509th Parachute Infantry Association Reunion May16 – 19, 2012
509th Parachute Infantry Association Reunion May16 – 19, 2012
509th Parachute Infantry Association Reunion May16 – 19, 2012 – Best Western Hotel and Conference Center Alexandria, LA – 50 miles from Fort Polk, Louisiana Reunion Registration opens Wednesday, May 16, 2012 at Noon. The registration fee includes continental breakfast in CP Room on, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, a dinner banquet, all food and drink in the CP Room – Open Daily at 8:00 a.m. Registration Forms are attached or you can go to http:// www.housmanandassociates.com/docs/2010flyerNApp.pdf The Association is working to schedule a jump on Friday, May 18, 2012 at Fort Polk. There will be an additional charge for this activity to cover transportation to/from the DZ and lunch for those attending the jump. We will have more information on that as we get closer to the reunion. You can pay Association dues, 509th PIA, on the Reunion registration form and include your dues with your registration payment. If paying by check please make checks payable to Housman and Associates. There is also a 509th PIA membership application enclosed for your convenience if you would rather send your application and payment directly to Barry. In that case make the check out to 509th PIA. Dues payments can also be made on site in Alexandria. Hotel Best Western Hotel and Conference Center 2720 N MacArthur Dr Alexandria, Louisiana 71303-4227 Phone: 318/445-5530 | Fax: 318/445-8496 BLOCK DEADLINE April 25, 2012 Direct to Best Western -- Toll Free Reservations 1-888-338-2008 ask for group code P509 You must call in your reservation to the 888 number above to get the group rate! Sleeping Rooms: $69 single $79 double $99 suite / night plus tax. Room charge includes full cooked breakfast each morning and a free drink at managers reception each night. http://www.bestwesternlouisiana.com/hotels/best-western-of-alexandria-inn-and-suites-and-conference-center Transportation to and From Airport The Best Western has a free shuttle to and from Alexandria, Louisiana Airport 509th Parachute Infantry Association Reunion May 16 – 19, 2012, Alexandria, Louisiana Name:__________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________________ State:________ Zip:_______________ Phone:___________________ Email Address:__________________________________________ Names of those attending with you:___________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ Meeting Registration: Number attending over 21 yrs old ______ X $100 = $___________ Number attending under 21 yrs old ______ X $50 = $___________ Dues for WWII Vets and Family Members______X $20 = $___________ Dues for Post WWII Vets and Non Vets ______ X $25 = $___________ Attend the Jump and Lunch______ X $40 = $___________ Total = $___________ Make checks payable to Housman and Associates Mail registration, checks and/or credit card payment to: Housman and Associates 1309 Pasa Tiempo Leander, Tx. 78641 Or FAX Credit Card Payment to 512-259-5571. VERY IMPORTANT: SPECIAL NEEDS – Anybody attending the reunion that is confined to a wheelchair, uses a walker, has trouble with stairs or uneven surfaces, any food allergies etc, please let June Housman know at 512-259-5554 or june@housmanandassociates.com Credit Card Payment – All Information Requested Below is Required to Process Your Payment Name exactly as it appears on your credit card_______________________________________________ Credit Card Number____________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date________________________________ Provide the Address Your Credit Card Bill is mailed to__________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Charge Will Appear on Your Bill as Housman and Associates Questions ???? Call 512-259-5554 OR Fax 512-259-5571
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