2016-05-25 PC ePacket
2016-05-25 PC ePacket
PLAN COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: May 20, 2016 TO: Mr. Tom Hafner, City Administrator FROM: Roger T. Dupler, City Planner RE: May 25, 2016 Plan Commission Agenda Items CC: City of Delafield – Plan Commission The following itemized descriptions are provided to facilitate a cursory review. Each entry corresponds to the May 25, 2016 Plan Commission meeting agenda items. All of the petitioner submitted documents and related data may be viewed in the meeting packet distributed by the Clerk. Consent Agenda: Motions for approval should specifically reference staff recommendation comments. 3a) Upper Nashotah Lake Property Association: Signage The Upper Nashotah Lake Property Association wishes to erect a sign to identify invasive species control measures at the boat launch on Valley Road. This sign will be posted on a residential property owned by Ms. Bonnie Leukert, in the easement created for lake access. The property owners surrounding Upper Nashotah Lake are afforded lake access on the western portion of the Leukert property. The sign conforms to setback requirements and size limitations. The colors of the sign match the residence colors. Recommendation: Approval 3b) Heritage Delafield: Business Plan of Operation The Heritage senior living facility wishes to open a leasing office in an existing tenant space of the Village Square north building. This office will be used until the new building is constructed and occupied. At that time they will relocate to the main facility. Hours of Operation are appropriate, there are no proposed changes to the architecture or site plan and the parking demand is unaffected. Recommendation: Approval. Engineers | Architects | Planners | Scientists Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc., 501 Maple Avenue, Delafield, WI 53018-9351 SEH is 100% employee-owned | sehinc.com | 262.646.6855 | 888.908.8166 fax Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 2 3c Starbucks: Temporary Business Plan of Operation During the process of interior remodeling their interior space Starbucks wishes to conduct business out of a trailer placed in the parking lot in close proximity to their building entrance. The trailer is placed so as to avoid conflict with the vehicle traffic in the parking lot and displaces four parking spaces. The anticipated use will extend through May 28, 2016. This petition was pre-approved by the Administrator and is on the Plan Commission agenda for concurrence. Recommendation: Approval. Unfinished Business 4a) Kowalski Kitchen and Bath: Site Plan and Architecture Kowalski Kitchen and Bath returns to the Plan Commission this month with revised architecture for a building addition. The addition will extend the existing footprint of the building to the east and present frontage along Milwaukee Street. The elements of the façade conform to the Downtown Delafield Design District Guidelines, Ord. 17.33. The improved elevation creates a parapet with a false gable that reflects the architectural character of the existing building. Colors and materials will match the existing building. Recommendation: Approval 4b) Steam Yard Coffee: Signage The Steam Yard returns to the Plan Commission this month with revised signage and placement of the drive-through menu board for consideration. The proposed building signs are to be installed on the north façade and east façade. Each exhibits 15sf and conform to the multitenant sign program. In addition an awning is proposed for the north elevation that spans the width of the existing storefront window. A logo is displayed on the awning that constitutes an additional 7.2 sf, this additional signage is also in conformance with the sign program. Four directional signs are placed about the building to identify the drive-through traffic route. These signs are 6sf each, 8sf is allowable by code. The proposed sign panel for inclusion in the shopping center monument sign is allowable as a panel substitution to an approved multitenant display. The menu board is mounted on the south elevation of the building and patron will communicate via a speaker system to the employees inside. This speaker is integral to the menu board and is within three feet of the travel lane. After installation staff will inspect the speaker and measure the decibels to ensure ordinance compliance. Recommendation: Approval contingent upon reduced directional signage. The number of signs proposed seems excessive. In addition the 6sf sign panels appear to be oversized. A more discrete presentation may be desired. In addition the proposed white posts and panel will be too obtrusive. Staff has shared these concerns with the applicant and a revised directional sign design is expected before the May 25 meeting date. New Business 5a) First Presbyterian Church: Amended Conditional Use Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 3 The Church wishes to upgrade their existing sign and replace the wooden post mounted panel with an architectural monument sign that is more complimentary to the building architecture. The proposed sign will exhibit a masonry base and an internally lighted panel above. A manual message board is positioned in the center of the display. This panel is designed for conversion to an electronic sign in the future. The electronic message center will require Plan Commission approval before conversion. The size of the sign respects the district regulations and location of the proposed sign is consistant with the current sign location. Recommendation: Approval, contingent upon input from the public hearing and recommend to the Common Council of the same. A motion to approve, approve with conditions, or deny should reference the Conditional Use criteria per ordinance. 5b) American Legion Post 196: Amended Conditional Use Site Plan and Architecture The American Legion Post wishes to enhance their existing building by creating an addition on the west side of the structure. The new space is created to accommodate a larger congregation area for events. In addition an auxiliary space is proposed on the east side of the building to house a walk-in freezer and storage. The existing building is placed parallel to Lapham Peak Road and provides for parking between the building and the street. The building is situated approximately 66’ from the center line of North Lapham Peak Road. Lapham Peak Road is not a platted right-of-way adjacent to the Legion building, however, a prescriptive right-of-way exists as a result of the City utilizing and maintaining the street for greater than 10 years. The width of a prescriptive right-of-way is 33’ from the centerline. As such, the existing front setback of the Legion building is 33’ and exists as a legal nonconforming structure since the R-3 district requires a front setback of 50’. The proposed eastside addition which is intended to house the walk-in freezer will further reduce the setback to near 24’, thereby increasing the nonconforming condition. The Legion is operating under a historic conditional use permit that affords flexibility in operational issues, it is not a Planned Development that would accommodate site plan flexibility. Therefore the proposed addition to the east elevation may not be considered achievable. The addition to the west side of the building is in full compliance with district regulations and may be moved forward if the Plan Commission desires. The proposed size and Floor Area Ratio of the west addition are well within the district regulations. With the additional building area the parking lot design must be modified to accommodate seven more parking spaces to satisfy the parking ratio requirements. . The proposed architectural presentation is designed as a military surplus Quonset hut in appearance. The unconventional style has some drawbacks that should be considered. The Building Inspector has expressed concern for satisfying the regulations of the commercial building code with this type of design. In addition the Legion Post may wish to consider an adaptive re-use of the building in the event it were sold. The Quonset style may not be attractive to future users. The Legion is a Conditional Use for their operation in the R-3 residential district as mandated by 17.46(6)(a), however there is no current record of the permit. At this time Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 4 staff recommends that the CUP be updated to the latest format and reapproved accordingly. Recommendation: Share with the petitioner direction for modifying their proposed architecture and site plan contingent upon public hearing input and direct staff to draft a new conditional use permit. A resubmittal of building plans, site plan, and conditional use permit may be considered on a future agenda. A motion to approve, approve with conditions, or deny should reference the Conditional Use criteria per ordinance. 5c) Lake Country School: Signage The Lake Country School supports the efforts of Boy Scout Eagle candidate Matthew Fried and his vision of creating a scoreboard for the Lake Country School baseball diamond. The scoreboard is to be placed east of the entrance drive well within the property and respects all required setbacks. The size of the sign conforms to code requirements, it is 40sf and post-mounted at 9.5’ high. Recommendation: Approval 5d) Fishbones: Site Plan, Architecture, and Amended Business Plan of Operation. The popular area restaurant wishes to increase the size of their existing deck on the east side of the building. Currently a small deck is accessible to patrons that provides views to the lake. The proposed plan will increase the deck to the east and north. The east extent of the new deck respects the required 10’ side yard setback. The north side of the deck extends to the front of the building and parallels Milwaukee Street. The building is a legal nonconforming structure in that it does not exhibit the mandatory 30’ front setback of the B-1A district. By limiting the deck to be consistent with the front façade of the building the nonconformity is not increased and may therefore be considered by the Plan Commission. The proposed deck will be surrounded by appropriate landscape materials and the green space between the deck and the existing pavement will be preserved. Parking spaces are unaffected and shall remain the same. The proposed deck will add 965sf of seating area. Recommendation: Approval 5e) Rogers Memorial Hospital: Amended Conditional Use Site Plan and Architecture Rogers Memorial Hospital purchased the former site of Cedar Creek Community Based Residential Facility (CBRF), as such they have assumed the existing Conditional Use Permit as well. The application introduces a new building to be erected for an ancillary use and associated site improvements. The CBRF allowances provide for use of residential structures as group housing for treatment centers. There are restrictions to the number of residents that impact the potential growth and development of the facility. Staff has recommended that the three residential lot be consolidated into one lot and treated as a campus rather than individual lots. With this modification the need for access easements and utilities easements are not complicated with extraneous requirements. In addition the Hospital may be afford greater flexibility in their campus planning. The preliminary plan illustrates the two existing residential buildings accommodating 16 units in one building and 8 in the other. The newly proposed garden center is the Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 5 northern building in the site plan. A new parking lot configuration is proposed with improved driveway access. The Fire Chief has reviewed the plan and does not have any issues with emergency vehicle access. Recent expansion of the gravel parking lot has been reviewed by the City Engineer and found to be acceptable. Since the new building does not introduce any residential units the parking demand is unaffected, however the proposed parking layout will further increase the available number of spaces for residents, guests and staff. The total Floor Area Ratio is far below the allowable amount and the required setbacks are respected by both building and parking. East facing parking spaces should be screened from the existing residential lots east of the subject site. A new sign is desired but has not yet been incorporated into the site plan. A cursory review of the submitted engineering documents has produced the following comments for revision prior to final approval: Storm Water Management • Recommend using the updated rainfall data (Atlas 14). Use of updated rainfall data will affect peak flow rates and an updated SWMP would be required. • WinSLAMM input data needs to be provided for review. • Soil test data needs to be provided to confirm soils information. Provide at least 1 boring for each facility being used for storm water management (RG1, Ex. Kettles 1 & 2); this may enable engineer to utilize a higher infiltration rate for modeling and determine if an underdrain for the rain garden is necessary. • Storm water easements are needed for each facility being utilized for the storm water management for the site (Water quality swale(s), rain garden and kettles) and provide in maintenance agreement. • The rain garden bottom elevation does not appear to be shown consistently between the SWMP and construction plans. • No wet detention basin facilities appear to be proposed and should be removed from the SWMA. Civil Plans • Ensure driveway entrance accommodates emergency vehicles; Fire Dept. needs to review prior to final approval. • Ensure that sanitary sewer easements are provided for existing sewer on property. Proposed sewer will also need easements if they are public. • The proposed sewer could be considered private; this would likely result in reduced pipe size but maintenance would be Owner's responsibility. This can be further discussed with City and Owner. In addition to the engineering comments a preliminary review of the submitted Certified Survey Map was conducted by the City Surveyor: CSM • • A vision easement must be incorporated at the driveway location. Easements for all City utilities must be illustrated in the final CSM. Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 6 Architecture of the proposed building is a contemporary rural design and reasonable compatible with the campus aesthetics. Colors and materials are complimentary to the other structure on site. The Hospital has the opportunity to create a masterplan of buildout expectations for review by the Plan Commission at this time. That information has been shared with the applicant but the understanding is that the campus will not be expanded in the future. Recommendation: Share with the applicant any issues or concerns and schedule a public hearing for final conditional use amendment. Zoning and Ordinance Revision 6a) Electronic Signs: Zoning Text Amendments The following is a reissue of the April staff report. In addition to the text amendments to be considered a graphic illustrating the percentages of electron sign potential is included in the packet as requested by the Plan Commission. The March Plan Commission meeting yielded substantive deliberation on the elements of electronic signage as it relates to the proposed text amendments described below. To justify and support the City’s authority to consider the regulation of electronic signs additional information from State Statutes is provided to demonstrate the WisDOT authority over highway signage. Both on premise and off premise signage is under the Departments jurisdiction up to 660’ from the travel lanes of the highway. In addition, regulations enforced by the Department are directly applicable to the proposed EMC district being considered by the Plan Commission. Excerpts from the State Statutes are herein provided for reference: § 84.30 Regulation of outdoor advertising. (2) DEFINITIONS. In this section, unless the context otherwise requires: (a) "Adjacent area" means an area which is adjacent to and within 660 feet of the nearest edge of the right-of-way of any interstate or primary highway or the Great River Road, which 660 feet distance shall be measured horizontally along a line normal or perpendicular to the center line of the highway. (3) SIGNS PROHIBITED. No sign visible from the main-traveled way of any interstate or federal-aid highway may be erected or maintained, except the following: (c) Signs advertising activities conducted on the property on which they are located if such on-property signs comply with applicable federal law and the June 1961 agreement between the department and the federal highway administrator relative to control of advertising adjacent to interstate highways. No on-property sign may be erected in a location where it constitutes a traffic hazard. If the department issues permits for outdoor advertising signs, the department is not required to issue permits for on-property signs that conform to the requirements of this paragraph. On-property signs may be illuminated, subject to the following restrictions: Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 7 1. Signs that contain, include or are illuminated by any flashing, intermittent or moving light or lights are prohibited, except electronic signs permitted by rule of the department. (4) SIGN CRITERIA. The department shall effectively control or cause to be controlled, the erection and maintenance of outdoor advertising signs, displays and devices that are erected subsequent to March 18, 1972 in all business areas. Whenever a bona fide county or local zoning authority has made a determination of customary use, as to size, lighting and spacing such determination may be accepted in lieu of controls by agreement in the zoned commercial and industrial areas within the geographical jurisdiction of such authority. In all other business areas, the criteria set forth below shall apply: (b) Signs may be illuminated, subject to the following restrictions: 1. Signs which contain, include, or are illuminated by any flashing, intermittent, or moving light or lights are prohibited, except those specified in par. (bm) and those giving public service information such as time, date, temperature, weather, or similar information. (bm) Signs may contain multiple or variable messages, including messages on louvers that are rotated and messages formed solely by use of lights or other electronic or digital displays, that may be changed by any electronic process, subject to all of the following restrictions: 1. Each change of message shall be accomplished in one second or less. 2. Each message shall remain in a fixed position for at least 6 seconds. 3. The use of traveling messages or segmented messages is prohibited. 4. The department, by rule, may prohibit or establish restrictions on the illumination of messages to a degree of brightness that is greater than necessary for adequate visibility. Message Duration • Current ordinance limitations on the rate of change for electronic messaging identified in 17.70(3) is one commercial message per 30 minutes. Noncommercial messages such as time and temperature are not regulated. The 30 minute rule was implemented in response to the number of churches that have employed EMCs throughout the City. Generally these churches are in direct association with residential uses and the intent of the 30 minute message duration protects the interests of the neighboring residents. • A 30 minute limitation does not accommodate the needs of businesses with direct exposure to our highway system that do not present conflict with residential uses. A shorter rate of change may be considered in these instances. At the February Plan Commission meeting Mr. Tom Strickler reiterated the WisDOT EMC regulations applicable to the State Highways. Regarding the rate of change, a single message must be displayed for at least 6 seconds (WisDOT sign regulation 84.30-2). With this knowledge the Plan Commission may wish to consider modifying the ordinance to accommodate EMCs for highway exposure separate from those throughout the balance of the City. Proposed zoning text amendments for consideration are as follows: Light Intensity: Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 8 The intensity of all electronic messaging systems should be regulated. A measure of intensity recommended in the industry is 0.3 footcandles above ambient lighting conditions. 