The Tyler County Booster
The Tyler County Booster
Serving The People Of Tyler County For 83 Years WWW.EASTTEXASNEWS.COM Thursday, December 10, 2009—Vol. 83, No. 49 75¢ Inside Story Education Commissioner Criticises Federal Standards Initiative AUSTIN—Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott, in an Austin American-Statesman interview Dec. 2, suggested the White House is moving toward a federal takeover of public schools. Scott said the Obama administration’s “Race to the Top” initiative to develop common math and English standards for the nation’s public schools is evidence of a takeover effort. He expressed fear that some day federal education funding for Texas could rely on the state’s participation in Ed Sterling common standards. The Race to the Top program, authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, is a competitive grant program to encourage and reward states that implement education reforms in four areas: See Capital Highlights, Page 3A Area Events Booster Collecting Letters For Santa! The Tyler County Booster is once again this year helping Santa by collecting letters from Tyler County children. Bring them by the office at 205 W. Bluff in Woodville or mail them to: Tyler County Booster P.O. Box 339, Woodville, Tx. 75979 But get to writing those letters, because we must receive them by 5 p.m. Tuesday, December 15, to get them to Santa on time! Tea Party Rally Dec. 12 Tyler County Patriots will hold a Tea Party on the Tyler County Courthouse Square Saturday, December 12, from 10 a.m. until noon. There will be signs and flyers passed out to concerned citizens. This a demonstration rally only, there will be no speakers or entertainment. Bring your signs and flyers to pass out peacefully to anyone interested. Tyler County Census Testing Dates The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting Census Workers for the 2010 U.S. Census. Here is an opportunity to perform an essential service to your country and make some money as well. Testing in Tyler County will take place Thursday, December 3 at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Woodville. Christmas At Sinclair Children’s Center Dec. 12 Sinclair Children’s Center in Woodville will hold a “Christmas at Sinclair Children’s Center” Saturday, December 12, from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the old high school football field, 302 S. Pecan St. Refreshments will be served and old Santa himself will be on hand. Come and show your motorcycle, antique car, sports car, 4-wheeler or any type of vehicle that you want to share. If you would like to donate money to assist in the purchase of Christmas presents, money will be taken at the door. Christmas In Tyler County Entertainers—The Collier Store at Heritage Village featured entertainment, homemade cookies and some welcome hot drinks on a chilly Saturday night of the annual Christmas In Tyler County Celebration. See more photos from the event on Page 6A! DETCOG releases Hurricane Ike Housing Assistance Application Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) announced today that residents of DETCOG’s 12 county area of service that own their homes and still have storm related damages as a result of Hurricane Ike can apply for housing repair and replacement assistance by filling out a Hurricane Ike Housing Repair Assistance Intake Application. The purpose of DETCOG Hurricane Ike Recovery program is to provide assistance become more effective with the community which will result in better law enforcement. Shown below, (l. to r.), Deputies Matt Phillips and Ford, held a fundraiser drawing with John The Booster is collecting groceries for the needy during the holidays to be donated to Caring Is Sharing on December 15. For only $12 you can provide an entire Christmas dinner for a family. Get the shopping list in this week’s Booster and bring your groceries to our office located at 205 West Bluff in Woodville. If you have questions, call us (409) 283-2516. Have a great holiday season from your friends at the Booster. Don’t Miss County Extra Page 1B Woodville, Texas 75 CENTS USPS 645-560 6 8 31 35 News in a minute... Senator Robert Nichols At Lion’s Club Texas District 3 Senator Robert Nichols (R) will speak Thursday, December 10, at Woodville Lions Club regular meeting. The meeting begins at 12 noon. Nichols was elected to the Texas Senate in 2006 and represents 16 counties including the greater part of East Texas, Tyler and Montgomery Counties. He is a businessman from Jacksonville, Texas. 00 00 1 7 See “DETCOG” Page 6b New Tyler County Deputy Sheriff’s Association forms Spearheaded by Deputy Trisher Ford and Deputy Jeff Mashaw, its president, Tyler County Sheriff ’s Deputy Association strives to “become more community involved” as a tool to Booster Collects food for Caring is Sharing to eligible households directly affected by Hurricane Ike, which occurred on September 13, 2008, in the following counties: Angelina, Houston, Jasper, Nacogdoches, Newton, Polk, Sabine, San Augustine, San Jacinto, Shelby, Trinity and Tyler. Approximately $5,300,000 will be available to address Ike home damages in the DETCOG’s service region. Applications will be available on Monday, Morrison, Chairman of the Restorative Justice Ministry Family Service Center, who drew two winners: Shelly Morgan, of Jasper, and Lynn Gentry, of Warren. Each won a $250 gift card from Wal-Mart. Shown also (at right) is Deputy Donald Calhoon. Persons who would like to send financial support to assist the newly forming charitable organization may call the Sheriff’s Office at 409-283-2172 and ask for Deputies Mashaw, Ford or Calhoon to make a contribution. Persons may respond by mail to: TC Deputy Sheriff’s Assn., 702 N. Magnolia, Woodville, Tx 75979. Christmas In Tyler County Photos Page 6A WOODVILLE UNITED METHODIST GREETERS— Shown left to right are : Annette Smith, Rev. Tommy Williams and Shepherd Doug Libby. The three were welcoming visitors to the church Saturday which offered many Nativity scenes on display as well as a Chrismon Tree. DSHS: H1N1 Vaccine Providers to target Priority Groups With H1N1 vaccine availability increasing, the Texas Department of State Health Services is now urging providers to target all priority groups for the vaccine. This includes the addition today of anyone 5 through 24 years See “Sheriff’s Corner” Page 4A Veteran Transportation Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed immediately to drive the van that takes Veterans to Houston for medical care. You do not have to be a veteran and need only a regular drivers license. For more information please call the Tyler County Veterans Service office at (409) 283-3751 or (409) 283-2493. These veterans really need your help. CMYK Page 2A THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Obituaries Billie Collins $4.99 35 Ct. C6 LED Light Set White, Multi-Color or Warm White. Connect up to 85 sets. 9121120, 9121112, 9135401 $4.99 200 Ct. Mini Light Set Clear or multi-color bulbs. Indoor/Outdoor. 9135088, 9135096 211 West Bluff • Woodville (409) 283-2231 Billie Merle Rogers Collins, 74, of Woodville passed away unto the Lord on December 1, 2009. Born October 11, 1935 in Corrigan, Tx to Alva Lee Rogers and Elizabeth Cloudy, she lived in Woodville for many years. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother and sister. Being known for accomplishing many good deeds throughout her lifetime, she was an active member of her church where she shared her faith by donating efforts to a variety of ministries. Billie enjoyed quilting, a talent passed down from her mother. She loved flowers as well. Her four year old great granddaughter said that God looked down from Heaven and saw granny planting flowers. He took the prettiest flower to live with Him-Granny. She shall be missed Mrs. Collins was preceded in death by her parents and a daughter, Pamela Sue Collins. She is survived by her loving husband of 58 years, Narline “Cotton” Collins of Woodville; daughter, Sheila M. Hughes and husband, Robert of Pasadena; son, Ralph Lee Collins of Katy; brother, Tommy Rogers of Humble; grandchildren, Rob Hughes, Tyler CounTy afghans on sale now aT The Tyler CounTy Chamber offiCe! $45 eaCh! great Christmas gift idea! Tyler CounTy Chamber of CommerCe • 717 W. Bluff Street • Woodville, Texas 75979 409-283-2632 • Fax 409-283-6884 The perfect Stephanie Wulf, Erika Brunson, Matthew Collins, and Katie Collins; great grandchildren, Robby, Jenna, Craily, Mikayla, Seth, and Brody; and numerous nieces, nephews and friends. Funeral service was held Friday, December 4, 2009, at 2 p.m. at the Riley Funeral Home Chapel with Brother Hails Taylor, Brother Larry Trest and Brother Keith Bellamy officiating. Burial followed at Pine Grove Cemetery in Polk County. Visitation was held Thursday evening at the funeral home. Serving as pallbearers were family members. Services were held under the direction of Riley Funeral Home of Tyler County. Charles Slayton Charles A. Slayton, Jr., 83, of Warren passed away peacefully on December 1, 2009. Born December 26, 1925 in Nederland, Tx to Charles A. Slayton, Sr. and Mary Ella Richter, he retired from the Nederland Fire Department as Assistant Chief with 37 years of service before moving to Warren ten years ago. He was a member of the Bethel Baptist Church in Warren and a World War II and Korean Navy Veteran. Charles was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Slayton and daughter, Veronica Slayton. He is survived by his son and daughter-in-law, Pierre and Sherry Eversole; daughters and sons-in-law, Gale and Rodger Richard, Janet Susan and Dany Terrell, Marita Schaefer, Charlene and David Mullenax, Kim and Bryan Smith, Angela and Billy Dobbins; nineteen grandchildren, seventeen great grandchildren, and five great, great grandchildren. Funeral service was held Friday, December 4, 2009, at 11 a.m. at the Bethel Baptist Church in Warren. Burial followed at Allison Cemetery with full Fireman Honors handled by the Nederland Fire Department assisted by Warren Fire Department, Ivanhoe Fire Department, Dam-B Fire Department, Colmesneil Fire Department and Kountze Fire Department. Military honors were provided by the U. S. Navy and the Southeast Texas Veterans Honor Guard. Visitation was held Thursday evening at the funeral home. Serving as pallbearers were the members of the Nederland STORM 2 Fire Department with honorary pallbearers being members of the area fire departments. Services were held under the direction of Riley Funeral Home of Tyler County. Saturday, December 19, 2009, at the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Woodville at 2 p.m. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to Masonic Home and School of Texas, 338 Grapevine, P.O. Box 55189, Hurst, Tx 76054, in memory of Otho W. Connie Martin Franklin. Connie LaJean Martin, 52, of Services are held under the Warren passed away peacefully direction of Riley Funeral Home on December 7, 2009 after a of Tyler County. short and courageous battle with cancer. Laura Faye Born February 19, 1957 in Bellville, Tx to Jack H. McClain Funeral services for Laura and Jimmie R. Rodgers, she lived Faye Drake Frizzell, 66, of Fred, in Warren for seven years. She were held at 2:00 pm Saturday, was a loving partner, mother, December 5, 2009 at Caneyhead grandmother, sister and friend Assembly of God Church with to all who knew and loved her. interment following at Franks Connie was survived by her Branch Cemetery in Fred. Visitaloving life partner, Larry Hare tion began at 2:00 pm Friday at of Warren; daughters, Wendi the Frizzell residence in Fred. McIntyre of Silsbee, Shirley Mrs. Frizzell died December Payne of Lumberton and Jimmie 2, 2009 at Christus St. Elizabeth Nelson of Village Mills; brother, Hospital in Beaumont. Charles McClain of Silsbee; A native and lifelong resident grandchildren, Anthony Roark, of Fred, Laura Faye was a Taylor “Niki Marie” Roark, retired registered nurse. She Emily McIntyre, Piper “Peter” was a loving wife, mother and McIntyre, James “Homer” J. grandmother. Payne, Chad “Chip” H. Payne, Laura Faye is survived by her Danna Nelson, Donnie “LuLu” husband Robert Frizzell Sr. of Nelson, Meaghon “Magg Pie” Fred; sons Robert Frizzell Jr. Nelson, William “Willie” Nelson of Bossier City, LA and Nathan and James “Ricky” Nelson; and Frizzell of Houston; granchildren numerous nieces, nephews, other Shelby, Ellen and Laura Frizzell family members and friends. and sisters Ramona Jenkins of A graveside service will be held Fred, Lottie May McNaughten Thursday, December 10, 2009, at of Silsbee and Alice Harrison of 11 a.m. at the Village Mills Cem- Silsbee. etery in Village Mills. Visitation Farmer Funeral Home. was held Wednesday from 4 p.m. Condolences will be accepted until 9 p.m. at the Riley Funeral at http://www.timeformemory. Home in Woodville. com/farmer Services are held under the direction of Riley Funeral Home William Owen of Tyler County. William A. “Bill” Owen, 69, of Woodville, passed away, Otho Franklin Tuesday, December 1, 2009 at Otho “Jimmy” Wade Franklin, Lufkin Memorial Hospital in III, 71, of Woodville passed Lufkin, Texas. away peacefully on December Memorial services were 6, 2009. held Thursday, December 3 at Born July 30, 1938 in Wood- 2:00 p.m. at Stringer & Griffin ville, Tx to Otho Wade Franklin, Funeral Home Chapel in WoodJr. and Emma Lillian Griffin, he ville. Officiating was Reverend lived in Woodville most of his Bobby Cruse. life. He was retired from the U. Bill was born September 15, S. Navy with 26 years of service 1940 to William Aaron & Lucille where he served in the Vietnam Owen in Wichita Falls, Texas. War. He was a member of the He was a longtime resident of Winnie-Stowell Masonic Lodge Tyler County and had owned #1377, Southeast Texas #308 R & operated Hilltop Grocery in & S.M., #465 R. A. M. and the Colmesneil and B & B Grocery American Legion Post #0299. in Woodville. Jimmy is survived by his loving He was preceded in death by wife, Susan Franklin of Wood- his father, Aaron Owen and his ville; daughters, Heidi Franklin brother Johnny Owen. of Houston, Heather Lindstrom He is survived by his wife, of El Paso, and Judith Morris of Sandy Owen of Woodville; Kemah; sons, James Franklin mother, Lucille Owen of Wichita of Winnie and John Franklin of Falls; sons, Frank Owen, Chase Moscow, Tenn.; sister, Judith Owen and Blake Rains all of Aran of Beaumont; brother, Woodville and Rusty Owen of David Franklin of Galveston; Fort Worth; daughter, Cathy grandchildren, Steven McLaugh- O’Donnell of Florida; sisters, lin and Nicholas McLaughlin Sandra Mills of Fort Worth and both of Houston, John Franklin, Diane Russell of Wichita Falls; Jr. of Moscow, Tenn, Dalton grandchildren, T.J. O’Donnell, Franklin of Coal Valley, ILL, Sarah Owen, Rachel Owen and Meghan Doyle and Hannah Rebekah Owen. Doyle both of El Paso and Emma Services were under the diFranklin of Winnie. rection of Stringer & Griffin A memorial service will be held Funeral Home of Woodville. Help Feed a Family This Christmas For only $12 you can give the gift of “plenty” to a family in need. Bring in your bag of groceries to the Tyler County Booster office at 205 W. Bluff in Woodville by 5pm on Tuesday, December 15. All donations will be given to Caring is Sharing for distribution before Christmas. Happy Holidays! Shopping List A&M Wireless WOODVILLE 100 South Charlton (409) 283-9000 (Across from the Courthouse) A&M Wireless LIVINGSTON 117 Southpoint Loop Plaza Suite 100 (936) 327-4601 (Baskins Shopping Center) 2 CAnS CHiCken BroTH 1 CAn PumPkin 1 CAn evAPorATeD milk 4 CAnS vegeTABleS 4 PkgS CornBreAD mix 1 CAn CrAnBerry SAuCe 1 Pkg grAvy mix 2 CAnS yAmS 1 Pkg muFFin mix 1 Pkg DeSSerT mix CMYK December 10, 2009 THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Opinion Education Commissioner criticises federal standards initiative By Ed Sterling White joins race for governor documents to a Web site. AUSTIN—Texas Education Commissioner Robert Scott, in an Austin American-Statesman interview Dec. 2, suggested the White House is moving toward a federal takeover of public Capitol Highlights schools. Scott By said the Obama administraEd tion’s “Race to Sterling the Top” initiative to develop common math and English standards for the nation’s public schools is evidence of a takeover effort. He expressed fear that some day federal education funding for Texas could rely on the state’s participation in common standards. The Race to the Top program, authorized under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, is a competitive grant program to encourage and reward states that implement education reforms in four areas: Enhancing standards and assessments; Improving the collection and use of data; Increasing teacher effectiveness and achieving equity in teacher distribution; and Turning around struggling schools. The U.S. Department of Education will award $4.35 billion in Race to the Top funding in two phases, with Phase 1 funding awarded in spring 2010 and Phase 2 funding awarded by Sept. 30, 2010. Texas’ share could be as much as $700 million. Houston Mayor Bill White, a Democrat, announced his candidacy for governor on Dec. 4. White’s last day as mayor will be Jan. 2. He has served six years at the post and cannot run for a third term because of term limits. The San Antonio native is a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Texas School of Law. President Bill Clinton appointed White Deputy Secretary of Energy in 1993 and he served in that capacity until 1995. Upon White’s announcement, rancher Hank Gilbert of Tyler ended his candidacy for governor and instead will run for agriculture commissioner on the Democratic ticket. TxDOT toll violation program ends Financial openness is recognized The Texas Comptroller’s office has launched a new “Leadership Circle” program to spotlight local governmental bodies that have opened their financial records to the public. The state agency set gold, silver and bronze achievement standards to rate governmental bodies on their level of transparency. A score sheet checks for financial transparency features including budgets posted online for the current fiscal year; details within the check register; ease of access to the documents; creative use of charts or visual images to make data more understandable; instructions on how to submit a public information request; and the availability of contact information for current locally elected officials. And, Combs’ agency is collaborating with graduate students from the University of Texas’ LBJ School of Public Affairs, the Texas Municipal League and Texas Association of Counties to develop a template that will allow local governments to more easily add financial Nov. 30 marked the end of an opportunity for toll road users to reduce violation fees for unpaid tolls. TxDOT offered to waive 90 percent of administrative and collection fees accrued in return for payment of all outstanding tolls. Late-payers also were required to open a “TxTag” account and keep it in good standing to receive the fee reduction. About $3 million in late tolls remain owed by roughly 140,000 toll road users, TxDOT said. Abbott defends Texas pledge words Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott on Dec. 1 filed a brief with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit defending the constitutionality of the Texas Pledge of Allegiance. A pending case claims the use of the words “under God” in the pledge violate the separation clause in the First Amendment. Lottery discourages tickets for kids The Texas Lottery on Dec. 3 announced it has joined with the National Council on Problem Gambling and McGill University in discouraging adults from purchasing lottery tickets for children. “Holiday tickets with festive artwork and winter themes are always popular as stocking stuffers, but the games are designed with adults in mind. You must be at least 18 years old to purchase a Texas Lottery ticket,” said Texas Lottery Commission Deputy Executive Director Gary Grief. ‘Twilight Tour’ at Village drew large crowd Saturday After a nice snowy day on Friday what could have been better than being at Heritage Village for the Twilight Tour of the Village on Saturday evening. Snow was still on the ground in some Heritage Village of the shady places and the temperature By was just right Sandy for Christmas Taylor music and hot beverages. What a great way to begin the holiday season. Since we did not do an actual head count we don’t know for sure how many guests were present but we do know that we used more than 300 cups to serve the hot chocolate and wassail! That’s a lot of beverage to go with the many cookies that were served. We know that in addition to our “home folks”, we had visitors from as far away as Shreveport, Tyler and Houston. Santa was busy listening to all the requests and declarations of being good all year. Thank you Santa, for all your help and for taking time from your busy schedule this time of year to visit with our boys and girls. “Yeller Dawg”, Priscilla and James Hale, finished entertaining on the stage and went into the Gift Shop to continue with their music. The combined choirs from the Woodville schools and the children from St. Paul’s Episcopal School were just wonderful with their selections of Christmas music. Thank you for sharing with us. Thanks to Margie Fortenberry and her granddaughter Mattie who repeated their performances from last year and entertained in the Collier Store. During the entertainment, which could be heard throughout the Village, people were free to walk through the buildings and look at the decorations. The Stewart Schoolhouse was decorated with ornaments made by the children from the MEMBER 2009 TEXAS PRESS ASSOCIATION The Tyler County Booster Serving the people of Tyler County since 1930. 