January - City of Delafield
January - City of Delafield
January 2016 www.cityofdelafield.com Communicator CITY OF DELAFIELD Dear Citizens, Every Fall, your City staff and elected officials work for several months crafting the City budget for the upcoming year. The tasks of maintaining and improving our services while working within the constraints of levy limits and shrinking State support present new and sometimes difficult challenges. I am pleased to inform you that we were able to approve another reasonable budget with a modest increase in the City mill rate of less than a penny. Many of you saw your total tax bill decrease. For residents in the Kettle Moraine School District, the increase in the overall tax bill was primarily due to the school district referendum that was approved in 2014 for improved facilities. City Administrator Tom Hafner, Finance Officer/Treasurer Marie Williams and all of the Department Heads did an outstanding job developing and presenting their proposed budgets. Water quality issues will be an important part of our work this coming year. We approved funding for an updated Lake Management Plan and inventory to be performed by the Lake Welfare Committee and the Southeastern Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC). Funding was approved for the grant application, engineering and permitting related to a proposed Bark River streambank stabilization project. I have convened a Bark River Watershed Management Group that includes representatives from our surrounding communities. We met twice in 2015 to discuss issues relevant to the watershed and to explore the possibility of cooperative projects and funding. This Spring, the Friends of the Bark River will continue their mission of cleaning up the river and removing invasive species along the banks. The DelafieldHartland Water Pollution Control Commission staff continues to monitor upcoming EPA phosphorus remediation requirements that could potentially have a tremendous impact on our area. There were 2 significant staffing changes in 2015. After 7 years of outstanding public service, City Clerk/ Treasurer Gina Gresch left us in October to pursue other interests. Since then, we have revised job descriptions and initiated a search for a new Clerk. As a result of this, Marie Williams has been named Treasurer in addition to her position as Finance Officer. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer Jeanne O’Brien has stepped up as interim Clerk. Library Director Terry Zignego announced her retirement in 2015 after 24 years with the Delafield Public Library. As of this writing, the Library Board is evaluating finalists from the applicants to replace Terry and it’s expected that the new Library Director will be named very soon - likely before this newsletter reaches your home. We thank both Gina and Terry for their dedicated service to the City and wish them well as they embark on a new life path. We have experienced an upswing in proposed developments for both residential and commercial projects. We follow a prescribed process when evaluating any proposal, insuring that all are treated fairly while respecting the Master Plan. Citizen input is important. I encourage you to attend meetings and voice your opinions to your elected representatives. Best wishes for a healthy and happy 2016. Michele Clerk’s Corner Spring Election Update 500 Genesee St. Delafield, WI 53018 Tel: 262-646-6220 Fax: 262-646-6223 www.cityofdelafield.com Common Council 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. Plan Commission ear Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. esiDents D r After a yearNUMBERS in office as your Mayor, IMPORTANT myCity biggest adjustment has been to Hall 646-6220 Fire Department juggle the increasing amount of time job requires. 646-6235 and(non-emergency) commitment this As Library moves out of the 646-6230 our country economic Municipal Court 646-6245 we Parks and Recreation recession, 646-6220 have seen a surge Police Department (non-emergency) of new646-6240 business Public Works 646-6225 approvals, Sewer/Water Billing potential 646-6220 developments, CITY OFFICIALS infrastructure Administrator/DPW Director Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. improvements 646-6220 thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us and residential Interim Clerk proposals. People Jeanne O’Brien CMC/WCMC want to646-6220 live, work jobrien@ci.delafield.wi.us and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us Library very busy,Director but in a good way! Terry Zignego 646-6230 I hope many of you were able to Police Chief enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as Kehl 646-6240 weErik celebrated the 100th anniversary Chief Memorial park and the ofFire Cushing Kevin KeithHaving Alonzo Cushing’s 646-6235 monument. kkeith@lakecountryfire.com Medal of Honor on display first at St. John’s NWOFFICIALS Military Academy and then ELECTED atMayor: City Hall was a historic event for all DeYoe 646-2907 ofMichele Wisconsin. None of this would have mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us been possible without the tireless work ofAlderpersons: several key individuals: Mary Daniel, District 1,ofKent Attwell Chris367-1982 President Hawk’s Inn; Smith, kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local District 2,and Jim President Behrend Dr. Jack 646-4599 historian; Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of District JackietoValde them646-8678 the City, I3,want thank for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us time and dedication. I do not want to District Chrisour Smith 262-682-0116 forget to 4, thank DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 stepping forward to get the City ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, we Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 dignitaries hosted. azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us District 7, Tim Aicher 414-313-6004 taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us Municipal Court Judge: C. Michael Hausman 646-5900 2 By Jeanne O’Brien, Interim Clerk With the departure of Gina Gresch, I am now the acting Interim Clerk for the City of Delafield. Many changes have occurred within the office with Gina’s departure, and things continue to run smoothly. Changes coming in the near future are mostly to do with elections. The new WisVote.gov site will be up and running effective January 11, 2016. This to be a will senior facility which will include system replace the Statewide Voter assisted living and memory care Registration System currently in place. quarters. The east is stilltransition designated We are hoping for aside smooth for retail. from SVRS to WisVote. At WisVote be seeing youOur candowntown access yourwill voter history and significant improvements in the are. who your elected representatives upcoming months. Wells After January 11, you will Street be ableStation to apartment complex is slated for once again register online at WisVote. completion later this summer, is Because of the transition, that and feature already taking reservations. The Hwy will be out of order from December 31C Streetscape Committee has been to January 11th. working with County andPrimary City staffforto There will be a Spring finalize plans for the reconstruction Supreme Court Justice on February 16, of the bridge overfor the Bark at River 2016. The hours voting theand polling the addition of walking and bike trails place will be 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. There may running to Oakwood Road. This be othernorth contests as well, but we will project begin in 2016. The City not haveshould that information available until has purchased a vacant home justinsouth all nomination papers are turned (due of St. Johns5th). Park which we plan to tear by January down to expand Park and Please be surethe to bring youraccess phototo the Bark River. A new volunteer group, identification to every election, as that is Friends of the Bark River, has been the new process beginning last year. established improve thisSpring beautiful Absenteetovoting for the natural resource. Information Primary will begin February 1, can 2016bein found on the City’s website. Also, the City Clerk’s Office during normal the City finalized newtogarbage and business hours, 8 aa.m. 4:30 p.m. recycling pickup contract which you can Absentee voting in office ends on Friday, read more about on the back page. February 12, 2016 at 5 p.m. We often from citizenswill who The April 5hear Spring Election would appreciate better and more consist of municipal offices, the frequent communication the Mayor, the Judge, and thewith School City. We use every means we can: Districts. Up for re-election this year is Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, Alderperson District 2 (Jim Behrend), City website, newspaper, public and Alderperson District 4 (Christopher neighborhood meetings, information Smith), Alderperson District 6 (Al sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy Zietlow), Mayor (Michele DeYoe), and the new look of our newsletter. Municipal Judge (C. Michael Hausman). Changing formats and printers has This election also includes Presidential allowed us to continue with this twice a Preference. year publication at a lower cost. Absentee voting for the SpringAs always, knowMarch how we Electionlet willusbegin 21,can 2016 in improve our services. the City Clerk’s Office during normal business hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Absentee voting in office ends on Friday, April 1, 2016. Fall elections will be on August 9 and November 8th, with more to follow in 500 Genesee St. the June newsletter. Delafield, WI 53018 on your For additional information Tel: 262-646-6220 voting information, or what you need to Fax: 262-646-6223 bring with you to register and/or vote, www.cityofdelafield.com please go to this link: Common Council www.bringit.wi.gov more 1st & 3rd Monday atfor 7:00 P.M. information on Voter ID. Plan Commission Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. ELECTION IMPORTANT NUMBERS City Hall INSPECTORS Fire Department (non-emergency) NEEDED! 646-6220 646-6235 Library 646-6230 As all of the 2016 elections will Municipal Court 646-6245 have high voter turnout, we are in Parks and Recreation 646-6220 need of more Election Inspectors. Police Department Serving as an Election Inspector (non-emergency) 646-6240 Public Works is a great way to experience646-6225 the Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 election process and meet your neighbors! Election Inspectors are CITY OFFICIALS compensated for attending Administrator/DPW Director trainings and working at the Thomas J. Hafner, P.E.polls. Lunch 646-6220 thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us and dinner are provided. Please contact Jeanne O’Brien for more Clerk-Treasurer Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 information. ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us High school students who are Library Director 16 or 17 years of age, who are Terry Zignego enrolled in grades 9 to 12 in646-6230 a public Police Chiefschool, and who have at or private Erik Kehl 646-6240 least a 3.0 grade point average may Fire Chief serve as an Election Inspector at Kevin Keith place serving the646-6235 the polling pupil’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com residence, with the approval of the pupil’s or guardian and of the ELECTEDparent OFFICIALS principal of the school in which the Mayor: Michele DeYoe 646-2907 pupil is enrolled. mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us Alderpersons: District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us City public works crews will collect brush from residents throughout the District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us City in the spring during the week of May 16-20, 2016 Valde and in the fall during District 3, Jackie 646-8678 thejvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us week of October 10-14, 2016. All residents any brush to District 4, Chrismust Smithhave262-682-0116 becsmith@ci.delafield.wi.us picked up properly placed out along theDistrict edge 5, ofMatt the road prior262-271-5838 to City crews Grimmer mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us servicing their neighborhood. In order toDistrict maintain 6, Alefficient Zietlow operations, 414-254-1454 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us crews will not be dispatched back to a neighborhood to collect brush piles District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us that were not out in time for the initial 2016 Brush Pickup collection. To ensure collection of their brush, continued on page 4 CITY OF DELAFIELD APPLICATION FOR AN ABSENTEE BALLOT VOTER ID IS REQUIRED PER THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT ISSUING AN ORDER I certify that I am registered to vote, a United States citizen, age 18 or older, and that I have resided at the following address, which is my legal voting address, for at least 28 days before the election for which I500 amGenesee applying St. for an absentee ballot. Delafield, WI 53018 o I request an absentee ballot for the following elections: Tel: 262-646-6220 Fax: 262-646-6223 o February 16, 2016 – Spring Primary (IF REQUIRED) www.cityofdelafield.com o April 5, 2016 – Spring Election Council o All 2016 Elections, including any special elections if called forCommon 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. Plan Commission ~ OR ~ Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Dear resiDents o I certify that I am indefinitely confined because of age, illness, infirmity or disability, and to ballot be a senior facility which include After a year in officerequest as your Mayor, IMPORTANT an absentee be sent to me forwill every subsequent electionNUMBERS until I am no longer City Hall 646-6220 assisteda living and memory care my biggest adjustmentconfined has been or to fail to return ballot for an election. Fire Department quarters. The east side is still designated juggle the increasing amount of time (non-emergency) 646-6235 PLEASE PRINT: this job requires. As for retail. and commitment Library 646-6230 Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ Our downtown will be seeing our country moves out of the economic Municipal Court 646-6245 significant improvements in the recession, we Parks and Recreation 646-6220 Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ Police Department have seen a surge upcoming months. Wells Street Station STATE ZIP 646-6240 CODE (non-emergency) Public Works 646-6225 completion later this ______________________________________________ summer, and is approvals, Date of Birth: _______________________ Phone Number: Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 STREET apartment complex is slatedCITY for of new business already taking reservations. The Hwy C potential Streetscape Committee has been developments, CITY OFFICIALS MAIL BALLOT TO (if address is different from above): Administrator/DPW Director working with County and City staff to infrastructure Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. 