From: June Hercek Sent: Wednesday, February 03,2016 12:43 AM
From: June Hercek Sent: Wednesday, February 03,2016 12:43 AM
OIe:lIll...:I uocwnems ana ~elllngs i l ruay. 1UWN~lill' II Local :;elllngsl ... From: June Hercek Sent: Wednesday, February 03,2016 12:43 AM To: Victor Canning Cc: Trudy Atkinson Subject: Historic Preservation Easements - Montville Museum and Doremus House Attachments: Montville Schoolhouse No. 10.pdf; Hendrik Doremus House.pdf Victor, Several years ago the County of Morris awarded grant funds to the Township of Montville for various improvements to the Montville Schoolhouse No. 10 (Montville Museum) and the Hendrik Doremus House (Doremus House). Examples of improvements include the installation of an ADA Ramp and restoration of the cupola, walls, windows, and electrical system at the Montville Museum, as well as improvements to the underground drainage, roof, doors, and fireplace at the Doremus House. As a condition of funding, the Township agreed to execute a Historic Preservation Easement for each building in which the Easement would remain in effect for a period of 30 years. The purpose of the easement agreement with the County is to assure the preservation, enhancement, and protection of the property from inappropriate use and alteration throughout the 3D-year period - regardless who OIVlfS, maintains, rehabilitates, restores, renovates, adapts, revitalizes, occupies, or uses it. As part of the Easement Agreement, the County has the right to review and approve physical improvements to the property to ensure that modifications are compatible with the preservation of the historic resource. I would like to point out that the Easement contains a Public Access requirement in which each building must be open to the public a minimum of 6 hours a day, 12 times per year. In speaking with Mr. Ray Chang of the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, he recommends we open the buildings to the public at least I day each month (equally spaced time intervals is preferred). So that we are in compliance with the Public Access requirement of the Easement, I will ask Kathy Fisher of the Montville Historical Society to provide us with a list of dates and times the buildings will be open to the public during the course of 20 16. In addition, I will ask Tracy Schnurr to review the Easements and with her approval, we will include the items on the February 9, 2016 meeting agenda. Thanks, June 1 of 1 215120163:44 PM COUNTY OF MORRIS DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS Boud ofChoscn Freeholders DI",c/or P.O. Box 900 Morristown, New Jersey 07968·0900 Counly AdmlnlslrDlDr John Bonanni KoUU)'11 A. DeFlUlppo Depuly Dlmelor HankL,..,.. DI,..,.,lor Dccno LcIU)' 973-829-8120 FAX 973-826·9025 d1C1U) Douglas R. Cabano Jolm Cesaro ntomas J. MD5!ntngelo ChrisUnc MyCIII Deborah SmiUt January 28, 2016 Ms. June Hercek Montville Township 195 Changebridge Road Montville, NJ 07045 Re: Montville Schoolhouse No. 10 Dear Ms. Herc:ek: Enclosed please find the Historic Preservation Easement for the Montville Schoolhouse No. 10 (Montville Museum). The 2005, 2007 and 2008 historic preservation grants for the Montville Schoolhouse No. 10 included the casement that must be executed between Montville Township and Morris County. Please execute the Easement (as authorized by municipal resolution), completing the property description (Schedule A) and confirming the protected features (Schedule B). Please include also a Certificate of Liability Insurance and an Endorsement Form for the property per paragraph 9 of the easement. Please note the Township must have primary general liability policy with a $1,000,000 limit per occurrence and a $3,000,000 aggregate limit. The Certificate Holder and additionally insured should state: County of Morris. P.O. Box 900. Morristown t NJ 07963-0900. Kindly return the executed Easement and Insurance certificate by March 7.2016 to: Ray Chang, P.P., Program Coordinator Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund P.O. Box 900 Morristown, NJ 07963-0900 There are easement monitoring forms including the Request for Approval, Annual Report, Photo Format forms on our website under Historic Preservation for your future use. Office ol SO Seltuylcr Placc • FourUt Floor. Morrlslo\\n • NC\\' Jc\'SC)' \\~\~\'.MorrisCountyNJ·IIO\' If you have any questions or if you are in need of additional infonnation please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Sincerely, RayC g, P.P. Historic Preservation Program Coordinator Record and Return to: John A. Napolilano, Esq. Monis County Counsel P. O. Box 900 Morristown, NJ 07963 Prepared by: John A. Napolitano, Esq. DEED OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT THIS DEED OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT made _ _ _ _ __ (date) between Township of Montville, hnving nn address at 195 Cbangebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"; And MORRIS COUNfY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, having an address at P.O. BolC 900, Morristown, NJ 07963.0900, hereinafter referred to ns the "Grantee". Grantor grants and conveys to the Grantee a historic preservation easement (hereinafter the "E.~sement") on Grantor's property located in the Township of Montville, County of Morris, more fully described in Schedule A annexed hereto (hereinafter the "Property") for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($t.()() and n matching grant from Grantee to restore, rehabilitate, stabilize, andlor preserve the Property for the continuing benefit of the people of the County of Morris (hereinafter the "Grant"). The talC mnp reference for the Property is: Township of Montville Block 56, Lot 7 WHEREAS, Grantee is authorized pursuant to NJ.S.A. 13:8B·1 ~ WIo to acquire historic preservation easements to protect Morris County properties with historic, aesthetic or culrurnl significance being tehabilitated, stabilized, restored and preserved through matching grants by the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund in order to assure the continued preservntion of grant.assisted properties for the public benefit; and WHEREAS, the Grantor is the sole and exclusive owner of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Property possesses historic, aesthetic, or cultural significance to Grantor and the people of the County of Morris and is listed individually and/or as part of a historic district that is listed in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places; and WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee intend that the Property be preserved and maintained; Page I of 16 NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor promises that the Property will be owned, used and conveyed subject to, and not in violntion of, the following covenants and restrictions: 1. purpose. It is the purpose of this Easement to assure the preservation of the Property, to prevent any use of the Property that is not historically appropriate or that is detrimental to or will significantly impair or interfere with the historic fcutures and to assure thac public benefit continues after the expenditure of the Grant. The historic features of the Property are documented in a baseline inventory annexed hereto as Schedule B (hereinafter the "Protected Features") that the parties agree to provide an accurate represent~tion of the Property at the time of this conveyance and which shall serve as an objective information baseline for monitoting compliance with the terms of this Deed. 2. Imn. This Easement shall become effective on October 22, 2012 (hereinafter the "Effective Date") and shall, thereafter, remain in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) years until October 22, 2042. 3. Grantor's Obligations. (a) Grantor shall perform the work items described in the Approved Project Description (Exhibir 2 to a scparate Granr Agreement executed b)' Grantor and Grantee) annexed hereto as Schedule C; (b) The Baseline Inventory of Protected Features under this agreement is full)' set forth in Schedule B, annexed to this agreement and incorporated herein. Grantor shall not demolish or remove the Protected Features; (c) Grantor shall not, without prior written approval of Grantee which will not be unrensonabl}' withheld: (i) adversely affect or threaten tile structural soundness of tile Protected Features; (u) make lIny changes to the Protected Features including alteration, removal, construction, remodeling, addition oE new structures or other physical or structural change, including any change in color or surfllcing or any excavation or topographical change which affects the appearance or construction of the Protected Features; (iii) attach to or erect anything on or ncar the Protected Features which would prolu"bit them &om being visible from ground level, or compromise the historic aesthetic or culturnl significance oE the Property except for temporary structures needed during any period oE approved alteration or restoration. Page 2 of 16 (iv) lease the Property in whole or in put. (d) To prevent deterioration of the Property, Grantor shaD maintain the Protected Features and Property in good condition at Grantor's cost and expense. "Good condition" means that the Protected Features arc intact and structuraDy sound, there arc few or no cosmetic imperfections and the feature needs no more than routine mainten.1nce. (e) Grantor shaD be responsible for deliberate damage or destruction of Protected Features. If Protected Features arc deliberately damaged or destroyed for any reason by the Grantor, or persons acting on behalf of the Grantor, the Grantor shaD be responsible for financial reimburscmentto the Grantee in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 14. For purposes of this Easement, deliberate damage or destruction may result from, but is not limited to, deferred maintenance, demolition by neglect, and demolition. (f) Grantor's obligation to maintain the Protected Features shaD require repL1cemcnt, repair, and reconstruction by Grantor whenever necessnry and in acconlance with the approved maintenance and preservation plans, subject to the casualty provisions of paragraphs 10 nnd 11. Grantor's obligation to maintain the Property shaD also require d,at the Property's Inndscaping be maintained in good appearance. The existing lawn areas shaD be maintained as lawns and regularly mown. The existing meadows and open fields shaD be maintained as meadows and open ficlds , regularly bcushhogged to prevent the growth of woody vegetation where none currendy grows. (g) The dumping, abandonment or storage of ashes, crash, rubbish, or any other unsighdy or offensive materials is prohibited on the Property; (h) The Property sh:ill not be divided or subdivided in L1W or in fact and the Property shaD not be devised or conveyed except as a unit; (i) No above ground utility cransmission lines, except those reasonably necessary for the existing buildings, may be created on the Property, subject to utility L'lIsements already recorded. 4. Grantor's Representations. Grantor represents that it is a municipal government \vidtin Moms County. 5. Requests for Approval. Grantor must seck the npproval of Grantee required by Paragraph 3(c) hereinabove by submitting to Grantee a request for approval in the fonn required by Grantee. Grantor shnU submit to Grantee documents, including plans, specifications, and designs where appropriate, describing the proposed nctivity with reasonable specificity. In connection therewith, Grantor shaD also submit to Grantee Ii timetable for the proposed activity in a foan acceptable to Grantee and sufficient to permit Grantee to monitor such activity. 6. Standards for Rsyjew. In exercising any authority created by this Easement to inspect the Property or the Protected Features, to review and approve any construction, alteration, "'Pair, addition of new structures or maintenance, or to review casualty damage or to reconstruct or approve reconstruction of the Protected Features foUowing casualty damage, Grantee shaD utilize The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Hjstoric properties, (36 CFR 800 ~ SlI.)(hercinafter the "Standards"). To determine the appropriateness of Grantor's request for approval submitted in accordance \vith Paragraph 4, Grantee may consult records documenting the Page 3 of16 Property's nppcarnnce including photogrnphs nnd mc.uured drnwings, National or State Registers or other survey data, historic structure reports, existing condition surveys nnd other reports filed or to be filed at the County of Morris, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and other appropriate places within the State. Grantor agrees to abide by the Standards in performing aU repairs and mainteJlJlnce. 