205 W. Bluff, P.O. Box 339, Woodville, Texas 75979 Phone 409-283-2516 Fax 409-283-2560 Alvin Holley, Publisher John Morrison, General Manager Jim Powers, News Editor Debbie McCluskey, Bookkeeping B ecky Byley, Advertising Director Lynn Lewis, Receptionist/Classified Kelli Barnes, County Extra/Advertising Debbie Walker, Receptionist Cyndie Schmidt, Graphic Design John Morrison, Society/Religion Reporter Alvin Dominy, Route Delivery Sandy Taylor, Heritage Village Lou Roesch Sports Reporter The Tyler County Booster (USPS 645-560) is published weekly on Thursdays by Polk County Publishing Co., Inc., Alvin Holley., Publisher, 205 W. Bluff Street, Woodville, Texas, 75979. Subscription rates are $20.00 per year in Tyler County, Texas, $25 per year out of County, $35 per year out of State. Airmail overseas is available at an extra cost, depending on destination. Entered as Perodical postage paid at Woodville, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send changes of address to THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER, P.O. BOX 339, WOODVILLE, TEXAS 75979. Opinions expressed in signed articles are those of the writer alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Tyler County Booster. Letters to the Editor, which appear in the Readers Write column, should not exceed 250 words and must be signed and include an address or telephone number to verify authorship. No anonymous letters will be published While the publisher makes every attempt to publish letters and other items of information, readers must understand that space is of the essence and articles published free of charge are costly to the publisher and done so as a public service. It is possible that some letters, items of interest, and other articles may be withheld or edited unless space is reserved by payment. The publisher reserves the ultimate authority to publish or reject any item, whether paid or not, at any time without notice at his sole discretion. A full refund of advance payment will be made, but no other liability or damages can be accepted. PLEASE BRING ALL NEWS ITEMS AND LETTERS TO OUR OFFICE BY 5 P.M. ON MONDAY. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for redress of grievances.” -- First Amendment of U.S. Constitution. 1st grade classroom in Lufkin where Christy Smith is a teacher. Christy is the granddaughter of the late Bill Stewart of Lufkin who was a long-time volunteer at the Village. The Stewart family worked together to get the schoolhouse decorated for the Twilight Tour evening. The Railroad Museum was open and very popular with the younger visitors. Blake and Yvonne Goff had eight trains running to everyone’s delight. The evening concluded with the service in the Cherokee Church which was full to overflowing. Beverly Reese played the piano while the assembled group sang carols. Matt Moody sang “O Holy Night”. Maurice Bigham and his friends from Dallas, Robert and Julia Gatliff, played Christmas music on their Indian flutes. Tommy Williams, pastor from Woodville United Methodist Church, retold the Christmas story. The service ended with people exiting the church singing “Silent Night”, led by Maurice and friends playing on the flutes. What a wonderful ending! If you missed the evening, plan on attending next year. Until then you can still enjoy the decorated buildings and exhibit of old toys in the Gift Shop until the first of the year. Why not come out and shop the Gift Shop for your holiday presents? You will find a good selection of unique items for the special ones on your gift list. We have several new children’s books. We have stocking stuffers in a wide price range. We have candles and homemade jellies and jams. If you are looking for an unusual decoration for your tree you might want to look in the Christmas section of the Gift Shop. Saturday, Dec. 5, the Whitmeyer family held a surprise belated birthday party for Manie Whitmeyer in the Pickett House. Children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren came from all around to honor this special lady. The Pickett House and Gift Shop will be closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. They will both be open on the Saturday following the holiday. Page 3A PROfessions: Autumn Leaves It’s about over for the year, but for a couple of months we’ve been treated to God’s annual display of extravagant color in the woods. It seems to me that 2009 has been one of those special years that come along once in a while. The hickories, sumacs, sweetgums, maples, and tulip trees have really put on a show. Don’t say you haven’t noticed; where were you looking? Even with all the beauty, I have to recall that East Texas is not in the picture with the northeast. We lived in western Connecticut for eight years, right in the heart of the fabulous foliage. What makes the difference? That’s easy – it’s the sugar maples. They don’t grow well in the south, but dominate the deciduous forests of the northeast. And their exuberant display of fall foliage simple defies description (but I’m gonna try it anyway!). The colors range from brightest gold down through all shades of red, even with a few mauves and fuchsias. I well remember driving down the main street of Ridgefield, lined with maples in brilliant yellow-gold coloring. The sun was out, and the whole interior of the car was suffused with golden light. One reason that the northeastern autumns are more spectacular than ours is that all the trees come into their brilliant plumage at about the same time. The sharp demarcation of seasons seems to cause this sudden transition. Our forests don’t experience that abruptness. Their colorizing time is always spread over two months or more, first the sumacs, tallows, and dogwoods, then the maples, black gums, and tulip trees, and finally the hickories and sweetgums. Perhaps it’s just as well. The northeast leaf season is spectacular but brief. A sizeable tourist industry is built around the fall foliage tours. But sometimes the weather does not cooperate. Foliage time may come early or late, or sometimes with disappointing intensity. When such things happen, the tourism-based businesses take a beating, with nobody to blame but God! Why do the leaves change color? I’ve heard brain-trusters maundering about what happens to the sugars and starches and such, but I’ve never known of anyone who could explain how these chemical changes create such variegated flamboyance. The big-bang evolutionists are even more inclined to change the subject; there’s just no way that red and yellow maple leaves could contribute to survival of the fittest. But all this controversy doesn’t bother God a bit. He did it on purpose, because beauty and variety are part of his grand plan. And I need no further explanation. Different parts of the world are variously favored by fall colors, but I have to believe that the northeastern U.S.A. and adjacent Canadian forests hold the championship. The U.S.A. seems to be excepProfessions tionally rich in the variety of By such displays. David The sugar maRust ples grow well as far west as Michigan, and as far south as Tennessee and Kentucky. They can grow even further south. My grandmother pulled up a sugar maple sprout from Andrew Jackson’s estate in Tennessee, the Hermitage. She kept it moist until they got home, and replanted it in the front yard of their new home in northeast Louisiana, in 1936. It flourished, and in time turned out to be one of the truly awe-inspiring trees. In fall it changes to a solid blaze of scarlet, so eye-catching that cars stop on the road so people can admire it. In this part of the world, my favorites are the sweetgums and the tulip trees. Sweetgums are almost as variegated in their coloring as the maples, though they don’t attain the brilliant reds and yellows. Tulip trees (not the Japanese magnolias that are sometimes called by that name!) have the peculiar and appealing trait of changing color in patches. At their peak, their green backgrounds will be polka-dotted with brilliant yellows, very attractive. These native American trees are beautiful the year round, but not very common. Folks in the Rockies have to make do with aspens, which take on a beautiful golden yellow, but all pretty much the same. Further west, there is even less variety. Most of the forests are evergreen, and don’t change color at all. Many an attempt has been made by artists and photographers to capture the beauty of fall foliage, but they just can’t put that three-dimensional surrounding splendor on a flat surface. And it’s just as well. We would soon get bored if we had it with us all the time, on demand. Ephraim says, “Them leaves shore kin be purty. But then yuh got tuh rake ‘em up!” Shalom… Readers Write Readers Write Guidelines The Tyler County Booster provides this space so that readers can express their opinions on important issues facing the county and encourages you to share your thoughts with other readers of the newspaper. In order to provide space to as many readers as possible each week, The Tyler County Booster has established guidelines for letters submitted to be included in Readers Write. Letters to the Editor, which appear in the Readers Write column, should not exceed 250 words and must be signed and include an address or telephone number to verify authorship. No anonymous letters will be published. We can not publish copies of letters you have written to third parties. All letters should be original and directed to Readers Write. While we attempt to publish all letters that meet our guidelines each week, letters are published on a space available basis and we cannot guarantee their publication. Thanks to those who worked so hard on Christmas In Tyler County Dear Reader’s Write: Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow…..and that’s exactly what happened on Friday, December 4, 2009. We would like to thank the many wonderful people of our county, the Chamber of Commerce & Tyler County Booster for the promotion of “Christmas in Tyler County ” and “Dickens in the Country.” Thank you to the City of Woodville, Mayor and City Council for being so generous in the funding of the snow that so many children, both little and big (adults) enjoyed both Friday night and Saturday. Thanks to First Baptist Church for the lawn space for the snow. To the Tyler County Commissioners, County Judge and support staff, thank you for all the work in making a magical night for the little ones of our county. When the lights came on there were many little faces that lit up with it. A special thank you to Jean & Beau Arthur for sharing their beautiful wreath that is hanging near the top of the Courthouse in memory of a loving husband and father, Bill Arthur. We appreciate all the efforts of the downtown merchants in the lighting of their buildings. Thank you, Woodville’s Police Department, Police Academy and Fire Department for all of your support in helping keep everyone safe. To Annette Yeager at The Vintage Dress Maker, a very special thank you for your beautiful creations of costumes. Thank you to Len Pelly, C.D. Woodrome and Monte Pencil for providing the sound on Friday and Saturday’s events. Anne Bloomquest and family, a big thank you for allowing the Wheat home to be used to host Santa Claus for picture on the front porch-what a beautiful keepsake for our children to have of the happy memories of the ushering in of Christmas in Tyler County. Thank you Bob Boykin & staff of Bob’s Photography for your generous gift of time and your donation back to the event. Santa & his elf were great. The “Tyler County Christmas Tree” was beautiful and we want to thank all the Tyler County schools who participated in decorating the tree. To our younger children from Wee Wisdom, who were in front of the courthouse in the manger presenting “The Birth of Jesus.” Thank you for allowing the bigger people to See “Reader’s Write” Page 5B CMYK Page 4A THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Society A note of thanks from the Narlon Chambless Family We would like to thank all who have prayed for Narlon, those who came, sent flowers, sent cards, brought food, or whatever they did. We will always be grateful for it. Emporium for thE artS prESEntS It’s A Girl! Scott and Tabitha Holloway of Woodville announce the birth of their daughter, Abigail Reann, born November 11, 2009 at Woodland Heights Medical Center. Abigail weighed 7 lbs, 12 oz. and was 19 inches long. She has a brother, Dawson. Grandparents are Earl and Elaine Holloway of Waco, Tx. and, Marvin and Brenda Burnett of Kountze. Great Grandparents are Kenneth and Frances Watts of Harden, Texas. Christmas Lights Worth Seeing December 11 & 12 at 7:00pm December 18 & 19 at 7:00pm Decemer 13 & 20 at 2:30pm Tickets available at the Art Gallery or call 283-2788 Emporium StagE 212 W. Bluff Hwy 190 Woodville, TX (A Tall Tale) Set your radio dial to 104.1 FM and drive to Bruce Womacks Redneck Christmas lights set to music. You won’t be disappointed! Driving directions: Take FM 1746 from Woodville off Hwy. 190 East and travel a couple of miles to CR 4335. Turn right and follow the road til you see lights! Couple Wed—Debra and George Deckard, Jr. of Colmesneil, Texas, are proud to announce the marriage of their son Dustin David Deckard to Elizabeth Grace Salvato, daughter of Diane and Joe Salvato of Lufkin. The groom is the grandson of George and Edith Gace and the late Donna Bernsen and George Deckard, all of La Marque, Texas. Dustin is a 2005 graduate of Colmesneil High School. The bride is a 2005 graduate of Hudson High School. The couple will reside in Austin. DSHS: H1N1 Vaccine Providers to target Priority Groups...from Pg. 1A of age. The priority groups are: Pregnant women People 6 months through 24 years of age People 25 through 64 years of age with high-risk health conditions Health care workers who provide direct patient care Close contacts of infants 6 months or younger These groups were established to help protect those most at risk. Providers continue to have the responsibility to determine WATT’S IT TO YOU? who should be vaccinated and whether priority groups have been adequately served in their practices and communities. People in the priority groups should check with their usual health care provider about vaccine availability or use the flu vaccine locator service now available on to find vaccine. The flu locator listing will be updated and expanded to include pharmacies and other providers as more vaccine becomes available. Due to an initial limited national supply of the vaccine, DSHS has been using a targeted approach to vaccine distribution. In early October, Texas received its first shipments of the H1N1 vaccine and provided those initial doses to doctors serving 2- and 3-year-olds and pregnant women. Since then, DSHS has periodically expanded the target groups as vaccine supplies increased nationally. Tyler County Aging Center 283-2400 • 201 Willow Menu - Donation of $2 for Seniors Anyone below the age of 60 must pay $6.74 Daily Dominos 11am - 4pm Bingo every Wed. 12:30pm The Center serves nutritious meals 5 days a week and is funded in part by the Area Agency on Aging SOMEWHERE AROUND $370 A YEAR. Taking steps to save energy can save you as much as 30 percent on your annual electric costs. But conserving is more than money in your pocket. It’s money in everyone’s pocket and could mean lower costs overall down the line. In fact, if every U.S. household re p l a c e d j u s t o n e i n c a n d e s c e n t b u l b w i t h a c o m p a c t f l u o re s c e n t light bulb (CFL), it’s estimated that enough energy would be saved to light seven million homes and save $600 million in utility bills. Decreased demand will lead to reduced energy rates and lessen the need to build power plants. Good news for today and generations to come. F I A WA S H E 1-800-458-0381 For more tips on saving energy and money, visit S H E S A C I R C L E AC RO E L NE AM F A ON O T B A L LM L A L L E Y C A T B E A D Last Puzzle Solution I L A D E D E A O A D E L U B R A T OR Y E X E S E P RO R T E R L S D A R A I L S E A S ON A S A N T S O A T S R ROR I C A T I ON T R A I L S S O V I E T T AW I L D E I N N E A D L C T A ON S-005 Light Has Come! December 13, 2009 Time: 6:00 P.M. At FBC Woodville A Christmas program including the Celebration Choir, SPAM, Praise Team, and the Children’s Choir. Everyone is Invited. CMYK December 10, 2009 THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 5A Tyler County Church News Church Events This Week From the Vicar…….. John The Baptiser Christmas Day Service at New Pilgrim Fr. Stephen Secaur St. Paul’s Episcopal Church Planning for the Christmas Day Service at New Pilgrim Baptist Church are shaping up and you are cordially invited to share with this church community a very festive day and a word for the Lord. Guest speaker will be Pastor Anthony Terrell of the Lord of the Harvest Non-denominational Church of Dallas, Tx. The service will begin at 11 a.m. with a fellowship dinner following to be held at the Nutrition Center in Woodville. