bemis hall basement renovations
bemis hall basement renovations
PROJECT MANUAL BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road Lincoln, MA 01773 CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS September 23, 2015 ARCHITECT ABACUS ARCHITECTS + PLANNERS 119 Braintree Street Boston, MA 02134 617-562-4446 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA PROJECT MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 00 - PROCUREMENT AND CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 000110 Table of Contents PROCUREMENT REQUIREMENTS 001116 Invitation to Bid 002113 Instructions to Bidders 004100 Form for General Bid 004113 Form for Sub-Bid CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS 005200 Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor 005213 Form of Subcontract 006113 Performance and Payment Bond 007200 General Conditions of the Contract 007316 Insurance Requirements 007336 Wage Rates SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Section 011000 Section 012300 General Requirements Alternates DIVISION 02 - EXISTING CONDITIONS Section 024100 Demolition DIVISION 03 - CONCRETE Section 033000 Section 037300 Cast-In-Place Concrete – Refer to the Drawings Concrete Patching DIVISION 04 - MASONRY Section 042000 Unit Masonry DIVISION 05 - METALS Section 055000 Metal Fabrications DIVISION 06 - WOOD, PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES Section 061000 Section 064020 Rough Carpentry Architectural Woodwork * Filed Sub-Bid Required TABLE OF CONTENTS 000110 - 1 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA DIVISION 07 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 078410 Section 079200 Penetration Firestopping Joint Sealants DIVISION 08 - OPENINGS Section 081110 Section 081400 Section 083110 Section 085310 Section 087100 Section 088000 Hollow Metal Doors and Frames Flush Wood Doors Access Doors and Frames Vinyl Windows Door Hardware Interior Glazing DIVISION 09 - FINISHES Section 092110 Section 093000 Section 095100 Section 096500 Section 099000 Gypsum Board Assemblies Tiling Acoustical Ceilings Resilient Wall Base Painting and Coating DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES Section 101400 Section 102800 Section 104400 Section 107446 Signage Toilet Accessories Fire Protection Specialties Window Wells DIVISION 12 - FURNISHINGS Section 122110 Horizontal Louver Blinds DIVISION 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSION Section 210000 Fire Protection DIVISION 22 - PLUMBING Section 220000 * Plumbing DIVISION 23 - HEATING VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Section 230000 * Heating, Ventilating and Air-Conditioning DIVISION 26 - ELECTRICAL Section 260000 * Electrical END OF TABLE OF CONTENTS * Filed Sub-Bid Required TABLE OF CONTENTS 000110 - 2 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 001116 INVITATION TO BID The Town of Lincoln, MA, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids for renovation of Bemis Hall Basement Renovations, located at 15 Bedford Road in accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by Abacus Architects + Planners. The work of this Contract includes all Labor, Materials, Equipment and any and all incidentals needed to complete this project. Building improvements include plumbing, mechanical, electrical, walls, doors, windows and masonry. Bidding procedures shall be in accordance with Chapter 149 of Massachusetts General Laws, as amended, including “Construction Reform” amendments contained in Chapter 193 of the Acts of 2004.of Massachusetts Legislature. Bids will be accepted only from General Bidders and Filed Sub-Bidders who are DCAM Certified. Sealed bids submitted on forms furnished by the Awarding Authority and clearly identified as bids, endorsed with the name and address of the bidder and the name of the Project, will be received no later than the times and dates specified below for receipt of bids and will forthwith be publicly opened and read aloud. Sealed Filed Sub-Bids for the sub-trades designated below will be received by the Awarding Authority at the Town of Lincoln Facilities Office located at 6 Ballfield Road, Lincoln, MA. 01773 up until 2:00 PM on Wednesday October 14, 2015. Sealed General-Bids for the General Contract will be received by the Awarding Authority at the Town of Lincoln Facilities Office located at 6 Ballfield Road, Lincoln, MA. 01773 up until 2:00 PM on Wednesday October 28, 2015. Each Bid shall be accompanied by Bid Security equal to five (5) percent of the Bid amount in the form of a Bid Bond, Cash or a Certified, Treasurer’s or Cashier’s Check issued by a responsible U.S. bank or Trust Company, payable to the Town of Lincoln, MA. Bid Bond amount shall include the cost of any Alternates. Each Bidder shall attach the required Bid Bond or Check to the Bid Form. This requirement applies to the following: General Bidders Filed Sub Bidders Each Bidder shall be certified by the Department of Capital Asset Management for the category of work and dollar amount of this Project, and to be considered, shall submit with his or her Bid, a OWNER Certification and Update Statement indicating additional work or contracts performed or executed after the certification date. Estimated construction cost of this Project: $245.000. DCAM Certification Category: General Building Construction. Filed Sub-Bids will be required for the Work of the following sub-trades: PLUMBING HVAC ELECTRICAL WORK Bidding Documents comprise Bidding Requirements and Contract Documents including all Addenda, as defined in Document 002113 – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS. Each General Bidder may obtain two (2) complete sets of Bidding Documents and each Sub-Bidder may obtain one (1) complete set of Bidding Documents at Town Offices 16 Lincoln Road Lincoln, MA between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., upon deposit of $40 per set in the form of money order or a certified check made payable to the Town of Lincoln, on or after 10 AM on Wednesday, September 23, 2015. No partial sets will be issued. Additional sets may be purchased at the same office for $40 per set, non-refundable. INVITATION TO BID 001116 - 1 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 Bidding Documents may also be downloaded in digital PDF format at . Copies of the FORM FOR GENERAL BID and FORM FOR SUB-BID will be available at no cost. Copies of Addenda will be mailed or delivered to each registered General Bidder and Filed Sub-Bidder at no cost. The full amount of each deposit for Bidding Documents will be refunded to each Bidder returning complete sets of Bidding Documents (including Addenda if issued) to Awarding Authority in good condition within thirty (30) days after the date of the General Bid opening. Deposits for Bidding Documents will be forfeited to the Awarding Authority if Bidding Documents are not returned within the specified time limit. Bidders shall address inquiries regarding availability of Bidding Documents, delivery time and other similar matters to the Awarding Authority. Arrangements for delivery or mailing may be made directly with the Awarding Authority’s office, attention: Amy Pearson, Michael Haines (Telephone: 781.259.9400 x4304). A non-refundable $40 mailing and handling charge per set, payable to the Awarding Authority, shall accompany each request for mailed Bidding Documents. No documents will be mailed before receipt of the mailing charge. Copies of Addenda will be mailed or delivered to registered bidders without charge. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the Project Site at 2: PM on Monday October 5, 2015. All bidders are invited and encouraged to attend. The Bidding Documents may be obtained at the following places during normal business hours after issuance: Town of Lincoln Facilities Department 6 Ballfield Road Lincoln, MA. 01773 781.259.9400 X4304 Town of Lincoln Town Offices 16 Lincoln Road Lincoln, MA. 01773 781-259-2603 The Bid Securities of all General Bidders, except those of the three lowest responsible and eligible General Bidders, will be returned within five (5) days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, after the opening of General Bids. The successful General Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a labor and materials Payment Bond as required by the Bidding Documents. All bids for this Project are subject to the provisions of Massachusetts General Laws (Ter. Ed), Chapter 30, Section 39M as amended; Portions of Mass. G.L. Chapter 149, Sections 44A through 44L inclusive; and Chapter 149, Section 26 through 27D inclusive; except Section 44F, as amended by Chapter 193 of the Acts of 2004 of the Massachusetts Legislature. The minimum wages to be paid mechanics, apprentices, teamsters, chauffeurs, and laborers on the Project shall be established by the Minimum Wage Schedule, as determined by the Commissioner of Labor and Industries, pursuant to the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 149, Section 25 to 27D, inclusive, as amended, which schedule is included in the Bidding Documents. MBE/WBE Goals: Comply with State requirement goals of 10.4% MBE/WBE participation. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to waive any informalities and to reject any or all General Bids if it be in the public interest so to do, and to reject any sub-bid on any sub-trade if it determines that such Sub-bid does not represent the sub-bid of a person competent to perform the work as specified or that less than three such Sub-bids were received and that the prices are not reasonable for acceptance without further competition. All bids shall remain in effect for 30 days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded after opening of General Bids. Successful bidders shall agree to commence work and complete the Work in accordance with the dates set forth in the Bidding Documents. Town of Lincoln Lincoln, MA. 01773 INVITATION TO BID 001116 - 2 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 Instructions to Bidders Receipt of Bids All bids m u s t b e c o m p l e t e l y f i l l e d o u t a n d s i g n e d , s e a l e d i n a n e n v e l o p e a n d a d d r e s s e d t o : Town of Lincoln Facilities Department, 6 Ballfield Road, Lincoln MA 01773. Filed Sub Bids are due by 2:00 PM on October 14, 2015 as indicated by the official time and date stamped on all bid envelopes by clock in the Facilities Office. General Bids are due by 2:00 PM on October 28, 2015 as indicated by the official time and date stamped on all bid envelopes by clock in the Facilities Office. No bids received after the time established will be considered, regardless of the cause. If, at the time of the scheduled bid receipt, the office(s) are closed due to uncontrollable events including but not limited to fire, snow, ice, wind or building evacuation, bids will be received until 11:30 AM on the next normal business day. All bids must be left with either a bid bond in accordance with Chapter 30, Section 39M or Chapter 149, Section 44B, or a certified treasurer’s or cashier’s check issued by a responsible bank, for five percent (5 %) of the value of the proposed work, payable to the Town of Lincoln. This check to be the property of the Town of Lincoln if the Bidder fails to execute the contract and satisfactory bond within ten (10) days after the contract is presented to him. Preparation and Submission of Bids To be considered responsive, all bids must be submitted in sealed envelopes clearly marked as Bemis Hall Basement Renovations, bearing on it the permanent name and business address of the bidder. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid and marked as directed above must be enclosed in another envelope addressed as specified in these instructions, preferably by registered mail. No responsibility will be attached to the Awarding Authority for early opening of a bid not properly addressed and identified. The bid price and signature shall be in ink and in longhand. Each bidder is required to fill in all the blank spaces in the bid. All Addenda (if any) must be signed, dated and enclosed in the sealed bid envelope. References Bidders must be able to establish their ability to provide the services requested through references and by providing other relevant information upon request. Interpretation of Documents All interpretations of Bid Documents, the Specifications and supplemental instructions will be in the form of written addenda to the specifications, which, if issued, will be made available to bidders not later than (date) at Failure of any bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve any bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS – TOWN OF LINCOLN 1 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 part of the contract documents and shall be specifically incorporated therein by reference. Modification of Bids No modification of any bid will be considered by the Town of Lincoln ("Awarding Authority") unless received by the Awarding Authority in writing prior to the time established for the receipt of bids. Bid Certifictates These are included in the General bid and Sub bid forms. Rule for Award The contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder offering the lowest total price for all items, including Unit Pricing. As applicable, the awarded bidder will provide a 50% payment bond within ten (10) days of award. The Town of Lincoln reserves t h e r i g h t to waive any informality or to reject any and all bids or to make the award deemed in its own discretion to be in the best interest of the Town of Lincoln. INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS – TOWN OF LINCOLN 2 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 004100 FORM FOR GENERAL BID TO: The Awarding Authority A. BASE BID: The undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials required for construction of Bemis Hall Basement Renovations in Lincoln, Massachusetts in accordance with Contract Documents, including Drawings and Specifications, all as prepared by Abacus Architects + Planners, for the Contract Price specified below, subject to additions and deductions according to the terms of the Contract Documents. B. CONTRACT PRICE: The proposed Contract Price is Dollars ($ C. ). ALTERNATES: 1. 2. For Alternate No. 1: Add: $___________ Subtract: $_________ For Alternate No. 2: Add: $___________ Subtract: $_________ D. ADDENDA: This Bid includes Addenda numbered:_________________________ E. SUB-DIVISION OF BID: The sub-division of the proposed Contract Price is as follows: Item 1: The work of the General Contractor, being all work other than that covered by Item 2: Dollars ($ ). Item 2: Sub-Bids as follows: Sub-Trade Name of Sub-Bidder Amount Plumbing $ HVAC $ Electrical $ FORM FOR GENERAL BID 004100 - 1 Bonds required by General Bidder (Yes or No). This column does not apply to Projects with Subcontractor Prequalification under c.149§44D3/4 and should be left blank on such Projects) BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 Total of Item 2: ___________________________________________ F. SUB-BIDS: The undersigned agrees that each of the above named sub-bidders will be used for the work indicated at the amount stated, unless a substitution is made. The undersigned further agrees to pay the premiums for any performance and payment bonds furnished by sub-bidders as requested herein by the undersigned, and that all of the cost of all such premiums is included in the amount set forth in Item 1 of this bid. The undersigned further agrees that the cost of premiums for payment and performance bonds furnished by sub-bidders pursuant to section 44d3/4 shall not be included in the amount set forth in Item 1, but shall be paid by the subbidders and included in their sub-bid price. G. The undersigned agrees that if he is selected as general contractor, he will promptly confer with the awarding authority on the question of sub-bidders; and that the awarding authority may substitute for any sub-bid listed above a sub-bid filed with the awarding authority by another sub-bidder for the sub-trade against whose standing and ability the undersigned makes no objection; and that the undersigned will use all such finally selected sub-bidders at the amounts named in the respective sub-bids and be in every way as responsible for them and their work as if they had been originally named in this general bid, the total contract price being adjusted to conform thereto. H. UNIT PRICES: Should certain additional work be required, or should the quantities of certain classes of work be increased or decreased from those on which the General Bid is to be based, by order or approval of the Architect, the undersigned agrees that the attached Appendix 012201 - Unit Price Proposal Sheet will be the basis of payment to him or credit to the Awarding Authority for such addition, increase or decrease in the Work. Unit Prices given shall represent the exact net amount per unit to be paid the Contractor (in the case of additions or increases) or to be refunded the Awarding Authority (in the case of decreases). No additional adjustment will be allowed for overhead, profit, insurance, compensation insurance or other direct or indirect expenses of Contractor or Subcontractors. The Awarding Authority shall have the right to reject any or all proposed Unit Prices at any time prior to signing the Agreement, in which case the cost of extra work shall be as determined by one of the other methods set forth in Article 7 of the GENERAL CONDITIONS. I. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: Estimated quantities identified in the Appendix 012201 - Unit Price Proposal Sheet shall be included in the total Contract Price listed in paragraph B. of this Form For General Bid. J. TIME OF COMPLETION: The undersigned agrees to commence work within <five (5) days> of execution of a General Contract and to complete the Work so as to reach Substantial Completion for each Phase on or before the date specified in the Project Manual. In case the Work of a given Phase of the Work is not completed within the specified time, it is understood and agreed that the Contractor shall pay the Owner, not as a penalty but as liquidated damages, the sums stated in Document 002113 – INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS, for each calendar day after which completion was required for that Phase, as further provided in Division 1 of the Specifications. K. CONTRACT: The undersigned agrees that, if he is selected as General Contractor, he will, within five (5) days, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays excluded, after presentation thereof by the Awarding Authority, execute a Contract in accordance with the terms of this General Bid and furnish a Performance Bond and also a Labor and Materials or Payment Bond, each of a Surety Company qualified to do business under the laws of the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Awarding Authority, and each in the sum of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract FORM FOR GENERAL BID 004100 - 2 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 Price, the premiums for which are to be paid by the General Contractor and are included in the Contract Price. L. LABOR: The undersigned hereby certifies that he is able to furnish labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor employed or to be employed on the Work, and that he will comply fully with all laws and regulations applicable to awards made subject to Section 44A of Chapter 149 of the Massachusetts General Laws. M. OSHA CERTIFICATION: In accordance with M.G.L.c. 30, Section 39S bidders shall include with their bids a certificate indicating “that all employees to be employed at the worksite will have successfully completed a course in construction safety and health approved by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration...”