7. Reserved Rights. Except as set forth in Paragrnph 3, the foUowing rights, uses, and activities of or by Grantor on, over, or under the Property arc permitted by this Easement and by Grantee \vithout further approval by Grantee: (a) The right to engage in aD those acts and uses that: (i) arc permitted by governmental statute or regulation; (n) do not materiaUy impair the Protected Features or the Property; and (lit) arc not inconsistent \vith the purpose of this Easement; (b) TI,e right to maint,1in and repair the Protected Features strictly according to the Standards. As used in this Paragrnph, the right to maintain and repair shan mean the usc by Grantor of in·kind materi"ls and colors applied in a workm.1n-like manner. The right to maintain and repair as used in tltis parngrnph shan not include the right to make changes in appearance, materials, colors, and workmanship from that existing prior to the maintenance and repair without the prior approval of Grantee in accordance \vith the provisions ofParngrnphs 3, 4 and 5; (c) The right to continue the existing usc and enjoyment of the Property consistent \vith the purpose of this Easement; and (d) TI,e right to conduct at or on the Property educational and nonprofit activities that arc not inconsistent with the purpose of this Easement. 8. Public AccC;Ss, The property shaD be accessible by the public as specified in Schedule 0 annexed hereto. 9. Insumnce. Grnntor shan keep the Property insured by an insurance company authorized to conduct business in the State of New Jersey against 1055 from the perils commonly insured under standard fire and extended coverage policies in an amount sufficient to reimburse Grantee in the amount of the Grant after an mortgagee clainu arc satisfied. Grnntor shan also carty comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal mjury and death m an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate including property d:unage. Grantor shaD deliver to Grantee, within ten (10) busmess days of the Effective Date, cettificates of such msurance covernge. Each certificate shaD name the Grantee and its officers and employees as addition.ll insured bei11g confirmed by policy endorsement, and shall cettify that covernge may not be cancelled for any reason except after thirty (30) days written notice to Grantee. to. Indemnificatign, Grantor shaD mdemnify and hold harmless the Grantee, the Board of Chosen Freeholders, their Employees, Agents and Servants from and against any and aD losses, penalties, damages, settlements, costs, charges, professional fees (mcluding attomeys' fees) or other expenses of liabilities including the mvestigation and defense of any claims, arismg out of or resulting from any act, omission, condition, or other matter rclnted to or occurring on or about the Property, regardless of ",use, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to miury to or destruction of tangible Page 4 of 16 propctlY including the loss of the use resulting therefrom, and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any ncglig~nt act or omission of the Grantor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be w.ble (including a claim by an employee of the Grantor) regardless of whether it is caused in part by a parlY indemnified hereunder. In any and aU claims against CoonlY of Morris, th~ Board of Chosen Freeholders, their Employees, Agents and Servants by any employees of the Grantor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they mny be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Agreement shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the nmount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Grantor under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 11. Casualty Damn!!!! or Destruction. In the event the Protected Features shall be d,unaged or destroyed by fire, flood, windstorm, hurricane, earth movement, or other like casuallY, Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing within fourteen (14) days of the damage or destruction, such notification describing what, if any, emergency work has nlready been completed. No repairs or reconstruction of any type, other tllan temporary emergency work to prevent further cL~mage to the Protected Features nnd to protect public snfelY, shall be undertaken b)' Grantor without Grantee's prior written approval. Within thirlY (30) days of tile dale of damage or destruction, if required by Grantee, Grantor nt its expense shnU submit to the Grantee a written report prepared by • qualified restoClltion architect and an engineer acceptable to Grantor and Grantee, which report shnll include the following: (n) An assessrncnt of the nature and extent of the daRlllge; (b) A determination of the feasibililY of the restoration of the Protected Features and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed portions of the Protected Features; and (c) A report of such restoration nnd reconstruction work necessary to return the Protected Features to the condition existing intmediately prior to the damnge or destruction. 12. Review After CnsuallY Damalle or Destruction. If, nfter reviewing the report provided in paragraph 10, Grantor and Grantee agree that the Purpose of the Easement will be served by such restoration and reconstruction, Grantor and Grantee shall establish n schedule under which Grantor shall complete the restoration and reconstruction of the Protected Features in accordance with plnns and specifications agreed to by the parties. If, after reviewing the report, Grantor and Grantee agree in writing that restoration and reconstruction of the Properl}' is intpracticnl or intpossible, or agree in writing that the Purpose of this Easement would not be served by such restoration and reconstruction, Grantor, may, \vith the prior written consent of Grantee, alter, demolish, remove, or raze the Protected Features, and construct new intprovements on the Properl}'. In this event, Grantor nod Grantee may agree to extinguish this Ensement in whole or in part in accorebnce \vitll the Inws of tlte State of New Jersey and Pnngraph 13. 13. Condemnation, If the Properl}' is taken, in whole or in part, by exercise of tlte power of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to compensation from Grantor in tlte amount of the Grant. Page S or 16 14. Extinl:Yjshment. If circumstances nrise in the future such as to render the purpose of this Easement impossible to accomplish, this Easement may be terminated or extinguished by Grantee and Grantee shall be entitled to compensation from Grantor in the amount of the Grant. 15. Subsequent Transfers. Grantor agrees to give written notice to Grantee of the transfer of any interest in the Property at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such transfer. 16. Inspectinn. At least annually, and upon prior reasonable notice to Grantor, representatives of Grantee sh,ill be pennitted to inspect and photograph the Property, including the Protected Features. Grantor agrees that it will not unreasonably withhold its consent in determining dates lind times for such inspections. 17. Evidence of Compliance. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shan promptly furnish Grantee with written certifiClltion in the form required by Grantee that, to the best of Grantor's knowledge, Grantor is in compliance with tile obligations of Grantor contained herein. 18. G!JlDtee's Remedjs.•. If Grantee determines that Grantor is in violation of the terms of this Easement or that a violation is threatened, Grantee shan give written noDee to Grantor of such violation and demand corrective action sufficient to cure the violation within the period of time set forth in the notice and, where the violation involves injury to the Property resulting from any usc or activity inconsistent with the purpose of this E:lscment, to restore the portion of the Property so injured. Grantee may bring an action at law or equity in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the terms of t1tis E.~sement, to enjoin the violation, tx parlt as necessa%}', by temporary or permanent injunction, to recover any damages to which it may be entitled for a viol:ation of the terms of this E:lscment or injury to any Protected Features protected by this Easement, and to require the restoration of the Property to the condition that existed prior to any such injury. Without limiting Grantor's liability therefore, Grantee, in its sole discretion, may apply any damages recovered to the cost of undertaking any corrcctive action on the property. If Grantee, in its sole discretion, determines thot circumslanceS require immediate action to prevent or mitigate significant damage to the Protected Features of the Property, Grantee may pursue its remedies under this paragraph without prior notice to Grantor. Grantee's rights under this paragraph apply equally in the event of either actual or threatened violations of the terms of this E.~scment, and Grantor agrees that Grantee's remedies at law for any violation of the terms of this Easement are inadequate and that Grantee shall be entitled to the injunctive relief described in tlus paragraph, in addition to such other relief to which Grantee may be entitled, including specific performance of the terms of this E.~sement, without the necessity of proving either actual damages or the inadequacy of otherwise available legal remedies. Grantee's remedies described in this paragraph shall be cumulative and shill be in addition to all remedies now or hereafter existing at law or equity. 19. Amendment. If circumstances arise under which an amendment to or modification of tltis Easement would be appropriate, Grantor and Grantee may by mutual written agreement jointly amend this E.~ment. Any such amendment shall be consistent with the purpose of this Easement; shan not pennit additional development on the Property other than the development pennitted by this Easement on the Effective Dote; shan not permit nny private inurement to any person or entity; and shan not adversely impact the Protected Features or the Property. Any such amendment shall be recorded by Grantor at its cost lind expense in the county in which the Property is located. Nothing in this Paragraph shan require Grantee to agree to any amendment or to consult or negotiate regarding any amendment. Page 6 or 16 20. ~ Grantor shaD pay before delinquency aD taxes, assessments, fees, nnd charges of whatever description levied on or assessed against the Property by competent authority (coDectively "taxes"), including noy taxes imposed upon, or incurred as a result of, this Easement, and shaD furnish Grantee with satisfactory evidence of payment upon request. 21. Grantee's Djscretion. Enforcement of the terms of this Easement shaD be at the discretion of Grantee, nod any forbearance by Grantee to exercise its rights under this Easement in the event of any breach of any term of this Easement by Grantors shaD not be deemed or construed to be a waiver bj' Grantee of such term or of any of Grantee's rights under this Easement. No delay or onUssion by Grantee in the exercise of nny right or remedy upon IIny breach by Grantors shnD impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. 22. Costs of Enforcement. Any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Easement against Grantor, including, without limitation, costs of suit ond reasonable attorneys' fees, and any costs of restorntion necessitated by Grantor's violation of dle terms of this Easement shaD be borne bj' Grnntor. 23. Costs nnd Ijabilities. Grantor retains aD responsibilities and shoD bear nO costs and liabilities of noy kind related to the ownership, operation, upkeep, and maintenance of the Property. Grantor shill keep the Property free of any construction or mechanics liens arising out of Any work performed for, m.~terials furnished to, or obligations incuaed by Grantor. 24. Written Notice, Any notice which either Gantor or Grantee may desire or be required to give to the other party shaD be in writing and shaD be delivered by one of the foDowing methods (i) overnight courier postage prepaid, (ii) registered or certified mail rerum receipt requested or, (iii) hand delivery; if to Grantor, then to the Administrator, Townsbip of Montville, 195 Cbangebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045, and if to Grantee, then to Director, Moals County Department of Planning & Public Works, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900, and County Counse~ County of Morris, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963·0900.. Each party may change its address set forth herein by a notice to such effect to the other party. 25. Notice from Goyernment Authoritie5. Grantor shaD delivcr to Grantee copies of nny notice of violation or lien relating to the Property received bj' Grantor from any government nuthorilj' \vitbin five (5) days of receipt by Grantor. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shaD prompdy furnish Grantee with evidence of Grantor's compliance with such notice or lien where complinnce is required by law. 26. Waiver of Certain Defense5. Grantors hereby waive any defense of laches, prescription. estoppe~ or 27. Recordation, Grantee shall record this instrument \vitb the County of Morris. 