17.70 - Exterior Lighting and Illumination of Signs. (1) All lighting for external illumination of buildings or grounds or for the illumination of signs shall be directed away from and shall be shielded from adjacent residential districts and shall also be so arranged as to not adversely affect driver visibility on adjacent thoroughfares (see § 17.235 and § 17.52(7)). (Am. #491) (2) The use of flashing or revolving lights other than traffic control lights is specifically prohibited in all districts. This prohibition shall apply to all signs, including portable or temporary signs. (3) Signs which convey changing noncommercial information such as time or temperature, by words, letters or images represented by lights of uniform color on a uniform background where the words, letters or images are not in motion are permitted. Such signs may not include changing advertisements for products or services or other messages of a commercial nature. The rate of change for any message, excepting time and temperature, may not be less than 30 minutes. (Am. #474; 719) (4) Light intensity of electronic messaging systems shall be limited to less than 0.3 footcandles above ambient lighting levels at the property boundary. EMC District • The City Expressway District 17.67(4)(b)6 already accommodates the use of a reader board in the I-94 corridor. The language may be modified to include EMCs. The size is regulated at 40sf, or 20% of the total sign area permitted. • The Plan Commission may wish to create a secondary zone for EMC application. This zone may be limited to Business zoned properties abutting the three highways. A proposed boundary is included in the packet. 17.67 – Signs Permitted in All Business and Industrial Districts. (10) Electronic message systems shall be permitted in Business zoned parcels directly abutting the rights-of-way of STH 83, USH 16, and I-94 or the associated frontage roads as delineated in the EMC Boundary District. (a) Only one electronic messaging system shall be permitted per lot. (b) Electronic messaging shall be limited to 20% of the allowable sign area. (c) Light intensity of electronic messaging systems shall be limited to less than 0.3 footcandles above ambient lighting levels at the property boundary. (d) Electronic messaging systems shall be limited to a rate of change not less than 6 seconds. No message shall be segmented. Downtown Delafield Design District: Included in the packet is a map that identifies the Downtown Delafield Design District. The design limitations unique to this boundary are verbalized in 17.30(1). Verbiage describing the intent of illuminated signage is in Section (g). To expound upon this description of aesthetic expectation the Plan Commission may consider additional prohibitions to regulate the use of electronic messaging from inside storefront windows. 17.30 – Design Guidelines for Special Design Review Districts. Plan Commission Staff Report May 20, 2016 Page 9 (1) Downtown Delafield Design District Guidelines. (m) Electronic message, both external and internal displays, shall be prohibited in the Downtown Delafield Design District. Recommendation: Approval, contingent upon public hearing input and recommend the proposed amendments to the Common Council. The City attorney shall be directed to prepare the ordinance to reflect any changes as directed by the Plan Commission. 6b) Comprehensive Plan Amendment: Text Amendment In response to direction received at the April Plan Commission meeting an ordinance has been drafted for action and recommendation to the City Council. This ordinance removes from the Comprehensive Plan the requirement for a maximum 30% reduction in Planned Unit Development lot sizes. Recommendation: Approval and recommend to the Common Council. END OF REPORT Q:135503/8-planning/Staff Reports 2016 CITY OF DELAFIELD (262) 646-6220 Plan Commission Meeting Agenda Wednesday, May 25, 2016 7:00 p.m. **CITY HALL COMMON COUNCIL CHAMBERS** 500 Genesee Street, Delafield, WI 53018 Call Plan Commission Meeting to Order. Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call. PUBLIC HEARING #1: LOCATION: OWNER/APPLICANT: MATTER: Conditional Use Amendment – Site Plan and Signage DELC 0789.981 1851 Genesee Street, Delafield. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Applicant seeks to amend the conditional use permit to allow a site plan amendment and new sign architecture. PUBLIC HEARING #2: LOCATION: OWNER/APPLICANT: MATTER: Conditional Use Amendment – Site Plan and Architecture DELC 0798.977.001 333 North Lapham Peak Road, Delafield. AMERICAN LEGION POST 196 Applicant seeks to amend the conditional use permit to allow for a modified site plan and building addition architecture. 1. 2. 3. Approve Plan Commission meeting Minutes of April 27, 2016 meeting. City of Delafield Citizen’s Comments pertaining to subjects on this agenda. Consent Agenda: Consent Agenda items are considered in one motion, in accordance with the Staff Report recommendations, unless a Plan Commissioner or staff member requests that an item be removed from Consent consideration. a. b. c. 4. DELC 0624.003, 34268 Valley Road, Delafield. Owner: Bonnie Leukert. Applicant: Upper Nashotah Lake Property Association. Applicant seeks approval of a permanent sign to identify invasive species control measures. DELC 0733.998.002, 3037 Village Square Drive, Delafield. Owner: Delafield Investments LLC. Applicant: Lake Country ALF LLC. Applicant seeks approval of a Business Plan of Operation for a leasing office for Heritage Delafield. Hours of operation, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, and Sunday, Noon to 5 p.m., with one parttime and one full-time employee. DELC 0804.982, 2900 Golf Road, Delafield. Owner: Ramco Delafield II LLC. Applicant: Starbucks. Applicant seeks approval of a temporary Business Plan of Operation to conduct business out of a trailer during interior remodeling. Hours of Operation and employees are the same as the existing restaurant operation. Unfinished Business a. DELC 0798.001, 600 Milwaukee Street, Delafield. Owner: DMK Investments. Applicant: Kowalske Kitchen and Bath. Applicant seeks approval for building addition architecture and site plan. b. DELC 0733.998.002, 3152 Village Square Drive, Hartland. Owner: Delafield Investments LLC. Applicant: The Tomi Group. Applicant seeks approval of building signage, directional signage, monument signage. and drive through menu board for Steam Yard Coffee. Plan Commission Agenda – May 25, 2016 Page 2 5. New Business a. b. c. d. e. DELC 0789.981, 1851 Genesee Street, Delafield. Owner/Applicant: First Presbyterian Church. Applicant seeks to amend the conditional use permit to allow a site plan amendment and new sign architecture. Recommend to the Common Council of the same. DELC 0798.977.001, 333 North Lapham Peak Road, Delafield. Owner: American Legion Post 196. Applicant: Architectural Expressions. Applicant seeks to amend the conditional use permit to allow for a modified site plan and building addition architecture. Recommend to the Common Council of the same. DELC 0737.995.001, 1800 Vettelson Road, Hartland. Owner/Applicant: Lake Country School District. Applicant seeks approval of a permanent sign and scoreboard. DELC 0797.084 1704 Milwaukee Street, Delafield. Owner/Applicant: Sobczak Development 1704 LLC. Applicant seeks approval of a site plan to enlarge the existing dining deck at Fishbones Cajun & Creole Restaurant and to amend the Business Plan to include outdoor music. DELC 0790.999.001, 0790.999.002, 0790.999.003, 277 Oakwood Drive, Delafield. Owner: Rogers Memorial Hospital Incorporated. Applicant: TWP Architecture. Applicant seeks approval of a preliminary Certified Survey Map, site plan and architecture for a new accessory building. 6. Zoning and Ordinance Revision. a. Discussion and action regarding proposed text amendments for 17.70(3) Electronic signs. Recommend to the Common Council of the same. b. Discussion and action to amend the Comprehensive Plan regarding Planned Development Lot Reduction restrictions. Recommend to the Common Council of the same. 7. Reports of City Officials a. Clerk 1. Plan Commission Meeting Dates & Deadlines Meeting: June 29, 2016 Regular submittal deadline: June 15, 2016 Public Hearing submittal deadline: June 1, 2016 b. Planner c. Building Inspector 8. Correspondence a. Letter from Lake Country School District Administrator re support of the proposed Scoreboard Sign. b. Letter from Bark River Farm, Pamela Krainik, re support of proposed amendment to the Conditional Use Permit sought by owners of the Rustic Manor property. 9. Adjournment Persons requiring an interpreter or other assistance should contact the City Clerk-Treasurer's office 72 hours prior to the meeting. Notice is hereby given that a majority of the Common Council or any other board, commission or committee may be present at the meeting of the Plan Commission scheduled the last Wednesday of the month, May 25, 2016 to gather information about a subject in which they are interested. This constitutes a meeting of the Common Council and any other board, commission or committee pursuant to State ex rel. Badke v. Greendale Village Bd., 173 Wis. 2d 553, 494 2d 408 (1993), and must be noticed as such, although said boards, commissions or committees will not take any formal action at this meeting. Deputy Clerk-Treasurer JO Posted: 2016-05-20 X City Hall Bulletin Board X Faxed to Newspapers X Website 61JJV ]' C-Itboj kol L afleld PERMANENT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION DEADLINES - Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. Applications will be placed on the Consent Agenda for Plan Commission approval. A complete submittal includes the following: 175 Application Fee Completed and signed application Site plan showing the location of the new signs on the property and/ or building Color rendering showing the dimensions, color and text of each sign Photograph of existing building with indication of where sign is to be placed Downtown properties are subject to the approved historic color pallet, which is on file at City Hall** Following the Plan Commission meeting, if the Business Plan of Operation is approved, sign permit will be issued by the City Planner. PROPERTY INFORMATION Subject 3 Property Address: Vii Number/ Subject Property Business Name: R D G Lf l gg Street/ n 0 A A uitel I UN Si j i) AtA TAX KEY NUMBER: DELC A L a kG y 1 R Do E C% kz () Roy J 1 w APPLICANT INFORMATION / Applicant: I L b S fir,E Contact: Mailing 16 Address: J a CQ LIR A AS C/ E, e r 7/-- E J— / Phone: ( LOVE E - Mail Address: 3 6 I/ / FMA,/ Dnh' AC6u2C/!_= 21 Number / StrEet/ Suite State City Zip PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION BQ AN i C Owner: Contact: & N Ni LEU L r L. E R4 Phone: kE 4 0 E - Mail Address: . LSO 1V1V / Signature: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: PRIOR TENANT: B. P. O. APPLIED FOR/ APPROVED: Revised: December 18, 2013 CITY PLANNER R J1EViED Dru -C, 0 Co Z-4-, 00-5, y/ 2 - -30-5- — YES NO l C / E U/ f 2 InE , C M City Lot StCDaoatuetdety SThihaveign :s of of of lRgeouascirtmanetdios,n 3, I of 1` sItsiutcorlveey f WJsrpoeuiracfroodvnwpsye)yeorsdtny, made the the 1 I no O is w the and tLndforher to athebove wvexistthebriniloe in SS c, its a Wbeocundhamirsiets,coAve2496 deexsccluribseivde year one ( Ia o p pdayfrroopmerty use 0th if the and of the any. the plorceas inot aandbove Amaptohwuegnresortf. E w to wz ' 1 1 O b o w w w 1) ro b9 of Delafield, 1 t hs 0 L. A 22. 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SIGNATURE contaied remains are by use its acur y sign g productin the s. anywa in ksignxor as r • • •, • r ASSOCIATION ,, BOAT LANDING INFORMATION TITIS PROPERTY HAS 24- HOUR SECURITY SURVEILLANCE VIEDO INSTALLED THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY AND YOU ARE TRESPASSING IF: 1' nu are not a member oft he Upper Nashotah Lake Recreational Property Association or are not authorized by the Association or Property Owner to be here. Swimming and fishing are not allowed on this property at anytime. No one is allowed to cross this property to ice fish or gain access to the lake at anytime. You will be subject to arrest if you are trespassing. Mailmal Please watch out for children and pets when using this property. Please be quiet and turn down your radio when oil the property. 1) u not block the driveway to the homeowner' s garage or the boat launch ramp. Do not pull onto the driveway pavers by the homeowner' s garage. Dn not drive on the edges of the asphalt drive. No parking is allowed on the driveway. No overnight parking is allowed. Remove your trash from the property. No Smoking on the property. Hours of operation: 6: 00am to 10: 00ptn. RULES FOR BOAT LAUNCH AND BOAT fEQUIPMENT WASH DOWN AREA. When using this property please be respectful of the landowner and family. The Association does not own any of the huildings and only has the right to use the driveway, the boat launch, and the grass area from the driveway to the fence on the West. You must enter the property from the East, using the drive closest to the house. Pull around the drive and back onto tier wash area to inspect your equipment. A wash station/ parking area has been installed for your use. It is located on the south side of the Garden Shed. Grass pavers have been installed along the wash station/ grass parking area that will support a vehicle and trailer. You can transition from the asphalt to this grass area without any prohlem. Do not drive onto any other grass areas. Every boat and piece of equipment going into and coming out of the lake must be inspected, cleaned, and free of any invasive Species. Leave any weeds or other Invasive Species on the ground by the wash area. Do not throw them in the lake. Please turn the water off and return the hose to the hose storage area after you are done. After you have cleaned your boat, trailer, and equipment get your boat and trailer ready to go into the lake. Remove the chain and place it to the side. Do not drive over it. Please back your vehicle and trailer down the ramp so you are not blocking the circular drive and the approach to the homeowner' s garage. Do not drive your boat onto the trailer when removing your boat from the lake.' rhe water is shallow and this practice is causing major problems to the lake bottom. Please lock the chain to the post after you have pulled your equipment from the lake. o not use the exit by the house when leaving the property; use the exit to the West. X CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, Payee: Date: WI 53018 ROBERT LACOURCIERE Time: 1: 38 PM 5/ 11/ 2016 Receipt Number: 00001 / 42162 Clerk: sj ITEM AMOUNT REFERENCE PCAPP SIGN PERMIT 34268 VALLEY 175. 00 PC APP FEE Total: Check 4216 Change: THANK YOU 175. 00 175. 00 0. 00 mO m (I) -fc: mz zo iD> 1:;rn m(l) 0 Electronically Recor@d 4100679 WAUKESHA COUNTY, WI REGISTER OF DEEDS ACCESS AND USE EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND James R Behrend Recorded On:09/18/2014 9:16:58 AM Total Fee: $30.00 Page(s): 15 Transfer Tax: $0.00 RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL Document Number Document Title Recording Area Name and Return Address: John H. Shore Davis & Kuelthau, s.c., 300 N. Corporate Drive, #150 Brookfield, WI 53045 PIN: DELC0624.003 ACCESS AND USE EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL Document Number Document Title Recording Area Name and Return Address: John H. Shore Davis & Kuelthau, s.c., 300 N. Corporate Drive, #150 Brookfield, WI 53045 PIN: DELC0624.003 ACCESS AND USE EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL THIS ACCESS AND USE EASEMENT AGREEMENT AND RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL ("Agreement") is dated as of September 17th, 2014, by and between UNLRP A LLC, a Wisconsin limited liability company ("Grantor") and Upper Nashotah Lake Recreational Property Association, Inc., a Wisconsin nonstock corporation ("Grantee" or "Association"). RECITALS Grantor and Grantee acknowledge the following: A. Grantor owns that certain real property legally described on the attached Exhibit A and depicted on the attached Exhibit E (the "Grantor Parcel"). B. Pursuant and subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, Grantor desires to grant to Grantee and Grantee desires to accept from Grantor an easement for ingress and egress on, over, through and across that portion of the Grantor Parcel legally described on the attached Exhibit B and depicted on the attached Exhibit E (the "Easement Area") for purposes of access to Upper Nashotah Lake. AGREEMENT In consideration of the Recitals, the mutual agreements that follow and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Grantor and Grantee hereby agree as follows: 1. Consideration. As consideration for the easement and right of first refusal granted herein to Grantee by Grantor, Grantee hereby grants and assigns to Grantor the opportunity and right: (i) to subject the Grantor Parcel to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the Upper Nashotah Lake Recreational Property recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Waukesha County, Wisconsin, on March 3, 2014, as Document No. 4068388 and as thereafter and hereafter amended, restated and supplemented (the "Declaration"), and (ii) to acquire a membership interest in the Association, with all of the benefits, rights, privileges, duties, obligations and burdens appurtenant to a membership interest in the Association as described in the Declaration. 2. Grant of Easement. Pursuant and subject to the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, Grantor on its own behalf and on behalf of the successors and assigns of Grantor's interest in the Grantor Parcel, hereby grants to Grantee and Grantee's successors and assigns, and Grantee hereby accepts from Grantor, a permanent and perpetual easement on, over, through and across the Easement Area for the benefit of the Grantee and Grantee's members, and the successors and assigns of the Grantee and the Grantee's members, for the Permitted Use (as defined below). 3. Use and Scope of Easement. Grantee shall have the exclusive use of the Easement Area legally described on the attached Exhibit C, and the non-exclusive use in 1 conjunction with Grantor and the successors to Grantor's fee interest in the Grantor Parcel to the Easement Area legally described on the attached Exhibit D, for vehicular (with or without trailer) and pedestrian ingress, egress and access to and from the high water mark of Upper Nashotah Lake and the adjacent public right of way known as Valley Road (the "Permitted Use"). The exclusive use referred to herein extends to Grantee's members by license described in the Declaration and as otherwise provided in this Agreement. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, Grantee shall not exercise any riparian right in or on the Easement Area except for the Permitted Use. 4. Non-Interference. Grantor agrees not to obstruct or otherwise erect any barrier or physical impediment which would impede, impair or prevent the Grantee's use of the Easement Area for the Permitted Use, and Grantee agrees that Grantee's use of the Easement Area for the Permitted Use shall not unreasonably interfere with Grantor's use and ownership ofthe Grantor Parcel, including, without limitation the Easement Area legally described on Exhibit D, provided, however, that Grantor's use of the Easement Area legally described on Exhibit C for a Permitted Use is premised and exclusively based upon Grantors being a member of the Association, and Grantor's use of the Easement Area legally described on Exhibit C for a Permitted Use in any capacity other than in the capacity of a member of the Association, is strictly prohibited. Unless exigent circumstances require otherwise, Grantee's use of the Easement Area shall be after 7:00a.m. and before lO:OO.p.m. Central Standard Time each day. 5. Construction and Maintenance. (a) Grantor's Maintenance Obligations. Grantor shall, at Grantor's sole cost and expense, be solely responsible for all maintenance and repair of the driveway located within the Easement Area legally described on Exhibit D. Grantor shall cause all maintenance, repair and replacement activities to be completed in a good and workmanlike manner. For purposes of establishing a standard of condition, the driveway shall be devoid of material potholes, cracks, ruts or washboard. (b) Grantee's Maintenance Obligations. Grantee shall, at Grantee's sole cost and expense, be solely responsible for all maintenance and repair of the Easement Area legally described on Exhibit C. Grantee shall cause all maintenance, repair and replacement activities to be completed in a good and workmanlike manner. (c) Standard of Driveway Condition. For purposes of establishing a standard of driveway condition, the driveway surface shall be devoid of material potholes, cracks, ruts or washboard. Grantee shall keep the Grantor Parcel free from any and all liens arising out of any work performed, materials furnished or obligations incurred by or for Grantee resulting from its maintenance and repair obligations contained herein, and agrees to bond against and discharge any such lien within thirty (30) days after written request therefore by Grantor. Grantee shall reimburse Grantor for any and all reasonable costs and expenses which may be incurred by Grantor by reason of the filing of any such liens and/or removal of the same, such reimbursement to be made within a reasonable time of receipt by Grantee from Grantor of a statement setting forth the amount of such costs and expenses. 