Don`t hide your Bronc pride!
Don`t hide your Bronc pride!
• SMOKING BAN PG. 2 • BRONCS, DIGGERS FACE-OFF Saturday, September 25, 2010 Vol. 135 #94 PG. 30 50 cents Funding Don't hide your secured to finish HARCC Bronc pride! construction Gov.'s $50K challenge grant helps put Homestake Adams Research & Cultural Center over the top Belle Fourche High School Homecoming Friday B" #$%I %'N)$D P,$)S'N B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. DEADWOOD — Come ne-t /une, the Homestake Adams Research and Cultural Center grand opening will finally come to fruition, with construction at the site resuming as soon as Adams Museum C House Director Mary Dopco raises $50,000 for contingency costs and contractor /. Scull's calendar allows. Gov. Rounds issued his $50,000 challenge grant through the state office of economic development and tourism in August 2009. A “true communiSee HARCC — Page 34 Well done! ■ National Science Board praises S.D. institutions for research achievement, capabilities B" .,ND" PITLI%1 B"#$%&'("")&P(+,--. Dr. Ray Bowen SPEARFISH — Members of the National Science Board congratulated and praised South Dakota's higher education institutions for continuing to grow in collaborations amongst themselves and reaching across multiple spectrums to increase research and development in the state. The National Science Board, which held its fall meeting at Black Hills State University Friday, heard presentations by representatives See BOARD — Page 8 Belle Fourche High School celebrated homecoming with a parade prior to the football game on Friday. The theme of the week, “Don't hide your Bronc pride,” was evident from the many floats sporting school colors and spirit. Despite the construction, the parade maintained its traditional route along Main Street, and participants, spectators and supporters enjoyed a beautiful day for a parade. Pioneer photo by Kaija Swisher ADVERTISEMENT BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Page 2 Saturday, September 25, 2010 Owners say smoking ban could snuff profits ■ Smoking in bars, casinos, and video lottery establishments are target of Nov. 2 vote BY KEVIN NORTON Black Hills Pioneer Gaming officials say profits would decline should the Nov. 2 election ban smoking in bars and casinos. Pioneer file photo ! INDEX LOCAL OBITUARIES STATE EDITORIAL/OPINION MOVIE LISTING BHSU TV SCHEDULES COMICS LEGALS/CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY SPORTS WEATHER ! 2&3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12&13 14-26 27-29 30-33 34 Black Hills Pioneer (ISSN 1061-6179) is published daily except Sundays and holidays (New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving, Labor Day, Memorial Day and Independence Day), for a mail subscription rate of $150.00 per year in county only by Seaton Publishing Co., Inc., 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783. Periodical postage paid at Spearfish, SD 57783. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Black Hills Pioneer, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783. BLAC% HILLS — Some casinos and bars are nervous that their profits could go up in smoke after ?ov. A, when a statewide vote could ban smoking from all workplaces. Smokers and smoke-free advocates are divided over “Referred Law GA,” which would extend the state's nosmoking ban to bars, casinos, and video lottery establishments. The law was already passed by the legislature and signed by the governor in March ANNO, but was delayed by a petition and then sent to the public for a vote. A “yes” vote would approve the ban, a “no” vote would strike it down. At this point, bar and casino owners can still choose smoking or non-smoking. Brian %indsfattr, owner of Blue Cactus Bar, is sitting on the fence. Although he is not a smoker, %indsfattr purchased his bar in January, and reinstated smoking at the Blue Cactus as a business decision. “My thinking is it puts me at a disadvantage because everyone in town has smoking. Half of the people probably in South Dakota don't smoke, but very rarely do you see a crowd of people where no one smokes. I don't want them to go somewhere else just because one or two of them like to smoke.” Although %indsfattr said that he believes business has increased because of the decision, he is ready for what seems to be the inevitable. Most polls show the law is popular, and according to an April %ELTLA?D TUVArgus Leader election poll, 66 percent of South Dakotans would vote “yes” to ban smoking from all workplaces. “When it passes I'm T% with it, because I'm not a smoker,” %indsfattr said. “But people go to a bar to drink and smoke.” General Manager %ris %ryZa and his staff at the Stadium Sports Grill in Belle Fourche went smoke-free in March, and he said they haven't noticed much of a difference. “We've had a couple of people dissatisfied, but it's been good all around. Everything in general is a lot cleaner,” %ryZa said. “Most of the people who did come here to smoke, just smoke outside.” “Belle Fourche is such a small town people aren't going to stop going to the circle of bars. I don't think it's going to put anyone out of business.” But gambling revenues could go down, said the opposition, and that could put a dent in tax revenues. Don Rose, a spokesman for the Licensed Beverage Dealers of South Dakota, opposes the ban. He predicted a drop of AN to A\ percent in gambling revenue if the public approves the law. This he based from numbers that he said occurred last year in Montana, where a smoking ban recently went into effect. Montana gaming officials attribute the majority of the loss to the smoking ban, which occurred on Tct. G, ANNO, but also said a historical slower second quarter and the recession contributed to the slowdown. According to unaudited figures, the South Dakota Lottery collected about ^A._ million less from video gambling during the ANGN fiscal year that ended June _N. Fiscal ANNO marked the first time that bettors played less in Deadwood since open casino gambling began there AN years before. They bet ^G,GGG,GO\,`\O in ANNO. That was about ^6 million less bet than in ANN`, a decrease of N.\` percent. See BAN — Page 35 Lab continues work to get pump systems up and running BY JACI CONRAD PEARSON Black Hills Pioneer LEAD — “We've pumped over G billion gallons into the creek since we turned the pumps back on,” reported Ron Wheeler, executive director of the Sanford Underground Lab at Homestake to the South Dakota Science and Technology Authority Board of Directors Thursday. Wheeler said that one of the three main areas that the lab is focusing on, at this point, is to get the permanent pumping systems up and running. Installation of the deep well pump to the b,`NN level is complete. “We got rid of the cascade system that was pumping every _NN feet,” Wheeler said. “It's a huge accomplishment and a milestone.” Pump reinstallation efforts are also a priority at the \,NNN, _,6\N, A,dNN, G,A\N-foot levels and out to the Mill Reservoir. “In doing all this, environmental compliance is very important to us,” Wheeler said. In speaking with John ScheetZ, he found that the number of fish above and below the creek's inflow is higher. “That's a good thing. It means the creek's healthy,” Wheeler said. His two other primary administrative focuses are to remove all the old mine utilities in preparation for the DUSEL project to move forward and to monitor current excavation activities. BLACK HILLS PIONEER LOCAL SCENE Saturday, September 25, 2010 Business owners plea to DOT The Boy Scouts are back in town BY HEATHER MURSCHEL Black Hills Pioneer This LeadDeadwood Cub Scout color guard now has Boy Scout Troop #48 back in town to bridge over into. Pioneer photo by Jaci Conrad Pearson BY JACI CONRAD PEARSON Black Hills Pioneer V#$M — Jhe =esire to one =a4 attain #aAle Scout status is stronA /or /our 4ounA 8en an= their scoutinA s+onsorsI Wn=er the lea=ershi+ o/ MouA an= Jara HansonF their son Janner HansonF MeLon Schu8acherF Ohristian Oasias an= Mikus BaheF collecP tiLel4 +ut Vea=PMea=woo=Hs Bo4 Scout Jroo+ b`X 9ack on the 8a+I T_one o/ these Ou9 Scouts were a9le to cross oLer 9ecause there was no troo+ to cross oLer toF\ sai= Scout Master Heather _ashI TJhatHs wh4 itHs so i8+ortant to haLe a troo+F so these 9o4s can just kee+ AoinA with the +roAra8I\ Jara HansonF the Oo88ittee OhairF sai= she /ull4 su++orts her husP 9an=F the troo+ 8asterF who is a /or8er #aAle ScoutF an= his e//orts 9ecause she thinks scoutinA is a won=er/ul orAaniSationI See BOY SCOUTS — Page 9 News & Notes 2011 budget approved SP#$%&'SH — S+ear/ish Ma4or 6err4 Kra89eck o+ene= the +u9lic hearinA on Mon=a4 /or the secon= rea=inA o/ Br=inance CCDEF the DGCC $++ro+riations Br=inance s+eci/4inA the cit4Hs DGCC 9u=AetI Jhere were no oral or written co88ents at the +u9lic hearinAF an= a/ter the +u9lic hearinA was close=F the council Lote= to a++roLe the or=inanceI — Kaija Swisher Auction set for Gilmore Hotel M#$MNBBM — Oit4 co88isP sioners on Mon=a4 niAht sche=P ule= BctI DQ at D +I8I as the =a4 to sell the Ril8ore Hotel at an aucP tionI Ohuck Jur9iLilleF o/ Mea=woo=F is the auctioneerI Jhe centur4Pol= hotel is actuall4 an Page 3 B#VV# &BW%OH# — Belle &ourcheHs =ownP town corri=or is close=F 9ut 9usiness owners are =oinA eLer4thinA the4 can to ensure +eo+le know the4 are still o+en an= +arkinA is aLaila9leI $lternatiLe routes are also 9einA a=Lertise= so area resi=ents an= Lisitors alike can 8aneuLer throuAh the CICP8ile WISI HiAhwa4 XY construcP tion +roject currentl4 un=erwa4 in town MurinA Jues=a4Hs +u9lic in+ut 8eetinA at the Me+art8ent o/ Jrans+ortation o//icesF area resiP =ents e[+resse= concern a9out the 8onthPlonA closure o/ State StreetI TNe nee= to talk a9out State Street an= see i/ thereHs an4thinA we can =oF\ sai= Pete KrushF owner o/ PeteHs OlothinAI He aske= how lonA State Street will 9e close= an= in]uire= a9out siAP naAe to a=Lertise that 9usinesses re8ain o+en alonA that streetI TMa49e we coul= +ut a siAn alonA this +roject that sa4s weHre o+en /or 9usiP ness ^ Bcto9er is one o/ 84 9usiest 8onthsF\ Krush sai=I Bill MasonF owner o/ MasonHs &i/th $Lenue an= Bucksto+F aAain ]uestione= whether the Me+art8ent o/ Jrans+ortation +ossi9l4 ha= /un=P inA to assist 9usiness owners with siAnaAe /or the alternatiLe or a=LertisinAI TBcto9er is a 9iA 8onth /or usF is there an4P thinA we can =o to let +eo+le know what routes to take to Aet to the 9usinessesF\ Mason sai=I TNe nee= to /in= another leA to this +rocessI\ Mason sai= he realiSe= itHs a little too late nowF 9ut =i= note that +rojects o/ this nature =o haLe an i8+act on the econo84 an= essentiall4 the4 =estro4 9usinesses Michael OarlsonF the area enAineer /or the Me+art8ent o/ Jrans+ortationF sai= un/ortunatel4 there isnHt an4 state /un=s aLaila9le /or so8ethinA o/ that natureF 9ut that he woul= look into the i=ea to allow /or /uture +rojects to haLe those resources aLaila9leI TNeHre +uttinA 4ou in a touAh +osition riAht A car zooms past a new speed sign installed by the South Dakota Department of Installation at the top of the Deadwood hill. The speed zone in a mile-long section on Highway 85 has been lowered to 45 mph. Pioneer photo by Kevin Norton Truck and trailer parking at Sherman Street See NOTES — Page 4 See DOT — Page 9 Speed lowered on Deadwood hill a+art8ent 9uil=inA 9einA lease= an= 8anaAe= 94 Pro %ental ManaAe8entI Jhe Oit4 o/ Mea=woo= aske= Pro %ental ManaAe8ent /or a clause allowinA a sus+ension in their contract once a sale =ate was chosenI — Kevin Norton M#$MNBBM — $/ter co8P +laints were 8a=e 94 citiSens conP cerninA oLerniAht truck noiseF the ParkinA an= Jrans+ortation Oo88ittee stu=ie= the issue an= conclu=e= that the cit4 has no 9etP ter o+tion than the Sher8an Street +arkinA lotI TRiLen our other +arkinA o+tions in townF we actuall4 want nowF an= we un=erstan= thatF\ Oarlson sai=I T$AainF weHre here to hel+ 4ou out an4wa4 4ou can an= ' think siAnaAe will hel+I 'n the 8eanP ti8eF weHre =oinA eLer4thinA we canF to Aet this +roject co8+leteI\ Bn Satur=a4F Se+tI CXF tra//ic was switche= oLer an= 6ackson an= State streets were close= to throuAh tra//icI 'n=ian Street was rePo+ene= to allow access to the arterial streets an= alternate routes were set u+I TVast weekF we continue= to work on re8oLP inA the hiAhwa4 sur/aces an= continuinA to =o stor8 sewer work in the new +roject areaF\ sai= OarlsonI Orews are also workinA in the 6ackson an= Ma+le Street area to /inish u+ the construction o/ that as+ect o/ the hiAhwa4I State Street will 9e o+en 94 BctI DDI 'n the 8eanti8eF tra//ic will 9e =etoure= usinA &aulk an= Rrant streetsI &i/th $Lenue si=ewalk will 9eAin as soon as crews are /inishe= with +aLinA the center turninA lane the /irst week in _oLe89erI $lso at that ti8eF the cha89er entrance will notice a /ew chanAes as crews conP struct a new =riLewa4F resultinA in a +ossi9le weeklonA closure o// &i/th $Lenue to the LisitorHs centerI _ational Street was also a to+ic o/ =iscussion Jues=a4I Bra=le4 BensonF the +roject 8anaAer with W++er Plains OontractinA 'ncIF sai= he is currentP l4 +ursinA an alternate +lan to e[+e=ite the interP section constructionI 'n or=er to co8+letel4 renoLate that intersecP tionF he sai= it coul= take until the en= o/ _oLe89erI TJhereHs just no +lace /or tra//icF\ Benson sai=I T'tHs AoinA to Aet 8ess4 P 9ut we knew thatI 'H8 +ro+osinA to tweak the +lan a little Orews alrea=4 starte= to work in that area last weekF he sai=I Jhe center turninA lane north an= BY KEVIN NORTON Black Hills Pioneer M#$MNBBM — MriLers rollinA into Mea=woo= on HiAhwa4 XY 8ust lower their s+ee= to `Y 8+h a/ter the South Makota Me+art8ent o/ Jrans+ortation chanAe= the s+ee= li8it this weekP en=I Jhe chanAe a//ects CICQ 8iles o/ HiAhwa4 XY north o/ its conjunction with HiAhwa4 C` F where the Bullock #[+ress casino 8otel is locate=I &or Ja4lor PerliF the hill that =ro+s into Mea=woo= is one o/ the stee+est =riLes in the Black HillsI TaeahF itHs a stee+ hillF\ sai= PerliF o/ %a+i= Oit4F Twhen 4ouHre co8inA =own it +ullinA a trailer or See SPEED — Page 36 Page 4 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Sturgis student taking to Whitewood street BY JASON GROSS Black Hills Pioneer road and survey it,4 CoX said. She added future goals would be known once that starts. WHITEWOOD J A Whitewood City Sturgis Brown High School Finance Officer Cory student would like to use a Heckenlaible said Tuesday Whitewood street for her the entire process begins senior eXperience. with the engineer. Bailey CoXUs ambition is ^They start with getting to build and design Maple a cost estimate so everyStreet. She presented her one knows the dollar plans to the Whitewood amount we are looking City Council at MondayUs at,4 he said. meeting. CoXUs first step is to CoX said she chose this Bailey have the engineer design pro[ect because she would the pro[ect and get a cost Cox like to become a civil engiestimate, according to neer. Whitewood Mayor Heckenlaible. Plans call Deb Schmidt and Bros\ for CoX to have the design and estiEngineeringUs ]ason Hanson are her mate done by November so she can mentors. turn it in. ^WeUre going to have to look at the Schmidt suggested contacting residents before the pro[ect proceeds too far. That would then be brought to the council. CoX said Monday she would send those letters once she obtains the pertinent information. Maple Street has 6-inch, up-to-date piping. CoX said the gravel road needs paving, which would make plowing and maintenance easier. She added the street would be built in the spring if the pro[ect were approved. ^I talked to a couple of individuals today who live on that street,4 Schmidt said. ^They were all fired up_ they already heard about it.4 Heckenlaible said a special landowner assessment would pay for this pro[ect if it goes through. He added eight landowners are along this road. Chamber exchange in Spearfish BY KAIJA SWISHER Black Hills Pioneer See CHAMBER — Page 34 NOTES Continued from Page 3 trucks and campers to go to that part of town,4 Police Chief 9elly Fuller said. Many of the semi-trucks have large refrigerators that run continuously at parking lot, which is near the entrance to the Mickelson Trail. Fuller said that signs would be added to indicate that noise is prohibited at the lot after 10 p.m. per city ordinance, and that complaints would be handled on a case-by-case basis. ! #e%in (or+on Next city council meeting moved up SPEARFISH J The regular session of city council on Oct. 4 will begin at 6N30 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. The beginning of the meeting will be devoted to the snow removal item currently on the November ballot. ! #ai-a ./is1er Kids trolley to Mount Roosevelt on Oct. 2 DEADWOOD J Students involved in an Adams Museum educational hike on Oct. 2 will get a complementary ride in a city trolley. The Deadwood City commissioners approved the use of a trolley to shuttle the students during Monday nightUs meeting. ! #e%in (or+on ■ Cities swap ideas for future success SPEARFISH J Twenty-five members of the West Chamber of ]efferson County, near Denver, Colo., traveled to Spearfish this weekend to participate in a chamber eXchange with the Northern Black Hills chambers of commerce. Starting Thursday, chambers from Belle Fourche, Deadwood, Lead, Spearfish, Sturgis, and Whitewood, as well as local leaders, bankers, developers and realtors, met at Elkhorn Ridge RV Resort on Highway 85 to eXchange ideas. Sponsored by Propp Realty, Elkhorn Ridge and Frawley Ranches, along with the West Chamber serving ]efferson Saturday, September 25, 2010 Firefighter training Participants in the exchange between Northern Hills and West chambers of commerce from Jefferson County, Colo., toured one of the many barns at the Elkhorn Ridge Development/Frawley Ranches. The chamber exchange allowed members of the chambers, developers, bankers, realtors, community leaders and more to network and exchange ideas for the future success of their respective endeavors. Pioneer photo by Kaija Swisher SPEARFISH J Nine members of the Spearfish Volunteer Fire Department will travel to Lemmon for Positive Pressure Attack Training today, and nine members will travel to SiouX Falls for General Aviation Response Training on Sept. 27, said Fire Chief Wallace White. A grant was obtained through Lawrence County Emergency Management to cover part of the travel eXpenses for this training. ! #ai-a ./is1er w w w. b h p i o n e e r. c o m Saturday, September 25, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER STATE NEWS Taking to the skies Since Thursday, around 85 members of the International Cessna 120-140 Association have convened in Spearfish. The group, an all volunteer community dedicated to restoring, maintaining and flying Cessna airplanes, is headquarted at the Spearfish Holiday Inn and have been taking off from the Black Hills Airport/Clyde Ice Field to see the area sights. Most of the Cessnas were built between 1946-1950, and many people returning from World War II learned how to fly in a Cessna. The planes can fly about 100 miles per hour and can seat two people. On Friday, the convention flew to Devil's Tower, and then Wall Drug for lunch. The convention has “flying games” on the schedule today, and the convention lasts until tomorrow. Dick Acker, from Clare, Mich., is the treasurer for the 1,200 member association. “They are a great airplane,” he said. “It's just a great gathering of people that have the same attitude about airplanes.” Pioneer photo by Kaija Swisher Transportation Commission restores local grant funding BY BOB MER'ER !"ac% 'i""s Pio,eer PIERRE — The South Dakota Transportation Commission is back in the business of making development grants for local projects. The local development program's funding was cut in half in 200E, from G3 million to G1.5 million, as part of Gov. Mike Rounds' directive that the state Department of Transportation scale back to preservation mode. There was such a backlog of previously promised grants that no new ones could be made in recent years under the reduced funding. State Transportation Secretary Darin Bergquist said the program is caught up again and the commission approved nine grants Thursday totaling nearly G1.6 million. Grants of G200,000 are scheduled for Dell Rapids, Wall, Edgemont, Eagle Butte, Onida and Gregory. Other grant amounts are G1T9,T00 for MobridgeV G125,000 for EmeryV and G120,000 for Hughes County. The money will be used to help pay for a variety of resurfacing and construction work on local street systems. The commission also set new policies of a cap of G200,000 per grant and a two-year time frame for the money to be used. The state Department of Transportation received T1 applications and determined 36 met eligibility requirements. The projects were ranked by DOT using a scoring system of various criteria. Bergquist described them as Xall good projects.Y DOT's summer hearings throughout South Dakota on the 2011 transportation improvement plan found strong public interest in restoration of the local-development grants, he said. XThis is one of those cuts that really hurt people,Y Bergquist told the commissioners. XThese small communities are really excited to see the program get going again.Y Page 5 Opinion Page 6 Saturday, September 25, 2010 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Thank you Thank 'ou to the ,pear/ish 2ire 3epartment5 law en/orcement5 tow compan' an9 an'one else who helpe9 earl' ,atur9a' mornin: when m' son;s <3ust' =oper> car cau:ht /ire while he was 9eli?erin: the @ioneer. While the car is a total loss5 thank/ull' no one was inCure9. We trul' li?e in a won9er/ul communit'. Do9 Eless 'ou all /or helpin:. Fn account has been set up at Elack Hills 2e9eral Cre9it Union i/ an'one woul9 like to assist. Sandi Litschewski Spearfish Herseth Sandlin understands K want to commen9 Lepresentati?e ,tephanie Herseth ,an9lin /or her un9erstan9in: an9 lea9ership on /orest mana:ement issues. Kn the last two 'ears5 she has intro9uce9 three ?er' help/ul bills. The /irst5 HL 11NO5 woul9 promote the use o/ renewable /orest biomass. The secon95 HL 42SS5 woul9 up9ate an9 eTpan9 the use o/ the Health' 2orest Lestoration Fct. The thir95 HL 4S745 woul9 pro?i9e cre9it rate parit' /or electricit' /rom biomass. ,he also cosponsore9 HL 47175 the Open WFXF Fct o/ 2O1O5 which woul9 reYuire the Fttorne' Deneral to compile an9 make publicl' a?ailable 9ata relate9 to pa'ments ma9e un9er the WYual Fccess to Xustice Fct. Fll o/ these bills ha?e stron: bipartisan support5 an95 i/ enacte9 b' Con:ress5 woul9 each help impro?e the mana:ement o/ the Elack Hills Zational 2orest. ,tephanie has also been workin: ?er' har9 to :et the Obama a9ministration to appropriatel' a99ress the mountain pine beetle epi9emics in western states inclu9in: the Elack Hills. ,tephanie;s access to the Obama a9ministration enable9 her to :et the 3eput' Un9er ,ecretar' /or Zatural Lesources an9 the Wn?ironment5 U,3F5 Xa' Xensen5 to see /irst han9 the mountain pine beetle problem in the Elack Hills an9 to 9iscuss potential reme9ies. Bill Coburn Spearfish This is the problem mous amount o/ time 'ou waste9 b' spee9in: to :et to 'our 9estination. ,eriousl'5 access to the whole area was 9an:erousl' /lawe9 to be:in with an9 still is. @eople were too short si:hte9 an9 9i9n;t think about the :rowth o/ that area when Wal-Mart mo?e9 to that location.