. N. CERTIFICATE OF ELIGIBILITY: The undersigned has included with this Bid his Certificate of Eligibility and Update Statement as required by Chapter 149, Section 44D. O. NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid is in all respects bona fide, fair and made without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this Paragraph, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, joint venture, partnership, corporation, or any other business or legal entity. P. TAXES: As required by MGL Chapter. 62c, Section49A, Chapter 62C, the undersigned certifies that the bidder has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. Q. DEBARMENT: The undersigned further certifies under penalties of perjury that the said undersigned is not presently debarred from doing public construction work in the Commonwealth under provisions of Section 29F of Chapter 29, or any other applicable debarment provisions of any other Chapter of the General Laws or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder. Date: Name of General Bidder: By: Title: Business Address: City and State: NOTE: This proposal must bear the written signature of the Bidder. If the Bidder is a partnership, the proposal must be signed by a partner. If the Bidder is a corporation, the proposal must be signed by a duly authorized officer or agent of such corporation. END OF DOCUMENT FORM FOR GENERAL BID 004100 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 004113 FORM FOR SUB-BID TO: All General Bidders Except Those Excluded A. BASE BID: The undersigned proposes to furnish all labor and materials required for completing, in accordance with the Drawings, Specifications, and Addenda, all the work specified in Section No._________ Trade:____________________ of the Contract Documents, specifications, and in any plans specified in such Section, prepared by Abacus Architects + Planners for construction of Bemis Hall Basement Renovations in Lincoln, Massachusetts for the contract sum of: Dollars ($ ). B. ADDENDA: This sub-bid includes Addenda numbered:___________ C. ALTERNATES 1. 2. D. For Alternate No. 1: Add: $___________ Subtract: $_________ For Alternate No. 2: Add: $___________ Subtract: $_________ EXCLUSIONS: This sub-bid __ may be used by any General Bidder except________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ __ may be used by only the following General bidders_______ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ (To exclude General Bidders, insert "X" in one box only, and fill in blank following that box. Do not answer "C" if no General Bidders are excluded). E. SUB-BID LISTING: The names of all persons, firms, and corporations furnishing to the undersigned labor or labor and materials for the class or classes or part thereof of work for which the provisions of the Section of the Specifications for this sub-trade require a listing in this paragraph (including the undersigned if customarily furnished by persons on his own payroll and FORM FOR SUB-BID 004113 - 1 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 in the absence of a contrary provision in the Specifications), the name of each such class of work or part thereof and the bid price for each such class of work or part thereof are: Name Class of Work Bid Price (Do not give bid price for any class or part thereof furnished by the undersigned). The undersigned agrees that the above list of bids to the undersigned represents bona fide bids based on the herein before described drawings, Specifications, and Addenda, and that, if the undersigned is awarded the Contract, they will be used for the work indicated at the amounts stated, if satisfactory to the Awarding Authority. F. EXECUTION OF CONTRACT: The undersigned agrees that, if he is selected as a sub-bidder, he will, within 5 days, Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays excluded, after presentation of a subcontract by the general bidder selected as the general contractor, execute with such general bidder a subcontract in accordance with the terms of this sub-bid, and contingent upon the execution of the general contract, and, if requested so to do in the general bid by the general bidder, who shall pay the premiums therefore, or if prequalification is required pursuant to section 44D ¾, furnish a performance and payment bond of a surety company qualified to do business under the laws of the commonwealth and satisfactory to the awarding authority, in the full sum of the subcontract price. G. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: The undersigned further agrees to be bound to the General Contractor by the terms of the herein before described Drawings, Specifications (including all General Conditions stated therein), and Addenda, and to assume toward him all the obligations and responsibilities that he, by those documents, assumes toward the Owner. H. BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS (Not required if bidders are pre-qualified for this project): The undersigned offers the following information as evidence for his qualifications to perform the work as bid upon according to all requirements of the Drawings and the Specifications. 1. 2. Have been in business under present business name ________ years. Ever failed to complete any work awarded? _____________. 3. List one or more recent buildings with names of general contractor and architect on which you served as subcontractor for work of similar character as required for the abovenamed buildings: FORM FOR SUB-BID 004113 - 2 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Building 4. Architect Abacus September 18, 2015 General Contractor Amount Bank Reference: I. LABOR: The undersigned hereby certifies that he is able to furnish labor that can work in harmony with all other elements of labor employed or to be employed on the Work, and that he will comply fully with all laws and regulations applicable to awards made subject to Section 44A of Chapter 149 of the Massachusetts General Laws. J. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: The undersigned hereby certifies that he will comply with the minority manpower ratio and specific action steps contained in the EEO Program included in the Contract Documents. K. NON-COLLUSION CERTIFICATION: The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this bid is in all respects bona fide, fair and made without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this Paragraph, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, joint venture, partnership, corporation, or any other business or legal entity. L. TAXES: As required by MGL, C.62c,s 49A, Chapter 62C, the undersigned certifies that the bidder has complied with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes. M. DEBARMENT: The undersigned further certifies under penalties of perjury that the said undersigned is not presently debarred from doing public construction work in the Commonwealth under provisions of Section 29F of Chapter 29, or any other applicable debarment provisions of any other Chapter of the General Laws or any rule or regulation promulgated thereunder. FORM FOR SUB-BID 004113 - 3 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 Date: Signature: Name of Sub-Bidder: By: Title: Business Address: City and State: NOTE: This proposal must bear the written signature of the Bidder. If the Bidder is a partnership, the proposal must be signed by a partner. If the Bidder is a corporation, the proposal must be signed by a duly authorized officer or agent of such corporation. END OF DOCUMENT FORM FOR SUB-BID 004113 - 4 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 005200 FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT A. The “AIA A101 Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor 2007 edition”, is hereby made part of these Contract Documents. This form of agreement shall be used by Contractor in fulfilling the requirements of these Contract Documents. END OF DOCUMENT FORM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN OWNER AND CONTRACTOR 005200 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 005213 FORM OF SUBCONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT MADE THIS _________ DAY OF _________, 2015 by and between _______________________________ a corporation organized and existing under the laws of _______________________________ an individual doing business as ________________________ hereinafter called the “Contractor” and ________________________________ a corporation organized and existing under the laws of ____________________________an individual doing business as _______________________________ hereinafter called the “Subcontractor”. WITNESSETH that the Contractor and the Subcontractor for the considerations hereafter named, agree as follows: 1. The Subcontractor agrees to furnish all labor and materials required for the completion of all work specified in Section No.__________________ of the Specifications for: ______________________________________________________________________________ (Subtrade) and the Drawings referred to therein and Addenda No. ______, ___, ___, ___, ___, __, and ____ for the: _______________________________________________________________________________ (Complete title of the Project and the Project Number taken from the title of the Specifications) for the sum of____________________________________________________________________ ($_______________________) and the Contractor agrees to pay the Subcontractor said sum for said work. This price includes the following alternates (and other items set forth in the sub-bid): Alternates(s) No. ___,____, ____, ____,_____,_____ (a) The Subcontractor agrees to be bound to the Contractor by the terms of the hereinbefore described Drawings, Specifications (including all General Conditions stated therein) and Addenda No. ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, and ____, and to assume to the Contractor all the obligations and responsibilities that the Contractor by those documents assumes to the Owner hereinafter called the "Awarding Authority", except to the extent that provisions contained therein are by their terms or by law applicable only to the Contractor. (b) The Contractor agrees to be bound to the Subcontractor by the terms of the hereinbefore described documents and to assume to the Subcontractor all the obligations and responsibilities that the Awarding Authority by the terms of the hereinbefore described documents assumes to the Contractor, except to the extent that provisions contained therein are by their terms or by law applicable only to the Awarding Authority. 2. The Contractor agrees to begin, prosecute and complete the entire Work specified by the Awarding Authority in an orderly manner so that the Subcontractor will be able to begin, prosecute and complete the work described in this Subcontract; and, in consideration thereof, upon notice from the FORM OF SUBCONTRACT 005213 - 1 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 Contractor, either oral or in writing, the Subcontractor agrees to begin prosecute and complete the work described in this Subcontract in an orderly manner and with due consideration to the date or time specified by the Awarding Authority for the completion of the entire Work. 3. The Subcontractor agrees to furnish to the Contractor within a reasonable time after the execution of this Subcontract, evidence of worker's compensation insurance as required by law and evidence of public liability and property damage insurance of the type and in limits required to be furnished to the Awarding Authority by the Contractor. 4. The Contractor agrees that no claim for services rendered or materials furnished by the Contractor to the Subcontractor shall be valid unless written notice thereof is given by the Contractor to the Subcontractor during the first ten (10) days of the calendar month following that in which the claim originated. 5. This agreement is contingent upon the execution of a General Contract between the Contractor and the Awarding Authority for the complete Work. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this agreement the day and year first abovewritten. SEAL ATTEST ______________________________ ________________________________________ (Name of Subcontractor) By ____________________________________________________ SEAL ATTEST ______________________________ ________________________________________ (Name of Contractor) By ____________________________________________________ END OF DOCUMENT FORM OF SUBCONTRACT 005213 - 2 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 SECTION 006113 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND A. The American Institute of Architects "Performance and Payment Bond", Document No. A-312 1984, is hereby made part of these Contract Documents. This form of performance bond shall be used by Contractor and Surety in fulfilling the requirements of these Contract Documents. B. The Performance Bond shall be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price for faithful performance of this Contract. C. The Payment Bond shall be in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price for faithful performance of this Contract. D. The cost of the Performance Bond shall be included in the Contract Amount. END OF DOCUMENT PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BOND 006113 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 007200 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS A. The "AIA A201 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, 2007 edition", is hereby made part of these Contract Documents. These conditions apply to the Work of the Contractor in fulfilling the requirements of the Contract Documents. END OF DOCUMENT GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 007200 - 1 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA Abacus September 18, 2015 DOCUMENT 007316 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. The General Contractor shall purchase and maintain such insurance as will protect him from claims under worker's compensation acts and from claims for damages because of bodily injury, including death, and property damage which might arise from and during operations under this Contract, whether such operations be by himself or by a Subcontractor or anyone directly or indirectly employed by either of them. B. Contractor shall not commence work under this Contract until he has obtained all insurance required herein nor until such insurance has been approved by the Owner. Contractor shall not allow any Subcontractor to commence work until the insurance required of the Subcontractor has been so obtained and approved. C. Subcontracts: Contractor shall either (1) require each Subcontractor to procure and to maintain during the life of his Subcontract, Subcontractor's General Liability and Property Damage Insurance of same type and in same manner as specified herein, or (2) insure activities of his Subcontractors in his own policy. D. All insurance required by this Section shall be provided by a Best "A"-rated company, or companies, authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and satisfactory to the Owner and shall be written for not less than any limits of liability specified herein, or required by law, whichever is greater. The Owner shall be named as an additional insured under all policies. E. Certificates: Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the Owner shall be submitted in triplicate to the Owner simultaneously with the execution to the Contract. Certificates shall indicate that broad form Contractual Liability coverage is in force, as well as deletions of the XCU exclusions. Certificates shall contain a provision that the insurance company will notify the Owner by registered mail at least sixty (60) calendar days in advance of any cancellation, change or expiration of the policies. Certificates shall include description of coverage, effective dates and expiration dates of policies. F. Deductibles: In the event of paid claims, Contractor shall bear costs of any amounts deductible. G. Waiver: Submit to the consent of their respective insurers, the Owner and the Contractor waive all rights against each other and against the subcontractors, consultants, agents and employees of the other, for damages to the Project covered by any property insurance. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 007316 - 1 BEMIS HALL BASEMENT RENOVATIONS Lincoln, MA 1.3 Abacus September 18, 2015 COVERAGE AND LIMITS A. Worker's Compensation Insurance: Procure and maintain during the life of this Contract Workers Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance as required by State law for all employees to be engaged in work at the site of the Project. In case of any such work sublet, Contractor shall require subcontractors similarly to provide Workers Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance for all of the latter's employees to be engaged in such work unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor's Insurance. The limit of liability for Employers Liability insurance shall be not less than [$500,000.00]. In case any class of employees engaged in hazardous work on the Project under this Contract is not protected under the Workers Compensation Statute, the Contractor shall provide and shall cause each Subcontractor to provide Employer's Liability Insurance with a limit of at least [$1,000,000] for each accident for the protection of such of his employees as are not otherwise protected. B. Contractor's General Liability and Property Damage Insurance: Procure and maintain during the life of this Contract, Comprehensive Contractor's General Liability Insurance, with the Owner as additional named insured, covering bodily injury, including accidental death, with limits of [$1,000,000] per person, [$1,000,000] per occurrence; and property damage insurance with limits of [$1,000,000] per occurrence, including products and completed operations, explosion, collapse, undermining and damage to underground utilities (X.C.U) and Broad Form Property Damage Coverage. Before any blasting is done, Contractor shall present evidence that blasting damage is included in his insurance coverage. Provide a separate policy for completed operations for a period of two (2) years from date of Final Completion of the Project. Any policy issued shall include permission for partial or total occupancy by Owner within the scope of this Contract. Coverage shall also include Owner's and Contractor's protective liability favoring the Owner and an umbrella of excess liability in the amount of [$10,000,000 (ten million dollars)] minimum. C. Contractor's Automobile Liability Insurance: Procure and maintain during the life of this Contract Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance, including all owned, non-owned, and hired automobiles, with the Owner as additional named insured, covering bodily injury, including accidental death, with limits of [$1,000,000] per person, [$1,000,000] per occurrence and property damage insurance with limits of [$1,000,000] per occurrence. D. All-Risk Insurance: Procure and maintain during the life of this Contract All-Risk builder's Risk Insurance on a 100% completed value basis, with the Owner named as an additional insured as his interests may appear. In the event of paid claims, the Contractor shall bear the costs of any amounts deductible under the policy. E. Boiler and Machinery Insurance: Procure and maintain boiler and machinery insurance which shall specifically cover such insured objects during installation and until final acceptance by Owner. END OF DOCUMENT INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 007316 - 2 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF LABOR AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STANDARDS Prevailing Wage Rates As determined by the Director under the provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149, Sections 26 to 27H CHARLES D. BAKER Governor RONALD L. WALKER, II Secretary WILLIAM D MCKINNEY KARYN E. POLITO Lt. Governor Awarding Authority: Director Town of Lincoln Contract Number: City/Town: LINCOLN Description of Work: Bemis Hall Basement Renovations - Improvements to Bemis Hall including masonry, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, walls, ceilings and doors. Job Location: 15 Bedford Road Lincoln MA 01773 Information about Prevailing Wage Schedules for Awarding Authorities and Contractors • This wage schedule applies only to the specific project referenced at the top of this page and uniquely identified by the “Wage Request Number” on all pages of this schedule. • An Awarding Authority must request an updated wage schedule from the Department of Labor Standards (“DLS”) if it has not opened bids or selected a contractor within 90 days of the date of issuance of the wage schedule. For CM AT RISK projects (bid pursuant to G.L. c.149A), the earlier of: (a) the execution date of the GMP Amendment, or (b) the bid for the first construction scope of work must be within 90-days of the wage schedule issuance date. • The wage schedule shall be incorporated in any advertisement or call for bids for the project as required by M.G.L. c. 149, § 27. The wage schedule shall be made a part of the contract awarded for the project. The wage schedule must be posted in a conspicuous place at the work site for the life of the project in accordance with M.G.L. c. 149 § 27. The wages listed on the wage schedule must be paid to employees performing construction work on the project whether they are employed by the prime contractor, a filed sub-bidder, or any sub-contractor. • All apprentices working on the project are required to be registered with the Massachusetts Division of Apprentice Standards (DAS). Apprentice must keep his/her apprentice identification card on his/her person during all work hours on the project. An apprentice registered with DAS may be paid the lower apprentice wage rate at the applicable step as provided on the prevailing wage schedule. If an apprentice rate is not listed on the prevailing wage schedule for the trade in which an apprentice is registered with the DAS, the apprentice must be paid the journeyworker's rate for the trade. • The wage rates will remain in effect for the duration of the project, except in the case of multi-year public construction projects. For construction projects lasting longer than one year, awarding authorities must request an updated wage schedule. Awarding authorities are required to request these updates no later than two weeks before the anniversary of the date the contract was executed by the awarding authority and the general contractor. For multi-year CM AT RISK projects, awarding authority must request an annual update no later than two weeks before the anniversary date, determined as the earlier of: (a) the execution date of the GMP Amendment, or (b) the execution date of the first amendment to permit procurement of construction services. Contractors are required to obtain the wage schedules from awarding authorities, and to pay no less than these rates to covered workers. The annual update requirement is not applicable to 27F “rental of equipment” contracts. • Every contractor or subcontractor which performs construction work on the project is required to submit weekly payroll reports and a Statement of Compliance directly to the awarding authority by mail or email and keep them on file for three years. Each weekly payroll report must contain: the employee’s name, address, occupational classification, hours worked, and wages paid. Do not submit weekly payroll reports to DLS. A sample of a payroll reporting form may be obtained at • Contractors with questions about the wage rates or classifications included on the wage schedule have an affirmative obligation to inquire with DLS at (617) 626-6953. • Employees not receiving the prevailing wage rate set forth on the wage schedule may report the violation to the Fair Labor Division of the office of the Attorney General at (617) 727-3465. • Failure of a contractor or subcontractor to pay the prevailing wage rates listed on the wage schedule to all employees who perform construction work on the project is a violation of the law and subjects the contractor or subcontractor to civil and criminal penalties. Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Classification Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 08/01/2015 $31.65 $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $51.39 12/01/2015 $31.65 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.14 06/01/2016 $32.15 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.64 08/01/2016 $32.15 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $53.14 $0.00 $53.95 Construction (2 AXLE) DRIVER - EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B (3 AXLE) DRIVER - EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B 12/01/2016 $32.15 $10.91 $10.89 08/01/2015 $31.72 $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $51.46 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.21 $0.00 $52.71 12/01/2015 (4 & 5 AXLE) DRIVER - EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B ADS/SUBMERSIBLE PILOT PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) AIR TRACK OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 $31.72 06/01/2016 $32.22 $10.41 $10.08 08/01/2016 $32.22 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $53.21 12/01/2016 $32.22 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.02 08/01/2015 $31.84 $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $51.58 12/01/2015 $31.84 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.33 06/01/2016 $32.34 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.83 08/01/2016 $32.34 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $53.33 12/01/2016 $32.34 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.14 08/01/2015 $88.29 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $117.32 06/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 12/01/2015 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 06/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 12/01/2016 $33.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $53.25 06/01/2015 $33.43 $10.40 $5.95 $0.00 $49.78 $0.00 $50.73 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" ASBESTOS REMOVER - PIPE / MECH. EQUIPT. HEAT & FROST INSULATORS LOCAL 6 (BOSTON) ASPHALT RAKER LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $34.38 $10.40 $5.95 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.63 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.63 $0.00 $69.38 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" ASPHALT/CONCRETE/CRUSHER PLANT-ON SITE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" BACKHOE/FRONT-END LOADER OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.63 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 2 of 37 Classification BARCO-TYPE JUMPING TAMPER LABORERS - ZONE 2 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 06/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 $0.00 $52.00 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" BLOCK PAVER, RAMMER / CURB SETTER LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 12/01/2016 $33.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $53.25 01/01/2015 $40.32 $6.97 $16.21 $0.00 $63.50 01/01/2016 $41.62 $6.97 $16.21 $0.00 $64.80 01/01/2017 $42.92 $6.97 $16.21 $0.00 $66.10 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" BOILER MAKER BOILERMAKERS LOCAL 29 Apprentice - BOILERMAKER - Local 29 Effective Date - 01/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $43.72 $26.21 $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $43.72 70 $28.22 $6.97 $11.35 $0.00 $46.54 75 $30.24 $6.97 $12.16 $0.00 $49.37 80 $32.26 $6.97 $12.97 $0.00 $52.20 85 $34.27 $6.97 $13.78 $0.00 $55.02 90 $36.29 $6.97 $14.59 $0.00 $57.85 95 $38.30 $6.97 $15.40 $0.00 $60.67 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 65 $26.21 2 65 3 4 5 6 7 8 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 65 $27.05 $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $44.56 2 65 $27.05 $6.97 $10.54 $0.00 $44.56 3 70 $29.13 $6.97 $11.35 $0.00 $47.45 4 75 $31.22 $6.97 $12.16 $0.00 $50.35 5 80 $33.30 $6.97 $12.97 $0.00 $53.24 6 85 $35.38 $6.97 $13.78 $0.00 $56.13 7 90 $37.46 $6.97 $14.59 $0.00 $59.02 8 95 $39.54 $6.97 $15.40 $0.00 $61.91 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 BRICK/STONE/ARTIFICIAL MASONRY (INCL. MASONRY WATERPROOFING) BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 (WALTHAM) Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 08/01/2015 $49.86 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $78.61 02/01/2016 $50.43 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $79.18 08/01/2016 $51.33 $10.18 $18.65 $0.00 $80.16 02/01/2017 $51.90 $10.18 $18.65 $0.00 $80.73 20150914-048 Page 3 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - BRICK/PLASTER/CEMENT MASON - Local 3 Waltham Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $53.68 $29.92 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $58.67 70 $34.90 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $63.65 4 80 $39.89 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $68.64 5 90 $44.87 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $73.62 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.93 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 02/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $25.22 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $53.97 2 60 $30.26 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $59.01 3 70 $35.30 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $64.05 4 80 $40.34 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $69.09 5 90 $45.39 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $74.14 Total Rate Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 BULLDOZER/GRADER/SCRAPER 06/01/2015 OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $42.42 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 $0.00 $68.96 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 06/01/2015 $36.20 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $56.90 12/01/2015 $36.95 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.65 06/01/2016 $37.70 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $58.40 12/01/2016 $38.70 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $59.40 06/01/2015 $35.05 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $55.75 12/01/2015 $35.80 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $56.50 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.25 $0.00 $58.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" CAISSON & UNDERPINNING BOTTOM MAN LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CAISSON & UNDERPINNING LABORER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE 06/01/2016 $36.55 12/01/2016 $37.55 $7.30 $13.40 06/01/2015 $35.05 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $55.75 12/01/2015 $35.80 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2016 $36.55 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.25 12/01/2016 $37.55 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $58.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CAISSON & UNDERPINNING TOP MAN LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 4 of 37 Classification CARBIDE CORE DRILL OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 03/01/2015 $35.75 $9.80 $16.48 $0.00 $62.03 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CARPENTER CARPENTERS -ZONE 2 (Eastern Massachusetts) Apprentice - CARPENTER - Zone 2 Eastern MA Effective Date - 03/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $1.63 $0.00 $29.31 $9.80 $1.63 $0.00 $32.88 $9.80 $11.59 $0.00 $46.42 $26.81 $9.80 $11.59 $0.00 $48.20 80 $28.60 $9.80 $13.22 $0.00 $51.62 6 80 $28.60 $9.80 $13.22 $0.00 $51.62 7 90 $32.18 $9.80 $14.85 $0.00 $56.83 8 90 $32.18 $9.80 $14.85 $0.00 $56.83 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $17.88 $9.80 2 60 $21.45 3 70 $25.03 4 75 5 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 CEMENT MASONRY/PLASTERING 07/01/2015 BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 (WALTHAM) Issue Date: 09/14/2015 01/01/2016 Wage Request Number: $45.82 $46.44 20150914-048 $10.90 $18.71 $1.30 $76.73 $10.90 $18.71 $1.30 $77.35 Page 5 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - CEMENT MASONRY/PLASTERING - Eastern Mass (Waltham) Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.90 $12.21 $0.00 $46.02 $27.49 $10.90 $13.71 $1.30 $53.40 65 $29.78 $10.90 $14.71 $1.30 $56.69 4 70 $32.07 $10.90 $15.71 $1.30 $59.98 5 75 $34.37 $10.90 $16.71 $1.30 $63.28 6 80 $36.66 $10.90 $17.71 $1.30 $66.57 7 90 $41.24 $10.90 $18.71 $1.30 $72.15 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $22.91 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $23.22 $10.90 $12.21 $0.00 $46.33 2 60 $27.86 $10.90 $13.71 $1.30 $53.77 3 65 $30.19 $10.90 $14.71 $1.30 $57.10 4 70 $32.51 $10.90 $15.71 $1.30 $60.42 5 75 $34.83 $10.90 $16.71 $1.30 $63.74 6 80 $37.15 $10.90 $17.71 $1.30 $67.06 7 90 $41.80 $10.90 $18.71 $1.30 $72.71 Total Rate Notes: Steps 3,4 are 500 hrs. All other steps are 1,000 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 CHAIN SAW OPERATOR 06/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 2 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 $0.00 $51.50 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 06/01/2015 $43.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.38 12/01/2015 $45.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.63 06/01/2016 $45.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.38 12/01/2016 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 06/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $49.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $73.63 06/01/2015 $29.61 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $54.16 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $55.03 $0.00 $55.55 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" CLAM SHELLS/SLURRY BUCKETS/HEADING MACHINES OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" COMPRESSOR OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $30.48 06/01/2016 $31.00 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $31.87 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $56.42 06/01/2017 $32.56 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $57.11 12/01/2017 $33.25 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $57.80 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 6 of 37 Classification DELEADER (BRIDGE) PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Health Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Base Wage 07/01/2015 $48.56 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $72.51 01/01/2016 $49.51 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $73.46 07/01/2016 $50.46 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $74.41 01/01/2017 $51.41 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $75.36 Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 - BRIDGES/TANKS Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $32.13 $26.71 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $38.22 $29.14 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $40.98 $31.56 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $43.73 $33.99 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $55.95 $36.42 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $58.71 $38.85 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $61.47 $43.70 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $66.99 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.28 2 55 3 60 4 65 5 70 6 75 7 80 8 90 Effective Date - Pension Effective Date Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $24.76 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $32.61 2 55 $27.23 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $38.74 3 60 $29.71 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $41.55 4 65 $32.18 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $44.35 5 70 $34.66 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $56.62 6 75 $37.13 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $59.42 7 80 $39.61 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $62.23 8 90 $44.56 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $67.85 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 DEMO: ADZEMAN LABORERS - ZONE 2 06/01/2015 $35.25 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $55.75 12/01/2015 $36.00 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2015 $36.25 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $56.75 $0.00 $57.50 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: BACKHOE/LOADER/HAMMER OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $37.00 $7.30 $13.20 06/01/2015 $36.00 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $56.50 $0.00 $57.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: BURNERS LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $36.75 $7.30 $13.20 06/01/2015 $36.25 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $56.75 12/01/2015 $37.00 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $57.50 06/01/2015 $36.00 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $56.50 12/01/2015 $36.75 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $57.