28. Captions. The captions in this instrument have been inserted solely for convenience of reference and are not a part of this instrument nod shaD have no effect upon construction or interpretation. Page 7 ofl6 29. Successors. The covenants, tenns, conditions, and restrictions of this Easement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns. 30. Subordination, At the time of the conveyance of this Easement, the Property is subject to a Mortgage/Deed of Trust held by (hereinafter, "Mortgagee" /"Lender"). The Mortgagee/Lender joins in the execution of this Easement to evidence its agreement to subordinate the Mortgage to this Easement under the following conditions and stipulations: (a) the Mortgagee/Lender and its assignees shall have a prior claim to all insurance proceeds as a result of any casunlty, hazard, or accident occuaing to or about the Property and the proceeds of any condemnation proceeding, and shall be entitled to same in preference to Grantee until the Motlgnge/the Deed of TN5t is paid off and diseharged, notwithstanding that the Mortgage/the Deed of Trust is subordinate in priority to the Easement. (b) If the Mortgngee/Lender receivC5 an assignment of the lease, rents, and profits of the Property .s security or additional security for the loan secured by the Mottgage/Deed of Trust, then Mortgngee/Lender shall have prior cL'Iim to the leases, rents, and profits of the Property and shall be entitled to receive same in preference to Grantee until the Mortgagee's /Lender's debt is pllid off or otherwise satisfied, notwithstanding that the Mortgage/Deed of Trust is subordinate in priority to the Easement (c) The Mortgngee/Lender or purchaser in foreclosure shall have no obligntion, debt, or liability under the Easement until the Mortgagee/Lender or a purchaser in foreclosure under it obtllins ownership of the Property. In the event of foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, the Easement is not extinguished. (d) Nothing contllined in this Easement shall be construed to give nny Mortgngee/Lender the right to vioL~te the terms of this Easement or to extinguish this Easement by taking title to the Property by foreclosure or otherwise. Page 8 or 16 Grantor. Grantee and. if applicable. Mortgagee sign this Deed of Easement as of the date at the top of the first page. If the Grantor is a cOIporation. this Deed of Easement is signed and attested to by ilS proper cOIporate officers and ilS cOIporate scal is affixed. ATTEST: GRANTOR: ___________________ B~, Print Name: Print Name: Tide: Tide: ATTEST: GRANTEE: By:____________ Print Name: Freeholder Director Print Name: Tide: Title: ATTEST: MORTGAGEE: By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name: Print Name: Tide: Tide/Firm: Page 90f 16 STATE OF NEW JERSEY SS COUNTY OF MORRlS I certify that on (cL,le), -:-_-:-_ _----:--:--:-----:-___ personaUy came before me and this pctSon acknowledged under oath 10 my satisfaction that: (0) this person is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Township of Montville, the Grantor in this agreement. (b) this person is the allesting witness to the signing of this Agreement by the proper official _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (nnme) who is the of Township of Montville. (c) this Agreement was signed nnd delivered by Township oC Montville as its voluntnry nct duly authorized by a proper resolution of irs Governing Body. Signed and Sworn to before me on Not1ty Public STATE OF NEW JERSEY SS: COUNTY OF MORRIS I certify th.,t on (date) , personally came before me and this person acknowledged under oath to my satisfaction that: (n) this person is the secretary to the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Grantee in this agreement; (b) this person is the attesting witness to the signing of this Agreement by the proper official _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name) who is the Freeholder Director; (c) this Agreement was signed nnd delivered by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders ns its volunt.1ty nct duly authorized by a proper resolution of the Board. Signed and Sworn to before me on Notary Public Page 10 of 16 SCHEDULE A Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Legal Description of Property Tax Mnp Reference: Township of Montville. County of Moros Block 56, Lot 7 The property consists of the tmct or parcel of !nnd situated in the Township of Montville. County of Moros. State of New Jersey known as Montville Schoolhouse No. 10. ALL that ccrtnin tract or pnrccl of land situate. lying and being in the Township of Montville. County of Morris. and State of New Jersey. being more particularly described as fonows: Poge 11 of 16 SCHEDULEB MORRIS COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION TRUST FUND HISTORIC PRESBRVATION EASBMENT BASBUNE INVENTORY OF PROTBCTBD FEATURES PROPERTY NAME MontviUe Schoolliouse No. 10 PROTECTED PROPERTY FEATURES 1L SITE FEATURES (if not applicable, go to Exterior): Nntuml Features Trees/Shrubs: Lawns/Vegetation/Ground Cover: Strenms/Ponds/Wedands: N.l.Jj. Topograpbicnl Features: w..A Other: Hid N.LA Hid Manmade Features Benches/Site Furnishings/Gazebos: N.l.Jj. Fences/WaDs/Gates: w..A Drain Inlets/Catch Basins/Drain Pipes: Hid Ronds/Driveways/Sidewalks: N.l.Jj. Parking Lots: A Curbs: ADA Rnmp lUi Signs: liLA Archaeological Resources: N.LA Other: w..A Other A A All other SITE features referenced in documents rued or to be rued at the County of Moms, including grant applications made to the Moms County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including aU future amendments. EXTERIOR FEATURES (If Dot applicable, go to loterior): List building(s) proteeted by Easement: MODtviUe Schoolliouse No. 10 Page 12 of 16 (The below f..":!lUres refer to Montville Schoolhouse No. 10 unless olberwise noted) Roof X X X X X X X X NLL\ Roof Covering: Exterior Restoration Roof ShC2lhing: Exterior Restoration Flashing: Exterior Restoration Chimneys: Exterior Restoration Roof Penett:ltions/Decorations: Exterior Restoration Gutters/Downspouts: Exterior Restoration Comice: Exterior Restoration Trim: Exterior Restoration Olber. Facades X Walls: Exterior Restoration X Windows (Openings/Frnmes/Sash/Trim): Exterior Restomtion X Doors (Openings/Framc../Door Units): Exterior Restoration X Attachments (Shutters/Signs/Awnings): Exterior Restoration X Foundation: Exterior Restoration NLA adler. Appurtenances Steps/Stairs: Nib. Landings/Slabs: Ni11 Porches: Nib. Balconies: Nib. Light FixlUres: N/A Olber. WJ1 Olber .x. .x. X AU supporting structural members AU olber E..'\.'TERIOR fcatur.... referenced in documents rued or to be rued lit Ibe County of Moms, including grant applications made to Ibe Moms County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including aU future .mendments. INTERIOR FEATURES List space(s} in building(s} protected by casement. (Include name of building if more Iban one. Spaces lite marked and delinCllted on attached floor plan(s)} Finishes X Floots: Interior Restoration X WaDs: Interior Restoration Ccilings: Interior Restoration X X Molding/Trim: Interior Restoration Nib. Olber: Page 13 of 16 Openings X Doors/Door Hanhvnre: Interior Restoration A Door Frames: Interior Restoration X Windows/Window Hardware: Interior Restoration X Window Frames: Interior Restoration N.1.l. Other: Other Features Stairs (Camage/Railings): ~ Fireplaces (Hearth/Mantel/Surround): N.J..,a Built-in Features: X Others: Electrical Upgmde N.1.l. X X All supporting structural members All other INTERIOR features referenced in documents filed or to be filed at the County of Moms, including the gmnt application made to the Moms County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including all future amendments. BASEUNE DOCUMENTATION OF PROPERTY As per Paragraph 5 of casement, County of Moms mny consult records documenting the )'ropcrty's appearance and condition filed or to be filed at dIe County of Morris, New Jersey Historic PresCfVation Office and At odler places within the State. BeCAuse existing documentation m.~y not continue to reflect the actual appearance and condition of the property at the time of project completion, it will be supplemented by baseline infonnation provided in the Progress Reports andl or documentation submitted by the Grantor. Overview of Existing Documentation 1. Preservation Plans: (no Preservation Plan on file) 2. Architectural Drawings: Phase IlJ - Accessibility Project, Drawings and Specs, prepared by HJGA, dated 11 / 10/ 05. Restoration and Rehabilitation, Drawings & Specs, prepared by Connolly & Hickey, dated 7/ 31 / 10. 3. Photogmphs: All as submitted by the Grantor as related [0 the 2005, 2007, 2008 grant applications. Page 14 of 16 SCHEDULEC Morris Couuty Historic PresCl'Vation Trust Fund Historic Preservatiou EasClDent Scope of Work to be Completed with Grant Funds 2005 Orant: $17,196 2007 Orant: $72,000 2008 Orant: $125,000 The 2005 construction grant provided for an ADA ramp. The 2007 grant provided for exterior restoration including the cupola. The 2008 grant included the repair of masonry waIls and chimney; restoration and repainting of interior waIls, windows, doors, trim and interior; electrical upgrade, and associated architectural construction administration and paint analysis fees. Page IS of 16 SCHEDULED Morris CoUDty Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Requirements for Public Access and Use =.....,x~ As this Property IS now ACCESSIBLE to the public, no additional access is required. The SITE of the Propert)' must rem.~in generally accessible to the public for the term of this easement. _ _ _ As dus Propett)' IS NOT now ACCESSIBLE to the public, public openings nrc required. The (SITE nnd/or INTERIOR) of the Property is/are to be open to the public a minimum of 6 hours a dal' :It reasonable spaced intervals a minimum of 12 days in nny calendar year during the term of this E.~sement specified in Paragraph 2. If the hours of public access nrc not permanendy posted or additional hours arc required under this Easement, 0 sign odvertising each opening is to be mainlllined on dle property in public view beginning one week before, and on the day of public access, or public notice is to be placed in an appropriote local newspaper. Page 160f 16 COUNTY OF MORRIS DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS Bonnl orChosen Freeholders Director Knthryn A. DcFIIIlppo Deputy Director BnnkLyon P.O. Box 900 County Admlnbtmtor Jolm Bonanni Morristown, New Jersey 07968-0900 Director Dc:c:na Leaf)' 973-829-8120 FAX 97S-S26-!J()25 dlCll1')' Douglas R. Cabonn John CCSIU'O l1,omas J. loIastrungelo Christine 111)'1:1'8 Dcbora:h Smith January 28, 2016 Ms. June Hercek Montville Township 195 Changebridge Road Montville, NJ 07045 Re: Hendrik Doremus House Dear Ms. Hercek: Enclosed please find the Historic Preservation Easement for the Hendrik Doremus House. lbe 2004 and 2006 historic preservation grants for the Hendrik Doremus House included the easement that must be executed between Montville Township and Morris County. Please execute the Easement (as authorized by municipal resolution), completing the property description (Schedule A) and confirming the protected features (Schedule B). Please include also a Certificate of Liability Insurance and an Endorsement Form for the property per paragraph 9 of the easement. Please note the Township must have primary general liability policy with a $1,000,000 limit per occurrence and a $3,000,000 aggregate limit. lbe Certificate Holder and additionally insured should state: County of Morris. P.O. Box 900. Morristown. NJ 07963-0900. Kindly return the executed Easement and Insurance certificate by March ,. 2016 to: Ray Chang, P.P., Program Coordinator Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund P.O. Box 900 Morristown, NJ 07963·0900 There are easement monitoring forms including the Request for Approval, Annual Report, Photo Format forms on our website hIlD:lfmorrisplanning.orglforms.asp under Historic Preservation for your future use. omce locolA:d ot 30 &hnyler Place. r'Ourth Floor. Morristown. New Jersey \\'\\~\·.r.lorrisCountyNJ.gO\· If you have any questions or if you are in need of additional infonnation please feel free to contact me. Thank you, Sincerely, ay Chang, P.P. Historic Preservation Program Coordinator Record and Return to: John A. N.polilano, Esq. Monis County Counsel P.O.80x9OO Morrislown, NJ 07963 Prepared by: John A. Napolitano, Esq. DEED OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT THIS DEED OF HISTORIC PRESERVAnON EASEMENT made --::_---,-_ __ (d1te) between Township ofMontviUe, having an address at 195 Cbangebridge Road, MontviUe, NJ 07045, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"; And MORRIS COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, having an address at P.O. Box 900, Momstown, NJ 07963..Q900, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee". Grantor grants and conveys to the Grantee a historic preservarion casement (hereinafter the "Easement") on Gmntor's property located in the Township of Montville, County of Moms, more fully described in Schedule A annexed hereto (hereinafter the "Property") for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOU.AR ($1.