2 6. Real Estate Taxes. Commencing with the 2015 calendar year, Grantee shall pay to Grantor One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) as Grantee's annual contribution for real estate taxes. Grantee shall make said contribution payment to Grantor on or before December 31 of each calendar year. Grantor shall be solely responsible for the timely payment of all real estate taxes and special assessments, regardless of kind or nature, assessed against or imposed upon the Grantor Parcel. 7. Indemnification; Insurance. (a) Grantee Indemnification. Grantee agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantor from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses of every kind and nature and all suits, actions and judgments (including reasonable attorneys' fees), arising or occurring from Grantee's use, maintenance, act or omission on or related to the Easement Area, including, without limitation, any injury or damage to any person (including death) or property caused by Grantee's use of the Easement Area or by the Grantee's failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Grantor shall give prompt and timely notice of any claim made or suit or action commenced against Grantee which would in any way result in indemnification under this Section 7(a). (b) Grantor Indemnification. Grantor agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Grantee from and against any and all liabilities, claims, demands, losses, damages, costs and expenses of every kind and nature and all suits, actions and judgments (including reasonable attorneys' fees), arising or occurring from Grantor's use, occupation, maintenance, act or omission on or related to the Easement Area, including, without limitation, any injury or damage to any person (including death) or property caused by Grantor's use of the Easement Area or by the Grantor's failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement. Grantee shall give prompt and timely notice of any claim made or suit or action commenced against Grantor which would in any way result in indemnification under this Section 7(b). (c) Grantee Insurance. Grantee shall carry and maintain or cause to be carried and maintained comprehensive public liability insurance naming Grantor as an additional insured and insuring against injury to property, person, or loss of life arising out of use or maintenance of the Easement Area by Grantee in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) on an occurrence basis (the "Grantee Policy"). The Grantee Policy may take the form of an umbrella policy. Grantee shall deliver to Grantor certificates, including a certification by the insurance carrier that such coverage shall not be cancelled, allowed to lapse or be modified, except upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Grantor. Grantee agrees to indemnify and hold Grantor harmless for any losses in excess ofthe insurance coverages stated herein. (d) Grantor Insurance. Grantor shall carry and maintain or cause to be carried and maintained comprehensive public liability insurance naming Grantee as an additional insured and insuring against injury to property, person, or loss of life arising out of use, occupancy or maintenance of the Easement Area by Grantor in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) on an occurrence basis (the "Grantor Policy"). The 3 Grantor Policy may take the form of an umbrella policy. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee certificates, including a certification by the insurance carrier that such coverage shall not be cancelled, allowed to lapse or be modified, except upon thirty (30) days' prior written notice to Grantee. Grantor agrees to indemnify and hold Grantee harmless for any losses in excess of the insurance coverages stated herein. 8. Default; Remedies. (a) In the event either party shall default in the performance of any of its obligations under the terms of this Agreement, the non-defaulting party shall forward written notice to the defaulting party describing such default. The defaulting party shall cure such default within 30 days after the giving of such notice, except that the cure period shall be extended to a reasonable time to cure any default that cannot reasonably be cured within the 30-day period, provided the defaulting party has commenced to cure within the 30-day period and diligently pursues a cure at all times thereafter until the default is cured. If the defaulting party shall fail or refuse to cure such default within the applicable cure period, the non-defaulting party may attempt to cure the default and shall be reimbursed by the defaulting party for all reasonable, actual costs incurred in so doing, and the non-defaulting party can take any action allowed by this Agreement, law, or equity to enforce its rights, including, without limitation (unless otherwise provided in this Agreement), obtaining injunctive relief, which the parties recognize is an appropriate remedy since monetary damages may not be sufficient. The parties agree that in no event will injunctive relief preventing Grantee's use of the Easement Area for a Permitted Use as contemplated in this Agreement be an appropriate remedy in the event of the breach of or default under this Agreement or under any other circumstances. The defaulting party agrees to pay all reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred by the non-defaulting party resulting from any default by the defaulting party, regardless of whether litigation is actually commenced. (b) Pursuit of any of the foregoing remedies shall not, unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, preclude pursuit of any ofthe other remedies herein provided or any other remedies provided by law or equity (all such remedies being cumulative), nor shall pursuit of any remedy herein provided constitute a forfeiture or waiver of any amounts due to Grantor under this Agreement or of any damages accruing to Grantor or Grantee by reason of the violation of any of the terms, provisions and covenants herein contained by the other party. No waiver by Grantor or Grantee of any violation or breach of any of the terms, provisions and covenants of this Agreement by the other party shall be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of any other violation or breach of any of the terms, provisions and covenants of this Agreement. Forbearance by Grantor or Grantee in enforcing one or more of the remedies herein provided or available at law or in equity upon an event of default by the other party shall not be deemed or construed to constitute a waiver of such event of default or of the non-defaulting party's right to enforce or seek or obtain any such remedies with respect to such event of default or any subsequent event of default. If, on account of any breach or default by Grantor or Grantee of its obligations under the terms and conditions of this Agreement, it shall become necessary or appropriate for the other party to employ or consult with an attorney concerning or to enforce or defend any of said other party's rights or remedies, then the 4 defaulting party agrees to pay any reasonable attorneys' fees so incurred. The terms and conditions of this Section 8 shall survive termination ofthis Agreement. 9. Force Majeure. Each party shall be excused from performing any obligation or undertaking provided in this Agreement, except any obligation to pay any sums of money under the applicable provisions hereof, in the event and so long as the performance of any such obligation is prevented or delayed, retarded or hindered by act of God, fire, earthquake, floods, explosion, actions of the elements, war, invasion, insurrection, riot, mob violence, sabotage, inability to procure or general shortage of labor, equipment, facilities, materials or supplies in the open market, failure of transportation, strikes, lockouts, action of labor unions, condemnation, requisition, laws, orders of governmental or civil or military or naval authorities, or any other cause, whether similar or dissimilar to the foregoing, not within the respective control of such party. 10. Extensions and Renewals. By virtue of Wis. Stat. § 893.33 currently in effect, agreements regarding real estate set forth in recorded instruments may be unenforceable after the expiration of various time periods, unless an instrument as prescribed in the statute is filed for record. It is hereby agreed that the terms set forth in this Agreement are to be extended beyond the applicable time period set forth in the statute. Either party hereto, any successor or assign of either party hereto and/or any subsequent owner of the Grantor Property or of a Grantee Member's Property if the Association is no longer in existence, may, from time to time, file of record the proper instrument for the purpose of extending the terms stated herein beyond the statutory period so that such easements and conditions are not terminated. 11. Breach Shall Not Permit Termination. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary including anything contained in Section 8 above, it is expressly agreed that no breach or default of this Agreement by Grantee shall entitle Grantor or anyone acting on Grantor's behalf to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Agreement or the easement granted herein. 12. Captions. The captions of the paragraphs and sections of this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not be considered nor referred to in resolving questions of interpretation and construction. 13. Consent. In any instance in which either party to this Agreement shall be requested to consent to or approve of any matter with respect to which such party's consent or approval is required by and of the provisions of this Agreement, such consent or approval shall be given in writing, and shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, unless the provisions of this Agreement with respect to a particular consent or approval shall expressly provide that the same may be given or refused in the sole and absolute judgment of such party. 14. Estoppel Certificate. Each party hereby severally covenants that upon written request of the other party, it will issue to the other party, or to any mortgagee, or any other Person specified by such requesting Party, an estoppel certificate stating: (i) whether the party to whom the request has been directed knows of any default under this Agreement, and if there are known defaults, specifying the nature thereof; (ii) whether to its knowledge this Agreement has been assigned, modified or amended in any way (and if it has, then stating the nature thereof); 5 and (iii) that to the party's knowledge this Agreement as of that date is in full force and effect. Such statement shall act as a waiver of any claim by the Party furnishing it to the extent such claim is based upon facts contrary to those asserted in the statement and to the extent the claim is asserted against a bona fide encumbrancer or purchaser for value without knowledge of facts to the contrary of those contained in the statement, and who has acted in reasonable reliance upon the statement. However, such statement shall in no event subject the party furnishing it to any liability whatsoever, notwithstanding the negligent or otherwise inadvertent failure of such Party to disclose correct and/or relevant information. 15. Benefits. All of the terms and conditions in this Agreement on the parties' part to be performed (whether affirmative or negative in nature) and all of the benefits, rights, duties, obligations and burdens in this Agreement are intended to and shall run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, the members of the Association Qointly but not severally with respect to the duties, obligations and burdens), and each of their respective successors in title or interest. The easement granted in Section 2 above is an easement in gross intended for the direct and immediate benefit of Grantee and its successors and assigns and the Association's members and the successors in interest to said members' parcels of real property that are or become subject to the Declaration. The parties' acknowledge and agree that if and in the event the Association fails to exist for any reason, including, but not limited to, corporate dissolution, whether dissolved voluntarily, involuntarily, administratively or otherwise, the easement granted in Section 2 above shall run with and be appurtenant to: (i) the parcels of real property which at the time of the occurrence of the Association's failure to exist were subjected to the Declaration, as evidenced by and/or in said Declaration and in any amendment or supplemental filing thereto, and (ii) the riparian properties derived from those parcels, and said parcels and riparian properties shall to the extent provided above in this Section 15, inure to all ofthe Grantee's benefits, rights, duties, obligations and burdens contained in this Agreement. The parties acknowledge and agree that the number of members of the Association may increase to the extent provided for in the Declaration, and that any such increase in Association membership and corresponding increase, if any, in the use of the Easement Area by Grantee, shall not constitute an increased burden on the Grantor Parcel or more than a di minimis enlargement of use of the Easement Area by Grantee. 16. Condemnation. If all or any part of the Grantor Parcel or the Easement Area is condemned or taken by any duly constituted authority for a public or quasi-public use, then that portion of the resulting award attributable to the value of any of the Easement Area so taken shall be payable only to Grantee for any land taken in the Easement Area, and that portion of the resulting award attributable to the value of the Grantor Parcel other than the Easement Area shall be payable only to Grantor. 17. Right of First Refusal. Grantor on its behalf and on behalf of the successors to Grantor's fee simple interest in the Grantor Parcel hereby grants to Grantee a right of first refusal to purchase the Grantor Parcel as provided for herein. In the event Grantor receives a bona fide offer to purchase or otherwise acquire the Grantor Parcel from a third party at any time during the period of time the easement granted in Section 2 above is in effect, Grantor shall deliver to Grantee a fully signed purchase agreement with such third party, which purchase agreement shall (a) be expressly contingent on Grantee's election not to exercise its right of first refusal, (b) set 6 forth an all cash purchase price for the Grantor Parcel, (c) be for the sale of the Grantor Parcel only, (d) otherwise set forth such terms and conditions as are usual and customary in a real estate purchase agreement. Grantee shall have the right to exercise its right of first refusal within thirty (30) days after Grantee's receipt of such fully executed purchase agreement from Grantor by notifying Grantor that Grantee will purchase the Grantor Parcel on the terms and conditions set forth therein. If Grantee shall not so notify Grantor within such period, Grantor may within ninety (90) days thereafter sell or otherwise transfer the Grantor Parcel to the bona fide third party that is party to the purchase agreement on the same terms and conditions as are set forth in the fully executed purchase agreement delivered to Grantee. If Grantor does not so sell, lease or otherwise transfer the Grantor Parcel within such ninety (90) day period, the terms of this right of first refusal shall again apply to any subsequent sale, lease, conveyance or other transfer during the period the easement granted in Section 2 above is in effect. Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, (e) Grantor may not solicit, consider or entertain offers for parts, portions or parcels of the Grantor Parcel, and may sell, lease or otherwise transfer the Grantor Parcel only in its entirety and only for cash consideration, and (f) the Grantee's right of first refusal contained herein shall not apply to (i) the conveyance of the Grantor Parcel to Bonnie L. Leukert, or to her revocable trust, (ii) Bonnie L. Leukert's conveyance of the Grantor Parcel to her revocable trust or vice versa, or (iii) Bonnie L. Leukert's or her revocable trust's conveyance of the Grantor Parcel to one or more of Bonnie L. Leukert's lineal descendants, provided that Bonnie L. Leukert, her revocable trust and any of Bonnie L. Leukert's lineal descendants to whom the Grantor Parcel is to be conveyed executes a writing acknowledging said transferees' knowledge of the existence of this Easement and agreement that she, he or it will continue to recognize its enforceability by Grantee. 18. Governing Law; Construction. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The language used in this Agreement is the language chosen by both parties to express their mutual intent, and no rule of strict construction shall apply against either party. 19. Not a Public Dedication. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Grantor Parcel to the general public or for the general public or for any public purpose whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall be strictly limited to and for the purposes herein expressed. 20. Severability. If any term, provision or condition contained in this Agreement shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement (or the application of such term, provision or condition to persons or circumstances other than those in respect of which it is invalid or unenforceable) shall not be affected thereby, and each term, provision and condition of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, a Mortgagee (or its assigns) succeeding to the interest of a party hereunder shall only have obligations and liability for events happening or amounts accruing on and after the date it obtains legal title to a party's interest in a Parcel. 21. Successors. This Agreement shall, except as otherwise provided herein, run with the land, both as respects benefits and burdens created herein, and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit ofthe successors and assigns of the respective parties. 7 22. Time of Essence. Time is of the essence with respect to the performance of each ofthe covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement. 23. Notices. Notices required under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed to be properly served on receipt thereof if mailed postage prepaid by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses or at such other address or such other person as may hereafter be specified by the parties. Grantor: UNLRPA,LLC c/o Robert J. Lacourciere, Authorized Representative 3728 N. Hickory Lane Oconomowoc, WI 53066 Grantee: Upper Nashotah Lake Recreational Property Association, Inc. c/o Bob Lacourciere, President 3728 N. Hickory Lane Oconomowoc, WI 53066 24. Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended by written agreement of all of the parties to this Agreement or by their respective successors and assigns. 25. Termination. This Agreement shall be perpetual, unless otherwise terminated by the unanimous written consent of all of the parties. 