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: CONCRETE CUTTER/SAWYER LABORERS - ZONE 2 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: JACKHAMMER OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 7 of 37 Classification Health Pension LABORERS - ZONE 2 Total Rate Base Wage 06/01/2015 $35.25 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $55.75 12/01/2015 $36.00 $7.30 $13.20 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 12/01/2015 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 $0.00 $71.18 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DEMO: WRECKING LABORER Supplemental Unemployment Effective Date For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" DIRECTIONAL DRILL MACHINE OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 08/01/2015 $58.86 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $87.89 08/01/2015 $42.04 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $71.07 08/01/2015 $63.06 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $92.09 08/01/2015 $88.23 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $117.26 09/01/2015 $45.67 $13.00 $15.89 $0.00 $74.56 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 09/01/2015 $45.67 $13.00 $15.89 $0.00 $74.56 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" DIVER PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) DIVER TENDER PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) DIVER TENDER (EFFLUENT) PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) DIVER/SLURRY (EFFLUENT) PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) DRAWBRIDGE OPERATOR (Construction) ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ELECTRICIAN" ELECTRICIAN ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 8 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - ELECTRICIAN - Local 103 Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $13.00 $0.55 $0.00 $31.82 $18.27 $13.00 $0.55 $0.00 $31.82 45 $20.55 $13.00 $11.86 $0.00 $45.41 4 45 $20.55 $13.00 $11.86 $0.00 $45.41 5 50 $22.84 $13.00 $12.23 $0.00 $48.07 6 55 $25.12 $13.00 $12.58 $0.00 $50.70 7 60 $27.40 $13.00 $12.95 $0.00 $53.35 8 65 $29.69 $13.00 $13.32 $0.00 $56.01 9 70 $31.97 $13.00 $13.69 $0.00 $58.66 10 75 $34.25 $13.00 $14.06 $0.00 $61.31 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 40 $18.27 2 40 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 03/01/2016 Step percent 1 40 $18.47 $13.00 $0.55 $0.00 $32.02 2 40 $18.47 $13.00 $0.55 $0.00 $32.02 3 45 $20.78 $13.00 $11.84 $0.00 $45.62 4 45 $20.78 $13.00 $11.84 $0.00 $45.62 5 50 $23.09 $13.00 $12.71 $0.00 $48.80 6 55 $25.39 $13.00 $13.07 $0.00 $51.46 7 60 $27.70 $13.00 $13.39 $0.00 $54.09 8 65 $30.01 $13.00 $13.81 $0.00 $56.82 9 70 $32.32 $13.00 $14.18 $0.00 $59.50 10 75 $34.63 $13.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.18 Total Rate Notes: : App Prior 1/1/03; 30/35/40/45/50/55/65/70/75/80 Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:2:3*** ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS LOCAL 4 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 01/01/2015 $53.30 $13.58 $14.21 $0.00 $81.09 01/01/2016 $54.53 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $83.92 01/01/2017 $55.86 $15.28 $15.71 $0.00 $86.85 20150914-048 Page 9 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR - Local 4 Effective Date - 01/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $13.58 $0.00 $0.00 $40.23 $29.32 $13.58 $14.21 $0.00 $57.11 65 $34.65 $13.58 $14.21 $0.00 $62.44 4 70 $37.31 $13.58 $14.21 $0.00 $65.10 5 80 $42.64 $13.58 $14.21 $0.00 $70.43 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $26.65 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $27.27 $14.43 $0.00 $0.00 $41.70 2 55 $29.99 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $59.38 3 65 $35.44 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $64.83 4 70 $38.17 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $67.56 5 80 $43.62 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $73.01 Notes: Steps 1-2 are 6 mos.; Steps 3-5 are 1 year Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR HELPER 01/01/2015 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS LOCAL 4 01/01/2016 $37.31 $38.17 $13.58 $14.21 $0.00 $65.10 $14.43 $14.96 $0.00 $67.56 $0.00 $70.09 01/01/2017 $39.10 $15.28 $15.71 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 05/01/2015 $40.22 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $64.52 11/01/2015 $40.80 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $65.10 05/01/2016 $41.69 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $65.99 11/01/2016 $42.28 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $66.58 05/01/2017 $43.16 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $67.46 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $68.19 $0.00 $68.90 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice - ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTOR" FENCE & GUARD RAIL ERECTOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" FIELD ENG.INST.PERSON-BLDG,SITE,HVY/HWY OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 11/01/2017 $43.89 05/01/2018 $44.60 $10.00 $14.30 05/01/2015 $41.65 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $65.95 11/01/2015 $42.24 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $66.54 05/01/2016 $43.13 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $67.43 11/01/2016 $43.73 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $68.03 05/01/2017 $44.62 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $68.92 11/01/2017 $45.35 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $69.65 05/01/2018 $46.07 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $70.37 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" FIELD ENG.PARTY CHIEF-BLDG,SITE,HVY/HWY OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 10 of 37 Classification FIELD ENG.ROD PERSON-BLDG,SITE,HVY/HWY OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Base Wage 05/01/2015 $21.68 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $45.98 11/01/2015 $22.02 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $46.32 05/01/2016 $22.54 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $46.84 11/01/2016 $22.89 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $47.19 05/01/2017 $23.42 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $47.72 $10.00 $14.30 $0.00 $48.14 $0.00 $48.57 11/01/2017 $23.84 Health Pension Effective Date 05/01/2018 $24.27 $10.00 $14.30 09/01/2015 $45.67 $13.00 $15.89 $0.00 $74.56 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 09/01/2015 $34.25 $13.00 $14.06 $0.00 $61.31 03/01/2016 $34.63 $13.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.18 06/01/2015 $35.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $60.19 12/01/2015 $36.69 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $61.24 06/01/2016 $37.31 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $61.86 12/01/2016 $38.35 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.90 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $63.74 $0.00 $64.57 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" FIRE ALARM INSTALLER ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ELECTRICIAN" FIRE ALARM REPAIR / MAINTENANCE / COMMISSIONING ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN" FIREMAN (ASST. ENGINEER) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2017 $39.19 12/01/2017 $40.02 $10.00 $14.55 06/01/2015 $20.50 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $40.10 12/01/2015 $20.50 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $40.10 06/01/2016 $20.50 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $40.10 12/01/2016 $20.50 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $40.10 09/01/2015 $41.59 $9.80 $17.53 $0.00 $68.92 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" FLAGGER & SIGNALER LABORERS - ZONE 2 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" FLOORCOVERER FLOORCOVERERS LOCAL 2168 ZONE I Apprentice - FLOORCOVERER - Local 2168 Zone I Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $1.79 $0.00 $32.39 $22.87 $9.80 $1.79 $0.00 $34.46 60 $24.95 $9.80 $12.16 $0.00 $46.91 65 $27.03 $9.80 $12.16 $0.00 $48.99 70 $29.11 $9.80 $13.95 $0.00 $52.86 75 $31.19 $9.80 $13.95 $0.00 $54.94 80 $33.27 $9.80 $15.74 $0.00 $58.81 85 $35.35 $9.80 $15.74 $0.00 $60.89 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $20.80 2 55 3 4 5 6 7 8 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 11 of 37 Classification FORK LIFT/CHERRY PICKER OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 06/01/2015 $29.61 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $54.16 $0.00 $55.03 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" GENERATOR/LIGHTING PLANT/HEATERS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $30.48 $10.00 $14.55 06/01/2016 $31.00 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $55.55 12/01/2016 $31.87 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $56.42 06/01/2017 $32.56 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $57.11 12/01/2017 $33.25 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $57.80 07/01/2015 $38.06 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.01 01/01/2016 $39.01 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.96 07/01/2016 $39.96 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $63.91 01/01/2017 $40.91 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $64.86 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" GLAZIER (GLASS PLANK/AIR BARRIER/INTERIOR SYSTEMS) GLAZIERS LOCAL 35 (ZONE 2) Apprentice - GLAZIER - Local 35 Zone 2 Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $26.88 $20.93 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.44 $22.84 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.68 65 $24.74 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $36.91 5 70 $26.64 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $48.60 6 75 $28.55 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $50.84 7 80 $30.45 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.07 8 90 $34.25 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $57.54 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.03 2 55 3 60 4 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.51 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.36 2 55 $21.46 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.97 3 60 $23.41 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.25 4 65 $25.36 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.53 5 70 $27.31 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.27 6 75 $29.26 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.55 7 80 $31.21 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.83 8 90 $35.11 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $58.40 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 12 of 37 Classification HOISTING ENGINEER/CRANES/GRADALLS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Base Wage 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 Health Pension Effective Date Apprentice - OPERATING ENGINEERS - Local 4 Effective Date - 06/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33.56 $25.70 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $50.25 65 $27.84 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $52.39 4 70 $29.98 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $54.53 5 75 $32.12 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $56.67 6 80 $34.26 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $58.81 7 85 $36.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $60.96 8 90 $38.55 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $63.10 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 55 $23.56 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 12/01/2015 Step percent 1 55 $24.24 $10.00 $0.00 $0.00 $34.24 2 60 $26.45 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $51.00 3 65 $28.65 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $53.20 4 70 $30.86 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $55.41 5 75 $33.06 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $57.61 6 80 $35.26 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $59.81 7 85 $37.47 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.02 8 90 $39.67 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $64.22 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:6 HVAC (DUCTWORK) 08/01/2015 SHEETMETAL WORKERS LOCAL 17 - A $43.31 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $77.24 $2.25 $78.24 02/01/2016 $44.31 $10.20 $21.48 08/01/2016 $45.46 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $79.39 02/01/2017 $46.56 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $80.49 08/01/2017 $47.66 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $81.59 02/01/2018 $48.81 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $82.74 09/01/2015 $45.67 $13.00 $15.89 $0.00 $74.56 03/01/2016 $46.17 $13.00 $16.39 $0.00 $75.56 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- SHEET METAL WORKER" HVAC (ELECTRICAL CONTROLS) ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ELECTRICIAN" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 13 of 37 Classification HVAC (TESTING AND BALANCING - AIR) SHEETMETAL WORKERS LOCAL 17 - A Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 08/01/2015 $43.31 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $77.24 02/01/2016 $44.31 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $78.24 08/01/2016 $45.46 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $79.39 02/01/2017 $46.56 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $80.49 $2.25 $81.59 08/01/2017 $47.66 $10.20 $21.48 02/01/2018 $48.81 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $82.74 09/01/2015 $49.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $76.28 03/01/2016 $50.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $77.28 09/01/2016 $51.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $78.28 03/01/2017 $52.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $79.28 09/01/2015 $49.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $76.28 03/01/2016 $50.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $77.28 09/01/2016 $51.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $78.28 03/01/2017 $52.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $79.28 06/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 $0.00 $52.50 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- SHEET METAL WORKER" HVAC (TESTING AND BALANCING -WATER) PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" HVAC MECHANIC PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" HYDRAULIC DRILLS LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $32.40 06/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 12/01/2016 $33.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $53.25 09/01/2015 $43.81 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $69.11 09/01/2016 $45.81 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $71.11 09/01/2017 $47.81 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $73.11 09/01/2018 $50.06 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $75.36 09/01/2019 $52.56 $11.50 $13.80 $0.00 $77.86 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" INSULATOR (PIPES & TANKS) HEAT & FROST INSULATORS LOCAL 6 (BOSTON) Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 14 of 37 Classification Base Wage Effective Date Health Apprentice - ASBESTOS INSULATOR (Pipes & Tanks) - Local 6 Boston Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $11.50 $10.05 $0.00 $43.46 $26.29 $11.50 $10.80 $0.00 $48.59 70 $30.67 $11.50 $11.55 $0.00 $53.72 80 $35.05 $11.50 $12.30 $0.00 $58.85 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $21.91 2 60 3 4 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 09/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $22.91 $11.50 $10.05 $0.00 $44.46 2 60 $27.49 $11.50 $10.80 $0.00 $49.79 3 70 $32.07 $11.50 $11.55 $0.00 $55.12 4 80 $36.65 $11.50 $12.30 $0.00 $60.45 Notes: Steps are 1 year Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:4 IRONWORKER/WELDER 03/16/2015 IRONWORKERS LOCAL 7 (BOSTON AREA) $42.11 $7.70 Apprentice - IRONWORKER - Local 7 Boston Effective Date - 03/16/2015 $20.25 $0.00 $70.06 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.70 $20.25 $0.00 $53.22 $29.48 $7.70 $20.25 $0.00 $57.43 $31.58 $7.70 $20.25 $0.00 $59.53 $33.69 $7.70 $20.25 $0.00 $61.64 $35.79 $7.70 $20.25 $0.00 $63.74 $37.90 $7.70 $20.25 $0.00 $65.85 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 60 $25.27 2 70 3 75 4 80 5 85 6 90 Notes: ** Structural 1:6; Ornamental 1:4 Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** JACKHAMMER & PAVING BREAKER OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 $0.00 $52.75 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2015 $31.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $50.75 12/01/2015 $31.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.25 06/01/2016 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.75 12/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER LABORERS - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 15 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - LABORER - Zone 2 Effective Date - 06/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $38.29 $21.81 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $41.41 80 $24.92 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $44.52 90 $28.04 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $47.64 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 60 $18.69 2 70 3 4 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 12/01/2015 Step percent 1 60 $18.99 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $38.59 2 70 $22.16 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $41.76 3 80 $25.32 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $44.92 4 90 $28.49 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $48.09 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 LABORER: CARPENTER TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 2 06/01/2015 $31.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $50.75 12/01/2015 $31.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.25 $0.00 $51.75 06/01/2016 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 12/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 06/01/2015 $31.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $50.75 12/01/2015 $31.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.25 06/01/2016 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.75 12/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 06/01/2015 $31.35 $7.30 $12.25 $0.00 $50.90 12/01/2015 $31.85 $7.30 $12.25 $0.00 $51.40 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 $0.00 $52.75 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: CEMENT FINISHER TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 2 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: HAZARDOUS WASTE/ASBESTOS REMOVER LABORERS - ZONE 2 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: MASON TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2015 $31.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $50.75 $0.00 $51.