646-6220 finalize plans for the reconstruction improvements thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us Name:________________________________________________________________________________________ of the bridge over the Bark River and and residential Clerk-Treasurer proposals. People the addition of walking and bike trails Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________ want to live, work running north to Oakwood Road. This ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us project should begin in 2016. The City Library Director Phone Number: has purchased a vacant home just south very busy, but in a______________________________________________ good way! Terry Zignego 646-6230 of St. Johns Park which we plan to tear I hope many of you were able to Police Chief down to expand the Park and access Date: to enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as Signature: __________________________________________________ ______________________________ Erik Kehl 646-6240 the Bark River. A new volunteer group, we celebrated the 100th anniversary Fire Chief Office Use Only Friends of the Bark River, has been of Cushing Memorial park and the Kevin Keith 646-6235 *Be sure toCushing’s attach your established photo identification to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo kkeith@lakecountryfire.com Voted In Office ______________________________________ resource. Medal of Honor on display St. are natural and first thatatyou registered, orInformation can be ELECTED OFFICIALS found on the City’s John’s NW Militaryan Academy and then absentee ballot cannot be sent.website. Also, Date Ballot Mailed __________________________________ Mayor: the City finalized a new garbage and at City Hall was a historic event for all Michele DeYoe 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can of Wisconsin. None of this would have mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us read more about on the back page. been possible without the tireless work Alderpersons: We often hear from citizens who of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 would appreciate better and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us frequent communication with the Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 City. We use every means we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of District 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 City website, newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us neighborhood meetings, information time and dedication. I do not want to District 4, Chris Smith 262-682-0116 sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy forget to thank our DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us the new look of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 Changing formats and printers has stepping forward to get the City ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us allowed us to continue with this twice a for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 year publication at a lower cost. As dignitaries we hosted. azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us always, let us know how we can District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 improve our services. taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us 3 continued from page 2 residents will need to have their brush properly placed prior to May 16, 2016 for the spring collection and prior to October 10, 2016 for the fall collection. Properly placed brush shall consist of woody vegetative material less than 24 inches in diameter and no more than eight (8) feet in length. NOTE THAT THE ALLOWABLE DIAMETER HAS BEEN REDUCED FROM 32 INCHES TO 24 INCHES. This can include brush, tree limbs, and tree trunks that are cut as to meet the dimensional Drequired ear resiDents requirements indicated above. A partial After a year in office as your Mayor, list of materials that are not acceptable my biggest adjustment has been to and will not be picked up includes: juggle the increasing amount of time grass clippings, leaves, yard and garden and commitment this job requires. As debris, dirt, rocks, root balls, scrap our country moves out of the economic wood, sawn lumber, plywood, building recession, we materials, bricks, concrete, garbage, have seen a surge and recyclables. of new business Brush shall be piled off the edge of approvals, the road with the butt ends facing the potential roadside. developments, infrastructure improvements and residential proposals. People The 2016 operating schedule for the want live, work City’s brush drop-off site is astofollows: and play-in Delafield. All of this keeps us January March - CLOSED very busy, but in a-good April - September Openway! on the 1st & hope many of youmonth were able to 3rdI Saturday of each enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 October & November - Open on the as th anniversary we celebrated 100month 2nd Saturday ofthe each of Cushing -Memorial December CLOSED park and the monument. Alonzo Cushing’s The site isHaving scheduled to be open Medal9:00 of Honor display at St. from a.m. toon1:00 p.m.first on each John’s NW Military Academy and then of the days it is open. The entrance to at City Halldrop-off was a historic event for the brush site is located atall 218 of Wisconsin. of this would have North CushingNone Park Road. been without the tireless work Clippossible and save this handy schedule: of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, 2016 CITY OF DELAFIELD President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, BRUSH DROP-OFF DATES Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local JANUARY CLOSED historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert FEBRUARY CLOSED and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of MARCH CLOSED APRIL 4/2/16 & 4/16/16 the City, I want to thank them for their MAY & want 5/21/16 time and dedication.5/7/16 I do not to JUNEto thank our DPW, 6/4/16 & 6/18/16 forget Police and JULY 7/16/16 Lake Country Fire & 7/2/16 Rescue & staff for AUGUST 8/6/16 & 8/20/16 stepping forward to get the City ready SEPTEMBER 9/3/16 & 9/17/16 forOCTOBER the many out-of-town visitors and 10/8/16 dignitaries we hosted. NOVEMBER 11/12/16 2016 Brush Drop-Off Site Schedule DECEMBER CLOSED CITY-WIDE BRUSH COLLECTION DATES MAY OCTOBER 4 5/16/16 - 5/20/16 10/10/16 - 10/14/16 Where do your Property Taxes go? When you pay your tax bill, do you know where your tax dollars go? More than Where do your property taxes go? Where do your property taxes go? half goes into the local school systems and about a fourth to the City of Delafield for public safety, public works, library, planning, and general government. The When you pay your tax bill, do you know where your tax dollars go? More than half goes into the local school systems and about a fourth t When you pay your tax bill, do you know where your tax dollars go? More than half goes into the local school systems and about a fourth to th City of Delafield for public safety, public works, library, planning, and general government. The remainder is distributed to WCTC, Waukesh City of Delafield for public safety, public works, library, planning, and general government. The remainder is distributed to WCTC, Waukesha remainder is distributed to WCTC, Waukesha County, and the State of Wisconsin. County, and the State of Wisconsin. The charts below show the breakdown for each school district within the City of Delafield. County, and the State of Wisconsin. The charts below show the breakdown for each school district within the City of Delafield. 500 Genesee The charts below show the breakdown for each school district withinSt. the City of Delafield, WI 53018 Delafield. Tel: 262-646-6220 Fax: 262-646-6223 www.cityofdelafield.com Common Council 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. Plan Commission Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. to be a senior facility which will include IMPORTANT NUMBERS City Hall 646-6220 assisted living and memory care Fire Department quarters. The east side is still designated (non-emergency) 646-6235 for retail. Library 646-6230 Our downtown will be seeing Municipal Court 646-6245 significant improvements in the Parks and Recreation 646-6220 Department upcoming StreetisStation Serving months. on a cityWells committee one thePolice Lake Welfare Committee. Please (non-emergency) 646-6240 apartment complexinislocal slated for way to participate government, consider giving some of your time and Public Works 646-6225 completion later thisprojects summer,and and is work on community expertise. Please contact the Clerk’s Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 already taking reservations. The Hwy C meet new people. Most committees Office with any questions at 646Streetscape Committee been CITY OFFICIALS only meet once a month.has Committee 6220. Go to http://cityofdelafield. Administrator/DPW Director working with County and City staff to members are paid $40 per meeting if com/DocumentCenter/View/623 to Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. 646-6220 finalize planstoforaccept the reconstruction they choose payment. download the form. thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us of the bridgethere over the River Currently is a Bark vacant seatand on Clerk-Treasurer the addition of walking and bike trails Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 running north to Oakwood Road. This ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us project should begin in 2016. The City Library Director has purchased a vacant home just south Terry Zignego 646-6230 ofWhenever St. Johns Park whichnews we plan to tear we have and information toPolice release to the citizens/public, we Chief down to expand Park and accesson to our cable always post thethe same information channel 25 (Time Warner Cable Erik Kehl 646-6240 the Bark River. A new volunteer group, Customers only), our website, Facebook page and in the weekly Delafield Digest. Fire Chief Friends the Bark River, Belowof are the ways youhas canbeen stay in touch with us.Keith Kevin 646-6235 established to improve this beautiful kkeith@lakecountryfire.com natural resource. Information can be Channel 25 ELECTED Cable OFFICIALS found on theChannel City’s website. Also, for Time Warner 25 is available customers. The Mayor: the City finalized a new garbage and digital channel is 15-25. Michele DeYoe 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us read more about on theWebsite back page.– www.cityofdelafield.com Alderpersons: Click from the “sign in” button right corner and customize We often hear citizens who in the upper District Kent“Notify Attwell Me” and 367-1982 our website to your needs. You can also1,click sign would appreciate better and more kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us up for text and/or email updates for certain items such as Alerts, frequent communication with the District Jim our Behrend Bid Postings, Jobs, Hot Topics/City News2,and Meeting & 646-4599 Events City. We use every means we can: jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us Calendars.Delafield Digest, Channel 25, Facebook, District 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 City website, newspaper, public and Facebook jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us Page neighborhoodhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/City-of-Delafield/ meetings, information District 4, Chris Smith 84658784889 262-682-0116 sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us the new look of our newsletter. Delafield Digest District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 Changing formats printers has Go toand www.cityofdelafield.com and scroll to the bottom of the mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us allowed us topage. continue thisthe twice a “Quick Lookwith under menu Links” click on “Sign up for District 6, Aland Zietlow 414-254-1454 year publication at a lower cost. As the weekly ‘Delafield Digest’”. From there you will enter your email azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us always, let usaddress know how can which mailing andwe choose list to7,sign for, the weekly District Tim up Aicher 646-5900 improve our services. digest and/or your alderperson’staicher@ci.delafield.wi.us email list. If you are already on the list and want to stop receiving the emails, please use the “unsubscribe” link in your email to do so. Would You Like to Serve on a City of Delafield Committee? Stay in touch with what’s going on in Delafield! DOG LICENSE APPLICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY License No. Nashotah Mailing Address (circle one) Delafield Hartland Other Nashotah Mailing Address (circle one) Delafield Hartland Other Owner's Name Owner's Name Owner's Name Street Street Street 500 Genesee St. Delafield, WI 53018 Tel: 262-646-6220 Fax: 262-646-6223 www.cityofdelafield.com Vet or Clinic Name Check One: Male Female Neutered Male Spayed Female Name of Dog Breed Breed Breed Color Color Expiration Date Rabies Tag No. CITY OFFICIALS Administrator/DPW Director Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us Clerk-Treasurer Gina Gresch, MMC ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us Library Director Terry Zignego Police Chief Erik Kehl Fire Chief Kevin Keith kkeith@lakecountryfire.com IMPORTANT NUMBERS City Hall Fire Department (non-emergency) Library Municipal Court Parks and Recreation Police Department (non-emergency) Public Works Sewer/Water Billing Name of Dog 646-6235 646-6230 646-6245 646-6220 646-6240 646-6225 646-6220 646-6220 Expiration Date Expiration Date Rabies Tag No. Rabies Tag No. Vet or Clinic Name Check One: Male Female Neutered Male Spayed Female Vet or Clinic Name Check One: Male Female Neutered Male Spayed Female 646-6235 646-6240 646-6230 646-6220 Date of Rabies Shot ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor: Michele DeYoe 646-2907 mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us Alderpersons: District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us District 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us District 4, Chris Smith 262-682-0116 csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us 5 ***************PLEASE RETURN ENTIRE PAGE EVEN THOUGH YOU HAVE ONLY ONE OR TWO DOGS************** 646-6220 Common Council 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. Plan Commission Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Date of Rabies Shot Date of Rabies Shot Nashotah Mailing Address (circle one) Delafield Hartland Other to be a senior facility which will include assisted living and memory care quarters. The east side is still designated for retail. Our downtown will be seeing significant improvements in the upcoming months. Wells Street Station apartment complex is slated for completion later this summer, and is already taking reservations. The Hwy C Streetscape Committee has been working with County and City staff to finalize plans for the reconstruction of the bridge over the Bark River and the addition of walking and bike trails running north to Oakwood Road. This project should begin in 2016. The City has purchased a vacant home just south of St. Johns Park which we plan to tear down to expand the Park and access to the Bark River. A new volunteer group, Friends of the Bark River, has been established to improve this beautiful natural resource. Information can be found on the City’s website. Also, the City finalized a new garbage and recycling pickup contract which you can read more about on the back page. We often hear from citizens who would appreciate better and more frequent communication with the City. We use every means we can: Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, City website, newspaper, public and neighborhood meetings, information sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy the new look of our newsletter. Changing formats and printers has allowed us to continue with this twice a year publication at a lower cost. As always, let us know how we can improve our services. Name of Dog Color 20 Date 20 Date 20 Date ______ Dog licenses are due January 1. License fees are as follows: Dogs Not Neutered/Spayed $17.00 Neutered/Spayed $14.00 Amount Due: $ Cash ____ Check (#) If your dog is not licensed by April 1, a $10.00 late penalty (per dog) will be added to the above fees. In addition, a citation could be issued to you by the Police Department for failure to license your dog. PLEASE NOTIFY CLERK'S OFFICE IF YOU NO LONGER OWN A DOG. Proof of rabies vaccine showing name of veterinarian and date of vaccine, as well as expiration date is required before license can be issued, per state statutes. Please include a copy of the current Rabies Vaccine Certificate with this application. Please make checks payable to CITY OF DELAFIELD. Dear resiDents After a year in office as your Mayor, my biggest adjustment has been to juggle the increasing amount of time and commitment this job requires. As our country moves out of the economic recession, we have seen a surge of new business approvals, potential developments, infrastructure improvements and residential proposals. People want to live, work and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us very busy, but in a good way! I hope many of you were able to enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Cushing Memorial park and the monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s Medal of Honor on display first at St. John’s NW Military Academy and then at City Hall was a historic event for all of Wisconsin. None of this would have been possible without the tireless work of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of the City, I want to thank them for their time and dedication. I do not want to forget to thank our DPW, Police and Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for stepping forward to get the City ready for the many out-of-town visitors and dignitaries we hosted. Phone #: License No. License No. CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE STREET DELAFIELD WI 53018 (262) 646-6220 Home Owner Renter Check One: Slow Down While Driving in Inclement Weather involved reissuing updated policies and procedures, training department memb and proving compliance with the standards to a review board. At this time, the City of Delafield Police Department the end of the process and hopes to have learned of WILEAG’s decision related end of December. Police Department Pursuing Accreditation For the past year, the City of Delafield Police Department has been pursuing With the change of seasons and weather conditions, we Core Standard Accreditation through the 500 Genesee St. encourage all drivers to slow down and provide for extra WI 53018 