Fazakerley High School


Fazakerley High School
Fazakerley High School
Sixth Form Prospectus
A Specialist Engineering College
Vision Statement
“achievement for all”
The school’s declaration that
underpins all that we do – wholly characterises the ethos of
the school and the spirit that animates our collective endeavours and our vision for the future.
Mission Statement
Fazakerley High School recognises that each young person is an individual; that all young people are creative;
that all young people need to succeed. Therefore, Fazakerley High School respects the individual needs of our
pupils, fosters a caring and creative environment; and emphasises the social, emotional, physical and
intellectual development of each young person.
In the pursuance of our teaching and learning objectives for all of our pupils, we equally acknowledge the
right of all staff to appropriate professional development which will promote good practice and contribute to
the achievement of our declared goals.
Welcome to Fazakerley High School Sixth Form.
We offer students in North Liverpool and beyond
the opportunity to continue with their education in
an attractive learning environment supported by
teaching of the highest possible standard.
You are about to embark on the most exciting
phase of your secondary education. During this time
you will make the decisions that will shape your
future and we want to play a leading role in getting you to where you
want to be.
You will be joining an innovative, dynamic learning community
combining the very best of traditional post-16 teaching with a clear
vision of the independence students need in order to succeed.
We have an extensive range of courses and we look forward to
advising you which programmes of study best match your strengths
and interests.
You will all have different aspirations; you might already have chosen
your subjects and future career or you might be much less certain
about your future direction. It will be our responsibility to support and
guide you.
We will encourage you to develop interests and skills beyond your
chosen course of study so that when you leave us, you are prepared
and confident for the next step, whether it be higher education or
training and employment.
You will find our sixth form a friendly, vibrant and supportive
environment. We look forward to welcoming you.
Mrs C Rourke
Head teacher
More and more young people are realising the
benefits of staying on at school, post 16, to gain
further qualifications. AS/A2 levels and BTECs will
enable you to apply for Higher Education courses or to
enter a career with exciting opportunities.
As well as academic qualifications there are other
important aspects to sixth form life. For example, we
provide you with the opportunities to develop
personal skills and qualities that are highly valued by employers,
universities and colleges. You will be encouraged to become more
independent in your studies and take on more adult responsibilities. Being
a valued member of a vibrant and hardworking sixth form is excellent
preparation for adult life beyond school. It can also be great fun!
Mrs S Russell
Assistant Head teacher
“Students show maturity, are good ambassadors for the school
and enjoy their time in the sixth form” Ofsted
Our aim is to create a friendly, safe and supportive environment
where all students enjoy an excellent standard of teaching, access
to a wide and challenging choice of courses and the guidance
needed to ensure success.
We are committed to enhancing the educational opportunities
available to all our post 16 students. Whether you are seeking
to go to university, gain vocational qualifications to further
your chances in the job market or want to improve on your
Year 11 results, we aim to cater for your individual needs.
It is anticipated that many of our Year 11 students will grasp
this exciting opportunity to continue their education in this
ever challenging world.
From September 2008, our students have been eligible to
participate in a new and improved 6th form provision, including
some of our local schools namely Archbishop Beck, De La Salle and
St John Bosco. The Sixth Form Partnership was set up to increase
students’ choices at post 16 level. Our intention is that students
will join the sixth form at the school where they have been
studying for their GCSE courses. Some options may not be
available at some schools; in such cases these subjects will be
studied at another school within the partnership.
As a school we are committed to furthering the potential of all our
students and will cater for their individual needs and abilities.
Fazakerley Vision Post 16
“Students receive good advice and guidance on future employment
and further and higher education opportunities” Ofsted
Fazakerley High School is a school with a growing reputation for excellence,
providing a welcome, caring and successful environment which promotes and
values the achievements of all sixth form students.
Sixth form plays a vital role in developing students’ values and attitudes by
encouraging self discipline, responsibility and positive self-image. We strive for
students to recognise the rights of others, encouraging the ability to work cooperatively in a caring environment.
Our sixth form provides an exciting learning environment that puts the individual
student at the centre of everything we do. Every student is given the opportunity
to flourish through a modern personalised curriculum designed and delivered for
the needs and aspirations of the individual.
Sixth Form Dress Code
Fazakerley High School has a dress code in place for all post 16
students. A smart uniform encourages a sense of community and
develops a sense of pride and self respect.
