2015 spring summer newsltr - USS Northampton Reunion Association


2015 spring summer newsltr - USS Northampton Reunion Association
CLC/CC-1 19531970 CA-26 1930-1942
USS North-
ampton Reunion Association
Spring/Summer Newsletter 2015
Jacksonville, Florida, Doubletree Riverfront
(former Crowne Plaza) 1201 Riverplace Blvd.
(904) 398-9800 (Front Desk.)
Northampton Reunion Assn.
3708 Duquesne Drive
Montgomery, AL 36109
(334) 273-9804
)(address service requested) If address label is RED you OWE DUES !!
This item was published in the USNA Alumni Magazine at their request. I was happy to do this, and thank
everyone who attended and participated. There are many photos, even a video which we will show at the
reunion. As reported before, Captain Jack was completely surprised. And enjoyed the event. His family was
really impressed at our suggestion and hosting the party. Take a look at the ages of the various ones at the
top of the page. Do we wish to live to be this old?, Send Captain Jack a note every now and then. Len.
Presidents Letter 2015
From: Mike Pangborn , President.
All Hands:
Greetings to all.
I hope you have all had chance to
warm up after a long winter. Here in
Oscoda Michigan we didn’t receive a
lot of snow, but it was really cold.
I am looking forward to seeing you in
Jacksonville, Florida on September 912, for our reunion. It will be good to
get together again, and catch up on
all the happenings as well as share
some good times, and enjoy the
tours. Our welcome buffet and banquet are always a fun time. Theme
for the banquet is “50-’60 dress.
Bring your silent auction items too.
General Orders To: Captain,
Jack McQueston USN, Ret.
Report to the Supreme Commander, March 22, ‘15 CLC-1.
‘58-’64, Asst. Gun Officer. Captain Jack was a great supporter
of our reunion association. He
was a valuable help in the construction of our ship model. A
private service was held and he
Gail and I love visiting with everyone. will be interned in Arlington
I wish we had our ship to visit. See
cemetery later. We will notify
you in JAX.
everyone via web/e-mail.
Smooth sailing and fair winds.
Wife, Marcie,(58 yrs)
Mike & Gail
Daughters, Ann, Beth, Kate,
Jackie and Ellie.
(989) 739-5715 5566
Bravo Zulu, Shipmate Jack.
Vice Presidents Message 2015 to have the Hospitality room
Larry Welch, Vice President. open and some other things for
those who cannot go on the
Greetings Shipmates: Welcome
tours. Remember we are a
aboard the Jacksonville Flori“Band of Brothers” and should
da Express! 9-12 Sept. 2015
have the joy of sharing our
I sure hope you had an uneshipboard experiences from
ventful winter? Especially our time to time. Oh yes, we also
Northern shipmates. ”WOW”
need some volunteers to help at
what a winter they had. I am
the reunion. Even before and
looking to see you at our reun- afterwards.
ion, John and Len have done a
To our new members, we are
great job in getting things set
really pleased you have joined
up for us to have a wonderful
us and want you to know we
time. Look, if you are thinking
look forward to your having a
you would like to go but do not
great time. Oh yes, the hotel
want to travel alone, get one of
has changed from Crowne Playour children or a friend to
za to, Doubletree Riverfront. It
come with you. Remember we
is still a Hilton group.
need participation to keep this
reunion going. We all have sit- Have a great summer !!
uations, like health and $$ but See you in sunny Jacksonville
we can certainly arrange some
Larry & Betty,
way for you to attend. Give Len
(616) 887-8493
or John, me or Mike a call or
E-mail us. You do not have to go
(MM3 ‘B’ Div. ‘60-’62)
on all the trips. Len is working
Chaplain’s Corner, 2015
Shipmates and Friends:
“I was glad when they said to me, ’Let
us go to the house of the Lord!’”
Psalm 122:1
time to take in so much— it is an excellent time to understand the wonder and
beauty of God’s creation. So much so
that we are caught up it all that we neglect to worship God’s creation in corporate assembly we call “Church.”