8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor and Grantee have executed this Access and Use Easement Agreement as of the date first written above. GRANTOR: UNLRPA,LLC Name: Robert . Title: Authorized Representative STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF WAUKESHA ) ) ss. ) On September _Q_, 2014, before me personally came ROBERT J. LACOURCIERE, to Title: President STATE OF WISCONSIN COUNTY OF WAUKESHA On September /7, ) ) ss. ) 2014, before me personally came ROBERT J. LACOURCIERE, to me known to be the ; This document John H. Shore, Esq. the foregoin instrumen -9_ +011\RY' \ \No!ar)j ublic, State c, ; f;j ,,,,'Afrt OF ,,,, Davis & Kuelthau, s.c. '''''""''''''' 300 N. Corporate Drive, Suite 150 Brookfield, WI 53045 State Bar No. 1011128 9 d acknowledged the same. EXHIBIT A Grantor Parcel Lot 3, Breck's Subdivision, being a subdivision of a part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Town 7 North, Range 17 East, City ofDelafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin. 10 EXHIBITB Easement Area Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Lot 3, Breck's Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Town 7 North, Range 17 East, City of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, and the point ofbeginning ofthe easement described; thence N 36°45'00" E 150.13 feet to a point of meander of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 87°06'38" E 33.00 feet along a meander line of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 08°19'42" W 61.45 feet; thence S 59°06'38" E 70.85 feet to the North Right of way line of Valley Road; thence S 83°00'00" W along said North Right of way line 176.00 feet to the point of beginning, also all lands lying between the meander and the shoreline of Upper Nashotah Lake. 11 EXHIBITC Easement Area to be maintained by Grantee Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Lot 3, Breck's Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Town 7 North, Range 17 East, City of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; thence N 36°45'00" E 71.00 feet to the point of beginning of the easement described; thence N 36°45'00" E 79.13 feet to a point of meander of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 87°06'38" E 33.00 feet along a meander line of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 08°19'42" W 61.45 feet; thence S 89°14' 59" W 71.41 feet to the point of beginning, also all lands lying between the meander and the shoreline of Upper Nashotah Lake. Containing 3703 sq. ft. or 0.08 Acres ofland. 12 EXHIBITD Easement Area to be Maintained by Grantor (circular drive area) Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Lot 3, Breck's Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Town 7 North, Range 17 East, City of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; and the point of beginning of the Easement described; thence N 36°45'00" E 71.00 feet to a point; thence N 89°14'59" E, 71.41 feet; thence S 59°06'38" E 70.85 feet to the North Right of way line of Valley Road; thence S 83°00'00" W along said North Right of way line 176.00 feet to the point ofbeginning. Containing 5840 sq. ft. or 0.13 Acres of land. 13 Hilmer ....... +:>. Associates LLC & Land Surveying W2!7 Vista Drive Total Easement Description: Office: 262-567-5893 Fax: 262-567-6235 E-mail: Philmer@wLrr.com Oconomowoc, W:l. 53066 Commencing at the Southwest Comer of Lot 3, Breck's Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Qua.tter of Section 22, Town Easement Exhibit 7 North, Range 17 East, City of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin, and the point of beginning of the easement described:thence N 36°45'00" E 150.13 feet to a point of meander of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 87°06'38" E 33.00 feet along a meander line of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 08°19'42" W 61.45 feet; thence S 59°06'38'' E 70.85 f-eet to Notes: the North Rightofwa:y line of Valley Road; thence S 83°00'00" W along said North Right of way line 176.00 feet to the -bearings referred to the West line of Lot 3 as point of beginning, also all lands lying between the meander and the shoreline of Upper Nashotah Lake. N 36°45' E assumed. r Maintenance EasementDescrintion: -No Title policy has been provided for this survey, Commencing at the Southwest Corner of Lot 3, Breek's Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Town therefore, not easements rf any, have been depicted 7 North, Range 17 East, City of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; and the point ofbegiuning of the Easement on this map. described: thence N 36°45'00" E 71.00 feet to a point; thence N 89°14'59" E, 7!.41 feet; thence S 59°06'38" E 70.85 feet - Scale: 1" = 40' to the North Right of way line of Valley Road; thence S 83°00'00" W along said North Right of way line 176.00 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5840 sq. ft. or 0.13 Acres ofland. Association Maintenance Easement Deserintion: Commencing at the Southwest COmer of LOt 3, Breck's Subdivision of Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Town 7 North, Range !7 Ea<rt, City of Delafield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin; thence N 36°45'00" E 71.00 feet to the point of beginning of the easement described: thence N 36°45'00" E 79.13' feet to a point of meander of Upper Nashotalt Lake; Upper Nashotah Lake thence S 87°06'38" E 33.00 feet along a meander line of Upper Nashotah Lake; thence S 08°19'42" W 61.45 feet; thence S Water Elevation: 872.5 on 6/28/13 89°14'59'' W, 71.41' feet to the point ofbeginning, also all lands lying between the meander and the shoreline of Upper Nashotah Lake. Containing 3703 sq.ft. or0.08 Acres ofland. (J>fatteda.,ss<u4•5J . •E 137 .., ...;....... 7 5' ! OJ ....J._ _ _ _ l egend:' '3.qb' ,_ -• indicates I" iron pipe found . -'.-! --lill.4' o indicates l.315"0D x 18" iron pipe set ,: . weighing 1.63 lbs/ft. Shoreline/ OHWM Elev. 872.7 jI f ;1 t·"' Lot4. Prepared for: lJNLRPA Inc. c/o Kenneth Kuehn 12489 N. Royal Ln. Mequon, WI. 53095 Prepared by.. H' ili=&AA . Paul J HI.l ocmtes LLC ,, Well j. /9 -.of iJ ,<§l -'- ... W217Vl.oD""' 1 conomo (262) "67 woe, WJ.53066 => -5893 O SW Cor. Lot n6oo·-. L ,__--3 -- / 1 / ;' ' -- p o e (typ.) PP __ _:r 53•E 31 en c < CD '"C \ s S.<>... -I m a "C l{.. . .. ..•. . // OJ 0 to shoreline 0.6SAcres \/![Fence / , <$' . ,::_,_:...<Access Easement ,, .• ' /, / ../ "•' "' 29854 >< :::c '< Lot 3 -'' ' f o• ;I ,f ., i m CD 376.45' /'.-,-----./ •'-'-''"' \f' Bit. .,- -'-.....; ------ \00 Edge ofPav,;;;;;-- C) Elec. Pad l- '< . - - - - - Utilitv Valley Road (66') 33.00' :::+ /o; . . .__ "'""' \. PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA APPLICATION DEADLINES - Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office by the following deadlines: Regular applications are due 7. 5 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting, Public Hearing applications are due 28 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting A complete submittal includes one set of the following documents: Completed and signed Plan Commission Agenda Application and Professional Services Reimbursement Form. Completed New Business Occupancy Form for the Police Department. (New Businesses only) Completed Lake Country Fire and Rescue Department Occupancy Application fee with check made payable to the City of Delafield. Any other documents as requested by the City Planner. * inspection State" nent & Invoice ( New Businesses only) NOTE: Ifsubmitting plans larger than 11" x17, pleasesubmltone (1) set offull-size plans which shall be folded as well as one reduced size copy. Plan Commission meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 7PM at City Hall in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. Applicants MUST be In attendance at the meeting or action WILL NOT betaken by the Plan Commission. Please contact city Planner Roger pupler with any questions regarding this application at 414-949-8914, rdunler(dlsehinc.com. INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE POSTED TO THE AGENDA PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name; signatu Mailing lunetuna Phone - Day: 7 1) 1, ucy — Phone - Evening: 10 E - Mail Address; APPLICANT INFORMATION Skip if /11 5, the some as above) Name; _ / Mailing Address: v Q)..). 1__ J` '( (_ a J J fi/ 1' Il{. i ) j Suite/ Unit City s State t YlJ JS/ c(. Zip Phone - Evening: Phone - Day: E -Mail Address: / 1( 1? _. 4-) `' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: DATE SUBMITTED CI•T'y FLNNER Pez.e, D91C-33a M. 002_- RoAsod: Wodnosday, April t5, 2016 Crealed: Monday, April 6, 2010 15. duc SdPonn*%PC FormalPC Agonda Applicarl on for 13Po Only - REVISED 20th-04. mw'X P, m , I a FEE TYPE OF REVIEW APPLICANT IS REQUESTING BUSINESS PLAN OF OPERATION - NEW BUSINESS - Zoning Code Section 17. 33 90 ' ? ( Tax Key: must be filled in by the applicant) DELC ' - =-' - Business Address: 3 U C.. siness Type: v(> J '! f./ < Al/ 1` Business Name: / j 3 1 -' l I`; r" t ' /"- c. j 50 Part -Time #_ Number of Employees: #_ Full -Time p. m. a. m. to Saturday: a. m. to p. m. Sunday: / a. m. to p. m. Proposed Hours of Operation: Weekdays: c. r. BUSINESS PLAN OF OPERATION - AMENDMENT - Key: Zoning Code Section 17. 33 must be filled in by the applicant) DELC ( Business Address: City Suite/ Unit Zip 50 18usiness Name: nding: Owner Location Hours Employees Use Ing From: Ing To: SINESS PLAN OF OPERATION - TEMPORARY - Key: Zoning Code Section 17. 33 must be filled in by the applicant) DELC ( Business Address: Suite/ Unit City Zip 50 Business Name: Reason for Temporary Business Plan of Operation: Date( s) of Operation: Created: Monday, April 6, 2010 Revised: Wednesday, April 16, 2016 S: 1Fon1ta1PC FomiclPC Agenda Application for SPO Only - REVISED 2016. 04. 16. doc Citi/ of PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 3. 16 of the Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City of Delafield for costs, expenses and fees charged the City of Delafield by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner or other professional consultants retained by the City, and which services relate to the following: PROJECT NAME; PROJECT ADDRE SEND ALL INVOICES TO: A/ b' _ 614 11XQ 101/ I V NAME & ADDRESS) TAX KEY NO.: I represent and warrant to the City that I am authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and/or Property Owner, and in those cases where the Applicant and/ or Property Owner is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other business entity ( herein collectively " Business Entity"), I represent and warrant that the Business Entity is authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin, is a Business Entity in good standing, and that I have been authorized to execute and bind the Business Entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OR PARTY IGNAATUR.E & APPLICANT NAME, MAILING ADDRESS,, SII, DATE: 4 J Signature (Required) Printed Name r ( Zip State City Mailing Address f7 j I Phone E- mail Fax DATE ( If different than that of the PROPERTY OWNER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGNATURE & Applicant): f } _ k II A, 240/ Printed Name _ Signature ( Required) Mailing Address City 0 Phone Fax Date Zip State r' S'! —'.(: 92, ) by Attorney A) ofe w r E- mail' Hammes on 2014- 07- 30 / Hammes - 2014. 07. 31. 00cx (&PDF) S: 1FormsTC FofmONProfessional Services Reimbursement Agreement - Revised 1 C 1D 10- e) (. 1w_ City of Delafield Police and Fire Departments Occupancy Listin Business Name: Address: ,7 % Knox Box: Telephone Number: Type of Alarm Company: No Yes Alarm System' No Yes Alarm Co. Telephone: Alarm: If yes, attach additional information. Yeslo Hazardous Materials/ Conditions: Building Owner: Name: Addres a Ci 5; Daytime Telephone ( 9. x) . c j 1 IS - After Hours Telephone: j- Pager: j> ( Cell Telephone: ! Occupant Owner(wlanager,> Name: 9)') Address: ( ay rl rfj Daytime Telephone: 5 >`.> ` ` 5 Cell Telephone: t I Ci` =' i i` i Z; 21-0 // , y; z + `> ' 3 After Hours Telephone: ( C°!f ` it7 fr a cG ' 9 4 3s) Pager: Key -holders in call order: 1) Telephone 2) Pager 3) Cell Name: 1) ( r% r, C>ci, y ter' 3(l J f S~et " J n Name: _ % r' bio ter> i 3) 2) C> Narnre: , ,, '% 1) ( N:-. c ".. 3) 2) lJ r ,/ 3)3) IfIf buildingbuilding isis maintainedmaintained byby aa ManagementManagement CompanyCompany provideprovide theirtheir contactcontact information:information: 1010 CompanyCompany Name:Name: / / fI)fI)ee, , , , ContactContact Person:Person: (` (` DaytimeDaytime Telephone:Telephone: ref(,).=) ref(,).=) ii )) AfterAfter HoursHours TelepTelep AnyAny changechange inin information information shouldshould bebe reportedreported toto thethe CityCity ofof Delafieid Delafieid PolicePolice Department Depart ( ment ( 262.262. 646.646. 62406240 faxfax 262.262. 646.646. 6242)6242) andand thethe FireFire Department Department ( ( 262.262. 646.646. 62356235 fax:fax: 262.262. 646.646. 6236).6236). TheThe CityCity ofof DelafieldDelafield hashas adoptedadopted anan ordinanceordinance regulatingregulating falsefalse alarms.alarms. TheThe ordinanceordinance isis foundfound inin Chapter 9 Section 28 of of the Municipal Municipal Code. Code. Lake Country Fire & Rescue 115 Main Dear Business Owner: Welcome to the City of Delafield! We hope your preparationFire goes& smoothly as you prepare to Rescue, we would like to business. As open your of the representatives Lake Country request that you contact our department to schedule an occupancy inspection prior to the opening of your business. Lake Rescue is responsible for performing fire inspections twice a year. Country Fire & Beginning in 2015 we have instituted an occupancy inspection program for new business owners to ensure that your new business meets all the fire safety requirements of the City of Delafield and the State of Wisconsin prior to your opening. Our purpose is to ensure you, your staff and customers have a safe place to conduct business. The inspection should not take long and we will make every effort to schedule the inspection at your convenience. Please contact us at 262- 646-6235 at least one week prior to the opening of your business to schedule your inspection. There is a check a $ 50 fee for this inspection to Lake payable to lake Country Fire & Rescue. Please send Rescue, 115 Main Street, Delafield, WI 53018 or payment by Country Fire & check may be made at the time of inspection. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Again, we welcome you and wish you much success in your business! Sincerely, The Staff of Lake Business Owner: Rescue Country Fire & l,' "' , Alt. Contact: ,... .{{ 19Sa Email Address: , Name of Business: 3 i 7/ % l zl--t)` x i3 ( k'?') 7/' !. (/ I/ ! " R c..,' ir / Check# o Opening: Phone ( 262) 646- 6235 71 11);:-' V" I t / c v// Anticipated Date of J> QTc •, , , ; , Location: ) .- 1/ Alt. Phone: c+ ..-c._Ir. rr Phone X 7( i7( 17( 1. lnkC(' Otltit?,1lf i-e..c0771 ax ( 262) 646- 6236 CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, Payee: WI 53018 HERITAGE ASSISTED LIVING 5/ 18/ 2016 Time: 1: 49 PM Receipt Number: 00001 / 42238 Date: Clerk: sj ITEM AMOUNT REFERENCE PCAPP LAKE COUNTY ALF BPO 50. 00 PC APP FEE Total: Check 4523 Change: THANK YOU 50. 00 50. 00 0. 00 General Contractor Construction Manager May 5, 2016 City of Delafield Re: Starbucks Coffee Temporary Trailer –2490 Golf Road – Temporary Business Plan Roger Dupler & Tom Hafner: We are writing this letter to request permission to utilize a temporary trailer (food truck) set up at the Starbucks Coffee Location on Golf Road during the renovation of the store. Below are bullet points describing details of the temporary trailer use as well as photos of the trailer being used at other sites in Wisconsin. The current building is occupied by Starbucks Coffee, U.S. Cellular, SuperCuts, Message Envy, Radio Shack, FedEx, and Five Guys Burgers. The mobile trailer is a way for Starbucks to maintain a relationship with their customers during the renovation. It is a walk up only facility. The mobile food trailer will be on-site and in operation for (10) days starting May 17th and closing on May 27th with the store renovation being completed and opening up again on May 28th. The operation hours of the mobile food trailer would be from 6AM to 6PM to capture their typical peak hours of business. The mobile food trailer will occupy (4) parking spaces as shown on the attached site plan and photos. Power, water, and sanitary waste will be addressed by utilizing the existing starbucks space utilities fed to the trailer through a removed section of glazing. This trailer is licensed with the Department of Agriculture, which is attached. The Waukesha County Health department has accepted the use of this trailer and that correspondence is also attached. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions or to discuss certain items in more detail. CREATIVE CONSTRUCTORS LLC Andrew J. Sisler Project Manager Attached: Google Earth Site Plan Trailer Photos Landlord Approval Correspondence Waukesha County Health Approval Correspondence Retail food establishment License – Mobile Operation An Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Company N83 W13430 Leon Road, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 | (p) 262-502-7710; (f) 262-502-7709 Friday, March 25, 2016 9:49 AM Screen clipping taken: 3/25/2016 9:49 AM Delafield Page 1 Andrew J Sisler From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Candace Perry <cperry@starbucks.com> Friday, April 15, 2016 1:22 PM Spencer Crabb Andrew J Sisler; Judy Laskosky RE: #9581 - Delafield - Remodel Hi Spencer, Thank you for the approval on the trailer. I will be available Mon. & Tues. next week to discuss the walk, but will be out of the office the remainder of the week. Candace Perry | Construction Project Manager Starbucks Coffee Company P: 312.560.3385 | E: cperry@starbucks.com OOO: 4.20.16 ‐ 4.24.16 ‐‐‐‐‐Original Message‐‐‐‐‐ From: Spencer Crabb [mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com] Sent: Friday, April 15, 2016 1:14 PM To: Candace Perry Cc: Andrew J Sisler; Judy Laskosky Subject: Re: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Yes the trailer can be used. I would like to discuss the proposed walk next week, now that we both have been on site. Spencer Crabb Tenant Coordinator Ramco‐Gershenson, Inc. 31500 Northwestern Highway Suite 300<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://12/1> Farmington Hills, MI 48334<x‐apple‐data‐detectors://12/1> Direct: 248‐592‐6016<tel:248‐592‐6016> Cell: 248‐798‐0290<tel:248‐798‐0290> Fax: 248‐592‐6017<tel:248‐592‐6017> scrabb@rgpt.com<mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com> 1 On Apr 14, 2016, at 1:41 PM, Candace Perry <cperry@starbucks.com<mailto:cperry@starbucks.com>> wrote: Hi Spencer, Are we approved to use the temp. trailer during the duration of our remodel? Candace Perry | Construction Project Manager Starbucks Coffee Company P: 312.560.3385 | E: cperry@starbucks.com<mailto:cperry@starbucks.com> OOO: 4.20.16 ‐ 4.24.16 From: Spencer Crabb [mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2016 3:37 PM To: Candace Perry Cc: Andrew J Sisler; Judy Laskosky Subject: RE: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Candace, I left you a message today, when you have a chance please give me a call regarding this. I have a few Questions Spencer Crabb Tenant Coordinator Ramco‐Gershenson, Inc. 31500 Northwestern Highway Suite 300 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Direct: 248‐592‐6016 Cell: 248‐798‐0290 Fax: 248‐592‐6017 scrabb@rgpt.com<mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com> From: Candace Perry [mailto:cperry@starbucks.com] Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 1:49 PM To: Spencer Crabb Cc: Andrew J Sisler; Judy Laskosky Subject: RE: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Thank you for the update. I look forward to hearing from you on Thursday. 2 Candace Perry | Construction Project Manager Starbucks Coffee Company P: 312.560.3385 | E: cperry@starbucks.com<mailto:cperry@starbucks.com> From: Spencer Crabb [mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com] Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 8:54 AM To: Candace Perry Cc: Andrew J Sisler; Judy Laskosky Subject: RE: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Candace, I did receive the drawings from Brian. I am just waiting to hear back from our property manager to make sure these location are ok with her. She is out of the office until Wednesday, so I should have an answer to you by Thursday. Spencer Crabb Tenant Coordinator Ramco‐Gershenson, Inc. 31500 Northwestern Highway Suite 300 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Direct: 248‐592‐6016 Cell: 248‐798‐0290 Fax: 248‐592‐6017 scrabb@rgpt.com<mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com> From: Brian Blizzard Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 9:48 AM To: Candace Perry Cc: Andrew J Sisler; Spencer Crabb Subject: RE: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Hi Candace, The drawing review for this remodel will be done by Spencer Crabb in our Tenant Coordination department. You can contact Spencer at 248‐592‐6016 scrabb@rgpt.com<mailto:scrabb@rgpt.com> Thank you, 3 Brian Blizzard Construction Project Manager Western Portfolio Ramco Gershenson Inc 31500 Northwestern Highway Suite 300 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 248‐592‐6318 o 248‐592‐6318 f 248‐318‐8190 m From: Candace Perry [mailto:cperry@starbucks.com] Sent: Monday, April 04, 2016 9:34 AM To: Brian Blizzard Cc: Andrew J Sisler Subject: RE: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Hi Brian, I hope you had a nice weekend. I am following up on the below request. Candace Perry | Construction Project Manager Starbucks Coffee Company P: 312.560.3385 | E: cperry@starbucks.com<mailto:cperry@starbucks.com> From: Candace Perry Sent: Wednesday, March 30, 2016 10:11 AM To: 'bblizzard@rgpt.com<mailto:bblizzard@rgpt.com>' Cc: 'Andrew J Sisler' Subject: #9581 ‐ Delafield ‐ Remodel Hi Brian, This e‐mail is in regards to the Starbucks located at 2940 Golf Rd. ‐ Delafield, WI 53018. We have a remodel scheduled to begin May 15th ‐May 27th at this store and I wanted to get your approval on a few items prior to our construction start. ∙ The first item is an additional exterior door to be added that would allow us to take our trash out through our back of house instead of the café. We are requesting to add a stoop and walkway per the attached sketch. 