2004 Reynolds – Hanlon Reunion


2004 Reynolds – Hanlon Reunion
2012 Reynolds – Hanlon Reunion
July 6, 7, 8, 2012
At Mike & Betty’s Beach Camp behind Fred’s field
On the shores of Lake Huron
(see map on back of page 3)
Dear Cousins and Friends,
Mark your calendar. July 6, 7 & 8 – rain or shine.
Once again it is time to gather the clan for our Reunion. Be sure to invite all relatives
and friends of the Dominic Reynolds and Catherine Hanlon family.
Launch preparations for your family journey to Catherine (Gram) Reynolds’ final resting
Your 2012 Reunion volunteer committee members are
Ann Marie & Clare Blonde
5359 Riverside Dr
Burlington, ON L7L 3X9
(905) 632-8172
Dan & Marilyn Dalton
Mike & Betty Lou Dalton
Bruce Deas
Charlene & Luis Diniz
Mava Holland
Stephen & Darlene Pollock
Michael Blonde
John and Paula Reynolds
(519) 843-5296 drdan@drdandalton.com
(519) 823-3247
(519) 529-7346 biff.d@hurontel.on.ca
(416) 962-8130 deasbr@gmail.com
(519) 658-9979 louchar@rogers.com
(519) 482-9349 mava@cabletv.on.ca
(519) 843-4165 stephen.pollock@sympatico.ca
(519) 831-3992 mblonde@cogeco.ca
(705) 670-1260 jmnhy67u@vianet.ca
Reunion Info
Come to your reunion! Keep the legacy alive! Please note - no pets allowed.
Copy this invitation and send it to all your relatives and friends that we may have
missed. Everyone is welcome! Remind them that getting in touch with your roots is good. If
you wish, bring copies of your family pictures and family trees to share.
If you received this letter by mail and you have an email address, please give your
email address to Ann Marie or Clare Blonde. You will then receive the information faster and
save the committee mailing costs.
You may also wish to visit the website at http://reynolds-hanlonreunion.ca/.
If anyone would like to serve on the reunion committee please give your name to Dan
If you wish to camp overnight, you are invited to take advantage of the open field
campground on the site – lots of room for tents, trailers, or motor homes. A camp shack and
outdoor Johnny-on-the-spot are located nearby. Bring your own lawn chairs, water and
amenities, and enjoy the peaceful beauty of a Lake Huron summer night.
Two nearby provincial parks also offer camping facilities:
Point Farms north of Goderich
Inverhuron north of Kincardine.
If you are looking for other accommodation, Tourism Goderich can be reached at 1-800280-7637 or (519) 524-6600, on their website http://www.goderich.ca/en/visitors/stay.asp
or by email at tourism@goderich.ca. There are motels and many Bed & Breakfast facilities to
choose from, all within a 20 minute drive from Kingsbridge.
Kincardine would be the next closest tourist area with a trailer park. Kincardine Visitor
Information Centre can be reached at 1-866-546-2736, on their website
http://www.sunsets.com/kincardine/accommodations.php, or by email at
Book early to ensure availability, as this is a busy tourist area.
FRIDAY July 6, 2012
Setup 2:00 Help prepare the site for the reunion
Betty Lou and Mike Dalton
Dinner 6:00 Bring your own food and refreshments for dinner and bonfire to follow.
SATURDAY July 7, 2012
REYNOLDS-HANLON Memorial Service 12:00 noon
Joan Pollock & family
St. Joseph’s Cemetery Kingsbridge. Greetings, readings, and prayers for all our beloved ancestors
Registration begins 1:00pm
Including: individual family pictures
registration for Sunday horseshoe tournament
drop off items for silent auction and fireworks
Lunch Hot Dogs
Charlene Diniz
Mava Holland
George and Aggie Simms
Children’s Penny Sale 1:00-4:30pm
Bruce Deas
Purchase tickets at registration from Bruce Deas. Winning tickets will be drawn at 4:30.
Beach Sand Sculpture Contest 1:30 – 3:30 - all ages. Families bring your own pails, sand sculpting tools,
and spray bottles. Judging and prizes at 3:30 by Marilyn, Sarah, Laura, Emily, and Julia. In case of rain, bring
board games, etc.
GROUP PICTURE 5:00-5:30pm
Michael Blonde & Stephen Pollock
Photo webmaster John Reynolds
Silent Auction
– 6:00 to 7:30
Ann Marie and Clare Blonde
Please contribute by participating in the silent auction. All proceeds will go to site maintenance and printing and
posting for the next reunion.
DINNER 6:00 pm
Betty Lou Dalton, Mava Holland, Marilyn Dalton
Meat will be provided. The rest is potluck. Each family please bring enough picnic food to feed their own family
and deliver it to the Swish Station (kitchen building) by 5:30 pm to be shared by all. Each family should also
bring their own drinks and ice. Plates and cutlery will be provided.
Campfire Sing-Along 8:30pm
Betty Lou and Mike Dalton
Bring musical instruments if you wish also drinks and snacks. Parents supervise your children.
Fireworks After dark
Bring your own fireworks to share, and flashlights to find your way in the dark.
Fireworks technicians David van Riel, Michael Blonde, and Alan Ranney.
SUNDAY July 8, 2012
Mass 11:00 am St Joseph’s Church, Kingsbridge
Brunch 12:30 noon
Leftovers & pancakes
C.B. Reynolds Horseshoe Challenge 1:30pm
Mary Reynolds Children’s Horseshoe Challenge 1:30 pm
Until we meet again, take care.
Bruce Deas, Charlene Diniz
Dan Dalton, Stephen Pollock, Alan Ranney,
Mike Blonde
Charlene Diniz