\ 9r: sai95 \The problem has nothin: to 9o with /ailure to stop at the poste9 stop si:n. Kt has e?er'thin: to 9o with the people lea?in: Wal-Mart assumin: that e?er'one is turnin: in to Wal-Mart. K /in9 it Yuite interestin: that someone who works /or the cit' coul9 be so blin9 to this issue. Mo?in: the entrance is onl' :oin: to mo?e the problem. @eople nee9 to open their e'es an9 reali^e that businesses 9o eTist east o/ Wal-Mart.\ smC su::este95 \How about no le/t turns out o/ the Wal-Mart west parkin: lot 9ri?ewa'_ Onl' allow le/t turns out at the east 9ri?ewa'.\ MaT sai95 \,ometimes it can be 9i//icult to see be'on9 the oncomin: turnin: lane tra//ic. 2or eTample5 K once chose to wait an9 not pull out o/ the Wal-Mart parkin: lot because K ha9 a /eelin: there coul9 be a smaller car \hi9in: behin9\ a lar:er ,U` which was comin: 9own the turnin: lane. Fs soon as the ,U` turne9 in5 the smaller car appeare9... tra?elin: at a consi9erable rate. K;m :la9 K hesitate9. K/ K ha9 chosen to procee95 e?en thou:h the e?er'thin: looke9 1OO percent clear5 it woul9 ha?e been a maCor collision. ,ometimes K Cust eTit the other wa' because it;s less hassle.\ ,alina sai95 \Man' associates who work at Wal-Mart belie?e that the 9ri?ewa' woul9 bene/it /rom a three-wa' stop si:n so e?er'one has to stop an9 pa' attention5 not Cust the people comin: out o/ the Wal-Mart parkin: lot.\ MaT respon9e95 \F three-wa' stop si:n woul9 be a massi?e tra//ic ni:htmare with horrible backup a ba9 i9ea. F better solution is to put the spee9 limit lower an9 post an o//icer there to collect bi: re?enue /or the cit'. Or... make it entrance-onl' an9 e?er'one must eTit Wal-Mart on the other si9e <eTit-onl'> where there woul9 be no turnin: lane tra//ic to obscure the ?iew.\ The Elack Hills @ioneer recentl' con9ucte9 a poll askin: rea9ers what is the tra//ic problem with the Wal-Mart entrance5 in li:ht o/ another wreck that sent a woman to the hospital. 2ort' siT percent o/ respon9ents sai9 it is a 9ri?er problem. Fnother 4O percent sai9 it is an en:ineerin: problem. Three percent o/ the respon9ents sai9 it was an en/orcement problem while 11 percent o/ the people sai9 there is no problem. We aske9 /or 'our input in how to /iT the acci9ent-prone area. Here are some comments /rom our Web rea9ers. What 9o 'ou eTpect sai95 \,pee9 is most likel' a /actor to consi9er. ]ou wait hal/ 'our li/e tr'in: to :et throu:h the 9isaster o/ stopli:hts crossin: the interstate. ]ou ha?e to make up the enor- DOONESBURY BY GARY TRUDEAU PUBLISHER, Letitia Lister MANAGING EDITOR, Mark Watson AD MANAGER, Dru Thomas 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 7 South Main, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 E-mail: PRODUCTION MANAGER, Scott Lister CIRCULATION DIRECTOR, Charity Runnells ACCOUNTING, Ardith Richards MALLARD FILLMORE BY BRUCE TINSLEY • SPEARFISH, BELLE FOURCHE, WHITEWOOD NEWS: 315 Seaton Circle, PO Box 7, Spearfish, SD 57783 Toll Free 1-800-676-2761 or 605-642-2761 • Fax 605-642-9060 Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • LEAD-DEADWOOD NEWS: 7 S. Main, PO Box 876, Lead, SD 57754 Phone 605-584-2303 • Fax 605-584-2333 • OFFICE HOURS: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday • Closed Saturday, Sunday & national holidays • SUBSCRIPTIONS: Call For Rates In Your Area • Mail Rates - Quarterly - $37.50 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The Black Hills Pioneer is the official newspaper of Central City, City of Lead, Lead-Deadwood School District, City of Spearfish, Lawrence County, Spearfish School District, St. Onge, Whitewood, and the legal newspaper for publication of notices. COPYRIGHT, 2010, Black Hills Pioneer. All rights reserved. Nothing may be reprinted, photocopied, or in any way reproduced from this publication, in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher. Saturday, September 25, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Ahmadinejad says Iran may end enrichment -'9 :"*; <3=> ? %ran Could con. sider endinL uraniuM enrichMentP the Most crucial part oR its controSersial nuclear actiSitiesP iR Corld poCers send 4ehran nuclear Ruel Ror a Medical research reactorP =resident MahMoud 3hMadineTad told reporters $ridaU. 3ddressinL a pacWed press conRerence in a -eC :orW hotelP 3hMadineTad also said %ran Cas prepared to set a date Ror resuMption oR talWs Cith siX Corld poCers to discuss 4ehranYs nuclear proLraMP saU. inL "ctober Could be the liWelU tiMe Ror the tCo sides to Meet. 3hMadineTad also deRended his reMarWs at the ).-. a daU earlier in Chich he claiMed Most people in the Corld belieSe the )nited +tates Cas behind the +ept. 55P 6115 terror attacWs and aLain challenLed the )nited -ations to set up a coMMission to probe the attacWs. [% did not pass TudLMentP but donYt Uou Reel that the tiMe has coMe to haSe a Ract RindinL coMMittee\[ 3hMadineTad asWed. 3hMadineTad said %ran had no interest in enrichinL uraniuM RroM around 7.] per. cent to 61 percent puritU but Cas Rorced to do so aRter the Corld poCers reRused to proSide nuclear Ruel that is needed Ror a 4ehran reactor that produces Medical iso. topes Ror patients. 4hat leSel is Rar beloC the More than ^1 percent puritU needed to build a nuclear CeaponP but ).+. oRRicials haSe eXpressed concern %ran MaU be MoSinL closer to an abilitU to reach Ceapons.Lrade leSel. 4ehran beLan hiLher enrichMent in $ebruarU aRter talWs stalled oSer a ).-.. broWered proposal that the )nited +tates hoped Could . at least teMporarilU . leaSe %ran unable to produce a Carhead. 4he ).+. and its allies accuse %ran oR seeWinL to build a nuclear CeaponP a claiM %ran denies. [9e Cere not interested to carrU out 61 percent enrichMent. 4heU <the ).+. and its allies> politici_ed the issue. 9e Cere Rorced to do it to support the <Medical> patientsP[ 3hMadineTad said in response to a `uestion RroM 4he 3ssociated =ress. [9e Cill consider haltinL uraniuM enrich. Ment CheneSer nuclear Ruel is proSided to us.[ 3hMadineTad said pressure Cas coun. terproductiSeP but respectRul talWs Cill bear Rruit. [4he era oR RolloCinL a policU oR carrot and sticW is oSer. 'Sen such Cords are insultinL to nations. %tYs onlU Lood Ror coCboUs and those oR retarded people. aeRinitelU it has no eRRectP[ he said. [4heU issued resolutions as talWs Cere underCaU. +tillP Ce are readU Ror talWs.[ 4he %ranian leader said an %ranian repre. sentatiSe Cill probablU Meet Cith MeM. bers oR the RiSe perManent MeMbers oR the +ecuritU &ouncil . the ).+.P !ritainP $ranceP *ussia and &hina as Cell as berManU in "ctober. He suLLested that a speciRic date could be set should 'uropean )nion RoreiLn pol. icU chieR &atherine 3shton contact %ran. [=robablU in "ctoberc Ce are readU Ror talWs. 4he doors are open Ror talWs Cithin the RraMeCorW oR Tustice and respectP[ he said. HoCeSerP he Carned that %ran ConYt LiSe in to pressure. [4heU are deRinitelU MistaWen iR theU thinW theU can traMple the riLhts oR the %ranian nation throuLh coercion in the talWs.[ %n his one and a halR hour session Cith reportersP 3hMadineTad also lashed out at the ).+. Cars in %ra` and 3RLhanistan as an oSerreaction to the +epteMber 55 attacWs. 4he 3Mericans should [not occu. pU the entire Middle 'ast...boMb CeddinL parties...annihilate an entire SillaLe Tust because one terrorist is hidinL there.[ 3hMadineTad also LaSe no Lround on his +ept. 55 reMarWs in a ReistU interSieC on $oX -eCs in Chich he Cas asWed hoC he could insult Millions oR 3Mericans bU saUinL [such an insane and nuttU thinL.[ [9ould Uou address Uour oCn president the saMe CaU\ 9ould theU eSer alloC Uou to\P[ replied 3hMadineTadP addinL that he Relt insulted bU the interSieCer. 3hMadineTad said a coMMission should inSestiLate the +ept. 55 attacWs rather than haSe the entire Corld Tust accept Chat the ).+. LoSernMent tells theM. [4he Ract.RindinL Mission can shed liLht on Cho the perpetrators CereP Cho is 3l. daida ... Chere does it eXist\ 9ho Cas it bacWed bU and supported\ 3ll these should coMe to liLhtP[ he said. 3hMadineTadYs reMarWs durinL a speech to the ).-. beneral 3sseMblU 4hursdaU aRternoon proMpted a CalWout bU the ).+. diploMats. aeleLations RroM all 6e 'uropean )nion nations RolloCed the 3Mericans out alonL Cith representatiSes RroM 3ustraliaP -eC fealandP &anada and &osta *icaP an ') diploMat said. =resident !aracW "baMa responded to 3hMadineTad in a !!& =ersian serSice interSieC $ridaU saUinL0 [9ellP it Cas oRRensiSe. %t Cas hateRul.[ [3nd particularlU Ror hiM to MaWe the stateMent here in ManhattanP Tust a little north oR bround feroP Chere RaMilies lost their loSed onesP people oR all RaithsP all ethnicities Cho see this as the seMinal traLedU oR this LenerationP Ror hiM to MaWe a stateMent liWe that Cas ineXcus. ableP[ "baMa said. 3hMadineTad routinelU MaWes incendi. arU reMarWsP Chich the 9est claiMs are a diSersion RroM heaSU international pres. sure on 4ehran to end uraniuM enrichMent and proSe that it is not trUinL to build a nuclear Ceapon. %ran insists it is enrichinL uraniuM onlU to Ruel nuclear reactors to Lenerate electricitU. %ran is under Rour sets oR ).-. +ecuritU &ouncil sanctions as punishMent Ror its Railure to MaWe its nuclear aMbitions transparent. "n other MattersP 3hMadineTad saidP [% donYt haSe a probleM MeetinL Cith[ +arah +hourdP one oR three 3Mericans Cho Cere taWen prisoner in %ran durinL a hiWinL trip alonL the border Cith %ra`. +he Cas released RroM solitarU conRineMent on +ept. 5] and has said she Cants to Meet 3hMadineTad Chile he is in -eC :orW. Page 7 Need a Foot Doctor? Dr. Lorri Riley is here to help! * No referral is needed… unless Medicaid only as insurance. We treat all conditions of the foot, including: • Diabetes • Ingrown Nails • Arch/Heel Pain • Sprains/Fractures • Plantar Fasciitis • Neuropathy • Bunions/Hammertoes 927 E. Colorado Blvd. • Spearfish 605.722.3668 • Call today for your appointment! !ew$ &ip) *tor. /dea) !"## %"&' "( )*+,+-). 1830 N Main St., Spearfish, S.D 57783 The Town (R) Mon – Fri 6:30 & 8:45 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:15, 6:30 & 8:45 Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (PG) Mon - Fri 7:00 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:45, 4:30, 7:00 & 9:00 Devil (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 1:15, 4:00, 6:45 & 8:30 The American (R) Mon - Fri 6:30 & 8:30 Sat and Sun 2:00, 4:00, 6:30 & 8:30 Wall Street Money Never Sleeps (PG13) Mon – Fri 6:45 & 9:00 Sat and Sun 1:00, 3:30, 6:45 & 9:00 )*+,-S )"012-"3 1,43S555 1ift Cards "vailable at the Box *ffice !"# "$$%&' H")*+ M"-.$*% /011 +34.+)- 56071 C"LL $%2'%212 "* 8%+%4 ")* 9'!+%4' WWW.NHCINEMA.COM BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 8 ABSOLUTE REAL ESTATE AUCTION 5 LOTS AT VALLEY ONE RANCHETTES, BELLE FOURCHE, SD AUCTION WEDBESDAY SEPTEMBER 29, 2010 5:30 PM Auction held at the Belle Fourche Area Community Center 1111 National Street. Watch for signs. Seller Financing offered! Located: 3 miles East of Belle Fourche SD on Highway 212, south 7/10 mile on Bait Rd. and east 3/10 mile on Valley One Rd. Features 5 choice residential building sites from 3.3 to 5.6 acres all with gently rolling native grasses, new private access road & cul-de-sac, electric power and water system tap to lot lines. Protective Covenants insure your investment, yet allow for Stick built, doublewide and modular homes along with horses! Inspection: At your convenience, corners are marked, maps onsite OR Auctioneers/Brokers onsite from 12 - 2 PM on Tues., Sept 14th, Sat., Sept. 18th & Thurs., Sept 23rd or by appointment. Contact David Wilson or RT Shaw at Sturgis Real Estate Company (605-347-7579) or your local Realtor. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Absolute Auction, property sells to the highest bidder(s) auction day without minimum or reserve bid. Offered in 5 individual tracts and one unit, selling in the manner realizing the greater return. Attractive Seller financing offered Property is Broker owned. Auctioneers represent Seller. Call for complete terms and conditions or see on Auctioneers Note: If you are in the market for a well located, affordable residential site or investment property, consider Valley One Ranchettes. This is an impressive, well designed subdivision with water & utilities, and on a school bus route. Here is your opportunity to purchase one of the area's finest country living opportunities at quite possibly a very reasonable price. . with built in financing! Take time to inspect these quality lots and be in attendance, as the property will sell without reserve! Broker participation is invited! Call for details. A"#$%&'()*&+,--%&'.//0(1.'.2,3(B05 !"#$%&' %;5 < &usa55e =e-* >e**e ?;ur@Ae0 &: “SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS” Log On To... TRUCKS, VEHICLES, CAMPERS, BOATS, EQUIPMENT, SHOP ITEMS, ANQITUES LARGE AUCTION Thursday, September 30 - 10:00 am 12269 Alamo Lane. From Custer, SD, 2.2 mi. South on Hwy. 385, left on Old Sawmill Rd and follow signs. Loader, Forklift, Tractor & Equipment: ’66 Case W9B wheel loader, w/4 in 1 bucket, good; Vermeer M-437 Trencher w/backhoe, rock chain, 6 way blade, good; Clark forklift w/dual wheels, 16’ lift, good; ‘42 Farmall “H” tractor w/narrow front; 2-IHC 7’ pto sickle mowers; Buzz saw pto drive on rubber. Trucks, Vehicles, Trailers: ‘51 Kenworth w/HD log loader; ’81 Freightliner w/13 sp., 335 eng., PTO & 22’ stake box, good; ’59 Ford F-600 truck w/5 sp.& flatbed; ’53 F-600 Ford w/flatbed; ’80 GMC 1 ton, V-8, w/flatbed; ‘93Chevy Crew cab, 1 ton, duals, w/flatbed, gooseneck hitch, 4x2, good; ’90 Ford Econoline 150 conversion van; ’84 Chevy 30 cargo/cube van; ’91 Ford diesel cube van; ’90 GEO Tracker 4x4 w/Hi/Lo range, 5-sp., good; ’77 Chevy Blazer 4x4, 350, Auto w/Meyer plow; ’80 Toyota 4x2 pickup 5-speed; ’84 Chevy S-10; 7.5x14’ Shopmade tandem axle bumper pull trailer; Lacross 18’ tandem axle low boy HD equip. trailer w/pintle hitch; Felps tandem axle 20’ bumper pull, 4 horse trailer; Shopmade 8x28’ tandem axle gooseneck trailer; 21’ triple axle trailer house frame; Shopmade pickup box trailer & more. Campers, Boats & Camping items: ’83 Larsen 20’ Cabin cruiser boat w/350 inboard, Tandem axle Shorelander trailer, good! Winnebago Chieftan 30’ Motorhome w/43K mi., Gen., roof AC, runs good; ’76 Dodge Sportsman motorhome Mobil traveler, 95K mi.; 8x32’ single axle camping trailer; 20’ Mallard tandem axle camping trailer; Starcraft alum. 10’ boat w/trailer; 16’ canoe w/trolling motor & trailer; Minkota trolling motor; Fishing tackle; Assorted camping supplies & more! Auto & Truck Engines & parts: ’55 Chevy pickup box; 20R Toyota motor; Truck rear ends; 390 Ford engine & trans.; Ford trans. w/transfer case; Side fuel tank; Alum. Headache rack; Assorted misc. truck parts; Truck fenders; 318 Dodge motor parts; Numerous Truck & car tires & rims; Filters & much more. Tools, Shop & Misc Items: Miller stick welder; 425 gal. poly water tank; 500+ gallon steel fuel tank, like new; Pressure washer; Charge Air 5 hp upright air compressor; Onan 5000 watt power plant; Onan generator; Sears Radial arm saw; Wisconsin engine; Simplex Hyd. power supply for RR track bender; Honda EZ 2500 generator; Rol-Air air compressor; Hand & power tools; Torch set; battery charger; Bench grinder; Elect. Motors; Load binders & chains; Fuel tank w/stand; Construction signs; Pickup tool boxes; table saw; Large amount of wood & steel posts; Misc hardware; Commercial garage doors 12’, 14’ & 16’; Misc. iron & pipe; Concrete blocks; & much more. Antique, Household & Misc.: Ore Car; 25 gal. Redwing crock; 2 gal Union stoneware crock; Crock jugs; Kitchen Primitives; Round metal Coca Cola Sign; Crocket bit; Copper boiler; Barn lanterns; Stanley #55 molding plane; Enamel ware; Trunk; Toys; Sled; Wood high chair; Model T wheels; Baby buggy; Wash tubs; Sad irons; Forge tools; Maytag washer; Anvil; Cast iron claw foot tub; Assorted HD farm equip. License Plates; Dasey Butter churn; Depression glass; Shower stall; Dishes, pots, pans; Metal locker; Upright freezer; Raytech 8” gem maker/rock polisher; Rock Saw; FULL LINE OF HOUSEHOLD ITEMS & much more yet to be discovered; Auctioneers note: Plan to attend. Many items to numerous to mention. Certainly something for everyone. Come early, bring your trailers & spend the day! See complete details & photos A"#$%&'()*&+,--%&'.//0(1.'.2,3(B05 !"#$%&' (e* ,-er/e-er0 %a2 %usse** a5d 7ues8s 9us8er0 &: “SPECIALISTS IN REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS” LAB 6&'$%'",3(+*&7().2,(8 Saturday, September 25, 2010 Science Moundation* \o9in0 forBard into the future3 Hrncier re<orted that S*+* School of \ines and [echnolo0y <lans to fro$ the S*+* Board of /e0ents3 each of the state5s focus on $aterials and $anufacturin0 as it relates to si7 uni9ersities3 and fro$ the state5s tri:al colle0e +JS=K] ener0y and the en9iron$ent3 Bith a s<ecifI <residents* =ach 0rou< hi0hli0hted the 0reat strides ic e$<hasis in reneBa:le ener0y and sustaina:le South +akota has $ade in hi0her education research ener0y] under0round science and en0ineerin0] and 0rant fundin03 and the $any colla:orations that ha9e Science3 [echnolo0y3 =n0ineerin0 and \athe$atics i$<ro9ed and e7<anded relationshi<s and fundin0 bS[=\c education* fro$ the federal 0o9ern$ent* Kaura Penski3 9ice <resident for research at the @ational Science Board Chair$an +r* /ay BoBen Jni9ersity of South +akota3 said the uni9ersity has said the :oard Bas Cuite <leased to hear a:out also recei9ed a QY <ercent increase in research dolI research <ro0ress in South +akota* DEf course Be5re lars o9er the last year* [hose dollars3 she said3 are 9ery interested in a lot of the <roFects takin0 <lace es<ecially <ro$inent in the uni9ersity5s Colle0e of here3G he said* DHe59e heard a lot a:out the educaI Lrts and Sciences3 Bhich has Cuadru<led o9er the tional <roFects3 the <lans for +JS=K3 and e7<andin0 last si7 years3 Bith su:stantial 0roBth in the hard :asic science and research ca<a:ility* Lll of those and social sciences* thin0s are Bonderful infor$ation for us to ha9e* Eur +urin0 her <resentation3 Penski hi0hli0hted se9erI reaction is 9ery enthusiastic a:out the kids of thin0s al neB research <ro0ra$s that ha9e 0roBn e7<onenI that are 0oin0 on here* He are so <leased to hear that tially* [he Bio$edical =n0ineerin0 Pro0ra$3 for the @ational Science Moundation is a <artner in this3 Bhich JS+ colla:orates Bith the S*+* School of and that it has a role in causin0 the uni9ersities to :e \ines and [echnolo0y3 is three years old and has stron0er in 0raduate <ro0ra$s and research acti9ity* 0roBn fro$ VR to VT $illion* [he School of Health Lll of that is 9ery e7citin0* Lll of us Bho co$e fro$ Sciences3 she said3 is also Cuite neB and has 0roBn di9erse <laces around the country Bere Cuite <leased to recei9e $ore than VW $illion in fundin0 for a:out Bhat Be saB3 so N think that5s an indication research* that they5re on the ri0ht track*G DN ha9e :een in South +akota for fi9e years3 and N En Mriday uni9ersity officials fro$ across the ha9e noticed that the uni9ersity has started to 0roB state <ainted a <icture of si0nificant research 0roBth its 0rant and contract inco$e s<ecifically for in ter$s of fundin0 increases3 econo$ic i$<act and research3G Penski said* Nn fact3 she re<orted that the student recruit$ent and retention* +r* Oary Pohnson3 research aBards at JS+ are $ore than WR <ercent of syste$ 9ice <resident of research Bith the S*+* the uni9ersity5s total 0rants and contracts* Ef those3 Board of /e0ents3 re<orted that fro$ QRRQ to QRRS the uni9ersity 0ets a:out YW to aR <ercent of its the state achie9ed a $ore than TTU <ercent increase 0rants and contracts fro$ the federal 0o9ern$ent3 in <er ca<ita federal research and de9elo<$ent and aW <ercent of those are co$<etiti9e 0rant funds* o:li0ations3 the hi0hest 0roBth rate in the nation* [he re$ainin0 TU <ercent is a $i7ture of state3 <riI Pohnson also re<orted that the state recently 9ate and nonI<rofit fundin0* +r* de9in de<hart3 announced VTWX $illion in 0rant aBards for 9ice <resident for research at S*+* State Jni9ersity research3 across its re0ental institutions* Pohnson said his institution leads the state in 0rants3 Bith re<orted that :ased on current $odels those dollars $ore than VSS $illion in aBards* Ef that3 he said turn o9er Q*X ti$es in the local econo$y3 and SR <erI research e7<enditures ha9e :een a:out VXY*T $ilI cent of those dollars ha9e a direct i$<act to the state lion* Ls an a0ricultural sciences school3 the uni9ersiI of South +akota* Nn fact3 a recent econo$ic i$<act ty5s lar0est contri:utor is the J*S* +e<art$ent of study in South +akota shoBed that the federal L0riculture3 Bith the @ational Science Moundation research aBards in QRTR re<resented an a<<ro7i$ate folloBin0 as a close second* VQ :illion annual econo$ic i$<act* DEur dollars to S+SJ ha9e actually increased and E9er the last TR years3 Pohnson re<orted3 the total that is fro$ ha9in0 a di9ersified <ortfolio3G he said* e7<enditures Bithin the state3 0enerated :y federal DHe ha9e $ore