4 ∙ To keep the Starbucks brand alive during a renovation we are requesting the use of our Temp Café trailer. It would parked in front of our space and take up approximately 4 parking spaces. Please see attached sketches. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Best Regards, Candace Perry | Construction Project Manager Starbucks Coffee Company P: 312.560.3385 | E: cperry@starbucks.com<mailto:cperry@starbucks.com> 5 Andrew J Sisler From: Sent: To: Subject: Quandt, Trevor <TQuandt@waukeshacounty.gov> Monday, May 2, 2016 10:32 AM 'Andrew J Sisler' RE: Starbucks Delafield Inspection Great, then everything should be fine. Trevor From: Andrew J Sisler [mailto:asisler@creativeconstructors.com] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 10:24 AM To: Quandt, Trevor <TQuandt@waukeshacounty.gov> Subject: RE: Starbucks Delafield Inspection Ok, yes we always keep one restroom available for the employees. Thank You, Andrew J. Sisler Creative Constructors LLC Project Manager PH: 262‐502‐7710 Direct: 262‐345‐3953 Fax: 262‐502‐7709 Mobile: 414‐531‐3695 From: Quandt, Trevor [mailto:TQuandt@waukeshacounty.gov] Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 10:05 AM To: 'Andrew J Sisler' <asisler@creativeconstructors.com> Subject: RE: Starbucks Delafield Inspection Andrew, If the trailer will be on property you won’t need a license from us and you can go ahead and use it with the stipulation that employees have a restroom to use. 1 Trevor From: Andrew J Sisler [mailto:asisler@creativeconstructors.com] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:33 AM To: Quandt, Trevor <TQuandt@waukeshacounty.gov> Subject: RE: Starbucks Delafield Inspection Yes, it has a 3 compartment sink, hand sink, refrigerators..etc. There are (2) trailers that they use, one of them is larger than the other and the larger one has a Retail Food Establishment License Mobile Operation through the department of Agriculture. I think they want to use the smaller one here though and that one does not have a license from the dept of Ag because it isn’t used often in Wisconsin. I believe when we did this in Waukesha it was set up similar to what you do at the fair, if I remember right there was a $100.00 fee and an application I filled out. Thanks, Andrew J. Sisler Creative Constructors LLC Project Manager PH: 262‐502‐7710 Direct: 262‐345‐3953 Fax: 262‐502‐7709 Mobile: 414‐531‐3695 From: Quandt, Trevor [mailto:TQuandt@waukeshacounty.gov] Sent: Monday, May 2, 2016 8:22 AM To: 'Andrew J Sisler' <asisler@creativeconstructors.com> Subject: RE: Starbucks Delafield Inspection Andrew, I put you on the schedule for May 27th at 12:00. If something changes let me know. In terms of a trailer, is it a fully commercial unit with hand‐wash station, ware‐washing, refrigerating, etc? Also, do you remember if you received a permit from us, or DATCP for that? Trevor 2 From: Andrew J Sisler [mailto:asisler@creativeconstructors.com] Sent: Monday, May 02, 2016 8:17 AM To: Quandt, Trevor <TQuandt@waukeshacounty.gov> Cc: 'Candace Perry' <cperry@starbucks.com> Subject: Starbucks Delafield Inspection Trevor, Sounds like you are aware of the renovation of the Starbucks in Delafield on Golf Road. We will be starting the work on 5/16 and will be looking for a final inspection on 5/27 around 12:00PM, would we be able to get that scheduled now? Also we would like to put up a temporary trailer for Starbucks to server out of with walk up only service during the renovation. We did this another time at the HWY 18 location a few years ago, what would you need as far as an application and fee to do this? We would look to have it inspected on the morning of 5/17. Thanks, Andrew J. Sisler Creative Constructors LLC Project Manager PH: 262‐502‐7710 Direct: 262‐345‐3953 Fax: 262‐502‐7709 Mobile: 414‐531‐3695 3 PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA APPLICATION elafielcl Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office by the following deadlines: Regular Public Hearing to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting due applications are applications are due :. ... A complete submittal includes one set of the following documents: ir ' Ig".,a , t' i l: ilial!' iie. SiCili 3 = :„ FY" yCt. lic3 t't. i.,:, ; a:iit{3C'! anu i'' ft3TCSSkti3s; di Services Reimbursement Form. aevv Bu mess Occupancy Form for the Police Department. ( New Businesses only) Coy Fire lizry Rescue Department and Occupancy Inspection Staternent & Invoice ( New Businesses only) v . tiE a ; axe witt check made payable to the City of Delafield.' r omens as requested by the City Pianm * al <<< NOTE: If submitting plans larger than 11" x 17". please submit one (1) set of full-size plans which shall be folded as well as one reduced size copy. Plan Commission meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 7PM at City Hall in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. be in Applicants attendance at the meeting be taken by the Plan Commission. Please contact City or action ; Planner Roger Dupler with any questions regarding this application at 414- 949- 8914, rdupler@sehinc. com. w t. AIIPLL I -E SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE POSTED TO THE AGENDA PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: Signature: Mailing Address. City Suite/ Unit 41 LAi D t- 7L Phone - Day: E - Mail Address: I' -' KOL3 ` 1 C Phone - Evening: _ State Zip Z_ kL- o- APPLICANT INFORMATION Skip if it is the some as above) Name: Mailing Address: (. eoo 4' A V,` we•' `'- City Suite/ Unit Phone - Day 3ttli:9 -' E- Mail Address t OgQ j 11- l- '.-)- L . ,_., _t Ste. nol • ' I- 7- q` 4 0 ) ''(—,,— , Phone - k, SLf- . e . , C, -- Evening: ; State G 1- 1 Zip FEE TYPE OF REVIEW APPLICANT IS REQUESTING Please check the box by the item you are applying for. g C CD ( TAX KEY: DELC must be filled in by the applicant) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 0 Written explanation of project Scaled site plan ( 1" - 100 or larger scale) r SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 18. 31 200 Certified Survey Map Title Report SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Scaled site plan ( 1" - Code Section 17. 40- 42 100 or larger scale) showing: Property boundaries and dimensions, yard setbacks and easements 250 Existing building and proposed buildings elevations and floor plan Existing and proposed driveways and off-street parking areas Existing and proposed vegetation Any additional information requested 9i si iJfi' shit Rearing 1 Permit for Planned Developments Pan ( GDP) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 75- 76 Title Report 250 General site plan General landscape plan Building elevation plans ( if available) General grading and storm water management plan Any additional information requested C-` rmit 'foi i'' Ia( 2 ecl t.,ievliupinen s P §mi ( SIP) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 75- 76 Detailed site plan Detailed landscape plan Building elevation plans Sign plans and colored rendering Colored rendering of the building Lighting plan ( if required) Construction site erosion control plan ( if required) Grading and storm water management plan ( if required) Any additional information requested 350 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS — Zoning Code Section 17. 28- 29 Detailed site plan Sign plans and colored rendering Colored rendering of the building Lighting plan ( if required) Construction site erosion control plan ( if required) 150 Grading and storm water management plan ( if required) Scaled site plan ( 1" - 100 or larger scale) showing: Property boundaries and dimensions, yard setbacks and easements Existing building and proposed buildings elevations and floor plan Existing and proposed driveways and off-street parking areas Existing and proposed vegetation Any additional information requested vi, Zoninq q_' — Code Section 18. 31 Certified Survey Map r-, — 75 Zoning Code Section 18. 27- 28 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 190 Approved Preliminary Plat Zoning Code Section 18. 27- 28 F- 1 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS Approved Preliminary Plat Flet ! ess 190+ 2 per acre than 20 acres —Zoning Code Section 18. 25- 26 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 250 Preliminary Plat Title Report 12 t ' Vore thars 2U acres —Zoninq Code Section 18. 25- 26 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 250+ 2 per acre Preliminary Plat Title Report a, r, ra=:. z rnp, c, ssive Clan Amendment From: to SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 87- 88 Plat of Survey with legal description Concurrent approval requested by ( please check one): Certified Survey Map General Development Plan ( GDP) Preliminary Plat Conditional Use If applying for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment also include the following: Written justification sighting Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives to support requested action 250 1 of 1 Page abouLolank I A q EX1aflelcl PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 3. 16 of the Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City of Delafield for costs, expenses and fees charged the City of Delafield by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner or other professional consultants retained by the City, and which services relate to the following: PROJECT NAME: C) 6 PROJECT ADDRESS: SEND ALL INVOICES TO: NAME & ADDRESS) TAX KEY NO.: I represent and warrant to the City that I am authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and/ or Property Owner, and in those cases where the Applicant and/ or Property Owner is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other business entity ( herein collectively " Business Entity"), I represent and warrant that the Business Entity is authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin, is a Business Entity in good standing, and that I have been authorized to execute and bind the Business Entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OR PARTY APPLICANT NAME, MAILING ADD R1 A -k+- 1 a\- - 1.'. ICS W a.,, E & DATE: 13 L--..._ S%ibAii. U—• Date lie S- City Mailing Address 2(p - NA U gto re ( Required) Printed Name to 0 AA')I S, SI U —'-{ 1 Zip State lL 3 — i1 t r.` ` rLe . SIGNATURE & PROPERTY OWNER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, vl-. Mailing Address Phone Revised by Attorney Hammes on 2014- 07- 30 Date Signature ( Required) City Fax c, r DATE ( If different than that of the Applicant): Printed Name ls 1c., E- mail Fax Phone v State Zip E- mail PDF) Reimbursement Agreement - Hammes - 2014- 07- 31. Docx (& S \ Forms\ PC Forms\ Professional Services CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, Payee: Date: WI 53018 KOWALSKE DESIGN STUDIO 5/ 18/ 2016 Receipt Number: Time: 1: 54 PM 00001 / 42241 Clerk: sj ITEM AMOUNT REFERENCE PCAPP SITE PLAN 150. 00 PC APP FEE Total: Check 1102 Change: THANK YOU 150. 00 150. 00 0. 00 L arty of elafleld PERMANENT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION DEADLINES - Applicatlons are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. Applications will be placed on the Consent Agenda for Plan Commission approval, A complete submittal Includes the following: 175 Application Fee Completed and signed application Site plan showing the location of the new signs on the property and/ or building Color rendering showing the dimensions, color and text of each sign Photograph of existing building with indication of where sign is to be placed Downtown properties are subject to the approved historic color pallet, which Is on file at City Hall" Following the Plan Commission meeting, if the Business Plan of Operation is approved, sign permit will be issued by the City Planner, PROPERTY INFORMATION + Subject Property Address: 11 1 1 5 V ` u ,_ C 1 r-TAX r KEY NUMBER: pE ( 6' 1_ ktl o Number/ Street/ Suite U Subject Property Business Name: - iJ ` V r L(/l \I APPLICANT INFORMATION Appllcant: I' he nv, o" T— Phone; _ LAO", Contact: 0- 4 0T - CMA, S3oSR W State ury G YYtct 4L WIJ E- Mail Address: it MailingAddress: _ Q_( Zip PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Owner:'' '__^ Phone: - 7 ZU - p Q r Contact: . 1 M o ` yC ([. E - Mail Address: C C1 - m + IN(. btlo\ 0 \` 0' ilgnature: FOR LY DATE SUBMITTED I Revisedr December 18, 2013 ter CITI' Fid°aNER F Vi lrycC pv-L 07-3.3• ?0-00Z LIAR 1 6 2016 A, iAA j City of Je1afiCld 191, 91. 1 - PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 3. 16 of the Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City of Delafield for costs, expenses and fees charged the City of Delafield by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner or other professional consultants retained by the City, and which services relate to the following: PROJECT NAME: 50D z1 PROJECT ADDRESS: SEND ALL INVOICES TO: b 6Z>) c l Uo < SV o NAME & ADDRESS) TAX KEY NO.; I represent and warrant to the City that I am authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and/or Property Owner, and in those cases where the Applicant and/ or Property Owner is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other business entity ( herein collectively " Business Entity"), I represent and warrant that the Business Entity is authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin, is a Business Entity in good standing, and that I have been authorized to execute and bind the Business Entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OR PARTY APPLICANT NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGNATURE & DATE: fh,e " Tool KbLkp Printed Name Signature (Required) 6c))4 Ta 3-- lq- t4a -s " Mailing Address Date 4a.J& 6©5E State City Zip 21tv 2_' 2.110 W—Ak , Phone Fax E- PROPERTY OWNER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGNATURE & c.#Vvt ail TE If different than that of the Applicant): Printed Name J M e_r ' e V 500 ` ecl e - Signature( Wquired) L Mailing Address 72Z,- 5-111116 Date o City GG Phone x z3 D State a Iir e- . i OCL 6Lc C) ( L Fax E- mail Revised by Attorney Hammes on 2014-07-30 S: 1Forms1PC FormslProfessional Services Reimbursement Agreement - Hammes - 2014- 07- 31. Docx (& PDF) 178. 69" w x 12" h channel iettermg, ou. a Maximum / otter h, height which h., rght a . nIn,or for 32 . p— I 1- 5" depth channel lettering mounted flush to front wall facade above entrance high ahov ( Quantity 1) yield a 238" o,' lg. 11 Milwaukee CUSTOMER: Tami & Tom Loper SALESPERSON: Nate Cass SigTnarama- REVISIONS. Remove ' COMPANY" text COMPANY: Steam Yard Coffee Company DESIGNER: Sarah Schauf. En;,. ge, i, annei to fit www. milwaukee- signs. com SIGNVOX N: QT- PROOF DATE: 04/ 27/ 2016 PLEASE CHECK ALL PROOFS FOR ACCURATE, SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND LAYOUT. Signarama Milwaukee will not be held responsible for correcting mistakes on approved artwo, Q 414. 273. 7446 ® 272 N. 12n" 414. 273. 7447 ST. MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 240" w x 36" h printed fabric awning mounted above front windows and entrance quantity 1) CUSTOMER: COMPANY: SIGNVOX #: Tami & Tom Loper Steam Yard Coffee QT -9514 PLEASE CHECK ALL PROOFS FOR SALESPERSON: Company DESIGNER: PROOF DATE: ACCURATE SPELLING, PUNCTUATION fS1gTnhe aramur a Nate Cass Sarah Schauf 04/ 11/ 2016 AND LAYOUT. Signa—,, Milwaukee will not be held responsible for correcting mistakes on approved artwork. w w W. IT ilwa u a e- si g ns. c o m Q 414. 273. 7446 O 414. 273. 7447 272 N. 12 - ST. MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 178. 69" w x 12" h 5" depth channel lettering Channel ta. Iettenng i, _., be , oI",— rmi-- ao .. , of ._, mounted flush to front wall facade above entrance high I( oro ,, quantity 1) Milwaukee CUSTOMER: Tami & Tom Loper SALESPERSON: Nate Cass R,--, ' COMPANY: SIGNVOX #: Steam Yard Coffee QT - Company DESIGNER: PROOF DATE: Sarah Schauf Signarama k( VISIONS. Fnlar9c COMPANY cli-- 1- 1 The way to Brow your business. 1 Igitcrinry Co fit 9p—, 04/ 27/ 2016 PLEASE CHECK ALL PROOFS FOR ACCURATI. SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND LAYOUT. Signarama Milwaukee will riot behold responsible for correcting mistakes on approved artwork. www. mil waukee- signs. com 0 414. 273. 7446 272 N. 12TH 0 414. 273. 7447 ST. MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 Eill x 75" h x 6" deep digitally printed vinyl exterior side wall menu sign placeholdershown, not actual design layout) on an acrylic substrate with a steel frame mounted in 73. 5" w space on rear exterior wall of restaurant quantity 1) kee CUSTOMER: Tami & Tom Loper SALESPERSON: Nate Cass RIVISIONS t,,,, , COMPANY: SIGNVOX #: Steam Yard Coffee QT- Company DESIGNER: n to n. ak-,:, n V, Sarah Schauf Sfgnarama Thewayto9rowyourbu: me: s. www. mil Waukee - signs. com PROOF DATE: 05/ 10/ 2016 PLEASE CHECK ALL PROOFS FOR ACCURATIf SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND LAYOUT Siynarama Milwaukee will not be held respunsible for correcting mistakes on approved artwork. 0 414. 273. 7446 272 N. 12t" O 414. 273. 7447 5T. MILWAUKEE. WI 53233 3152 VILLAGE SQUARE DR., DELAFIELD WI 36" w x 24" h digitally printed U- 35 intermediate adhesive vinyl with gloss laminate applied to 0. 25' dibond material and mounted to 4x4x48" post set 24' into ground quantity 4) CUSTOMER: COMPANY: SIGNVOX p: Tami & Tom Loper Steam Yard Coffee Company CT- SALESPERSON: DESIGNER: t Nate Cass Sarah Schauf StgTnarama www. m ilwaukee- signs. com PROOF DATE: 05/ 10/ 2016 Q 414. 273. 7446 272 N. 12 '" 8 414. 273. 7447 ST. MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 STEAM YARD COFFEE 171" w x 29" h digitally printed intermediate adhesive vinyl decal applied to polycarbonate face with 1. 5" retainer around quantity 2) CUSTOMER: COMPANY: SIGNVOX #: Tami & Tom Loper Steam Yard Coffee QT- SALESPERSON: Company DESIGNER: fStdnarama Nate Cass Sarah Schauf www. milwaukee- signs. com PROOF DATE: 05/ 10/ 2016 PLEASE CHECK ALL PROOFS FOR ACCURATE. SPELLING, PUNCTUATION AND LAYOUT Signa n. Milwaukee will not be held responsible for correcting mistakes on approved artwork. Q 414. 273. 7446 272 N. 12T" O 414. 273. 7447 ST. MILWAUKEE, WI 53233 SU" w visudi openmg STEAM YARD COFFEE I owvenieu CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, Payee: Date: WI 53018 TOMI GROUP Time: 4/ 6/ 2016 Receipt Number: 1: 59 PM 41791 00001 / Clerk: sj ITEM AMOUNT REFERENCE PCAPP STEAM YARD SIGN 175. 00 PC APP FEE Total: Check 1024 Change: THANK YOU 175. 00 175. 00 0. 00 PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA APPLICATION DEADLINFS Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office by the following deadlines: Regular applications are due 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. Public Hearing applications are due 28 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting A complete submittal includes one set of the following documents: Completed and signed Plan Commission Agenda Application and Professional Services Reimbursement Form. Completed New Business Occupancy Form for the Police Department. (New Businesses only) Completed Lake Country Fire and Rescue Department Occupancy Inspection Statement & Invoice ( New Businesses only) Application fee with check made payable to the City of Delafield. Any other documents as requested by the City Planner. * NOTE. Ifsubmitting plans larger than 11" x 17", please submit one (1) set offull-size plans which shall be folded as well as one reduced size copy. Plan Commission meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 7PM at City Hall in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. Applicants Nil 1% L be in attendance at the meeting or action WILL NOT be taken by the Plan Commission. Please contact City Planner Roger Dupler with any questions regarding this application at 414- 949-8914, rdupler@sehinc.com. INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE POSTED TO THE AGENDA "' PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION JAL Name: i4 r!c4 J / Signature: Mailing Address: l8`% / S5c . 