Wisconsin LawDelafield, Enforcement Accreditation distance between vehicles while driving to and from events Tel: The 262-646-6220 Group (WILEAG). process has involved in wintery weather. During this time of year the rate and Fax: 262-646-6223 reissuing updated policies and procedures, www.cityofdelafield.com frequency of automobile collisions increase. This is often due training department members in the new to unfamiliarity with driving in wintery conditions. Take the Common standards and proving compliance with Council extra time to get where you are going safely so you can enjoy 1st & 3rd Monday atCounty Technical College, has bee 7:00 P.M. the standards to a review board. At this time,(FTEP) since that time. The FTEP i the department Plan Commission the experience. Officer Wolf Completes Field Training is nearing the end of the process and hopes to have Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.learned to practically apply the theoretica Dear resiDents of WILEAG’s decision related to accreditation by the end of local rules and city ordinances. Lu nd which will include to be a senior facility After a year in office as your Mayor, IMPORTANT NUMBERS calls for service and initiating activ December. On July 2 , 2015, Lucas Wolf became the newest member of the City of Delafie to longer nights,has citybeen residents victimized City Hall 646-6220 assisted living and memory care myDue biggest adjustment to are often has demonstrated a great deal of County Technical College, has been Lucas, a graduate of the University of Wisconsin -‐ Whitewater and Recruit Acad during the increasing winter months by incidents andThe thefts Fire Department significantly to the success of the quarters. east side is still designated juggle the amount of time of burglary (FTEP) since that time. The FTEP is (non-emergency) 646-6235 from automobiles. Thejob members the Delafield Police Long Time Resident Gives Back to practically apply the theoretical for retail. and commitment this requires.ofAs On July 2nd, 2015, Lucas Wolf became Library 646-6230 Department encourage everyone to ensure the doors to your local rules and city ordinances. Lu Our downtown willthe be newest seeing member of the our country moves out of the economic Earlier this year, Police Officer Kate Ressman met a city resident on a call. After another meeting at the City ofCourt Delafield calls for service and initiating activ Municipal 646-6245 auto, home and any outbuildings are secure to deter these woman’s house, officers noticed several sewing projects she was working on. One of her projects significant improvements in Department. the recession, we Parks and Recreation 646-6220 Police Lucas, a graduate of has demonstrated a great deal of p included adorable stuffed bears. After some talking, the woman agreed to sew teddy bears for the types of crimes. Police Department upcoming months. Wells Street Station have seen a surge the University of Wisconsin Whitewater significantly to the success of the d officers to hand out to children they meet on calls. Officers gave out stuffed animals in the past, but the (non-emergency) 646-6240 apartment complex isand slated for Academy at Waukesha of new business Recruit practice ended a few years ago. The officer’s ability to hand out a soft stuffed animal to children after Public WorksCounty 646-6225 completion later this summer, and is approvals, an incident can help to calm them. The teddy bears will be kept in patrol cars and at the station, and Technical College, has been undergoing the Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 Theftswill be replenished as needed. The resident wishes to remain anonymous, but officers are very grateful from automobiles are often a crime of opportunity. already taking reservations. The Hwy C Training and Evaluation potential department’s Field for her sewing ability and generosity. This gift will make a difference to many children who undergo To avoid being a victim,developments, please remember toStreetscape lock your car Committee has been OFFICIALS Process (FTEP) since thatCITY time. The FTEP is doors andincidents that can be scary and difficult for them to understand. store valuables out of view. Vehicle trunkswith andCounty and City staff to Administrator/DPW working infrastructure Officer Wolf a multiple month process of training new Director covered rear portions of Sport Utility Vehicles are ideal Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. Hagen Promoted to Captain 646-6220 finalize plansforfor the reconstruction improvements department members how to practically apply the theoretical thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us storing items while a vehicle is unattended. After having served in the role of of the bridge over theknowledge Bark River gained and through and residential their formal education and It is also advisable toproposals. lock car doors and store valuables Clerk-Treasurer approved Robert Hagen’s promot the addition of out walking and bike People comply withtrails local rules and ordinances. Lucas performed Ginacity Gresch, MMC 646-6220 having Hagen fill the vacant Capta of sight any time your car is unattended, atnorth home,to Oakwood Road. This running want to live, work whether admirably and has earned the right to “fly solo”, taking calls ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us stability to the department’s oper movie theater, church or just out for lunch. Theand Cityinitiating activity without immediate and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us project should begin in Hagen Promoted to Captain for2016. service oversight Library Director has purchased a vacant just south very busy, but in a good way! byhome a more experienced officer. Lucas has demonstrated After having served in the role of P Terry Zignego 646-6230 of St. Johns Park which we plan toof tear I hope many of you were able to a great deal promise to this point in his career and is approved Robert Hagen’s promoti Police Chief down to expand the Park and access to enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as having Hagen fill the vacant Capta expected to contribute significantly to the success of the Erik Kehl 646-6240 stability to the department’s opera the Bark River. A new department. volunteer group, we celebrated the 100th anniversary Fire Chief Friends of the Bark River, has been of Cushing Memorial park and the Kevin Keith 646-6235 Earlier this year, Police established to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com Officer Kate Ressman met natural resource. Information can be served in the role of Police Medal of Honor on display first at St. After having city resident onon a call. ELECTED found the City’s website. Also, John’s NW Military Academy andathen Lieutenant for several years, theOFFICIALS Delafield After another meeting at Department Members Complete Mayor: the City finalized a new garbage and at City Hall was a historic event for all Police Commission approved Robert woman’s house, pickup officerscontract Michele DeYoeHagen’s 646-2907 recycling which you can of Wisconsin. None of this wouldthe have promotion to the position of Police Captain Lt Landon Nyren completed his Ba mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us noticed several sewing read more about on the back page. been possible without the tireless work effective January 1st, 2016. By having Hagen Wisconsin – Milwaukee in the sum projects she was on.from Alderpersons: academia and pursue a Master’s D Weworking often hear citizens who of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, fill the vacant CaptaincyDistrict provides a more 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 One of herwould projects included better Officer Hagen appreciate and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, and effective chain of command and Department Members Complete E kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us adorable bears. After efficient frequent communication withto the Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local stuffed stability the department’s operations. District 2, Jim Behrend Lt Landon Nyren completed his Ba 646-4599 some talking, City.the Wewoman use every means we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us Wisconsin – Milwaukee in the sum agreed to sew teddy bears Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of District 3, Jackie Valde academia and pursue a Master’s D 646-8678 the officers to hand out to City website, newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them forfor their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us children they meet on calls. neighborhood meetings, information time and dedication. I do not want to District 4, Smith 262-682-0116 Officers gave out stuffed Lt Landon Nyren completed hisChris Bachelor’s sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy forget to thank our DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us animals in the past, but the Degree in Criminal Justice through the the new look of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for a few years 5, Mattin Grimmer 262-271-5838 practice ended of Wisconsin District – Milwaukee the Changing formats andUniversity printers has stepping forward to get the City ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us ago. The officer’s ability to summer semester of 2015. He has indicated allowed us to continue with this twice a for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, Al pursue Zietlow a 414-254-1454 hand out a we softhosted. stuffed animal to children after incident can a desire to As return to academia and yearan publication at a lower cost. dignitaries azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us Officer Nyren help to calm them. The teddy bears will be always, kept in patrol cars Master’s Degree within the next several years. Lt. Robert Hagen graduated the C let us know how we can District 7, Tim the Aicher 646-5900 and at the station, and will be replenished as needed. from Certified Public Extension in December of 2015. improve ourThe services. Lt. Robert Hagen graduated taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us resident wishes to remain anonymous, but officers are very on skills, knowledge and abilities Manager’s program through the University of Wisconsin grateful for her sewing ability and generosity. This gift will instructors from UW -‐ Madison. Extension in December of 2015. The CPM program consists of make a difference to many children who undergo incidents a multiple year course of study focusing on skills, knowledge Congratulations Bob and Landon! that can be scary and difficult for them to understand. continued on page 12 Prevent Misappropriation: Lock your doors Officer Wolf Completes Field Training Hide Valuables in Your Car While Shopping Long Time Resident Gives Back Hagen Promoted to Captain Department Members Complete Educational Achievements Officer Schrubbe Assigned to Tac 6 After a vacancy on the Suburban unit by Officer Burke earlier in 20 Schrubbe successfully completed LCFR Has a New Logo! Highway 83 and Highway 16 as well. So far this has been which shows the amount of shared services calls we have do Lake Country Fire & Rescue started) through the end of November. those areas a much quicker response time. March LCFR is reciprocating to some Hartland April addresses as well along Highway 83 and May Highway 16 as well. So far this has been June working out great! See the chart which 500 Genesee St. July Delafield, shows the amount of shared services calls WI 53018 Tel: 262-646-6220 Aug we have done between March (when this Fax: 262-646-6223 Sept was started) through the end ofwww.cityofdelafield.com November. 9 4 8 10 5 11 8 15 13 You may see Lake Country Fire & Rescue (LCFR) out and about around the response area dressed out with a new logo. The previous logo had the name “Lake Country Fire Department” on it where the department’s actual name is “Lake Country Fire and Rescue.” Also on the logo you will notice a traditional maltese cross along with the American Flag with a red line thru the middle of it. For those of you Oct that are not aware, the “thin red line courage” represents Common Council Nov 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. the courage firefighters find within them to conquer their __________________________________________________ Plan Commission darkest fears in order to save and protect life and property Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Dthe earcitizens resiDents of they protect. This line Don’t go back inside for anything! Why not? If you open a alsoAfter is displayed showasrespect for to be a senior facility which includeto go back a year intooffice your Mayor, IMPORTANT NUMBERS door orwill window inside, you let oxygen. That’s for all any Don’t goinback inside firefighters injured and has killed in the City Hall It could: 646-6220 assisted living and memory care my biggest adjustment been to line the fire needs to engulf a room. If you open door or window to go back inside, y FireaDepartment of duty.the increasing amount of time quarters. The east side•Why is stillnot? designated juggle Harm further or even kill the person you tried to rescue. (non-emergency) 646-6235 toforce engulf room. Itthe could: for retail. and commitment this job requires. As •needs It could theafire into one open space—the door or Library 646-6230 • you Harm orharming even kill person tried to rescu Our downtown willwindow be seeing our country moves out of the economic justfurther opened, or the killing you. you Municipal Court 646-6245 significant improvements in• outside theIt could recession, we force the and fireRecreation intofamily the one open space—the Parks 646-6220 Stay at your predetermined meeting place. Police Department upcoming months. Wells Street Station have seen a surge You may see Lake Country Fire & Rescue (LCFR) out and about around the re harming orwhere killingyou you. spot can do rapid and good Lake Country Fire & Rescue (LCFR) recently started “sharing This is a perfect (non-emergency) 646-6240 apartment complex is slated for of new business local fire It takes just a few dressed outThere with are a newcommunications logo.outside The previous logo had thecrew. name “Lake Country Fire TD Stay atwith youryour predetermined family meeting place. services” with the Hartland Fire Department (HFD). Public Works 646-6225 later this summer, and isname approvals, seconds to tell them: areas along Highway 16, Chenequa and the Northeastern part on completion it where the department’s actual is “Lake Country Fire and Rescue.” Sewer/Water Billingwith your646-6220 do rapid and good communications local fireAlso crew already taking reservations. The Hwy C • If everyone is outside and at your meeting place or if with a red l of the City of Delafield potential where the Hartland Fire Department you will notice a traditional maltese cross along with the American Flag them: Streetscape Committee has been OFFICIALS someone has not come CITY out yet. is much closer to somedevelopments, of the areas that middle LCFR serves. of with it.Being For those of that are not aware, and the at “thin red line courage” rep • you If you everyone isAdministrator/DPW outside your meeting Director working County and City staff toknow infrastructure • Anything about how the fire started and its place or if s fully aware of that, LCFR operations have included a dual J. Hafner, P.E.the courage firefighters within them to conquer their darkest fears order to • location. Anything youThomas know about how firein646-6220 started andsave its finalize plans for thefind reconstruction improvements possible response with the Hartland Fire Department. A dual response thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us life and property of the citizens they protect. This line also is displayed to show of the bridge over the Bark River and and residential • any About may still be inside. • About petsany thatpets maythat still be inside. means that both departments will respond to those areas at Clerk-Treasurer therespond addition and bike trails proposals. injured and killed in the line of duty. More info: www.homefiredrill.org the same time which will give the People citizensfirefighters we toof inwalking Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 running north to Oakwood Road. This want to live, work_____________________________________________________________________ More info: www.homefired ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us City and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us project should begin in 2016. The ____________________________________________ Library Director has purchased a vacant home just south very busy, but in a good way! Terry Zignego 646-6230 of St. plan to50 tear I hope manySchool of youofwere able to • approx. StudentsPolice in CPRChief The High Health Sciences (HS2) is aJohns publicPark which we down toHS2 expand the Park access