(JO) and a matching grant from Grantee to restore, rehabilitate, sllIbilize, and/or preserve the Property for the continuing benefit of the people of the County of Moms (hereinafter the "Grant"). The tax map reference for the Property is: Township of Montville Block 39.10, Lot 66.1 WHEREAS, Grantee is authorized pursunnt to N.J.S.A. 13:8B-l ~ il:lj. to acquire historic preservation casements to protect Moms County properties with historic, aesthetic or cultural significance being rehabilitated, stabilized, restored and preserved through matching grants by the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund in order to assure the continued preservation of grant-assisted properties for the public benefit; and WHEREAS, the Grantor is the sole and exclusive owner of the Property; and WHEREAS, the PropcIty possesses historic, aesthetic, or cultural significnnce to Grantor and the people of the County of Moms and is listed individuaUy and/or as part of a historic district that is listed in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places; and WHEREAS, GClntor and Grantee intend that the Property be preserved and maintained; Page I or 16 NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor promises that the Property will be owned, used lind conveyed subject to, and not in violation of, the fonowing covenants lind restrictions: 1. Putll0se. It is the purpose of this Easement to IIssure the preservation of the Property, to prevent an)' usc of the Property that is not historically appropriate or that is detrimental to or will signi6c,mdy impair or interfere with the historic features and to assure that public bene6t continues afrer d,e expenditure of the Grant. The historic featurcs of the Property are documented in II baseline inventory annexed hereto as Schedule B (hereinafter the "Protected Features") that the parries agree to provide an accurate represent.~tion of the Property at d,e time of this conveyance and which shall serve as an objective information baseline for monitoring compliance ,vith the terms of this Deed. 2. Thmi. TIus Easement shnU become effective on June 25, 2009 (hereinafter the "Effective Date") and shnU, thereafter, remain in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) years until June 25,2039. 3. Grantor's Obligjllions. (a) Grantor shan perform the work items described in the Approved Project Description (Exhibit 2 to a separate Grant Agreement executed by Grantor and Grantee) annexed hereto as Schedule C; (b) The Baseline Inventory of Protected Features under this agreement is fully set forth in Schedule B, annexed to this agreement and incorporated herein. Grantor shnU not demolish or remove the Protected Features; (c) Grnntor shall not, without prior written approval of Grantee which \VilJ not be unreasonably ,vithhcld: (i) adversc:ly affect or threaten the structural soundness of the Protected Features; (iJ) make any changes to the Protected Features including alteration, removal, construcrion, remodeling, addition of new structures or other physical Or structural change, including any change in color or surfacing or any eXc.1Vation or topographical change which affects the appearance or construction of the Protected Features; (iii) attach to Or erect anything on or near the Protected FeatureS which would prolubit them from being visible from ground leve~ or compromise the historic aesthetic or cultural significance of the Property except for temporary structures needed during any period of approved alteration or restorntion. Page 2 ofl6 (iv) lease the Property in whole or in p:ut. (d) To prevent deterioration of the Property, Grantor shaD mnintain the Protected Features and Property in good condition at Grantor's cost and expense. "Good condition" means that the Protected Features nrc intact and structuraDy sound, there nre few or no cosmetic imperfections and the feature needs no more than routine maintenance. (e) Grantor shall be responsible for deliberate damage or destruction of Protected Features. If Protected Features nrc deliberately damaged or destroyed for any reason by the Grantor, or persons acting on behalf of the Grantor, the Grantor shaD be responsible for financial reimbursement to the Grantee in accordance with the provisions of Pnrngrnph 14. For purposes of this E:iscment, deliberate dam.~ge or destruction may result from, but is not limited to, deferred maintenance, demolition by neglect, and demolition. (f) Grantor's obligation to mnintain the Protected Fe.tures shaD requirc replacement, repair, and reconstruction by Grantor whenever necessary and in accordance with the approved maintenance and preservation plans, subject to the casualty provisions of paragraphs 10 and 11. Grantor's obligation to maintain the Property shaD also require dlnt the Property's landscaping be maintained in good appearance. The existing lawn areas shaD be m.~tained as lawns and regularly mown. The existing meadows nnd open fields shaD be mnintained .s meadows and open fields, regularly brushhogged to prevent the growth of woody vegetation where none currendy grows. (g) The dumping, abandonment or storage of ashes, trash, rubbish, or any other unsighdy or offensive materials is prohibited on the Property; (h) The Property shaD not be divided or subdivided in law or in fact and the Property shaD not be devised or conveyed except as a unit; Q) No above ground utility transmission lines, except those reasonably necessary for the existing buildings, may be created on the Property, subject to utility easements already recorded. 4. G(jIntor's Rc:presenrations. Grantor represents that it is a municipal government within Morris County. S. Requests for Approval. Grantor must seck the approval of Grantee required by Paragraph 3(c) hereinabove by submitting to Grantee a request for npprovnl in the form required by Grantee. Grantor shaD submit to Grantee docUOlents, including plnns, specifications, and designs where appropriate, describing the proposed activity with reasonable specificity. In connection therc\vith, Grantor shaD nlso submit to Grantee a timetable for the proposed activity in a form acceptable to Grantee and sufficient to pcrtnit Grantee to monitor such activity. 6. for Review. In exercising any authority created by this Easement to inspect the Property or the Protected Features, to revic\v and approve any construction, alteration, repair, addition of ne\v structures or mnintenance, or to review CllSunlty damage or to reconstruct or approve reconstruction of the Protected Features foDowing casualty damage, Grantee shaD utilize The SecretaC)' of the Interior's Sl!\ndards for the Trcahncgt of Historic properties, (36 CPR 800 J:! KlI.)(hcreinafter the "Standards"). To determine the appropriateness of Grantor's request for approval submitted in accordance ,vith Paragraph 4, Grantee may consult records documenting the Pagel of 16 Property's appearance including photographs and measured drawings, National or State Registers or other survey data, historic structure reports, existing condition surveys and other reports filed or to be filed at the County of Morris, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and other appropriate places within the State. Grnntor ngrees to abide by the Standards in performing all repairs and maintenance. 7. Reserved Rights. Except as set forth in Pangraph 3, the following rights, uses, and activities of or by Grantor on, over, or under the Property arc peanitted by this Easement nnd by Grnntee without further approval by Grantee: (a) The right to engage in all those acts and uses that: (i) nre peanitted by governmental statute or regulation; (ti) do not materi.~lly impair the Protected Features or the Proper!)'; and (iii) arc not inconsistent \vith the purpose of this E2sement; (b) The right to maint.~ and repair the Protected Features strictly according to the Standards. As used in this Parngraph, the right to maint.~ nnd repair shall mean the usc by Grnntor of in-kind materials and colors applied in a workman-like manner. The right to maintain and repair as used in tlUs paragraph shall not include tl,e right to make changes in appearance, materials, colors, and workmanship from that existing prior to the maintenance and repair Witl,out the prior approval of Grantee in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 3, 4 and 5; (c) The right to continue the existing usc nnd enjoyment of the Property consistent \vith the purpose of this Easement; and (d) The right to conduct at or on the Propert)' L-ducntional and nonprofit activities thnt arc not inconsistent \vith the purpose of this Easement. S. public Access, The property shall be accessible by the public as specified in Schedule 0 annexed hereto. 9. Insur;!Oce, Grantor shall keep the Property insured by an insurance company authorized to conduct business in the State of New Jersey against loss &om tl,e perils commonly insured under standard fire and extended coverage policies in an amount sufficient to reimburse Grantee in the amount of the Grant after all mortgagee claims arc satisfied. Grantor shall also carry comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal injury and death in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate including property dam.~ge. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee, \vithin ten (10) business days of the Effective Date, certificates of such insurance coverage. Each certificate shall name the Grantee and its officers and employees as additional insured being confirmed by policy endorsement, and shall certify that coverage may not be cancelled for any rcason except after thirty (30) days written notice to Grantee. 10. IndemnifiQltion, Grantor shall indemnify nnd hold harmless the Grantee, the Board of Chosen Freeholders, their Employees, Agents and Servants from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, settlements, costs, ch.uges, professionnl fees (Including attorneys' fees) or other expenses of liabilities including the investigation and defense of any claims, arising out of or resulting &om any act, omission, condition, or other matter rclated to or occurring on or about the Property, regardless of cause, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible Page4ofl6 property including the loss of the usc resulting therefrom, and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of the Grantor, or anyone direcdy or indirecdy employed by dtem or anyone for whose acts they may be liable (including a claim by an employee of the Grantor) regardless of whether it is cAused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. In any and all claims against County of Morris, the Board of Chosen Freeholders, their Employees, Agents and SC[vRDts by any employees of the Grantor, anyone directl)' or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Agreement shall not be limited in nny way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Grantor under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit ncts. 11. Casunlty Damage or Destruction. In the event the Protected Features shaD be damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, windstonn, hurricane, earth movement, or other like casualty, Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing within fourteen (14) d.1)'S of tlte damnge or destruction, such notification describing what, if any, emergency work has alread), been completed. No repairs or reconstruction of any type, other than temporary emergency work to prevent further damage to the Protected Features and to protect public safety, shaD be undertaken by Grantor without Grantee's prior written approval. Within thirty (30) days of tlte date of dam.1ge or destruction, if required by Grantee, Grantor at its expense shall submit to dte Grantee a written report prepared by n qualified restoration architect and an engineer ncceptnble to Grantor and Grantee, which report shall include the foDowing: (a) An assessment of the nature and extent of the damage; (b) A determination of the feasibility of the restoration of the Protected Features and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed portions of the Protected Features; and (c) A report of such restoration nnd reconstruction work necessary to return the Protected Features to the condition existing immediately prior to the damage or destruction. 