and $ore <eo<le across the uni9ersiI research 0rant dollars3 has increased fro$ VUU*Y $ilI ty ste<<in0 u< and <roducin0 <ro<osals fro$ the lion in QRRR3 to VTRU*S $illion in QRTR I a QRZ <erI uni9ersity to federal a0encies*G cent increase* Pohnson also re<orted that the state Lt Black Hills State Jni9ersity +r* day has esta:lished TT research centers o9er the last fi9e Schallenka$< re<orted that in recent years the uniI years3 re<resentin0 a VQT*W $illion in9est$ent to 9ersity has seen a URR <ercent increase in science date3 Bith a VTRS*Y $illion return on that in9estI $aFors3 $akin0 it the third lar0est $aFor at the instiI $ent* [hrou0h those centers3 the state has su<<orted tution* Schallenka$< directly attri:uted that to the $ore than QRR researchers and $ore than SRR stuI Sanford Ka:* [o date3 she said the uni9ersity has dents* /esearch centers that are currently o<eratin0 recei9ed a:out se9en 0rants totalin0 a:out VQ*W $ilI include the Center for Bio<rocessin0 /esearch and lion fro$ the @ational Science +e9elo<$ent3 Bhich focuses on ethanol Moundation3 and o9er the last year the research Bith a colla:oration :y the S*+* uni9ersity has recei9ed $ore than VS*Q School of \ines and [echnolo0y and $illion in e7ternal fundin0* [hat3 she S*+* State Jni9ersity] the @ational Center said3 nearly $atches the total dollars for the Protection of Minancial BHSJ recei9es fro$ the state5s 0eneral Nnfrastructure] Center for /are Physics fund* +r* /o:ert Hharton3 <resident of Processes] the /e<air3 /efur:ish and the S*+* School of \ines and /eturn to Ser9ice L<<lied /esearch [echnolo0y said Bith all that has :een Center3 Bhich has a $ission to de9elo< acco$<lished3 South +akota5s uni9ersity and certify inno9ati9e <rocesses for syste$ is not done achie9in0 si0nificant re<airin0 and refur:ishin0 $aterials at the research 0oals3 and officials look forI +e<art$ent of +efense and in the <ri9ate Bard to Borkin0 Bith the +JS=K as a Dr. Kay sector] and the Center for Biolo0ical to further enhance research across Schallenkamp Bay Control and Lnalysis :y L<<lied the country* He <ointed out that the S*+* Photonics* School of \ines and [echnolo0y Bas +r* +uane Hrncier3 <ro9ost and 9ice esta:lished to su<<ort o<erations at the Ho$estake <resident for Lcade$ic Lffairs at the S*+* School of \ine3 Bhich Bas the Borld5s to< 0old <roducer for \ines and [echnolo0y said3 D[he colla:oration that $ore than TRR years* 0oes on in the state is really a$a`in0* N59e ne9er D[oday these connections and achie9e$ents $eet :een on a ca$<us Bhere de<art$ents Bould colla:I at +JS=K3G he said* D+JS=K <ro$ises to transfor$ orate so Bell*G the Ho$estake \ine into a <roducer of a QTst centuI Hrncier e7<lained that at [ech the $aFority of ry treasure of scientific disco9ery and neB knoBlI fundin0 I a:out XZ <ercent I co$es fro$ outside ed0e* [he +JS=K <roFect is not Fust a:out <hysics* research 0rants and contracts* By co$<arison3 he [here is $inin0 en0ineerin03 ci9il en0ineerin0 and said Ta <ercent of the institution5s fundin0 co$es e9ery disci<line you can think of* Nn ter$s of de9elI fro$ state a<<ro<riation3 and QX <ercent co$es fro$ o<in0 0raduate education and bScience3 [echnolo0y3 tuition and fees* Ef the 0rants recei9ed3 Hrncier =n0ineerin0 and \athc education3 the facility itself re<orted that XQ <ercent are fro$ the @ational Bill :e <heno$enal in that de<art$ent*G BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 BOY SCOUTS Continued fro, Page 3 GIt teaches boys to be good men, and I fully believe in that part of the institution,I Tara said. GIt gives them a good start and helps round them out.I Scout Master Heather Nash said that when the Homestake Mine closed, so did the door on a golden opportunity for young boys in the Lead-Deadwood area Y the chance to bridge over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. GThere used to be three troops in the area when it was a booming mining town,I Nash explained. GEventually, when people moved away, the troops dissolved and none of the boys - for as long as I;ve been here, more than five years, have crossed over.I In May, the four aforementioned former Cub Scouts entered a rite of passage and bridged over into Boy Scouts. The boys will continue on with the scouting program, earning merit badges, slowly working more inde- pendently and doing more community involvement pro>ects. A big part of Cub Scout Pack \48 and Boy Scout Troop \48 fundraising for the year is their upcoming popcorn sales, which kicked off Thursday. GScouts are famous for selling popcorn,I said Tara Hanson, who is also the popcorn sales chairperson. Scouts will be going door to door, as well as having stations set up at Common Cents, both Big D locations and Lynn;s on Oct. 2. GIf we don;t sell out, we;ll be at the same locations again October 16,I Hanson said. GOur goal is for each boy to sell 500.I Assorted popcorn is priced between $10 and $40 and is the primary avenue the cub and boy scouts raise funds for books, uniforms, patches, badges, fun days and day camps. For more information on the Lead-Deadwood scouting program, call Heather Nash at 580-0167. Page 9 NOW IN CONCERT The Heirs of Baird Sept. 26th at 6:30 p.m. Mountain View Baptist Church I-90 Exit 12, Spearfish This musical family of 5 is well known in the area for their presentation of gospel music, as well as folk music. Their full early American sound includes 11 different stringed instruments. Join us for a night of great instrumental and vocal music, as well as the gospel in the spoken word. DOT Continued fro, Page 3 south of the intersection was poured and next week, crews will begin to work on the east end of the intersection. Benson said this way, crews won;t have to wait until the entire intersection is complete to finish that aspect of the pro>ect. Then, once they do start working on the east and west sectors, traffic can be pushed to the outside of the curb and flow a lot smoother. During the week of Sept. 30, crews will finish paving the entire center lane from the Hay Creek Bridge, all the way up to Stadium Sports Bar and Grill. GThis will definitely take the pressure off delaying the pro>ect as far as paving H and in the end expedites our work,I Benson said. The east and west intersections, he explained will be poured at separate times. Crews will continue to progress along the east side next week and Benson said all of the concrete will be poured and have enough strength to allow for traffic by Oct. 25. Carlson said the cure time for the concrete poured on the pro>ect is taking longer to gain strength for traffic. GWe;re getting later in the season, so each night it gets colder our concrete doesn;t cure out as rapidly,I Carlson said. GThat;s what is really going to prolong the movement of this pro>ect is the durations in cure time,I Benson said. In the meantime, Carlson said National Street will be tight for traffic. Width restrictions will be enforced and semis, delivery trucks and cattle trailers will not be able to turn right. Work along the west intersection will take upwards of a month, however Benson said he may have a solution that could push that deadline up. The preliminary solution would be to add a three way stop to the intersection and re-route traffic to surrounding side roads. This he said could reduce the pro>ect timeline by at least two weeks. GIf we do it the way it is now, it will be after Thanksgiving before we get out of there, but if you do it this way, it will be way before,I Benson said. Prior to making any final decisions, the many business owners in that area will be notified and their input will be considered. In order to keep the public informed about the ongoing pro>ect;s status and the current road closures, the Department of Transportation hosts meetings at 10 a.m. every Tuesday at the area office in Belle Fourche. For any Suestions or comments regarding the pro>ect, call Michael Carlson at 892-2872. CONNECTING YOU TO THE WORLD AROUND YOU... Free coffee and pie immediately afterward. L o g o n 2 4 ( 7 w w w. b h p i o n e e r. c o m Spearfish Ambassadors September Visits Sunflower Cottage, Ltd. Cheryl Wormstadt 640 N. 7th St., Spearfish ~ 605-559-2525 (next to Lueders) Z-Bar Chad & Steve Zandstra 529 N. Main St., Spearfish ~ 605-642-3600 Interim Health Care Christine Baird and Lisa Gager, RN, BSN 125 E. Colordo Blvd., Ste. 1F, Spearfish ~ 605-642-2806 (next to State Farm-Lerwick) 3J Oil Medics (Mobile Oil Changes) John & Billie Tracy Belle Fourche ~ 605-641-5194 Jeff the Handyman Can Jeff & Karla Samona Spearfish ~ 605-642-3536 If you know of a new business that may want to be welcomed by the Ambassadors, please contact the Chamber at 642-2626 or Brought to you by: BHSU Page 10 Saturday, September 25, 2010 BHSU to host the 4th annual American Indian College Scholarship Gala SPEARFISH * Black Hills State University will host the 4th Annual American Indian College Scholarship Gala at 6 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16 with a reception in the David B. Miller Student Union Jacket Legacy Room. The scholarship gala will raise scholarship funds for American Indian students attending BHSU. Supporting this event is the American Indian Education Foundation who will match, on a graduated scale, funds raised. Events during the event will include: hoop dance performance by Jasmine Pickner, world hoop dance champion; silent auction; Native American banquet, and door pri]es. Contact the Center for American Indian Studies at (605) 6426578 for more information. The event is sponsored by BHSU Center for American Indian Studies, BHSU Alumni Association, American Indian Education Foundation, and Inter Tribal Bison Cooperative. Foreign correspondent Reese Erlich to present at BHSU on Middle East SPEARFISH * Reese Erlich, foreign correspondent, best-selling book author and freelance ?ournalist, will present “Conversations with Terrorists -- foreign correspondent Reese ErlichEs update from the Middle EastH at Black Hills State University at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 12 in Jonas Hall 305. Erlich will also make presentations to several classes at BHSU. Working full-time as a freelance print and broadcast ?ournalist, Erlich reports regularly for National Public Radio, Radio Deutche Welle, Australian Broadcasting Corp. Radio, and Canadian Broadcasting Corp. Radio. He also writes for the San Francisco Chronicle and the Dallas Morning News. His television doc- umentaries have aired on Public Broadcasting Service stations nationwide. In his latest book, “Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence and Empire,” Erlich questions how the U.S. has dealt with terrorist threats since 2001, suggesting that by “labeling all opponents as terrorists,” the government has “from a practical perspective... rendered the term \terrorismE meaningless.” Using decades of his personal reporting, personal interviews and research, Erlich emphasi]es the stark differences between the nihilism of alQaeda and the political aspirations of organi]ations such as Hamas and He]bollah. He urges the U.S. to “recogni]e the difference between isolated fanatics and groups fighting for legitimate causes,” concluding that such a policy shift would “do more to undermine groups such as al Qaeda than all U.S. invasions combined.” Erlich, described by Walter Cronkite, as “a great radio producer and a great friend,” has a long history in ?ournalism that goes back 41 years. He first worked as a staff writer and research editor for “Ramparts,” an investigative reporting maga]ine published in San Francisco from 1963 to 1975. The BHSU Bookstore will have ErlichEs three books available to purchase at the general assembly: “Conversations with Terrorists: Middle East Leaders on Politics, Violence and Empire,” “Dateline Havana,” and “The Iran Agenda.” BHSU hosts reception for new MBA program Students in the new Master in Business Administration program at Black Hills State University recently gathered for a reception and kickoff event hosted by the College of Business and Technology. Dr. Priscilla Romkema, dean of the College of Business and Technology, welcomed the students and provided an overview of the program. The MBA program will build on the thriving business program at BHSU and capitalize on the University's strategic partnerships with area businesspersons, who will share their expertise as guest speakers and mentors. Twenty students are currently participating in the MBA program that is delivered in Rapid City. Courtesy photo BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 Page 11 SATURDAY’S TV KOTA PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC DIS College Classic The Unit MLB College College Gang Good 4 :PM :30 Football Gospel Baseball Football Football Wars Good Grey’s Lawrence Bones Brothers News News Gang Sonny 5 :PM :30 Anatomy Welk & Sisters Paid Wall St. Wars Jonas Bones Two Friends Hawaii Almost, Wizards :PM College Lom 6 :30 Football: Time/By Away Two Friends Five-0 Wizards Keep Up Curb Cops (N) The Event Blue Almost, Hannah :PM Oregon 7 :30 State at May Entou Cops “Pilot” Bloods Away Hannah Boise Summer Entou Most Chase 48 Hours Almost, Deck 8 :PM :30 State. Wanted “Pilot” Mystery Away Red Curb Deck No Cover, Mother News Law & News Almost, Phineas :PM 9 :30 J’pardy! No Min Mother Office Order: SVU Enter- Away Fish tainment Almost, Deck News Austin Entou Bones News 10 :PM :30 The City Limits Curb Away Saturday NUMHannah Closer Jammin’ South Pk Lone Star Night B3RS Almost, Jonas 11 :PM Live :30 The Unit Globe South Pk “Pilot” Access Away Jonas Trekker Movie: Hollywood Gang Wilde Poker :AM 12 :30 Insider Time/By “Ameri- Fam Guy After Dark KELO- Wars Phineas Fish Keep Up ca’s Heart TMZ (N) Bellator LAND Paid Deck :AM Entou 1 :30 Curb May and Soul” Weather Paid Hannah OverNOW Ugly Summer Legend Sign Off night Paid Deck 2 :AM Radar :30 Betty Seeker Red KardDeck “Croco- No Cover, Legend Paid Good 3 :AM :30 dile No Min Seeker Curl “Eddie’s Hunter: Dakota World Ripped Cook4 :AM Off” :30 Collision” Cyber Scudder Paid Music Cool :AM Proving Curious Winston AgriBusi5 :30 Holiness Cat in Facts ness U.S. Farm Faith in Jente Charlie Ein Report News Super David News Osteen Ein :AM Good 6 :30 Morning Dinosaur Beyond Home. Paid In Touch Jungle This Sid Feed Fox News Love CBS News Survivor- Chug 7 :AM :30 Week Sunday Jere Sunday man Martha Paid Movers Turning Arthur Movie: Paid Today (N) Morning Man, Manny 8 :AM :30 Point WordGirl “Napo- Feldick Nation Woman Agent Christn Electric leon Dy- Main Street Meet the Mass Beyond Mickey 9 :AM namite” Living :30 Worshp Fetch Press Survival Mickey KEL WHAD Group Law Fox NFL Eques- The NFL Survivor- Phineas 10 :AM :30 Animal Today man On One Order: CI Sunday trian Phineas NFL NFL Survivor- Phineas :AM Animals Religion Law 11 :30 Made Gener Order: CI Football: PGA Tour Football: man Phineas Detroit Golf: Tour Tennessee Survivor- Deck Traveler So. Dakota MLB 12 :PM :30 Open Focus Baseball: Lions at Champion- Titans at man Deck Live From St. Louis Minnesota ship, Final New York Survivor- Fish :PM Incred1 :30 ible Dog Lincoln Cardinals Vikings. Round. Giants. man Wizards From “Dreamer: Center at Chicago Post NFL Dirty Good 2 :PM Cubs. :30 Inspired (N) Poker- Atlanta. Football: Jobs Sonny by a True America Inning (In Stereo Colts at Dirty Hannah 3 :PM Broncos Jobs :30 Story” Rudy Videos Sports Live) Hannah FAM NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E Victo Victo iCarly Jackson iCarly Big Time Victo iCarly Lopez Lopez Nanny Nanny Malcolm Malcolm Nanny Nanny Paid My Wife NO DI My Wife Paid Chris Paid Chris Younger Nanny Paid Nanny Paid Family Paid Family Paid Family Paid Family Movie: Grown “Wild Jimmy Child” Parents (2008) Parents Sponge. Movie: “Ella En- Sponge. chanted” Penguin Fanboy Movie: Penguin “Girls Just Fanboy Want to Troop Have Fun” iCarly Movie: TMNT: “Another Turtles Cinderel- Forever la Story” Parents Movie: Fanboy “Freaky Fanboy Friday” Penguin (2003) Penguin “Princess Sponge. Drs” Sponge. Movie: “Freaky Friday” (2003) Movie: “Liar Liar” (1997) Movie: “Liar Liar” (1997) Movie: “Sixteen Candles” HIST TNT SPIKE USA TVL Adven “Seven- ChalCSI: Sniper: Movie: Gangland “Legally Griffith teen-Miss” lenge Miami Deadliest “The Bld 2” Total Griffith Total Movie: Chopped CSI: Modern Chronicles UFC Un- NCIS Griffith Miami Marvels of Riddick” leashed Scooby “ConGriffith UFC Un- NCIS Griffith Chopped CSI: Gates of Movie: “Scooby- fined” leashed Miami Hell “300” Doo 2: (2010) Griffith (2007) MonMovie: Chopped CSI: UFC 119 NCIS Ray sters” “Maternal Miami “Sea Dog” Ray Gangland NCIS Ray King-Hill Obsession” Chopped Movie: “The Hell: The Movie: September Devil’s “10,000 Miami. King-Hill (2010) Ray Domain B.C.” Amer. Project Iron Chef Issue” Gangland The Event Ray (2009) (2008) Runway America “Pilot” Amer. Ray Bleach Chopped CSI: Gates of Movie: Ways Law & Ray Miami Hell “Resident Ways Order: SVU Ray Kek Road Evil: Ex- Ways Fullme Mother Chopped CSI: Destina- Look tinction” Ways Miami tion Truth Nanny Fullme Mother Cowboy Paid Iron Chef Movie: “The Hell: The Movie: Ways WWE Nanny America September Devil’s “Resident Ways A.M. Raw Nanny Cowboy Paid Domain Evil: Apoca- Ways Ghost Celeb Chopped Issue” Ultimate Nanny (2009) lypse” Gamer Home Im Ghost Paid Ways Bleach Paid Meals! Paid Paid Law & Paid Paid Home Im Order Kek NO DI Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid 3’s Co. Inuyasha Paid Paid Paid Paid Law & Paid Paid 3’s Co. Order Inuyasha Shark Paid Get Rich Shark eBay Money 3’s Co. Tom & Paid KillPaid Paid Law & Paid Law M*A*S*H Jerry Order Order: CI M*A*S*H Paid Mean Paid Mak Baby Modern Law & Paid Paid M*A*S*H Poke Inc’sing Paula Movie: Marvels Order Program Creflo Faith Bey Boitano “For M*A*S*H Scooby Hour of Secrets Love or Death Law & Sexy Paid Andy Money” Road Order Bodies Osteen Griffith Scooby Power Fix Married Covert Griffith Unnatural Paid Giada Private Alaska: Law & Order History Celeb Day Off Sessions Big Married Affairs Griffith America Law & Griffith Aloha, Chris Con The Xtreme Movie: Scooby- Chris Order Grill It! Sopranos Horse. “Smokin’ Griffith Doo Trucks! Aces” Griffith Movie: Guy’s The Alaska: Law & Griffith Garfield “Home- Cooking Sopranos Danger- Order Muscle- (2007) ous Car (In Griffith Garfield coming” Aarti The Movie: Johnny (2009) Dinners Sopranos Territory “10,000 Stereo) Movie: Griffith B.C.” Johnny Movie: Home Movie: Crime CSI: NY “Shoot Griffith ’Em Up” Griffith Wave: 18 (2008) Coden “Terror Daddy “The Perfect Months of Movie: Coden in the AmerCSI: NY Griffith Chowder Family” ica’s Best Storm” Mayhem “The Movie: Griffith (2000) Griffith AmerHillbilly: Chronicles CSI: NY “The Chowder Movie: Bourne Ul- Griffith ica’s Best The The Real of Riddick” Johnny “Held Johnny Hostage” AmerCriminal Story Movie: CSI: NY timatum” Griffith (2007) (2009) ica’s Best Minds “Resident Total Griffith Evil: Apoca- CSI: NY Law & Total “Maternal AmerCriminal CrumGriffith lypse” ica’s Best Minds bling Order: SVU Griffith Adven Obs” TBS FSN ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN HS Football College Barrett- Life Football Score Football: Jackson God Cincinnati AutoRockies Score Angelica Pregame College vs. Okla- mobile Live Auction The Way MLB Base- Football: homa. (Live) (Live) ball: San South to Life Francisco Carolina College Fishers Giants at at Auburn. Football: NASCAR Angelica Colorado (Live) West Racing Fr. John Rockies. SportsCen- Virginia Corapi ter (Live) at LSU. Post Journey (Live) Home College Football: Football Baseball AMA Pro Daily Oregon at Final Tonight Racing Mass Arizona SportsCen- Drag AMA Pro Fr. John State. ter Racing Racing Corapi World SportsCen- NASCAR NASCAR Global Poker Tour ter Racing: Racing Showcase Movie: Nationwide “Copy- Boxing NFL Angels cat” College Series: Light (1995, Football Dover 200. EWTN Suspense) SportsCen- NASCAR Live ter (N) Married Paid Grades Gospel Home Im Paid SportsCen- NFL Paid Healing ter Married Paid Bassmas- Paid Original Married Paid Football ters CAR MD Heritage Home Im Air Rac- Final Beat Hot Rod Chaplet Home Im ing NFL Adven ForRosary Paid Movie: SportsCen- Whitetail mula One Sunday “The ter Paid Driven Racing: Mass FamPaid Outside NASCAR Singapore Litany Grand Prix. Book ily Man” Paid Sports Now (2000) Outdoor SportsCen- Drag NASCAR Reports ter Racing RaceDay Faith Hunt Movie: (Live) “Titanic” Whitetail Sunday Sport Aposto (1997, Bowhun NFL Football Angelica Drama) Paid Countdown Count- Truck U Sunday Leonardo Paid (Live) down Garage Mass DiCaprio, Paid NASCAR Year in ForLitany Kate Racing: Review mula One In ConPaid Winslet. Rockies Sprint Billiards Racing: cert Singapore Joy Mu Pregame Pregame Cup: MLB Base- MLB Base- AAA 400. Billiards Grand Prix. Chaplet ball: San ball: San (Live) Classic Holy Francisco Francisco Billiards Motorcycle The World Giants at Giants at Racing Over Drag Colorado Colorado SportsCen- Racing Motorcycle Biblical Rockies. Rockies. ter Racing NHRA Military King Amer. Amer. Amer. Movie: “The Family Man” (2000) Movie: “Titanic” (1997) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. SUNDAY’S TV KOTA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :AM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 :PM :30 Adven ABC Grey’s Anatomy Extreme, Home Extreme, Home Desp.Wives Brothers & Sisters News The Closer The Unit PBS WGN-A KEVN KNBN KCLO DISC Europe Dharma Nature Dharma Antiques Chris Rdsho Chris Lawrence Mother Welk Mother Nature (In Mother Stereo) Mother Masterpiece News Mystery! Replay (N) Monk Yellows Globe Monk Trekker Wash. Monk Break-in. News JeanMovie: Michel “K-9” Chris Cousteau: (1989) Chris Ocean Ugly Betty JeanMovie: Michel “Cujo” ABC Cousteau: (1983) World Ocean News Now (N) GED Paid AgDay Work J. Meyer Morning Wonder Creflo News Zula Cope Good Curious Hillbillies Morning Cat in Hillbillies America Super Matlock (N) Dinosaur Live Regis Clifford Matlock & Kelly Zoboo The View Caillou Heat of (N) Night Word Dr. Phil Sid Heat of Sesame Night Street All My Midday Children Barney News News Bears Texas Inside Between Ranger General As Texas Hospital Martha Ranger One Life Arthur Jeannie to Live WordGirl Be Oprah Electric Cheers Winfrey Fetch Cheers Legend Seeker Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Simpson Cleve Family Guy News Simp Bones Seinfeld News Football Night NFL Football: New York Jets at Miami Dolphins. DIS NFL Dirty Phineas Football Jobs Deck Dual Wizards Survival Hannah 60 Minutes Dual Wizards Survival Wizards The Amazing Dual Fish Race 17 Survival Movie: “Home Undercov- Dual er Boss Survival Alone 3” (1997) News Dual Survival Sonny News KEL Seinfeld NUMDual Jonas B3RS Survival Good Ray Brothers Dateline Heart. Dual Fish & Sisters NBC Poker Survival Fish Cold Meet the Up to the Dual Jonas Case Press Minute Survival Jonas (N) (In Extra (N) OverGrades Hannah Stereo) Paid night Hannah Sign Off Radar Paid Wizards Paid Wizards Celeb Suite News Paid Movie: “Gotta KELOPaid Kick It Up” LAND This Paid Morning Paid Paid Early Ein (N) Paid Early Robison Ein News News The Early J. Meyer Jungle Show Home. Paid Timmy (N) (In Busi Today A Haunt- Chug Stereo) ing Tony Paid Oso Judge J. Danza; KELO- A Haunt- Timmy LAND ing Judge J. John Manny Schenk; The Price A Haunt- Mickey Judge Mathis (N) Laura Is Right ing Mickey Judge B. Innes. (N) Young & Biker Mickey Judge B. (In Stereo) Restless Build-Off Manny People’s Seinfeld News American Oso Court Chopper Jungle Friends Bold Paid Rachael Let’s Make American Jungle Ray a Deal Chopper Chug Paid Home Days of Let’s Make American Mickey Videos our Lives a Deal Chopper Mickey Million. Justice Recipe American Movers Extra (N) Justice Access Chopper Movers Ellen De- The Doc- Law & Cash Phineas Generes tors Order: SVU Cash Phineas FAM “The Princess Diaries” Movie: “Nim’s Island” (2008) Movie: “The Princess Diaries” (2001) Osteen Ed Zola NO DI Paid Paid Paid Paid Shark NO DI Prince Life J. Meyer Paid Boy Boy Sabrina Melissa Melissa 700 Club The 700 Club Gilmore Girls Still Stnd Still Stnd My Wife My Wife Full Hse. Full Hse. ’70s ’70s 70s ’70s Gilmore Girls NICK TOON LIFE FOOD A&E Jackson Adven Big Time Scooby Victo “ScoobyDoo 2: iCarly My Wife MonMy Wife sters” Chris Titan Chris Star Lopez Delocate Lopez Fam Guy Nanny Fam Guy Nanny Venture Malcolm Chil Malcolm Metal Nanny Amer. Nanny King-Hill My Wife Fam Guy My Wife Chil Chris Fam Guy Chris Delocate Nanny Venture Nanny Metal Family Amer. Family King-Hill Family Ben 10 Family Hero 108 Sponge. Bakugan Sponge. Titans Sponge. Poke Umi Wheels Dora ScoobyDora... Doo and Go, Diego, the Alien Go! Garfield Max, Chowder Umi Chowder Dora... Coden Dora... Partner Ni Hao Tom & Jerry Band Sponge. Hero 108 Sponge. Ed, Edd Fanboy Garfield Penguin Garfield iCarly Courage iCarly Courage Sponge. Grim Neutron Johnny “Maternal Food Truck Criminal Obs” Race Minds Movie: ChalCriminal “Taken lenge Minds in Broad ChalCriminal Daylight” lenge (N) Minds Movie: Iron Chef Criminal “The America Minds Brave Iron Chef The One” America Glades (N) (2007) Cupcake The Wars Glades Movie: “The Iron Chef Criminal Brave America Minds One” Iron Chef Criminal (2007) America Minds Paid Cupcake The Wars Glades KillPaid ChalThe lenge Glades Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Paid Dinners Paid Paid NO DI Paid Paid Paid Money Paid Paid Paid The Balanc- Paid Jewels ing Act Paid Jewels Will Million $ Jewels Will Paid Jewels Frasier Paid The Frasier Mexican Glades Wife Quick CSI: Swap Cooking Miami Airline Ultimate CSI: Miami Airline Home Desp.