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish to be shared with everyone less fortunate or who just doesn’t have anyone to be with on this very special day. Come and let’s give thanks because Jesus is the Reason for the Season. New Pilgrim Baptist Pastor is Rev. James Mitchell. Dogwood Hills Celebration Choir offers ‘Bringing Christmas Home’ CHRISMON TREE DISPLAY—Guests Stanley and Iris Hensarling, ( second and third from right), are shown viewing the Woodville United Methodist Church The ‘Celebration Choir’ of Dogwood Hills Baptist Church invites Chrismon Tree in the sanctuary as part of the Churches many displays of Nathe families of Tyler County to come join them in a journey of tivity Scenes for visitors to see. Shown also are, (l. to r.): Sue Dehaven, Sam ‘Bringing Christmas Home’ on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 6:30 p.m. and Gallier, and, at right, Anne Tolbert. on Sunday, Dec. 13, at 11 a.m. Come and experience the Bethlehem Story of a Savior who understands our pain and feels our heartaches; who came not only to offer healing and forgiveness but redemption. The choir is under the direction of Debbie Yancy. Pastor is Chad Barnes. Dogwood Hills Baptist Church is located on Hwy 190 West. For more information call the church office at 409-283-3202. Pineywood Baptist begins services Under the Pastoral Leadership of Linn Dykes the Pineywood Baptist Church located 5 miles east from Colmesneil on FM 256 is now open and meets at 10 a.m. each Sunday. Persons who are interested in worshiping there may contact Faye Denman at 936-897-8407 for more information. The church officially opened again on Sunday Nov. 8. Pastor Dykes can be reached at 936-554-1480. Halleluiah—Light Has Come! Christmas Program At First Baptist Sunday, Dec. 13 at 6 p.m. A First Baptist Church Christmas program entitled Halleluiah— Light Has Come! Will include the Celebration Choir, SPAM, Praise Team, and the Children’s Choir. Everyone is Invited. Faith Lutheran Advent Supper and Services You are invited to Advent Supper and Services at Faith Lutheran Church, 704 West Holly @ S. Pecan St. in Woodville Thursdays, December 3-17. Supper will be served at 6 p.m. and services will start at 7 p.m. Advent Theme Advent Silence—Most people speak thousands of words each day. Can you imagine yourself not being able to speak? Can you imagine not being able to speak to anyone for 9 months? That’s what happened to a priest named Zechariah when he refused to believe God’s message. Learn more about Advent Silence on Thursday, December 3. Advent Faith—Imagine that you are a 14 or 15 year old girl. (Guys, work with me here.) You’re a virgin. Imagine that God’s angel tells you that, even though you’ve never had sex, you are going to give birth to a baby. Imagine that God’s angel tells you that your Son will be GOD in the flesh, the Messiah, the Anointed One, the One who will SAVE ALL PEOPLE from their sins. Learn more about Advent Faith on Thursday, December 10. Advent Action—Imagine that you live at a time when marriage is treated sacredly, as a lifelong union between one man and one woman, as God commands. Imagine that you are a man (Gals, work with me here), you dearly love your bride to be, and are waiting until you’re married to have sex. Imagine that your bride to be tells you, “I’m pregnant,” What do you do? Come and learn about Advent Action on Thursday, December 17. For More Info, Call Pastor Follett at 429-6806. It is not too late to schedule your ad in the 2010 DISCOVER TYLER COUNTY MAGAZINE But...there are only two spots left! 1/4 page for $350 and 1/8 page for $200. Schedule by calling: Becky Byley (409) 283-2516 or email Send your Church News to John Morrison or call (409) 283-2516 VIEW NATIVITY SCENES—Mother Maxine Dean, (r.), and daughter Christy Spurlock toured the Woodville United Methodist Church Nativity displays on Saturday. Here they are shown in the Fellowship Hall where numerous scenes were set up. There was also yuletide refreshments offered during the excursion. Tough Love Bethany Williams Who exactly did Jesus mean when He said we were to love our neighbors as ourselves? As we maneuver crowded holiday schedules with high expectations and tight pocket books, it’s hard enough to love our family well. This whole loving our neighbor thing in addition is pretty tough! Yet, some of us do an especially good job of loving our neighbor this season. We donate to the local food bank, give an extra offering to the church, adopt an Angel, and donate clothes for the needy. These are wonderful ways to honor the Christ Child as He comes. Could we also grow in new ways of love this season? Finding the information too difficult, I’ve often put down the articles, turned off the news, and refused to listen to hard topics: war, conflict, oppression, injustice. After all, in ages past, people had only to deal with the concerns of the region in which they lived, not the troubles of the whole world. This excuse has worked for me for a long time. And these organic tree hugging people! Waste, chemicals, pesticides, VOCs, off-gassing. They just keep coming up with more things for us to worry about. Then there’s the fair trade issue! If one coffee is labeled fair trade, does this mean most coffee reaches our stores after manufacturers did not pay coffee growers a fair living wage or did not treat them decently? If we have such a thing now as slavefree chocolate, does this mean that other chocolate has come to the store tainted by the use of slaves? It’s just too much to bear! Ignorance is truly bliss. I honestly did like it better when I didn’t know. I don’t want to have to worry about any of these things. But here lies the rub. Jesus told me to love my neighbors as myself. As much as I do not want the burden, I do live in a world where my purchases, my votes, my activities truly do affect many, many unseen neighbors the world over. And Jesus loves them, and therefore, so should I. He does not only call me to love them with emotions and well-wishes, a sad face when I hear a story and then go on about my business. This would be, as my pastor pointed out recently, a misunderstanding of what my business is. Jesus calls me to love them with my mind, my research, my actions, my purchases, my votes, my letters to my representatives, my awareness of current issues. And He calls me to love them as I pray for God’s kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. A christian author recently wrote that we have so many unbelieving activists and inactive believers. Ouch! May we not be inactive believers! I’ve just read a fantastic new book, Everyday Justice by Julie Clawson, that helps me understand how I can make some everyday lifestyle choices that can actually work toward justice in our world. Clawson gives wonderful tips without leaving her readers overwhelmed. So this year, I’m working to show a little more love. Even though I’ve recently said I could not afford fair trade coffee, I now believe that I cannot afford to not buy fair trade coffee. I now picture my neighbors behind the coffee, and realize that with my dollars, I can fight for justice for them. Coffee is obviously not it. But my purchases of fair trade coffee help me work toward a more just lifestyle. Would you believe, my daughter may even be getting a fair trade soccer ball for Christmas! Let’s take it one step further as we truly seek “peace on earth and goodwill toward men”! It’s tough to love, but Jesus never said it would be easy. The Greek word attributed to Baptizer could also be the Dipper. Evidently, John’s baptism was of total immersion. Remember, in the Gospel account it says “when Jesus came up out of the water….”, so it is evident that immersion was John’s method. Of course, John’s baptism was not the same as what we practice as Christian baptism. It was a baptism of repentance that had overtones of ritual purity in the Hebrew tradition. One thing about the Gospel accounts of John that has always intrigued me is how he was able to be so charismatic and attract huge throngs of people to come for the baptism of repentance while he was this wild man who wore animal skins and probably didn’t comb his hair. And, then, on top of his appearance, his message was ferocious and not at all gentle. He called the Pharisees a brood of vipers. He probably wouldn’t make the list of candidates for a present day church issuing a call for a new pastor. He must have been a compelling speaker to attract so many despite his appearance and nearly hostile message. He was the last in the long line of Hebrew prophets. Our Muslim friends classify Jesus as merely a prophet—but we know better than that. John’s whole ministry and short life was all about pointing to Jesus and preparing people for the promised Messiah. I believe that my favorite John the Baptist quote as attributed to the evangelist John is where he pointed to Jesus and said, “behold, the lamb of God.” This attribution would have been understood immediately by a Jewish audience. The perfect lamb was considered the ideal sacrifice to God in the temple. The idea of the scapegoat, where a goat or lamb took on the sins of all the people is ingrained in our culture still as a residual of our Jewish heritage through the early church. It was understood, but probably was confusing to those hearing John the Baptist call Jesus the lamb of God. They would have thought, “wait if he is the Messiah, how can it be that he will bear the sins of the people and die for them?” Jesus’ life and death and resurrection became a stumbling block to the Jews. We can sympathize with their confusion. They had been expecting a military/political Messiah, and not a gentle teacher who spoke of God’s kingdom coming to the earth through love and mercy. We need to be thankful for John and all the prophets who preceded him for calling God’s children back to repentance and new life in Christ Jesus. Caring Is Sharing Christmas Dinner for the needy Dec. 12 The Annual Caring Is sharing Christmas Dinner for the needy of Tyler County is set for Saturday, Dec. 12, from 11 a.m. till 1 p.m., at the Tyler County Nutrition Center located at 201 Willow Street, in Woodville. Santa will be there for the kids. Volunteers are preparing cakes and pies and turkey with all the trimmings for this special Annual event. The Woodville Police Department and Tyler County Sheriffs deputies will help deliver foods to needy families located all over Tyler County. Inner Healing Mission offered at St. Paul’s Saturday Experience the Joy of Inner Healing featuring The Rev. Dr. Jack Sheffield & Anna Marie Sheffield of Deep River Ministries of San Antonio this Saturday, Dec. 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Saint Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1703 W Bluff St (Hwy 190 West), in Woodville. Beautiful renewal music and song will be offered. Breakfast snacks coffee and light lunch provided. Child Care will be provided. Contact St. Paul’s office at (409) 283-3710 or Fr. Steve Secaur at 409-429-4613, or John Morrison at 409-283-2877 to register. No fee to attend this Healing Mission Love offerings will be appreciated to help defray cost. Subscribe to THE BOOSTER Call 283-2516 Jarrott’s Pharmacy Serving Tyler County Since 1952 205 South Magnolia Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-2550 115 Cobb Mill Road Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-8248 CMYK WOODVILLE BRANCH Hwy 190 East Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-8231 Christmas In Tyler County 2009 Page 6A THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Christmas In Tyler County Photos Jim Powers Tyler County Booster A member of the RAM Financial Group Supporting the Community of Tyler County 102 W. Bluff • P.O. Box 109 • Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-2561 • (409) 283-7834 (fax) 11755 Hwy 69 South • Warren, TX 77664 (409) 547-2561 • (409) 547-3331 (fax) 103 FM 92 South • Spurger, TX 77660 (409) 429-3334 • (409) 429-3949 (fax) 101 Live Oak Street • Marlin, TX 76661 (254) 883-5586 • (254) 803-6663 (fax) CMYK 69 Peach Tree Village R255 1745 Colmesneil Colmesneil Long Leaf Pine Trail 1632 Louisiana Pacific Trail 256 To Livingston 15 miles to Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation Heritage Village • • Dogwood Hills Golf Course 190 To Jasper • Doucette B.A. Steinhagen Lake Campers Cove 256 • Beech Creek Trail Hillister 1632 Turkey • Creek Trail Fred 256 Tenth in series...welcome to 2827 • Beech Creek Trail 287 1013 Spurger 92 1943 (8 miles south of Warren) 69 Turkey • Creek Trail Fred Dam B 2827 To Beaumont Louisiana Pacific Trail 1943 69 92 (30 miles to Livingston) 3065 92 Page 1B 2992 Wildwood Golf Course • Spurger Warren (8 miles south of Warren) Dogwood Hills Golf Course 1943 2992 287 1943 190 Woodville Warren 92 1013 Wildwood Golf Course • Campers Cove Martin Dies, Jr. State Park • • Magnolia Ridge 1746 (30 miles to Livingston) • Hillister Woodville 287 • 15 miles to Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation 256 B.A. Steinhagen Lake 190 To Jasper December 10, •2009 THE1746 TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Heritage Village To Livingston Dam B 3065 Doucette • Lake Tejas Martin Dies, Jr. State Park • • Magnolia Ridge 287 190 • Lake Tejas 256 256 Louisiana Pacific Trail 256 Chester Chester Long Leaf Pine Trail 1632 Neches River • Watson Pinelands Preserve B.A. Steinhagen Lake 190 To Jasper • Campers Cove The Windmill Farm Bed & Breakfast To Beaumont • Watson Pinelands Preserve Doucette 190 To Livingston 15 miles to Alabama-Coushatta Indian Reservation Heritage Village • • Dogwood Hills Golf Course 1746 Woodville 92 2992 • Beech Creek Trail 287 (30 miles to Livingston) 1013 Hillister Warren 1943 (8 miles south of Warren) 69 2827 To Beaumont Spurger 92 1943 Wildwood Golf Course • Take McClure Rd, (CR 2200) off Hwy. 69 just North of Warren and travel one and one half miles to CR 1240 and take a left. Just a little ways down, turn right on CR 1245 and you will dead end at the welcoming windmill and Tyler County’s newest Bed and Breakfast. This brand new, one room cabin is the first in a series of three cabins to be built on the property of owners Greg and Thelma Kirkpatrick of Warren. This first cabin was built by Kay Thornton Contractors of Woodville. For $95 per night you can sleep up to four people comfortably in this cozy one room cabin. The price includes a Jacuzzi bath, fireplace, Dish Network television and dvd player, a fully stocked pond with fishing poles and tackle, and swimming in the pond or underground pool located on the property. Another outdoor feature is picnic tables and a fire pit. The Kirkpatricks encourage guests to feed the fish and are planning to provide fish food machines around the pond. Breakfast fixings of juice, milk, coffee, cereal, pancake mix, butter, syrup and fruit are included in the cabin’s kitchen and a fully prepared homestyle breakfast can be added at an additional fee if requested. “We are very proud of the inside of this first cabin,” said Thelma. “The vaulted ceilings, wood floors and corrugated tin siding add a wonderful country charm.” According to Kirkpatrick, the other two cabins will be decorated with different themes to make each one unique. Greg and Thelma were married eleven years ago and it has always been their dream to build the cabins. “God worked it out for us to get it started this year and we are so excited,” she said. “We also plan to build a covered pavillion to be used for outdoor parties and reunions.” What sets Windmill Farm B&B apart from the other locations in the county, is the fact that they are located in the same neighborhood with Phil McClure’s exotic animal hunting lease. “We are working with Phil on package deals so hunters can come spend the weekend or a week on an exotic animal hunting trip right here in Tyler County and stay close by at Windmill,” Kirkpatrick said. Not only is this arrangement good for Phil McClure and the Kirkpatricks, but it is also an excellent addition to tourism in Tyler County. To book a cabin at The Windmill Farm Bed and Breakfast or a hunting package, call (409) 547-3433 or (409) 3770126. Turkey • Creek Trail Fred • Watson Pinelands Preserve Hometow n People You Know Jasper: 301 E. Houston • 409-384-3486 Woodville: 2873 Hwy 190 E. • 409-283-8231 CMYK Page 2B THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Sports SPORTS WEEK AT-A-GLANCE THURSDAY DECEMBER 10, 2009 Basketball Tournament Action Splendora Tournament Spurger vs Willis Varsity 2:30PM A hunter’s first gun is one of the most important things he will ever receive in his life. A first gun teaches a new hunter the first rule of hunting; responsibility. With this new-found responsibility comes the desire to learn how to shoot effectively, which will produce memories that he will carry with him for the rest of his life. So this Christmas season, think about a child, a teenager or even an adult who is stepping into the world of hunting and consider giving him or her the gift of their first “real” gun. Although a gun is a great gift to give any hunter, the world of firearms can be confusing and complex. What if you buy a rifle for your son but he decides he enjoys shooting skeet or birds more than deer? What if you buy a shotgun and he decides he is more of a squirrel or rabbit hunter and want’s a center fire rifle? There are so many possibilities for young hunters and sometimes it’s hard to find one single gun to accommodate every style of hunting since a first time hunter will more than likely want to try his hand in many different types of hunting. It’s expensive and impractical to buy two or three different guns for a novice hunter, especially if you are not sure he will even enjoy shooting or begin to hunt regularly. So this Christmas season, try looking into purchasing the Rossi Trifecta for the young hunter in your life. The special thing about the Trifecta is that it is not just one gun, it’s three guns in one. The Rossi Trifecta has three interchangeable barrels that change the gun from a .243 deer rifle to a 20 gauge clay target or bird gun and back again to a center fire .22 for squirrels, rabbits or just plain target shooting. Better yet, Rossi is the world’s leading manufacturer in youth sized long rifles and you can be sure that the Trifecta will be with your little hunter for years to come. The gun features a black synthetic stock with a removable cheek piece. Removing the cheek piece with the 20 gauge barrel allows you to use the Trifecta’s traditional front-bead sighting component. With the cheek piece in place, the gun is perfect for using the .22’s barrel fiber optic sight or the .243 barrel with a scope. The .243 barrel comes with a scope mounted base just so that the hunter can shoot deer from far distances, without using the open sights. This gun is small enough and light enough that it can easily be carried by small hands. It also comes in a handy case that has room for all three barrels and tools to change them out. When you buy a young hunter this gun, you can’t go wrong. Young kids can start out shooting the quiet .22, move up to the low recoil .243 and then enjoy the fun of shooting a 20 gauge without ever having to switch guns. The length, weight and feel of the gun will be familiar and will make shooting a “big gun” for the first time less frightening and more comfortable. The Rossi Trifecta is also secure, and includes a special key to lock the firearm when it is not in use as well as additional safety features made with youth in mind. In 2007, the Rossi Trifecta was named the “Best Value” rifle by Field and Stream’s “Best of the Best” gear testing team. The team stated that the little gun was “rugged, simple and a great value.” This Christmas season, give the new hunter in your life the Rossi Trifecta. With a Rossi Trifecta, you will be giving him or her not just the opportunity to own their own gun, but a lifetime of fun and memories in the field and that’s Waldrep’s Word on it!” Woodville Freshmen/JV Tournament Warren Freshmen Woodville Freshmen Warren Junior Varsity Woodville Junior Varsity Spurger Junior Varsity Zavalla Basketball Tournament Woodville Eagles Woodville Lady Eagles Hamshire-Fannett Tournament Warren Lady Warriors Colmesneil Tournament Warren Warriors Varsity Games for these tournaments will also be played on Friday and Saturday December 11th and 12th. Game times will be determined based upon the success of teams in their opening round games on Thursday. Watch your local sportscast or check-in at for the latest info and game times featuring your favorite teams. Most championship games on Saturday are expected to start no later than 6:00PM in these tournaments for the boys while the girls usually begin around 4:30. Back Row L-R Hayley Unruh. Ciara Wisecup, Krystal Banks, Autumn Murray, Peggy ScritchFriday December 11, 2009 field. Front Row L-R Amber Kelley, Brandi Burnes, Megan Foster. Basketball Warren vs Kountze JVG/VG Colmesneil @ Evadale JVB/JVG/VG/VB 4:00PM Spurger @ Apple Springs VG 5:00PM Lady Warriors Skin The Cougars 39-33 I may not be at many games this weekend as my son graduates from Airborne School this Friday in Fort Benning, Ga. therefore if The Warren Lady Warriors were all smiles Saturday afternoon after they bounced back from a you have pictures from any of these tournaments this weekend and heartbreaking overtime loss Thursday night to defeat the Buna Lady Cougars 39-33 in the especially if your team wins a trophy, please bring your pictures to consolation game of the 51st edition of the Evadale Basketball Classic. The Lady Warriros trailed the Booster so they can be scanned in the following week’s Booster. early and rallied late in dramatic fashion led by Brandi Burns, Megan Foster, and Krystal Banks. Thank you to Diane Gill for the Woodville Lady Eagle’s picture See Warriors continued on 3B from their championship win in Big Sandy in this week’s edition. Spurger Defeats Warren 44-23 Have you ever been to a game where the score was not totally indicative of the game? The game between the Warren Warriors and the Spurger Pirates was one of those games. Yes, the core would indicate that the Pirates won rather handily and it wasn’t much of a contest but that would not speak to the grittiness of the Warrior players and their tenacity to not just give up and hand a victory to the Pirates. The Pirates undoubtedly did not play their best game and this served as a wakeup call to their tournament action(see Pirates 3B). Despite an early three-point basket by the Pirate’s Shain Rawls just thirty seconds into the contest, it was Warren’s Jacob Blackshear and Aaron Harrington who set the tone early. Harrington’s three-pointer tied the game with a minute gone and after two Blackshear free throws, Harrington’s offensive rebound and put back gave the Warriors an 8-3 edge. Warren would ultimately extend the lead to 12-5 before Jonathon Hutto’s three got the Pirates to within four. Tyler Greeson added to Warren’s lead with just 1:15 to play in the opening quarter. After a Spurger miss, Warren got the rebound and played for the last shot. Just as the Warriors got the matchup they wanted down low, a three second violation was whistled and the buzzer sounded to end the first quarter with Warren ahead 14-8. Spurger came out firing in the second eight minutes of play. George Whittaker hit a baseline jumper for the Pirates with just seventeen seconds gone in the quarter. After a Warren miss, Whittaker got another basket down low to pull Spurger to within two at 14-12. Then it was Chase McGallion with a pretty dish to Jarom Odom who tied the game with a jumper at the top of the key. Whittaker would add a fastbreak