The uniform is outlined below.
• Black V- necked jumper or cardigan
• White open necked blouse
• Black skirt / trousers
• Black flat heeled shoes
• White shirt
• Black jumper
• Grey / black trousers
• Black shoes
• A plain tie of your choice
The Head teacher at all times reserves the right to send a student
home if it is deemed that a student’s dress/hairstyle is inappropriate.
Discreet jewellery may be worn.
Pastoral Care
“Students speak highly of the pastoral support they receive and regard
their positive relationships with staff as a key strength” Ofsted
All sixth form teachers have pastoral responsibilities.
However, there are staff who have more specific
responsibility in this area. They are:
The aim of the pastoral system is to ensure that all students
are encouraged and supported and that they are happy and
secure within the school environment.
• The Form Tutor
• Assistant Head teacher KS5 Co-ordinator
• Post 16 Support Worker
We aim to create an ethos that is welcoming to all and
enables staff and students to work together to achieve
success. It is vital that everyone aims to be mutually
co-operative as we wish to establish a supportive and yet
hard working environment where students feel at ease,
confident and able to fulfil their potential
The Assistant Head teacher KS5 Co-ordinator has overall
responsibility for discipline, attendance, liaison with parents
and carers and general matters regarding the sixth form
Attendance and Punctuality
All students are required to attend school every day. Registration will take place every morning. Additionally, attendance
at lessons will be monitored using a sixth form attendance record, which should be taken to lessons and signed by the
subject teacher.
All absences should be explained by a written note detailing the dates of absence and the reason for the absence.
Notes should be given to form tutors at registration.
Punctuality at registration and lessons will be carefully monitored. High academic standards depend upon punctual and
regular attendance at lessons.
Monitoring Progress
Students on all courses will have targets set for them based on their
attainment at GCSE. Progress against these targets will be regularly
monitored. Additionally, there will be Parents’ Evenings for Years 12 and
13 students, giving parents the opportunity to discuss progress with
subject teachers.
• To strive for 100% attendance and punctuality.
• To set a good example to other students in the way they behave and conduct themselves around the school.
• To contribute to the school community.
• To strive to achieve their targets in all the courses they are following.
• To complete all homework and coursework assignments on time.
• To act as peer mentors to lower school children.
Our Staff Commitment to You
• Ensure that all students are given support and guidance on their courses.
• Provide a quality learning experience.
• Provide a curriculum that is accessible to ALL students.
• Challenge students to achieve at least their minimum target grades.
• Support students through their sixth form courses.
• Monitor students’ attendance and punctuality.
• Contact parents if there are any concerns about students.
• Give career advice and guidance.
Successful students need support from their parents/carers.
Parents/carers can help by:
• Ensuring full attendance and punctuality.
• Attending Sixth Form Parents’ Evening.
• Monitoring their son’s and daughter’s progress.
• Informing the school of any circumstances that may affect any student’s progress.
We look forward to working with all parents/carers to ensure students reach their full potential.
Post 16 Curriculum is constantly evolving to meet the needs of our students, but it is based on:
• Ensuring successful transfer from Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 5
• The development of individual pathways and individual learning plans
• Success factors
Entry into the Sixth Form is open to students who a have genuine wish to continue their education beyond the age of
sixteen. It is, however, not an automatic right. Students are expected to fulfil the entry requirements for those courses
for which they opt and must sign a contract prior to admission.
The curriculum we offer Post 16 aims to cater for the needs of all students who wish to remain in education. The
curriculum is based around offering Level 3 Advanced courses such as AS, A2, Diploma and BTEC Subsidiary Diploma.
These courses are for students who have achieved a minimum of five or more GCSEs at grade C or above. Level 3
Advanced courses are challenging courses that require students to have a good standard of literacy and will form the
basis of entry into university.
For those students who wish to improve their GCSE results we also offer some Level 2 Vocational courses that students
will complete in one year. These courses help to improve the number of qualifications gained as well as allowing
students the opportunity to resit Maths and English. Successful completion of these courses may allow progression onto
Level 3 Advanced Vocational Courses during the following academic year.
Fazakerley High School
A Specialist Engineering College
Sherwoods Lane, Liverpool, L10 1LB
Tel: 0151 524 4530 Fax: 0151 524 4532
Email: fazakerley-ao@fazakerleyhigh.liverpool.sch.uk