May 23rd 2014 Dear Parents and Guardians, The first half of the


May 23rd 2014 Dear Parents and Guardians, The first half of the
Worcester Road
Mrs Judith Holden, MA (OXON) PGCE
Worcester B61 7DU
Tel: 01527 579679 ext 231
May 23rd 2014
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Tel: 01527 579679 ext 231
The first half of the summer term has passed by in a whirl of activity. The examination
years have been focused and
the atmosphere in the House has been purposeful. With the senior boys on examination leave, it has been lovely to
see the Lower and Upper Fourth getting to know each other better in the Collins room.
May 5th on a brilliant sunny afternoon the whole House enjoyed an excellent afternoon’s sport. A well organised
and motivated House team, managed by Alex Thorpe, Harry Gibbs and William Parkinson, competed well at junior
and intermediate level. Participation from across year groups was excellent and there were some fantastic individual
and team performances. The following boys were commended for their contributions to the day:
Harry Liversidge, Joe Houlcroft, Zac Ison, Harrison Wright, Sam Ison, Anders Giles, Pratik Moholkar, Harry LloydJones, Alex San, Edward Drayson, Niall Simmons, Jeremy Turner, Tom Muir, William Parkinson, Richard Allen, Jack
Firminger, Tun Tha, Patrick Prasertsri, Myles Pountain, Killian Ormonde, Jonah Cutler, Oliver Morland, Sam Rose and
Arthur Green.
On Friday 9th May the PA hosted out first games night challenge. This informal evening of games was a huge success.
Masterminded by Sian Brewster teams competed in every study in the House on different games including: table
tennis, table football, pool, quoits, darts and boule. The competitive spirit was strong and we were blessed with a
dry evening, meaning that we could make use of the School House gardens. The winning two teams came “head to
head” in a final game of giant Jenga. There was a nail biting finish and the winning team of Killian Ormonde and
Arthur Green deserved their success.
The leavers’ meal was held on May 15th in the Hospitality suite. The school catering team produced a superb meal
and the Upper Sixth and tutors enjoyed an evening of reminiscing and great stories. The photographs of the Upper
Sixth at various stages in their school life from Reception to the Upper Sixth were very amusing and brought back
many happy memories. I spoke to the boys about Henry D’Esterre Head a School House OB from 1912 and Declan
read a Housman poem to close the proceedings.
Old School, Old School
However the years have flown by,In griefs or in joys, old Bromsgrovians boys,
We are yours to be named and known by.
Old School, Old School!
Till our heads are bowed and hoary,
We’ll work our best, oh, beloved and Bleast,
For your name, and your fame and your glory…
From School Song By Laurence Housman. (brother of AE Housman)
The traditional leavers’ breakfast was the final farewell on Thursday 15th May. This was an excellent way to finish the
year for the Upper Sixth.
With half term upon us I wish you all a relaxing but productive break. The fourth form return to School examinations
and have all been given advice on revision techniques from their class teachers and tutors. I look forward to seeing
many of you at the PA summer BBQ on Thursday 26th June. Details of how to obtain tickets will be on the School
House web site after half term.
Kind regards,
Judith Holden