lay-up and another baseline jumper to the Spurger repertoire before Daniel Blankenship netted his first points of the night. Jacob Blackshear stopped the bleeding with a three-pointer pulling the Warriors to within three at 20-17. Time expired in the half as George Whittaker’s three-quarter’s court shot bounced off the back of the iron leaving the score at 20-17. The third quarter started off with both teams failing to do much of anything in the opening minutes but then Blankenship got hot and the Pirate defense turned up the pressure. While the Pirates were (see Spurger on 3B) SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS Tyler County Hospital WALMART Call us to see what services can provide for you... Always Lowwe Prices... Bluff 1151100 CobbW. Mill Road (409) 283-8141 (409) 283-8248 Woodville, Texas Woodville, Texas CMYK Sports December 10, 2009 Autumn Murray leads the Warrior attack late in Saturday’s tournament action against Buna. Warriors (cont) Hamshire-Fannett 47 Warren 43 OT The Lady Warriors came out Thursday looking to make a good showing and begin to build some momentum for the district play that begins on Friday. The Lady Warriors despite losing in overtime did not disappoint their fans. Their effort was strong and courageous. Here are some of the highlights and lowlights of Thursday’s loss. The Lady Warriors were nursing a 7 point lead with 1:58 to play but five missed free throws in the final two minutes gave Hamshire-Fannett the opening they needed to get back in the game. With :19 seconds to play, the Lady Warriors had a one point lead and following a 1-2 free throws the lead was two. Hamshire-Fannett tied the game with three seconds to play sending the game into overime. Foul trouble cost the Warriors in overtime as Haley Unruh, Meagan Foster, and Brandi Burnes each fouled out and the rest as they say is history. Cara Wisecup led the Warriros with a strong effort recording 14 points, 12 rebounds and 5 blocks. Krystal Banks chipped in 8 points in the losing effort. On Saturday, the Lady Warriors missed their first shot of the game and it appeared it might be downhill from there as the Buna Lady Cougars jumped out to an early 7-2 lead. Coach Sherri Brocks squad appeared to rally once Meagan Foster’s two free throws got the Warriors on the board. Foster also produced Warren’s next bucket when Brandi Burnes drove the lane from the right side and then just as everyone thought she was going to lay it in, she made a beautiful dish to Foster on the low post and the score was suddenly 7-4. The Warriors weren’t finsihed though as Burnes connected on 1-2 free throws to close the gap to 7-5. Autumn Murray got into the action when she hit a short jumper from the right wing and Brandi Burnes basket brought the Lady Warriors all the way back as time expired in the first quarter knotting the score at 9-9. It was a quarter in which the Lady Warriors showed great patience and poise. The second quarter action Meagan Foster grabbed an offensive board off the miss by Murray and put it back in giving the Warriors their first lead of the day. Buna would come right back, first tying the game and then taking the lead at 13-11. Brandi Burnes would hit another basket tying the game at 13 all before the Warriors shooting woes began. For the next 5:18, the Lady Warriors would watch their shots clang off the iron, roll in and out and in general just not fall. Meanwhile, the Lady Cougars were steadily building an eleven point cushion going into halftime and it looked bleak for the Warriors. We may never know what words Coach Broocks or maybe senior guard Brandi Burnes had to say at halftime but whatever it was the Lady Warriors came out ready to play. Foster started the second half scoring when she stole the ball and laid it in to cut the lead to nine. Moments later, Burnes missed a three from the corner but there was Foster to gather in the rebound and put it in making the deficit only seven. With 2:36 showing on the third quarter game clock, Murray hit a three and Foster had another basket down low and suddenly it was a 4 point game at 26-22. After a Burnes free throw made it 26-23, Buna hit two free throws of their own to push the lead back to five. A Burnes free throw and another by Unruh made it 28-25 with 1:11 to play in the third. Krystal Picture Of Perfection High Flying Eagles Defeat Groveton, Liberty, Leggett, & Big Sandy Enroute to a Perfect 9-0 Ranked number three in the latest state ranking, the Woodville Lady Eagles put their perfect season on the line four times this past week and all four times came away victorious. The victories against Groveton, Liberty, Leggett and Big Sandy pushed the Lady Eagles to a perfect 9-0. The Groveton Lady Indians were the first opponent to fall by the wayside in basketball competition that took place on December 1st. In this game, the Lady Eagles put together one of their better performances of the young season. Led by Meisha Mcneal’s 20 point performance, better free throw shooting and a stingy defense, the Lady Eagles did not have much trouble dispatching of Groveton 53-36. Brooke Taylor netted 14 points and Kayla Humphrey poured in 10 points to round a balanced scoring attack. The Lady Eagles also hit 9 of 12 free throws, a much improved marker from their earlier games. On Thursday, the Lady Eagles traveled west to Big Sandy to showcase their talent in the Big Sandy Basketball Tournament. First up were the Liberty Lady Panthers. By the time, the final buzzer had sounded, the Eagles were celebrating a 55-24 victory. Once again it was consistent scoring by McNeal, Taylor and Quadena Moye and a stingy defense that sifled the Panthers to single digits in all four quarters of basketball. Leggett was the next to fall 63-57. Balanced scoring from McNeal (20), Samantha Gilder (16), and Taylor with (13) set the tone. The championship game was no contest as the Eagles took out host school, Big Sandy 58-28. Mcneal and Taylor again led the Eagles scoring attack. Banks was in the right place at the right time when Buna missed the front end of a one and one. Her rebound and outlet to Burnes resulted in another Buna foul sending Burnes to the charity stripe with :35 seconds to play. Burnes calmly sank the free throws and Warren was within a point entering the final eight minutes of play. Buna would miss the first shot of the fourth quarter but not Brandi Burnes as her two pointer at 6:49 of the fourth gave the Lady Warriors a lead they would never give back at 29-28. Twenty five seconds later, Banks was once again in the right place at the right time pulling in aFoster miss and laying back in for a 31-28 Warren lead. Things got testy at the 5:11 mark when Buna’s coach was called for a technical after arguing a foul. Burnes sank 3-4 free throws and then a lay-up at 4:48 giving the Warriors a 36-30 lead. Now it was time to play defense. Buna could get nothing going against the likes of Kelley and Banks pressure defense. With :20 to play Ciara Wisecup blocked a Buna shot from close in and her outlet pass led to a Brandi Burnes coast to coast lay-up. The game ended fittingly enough as it began with the ball in the hands of Meagan Foster and a 39-33 win. THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 3B Bulldogs Ambushed By The Rebels 98-46 The Colmesneil Bulldogs were coming off a dramatic finish Tuesday night against Apple Springs and looking to make some noise in the Evadale Basketball Classic. The Rebels had other thoughts. Evadale scored the first bucket just twenty five seconds into the game. Two minutes later it was 8-1 Evadale. Joseph Sheffield would hit two free throws and combined with a Josh Glenn jumper the Bulldogs were within three at 8-5. Evadale then stepped up their pressure defense and no matter what the Bulldgs did, it didn’t work out quite right. Whatever could go wrong for the “Dawgs” did as Evadale ended the quarter on an 18-0 run to lead 26-5.The Bulldogs behind Matt Greenwood, Joseph Sheffield, and Cullen Barker refused to quit. A questionable flagrant foul on Sheffield at 3:51 of the second quarter sealed the deal on the Colmesneil squad for the first half. Too many turnovers and easy baskets led the Rebels to a 48-26 halftime lead. The third quarter started and ended much like the first half. Greenwood, Barker, Glenn and Rowdy Brown would net points in the third butit wasn’t enough offense to keep up with Evadale as they pushed their lead to 73-39. Josh Glenn got the Bulldogs on the board to start the fourth quarter on a good note, but then Brandon Cowart was called for Colmesneil’s second flagrant foul of the game slowing any energy the Bulldogs had going. Wayne Byley chipped in a basket midway through the quarter making the score 81-43 but Evadale came right back as they had all night scoring one unanswered bucket after another. For nearly three minutes the Bulldog offense went scoreless while Evadale rolled in 12 points. Greenwood came alive at 1:48 3 of 4 free throws to close out the Colmesneil scoring. Evadale tried to crack the century mark but was unable to as time expired leaving the final score 98-46. Pirates Drown the “Dawgs” 89-66 Snow cancelled Friday’s games for the Evadale Basketball Classic leaving the Colmesneil Bulldogs to play the Deweyville Pirates in a revamped schedule on Saturday morning. The Bulldog fans were hoping for better things then they had witnessed here on Thursday evening as their beloved Bulldogs fell to host Evadale. First quarter woes for the Bulldogs continued against Deweyville. Once again it was poor shooting and pressure defense that put Colmesneil into a hole from which they could not dig out. The Bulldogs opened by falling victim to a 19-0 run before Joseph Sheffield’s jumper in the lane got Colmesneil on the board with 2:47 left in the first quarter. Rowdy Brown’s lay-in at the buzzer pulled the Bulldogs to within eleven a 23-12. In the second quarter the Bulldogs played much more consistently. Sheffield, Brown and Barker tried to keep the Bulldogs close. Barker had 8 points in the quarter and his half court three as time expired bounced on the rim would have pulled Colmesneil a tad closer. As it was the Bulldogs trailed 44-30 going into the break. The third quarter, Deweyville was able to get a lot of baskets inside and draw the foul. Less than three minutes into the quarter, the Pirates fund themselves in the bonus early and often converting , building a 59-34 lead before Barker stopped the bleeding. One of the highlights of the quarter came with :38 to play when Sheffield blocked a Deweyville shot, corralled the ball and drove the length of the floor before being fouled. The quarter ended with the Bulldogs down 65-47. As the final eight minutes began, the Bulldogs drew first blood when Cowart grabbed the offensive board and laid it back in.Once again this would be for the Bulldogs a long quarter but it was also one in which Spurger (cont) Coach Chad Odom’s team never quit. This hardnosed bunch led by busy pouring in eleven points Sheffield, Barker, Brown and Byley never let up and never gave in. in the third quarter, the Warriors could only net a basket and trailed 31-19 with only eight minutes Pirates (cont) to play. Warren’s fourth quarter started off much like the third with a missed bucket. In fact sometimes Spurger 15 - 14 - 12 - 11 52 during this game, it was the more Onalaska 6 - 9 - 9 - 20 44 the missed opportunities of the Warrior’s shooters than the play The first round game for the Spurger Pirates in the Big Sandy Basof the Pirates. Layne Derbon- ketball Tournament pitted the Pirates against their season opening nie’s shot that went in, around foe the Onalaska Wildcats. Much like game one, the Pirates jumped and out with 1:43 to play was out early on the Wildcats building a 15-6 after one quarter of play. typical of the Warrior’s shoot- In the second for all intents and purposes the Pirates finished off ing troubles. The thing about the Wildcats with a 14-9 run making the halftime score 29-15 in the Pirates in this game and the favor of the Pirates. The Pirates defense continued to clamp down games to follow in the Big Sandy on Onalaska once again holding them to less then ten points while was simply that if you missed scoring 12 more increasing their margin to 41-24. By the time the the Pirates made you pay. Ten final horn had sounded the Pirates had defeated the Wildcats for times in the second half of this the second time this season by a count of 52-44. Much like the game alone took advantage of first game against Onalaska, the Pirates scoring load was carried by Warriro missed shots or steal George Whittaker and Daniel Blankenship. In the season opener, and converted them into points the scoring duo scored 41 of Spurger’s 63 points against Onalaska. thus spelling defeat for the War- In the rematch, the two netted 37 of Spurger’s 52 points. Chase riors 44-23. McGallion, the Pirates junior point guard chipped in 9 points in the winning effort. Spurger Scorers Whittaker - 16 Points Spurger 22 - 15 - 19 - 29 85 Blankenship - 9 Points Hardin 12 - 14 - 10 - 22 58 Rawls - 7 Points Hutto - 6 Points Spurger’s next opponent in the snow shortened Big Sandy Basketball Tournament were the Hardin Hornets. If you missed Warren Scorers this game, then you missed what some have claimed to be the best Blackshear - 7 Points four quarters of Spurger Pirate basketball this season. The Pirates Greeson - 6 Points came out shooting and left little doubt in the minds of the Hornets Wilson - 5 Points fans that they meant business. Not only was this the highest ofHarrington - 4 Points fensive output by the Pirates this season but it also featured their highest scoring quarter, a near perfect day from three point land In other tournament action, the and an improved performance from the free throw line. This seaChester Yellow Jackets traveled son the charity stripe has been a killer for the Pirates but not so in to the High Island Basketball this game. Chase McGallion owned the scoring duo of Whittaker Tourney and after falling to host and Blankenship to give the Pirates three scorers in a single game school High Island on Thursday with twenty or more points in more years than this writer cares to were not able to return after the remember. Not only did Chase McGallion hit for 20 points but he Friday snows. also hit three shots from beyond the arc and was a perfect five for The Colmesneil Lady Bulldogs five from the free throw line. George Whittaker led all scorers with played in the 51st snow shortened 23 points including stepping out to nail two three point shots. His edition of the Evadale Classic and free throw shooting percentage was a season high 71% as he hit 5 came away with the third place of 7 tosses from the line. Daniel Blankenship netted 21 points in trophy after Hamshire-Fannett the winning effort and matched McGallion with three 3-pointers dropped out of the tourney. as well while hitting on 4 of 5 free throw attempts. Big Sandy Tournament Re-Cap SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS • SPORTS WALMART Always Low Prices... 115 Cobb Mill Road (409) 283-8248 Woodville, Texas CMYK Page 4B THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Help provide Leo Vinson and his family would like to say thank you for all the support they received on the fundraiser “Ragball for Pawpaw.” The tournament was a huge success. A special thank you to the sponsors and everyone who played in the tournament. The weather left much to be desired, but everyone stuck it out and had a great time. Thanks again, Leo and family Christmas Dinner for a family in need. See ad page 2A for a Shopping List and more details. Tyler County BOOSTER ACROSS 1 Amarillo TV station 5 this Baldwin didn’t leave U.S. after George W. election 6 in Starr Co. on 83 7 TXism: “shaking like _ ___ dog” 8 State Fair sight: “Big ___” 9 TX Blue Bell ingredient 16 Estrada of “Border Blues” with TXborn Gary Busey 18 got shutout 21 Gov. _ _ Culberson 22 fancy party 23 TX Busey ‘88 film: “___ of Piracy” 24 Arbor Day activity: ____ _ tree 30 noted bluebonnet painter, TX Julian 34 Buna h.s. class 35 TXism: “feel like I had a long drop on _ _____ rope” (sore throat) 36 TX Storm who was “Margie” on TV 37 TXism: “keeping my eyeballs peeled” 39 Houston mayor (‘92-’98) 43 soothing ointment 44 one who works with horses 45 TXism: “can a donkey fly?” 46 competes 47 TXism: “tight enough to pick _ ____ __” (good fence) 49 young birds of prey 52 site for h.s. B-Ball 53 “7” preceder for agent James Bond 54 TXism: “heavy as the front end of a John _____” 55 product pushers 58 Dodge engines 59 patriotic song “___ Bless the USA” 60 had some tacos 24 25 26 1 2 3 TEXAS CROSSWORD 4 5 6 by Charley & Guy Orbison 7 Copyright 2009 by Orbison Bros. 8 9 17 16 28 12 40 39 44 61 “Texas Lady” was a ___ Paul tune DOWN 1 martial art 2 bluebonnet is the state ______ 3 in Brownsville: “Consulado __ ______” 4 TXism: “wouldn’t chase _ ___” (harmless dog) 9 Cybill of TX-based “The Last Picture Show” (init.) 10 TX essayist aka “dean of TX letters” 11 TX-born Swayze film: “____ House” 12 this Guthrie supported TX Ron Paul in ‘08 13 TXism: “____ __ a caged cougar” 31 37 42 48 14 FLDS site in TX: __dorado 15 maiden name of Houston’s wife Margaret 17 Weatherford h.s. mascot 19 to a cowboy, these are bandanas 20 Cornyn is a United ______ senator 24 Gov. “__” Ferguson 25 Sul Ross State was named after this Gov. (init.) 26 TXism: “she dropped him like _ ___ horseshoe” 51 54 55 56 57 P-006 58 38 Cowboys were once this in NFL 60 40 cable TV network before it was Spike 61 41 this Greenwood wrote 59-across 42 rest area sites 48 TX Powers Boothe TXism: “__ ____, plays VP ____ just fact” Daniels on TV “24” famous Austin tree: 50 topaz & opal in TX “______ Oak” 51 TX-born actor hotel lobby often Tommy ___ Jones TX Jenkins who 56 TXism: “_____ wrote “Semi-Tough” eagle” (attorney) UT grad Wallach 57 portray emotion a local KKK unit theatrically 59 27 28 29 31 32 33 205 West Bluff • Woodville, TX 409.283.2516 ImagIng... causes bodily injury. •Debra Harrington, 57, Warren, •Clinton Adams, 38, Hillister, assault/misd., public intoxication, driving while intoxicated, theft poss. drug para., failure to appear. prop. • Aimee Ilene Clouter, 19, Woodville, criminal mischief, assault •Desmond Menefee, 35, Woodville, poss. marij., failure to appear, no drivers license, no liability insurance, poss. drug para., theft. An Afternoon With •Jason Heath Olds, 40, Kirbyville, burglary of habitation. Dec. 2 Santa December 21 • 11AM - 4PM SL-Hay ride & photos with Santa Cookies, hot chocolate, fun arts & crafts The PIcTure of healTh The imaging services you need all in one location – right here in Livingston. Count on our caring, experienced team to: • Use the most advanced imaging technology available • Provide highly defined images • Provide a fast, accurate diagnosis Tickets $10 Group Rate ONLY $8 Thanksgiving at the Lankford House The biggest turkey we have ever caged! advanCed FinanCial ServiCeS • Single Premium Deferred Annuities • $10,000 Minimum Premium • Monthly Interest Income Available • Alternative to lower yielding CDs • No surrender charges upon Annuitant’s death Cam monroe, CPa Advanced Financial Services Across from Wal-mart in Jasper (409) 384-5713 / 1-800-696-3782 “Securities offered through BFT Financial Group, LLC.” LBL09-30: Single Premium Deferred Annuities. Rate Guaranteed for 1, 3, or 5 contract yrs. Excess withdrawals are subject to market value adjustment. 1yr surr. charge 5%; 3 yr surr. charge 8,7,6%; 5 yr surr. charge 8,7,6,5,4%. IRS penalty for withdrawal before age 591/2. Minimum guaranteed rate after surrender period is 1.00% for contracts issued in 2009. Issued by Liberty Bankers Life Ins. Co. Policy Forms Banker1-0106-TX, Bankers3-0707-TX Bankers5-0707-TX. Interest rate eff. 05/15/09 and subject to change without notice. Minimum monthly interest is $100. Our investment in the newest imaging equipment ensures our highly skilled team of physicians, nurses and technologists has the tools they need to provide the best care to every patient, every day. • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) • Ultrasound • Nuclear Medicine • Computed Tomography (CT) • Digital Mammography • Bone Density • Diagnostic Radiography •James Edward Bailey, 53, Woodville, poss. alcohol bev. in dry area w/intent to sell. •Danel Wayne Means, 27, Spurger, criminal mischief. Dec. 3 38 43 50 Dec. 1 (409) 331-4198 Leave message. 