- Paula The First Wives 48 Giada Grey’s Minute The First Anatomy Con 48 Grey’s Money Jewels Anatomy Grill It! Jewels Unsolved Big Bite The Myst. Secrets Glades Unsolved Cooking CSI: Myst. Miami Giada Reba Con CSI: Miami Reba Home HIST TNT Crumbling Swamp People Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Swamp People (N) Stan Lee’s Ice Road Truckers Ice Road Truckers Swamp People Stan Lee’s Paid Paid Get Rich Profit In Mexican War The Real West Ax Men Movie: “Resident Evil: Extinction” Movie: “I Am Legend” (2007) Movie: “I Am Legend” (2007) Movie: “Eraser” (1996, Action) Ax Men Movie: “The Mist” (2007) Premiere. Law & Order Angel “The Ring” Angel “Eternity” Charmed Charmed Charge. Ax Men Supernatural Ax Men Supernatural Ax Men Las Vegas American Las Pickers Vegas Ax Men The Closer Ax Men Cold Case Ax Men Law & Order Ax Men Law & Order SPIKE USA CSI: NY TVL Law & Griffith Order: SVU Griffith CSI: Crime Law & Griffith Scene Order: SVU Griffith CSI: Crime Law & Griffith Scene Order: SVU M*A*S*H CSI: Crime Law & M*A*S*H Scene Order: SVU M*A*S*H CSI: Crime Law & Ray Scene Order: SVU Ray Investiga- Movie: Ray tion “The Ray Bourne UlCSI: Crime Ray timatum” Scene Ray CSI: Crime (2007) Rose Scene Movie: Nanny CSI: Crime “Smokin’ Nanny Aces” Scene Nanny CSI: Crime (2007) Nanny Scene Got the Look Paid Law & Order: SVU 3’s Co. Paid Program Paid 3’s Co. Paid Paid 3’s Co. Paid Law Paid Order: CI Paid Paid Paid Law Paid Order: CI Paid Sexy Paid Law Griffith Order: CI Griffith Sexy CSI: NY Law Griffith Order: CI Griffith Texas Law Griffith Ranger Order: CI Griffith Texas Law Griffith Ranger Order: CI Griffith Texas Law Griffith Ranger Order: CI Griffith CSI: NY Law Griffith “Boo” Order: CI Griffith CSI: Crime Law Griffith Scene Order: CI Griffith CSI: Crime Law Griffith Scene Order: CI Griffith CSI: Crime Law Griffith Scene Order: CI Griffith CSI: Crime Law Griffith Scene Order: CI Griffith TBS FSN Movie: Post “Sleepy Flugtag Hollow” Rockies (1999) Running Movie: Air Rac“Dising turbia” Bellator (2007) Fighting ChampiMovie: onships “Disturbia” Rockies (2007) Rockies Movie: College “Sleepy WPS Hollow” Soccer (1999) Movie: “The Final Scr Amityville LOKAR Horror” Stock Harvey Final Scr Harvey Final Scr Married Paid Married Paid Married Paid Married Paid Saved/ Fisher Saved/ Motor Saved/ Paid Saved/ Paid Yes Final Scr Yes Final Scr Prince Paid Prince Paid Prince Paid Payne Paid Payne Paid Browns Paid Jim Rockies Ray Rockies Ray Action Sports Ray Jim TEVA Mountain Office Friends English Friends Premier League Ray Soccer King ESPN ESPN2 SPEED EWTN Baseball NHRA Drifting Bene Tonight Race (N) Crossing SportsCen- NHRA SPEED Father ter Drag Rpt Groeschel Racing NASCAR Father MLB Baseball: V.L. Corapi Boston Wind Chester Red Sox at Tunnel Rosary New York NASCAR Classic Catholic Yankees. Now (N) Crazy Compass SportsCen- Poker Danger- Life on ter (Live) 2010 ous Drives the Rock Poker AMA Pro Sunday Racing Mass SportsCen- 2010 ter (Live) Poker AMA Pro Litany Racing Bene MLB SportsCen- Baseball: NASCAR Father Red Sox V.L. ter Groeschel at Yankees Wind Gallery College NASCAR Tunnel Healing Football Racing: Classic Eucha Sprint Crazy EWTN Cup: AAA Paid Book 400. H-Lite Paid Freedom SportsCen- Mike and Paid Original ter Mike in Paid Crossing the Morn- Monster Chaplet SportsCen- ing With Jam Rosary Mike Golic SPEED Daily ter and Mike Rpt Mass SportsCen- Green- NASCAR Father berg. ter V.L. Groeschel SportsCen- ESPN Wind The World ter First Tunnel Over SportsCen- Take Paid Women ter Paid Holy SportsCen- ESPN Setup Daily ter First NASCAR Mass SportsCen- Take (In Racing Fr. John Stereo) ter Corapi SportsCen- Best of Reli ter 1st & 10 Faithful Football Lines Crazy Mercy NFL Live Van Pelt On Edge Rosary NFL Sports- Barrett- Hi Lucy PrimeTime Nation Jackson Family Around NASCAR Monster Truth in Jam Pardon Now Quest Page 12 Garfield Baby Blues For Better or For Worse The Born Loser Frank and Ernest Ernie BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 by Jim Davis by Jerry Scott & Rick Kirkman by Lynn Johnston by Art & Chip Sansom by Bob Thaves by Bud Grace Suddenly squeamish boyfriend puts the kibosh on kissing DEAR ABBY( )y boyfriend recently started turning away when I try to kiss him. When I asked him why, he eBplained that he has developed into a Egermaphobe.F In the beginning of our relationship we never had this problem. What is happeningH I NEVER BEEN LISSED, LATELY DEAR NEVER( Your boyfriend may be embarrassed to tell you that your breath is unpleasant. Or he may be trying to distance himself romantically. I recommend you ask him directly if either of these could account for the change in his behavior. If the answer is no and he really has developed a phobia about germs, then you’ll have to decide if a kissless romance is enough for you. DEAR ABBY( I have this friend, E)iranda.F We share a lot of interests and I think we have the potential to be something amaRing. I’m not a shy guy, but when I’m around her, I can’t put my thoughts into words. We will graduate from high school this year, and I’m afraid to lose touch with her and blow my chances of making our friendship progress. Any advice on what to do would be wonderful. I )ISSING OTT IN SAN DIEGO DEAR )ISSING OTT( At this point in your lives it would be premature to declare undying love. But it would be nice if you told )iranda that you think she’s a special person and you’d like to stay in touch regardless of what directions your lives take you. That’s a nonthreatening, huge compliment. And even if you haven’t dated, she may be open to the idea of keeping up the contact. You’ll never know if you don’t try. DEAR ABBY( )y husband of UV years has always eBaggerated and embellished things. It doesn’t matter what subject, the unvarnished version is never good enough. The other day we EdiscussedF why it takes my son and me only XY to UV minutes to get to a nearby town, while he is adamant that it takes him a half-hour to ZY minutes. )ind you, this is driving the same route and obeying the same speed limits. I asked him how that could be. His answerH EBecause you guys drive the STV and I drive the little \ord \estiva.F HuhH I’m no brainiac, but how can the siRe of the vehicle make that much difference when you’re going the same route and speedH I E]ASPERATED IN BTRBANL, WASH. DEAR E]ASPERATED( It can’t. And after UV years of marriage to your husband, you should know better. _Could he be making a pit stopHa DEAR ABBY( I work a night shift, and I am often still in my pajamas in the late morning. If someone comes to my door I’m never certain if I should answer in my robe I which may make the caller uncomfortable I or not answer even though it’s obvious that I’m home. What’s the best thing to do besides getting dressed earlierH I bA))IED TP IN IRON RIVER, )ICH. DEAR bA))IED TP( If your caller is a friend, he or she should know what your work schedule is and understand why you are still in your pajamas. If the person is a workman, you might be more comfortable being dressed before the appointment. However, if you don’t know who is at your door, you are under no obligation to open it to anyone, nor to offer any eBplanation about your attire. Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as beanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear Abby at or P.O. BoB cdZZV, Los Angeles, CA dVVcd. What teens need to know about seB, drugs, AIDS and getting along with peers and parents is in EWhat Every Teen Should Lnow.F To order, send a business-siRed, selfaddressed envelope, plus check or money order for ec _T.S. fundsa to( Dear Abby I Teen Booklet, P.O. BoB ZZf, )ount )orris, IL cXVYZ-VZZf. _Postage is included in the price.a BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 Alley Oop by Dave Graue & Jack Bender Page 13 CSE(TORLD(ALMANA<(DACABANU !%+"M$%&'(!)*+)VJ)M(-W'(-/0/ Arlo & Janis by Jimmy Johnson Herman Funky Winkerbean by Jim Unger by Tom Batiuk Astrograph !"#$%&'(!)*+,(-.'(-/0/ !"ere are stro*+ i*dicatio*s t"at /o0 1i+"t *ot co123ete3/ 4034i33 o*e o4 /o0r 1ore a15itio0s 0*derta6i*+s i* t"e /ear a"ead7 50t se8era3 *e9 +oa3s o4 e:0a3 si+*i4ica*ce are 3i6e3/ to 5e rea3i;ed< =ee2 230++i*+ 4or9ard< LIBRA(6!)*+,(-78O:+,(-7; > ?s2ecia33/ i4 t"e 2erso* is /o0r 4rie*d7 a*a3/;e i* detai3 a @oi*t e*dea8or /o0Are co*> te123ati*+ i* 9"ic" 1o*e/ is i*8o38ed< Ba3se ass012> tio*s ca* 3ead to a 5rea602 do9* t"e road< !<OR=IO( 6O:+,( ->8N@A,( --; >Co0 are o4te* 5etter o44 5ei*+ 0*e*c015ered 9it" 2art*ers7 a*d *o9 1a/ 5e o*e o4 t"ose ti1es< ?8e* i4 /o0 1a/ t"i*6 /o0 *eed a "e32> 1eet7 +o it a3o*e i4 at a33 2ossi53e< !ABICCARIU!(6N@A,(-78D):,(-0; 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de Fa35oa 5eca1e t"e 4irst ?0ro2ea* to see t"e Paci4ic Vcea*< D* W\_Y7 M<G< Ar1/ troo2s stood +0ard as 53ac6 st0de*ts 9ere ad1itted to Oe*tra3 Hi+" Gc"oo3 i* aitt3e boc67 Ar6<7 4or t"e 4irst ti1e< D* W\^W7 Ga*dra Na/ VAOo**or 9as s9or* i* as t"e 4irst 4e1a3e G02re1e Oo0rt @0stice< CODAYY!(BIRCSDAY!Z Wi33ia1 Ba036*er cW^\Y>W\X]d7 *o8> e3istEs"ort>stor/ 9ritere bed G1it" cW\[_>W\^]d7 s2orts9ritere P"i3 bi;;0to cW\WY>][[Yd7 5ase5a33 23a/ere Far5ara Wa3ters cW\TW>d7 !` @o0r*a3iste Ric"ae3 No0+3as cW\ZZ>d7 actore Rar6 Ha1i33 cW\_W>d7 actore O"risto2"er bee8e cW\_]>][[Zde Ric"ae3 Radse* cW\_^>d7 actore Gcottie Pi22e* cW\X_>d7 5as> 6et5a33 23a/ere Wi33 G1it" cW\X^>d7 actorEra22ere Oat"eri*e feta>go*es cW\X\>d7 actress< CODAYY!( !=ORC!Z D* W^^]7 Pro8ide*ce a*d Worcester co12eted i* 2ro4essio*a3 5ase5a33As 4irst do053e"eader< CODAYY!(QUOCEZ hA 103e 9i33 3a5or W[ /ears 9i33i*+3/ a*d 2atie*t3/ 4or /o07 4or t"e 2ri8i3e+e o4 6ic6i*+ /o0 o*ce<i j Wi33ia1 Ba036*er CODAYY!(IA<CZ V4 W_^ *o1i*atio*s to t"e G02re1e Oo0rt 5et9ee* WY^\ a*d ][W[7 t"e Ge*ate did *ot co*4ir1 TX< CODAYY!( NUMBERZ Y<^ 1i33io* j area i* s:0are 1i3es o4 t"e Go0t"er* Vcea*7 9"ic" 9as de3i1ited W[ /ears a+o a*d i*c30des 2ortio*s o4 t"e At3a*tic7 D*dia* a*d Paci4ic Vcea*s< CODAYY!( MOONZ Fet9ee* 4033 1oo* cGe2t< ]Td a*d 3ast :0arter cGe2t< T[d< NEA Crossword Puzzle Legals Page 14 See all the public notices placed in SD newspapers at Saturday, September 25, 2010 8egular Ceeting September 1H, 2010 ;OU8 8$LHT TO MNOW ... ...and be informed of the function of your government are embodied in public notices in that self government charges all citizens to be informed. This newspaper urges every citizen to read and study these notices. We strongly advise those citizens seeking further information, to exercise their right of access to public records and public meetings. D&AD:$N& FO8 :&LA: ADN&8T$S$NL Up to two legalsized typewritten pages, the deadline is 2 p.m. FOUR days in advance of publication date. More than two legal-sized typewritten pages will require up to SIX days for publication. BIDS 50 NOT$%& OF )$DS Boulder Park Road District #2, Sturgis, SD is seeking bids for snow removal for the 2010-2011 winter season. The road district has one and one half (1.5) miles of asphalt surfaced roads, this includes cul-de-sacs. Any and all bids should be postmarked by September 30, 2010 and mailed to: Boulder Park Road District #2 12202 US Highway 14A Sturgis, SD 57785 Any questions concerning this bid should be directed to: Dwain Finkenbiner Boulder Park Road District #2 Secretary/Treasurer 605-347-9171 Published twice at the total approximate cost of $13.02. ,260 Sept. 18, 25 MEETING MINUTES 52 %&NT8A: %$T; TOWN )OA8D OF T8UST&&S The September 14, 2010 meeting of the Central City Town Board of Trustees was called to order at 5:00 P.M. at the Central City Town Hall. Board member present were Marc Straub, Robyn Novotny and Donovan Renner. Also present: John Kraft (Maintenance) and Dwight Hajek (Finance Officer). MINUTES The August 17, 2010 meeting minutes were presented. DR made motion; it was seconded, and approved. (Clarifications were made). BILLS It was moved by Renner and seconded, to approve the following vouchers: BH Power & Light $347.90 (St. Lights/Pub. Util.); Hillside Disposal $1,554.00 (Solid Waste); M.D.U. $26.39 (Pub. Bldg. Util.); City of Lead $108.00 (Pub. Bldg. Util.); Dwight Hajek $369.40 (Salary Fin. Officer); John Kraft $1,053.60 (Payroll); BH Pioneer 28.94 (Legal Pub.); Big D Oil Co. $90.03 (St. Supp.); Straub, Novotny, Renner (152.38 x 3) $459.14 (Council Salary); First Western Insurance $887.00 (Municipal Insurance); SD PAA $2,086.74 (Municipal Insurance). TOTAL $3,957.74 FINANCE OFFICER’S REPORT The Finance Officer’s Report was presented for August 2010. DR-1, motion carried. Balance 18-10 - CD’s $380,000.00; Checking $20,310.91; Revenues $7,038.87; Expenditures $3,957.54; Balance 8-31-10 - CD’s $380,000.00; Checking $23,392.24. NEW BUSINESS Improvements on Alpine Street regarding the laying of asphalt grindings and packing were discussed. Due to the August hailstorm, some houses in town will need roof repair. Trustee Renner volunteered to address various building permit applications that are required. On a different topic, the Board approved a building permit for a housing remodel concerning Donovan and Maggie Renner (442 Golden Gate). A closer look at whether improvements made on Alpine Street negatively impacted a local business suggests that street runoff wasn’t a major factor regarding temporary roof leakage. It was agreed that the area by the horseshoe pits wouldn’t be used for vehicle storage. The Board approved the transfer of $15,000 from checking towards a new CD. The second reading of Ordinance #2010-1 (budget) was approved. (RN-1, DR-2) ADJOURN No further business to come before the Board. Motion by Renner, motion carried to adjourn at 5:45 P.M. The next regular meeting will be held Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 5:00 p.m. at the Town Hall. Town of Central City Marc Straub ATTEST: (Finance Officer) Dwight Hajek Published once at the total approximate cost of $29.40. ,26H Sept. 25 ORDINANCES 53 O8D$NAN%& 2010-05 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 11.0402 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WHITEWOOD, SOUTH DAKOTA: BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF W H I T E W O O D , LAWRENCE COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA, AS FOLLOWS: That Section 11.0402 Specifications, shall be amended to read as follows: SECTION 11.0402 Specifications Sidewalks shall be five (5) feet back from and parallel to the curb. If there is no curb, a sidewalk shall be parallel to and adjacent to the lot line. Sidewalk width shall be sixty (60) inches. Sidewalks shall have a two (2) inch gravel base depth and a three and one half (3 1/2) inch concrete depth. The location and width of the sidewalk shall be included in the permit, which shall be issued by the Building Inspector to the Applicant. It shall be unlawful for any sidewalk to be built without a permit, or for any sidewalk to fail to be in conformity with the permit issued for said sidewalk. Dated this 20th day of September 2010. CITY OF WHITEWOOD Debra A. Schmidt Mayor ATTEST: Cory C. Heckenlaible Finance Officer First Reading: 09/07/2010 Second Reading: 09/20/2010 Published: 09/25/2010 Effective: Published once at the total approximate cost of $15.83. ,266 Sept. 25 O8D$NAN%& 2010-0H A SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION TO APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE 2009-01 BE IT ORDAINED by the City of Whitewood that pursuant to SDCL 9-21-7, the following sum is a supplemental appropriation to meet the obligations of the municipality. FUND 101 - GENERAL FUND 470 - DEBT SERVICE 4711 - PRINCIPAL ($16,800) 431 - STREETS 5110 - TRANSFER OUT - $16,800 FUND 502 - CAPITOL PROJECT FUND 431 - STREETS 3910 - TRANSFER IN $16,800 This supplemental appropriation will be funded from unexpended budget items in the (101) General Fund. This supplemental appropriation ordinance, being necessary for the support of the municipal government, shall take effect immediately. Dated this 20th day of September 2010. Legislative Audit in Pierre, South Dakota for public inspection. The following findings and recommendations referred to in the report are hereby listed in accordance with the provisions of SDCL 4-11-12. CURRENT AUDIT FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Finding: A lack of proper segregation of duties is the present situation in the City’s accounting department. Recommendation: The Mayor and Council Members should always be aware of this weakness as they review and approve transactions of the City and resulting financial reports. Compensating controls should be implemented whenever and wherever possible. Management’s Response: The City agrees with this finding, but believes that the cost of hiring additional staff to segregate the duties exceeds the benefits to be derived from such action. Management intends to maintain a constant awareness of this weakness and will study each person’s duties to ascertain where mitigating controls may be implemented. Finding: The City failed to comply with South Dakota Codified Law (SDCL) in regards to its fiduciary requirements for maintaining the Firemen’s Pension Plan. Recommendation: City officials should CITY OF WHITEWOOD Debra A. Schmidt Mayor ATTEST: Cory C. Heckenlaible Finance Officer First Reading: 09/07/2010 Second Reading: 09/20/2010 Published: 09/25/2010 Effective: Published once at the total approximate cost of $13.57. ,267 Sept. 25 PUBLIC NOTICES 56 NOT$%& OF AUD$T OF TH& F$S%A: AFFA$8S OF TH& %$T; OF :&AD Notice is hereby given that the records and books of account of the City of Lead, South Dakota have been audited by Gary L. Larson, Certified Public Accountant of Pierre, South Dakota, for the year ended December 31, 2009. A detailed report thereon is filed with the City of Lead and the Department of Whitewood Legal Classifieds Page 15 Saturday, September 25, 2010 C"#$. F(") *+. 1comply with the audit and actuarial reporting requirements of SDCL;s concerning the Firemen;s Pension Plan. Management;s Response: Management agrees with this finding and is in the process of implementing the recommendation. Finding: Fixed asset records were inadequate. Recommendation: The City should conduct a comprehensive physical inventory of all fixed assets and update the subsidiary records accordingly. Costs (or estimate costs) of the assets should be properly documented. Management;s Response: The City agrees with the finding and intends to comply with the recommendations as soon as possible. MARTIN L. GUINDON, CPA, AUDITOR GENERAL DEPARTMENT OF LEGISLATIVE AUDIT Published twice at the total approximate cost of $46.39. ./08 2ept. 186 /0 1!2!3A5 A67!389:921 ;O59<= 8>e AlacC &)lls ;)onee. DaCes eEe.y eFFo.t to aEo)d e..o.sH &oIeEe.J )n >andl)n+ >#nd.eds oF adsJ occas)onally e..o.s do occ#.H Ke asC t>at yo# .ead yo#. ad ca.eF#lly on t>e F).st day oF p#Ll)caM t)on and p>one #s )DDeM d)ately )F t>e.e )s an e..o.H Ke can only Le .espons)M Lle Fo. a s)n+le dayNs )nco..ect adH Ke .ese.Ee t>e .)