as to Medical enjoy Memorial as • 6and Students charter schoolDay thatweekend exists on2015 the KMHS Campus. ErikFirst KehlResponders 646-6240 th Lake Country Fire & Rescue (LCFR) recently started “sharing services” with the H the Bark River. A new volunteer group, anniversary weOpened celebrated the 100 • 12 Students as Emergency Medical Technicians in the fall of 2014 and currently serves students in Fire Chief Friends of the Bark River, has been of Cushing Memorial park and the Department (HFD). There are areas along Highway 16, Chenequa and the As always, we are looking some brave citizens 646-6235 that Northeas grades 9 through 11. Lake Country Fire and Rescue is proud Kevinfor Keith established to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s the Cityexperience of Delafield where the to Hartland Fire Department much kkeith@lakecountryfire.com would like serve their community! Weiswill traincloser the to some to call HS2 partners. LCFR provides hands-on can be Medal Honor on first St. Moraine thatnatural LCFR serves. Information Being aware of that, operations have included a du right fully person; you must onlyLCFR be 18 years of age to apply; no and of outreach fordisplay students atat Kettle Highresource. School ELECTED OFFICIALS foundexperiences on the City’s website. Also, John’s Military Academy experience at all is necessary. If you would like additional withNW a wide range of handsand on then and classroom with the Hartland Fire Department. A dual response Mayor: means that both departments wil theasCity finalized a new garbage and at City Hall from was aCPR historic eventResponder for all information on will the above see website www. 646-2907 ranging and First and difficult as same Michele DeYoe those areas at the time which give the our citizens weatrespond to in those ar recycling(EMT’s). pickup contract which you can or see of Wisconsin. None of this would have Technicians lakecountryfire.com our Facebook page or just stop turning students Emergency Medical mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us quicker response LCFR is reciprocating to some Hartland addresses as read about time. on the back been without tirelesswe work by any ofpage. our stations toAlderpersons: say hello and get a tour and find As possible seen below in thethe pictures even put themore kids in Highway 83 and Highway 16 as well. So far this has been working out great! S We often hear from citizens who of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, out who we are in person. No reservations turnout gear and do vehicle extrication along with search District 1, Kent Attwellare needed-367-1982 would appreciate better and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, which shows the amount of shared services calls we have done between March (wh kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us just stop on by. and rescue. They loved it! So far, LCFR has trained and frequent communication the Alderman 4; Daveclasses Krueger, started) through the end ofwith November. certifiedDistrict the following tolocal the high school students: District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 City. We use every means we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us March 9 Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of District 3,4Jackie Valde 646-8678 April City website, newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us May 8 neighborhood meetings, information time and dedication. I do not want to District 4, 262-682-0116 June 10Chris Smith sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy forget to thank our DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us July 5 the new look of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 Aug 11 Changing formats and printers has stepping forward to get the City ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us 8 allowed us to continue with this twice a Sept for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 year publication at a lower cost. As dignitaries we hosted. Oct 15 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us always, let us know how we can Nov 13Tim Aicher District 7, 646-5900 improve our services. taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us _____________________________________________________________________ If there is a Fire, Get Out and Stay Out! If there is a Fire, Get Out a Sharing Services with the Hartland Fire Department LCFR Has a New Logo! Kettle Moraine High School ofSharing Health Sciences Services with the Hartland Fire Department HartlandHartlandDepartmentDepartment Kettle Moraine High School of Health Sciences If there is a Fire, Get Out and Stay Out! Don’t go back inside for anything! Why not? If you open a door or window to go back inside, you let in oxygen. That’ needs to engulf a room. It could: 7 • Harm further or even kill the person you tried to rescue. • It could force the fire into the one open space—the door or window you j JANUARY 18 and 21 2016 Euphoria by Lily King Just after a failed suicide attempt, Andrew Bankson meets a pair of fellow anthropologists fleeing from 500 Genesee St. a cannibalistic tribe in New WI Guinea. Delafield, 53018 Nell Stone and her Tel: husband, Fen, join 262-646-6220 Bankson to study aFax: newly discovered 262-646-6223 www.cityofdelafield.com tribe, the artistic, female-dominated Tam. ButCommon as attraction grows between Council Nell and Bankson, dangerous forces threaten 1st & 3rd Mondaytoatdestroy 7:00 P.M. Commission them all. Euphoria is looselyPlan based on the life of Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. anthropologist Margaret Mead. Dear resiDents to be a senior facility which will include After a year in office as your Mayor, IMPORTANT NUMBERS City Hall 646-6220 assisted living and memory care my biggest adjustment has been to Fire Department FEBRUARY 15 and 18 quarters. The east side is still designated juggle the increasing amount of time through (non-emergency) 646-6235 A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman for retail. and commitment this job requires. As Library 646-6230 Ove is a grumpy oldCourt man. So when a 646-6245 Our downtown will be seeing our country moves out of the economic Municipal chatty young moves in next 646-6220 significant improvements in the recession, we Parkscouple and Recreation Department door andPolice accidentally flatten Ove’s have seen a surge upcoming months. Wells Street Station 646-6240 mailbox, he(non-emergency) has some choice words for apartment complex is slated for of new business Works 646-6225 completion later this summer, and isthem. ButPublic the altercation is the lead-in approvals, Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 already taking reservations. The HwytoC a comical and heartwarming tale of potential Streetscape Committee has been unkemptCITY developments, cats,OFFICIALS unexpected friendship, Administrator/DPW Director working with County and City staff toand the ancient infrastructure art of backing up a Thomas J. Hafner, 646-6220 finalize plans for theU-Haul. reconstruction improvements All of which will change one crankyP.E. old man and thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us of the bridge over the Barkresidents’ River andassociation and residential a local to their very foundations. Clerk-Treasurer proposals. People the addition of walking and bike trails Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 want to live, work running north to Oakwood Road. This ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us project should begin in 2016. The City Library MARCH 14Director and 17 has purchased a vacant home just south very busy, but in a good way! Terry Zignego 646-6230 The Residence of St. Johns Park which we plan to tear I hope many of you were able to Police Chief by Kate Andersen Brower down to expand the Park and access to enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as Kehl 646-6240 America’sErik First Families are the Bark River. A new volunteer group, we celebrated the 100th anniversary Fire Chief in many ways, but no one Friends of the Bark River, has been unknowable of Cushing Memorial park and the Kevin intoKeith their true character 646-6235 established to improve this beautifulhas insight monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com natural resource. Information can belike the people who serve their meals Medal of Honor on display first at St. their beds every day. Full of OFFICIALS found on the City’s website. Also, and makeELECTED John’s NW Military Academy and then Mayor: details that are dramatic, the City finalized a new garbage and stories and at City Hall was a historic event for all Michele DeYoe humorous, and heartwarming, The 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can of Wisconsin. None of this would have mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us read more about onResidence the back reveals page. daily life in the White House as it is been possible without the tireless work Alderpersons: reallycitizens lived through of the maids, butlers, We often hear from who the voices of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, District 1, Kent cooks,and florists, andAttwell others who 367-1982 would appreciate better moredoormen, engineers, President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us tend towith the the needs of the President and First Family. frequent communication Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 City. We use every means we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of District 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 City website, newspaper, public and APRIL jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us the City, I want to thank them for their 18 and 21 neighborhood meetings, informationShotgun District time and dedication. I do not want to Lovesongs by Smith Nickolas 262-682-0116 Butler 4, Chris sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy forget to thank our DPW, Police and Shotgun csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us Lovesongs is the story of four the new look of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for childhoodDistrict friends fromGrimmer Little Wing, 5, Matt 262-271-5838 Changing formats and printers has Wisconsin. stepping forward to get the City ready Now they are in their mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us allowed us to continue with this twice a for the many out-of-town visitors and thirties. Ronny’s to start a414-254-1454 life District 6,trying Al Zietlow year publication at a lower cost. As after rodeo dignitaries we hosted. azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us and booze, Kip has come always, let us know how we can back to pour stock-market District 7, Tim Aichermillions 646-5900 improve our services. taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us into reviving the mill, Hank’s followed his father into farming, and Lee’s career as a rock star has shot him into the social 500 Genesee Street | Delafield WI 53018 stratosphere. But their ties to Little Wing and to 262.646.6230 | www.delafieldlibrary.org each other remain as strong as ever. Book Selections January April Join our book club! 3RD WEEK OF THE MONTH Monday | 6:30 - 7:30pm Thursday | Noon - 1:00pm 8 U-Haul. All of which will change one cranky old man and a local residents’ association to their very foundations. BIG LIBRARY NEWS MARCH 14Suicide and 17 Prevention is Just a Class Away The ResidenceBy Katy Zignego, Adult Services Librarian The public libraries in Jefferson County have joinedby Kate Andersen ABrower person attempts suicide every 31 seconds in the United America’s First Families are Waukesha County’s CAFÉ library automation and together States. Every year, unknowable in many ways, but no one more than 40,000 of them die. At these they have become the Bridges Library System. That means suicide is considered a national health crisis. But it has insight intolevels, their true character CAFÉ, our shared catalog, has grown to 2.3 million items– like the peopledoesn’t who servehave their meals 500 Genesee to be this way. And, unlike in manySt.other health and make their beds every day. Full of offering more availability of items to enhance your library Delafield, WI 53018to help crises, you don’t have to be a medical professional stories and details that are dramatic, Tel: 262-646-6220 experience! Thebook CAFE catalog Big Library News Join our club! has always been a treasure in danger. humorous, andsomeone heartwarming, The Fax: 262-646-6223 trove of resources. With the additional items, it becomes Residence reveals daily life in the White House as is “Suicide is itpreventable,” says Elizabeth Lewis, a certified The public libraries in Jefferson County have joined Waukesha County’s CAFÉ library automation and www.cityofdelafield.com reallyoflived through the voices of the maids, butlers, together they have become the Bridges Library System. That means CAFÉ, our shared catalog, has grown the third largest shared catalog in the state Wisconsin 3RD WEEK OF THE MONTH stress coach. Lewis is part of Prevent Suicide cooks, florists, doormen, engineers, andmanagement others who to 2.3 million items–offering more availability of items to enhance your library experience! The CAFE Common Council of volunteers and gives you depthcatalog has always been a treasure trove of resources. With the additional items, it becomes the third and breadth. also means Greater (PSGM), a coalition tend toItthe needs of the President and FirstMilwaukee Family. Monday | even 6:30more - 7:30pm 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. largest shared catalog in the state of Wisconsin and gives you even more depth and breadth. It also that your CAFÉ library card maymeans that your CAFÉ library card may be used at all 8 Jefferson County public libraries. be used at all 8 Jefferson dedicated to ending suicide southeastern Wisconsin. PSGM Thursday | Noon - 1:00pm Plan in Commission County public libraries. is now offering suicide-prevention trainingatto7:00 the P.M. public. The Last Wednesday Dear resiDents APRIL 18 and 21 goal of the training is to give ordinary people the tools they Shotgun Lovesongs by Nickolas Butler to be a senior facility which will include After a year in office as your Mayor, NUMBERS needis to act toof prevent aIMPORTANT possible tragedy. Shotgun Lovesongs the story four assisted living and memory my biggest adjustment has been to childhood friends from Little Wing, Lewis City Thecare technique andHall her colleagues at PSGM646-6220 teach Fire Department Wisconsin. Now is they aredesignated in their quarters. The east side still juggle the increasing amount of time is called QPR, for “Question, Persuade, Refer.” QPR training Ronny’s trying to start a life (non-emergency) 646-6235 for retail. thirties. and commitment this job requires. As after rodeo and booze, Kip the has come educates participantLibrary on how to identify a person646-6230 who Our downtown will be seeing our country moves out of the economic back to pour stock-market millions Court the situation. 646-6245 might be in danger, and Municipal how to address into reviving the mill, significant improvements inHank’s the followed recession, we Parks and member, Recreationor stranger 646-6220 that a friend, family is in his father intoRecognizing farming, and Lee’s Police Department upcoming months. Wells Street Station have seen a surge career as a rock star has shot him into the social trouble is the first step. There are usually clues and warning 500 Genesee Street | Delafield WI 53018 (non-emergency) 646-6240 apartment slated for of new business stratosphere. Butcomplex their ties tois Little Wing and to a person attempts 262.646.6230 | www.delafieldlibrary.org signs before suicide. They may say Public Works 646-6225 each other remainlater as strong ever. completion thisas summer, and is approvals, something directly, like: Sewer/Water “I’ve decidedBilling to kill myself.”646-6220 Or it already taking reservations. The Hwy C potential might be indirect, such as: “I’m just so tired of it all.” By Jen Bremer, Adult Services Librarian Streetscape Committee has been developments, CITY OFFICIALS Once you realize a person is considering suicide, you can Delafield Public Library, in conjunction with the Lake CounAdministrator/DPW Director working with County and City staff to infrastructure then implement QPR. “I think too often people recognize [a try Libraries Memory Project, the Alzheimer’s Association, Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. 