Newsletter 4-14 - Blue Lagoon Organics


Newsletter 4-14 - Blue Lagoon Organics
781 Hwy 26 St. Francois Xavier, MB
Newsletter #4-14
July 23, 2014
The heat is on and the ripening begins. When we planted raspberries we thought they
would be easy to pick since you
could stand up to do it.
Unfortunately the deer chew the
canes every winter so they
never grow tall. In spite of their
short stature and harsh spring
conditions, they are loaded with
small bumpy morsels of
sweetness. Picking them takes time and is not always pleasant,
especially when your mosquito shirt prevents you from tasting
If you need any encouragement to eat raspberries, fresh
raspberries are an excellent source of vitamin-C, which is also
a powerful natural antioxidant. They are rich in B-complex group of vitamins and vitamin K. The
berries contain very good amounts of vitamin B-6, niacin, riboflavin, and folic acid. These vitamins
function as co-factors and help the body
in the metabolism of carbohydrates,
protein and fats.
Another benefit of the heat and
sunshine is ripe zucchini. In your tub
there will be either
Costata Romanesco, golden zucchini or
Zucchini is a highly alkaline food that is
one of the mildest and easiest
vegetables to digest. Zucchini is a great
source of vitamin A, C, & B-complex as
well as minerals such as iron, zinc,
potassium, and manganese. It is high in fibre and low in calories which makes it a great weight
loss food. There are so many ways to use zucchini. A favourite lunch for us is:
Zucchini Fritters
1/4 red onion, grated
1/2 zucchini, grated
2 tbsp. grated carrot.
2 eggs
pinch of salt
butter or oil for frying
Beat eggs and add remaining ingredients, season for taste. Heat
a small non-stick frying pan over
medium heat. Spoon 2 x 2 tbsp. of
mixture into the pan, leaving room for
spreading. Cook for 2 minutes each side.
Healthy and delicious.
The down side of heat is that lettuce
doesn't like it. When a plant becomes
stressed it makes seed for the survival of the species.
When lettuce becomes stressed, it bolts and a tall stalk emerges in the
centre which contains a milky white fluid. This makes the lettuce bitter.
This week you are probably getting the last of the green romaine. We
have started more lettuce seedlings which should be ready for the
cooler temperatures in a month or two. To go with your last salad box for
now, is parsley, cucumber , garlic scapes and onion.
The field
tomatoes are
slow since
they need
between 15
and 25
Although our
days are hot,
the nights are
often lower
than 15 degrees. The tomatoes are coming slowly and we hope to put them in your tubs soon.
Meanwhile, while you wait, there is
another jar of tomato puree from last
year's harvest. One jar contains quite a
few tomatoes.