+>t to .eE)seJ ed)tJ .eclass)Fy o. .eOect any class)F)ed ad Fo. p#Ll)caM t)onH 102 PERSONALS DOMESTIC ABUSE Sexual Assault 24-Hour Crisis Line, Butte?Lawrence?Harding Counties: 605-6427825 or 1-800-999-2L48. Sturgis Shelter: 605-L470050 or 1-800-755-84L2. All Calls Confidential. 104 NOTICES WILL HAUL YOUR JUNK VEHICLE FREE. Call 580-106L. 105 LOST & FOUND !"#al &o#s)n+ Oppo.t#n)ty All real estate advertising in the Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination.” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians; pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination, call HUD toll-free at 1 (800) 669-9777. The toll-free telephone number for the hearing impaired is 1 (800) 9279275. $200 CASH REWARD. Lost: male cat near Spearfish Animal Hospital, 8?28. Brown?grey w?black stripes, pink nose w?white chin. 645-2612. FOUND SMALL MALE DOG, REDDISH Colored, (looks like a fox) neutered, approximately 2 weeks ago near Tinton Rd, Spearfish. 520-7625269. FOUND: SIERRA GS SCHWINN BIKE. Downtown Spearfish area. 642-5194. LOST My name is Penelope. I am lost in Lead. Cannot find my way home. I am gray, tan & white with a calico face. Reward for safe return. 605-584-2752 105 LOST & FOUND 401 PART-TIME 401 PART-TIME LOST: CANON CAMERA SD780IS, BLACK in case. Possibly left at Boondocks in July. Granson’s birthday on camera. REWARD!! Call 605-561-0180. CITY OF SPEARFISH IS ACCEPTING applications for a part-time Rubble Site Operator Responsibilities: Direct the disposal and burial of specified waste materials, collect fees, issue receipts, and operate Rubble Site equipment. Requirements: Candidate will be required to have a valid SD Class B Commercial Driver’s License with a clean driving history, high school diploma or GED certificate and equipment experience. How to Apply: Interested persons must submit City application to the Human Resource Office, 625 Fifth Street, Spearfish, SD 5778L; p 605-6421L54; f 605-642-1L29; e j o d i . f r i e d e l g c i t yo f s Wage $10.9L; Equal Opportunity Employer. This position will work 20-28 hours per week and must have weekend availability. Partial benefits to include paid leaves and State retirement. Position open until filled. To view entire position description please visit the City’s web page at SERVICE EVALUATOR ENJOY This unique and interesting position and the associated training. Are you responsible, motivated and computer literate? Are you interested in providing feedback to a Fortune 50 company specific to store conditions and service levels? Hourly rate for driving time, observation time, report time applies. Mileage reimbursed based on distance associated with assignments. For additional information and to submit an online application visit. https:??, khttps:?? NO ASSOCIATED FEES 106 GIVE AWAYS FREE STUFF: 114 May St., Lead. You haul. Simmons pillow top, training bike, wading pool, misc. 200 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COLD FLOORS? We have a solution! New! Electric in floor heating. Use under ANY flooring. Efficient, safe and easy to install. Only L?L2” thick. Versatile Carpets - Interiors - Spearfish, SD 605-645-LLL1 Email: Free informational CD! DEVASHAN IN-HOME Computer Repair. Is your computer running slow? Reasonable rates, service within 25 miles of Spearfish 605-722-5L55 INTERESTED IN NEW WARDROBE for American Girl Doll for Christmas? Many patterns and fabric choices available. Call Becky g 605-642-L078. RECYCLE YOUR APPLIANCES. Pickup all non-refrigerated appliances, mowers, grills, bikes, siding, all things metal $20 MINIMUM CHARGE. Call Joe 605-722-1807 202 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES ROOFING CONTRACTOR. Do you have HAIL DAMAGE? Give me a call for an estimate. 605490-1895. 205 CHILD CARE SERVICES STATE CERTIFIED DAYCARE in Spearfish has openings for children ages 2 yrs. and older, weekends by request. Call Lucynda at 722-1995. STATE LICENSED DAYCARE in Spearfish now has limited openings for children one year and older Hours are from 6:L0am to 10:L0pm.. Some Saturdays. Please call 605-210196L COMFORT INN is looking for part-time HOUSEKEEPERS. Apply in person to Dixie or on-line at PART-TIME FRONT DESK POSITION Evenings - Weekends. Apply at Black Hills Inn Suites, L85 S, Deadwood. 605-578-7791 PERSON(S) FOR POSITIONS of choir director, organist and pianist. Salary d.o.e. Call Belle Fourche United Methodist Church at 892-2405. THE HOLIDAY INN EmPRESS in Deadwood is looking for F u l l - T i m e ? Pa r t - T i m e Housekeepers - a PartTime Laundry Person. Can pick up an application at 22 Lee Street, Deadwood. 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME EmPERIENCED CARPENTER needed in the Northern Hills, must have own hand tools and transportation. Contact Bill at Powers Construction at 605206-1L48 or 605-722L122. FULL TIME FRONT DESK position available at the Barefoot Resort. Day?Night shifts. Must have great customer service skills and willing to work weekends. Hourly Pay $8.75?hr. Email resume to m or call 605-584-1577. FOR RENT OR LEASE: New Hair Salon opening soon in Spearfish. Now booth renting. Please call 605-641-1248. 2 positions available. SEE MORE HELP WANTED ADS ON THE NEmT PAGE! 402 FULL-TIME APPRENTICE ELECTRICIAN. Prefer at least one year experience. Opportunity to learn Industrial Wiring. Some travel and out-of-town work. Benefits Available. Pay DOE. Complete job application at 501 Industrial Street, Belle Fourche, SD, Monday Thursday 8:00 - 5:00. DAKOTA TAmI DRIVER needed. Clean driving record, mostly day time, knowledge of area helpful. Call Bill 605-9202020. FAMILY IN SPEARFISH NEEDS HELP WITH HOUSEWORK COOKING. Great working conditions. $12?hour. Call Ann 605-642-8770. Join Our First Gold Family HOUSEKEEPERS CLUB CENTER HOST Part Time • Must be able to work Weekends Full Time • Must be able to work Weekends Gaming License Required BLACKJACK DEALER Gaming License Required OUTSIDE SECURITY Graveyard shift • 32 hours a week • Must be able to perform some heavy maintenance duties. DISHWASHER Great Benefits • Equal Opportunity Employer Pre-Employment Drug Testing Now accepting applications at the front desk 605-578-9777 270 Main St. Deadwood 300 BELLEFOURCHE GARAGE SALES 9?25, 8am-2pm. L-miles west of Subway on Sourdough. Table, chairs, bar, queen bed, antiques, housewares, kid’s school clothingwinter coats. GIANT YARD SALE. 409 2ND AVE. SATURDAY 9?25 8AM-4PM. Gas dryer, washer, snowblower, V-Smile, Pac-N Play, Misc. No Early Birds. 301 DEADWOOD GARAGE SALES LARGE HOUSEHOLD SALE, multiple parties, Saturday, 8am-4pm, Sunday 11am-5pm, 10 Sampson St., storage cabinets, collectors plates, clothing - all ages, misc. 303 SPEARFISH GARAGE SALES 1LL6 LRD STREET, S P E A R F I S H . September 24TH 25TH. 7am-2pm. Die cast cars, building materials, books, household items, clothes. GOOD STUFF! 2020 PARK PLACE, Deer Meadows, Sat, 8:00. Toys, household items, bedding, computer, printer, computer armoire, misc. 2417 2ND STREET, Evans Addition. Sat. 7:00 am-9:45 am. Furniture, tv’s, misc. L APPLE VALLEY LANE. Sat, 7:00 am to 11:00 am. Make an offer—many items. 302 LEAD GARAGE SALES EVERYTHING MUST GO! Decorative items, books, kids, womens, mens clothing, toys, furniture. In Ken’s Trailer Court, Hillsview Drive. Sat., 8:00-4:00. GARAGE SALE: 814 Miners Ave., Lead, Saturday - Sunday 10am-4pm. Everything baby, many household items. GARAGE SALE. SAT., SEPT. 25. 8:00 am. Christian Student Center, 1020 University Street, Spearfish. Good Variety of items. BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 16 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME FULL-TIME PATROL OFFICER. City of Spearfish Police Department is accepting applications for a fulltime Patrol Officer. Responsibilities: Enforce local, state, and federal laws, prevent and suppress crime and accidents, and promote public safety through community policing principles. Requirements: High school diploma or GED certificate, possession of a valid SD driver’s license, Law Enforcement Officers Standards and Training Commission Certificate or ability to obtain within one year from hiring date. Preference will be given to candidates with certification. Position will require availability to work all shifts, weekends and holidays. How to Apply: Submit City application to Human Resource Office, 625 Fifth Street, Spearfish, SD 57783; p 605-6421354; f 605-642-1329; e Y o d i . f r i e d e l @ c i t yo f s Minimum salary for Certified Patrol Officer: $17.05, Uncertified Patrol Officer: $16.23; Salary DOE/DO]; Excellent Benefits; Equal Opportunity Employer. To view entire position description please visit the City’s web page at m `http://www.cityofspearfish.coma b IMMEDIATE oOB OPENINGS for Direct Support Professionals; Black Hills Special Services is looking for enthusiastic individuals to assist people with developmental disabilities in a residential setting in our group homes in Lead, Whitewood, and Sturgis; there are various shifts available; mornings, evenings, overnights and weekends; part-time & fulltime. Base pay $9 and .75p differential for weekends and overnights. Applicant must have a High School Diploma or GED, a clean driving record with a valid Driver’s License and is able to lift 50 pounds. Closing date is October 4th. For information or application contact Tammy at 605423-4444. Mail application to BHSSC, PO Box 218, Sturgis or visit our website at EOE Daytime Wait Staff Deadwood’s Mineral Palace Hotel & Gaming is seeking applications for Daytime Wait Staff We participate in Pre-Employment Drug Testing. Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in person at 601 Main Street in Deadwood HOTEL & GAMING DEADWOOD, SD 402 FULL-TIME 402 FULL-TIME FULL TIME/PART TIME HOUSEKEEPING POSITION available at the Barefoot Resort located across from Terry Peak. Weekends a must! Email resume to m or call 605-5841577. HOUSEKEEPING POSITION AVAILABLE. Call Gary or Pam at 605578-2393 or apply in person at Gold Country Inn, 801 Main, Deadwood. FULL-TIME OR PARTTIME COOK - $8.50/hr or better DOE. Part-time SNACK BAR CASHIER - $8.00 + Tips. Part-time CASINO FLOOR RUNNER - $9.00 or better DOE + Tips. $.25 raise after 90 days, Monthly bonus potential, 3h match Simple IRA, year round employment & meal discounts. Fulltime benefits include insurance benefits and vacation. Apply at Tin Lizzie Players Club. HVAC Openings. Will Be Installing Heating & A/C Systems. Min. Age 18, Valid Driver’s License, Neat In Appearance, Pay DOE. 24 Months experience. Call (605)347-2183. SEEKING INDIVIDUAL WITH COMMERCIAL kitchen experience with a focus on whole & organic foods ONLY. No exceptions. A great work atmosphere & benefits. Stop by for an application. Good Ear th Natural Foods, Downtown Spearfish. Exciting Career Opportunity The Black Hills Pioneer/Weekly Prospector has a full time opening in our Spearfish office. This is a fun and rewarding position! Must be a self-starter, motivated, detail-oriented, have people skills and be able to work under deadlines. Successful applicant will be working on Classified Sales for daily & weekly newspapers. If you have what it takes to be successful and want a career with a family-oriented company, Call 642-2761 or send resume to: The Black Hills Pioneer • Attention: Sales Position 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD 57783 or e-mail to & EOE oOURNEYMAN CARPENTER wanted in the Lead-Deadwood area, full-time, experience in framing, new construction, heights involved. Call 605641-1930. MISSOURI BASIN WILL SERVICE is a veteran OILFIELD company now hiring DIESEL MECHANICS & CDL DRIVERS to work in the ever expanding Williston Basin of North Dakota. All positions are full-time and year round. Great Pay and benefits plus t months of free housing at the Ross, ND location. For more info please visit or call 701-575-8242 S A T E L L I T E INSTALLERS needed. $250 per day or more. Training provided. Apply at 500 ANTIQUES, COLLECTIBLES CLARINET, FLUTE, (ACCORDION Excellent Condition) Very old G u i t a r / V i o l i n Combination. Buchler Alto Saxophone. Antique Furniture of all kinds. Small items. 605-2692213. UNI]UE ANTI]UE FURNITURE, TABLES, Dressers, Buffets, China Hutches, Chairs, Other Items. Spearfish Coins, Etc. 127 W. Grant, Spearfish 502 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OLDER KIMBALL PIANO. Excellent condition. $300. 892-2246. Saturday, September 25, 2010 503 LAWN & GARDEN ITEMS TROY BUILT TILLER, 8HP, Very good shape. $600. 605-641-1952 506 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS BAVARIAN CHINA for sale. Pattern is qForever Springr Settings for 16 people (I think) plus numerous serving pieces. Call 605-7216856, leave message. Like NEW S]UARE CORELLE Hearthstone dishes. Service for twelve. Dinner plates, salad plates, bowls and mugs. Olive with black trim. $100. 605-6414374. . ]UEEN SIsE HIDE-ABED, Good condition. Brown w/muted floral pattern. $125.00. 605722-8201 507 APPLIANCES FOR SALE: USED WASHERS and dryers with warranties. Large selection available. Del’s, Exit 63, Box Elder, 605-390-9810. GOOD USED WASHER and Dryer. $100 each. Guaranteed to work. 618-783-1022. 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES DICKSON SMALL BREED PUPS: Yorkie, Maltese, Dachshund, Papillon, Shih Tzu Puppies AKC. Two Year Health Guarantee, payments, credit card okay. m 605-787-6821 Deb Dickson FREE BLACK & WHITE 7 year old female cat. Spayed. Good lap cat. 641-0764. 508 PETS & PET SUPPLIES FREE KITTENS!! Five black and white kittens, psychically trained, little angels. 605-578-3796. G I V E A W AY b 6 MONTH , MALE large black lab/pointer mix. Neutered, has all shots. High energy, possible hunter. Man’s dog! Good pack leader apply only. 6417873. LOW COST SPAY/NEUTER Cat clinics. October 5 in Belle Fourche (892-4452). October 12 in Spearfish (578-3918). Call for appointment. TO GIVE AWAY - 2 male orange tabbies, fixed, shots up to date, 605645-0279. SEE MORE CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGE 19! For approximately 45 minutes of your day, why not earn some extra income? OPEN ROUTES IN LEAD ➜ LEAD - Route 305 - Washington, Searle, N. Mine, Irwin, Gushurst, Grandview, Elkhorn, Curnow, Cross, Billings, Anderson, 11th, $144.32. ➜ Route 316 - Fox, Grandview, Washington, White, $69.12. ➜ Route 323 - Glendale, Grier, Hearst, Mountain View, Tower Ridge, $46.80. OPEN ROUTES IN DEADWOOD ➜ Route 207 - Crescent, Dunlap, McKinley, Rodeo, Sampson, Spring, Spruce Gulch $103.68. ➜ Route 211 - Grizzly Gulch Rd., McMaster, Mile High, Voight, Hwy. 385, $140.96. OPEN MOTOR ROUTES ➜ DEADWOOD - Route 224 - Bobtail Gulch, Maitland, US Hwy. 14A, $81.90. PROSPECTOR ONLY ROUTES ➜ LEAD - Route 311 - Alert, Galena, oulius, Main, Stone, $14.40. ➜ SPEARFISH - Route #108 - N. 3rd, N. Canyon, W. Elgin, W. Grant, W. Hudson, W. Illinois, W. oackson, N. Meier, $67.80. ➜ SPEARFISH - Route #109 - N. 3rd St., N. 5th St., N. Canyon, N. Main St., W. Michigan, W. Nevada, W. Ohio, $22.80. ➜ SPEARFISH - Route #116 - W. Charles, Harvard, W. oackson, oonas, $15.60. IF INTERESTED IN A ROUTE CALL CHARITY AT 642-2761 D AN 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, 642-2761 7 South Main, Lead, 584-2303 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 Page 17 ‘07 GMC K1500 CREWCAB ‘07 FORD E350 CLUBWAGON ‘06 MAZDA 5 ‘05 CHEVY K1500 CREWCAB ‘02 CHEVY TRACKER ZR2 4WD 15 Passenger Van Loaded 4WD 4WD ‘07 CHEVY AVALANCHE ‘07 HUMMER H3 ‘09 CADILLAC ESCALADE ‘07 MERCURY MILAN PREMIER ‘10 GMC ACADIA SLT 4WD, 49,000 Miles 4WD, 39,000 Miles 24,000 Miles AWD, 37,000 Miles AWD, 19,000 Miles ‘06 SUBARU BAJA ‘07 GMC HD1500 CREWCAB ‘06 JEEP COMMANDER LIMITED ‘08 MAZDA 6 AWD, 74,000 Miles 4WD, 35,000 Miles 7 Passenger 28,000 Miles ‘06 CHEVY K3500 CREWCAB 4WD, Dually, Diesel, 54,000 Miles ‘04 PONTIAC GTO ‘05 FORD FREESTYLE ‘03 BUICK RENDEZVOUS ‘99 DODGE D2500 CLUBCAB 34,000 Miles 7 Passenger, 64,000 Miles AWD 4WD, Diesel, Manual ‘07 HONDA ACCORD ‘03 GMC HD1500 ‘92 FORD F350 CREWCAB ‘09 TOYOTA TACOMA DOUBLECAB 26,000 Miles 4WD, 6.0 Litre, Quadra Steer Diesel, 4WD, 5 Speed 4WD, TRD, 12,000 Miles ARRIVING SOON ‘05 ‘09 ‘00 ‘05 ‘06 ‘05 TOYOTA CAMRY CHEVY IMPALA DODGE QUAD CAB 3/4 CHEVY K3500 4WD LINCOLN NAVIGATOR CHEVY MALIBU ‘07 FORD FOCUS ‘96 PLYMOUTH VOYAGER ‘08 HARLEY 1200 CUSTOM SPORTSTER ‘02 MAZDA MIATA ROADSTER ‘06 GMC HD2500 CREWCAB ‘06 DODGE D2500 MEGACAB 4WD, Diesel, 59,000 Miles 4WD, Diesel, 6 Spd., 42,000 Miles ‘04 BIG DOG RIDGEBACK CHOPPER ‘05 FORD F150 SUPERCREW 10,000 Miles FX4, 4WD, 43,000 Miles I-90 Exit 10, Look for the Time & Temp Sign Spearfish,SD • 1-605-642-1900 • 1-800-657-8016 Trades based on market value, less reconditioning costs. Dealer not responsible for misprints. No down payment required. NT = No Trade, Best Price. *W.A.C. - with approved credit for 48 months. Sale ends September 27, 2010. Page 18 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 509 SPORTING/EXERCISE ITEMS SC#$% '(#)*M'N-. 2 sets 3ith e6tra tan:s. Mediu> si?e hea@y3eiCht 3etsuit. D300G 605-645-3919. 514 GOOD THINGS TO EAT 7 to 10 L$ P'%DS RS C%$$%T', Treat Vor Sauer:raut. TaCeWs Tardens, '@ans Lane, SpearVish. 605-6425438. %L%SZ%N SR'SP, W)LD %L%SZ%N Sa]>on & Pa]ibut no3 a@ai]ab]e. Conta`t Corey at 605-641-1726. S%- & S#N. CP)L) *'**'R roastinC, 1 bushe] & 1a2 bushe]. %]so Co]orado pea`hes, Vruits & @eCetab]es Cro3n in SpearVish ba]]ey. TaCeWs Tardens. 642-5438. 514 GOOD THINGS TO EAT S%- & S#N. *)CZ cR#R RWN pu>p:ins in our pat`h at the stand in SpearVish ba]]ey on '@ans Lane. % thousand to `hoose Vro>. 642-5438. 515 FIREWOOD S)R'WRRD SRR S%L'. W%LLc WRRD. *ine, Cut & Sp]it. %]addin Wc. 307-896-2284. SRR S%L'. TRRD DRc *ine S)R'WRRD. P'%*)NT pi`:-up ]oad D95.00G 'dC'LL'NP%RDWRRD D175. Ca]] 605-578-1945. 516 MISCELLANEOUS $L%CZM%d T'N'R%-RR, S#$%R# 'NT)N', 10P*. 5250 ZW, 6560 ZW surCe. Li:e ne3. 2008 >ode] used @ery ]itt]e. D450. 605-641-1388. 516 MISCELLANEOUS SRR S%L'. CP)RR*R%C-)CaM%SS%T' tab]e. '6`e]]ent `ondition. De]Ws, '6it 63, $o6 ']der. 605-3909810. SRR S%L'. 4Wd100W 15 M)L *]asti`. Can be used Vor 3eed barriera]ands`apinC. D10 per ro]]. Cash on]y. 2600 *ara>ount Dr. SpearVish, SD 57783. 605-642-4787 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED 2010 P%c$'- $%RL'c $)T Round $a]es ]o`ated in SpearVish area. D55 per ton. 605-2100285. SRR S%L'. N'W CRR* - L%RT' Round a]Va]VaaCrass ba]es. Reasonab]e iV pi`:ed up and paid Vor by No@. 1st. 'd3in Je`:e]]. 605375-3599. 603 GRAIN, FEED, & SEED 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES P%c SRR S%L'. L%RT' RR#NDS. Trass D60 per ton, Crassaa]Va]Va >i6 D65 per ton. Lo`ated in $e]]e Sour`he and Ne3e]]. 605-641-7268. 2008 Z%W%S%Z) *R%)R)' C%MR. 360 464. %]>ost ne3. 100 hours. D4000. Ca]] 605641-1248 604 MACHINERY EQUIPMENT 1978 PRND% TL 1000. Runs Cood. D1550 R$R. Pa@e other bi:es. Ca]] 605-645-1625 2N SRRD -R%C-RR, 3 *- Pit`h, Runs Treat. D2,500. Ca]] 307-6805676 or 307-756-9802. 700 ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES 1995 PRND% 4d4 R%NCP'R 'S. Ne3 battery, e6`e]]ent `ondition. Runs perVe`t. Sirst D2,000 ta:es it.. 605415-0704. 2005 Z%W%S%Z) M#L' 610 #-b. Rn]y 120 hours. Ca>o 464. D5,500. 605-6411248. 701 MOTORCYCLES 1995 Z%W%S%Z) 750 bu]`an. 5700 >i]es. '6`e]]ent `ondition. D1950.00. Ca]] e@eninCs. 605-642-7503 2000 P%RL'c D%b)DSRN DcN% W)D' TL)D', ]oaded, i>>a`u]ate, baCs,9,500 >i]es, one o3ner. D9,500aR$R. 605-499-9726 2002 PRND% TRLDW)NT, 15,000 >i]es, D10,700.G 2007 c%M%P% RP)NR, 1,500 >i]es, `o>es 3ith sno3 b]ade and 3en`h, D7,600. 605584-9085. Page 19 701 MOTORCYCLES 701 MOTORCYCLES 2002 PRND% SP%DRW 600, purp]e, 12,700 >i]es, 3indshie]d, ne3 tires, `usto> e6haust, ]o3ered, ne3 battery, CaraCed, D3500. 605641-5675. 2007 c%M%P% b-S-%R 1300 >otor`y`]eG 5000 >i]esG e6`e]]ent `onditionG D8500 R$R. in`]udes side baCs and 2 he]>ets. 605-4900944 2003 883 S*RR-S-'R C#S-RM, Custo> S]a>e *aint, Sor3ard Contro]s, So]id Rear Whee], 2 Seats, 7,900 Mi]es. D7,000aR$R. 605-641-1009 g92 S*R)NT'R SRS--%)L S&S top end. Wide tire :it. Lots oV e6tras. D11,000. 605423-8130, or 605-4908910 2004 $MW R11sor. 16,500 >i]es. Ne3 ba`: tire. Runs Creat. )n Cood `ondition. D5000 R$R. Ca]] 605-569-1843 as: Vor Nei] SRR S%L'. 2004 Z%W%S%Z) Zd65, Tood `ondition, %s:inC D1,400aR$R. 605-7232597. 2007 PRND% SP%DRW Spirit 750. 2,400 >i]es. ban`e-Pines pipes and Dynofet :it. $]a`:, Red S]a>es. Warranty, Ser@i`e transVerab]e. D6200 605-641-4385 2007 S*RR-S-'R dL LRW, ]ess than 700 >i]es, deta`hab]e 3indshie]d, ha@e hiCh3ay bars, ne3 sadd]ebaCs, D5,100. 605-641-4288. 702 SNOWMOBILES 2001 *RL%R)S L)$'R-c 500 RMZ ]ihuid, 13661.5 tra`:, in Creat shape, 3,400 >i]es, adu]t o3ned, no da>aCe, D2,250, 651-4910936 S'' C%M*'RS, -R**'RS %ND SR M#CP MRR' RN *%T' 20i Page 20 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 705 CAMPERS & TOPPERS 2006 %AYC) %AY *+A,-+R 2/ *,0 1ullty1e 8am1er0 +<8ellent ConditionA Bri8ed beloD book at F15,/000 Call 605-645-155/ *)R KAL+M *N*,W-++L ,RANL+R, as is0 F28000 Call 605-64118650 706 MOTOR HOMES & RV’S 1/76 STC TNDAK RV0 R+ADY *)R travel or hunting0 +<8ellent me8hani8al 8ondition, everything Dorks0 Call 605-642-7273 to make o[[er0 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 1/63 *)RD *100, 302, 8anary yelloD, garaged, F5,500 [irm0 605-58057750 1//7 *)RD C)N,)]R, CL+AN, F1,2500 1//0 -)NDA A88ord, F1,3/50 1/74 ^AWAKAW^N 350 +nduro, F5/50 1/7/ -)NDA 50 mini-bike, F4000 605-580-00670 1//8 C-RYKL+R C)NC)RD+, V6, 302 liter engine, de1endable F3,5000000 Call 605381-2372 2000 C)RV+,,+ Y+LL)W, +<8e1tional 40,500 mi0 6 s1eed 507L V-8 Chrome _ )rig0 Dheels ,Do to1s 12 dis8 `ose0 F18,5000 605641-/003 2000 T)N,+ CARL) KK0 80,000 miles0 Allleather0 3800 v6, *WD0 +<8ellent 8ondition0 F7200 605-6440758 2001 C-+VY TALN`]0 161,000 miles0 Very 8lean0 F2,5000 Call 64510770 2001 SRAND AT0 Well maintained, neD s1ark 1lugs _ Dires0 *lushed radiator and transmission0 Sood Kha1e F3000 or )`)0 605-72226/4 2002 VW %+,,A SLK, 63^ miles, auto, sun roo[, neD brakes, great on snoD, 40a TBS, Dell maintained, F/,5000 605-580-0006 2003 -)NDA ACC)RD +b-leather, mint interior _ e<terior, solid, only 71,000 miles, F11,/00 or reasonable o[[er, 605545-45550 S"#scri#e *o *he -.ac0 1i..s 2ioneer 454di*ion7 2003 V)L^KWAS+N %+,,A SLK, Kilver, 108 ,urbo, BW, BL, Kunroo[, Leather0 ]1graded stereo0 //,/00 miles0 605-641-46720 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 750 AUTOS FOR SALE !003 %W '()%*+T./0* /**T0*. 