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: MULTI-TRADE TENDER LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $31.65 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2016 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.75 12/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 06/01/2015 $31.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $50.75 12/01/2015 $31.65 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.25 06/01/2016 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.75 12/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LABORER: TREE REMOVER LABORERS - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 16 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate This classification applies to all tree work associated with the removal of standing trees, and trimming and removal of branches and limbs when the work is not done for a utility company for the purpose of operation, maintenance or repair of utility company equipment. For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" LASER BEAM OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 $0.00 $52.75 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 08/01/2015 $38.08 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $65.51 $0.00 $65.96 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" MARBLE & TILE FINISHERS BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 - MARBLE & TILE Apprentice - 02/01/2016 $38.53 $10.18 $17.25 08/01/2016 $39.23 $10.18 $17.33 $0.00 $66.74 02/01/2017 $39.69 $10.18 $17.33 $0.00 $67.20 MARBLE & TILE FINISHER - Local 3 Marble & Tile Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $46.47 $22.85 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $50.28 70 $26.66 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $54.09 80 $30.46 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $57.89 90 $34.27 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $61.70 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.04 2 60 3 4 5 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 02/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.27 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $46.70 2 60 $23.12 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $50.55 3 70 $26.97 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $54.40 4 80 $30.82 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $58.25 5 90 $34.68 $10.18 $17.25 $0.00 $62.11 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 MARBLE MASONS,TILELAYERS & TERRAZZO MECH BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 - MARBLE & TILE Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 08/01/2015 $49.90 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $78.65 02/01/2016 $50.47 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $79.22 08/01/2016 $51.37 $10.18 $18.65 $0.00 $80.20 02/01/2017 $51.94 $10.18 $18.65 $0.00 $80.77 20150914-048 Page 17 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - MARBLE-TILE-TERRAZZO MECHANIC - Local 3 Marble & Tile Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $53.70 $29.94 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $58.69 70 $34.93 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $63.68 4 80 $39.92 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $68.67 5 90 $44.91 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $73.66 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.95 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 02/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $25.24 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $53.99 2 60 $30.28 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $59.03 3 70 $35.33 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $64.08 4 80 $40.38 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $69.13 5 90 $45.42 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $74.17 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 MECH. SWEEPER OPERATOR (ON CONST. SITES) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2015 12/01/2015 $42.42 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 $0.00 $68.96 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 12/01/2015 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 $0.00 $72.17 $0.00 $60.70 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" MECHANICS MAINTENANCE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 04/01/2015 $34.69 $9.80 $16.21 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" MILLWRIGHT (Zone 2) MILLWRIGHTS LOCAL 1121 - Zone 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 18 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - MILLWRIGHT - Local 1121 Zone 2 Effective Date - 04/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $4.48 $0.00 $33.36 $22.55 $9.80 $13.36 $0.00 $45.71 75 $26.02 $9.80 $14.18 $0.00 $50.00 85 $29.49 $9.80 $14.99 $0.00 $54.28 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 55 $19.08 2 65 3 4 Notes: Steps are 2,000 hours Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 MORTAR MIXER 06/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $31.40 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 $0.00 $52.00 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 06/01/2015 $21.97 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $46.52 12/01/2015 $22.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $47.17 06/01/2016 $23.01 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $47.56 12/01/2016 $23.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $48.21 06/01/2017 $24.17 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $48.72 12/01/2017 $24.69 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $49.24 06/01/2015 $25.68 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $50.23 12/01/2015 $26.43 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $50.98 $0.00 $51.44 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" OILER (OTHER THAN TRUCK CRANES,GRADALLS) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" OILER (TRUCK CRANES, GRADALLS) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2016 $26.89 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $27.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $52.19 06/01/2017 $28.24 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $52.79 12/01/2017 $28.85 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $53.40 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 12/01/2015 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 07/01/2015 $48.56 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $72.51 $0.00 $73.46 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" OTHER POWER DRIVEN EQUIPMENT - CLASS II OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" PAINTER (BRIDGES/TANKS) PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 01/01/2016 $49.51 $7.85 $16.10 07/01/2016 $50.46 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $74.41 01/01/2017 $51.41 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $75.36 20150914-048 Page 19 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 - BRIDGES/TANKS Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $32.13 $26.71 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $38.22 60 $29.14 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $40.98 4 65 $31.56 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $43.73 5 70 $33.99 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $55.95 6 75 $36.42 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $58.71 7 80 $38.85 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $61.47 8 90 $43.70 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $66.99 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.28 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $24.76 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $32.61 2 55 $27.23 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $38.74 3 60 $29.71 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $41.55 4 65 $32.18 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $44.35 5 70 $34.66 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $56.62 6 75 $37.13 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $59.42 7 80 $39.61 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $62.23 8 90 $44.56 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $67.85 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER (SPRAY OR SANDBLAST, NEW) * * If 30% or more of surfaces to be painted are new construction, NEW paint rate shall be used.PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 07/01/2015 $39.46 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $63.41 $0.00 $64.36 01/01/2016 $40.41 $7.85 $16.10 07/01/2016 $41.36 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $65.31 01/01/2017 $42.31 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $66.26 20150914-048 Page 20 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 Zone 2 - Spray/Sandblast - New Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.58 $21.70 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $33.21 60 $23.68 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.52 4 65 $25.65 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.82 5 70 $27.62 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.58 6 75 $29.60 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.89 7 80 $31.57 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $54.19 8 90 $35.51 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $58.80 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.73 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $20.21 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $28.06 2 55 $22.23 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $33.74 3 60 $24.25 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $36.09 4 65 $26.27 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $38.44 5 70 $28.29 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $50.25 6 75 $30.31 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $52.60 7 80 $32.33 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $54.95 8 90 $36.37 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $59.66 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER (SPRAY OR SANDBLAST, REPAINT) PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 07/01/2015 $37.52 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $61.47 $0.00 $62.42 01/01/2016 $38.47 $7.85 $16.10 07/01/2016 $39.42 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $63.37 01/01/2017 $40.37 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $64.32 20150914-048 Page 21 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 Zone 2 - Spray/Sandblast - Repaint Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $26.61 $20.64 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.15 60 $22.51 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.35 4 65 $24.39 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $36.56 5 70 $26.26 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $48.22 6 75 $28.14 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $50.43 7 80 $30.02 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $52.64 8 90 $33.77 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $57.06 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $18.76 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.24 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.09 2 55 $21.16 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.67 3 60 $23.08 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.92 4 65 $25.01 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.18 5 70 $26.93 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $48.89 6 75 $28.85 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.14 7 80 $30.78 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.40 8 90 $34.62 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $57.91 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER (TRAFFIC MARKINGS) 06/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 2 $31.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $50.75 $0.00 $51.25 12/01/2015 $31.65 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2016 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.75 12/01/2016 $32.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.50 07/01/2015 $38.06 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.01 01/01/2016 $39.01 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.96 07/01/2016 $39.96 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $63.91 01/01/2017 $40.91 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $64.86 For Apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" PAINTER / TAPER (BRUSH, NEW) * * If 30% or more of surfaces to be painted are new construction, NEW paint rate shall be used.PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 22 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER - Local 35 Zone 2 - BRUSH NEW Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $26.88 $20.93 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.44 60 $22.84 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.68 4 65 $24.74 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $36.91 5 70 $26.64 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $48.60 6 75 $28.55 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $50.84 7 80 $30.45 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.07 8 90 $34.25 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $57.54 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $19.03 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $19.51 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $27.36 2 55 $21.46 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $32.97 3 60 $23.41 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $35.25 4 65 $25.36 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $37.53 5 70 $27.31 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $49.27 6 75 $29.26 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $51.55 7 80 $31.21 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $53.83 8 90 $35.11 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $58.40 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PAINTER / TAPER (BRUSH, REPAINT) 07/01/2015 PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: $36.12 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $60.07 $0.00 $61.02 01/01/2016 $37.07 $7.85 $16.10 07/01/2016 $38.02 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $61.97 01/01/2017 $38.97 $7.85 $16.10 $0.00 $62.92 20150914-048 Page 23 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PAINTER Local 35 Zone 2 - BRUSH REPAINT Effective Date - 07/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $25.91 $19.87 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $31.38 60 $21.67 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $33.51 4 65 $23.48 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $35.65 5 70 $25.28 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $47.24 6 75 $27.09 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $49.38 7 80 $28.90 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $51.52 8 90 $32.51 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $55.80 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $18.06 2 55 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 01/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $18.54 $7.85 $0.00 $0.00 $26.39 2 55 $20.39 $7.85 $3.66 $0.00 $31.90 3 60 $22.24 $7.85 $3.99 $0.00 $34.08 4 65 $24.10 $7.85 $4.32 $0.00 $36.27 5 70 $25.95 $7.85 $14.11 $0.00 $47.91 6 75 $27.80 $7.85 $14.44 $0.00 $50.09 7 80 $29.66 $7.85 $14.77 $0.00 $52.28 8 90 $33.36 $7.85 $15.44 $0.00 $56.65 Notes: Steps are 750 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 PANEL & PICKUP TRUCKS DRIVER TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B PIER AND DOCK CONSTRUCTOR (UNDERPINNING AND DECK) 12/01/2012 $30.28 $9.07 $8.00 $0.00 $47.35 08/01/2015 $42.04 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $71.07 08/01/2015 $42.04 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $71.07 PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) PILE DRIVER PILE DRIVER LOCAL 56 (ZONE 1) Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 24 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - PILE DRIVER - Local 56 Zone 1 Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $50.05 $25.22 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $54.25 70 $29.43 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $58.46 4 75 $31.53 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $60.56 5 80 $33.63 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $62.66 6 80 $33.63 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $62.66 7 90 $37.84 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $66.87 8 90 $37.84 $9.80 $19.23 $0.00 $66.87 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $21.02 2 60 3 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 PIPEFITTER & STEAMFITTER 09/01/2015 PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 $49.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $76.28 $0.00 $77.28 03/01/2016 $50.69 $9.70 $16.89 09/01/2016 $51.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $78.28 03/01/2017 $52.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $79.28 Apprentice - PIPEFITTER - Local 537 Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $9.70 $7.50 $0.00 $37.08 $22.36 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $48.95 60 $29.81 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $56.40 70 $34.78 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $61.37 80 $39.75 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $66.34 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 40 $19.88 2 45 3 4 5 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 03/01/2016 Step percent 1 40 $20.28 $9.70 $7.50 $0.00 $37.48 2 45 $22.81 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $49.40 3 60 $30.41 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $57.00 4 70 $35.48 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $62.07 5 80 $40.55 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $67.14 Notes: ** 1:3; 3:15; 1:10 thereafter / Steps are 1 yr. Refrig/AC Mechanic **1:1;1:2;2:4;3:6;4:8;5:10;6:12;7:14;8:17;9:20;10:23(Max) Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 25 of 37 Classification PIPELAYER LABORERS - ZONE 2 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 09/01/2015 $50.46 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $76.42 $0.00 $77.57 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS LOCAL 12 03/01/2016 $51.61 $10.82 $15.14 09/01/2016 $52.66 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $78.62 03/01/2017 $53.66 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $79.62 Apprentice - PLUMBER/GASFITTER - Local 12 Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.82 $5.63 $0.00 $34.11 $20.18 $10.82 $6.37 $0.00 $37.37 55 $27.75 $10.82 $8.56 $0.00 $47.13 4 65 $32.80 $10.82 $10.03 $0.00 $53.65 5 75 $37.85 $10.82 $11.48 $0.00 $60.15 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 35 $17.66 2 40 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 03/01/2016 Step percent 1 35 $18.06 $10.82 $5.61 $0.00 $34.49 2 40 $20.64 $10.82 $6.36 $0.00 $37.82 3 55 $28.39 $10.82 $8.56 $0.00 $47.77 4 65 $33.55 $10.82 $10.02 $0.00 $54.39 5 75 $38.71 $10.82 $11.48 $0.00 $61.01 Notes: ** 1:2; 2:6; 3:10; 4:14; 5:19/Steps are 1 yr Step4 with lic$56.90 Step5 with lic$63.40 Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** PNEUMATIC CONTROLS (TEMP.) PIPEFITTERS LOCAL 537 09/01/2015 $49.