646-6220 finalize plans for the reconstruction improvements person is suicidal], but don’t make a connection happen,” and HAWS will host an Adult Petting Zoo at 10:30am for the thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us of the bridge over theLewis Bark River and and residential said. “Question, Persuade, Refer offers a set protocol Friday, January 8 Memory Café. Clerk-Treasurer the addition of walking and bike trails proposals. People for action that anyone can do.” QPR is not intended646-6220 to The Memory Café is for individuals Gina Gresch, MMC running north to Oakwood Road. This want to live, work address the suicidal person’s problems or in any way replace ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us who are living with Mild Cognitive Improject should begin in 2016. The City and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us appropriate professional treatment—it is just a technique for pairment (MCI), early-stage Alzheimer’s Library Director has purchased a vacant home just south very busy, but in a good way! first responders. Terry Zignego 646-6230 or other dementia and their care partof St.Cafés Johnsoffer Park which webasic plan steps to tear I hope many of youners were able to Memory The are: and family. Police Chief to expand and access to enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as anddown - Question the person. Ask “Are you thinking of Erikdirectly, Kehl 646-6240 participants a safe fun way to sharethe Park th the Bark River. A new volunteer group, anniversary we celebrated the 100their committing suicide?” stories and socialize with others Fire Chief Friends ofmemory. the Bark River, has been of Cushing Memorial park - Persuade the person toKevin get help. Keith 646-6235 who and havethe concerns about their established to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com Refer the person to the appropriate resource. The Humane Animal Welfare Society natural will resource. Medal of Honor on display firstofatWaukesha St. If youcan are be interested in attending QPR training, Esther (HAWS) County be Information ELECTED OFFICIALS found on the City’s website. Also, John’s NW Military Academy and then Jensen of PSGM will be teaching a free class at the Delafield bringing in a variety of animals for an Mayor: the City finalized a new garbage and at City Hall was a historic event for all Public Library on Thursday, January 21 at 6:00 PM. This event Adult Petting Zoo. A variety of studies have shown animal Michele DeYoe 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can of Wisconsin. None of this would have is free and open to the public, however, space is limited and mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us therapies to be beneficial for those living with Alzheimer’s read more about on the back page. been possible without the tireless work registration is required. For more details about this event and dementia. Participants can visit and play with the animals Alderpersons: hear from who of several key individuals: orcitizens others at Delafield Public Library visit the library at 500 District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 while socializing with theirMary fellowDaniel, participants. We All often animals would appreciate better and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us Genesee St., call 262-646-6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary. brought to the program will be available for adoption. For frequent communication Alderman District 4; DaveHAWS Krueger, org.with the District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 more information about andlocal their animals, visit hawCity. We use every means we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us spets.org or call 262-542-8851. Channel 25, health Facebook, Delafield Digest, andThe staff from SJNMA. On behalf District 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 Alzheimer’s Association is of the leading voluntary City website, newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us organization in Alzheimer’s care, support and research whose neighborhood time andisdedication. not want disease to District 4, Chris Smith 262-682-0116 mission to eliminateI do Alzheimer’s through the meetings, information sessions, mailings. forget to thank our DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and We hope you enjoy theof new look of our newsletter. Lake Country & Rescue for the risk District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 support for allFire affected; andstaff to reduce dementia Changing formats and printers has stepping forward to get the City ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us through the promotion of brain health. For more information allowed us to continue with this twice a for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 about Alzheimer’s disease or local services visit alz.org/sewi year publication dignitaries we hosted. Association 24/7 Helpline azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us or call the Alzheimer’s at 800-272-at a lower cost. As always, let us know how we can District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 3900. improve our services. taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us This program is free and open to the public, however registration is required. For more details about this event or others at Delafield Public Library, visit the library at 500 Genesee St., call 262-646-6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary.org. Memory Café Features Adult Petting Zoo 9 By Diane Basting, Library Gaming Coordinator Get Ready for the Super Bowl in Style at Delafield Public Library Get Ready for the Super Bowl in Style at Delafield Public Library By Jen Bremer, Adult Services Librarian It’s Super Bowl season and Delafield Public Library is set to coach your Super Bowl Party spread into greatness. The library will host a Cookbook Potluck: Game Day Grub event Saturday, January 23 at 1pm in the Council Chambers. Grab a cookbook off the library shelves, check out the center display of cookbooks across from the circulation desk, or dig out that one recipe you clipped from that one magazine ages ago to try out on your neighbors before serving it at your ultimate Super Bowl Party! Bring enough grub to share and settle in to watch a classic football movie. And don't forget to wear your best game day gear! Prizes will be given for "Best Food Presentation," "Best Tasting Grub," and "Best Game Day Gear Get-‐Up.” This event is free and open to the public, however, space is limited and registration is required. This program is limited to adult patrons only. For more details about this event or others at Delafield Public Library visit the library at 500 Genesee St., call 262-‐646-‐6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary.org. LEGO’s have long been a way to unlock our imaginations and create anything we can think of. Now the LEGO-‐verse has expanded to include games, artistic block kits and sets with engineering capabilities. Beginning in 2016, the Delafield Library is going to present tweens and teens ages 10 to 15 the chance to save all the dimensions with LEGO Dimensions, explore engineering challenges with LEGO WeDo and let their creativity have free reign with free Lego build. Each ninety-‐minute program will allow participants to freely move between stations to use the materials that appeal to them, with different sessions utilizing different facets of the LEGO-‐verse. Join us for these events and see how far you can build. The first session is on Friday, January 29th at 6:00 PM and the second session is on Friday, February 12th at 6:00 PM. This program is free and open to the public, however registration is required. For more details about this event or others at Delafield Public Library visit the library at 500 Genesee St., call 262-‐ 646-‐6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary.org. LEGO Play By Diane Basting, Library Gaming Coordinator LEGO’s have long been a way to unlock our imaginations By Jen Bremer, Adult Services Librarian and create anything we can think of. Now the LEGO-verse has It’s Super Bowl season and Delafield Public Library is set expanded to include games, artistic block kits and sets with to coach your Super Bowl Party spread into greatness. The 500 Geneseecapabilities. St. engineering library will host a Cookbook Potluck: Game Day Grub event Delafield, WI 53018 Beginning in 2016, the Saturday, January 23 at 1pm Tel: 262-646-6220 Delafield Library is going to Fax: 262-646-6223 in the Council Chambers. present tweens and www.cityofdelafield.com teens Grab a cookbook off the ages 10 to 15 the chance library shelves, check out the Common Council to save all the dimensions 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. center display of cookbooks with LEGO Dimensions, Plan Commission across from the circulation explore engineering Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. Dear resiDents desk, or dig out that one challenges with LEGO WeDo and let their creativity have free recipe you to clipped from that be a senior facility which will include After a year in office as your Mayor, IMPORTANT NUMBERS program will reign with free Lego build. Each ninety-minute one magazine ages ago has to try outto on your neighbors before Citymove Hall between stations to 646-6220 assisted living and memory care my biggest adjustment been allow participants to freely use the Fire Department serving it atincreasing your ultimate Super Bowl Party!quarters. Bring enough The east sidematerials is still designated juggle the amount of time that appeal to them, with different sessions utilizing (non-emergency) 646-6235 grub to share and this settle to watch As a classicfor football retail. movie. and commitment jobinrequires. different facets of the LEGO-verse. Join us for these events Library 646-6230 don’tmoves forgetout to wear best game day gear! Prizes will be seeing Our downtown ourAnd country of theyour economic Court and see how far you canMunicipal build. The first session is on646-6245 Friday, will be given for “Best Food Presentation,” “Best Tasting significant improvements in the recession, we 646-6220 January 29th at 6:00 PMParks and and the Recreation second session is on Friday, Grub,” and “Best Gamehave Day seen Gear aGet-Up.” Police Department Street12th Station surge upcoming months. Wells February at 6:00 PM. (non-emergency) 646-6240 This event is free and to the public,apartment however, space complex is slated of open new business This for program is free and open to the public, however Public Works 646-6225 is limited and registration is required. This program is limited completion later this summer, and is approvals, registration is required. Sewer/Water For more details about this 646-6220 event at Billing to adult patrons only. For more details about this event already taking reservations. The Hwy C Library visit the library at 500 Genesee St., potential the Delafield Public or others at Delafield Public Library visit theStreetscape library at 500 Committee been developments, OFFICIALS callhas 262-646-6230 or logCITY on to DelafieldLibrary.org. Genesee St., call 262-646-6230 or log on to working DelafieldLibrary. Administrator/DPW Director with County and City staff to infrastructure Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. 646-6220 org. finalize plans for the reconstruction improvements thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us of the bridge over the Bark River and and residential Clerk-Treasurer proposals. People the addition of walking and bike trails Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 running north to Oakwood Road. This want to live, work By Melissa Rader, Reference Librarian ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us project should 2016. The City andyour play tech in Delafield. of this us way Let work forAll you, not keeps the other around. Findbegin in are so many more ways Library it can make your life easier! Learn Director has purchased a vacant home justyour south very busy, but in a good way! out what your device is capable of, why it is worth your time how to sort messages into folders, create “Groups” of Terry Zignego 646-6230 of St.this Johns Park which we plan tear I hopeand many able to to learn howoftoyou dowere it yourself at the library winter. people forto fast messaging, and use Google contacts as your Police Chief down to expand the Park and access to one-stop enjoy Memorial Daytoweekend 2015smart as These classes apply tablets and address book, available at your Erik Kehl 646-6240 th the Bark River. A new volunteer group, fingertips. anniversary we celebrated theto100 phones, but also laptop and desktop Fire Chief Friends of the Bark River, has been of Cushing Memorial park and the computers. GETKevin MORE KeithOUT OF THE GOOGLE646-6235 established to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo&Cushing’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com BASIC PHOTO SHARING EDITING VERSE natural resource. Information can be MedalFebruary of Honor1st onat display Mon, 10:30first AM at St. Wednesday, February 3rd at 10:30 AM ELECTED OFFICIALS found on the City’s website. Also, John’s NW Military Academy and then It’s great to be able to take pictures on Wednesday, Mayor: February 10th at 6:30 PM the City finalized a new garbage and at City Hall was a historic event for all your tablet or smart phone, but wouldn’t If you are just using your Google account Michele DeYoe 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can to send ofbe Wisconsin. None of this would have it even better if you could easily and receive email, you are barely mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us been possible without tireless work share them with friendsthe and family? You read more about on the back page. scratching the surface of the free services Alderpersons: We often hear from citizens who of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, can! This class will teach you the basics Google offers! Chances can help District 1, Kent Attwell are we 367-1982 would appreciate better and more President Hawk’s Inn; Christexting, Smith, of sharing of photos (via email, youkattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us find at least one other service to frequent communication with Alderman and District 4; Dave Krueger, Facebook more), and also howlocal to impress your friends District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 assist youthe in becoming more organized and connected. This City. We use every means we historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us by applying fancy filters or touching up photos (such as class willcan: focus on the free cloud storage, Google Drive, as Channel 25, Facebook,well Delafield Digest, and staff from brightening or SJNMA. blurring).On behalf of District Jackie Valde without 646-8678 as creating documents and3,spreadsheets a word City website, newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us processor. ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE WITH EVERNOTE neighborhood meetings, information time and dedication. I do not want to District 4, Chris Smith 262-682-0116 Thurs, February 4thDPW, at 10:30 AMand sessions, mailings. WeANDROID hope youBASICS enjoy forget to thank our Police csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us Tues, February 9th at 6:30 PM Friday, February 5th at 10:30 AM the new look of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for District 5, of Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 Find anything youto have noready matter where you are! Clip andLet us help you get the most out your Android tablet or Changing formats printers has stepping forward get saved, the City mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us web articles, write lists, capture handwritten notes, and snap phone. This class will explain adjusting the device settings, allowed us to continue with this twice a for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, taking Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 photos anywhere, and then use this powerful multi-platform downloading apps, internet use, photos, organizing year publication at a lower cost. As dignitaries we hosted. azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us app to easily gather, organize and access everything that icons always, let us know how weand canmuch more! District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 matters. and open to the public, however improve our services. These programs are freetaicher@ci.delafield.wi.us GET MORE OUT OF GMAIL registration is required. For more details about this event at Tues, February 2nd at 10:30 AM the Delafield Public Library visit the library at 500 Genesee St., Gmail is great for sending and receiving messages, but there call 262-646-6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary.org. I Have a Tablet…Now What? Free Technology Classes at the Library 10 Traditional Irish Music Comes to Delafield Library By Jen Bremer, Adult Services Librarian Start your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations early with Delafield Public Library. Milwaukee’s Ceol Cairde, a traditional Irish band, will perform Sunday, February 21 at 2pm in the Council Chambers. Ceol Cairde, a five piece Irish band, has been playing music together for over 20 years. The quintet got their start as students in Irish Fest Summer School and play venues all across Wisconsin. Ceol Cairde is comprised of members Ed Miller, bodhran, percussion; Al Liebsch, fiddle; Harry Seaman, fiddle, banjo, octave mandolin; Kristina Paris, flute; and Sue Van Dyke, tin whistle, concertina. Along with the traditional reels and jigs, the band delights in explaining the unique sound that is Irish music, the instruments, and the importance of dance in Irish music. This family friendly program is free and open to the public. For more information about Ceol Cairde visit CeolCairde.com. For more information on this program or others at Delafield Public Library visit the library at 500 Genesee Street, log on to DelafieldLibrary.org, or call 262-‐646-‐6230. Traditional Irish Music Comes to Delafield Library library and pick up one of the library’s bi-monthly event calendars. Additional special event programs will be hosted several evenings a year, and during the library’s Summer Reading Program. More information will be forthcoming. All Monthly Moments and Monday Movie Matinees are 500 information Genesee St. about free and open to the public. For more Delafield, WI 53018 “Senior Moments,” please contactTel: Jen262-646-6220 Bremer at the Delafield Public Library at 262-303-4547. Fax: 262-646-6223 By Jen Bremer, Adult Services Librarian Start your St. Patrick’s Day celebrations early with Delafield Public Library. Milwaukee’s Ceol Cairde, a traditional Irish band, will perform Sunday, February 21 at 2pm in the www.cityofdelafield.com Council Chambers. Ceol Cairde, Common Council 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. a five piece Irish Plan Commission band, has been Last Historian Wednesday 7:00 P.M. Editor By Jennifer Rude-Klett, Library & at eNewsletter Dearmusic resiDents playing Onewill of the most convenient but under-utilized features of together over to be a senior facility which include After afor year in office as your Mayor, IMPORTANT NUMBERS your online your ability to create your own 20 The City is Hall 646-6220 assisted living and memory care library account myyears. biggest adjustment has been to Wedesignated are often askedFire at the library: “How do I keep track Department quintet gotincreasing their quarters. The east sidelists. is still juggle the amount of time (non-emergency) 646-6235 of what I’ve read?” or “What’s the simplest way to remember start as students inthis job requires. As for retail. and commitment Library I want to soon read?” This is especially true if646-6230 you read Irish Fest Summer Our downtown willbooks be seeing our country moves out of the economic Municipal Court 646-6245 books love and browsing our CAFÉ (Catalog School and play significant improvements in in thea series, or justParks recession, we Recreation 646-6220 Access For Everyone) catalog the new Bridges Library venues all across Police of Department Street Station have seen a surge upcoming months. Wells the third-largest shared catalog in Wisconsin with 2.3 (non-emergency) 646-6240 Wisconsin. Ceol Cairdeof is new comprised of members Ed Miller, apartment complex isSystem, slated for business Public Works 646-6225 million items. bodhran, percussion; Alapprovals, Liebsch, fiddle; Harry Seaman, fiddle, completion later this summer, and is Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 Here’s The how:Hwy C banjo, octave mandolin; Kristina Paris, flute;already and Suetaking Van reservations. potential • has Logbeen in to your libraryCITY account online. Visit the library Dyke, tin whistle, concertina. Along with theStreetscape traditional reels Committee developments, OFFICIALS andDirector click on the large and jigs, the band delights in explaining theworking unique sound that and homepage Administrator/DPW with County City staff toat DelafieldLibrary.org, infrastructure green Account Sign Thomas In button on the P.E. right. Then,646-6220 enter J. Hafner, is Irish music, the instruments, and the importance of dance finalize plans for the reconstruction improvements thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us your library and password. If you do not in Irish music. of the bridge over the Bark River and card number and residential know it is usually the last four digits of Clerk-Treasurer This family friendly program is People free and open to the public. the addition of walking and bikeyour trailspassword, proposals. Gina Gresch, MMCcall the library 646-6220 your telephone number, but please if you For more information about Ceol Cairde CeolCairde.com. Easily Keep Track of What You’ve Read or Want to Read Easily Keep Track of What You’ve Read or Want to Read north to Oakwood Road. This want to live, workvisitrunning ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us By Jennifer Rude-‐Klett, By Jennifer Rude-‐Klett, Library Historian Library & eNewsletter Historian Editor & eNewsletter Editor are unsure. For information onof this program or others at Delafield project should begin in 2016. The City andmore play in Delafield. All this keeps us Library Director • Create and name a list. Once logged in, notice a box Public Library log onato hasStreet, purchased vacant home just south very busy, butvisit in a the goodlibrary way! at 500 Genesee One of the most convenient but under-‐utilized features of your online library account is your ability to One of the most convenient but under-‐utilized features of your online library account is your ability to Terry Zignego 646-6230 the to lefttear margin called My Lists. In that box, click on DelafieldLibrary.org, orwere call 262-646-6230. of St. Johns Park whichcreate your own lists. We are often asked at the library: “How do I keep track of what I’ve read?” or weinplan I hope many of you able to create your own lists. We are often asked at the library: “How do I keep track of what I’ve read?” or Police Chief Create Newto Saved List and name it. For example, consider “What’s the simplest way to remember books I want to soon read?” This is especially true if you read “What’s the simplest way to remember books I want to soon read?” This is especially true if you read down to expand the Park and access enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as Erik Kehl Read” or “Future Reads.” 646-6240 books in a series, or just love browsing our CAFÉ (Catalog Access For Everyone) catalog of the new books in a series, or just love browsing our CAFÉ (Catalog Access For Everyone) catalog of the new creating one called “Already the Bark River. A new volunteer group, we celebrated the 100th anniversary Bridges Library System, the third-‐largest shared catalog in Wisconsin with 2.3 million items. Bridges Library System, the third-‐largest shared catalog in Wisconsin with 2.3 million items. Fire Chief • Then, under the left margin box called My Account click Bark River, Friends of the has been of Cushing Memorial park and the Kevin 646-6235 Here’s how: onbeautiful Items Out. Click on anyKeith titles you have checked out and established to improveHere’s how: this monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com • Log in to your library account online. Visit the library homepage at DelafieldLibrary.org, and click • want Log in to your library account online. Visit the library homepage at DelafieldLibrary.org, and clic By Jen Bremer, Adult Services Librarian to remember, then click on Add to List (see picture) natural resource. Information can be Medal of Honor on display first at St. on the large green Account Sign In button on the right. Then, enter your library card number on the large green Account Sign In button on the right. Then, enter your library card number Delafield Public Library is excited to announce a brand newand password. If you do not know your password, it is usually the last four digits of your toand password. If you do not know your password, it is usually the last four digits of your add it to your “Already Read” list. ELECTED OFFICIALS found on the City’s website. Also, John’s NW Military Academy and then program specifically designed for adults age fifty and older. telephone number, but please call the library if you are unsure. • garbage Totelephone number, but please call the library if you are unsure. add and titles that may interest you sometime soon to your Mayor: the City finalized a new at City Hall was a historic event for all • Create and name a list. Once logged in, notice a box in the left margin called My Lists. In that • Create and name a list. Once logged in, notice a box in the left margin called My Lists. In that “Senior Moments” is a tongue-in-cheek umbrella title for two DeYoe 646-2907 “Future Reads” peruse the online Library Catalog (also recycling pickup contract which you can list, Michele of Wisconsin. None of this would have box, click on Create New Saved List and name it. For example, consider creating one called box, click on Create New Saved List and name it. For example, consider creating one called mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us monthly programs and occasional special event programs a “Already Read” or “Future Reads.” large green button on the library homepage). When you “Already Read” or “Future Reads.” read more about on the back page. been possible without the tireless work meant to incite laughter, foster lifelong learning, and provide Alderpersons: • Then, under the left margin box called My Account click on Items Out. Click on any titles you • find Then, under the left margin box called My Account click on Items Out. Click on any titles you something tempting, click on Add to List to add it to We often hear from citizens who of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, have checked out and want to remember, then click on Add to List (see picture) to add it to you Kent Attwell 367-1982 a sense of community for older adults. All programs are set tohave checked out and want to remember, then click on Add to List (see picture) to add it to your your “Future Reads”District list. It 1, will even take you right back would appreciate “Already Read” list. better and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, “Already Read” list. kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us begin with the New Year. toTo add titles that may interest you sometime soon to your “Future Reads” list, peruse the onlin thethe item in the catalog so you don’t have to look it up • To add titles that may interest you sometime soon to your “Future Reads” list, peruse the online • with frequent communication Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 Library Catalog (also a large green button on the library homepage). When you find something The second Tuesday of each month from 10am to 11:30amLibrary Catalog (also a large green button on the library homepage). When you find something Nice! City. We use everytempting, click on Add to List to add it to your “Future Reads” list. It will even take you right meansagain. we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert tempting, click on Add to List to add it to your “Future Reads” list. It will even take you right jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us the library will host a Monthly Moment in the Council Decide what lists will work for you. Create a list for each of back to the item in the catalog so you don’t have to look it up again. Nice! back to the item in the catalog so you don’t have to look it up again. Nice! Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 Chambers. Each month’s program will feature an activity, your children, or one forDistrict new CDs, or spectacular books you City website, Decide what lists will work for you. Create a list for each of your children, or one for new CDs, or newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us Decide what lists will work for you. Create a list for each of your children, or one for new CDs, or guest lecturer, performance, or hands-on seminar. January’s would like to recommend. If you need any help whatsoever, neighborhood meetings, information time and dedication. I do not want to spectacular books you would like to recommend. If you need any help whatsoever, please stop in the District 4, Chris SmithWe LOVE 262-682-0116 “Monthly Moment” will feature the first ever “Senior spectacular books you would like to recommend. If you need any help whatsoever, please stop in the please in the Delafield Public Library. to help. Delafield Public Library. We LOVE to help. See you soon. Delafield Public Library. We LOVE to help. See you soon. sessions, mailings. We hope stop you enjoy forget to thank our DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us Moments” Brain Bowl. Answer interactive trivia questions See you soon. the new look of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 ranging from World History to Hollywood’s Golden Age to the Changing formats and printers has stepping forward to get the City ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us political climate of the 1970’s for a chance to win a pair of allowed us to continue with this twice a for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 movie passes to the Marcus Hillside Theater. Refreshments year publication at a lower cost. As dignitaries we hosted. azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us will be served. always, let us know how we can District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 The library’s Monday Movie Matinees will continue to improve our services. taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us be shown the third Monday of each month in the Council Chambers, however, the new time slot will be 10:30am to noon. Popcorn and refreshments will be served. For details about each month’s movie call 262-646-6230 or visit the Easily Keep Track of What You’ve Read or What You Want to Read New Program Series for Older Adults at Delafield Public Library 11 Essential Oils 101 fragrance. Essential oils are taken from a plant's flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, rind, or roots. They can help relieve stress, and help support the body. Join Meghan Schnabl, a “Young Living” health coach, on Thursday, February 25th at 6:00 PM as she explains essential oils and how to safely use them. She will present a few of the most common essential oils available for individuals to try. For more details about this event or others at Delafield Public Library, visit the library at 500 Genesee St., call 262-‐646-‐6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary.org. 2016 WINTER STORYTIMES NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY By Emi Weiss, Adult Services Librarian Essential oils have been used Session One: Jan 18 through Feb 25 for thousands of years for their TODDLER TIME - Mondays 10:30 am therapeutic properties. They Open to preschoolers up to age Features 5003.Genesee St. stories, enhance spiritual and physical Delafield, WI 53018 wellness, and are also used for fingerplays and playtime to follow. Tel: 262-646-6220 cosmetic purposes and fragrance. 262-646-6223 10:30 am STORIES & CRAFTS - TuesdaysFax: & Wednesdays Essential oils are taken from a www.cityofdelafield.com Open to children age 3 and up. Features stories, plant’s flowers, leaves, stalks, bark, Common Council rind, or roots. They can help relieve songs and a craft. 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. stress, and help support the body. Plan Commission BABY BOUNCE - Thursdays 9:30 am Join Meghan Schnabl, a “Young Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. D ear r esiDents Stories, fingerplays and songs for babies and young Living” health coach, on Thursday, to be a senior facility which will include After a25th yearat in6:00 officePM as as your IMPORTANT NUMBERS February sheMayor, toddlers. City Hall 646-6220 living and memory care my biggest adjustment hashow beentotosafely useassisted explains essential oils and them. She will Fire Department quarters. The east side is still designated juggle the increasing amount of time present a few of the most common essential oils available for TAKE HOME STORYTIME KITS (non-emergency) 646-6235 forevent retail.or others and commitment thismore job requires. As this individuals to try. For details about LibraryJanuary 4th. Kits include 646-6230 are available beginning Our downtown ourDelafield country Public movesLibrary, out of the Municipal Court 646-6245 at visiteconomic the library at 500 Genesee St., will be seeing significant improvements in the books, music themed crafts for you 646-6220 to recession, we Parksand and Recreation call 262-646-6230 or log on to DelafieldLibrary.org. Police Department Street Station have seen a surge upcoming months. Wellshost a storytime right in your own home! (non-emergency) 646-6240 apartment complex is slated for of new business Public Works 646-6225 Friends of approvals, the Library Book Sale later this summer, and is completion Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 already taking reservations. The Hwy SPRING C 2016 STORYTIMES potential First Saturday of Each MonthStreetscape Committee has been developments, CITY OFFICIALS NO REGISTRATION NECESSARY Administrator/DPW Director working with County and City staff to infrastructure 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Lt. Robert Hagen graduated the Certified Public Manager’s program through the University of Wisconsin Session Two & Three: 14 through Mar 24 Extension in December of 2015. The CPM program consists of a multiple year course of study focusing ThomasMar J. Hafner, P.E. 646-6220 finalize plans for the reconstruction improvements on skills, knowledge and abilities desirable for leadership in the public sector, taught by professors and thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us of the bridge over the Bark River and Apr 4 through May 12 and residential 2016 Monthly Specials: instructors from UW -‐ Madison. Clerk-Treasurer and bikeTIME trails- Mondays February / Travelproposals. & Religion People the addition of walking TODDLER 10:30 am Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 March / Biography & Politics running north to Oakwood Road. This want to live, work Congratulations Bob and Landon! ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us Open to preschoolers up to age 3. Features stories, / Art, Poetry (including CDs) and playApril in Delafield. All &ofMusic this keeps us project should begin in 2016. The City Officer Schrubbe Assigned to Tactical Team Library Director fingerplays and playtime to follow. has purchased a vacant home just south very busy, but in a good way! Terry Zignego 646-6230 of St. Johns Park which we plan to tear I hopeThemany of you were able to After a vacancy on the Suburban Critical Incident Team (SCIT) was created by the retirement from that STORIES & CRAFTS - Tuesdays & Wednesdays 10:30 am sales take place at the Friends Used Book Police Chief Store (421 Main in Downtown Delafield down to expand the Park and access to enjoy Memorial DayStreet) weekend 2015 as unit by Officer Burke earlier in 2015, several members of the department applied to fill it. Officer Steve Kehl up. Features stories, 646-6240 Open to children ageErik 3 and Schrubbe successfully completed all phases of the selection process; including written test, physical test the Bark River. A new volunteer group, we celebrated the 100th anniversary Fire Chief songs and interview by current members and was assigned to the SCIT in late 2015. Friends of the Bark River, has and been a craft. Kevin Keith of Cushing Memorial park and the 646-6235 continued from page 6 established to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s BABY BOUNCE - Thursdays 9:30 am kkeith@lakecountryfire.com SCIT is a multi-‐jurisdictional tactical team Delafield is a partner in with the Cities of Brookfield, New abilities desirable for leadership in the public sector, taught by natural resource. Information can be Medal of Honor on display first at St. Berlin, Muskego, and Villages of Hartland, Pewaukee, Elm Grove, Chenequa and Mukwonago. Delafield Stories, fingerplays and songs for babies and young professors instructors from - Madison. ELECTED OFFICIALS found on the City’s website. Also, John’s NW and Military Academy andUW then provides two Officers to the team, which allows the community to call on a fully trained and equipped Congratulations Bob and Landon! Mayor: toddlers. the City finalized a new garbage and at City Hall was a historic event for all tactical team without the additional expenses involved in maintaining such a unit. Michele DeYoe 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can of Wisconsin. None of this would have SUPER HERO SUPER SPECIAL mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us Schrubbe joins Office Dan Bloedow on the SCIT. Congratulations, Steve! read more about on the back page. been possible without the tireless work Tuesday, May 10 & Wednesday May 11 at 10:30 am After a key vacancy on the Suburban Critical Incident Team Alderpersons: We often hear from citizens who of several individuals: Mary Daniel, District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 (SCIT) was created by the retirement from would appreciate better and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us that unit by Officer Burke earlier in 2015, LIBRARY frequent communication with theCHILDREN’S Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 several members of the department appliedCity. We use every means we can: historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert ASK ABOUT OUR UPCOMING EVENTS! jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us to fill it. Officer Steve Schrubbe successfully Channel 25, Facebook,Model Delafield Digest, and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of Train & Railroad Exhibit - January District 3, Jackie Valde 30 646-8678 completed all phases of the selection City website, newspaper, public and the City, I want to thank them for their jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us process; including written test, physical test Chinese New Year - Feburary 8 neighborhood meetings, information time and dedication. I do not want to District 4, Chris Smith 262-682-0116 and interview current hope you enjoy forget to thankbyour DPW, members Police andand wassessions, mailings. We Mardi Gras: Books for Beads - February 9 csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us assigned to the SCIT in late 2015. the new of our newsletter. Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for Officerlook Schrubbe Life Sized CandylandDistrict - February 5, Matt 13 Grimmer 262-271-5838 SCIT isforward a multi-jurisdictional stepping to get the Citytactical ready teamChanging formats and printers has mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us Delafield is a partner in with the Cities of Brookfield, New Fun Daya- February 26 allowed us to continueFriday with this twice for the many out-of-town visitors and District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 Berlin, Muskego, and Villages of Hartland, Pewaukee, Elm at a lower cost. As year publication dignitaries we hosted. Dr. Suess Crafts - March 3 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us Grove, Chenequa and Mukwonago. Delafield provides two always, let us know how we can April 1 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 Officers to the team, which allows the community toour callservices. Egg Hunt - March 8 - District improve taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us on a fully trained and equipped tactical team without the PB&J Day - March 30 additional expenses involved in maintaining such a unit. Stuffed Animal Sleepover - April (Day TBD) Schrubbe joins Office Dan Bloedow on the SCIT. Tea for Two: Grandma & Me - May (Day TBD) Congratulations, Steve! Officer Schrubbe Assigned to Tactical Team 12 Delafield Resident and KM Superintendent Pat Deklotz is Wisconsin’s Superintendent of the Year Families new to KM invited to attend 5K Parent Night Finding the right school community for your kindergartner is a very important decision. Environments that promote The Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators academic excellence, develop student potential, and nurture 500 Genesee St. selected Dr. Patricia Deklotz as Wisconsin’s 2016 the unique talents and learning style of theWIindividual Delafield, 53018 are a Superintendent of the Year. Dr. Deklotz is a City of Delafield priority in the Kettle Moraine School and define the Tel: District 262-646-6220 Fax: 262-646-6223 resident and has served for 10 years as the superintendent for district’s vision of Learning without Boundaries. the Kettle Moraine School District (KMSD). KM elementary schools are www.cityofdelafield.com conveniently located in the Under Deklotz’s leadership, KMSD has embraced the neighborhood communities of Delafield, Common Council Dousman, Genesee 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. school board’s charge to transform schools to better and Depot, and Wales. Commission more efficiently meet the needs of all students. If you are new to KMPlan elementary schools, we invite you to Last Wednesday 7:00 P.M.21 from Dear esiDents SchoolrBoard President Gary Vose discussed the a 5K Parent Information Night on Thursday,atJanuary “extraordinary she has provided. always 5 - 6 p.m. Wales Elementary School, 219 N. Oak Crest Drive. to“Pat be ahas senior facility which will at include After a year leadership” in office as your Mayor, IMPORTANT NUMBERS been motivated by whathas is in the to best interests of our It is ancare opportunity to learn more about the 5K experience City Hall 646-6220 assisted living and memory my biggest adjustment been Department students,” Vose said. “Her demonstrated leadership being Moraine and toFire enroll your child for the upcoming quarters.ofThe east sideatisKettle still designated juggle the increasing amount of time (non-emergency) 646-6235 committed to the this rightjob motives, withAsunquestioned school year. for retail.integrity, and commitment requires. Library 646-6230 has for of thethe Kettle Moraine School old on or before September OurDistrict.” downtown will beChildren seeing who are 5 years our created country success moves out economic Municipal Court 646-6245 Taking a non-traditional route,we Dr. Deklotz worked 20 1, 2016 may attend kindergarten. Please bring your 646-6220 child’s significant improvements in the recession, Parks and Recreation years in financial software with non-profit original birth certificate Police or passport, immunization record and Department months. Wells Street Station havedevelopment seen a surgeandupcoming 646-6240 organizations prior to becoming a teacher inapartment 1996. Shecomplex earned isproof residency to the (non-emergency) Parent Information Night in order to slatedoffor of new business Public Works 646-6225 her Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Doctorate degrees by doing completeand theisregistration process. completion later this summer, approvals, Sewer/Water Billing 646-6220 homework aside her children. Prior to beingalready employed as areservations. If you unable taking Theare Hwy C to attend the Parent Information Night potential Kettle Moraine educator, Deklotz served as Streetscape a parent volunteer and/or have questions about registration, please contact Committee has been developments, CITY OFFICIALS and for five years on the school board. VickyCity Esgar, ext. 5352, or Amanda Administrator/DPW DirectorGill, 262working with County and staff262-968-6300, to infrastructure 646-6220 Currently Deklotz serves on the State’s Coordinating 968-6300, ext. 5355. Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. finalize plans for the reconstruction improvements thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us Council for Educator Effectiveness, Waukesha of County the bridge over the Bark River and and residential Clerk-Treasurer Technical College Board, GPS Education Board and the addition of walking and bike trails proposals. PeoplePartners Gina Gresch, MMC 646-6220 the President’s Advisory Council forwork Carroll University. Sheto is Oakwood Road. This running north want to live, ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us chair of the Cooperative Service Agency project should begin in 2016. The City and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us #1 Superintendent’s LibraryDistrict Directorwill be celebrating its The Kettle Moraine School PAC; co-chair Wisconsin Schools hasAlliance, purchased a vacant home just south very busy, butofinSoutheast a good way! Terry Zignego 646-6230 50th Anniversary in 2017. The District is seeking community vice-chair for theofWaukesha of College, St. Johnsand Park which we plan to tear I hope many you were County able to Technical Police Chief members to provide stories, photos, artifacts, and serve president of the Day GPS weekend Education2015 Partners, providerthe Park and access to down to expand enjoy Memorial as a nonprofit Kehl celebrate. There are 646-6240 planning committeesErik to help many of apprenticeships. She is also an active of the themember Bark River. A new on volunteer group, weyouth celebrated the 100th anniversary Fire Chief stories to tell, and many accomplishments to celebrate as business and civic organizations serving theFriends ten municipalities of the Bark River, has been of Cushing Memorial park and the Kevin Keith 646-6235 a community! If you are interested in helping out, please that comprise KMSD. established to improve this beautiful monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s kkeith@lakecountryfire.com contact Melinda Deklotz resides Delafield They Information naturalJoe. resource. can be Mueller, Director of Public Information Medal of Honor onindisplay firstwith at St.her husband, & Community at 262-968-6300 x 5327 or are theNW proud parents of three children enjoy on time ELECTED OFFICIALS thewith City’s website. Also, Engagement, John’s Military Academy and then andfound muellerm@kmsd.edu. Mayor: their grandchildren. the City finalized a new garbage and at Cityfive Hall was a historic event for all Michele DeYoe 646-2907 recycling pickup contract which you can of Wisconsin. None of this would have mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us UPCOMING KM PARENT RESOURCE read more about on the back page. been possible without the tireless work Alderpersons: NETWORK EVENTS often hear from citizens who of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 If you have a child who will be 4 years old byWe September would appreciate better and more President of Hawk’s Inn; Smith, kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us 1, 2016, you’re invited toChris attend a KM4K Parent Information onfident esilient ids in asy teps with the Alderman 4; Dave District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 Night fromDistrict 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.Krueger, on Jan. local 21, 2016frequent at Walescommunication Wed, Jan 20, 6:30-8:00 p.m., Cushing Elemen. Activity Center we can: historian; and President Dr.Oak JackCrest Albert jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us Elementary School, 219 N. Drive. City. We use every means Speaker: Author Kimberly Krueger Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, andThis staffmeeting from SJNMA. On behalf of District 3, Jackie 646-8678 will provide new families with important Learn the five true steps that Valde when used again and public andtried and jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us the City, I want to thank them for their information about the educational programsCity andwebsite, newspaper, again will grow your child’s self-confidence and resiliency, neighborhood information time and dedication. I doKettle not want to School District 4, Chris 262-682-0116 opportunities within the Moraine District. meetings, decrease anxiety build theirSmith character. These steps sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoylevels and forget to thank our DPW, Police and csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us Parents will learn about the 4K curriculum, transportation, work for kids of all ages: elementary through high school! theDirectors new lookfrom of our newsletter. Lake Country Rescue for KM4K District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 what a typicalFire day&looks like staff and more. Reserve your spot at http://5stepstoconfidence.eventbrite.com Changing formats and printers has stepping to get the ready mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us each site forward will be available toCity answer questions. allowed us to continue with this twice a for The the KM4K many out-of-town visitors and Zietlow 414-254-1454 student application period for the 2016-17 hecost.natomy ofDistrict the 6, Al dolescent rain year8publication As dignitaries hosted. school yearwe begins on Tues., Jan. 26, 2016 from a.m. to 6 at a lower Wed, Feb 10, 6:30-8:30 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us p.m., Cushing Elemen. Activity Center always, let us know how we can 646-5900 p.m. and thereafter weekdays 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Brian Fidlin,District Psy.D.7, Tim Aicher improve our services. taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us If you are unable to attend the Parent Information Night A straight-forward discussion of pediatric brain development and/or have questions about registration, please contact and the impact it has on decision making, emotions, and risk Vicky Esgar, 262-968-6300, ext. 5352, or Amanda Gill, 262taking from childhood through the teenage years. Reserve your spot at http://drfidlin.eventbrite.com 968-6300, ext. 5355. KM 50th Anniversary Celebration Volunteers Needed KM 4K Parent Information Night “C “T ,R A K A 5E S B ” ” 13 Chamber of Commerce & Tourism 500 Genesee St. P.O. Box 180171, Delafield, WI 53018 • 262-646-8100 • Debra Smith, Executive Director Delafield, WI 53018 2016 DELAFIELD CHAMBER BUSINESS & COMMUNITY EVENT SCHEDULE Tel: 262-646-6220 http://www.visitdelafield.org June 3 - Noon (shotgun start) 2016 Business After Business NETWORKING Western Lakes Golf Club, Pewaukee After a yearFebruary in office 18 as your Mayor, Zin California Italian my biggest adjustment has been to May amount 19 juggle the increasing of time Delafield Brewhaus and commitment this job requires. As August our country moves out18 of the economic Bucky’s Lakesiderecession, Pub & Grill we have seen a surge November 17 of new business Angelina’s Ristorante Appetizers, Cash approvals, Bar, Raffles (For Delafield Chamber Member Businesses) potential developments, March 12 - 10am to 3pm infrastructure Lake Country Community Fest improvements Kettle Moraine High School and residential lakecountrycommunityfest.com proposals. People want to live, work March 26 - 10am to noon and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us Community Egg Hunt very busy, but in a good way! Town of Delafield Sports I hope many of you wereCommons able to enjoy Memorial AprilDay 21weekend - 5pm 2015 as we celebrated the 100th anniversary Annual Meeting & Mixer of Cushing Memorial and the Seven Seas park Restaurant (Chamber monument. HavingMembers AlonzoOnly) Cushing’s Medal of Honor on display first at St. May 20 - 5pm to 9pm John’s NW Military Academy and then Art Walk at City HallSpring was a historic event for all Downtown of Wisconsin. None ofDelafield this would have been possible without the tireless work of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, Alderman Dave local Are youDistrict looking4;for oneKrueger, more thing historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert to add to your Bucket List; something and staff On behalf of that won’tfrom costSJNMA. you anything? theIfCity, I want to thank them their so, here is the answer for for you! Join time and dedication. I do not want up with the LACS Citizens Academy.toThis forget to thankexperience our DPW, Police and can is a wonderful any adult Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for take part in. stepping forward to get the City ready This Academy is for residents of for the out-of-town and the Lakemany Country area, andvisitors involves dignitaries we hosted. the Chenequa, Delafield, Hartland, and Pewaukee Police Departments, as well as the Lake Country Fire and Rescue Department. These officers have put together ten sessions, each approximately three hours long, to be a senior facility which will include July memory 8 & 9 care assisted living and quarters. The east side is still designated for retail. Our downtown will be seeing significant improvements in the upcoming months. Wells Street Station Downtown Delafield apartment complex is slated for BANDS: completion LIVE later this summer, and is alreadyFri: taking reservations. The Hwy 5pm to midnight - C Streetscape Committee has been Orphans & The Toys working with County and City staff to Sat: noon toreconstruction midnight finalize plans for the “Twelve Hours of Twang”, of the bridge over the Bark River and the addition of walking and trails Rebel Grace and bike more! running north to Oakwood Road. This project should begin in 2016. The City August a6 vacant - 10amhome to 4pm has purchased just south Downtown of St. Johns Park whichDelafield we plan to tear Summer Sale down to expand the Park and access to Downtown the Bark River. A new Delafield volunteer group, Friends of theSeptember Bark River,14 has been established to improve this beautiful New Member Showcase natural resource. Information can be The Delafield Hotel found on the City’s website. Also, (Complimentary Networking Event for the City finalized a new garbage and Chamber Members Only) recycling pickup contract which you can read more about on the back page. We often hear from citizens who would appreciate better and more frequentresidents communication with the wherein can learn what City. We use every means we can: it is the officers do on a daily basis, Channel Facebook, Delafield Digest, as well as25, how others are involved City website, newspaper, public and in emergency situations within our neighborhood meetings, information community. sessions, hopemany you enjoy You willmailings. be awedWe by how the new look of our newsletter. things are handled by these police Changing formats and printers departments on any given day, has and will allowed us to continue with twice learn to appreciate the manythis tasks theya year publication at a lower cost. As accomplish on a daily basis, with harm always, let in ustheir knowpath. how we can constantly improve our services. Topics covered include OWI/DRE, safety/technology/computer crimes, the dispatch center, EVOC (how to accurately drive a squad car), MIU Dear rThursdays esiDentsat 5pm CITIZENS ACADEMY 14 Tri-Chamber Golf Outing (Pewaukee Chamber Leads Event) Delafield Block Party Food & Music Festival Fax: 262-646-6223 www.cityofdelafield.com September 16 Common Council 1st & 3rd Monday at 7:00 P.M. Fall Art Walk Plan Commission Downtown Delafield Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M. October 13 - 5pm to 9pm IMPORTANT NUMBERS City Hall Ladies Night Out 646-6220 Downtown Delafield Fire Department (non-emergency) October 22 646-6235 Library 646-6230 Halloween in Delafield Municipal Court 646-6245 Parks andDowntown Recreation Delafield646-6220 Police5pm: Department Business Trick or Treat (non-emergency) 646-6240 7pm: Grand Pumpkin Illumination Public Works 646-6225 Sewer/Water Billing November 10 - 5pm to 646-6220 9pm Ladies Night Out CITY OFFICIALS DowntownDirector Delafield Administrator/DPW Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. 646-6220 December 3 - 9am to noon thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us Breakfast with the Reindeer Clerk-Treasurer Delafield Gina Gresch,Fish MMCHatchery Grounds 646-6220 Shopping, caroling, ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us live reindeer & more! Library Director TerryDecember Zignego 8 - 5pm to 9pm 646-6230 Police Chief Ladies Night Out Erik Kehl Downtown Delafield646-6240 Fire Chief Kevin Keith 646-6235 kkeith@lakecountryfire.com ELECTED OFFICIALS To reserve the Delafield Fish Hatchery, Mayor: please City Hall at 262-646-6220 Michelecall DeYoe 646-2907 mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us Alderpersons: District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us (evidence District 2,gathering), Jim BehrendMILO (serious 646-4599 jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us situations/laser gun simulated), CPR, Tactical duties, DistrictSquad 3, Jackie ValdeLake Country 646-8678 jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us Fire and Rescue, and the community of public safety personnel general. District 4, Chris Smith in262-682-0116 csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us If you can set aside 30 total hours orDistrict so of your time, three hours one 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us evening per week beginning in February, this is an 6, experience miss. District Al Zietlow you cannot 414-254-1454 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us Please watch the City of Delafield website dates and registration. Districtfor 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us There is no fee to attend this amazing experience! Linking Our Past to Our Future - The Delafield History Center The white building adjacent to the Hawks Inn house museum on Wells Street has been renamed The Delafield History Center. The purpose is to emphasize to the public that our collections are not limited to those pertaining to Hawks Inn and the Hawks family, but include historical information for the entire Delafield area. Our large photo collection, Delafield Then and Now, has photos from 1870s Delafield to New to the Center last Dthe earpresent. resiDents summer is a large painting by local artist After a year in office as your Mayor, Chuck Weber of Civil War hero Alonzo my biggest adjustment has been to Cushing. The posthumous award of juggle the increasing amount of time the Congressional Medal of Honor to and commitment this job requires. As Cushing was celebrated at a Cushing our country moves out of the economic Park ceremony on Memorial Day recession, we weekend 2015. After the ceremony, a have seen a surge reception for the guests from around of new business the state and the country was held at approvals, the History Center. potential For the past year, volunteers have developments, been working on categorizing and infrastructure filing hundreds of newspaper clippings improvements relating to the area. Recently, the Town and residential of Delafield donated assessment/tax proposals. People roll books going back to the late 1800s. want to live, work Until 1959, when the City of Delafield and play in Delafield. All of this keeps us was incorporated, it was all the Town of very busy, but in a good way! Delafield. I hope many of you were able to In the lower level of the Center enjoy Memorial Day weekend 2015 as is a resource library of tharound 2000 we celebrated the 100 anniversary volumes. The collection focuses on 19th of Cushing Memorial park and the century U. S. history, including customs monument. Having Alonzo Cushing’s and cultural aspects of that time period, Medal of Honor on display first at St. especially the Civil War era. Local and John’s NW Military Academy and then Wisconsin history are also featured. At at City Hall was a historic event for all this time, the books may not be checked of Wisconsin. None of this would have out, but can be accessed when the been possible without the tireless work Center is open. of several key individuals: Mary Daniel, As is evidenced by the sign in the President of Hawk’s Inn; Chris Smith, photo, the Center was most recently Alderman District 4; Dave Krueger, local used as the base for Christmas at the historian; and President Dr. Jack Albert Inn, a highly successful community and staff from SJNMA. On behalf of event featuring the Inn as it may the City, I want to thank them for their have been at Christmas in the 1850s. time and dedication. I do not want to Decorated with all natural materials forget to thank our DPW, Police and by the SumMerDel Garden Club, the Lake Country Fire & Rescue staff for Open House features fireplace cooking, stepping forward to get the City ready heritage craft demonstrations, guided for the many out-of-town visitors and tours by young women from KM dignitaries we hosted. Perform taking the role of Fanny Hawks, and new this year, visits with Father Christmas. In November, the History Center hosted the dessert stage of the first Hawks Inn Progressive Dinner. Starting in the Tap Room in the Inn, the guests progressed to Revere’s for dinner and finished with dessert by the Great Harvest Bread Co. Throughout the year, the Center is available for rentals for receptions, business meetings, and other events such as the Winter Music Series sponsored by SummerStage. Information about that can be found at www.summerstageofdelafield.org. Residents who find historical information about Delafield in their family archives are encouraged to share to be a senior facility which will include it with us. From now until May, the assisted living and memory care History Center is open every Wednesday quarters. The east side is still designated morning from 9:15 to 11:30. The for retail. Our downtown will be seeing significant improvements in the upcoming months. Wells Street Station apartment complex is slated for completion later this summer, and is already taking reservations. The Hwy C Streetscape Committee has been working with County and City staff to finalize plans for the reconstruction of the bridge over the Bark River and the addition of walking and bike trails running north to Oakwood Road. This project should begin in 2016. The City has purchased a vacant home just south of St. Johns Park which we plan to tear down to expand the Park and access to the Bark River. A new volunteer group, Friends of the Bark River, has been established to improve this beautiful natural resource. Information can be found on the City’s website. Also, the City finalized a new garbage and recycling pickup contract which you can read more about on the back page. We often hear from citizens who would appreciate better and more frequent communication with the City. We use every means we can: Channel 25, Facebook, Delafield Digest, City website, newspaper, public and neighborhood meetings, information sessions, mailings. We hope you enjoy the new look of our newsletter. Changing formats and printers has allowed us to continue with this twice a year publication at a lower cost. As always, let us know how we can improve our services. volunteers meet there for coffee while they are working on the archives or other projects. The gift shop’s unique offerings are also available. Drop-ins 500 Genesee St. welcome. from the community are very Delafield, WI 53018 Current information about Hawks Tel: 262-646-6220 Inn can be found on our Facebook page: Fax: 262-646-6223 www.facebook.com/hawksinn. www.cityofdelafield.comYou do not have toCouncil have a Facebook account Common to access our It features many 1st & 3rdpage. Monday at 7:00 P.M. current photos from recent events as Plan Commission Last Wednesday at 7:00 P.M.history well as a timeline of Wisconsin for the day. We also have a web page: IMPORTANT NUMBERS www.hawksinn.org that has information City Hall 646-6220 about upcoming events and links to the Fire Department rental forms for the Center. 646-6235 (non-emergency) Library Municipal Court Parks and Recreation Police Department (non-emergency) Public Works Sewer/Water Billing CITY OFFICIALS Administrator/DPW Director Thomas J. Hafner, P.E. thafner@ci.delafield.wi.us Clerk-Treasurer Gina Gresch, MMC ggresch@ci.delafield.wi.us Library Director Terry Zignego Police Chief Erik Kehl Fire Chief Kevin Keith kkeith@lakecountryfire.com 646-6230 646-6245 646-6220 646-6240 646-6225 646-6220 646-6220 646-6220 646-6230 646-6240 646-6235 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor: Michele DeYoe 646-2907 mdeyoe@ci.delafield.wi.us Alderpersons: District 1, Kent Attwell 367-1982 kattwell@ci.delafield.wi.us District 2, Jim Behrend 646-4599 jbehrend@ci.delafield.wi.us District 3, Jackie Valde 646-8678 jvalde@ci.delafield.wi.us District 4, Chris Smith 262-682-0116 csmith@ci.delafield.wi.us District 5, Matt Grimmer 262-271-5838 mgrimmer@ci.delafield.wi.us District 6, Al Zietlow 414-254-1454 azietlow@ci.delafield.wi.us District 7, Tim Aicher 646-5900 taicher@ci.delafield.wi.us 15 PRSRT STD U.S.POSTAGE PAID City of Delafield 500 Genesee St. Delafield, WI 53018 Delafield, WI 53018 Permit No. 13 Have you noticed a change in the wave action on Lake Nagawicka in the last few years? The Lake Welfare Committee is looking for your input. Some residents have commented that the wave action on Lake Nagawicka has been increasing to levels of concern from the everincreasing number of wake surfing and wake boarding boats being used on the lake Nagawicka. Wake surfing boats are capable of carrying a large ballast of water, designed to go 12-14 mph, and generating waves between 4 and 5 feet measured from the trough to the crest of the wave. The participant surfs just a few feet behind the boat during this activity. Wake boarding boats go a little faster with waves 2-3 feet high and the participant rides their board back and forth jumping the waves. As a comparison, new water ski boats are designed to generate wakes approximately 6 inches high. The Lake Welfare committee would like to know if the recent increases in these types of boats and activities have changed how you enjoy the lake. As a sailor, water skier, tuber, pontooner, kayaker, or paddle boarder, are you noticing this change? We’d greatly appreciate your positive or negative feedback on this topic. Please plan to stop by the regularly scheduled Lake Welfare committee meeting in February or March (6pm at City Hall on the 2nd Wednesday of each month) or send an email to gbrian@ci.delafield.wi.us with your comments. The Lake Welfare Committee will review all comments during these upcoming meetings and discuss the possible need for restrictions around the time of day, day of week or areas of lake regarding the use of these types of boats for this activity. Members of the Lake Welfare Committee perceive this as a difficult topic and one that other lakes both locally and nationally are discussing and struggling with as well. The boating industry has made considerable changes to their boat designs in recent years, and enthusiastic boaters are buying them at a rapid pace. With your input, we’re hopeful that we can address these concerns in a way that allows everyone equal access and enjoyment of this great natural resource we call Lake Nagawicka. Lake Welfare Committee
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