5 rle __ z. j -, z7- Suite/ Unit Phone - Day: 323 c9 , "- , E - Mail Address: ., 0/ C / S/ 40: ( 2 6- - Phone - Evening: - fL/ %ZY ) 7- 4fl- 5-3 o/ O State City Zip 3. 17 Alidf APPLICANT INFORMATION Skip if it is the same as above) Name: .-- : 4i 1 X.-- Mailing Address: 6407 CA! e Xe_ti- T L y r>/ / Qi. Suite/ Unit Phone - Day: - 2 <v- 2 - 7 / `%' - 72 Sj City Phone - Evening: c7 Ems. 5-3,018 State 2(<; 2 - Zip 7/ - . 2- E - Mail Address: y/ 5*?/ t_/ 11( f,, Ile- IC APR , Created: Monday, April 5, 2010 Revised: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 S: Torms1PC FormMPC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats - REVISED 2015- 04- 15. doc 3 2016 3 TYPE OF REVIEW APPLICANT IS REQUESTING Ww box by #Ihe 1% FEE m you am jWying % u: TAX KEY: DELC ( must be filled in by the applicant) Conceptual Project Presentation SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 0 Written explanation of project Scaled site plan ( 1" - 100 or larger scale) Certified Survey Map ( CSM) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 18. Certified Survey Map 3 200 Title Report Conditional Use Public Hearing / Permit SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoninq Code Section 17. 40- 42 Scaled site plan ( 1" - 100 or larger scale) showing:, Property boundaries and dimensions, yard setbacks and easements Existing building and proposed buildings elevations and floor plan Existing and proposed driveways and off-street parking areas Existing and proposed vegetation Any additional information requested Conditional Use Public Hearing / Permit for Planned Developments General Development Plan ( GDP) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 75- 76 Title Report General site plan 250 General landscape plan Building elevation plans (if available) General grading and storm water management plan Any additional information requested Conditional Use Public Hearing / Permit for Planned Developments Specific Implementation Plan ( SIP) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 75- 76 Detailed site plan Detailed landscape plan Building elevation plans Sign plans and colored rendering Colored rendering of the building Lighting plan ( if required) Construction site erosion control plan ( if required) Grading and storm water management plan ( if required) Any additional information requested Created: Monday, April 5, 2010 Revised: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 S:\ ForrnslPC FormslPC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats - REVISED 2015- 04- 15. doc 300 City o% jj6jjAij LJeI .•— afield PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 3. 16 of the Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City of Delafield for costs, expenses and fees charged the City of Delafield by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner or other professional consultants retained by the City, and which services relate to the following: 1, ELAF/eZ-fL4P PROJECT NAME: 81, PROJECT ADDRESS: SEND ALL INVOICES TO: l 5-/ 3 SL CAl r S i2e -&- c i" f , eiY %, 4160 y'r 71,4X/( 21 4) A/ r? NAME & ADDRESS) / C S / S/ S Y r4-7214- L%$jG j r/- L Ot= iR F/ t- . L G( f S. G/( Y TAX KEY NO.: I represent and warrant to the City that I am authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and/ or Property Owner, and in those cases where the Applicant and/ or Property Owner is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other business entity ( herein collectively " Business Entity"), I represent and warrant that the Business Entity is authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin, is a Business Entity in good standing, and that I have been authorized to execute and bind the Business Entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OR PARTY APPLICANT NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGNATURE & DATE: A,,.J zl). cC' 'X Mailing Date Signature ( Required) Printed Name City Address E- mail Fax Phone Zip State PROPERTY OWNER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGNATURE & DATE ( If different than that of the Applicant): Z _, Signature ( Required) Printed Name Yn Mailing / t/. '-. Date J sSr` __1 ;_/ t=;< Address Z AefG QF /tz J /, City S30 t $ clr State Zip L5-/ Phone Revised by Attorney Hammes on 2014- 07- 30 Fax E- mail S: IForms\ PC FormsIProfessional Services Reimbursement Agreement - Hammes - 2014- 07- 31. Docx (& PDF) kqlle dr G 1851 4/ 11/ 2016 + tv bing genesse street, delafield wi - Bing Maps maps Notes Type your notes here Ca y c coN - 1 Carriage O —. tv http:// www. bing. com/ mapspreview? q=% 1w " j € 2bl851+ genesse+ street% 2c+ delafield+ wi& mkt= en& FORM= HDRSC4 2)' 6 hi : r3sofi -- orportror Hi// S4r C Z}* 6 HERE 1/ 2 4/ 18/1016 detltl ffIiwt; l L 0 eR A/ GH % / v A,) I / Zle /_ f / 4 X-fi S l W0fieldl MG08" 7,, 2 r-& AA6 ! sem y/f' 144 14 4 / k4srwv* 7- 1 i L, C. ! f,// 4 G<.J ' o A - le-Xle =s C-7 X Mepsh 7 /`l S f ( a 2 7- IVY 4 / J -) D It 4 lets 0 / / Z. 4EF e 7- / i4 . c/ c 7= LC_ 1'.- o Hide imagery c/ d eAl e&-P /r AJ Delafield Presbyterian Church Image W* WWAPON4t SKAYl 4* WO Eltt @0@51@M Wi. capture: Oct 2012 © 2016 Google 6.'iii@i' fl ? Terms Privacy Report a problem 4n1! 2i100!3m1! 7ell5!4s/ maps/ piace/de! afieid°/o2.. 7s' i 2Q== ( 1399x850) 4/ 11/ 2016 O FIRMS i: Award wN yyr nl.. note ga, Ll ElI— SPECI FICATIONS nII Ll 24' V.0. COME WORSHIP WITH US! WORSHIP BEGINS AT 9: 30AM e NURSERY PROVIDED SUNDAYS O Delafield Presbyterian 11 o monument sign concept, Printed artwork cokxs arc not always representative of finalproduct colon. please refer to specifications for call out or salesman for samples LAS -1 j x : 5.r— j s = G 4-00 s t Y r v data: i mageftpeg; base64,/ 9j/ 4AAQSkZJ RgABAQEAZABkAAD/ 2wBDAAgGBgcGBQgH BwcJC QgKDBQN DAsLD BkSEw8U H RofH hOaH BwgJC4nlC IslxwcKDcp... 1/ 1 CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, WI 53018 Payee: DELAFIELD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Date: 4/ 13/ 2016 Time: 11: 28 AM Receipt Number: 00001 / 41841 Clerk: sj ITEM REFERENCE AMOUNT PCAPP CU PC APP FEE 250. 00 Total: Check Change: THANK YOU 250. 00 250. 00 0. 00 A/ jjdj I PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA APPLICATION crta f i.. Je'Iaf etd DEADLINES - Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office by the following deadlines: Regular applications are due 1S days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. Public Hearing applications are due 28 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting A complete submittal includes one set of the following documents: Completed and signed Plan Commission Agenda Application and Professional Services Reimbursement Form. Completed New Business Occupancy Form for the Police Department. (New Businesses only) Completed Lake Country Fire and Invoice ( New Businesses only) Rescue Department Occupancy Inspection Statement & Application fee with check made payable to the City of Delafield. Any other documents as requested by the City Planner. * NOTE: Ifsubmitting plans larger than 11" x 17'; please submit one (1) set offull-size plans which shall be folded as well as one reduced size copy. Plan Commission meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 713M at City Hall in the Council Chambers unless otherwise noted. Applicants MUST be in attendance at the meeting or action WILL NOT be taken by the Plan Commission. Please contact City Planner Roger Dupler with any questions regarding this application at 414-949-8914, rdupler@ sehinc. com. INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE POSTED TO THE AGENDA '" PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name Signature: Mailing Address: , 112NM-- S S '-'+' I Suite/ Unit C Phone - Day: Phone - Evening: Ci E -Mail Address: i ilrl Zip State City V 1 x an ku", APPLICANT INFORMATION Skip if it is the some as above) Name Mailing 1 Address: a M'') PwT-' ' - & Suite/ Unit Phone - Z Day: oZ tt jo vl S—' f City PhonS Evenng Z Stated Zip Z— - s "3 E -Mail Address: DATE SU CITY P'4AiNER APR 2 7 2016 rtFii vEL Created: Monday, OFF9. i77.aoI April 5, 2010 Revised: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 S:\ Forms\ PC Forms\ PC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats - REVISED 2015-04- 15. doc FEE TYPE OF REVIEW APPLICANT IS REQUESTING must be filled in by the applicant) TAX KEY: DELC ( Conceptual Project Presentation SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 0 Written explanation of project Scaled site plan ( 1" - 100 or larger scale) Certified Survey Map (CSM) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 18. 31 200 Certified Survey Map Title Report Conditional Use Public Hearing / Permit SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Scaled site plan ( 1" - Code Section 17.40- 42 100 or larger scale) showing: Property boundaries and dimensions, yard setbacks and easements 250 Existing building and proposed buildings elevations and floor plan Existing and proposed driveways and off-street parking areas Existing and proposed vegetation Any additional information requested Conditional Use Public Hearing / Permit for Planned Developments General Development Plan ( GDP) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 75- 76 Title Report General site plan 250 General landscape plan Building elevation plans ( if available) General grading and storm water management plan Any additional information requested Conditional Use Public Hearing / Permit for Planned Developments Specific Implementation Plan ( SIP) SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS —Zoning Code Section 17. 75- 76 Detailed site plan Detailed landscape plan Building elevation plans Sign plans and colored rendering Colored rendering of the building Lighting plan ( if required) Construction site erosion control plan ( if required) Grading and storm water management plan (if required) Any additional information requested Created: Monday, April 5, 2010 Revised: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 S: IForrnMPC Forms\ PC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats - REVISED 2015- 04- 15. doc 350 EXCray of 01afl4eelct PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 3. 16 of the Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City of Delafield for costs, expenses and fees charged the City of Delafield by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner or other professional consultants retained by the City, and which services relate to the following: PROJECT NAME: 3 PROJECT ADDRESS: SEND ALL INVOICES TO: 3 NAME & ADDRESS) TAX KEY NO.: I represent and warrant to the City that I am authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and/or Property Owner, and in those cases where the Applicant and/ or Property Owner is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other business entity ( herein collectively " Business Entity"), I represent and warrant that the Business Entity is authorized to do business in the State of Wisconsin, is a Business Entity in good standing, and that I have been authorized to execute and bind the Business Entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OR PARTY IGNATURE & DATE: APPLICANT NAME, MAILING AD ignature (Required) Printed Name Z Z- GL- G 7_G \ ClInce E- mail Fax Phone Zip State(( City Mailing Address PROPERTY OWNER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGNATURE & DATE ( If different than that of the Applicant): D/ 4 '_ Date Signature (Required) Printed Name 2 6 Mailing Address 4/ City 3 76 -F36 6) Phone Revised by Attorney Hammes on 2014- 07- 30 State Zip 6fVA)L , Fax E- mail S:\ Forms\ PC Forms\ Professional Services Reimbursement Agreement - Hammes - 2014- 07- 31. Docx (& PDF) CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, WI 53018 Payee: ARCHITECTURAL XPRESSIONS LLC Time: 1: 52 PM Date: 5/ 18/ 2016 Receipt Number: 00001 / 42240 Clerk: sj ITEM AMOUNT REFERENCE PCAPP AMER LEGION CU SIP 350. 00 PC APP FEE Total: Check 3103 Change: THANK YOU 350. 00 350. 00 0. 00 E city of ei'afiela PERMANENT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. Applications will be placed on the Consent Agenda for Plan Commission approval. DEADLINES - A complete submittal includes the following: 175 Application Fee -'. 7- & i "_ 04 l r c O0. - S Completed and signed application Site plan showing the location of the new signs on the property and/ or building Color rendering showing the dimensions, color and text of each sign Photograph of existing building with indication of where sign is to be placed Downtown properties are subject to the approved historic color pallet, which is on file at City Hall" Following the Plan Commission meeting, if the Business Plan of Operation is approved, sign permit will be issued by the Planner. PROPERTY INFORMATION Subject Property Address: B o% 0-- TAX KEY NUMBER: DELC c= Number / Street/ Subject Property Suite LA KL Business Name: D O LJT j n R2 APPLICANT INFORMATION Contact: Mailing I' A4. Applicant: -. Y 1 A t1- VCT t c 5 ! . Phone: 2-G Z ' ( o7 L SQL S Address: = Number/ 41 L Mail Address: tE- Street/ City Suite State Zip PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION s Owner: Phone: ir) E -Mail Address: Contact: r Signature:' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY. PRIOR TENANT: YES CITY Revised: December 18, 2013 FIANN R P,EYIEYYED vt C. 073_ 7. T . 00 ( c... ..;; Mfi r\ l, C z ecl&_ n I. q 4 • - Lake CountrySchool District April 28, 2016 Dear City of Delafield Planning Commission Members: We have been working with Matthew Fried over the course of the last three months in regards to his Eagle Scout Project. Matthew and his parents presented his plan to the Lake Country School Board this month and the Board was very positive about the baseball score sign that will be constructed in May. We would positively recommend that you allow this sign to be completed. We have no doubt that it is aesthetically pleasing to those who will be watching baseball at our school. if you have questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ic4he District Administrator A x J 1800 vcttcison Road - Hartland, W153029 - Phonc: (262) 367-3606 - Fax (262) 367-3205 • Wcb: www rnylakccountryschool. ors BOY SCOUTS OF AMERCCK Eagle Scout candidate' s full legal name Matthew Charles Fried Eagle Scout Service Project Name Lake Country School Scoreboard Eagle Scout Requirement 5 While a Life Scout, plan, develop, and give leadership to others in a service project helpful to any religious institution, any school, or your community. (The project must benefit an organization other than Boy Scouting.) The project proposal must be approved by the organization benefiting from the effort, your unit leader and unit committee, and the council or district before you start. You must use the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 512- 927, in meeting this requirement. Contact Information Eagle Scoutcandidates should know who is involved, butcontactinformation maybe more important to unitleaders and others in case they want to talk to one another. While it is recognized that not all the information will be needed for every project Scouts are expected to provide as much as reasonably possible. Approval representatives must understand, however, that doing so is not part of the service project requirement. Eagle Scout Candidate Name: Matthew Charles Fried Email address: Address: Birth date: matthew@friedfamily.net BSA PID W301 N3018 Windrush Circle Preferred telephone( s): 5/ 26/ 2001 number*: City. Pewaukee 262- 912- 6477 123280358 State: Life board of review date: BSA PID No., found on the BSA membership card WI Zip: 53072 10/ 912014 Current Unit Information Check X Troop [ one: J Team LJ Crew LJ Ship Name of District: River Trails District Unit Leader Check one: Name of Council: Potawatomi Area Council Scoutmaster Name: Andrew Gleisner Address: Email Unit Number: 224 704 Tenny Ave. U Varsity Coach Preferred telephone( s): City: Hartland L Crew Advisor J Skipper 1- 262- 367- 4668 State: Wi Zip: 53029 WI Zip: 53058 WI Zip: 53029 Wl Zip: 53029 WI Zip: 53029 WI Zip: 53188 drew@drewgleisner.com address: Unit Committee Chair Name: Jennifer Keller Address: W328N4065 Allendale Dr. Email address: Preferred telephone(s): City: Nashotah 1- 262- 367- 4871 State: jlwkeller@att.net Unit Advancement Coordinator (Ifyour unit has one) Name: Leah Karge Address: Email Preferred telephone(s): 160 Crystal Dr. City. Hartland 1- 414-405- 6400 State: leahkarge@gmaii. com address: Project Beneficiary (Name ofreligious institution, school, or community) Name: Lake Address: Email Country School 1800 Vettleson Rd. address: Preferred telephone(s): City: Hartland 1- 262- 367- 3606 State: lichtem@mylakecountryschool. org Project Beneficiary Representative ( Name ofcontactperson for the project beneficiary) Name: Dr. Mark Lichte Address: Email 1800 Vettleson Rd. address. Preferred telephone(s): City. Hartland 1- 262- 367-3606 State: lichtem@mylakecountryschool,org Your Council Service Center Contact Address: name: Potawatomi Area Council 804 Bluemound Rd. Preferred telephone(s): City: Waukesha 1- 262- 5444881 State: Council or District Project Approval Representative Your unitEdleader, unit advancement coordinator, or councilor district advancement chair may helpyou learn who this willbe.) Marek Name: Address: Email Preferred telephone(s): 1435 E. Devonshire Rd. address: City. Delafield 1- 262- 327- 2776 State: Wl Zip: 53018 epmarek@wi. rr.com ProjectShawn Coach (Your councilor district project approval representative may help you learn who this will be.) Name: Address: Email Clendenning W28ON801 I Black Diamond Ct. address: Proposal Page Preferred telephone(s): City: Hartland 1- 262- 538- 0669 State: WI Zip: 53029 clendennings@yahoo.com A Matthew Charles Fried Project Description and Benefit Briefly describe your project. This project is to design and construct a scoreboard that will be placed at the baseball field in front of Lake Country School (LCS). This board will be used not only by LCS, but also by the recreational baseball league, Lake Country Youth Baseball and Softball LCYBS), that uses the field as well for their games. This will also benefit the people attending the games, because they will be able to know the score at any time to keep up with the game. Attach sketches or "before" photographs if these will help others visualize the project. Please click below to add images UPM JPG, BMP. GIF, TIF, PNG, etc.} ffhmwfi NRIA , Click above box to add an image. Click here to add an image caption. image caption. Tell how your project will be helpful to the beneficiary. Why is it needed? The baseball field at Lake Country School does not currently have a scoreboard. My project will enhance the baseball field and the school entrance and will allow both Lake Country School and LCYBS to readily have a scoreboard available for use at alt games. It will also enhance the school entrance because the sign will promote the school name and colors. When do When do you plan you to begin carrying out think your project will be lune 2016 your project? completed? August 2016 Giving Leadership Approximately how many people will be needed to help on your project? 30 people will be needed for multiple events Where will you recruit them (unit members, friends, neighbors, family, others)? Explain: 30 people for a total of 7 days as follows: Fundraiser 1 ( Piggly Wiggly Cookout): 2 Adults and 5 Scouts for two 4 hour shifts Fundraiser 2 ( LCYBS Bake Sale): 2 Adults and 3 Scouts for one 4 hour shift Work Day 1 ( Scoreboard Card Creation): 2 Adults and 6 Scouts for one 3 hour shift Work Day 2 (Cut, Prime, and Paint MDO Boards): 2 Adults and 1 Scout for one 3 hour shift Work Day 3 ( Board Layout Building): 2 Adults and 6 Scouts for two 3 hour shifts Work Day 4 (Board Paint Touch -Up): 2 Adults and 1 Scout for one 1 hour shift Work Day 5 ( Final Scoreboard Construction): 2 Adults and 6 Scouts for two 4 hour shifts I will recruit people from Troop 224 as well as my friends and family (if not enough scouts are available). I will look for people that have mathematical and/ or engineering skills, due to work with placing objects in a precise layout (for Work Day 3). Some volunteers will also need to be able to lift heavy lumber (for Work Day 5). What do you think will be most difficult about leading them? Some of the difficulties in leading the group will be: 1. Conflicting schedules and difficulty getting together as a group for board assembly and final construction. 2. Making sure that everyone is present for all work sessions and the event. 3. Making sure that everyone follows safety procedures. 