46 49 53 20 Jail Bookings 34 33 32 41 47 15 23 45 52 14 19 36 35 13 22 30 29 11 18 21 27 10 Official Records 1717 Hwy. 59 Bypass • Livingston • (936) 329-8570 Visit us online at CMYK •Robert Neal Ferguson, 45, Colmesneil, theft prop., criminal mischief. •Brandy Nicole Graves, 24, Garland, no drivers license, possess of drug paraphernalia, burglary of habitation/mtr. •Kenneth Wayne Johnson, 24, Warren, possession drug paraphernalia. •Clarissa Rene Owens, 21, Woodville, burglary of buildingfailure to appear. Dec. 4 •Charles Gasaway, 34, Jasper, no drivers license. •Gregory Wayne Guy, 33, Port Neches, driving while intoxicated. •Jackie Matthew McQueen, Jr., 20, Warren, agg. sexual assault child/mta. Dec. 5 •Rodney Wayne Hart, Jr., 18, Woodville, theft prop. •Clark Shutter, 48, Kountze, agg. obstruct retaliation, assault causes serious bodily injury. Dec. 6 •Amanda Leanne Dennis, 20, Woodville, poss. drug para. •Granville Owen Dennis, Jr., 18, Woodville, poss. drug para. •Wesley K. Fowler, 26, Woodville, speeding. •Douglas Edward Kelley, 19, Woodville, poss. marij. •Dresdan Leroy Midkiff, 17, Woodville, disorderly conduct, public intoxication. •Silvester Powell, 59, Hillister, driving while intoxicated. •Zachary Brian Shird, 18, Colmesneil, poss. marij. •Jennifer Hanson Simmons, 34, Colmesneil, theft prop. by check. •John Richard Stittem, 50, Woodville, poss. drug para. no drivers license/exp. • Steaven Weaver, 18, Woodville, poss. marij. Dec.7 •Brad Peterson King, 30, Woodville, poss. c/s. Readers Write... see the hearts of little children living out the beautiful gift of Jesus for us all. To Sherry Weeks and Rhonda Payne, thank you for coordinating the evening of magical events. To the entertainers on the Courthouse square and on the Emporium Stage, you made it so enjoyable throughout the evening. We have such tremendous talent in our county and Christmas is a great time to bring it together to share with everyone. A special thanks to KennethAllen and Timberline Ranch for the hay used for seating. For the Tyler County Art League & Emporium for the Arts, thank you for opening your doors for the evening and allowing the people of our county to have the opportunity to see the artistic and musical talent that exists here among us. For Beall’s Department Store graciously having their style show on a beautiful cool morning. To Beth Winberry for organizing the “Car & Motorcycle” show. Thank you Terri Allen for making a parade happen. To Susie & David Winn, thank you for all of your help in coordinating the food and retail vendors. We were so appreciative of them coming and preparing delicious food and unique gift ideas for Christmas. We also thank Eleanor & Grady Holderman , Mr.& Mrs. Walter Umphrey, Village Street Bed & Breakfast, Winnaway Bed & Breakfast, Enchanted Oaks Bed & Breakfast and Woodville United Methodist Church for graciously opening your home, lodge, businesses and church for the whole community to visit and enjoy. Thank you Fred Sullivan for donating Christmas ornaments to all that participated in the “Tour of Homes.” We thank our local Rotary Club for the great pancake breakfast with Santa Claus. For the special conclusion of the weekend of activities, thank you for all who were involved in the “Candlelight Tour of the Village” at Heritage Village . It was beautiful. To Bruce Womack, thank you for the wonderful light show you have at your home at 642 CR 4335. We look forward to next year in having our “Live Walking Nativity”, buggy & wagon rides and many of the entertainers and bands that did not get to come. Again, it’s the people that make the difference and Tyler County definitely has people who truly care. December 10, 2009 Cont from Pg. 1 To the many others that played a Christmas! vital part in seeing this weekend happen….a big thank you to all. God Bless you, We wish you all a very Merry Judith Haney & Leeza Blanchette THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 5B AngelinA College The place to start your future begins at our Off-Campus Teaching Center Call today for registration information. (409) 283-3714 Community Services Excellent compensation Paperless documentation system Comprehensive insurance plans Matching 401(k) plan 30 Paid Days Off per year Company car program 2014 S. Wheeler St., Suite 250, Jasper, Texas 75951 Registration for Spring 2010 classes will begin on January 6 from 4:00pm to 6:30pm. Late registration will begin January 19 & 20. Students can register for Community Services classes from 9:00am and from 5:00pm to 7:00pm Monday through Thursday at Woodville High School. Our coordinator for Woodville is Janay Rainey. Woodville High School Title / Day - Course# / Hrs Sec / Weeks - Start / Cost - End Instructor - Time Advanced Financial Services CDs • IRAs • 401Ks • Stocks • Bonds Mutual Funds • Annuities • Retirement Planning Personal attention. Unsurpassed customer service. Three CPAs, a CFP, and six registered representatives. 171 total years financial experience, including 69 years banking experience. “Exceptional. We chose this agency because they treat you like a person, not a number.” - Kirbyville, Texas Advanced Financial Services Cam Monroe, CPA Located across from Wal-Mart in Jasper Locally Owned and Operated Since 1981 (409) 384-5713 • (800) 696-3782 intro to ComputerS / Thurs - ITSC 1002 / 10Hrs W41 / 5wks - 1/14/10 / $45 - 2/4/10 Maness - 5:30pm to 7:30pm miCroSoft exCel / Thurs - ITSW 1022 / 10Hrs W41 / 5wks - 1/28/10 / $45 - 2/25/10 Staff - 6:00pm to 8:00pm miCroSoft offiCe Suite / Thurs - POFT 1042 / 10Hrs W41 / 5wks - 2/11/10 / $45 - 3/17/10 Maness - 5:30pm to 7:30pm nurSe AiDe / Mon, Tues, Thurs - NURA 1007 / 100Hrs W41 / 8wks - 3/22/10 / $370 - 5/17/10 Staff - 5:00pm to 9:00pm Securities offered through BFT Financial Group - Member FINRA/SIPC Are you tired of how consumerism has stolen the soul of Christmas? This year, take a stand! Join the groundswell of Christ-followers who are choosing to make Christmas what it should be - a joyous celebration of Jesus’ birth that enriches our hearts and the world around us, not a retail circus that depletes our pocketbooks and defeats our spirits. Advent Conspiracy ( shows you how to subsitute consumption with compassion by practicing four simple but powerful countercultural concepts: Worship Fully • Spend Less • Give More • Love All Find out how to have a Christmas worth remembering at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Woodville United Methodist Church... St. Paul’s Episcopal Church CAke DeCorAting / Tues - PER 0012 / 18Hrs W41 / 6wks - 2/9/10 / $60 - 3/23/10 Grissom - 6:00pm to 9:00pm 1703 West Bluff St • Woodville 409-283-3710 Sunday Worship - 10am Sunday School - 9am Woodville United Methodist Church 508 West Bluff St. • Woodville 409-283-2471 Sunday Worship - 10:50am Sunday School - 9:45am TEA PARTY DEMONSTRATION RALLY CONSERVATIVE PATRIOTS Celebrate Advent Season at Area Churches The Advent season is a time of intentional spiritual preparation that leads to Christmas. It is a season that Christians have celebrated for centuries. St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Woodville United Methodist Church celebrate Advent every year and invite you to come and participate in this time of preparation for Christmas. A Sunday school class in each Church is studying The Advent Conspiracy. TYLER COUNTY COURTHOUSE SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12 10 AM TO 12 NOON YOUR VOICE COUNTS CMYK Page 6B THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 DETCOG releases Hurricane Ike Housing Assistance...from Pg. 1A December 7, 2009. 2009 through January 4, 2010. Application packets can be ob Completed applications will No applications will be accepted tained by visiting the DETCOG be accepted from December 7, after the January 4, 2010 date. website located at www.detcog. org and downloading a copy; or at all DETCOG /DCM offices located in the service area (CDBG D GWOOD Country HILLS Housing Assistance Packet). Club *For a list of DETCOG DCM offices, please visit the DETCOG website @ Application packets will inTuesday - 4:30 pm clude the following: instruction sheet, frequently asked questions (FAQ) sheet and an application. Thursday - 5:30 pm Homeowners should fill out the paperwork to the best of their Saturdays, Open Tee Times ability and refer to the instruction Call 283-8725 for more information and/or FAQ sheet for questions. If questions still remain, applicants can call 409-384-5704 ext. 279. At this time, applications will only be accepted by mail. Please mail completed applications to: Ladies Scramble Colmesneil High School Class of 2010 Operation Graduation Silent Auction NAME:___________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:____________________________ PHONE:____________________________ BID ITEM BID AMOUNT #1 - Golf Get Away Cypress Bend Resort (1-night stay) $250 value #2 - Conns – Coffee Pot (Cuisinart 4c. s.s.) $30 value #3 – Golf USA – Golf balls Nike One $40 value #4 – Sun Spa II – 1 mo. Tanning $32.95 value #5 – Crown Colony – Round of golf f/four #6 – Chili’s – Gift Certificate (2) kids’ meal $15 #7 – Sam’s – Gift Certificate $50 value #8 – Tips 2 Toes – Purse 430 value #9 – Elijah’s – Meal f/two $20 value #10 – Martin’s Hardware 16-pc. Tools with Tool Kit $20 value #11 – Martin’s Hardware – 9” S. S. pocket knife $20 value #12 – LOWE’S – Smart 6 qt. Rival crock pot $50 value #13 – Wildwood – Golf & cart rental $75 value #14 – Wildwood – Golf & cart rental $75 value #15 – Stage Coach Inn – Overnight stay $89 value #16 – The Cottage – Hair cut $30 #17 – Applebee’s – Gift Certificate $10 value #18 – Applebee’s – Gift Certificate $10 value #19 – Ralph & Kacoo’s – Gift Certificate $25 #20 – Nails by Debbie – Manicure $18 #21 – Bodies-N-Balance – 1 hr. massage $50 #22 – Expressive Images – 1 hr. massage $40 #23 – Red Lobster – Gift Certificate $30 $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ Bid online at or call (409) 331-4198. You can also drop forms at Colmesneil High School Office or The Tyler County Booster. Mens Scramble DETCOG 210 Premier Drive Jasper, TX 75951 Attn: Dani Bellamy Energizing communities since 1939. Bdazzle! Enter the Big Buck drawing at the BOOSTER to win a $400 B&C Taxidermy Gift Certificate. Just bring a photo of you and your deer to the Booster office, EMBROIDERY! 283-2516 Do Your Christmas Shopping at NEw jEwElRY ShIpMENt RhINEStONE tShIRtS haNDBagS NEw SuzzEttE’S CaNDlES aND MORE! DeaDline to biD online or by phone is 12/18-09. Highest bidder for each item will be notified by phone by 12/20/09. Prizes must be claimed and paid for by 12/31/09. Highest bidders will be featured on a “Thank You” ad in the Booster for Colmesneil Class of 2010 Project Graduation. Each person may bid on more than one item. For additional bids, copies accepted. Submission information is included in the application packet. After applications have been received, reviewed and processed internally, applicants may be contacted by a DETCOG Staff Member to clarify or obtain any additional information that may be needed. Located Inside Salon Safari • Colmesneil • (409) 489-3325 Tues - Fri 9am - 4pm • Sat 9am - 2pm 205 W. Bluff • Woodville Lordy, lordy our baby turned 40! Happy Birthday Carol Anne Greer-Courville Hatton’s Christmas Tree Farm Located in Spurger, TX Call for dates open and locations Keith & Julie Hatton 409-429-5568 • 409-283-2424 409-429-8412 A&M Wireless - WOODVILLE A&M Wireless - LIVINGSTON 100 South Charlton (409) 283-9000 (Across from the Courthouse) 117 Southpoint Loop Plaza Suite 100 (936) 327-4601 (Baskins Shopping Center) CMYK Tyler County Booster Carrier Pre-Sort OCCUPANT BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID Woodville, TX 75979 Permit No. 46 C&J Stump GrindinG Each Job Bid Separately Hm (409) 331-0098 Woodville Cell (409) 283-1891 or 283-1892 Party Rental Having a party? Rent a Bounce House or Water Slide! Contact Lindsey’s Leapers 409-837-9226 ...will be seeing patients in Woodville at the Tyler County Hospital 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month from 9am to 5pm. BIO: • Training includes: foot & ankle surgery, wound care, primary podiatric medical care • Member of Texas Podiatric Medical Association • Member of American Podiatric Medical Association • Member of Podiatry Practice Management Call (281) 210-2939 to make an appointment to be seen in Woodville at the Tyler County Hospital. Office address: 17191 St. Lukes Way • The Woodlands, TX 77384 GARAGE SALES Reasonable • Reliable Barnes Plumbing Repair Keith Barnes (409)837-2916 hm or (409)594-7408 cell *Calls Responded to Daily* BIG SALE/FLEA MKT, 1903 W Bluff, next to Dogwood Clinic, Sat, Dec 12, 9am-3pm. New load of furniture. 100’s of Christmas items. Everything priced to sell. (35-tfn-b) BED/BREAKFAST HOME FOR the Holidays. Need a place to stay. Come to the Windmill Farm Bed & Breakfast for your get-away. 409-547-3433 (48-8t-b) AUTOS NEED HELP? Need a car? Call Steve 936-718-5988 (49-1t-pce) $5 off Spa Pedicure or New Set of Nails! Donna Pitts, Nail Tech 111 Barclay • Woodville • (409) 331-1770 Neal’s Deer Processing OPEN 8:00am - 8:00pm 7 days a week on 1745 between Chester & Colmesneil (936) 969-2379 PETS FREE PUPPIES, to good home. 4 females, Norwegian Elkhound mix and Blue Heeler mix. 409790-7884 (49-1t-nc) FOR SALE KAWASAKI Type KAF 620 Mule 2510 4x4. Upgraded w/ gas 2007 engine. Excelent condition in looks and performance. Asking $5600. 409-837-9970 (48-2t-b) GUN CABINET - 8 guns. Steel sides & back. Wood/glass front. Velcro-lined interior. $220. 409837-9970 (48-2t-b) HYDRAULIC DUMP for Kawasaki Mule. Heavy duty unit w/1 inch piston. Asking $600. 409-837-9970 (48-2t-b) IRON-ORE GRAVEL Fix your driveway and roads before winter. 409-547-3433 (40-12t-b) 34’ TRAVEL TRAILER Fair condition, needs some repair. Good for deer lease. 409-2832374, $2500. (42-tfn-b) LATE MODEL Small piano, like new, take up notes, no down payment, low monthly payments. Denum Piano Company, Inc, Lufkin, TX, 800-324-1777. (47-4t-b) PIGS! PIGS! PIGS! Feeder pigs & show pigs. York & Blue Butt. 409-429-5774 or 409-429-6629 (48-2t-p) FOR SALE Like-new Broyhill dinner table w/4 chairs $1000, 5 Fisher stereo speakers $200, Violin (dated c. 1943) w/original case $200. 409-429-3710 (49-2t-p) IRON CATTLE GUARD $500 409-837-5479 (49-1t-p) SOFA BED, queen size, great condition, medium blue, $250 OBO, 42” Plasma TV, $195, 409-547-3097 or 409-200-1062 (49-2t-p) USED CANON Laser Printer/ scanner/copier, excellent condition, black ink only, $75 (cost $400), 409-283-2713 (49-1t-p) Roofing & Repairs ROOFING &HOME REPAIRS David Tate 409-283-5614 (1-tfn-b) JAY LOTT ROOFING Contractor. All types of roofing applied. Serving Tyler County 20 yrs. References available. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call 409-283-2760 or 409-382-7186 (52-tfn-b) CAPITAL ROOFING Insured/licensed roofers. Local references. 1-800-464-3555 (11-tfn-b) WOODVILLE ROOFING SERVICE Roofing, siding, painting, pressure washing, decks, porches, ceramic tile, remodeling. 35 years experience. Call Jimmie Estes 409-429-5525 (6-tfn-b) COMPUTER SERVICES Our lights at 408 West Elder have been relocated to the east side of our property. Viewers are welcome to enter from West Elder Street and drive through to see all the decorations. MErry ChriStMaS! Don & Barbara Baird Colmesneil, tX Morris Moore is now... UseD CArs 1415 Highway 96 Bypass • Silsbee 409.385.1841 08 VoLKSwAgon BEETLE Extended cab, automatic, V6, CD Automatic, leather, loaded, alloy wheels $10,900 $13,900 07 Chevrolet ClAssiC 1500 Crew cab, LS, V8, automatic, CD, loaded $14,900 08 Jeep wrAngler 4x4 07 Chrysler town & CoUntry Leather, quad buckets, dual air, navigation, loaded, 22k miles, fact. warr $16,900 08 DoDge rAM QUAD CAb 2 dr, 6 cyl, auto, 35K miles, fact warr, pwr windows/locks, alloy wheels SLT, V8, auto, 20” whls, spray bedliner, Lone Star pkgs, 9K miles, fact warr $19,800 $19,800 08 Jeep wrAngler LAWN SERVICE FULL SERVICE Lawn care available. Senior citizens welcom 409-283-1324 (17-tfn-b) CONSTRUCTION L & J’s REMODELING Addons, decks, metal roofs, cabinets, fence-building & repair. No job too small. Call 283-7478 (1-tfn-b) I’LL FIX IT! General HOME & MOBILE Home REPAIRS Honey-Do + ODD JOBS, Decks, Porch Repairs, Roof Repairs, Storage Sheds, SENIOR DISC. 33 yrs. Experience. David Tate 283-5614. (48-tfn-b) Special thanks to our kids and grandkids for all their help! 06 nissAn Frontier C O M P U T E R R E PA I R , website design and computer networking. WEBSTORM COMPUTERS- 331-0988 (40-tfn-b) w w w. p e p p e r t e x a s . c o m (47-4t-p) 07 Chevrolet 3/4 ton Unlimited edition, Automatic, hard top, loaded, custom wheels LT, ext cab, diesel, leather, buckets, crome wheels, 39K fact. warr. $24,500 $25,900 Art for illustrAtion only. *Prices Plus ttl. Prices good through 12/16/09 CMYK Page 2C THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Tyler County Real Estate FOR SALE/LEASE deposit w/references. 409-2833185 (49-2t-b) IVANHOE: for sale or lease by APARTMENTS/RENT owner. Newly remodeled house w/lake view, large room (can APT. FOR RENT - 2BR/2BA in be used as BR or craft-room) Chester. Water included. $400/ $98,500 or Lease/$700 mo + mo and $250/deposit. Call 936327-2718 (29-tfn-b) millennium333 TA REAL EST AT E REALTOR ® 1008 W. Bluff • Woodville • 409-283-2990 Evenings & Weekends Call Kathy Stover at 409-489-3979 Deer • Hogs Bobcats • Turkey Exotics • Big Game White Tail Shoulder Mounts Red Oaks Ranch - Fabulous estate on 76.506 acres, 3,098 sf home, pool, ponds, pasture, guest house, Warren. ......... $699,000 Harmony - Victorian home on 6 acres, 2675 sf, 3 FP, 2 BR, 2.5 BA, shop, guest house, below appraisal, Woodville. .............. $300,000 Hunting Camp - Dog-trot house on 112+ acres, partially wooded, Big Turkey Creek frontage, CR 1205, Hillister. .................. $212,800 Deer Run - Aluminum sided home on 43.131 acres, FP in living room, 3 BR, 1 BA, large barn, fenced, Colmesneil. .... REDUCED $145,000 Hwy 92 Frontage - Frame home, 936 sf, 2 BR, 2 BA, office or 3rd BR, .454 Ac, fenced, storage shed, Woodville. ................... $34,900 NEW LISTING - Cedar sided home, 1148 sf, FP, 2 BR, 1 BA, screened L Darea, porch, deck, 2 car garage, Town Woodville. .... $27,500 S OBluff Soft Tan Skins Terracewood Wild Game Rugs One & Two Bedroom Apartments Apartments References Available 4230 US Hwy 69 S. Woodville, TX 75979 (409) 283-3141 300 Cobb Mill Road Woodville, Texas 75979 (409) 283-3592 Rental rates based on income. OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer. 62 years of age or older, handicap/disabled, regardless of age TDD (800) 735-2988 409-283-3300 • 1300 Hwy 69 S • Woodville, TX • Fax 409-283-3305 Hal Stark, Broker 409-429-8439 • Randy Durham, Associate - 409-429-6277 Wanda Evers, Associate - 409-781-9398 Member Beaumont, TAR, MLS NEW - 2 14 +/- acre parcels, Colmesneil, near Colemsneil ISD on Hickory St. Water and elecrtic available. Can aquire smaller parcel. Rolling terrain with improved pasture and maturing pine..........................................................................................................CALL FOR DETAILS NEW - Wildwood, 4/2/2/2 car garage on 2 golf course lots, 2 story, master down, with bonus room off master, 2 full baths with seperate shower and soak tubs, F/P, 2 living areas with ample closets and cabinets; MLS 50193...................................................................$235,900 NEW - lge, 4/2.5 on 2 corner lots in Wildwood, apx 3910 SF living. Needs lots TLC, selling as is....$89,000 NEW - 3/2/2 with 2 living areas. Located close to public school. Fenced yard and 2 storage buildings ......................................................................................................................$85,000 NEW - Commercial, 2 acres, highway 190 frontage, 978 SF, bldg/office. Recent improvements, ample parking ..................................................................................................$90,000 NEW - 3BR, 4BA on 3 waterfront lots on cul-de-sac, private pier, apx 3600 SF living, master bed down with his and her baths, unique 2 sided f/p , one side for indoor grilling, much more ..........................................................................................................................$245,000 NEW - WOODVILLE - custom built home on 30.25 +/- acres of rolling pasture, fenced, cross fenced, apx 3997 living, 4BR, 3BA, rustic interior, good county road access ...........$290,000 NEW - WARREN - 3.29 +/- acres, partially cleared, water at site, barn, fenced, FM 1943 frontage...................................................................................................................SOLD $19,500 WILDWOOD - Lovely Colonial, 3BR 3BA, on #3 tee box, 2 lots on cul-de-sac. Split bedrooms, master down, wet bar, F/P, 2 car garage, covered RV parking .....................$298,500 WILDWOOD - Spacious 3BR 2BA on 2 golf course lots. FP, crown molding, beamed ceilings, wet bar, 2 car garage .................................................................................................$248,500 SPuRgER - Recently remodled 3BR 2BA. New hardwood floors, kitchen cabinets, AC, hot water heater. Large covered rear deck. Work shop, outbuildingd on 4.5 +/- acres ...