12. Review After Cnsualty Damage or Destruction. If, after reviewing the report provided in paragraph 10, Grantor and Grantee agree dtat the Purpose of dte Easement will be se[Ved by such restoration and reconstruction, Grantor and Grantee shaD establish a schedule under which Grantor shall complete the restoration and reconstruction of the Protected Features in accordance \vith plnns and specifications agreed to by the parties. If, after reviewing the report, Grantor and Grantee agree in writing that restoration and reconstruction of the Property is impractical or impossible, or agree in writing that the Purpose of this Easement would not be se[Ved by such restoration and reconstruction, Grantor, may, \vith the prior written consent of Grantee, ilter, demolish, remove, or raze the Protected Features, and construct new improvements on the Property. In this event, Grantor and Grantee may agree to extinguish this Easement in whole or in part in Accordance \vith the laws of the State of New Jersey and Paragraph 13. 13. Condemnation. If the Property is taken, in whole or in part, by exercise of the power of eminent domain. Grantee shaD be cRtided to compensation from Grantor in the amount of the Grant. Page 5 of 16 14. ExtinlPJishmegt. If circumst.~nces arise in the future such as to render the purpose of this Easement impossible to accomplish, this Easement may be terminated or extinguished by Grantee and Grantee shall be entided to compensation from Grantor in the amount of the Grant. 15. Subsequc;gt Transfers. Grantor agrees to give written notice to Grantee of the transfer of any interest in the Property at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such transfer. 16. Inspection. At least annually, and upon prior reasonable notice to Grantor, representatives of Grantee shall be permitted to inspect and photograph the Property, including the Protected Features. Grantor agrees that it will not unreasonably withhold its consent in determining dates and times for such inspections. 17. Evidence of CnmpHance. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shall prompdy furnish Grantee with written certi6cation in d,e form required by Grantee that, to the best of Grantor's knowledge, Grantor is in compHance with the obligations of Grantor contained herein. 18. Grantee's Rcmedi!:!j. If Grantee determines that Grantor is in violation of the terms of this Easement or that a viol.tion is threatened, Grantee shall give written notice to Grantor of such violation and demnnd corrective action sufficient to cure the violation \vithin the period of time set forth in the notice and, where the violation involves injury to the Property resulting from nny usc or activity inconsistent with the purpose of dtis Easement, to restore the portion of the Property so injured. Grantee may bting an action at L~w or equity in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the terms of this Easement, to enjoin the violation, ex parle as necessary, by temporary or permanent injunction, to recover any damages to which it may be entided for a violation of the tenns of this Ensement or injury to any Protected Features protected by this Easement, and to require the restoration of the Property to the condition that existed prior to any such injury. Without limiting Grantor's Hability therefore, Grantee, in its sole discretion, m.~y apply any damages recovered to the cost of undertaking any corrective action on the property. IC Grantee, in its sole discretion, determines that circumstances require intmedinte action to prevent or mitigate significant damage to the Protected Features of the Property, Grantee may pursue its remedies under this paragraph without prior notice to Grantor. Grantee's rights under this paragraph apply equally in the event of either actual or threatened violations of the terms of this Easement, and Grantor agrees that Grantee's remedies at L~w for any violntion of the terms of this E.~sement are inadequate and that Grantee shall be entided to the injunctive relief described in this paragraph, in addition to such other relief to which Grantee may be entitled, including speci6c performance of the terms of this Easement, without the necessity of proving either actual damnges or the inadequacy of othcnvise avaiL~ble legal remedies. Grantee's remedies described in dtis paragraph shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all remedies now or hereafter existing at law or equity. 19. Amc;ndment. If circumstances arise under which an amendment to or modification of this Easement would be appropriate, Grantor nnd Grantee may by mutual wriuen agreement joindy amend this Easement. Any such amendment shall be consistent with the purpose of this E.~scmcnt; shall not permit additional development on the Property other than the development permitted by this Easement on the Effective Dnte; shall not permit any private inurement to any person or entity; and shall not adversely impact the Protected Features or the Property. Any such amendment shall be recorded by Grantor at its cost and expense in the county in which the Property is located. Nothing in this Paragraph shall require Grantee to agree to any amendment or to consult or negotiate regarding any amendment. Page 6 of 16 20. ThlIs:L. Grantor shall pny before delinquency all taXes, assessments, fees, and charges of whatever description levied on or nsscssed against the Property by competent authority (collectively "tnxes"), including nny taXes imposed upon, or incurred as a result of, this Easement, and shall furnish Grantee with satisfactory evidence of payment upon request. 21. Grontee's Discretion, Enforcement of the terms of this Ensement shall be at the discretion of Grantee, and any forbearance by Grantee to exercise its rights under this Easement in the event of nny breach of any term of this E.~sement by Grantors shnll not be deemed or construed to be a waiver by Grantee of such term or of any of Grantee's rights under this Easement. No delay or omission by Grantee in the ..'(ercise of nny right or remedy upon nny breach by Grantors shall impair such right or remedy or be construed ns a waiver. 22. Costs of Enforcement. Any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Easement against Grantor, including, without limitation, costs of suit and rensonable attorneys' fees, and any costs of restoration necessit.~led by Grantor's violation of the terms of this Easement shall be borne by Granlor. 23. Cost:; nnd fjabilities. Grantor ret.~s all responsibilities and shnU bent all costs and liabilities of any kind related to the ownership, operation, upkeep, and maintenance of the Properry. Grantor shall keep the Property free of Any construction or mechanics liens arising out of any work performed for, materials furnished to, or obligntions incurred by Grantor. 24. Written Notice. Any notice which either Grantor or Grantee may desire or be required to give to the other patty shall be in writing nod shnll be delivered by one of the follO\viog methods (I) overnight courier postnge prepaid, (Ii) regislered or certified mail return receipt requested or, (w) hand delivery; if to Grantor, then to the Administrator, Township of Mootville, 195 Chaogebridge Road, MootviUe, NJ 07045, nnd if to Grantee, then to Director, Morris County Department of Planning & Public Works, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963.0900, and County Counsel, County of Morris, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963·0900.. Each party may change its address sct forth herein by n notice to such effect to the other patty. 25. Notice from Government Authorities. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee copies of any notice of violntion or lien relating 10 the Property received by Grantor from nny governmeot authority within five (5) dIlys of receipt by Grantor. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shall promptly furnish Grantee with evidence of Grantor's compliance ,vith such notice or lien where compliance is required by law. 26. Wgive! of Certain Defen5!!S, Grantors hereby waive any defense of Inches, estoppel, or prescription. 27. Recordation. Grantee shall record this instrument with the County of Morris. 28. Cgptions. The captions in this instrument have been inserted solely for convenience of reference and are not n part of this instrument and shall have no effect upon construction or intcrpretntion. Page 7 0[16 29. Succe..ors. The covenants, tenns, conditions, nnd restrictions of this Easement shill be binding upon, nnd inure to the benefit of the patties hereto and their respective personal representntives, heirs. successors, nnd assigns. 30. Subordinatinn, At the time of the conveyance of this Easement, the Property is subject to a Mortgage/Deed of Trust held by (hercinnfter, "Mortgagee" /"Lender"). The Mortgagee/ Lender joins in the execution of this Easement to evidence its agreement to subordinnte the Mortgage to this Easement under the following conditions nnd stipulations: (a) the Mortgagee/Lender and its assignees shnll have a prior claim to aU insurance proceeds ns n result of an)' casunlty, hazard. or accident occurring to or nbout the Property nnd the proceeds of nny condemnation proceeding, and shill be entitled to same in preference to Grantee until the Mortgage/the Dcsd of Trust is paid off nnd discharged, nOt\vithstanding that the Mortgage/the Deed of Trust is subordinate in priority to the Easement. (b) If the Mortgagee/Lender receives nn assignment of the lease, rents, and profits of the Property ns security or additional security for the loan secured by the Mortgage/Deed of Trust, then Mortgagee/Lender shaU have prior claim to the leases, rents, and profits of the Property and shaU be entitled to receive snme in preference to Grantee until the Mortgagee's /Lender's debt is paid off or otherwise satisfied, not\vithsmnding that the Mortgage/ Deed of Trust is subordinate in priority to the Easement. (c) The Mortgagee/Lender or purchaser in foreclosure shaU have no obligation, debt, or liability under the Easement until the Mortgagee/Lender or a purchnser in foreclosure under it obtains ownership of the Property. In the event of foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, the Easement is not extinguished. (d) Notlling contained in this Easement shaU be construed to give nny Mortgagee/Lender the right to violate the terms of this Easement or to extinguish this Easement by Inking title to the Property by foreclosure or otherwise. Page 8 of 16 Grantor, Grantee and, if applicable, Mortgagee sign this Deed of Easement as of the date at the top of the first J>lIge. If the Grantor is a corporation, this Deed of Enscment is signed and attested to by its proper corporate officers and its corporate seal is affixed. ATTEST: GRANTOR: By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name: Print Name: Title: Tide: ATTEST: GRANTEE: ______________ B~; Print Name: Freeholder Director Print Name: Title: Title: ATTEST: MORTGAGEE: By: ___________________ Print Name: Print Name: Title: Title/Firm: Page 9 ofl6 STATE OF NEW JERSEY SS COUNTY OF MORRIS I certify that on (date), _ _ _ _ _ _-,---_ _ _ _ _ personally came before me IIJId this person acknowledged under oath to my satisfaction that: (a) this person is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Township of MODtviU., the Grantor in this Agreement. (b) this person is the attesling witness 10 the signing of this Agreement by the proper official _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name) who is the of Township of MontviUe. (c) this Agreement was signed and delivered by Township of Montville as its voluntary act duly nuthorized b)' a proper resolution of its Governing Body. Signed nnd Sworn to before me on Notary Public STATE OF NEW JERSEY ss: COUNTY OF MORRIS I certify thAt on (date) , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ person:\Uy came before me nnd this person acknowledged under oath 10 my satisfaction that: (a) this pc£son is the secretary 10 dIe Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Grantee in this agreement; (b) Ihis person is dIe nllesling wimess 10 the signing of this Agreement by the proper official _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name) who is the Freeholder Direclor; (c) this Agreement was signed and delivered by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders as its volunt.