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $76.28 03/01/2016 $50.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $77.28 09/01/2016 $51.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $78.28 03/01/2017 $52.69 $9.70 $16.89 $0.00 $79.28 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 06/01/2015 $32.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.75 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.25 $0.00 $52.75 $0.00 $53.50 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" PNEUMATIC DRILL/TOOL OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" POWDERMAN & BLASTER LABORERS - ZONE 2 12/01/2015 $32.65 06/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 12/01/2016 $33.90 $7.30 $12.30 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 26 of 37 Classification POWER SHOVEL/DERRICK/TRENCHING MACHINE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 $0.00 $72.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 $0.00 $68.63 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" PUMP OPERATOR (CONCRETE) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.63 06/01/2015 $29.61 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $54.16 12/01/2015 $30.48 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $55.03 06/01/2016 $31.00 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $55.55 12/01/2016 $31.87 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $56.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $57.11 $0.00 $57.80 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" PUMP OPERATOR (DEWATERING, OTHER) OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2017 $32.56 12/01/2017 $33.25 $10.00 $14.55 07/01/2015 $27.88 $7.98 $8.92 $0.00 $44.78 05/01/2016 $28.03 $7.98 $9.31 $0.00 $45.32 07/01/2016 $28.03 $8.23 $9.31 $0.00 $45.57 05/01/2017 $28.18 $8.23 $9.72 $0.00 $46.13 07/01/2017 $28.18 $8.48 $9.72 $0.00 $46.38 07/01/2015 $29.18 $7.98 $8.92 $0.00 $46.08 05/01/2016 $29.33 $7.98 $9.31 $0.00 $46.62 07/01/2016 $29.33 $8.23 $9.31 $0.00 $46.87 05/01/2017 $29.48 $8.23 $9.72 $0.00 $47.43 07/01/2017 $29.48 $8.48 $9.72 $0.00 $47.68 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 $0.00 $68.96 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" READY MIX CONCRETE DRIVERS after 4/30/10 (Drivers Hired After 4/30/2010) TEAMSTERS LOCAL 25c READY-MIX CONCRETE DRIVER TEAMSTERS LOCAL 25c RECLAIMERS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $43.66 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 04/01/2011 $24.24 $8.67 $15.51 $0.00 $48.42 05/01/2011 $24.24 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $36.81 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" RESIDENTIAL WOOD FRAME (All Other Work) CARPENTERS -ZONE 2 (Residential Wood) RESIDENTIAL WOOD FRAME CARPENTER ** ** The Residential Wood Frame Carpenter classification applies only to the construction of new, wood frame residences that do not exceed four stories including the basement. CARPENTERS -ZONE 2 (Residential Wood) As of 9/1/09 Carpentry work on wood-frame residential WEATHERIZATION projects shall be paid the RESIDENTIAL WOOD FRAME CARPENTER rate. Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 27 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - CARPENTER (Residential Wood Frame) - Zone 2 Effective Date - 05/01/2011 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $6.34 $0.00 $0.00 $20.88 $14.54 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $27.11 65 $15.76 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $28.33 4 70 $16.97 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $29.54 5 75 $18.18 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $30.75 6 80 $19.39 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $31.96 7 85 $20.60 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $33.17 8 90 $21.82 $6.34 $6.23 $0.00 $34.39 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 60 $14.54 2 60 3 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:5 RIDE-ON MOTORIZED BUGGY OPERATOR 06/01/2015 LABORERS - ZONE 2 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 $0.00 $51.50 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2016 $32.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.75 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 12/01/2015 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 08/01/2015 $40.11 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $63.11 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $64.01 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" ROLLER/SPREADER/MULCHING MACHINE OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" ROOFER (Inc.Roofer Waterproofng &Roofer Damproofg) ROOFERS LOCAL 33 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 02/01/2016 Wage Request Number: $41.01 20150914-048 Page 28 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - ROOFER - Local 33 Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $11.00 $3.38 $0.00 $34.44 $24.07 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $47.07 65 $26.07 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $49.07 4 75 $30.08 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $53.08 5 85 $34.09 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $57.09 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $20.06 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 02/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $20.51 $11.00 $3.38 $0.00 $34.89 2 60 $24.61 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $47.61 3 65 $26.66 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $49.66 4 75 $30.76 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $53.76 5 85 $34.86 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $57.86 Notes: ** 1:5, 2:6-10, the 1:10; Reroofing: 1:4, then 1:1 Step 1 is 2000 hrs.; Steps 2-5 are 1000 hrs. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:** ROOFER SLATE / TILE / PRECAST CONCRETE ROOFERS LOCAL 33 08/01/2015 $40.36 $11.00 $12.00 $0.00 $63.36 $0.00 $64.26 02/01/2016 $41.26 $11.00 $12.00 08/01/2015 $43.31 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $77.24 $2.25 $78.24 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- ROOFER" SHEETMETAL WORKER SHEETMETAL WORKERS LOCAL 17 - A Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 02/01/2016 $44.31 $10.20 $21.48 08/01/2016 $45.46 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $79.39 02/01/2017 $46.56 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $80.49 08/01/2017 $47.66 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $81.59 02/01/2018 $48.81 $10.20 $21.48 $2.25 $82.74 20150914-048 Page 29 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - SHEET METAL WORKER - Local 17-A Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.20 $4.90 $0.00 $32.42 $17.32 $10.20 $4.90 $0.00 $32.42 45 $19.49 $10.20 $9.59 $1.18 $40.46 4 45 $19.49 $10.20 $9.59 $1.18 $40.46 5 50 $21.66 $10.20 $10.45 $1.27 $43.58 6 50 $21.66 $10.20 $10.70 $1.28 $43.84 7 60 $25.99 $10.20 $12.17 $1.45 $49.81 8 65 $28.15 $10.20 $13.04 $1.54 $52.93 9 75 $32.48 $10.20 $14.76 $1.72 $59.16 10 85 $36.81 $10.20 $15.98 $1.89 $64.88 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 40 $17.32 2 40 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 02/01/2016 Step percent 1 40 $17.72 $10.20 $4.90 $0.00 $32.82 2 40 $17.72 $10.20 $4.90 $0.00 $32.82 3 45 $19.94 $10.20 $9.59 $1.19 $40.92 4 45 $19.94 $10.20 $9.59 $1.19 $40.92 5 50 $22.16 $10.20 $10.45 $1.28 $44.09 6 50 $22.16 $10.20 $10.70 $1.29 $44.35 7 60 $26.59 $10.20 $12.17 $1.47 $50.43 8 65 $28.80 $10.20 $13.04 $1.56 $53.60 9 75 $33.23 $10.20 $14.76 $1.75 $59.94 10 85 $37.66 $10.20 $15.98 $1.92 $65.76 Notes: Steps are 6 mos. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:4 SIGN ERECTOR 06/01/2013 PAINTERS LOCAL 35 - ZONE 2 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: $25.81 20150914-048 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $39.93 Page 30 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - SIGN ERECTOR - Local 35 Zone 2 Effective Date - 06/01/2013 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $7.07 $0.00 $0.00 $19.98 $14.20 $7.07 $2.45 $0.00 $23.72 60 $15.49 $7.07 $2.45 $0.00 $25.01 4 65 $16.78 $7.07 $2.45 $0.00 $26.30 5 70 $18.07 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $32.19 6 75 $19.36 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $33.48 7 80 $20.65 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $34.77 8 85 $21.94 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $36.06 9 90 $23.23 $7.07 $7.05 $0.00 $37.35 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 50 $12.91 2 55 3 Notes: Steps are 4 mos. Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 SPECIALIZED EARTH MOVING EQUIP < 35 TONS TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B SPECIALIZED EARTH MOVING EQUIP > 35 TONS TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B SPRINKLER FITTER SPRINKLER FITTERS LOCAL 550 - (Section A) Zone 1 08/01/2015 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $51.68 $0.00 $52.43 12/01/2015 $31.94 $10.41 $10.08 06/01/2016 $32.44 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.93 08/01/2016 $32.44 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $53.43 12/01/2016 $32.44 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.24 08/01/2015 $32.23 $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $51.97 12/01/2015 $32.23 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.72 06/01/2016 $32.73 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.22 08/01/2016 $32.73 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $53.72 12/01/2016 $32.73 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.53 03/01/2015 $54.43 $8.42 $14.90 $0.00 $77.75 10/01/2015 $55.58 $8.42 $14.90 $0.00 $78.90 $8.67 $15.05 $0.00 $79.30 $0.00 $80.30 01/01/2016 Issue Date: $31.94 $55.58 03/01/2016 $56.58 $8.67 $15.05 10/01/2016 $57.73 $8.67 $15.05 $0.00 $81.45 03/01/2017 $58.73 $8.67 $15.05 $0.00 $82.45 20150914-048 Page 31 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - SPRINKLER FITTER - Local 550 (Section A) Zone 1 Effective Date - 03/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $35.87 $21.77 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $38.59 45 $24.49 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $41.31 4 50 $27.22 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $44.04 5 55 $29.94 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $46.76 6 60 $32.66 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $49.48 7 65 $35.38 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $52.20 8 70 $38.10 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $54.92 9 75 $40.82 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $57.64 10 80 $43.54 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $60.36 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 35 $19.05 2 40 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 10/01/2015 Step percent 1 35 $19.45 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $36.27 2 40 $22.23 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $39.05 3 45 $25.01 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $41.83 4 50 $27.79 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $44.61 5 55 $30.57 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $47.39 6 60 $33.35 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $50.17 7 65 $36.13 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $52.95 8 70 $38.91 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $55.73 9 75 $41.69 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $58.51 10 80 $44.46 $8.42 $8.40 $0.00 $61.28 Notes: Apprentice entered prior 9/30/10: 40/45/50/55/60/65/70/75/80/85 Steps are 850 hours Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 STEAM BOILER OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 12/01/2015 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.96 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 12/01/2015 $43.66 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.96 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 $0.00 $71.18 $0.00 $72.17 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" TAMPERS, SELF-PROPELLED OR TRACTOR DRAWN OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2016 $45.64 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 32 of 37 Classification TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN ELECTRICIANS LOCAL 103 Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Effective Date Base Wage 09/01/2015 $34.25 $13.00 $14.06 $0.00 $61.31 03/01/2016 $34.63 $13.00 $14.55 $0.00 $62.18 Apprentice - TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN - Local 103 Effective Date - 09/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $13.00 $0.41 $0.00 $27.11 $13.70 $13.00 $0.41 $0.00 $27.11 45 $15.41 $13.00 $11.03 $0.00 $39.44 45 $15.41 $13.00 $11.03 $0.00 $39.44 50 $17.13 $13.00 $11.30 $0.00 $41.43 55 $18.84 $13.00 $11.58 $0.00 $43.42 60 $20.55 $13.00 $11.86 $0.00 $45.41 65 $22.26 $13.00 $12.13 $0.00 $47.39 9 70 $23.98 $13.00 $12.41 $0.00 $49.39 10 75 $25.69 $13.00 $12.68 $0.00 $51.37 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 40 $13.70 2 40 3 4 5 6 7 8 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 03/01/2016 Step percent 1 40 $13.85 $13.00 $0.42 $0.00 $27.27 2 40 $13.85 $13.00 $0.42 $0.00 $27.27 3 45 $15.58 $13.00 $11.52 $0.00 $40.10 4 45 $15.58 $13.00 $11.52 $0.00 $40.10 5 50 $17.32 $13.00 $11.79 $0.00 $42.11 6 55 $19.05 $13.00 $12.06 $0.00 $44.11 7 60 $20.78 $13.00 $12.34 $0.00 $46.12 8 65 $22.51 $13.00 $12.62 $0.00 $48.13 9 70 $24.24 $13.00 $12.90 $0.00 $50.14 10 75 $25.97 $13.00 $13.17 $0.00 $52.14 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:1 TERRAZZO FINISHERS BRICKLAYERS LOCAL 3 - MARBLE & TILE 08/01/2015 $48.80 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $77.55 02/01/2016 $49.37 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $78.12 08/01/2016 $50.27 $10.18 $18.65 $0.00 $79.10 $10.18 $18.65 $0.00 $79.67 02/01/2017 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: $50.84 20150914-048 Page 33 of 37 Classification Effective Date Base Wage Health Apprentice - TERRAZZO FINISHER - Local 3 Marble & Tile Effective Date - 08/01/2015 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $53.15 $29.28 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $58.03 70 $34.16 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $62.91 4 80 $39.04 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $67.79 5 90 $43.92 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $72.67 Apprentice Base Wage Health Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Step percent 1 50 $24.40 2 60 3 Effective Date - Apprentice Base Wage Health 02/01/2016 Step percent 1 50 $24.69 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $53.44 2 60 $29.62 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $58.37 3 70 $34.56 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $63.31 4 80 $39.50 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $68.25 5 90 $44.43 $10.18 $18.57 $0.00 $73.18 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:3 TEST BORING DRILLER 06/01/2015 LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE 12/01/2015 $36.45 $37.20 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.15 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.90 $0.00 $58.65 06/01/2016 $37.95 $7.30 $13.40 12/01/2016 $38.95 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $59.65 06/01/2015 $35.17 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $55.87 12/01/2015 $35.92 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $56.62 06/01/2016 $36.67 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.37 12/01/2016 $37.67 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $58.37 06/01/2015 $35.05 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $55.75 12/01/2015 $35.80 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $56.50 06/01/2016 $36.55 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $57.25 12/01/2016 $37.55 $7.30 $13.40 $0.00 $58.25 06/01/2015 $42.42 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $66.97 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.21 $0.00 $68.96 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TEST BORING DRILLER HELPER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TEST BORING LABORER LABORERS - FOUNDATION AND MARINE For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TRACTORS/PORTABLE STEAM GENERATORS OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 12/01/2015 $43.66 06/01/2016 $44.41 $10.00 $14.55 12/01/2016 $45.64 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.19 06/01/2017 $46.63 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.18 12/01/2017 $47.62 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.17 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 34 of 37 Classification TRAILERS FOR EARTH MOVING EQUIPMENT TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B Total Rate 08/01/2015 $32.52 $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $52.26 12/01/2015 $32.52 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.01 06/01/2016 $33.02 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $53.51 08/01/2016 $33.02 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $54.01 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.82 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $68.43 $0.00 $69.18 06/01/2015 LABORERS (COMPRESSED AIR) Supplemental Unemployment Base Wage 12/01/2016 TUNNEL WORK - COMPRESSED AIR $33.02 $47.33 Health Pension Effective Date 12/01/2015 $48.08 $7.30 $13.80 06/01/2016 $48.83 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $69.93 12/01/2016 $49.83 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $70.93 06/01/2015 $49.33 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $70.43 12/01/2015 $50.08 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $71.18 06/01/2016 $50.83 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $71.93 12/01/2016 $51.83 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $72.93 06/01/2015 $39.40 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $60.50 12/01/2015 $40.15 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $61.25 06/01/2016 $40.90 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $62.00 $0.00 $63.00 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TUNNEL WORK - COMPRESSED AIR (HAZ. WASTE) LABORERS (COMPRESSED AIR) For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TUNNEL WORK - FREE AIR LABORERS (FREE AIR TUNNEL) 12/01/2016 $41.90 $7.30 $13.80 06/01/2015 $41.40 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $62.50 $0.00 $63.25 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" TUNNEL WORK - FREE AIR (HAZ. WASTE) LABORERS (FREE AIR TUNNEL) 12/01/2015 $42.15 $7.30 $13.80 06/01/2016 $42.90 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $64.00 12/01/2016 $43.90 $7.30 $13.80 $0.00 $65.00 08/01/2015 $31.94 $10.41 $9.33 $0.00 $51.68 12/01/2015 $31.94 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.43 06/01/2016 $32.44 $10.41 $10.08 $0.00 $52.93 08/01/2016 $32.44 $10.91 $10.08 $0.00 $53.43 12/01/2016 $32.44 $10.91 $10.89 $0.00 $54.24 06/01/2015 $31.40 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.00 12/01/2015 $31.90 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $51.50 $7.30 $12.30 $0.00 $52.00 $0.00 $52.75 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" VAC-HAUL TEAMSTERS JOINT COUNCIL NO. 10 ZONE B WAGON DRILL OPERATOR LABORERS - ZONE 2 06/01/2016 $32.40 12/01/2016 $33.15 $7.30 $12.30 06/01/2015 $42.