4. Making sure that everyone has the proper tools and skills to complete the board layout and also the skills to safely complete the construction process, especially since the board layout will require exact and precise measurements. Matthew Charles Fried Proposal Page C Locatin S c o r e b a d Project Scorebad LCS Locatin Site Property 18in. 6. 5in.+— w 181n I\ 4' T-5 1/ 2" in. O. C. 4x6x12' Post 4'- 6" 4x6x12' Post Ground Level 4'- 0" 5'- 0" Crushed Gravel Base bin. 1 12in. LCS Scoreboard Frame Design — Front View Ground LCS Scoreboard Frame Design — Side View Rear) Front) Board( Board( Sign Sign View Top Scorebad— Design— LCS Base FINAL 9 y Tftrm" COUN'; FIELD pKE 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 mm TO SCHO L CWELCOME OUNTRY WILDCATS THE OF LAKE HOME PLAN COMMISSION AGENDA APPLICATION Applications are to be submitted to the Clerk' s Office by the following deadlines: Regular applications are due 15 days prior to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting. DEADL1Nf{ Public Hearing applications are due 28 days prioi to the next regularly scheduled Plan Commission meeting A complete submittal includes one set of the following documents: Completed and signed Plan Commission Agenda Application and Professional Services Reimbursement Form. Completed New Business Occupancy Form for the Police Department. ( New Businesses only) Completed Lake Country Fire and Rescue Department Occupancy Inspection Statement & Invoice ( New Businesses only) Application fee with check made payable to the City of Delafield. Any other documents by the City as requested Planner * NOTE: If submitting plans larger than 11" x 17'; please submit one (1) set offull-size plans which shall be folded as well as one reduced size copy. Plan Commission meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 7PM at City Hall in the Council Chambers unless otherwise Applicants ! ,, be in attendance at the meeting or action WILL NOT be taken by the Plan Commission. Please contact City Planner Roger Dupler with any questions regarding this application at 414-949- 8914, rdupler@sehinc.com. noted. INCOMPLETE SUBMITTALS WILL NOT BE POSTED TO THE AGENDA "' PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: Signatu Mailing Address: % Aj Dt) VA LAX9 Ps A 19 1( f'1 M )-r City Suite/ Unit Phone - qjd 1- (o4 Day: r l 31P7 53066 W1 ' Zip State Phone - Evening: E - Mail Address: APPLICANT INFORMATION Skip if it is the some as above) Name: Mailing Address: IQ AT} f L' fl City Suite/ Unit Phone - Day: 1A Z - 4 i - b7 29 1( Phone - Evening: W rwVE 53122 Zip State 4 14 — _ 3 Z,,q 5- E - Mail Address: IN C PC_"_ G DO 7 D •I< ? . 0-7?0 • Created: Monday, April 5, 2010 Revised: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 S:\ Forms\ PC Forms\PC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats - REVISED 2015-04- 15. doC r:& 77 ; = Site Plan and Appearance Review SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - Zoning Code Section 17. 28- 29 Detailed site plan Sign plans and colored rendering Colored rendering of the building Lighting plan ( if required) Construction site erosion control plan ( if required) 150 Grading and storm water management plan ( if required) Scaled site plan ( 1" - 100 or larger scale) showing: Property boundaries and dimensions, yard setbacks and easements Existing building and proposed buildings elevations and floor plan Existing and proposed driveways and off-street parking areas Existing and proposed vegetation Any additional information requested El Extraterritorial Certified Survey Map - Zoning Code Section 18. 31 75 Certified Survey Map Final Plat - Less than 20 Zoning Code Section 18. 27- 28 acres - 190 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS Approved Preliminary Plat Final Plat - More than 20 acres - Zoning Code Section 18. 27- 28 SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 190+ 2 per acre Approved Preliminary Plat Preliminary Plat ElSUBMITTAL Less than 20 acres - Zoning Code Section 18.25- 26 DOCUMENTS 250 Preliminary Plat Title Report Preliminary Plat - More than 20 acres - Zoning Code Section 18. 25- 26 250 + SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS 2 per acre Preliminary Plat Title Report Zoning / Comprehensive Plan Amendment to From: SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - Zoning Code Section 17. 87- 88 Plat of Survey with legal description 0 Concurrent approval requested by (please check one): Certified Survey Map General Development Plan ( GDP) Preliminary Plat Conditional Use If applying for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment also include the following: Written justification sighting Comprehensive Plan Goals and Objectives to support requested action Revised:Revised: Wednesday,Wednesday, AprilApril 15,15, 20152015 Created:Created: Monday,Monday, Apr115,Apr115, 20102010 REVISED 2015- 04- 15. doc PC Forms\ PC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats S:%Forms% S:%Forms%PC Forms\PC Agenda Application for SP CU CSM Plats - REVISED 2015- 04-15.doc 250 4ijj 4C: Ity C? AOL Iafield PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Pursuant to section 3. 16 of the Municipal Code, the undersigned agrees to reimburse the City of Delafield for costs, expenses and fees charged the City of Delafield by the City Attorney, City Engineer, City Planner or other professional consultants retained by the City, and which services relate to the following: MONSi'0711M PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS SEND ALL INVOICES TO: T' I m I E i` NAME & ADDRESS) Gb I DF L,C () 7q D qq9 TAX KEY NO.: H' 34-100 VWA-7Y U D1 L ` UMM / / w) 60S I vela v1q o 999 W3 I represent and warrant to the City that I am authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Applicant and/or Property Owner, and in those cases where the Applicant and/ or Property Owner is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other business entity ( herein collectively " Business I represent and warrant that the Business Entity is authorized to do business in the State of Entity"), Wisconsin, is a Business Entity in good standing, and that I have been authorized to execute and bind the Business Entity to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. RESPONSIBLE PARTIES OR PARTY DATE: APPLICANT NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, SIGN igri Printed Name 13102 C, m JD Ijai ( I C41 Zip State C) -<T%4 jWff A@+ W_ Pc vrJ 4+ cd__ Qa cam E- mail Fax Phone 5 3 12z 6AAL w 1 City Address Mailing D to ure ( Required) SIGNATURE & PROPERTY OWNER NAME, MAILING ADDRESS, DATE ( If different than that of the Applicant): kL S- (,.-- LV Mailing Date Signature ( Requirk Printed Name VARY a.0A0 Address Sum PWOI City W) 530(oG Zip State i Phone Fax Revised by Attorney Hammes on 2014- 07- 30 Reimbursement Agreement S:\ Forms\ PC Forms\ Professional Services E Hammes - 2014- 07- 31. Docx (& PDF) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL E30 TW TORKE WIRTH ARCHITECTURE PUJARA PROJECT NO. DATE COMPANY 1 go • / gsl6q- c DV-WlaV L 1% PV AIIIA ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA SHOP DRAWINGS PRINTS 6 1 THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: SPECIFICATIONS SAMPLES PLANS r COPY OF LETTER CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION F. Ill11 2m , m duamm imm I ' " amblu THESETHESE ASAS • AREARE • B FORFOR APPROVALAPPROVAL REVIEWEDREVIEWED ASAS SUBMITTED SUBMITTED RESUBMITTEDRESUBMITTED FORFOR YOURYOUR USEUSE REVIEWEDREVIEWED ASAS NOTEDNOTED SUBMITSUBMIT ASAS REQUESTEDREQUESTED REVIEWEDREVIEWED FORFOR CORRECTIONS CORRECTIONS COPIESCOPIES FORFOR APPROVALAPPROVAL COPIESCOPIES FORFOR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION RETURNRETURN CORRECTED CORRECTED PRINTSPRINTS FORFOR REVIEWREVIEW ANDAND COMMENTCOMMENT FORFOR BIDSBIDS DUEDUE 2020 PRINTSPRINTS REMARKSREMARKS TWPARCHITECTURE.TWPARCHITECTURE. COMCOM D.D. c., c., oo IIoo• • l 11• • oo oo RETURNEDRETURNED AFTERAFTER LOANLOAN TOTO USUS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL EaI= TW TORKE DATE RCHITECTURE PUJARA PROJECT NO. MAq clirl ' [ COMPANY NAME q5161- cs Vwlav Q 15 ATTN WIRTH PjAt4 y' LA... CAIMfA1510N: 1 V215( YWO& RE ATTACHED UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA SHOP DRAWINGS PRINTS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: SPECIFICATIONS SAMPLES PLANS COPY OF LETTER CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION -_• M. 11.111 I AFREAFRE TRANSMITTEDTRANSMITTED ASAS l CHECKEDCHECKED BE FORFOR APPROVALAPPROVAL REVIEWEDREVIEWED ASAS SUBMITTED SUBMITTED RESUBMITTEDRESUBMITTED FORFOR YOURYOUR USEUSE REVIEWEDREVIEWED ASAS NOTEDNOTED SUBMITSUBMIT ASAS REQUESTEDREQUESTED REVIEWEDREVIEWED FORFOR CORRECTIONSCORRECTIONS COPIESCOPIES FORFOR APPROVAL APPROVAL COPIESCOPIES FORFOR DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION RETURNRETURN CORRECTEDCORRECTED PRINTSPRINTS FORFOR REVIEWREVIEW ANDAND COMMENT COMMENT FORFOR BIDSBIDS DUEDUE 2020 PRINTSPRINTS RETURNEDRETURNED AFTERAFTER LOANLOAN TOTO USUS REMARKSREMARKS COPYCOPY TOTO 1310013100 WATERTOWNWATERTOWN PLANKPLANK ROADROAD ELMELM GROVE,GROVE, WIWI 5312253122 PHONEPHONE 262262 641641 07290729 TWPARCHITECTURE. COM FAXFAX 2b22b2 641641 05840584 OMcGraw -Edison DESCRIPTION The Galleon' LED luminaire delivers exceptional performance in a highly scalable, low -profile design. Patented, high -efficiency AccuLED Optics- system provides uniform and energy conscious illumination to walkways, parking lots, roadways, building areas and security lighting applications. IP66 rated and UL/ cUL Listed for wet locations. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Electrical Round pole adapter included. Extruded aluminum driver LED drivers are mounted to For wall mounting, specify wall enclosure thermally isolated from removable tray assembly for ease Light Squares for optimal thermal of maintenance. 120-277V 50/ 60Hz, mount bracket option. 3G vibration rated. QUICK MOUNT ARM: Arm performance. Heavy -wall, die- 347V 60Hz or 480V 60Hz operation. is bolted directly to the pole and cast aluminum end caps enclose 480V is compatible for use with the fixture slides onto the quick housing and die-cast aluminum 480V Wye systems only. Standard with 0- 10V dimming. Shipped standard with Eaton proprietary single fastener, facilitating quick heat sinks. A unique, patent pending interlocking housing and heat sink provides scalability with superior structural rigidity. 3G circuit module designed to withstand 10kV of transient line mount arm and is secured via a and easy installation. The versatile, patent pending, quick mount arm accommodates multiple drill vibration tested. Optional tool - surge. The Galleon LED luminaire patterns ranging from 1- 1/ 2" to less hardware available for ease is suitable for operation in - 40° C 4-7/ 8". Removal of the door on the of entry into electrical chamber. Housing is IP66 rated. to 40aC ambient environments. quick mount arm enables wiring of For applications with ambient the fixture without having to access temperatures exceeding 40eC, the driver compartment. A knock- Optics specify the HA (High Ambient) out enables round pole mounting. Patented, high -efficiency option. Light Squares are IP66 GLEON GALLEON LED injection -molded AccuLED rated. Greater than 90% lumen Finish Optics technology. Optics are precisely designed to shape the distribution maximizing maintenance expected at 60, 000 Housing finished in super durable 1- 10 Light Squares hours. Available in standard 1A TGIC polyester powder coat paint, Solid State LED drive current and optional 530mA 2. 5 mil nominal thickness for efficiency and application spacing. and 700mA drive currents. superior protection against fade distributions with the scalability Mounting coated black. Standard colors to meet customized application STANDARD ARM MOUNT: Extruded aluminum arm includes white, dark platinum and graphite AccuLED Optics create consistent requirements. Offered standard in 4000K (+/- 275K) CCT 70 CRI. Optional 6000K CCT and 3000K CCT. and wear. Heat sink is powder AREA/ SITE LUMINAIRE include black, bronze, grey, internal bolt guides allowing for easy positioning of fixture during assembly. When mounting two metallic. RAL and custom color or more luminaires at 90° and Warranty 120° apart, the EA extended arm Five-year warranty. matches available. may be required. Refer to the arm mounting requirement table. DIMENSIONS 116" mm] CERTIFICATION DATA UL/ cUL Wet Location Listed ISO 9001 LM79 / LM80 Compliant DIMENSION DATA 3G Vibration Rated DRILLING PATTERN IP66 Rated Number of Light Squares 1-0 A" B" B" Weight Standard Optional Arm Ann Length Length' lbs.) 15- 1/ 2" 7" 10" 33 394mm) 078mm) 254mm) 15. 0 kgs.) 21. 5/ 8" 7" 10" 44 254mm) 20. Okgs.) Width with Arm EPA with Ann' DesignLights ConsortiumT TYPE " N" 3/ 4" [ 19mm] Diameter Sq. Ft.) 2" Hole 0' 96 51mm] 1. 00 1- 3/ 4" 44mm] 549mm) 178mm) ENERGY DATA Electronic LED Driver 0. 9 Power Factor 7/ 8" [ 22mm] 5- 6 Qualified* 20% Total Harmonic Distortion 120V -277V 50/ 60Hz 347V & 480V 60Hz 7-8 9- 10 27. 5/ 8" 7" 13" 54 702mm) 078mm) 330mm) 24. 5 kgs.) 33- 3/ 4" 857mm) 7" 178mm) 16" 63 406mm) 28. 6 kgs.) 1. 07 40° C Min. Temperature 2) 9/ 16" [ 14mm] Diameter Holes 40° C Max. Temperature 50° C Max. Temperature ( HA Option) 1' 12 NOTES: 1. Optional arm length to be used when mounting two fixtures at 900 on a single pole. 2. EPA calculated with optional erre length. q FITS Powering Business Worldwide www.designlig hts. org d by fI TD500020EN FT 2016-01- 2910: 56: 52 OLEON GALLEON LED ARM MOUNTING REQUIREMENTS Configuration 90° Apart 7 GLEON-AE- 01 Arte 7 Arte Standard) 7 GLEON- AE- 02 GLEON- AE- 04 Aurn GLEON- AE- 06 GLEON- AE- 07 GLEON- AE- 08 GLEON- AE- 09 GLEON- AE- 10 Triple' 7 2 @ 90' Triple' Arm Standard) 7" Arte 7 Arm Standard) Standard) 7 Arm 7 Arte Standard) Standard) GLEON- AE- 05 2 @ 180' Standard) Standard) GLEON-AE- 03 4@90° 120° Apart 10" Extended Ann 7" Arm Required) Standard) 10' Extended Arte 7" Ann Required) Standard) 13" Extended Arm 13" Extended Ann Required) Required) 13" Extended Ann Required) 13" Extended Arm Required) 16" Extended Arm 16" Extended Arte Required) Required) 16' Extended Arm Required) 16" Extended Artn NOTES: 1 Round poles are 3 @ 1200. Square poles are 3 @ 900. 2 Round poles are 3 @ 900. Required) STANDARD WALL MOUNT MAST ARM MOUNT 3" 0 [ O 76mm] 1- 13/ 16" 47mm] 3- 13/ 16" 21- 3/ 4" 553mm] ( L8- 7" 178mm] [ 1/ 8" [ 206mm] O[ 97mm] ( 2) 27/ 64" 11mm] L3- Dia. Hole 13/ 64"] 82mm] 2- 7/ 16" 61 m m] QUICK MOUNT ARM ( INCLUDES FIXTURE ADAPTER) 1- 1/ 4" [ 32mm] 4- 7/ 8" 124mm] 6- 15/ 16" 1177mm] [ 4" 102mm] 9/ 16" 15mm] Dia. Hole 4- 15/ 16" 3- 3/ 4-96mm 1 J[ 125mm] [[ QM Quick Mount Arm ( Standard) QMEA Quick Mount Arm IFrfnnrlorh J A^ QUICK MOUNT ARM DATA Number of Light Squares'' A' Weight with QM Arm Width lbs.) Weight with QMEA Arm lbs.) 1- 4 15-15- 1/1/ 2"2"( ( 35 ( 15. 91 kgs.) 38 ( 17. 27 kgs.) 5- 6' 21- 5/ B" ( 549mm) 46 (20. 91 kgs.) 49 ( 22. 27 kgs.) 7-7- 88 27-27- 5/5/ 8"8"( ( 702mm)702mm) 5656 ( ( 25.25. 4545 kgs.)kgs.) 59 ( 26. 82 kgs.) w,,. e. o ev e ..- 394mm)394mm) o ym nyuare connguranans. EPA Sq. Ft.) 1. 11 umera option avananle with 1- 6 light square configurations. 3 QMEA arm to be used when mounting two fixtures at 900 on a single pole. Eaton F1121 1121 N Powering Business Woddwide- •74 South Highway Peachtree City, GA 30269 Specifications and P: 77066-4600 dimensions eaton. corNlighting subject to change without notice. TD500020EN 2016- 01- 2910: 56: 52 4 OLEON GALLEON LED J OPTIC ORIENTATION Street Side House Side Street Side Street Side House Side House Side Standard Optics Rotated Left @ 90• [ 1- 901 Optics Rotated Right @ 90• [ R901 OPTICAL DISTRIBUTIONS Asymmetric Area Distributions T3 SI -2 Type II with Spill Control) T2 Type II) ( T4FT SL3 Type III Type III) with Spill Control) ( T4W Type IV ForwardThrow) ( Symmertric Distributions Asymmetric Roadway Distributions T2R RectangularWideType 1) ( Type II Roadway) T3R Type III D— SI -4 Type IV with Spill Control) CD Q; ( ;) C; D RW Type IV Wide) ( 5MQ 5NQ Type V Square Narrow) Roadway) ( Q---) - Type V Square Medium) ( F--1 EJ Specialized Distributions SLL AFL Automotive Frontline) ( 90° Spill Light Eliminator Left) ( 5WQ Type V Square Wide) CD SLR 90° Spill Light Eliminator Right) Eaton EPowering Business Worldwide 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 Specifications and P: 770- 4864500 dimensions subject to www.eaton. conOighting change without notice. TD500020EN 2016- 01- 2910: 56: 52 D Invue FEATURES Straight square shaft 6005-T6 aluminum alloy polished 356-T6 cast aluminum alloy base with aluminum knock -in bolt covers 8'- 35' mounting heights Drilled or tenon ( specify) ASX ALUMINUM SQUARE STRAIGHT ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: ASX4T08WGMMIG ASX=Aluminum 4. 4' Square 5= 5" Straight 6= 6" 9= 9" Steel; 6- 3/4" T= 0. 125" M= 0. 188" 8= 8' 10= 10' BA=Anodized X=0. 250" 12= 12' 15= 15' Bronze BK= Blade 18= 18' BZ= Bronze Aluminum W=Aluminum AP= Grey 2= 2- 3/ 8" O. D. Tenon (4" Long) 3= 3- 1/ 2" O. D. Tenon ( 5" Long) 4=4" O. D. Tenon 0" Long) - Slide/ Flite/ Epic 5= 3" O. D. Tenon (4" Long) - Mesa 6= 2- 3/8" O. D. Tenon ( 6" Long) 1= Single 2= 2 at 180° 3= Triple' 4= 4 at 90° 5= 2 at 90° I A= 1/ 2" Tapped Hub I Specify location desired) B= 3/ 4" Tapped Hub Specify location 20= 20' CA= Anodized Clear 7=4" O. D. Tenon ( 10" Long) - SDM1/ SDM2 25= 25' 30=30' DA=Anodized Black DP= Dark Platinum 35=35' GM= Graphite A= Icon and Ascent Small Drill Pattern G= Ground Lug C= Icon and Ascent Medium Drill Pattern H= Additional Hand E= Vision Site Small Drill PatternHole3 Metallic GN= Hartford Green j WH= White F= Vision Site Structural Mount G= Vision Site Medium Structural Mount J= Icon Small Structural Drill Pattern K= Icon Medium Structural Drill Pattern M= Vision Site Medium Drill Pattern X= None I X= None desired) V=Vibration Dampener I C= Convenience Outlet4 E= GFCI Convenience Outlet' F= Vibration Pad NOTES: 1. All shaft sizes nominal. 2. Square poles are 3 at 90°, round poles are 3 at 120°. 3. Additional hand hole is located 12" below pole top and 901 from standard hand hole location, unless otherwise specified. 4. Outlet is located 4' above base and on same side of pole as hand hole, unless specified otherwise. Receptacle not included, provision only. DIMENSIONS BC Hand Hole 12- D BP 5I/ O 16" L L B - J 0 0 0v0 bo g AB oo ° 3?,00 p° Ooo O` . og D 0 p o Base View o pO g O p ( 0 0 Base Size S) LHJ WARNING: Customer is responsible for engineering analysis to confirm pole and fixture compatibility for all applications. Refer to pole white paper WP513001 EN for additional support information. Before installing, make sure proper anchor bolts and templates are obtained. The use of unauthorized accessories such as banners, signs, cameras or pennants for which the pole was not designed voids the pole warranty and may result in pole failure causing serious injury or property damage. Information regarding total loading capacity can be supplied upon request. The pole warranty is void unless poles are used and installed as a complete pole and luminaire combination. This warranty specifically excludes failure as the result of a third party act or omission, misuse, unanticipated uses, fatigue failure or similar phenomena resulting from induced vibration, harmonic oscillation or resonance associated with movement of air currents around the product. Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. Consult your lighting representative at Eaton or visit www.eaton. com/ lighting for available options, accessories and ordering information E MT• N Powering Business Worldwide TD513005EN 2015- 12- 09 13: 41: 52 IT/ OHalo Commercial DESCRIPTION Recessed 6 -inch LED lens downlight is available in various distributions, lumen and CRI/ CCT options. Suitable for commercial construction and can be used for both new or renovation work. Insulation must be kept 3" from top and sides of housing. Use for general area lighting where high efficiency and visual comfort are required. SPECIFICATION FEATURES MECHANICAL Reflector Frame One piece parabolic aluminum cULus listed for wet location Boat shaped galvanized steel reflector provides cutoff for IP66 Ingress Protection Rated frame with adjustable plaster a visually comfortable optic. Insulation must be kept 3" from lip accommodates ceilings up Attaches to LED module with (3) to 1/ 2 - 2" thick. May be used for speed clamps minimizing light new construction or remodeling installations. Provided with ( 2) with an optional white painted Optional City of Chicago remodel clips to secure frame flange. environmental air (CCEA) when installed from below the ceiling. Compliance leaks to lens. Self -flanged standard marking for plenum applications. Trim Retention Reflectors are retained with two Mounting Brackets Bar hanger receivers adjusts 2" torsion springs holding the flange tightly to the finished ceiling vertically from above the ceiling surface. or thru the aperture. Use with No Fuss'' 1/ 2" bar hangers or with EMT. Removable to facilitate installation from below the ceiling. No FussTM' Bar Hangers Captive preinstalled bar hanger top and sides. Airtight per ASTM -E283. ELECTRICAL Part 18 non -consumer limits. PD615 Contains no mercury or lead and RoHS compliant. PD620 Photometric testing in PD630 accordance with IES LM -79- 08. Junction Box MIA" and ( 2) 3/4" trade size pry outs positioned to allow straight conduit runs. Listed for ( 12) 12 AWG ( six in, six out) 90° C Lumen maintenance projections in accordance with IES LM -80- 08 PDM6A andTM- 21- 11. Can be used to comply with locks to tee grid with a screwdriver conductors and feed thru branch California Title 24 Non -Residential or pliers. Centering mechanism wiring. Lighting Controls requirements allows consistent positioning of fixtures. Driver OPTICAL constant current driver provides commercial applications, reference database for current listings. Proximity phosphors over chip on board LEDs provide a uniform or H347200. Continuous, flicker - source with high efficiency and no free dimming from 100% to 10% with leading or trailing edge phase cut at 120V or 0 - 10V analog minimum, accuracy within available CRI / CCT options. Passive thermal management achieves L70 at 50, 000 hours in non IC applications. Integral diffuse lens provides visual 1000, 1500, ENERGY STAR® listed for noise free operation. For 347V input use Halo transformer H347 3 SDCM provides color uniformity. See ordering information for 61V as a LED Luminaire. Integral UNV 120 - 277V 50/ 60 Hz LED Module pixilation. Available in 80 or 90 CRI PD610 EMI/ RFI emissions per FCC 47CFR 2000 & 3000 Lumen Series LED 6 -Inch Aperture control. Lens Downlight Emergency Option Provides 90 minutes of standby lighting meeting most life safety codes for egress lighting. Available with both integral or remote charge indicator and test switch. shielding. Integral connector allows quick connection to housing flex. THD: 5 20% PF: z 0. 90 T Ambient - 30 - + 40° C Sound Rating s 22dba 1000 series Lumens Lumens 1500 Series Lumens 2000 Series Lumens 3000 Series 277V Input Voltage 120V 277V Input Voltage 120V 277V Input Voltage 120V 277V Input Voltage 120V Input Current 103 A 058 A Input Current 146 A AA Input Current 175 A 536 A Input Current 299 A 145A Input Power 12. 1 W 13. 2 W Input Power 17. 1 W 17. 9 W Input Power 20. 78 W 21. 06 W Input Power 35. 72 W 36. 4 W Efficiency 88 LPW 88 LPW Efficiency 87 LPW 87 LPW Efficiency 89 LPW 89 LPW Efficiency 82 LPW 82 LPW 048 A 080 A Inrush Current 1. 920 A 0. 960 A Inrush Current 096 A 928 A Inrush Current E: T•N Powering Business Worldwide 064 A 128A_ Inrush Current TD517003EN 4/ 22/ 2016 PD610/ PD61 5/ PD620/ PD630 Halo Commercial PDM6A 61V ORDERING INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER: PD610ED010REM- PDM6A827- 61VC A complete luminaire consists of a housing, LED module and reflector, order separately. Driver O P136 = 6" aperture LED downlight 10 = 1, 000 lumens (nominal) 827827 80 CRI, 2700K CCT Pll 15 = 1, 500 lumens ( nominal) 0- 10V and LE/ TE operation with module for PD6 927927 9090 CRI,CRI, 2700K2700K CCTCCT 20 = 2, 000 lumens ( nominal) phase cut dimming remote indicator housing,housing, providesprovides 830830 8080 CRI,CRI, 3000K3000K CCTCCT = 6" aperture LED downlight, CCEA listed ED010 = 120-277V 50/ 60Hz, for City of Chicago REM = Emergency PDM6A = Downlight LED and test switch plenum requirements 1, 000, 1, 500, 930 90 CRI, 3000K CCT 2, 000, or 3, 000 835 80 CRI, 3500K CCT operation with lumens (nominal) 935 90 CRI, 3500K CCT integral indicator depending 840 80 CRI, 4000K CCT and test switch, onon connectedconnected 940 90 CRI, 4000K CCT 60 Hz only housinghousing typetype Ill = Emergency 30 = 3, 000 lumens ( nominal) 113010 = 120- 277V 50/ 601- 1z, 0- 10V dimming 3, 000 lumen only) REM and IEM options not available with PD6CP housing) 61 V = 6" vertical parabolic reflector 61VEM = 6" vertical parabolic reflector for IEM C = Specular clear G = Specular gold H = Semi -specular clear W = White (white flange) BB = Black baffle (white flange) WB = White baffle (white flange) Blank = Polished flange standard with C, G & H reflector finishes Blank = White flange standard with W, BE, WB WF = White flange option available with C, G, & H reflector finishes HB12SAPK = L channel hanger bar, 26", No -Fuss', pair (replacement) RMB22 = 22" long wood joist mounting bars, pair H347 = Step down transformer for 347V input H347 = Step down transformer for 347V input, 75VA max H347200 = Step down transformer for 347V input, 200VA max DIMENSIONS E: T•N Powenng Business Worldwide OLumarkOLumark DESCRIPTION The patented Lumark Crosstourl LED Wall Pack Series of luminaries provides an architectural style with super bright, energy efficient LEDs. The low -profile, rugged die-cast aluminum construction, universal back box, stainless steel hardware along with a sealed and gasketed optical compartment make the Crosstour impervious to contaminants. The Crosstour wall luminaire is ideal for wall/ surface, inverted mount for fagade/canopy illumination, post/bollard, site lighting, floodlight and low level pathway illumination including stairs. Typical applications include building entrances, multi -use facilities, apartment buildings, institutions, schools, stairways and loading docks test. SPECIFICATION FEATURES Construction Optical lightlight outputoutput afterafter 72,72, 000000 hourshours Slim, low -profile LED design ( 3)3) half-half- inchinch ofof operation.operation. ThreeThree ( with rugged one- piece, die-cast Silicone sealed optical LED chamber incorporates a custom aluminum hinged removable door engineered mirrored anodized allowallow forfor thru-thru- branchbranch wiring.wiring. BackBack and back box. Matching housing reflector providing high -efficiency illumination. Optical assembly wiringwiring compartment.compartment. IntegralIntegral LEDLED electronicelectronic driverdriver incorporates incorporates surgesurge styles incorporate both a small and NPTNPT threadedthreaded conduitconduit entryentry pointspoints boxbox isis anan authorizedauthorized electricalelectrical large design. The small housing includes impact -resistant is available in 7W and 18W. The tempered glass and meets IESNA protection.protection. 120-120- 277V277V 50/50/ 6OHz6OHz oror large housing is available in the 26W model. Patent pending secure requirements for full cutoff compliance. Solid state LED 347V347V 60Hz60Hz models.models. lock hinge feature allows for Crosstour luminaries are thermally FinishFinish safe and easy tool -less electrical optimized with five ( 5) lumen connections with the supplied packages in cool 5000K or neutral push -in connectors. Back box warm 3500K LED color temperature CCT). CrosstourCrosstour isis protected protected withwith aa SuperSuper durabledurable TGICTGIC carboncarbon bronzebronze oror summitsummit whitewhite polyesterpolyester includes three (3) half-inch, NPT Electrical withstandwithstand extremeextreme climateclimate the small and large forms and LED driver is mounted to the conditionsconditions whilewhile providingproviding optimaloptimal mounts to standard 3- 1/ 2" to 4" die-cast housing for optimal heat sinking. LED thermal management colorcolor andand glossgloss retention retention ofof thethe universal back box supports both round and octagonal, 4" square, XTORXTOR powderpowder coatcoat paint.paint. SuperSuper durabledurable TGICTGIC powderpowder coatcoat paintpaint finishesfinishes threaded conduit entry points. The CROSSTOUR CROSSTOUR LEDLED installed installed life.life. system incorporates both single gang and masonry junction boxes. Key hole gasket allows APPLICATIONS:APPLICATIONS: conduction and natural convection WarrantyWarranty Five-Five- yearyear warranty.warranty. / SURFACESURFACE WALLWALL / for adaptation to junction box or to transfer heat rapidly away wall. External fin design extracts FLOODLIGHT FLOODLIGHT piece silicone gasket seals door from the LED source. 7W models operate in - 40° C to 40° C [- 40° F to 104° F]. 18W and 26W models and back box. Minimum 5" wide operate in - 40° C to 40° C [- 40° F to SITESITE LIGHTINGLIGHTING heat from the fixture surface. One- / POSTPOST / BOLLARDBOLLARD LOWLOW LEVELLEVEL INVERTEDINVERTED pole for site lighting application. 104° F]. High ambient 50° C models Not recommended for car wash available. Crosstour luminaires applications. maintain greater than 90% of initial ESCUTCHEONESCUTCHEON PLATESPLATES DIMENSIONS 1 7W & 18W 6- 3/ 4" [ 171mm] 26W 8" [ 203mm] 10"10" 254mm]254mm] OO oo CERTIFICATIONCERTIFICATION DATADATA UUcULUUcUL WetWet LocationLocation ListedListed 17-17- 1/1/ 2"2"[ [ LM79LM79 / / LM80LM80 Compliant Compliant 445mm]445mm] ROHSROHS CompliantCompliant ADAADA Compliant Compliant NOMNOM CompliantCompliant ModelsModels 7W& 11 8W J 7W& 3-3- 5/5/ 8"8"( ( 92mm]92mm] 26W26W 26W26W 6-6- 5/5/ 8"8"[ [ 168mm]168mm] IP66IP66 IngressedIngressed ProtectionProtection RatedRated 18W18W 5-5- 3/3/ 4"4"[ [ 146mm]146mm] TitleTitle 2424 CompliantCompliant DesignLightsDesignLights Consortium@Consortium@ Qualified`Qualified` 4"4"[ [ 102mm]102mm] TECHNICALTECHNICAL DATADATA 40°40° CC MaximumMaximum AmbientAmbient TemperatureTemperature ExternalExternal SupplySupply WiringWiring 90°90° CC Minimum Minimum 445mm]445mm] EPAEPA EffectiveEffective ProjectedProjected AreaArea ( ( Sq.Sq. Ft.):Ft.): XTORIA/XTORIA/ XTOR2A=XTOR2A= 0.0. 3434 XTOR3A=XTOR3A= 0.0. 4545 SHIPPINGSHIPPING DATA:DATA: L— L— ApproximateApproximate NetNet Weight:Weight: 10"10"[ [ 254mm]254mm] 3.3. 77- - ET•ET• NN dd* * www.www. designlights.designlights. orgorg 5.5. 2525 lbs.lbs. [ [ 1.1. 77- - 2.2. 44 kgs.]kgs.] 2110,2110, 059134 511 20152015-059134511 XTOR LUMEN MAINTENANCE TM -21 Lumen Ambient Temperature CROSSTOUR LED LUMENS - CRI/ CCT TABLE Theoretical L70 Maintenance Hours) 72, 000 Hours) LED Information Delivered Lumens Wall Mount) XTORIA XTOR2A XTOR2A-N XTOR3A XTOR3A-N 722 1, 633 1, 523 2, 804 2, 264 468 1,1, 060060 978 2, 168 1, 738 BO -UO -GO 81 - UO -GO B1 - UO -GO B1 - UO -GO B1 -UO -GO 5, 000 5, 000 3, 500 5, 000 3, 500 65 65 70 65 70 7W 18W 18W 26W 26W XTORIA Model 25° C 92% Delivered Lumens With Flood 290, 000 Accessory Kit)' 40°C 92% 290, 000 50° C 91% 270,000 B. U. G. Rating 2 CCT XTOR2A Model Kelvin) 25° C 91% 270, 000 40° C 90% 260, 000 50° C 88% 225, 000 25° C 91% 280,000 40' C 91% 270,000 50' C 89% 240, 000 CRI Color Rendering Index) Power Consumption Watts) XTOR3A Model NOTES: 1 Includes shield and visor. 2 B. U. G. Rating does not apply to floodlighting. CURRENT DRAW Model Series Voltage XTORIA XTOR2A 120V120V 0. 05A 0. 15A 0. 22A 208V 0. 03A 0. 08A 0. 13A XTOR3A 240V 0. 03A 0. 07A 0.0. 11A11A 277V 0. 03A 0. 06A 0. 10A 347V 0. 025A 0. 058A 0. 082A ORDERING INFORMATION Sample Number: XTOR2A- N- WT-PCt Series' XTOR1A= Small Door, 7W LED Kelvin Color XTOR2A=XTOR2A= SmallSmall Door,Door, 18W18W XTOR3A= Small Door, 26W Housing Color Blank]= Bright White Blank]= Blank]= CarbonCarbon BronzeBronze Standard)Standard) 5000K5000K N= Neutral Warm White, Standard) WT= Summit White 3500M3500M Options (Add as Suffix) Accessories (Order Separately) PC7=PC7= PhotocontrolPhotocontrol 120V120V WG/WG/ XTOR=XTOR= WireWire GuardGuard PC2= Photocontrol 208- 277V 3-' XTORFLD- KNC= Knuckle Floodlight Kit 7 347V= 347V' XTORFLD-XTORFLD- TRN=TRN= TrunnionTrunnion FloodlightFloodlight KitKit 77 HA=HA= 50°50° CC HighHigh Ambient'Ambient' XTORFLD- KNC- WT= Knuckle Floodlight Kit, Summit White 7 XTORFLD- TRN- WT=Trunnion Floodlight Kit, Summit White 7 EWP/EWP/ XTOR=XTOR= Escutcheon Escutcheon WallWall Plate,Plate, CarbonCarbon BronzeBronze EWP/ XTOR- WT= Escutcheon Wall Plate, Summit White NOTES: 1 DesignLights Consortium' Qualified. Refer to www.designlighis. org Qualified Products List under Family Models for details. 2 XTORIA not available in 3500K. 3 Photo contro Is are factory installed. 40rder PC2 for 347V models. 5 Thru-branch wiring not available with HA option or with 347V. 6 Wire guard for wall/ surface mount. Not for use with floodlight kit accessory. 7 Floodlight kit accessory supplied with knuckle ( KNC) or trunnion TRN) base, small and large top visors and small and large impact shields. STOCK ORDERING INFORMATION 7W Series 18W Series 26W Series XTORIA= 7W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A= 18W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A= 26W, 5000K, Carbon Bronze XTORIA- WT=7W, 5000K, Summit White XTOR2A- N= 18W, 350OK, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A- N= 26W, 350OK, Carbon Bronze XTORIA- PC1= 7W, 5000K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A- WT= 18W, Summit White XTOR3A- WT= 26W, Summit White XTOR2A- PC1= 18W, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A- PC1 = 26W, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze 5 - DAY QUICK SHIP ORDERING INFORMATION 7W Series 18W Series 26W Series XTORIA- WT-PC1= 7W, 5000K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR2A- PC2= 18W, 5000K, 208- 277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A- PC2= 26W, 5000K, 208- 277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A-WT-PC1= 18W, 5000K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR3A- WT-PC1= 26W, 5000K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR2A-WT-PC2= 18W, 5000K, Summit White, 208-277V PC XTOR3A- WT-PC2= 26W, 5000K, Summit White, 208- 277V PC XTOR2A- N- WT=18W, 350OK, Summit White XTOR3A- N- WT= 26W, 3500K, Summit White XTOR2A- N- PC1= 18W, 3500K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR3A- N- PC1= 26W, 3500K, 120V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A-XTOR2A- N-N- PC2=PC2= 18W,18W, 350OK,350OK, 208-208- 277V277V PC,PC, CarbonCarbon BronzeBronze XTOR3A- N- PC2= 26W, 3500K, 208- 277V PC, Carbon Bronze XTOR2A- N- WHT-PC1= 18W, 3500K, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR3A- N- WHT-PC1= 26W, 350OK, Summit White, 120V PC XTOR2A- N- WT-PC2= 18W, 3500K, Summit White, 208- 277V PC XTOR3A- N- WT-PC2= 26W, 3500K, Summit White, 208-277V PC Eaton E ,T•N Paw_ enng Business Worldwide 1121 Highway 74 South Peachtree City, GA 30269 P: 770486.4800 www.eaton. com/ lighting Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. TD514013EN 2015- 05- 29 11: 34: 51 0 G) PREPARED BY: TYPE: JOB NAME: DATE: CERTIFICATION: UL LISTED MODEL# D" H" W508 8 6 W512 12 8 W514 14 9 W516 16 9 W512 W508 W514 W516 W516X FINISH -Five stage pretreatment process, coated with a LAMP HOLDERS- Accommodates Incandescent lead free TGI C polyester powder coat finish. White is medium base porcelain socket, copper shell with nicked standard inside reflectors, Except # 49 -Galvanized, # 62 - Anodized Bronze and # 63 -Iron Rust, Unless specified. plate, rated 250V, 660W. Compact Fluorescent 4 pin heat resistant thermoplastic socket accommodates Custom colors and Marine are available upon request. 26/ 32W ( Gx24q- 3 base) and 42W ( Gx24q- 4 base). Twist MOUNTING- 1/ 2" or 3/ 4" tapped hub is supplied. Top resistance, rated 75W, 600V. High Intensity or side mount available. Fixtures are pre -wired with 48" or 96" leads. Available with cord or stem sets. socket, rated 660W/ 600V. LED. A minimum of 60, 000 lock design provides for vibration and earthquake Discharge ( H. I.D.) medium base, 4KV pulse start hours to 100, 000 expected life depending on installation REFLECTOR- Spun from heavy gauge 1100- 0 aluminum, ranging in thickness from . 050 to . 125. location and ambient temperature. Galvanized is from 20 gauge sheets. Copper is spun from . 040 gauge and 110 soft alloy. 53 -rust w/ coat W508 W516 INC HID' LED" 100W 26W 35W LOW Arm extension 41 -black 54 -stucco Post Mts & Pole 42 -dr. green 55 -sage Stem 43 -red 57 -polish alum 44 -white W514 MOUNTING OPT. CF" 52 -patina 40 -copper W512 LIGHT SOURCE FINISH MODEL# w/ 45- med. blue 58 -satin alum. 46 -yellow clear coat 48 -polish alum. 59- coppertone 49 -galvanized 60 -canal green 50 -navy blue 61- anod. charcoal 51 -arch. Bronze 62- anod. bronze W516X 26W 35W 32W SOW 10W coat 150W 42W Cord Z Cable & Chain 20W Hub 70W 200W 100W 36W 63 -iron rust REMOTE BALLAST/ DRIVER ZINC MAX WATTAGE 150W MADE IN CALL FACTORY FOR HIGHER WATTAGE PHONE: 877- 999- 1990 FAX: 877- 999- 1955 12260 EAST END A INO, CA 91710 U C UL LISTED PREPARED BY: TYPE: JOB NAME: DATE: CERTIFICATION: UL LISTED MODEL# D" W518 18 9 W520 20 10 W524 24 16 W527 27 16 H" FINISH -Five stage pretreatment process, coated with a lead free TGI C polyester powder coat finish. White is standard inside reflectors, Except # 49 -Galvanized, # 62Anodized Bronze and # 63 -Iron Rust, Unless specified. LAMP HOLDERS- Accommodates Incandescent medium base porcelain socket, copper shell with nicked plate, rated 250V, 660W. Compact Fluorescent 4 pin heat resistant thermoplastic socket accommodates Custom colors and Marine are available upon request. 26/ 32W ( Gx24q- 3 base) and 42W ( Gx24q- 4 base). Twist MOUNTING- 1/ 2" or 3/ 4" tapped hub is supplied. Top resistance, rated 75W, 600V. High Intensity lock design provides for vibration and earthquake or side mount available. Fixtures are pre -wired with 48" or 96" leads. Available with cord or stem sets. REFLECTOR- Spun from heavy gauge 1100- 0 Discharge ( H. I. D.) medium base, 4KV pulse start socket, rated 660W/ 60OV. LED. A minimum of 60, 000 hours to 100, 000 expected life depending on installation location and ambient temperature. aluminum, ranging in thickness from . 050 to . 125. Galvanized is from 20 gauge sheets. Copper is spun from . 040 gauge and 110 soft alloy. MODEL# LIGHT SOURCE FINISH INCINC 40 -copper W518W518 W520 W524 52 -patina 5353 - - rustrust w/ coat 41 -black 54 -stucco 42 -dr. green 55 -sage 43 -red 57 -polish alum 44 -white w/ coat 32W,32W, 35W 57W 1X26W 58 -satin alum. 1X32W 1X42W 48 -polish alum. 59- coppertone 60 -canal green 61- anod. charcoal 2X26W 62- anod. bronze 63 -iron rust 2X42W Arm extension Post Mts & Pole 50W clear coat 51 -arch. Bronze LED' 42W 46 -yellow 50 -navy blue MOUNTING OPT. HID' 26W 30OW 45- med. blue 49 -galvanized W527 CFL Stem 79W 70W Cord2 Cable & Chain 93W Hub 100W 2X32W 93W REMOTE BALLAST ZINC MAX WATTAGE 150W CALL FACTORY FOR HIGHER WATTAGE PHONE: 877- 999- 1990 • -FAX: 877- 999- 1955 12260 EAST END A HIND, CA 91710 MADE IN U q C& LISTED CITY OF DELAFIELD CITY OF DELAFIELD 500 GENESEE ST DELAFIELD, WI 53018 Payee: TWP ARCHITECTURE Time: 1: 50 PM Date: 5/ 18/ 2016 Receipt Number: 00001 / 42239 Clerk: sj ITEM AMOUNT REFERENCE PCAPP ROGERS MEM HOSP SITE PLAN 150. 00 PC APP FEE Total: Check 21365 Change: THANK YOU 150. 00 150. 00 0. 00 ORDINANCE NO. 728 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF DELAFIELD, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF DELAFIELD, WAUKESHA COUNTY, WISCONSIN, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The comprehensive Plan of the City of Delafield is amended as follows: E. Chaper 7 Land Use Goal 1: Achieve a distribution of the various land uses that will result in a convenient and compatible arrangement. Actions / Implementation: 1. Eliminate density averaging district when any of the districts are Agricultural. 2. Discourage development proposals not consistent with the Master Land Use Plan. 3. Evaluate the potential for creating a redevelopment district unique to the southeast portion of the City that exhibits Planned Mixed Use Land Use designation. 4. Encourage commercial development so that the areas function as connected retail commercial districts. 5. Encourage development that is compatible with neighboring land uses and preserves the character of existing neighborhoods. Goal 2: Achieve development and preservation of residential areas within a physical environment that respond to the demonstrated demand for housing which is healthy, safe, convenient, and attractive. Actions / Implementation: 1. Encourage residential subdivisions as planned developments where natural features warrant protection. 2. Discourage developments that negatively impact the character of existing residential neighborhoods. 3. Encourage higher density housing opportunities nearer the City center. 4. Enact measures to curtail the degradation of the lake front character by limiting Lake Residential buildings. SECTION 2: All ordinances or parts of this ordinance conflicting or contravening the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall become effective upon passage and publication as required by law. 1 Dated this _____day of _____________, 2016. CITY OF DELAFIELD _____________________________ Michele DeYoe, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Sara Bruckman City of Delafield Clerk Waukesha County 2