~ry act duly authorized by a proper resolution of the Board. Signed and Sworn 10 before me on Notary Public Page 10 of16 SCHEDULE A Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Legal Description of Property True Map Reference: Township of MontviUe, County of Morris Block 39.10, Lot 66.1 The property consists of the tract or parcel of bnd situated in the Township of MontviUe, County of Morris, St.1te of New Jersey known:lS Hendrik Doremus House. ALL that cerL'Iin tract or parcel of L1nd situate, lying and being in the Township of MontviUe, County of Morris, and State ofNcw Jersey, being more particularly described as foUows: Page II ofl6 SCHEDULEB MORRIS COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVAnON TRUST FUND HISTORIC PRESERVATION EAsEMENT BASELINE INVENTORY OF PROTECTED FEATURES PROPERTY NAME Hendrik Doremus House PROTECIEDPROPERJyFEATUBES lL SITE FEATURES (if not applicable, go to Exterior): Nntural Fe.1tures Trees/Shrubs: X Lawns/Vegetation/Ground Cover: Site grading NLd Strenms/Ponds/Wetlnnds: NLa Topographical Features: NLd Other. NLd Manmade Features Benches/Site Furnishings/Gazebos: Fences/WaDs/Gntes: Drnin Inlets/Catch Basins/Drain Pipes: Underground drainage Roads/Driveways/Sidewalks: Parking Lots: Curbs: Signs: N.i.lJ. Archaeological Resources: I:il.i Other. NLd NLd X NLd NLa I:il.i NLd Other X X All other SITE features referenced in documents filed or to be filed at the County of Moais, including grant applications mnde to the Moais County Historic Preservntion Trust Fund, including all future amendments. EXTERIOR FEATURES (If not applicable, go to Interior): List building(s) protected by Easement: Hendrik Doremus House Page 12 of 16 (The below features refer to HeDdrik Doremus House unless otherwise noted) Roof X X X X X X X X l:Ud RooE Covering: Roof Repbcement RoofShcathing: Roof Repbcemcnt Fl2shing: Roof Repl2cement Chimneys: RooEReplacement Roof Penetations/Decorations: Roof Repl2cement Gutters/Downspouts: Roof Repbcement Cornice: Roof Repbcement Trim: Roof Replacement Other: foades Walls: Windows (Openings/frnmes/Sash/Trim): Doors (Openings/Frames/Door Units): Attachments (Shutters/Signs/Awnings): Foundation: Other: r:li1J. r:li1J. l:Ud N.Ld l:Ud r:li1J. Appurtenances Steps/SIlIirs: Landings/Sbbs: Porches: Balconies: HLa Light Fixrores: r:li1J. Other: r:li1J. l:Ud l:Ud NLA Other .x .x. X AU supporting structural members AU od,er E."\."TERIOR features referenced in documents filed or to be filed at the County of Morris, including grnnt appliations mnde to the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including:tll furore amendments. INTERIOR FEATURES List space(s) in building(s) protected bJ' easement. (Include name of building if more than one. Spaces 2re nuu:ked and delineated on attached floor plan(s» Finishes Nil! Floors: r:li1J. WaUs: NLA Ccilings: Nil! Molding/Trim: r:li1J. Other: Page 13 of 16 Openings X Doors/Door Hardware: Interior doors and hardware X Door Frnmes: Interior doors and hardware NLd Windows/Window Hardware: Nil! Window Frames: Nil! Other: Other Features Stairs (Carrlage/Rnilings): X Fireplaces (Hcarth/Mantcl/Surround): Fireplace surrounds NLd Built-in Features: N.L6. Others: N.L6. X X AU supporting structural members AU other INTERIOR features referenced in documents filed or to be filed at the County of Morris, including the grant application made to the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including aU furore amendments. BASELINE DOCUMENTATION OF PROPERTY As per PAragraph 5 of easement, County of Morris may consult records documenting the Property's appearance and conrlition filed or to be filed At the County of Morris, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and at other places within the State:. BeCAuse existing document.,tion mAy not continue to reflect the actual appearnnce nnd conrlition of the propert}' at the time of project completion, it will be supplemented by baseline information provided in the Progress Reports and/ or documentation submitted by the Grnntor. Overview of Existing Documentation 1. Preservation Plnns: (no Preservation PL,n on file) 2. Architectuml Dra\vings: Partial Exterior and Interior Restoration, Drn\vings and Specs, prepared by HJGA, dAted 5/ 10/ 05. Phase 11: PllIliat Rcstorntion, Dra\vings and Specs, prepared by HJGA, dated 3/20/ 08. 3. Photographs: AU as submitted by the Grantor as related to the 2004 and 2006 grant applications. Page 140fl6 SCHEDULEC Moms County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Scope of Work to be Completed with Grant Funds 2004 Grant: $114,016 2006 Grant: $ 109,824 The 2004 grant provided for site grading, excavation, installation of underground drainage and archaeological investigations. The 2006 grant provided for the replacement of the roofs, restoration of chimneys, fireplace surrounds, interior doors and hardware. Page IS of 16 SCHEDULED Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Requirements (or Public Access and Use _ _ _ As this Property IS now ACCESSlBLE to the public, no additional ACCesS is required. The SITE of the Property must remain gcnernUy accessible to the public for the tean of this ensement. X As this Property IS NOT now ACCESSIBLE to the public, public openings arc required. The (SITE and/or INTERIOR) of the Property is/arc to be open to the public a minimum of 6 hours a <by at rensonable spaced intervals a minimum of t 2 days in any calendAr year during the term of dus Easement specified in Paragraph 2. If the hours of public nccess arc not permanendy posted or additional hours arc required under this Easement, n sign advertising ench opening is to be maintained on the properlj' in public view beginning one week before, and on the day of public access, or public notice is to be placed in an appropriate local newspaper. Page 16 of 16 COUNlY OF MORRIS DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & PUBLIC WORKS P.O. Box 900 Board of Chosen Freeholders Coun.ty Admlnlstrotor Jolm Bonanni Mm:rlstoWll, New Jersey 07963-0900 Director Katl.ryn A. DcFilUppo Deputy Director Bani, Lyoll Director DecnaLeary 978-829-8120 l'AX 978·826-9025 dlcaryCco.moais.nj.l1s Douglas R. Cobana JOllO C""oro TI,olOos J. I\'Jaatrangclo Cluistlne M)'Cl"S Deborah Smltl1 February 3, 2016 Ms. June Hercek Montville Township 195 Changebridge Road Montville, NJ 07045 Re: Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen Dear Ms. Hercek: The Township of Montville was successful with the historic preservation work at the Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen (as owned by Montville Township) that were partially funded by the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund ($75,250 in Construction grant funding in 2004 and 2005). The County Trust Fund Rilles and Regulations (Sec. 5.16-1) require that a 30-year casement agreement be executed for construction grants over $50,000, applied cumulatively over any number of funding cycles, to assure long-tenn preservation of a historic property. Enclosed please find the Historic Preservation Easement for the Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen. A Township resolution is needed to authorize the execution oflhe easement. Please execute the Easement, completing the property description (Schedule A). Please also include a Certificate of Liability Insurance for the property per paragraph 9 of the easement. Please note the Township must have primary general liability poliey with a $1,000,000 limit per occurrence and a $3,000,000 aggregate limit. The Certificate Holder and additionally insured should state: County of Morris. P.O. Box 900. Morristown. NJ 07963-0900. Kindly return the executed Easement and Insurance certificate by March 31. 2016 to me at the address below. Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you, Ray Chang, P.P. Historic Preservation Program Coordinator Ene. OIDce located at 80 Schnyler Ploce • 1'00111, Floor. Morrlslmvn • New Je1'S,,!, W\ Record and Rerum to: John A. Napolitano, Esq. Morris County Counsel P. O. Box 900 Morristown, NJ 07963 Prepared by: John A. Napolitano, Esq. DEED OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT THIS DEED OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT made _ _ _ _ __ (date) between Township of Montville, having an address at 195 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantor"; And MORRIS COUNTY BOARD OF CHOSEN FREEHOLDERS, having an address at P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900, hereinafter referred to as the "Grantee". Grantor grants and conveys to the Grantee a historic preservation casement (hereinafter the "Easement") on Grantor's property located in the Township of Montville, County of Morris, more fully described in Schedule A annexed hereto (hereinafter the "Property") for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) and a matching grant from Grantee to restore, rehabilitate, stabilize, and/or preserve the Property for the continuing benefit of the people of the County of Morris (hereinafter the "Grant"). The tax map reference for the Property is: Township of Montville Block 40, Lot 7.1 WHEREAS, Grantee is authorized pursuant to N.I.S.A. 13:8B-l l:b ~ to acquire historic preservation easements to protect Morris County properties \vith historic, aesthetic or cultural significance being rehabilitated, stabilized, restored and preserved through matching grants by the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund in order to assure the continued preservation of grant-assisted properties for the public benefit; and WHEREAS, the Grantor is the sole and exclusive owner of the Property; and WHEREAS, the Property possesses historic, aesthetic, or cultural significance to Grantor and the people of the County of Morris and is listed individually and/or as part of a historic district that is listed in the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Places; and WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee intend that the Property be preserved and maintained; Page I of 16 NOW, THEREFORE, Grantor promises that the Property will be owned, used and conveyed subject to, and not in violation of, the following covenants and restrictions: 1. Purpme. It is the purpose of this Easement to assure the preservation of the Property, to prevent any use of the Property that is not historically appropriate or that is detrimental to or will significantly impair or interfere with the historic features and to assure that public benefit continues after the expenditure of the Grant. The historic features of the Property are documented in a baseline inventory annexed hereto as Schedule B (hereinafter the "Protected Features") that the parties agree to provide an accurate representation of the Property at the time of this conveyance and which shall serve as an objective information baseline for monitoring compliance with the terms of this Deed. 2. Term. This Easement shall become effective on February 1, 2008 (hereinafter the "Effective Date") and shall, thereafter, remain in full force and effect for a period of thirty (30) years until February 1, 2038. 3. Grantor', Obligations. (a) Grantor shall perform the work items described in the Approved Project Description (Exhibit 2 to a separate Grant Agreement executed by Grantor and Grantee) annexed hereto as Schedule C; (b) The Baseline Inventory of Protected Features under this agreement is fully set forth in Schedule B, annexed to this agreement and incorporated herein. Grantor shall not demolish or remove the Protected Features; (c) Grantor shall not, without prior written approval of Grantee which will not be unreasonably withheld: (i) adversely affect or threaten the structural soundness of the Protected Features; (ii) make any changes to the Protected Features including alteration, removal, construction, remodeling, addition of new structures or other physical or structural change, including any change in color or surfacing or any excavation or topographical change which affects the appearance or construction of the Protected Features; (iii) attach to or erect anything on or near the Protected Features which would prohibit them from being visible from ground level, or compromise the historic aesthetic or cultural significance of the Property except for temporary structures needed during any period of approved alteration or restoration. (iv) lease the Property in whole or in part. Page 2 of16 (d) To prevent deterioration of the Property, Grantor shall maintain the Protected Features and Property in good condition at Grantor's cost and expense. "Good condition" means that the Protected Features are intact and structurally sound, there are few or no cosmetic imperfections and the feature needs no more than routine maintenance. (e) Grantor shall be responsible for deliberate damage or destruction of Protected Features. If Protected Features are deliberately damaged or destroyed for any reason by the Grantor, or persons acting on behalf of the Grantor, the Grantor shall be responsible for financial reimbursement to the Grantee in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 14. For purposes of this Easement, deliberate damage or destruction may result from, but is not limited to, deferred maintenance, demolition by neglect, and demolition. (I) Grantor's obligation to maintain the Protected Features shall require replacement, repair, and reconstruction by Grantor whenever necessary and in accordance \vith the approved maintenance and preservation plans, subject to the casualty provisions of paragraphs 10 and 11. Grantor's obligation to maintain the Property shall also require that the Property's landscaping be maintained in good appearance. The existing lawn areas shall be maintained as lawns and regularly mown. The existing meadows and open fields shall be maintained as meadows and open fields, regularly brushhogged to prevent the growth of woody vegetation where none currently grows. (g) The dumping, abandonment or storage of ashes, trash, rubbish, or any other unsightly or offensive materials is prohibited on the Property; (h) The Property shall not be divided or subdivided in law or in fact and the Property shall not be devised or conveyed except as a unit; (i) No above ground utility transmission lines, except those reasonably necessary for the existing buildings, may be created on the Property, subject to utility easements already recorded. 