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $67.38 12/01/2015 $44.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $68.63 06/01/2016 $44.83 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $69.38 12/01/2016 $46.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $70.63 06/01/2017 $47.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $71.63 12/01/2017 $48.08 $10.00 $14.55 $0.00 $72.63 09/01/2015 $50.46 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $76.42 03/01/2016 $51.61 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $77.57 09/01/2016 $52.66 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $78.62 $10.82 $15.14 $0.00 $79.62 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LABORER" WASTE WATER PUMP OPERATOR OPERATING ENGINEERS LOCAL 4 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- OPERATING ENGINEERS" WATER METER INSTALLER PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS LOCAL 12 03/01/2017 $53.66 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- PLUMBER/PIPEFITTER" or "PLUMBER/GASFITTER" Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 35 of 37 Classification Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Health Pension $25.66 $8.70 $4.48 $0.00 $38.84 09/01/2013 $36.55 $8.70 $6.58 $0.00 $51.83 09/01/2013 $29.94 $8.70 $6.05 $0.00 $44.69 09/01/2013 $23.52 $8.70 $5.24 $0.00 $37.46 09/01/2013 $36.35 $8.70 $9.43 $0.00 $54.48 09/01/2013 $32.08 $8.70 $6.59 $0.00 $47.37 09/01/2013 $23.52 $8.70 $3.72 $0.00 $35.94 09/01/2013 $19.25 $8.70 $2.85 $0.00 $30.80 09/01/2013 $42.77 $8.70 $11.78 $0.00 $63.25 Effective Date Base Wage 09/01/2013 Outside Electrical - East CABLE TECHNICIAN (Power Zone) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" CABLEMAN (Underground Ducts & Cables) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" DRIVER / GROUNDMAN CDL OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" DRIVER / GROUNDMAN -Inexperienced (<2000 Hrs) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (Class A CDL) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (Class B CDL) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" GROUNDMAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" GROUNDMAN -Inexperienced (<2000 Hrs.) OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 For apprentice rates see "Apprentice- LINEMAN" JOURNEYMAN LINEMAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 Apprentice - LINEMAN (Outside Electrical) - East Local 104 Effective Date - 09/01/2013 Pension Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate $8.70 $4.24 $0.00 $38.60 $27.80 $8.70 $4.71 $0.00 $41.21 70 $29.94 $8.70 $5.43 $0.00 $44.07 4 75 $32.08 $8.70 $6.16 $0.00 $46.94 5 80 $34.22 $8.70 $6.88 $0.00 $49.80 6 85 $36.35 $8.70 $7.62 $0.00 $52.67 7 90 $38.49 $8.70 $8.83 $0.00 $56.02 Step percent Apprentice Base Wage Health 1 60 $25.66 2 65 3 Notes: Apprentice to Journeyworker Ratio:1:2 TELEDATA CABLE SPLICER 01/01/2015 OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 01/01/2016 TELEDATA LINEMAN/EQUIPMENT OPERATOR OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 01/01/2016 TELEDATA WIREMAN/INSTALLER/TECHNICIAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 Issue Date: 09/14/2015 01/01/2015 01/01/2015 01/01/2016 Wage Request Number: $28.12 $28.98 $26.49 $27.31 $26.49 $27.31 20150914-048 $4.25 $3.09 $0.00 $35.46 $4.25 $3.12 $0.00 $36.35 $4.25 $3.04 $0.00 $33.78 $4.25 $3.07 $0.00 $34.63 $4.25 $3.04 $0.00 $33.78 $4.25 $3.07 $0.00 $34.63 Page 36 of 37 Classification TREE TRIMMER OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 Supplemental Unemployment Total Rate Health Pension $18.05 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 $21.60 $18.51 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 $22.06 Effective Date Base Wage 02/01/2015 01/31/2016 This classification applies only to tree work done: (a) for a utility company, R.E.A. cooperative, or railroad or coal mining company, and (b) for the purpose of operating, maintaining, or repairing the utility company’s equipment, and (c) by a person who is using hand or mechanical cutting methods and is not on the ground. This classification does not apply to wholesale tree removal. TREE TRIMMER GROUNDMAN OUTSIDE ELECTRICAL WORKERS - EAST LOCAL 104 02/01/2015 $15.92 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 $19.47 01/31/2016 $16.32 $3.55 $0.00 $0.00 $19.87 This classification applies only to tree work done: (a) for a utility company, R.E.A. cooperative, or railroad or coal mining company, and (b) for the purpose of operating, maintaining, or repairing the utility company’s equipment, and (c) by a person who is using hand or mechanical cutting methods and is on the ground. This classification does not apply to wholesale tree removal. Additional Apprentice Information: Minimum wage rates for apprentices employed on public works projects are listed above as a percentage of the pre-determined hourly wage rate established by the Commissioner under the provisions of the M.G.L. c. 149, ss. 26-27D. Apprentice ratios are established by the Division of Apprenticeship Training pursuant to M.G.L. c. 23, ss. 11E-11L. All apprentices must be registered with the Division of Apprenticeship Training in accordance with M.G.L. c. 23, ss. 11E-11L. All steps are six months (1000 hours.) Ratios are expressed in allowable number of apprentices to journeymen or fraction thereof, unless otherwise specified. ** Multiple ratios are listed in the comment field. *** APP to JM; 1:1, 2:2, 2:3, 3:4, 4:4, 4:5, 4:6, 5:7, 6:7, 6:8, 6:9, 7:10, 8:10, 8:11, 8:12, 9:13, 10:13, 10:14, etc. **** APP to JM; 1:1, 1:2, 2:3, 2:4, 3:5, 4:6, 4:7, 5:8, 6:9, 6:10, 7:11, 8:12, 8:13, 9:14, 10:15, 10:16, etc. Issue Date: 09/14/2015 Wage Request Number: 20150914-048 Page 37 of 37 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 011000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 Related Documents Project Requirements Specification Information Definitions Industry Standards Codes and Regulations Progress Schedule Schedule of Values Payment Requests Procedures and Controls 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 Submittals Warranties Cutting and Patching Temporary Facilities and Utilities Products and Substitutions Delivery, Storage and Handling Owner-Furnished (OFCI) Products Labels Record Documents Project Close Out Final Cleaning and Repair PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 All of the Contract Documents apply to this Section. This Section applies to all Work performed under the Contract. PROJECT REQUIREMENTS A. Project Identification: Bemis Hall – Basement Renovations, 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA. 1. 2. 3. 4. Existing Site Conditions and Restrictions: The existing building will be occupied during construction. Parking is not allowed on the Ownerʼs property. Utility Costs: The Owner will allow the use of existing utility systems and pay for cost of utility services consumed, including electricity, water and gas. Do not waste. The Contractor shall provide and pay for temporary heat prior to the complete enclosure of the building and availability of suitable permanent systems. Temporary Offices: A separate field office for the Architect and the Owner's Representative is not required. Toilet Facilities: The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary toilets outside the building. B. Permits and Fees: Apply for, obtain, and pay for permits, fees, and utility company backcharges required to perform the work. Submit copies to Architect. C. Codes: Comply with applicable codes and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. Submit copies of inspection reports, notices and similar communications to Architect. D. Dimensions: Verify dimensions indicated on drawings with field dimensions before fabrication or ordering of materials. Do not scale drawings. E. Existing Conditions: Notify Architect of existing conditions differing from those indicated on the drawings. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA F. Contractorʼs Conduct on Premises: The Contractor and their employees shall behave in a respectful, courteous and safe manner. Abusive, harassing, and lewd behavior is prohibited. Music playing is prohibited. Alcohol, tobacco, and drug use is prohibited. 1. 1.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Comply with Ownerʼs security requirements. SPECIFICATION INFORMATION A. These specifications are a specialized form of technical writing edited from master specifications and contain deviations from traditional writing formats. Capitalization, underlining and bold print is only used to assist reader in finding information and no other meaning is implied. B. Except where specifically indicated otherwise, the subject of all imperative statements is the Contractor. C. Sections are generally numbered in conformance with Construction Specifications Institute Masterformat System. Numbering sequence is not consecutive. Refer to the table of contents for names and numbers of sections included in this Project. D. Pages are numbered separately for each section. Each section is noted with "End of Section" to indicate the last page of a section. 1.4 DEFINITIONS A. General: Basic Contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract. B. "Approved": When used to convey Architect's action on Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, "approved" is limited to Architect's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract. C. "Directed": A command or instruction by Architect. Other terms including "requested," "authorized," "selected," "approved," "required," and "permitted" have the same meaning as "directed." D. "Indicated": Requirements expressed by graphic representations or in written form on Drawings, in Specifications, and in other Contract Documents. Other terms including "shown," "noted," "scheduled," and "specified" have the same meaning as "indicated." E. "Regulations": Laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, and rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work. F. "Furnish": Supply and deliver to Project site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations. G. "Install": Operations at Project site including unloading, temporarily storing, unpacking, assembling, erecting, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations. H. "Provide": Furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA I. 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 "Project Site": Space available for performing construction activities. The extent of Project site is shown on Drawings and may or may not be identical with the description of the land on which Project is to be built. INDUSTRY STANDARDS A. Referenced standards are part of the Contract Documents and have the same force and effect as if bound with these specifications. B. Except where specifically indicated otherwise, comply with the current standard in effect as of the date of the Owner/Contractor Agreement. Obtain copies of industry standards directly from publisher. C. The titles of industry standard organizations are commonly abbreviated; full titles may be found in Encyclopedia of Associations or consult Architect. 1.6 CODES AND REGULATIONS A. Comply with all applicable codes, ordinances, regulations and requirements of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Submit copies of all permits, licenses, certifications, inspection reports, releases, notices, judgments, and communications from authorities having jurisdiction to the Architect. 1.7 PROGRESS SCHEDULE A. 1.8 Provide comprehensive bar chart schedule showing all major and critical minor portions of the work, sequence of work and duration of each activity. Update and reissue regularly, but not less than monthly. SCHEDULE OF VALUES A. 1.9 Prepare Schedule of Values to coordinate with application for payment breakdown. Submit at least 10 days before first payment application. Update and reissue regularly, but not less than monthly. PAYMENT REQUESTS A. Provide three copies of each request on completely filled out copies of AIA G702 and continuation sheet G703. Substantiate requests with complete documentation; include change orders to date. Provide partial lien waivers for work in progress and full lien waivers for completed work. B. Record Drawing Certification: Certify as a part of each application for payment that the project record documents are current at the time of application is submitted. The Contractor shall require such drawings to be current as a condition of approving any payment to the trade Contractor and Subcontractor. C. Before first payment application, provide the following: 1. 2. List of subcontractors, suppliers and fabricators. Schedule of values. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. D. A. Progress schedule. Submittal schedule keyed to project schedule. List of Contractor's key project personnel. Copies of permits and other communications from authorities. Contractor's certificate of insurance. Performance and payment bonds if required. Unit price schedule. Before final payment application, provide and complete the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.10 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Complete closeout requirements. Complete punch list items. Settle all claims. Transmit record documents to Architect. Prove that all taxes, fees and similar obligations have been paid. Remove temporary facilities and surplus materials. Change lock cylinders or cores. Clean the work. Submit consent of surety, if any, for final payment. PROCEDURES AND CONTROLS Project Meetings: Arrange for and attend meetings with the Architect and such other persons as the Architect requests to have present. The Contractor shall be represented by a principal, project manager, general superintendent or other authorized main office representative, as well as by the Contractor's field superintendent. An authorized representative of any subcontractor or sub-subcontractor shall attend such meetings if the representative's presence is requested by the Architect. Such representatives shall be empowered to make binding commitments on all matters to be discussed at such meetings, including costs, payments, change orders, time schedules and manpower. Any notices required under the Contract may be served on such representatives. Written reports of meeting minutes shall be prepared by the Contractor and distributed by the Contractor to attendees, the Architect, and Owner within three business days. 1. 2. 3. 4. Pre-Construction Conference: Attendance by Architect, Contractor, major subcontractors. Agenda shall include: Quality of workmanship, coordination, interpretations, job schedule, submittals, approvals, requisition procedures, testing, protection of construction, indoor air quality, and construction waste management. Interior Finishes Meeting: Attendance by Architect, Contractor, major subcontractors. Agenda shall include as applicable: Quality of workmanship, environmental conditions for application of finishes, drywall details, millwork details, condition of surfaces to receive finishes, tile work, painting work, samples and test areas and approvals, coordination with mechanical and electrical interfaces and penetrations, indoor air quality. Progress Meetings: Hold regularly before preparation of payment requests and additional meetings as requested by the Architect. Attendance by Architect, Contractor, and others as determined by Contractor. Agenda shall include work in progress and payment requests. Preinstallation Conferences: Conduct a preinstallation conference at Project site before each construction activity that requires coordination with other construction, as specified. Preinstallation Conferences may be part of Progress Meeting agenda. Attendance by Installer and representatives of manufacturers and fabricators involved in or affected by the installation and its coordination or integration with other materials and installations GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 that have preceded or will follow. Agenda shall include a review of progress of other construction activities and preparations for the particular activity under consideration. B. Emergency Contacts: Furnish the Owner and Architect, in writing, the names and telephone numbers of individuals to be contacted in the event of an out-of-hours emergency at the building site. Post a similar list readily visible from the outside of the field office or a location acceptable to the Architect. C. Layout: Layout work and be responsible for all lines, elevations, and measurements of the building, grading, utilities and other work executed under the contract. Retain a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor, acceptable to the Architect, to initially establish exterior lines and required elevations of all buildings and structures to be erected on the site. The registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor shall certify the actual location of the constructed facilities in relation to property lines, building lines, easements, setbacks, and other restrictive boundaries. D. Field Measurements: Verify measurements at the building prior to ordering materials or commencing work. No extra charge or compensation will be allowed because of differences between actual dimensions and measurements indicated on the Drawings. Differences which may be found shall be submitted to the Architect for decision before proceeding with the work. E. Field Measurements for Fixed Equipment: Dimensions for fixed equipment to be supplied under this Contract or separate contracts shall be determined by field measurements taken jointly by the Contractor and the equipment supplier involved. A record of the field measurements shall be kept until time of substantial completion of the project, or until the equipment has been fully installed and accepted by the Owner, whichever is later. Responsibility for fixed equipment fabricated accurately to field measurements for proper fit and operation shall be that of the Contractor. Contractor shall pay all costs involved in correcting any misfitting fixed equipment as fabricated. F. Project Limit Line: The boundaries of the site do not limit the responsibility of the Contractor to perform the work in its entirety. Make utility connections as indicated. G. Matching: Where matching is indicated, the Architect shall be the sole and final judge of what is an acceptable match. Mockups and sample submissions are required. H. Observation: Notify the Architect and authorities having jurisdiction at least thirty-six hours in advance of concealing any work. I. Utilities: Prior to interrupting utilities, services or facilities, notify the utility owner and the Owner and obtain their written approval a minimum 48 hours in advance. J. Furnishings, Fixtures, and Equipment: Cooperate and permit the Owner to install their furnishings and equipment during the progress of the work. Owner's installation of furnishings or equipment does not signify Owner's acceptance of any portion of the work. K. Clean-Up: Frequently clean-up all waste, remove from site regularly, and legally dispose of offsite. L. Installer's Acceptance of Conditions: All installers shall inspect substrates and conditions under which work is to be executed and shall report in writing to the Contractor all conditions detrimental to the proper execution and completion of the work. Do not proceed with work until GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Beginning work means installer accepts previous work and conditions. M. Coordination: The Contractor shall be fully responsible for coordinating all trades, coordinating construction sequences and schedules, and coordinating the actual installed location and interface of all work. 1. 