$115,000 COLEMSNEIL - updated 3BR 2BA. New carpet, paint, and built in bookcase. On 8 +/- mostly wooded acres ............................................................................................................$130,000 IVANHOE LOTS - 2 lots on corner 23rd and Lakeview Dr. Lake Tristan .......................$3,500 IVANHOE - Lake view lot on Charmaine, Sec. 7, Block 97, Lot 108 .............................$3,500 ExCELLENT BuILDINg SITE - On FM 2992, 6 +/- acres, fenced, cross fenced. Travel trailer with outbuildings, well and septic on site.........................................................SOLD $40,000 NEW - Lake front lot in Wildwood. Excellent view of Lake Kimball on cul-de-sac .......$30,000 NEW - 3/2 on 20 +/- acres, mostly pasture, fenced cross fenced, 2 ponds, live water branch, CR frontage, large metal barn and storage...............................................................$240,000 H.E. ‘Bud’ Jones Real Estate 106 E. Bluff, Woodville (409) 283-5000 Sales Associate Alton McAlister HOMES - RANCHES - ACREAGE - FHA - VA 2BD 2BA, CH+A, carport, water well, barn on 32 acres, fenced, County Road frontage, Colmesneil..$139,000 2BD 1BA, CH+A, part brick, part vinyl siding, city water & sewage, on 2 lots in Hwy 69, Colmesneil.....$35,000 3BD 2BA MFD HOME ,CH&A, approx 1560 feet of living area, plus porches, large out building on 1 acre..............................$68,500 3BD 2BA Brick, CH+A, 2 car garage, fenced yard and more.........................$84,900 2BR/2BA CH+A, mobile home in good condition on excellent 5 plus acres, Warren..$68,000 90 ACRES,wooded, county road frontage, rolling terrain, good location...$2995 per acre FRAME HOME 3BD/1BA, on approx 4 acres on blacktop, Hwy, needs updating..$30,000 SOLD 2BD/2BA, CH&A, aprx 1600 FT w/ shop, rental income, fenced yard, garden spot & more,Hwy 69..$65,000 BRICK HOME 3BR/2BA, CH/A, FP, on 52 acres, pasture, fenced creek, 40x60 barn, CR 4530...............$350,000 COMMERCIAL BUILDING, in Woodville, corner location, frontage on Hwy 190.......$85,000 WOODED TRACT, approx 18 acres, county road frontage.....................$2950 per acre LARGE BUILDING ON 1/2 ACRE, approx 2200 FT, has community water, rockland....$15,000 CUTE BRICK 2BD/1BA, CH+A, carport on 1 1/2 acres on county road...$64,900 SOLD 5 ACRES on FM 1745, set up for mobile home, Colmesneil....$22,500 3BD/2BA, CH+A, approx 2300 ft, 2 car carport...................................$114,900 COMMERCIAL BUILDING on US Hwy 69, corner location with lots of paved parking....$119,500 Large 3 BD 2 BA - Central H&A, garage, corner lot plus rental home....$79,500 COMMERCIAL-OFFICE-SHOP - with Lift, paint booth and more on full city services, 2.3 acres...Hwy. 69 COMMERCIALBUILDING on concrete slab, full city services, fronts Hwy 69..$23,000 BRICK & CEDAR, 2BD 2BA, CH&A, FP, deck, outbuilding on 6 1/2PENDING acres on FM 1013 CONTRACT SPACIOUS BRICK, 4BD, 3BA, CH+A, 2 car garage, out building, and more on 3 acres,CONTRACT west of Woodville........$189,000 PENDING 18 ACRES, wooded, County road frontage...............................................$2,950 per acre APPROX 40 ACRES, wooded, County Road frontage, close to Woodville.......$2,995 per acre List With Us! MOBILE HOMES RELIABLE HOMES of Huntsville has a large selection of new and used homes. Singlewides and doublewides. Call for more information. Open 7 days. 936295-8188 (49-2t-pce) FACTORY FRESH 3 bedroom, 2 bath, loaded. Must see, only $39,900 total price. See only at Reliable Homes of Huntsville. Call today 936-295-8188. Open 7 days. (49-2t-pce) SAVE THOUSANDS at Reliable Homes of Huntsville. The low price leader on new and used homes Hurry in or call 936-295-8188. Open 7 days. (49-2t-pce) OLDER MOBILE HOME for sale, Village Mills area. You move. $4000, good shape. 409617-8048 (49-1t-cc) 2009 5BR, 3 BA doublewide for $582/mo. PI. $6,500 rebate when you trade in your old one!! 240 months, 7.54% apr, 10% down WAC 936-539-5841 (49-5t-pce) YOUR LAND is your credit!! New homes loan with $0 down. don’t miss this opportunity. Call now 936-539-5841. (49-5t-pce) $0 DOWN SPECIAL Government loan for mobile homes if you or family own land. Best % rates in Texas. Call now 936539-5849. (49-5t-pce) GOT LAND? Want a mobile home? Best prices in Texas. Owner Financing available. Save money today 936-539-5841 (49-5t-pce) 2008 SBR, 2BA singlewide for $349/mo. PI. Last one...must go! 240 months, 9.6% apr, 5% down. WAC call now!! 936-581-3949 (49-5t-pce) WANTED/LAND I HAVE $40,000 to buy your land. 936-329-1391 (46-4t-b) Office 283-3110 • Cell 429-4262 Andrea Ayers 7 mi. S. of Woodville on Hwy 69 Open Thurs - Mon 9 - 4 CHARLES RAWSON CO. REAL ESTATE O. FINANCE, waterfront, septic, utilities, shop, Camelot Cir..$27,900 NEAT 3/2, fresh paint and carpet, vinyl siding, +/-AC.............$69,900 SKI LAKE LOTS, $35K each or $65K pkg, Sherwood Forest W. CLOSE TO SKI LAKE, 3 lots, septic, water, electric, 25th St...$22,000 2 LOTS, storage w/ bath, popup camper, Friar Tuck N..NOW$23,000 UPDATED CEDAR 2 story. approx 1776 sq.ft, CH/A, 3 bed, 1.5 bath, cov. porch, on 2 lake lots, Ivanhoe Dr. East....................NOW $79,000 SUPER BUY 3/2.5 - MFD Home, 1500 sq.ft., scenic 2/8 acres, fruit trees, fenced area, covered porch, lg. workshop, Lakewood Dr..........$59,900 LAKE GALAHAD - Waterfront lot.........................................$20,000 SOLD WATERFRONT, custom 3/2, 1999 MFD home, huge add-on gameroom, CH/A, woodstove, workshop, decks, cov. pier, Lakeview Cir...$99,000 ON 3 LAKE LOTS, Darling 2/1, sunroom, fine deck, Lg. storage bldg, quality updates, appliances, round table dr.....................NOW $69,000 BRICK 3/2/1, CH/A. close to Ski Lake, Chanticleer................$83,500 FRAME HOME, +/- 2100 sq.ft. 2 Lg BD, 1.5 bath, metal roof, 2 storage on slab (18x21) carport, acre+, Ivanhoe Est. Dr........................$79,500 WATERFRONT, 2000 Palm Harbor MFD home. 76x16’, 2/2, CH/A, approx 1/2 acre, storage, Camelot Circle...............................................$39,000 SOLD TOP QUALITY ‘05 MFD home, 3/2, decks, 3 lots, must see..$72,900 UNIQUE WORKSHOP on corner lots, built in 1993, Hardie Bd. on slab, +/- 24x36, 2 work bays, water/elec. 24x24 loft, Marion...........$35,000 OWNER FINANCE, waterfront lot, homes only, 23rd St.......$25,000 SKI LAKE, cedar , 1440 sq. ft, CH/A, fenced, FP, super decks, 3 waterfront lots, cov. boatslip, storage, Robinhood.................NOW $169,000 2 LOTS with all utilities, Septic on cul de sac..........................$15,000 COTTAGE ON CORNER LOTS, 2/1, sunroom, 22nd St......$47,500 LOTS AVAILABLE FOR $600 DOWN Land For Sale 35 ACRES w/ 2BR, 1BA, house & small guest house. 13 acres pasture, 22 acres mature timber. FM 256 east of Colmesneil. 409-423-2632 or 409-283-5413 Owner/Broker (30-tfn-b) 5 + ACRES Warren ISD, paved CR, $1500 down, $200 mo. 903-729-2333, (46-4t-cc) 69.553 ACRES hunting/rec, Warren ISD, $2,185 per acre w/low down. Cash discount. 903-729-2333, (46-4t-cc) Homes For Sale PRICE REDUCED 4BR, 2BA 1cp, central A/H, 1207 CR 1044 (Mimosa) off South Hwy 69, Woodville. Upgraded brick, fenced yard, $87,000. Call for apt. 409-749-4894 (22-tfn-b) BEAUTIFUL, SECLUDED 2000+sq ft 2/2 Country Home and attached 750’ Guest House/ Office on 24 wooded acres overlooking Big Turkey Creek just south of Woodville. 175 linear ft of covered porch, 24x24 two story barn/workshop, deep wells, lots of wildlife, more. $224,000 (up to 90 acres w/camp house & lake available) 409-200-0136. (15-tfn-b) HOUSE FOR SALE Newly remodeled, 3BR, 1BA, fenced yard, $43,000. 409-283-3422 or 409-429-4346 (47-4t-b) CEDAR 3BR/2BA, den, living, dining, office, central h/a, decks, in Jasper Co. 3.5 acres on paved county road, $47,900 409-5943651 (48-2t-b) IVANHOE: newly remodeled house w/lake view. Large room can be used as BR or craft-room. $98,500 409-283-3185 (409283-3185 (49-2t-b) COMMERCIAL COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR LEASE 1000 sq ft. on Hwy 190 $600 mo, $600 dep. 409-8379802 (41-tfn-b) Homes For Rent HOUSE FOR RENT- good references & deposit required. Call 283-7034. (39-tfn-b) ZAVALLA, TX 1BR efficiency, barn-conversion duplex. Approx. 750 sq ft. New construction. Beside Neches River. 832-4896543 (27-tfn-b) WOODVILLE/COLMESNEIL 1,2,3 BR Apts & Mobile Homes available now. 409-8379802 (40-tfn-b) HOUSE FOR LEASE 4BR, 3BA, Brick, 1708 W Holly. 409299-1150 (33-tfn-b) COLMESNEIL on 255, 2BR/2BA, 3 acres, $550 mo. $550 dep. 409-837-9802 (49-tfn-b) Books for Sale at the Booster. Great Christmas Gifts 205 W. Bluff Woodville 283-2516 Tap into the Greater Houston Market! NEW OFFICE: 613 W. Bluff, Woodville Ginni Stein 832-444-7787/409-200-0266 Gina Fowler 409-382-5805 Lillie Swearingen 409-429-4848 Time to sell? Call us, we have buyers! HARMONY 29ac Estate: Brick 2-story w/2 FP’s, updated kitchen/bath, porches, guest qtrs, fenced pasture, stable, barn, pond $389,000 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS: Popular restaurant; owner retiring. Great opportunity! Call Ginni for details 1746 SOUTH: Cattle ranch on 100 rolling acres, brick home, 5BR 3BA, FP, porches, pasture, pond, creek, woods, good hunting $495,000 OFF SENECA: Mediterranean styled villa, granite kitchen, marble FP on 20 wooded acres w/guest house plus creekside villa $335,000 CR 1010: WOW! Designer’s custom 4/3/2 brick home on 10 wooded acres, FP, granite, high ceilings, porches, shop $299,900 WOODVILLE 69S:Stunning 4 br 2ba on 5ac, sunken den, stone FP, high ceiling, master w/WBstove, hot tub, .......$299,000 COLMESNEIL Fowler Rd: Immaculate large brick home on 10AC, gorgeous 3br 2ba, porches, garage/shop + historic home $260,000 COLMESNEILoff 256: 35ac fenced pasture/woods, beautiful custom 3/2 manuf.home, FP, live creek, spring, garage/shop, barn $205,000 COLMESNEIL brick, 3/2, formal LR/dining, den, large rooms, cov’d patio, concrete drive, close to school on 1.984AC $185,000 COLMESNEIL: 256W, country home on large wooded lot, everything new, 2br, 1ba, wood stove, deck, barn, landscaped $125,000 LAKE GALAHAD: Stunning lakefront 3br 3.5ba on 2 lots, shows like a model, porches, pier, carport $189,900 LAKE GALAHAD: As is. Unfinished 3/2/2/loft rough cedar home on 3 lakefront lots, good potential for handyperson. $95,000 IVANHOE interior: Adorable 2br 2ba on 2 shady lots, porch, crown molding, ceramic tile, patio, stg. $75,000 LAKE AMANDA: Almost new Cali contemporary with gaslog FP, wall of windows on lake, sep. office, decks...................$150,000 CHESTER: Plantation-style home on 9.75AC, 3BR, 3BA, 2 living areas, FP, island kitchen, pool. Bring your horses..... NOW $225,000 DOUCETTE: Southern charm on 1.25AC on 69. Lovingly restored home w/porches, 3/2/3, sunporch, landscaped, cottage $144,900 CHARMING, 2/1, near Steinhagen Lake with great fishing, large workshop w/slab, carport, large yard with huge shade trees. $49000 ADORABLE, 2/1, located in town in Woodville, lots of updates, wood & ceramic tile flooring, convenient location. $58,000 LUMBERTON: Adorable and affordable. 3br, 2ba, central air/heat, fenced, good neighborhood $89,900 WOODVILLE: Temple St. Great little starter home or investment. 2br 2ba on 2 shady corner lots.Appliances incl. $47,900 FROG POND:Adorable cabin on large lot, 1 br, 1 ba, sunporch, fireplace, recent A/C and roof.....$65,000 FROG POND: Cute 1 br cabin with sleeping porch, FP, large wooded lakefront lot.........................$65,000 WOODVILLE: Development tract on S. Pecan, 7 acres with mature trees, city utilities available.........................$35,000 WOODVILLE: Development lots off MLK. 7 platted lots, additional unplatted area, wooded, city utilities available.............$15,000 WILDWOOD: Beautiful golf course lot with long frontage on #12 green and #11 fairway, tall trees, gorgeous view 816 Camphor $10,000 LAKE GALAHAD: Immaculatelakefrontsplit-levelon2lots,2br1ba,multipledecks&porches,buldhead,pier,boathouseandshop...$132,900 LAKE GALAHAD: Sherwood Forest North, 3 waterfront lots, beautifully wooded, great view, several homesites, utilities available...$53,500 WOODVILLE: One of a kind 4BR, 3BA, FP, 4-garage, 4400 sq.ft. on 20 acres with pond & pier, Hwy 190 frontage............$239,000 TOWN BLUFF: Doll house on CR 4190, 3 lots, 1br, 1ba beautifully renovated, furnishings incl, distant lake view from high bluff. $47,000 LAKE CHARMAINE waterfront beauty: Brick 4br 2ba, updated, boathouse w/lift & entertainment deck, wood deck, landscaped $169,500 LAKE AMANDA: Spacious 3/3 lakefront brick w/2 FP’s, boat dock, wooded lot, storage under............NOW $129,900 IVANHOE: 2 blks to ski lake, neat 1BR/1BAcedar w/vaulted ceiling, fireplace, wood & tile floors, on .7 woodedAC; lake access $49,900 FROG POND: Lakefront retreat on wooded 1.1AC, 2BR 2 BA + sleeping porch, furnished, huge kitchen, porch, patio, dock $92,000 HARMONY: 3-story Victorian on 6AC of gardens, 3 FP in master, living and kitchen, stained glass, cottage, has it all!.....$364,900 LAKE AMANDA: Perfect open-water view; 2BR 1BA cabin, huge fishing pier, boat house, concrete deck, screened porch...$99,900 FROG POND: Lakefront home on 2 lots, fireplace, boat dock, big deck, summer kitchen, stg bldgs.......................$92,000 COLMESNEIL Off 256E: Charming brick on 9.9AC, fenced, 40x50 shop, island kitchen, FP, gameroom, covered patio .... $198,000 IVANHOE: interior, darling cottage in the trees, on 2 lots, with access to all 5 lakes, big porch for relaxing, 1BR, 1BA $39,000 LAKE AMANDA: One of the lovliest lots on the lake, on the point, blukhead, wooded, small cabin and workshop.......$95,000 LAKE AMANDA: Open water view, immaculate 3/2 + garage apartment, huge porch, dock, gazebo, shop w/half bath....$155,500 COLMESNEIL: Stunning 2-story brick, 3/2.5, FP, on 15 wooded AC off 256E, darling 1/1 guesthouse, creek, 3-car gar..$239,900 HARMONY: Charming home on 15ac w/2 creeks, barn/shop, exquisite interior, FP, porch & screened porch, carport.......$240,000 MEMBER: Multiple Listing Service Houston Association of Realtors: CMYK December 10, 2009 THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 3C Tyler County Real Estate ...will be seeing patients in Woodville at the Tyler County Hospital 1st & 3rd Thursday of every month from 9am to 5pm. Cozy 2bd, 2 ba, home in the country, catheral ceiling, fireplace,cereamic tile floors. 2 car carport, 2 stor. bldgs. on 5 wooded acres............................................. ............................................................$119,000 ** additional acreage available. Updated, spacious, 3bd, 2 ba. home with office,,2 car carport, new stor. bldg. fenced yard. on 1 acre ..............................................................................$120,000 Woodville - 3/2 on Reid Street, large den, some hardwood floors, can also be a duplex, can be great rent property..................................Call Stacy $54,000 Woodville - Harmony area, 3/3 on 43 acres, excellent views,custom kitchen, large bedrooms and closets, paved drive, creek, 4 seperate shops with a/c, generators to run all, fenced, irrigated landscaping,to much to list, one of the best homes in east texas...........................................................................$675,000 ColMeSNeil, 44 acre good timber, creek, good hunting, some minerals............................................................................................$2300 per acre HaRdiN CoUNty paCKaGe liStiNG: 7 sm. estate properties for sale as a package..............................................asking $30,000 for all tracts. Make offer. eXeCUtive RaNCH 3/3 on 72 + acres, open floor plan w/ stone F/P, custom Kitchen, cathedral ceilings...................................................Call FoR detailS CUte BRiCK HoMe 4/2 lg yard on culdesac, Woodville........... SOLD $82,500 17 aCReS Tyler County Close to town, wooded, high hilltop, end of the road privacy........................................................................................................... $56,000 LumbeRTOn COmmeRCiaL PROPeRTy - Hwy 69 frontage, corner lot, heavy traffic location, good building site, 1.5 acre..................................$125,000 COmeRiCaL LiSTinG LumbeRTOn - hwy 69 frontage 2 acres with 2 large industrial warehouses and remodeled office building, excellent location .............. ....................................................................... CaLL FOR PRiCe anD SHOWinG 20 aCReS nORTH eaST OF COLmeSneiL, good timber, hunting, some minerals................................................................................... PenDinG $2300/ac 150/ac - hunting property, creek, pond, good roads fenced ................$2500/aC 58 aCReS - Colmesneil, wooded, hwy 69 frontage, 3bd 2 bth, modular home, spring creek, good hunting, asking....................................... PenDinG $180,000 4/3.5 WiTH 3 CaR aTTaCH GaRaGe. recently remodeled has a fireplace, walkin closets. new appliances included. brick on slab. central H/aC. metal stor. on slab located on 3.5 acres variety of flowers and fruit trees................................. ......................................Possible 100% financing for approved buyers $138,000 COmmeRCiaL PROPeRTy: 4.45 acres north of woodville, Hwy 69 frontage city water & sewer available................................................................. SOLD $27,000 WiLDWOOD - 4bd/2bth home with good location to lake or golfing, recently painted and extra storage building, priced to sell.......................................$90,000 neW LiSTinG - immaculate 3/2/2 all new updates, granite countertops, crown molding, ceramic flooring, large open floor plan for hosting family & friends. beautiful sunroom, rock fireplace, many extras, guest house included, 12x24 shop on 8 manicured acres with a creek border..Call Stacy for details and appt. 380 CR 1020, WOODViLLe - 3/2/2 with approx. 2100 s.f., large kitchen/dining room, rock fireplace in livingroom w/cathedral ceiling, master bedroom walk in closet, shop included on 3 acres, ready to move Stacy 409-429-4459 WOODViLLe - 3/1, 1 car garage, covered deck, large lot, centrally located, priced at only $105,000. Shown by appointment. Call Jayne......409-880-5088 neW LiSTinG- brick 3/2 on 1.42 acres. new flooring throughout, fireplace, central h/ac, stainless steel appliances included. Great starter home. this one is priced to sale at $105,000. call Stacy neW LiSTinG 4.54 acres in Warren. Ready to build on has utilites in place. Storage bldg. on sight. $26,500. call Stacy neW LiSTinG - 507 n. Reid St in Woodville. Spacious 2bR, 2ba, LR, DR, large family room, fireplace, patio, garage, centrally located on manicured lot. Very nice. Priced $140,000 Shown by appointment. Call Jayne 409-880-5088 neW LiSTinG - 110 acres large pine and hardwood near Chester, great hunting for deer, hogs, squirrels, wood roads through property. Surrounded by timber co. 300 yds pff black top. Good buy at $2,500 per acre. Call butch HWy 287 neaR CHeSTeR: 84 acres excellent pine timber, long frontage, creek, house is like a lodge with tall ceilings, huge rock fireplace, open downstairs, 2bR and bath upstairs. Chester gas and water, good hunting. $325,000 BIO: • Training includes: foot & ankle surgery, wound care, primary podiatric medical care • Member of Texas Podiatric Medical Association • Member of American Podiatric Medical Association • Member of Podiatry Practice Management Call (281) 210-2939 to make an appointment to be seen in Woodville at the Tyler County Hospital. Office address: 17191 St. Lukes Way • The Woodlands, TX 77384 Common Sense for the Week No. 9 Would you fly across the Ocean if there was an 80% chance your plane had Enough fuel to make it? Call Trae Monroe at 384-2671 157 W. Milam St. • Jasper Greg Gonsoulin Stacy Manuel owner/Broker 454-1375 409-429-4459 (across from First United Methodist Church) Securities offered thru DH Hill Securities, L.L.C. Advisory services offered thru DH Hill Advisors, Inc. • 7821 FM 1960 East, Suite B Humble, TX 77346 • Member FINRA/SIPC Jayne Best l.B. “BUtCH” Herring 409-880-5088 associate 429-0864 321 S. Magnolia • Woodville 409-283-8727 Wildwood 409-834-6006 Michele Martindale, Broker Cell: 409-429-6202 Sales Associates Norvelle Rogers 409-782-6187 Ivanhoe:Nice 2 bd/1ba with large family room and kitchen, vaulted ceiling, f/p, wonderful relaxing front porch, outbuildings, on 3 lots, MLS 48144............... .......................................................$75,900 RESIDENTIAL, FARMS & RANCHES Woodville: Fabulous Custom 3/3.5, office, keeping room, 2-f/p, wonderful wrap around deck w/hot tub that overlooks 29 +/- acs; MLS 43168.................................................................................$ 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 New Listing: Colmesneil: Custom 3BD/2BA, FP, lots of windows that overlooks 46 +/- acres, pond, outbuildings, tractor barn, improved pasture, native woods, crossfences, and more; MLS #49593.