

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