4. Grantor's Representations. Grantor represents that it is a municipal government \vithin Morris County. 5. Requests for Approval. Grantor must seek the approval of Grantee required by Paragraph 3(c) hereinabove by submitting to Grantee a request for approval in the form required by Grantee. Grantor shall submit to Grantee documents, including plans, specifications, and designs where appropriate, describing the proposed activity \vith reasonable specificity. In connection there\vith, Grantor shall also submit to Grantee a timetable for the proposed activity in a form acceptable to Grantee and sufficient to permit Grantee to monitor such activity. 6. Standards for Review. In exercising any authority created by this Easement to inspect the Property or the Protected Features, to review and approve any construction, alteration, repair, addition of new structures or maintenance, or to review casualty damage or to reconstruct or approve reconstruction of the Protected Features follO\ving casualty damage, Grantee shall utilize ~ SecretaQ' of the I nterior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. (36 CFR 800 et ~.)(hereinafter the "Standards"). To determine the appropriateness of Grantor's request for approval submitted in accordance \vith Paragraph 4, Grantee may consult records documenting the Property's appearance including photographs and measured dra\vings, National or State Registers or other survey Page 3 of 16 data, historic structure reports, existing condition surveys and other reports filed or to be flied at the County of Morris, New Jersey Historic Preservation Office and other appropriate places within the State. Grantor agrees to abide by the Standards in perfonning all repairs and maintenance. 7. Reserved Rights. Except as set forth in Paragraph 3, the following rights, uses, and activities of or by Grantor on, over, or under the Property are pennitted by this Easement and by Grantee without further approval by Grantee: (a) The right to engage in all those acts and uses that: (i) are pennitted by governmental statute or regulation; (ii) do not materially impair the Protected Features or the Property; and (iii) are not inconsistent with the purpose of this Easement; (b) The right to maintain and repair the Protected Features strictly according to the Standards. As used in this Paragraph, the right to maintain and repair shall mean the use by Grantor of in-kind materials and colors applied in a workman-like manner. The right to maintain and repair as used in this paragraph shall not include the right to make changes in appearance, materials, colors, and workmanship from that existing prior to the maintenance and repair without the prior approval of Grantee in accordance with the provisions of Paragraphs 3,4 and 5; (c) The right to continue the existing use and enjoyment of the Property consistent with the purpose of this Easement; and (d) The right to conduct at or on the Property educational and nonprofit activities that are not inconsistent with the purpose of this Easement. 8. public Access. The property shall be accessible by the public as specified in Schedule 0 annexed hereto. 9. Insurance. Grantor shall keep the Property insured by an insurance company authorized to conduct business in the State of New Jersey against loss from the perils commonly insured under standard fire and extended coverage policies in an amount sufficient to reimburse Grantee in the amount of the Grant after all mortgagee claims are satisfied. Grantor shall also carry comprehensive general liability insurance against claims for personal injury and death in an amount not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and $3,000,000 aggregate including property damage. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee, within ten (10) business days of the Effective Date, certificates of such insurance coverage. Each certificate shall name the Grantee and its officers and employees as additional insured being confirmed by policy endorsement, and shall certify that coverage may not be cancelled for any reason except after thirty (30) days written notice to Grantee. 10. Indemnification. Grantor shall indemnify and hold hannless the Grantee, the Board of Chosen Freeholders, their Employees, Agents and Servants from and against any and all losses, penalties, damages, settlements, costs, charges, professional fees (including attorneys' fees) or other expenses of liabilities including the investigation and defense of any claims, arising out of or resulting from any act, oenission, condition, or other matter related to or occurring on or about the Property, regardless of cause, provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destruction of !..ngible property including the loss of the use resulting therefrom, and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or oenission of the Grantor, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may Page 4 of 16 be liable (including a claim by an employee of the Grantor) regardless of whether it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder. In any and all claims against County of Morris, the Board of Chosen Freeholders, their Employees, Agents and Servants by any employees of the Grantor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or anyone for whose acts they may be liable, the indemnification obligation under this Agreement shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Grantor under worker's compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee benefit acts. 11. Casuall;Y Damage or Destruction. In the event the Protected Features shall be damaged or destroyed by fire, flood, windstorm, hurricane, earth movement, or other like casualty, Grantor shall notify Grantee in writing within fourteen (14) days of the damage or destruction, such notification describing what, if any, emergency work has already been completed. No repairs or reconstruction of any type, other than temporary emergency work to prevent further damage to the Protected Features and to protect public safety, shall be undertaken by Grantor without Grantee's prior written approval. Within thirty (30) days of the date of damage or destruction, if required by Grantee, Grantor at its expense shall submit to the Grantee a written report prepared by a qualified restoration architect and an engineer acceptable to Grantor and Grantee, which report shall include the following: (a) An assessment of the nature and extent of the damage; (b) A determination of the feasibility of the restoration of the Protected Features and reconstruction of damaged or destroyed portions of the Protected Features; and (c) A report of such restoration and reconstruction work necessary to return the Protected Features to the condition existing immediately prior to the damage or destruction. 12. Review After Casuall;Y Damage or Destruction. If, after revie\ving the report provided in paragraph to, Grantor and Grantee agree that the Purpose of the Easement \viII be served by such restoration and reconstruction, Grantor and Grantee shall establish a schedule under which Grantor shall complete the restoration and reconstruction of the Protected Features in accordance \vith plans and specifications agreed to by the parties. If, after revie\ving the report, Grantor and Grantee agree in writing that restoration and reconstruction of the Property is impractical or impossible, or agree in writing that the Purpose of this Easement would not be served by such restoration and reconstruction, Grantor, may, \vith the prior written consent of Grantee, alter, demolish, remove, or raze the Protected Features, and construct new improvements on the Property. In this event, Grantor and Grantee may agree to extinguish this Easement in whole or in part in accordance \vith the laws of the State of New Jersey and Paragraph 13. 13. Condemnation. If the Property is taken, in whole or in part, by exercise of the power of eminent domain, Grantee shall be entitled to compensation from Grantor in the amount of the Grant. 14. Extinguishment. If circumstances arise in the future such as to render the purpose of this Easement impossible to accomplish, this Easement may be terminated or extinguished by Grantee and Grantee shall be entitled to compensation from Grantor in the amount of the Grant. PageS of 16 15. Subsequent Transfers. Grantor agrees to give written notice to Grantee of the transfer of any interest in the Property at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of such transfer. 16. Inspection. At least annually, and upon prior reasonable notice to Grantor, representatives of Grantee shaU be permitted to inspect and photograph the Property, including the Protected Features. Grantor agrees that it will not unreasonably withhold its consent in determining dates and times for such inspections. 17. Evidence of Compliance. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shall promptly furnish Grantee with written certification in the form required by Grantee that, to the best of Grantor's knowledge, Grantor is in compliance ,vith the obligations of Grantor contained herein. 18. Grantee's Remedies. If Grantee determines that Grantor is in violation of the terms of this Easement or that a violation is threatened, Grantee shall give written notice to Grantor of such violation and demand corrective action sufficient to cure the violation ,vithin the period of time set forth in the notice and, where the violation involves injury to the Property resulting from any use or activity inconsistent ,vith the purpose of this Easement, to restore the portion of the Property so injured. Grantee may bring an action at law or equity in a court of competent jurisdiction to enforce the terms of this Easement, to enjoin the violation, ex parle as necessary, by temporary or permanent injunction, to recover any damages to which it may be entitled for a violation of the terms of this Easement or injury to any Protected Features protected by this Easement, and to require the restoration of the Property to the condition that existed prior to any such injury. Without limiting Grantor's liability therefore, Grantee, in its sole discretion, may apply any damages recovered to the cost of undertaking any corrective action on the property. If Grantee, in its sole discretion, determines that circumstances require immediate action to prevent or mitigate significant damage to the Protected Features of the Property, Grantee may pursue its remedies under this paragraph ,vithout prior notice to Grantor. Grantee's rights under this paragraph apply equally in the event of either actual or threatened violations of the terms of this Easement, and Grantor agrees that Grantee's remedies at law for any violation of the terms of this Easement are inadequate and that Grantee shall be entitled to the injunctive relief described in this paragraph, in addition to such other relief to which Grantee may be entitled, including specific performance of the terms of this Easement, without the necessity of proving either actual damages or the inadequacy of otherwise available legal remedies. Grantee's remedies described in this paragraph shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to all remedies now or hereafter existing at law or equity. 19. Amendment. If circumstances arise under which an amendment to or modification of this Easement would be appropriate, Grantor and Grantee may by mutual written agreement jointly amend this Easement. Any such amendment shall be consistent ,vith the purpose of this Easement; shaU not permit additional development on the Property other than the development permitted by this Easement on the Effective Date; shall not permit any private inurement to any person or entity; and shall not adversely impact the Protected Features or the Property. Any such amendment shaU be recorded by Grantor at its cost and expense in the county in which the Property is located. Nothing in this Paragraph shall require Grantee to agree to any amendment or to consult or negotiate regarding any amendment. 