23,000 miles, 0(A;*;, automatic, sportCtiptronic. )ew FraGesCtires. HW;, Ireat in J)(WK )A;A LM0,M00. Jell LN,O00. 30O-!09-Q!0O. !002 MA^;A 3, MQ,000 Miles Snder Warranty /lacG, Moon +oof, Uower 0ocGs, Uower Windows, '; 'hanger, Manual LMO,000 (/( 30O-3QM-Q0O! !003 M.TJS/.JT. *'0.UJ* IT, 3-speed leather, loaded, sunroof, new tires, very cleanK 3-disc +ocGford Hosgate stereo system. Q3,000 miles, LMQ,200. 30O-3QM-M!Q2 !003 ).JJA) MA\.MA J* Q-door sedan with leather heated seats, navigation, 32.000 miles, Flue tooth, very clean. LM9.900C(/( !002 H(+; H('SJ-J*J M2,000 miles. *]cellent conditionK 0oaded, Jync, MU3C3 disc '; changer, Q cyl. !O-30 mpgK AsGing LMN,000. 'assie, 30O3QM-0M!M, Aaron, 30O3QM-02OQ !002 U()T.A' I3 30,000 miles, great condition. (nstar, ]m radio capaFle 30N-!ON-3M2O, asG for Jcott “RUN IT ‘TIL IT SELLS” Buy a classified in our auto section and we’ll run it in the Black Hills Pioneer & Weekly Prospector until it sells! Only H(+ JA0* - !00M I+A); AM. !-door, sunroof, 9N,000 miles. L3,000 (/(. 30O-3QMQQ3O. 25 $ up to 20 words !002 J.0%*+ M.TJS/.JT. *%(0ST.() M0, AW;, !.0 M.MH' TurFo charges, !9MTU, 300-0/-HT Tor_ue. 0-30 in Q.9 seconds. /remFo FraGes, M2` *nGei wheels. /*AST.HS0 'A+K (nly !Q,000 miles. Jtill has warranty. Jtarted college a canbt afford it anymore. /lue /ooG suggested retail value L30,O30.00. 'all +yan 30N-330-NNM3 and maGe offer. . will give you an AW*J(M* ;ealKKKK c9M 'A;.00A' ;*%.00*. I+*AT appearance. %ery good mechanical. LM200 (/(. 'all 30O-!M0MQ3Q. Page 21 Applies only to Cars, Pickups, SUVs, Vans & Motorcycles & 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, 642-2761 • 7 S. Main, Lead, 584-2302 or 1719 W. Main St., Suite 207, Rapid City, 341-0086 Classified Ad Form $ Category: Name: Phone: ( Address: City/State: Credit Card#: Exp. Date: ) Signature: Payment Must Accompany Ad - No Businesses Please! AD RUNS 8 WEEKS AT A TIME. MUST CALL TO RENEW! PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY AD. NO BUSINESSES PLEASE! Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 POLLARD ONE WAY SERVICE PROS General Contractor Jeff Rath, Owner • Spearfish ~ Lead ~ Deadwood ~ Belle Fourche ~ Sturgis AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTORS CONSTRUCTION Affordable Rates - Residential & Commercial Installation & Repair • Duct Cleaning • Sales & 24 Hr. Service Brad Pollard Servicing ALL Brands of Air Conditioners & Furnaces !M022 SJ Twy. 32O ;eadwood, J; ONN3! Always accepting new customers! 722-8101 or 578-7795 605-578-2057 ONE WAY... THE RIGHT WAY Licensed;<nsured Lo# %o&e & Dec+ ,estoration Sheet ,oc+ & 56terior 7indo9 ,epair BIG CREW ON HAND FOR: d +oofing d Jiding d 'ement d Tome /uilding Jeff Storhaug cell 605-641-3619 Jpearfish L&J Construction CS Painting Residential / Commercial Interior / Exterior Uroperty Management a Apartment Maintenance +eal *state Agents !n#t%&e()*+#),-).%/0t()1ee2en34)!6+%l+8le)9e+-)R,;n3 “One Job at a Time from Start to Finish!” Call Conner Sheets at: 605-499-9737 0icensed a .nsured d 0ocally (wned a (perated Jervicing the /lacG Tills 807 LAZELLE ST, STURGIS, SD 57785 Bob Lambert Construction Licensed • Insured After hours call 722-8101 605-890-1954 & Chrissy Blair Spearfish Advertising Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD QUINN’S PAINTING & REPAIR • New Construction • Steel Buildings • Concrete • Additions • Remodeling • QUALITY GUARANTEED • 605-641-7958 (cell) 605-722-5466 (home) Dan 642-2197, 641-1954 Tom 642-2477, 641-6923 L ICENSED - I NSURED R EFERENCES I NTERIOR - E XTERIOR N EW C ARPENTRY R EMODEL - R EPAIR All Phases of Construction • Specialty Jobs • New Construction • Remodeling • Window Replacement & Siding • Roofing • All Types of Work LARRY JOB Quality Work • Locally Owned & Operated Experienced ~ Licensed & Insured Serving the Black Hills for 20 Years! BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 22 750 AUTOS FOR SALE 751 VANS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE !"# S&L() *+, -he01 23pa6a7 (8ce66en; -ondi;ion7 ,?,+++ 3i6es7 Bower windows, and 6ocEs7 -an ;aEe f6e8 fGe67 H?,I++7 ,+JK,IJKL?M+ U++, _[- S&W&SS&O UJ++ OiXhK;op -on0ersion Wan, 6ow 3i6es7 Lea;her, sea;s ? co3for;aY61 UKUKUKb conK fiXGra;ion7 DWD en;erK ;ain3en; s1s;e3 wi;h Ubc ^W, ;hea;er 6iXh;inX, fG661 decEed oG;, s3oo;h rided &sEinX Ye6ow YooE, HU?7+++7 ,+JK,IJKLJJ?7 L?JM D"D_(, I ND, `NL++, HL,J++ "Q"7 ,+JKJMVKLb,L7 NOP QRP S(NT U++V Oonda &ccord Sedan, U?,+++ "ne owner 3i6es7 WK,, 31s;ic Xreen, Y6acE 6ea;her7 Z[ #adio, , disc -D chanXer, e8;ended facK ;or1 & power ;rain warK ran;17 Sew ;ires, fac;or1 e8;ras7 (8ce66en; condiK ;ion7 S&D& re;ai6 HUU,?++7++, se66 for HL?,J++7++7 ,+JKMUUK VLJ+ 751 VANS FOR SALE L??I BLP["R^O W"PK &_(#, _#(&^ 2n;erior, Sea;s M, &irYaXs, LJM`, Lo;s of (8;ras, #Gns _rea;7 HL,MVJ7++a"Q"7 ,+JKMUUKMJ?U L??V BLP["R^O W"PK &_(# SB"#^7 Wer1 we66 3ain;ained7 L+V`7 Hb,U++7 ,+JKMUUK?IIJ7 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE *+b !"#D #&S_(#, Idoor caY, (dXe pEX, 0, 6oaded, has Yod1 da3K aXe, V+,+++ 3i6es HV+++7 -a66 LKI+,KMI?K +MUJ or LKI+,K?JLK UJ+?7 L?I, e#(QR2LD ^2^L(f Ni661s geep, hard LaU ;op, dri0e 6ine reYGi6; I 1ears aXo, Yod1 roGXh condiK ;ion, HU,J++7++ ,+JKMUUK I+,M, ,+JK,b?K?LJ,7 L?VI !"#D !LJ+, wi;h new J;h whee6 hi;ch7 L?VU bJh Ni6derness J;h whee6, Yo;h need worE7 HI+++ "Q"7 ,+JKV?UK b,?b ‘06 Dodge 1 Ton L?V? !"#D !UJ+, we66 Gsed, I whee6 dri0e worEs we66, J speed, J;h whee6 Ya66, HL,U++, ,+JK ,IJKLIVb7 L??b !"#D !KLJ+ (Z^(SD(D -&Q, IND, ?J7+++ 3i6es, JKspd, ;owinX pacEaXe7 Sew s;ar;er, c6G;chas6a0e c16inder & GKioin;s7 Hb,J++a"Q"7 ,+JKV?UK I+V? L??I ^"P"^& B2-`RB IZI, (8;ended caY, JK spd, I c167 UU+,+++ 3i6es, #Gn _rea;d ^opper7 HU,JJ+a"Q"7 ,+JK,ILKI?,b L??J !"#D !LJ+ ZL^7 (8;ended caY, I8I, wa;opper7 _ood condiK ;ion7 Sew ;ires7 HI,+++ "Q" ,+JKMUUKMb+U ‘97 Cherokee Stock Trailer 4x4, 6 Speed, Diesel, 52,000 Miles. Still under warranty. L?V? -O(WP UJ++ S2LK W(# &D", (8;ended -aY, LonX Qo8 wawes;K ern p6ow7 LM,,+++ 3i6es7 -a66 ,+JKIUbKVLLb, e0eninXs7 Saturday, September 25, 2010 2-Way Rear Gate, Splitter Gate in Center, Aluminum. Excellent Condition! $26,900 $8,500 Buy both for only $34,500! -a66 573-489-75007 -an Ye seen a; b?L Rpper Wa66e1 #oad, Spearfish 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE L??M !"#D !KbJ+ ZL^ crewcaY, powers;roEe, 6onX Yo8, aG;o, a6GK 3inG3 whee6s, Dri0es e8ce66en; rea661 c6ean, no rGs;7 U+,,+++ 3i6es7 HV,??J7 ,+JK,ILKLLUI U++J D"D_( #&[ LJ++ SL^ jGad -aY I8I picEGp7 I7ML 3aXK nG3 enXine wi;h J speed aG;o ;rans7 (8ce66en; condi;ionk ser0iced accordinX ;o 3anGfac;Grerhs sGXK Xes;ions since new7 I,,J++ 3i6es7 HL,,V++7 -a66 ,+JK ,IJK??b+7 U++b -O(WP B2-`RB (Z^(SD(D -aY, I8I7 wi;h e8;ras7 Wer1 _ood condi;ion7 Spearfish7 ,+JK,IUKU,+b or ,+JK VIVKLV+?7 U++? NO2^( O"SD& #2D_(L2S(7 UL,+++ 3i6es7 Rnder Q6Ge YooE a; HUJ,J++7 ^opper 2nc6Gded7 (8ce66en; conK di;ion wawarran;17 [o3 wan;s a car7 M+LKILUK J+++7 U++b !"#D !LJ+7 !ZI, crew caY7 L+?,J++ 3i6es7 #o66KGp Yed co0er, Xood ;ires, c6ean ;rGcE7 &sEinX LU,?++ "Q" goe ,+JK ,IJKV?J? 752 PICKUPS FOR SALE 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE U++V -O(WP -"LK "#&D", e8;ended caY7 L,E, Y6acE, air, power 6ocEs, windows, sGnroof7 Qo8 6iner7 ^ow pacEaXe7 _araXed7 HL?,??J7 ,+JK MVMKJb++ L?VL -gJ g((B, rGns Xood7 L?,M &irS;rea3 Safari, UUh7 L?,M &ir S;rea3 -ar0e6, LMh7 ,+JK ?U+KUUUU7 !"# S&L( ^#R-` &SD SS"NBL"N7 L??, !ord !KUJ+, e8;ended caY, IK whee6 dri0e, WKV enXine wi;h a;;ached Q"SS SS"NBL"N eBowerKW wi;h #apid ^ach 22f HV,+++7 ,+JKbIMK?LML7 !"# S&L() L?VJ _[- L ;on foGrKwhee6 dri0e7 Hb,J++7 L?,J _[- baI ;on foGrKwhee6 dri0e7 HL,U++7 "Q" ,+JK,IJKI+LV !"# S&L() L??? _[S2(##& #eXG6ar caY, I8I, LonX Yo87 L+V,,J+ 3i6es7 So6id WV, aG;o3a;K ic, Xood ;ires & X6ass7 HJ,U++ ,+JK,ILKVbLU7 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE U+++ _[- g2[[P SL(, IKdoor, I8I, LJ+,+++ 3i6es, Xood condi;ion, Hb,+++7 ,+JKV?UKUJ??7 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector U+++ g((B N#&SK _L(# SB"#^, ha6f doors, sof; ;op, Xood condi;ion, H?,U??7++ "Q", ,+JKMUUKULIV7 U++U S2SS&S Z^(##& S( Sa-, LUV7+++ 3i6es, (8ce66en; Shaped #Gns _rea;, Sew ^ires7 HV,+++7 -a66 ,+JK,ILK+UL? U++b -O(WP ^#&2LK QL&l(#, L++` 3i6es, Xrea; shape7 QooEs for H?,?++, wi66 se66 for H?,+++7 -a66 ,+JKJVIK I,JI or ,+JKML?K,LMU7 U++I -O(W#"L(^ SRQR#Q&S, LJ++ Spor; R;i6i;1, power winK dowsa6ocEs, new ;ires, brd sea; warear air, LLJE 3i6es7 Wer1 c6ean, HLL,+++ ,+JKJV+KUIUJ Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Geri Riggs Sturgis Ad Sales 605-578-1146 605-642-2761 fax 605-642-9060 PEDERSON HARDWOOD FLOORS • • • • installation repair refinishing tile & more for a FREE Estimate call Justin 605-578-1089 PROFESSIONAL LAWN CARE & PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE PROJECTS MERLE’S LANDSCAPING & YARD SERVICE a#e Total Lawn Care Maintenance Es#i%e)) SPRING PACKAGE PROFESSIONAL (e m Bower #aEinX m &era;inX LANDSCAPING m Sod La1inX m SeedinX Sew Lawns m &nd IKS;ep ^Grf B6Gs B6an m 2ns;a66 & DesiXn SprinE6er S1s;e3s L??M -O(WP QL&l(#7 U Door7 I8I7 Lea;her sea;s, 3oon roof, -D p6a1er7 LM+,+++ 3i6es7 S;i66 rGns Xood7 HbI++7 gohn, ,+JK,V+KUVLJ7 (computerized imaging & Design) PROJECTS OLD & NEW! LEAD • DEADWOOD • SPEARFISH • BELLE FOURCHE • STURGIS 1-800-287-7805 • 605-892-2111 South Hwy. 85 • 1835 Fifth Avenue, Belle Fourche, SD For all your Real Estate Needs stop in or call me, Broker Associate Commercial • Residential • Farm/Ranch OFF 114 W. Hudson St. Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-8603 Serving the Black Hills Since 1970 “We Believe in Belle” Offering a wide variety of landscaping rock. Also flagstone and slate for patios and walkways. 605-717-7745 • Hours: Tues. - Sat. 9am-6pm 2 00 $ 24-Hour Emergency Service NOW OPEN! STONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 38 Years of Service, Father & Son Owned. 2 Chairs, 3 Barbers Serving the Belle Fourche Area for 25 years! STONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY 4029 E. Colorado Blvd., Spearfish Old School Barber Shop • Fire, Smoke & Water Damage Cleanup • Mold Inspection & Removal • Air Duct/Dryer Vent Cleaning • Carpet, Upholstery & Drapery Cleaning Judy E. Johnson 723-7654 office 641-2432 cell Mark’s Barber & Style Shop I-90 Exit 14 • 3125 E. Colorado Blvd. Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 605.722.0537 Cell 605.645.1349 Fax 605.722.0580 605-642-7939 Spearfish, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 753 SPORT UTILITIES FOR SALE 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE 761 COLLECTIBLE AUTOS 2007 JEEP LIBERTY. White, pw, pb, pl, ps. New tires, hwy miles. Very clean. $12,250 OBO 605-645-1625 FOR SALE: 2010 Enclosed Trailer, 7’x14’. $5,400. Please call 605641-1865. 1963 CHEVROLET 2-dr HT For Sale. Partially Restored. 327 V-8. Call 605-641-3289. Asking $3,000.00/OBO I87 FORD BRONCO. Restored and customized. Must see in Spearfish. Excellent condition. $7000 OBO. 605-890-1803 754 HEAVY TRUCKS 2001 FREIGHT LINER FL70, Cat Motor, 6 Speed, 90,000 Miles, 22’ Flatbed, Good Truck, 25,500 GVW, $12,500, 307-643-2162 in Beulah. CRANE TRUCK FORD F800, 189_ wb, crane is a National Series 200 605-206-0289 756 TRAILERS FOR SALE 5’X8’ ENCLOSED UTILITY TRAILER, Like new, only towed 600 miles. $1,500 new, Only $1,100. Spare tire included. Always stored indoors. 605-645-3340. MOTORCYCLE TRAILER FOR SALE. 605641-1865 759 AUTO ACCESSORIES FOR SALE: CAR DOLLY. New tie downs. $1,300. Sells new for $2,700. 605-6411248. REDUCED PRICE. 2 12_ JL AUDIO Subs in ported box, 2 900w Rockford Amps, Kenwood and Sony receivers. $500 OBO. 605-645-2658 760 AUTOS WANTED WILL HAUL YOUR JUNK VEHICLES FREE. Must Have Title & Tires. Also Will Haul Your Junk - Price Negotiable. Call 605580-1063. CLASSIFIEDS WORK! 1970 COUGAR Rebuilt 351c. FMX transmission. 90k miles. New tires, exhaust fuel system. $5,000 or partial gun trade. 307-896-3202. BUY IT SELL IT • RENT IT • Classified Ad Form Category: Check One ❍ 1 Classified Ad in the Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector - $19.00 per week Up to 20 Words - 50i each additional word Your ad runs 6 times in the Black Hills Pioneer and 1 time in the Weekly Prospector - Reach 25,000 households! ❍ Best Bargain! Eight Issues for only $22.00 per week Up to 20 Words Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Name: Phone: ( Address: City/State: Credit Card#: Exp. Date: Signature: PLEASE ENCLOSE PAYMENT SPEARFISH OFFICE 315 Seaton Circle Spearfish, SD 57783 (605) 642-2761 DEAN L. WEIS Manager - Owner PO Box 669 Spearfish, SD 57783 Ph. 642-9693 Fax 642-5757 ) AND MAIL LEAD OFFICE 7 South Main Lead, SD 57754 (605) 584-2303 OR DROP BY... RAPID CITY OFFICE 1719 W. Main St., Ste. 207 Rapid City, SD 57702 (605) 341-0086 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 COLOR MYSTIQUE Your One-Stop Clean-Up Shop! Painting Jobs h Complete Interior Clean-Up h Shampoo with Scotch Guard available h Hand Wash & Waxing/Buffing h Rock Chip & Light Scratch Repair h Tar Removal h Steam Clean Engines Free Estimates - Large & Small Jobs Black Hills Painting FREE ESTIMATES • Gift Certificates 3316 E. Fairgrounds Lp • 605-642-2344 Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL $1 each additional word ADDITIONAL WORDS PRICE REDUCED: 1973 CORVETTE STINGRAY 350, 4 speed. 1973 Corvette Yellow in color. T-Tops. $21,000. Call 605-6422344 days, 605-6427833 evenings. Isn’t It YOUR Turn To Rent This Space? Pha e Electric Inc. - Reach Over 26,000 households! • Black Hills Pioneer • Weekly Prospector • Nation’s Center News Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector Rent This Space For $80.00 Per Month FIND IT & g1973_ MUSTANG COUPE. All refurbished. 2 owner car. Must see to appreciate. Call 605559-0247 leave message. Last of the gClassics_. JEEP LAREDO, 1986, Last of WWII type, white/gold, all accessories, automatic, all documents, 91,800 original miles, $10K, 605347-6071 • Page 23 & Sona O’Connell Belle Fourche, Spearfish Ad Representative (605) 642-2761 315 Seaton Circle, Spearfish, SD No Job Is ! Too Small R & D CONSTRUCTION !icensed in !ead, +eadwood . /pearfish ROGER THOMAS (605) 584-2701 or 580-1562 Concrete Sidewalks & Flatwork h New Construction Repair & Remodeling 3150 4th Ave., Spearfish, SD (Across from Midcontinent) 605-642-0562 Specializing in Portraits with Personality 605-430-1780 To make an appointment, please call (605) 381-9296 or (605) 641-0935 NOW SERVING YOUR AREA! Rent This Space For Only $155/Month! Call 642-2761, 584-2303 or 341-0086 & Sharon Mason Lead-Deadwood, Whitewood Ad Representative (605) 584-2303 7 South Main, Lead, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 24 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ! # $ %&'())*+ ,-r/is2ed a/d 6/7-r/is2ed8 9ead8 :a;; <=>?@$=?!A>B 9eaCe DaEe # P2o/e H8 A[[(A:[KP&+ eco/oE? ic?st-dio+ !+$+Z+A+> Qed? rooE aMartEe/ts+ 2o-s? es+ EoQi;e 2oEes i/ IMear7is2+ 9ead+ 'eadOood8 <=>?B$$? B$A= ! %&'(* IP&A(,KIL+ (&*)'&9&' AMart? Ee/t8 'oO/toO/+ PieO+ ,-r/is2ed+ PoOer+ :aQ;e+ Water+ SarQaTe i/c;-ded8 LardOood 7;oors+ A:+ ;a-/drV o/ site8 Do sEoWi/TXMets8 Y>>=XEo/t28 <=>?$!$? AZAZ8 APAK9A%9& ):[)%&( !I[8 ! QedrooE8 Do MetsX/o sEoWi/T8 YA$>XEo/t2 M;-s e;ec? tricitV8 !$ Eo/t2 ;easeXTood credit o/;V8 *idOest ProMertV *a/aTeEe/t8 <=>?<A!? !=$< !?$?Z %&'())* AP[I8 Pisit )-r WeQsite\ Le;M? 6?(e/t8/et )r :a;; <=>? B$$?(&D[8 A[[(A:[KP& !?$ Qed? rooE 7;ats+ ce/tra; 'eadOood+ Oas2erX drVer MroCided+ ;oO -ti;i? ties+ Treat CieOs etc+ Y>==?Y<== <=>?<A!? =B]@ :AD_)D &I[A[&I AMartEe/ts i/ IMear7is2+ /oO 2as $ QedrooE aMartEe/ts aCai;aQ;e8 Dice;V ;a/d? scaMed+ M;aV area+ o77 street MarWi/T+ ;a-/drV 7aci;ities8 IoEe -/its /eO;V reEode;ed8 :a;; <=>?<A$?BA== 7or Eore i/7orEatio/8 &`-a; Lo-si/T )MMort-/itV8 A[[(A:[KP& $ a/d Z QedrooE aMartEe/ts a/d EoQi;e 2oEes i/ ce/tra; IMear7is28 9oO -ti;ities^ Oas2erXdrVer^ Y<== ? B== <=>?B$$? B$A=8 I[6'K) APA([*&D[I i/ IMear7is28 -ti;ities Maid8 Do MetsX/o sEoW? i/T8 Y$>=8?YZ==8 Mer Eo/t28 [2e (ea; &state (e/ta; :e/ter8 <=>?B!B? >>>> Summit View & Heritage Apartments NEWLY REMODELED Very nice 1 & 2 bedroom apartments in Belle Fourche. Some utilities included. For further information call: 723-8000. 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT :9&AD ! # $ %&'? ())* APA([*&D[I ;ocated i/ IMear7is28a!b $ %edrooE is W2ee;? c2air AccessiQ;e8 ACai;aQ;e DoO8 (e/t %ased )/ K/coEe8 ,or *ore K/7orEatio/ ca;; <=>?<A>?]@ZZ &`-a; Lo-si/T )MMort-/itV8 K()D (K'S& &I[A[&I 2as 6McoEi/T oMe/i/Ts 7or $+ Z a/d A QedrooE Itarti/T at YB>=8 :aQ;e tC 7ree8 IOiEEi/T Moo;+ 2ot t-Q a/d 7it/ess rooE8 Do sEoWi/T8 Pet co/sidered Oit2 re7ere/ces8 <=>?<A!? $=<]8 OOO8iro/? ridTeestates8coE Saturday, September 25, 2010 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 800 APARTMENTS FOR RENT 801 ROOMS FOR RENT 803 DUPLEXES FOR RENT '&A'W))' [W) a/d [2ree %edrooE AMartEe/ts ,or (e/t+ )/ site MarWi/T a/d ;a-/drV+ Oa;Wi/T dis? ta/ce to *ai/ Itreet8 [o MicW -M a/ aMM;icatio/ stoM at DeiT2QorWorWs 'aWota LoEe (eso-rces at B@> *ai/ Itreet+ 'eadOood or ca;; <=>?>B]?!A=!8 &`-a; Lo-si/T )MMort-/itV8 P&(_ IPA:K)6I *AKD ,9))( aMart? Ee/t8 $ QedrooE 7-r? /is2ed Oit2 aMM;ia/ces a/d WX'8 Y<>=XEo8 6ti;ities i/c;-ded8 'eMosit re`-ired8 :a;; e-;ie <=>?<A$?>BB! ()_A9 (&I[ *)[&9+ AAA *ai/ Itreet+ IMear7is28 WeeW;V (ate Y!==8==8 A;; -ti;ities Maid8 <=>?<A>?!B]> Z %(+ $ %A '6P9&h Oit2 TaraTe8 $ decWs+ ;arTe Vard8 Do sEoWi/T8 Y]B>XEo/t28 !$ Eo/t2 ;easeXTood credit o/;V8 *idOest ProMertV *a/aTeEe/t8 <=>?<A!? !=$< LA(PA(' &I[A[&I8 9A(S& e77icie/cV aMart? Ee/t8 YZ>= deMosit+ YZ>=XEo/t2 re/t8 <A$? AZ<!8 9&A' ? )D& *)D[L ,(&&c 9arTe Z Qed? rooE+ D&Wccc ? Qat2? rooE+ carMet a/d aMM;i? a/ces i/c;-di/T Oas2? erXdrVer+ o77 street MarW? i/T+ OaterXTarQaTe Maid+ Y<>= Mer Eo/t2 d deMosit8 :a;; <=>?>B]? !ZZ@ or <=>?@$=?]A>]8 I6DD_ $ !X$ %&'? ())* i/ 9ead8 &asV access+ o77?street MarW? i/T+ Oas2erXdrVer+ coC? ered Morc2+ Y>>=+ OaterXseOer Maid8 ]=!? @!=?<Z]]8 P&(_ I*A99 aMart? Ee/tX! Merso/+ Y$== M;-s -ti;ities+ QV 2iT2 sc2oo; i/ 9ead+ /o Mets+ <=>?>]A?$<<B8 Help-U-Rent !el$-&-Re(t “QUALITY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT” 504 MAIN STREET • SPEARFISH, SD 57783 • 605-642-8803 Options For Your Rental Needs: Ap#rtment)* Commer.i#0 Stor#ge 3nit)* Home) Rent#0) Serving the Northern Black Hills 1041 Main St. Spearfish, SD 577D3 722-RENT [)D_fI *)[&98 :oEM;ete;V ,-r/is2ed+ (eadV to *oCe i/+ gitc2e/ettes8 (e/t QV 'aV+ WeeW )r *o/t28 :aQ;e+ :o;or [P8 :;ea/ed WeeW;V8 (easo/aQ;e (ates8 a<=>b $<@?$>=! W2iteOood I'8 802 TOWNHOUSES FOR RENT [)WDL)6I&8 Z %&'? ())*+ $ Qat28 :e/tra; IMear7is28 Do sEoWi/T8 Do Mets8 Y@==8 <AA? =<!A8 803 DUPLEXES FOR RENT $ %&'())* AP[ KD '6P9&h8 Y>== Eo/t2 i/c;-des 2eat # e;ectric8 Do IEoWi/T8 :a;; <=>? <A>?>!B] or <=>?B$$? >!B]8 Remodels Basement Finishing Paint & Custom Paint Furniture Whatever you need, I do! CENTER PIECE DESIGNS Chad Ploog 605-645-1313 AIRPORT EXPRESS SHUTTLE Powers Rapid City • Mt. Rushmore Spearfish • Black Hills Custer • Sturgis • Deadwood Remodeling Decks Driveways Siding Roofing BILL$%&'ER* Rapid City, SD (605) 399-9999 Outside Rapid City 1-800-357-9998 Construction 605-722-3122 605-206-1348 Schmidt Construction +,-$Years$123erie(5e$i($ • Basements • Foundations • Driveways • Patios • Sidewalks 6i5e(se7$8$9(s*re7 605-584-1004 605-641-6124 (eceiCe a COMPLIMENTARY COPY o7 :;e$Bla5<$=ills$>io(eer +,D/012/-3 4500666 O2e/ Vo- 2aCe Vo-r Miiia de;iCered 7roE Piiia 9aQ i/ :e/tra; :itV or Piiia (a/c2 i/ IMear7is2c 2625 E. Colorado Blvd. • Spearfish 642-4422 IP&A(,KIL Z Qed? rooE+ $ Qat28 Dice -/it8 :e/tra; air8 A;; aMM;i? a/ces i/c;-di/T dis2? Oas2er+ a/d Was2erXdrVer8 Do Mets+ /o sEoWi/T8 9ease M;-s deMosit re`-ired8 <=>?<A>?B<=>8 [(KP9&h ? D&W Zd %&'())*+ $ %at2 at <=$ *i/ers+ 9ead aSree/ Itreet &/trVb8 )77?street MarWi/T+ /o Mets+ /o sEoWi/T8 Y<>=XEo/t2 M;-s -ti;ities a/d deMosit8 <=>?@$=? !$@!+ <=>?>B]? !$@$8 Call 584-2303 or 642-2761 Black Hills Pioneer and Weekly Prospector YEAH, I DO THAT! 9)W&( '6P9&h at !!A *aV+ 9ead+ $ %edrooE+ rece/t;V reEode;ed+ /o Mets+ sec-ritV deMosit+ a;; e;ectric+ /o i/side sEoW? i/T8 YAB>XEo/t28 <=>? @$=?!$@!+ <=>?>B]? !$@$8 124 Hwy. 14A • Central City 578-9933 This Space Just Opened Up! Why not try your ad here? Call 642-2761 or 584-2303 Robert Crane GEICO Field Representative Licensed in South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana 1575 LaCrosse Street, Suite A Rapid City, SD 57701 Telephone: (605) 348-6060 Fax: (605) 342-9318 Claims: 1-800-841-3000 Aaron’s Handyman Services • Snow Removal • Furniture Moving • Kitchen & Bathroom Remodel • Egress Windows • Concrete • Decks • Roofing • Plumbing • Garages • Painting • Repairs • Tree Trimming and Cleanups !all$Aaro($Bra*( (605) 642-5874 FREE DROP IN BELLE! • All Paper • Cardboard • Aluminum Cans Commercial Dumpsters Appliance Pickup Lazy B Ent. since 2002 605-722-1807 Saturday, September 25, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 25 Sometimes the signs of child abuse can’t be seen by the outside word, but the scars caused by verbal abuse can linger inside for a lifetime. Verbal abuse can make a child feel unloved, unwanted, insecure and unworthy, often leading to behavioral problems, depression and anxiety. The next time you’re about to lose your temper, stop, take a deep breath and think about what is really upsetting you. Before you speak, consider how the words you’re about to say will sound to your child. If you see or suspect child abuse or neglect, call 911. This Message Brought To You By Your Friends At The Black Hills Pioneer BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 26 FOR RENT Visit our website at 140 W. Jackson Blvd, Spearfish for photos and details 12 x 24 Units, RED BARN STORAGE - Belle Fourche ....................................................$65/Mo. 507 STATE ST. - Belle Fourche ............................................$325/Mo. 2 BR, 1 BA, Laundry, 1 Car Garage 728 S. 34TH ST. - Spearfish..........................................$810/Mo. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage, fenced yard - Avail. Oct. 1st 704 LAZELLE - Sturgis ....................