Now one of the most common things we
Now it came to pass that spring turned hear is that we can experience God in
nature, at the campground, on the golf
to summer again, God’s people raised
course, the lake, etc. I AGREE— wholetheir voices and said:
hartedly, That God is in all Places.
“Recreation is my shepherd, I shall
not stay at home; He maketh me to lie Christ said; “where two or three are
down in a sleeping bag; He leadeth me gathered I am there.” Matt: 18:20,
Enough Said!!!
down the Interstate each weekend. He
restoreth my suntan; He leadeth me to
In His love and Service
State Parks for comfort’s sake.
Chaplain Jim & Nancy
Even though I stay on the Lord’s day, I
(920) 788-5823
will fear no reprimand, for Thou art
with me; my rod and reel they comfort
me. I anoint my skin with oil, my gas
Remember our Memorial ’Two Bell’
tank runneth dry;
service in Jacksonville will be in the
Surely my trailer shall follow me all
Chapel on Mayport Navy Base. See you
weekend this summer, and I shall return there.
(Michigan Winter 2014)
to the house of the Lord this fall.”
But, then it is hunting season and that
is another psalm.
Sometimes I think our churches have
fostered the attitude that church is sort
of on hold during the summer and that
it’s okay to have other priorities when
the weather is nice. Summer is a great
Reunion Planning: John Gauthier, Reunion Planner
(352) 666-1779 thenorthampton@live.com
Hope to see you in Jacksonville in September. The day trips to Mayport
Naval Base and to St. Augustine are going to be great events. Our entertainment for the banquet will be a change of pace. Jan Hollis and Chris
Yontz make up a dynamic duo known as “Sass N Brass”
With songs from the ‘40-’50-’60 we want everyone to dress up in what
was the outfits we wore in the school days, sort of ‘50’s style. This
should be fun.
Future plans: Buffalo, NY 2016, is almost finalized. Trips to the Falls,
the Naval park, tours of the USS Little Rock and USS Croaker are on
tap. Plenty of shopping nearby too. 2017, looking at Reno, NV—
Chicago, or Washington DC. We need to show off our display items at
the Navy Memorial Museum. And visit some new places around the area. We will be making that decision this year. Here are some photos of
the Crowne Plaza that will be the Doubletree when we get there in Sept.
E-mail coordinator
Karl Reich, (512) 581-1827
Many thanks to Karl who has been
our e-mail coordinator and complied
our e-mail roster last year. Now, he
sends out the newsletter and reunion
registration forms, as well as other
news items.
He encourages everyone who has an email address to be sure he has it. If you
change addresses please inform him at
his e-mail address above.
If you wish a copy of our e-mail roster
contact Karl or Len Shults and we will
get it to you. Either by e-mail or snail
mail. This has saved us money, because of the postage for the newsletter
and reunion forms, also folks get the
newsletter fresh off the press.
Karl will have a roster at our reunion
for corrections/additions, so please
see him in the hospitality room.
“Bravo Zulu”
( a wee bit of navy humor)
I hope it doesn’t offend anyone?
Secretary/Treasurers Report Len
Shults, (334)273-9804 nortnsailor1@att.net Well, here it is May, and I
have not received all the 2015 dues !! I
wonder why that is? I know most everyone has gotten their income tax refunds. If you have a problem with paying your dues, please give me a call. I
will be willing to work something out,
(no interest). We have many Life Members and this has cut into our annual
dues receipts. Our donations to the
funds we have has been on the low
side too. The Northampton fund, and
Clarke School have been really low.
Many are sending to the Navy Memorial directly now. I encourage you Life
members and others to consider a donation to the Northampton Fund, we
purchase ships store items and reunion items from this. Thanks to all who
have given. It is appreciated.
Ships Store Items
Caps: $15.00
Jackets: $40.00 these
will be orders only
(unless we get an order before reunion.) We also
have vanity license plates and association coins.
This is the display case the
USN Memorial had out for the
100th Anniversary of the US
Naval Reserves. Captain Lewis
Thomas was a Reserve Lt.
Comm. Off. On the CA26 and
one of the last three off. This
was his life jacket and story.