20. ~ Grantor shall pay before delinquency all taxes, assessments, fees, and charges of whatever description levied on or assessed against the Property by competent authority (coUectively Page 6 of16 "taxes"), including any taxes imposed upon, or incurred as a result of, this Easement, and shall furnish Grantee with satisfactory evidence of payment upon request. 21. Grantee's Discretion. Enforcement of the terms of this Easement shall be at the discretion of Grantee, and any forbearance by Grantee to exercise its rights under this Easement in the event of any breach of any term of this Easement by Grantors shall not be deemed or construed to be a waiver by Grantee of such term or of any of Grantee's rights under this Easement. No delay or omission by Grantee in the exercise of any right or remedy upon any breach by Grantors shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. 22. Costs of Enforcement. Any costs incurred by Grantee in enforcing the terms of this Easement against Grantor, including, without limitation, costs of suit and reasonable attorneys' fees, and any costs of restoration necessitated by Grantor's violation of the terms of this Easement shall be borne by Grantor. 23. Costs and Liabilities. Grantor retains all responsibilities and shall bear all costs and liabilities of any kind related to the ownership, operation, upkeep, and maintenance of the Property. Grantor shall keep the Property free of any construction or mechanics liens arising out of any work performed for, materials furnished to, or obligations incurred by Grantor. 24. Written Notice. Any notice which either Grantor or Grantee may desire or be required to give to the other party shall be in writing and shall be delivered by one of the following methods (i) overnight courier postage prepaid, (ii) registered or certified mail return receipt requested or, (iii) hand delivery; if to Grantor, then to the Administrator, Township of Montville, 195 Changebridge Road, Montville, NJ 07045, and if to Grantee, then to Director, Morris County Department of Planning & Public Works, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900, and County Counsel, County of Morris, P.O. Box 900, Morristown, NJ 07963-0900 .. Each party may change its address set forth herein by a notice to such effect to the other party. 25. Notice from Government Authorities. Grantor shall deliver to Grantee copies of any notice of violation or lien relating to the Property received by Grantor from any government authority within five (5) days of receipt by Grantor. Upon request by Grantee, Grantor shall prompdy furnish Grantee \vith evidence of Grantor's compliance with such notice or lien where compliance is required by law. 26. Waiver of Certain Defenses, Grantors hereby waive any defense of laches, estoppel, or prescription. 27. Recordation. Grantee shall record this instrument \vith the County of Morris. 28. Captions. The captions in this instrument have been inserted solely for convenience of reference and are not a part of this instrument and shall have no effect upon construction or interpretation. 29. Successors. The covenants, terms, conditions, and restrictions of this Easement shall be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective personal representatives, heirs, successors, and assigns. Page 7 of 16 30. Subordination. At the time of the conveyance of this Easement, the Property is subject to a Mortgage/Deed of Trust held by (hereinafter, "Mortgagee" /"Lender"). The Mortgagee/Lender joins in the execution of this Easement to evidence its agreement to subordinate the Mortgage to this Easement under the following conditions and stipulations: (a) the Mortgagee/Lender and its assignees shall have a prior claim to all insurance proceeds as a result of any casualty, hazard, or accident occurring to or about the Property and the proceeds of any condemnation proceeding, and shall be entitled to same in preference to Grantee until the Mortgage/the Deed of Trust is paid off and discharged, notwithstanding that the Mortgage/the Deed of Trust is subordinate in priority to the Easement. (b) If the Mortgagee/Lender receives an assignment of the lease, rents, and profits of the Property as security or additional security for the loan secured by the Mortgage/Deed of Trust, then Mortgagee/Lender shall have prior claim to the leases, rents, and profits of the Property and shall be entitled to receive same in preference to Grantee until the Mortgagee's /Lender's debt is paid off or otherwise satisfied, notwithstanding that the Mortgage/Deed of Trust is subordinate in priority to the Easement. (c) The Mortgagee/Lender or purchaser in foreclosure shall have no obligation, debt, or liability under the Easement until the Mortgagee/Lender or a purchaser in foreclosure under it obtains ownership of the Property. In the event of foreclosure or deed in lieu of foreclosure, the Easement is not extinguished. (d) Nothing contained in this Easement shall be construed to give any Mortgagee/Lender the right to violate the terms of this Easement or to extinguish this Easement by taking title to the Property by foreclosure or otherwise. Page 8 of 16 Grantor, Grantee and, if applicable, Mortgagee sign this Deed of Easement as of the date at the top of the first page. I f the Grantor is a corporation, this Deed of Easement is signed and attested to by its proper corporate officers and its corporate seal is affLxed. ArrEST: GRANTOR: By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name: Print Name: Tide: Tide: ATTEST: GRANTEE: By:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name: Freeholder Director Print Name: Tide: Tide: ArrEST: MORTGAGEE: By: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Print Name: Print Name: Tide: Tide/Firm: Page 9 of16 STATE OF NEW JERSEY SS COUNTY OF MORRIS I certify that on (date), _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ personally came before me and this person acknowledged under oath to my satisfaction that: (a) this person is the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ofTownship of Montville, the Grantor in this agreement. (b) this person is the attesting witness to the signing of tlus Agreement by the proper official _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name) who is the of Township of Montville. (c) this Agreement was signed and delivered by Township of Montville as its voluntary act duly authorized by a proper resolution of its Governing Body. Signed and Sworn to before me on Notary Public STATE OF NEW JERSEY SS: COUNTY OF MORRIS I certify that on (date) , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ personally came before me and this person acknowledged under oath to my satisfaction that: (a) this person is the secretary to the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders, the Grantee in this agreement; (b) this person is the attesting witness to the sigrling of this Agreement by the proper official _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (name) who is the Freeholder Director; (c) this Agreement was signed and delivered by the Morris County Board of Chosen Freeholders as its voluntary act duly authorized by a proper resolution of the Board. Signed and Sworn to before me on Notary Public Page 10 of 16 SCHEDULE A Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Legal Description of Property Tax Map Reference: Township of Montville, County of Morris Block 40, Lot 7.1 The property consists of the tract or parcel of land situated in the Township of Montville, County of Morris, State of New Jersey known as Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen. All thar certain tract or parcel ofland situate, lying and being in the Township of Montville , County of Morris, and State of New Jersey, being more particularly described as follows: Pagellofl6 SCHEDULEB MORRIS COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION TRUST FUND HISTORIC PRESERVATION EASEMENT BASELINE INVENTORY OF PROTECTED FEATURES PROPERTY NAME Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen PROTECTED PROPERTY FEATURES 1L SITE FEATURES (if not applicable, go to Exterior): Natural Features N fA Trees/Shrubs: X Lawns/Vegetation/Ground Cover: Site grading N fA Streams/Ponds/Wetlands: N fA Topographical Features: NfA Other: Manmade Features NfA Benches/Sire Furnishings/Gazebos: NfA Fences/Walls/Gates: X Drain Inlets/Catch Basins/Drain Pipes: Underground drainage NfA Roads/Driveways/Sidewalks: NfA Parking Lots: NfA Curbs: NfA Signs: NfA Archaeological Resources: NfA Other: Other X All other SITE features referenced in documents ftIed or to be ftIed at the County of Morris, including grant applications made to the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including all future amendments. X EXTERIOR FEATURES (Ifnot applicable, go to Interior): List building(s) protected by Easement: Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen Page 12 of 16 (The below features refer to Nicholas Vreeland Out Kitchen unless otherwise noted) Roof X X X X X N fA X X NfA Roof Covering: Exterior Restoration Roof Sheathing: Exterior Restoration Flashing: Exterior Restoration Chimneys: Exterior Restoration Roof Penetrations/Decorations: Exterior Restoration Gutters/Downspouts: Cornice: Exterior Restoration Trim: Exterior Restoration Other: Facades \Valls: Exterior Restoration X X Windows (Openings/Frames/Sash/Trim): Exterior Restoration X Doors (Openings/Frames/Door Units): Exterior Restoration N fA Attachments (Shutters/Signs/Awnings): NfA Foundation: NfA Other: Appurtenances N fA Steps/Stairs: N fA Landings/Slabs: N fA Porches: N fA Balconies: N fA Light Fixtures: NfA Other: Other X. X. X All supporting structural members All other EXTERIOR features referenced in documents filed or to be filed at the County of Morris, including grant applications made to the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including all future amendments. INTERIOR FEATURES List space(s) in building(s) protected by easement. (Include name of building if more than one. Spaces are marked and delineated on attached floor plan(s)) Finishes X Floors: Interior Restoration X Walls: Interior Restoration X Ceilings: Interior Restoration X Molding/Trim: Interior Restoration NfA Other: Openings Page 13 of 16 X X X X NfA Doors/Door Hardware: Interior Restoration Door Frames: Interior Restoration Windows/Window Hardware: Interior Restoration Window Frames: Interior Restoration Other: Other Features N fA Stairs (Carriage/Railings): X Fireplaces (Hearth/Mantel/Surround): Firebox, hearth, oven, metalwork N fA Built-in Features: NfA Others: X X All supporting structural members All other INTERIOR features referenced in documents med or to be med at the County of Morris, including the grant application made to the Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund, including all future amendments. BASELINE DOCUMENTATION OF PROPERTY As per Paragraph 5 of easement, County of Morris may consult records documenting the Property's appearance and condition med or to be med at the County of Morris, New Jersey Historic Preservation 0 ffice and at other places within the State. Because existing documentation may not continue to reflect the actual appearance and condition of the property at the time of project completion, it will be supplemented by baseline information provided in the Progress Reports and/or documentation submitted by the Grantor. Overview of Existing Documentation 1. Preservation Plans: (no Preservation Plan on me) 2. Architectural Drawings: Restoration drawings and specs, prepared by HJGA, dated 1/29/2007. 3. Photographs: All as submitted by the Grantor as related to the 2004 and 2005 grant applications. Page 14 of 16 SCHEDULEC Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Scope of Work to be Completed with Grant Funds 2004 Grant: $35,200 2005 Grant: $41,050 The 2004 and 2005 grants assisted with the rebuilding of the roof, chimney and the northwest comer stone wall, stone repainting and cleaning, restoration of firebox, oven, hearth, and historic metalwork, and the repairl replacement of wood window and door. Page 15 of 16 SCHEDULED Morris County Historic Preservation Trust Fund Historic Preservation Easement Requirements for Public Access and Use X As this Property IS now ACCESSIBLE to the public, no additional access is required. The SITE of the Property must remain generally accessible to the public for the term of this easement. _ _ _ As this Property IS NOT now ACCESSIBLE to the public, public openings are required. The (SITE and/ or INTERIOR) of the Property is/are to be open to the public a minimum of 6 hours a day at reasonable spaced intervals a minimum of 12 days in any calendar year during the term of this Easement specified in Paragraph 2. If the hours of public access are not permanently posted or additional hours are required under this Easement, a sign advertising each opening is to be maintained on the property in public view beginning one week before, and on the day of public access, or public notice is to be placed in an appropriate local newspaper. Page 16 of 16