$ 3 4 9 , 0 0 0 OFF Hwy. 92: Wonderful lake view from hill, rustic custom 4/3, handicap access, pool, barn, pond, 4+/- acres; MLS 46426 ......$ 2 1 0 , 0 0 0 New Listing: 1105 Garden: Custom 3/3/2 like new, keeping room, loft, 2 FP, cathedral ceiling & more; MLS 48535 ........SOLD $199,500 Colmesneil, 3/2/2, custom built home, special ceilings, on 4.76+/- acres in town, 30x70 metal bldg, MLS 48937....$179,000 Silsbee: Nice 3/2/2, large rooms, quiet street, ready to move in; MLS 49266....................................NEW PRICE $149,000 $144,900 NEW: FM 1746: 5 Bd/2.5Ba, many updates, extra large rooms, large shop on 4+/- manicured acres; MLS 49156... REDUCED $158,000 $145,000 Colmesneil 256 W: 4Bd/2Ba, F/P, crown molding, recently remodled, 5 +/- acres, fenced, out building; MLS #48729NEW PRICE $149,900 Seneca Rd: 2/2/1, fp, cathedral ceiling, large out building on secluded 27+/- acres; MLS 48544 ....................................................$ 1 5 7 , 0 0 0 New Listing: Warren: Lake Hyatt: Nice 2Bd/2Ba, large kitchen, open concept, sun porch, many outbuildings & shop on 5.63+/- acs; MLS #49637.......................... CONTRACT PENDING $142,000 1912 N. Pine: 3/2/2 in desired location formals, FP, 1798’ approx, on large lot; MLS 48400 .........................................................$ 1 3 4 , 9 0 0 New Listing: 103 Brookdale Ct: Nice 3BD/2BA, partial tile floors, garden tub, sep. shower, large fenced backyardREDUCED $120,000 $115,000 Spurger: 3/2 Mfg. home, excellent condition, f/p, office, on 3+/- acres; MLS 48690.................................................................................$95,000 Woodville: 710 Youpon, 3/2/2 with approx. 1508’ of living, storage bldg on large lot; MLS 47468 ...............REDUCED $89,000 $75,000 Ivanhoe: Nice 2Bd/1Ba, F/P, covered porch, fence on 3 lots; MLS 48144......................................................NEW PRICE $75,900 New Listing: Chester: Old home place, 9.6 +/- acres, features pond, and more! ...................... CONTRACT PENDING $65,000 310 Birch St: Precious 3/1 w/hardwood floors, large fenced yard........... ...................................................................................................$62,000 New Listing: Fred Area: 2BD/2Ba, nice mobil home on 1.69+/- acres on CR 4720 - 1 mile South of Fred ......................................$ 5 4 , 0 0 0 OFF FM 92: Manufactured Home, 3/2, on 4 lots, close to river; MLS 45882...................................................................................$ 4 9 , 9 9 5 Ivanhoe: 3/2 mfg home on 3 beautiful lots, fenced, outside storage; MLS 48016 .............................................NEW PRICE $44,900 New Listing: 165 Saxon Lane: 3Bd/2Ba, mfg home on 2 wooded lots; .....................................................................................$ 3 9 , 0 0 0 Woodville, Jasper, and Ivanhoe: Lots available ................. $ C a l l $ WILDWOOD RESIDENTIAL 308 Cypress Bend: 3/2, cozy home, freshly painted that features woodburning fire place, game room, attached garage, breakfast bar, out buildings and more! MLS #49933 ................................$ 1 3 5 , 0 0 0 404 Pecan: 2/3, oak floors, mangard ceiling, RV parking on 2 secluded lots; MLS 46841....................................NEW PRICE $259,000 Members: Beaumont &TAR MLS 3 lakefront lots w/ 4/2, granite, workshop, deck, privacy fence; MLS 135971...............................................................................$ 2 3 9 , 0 0 0 900 Magnolia: On golf course, large 2BD/2BA, FP, new floors, beautiful fenced backyard, patio, sun porch; MLS 47221 & 134515$134,900 NEW: 612 W. Wildwood Dr.: 2 lots on golf course w/ 3/2/2, new kitchen, sun porch, covered patio, R.V. parking, gameroom, workshop; MLS 49198...$169,000 145 Lakewood: Georgeous 2/2.5/2 on 3 lake lots, open concept w/ island in kitchen, sunroom/breakfast room, Lg shop, green house, pier & boat slip; MLS #49555.....$179,000 ALL REASONABLE OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED 220 Wildwood: 2/2.5, large master suite, 2 living areas, approx. 2071 sq. ft of living, patio, new .....................................................$ 8 9 , 5 0 0 Wildwood: 2 LARGE lakewood lots; MLS #46155 .............$ 5 9 , 9 0 0 Lots Available ....................................................................$ C A L L $ ACREAGE New Listing: Spectacular, rustic, ranch home, 3bd/2ba with various woods, stone fireplace, paradise shops for the man, gym on 38 +/- acres; MLS #50133..$CALL$ New Listing: Ranchers Dream 406+/- acs: Rustic, cabin setting among hayfield, 3 acre stocked lake, creek, good hunting, fenced; MLS #49477............................................................................. $ 2 , 9 6 5 / A c 220 +/- Acs: Warren: Ranch property, improved pasture, 3 acre lake, 3 ponds, deep well, horse stalls, barns, outbuildings, ranch manager quarters .............................................................................$ 7 2 5 , 0 0 0 140 +/- Acs: FM 256: beautiful under brushed pine plantation, great roads, creek; MLS 46096 ................................................ $ 3 , 9 9 5 / A c 58 +/- Acres: Hungting tract that joins hunting club, deer, duck, hog, off FM 2827; MLS 48561 ...................................................... $ 2 , 7 0 0 / A c 42+/- acs: improved, 2 ponds, creek, park like setting, income potential,cattle and horse friendly, 2BD/1Ba w/ office, rustic interior; MLS 48316 ......................................................... SOLD $185,000 38 +/- acres: Warren area, wooded, fronts 2 county roads; $2,700/Ac 28 +/- Acs: Warren: CR frontage, pine & hardwood ....... $ 3 , 5 0 0 / A c New Listing: 5+/- Acres: Colmesneil: Pasture, outbuildings, fenced, 4BD/2BA, newly remodled, Nice! MLS 48729 ...................$ 1 4 9 , 9 0 0 New Listing: 2.4 +/- acs: Warren, 3/2 modular home, lots of updates, outbuildins, fenced...............................................................$ 5 5 , 0 0 0 COMMERCIAL Woodville: Hwy 69 frontage, bldg. approx. of 19,448’, 5 +/- acs.; MLS 46419.........................................$795,000 OR BEST OFFER Woodville: Office/Warehouse, approx. 7500’ with 4500’ of warehouse with loading dock; MLS 43711 ...........................................$ 4 2 5 , 0 0 0 New Listing: Warren Small Engine Repair: selling great business opportunity, 24 year clientale; MLS 48570REDUCED $250,000 $195,000 4+/- Acres on Hwy 69 S, 895.65’ of hwy frontage; MLS 47141.................................................................................$ 1 9 9 , 0 0 0 Woodville: Office bldg on 190 W. 6 offices & reception area; MLS 47029............................................REDUCED $90,000 $70,000 Jasper: 18 +/- Acs., accross from Lowe’s on Hwy. 190; MLS 46720............................................................................. $ 2 0 , 0 0 0 / A c Chester: Hwy 287 frontage 8x10 climate control storage, office space, income recognized, “Great Buy” MLS 46719.....$40,000 CMYK Page 4C THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 Legal Notices SUBSCRIBE TO THE BOOSTER TODAY! stay informed. LEGAL NOTICE The Texas Department of Rural Affairs (TDRA), in cooperation with the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA), invites you to attend an upcoming public hearing to receive comments on the Regional Pool Competitive Process Criteria Distribution for approximately $24,591,584 in Community Development Block Grant Supplemental Disaster Recovery Funds under the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), Consolidated Security, Disaster Assistance, and Continuing Appropriation Act of 2009, Public Law 110-329. Written and oral comments regarding the criteria will be taken at a public hearing scheduled for Tuesday, December 15, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at the TDRA South Austin Office located at 1340 Airport Commerce Drive, Bldg. 4, Suite 490, Austin, Texas 78741. A webcast of this event will be available to enable individuals to view and hear this public hearing. Instructions on how to access this webcast can be found on our website at (please click on the “Calendar” section on the right side of the home page). Additional written comments may be submitted to TDRA by mail, fax or email, and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 15, 2009. Please send comments to: Chance Sparks, AICP, Senior Program Analyst, at P.O. Box 17900, Austin, TX 78760-7900, via Fax to 512-9360356 or via e-mail to chance. The draft criteria will be posted on Friday, December 11, 2009 on the agency website www.tdra. and will be available for review at the TDRA South Austin Office. TDRA will provide reasonable accommodations for persons with special needs attending the public hearing. Requests from persons needing special accommodations should be received by TDRA staff 24 hours prior to the function. The public hearing will be conducted in English and requests for interpreters or other special communication needs should be made at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. For assistance, please contact Chance Sparks at 1-888-6932236 or chance.sparks@tdra. razonables a aquellas personas con necesidades especiales que asistan a la audiencia pública. Las solicitudes provenientes de aquellas personas que necesiten ajustes especiales deberán ser recibidas por el personal del TDRA por lo menos 24 horas antes de la función. La audiencia pública será llevada a cabo en inglés y cualquier solicitud de intérpretes u otras necesidades de comunicación especiales deberán realizarse con por lo menos 48 horas de antelación a la audiencia. Para ayuda al respecto, sírvase contactarse con Chance Sparks por el 1-888-6932236 o a través de chance. (49-1t-b) LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to the County of Tyler to sell the following: ID# 10302009-01 Rough Terrain Fork Lift, Model MLT6-CH, SN CC-1324/ Detroit Diesel Allision Div. Engine will be received in the office of the County Auditor, 100 West Bluff, Room 110, Woodville, Texas, until 10:00 a. m. on December 14, 2009 at which time and place all bids received will be publicly opened. FACSIMILE TRANSMITTALS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE MAKE REFERENCE ON THE FACE OF THE ENVELOPE AS TO ITEM(S) FOR WHICH YOU ARE BIDDING. Information may be obtained by contacting Steve Bell or Ellis Jones at (409) 331-0874. Items may be seen at the Tyler County Emergency Operations Center, 201 Willow, Woodville, TX between the hours of 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday. Equipment is sold in as is condition. Payments will be processed by the County Auditor after notification of satisfactory receipt of items. Tyler County reserves the right to award by unit cost or lump sum discounted. Tyler County reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive formalities and technicalities to negotiate sale. JOYCE MOORE El Departamento de Asuntos COUNTY AUDITOR Rurales de Texas (TDRA), en TYLER COUNTY, TEXAS colaboración con el Departa- (47-3t-b) mento de Vivienda y Asuntos Comunitarios del Estado de LEGAL NOTICE Texas (TDHCA), lo invita a NOTICE TO BIDDERS asistir a una próxima audiencia Warren ISD is accepting pública para recibir comentarios sobre el Criterio para el proceso sealed bids for bleachers for the competitivo de distribución de new Warren High School Basefondos comunes regionales por ball and Softball complex. un monto de aproximadamente Specifications can be ob$24,591,584 en Fondos Suple- tained at the district’s business mentarios para la Recuperación office located at 395 FM 3290 tras Desastres provenientes de South, Warren, Texas, between una Subvención Global para 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday el Desarrollo Comunitario bajo through Thursday, or by calling la Ley del Departamento de 409-547-2241 ext.166 or 409Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano 547-2249 ext.166. de los EE.UU. (HUD), Segu- Mailed bids may be sent to ridad Consolidada, Asistencia Tony Keeler, Warren ISD, P.O. para Desastres y Asignación de Box 69, Warren, Texas 77664, Fondos en Curso del año 2009, and must be clearly marked as “Bleacher Bid Proposal”. DeadLey Publica 110-329. En la audiencia pública pautada line for receiving and opening para el martes, 15 de diciem- of bids is December 18, 2009, bre de 2009, a las 10 a.m., se at 10:00 a.m. in the Warren ISD aceptarán comentarios orales y Administration Office. por escrito del público respecto Bids will be presented for a dichos criterios. La audiencia approval at the Regular Board se celebrará en las oficinas del Meeting on January 19, 2010, at TDRA de South Austin ubicada 7:00 p.m., in the district’s board en 1340 Airport Commerce room located in the administraDrive, Bldg. 4, Suite 490, Austin, tion building at 395 FM 3290 South. The Board reserves the Texas 78741. Habrá disponible un “webcast” right to reject any or all bids or de este evento para permitirles a accept the bid which is deemed las personas ver y escuchar esta to be in the best interest of the(49-1t-b) audiencia pública. Las instruc- district. ciones sobre cómo acceder a este LEGAL NOTICE “webcast” pueden encontrarse en nuestro sitio web en www.tdra. CITATION BY (sírvase hacer clic en PUBLICATION la sección “Calendar” al lado THE STATE OF TEXAS derecho de la página inicial). TO: Unknown heirs of RayComentarios adicionales por mond “R.N.” Beddingfield, escrito pueden ser remitidos al Deceased Defendant, TDRA por correo convencional, Greetings: fax o correo electrónico, los YOU (AND EACH OF cuales deben recibirse antes YOU) ARE HEREBY COMde las 5 p.m. del martes 15 de MANDED to appear before the diciembre de 2009. Sírvase District Court of Tyler County enviar los comentarios a: Chance at the Courthouse being located Sparks, AICP, Senior Program at 100 West Bluff, in the City Analyst, en P.O. Box 17900, of Woodville, Tyler County, Austin, TX 78760-7900, por fax Texas, by filing a written answer al 512-936-0356 o por correo at or before 10 o’clock A.M. on electrónico a chance.sparks@ the first Monday next after the expiration of forty-two days from El borrador de los criterios será the date of the issuance of this publicado el viernes, 11 de dici- citation, the date for answer being embre de 2009, en el sitio web the 28th day of December, A.D. de la agencia, www.tdra.state. 2009, to First Amended Petition y estará disponible para su For Partition Of Real Estate filed revisión en la oficina del TDRA in said court, on the 13th day of de South Austin. November, A.D. 2009, in this El TDRA proporcionará ajustes cause numbered 21,393 on the docket of said court and styled at 7:00 p.m. in the district’s board room located in the administraDOROTHY COLLIER NO- tion building at 395 FM 3290 South. The Board reserves the ACK, Plaintiff, vs. KENNETH ODOM, et al, De- right to reject any or all bids or accept the bid which is deemed fendant. A brief statement of the to be in the best interest of the (48-2t-b) nature of this suit is as follows, district. to-wit: A certain 87 acre tract, LEGAL NOTICE more or less, being out of NOTICE TO BIDDERS and part of the Ennis Hardin Survey, Abstract No. 346, Tyler Warren ISD is accepting sealed bids for four (4) ChevroCounty, Texas The officer executing this let Luminas with no more than writ shall promptly serve the 69,000 miles. same according to requirements Information can be obtained of law, and the mandates hereof, at the district’s business office and make due return as the law located at 395 FM 3290 South, Warren, Texas, between 8:00 directs. Witness, Melissie Evans, a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday Clerk of the District Court of through Thursday, or by calling 409-547-2241-ext.166 or 409Tyler County, Texas. Issued and given under my 547-2249-ext.166. hand and the seal of said court Mailed bids may be sent to at office this the 13th day of Tony Keeler, Warren ISD, P.O. Box 69, Warren, Texas 77664, November, A.D. 2009. and must be clearly marked as Melissie Evans, Clerk “Vehicle Bid Proposal”. DeadDistrict Court, line for receiving and opening Tyler County, Texas By Brenda Davison, Deputy bids is December 18, 2009, at 10:00 a.m. in the Warren ISD NOTICE “You have been sued. You Administration Office. may employ an attorney. If you or The district reserves the right your attorney do not file a written to reject any or all bids or accept answer with the clerk who issued the bid which is deemed to be in this citation by 10:00 A.M. on the best interest of the district. the Monday next following the (49-1t-b) expiration of forty-two days after you were served this citation and LEGAL NOTICE petition, a default judgment may NOTICE OF RECEIPT be taken against you.” OF APPLICATION AND Attorney for Plaintiff INTENT TO OBTAIN WASCOTT W. STOVER TER QUALITY PERMIT P.O. Box 480 AMENDMENT Jasper, Texas 75951 (46-4t-b) PERMIT NO. WQ0001598000 LEGAL NOTICE APPLICATION. GeorgiaNOTICE TO CREDITORS Pacific Wood Products South Notice is hereby given that LLC, P.O. Box 200, Camden, original Letters Testamentary Texas 75934, which operates for the Estate of ROBERT LA- a lumber, chip, and plywood VANE JONES, SR., Deceased, were issued on November 24, manufacturing plant, has ap2009, in Cause No. PR-08518, plied to the Texas Commispending in the County Court of sion on Environmental Quality Tyler County, Texas, to: SHIELA (TCEQ) to amend Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination VONNE JONES. All persons having claims System (TPDES) Permit No. against this Estate which is WQ0001598000 (EPA I.D. No. currently being administered TX0006076) to authorize the are required to present them to discharge and land application the undersigned within the time of kiln condensate; the land and in the manner prescribed by application of treated sanitary law. wastewater from outfall 101; c/o:SHIELA VONNE JONES the reduction in monitoring fre 321 CR 4335 quency for outfall 001; estab Woodville, Texas 75979 lish uniform chemical oxygen Dated the 7th day of December, demand (COD) effluent limita2009. (49-1t-b) tions; and the deletion of storm outfalls 005 and 006 LEGAL NOTICE water to establish new storm water NOTICE TO BIDDERS monitoring via outfall 007. The facility is located on the south Sealed bids addressed to the side of the intersection of FarmCounty of Tyler for the follow- to-Market Road 942 and Farming: to-Market Road 62 in the City ID# 11132009-01 Proposals for of Camden, Polk County, Texas Audit Firm for Annual Audit of 75934. The proposed new land Tyler County FY ’09 with a three application and disposal site year option will be received in area are located on the north the office of the County Audi- side of Farm-to-Market Road tor, 100 West Bluff, Room 110, 942 and Farm-to-Market Road Woodville, Texas, until 10:00 62, directly across from the mill a.m. on December 14, 2009, at site. The discharge route for the which time and place all bids existing and proposed outfall received will be publicly opened. 