$900/Mo. 2 BR, 2 BA, 1 Car Garage, 1,086 sq. ft. - Avail. Sept. 18th 922 3RD ST. - Spearfish ................$950/Mo. 3 BR, 2 BA, 2 Car Garage, Fully Furnished Corporate Unit 2514 HAMSTER HILL PLACE - Spearfish ....$1,000/Mo. 1 BR, 1 BA 711 8TH ST. - Belle Fourche........................................................................$325/Mo. Sabrina Arnold • 645-2042 (cell) • 717-5555 (office) • 2 BR, 1 BA, Avail. late Sept. FIRST MONTH Saturday, September 25, 2010 FREE! 5’ x 10’ and 10’ x 20’ available Call Aaron 605-641-1026 WE’LL MOVE YOUR ITEMS FOR YOU! 804 MOBILE HOMES FOR RENT 805 HOMES FOR RENT 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT 810 GARAGES & STORAGE 813 VACATION RENTALS !" $%&&% '()*C,%- . /edroom5 6 /at9:;ater5 :e<er5 gar/age in@Auded5 <Cd- CaAA DEFG 61EG6.IJ- '(* *%"T !" MP%S*'!M,d J $edroom5 6 /at9 9omeORJFCmont9 NAu: utiAiG tie:- "o Pet:- CaAA LarZ:ia DEFGDJ1G6FEE- L($!&% ,(L% &(TM a_aiAa/Ae no<MNearfi:9 baAAeZ Lo/iAe %:tate:- CaAA DEFGQ66G QDID or @eAAd DEFGDJFG .DIQ ,()M% '(* &%SM% !n MNearfi:9- . $edroom5 garage5 fen@ed Zard- "o MmoUing or Pet:KeNo:it:5 *eferen@e: *e]uiredDEFGDJFG E1J.- L()"TS!" M,SK(;M %MTST%M in MNearfi:9 ,a: &arge Lo/iAe ,ome &ot: S_aiAa/Ae for *ent"o Kog: SAAo<edgDEFhDJ6GJQDJ- llMT(*Si% )"!TMll Q 1C6\ 1E5 1E \1F5 1E\6J5 16\.E Con@rete 'Aoor:5 SAA S:N9aAt Kri_e<aZ:5 iood Mno< *emo_aA$e:t rate: in MNearfi:9DEFGDJ1GD.FE- $&SCW ,!&&M bSCST!(" CS$!"M---C9oi@e Ao@aG tion: in t9e "ort9ern ,iAA:SAA Zear a_aiAa/iAitZ- Mee NroNertie: at <<<-/Aa@UG 9iAA:_a@ation@a/in:-@omC aAA DEFGR6EG16DR or DEFG FQIG11IJ for re:er_ation:emaiA kodZo moAAmaneZa9oo-@om 805 HOMES FOR RENT 1 $%K*((L ,()M% in $eAAe 'our@9e- "o Net:OJFECmont9 P utiAitie:O6EE deNo:it- Q66G6IFR1-F $%K*((L5 1 $ST,5 Aarge /edroom5 Aarge Uit@9en5 AiUeGne< interior5 MNearfi:95 OJIFCmt95 ,art ,ome: DEFGDJ1GFDQR6 $&(CWM T( C!TX PS*W- 1 /edroom5 1 /at9 9ou:e- OIFE unfurG ni:9ed5 O1EEE ta:tefuAAZ furni:9ed- "o :moUing or Net:- .EQGDIEGQEFE. $%K*((L5 ("% $ST, !n MNearfi:9;a:9erCdrZer5 di:9G <a:9er5 Aarge fen@ed Zard5 Ca/AeCinternet in@Auded- ORFECmont9 NAu: utiAitie:- CaAA [im DEFGQ66GQJ1I JG$%K JG$ST, ,(L% !" MS"KMT("%6 famiAZ room:5 dou/Ae garage P e\tra NarUing"o Net:C:moUingO1JEE P utiAitie:*eferen@e: re]uiredDJ6G6J.1 or DJ1GEFQ.$%&&% '()*C,% G . $%K*((L5 6 /at9 9ome :itting on 6 a@re:-'uAA /a:eG ment <C<aAUoutSNNAian@e: in@Auded- Kog (nAZ5 "( @at:- O15EEEC mont9- CaAA [e::i@aCWPL DEFGDJ1GEFDDC(&K '&((*M^ ;e 9a_e a :oAution` "e<` %Ae@tri@ in fAoor 9eating):e under S"X fAooring%ffi@ient5 :afe and ea:Z to in:taAA- (nAZ .C.6a t9i@U- ber:atiAe CarNet: c !nterior: G MNearfi:95 MK DEFGDJFG...1 %maiAd <armfAoordeG :ign:egmaiA-@om- 'ree informationaA CK` '(* *%"Td J /edroom 9ou:e in MNearfi:95 on CreeU near )ni_er:itZ'uAAZ furni:9edS_aiAa/Aed &a/or daZ to [une 1- JC/a5 9ot tu/ <it9 gafe/o- Kou/Ae atta@9ed garage- &arge fen@ed Zard- "o :moUG ing5 no Net:- *eferen@e: re]uired- ORRFCmo- RFJG DJIGIDRR &%SK G . $%K*((L5 6 /at9 ran@9 :tZAe 9ou:e5 ne<AZ remodeAed5 OD6FCmont95 NAu: utiAiG tie: and damage deNo:it5 Aea:e- $iAA DEFG DJ1GE.DR&%SK G J $%K*((L 9ome <it9 Aarge fen@ed Zard and offG:treet NarUG ing- OQEE NAu: utiAitie:'or more info @aAA DEFG FIEGFREE&%SK G b%*X "!C% 1 /edroom 9ou:e5 <it9 garage5 no Net:5 OJ6F mont9 NAu: deNo:it5 refG eren@e:- CaAA DEFGJFIG 6DDQ or DEFGDJ1GJE.D "!C% "%; ,(L%5 MP%S*'!M,. $edroom5 1 /at9Kou/Ae @ar garage- SAA aNNAian@e:5 deNo:it re]uired- "o Net:5 "o MmoUing- ORQF NAu: utiAiG tie:- DEFGDJFGEIRI("% $%K*((L SPS*TL%"T !" $eAAe 'our@9e6 c J $edroom 9ou:e: in $eAAe 'our@9e- CaAA DEFG 61EG.J1RT;( $%K*((L5 ("% $ST,5 $eAAe 'our@9eSNNAian@e:5 <a:9erC drZer 9ooUuN:- CentraA air5 ne< furna@e- "o Pet:- ODFE NAu: utiAiG tie:CdeNo:it- DEFGQ6.G E1RF- 807 FARM/RANCHES FOR RENT 'S&& PSMT)*% '(* *%"T !" $eAAe 'our@9eCreeU /ottom c 9aZ fieAd:S/out IE @o<: or e]ui_aG Aent <anted&aZton &en:egra_- DEFGDJ1G116J- 808 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR RENT K%SK;((K C&S!L [)LP%*M T*S!&%* PS*W &(T '(* *%"TDEFGFQIG1ERQ (" *%K;ST%* *!b%*5 DE to IE a@re: for *%"T!rrigated5 fen@ed5 good 9aZ Nrodu@er- 'i:9ing5 9unting c grafing rig9t:DEFGDJ1G1EEE- 809 COMMERCIAL RENTALS K%"TS&5 L%K!CS&5 P9Z:i@aA T9eraN9Z and or (''!C% MPSC% for rent!n $eAAe 'our@9e @aAA DEFGQ6.GQDFJ'S!*i*()"KM &((P !ndu:triaA ParUd .Ej.E unit OJEECmont95 ,eated5 Nri_ate /at9G room:5 o_er9ead door:5 ea:Z a@@e::- CaAA [a:on at CenturZ 61 MNearfi:9 *eaAtZ5 !n@- DEFGDJ6G JDEQ&S*i% SG1 Ao@ation5 Nrime @orner offi@e /uiAdingKe:ira/Ae neig9/or:S_aiAa/Ae [une 1Lid<e:t ProNertZ Lanagement DEFGDJ1G1E6D(''!C% '(* *%"TProfe::ionaA5 furni:9ed5 u:e of @oNier c @onferG en@e room)tiAitie: in@Auded- O6RFCmont9Q66GFJEI(''!C% MPSC%- 61J ;- i*S"T- JFE :]- ftCaAA [u:tin at DJFG 6F6JP*!L% C(LL%*C!S& &(CST!("61E ;irant6FEE :]- ft(ffi@eCM9oN @om/inaG tion- CaAA [u:tin at DJFG 6F6JP*!L% (''!C%C*%TS!& :Na@e a_aiAa/Ae- .5EEE :]- ft- ku:t AiUe ne< <it9 great :torefront e\NoG :ure- "e< Naint5 @arNet5 fAooring- Wit@9en5 6 /at9G room:- Mtate Mtreet5 $eAAe 'our@9e- OQFE Ner mont9 <it9 Aea:e- *i@U TZ:daA DEFGDJ1G1E.E /roUer o<ned- llMT(*Si% )"!TMllComNetiti_e *ate:5 66\.E5 11\.E5 11\6E5 11\1F5 11\1E5 F\11- CaAA "ort9_ie< Mtorage at gDEFhDJ6GI16D1E\6D5 1E\6J5 1E\16 MT(*Si% )"!TMCon@rete 'Aoor- baAAeZ Mtorage- gDEFhDJ6G.QI65 DEFGDJFG6IIE- NEW! Spearfish Storage 10x10 to 12x30 Easy access off of I-90 and Heritage Drive. Call today for Grand Opening Incentives! Chris 605-645-9985 F\Q5 I\1E5 1E\1E5 1E\6J5 16\.ECon@rete fAoor:5 $Aa@U toNNed dri_e <aZ:&o@ated /e9ind Mafe<aZG Mto< S<aZ MtorageG DEFGDJ6G6IDR or DEFGDJFG61F6K%SK;((K MT(*G Si% )"!TM SbS!&S$&% "(; C("b%"!%"T&X &(CST%K - bS*!()M M!m%MC&S!L [)LP%*M MT(*Si%DEFGFQIG1ERQ '!*MT L("T, '*%%` Fnj1En c 1Enj6En S_aiAa/Ae- !n@enti_e:` ;enAA mo_e Zour item: for Zou` Lid<e:t ProNertZ Lanagement DEFGDJ1G1E6D;,!T%;((K MT(*G Si% "%; )"!TMbariou: :ife:- &o< Nri@e:- (ut:ide NarUing a_aiAa/AeDEFG6DRG 616. 812 WANTED TO RENT ;S"T%Kd ,eated or )",%ST%K indoor :torG age for 6E foot /oat in t9e "ort9ern ,iAA: o_er t9e <inter mont9:- CaAA DEFGDJ1G..E1- 902 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1RDR T,*%% $%K*((L traiAer5 good @ondition5 manZ e\tra:5 afforda/Ae and @on_enient5 Ao@ated near @oAAege in MNearfi:95 a:Uing OD56FE ($(5 DEFG J.1GIIR11RQJ LSi"(&!S5 1JnjQEn5 6 $*5 ;CK5 "e<er 'Aooring5 "e< 'urna@e c (t9er *eno_ation:- iood Condition- O1J5FEE or *ea:ona/Ae (ffer- 1JI baAAeZ Kr- MNearfi:9- CaAA .EQG61QGEFER for _ie<ingLo/iAe ,ome: S_aiAa/Ae G "ort9ern ,iAA: ,ome: /et<een OI5REE G O165REE S_aiAa/Ae "(;` [e::i@aC PrudentiaA DEF-DJ1-EFDD ke::i@a:G eAA::Nearfi:9eAi_e-@om "%;&X )PKST%K 1Jn\QEn5 6 $K*L5 1 $ST, Lo/iAe ,ome rig9t off Li@UeA:on TraiA5 Nea@efuA Ao@ationPerfe@t Mtarter ,omeDEFG6I1GEI.F- 904 LOTS & ACREAGE FOR SALE &S"K '(* MS&%d 6E SC*%M on Cro< PeaU $en@9- Po<er on :iteireat bie<:` OIF5EEEDEFGDJ1GRFREM!"i&% 'SL!&X5 KuNAe\5 LuAtiGfamiAZ Commer@iaA Aot:5 FE S@re ,or:e ProNertZPri@e: :tart at O.J5EEE&o@ated in MNearfi:9 c $eAAe 'our@9e- CaAA C9ri: Pang/urn DEFGDJFGRRIF or [oe [orgen:en DEFG DJFGEEJI- [orgen:en *eaAitZ5 MNearfi:9$roUer (<ned- 912 HOMES FOR SALE BY OWNER ,()M% '(* MS&% $X (;"%*d . MT(*X5 J $edroom:5 1 .CJ /at95 t<o garage:5 6 Aot:5 ne<AZ re@ondiG tionedO1DR5REEC ($(M)"KS"C% ;X(L!"i- CaAA JE6G .FEGD6D1- STATEWIDES SPP&!CST!("M SbS!&G S$&% '(* fuAAGtime PoAi@e (ffi@er for a four Ner:on deNartment%\Nerien@e and MK Certifi@ation NreferredMaAarZ negotia/Ae K(%%\@eAAent /enefit Na@UG age- %]uaA oNNortunitZ emNAoZer- Mend re:ume to PoAi@e C9ief Mta@Z LaZou5 CitZ of iroton5 P( $o\ FIQ5 6ER " Lain5 iroton5 MK FQJJF /Z MeNt 6I5 6E1EC!TX (' LS*T!" i: a@@eNting aNNAi@ation: for CitZ PoAi@e (ffi@er: g@ertified NreferredhMaAarZ negotia/Ae /a:ed on e\Nerien@e- Mend re:ume to PoAi@e C9ief &uUe ,amar5 $o\ DIQ5 Lartin5 MK FQFF1- 'or more information5 DEFG DIFGDQDF- STATEWIDES T*)CW K*!b%* "%%KG %K to run .I :tate:- M;5 M%5 and Lid<e:t- F.n _an:5 9ome <eeUAZ5 :etG tAement: <eeUAZ- Lu:t 9a_e good Lb*- Mte_e DEFGDREGJQFR5 *od DEFG DRFG1EII- *%K'!%&K i)" M,(;MaturdaZ"o_em/er Dt95 RamG FNm- MundaZ5 "o_em/er Qt95 RamG.Nm- "ationaA iuard SrmorZ *edfieAd5 MK- Lore !nfod DEFGJQ6G ERDF- ;,%%& C!TX !M 9iring an e\Nerien@ed automoG ti_e te@9$enefit: in@Aude 9eaAt9 and JE1W- PaZ /a:ed on e\Nerien@e uN to O6EC9r%maiAd ko/:e<9eeAG @itZauto-@om- &S"K S)CT!("d 6REPCG S@re:5 ,ug9e: CountZSAA Nrodu@ti_e @roNAandI miAe: ea:t of Pierre(@to/er 16t95 6E1E- CaAA KaUota ProNertie:5 Todd M@9uetfAe5 Su@tioneer5 DEFG6IEG.11F5 <<<-KaUotaProNertie:@om- SL%*!CS" TSj *%&!%'- MettAe !*M /a@U ta\e:- Ko Zou o<e o_er O1F5EEE^ !f :o---CaAA u: no<` 'ree @on:uAtation'or Ae:: t9an <9at Zou o<e` MtoN <age garG ni:9ment:` *emo_e /anU Ae_ie:5 ta\ Ae_ie: c NroNertZ :eifure:` MtoN NaZment NAan: t9at get Zou no<9ere` MettAe :tate and /u:ine:: NaZG roAA ta\ Nro/Aem:%Aiminate NenaAtie:5 intere:t @9arge: c ta\ Aien:` MettAe !*M /a@U ta\e:- "o o/AigationConfidentiaACaAA Smeri@an Ta\ *eAief5 IEEG.1QGRQ16'ree @on:uAtation- P,!&!P gMKh L(T(* !n@- g'ord deaAer:9iNh AooUing for Mer_i@e Te@95 Preferred fa@torZ trained- ,eaAt9 in:urG an@e c retirement NAan Na@Uage- CaAA Weit95 1G IEEGIFRGFFFQ- OPEN HOUSE Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 Noon - 2:00 p.m. BEAUTIFUL INSIDE & OUT! . /edroom5 6 /at9 9ome5 <aAUing di:tan@e to :@9ooA: c NarU- "e< addition on 9ome5 reAa\ on t9e de@U <it9 _ie<: of Mundan@e Lountain- Lu@9 more to :ee` bi:it <<<-F16%*ZanMtreet-@om or @aAA MandZ Kona9ue at DJFGQIDE or MLS 33169 • $189,500 512 E. Ryan St., Sundance, WY M9eA/Z &und at DJFGR6I.- 745 N. Ames, Spearfish • 605-717-0002 © 2010 Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities. An independently owned and operated broker member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc., a Prudential Financial company. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license. Equal Housing Opportunity. $)*!%K !" K%$T^ ;e @an 9eAN` Ma_e t9ouG :and: c eAiminate Zour de/t uN to DEp- CaAA no< for free @on:uAtation` IEEGD.6G6IEJ- &i:ted <it9 t9e $$$1RRF L!TM)$!M,! %C&!PM%5 6Gdoor5 <9ite <C/Aa@U interior5 JG@ZAinG der5 FG:Need5 great ga: miAeage- $odZ 9a: 1.J5EEE miAe:q ne< re/uiAt motor 9a: 6EE miAe:- "ot9ing i: fa@torZ5 in@Aude: nitrou:- Pri@e *edu@ed` OFRRR-EE&o@ated in Miou\ 'aAA:5 DEFGDREGQQQ.*%MTS)*S"T %r)!PG L%"T ()T&%Td "e< and u:ed re:taurant e]uiNment5 :ee <<<-C9iAAma:ter:-/if for more info- Miou\ CitZ !S 1GIEEGF6DGQ1EF- Our Towns Page 27 Saturday, September 25, 2010 NHBC field trip Sept. 25 STURGIS — The Northern Hills Bird Club will conduct a field trip out of Sturgis on Saturday, Sept. 25. Participants will meet at the Sturgis McDonald's at 7:30 a.m. for an M a.m. departure. Birders of all levels and non-members of NHBC are welcome to participate free of charge. For further information, please call Ernie Miller at (605) 3473354. Senior center breakfast Sept. 25 SPEARFISH — The Spearfish Senior Center will hold its monthly breakfast from 7-10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 25 at the senior center 1306 N 10th St. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend with menus offering either biscuits and sausage gravy and eggs, or pancakes and sausage with eggs. Hot coffee and cold juice are served with each meal. Seeking Harvest Fest participants Sept. 25 SPEARFISH — The Spearfish Downtown Business Association is looking for participants for their pumpkin carving, heirloom tomato growing, and pie baking contests. They are also seeking vendors for craft, arts and food booths. Contact the following people to participate in these great events: pumpkin carving contest and vendors call Jill or Mistie at Visit Spearfish, Inc.: 717-9295] and pie and tomato contests call Laina at Good Earth Natural Foods: 642-7639. Harvest Fest is scheduled on Main Street in Spearfish on Saturday, Sept. 25. Spearfish community food pantry open house Sept. 25 SPEARFISH — The community is invited to attend an open house from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25 at the Spearfish community food pantry's new location, 131 _ankee St. Come see what our community's donations have built. Fall rummage sale Sept. 25 Sept. 1M at Spearfish City Park. More than 20 vendors will be set up. A few of the items that will be displayed include handmade pottery, fresh vegetables and herbs, jewelry, homemade breads and pies, handmade quilts and so much more. Green Star Recycling will also be providing a trailer for area residents to drop off their recycling. This event will be held every Saturday morning for the entire summer, and organi`ers say the farther they get into the growing season, the more vegetables they'll have. Dylan Norris benefit Sept. 25 ROCHFORD — Dylan Norris, 16, of Rochford, was injured in a dirt bike accident on Aug. 7 and is still in the hospital in a coma. The Rochford Community Club is sponsoring a pancake breakfast Saturday, Sept. 25 from 79 a.m. at the Rochford Community Hall. The menu includes: pancakes, sausage, eggs, biscuits and gravy, juice and coffee. Lunch will also be served from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. with a menu of sloppy joes, hot dogs, chips and a drink. There will be coffee and cake available all day. A silent auction will go on from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. Donations for the auction are welcome. For more information, contact Anna at 5M416M7, Barb at 5M4-0045, Dianne at 5M4-1311, Lannie at 342-1044 or Norm at 5M4-3123. A Dylan Norris Benefit Fund has also been established at First Interstate Bank of Belle Fourche, Deadwood and Spearfish. 8th annual Spearfish Food Pantry food drive Sept. 25 SPEARFISH — Join together with RE/MAd In The Hills by helping us stock the shelves for the Spearfish Food Pantry. Look for us from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25 at Safeway of Spearfish. While you are doing your shopping, just pick up a couple of extra items that will be shared with the local food pantry. A list of suggested foods will be provided, and we appreciate everyone's support. Nemo Church to honor firefighters Sept. 25 SPEARFISH— All are welcome to donate clean, useable items for the United Methodist Church Fall Rummage sale during the week of Sept. 20. Please bring your items to the church at M45 N. 5th St. between the hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays. The sale will be from M a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 25. All donations and funds raised will go to the 125th Anniversary celebration of the Spearfish United Methodist Church. Please call 642-3457 and ask for Brenda for further information. NEMO — In acknowledgement of the dedication of local firefighters, the Nemo Community Church will sponsor a chili feed, with live music, from 4-7 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 25 at the Nemo Community Hall. Chili with all the trimmings, along with homemade desserts, will be served. There will be no charge, but your donation will be greatly appreciated. All proceeds from this benefit will be divided between the Brownsville, Doty and Nemo Volunteer Fire Departments. The Foggy Bottom Boys have offered to donate their musical talents from 5-7 p.m. For more information, contact Patsy Hood 57M-263M. Market in the Park Sept. 25 Harvest Fest Sept. 25 SPEARFISH — Hills Hori`on of Spearfish will host Market in the Park once again from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, SPEARFISH — The Spearfish Downtown Business Association presents the annual Harvest Fest celebration Our Towns is for area events only. • Non-profit events - free listings • For-profit or business events - charge figured on a per day basis • Due to limited space, all events will run on a space available basis • Publication of events is at the final discretion of the editor on Saturday, Sept. 25, on Main Street in Spearfish. There will be live entertainment throughout the day, a pumpkin carving contest, and pie and tomato contests. Sidewalk sales, crafts, food and art booths, as well as children's activities, will line the streets. For more information about the event, contact Tiara Heckenlaible at 644-0166. Spearfish Canyon Fire meeting and potluck Sept. 27 SPEARFISH CAN_ON — The Spearfish Canyon Volunteer Fire Department will be holding their monthly meeting with a potluck at 6 p.m. Monday, Sept. 27 at the fire hall. Meeting to follow. Everyone is invited to attend. Spearfish Optimist Club accepting grant requests Sept. 30 deadline SPEARFISH — The Spearfish Optimist Club is currently accepting grant requests for the year 2011. The Optimists provide financial assistance and/or manpower assistance to individuals or groups that provide opportunities for the youth of Spearfish. In 2010, more than $32,000 was provided to youth-oriented activities. Persons interested should return a Grant Request form by Sept. 30. For information, contact Dixie Richardson at 641-6771 or visit the Web site at Homestake Women’s luncheon Oct. 2 LEAD — The annual Homestake Womenhs Luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 2 at the Lotus Up Espresso and Deli, 32 Baltimore St., Lead. For more information, you may contact Debra Heupel at 5M4-32MM or Roxie Feterl at 57M-1319. L-DHS seeks homecoming parade entries LEAD — Lead-Deadwood High School's Homecoming Parade will be held on its traditional route, beginning at 2 p.m. in Deadwood and resuming at 2:45 in Lead, Friday, Oct. 1. Businesses and other parties interested in participating in the parade prior to the homecoming football game against Douglas are asked to contact Gary Linn at Lead-Deadwood High School, 717-3M99. SHS homecoming parade entry forms available SPEARFISH — Spearfish High School Homecoming Parade entry forms are now available at all building offices, or you may call Bev at 717-120M for more information. SHS Homecoming is Friday, Oct. 1. Parade line-up is at 2 p.m. with a start time of 2:15 p.m. Check • All listings subject to grammar and style editing • Deadline: One week prior to event • E-mail to: • Call Jami at (605) 642-2761 for information “Community Events” in our Classified Ad Section for additional events! BLACK HILLS PIONEER Page 28 will celebrate her 90th Birthday! Saturday, Oct. 2nd OPEN HOUSE • 2-6pm Homestake Mansion in Lead The event will be hosted by her children, Judy & Allan Weaver, Ft. Collins, CO; Jerry & Velda Nelson, Belle Fourche; and Tom & Melodee Nelson, Lead. She was born Oct. 2nd, 1920, in Sanzeno, Italy and came, with her parents, to the United States through Ellis Island when she was 13 months old. She has seven grandchildren & eight great-grandchildren. Cards may be sent to: 623 W. McClellan, Lead, SD 57754 School Menus Lead-Deadwood School Lunch Menu !onday, Sept. 2/ 0 1rispitos, potato rounds, salad, fruit yogurt, milk Tuesday, Sept. 28 0 Sloppy Joes, potato wedges, vegetable, fruit, milk Wednesday, Sept. 29 0 1hicken noodle soup, vegetable sticks, donut, fruit, milk Thursday, Sept. E0 0 Gavioli, corn, dinner roll, fruit, milk Friday, Ict. 1 0 Digger Day, Pizza, salad, fruit milk !rea%fast !onday 0 1old cereal, toast, fruit, milk Tuesday 0 Waffles, sausage, fruit, milk Wednesday 0 Bagel with cream cheese, fruit, milk Thursday 0 Strawberry strudel, fruit , milk Friday 0 1old cereal, toast, fruit, milk Belle Fourche School Lunch Menu PUZZLE FOR SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 !onday, Sept. 2/ 0 1hicken patty/bun, rice pilaf, glazed carrots, applesauce, milk-variety Tuesday, Sept. 28 0 1hili, cinnamon rolls or grilled cheese, veggie and dip, pineapple chunks, milk-variety Wednesday, Sept 29 0 Hamburger, gravy, mashed potatoes, green beans, wheat rolls, gelatin jewels, milk-variety Thursday, Sept. E0 0 !ini corn dogs, French fries, peas and carrots, fresh fruit, cookies, milkvariety Friday, Ict. 1 0 So school !rea%fast !onday 0 Bagel, cheese omelet, cereal variety, fresh fruit, juice, milk-variety Tuesday 0 Wheat toast, cereal variety, fresh fruit, juice, milk-variety Wednesday 0 Breakfast pizza, cereal variety, fresh fruit, juice, milk-variety Thursday 0 Pancakes, sausage links, cereal variety, fresh fruit, juice, milk-variety Friday 0 So school Meade Schools Lunch Menu !onday, Sept. 2/ 0 1hicken nuggets, mashed potatoes/gravy, peas, t-roll, peaches variety-milk Tuesday, Sept. 28 0 Hamburger w/bun, Doritos, baked beans, fresh apple, cookie, variety milk Wednesday, Sept. 29 0 !r. Gib w/bun potato wedges, miTed fruit, green beans, variety-milk Thursday, Sept. E0 0 1orn dog, French fries, carrots, celery, pears, cookie, variety milk SPONSORED BY: LUEDERS FOOD CENTERS Saturday, September 25, 2010 Friday, Ict. 1 0 Grilled chicken w/bun, wedges, carrots, celery, oranges, variety milk !rea%fast !onday 0 Pancakes/sausage toast Tuesday 0 1heese omelet, toast Wednesday 0 Fry bread Thursday 0 Eggs/toast Spearfish Schools Lunch Menu )est E,ementar/ !onday, Sept. 2/ 0 Barbecue ribs Tuesday, Sept. 28 0 Ham and cheese sandwich Wednesday, Sept. 29 0 Baked potato w/toppings Thursday, Sept. E0 0 1hili w/ cinnamon sticks Friday, Ict. 1 0 1hicken nuggets !rea%fast !onday 0 1ereal toast, fruit, juice Tuesday 0 Pancakes, sausage, fruit, juice Wednesday 0 Eggs and bacon, toast, fruit, juice Thursday 0 1ereal, toast, fruit, juice Friday 0 French toast, sausage, fruit, juice East E,ementar/ !onday, Sept. 2/ 0 Super nachos, fruit, veggie, cinnamon bun Tuesday, Sept. 28 0 Hot dogs, tater tots, fruit Wednesday, Sept. 29 0 Taco, fruit, veggie, bun Thursday, Sept. E0 0 Italian dunkers, fruit, veggie, cheese bread Friday, Ict. 1 0 Enchilada casserole, miTed veggie, fruit, dinner roll !rea%fast !onday through FridayX 1ereal or oatmeal, juice milk and cinnamon toast Tuesday 0 Pancakes with bacon Wednesday 0 Scrambled eggs with sausage or ham Thursday 0 French toast with sausage or ham Midd,e and Hig5 S75oo, !onday, Sept. 2/ 0 Ham and scalloped potatoes Tuesday, Sept 28 0 1orn dogs Wednesday, Sept. 29 0 Burritos, nachos and cheese Thursday, Sept. E0 0 1hicken noodle soup Friday, Ict. 1 0 Fiestadas, lettuce salad, pineapple, dessert !onday 0 Hot breakfast w/meat Tuesday 0 1ereal and toast Wednesday 0 French toast and bacon Thursday 0 1ereal and toast Friday 0 Pancakes and sausage !"" mea"' are 'er)ed +it. /our 2.oi2e of 1 5er6 2ent +.ite mi"8 or fat free 2.o2o"ate mi"89 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 South Dakota Law Enforcement Officer Receives Basic Certification Zachariah Bell, of the Deadwood Police Department, was among the 28 officers from across the state to graduate from the South Dakota Law Enforcement Training Academy on July 28, in Pierre. He is pictured here with South Dakota Attorney General Marty Jackley. “Congratulations to the graduating class for receiving their law enforcement certificate. On behalf of the law enforcement community and the people of the State of South Dakota, I thank you for your dedication to public service,” said Jackley. Courtesy photo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH • 6:00 PM $25 per ticket or $40 for two (Tickets can be purchased at the door. Each purchased ticket includes one free drink.) Live & Silent Art Auction Food - Chop House Desserts - Vanilla Bean, Chubby Chipmunk Wine & Beer Cash Bar Entertainment by: Steve Thorpe Works by Artists include: Sarah Rogers Jenny Braig Roy Kramlich Kathy Sigle Anna Achtziger Ann Porter Tom Thorson Eileen Nistler and many more! A portion of the proceeds from this fundraiser will help provide funds for educational experiences and offset various general operating expenses of the Spearfish Arts Center. Call 605-642-7973 or stop by for your tickets! 612 N. Main St., Spearfish, SD 57783 • There’s No Excuse For Child Abuse! If you suspect a case of child abuse or neglect is occurring, contact your local department of social services. If you believe a child is in immediate danger, contact the police right away. From your hometown newspaper, the Black Hills Pioneer Page 29 Sports Page 30 BELLE FOURCHE BHSU LEAD-DEADWOOD SPEARFISH STURGIS Saturday, September 25, 2010 Broncs beat Diggers 20-0 BY DE%%IS (%)*(+ES B"#$% H("") *(+,--. !"##" %&'()*" + !e--e %o/rc2e too4 ad7a8ta9e o: -ead; <ead=ood t/r8o7ers to =i8 @A;o i8 its 2oBecoBi89 :ootCa-- 9aBe %ridaD 8i92t i8 Ce--e %o/rc2eE FWe 8eeded a =i8E Ho do/Ct t2is =as a Ci9 co8:ide8ce C/i-der :or /sIJ said !ro8cs 2ead :ootCa-- coac2 AdaB Ho=o=ieLs4iEE M=ice i8 t2e :irst N/arter !e--e %o/rc2e 9ot deeO i8 #ead;<ead=ood territorDI a8d Cot2 tiBes t2eD t/r8ed t2e Ca-- o7er o8 do=8sE M2e :irst N/arter e8ded i8 a score-ess tieI A;AE !e--e %o/rc2e :i8a--D 9e8erated a scori89 dri7e -ate i8 t2e :irst 2a-:E Ptarti89 at t2eir o=8 QR;Dard -i8eI t2e !ro8cs 8eeded SA O-aDs to 9et do=8 to t2e #ead;<ead=ood t=o;Dard -i8eE %roB t2ereI A/sti8 T/d-oc4 carried it i8 :or t2e scoreE M2e eUtra Ooi8t atteBOt =as C-oc4ed a8d !e--e %o/rc2e -ed V;A at t2e 2a-:E Mo start t2e seco8d 2a-:I t2e <i99ers Oic4ed /O a co/O-e o: :irst do=8s Ce2i8d t2e r/88i89 o: Wa7ier X-o7er Belle Fourche’s Austin Kudlock, 24, scores the first touchdown of the game as the Broncs celebrated its homecoming with a 20-0 win over Lead-Deadwood Friday night in Belle Fourche. Pioneer photo by Dennis Knuckles See BRONCS — Page 32 Spartan boys’ soccer team thumps SF Lincoln 7-1 a"tion AREA 1.DAY *233454 7228933: BHS0 #1 2#34("";22; /<=3>? H<5A SBA223 S2BB4=: Y#,%1+, 4). S7-#.8()9 C D.F. S1. :9+;#) 2+.- #1 B-""G D.F. B2H>? H<5A SBA223 S2BB4=: Y#,%1+, 4). S7-#.8()9 G D.F. S1. :9+;#) 2+.- #1 B-""GG 9.F. <-#=>D-#=@++= #1 A-.;(""(+, I D.F. H<5A SBA223 J2334H8933 B-""- B+C.$9- :+C.,-3 K 9.F. BY ,AS.% /R.SS B"#$% H("") *(+,--. PP"A(%ZP* + POear:is2 storBed Oast Pio/U %a--s #i8co-8 [;S i8 %ridaD\s 7arsi; tD CoDs\ soccer 9aBe at t2e !-ac4 *i--s %iCercoB POorts )oBO-eU i8 POear:is2E M2e POarta8s scored t2ree 9oa-s a:ter Pio/U %a--s e8tered t2e scori89 co-/B8 L/st @] seco8ds i8to t2e 9aBeE Hi4-as T/284e ta--ied t=o 9oa-s to 9i7e POear:is2 t2e /OOer 2a8dI at @;SE ^ac4e8_ie #a8e added a 9oai8 t2e QQrd Bi8/te to eUte8d t2e POarta8s\ ed9e to Q;S at t2e 2a-:E (Da8 Mo--e:sr/dI #eo (odri9/e_I P-ade *a8se8I a8d AdaB XoBe_ scored POear:is2\s seco8d;2a-: 9oa-sE Mo--e:sr/d co8triC/ted t2ree assists :or t2e POarta8sE Hic4 Wi--iaBsI (odri9/e_I a8d #a8e a-so assisted o8 POear:is2 scoresE POear:is2 2ead coac2 `iB *i-- O/t t2e teaB\s Oer:or; Ba8ce i8 2istorica- OersOec; ti7eE FWe O-aDed =it2 t2e Cest i8te8sitD e7erIJ said *i--I =2o 2as Cee8 =it2 t2e POarta8s\ Oro9raB :roB t2e Ce9i88i89E *i-- said POear:is2 O-aDers =ere =i--i89 to :i92t to =i8 Catt-es :or t2e Ca-- a8d Ba4e s/re t2eD =ere i8 t2e ri92t Oositio8sE FZt =as a rea- =a4e;/O ca--IJ *i-- said o: t2e ear-D #i8co-8 9oa-E `os2 !/rrI a POear:is2 soO2oBore Bid; :ie-derI said t2e teaB Oic4ed /O its i8te8sitD a:ter t2at scoreE FWe\7e Cee8 t2i84i89 aCo/t t2is 9aBe si8ce t2e seaso8 startedIJ !/rr saidE #i8co-8 :i8is2ed seco8d at -ast sea; so8\s state \AA\ to/r8aBe8t a8d e8tered %ridaD\s O-aD aS i8 t2e di7isio8E POear:is2 =as ab 9oi89 i8E #i8co-8 2as N/ic4 O-aDers =2o Oass =e--I accordi89 to !/rrE POear:is2 ret/r8s to actio8 todaDI Pat/rdaDI =2e8 it O-aDs ca84to8 at S OEBE Spearfish’s Matt Post, 17, kicks the ball during Friday night’s soccer match against SF Lincoln in Spearfish. The Spartans won 7-1. Pioneer photo by Jason Gross Saturday, September 25, 2010 BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Sports Happenings Black Hills Swim practice begins Sept. 27 SPEAR&ISH)*)T,-)B/012)H3//4)56/7 S839)T-09)83//):-;3<)=>01?31-4)@6>)?,-3> 4,6>?)16A>4-)BCDCEFDD)4-046<)0?)GHIJ)=K9K L6<70MN)S-=?K)BO))0?)?,-)P6A<;)C-<?-> =66/K B/012)H3//4)56/7)S839)T-09)34)6=-< ?6)0//)0>-0)M6A?,)0;-4)JFDR)0<7)-<169F =044-4)48399->4)6@)0//)0:3/3?3-4K S8399->4)0>-)8-/169-)?6)S63<)0?)0<MF ?39-)7A>3<;)?,-)4-046<)8,31,)>A<4)<68 ?,>6A;,)L0>1,)BCDDK &6>)96>-)3<@6>90?36<)10//)B>-<70)0? TIJFJDCDK Deadwood-Lead 76ers swim team accepting sign-ups UEAUVOOU)*)T,-)U-078667FL-07 YOT->4)4839)?-09)34)<68),6/73<;)>-;34?>0F ?36<4K T,-)164?)34)ZDJCKCC))@6>)4,6>?)16A>44-046<)O1?KF)&-:K T,-)=0M9-<?)41,-7A/-)34H))O1?K)GC)F)ZTC [ZIO)6@)?,34)34)@6>)\KSKAK)>-;34?>0?36<)0<7 ZJ)34)@6>)S6A?,)U026?0)>-;34?>0?36<K)T,6?,->)ZR);6-4)?6)?,-)4839)?-09)@6> -]=-<4-4^)N6`K)GC))F)ZBJN)U-1K)GC)FZBCN a0<K)GC)F)ZBJN)0<7)&-:K)BRN)BCDD)F)ZBCK)))))))) S839)?-09)9-9:->4)83//)0/46)<--7)?6 :-169-)9-9:->4)6@)?,-)>-1K)1-<?->)3< U-078667K) E<?>M)@--4)@6>)9--?4)0>-)?,-)>-4=6<43:3/F 3?M)6@)?,-)=0>-<?4)0<7)0>-)3<)0773?36<)?6)?,0:6`-)@--4K)I<@6>90?36<)16<1-><3<;)3<73F `37A0/)9--?4)83//):-);3`-<)?6)-01,)4839F 9->)?86)?6)?,>--)8--24):-@6>-)0)9--?K)I? 34)-44-<?30/)?,0?)-<?>M)3<@6>90?36<)0<7 -<?>M)@--4):-)>-?A><-7)?6)?,-)1601,):M)?,9--?)7-07/3<-)3<7310?-7K)A<M)-<?>M)@--4 @6>)3<`3?0?36<0/)9--?4)9A4?):-)=037N):-@6>0)48399->)10<):-)-<?->-7K)E<?>M)@--4)0><6<F>-@A<70:/-K)P0>-<?4)0>-)>-4=6<43:/@6>);-??3<;)48399->4)?6)0<7)@>69)9--?4N 0<7)@6>)0<M)/67;3<;)0<7)9-0/4K I?)34)<6?)90<70?6>M)?,0?)M6A)=0>?313=0?3<)4839)9--?4):A?)?,-M)10<):-)0)/6?)6@ @A<K)I@)M6A)<--7)@3<0<130/)04434?0<1=/-04-)16<?01?)1601,)a6,<)T>37/-)0<7),83//)=A?)M6A)3<)16<?01?)83?,)?,-)=-6=/?,0?)?02-)10>-)6@)?,64-)90??->4K)I@)M6A)-`-> ,0`-)0<M)bA-4?36<4)6>)1699-<?4)=/-04@--/)@>--)?6)10//)-3?,->)6<-)6@)?,-)1601,-4K) V,-<)41,66/);-?4)7349344-7)-0>/M)6> ?,->-)34)<6)41,66/N)?,->-)83//):-)<6)4839 =>01?31-)?,0?)70MK T,3<;4)?,0?)?,-)48399->4)<--7)@6> =>01?31-)0>-)0)4839)4A3?N)80?->):6??/-N ?68-/N)4839)10=)c3@)<--7-7^N)0<7);6;;/-4K P>01?31-)?39-4)0>-H)GHGCFIHDJ)=K9K):-;3<F <->4N)0<7)IHDJ)?6)JHGC)@6>)3<?->9-730?-)0<7 07`0<1-7K Page 31 P>01?31-4)83//):-),-/7)0?)?,-)>-1K)1-<?-> 3<)U-078667K S8399->4)4,6A/7):-)7>-44-7)0<7)>-07M ?6);-?)3<)?,-)=66/)0?)?,-)7-43;<0?-7)?39-)46 =>01?31-)10<)4?0>?)6<)?39-K I@)M6A),0`-)0<M)bA-4?36<4N)16<?01?)a6,< T>37/-)0?)JRIFDIdO)c<3;,?^)6>)JORFGOBd c70M^N)6>)16<?01?)L32-)O/4-<)0?)ODOFJBJJK Spearfish High School Hall of Fame nomination deadline is Dec. 10 SPEAR&ISH)*)T,-)7-07/3<-)@6>)?,BCDC)<693<0?36<4)?6)?,-)S=-0>@34,)H3;, S1,66/)A?,/-?31)H0//)6@)&09-)34)&>370MN U-1K)DCK))) T,-)=A>=64-)6@)?,-),0//)6@)@09-)34))))))?6 >-16;<3e-)9-<)0<7)869-<)8,6)))))),0`-]1-//-7)?,>6A;,)0?,/-?31)=0>?313=0?36<N 1601,3<;)6>)16<?>3:A?36<4)?6)?,-)S=-0>@34, H3;,)S1,66/)0?,/-?31)=>6;>09K)) N693<--4)@6>)=0>?313=0?36<)9A4? ,0`-);>07A0?-7)3<)?,-)C/044)6@)BCCJ 6>):-@6>-K N693<0?36<)@6>94)@6>)-/3;3:/10<7370?-4)0>-)0`03/0:/-)0?)?,-)41,66/)734F ?>31?)V-:)43?-)0?H)888K4=-0>@34,K2DBK47KA4N ?,-),3;,)41,66/)01?3`3?3-4)6@@31-))6>)90M):>-bA-4?-7):M)10//3<;)ODOFDBCTK) P/-04-)16<?01?)?,-)A1?3`3?3-4)O@@31-)0? ODOFDBCT)83?,)bA-4?36<4K)) Extreme Cowboy Races for SunCatcher Therapeutic Riding Oct. 9 RAPIU)CITP *)C68:6M4)0<7)168F ;3>/4N)M6Af>-)3<`3?-7)?6)=0>?313=0?-)3<)C>03; C09->6<f4)E]?>-9-)C68:6M)R01-4)6< S0?A>70MN)O1?K)dN)?6):-<-@3?)SA<C0?1,-> T,->0=-A?31)R373<;K)) T,-)>01-)43?-)34)46A?,)6@)R0=37)C3?M)6< H8MK)II)?6)A3>=6>?)R607K))) H0`-)@A<)8,3/-)M6A)4,68)M6A>),6>4-F 90<4,3=N)0<7)4A==6>?)SA<C0?1,->K T,-)-`-<?),04)1,0//-<;3<;)>37-4)@6> 07A/?4)0<7)@6>)M6A?,4)@>69)O)?6)DON)83?, ;>-0?)=>3e-4)0<7)?,-)1,0<1-)?6):-)<09-7 gE]?>-9-)C68:6MKh)) T,-)>6A<74)6@)169=-?3?36<),3;,/3;,? 8,0?)0);667)>37->)0<7),6>4-)83// >6A?3<-/M)9--?)6<)0)?>03/)>37-)6>)3<)703/M >0<1,)86>2K))E<?>M)@--4)>0<;-)@>69)ZGJ ?6)ZTC)=->),6>4-K R-;34?->)0?)888KSA<C0?1,->TRAK6>; :-@6>-)O1?6:->)DK)) A ZDJ)@--)83//):-)077-7)?6)/0?-)>-;34?>0F ?36<4K P>61--74)@>69)?,-)-`-<?)83//):-<-@3? ?,-)4=-130/)<--74)1,3/7>-<)0<7)07A/?4 8,6)>-1-3`-)-bA3<-)?,->0=M)@>69 SA<C0?1,->)T,->0=-A?31)R373<; A107-9MK &6>)96>-)3<@6>90?36<N)`343? 888KSA<C0?1,->TRAK6>;)6>)10//)TCJF TOGFBdGJK Jackets footballers at Mayville State today • RV Storage Available • RV & Camper Winterizing • Schedule Remodels or Repairs NOW so you are ready to hit the road come spring! RV Service Generator Maintenance RV & Camper Parts and Supplies ••••••• 18731 N. Hwy. 85, Belle Fourche, SD North of Hwy. 85/212 Intersection 605-723-1132 Black Hills State quarterback Drew Hodgs will lead the Jackets against Mayville State today in Mayville, N.D. Kickoff is set for noon. You can hear the game on KDSJ 980 AM, or at You can watch the game on the internet via the B-2 Network by going to the BHSU athletics Web site and follow the promps. Pioneer file photo s"orts&'("io*eer,co. BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Page 32 Saturday, September 25, 2010 Area scores Spearfish girl’s soccer wins 2-1 !ig$ &'$oo) *oot,a)) Belle %ourche +, Lead-Deadwood , S% 456orman 9+ Spearfish > S% Wahington 9B CD Dentral > S% Lincoln BE Sturgis F9 S% Coosevelt F> CD Stevens F, Winner +H St. Thomas More +> Bennett Dounty BE Mine Cidge , Brandon Nalley +B Brookings +F Watertown EB Huron , Mierre +H Qankton > Mitchell E, Rberdeen Dentral FE Dell Capids BH Lennox F+ Hot Springs F+, Duster , Hill Dity EH, St. %rancis Indian , Harding Dounty 9E, %aith , Harrisburg WX, Douglas > Cro00 Countr3 4C 5n6ite Spearfish girls5 >th Y B Savannah Dhilders F9YBE, X Daitlin 6ehner FWY,9 Spearfish boys5Y E, Jordan Houdek F>YE+ BRONCS Continued and a F9-yard pass from Tyler Date to Cyan Harrison. The drive ended when Broncs defensive back Jake Bauer picked off a Date pass at the Lead-Deadwood B>yard line. Harrison recovered a [udlock fumble for the Diggers, but leadDeadwood fumbled it back to Belle %ourche at the Diggers FF-yard line. Three plays later Tate Thybo took it in from five yards out. Thybo ran in the two-point conversion and the Broncs lead FB-,. Rfter a 6lover fumble, the broncs capitali\ed by [udlock scoring from +9-yards out. The two-point conversion failed, but the broncs still lead +,-, after three and that was the final score of the game. from Page 01 %or Lead-Deadwood turnovers hurt them all night. The Diggers had three fumbles and three interceptions. ]Turnovers were the difference in the game,^ said Diggers assistant coach Cyan 6atch. 6atch was filling in for head coach Tony Biesiot, who was in Dickinson, N.D. being inducted into the Dickinson Hall of %ame. ]The kids are frustrated,but they5re competing hard and we have four weeks of football left that we can set ourself up and control our own destiny,^ 6atch said. Belle %ourche `F-Ea next travels to Winner, while next week is homecoming for the Diggers `F-Ea as they host Douglas, in Deadwood. Kassidy Lantis,12, of Spearfish fights for the ball in Friday night’s soccer match against SF Lincoln in Spearfish. The Lady Spartans won 2-1. Spearfish hosts Yankton today 3 p.m. Pioneer photo by Jason Gross Spartans lose to O’Gorman 52-7 Spearfish quarterback Monte Meyerink attempts a pass in Friday’s game against O’Gorman in Sioux Falls. The Knights beat the Spartans 52-7. Photo by Michael G. Brown Photography BLACK HILLS PIONEER SPORTS Saturday, September 25, 2010 Page 33 Spearfish Middle School Cross country runners compete at invite SPECIA' TO THE PIONEE, SPEARFISH — The Spearfish Middle School hosted an inviational cross country meet Sept. 21 in Spearfish. Here are how the Spearfish runners fared at that cross country meet meet.. Boys1 si3th grade 1 Matt Peterson 12:E0 5 Devon Fox 13:17 11 Logan Broeder 1EO00 16 Walker Sunsted 1E:3 21 Brett Herch 15:1S E6 Alex Nelson 16:5S Girls1 si3th grade 1E Halle Seyer 16:0E 17: Abby Rabenberg 16:30 23 Hannah Friedrich 17:19 33 Faith Powers 1S:33 3E Rian Halligan 1S:E0 E3 Jewel West 20:02 ES Sadie Benning 21:57 Boy1s seventh grade 3 David Dower 12:E6 5 JJ Bressler 13:02 11 Xach Gehner 13:27 13 Bryce Thorman 13:37 20 Seth Fitzgerald 1E:51 NEW LISTING in! a g A © It Did Arden Trandahl Remodeled Family Home You and your family will love this nice remodeled home. Super location, great yard, private deck, sprinkler system. Check out the oversized shed for your toys, equipment and storage. Belle Fourche • $168,500 • MLS 33365 !"#P A" '(#!!WA*+!, Call 605-645-2101 Girls1 seventh grade 15 Ellie [wen 15:E7 Boys1 eighth grade 9 Joseph Barnes 17:27 Girls1 eighth grade 6 Megan Ladner 1E:0S 1E Jozlin Sanders 15:E2 Make a friend for life…adopt a shelter pet today! SPORTY* Sporty is a spunky, adult Jack Russell Terrier. If you are looking for a dog that won’t crowd you out of bed, here’s your dog. He will also obey & keep away unwanted salesmen. RIO* Rio is extremely adorable. Ready for a forever family! Box-trained & neutered. BUDDY* Buddy, a Rottweiler mix, is a dog with a few years on him. He is in very good shape & is quite alert. Rottweilers are brave, tranquil & obedient. He would be grateful for a loving home. !A## Pets are s+a,ed a.d .e/tered 0e1ore t3e, #ea4e t3e s3e#ter5 Immunize, spay/neuter, shelter from the cold, and LOVE your pets!! See these and other wonderful pets at Lost pets and strays fill the shelter, can you help with time or donations? Pet Food Pantry is available at the shelter for those who need it. Some have to choose between food for family or food for pets. To discourage animal abandonment, a Pet Food Pantry is available at the shelter for those who need it. Won’t you help us stock the Pet Food Pantry? Just drop off food at WHHS. These Animals are available at WESTERN HILLS HUMANE SOCIETY 324 Industrial Dr., Spearfish 642-1576 Spearfish Middle School’s Megan Ladner runs up a hill during the cross country meet Sept. 21. Courtesy photo If they’re competing... we’ll be there! T"E $%&C( ")%%S P)ONEER Sponsored by: Northern Hills Maintenance Box 526, Spearfish, SD BLACK HILLS PIONEER TOMORROW’S WEATHER Page 34 HARCC Continued from Page 1 !"#gr&ssroo!s#)ffor!+,#r&is). /or)#!0&1#!0)#s!i23l&!). 5678+888#r)93ir).#for#!0) A.&/s#;3s)3/#<#=o3s)#!o r)>)i?)#!0)#578+888#gr&1!@ AB0is#is#&#gr)&!#)C&/2l)#of &#>o//31i!"#>o/i1g#!og)!0)r !o#s0oD#i!s#s322or!#for#&#!)rE rifi>#2roF)>!@#GH/#2l)&s).#!o#I) &Il)#!o#off)r#!0is#578+888 gr&1!+,#Go?@#;iK)#Ro31.s s&i.@# AG#s2oK)#Di!0#Go?@#Ro31.s l&s!#1ig0!#&1.#D&s#&Il)#!o !0&1K#0i/#2)rso1&ll"#for 23!!i1g#!0&!#>0&ll)1g)#o3! !0)r)+,#Mo2>o@#ANl!i/&!)l"+ !0)#.)&.li1)#of#S)2!@#P8#is D0&!#i1s2ir).#o!0)rs#!o#ris)#!o !0)#o>>&sio1#&1.#23!#3s#o?)r !0)#!o2@, As#of#Qri.&"+#Mo2>o#r)2or!E ).#!0&!#si1>)#!0)#>0&ll)1g) D&s#iss3).#i1#A3g3s!#of#R88S+ 5TR8+UUS#0&.#I))1#r&is).#!o fi1is0#!0)#>o1s!r3>!io1+#/os! of#D0i>0#>&/)#floo.i1g#i1!o 0)r#offi>)#!0is#D))K+#F3s!#2rior !o#!0)#)C2ir&!io1#of#!0)#gr&1! >0&ll)1g)#.)&.li1)@ A r)1)D).#5V88+888#2)r ")&r+#!0r))E")&r#>o//i!/)1! 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H!he state is getting money out of it IgamblingJ, millions of dollars between video lot< tery and casinos that are going to the coffers,K Rose said. HItNs surprising that the state hasnNt recogniOed that property rights are at staCe. People have time and energy invested in these places. !hese people donNt deserve to be told that Nhey, youNre not allowed to smoCe in here.NK Rose admitted that if voters approve the law in November, a repeal would be next to impossible. !herefore, Ricensed Severage Dealers of South DaCota, which is a non< profit trade association, is fighting bacC with mailing, advertisement signs, commer< cials, and media spots. Vambling revenue would undoubtedly decrease, Rose said. HWost gamblers smoCe and drinC. If you go outside and have a cigarette in the cold, youNre closer to your car and to Aust going home. Xhen youNre smoCing outside you also canNt spend money at the bar,K he said. in! a g It A d i D © Slot<machine time is valu< able to the casinos, agreed Yen Vienger, former president of the Deadwood Vaming ?ssociation. HXhat occurs is gambling is all about time at your device. People who must go outside taCe their credits and that reduces their time spent at the device.K HXhat some people do is put their chair up when they go outside to smoCe or use the bathroom, however we are not liable for any credits when theyNre gone.K Vienger, who is a general manager at Celebrity Hotel in Deadwood, said that the worst< case scenario would admitted< ly improve the health of every< one in the establishment. Sut the health of the gam< bling and tax revenues might worsen. HIt will drop revenue down, but hopefully in the long run it will bring it up,K Vienger said. Some casinos have already made the move, at least in part, to smoCe free. !he !in RiOOie is one such casino. H\ur philosophy is that our guests should have a choice. Xe have a smoCing floor and a non<smoCing floor,K said Rori Rogan, the general manager of the !in RiOOie !he casino made the switch about a year and a half ago and Rogan said she has not seen a decline or increase or revenue on either floor Some Deadwood casinos have moved partially to smoke free. Tin Lizzie officials say the move hasn’t hurt play. Courtesy photo HPretty much everything has remained the same. SmoCers will play in the Inon smoCing roomJ because of the machine selection. !he same holds true for the non smoCers,K she said. HSoth rooms play well.K She has, however, seen that her customers are happy they have a choice. Xith NovemberNs vote Aust around the corner Rogan said she hopes the vote fails. She wants the casinos to have a choice to allow at least some smoCing. HI do thinC that casinos should be required to offer non smoCing areas,K she added. Rose, who claimed that the harmful effects of second<hand smoCe are not a proven fact, worried that constitutional property rights were at staCe. H\ur country has provisions to protect property rights against the democratic maAori< ty. SmoCing is a legal activity in the state of South DaCota,K he said. !om Nelson, executive direc< tor for the Deadwood Vaming ?ssociation, said the organiOa< tion had limited resources but would also oppose the ban. If voters approve the law in November, however, he said there are other options. H!he ballot issue is pretty definitive, either yes or no, but thereNs a possibility that if it does pass there may be some accommodations that could be put into place in the next leg< islative session,K Nelson said. ? maAor compromise he said could include giving casino owners the option of installing Hfloor to ceiling partitionsK to open up 15 to 20 percent of the floor to smoCing. NEW LISTING Kari Engen Friday, September 24 & Saturday, September 25 Owner/Broker Associate CRS Investment Opportunity Purses, jeans, jackets, sweaters, tops, dress pants, party dresses, sandals.... Four plex available with positive cash flow. Purchase today and start putting money in your pocket tomorrow. Belle Fourche • $112,500 • MLS 33359 140 W. Jackson Blvd • Spearfish, SD 57783 Call 605-641-0670 • Want to have a great time with someone you really love? Markdowns start at 50% and go as low as 90% off! Prices start at 5.99 on the sale racks! $ READ TO YOUR KIDS. 622 Main Street, Spearfish 605-642-3843 Page 36 BLACK HILLS PIONEER Saturday, September 25, 2010 SPEED Continued from Page 3 !"m$th'(), 't,! -'(d "/ (')htmar'!h2 It,44 ru'( y"ur 7ra-$! pr$tty 9u':-2; Th$ 4a!t-9uart$r m'4$ '! a4r$ady 4? mph, 7ut P$r4' !a'd th$ :ha()$ '! u(($:$!!ary2 AIt,! t"" !4"B a(yBay,; h$ !a'd2 Cut th$ !p$$d 4'm't r$du:t'"( Ba! a:tua44y mad$ 7$:au!$ "/ '(:r$a!$d a:t'D'ty at a("th$r !p"t2 D$adB""d P"4':$ Fh'$/ G$44y Hu44$r !a'd th$ :ha()$ Ba! du$ t" d$D$4"pm$(t '( th$ ar$a at th$ t"p "/ th$ h'44 ($ar th$ L"d)$ at D$adB""d a(d Tata(-a: St"ry "/ th$ C'!"(2 Pr'mary :"(:$r(! at th$ '(t$r!$:t'"( ar$ t"ur 7u!$!, D$h':4$! B'th tra'4$r!, tra//': t" th$ ($B D$adB""d Sta)$ Ru( !u7d'D'!'"(, a(d D$adB""d tr"44$y!, Bh':h B'44 $D$(tua44y 7$ $Mpa(d$d t" D'!'t th$ L"d)$2 ATh$ D'!'7'4'ty '! !" p""r 7$:au!$ that '(t$r!$:t'"( '! at th$ :r$!t "/ th$ h'44,; Hu44$r !a'd2 A tur('() 4a($ ha! a4r$ady 7$$( add$d, 7ut A)'D$( th$ :hara:t$r "/ th$ r"adBay a(d th$ 4'm't$d D'!'7'4'ty /"r tur('() tra//':, 4"B$r'() th$ !p$$d 4'm't B"u4d ma-$ 't a 4"t !a/$r2; AI th'(- 't,! a )""d th'(),; a)r$$d Mar:$44a Pu(d$r!"(, "/ Sp$ar/'!h2 AC$:au!$ p$"p4$ B'44 !4"B d"B( a 4'tt4$ 7't '( :a!$ th$r$ ar$ p$"p4$ :"m'() "ut "/ th$r$ - y"u haD$ a 4'tt4$ 7$tt$r :ha(:$ "/ !t"pp'(),; !h$ !a'd2 Pu(d$r!"( a4!" !a'd that th$ r"ad B"u4d 7$ mu:h !a/$r '( B'(t$r 7$:au!$ "/ th$ !4"B$r !p$$d2 AQ$ d" )$t a (um7$r "/ a::'d$(t! $!p$:'a44y '( th$ B'(t$r m"(th!,; Hu44$r !a'd2 AR"ad :"(d't'"(! )$t !" !4':- th$r$, p$"p4$ t$(d t" "D$rdr'D$ th$ r"ad :"(d't'"(!2; Ma(y D$adB""d p"4':$ "//':$r!, '(:4ud'() Hu44$r, haD$ had $Mp$r'$(:$! '(D$!t')at'() a::'d$(t! at th$ t"p "/ th$ h'44 dur'() B'(t$r2 AI,D$ a:tua44y had tr"u74$ !ta(d'() "( th$ r"adBay R y"u d$/'('t$4y B"rry a7"ut y"ur !a/$ty a! B$44 a! th$ !a/$ty "/ "th$r!,; h$ !a'd2 Th'! B$$-$(d, dr'D$r! B'44 ("t':$ a p"rta74$ radar tra'4$r '(/"rm'() m"t"r'!t! "/ th$ ($B !p$$d at th$ t"p "/ th$ h'44, Bh':h Ba! '(!ta44$d 7y D$adB""d p"4':$2 O//':$r! B'44 pr"7a74y Br't$ Bar('()! th'! B$$-$(d, Hu44$r !a'd, 7ut "( M"(day th$ $(/"r:$m$(t B'44 !tart /u44-!B'()2