007 are from the plant site to FACSMILIES SHALL NOT an unnamed tributary of Dabbs BE ACCEPTED. Creek; thence to Dabbs Creek; Specifications may be secured thence to Caney Creek; thence at the office of the County Audi- to the Neches River Below tor. Lake Palestine. TCEQ received PLEASE MAKE REFER- this application on October 12, ENCE ON THE FACE OF 2009. The permit application is THE ENVELOPE AS TO available for viewing and copyITEM(S) FOR WHICH YOU ing at Mickey Reilly Public ARE BIDDING. REMIT SIX COPIES ALONG WITH Library, 604 South Mathews Street, Corrigan, Texas. ORIGINAL BID. ADDITIONAL NOTICE. The County reserves the right to award by unit cost or lump TCEQ’s Executive Director has determined the application is sum discounted. Tyler County reserves the administratively complete and right to reject any or all bids will conduct a technical review of the application. After techniand to waive formalities and technicalities to negotiate sale. cal review of the application is complete, the Executive DirecJOYCE MOORE tor may prepare a draft permit COUNTY AUDITOR and will issue a preliminary TYLER COUNTY, TEXAS decision on the application. (47-3t-b) Notice of the Application and Decision will be LEGAL NOTICE Preliminary published and mailed to those NOTICE TO BIDDERS who are on the county-wide Warren ISD is accepting mailing list and to those who sealed bids on 30 data projec- are on the mailing list for this tion systems and installation in application. That notice will the new Warren High School contain the deadline for submitcomplex. Bids should list equip- ting public comments. ment and installation as separate PUBLIC COMMENT/PUBitems. LIC MEETING. You may sub Specifications can be obtained at the district’s business mit public comments or request office located at 395 FM 3290 a public meeting on this appliSouth, Warren, Texas between cation. The purpose of a public 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday meeting is to provide the opthrough Friday, or by calling portunity to submit comments 409-547-2241 or 409-547-2242. or to ask questions about the mailed bids may be sent to application. TCEQ will hold a Terry Ling, Warren ISD, P.O. public meeting if the Executive Box 69, Warren, Texas 77664, Director determines that there and must be clearly marked as is a significant degree of public “Bid Proposal”. Deadline for interest in the application or if receiving and opening of bids requested by a local legislator. is Friday, December 11, 2009, A public meeting is not a conat 2:00 p.m. in the Warren ISD tested case hearing. Administration Office. OPPORTUNITY FOR A Bids will be presented for CONTESTED CASE HEARapproval at the Regular Board ING. After the deadline for Meeting on December 15, 2009, CMYK submitting public comments, the Executive Director will consider all timely comments and prepare a response to all relevant and material, or significant public comments. Unless the application is directly referred for a contested case hearing, the response to comments, and the Executive Director’s decision on the application, will be mailed to everyone who submitted public comments and to those persons who are on the mailing list for this application. If comments are received, the mailing will also provide instructions for requesting reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision and for requesting a contested case hearing. A contested case hearing is a legal proceeding similar to a civil trial in state district court. TO REQUEST A CONTESTED CASE HEARING, YOU MUST INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS IN YOUR REQUEST: your name, address, phone number; applicant’s name and proposed permit number; the location and distance of your property/activities relative to the proposed facility; a specific description of how you would be adversely affected by the facility in a way not common to the general public; and, the statement “[I/we] request a contested case hearing.” If the request for contested case hearing is filed on behalf of a group or association, the request must designate the group’s representative for receiving future correspondence; identify an individual member of the group who would be adversely affected by the proposed facility or activity; provide the information discussed above regarding the affected member’s location and distance from the facility or activity; explain how and why the member would be affected; and explain how the interests the group seeks to protect are relevant to the group’s purpose. Following the close of all applicable comment and request periods, the Executive Director will forward the application and any requests for reconsideration or for a contested case hearing to the TCEQ Commissioners for their consideration at a scheduled Commission meeting. The Commission will only grant a contested case hearing on disputed issues of fact that are relevant and material to the Commission’s decision on the application. Further, the Commission will only grant a hearing on issues that were raised in timely filed comments that were not subsequently withdrawn. MAILING LIST. If you submit public comments, a request for a contested case hearing or a reconsideration of the Executive Director’s decision, you will be added to the mailing list for this specific application to receive future public notices mailed by the Office of the Chief Clerk. In addition, you may request to be placed on: (1) the permanent mailing list for a specific applicant name and permit number; and/or (2) the mailing list for a specific county. If you wish to be placed on the permanent and/or the county mailing list, clearly specify which list(s) and send your request to TCEQ Office of the Chief Clerk at the address below. AGENCY CONTACTS AND INFORMATION. All written public comments and requests must be submitted to the Office of the Chief Clerk, MC 105, TCEQ, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, TX 78711-3087 or electronically at HYPERLINK “http:// comments.html” www.tceq. html. If you need more information about this permit application or the permitting process, please call TCEQ Office of Public Assistance, Toll Free, at 1-800-687-4040. Si desea informacion en Espanol, puede llamar al 1-800-687-4040. General information about TCEQ can be found at our web site at Further information may also be obtained from GeorgiaPacific Wood Products South LLC at the address stated above or by calling Matthew A. Page at 936-398-7228. Issuance Date: November 17, 2009. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE December 10, 2009 THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 5C Employment Opportunities WORK WANTED HARDWORKING MAN/ WOMAN Team needing work. Taking down/trimming trees, mowing, weedeating, raking, cleaning fencelines/flowerbeds, landscaping, painting-houses/ fences/barns. Have truck for hauling. Odd jobs, reasonable prices. Arllis/Christal 409834-6130 or 409-200-4895 (48-tfn-*) JOBS AVAILABLE a valid drivers license. Full benefits available. Background check and drug screen required. Application can be picked up Monday-Friday between 8am & 5pm at 207 Nellius, Woodville, Texas. (40-tfn-b) PROMOTE YOUR EVENTS and get connected to your friends and neighbors in Tyler County by joining www.boosterextra. com, a new community website brought to you by your friends at the Tyler County Booster. (36-tfn_nc) Open pOsitiOn EXPERIENCED FLATBED Admission Clerk - Full Time, 11:00 pm – 7:00 a.m. M-F. drivers needed. Contact Jason. R&M Enterprises. 936-967-5802 Knowledge of medical terminology preferred. Computer skills (50-tfn-pce) required with one year office experience in a similar field. SINCLAIR CHILDREN’S Residential Treatment Center CNA - Full Time and PRN. Current Texas CNA license ANNOUNCEMENTS in Woodville, Texas is now required. Hospital experience preferred. accepting applications for full- BINGO EVERY WEDNES- OVEREATERS ANONYtime, part-time, and prn direct DAY 12:30-until!! at Nutrition M O U S m e e t i n g s . C a l l Medical Lab Tech - Weekends only, Friday, 11 p.m. – or409-454-4053 child care staff. Applicants must Center, 201 Willow.(47-tfn-nc) 409-200-9604 Sunday weekend. be To inquire about positions open at the Hospital,11 a.m. AlternatingToevery inquire other about positions open atMust the Hospital, Check the Employment section of our website at Check the Employment section of our website at be 21 years of age and have qualified according to CLIA guidelines, registration as MLT, ASCP. Must have Associate degree in Science. or call our or call our Rodney Bendy Human Resources Department at positions at the Hospital, Human Department To inquire about check theResources employment section of our website atat (409) 283-6590 (409) 283-6590 diRt WoRk Human Resources Department (409) 283-6590 (409) 283-6590 1100 WEST BLUFF • WOODVILLE, (409) 283-6590 1100 WEST BLUFF • WOODVILLE, TEXAS 75979 Backhoe, Dozer, Dump Truck, House Foundation, Ponds, Roads, Clearing, General Dirtwork, etc. TEXAS 75979 1100 West Bluff • Woodville Cypress Mulch • Hardwood Bark Mulch • Landscape Mix • Pine Bark Mulch (Red) Top Soil • Sand • Clay • 60/40 • Crushed Stone • Pea Gravel • Limestone Base 1x3 Rock • 3x5 Rock • 1x12 Rock • Reject Asphalt • Blue Rock • Mushroom Compost Road base • Concrete Washout • River Rock 8,000 Cash Back! $ up to * WAC First-time home buyers can qualify for tax credits up to $8,000, or $6,500 for repeat buyers! With ZERO down and no payments for 6 months, there’s never been a better time to build. Call today to learn more! 936-969-2335 • 936-676-5568 Cell 14 locations 800.756.2506 in Texas Woodville Health & Rehabilitation Center HELP WANTED Full Time Floor Tech Experience required in stripping, waxing and bluffing tile floors Full Time LVN positions available Long term care experience preferred Apply In Person – No phone calls please 102 N. Beech • Woodville, TX 75979 (409)283-2555 ANNOUNCEMENTS THE WOODVILLE GROUP OF ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MEETS, 101 Pine St.; Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8 p.m. & Saturday, 2p.m. For location Call 409-454-4053 or 409-200-5213 (32-tfn-nc) AL-ANON Family Groups is an anonymous fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics. There are many Al-Anon and Alateen meetings throughout the Southeast Texas area. If you are affected by a drinking problem someone else has, and want further information, please call 899-3343. (26-tfn-nc) WOMEN & CHILDREN OUTREACH OF TYLER COUNTY is here to provide support and counseling to victims and/or families of victims. Including abused women and children. Call us at (409) 283-5887. To donate items or volunteer in the resale shop, call Christine’s Place at 331-9939. (20-tfn-nc) FIBROMIALGIA SUPPORT GROUP 3rd Friday of every month. 5:30 p.m. @ Enchanted Oaks Bed & Breakfast 409-3310018 (41-tfn-nc) OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS meetings.Call 409-200-9604 or409-454-4053 HOMES FOR SALE TexSCAN Week of December 6, 2009 A 4 BEDROOM, 2 BATH only $200/month or $15,600. Will sell fast! (5% down, 15 years @ 8%) Fee for BNI listings, 1-800-5446258. Ext. S731. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALL CASH VENDING! Do you earn $800 in a day? Your own local candy route. 25 machines and candy. All for $9,995. 1-888625-5481. Multi Vend, LLC. HELP WANTED REGIONAL SALES MANAGER Switchgear manufacturing company offering state of the art technology (Arc Resistant Switchgear) seeking experienced Regional Sales Manager in U.S Gulf Coast area. Minimum 5 years experience in successful direct switchgear sales to the Oil & Gas Industry and through major engineering companies. Technical knowledge of Medium Voltage Switchgear. Have established contacts in the Oil & Gas Refineries and major engineering companies must reside in the Gulf Coast Area. Generous Draw against commission plus expenses, additional benefits. Apply to Fran, 1-516 829-9060 ext. 14 or switchgear.resumes@ 5 BEDROOM, 3 BATH only $375/month. 4 bedroom, 2 bath only $200/month. Great location! (5% down, 15 years @ 8%) Fee for BNI listings, 1-800544-6258. Ext. S730. MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV/motor home/house, pier, boat ramp, pool, clubhouse, gated entry, on Lake Fork, $690 down ($6900/10.91%/7yr) Guaranteed financing, 1-214-696-2315 22.18 ACRES NORTH of Brackettville. RVS FOR SALE Rugged, cedar, native brush. Electricity. REPOS! NEW and used travel Whitetail, exotics, hogs, turkey. $1350/ trailers, fifth wheels, Call acre, owner or TX Vet financing. 1-800now, 1-888-214-3842. 876-9720. 164 ACRES, Sanderson/Del Rio. Native game. Borders large ranch. $295/ acre. Owner or TX Vet financing. 1-866286-0199. ZERO DOWN WITH land or 676 ACRES-REEVES County, 15 family land! Call today for fast Miles North Pecos. River frontage. approval over the phone! 1-800- Call Jack 1-214-755-6224. 810-3330, rbi33731 SCHOOLS/TRAINING REAL ESTATE ABSOLUTELY THE BEST VIEW Lake Medina/Bandera 1/4 acre tract, central W/S/E, RV/motor home/ house, OK only $830 down $235 month (12.91%/10yr), Guaranteed financing, More information call 1-830-460-8354 $106 MONTH BUYS land for RV, MH or cabin. Gated entry, $690 down, ($6900/10.91%/7yr) 90 days same as cash, Guaranteed financing, 1-936-377-3235 C A N YO U D I G I T ? H e a v y equipment 3 week training program. Backhoes, bulldozers, track hoes. Local job placement assistance. Could qualify for GI/VA benefits. 1-866-362-6497 AIRLINES ARE HIRING, Train for high paying aviation maintenance career. FAA approved program. Financial aid if qualified. Housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance, 1-888-349-5387. ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job placement assistance. Computer available. Financial aid if qualified. Call 1-888-205-8920, Run Your Ad In TexSCAN! Statewide Ad.....................$500 307 Newspapers, 1,018,288 Circulation $ North Region Only.......... 230 99 Newspapers, 270,048 Circulation $ South Region Only.......... 230 107 Newspapers, 501,889 Circulation $ West Region Only............ 230 101 Newspapers, 248,581 Circulation To Order: Call this Newspaper direct, or call Texas Press Service at 1-800-749-4793 Today! NOTICE: While most advertisers are reputable, we cannot guarantee products or services advertised. We urge readers to use caution and when in doubt, contact the Texas Attorney General at 1-800-621-0508 or the Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP. The FTC web site is Extend your advertising reach with TexSCAN, your Statewide Classified Ad Network. OWN THE ULTIMATE TRACTOR PACKAGE! ��������������������������������������������� REFERENCE THIS AD AND NEWSPAPER AND GET A FREE CANOPY FOR YOUR PACKAGE! 5-PIECE PACKAGES STARTING AT $15,935 All Kubota Performance-Matched, Highest Quality Implements and Attachments LIMITED TIME OFFER! CALL NOW! AS ALWAYS, FREE DELIVERY! 0% A.P.R. FINANCING FOR QUALIFIED BUYERS* “Powering Your Outdoor World” since 1984 2852 Hwy. 190 West Livingston, TX 77351 (936) 967-4094 or 1-888-8KUBOTA * $0 down, 0% A.P.R. financing for terms up to 60 months on purchases of select new Kubota equipment from available inventory at participating dealers through 12/31/2009. Example: A 60-month monthly installment repayment term at 0% A.P.R requires 60 payments of $16.67 per $1,000 borrowed. 0% A.P.R. interest is available to customers if no dealer documentation preparation fee is charged. Dealer charge for document preparation fee shall be in accordance with state laws. Only Kubota and select Kubota performance-matched Land Pride equipment is eligible. Inclusion of ineligible equipment may result in a higher blended A.P.R. Not available for Rental, National Accounts or Governmental customers. 0% A.P.R. and low rate financing may not be available with customer instant rebate (C.I.R.) offers. Financing is available through Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., subject to credit approval. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 12/31/2009. See us for details on these and other low-rate options or go to for more information. CMYK K942-01-90875-2 Page 6C THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 REGLAN ® Parkinsons Like Symptoms Tongue Protrusions Frowning, Facial Twitching Reglan® (metoclopramide) has been linked to a serious condition called Tardive Dyskinesia (TD), which causes involuntary movements of the tongue, HOUSTON, TEXAS face or mouth, lip smacking, shakes, NMS, Dystonia, Akathisia and other Parkinsons-like symptoms. BOARD CERTIFIED In Feb. 2009, the FDA required the manufacturers of Reglan® to include Black Box Warnings regarding PERSONAL INJURY TRIAL LAWYER Texas Board of Legal Specialization the drugs usage for more than 12 weeks. If you or a loved one has suffered severe side DAVID P. WILLIS ATTORNEY AT LAW effects after taking Reglan® you may be entitled to compensation. Cases taken on a Contingency Fee Basis. Call for a Free Case Consultation WILLIS LAW FIRM 1-800-883-9858 Stay Warm, Visit start saving money today! The Tyler County Booster has a special mailbox that sends letters directly to Santa! Bring or mail your letter to the Tyler County Booster office no later than Tuesday, December 15 at 5:00pm 205 W. Bluff St. or PO Box 339 • Woodville, TX Letters will be printed in our annual Letters to Santa edition on Thursday, December 24. • Updated Infrared Heater Technology - Excellent BTU Output & lasts longer than others • Lower Your Heating Bill up to 50% • Easy Onsite Maintenance B.W., Inc., MN (A+ BBB Rating) • Healthy Toasty Warm Heat! In Business Since 1990 • Free Shipping & Quiet Running Lasts for Years • Purifies the Air • Thermostatically Controlled Call Now... 800-950-2210 Allan Shivers Library and Museum 302 N. Charlton St. • Woodville, TX 409-283-3709 • Fax 409-283-5258 Director Rosemary Mosey-Bunch Allan Shivers Library will be hosting a Children’s Christmas Film Festival on December 12th from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. The age group will be 5-13, and the children will be able to enjoy hot cocoa, cookies, a visit with Santa, and a Christmas film. Hey parents, just a friendly reminder to bring your preschoolers on over to the library and join in on Story Hour, held each Thursday from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., to experience loads of library fun with stories, crafts, and interaction with other children their own age!!! We would like to give our thanks to Debby Wright, and those who wish to remain anonymous for their donations to the library. Visit our website where you can see an updated list of our bestsellers, check our calendar for dates and times of upcoming events, check on your account, reserve a book, and see if a book you want is in, @ Have a safe and happy week from all of us at Allan Shivers Library. WAY TO GO HUNTERS! CMYK December 10, 2009 THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER Page 7C Purina Feed R & D Hardware & Feed Cement Wash-out CIRCLE D DIRT & DOZER Red or White Sand • Top Soil • Rock BACKHOE, DUMP TRUCK & DOZER WORK GEORGE & DEBBIE DECKARD (409) 837-9822 NIGHTS & WEEKENDS Hwy 69 S. in Warren (409) 547-3001 • Hrs. 8-6 M-F, 8-1 Sat. Home Leveling & Foundation Repair Also Metal Roofing Installation and Repair Stilt Homes • Pier & Beam Mobile Homes • Leveling Concrete Slab Repair Fast, Courteous, Professional Service Warranty Available Call Rick (936) 414-9583 A-1 Get-er-Done Tree Service Phillip Hooks Spurger Woodworks, Inc. & Home Construction (409) 429-3610 Cell (409) 200-1400 Sanderson Home Improvements Vinyl Siding • Carports Room Additions • Decks • Patio Covers FREE ESTIMATES Call Ed Sanderson 283-5430 601 Anderson Woodville, TX 75979 Rock & Dirt Trackhoe & Dozer Work Demolition Experienced & Insured • Free estimates No job too small or large Bucket truck, cat loader, log loader, debris removal, stump removal. Custom Woodworking P.O. Box 23 Spurger, TX 77660 Now Accepting Locally owned & operated (409) 429-3090 Marvin Carrell (409) 782-2347 Jaimie Carrell (409) 429-7437 Owner: Kent Gore P.O. Box 654 Warren, Texas 77664 Home: Cell: Fax: 409-547-0200 409-656-2316 409-547-3212 Standley Mowing / Services 936.366.7949 Jacob Standley Lawn Mowing, Brush Hogging, Dirt Work, etc. Serving Tyler & Polk County DIRT • ROCK • DOZER Foundations, Roads, Driveways, Land Clearing, Lakes, House Pads, Tractor work, maintainer work GREG KIRKPATRICK 409.547.3433 R & B Land Clearing Woodville, Texas Randy Shields - 409-698-8113 Damon Shields - 281-727-8769 No Burn / No Haul Land Clearing Environment Friendly Coast to Coast Carports, Inc. Carports - Buildings - Garages - Barns Storage Building, etc Custom sizes and colors available PRICE REDUCED • Delivery & Setup We Cover it All Jerry’s Saw Shop (409) 283-3070 We accept Master Card, Visa, Discover, & American Express You Looked! So Will Your Customers! Advertise Today! 409-283-2516 FASTAX Income Tax/IRS Representation JUDY WHITTON ENROLLED AGENT P.O. Box 1001 • Woodville, TX 75979 409-460-0597 Enrolled Agent #92381 D&D Plumbing Bonded & Insured Plumbing Repair Residential & Commercial David Kirkindoll 409-283-3072 409-331-9170 Gilbert Paving Richard Gilbert Sr., Owner Roads • Driveways • Patching • Parking Lots • Seal Coating Patching Application Using Infrared Asphalt Recycler TM Faster Repairs at Lower Cost! Free Estimates • Paving in East Texas Since 1960 936-632-7208 1020 Garrison • Lufkin Serving Tyler County for 20 Years Have your business featured on the Business Card Directory Page! Advertise for 4 weeks for only $80 or prepay for ONE FULL YEAR and SAVE 20% CMYK Page 8C THE TYLER COUNTY BOOSTER December 10, 2009 ������ 31 25 PEOPLE �������������������������������� ����������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ ��������������������������������������� �������������������������������������� ���������������������������� �������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� ������������ �������������������������������� ���������������������������������� SIMPSON HEARING AID CENTER Call Today! 936-327-3818 or 800-327-3818 �������������� ����������������� 1105 W. Church Street • Livingston 1100 W. Bluff (Tyler Co. Hospital) • Woodville �������������������������� ����������������������� �������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ������������������������ ��������������������������������������� �� ������������ ��������� � � ���������������� �� ������������������� �� � ����������������� � �� ����������������������� �� �������������������������������� ����������� ����������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������������������������� ����������� CMYK
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