2. N. Request For Interpretation (RFIs): 1. 2. 3. 4. O. Prior to beginning mechanical, electrical and fire protection work, the Contractor shall prepare coordination drawings showing the exact alignment, physical location and configuration of the mechanical, electrical and fire protection installations and demonstrating to the Contractor's satisfaction that the installations will clear all obstructions, permit proper clearances for the Work of other trades, and present an orderly appearance where exposed. The Contractor shall be solely liable and responsible for any costs and delays resulting from the Contractor's failure to prepare such coordination drawings or from the negligent preparation of such coordination drawings. Exact locations and groupings of mechanical, electrical and fire protection fixtures, switches, heads and outlets shall be obtained from the Architect before the Work is roughed in. Work installed without such information from the Architect shall be relocated at the Contractor's expense if the Architect so requests. Procedure: Immediately on discovery of the need for interpretation of the Contract Documents, and if not possible to request interpretation at Project meeting, prepare and submit an RFI in the form specified. a. RFIs shall originate with Contractor. RFIs submitted by entities other than Contractor will be returned with no response. Content of the RFI: Include a detailed, legible description of item needing interpretation. Architect's Action: Architect will review each RFI, determine action required, and return it. Allow three working days for Architect's response for each RFI. RFIs received after 1:00 p.m. will be considered as received the following working day. The following RFIs will be returned without action: a. Requests for approval of submittals. b. Requests for approval of substitutions. c. Requests for coordination information already indicated in the Contract Documents. d. Requests for adjustments in the Contract Time or the Contract Sum. e. Requests for interpretation of Architect's actions on submittals. f. Incomplete RFIs or RFIs with numerous errors. Existing Articles of Unusual Value: If during demolition, excavation, or disposal work articles of unusual value or of historical or archaeological significance are encountered, the ownership of such articles is retained by the Owner, and information regarding their discovery shall be immediately furnished to the Architect. If the nature of the article is such that work cannot proceed without danger of damage, work in the area shall be immediately discontinued until the Architect has determined the proper procedure to be followed. Delays in time thereby shall be a condition for which the time of the Contract may be extended. Costs incurred after discovery in the salvaging of such articles shall be borne by the Owner. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.11 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SUBMITTALS A. Required Submittals: Submit shop drawings, product data, initial selection samples, verification samples, calculations, coordination drawings, schedules, and all other submittals as specified in individual specification sections. B. Submittal Schedule: Within 30 days after award of contract and before first application for payment, prepare list of submittals in chronological sequence showing all submittals and proposed date first due at Architect's office and proposed date due to be returned to Contractor. Note relevant specification section number. C. Contractor's Preparation of Submittals: Modify and customize all submittals to show interface with adjacent work and attachment to building. Identify each submittal with name of project, date, Contractor's name, subcontractor's name, manufacturer's name, submittal name, relevant specification section numbers, and Submittal Schedule reference number. Stamp and sign each submittal to show the Contractor's review and approval of each submittal before delivery to Architect's office; unstamped and unsigned submittals will be returned without action by the Architect. Leave 4" x 6" open space for Architect's "action" stamp. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D. Product Data: Provide manufacturer's preprinted literature including, without limitation, manufacturer's standard printed description of product, materials and construction, recommendations for application and use, certification of compliance with standards, instructions for installation, and special coordination requirements. Collect data into one submittal for each unit of work or system; mark each copy to show which choices and options are applicable to project. 1. E. Installer Copy: Verify that the Installer has a current copy of the relevant product data, including installation instructions, before permitting installation to begin. Shop Drawings: Provide accurately prepared, large scale and detailed shop drawings prepared specifically for this project. Show adjacent conditions and related work. Show accurate field dimensions and clearly note field conditions. Identify materials and products in the work shown. Note special coordination required. 1. F. Electronic Submittals: Provide a copy of all submittals in electronic format to the Architect. Architect will return a file of reviewed submittal in electronic format to the Contractor for distribution to subcontractors, suppliers, fabricators, governing authorities and others as necessary for proper performance of the Work. Unless otherwise amenable to the Architect, additional hard copies of submittals will not be reviewed by the Architect (or Consultant) and will not be returned to the Contractor. Assemble complete submittal package into a single indexed file incorporating submittal requirements of a single Specification Section and transmittal form with links enabling navigation to each item. Name file with submittal number or other unique identifier, including revision identifier. Provide means for insertion to permanently record Contractor's review and approval markings and action taken by Architect and Construction Manager. Transmittal Form for Electronic Submittals: Use electronic form acceptable to Architect. After Architect's action, follow specified distribution procedure. Samples: Provide units identical with final materials and products to be installed in the work. Where indicated, prepare samples to match Architect's sample. Label each sample with GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 7 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 description, source, generic name or manufacturer's name and model number. Architect will review samples for confirmation of visual design intent, color, pattern, texture and type only; Architect will not test samples for compliance with other Contract requirements which shall remain the exclusive responsibility of the Contractor. 1. 2. Initial Selection Samples Submittal Quantities: For initial selection purposes, submit 1 set of samples showing the complete range of colors and finishes available. Verification Samples Submittal Quantities: For verification of an initial selection, submit 3 sets of samples; one set will be returned to Contractor to be maintained at project site for quality control comparisons. G. Timing of Submittals: Submit submittals in a timely fashion to allow at least 10 business days for each office's review and handling. This means that submittals which have to be reviewed by the Architect and one of their consultants require at least 20 business days for review and handling. Add ten business days for each additional consultant who must review a submission. H. Architect's Action on Submittals: Architect will review submittals, stamp with "action stamp", mark action, and return to Contractor. Architect will review submittals only for conformance with the design concept of the project. The Contractor is responsible for confirming compliance with other Contract requirements, including without limitation, performance requirements, field dimensions, fabrication methods, means, methods, techniques, sequences and procedures of construction, coordination with other work. The Architect's review and approval of submittals shall be held to the limitations stated in the Owner/Architect Agreement and the Conditions of the Contract. In no case shall approval or acceptance by the Architect be interpreted as a release of Contractor of their responsibilities to fulfill all of the requirements of the Contract Documents. 1. 2. 1.12 Required Resubmittal: Unless submittal is noted "reviewed" or "reviewed except as noted, resubmission not required," make corrections or changes to original and resubmit to Architect. Distribution: When submittal is noted "reviewed" or "reviewed as noted, resubmittal not required," make prints or copies and distribute to Owner, Subcontractors involved, and to all other parties requiring information from the submittal for performance or coordination of related work. WARRANTIES A. Warranties Required: requirements. Refer to individual trade sections for specific product warranty B. Procurement: Where a warranty is required, do not purchase or subcontract for materials or work until it has been determined that parties required to countersign warranties are willing to do so. C. Warranty Forms: Submit written warranty to Owner through Architect for approval prior to execution. Furnish two copies of executed warranty to Owner for their records; furnish two additional conformed copies where required for maintenance manual. D. Work Covered: Contractor shall remove and replace other work of project which has been damaged as a result of failure of warranteed work or equipment, or which must be removed and replaced to provide access to work under warranty. Unless otherwise specified, warranty shall cover full cost of replacement or repair, and shall not be pro-rated on basis of useful service life. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 8 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 E. Warranty Extensions: Work repaired or replaced under warranty shall be warranted until the original warranty expiration date or for ninety days whichever is later in time. F. Warranty Effective Starting Date: Guarantee period for all work, material and equipment shall begin on the date of substantial completion, not when subcontractor has completed their work nor when equipment is turned on. In addition to the one year guarantees for the entire work covered by these Contract Documents, refer to the various sections of the specifications for extended guarantee or maintenance requirements for various material and equipment. 1.13 A. CUTTING AND PATCHING Limitations: Do not cut and patch any work in a manner that would result in a failure of the work to perform as intended, decreased energy performance, increased maintenance, decreased operational life, or decreased safety. 1. Structural Work: Do not cut structural work or bearing walls without written approval from Architect. Where cutting and patching of structural work is necessary and approved by Architect, perform work in a manner which will not diminish structural capacity nor increase deflection of member. Provide temporary shoring and bracing as necessary. Ensure the safety of people and property at all times. B. Cutting and Patching Materials: Use materials identical to materials to be cut and patched. If identical materials are not available or cannot be used, use materials that match existing materials to the greatest extent possible. Provide finished work that will result in equal to or better than existing performance characteristics. C. Inspection: Before cutting and patching, examine surfaces and conditions under which work is to be performed and correct unsafe and unsatisfactory conditions prior to proceeding. D. Protection: Protect adjacent work from damage. Protect the work from adverse conditions. E. Cutting: Cut work using methods least likely to damage adjoining work. Use tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering or chopping. Use saws or drills to ensure neat, accurately formed holes to sizes required with minimum disturbance to adjacent work. Temporarily cover openings; maintain weathertightness and safety. 1. Utilities: Locate utilities before cutting. Provide temporary utilities as needed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal ends of abandoned utilities to prevent entrance of moisture or other foreign matter. F. Patching: Patch with seams and joints which are durable and not visible. Comply with specified tolerances for similar new work; create true even planes with uniform continuous appearance. Restore finishes of patched areas and, if necessary, extend finish restoration onto adjoining unpatched area to eliminate evidence of patching and refinishing. Repaint entire assemblies, not just patched area. Remove and replace work which has been cut and patched in a visually unsatisfactory manner as determined by the Architect. G. Qualifications: Retain experienced and specialized firms, original installers if possible, to perform cutting and patching. Workmen shall be skilled in type of cutting and patching required. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 9 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.14 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND UTILITIES A. Scope of Temporary Work: This article is not intended to limit the scope of temporary work required under the Contract. Provide all temporary facilities and utilities needed. B. Permits and Fees: Obtain and pay for all permits, fees and charges related to temporary work. C. Codes and Authorities Having Jurisdiction for Temporary Facilities and Utilities: Comply with all requirements of authorities having jurisdiction, codes, utility companies, OSHA, and industry standards including, but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. NFPA Code 241, Building Construction and Demolition Operations. ANSI-A10 Series, Safety Requirements for Construction and Demolition. NECA National Joint Guideline NJG-6, Temporary Job Utilities and Services. Electrical Service: NEMA, NECA, and UL. D. Field Offices: Provide Contractor's field offices as needed. Keep current copies of all Contract Documents and project paperwork neatly on file at jobsite. Permit Architect's unrestricted use of Contractor's field office facilities including copiers, telephones, plan tables, and other equipment. Furnish, maintain, and pay for light, power, phone, fax, and other field office services. E. Shops and Sheds: At Contractor's option, provide shops and sheds for Contractor's use as needed. Locate shops and sheds where acceptable to Owner and authorities having jurisdiction. Prior to completion of construction, temporary storage facilities and surplus stored materials shall be removed from the site. F. Temporary Heat: Provide temporary heat as needed to protect the work and create a suitable work environment. Provide temporary heat to protect the exterior construction against injury or damage resulting from cold temperature and dampness, to heat materials, and to maintain the minimum temperatures specified herein and in individual specification sections. Protect building from soot, smoke and fire damage. Do not use heaters which would interfere with curing of mortar and grout or damage any materials. G. Pumping and Drainage: Protect excavations, trenches, buildings and materials from rain water, ground water, backup or leakage of sewers, drains and other piping, and from water of any other origin. Promptly remove any accumulation of water. Provide and operate all pumps, piping and other equipment necessary for pumping, drainage and protection from water. H. Equipment and Tools: Provide all equipment including, but not limited to, hoists, lifts, scaffolding, machines, tools and the like, as needed for execution of the work. Provide safe access to all parts of the work. I. Temporary Enclosures: Provide temporary enclosures to maintain proper temperatures and to prevent weather damage. Always maintain legal means of egress. J. Snow and Ice: Remove all snow and ice which interferes with work or safety. K. Streets, Walks and Grounds: Maintain public and private roads and walks clear of debris caused by construction operations. Repair all damage caused to streets, drives, curbs, sidewalks, fences, poles and similar items where disturbed or damaged by building construction and leave them in as good condition after completion of the work as before operations started. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 10 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 L. Protection: Protect nearby property and the public from construction activities. Provide and maintain barricades, warning signs and lights, railings, walkways and similar items. Immediately repair damaged property to its condition before being damaged. M. Public Services: Provide temporary public services such as, street lighting, night lighting, sidewalks, covered passages, signs, signals and the like, as requested by authorities having jurisdiction. N. Construction Fencing: Provide construction fencing and barriers as applicable to the project and as required by code to protect personnel, the public, and to control access. O. Security: Secure site against unauthorized entry at all times. Provide secure, locked temporary enclosures. Protect the work at all times. Provide watchman service, if necessary, to protect the work. P. Signs: Erect project identification signs in compliance with details to be provided by Architect. Signs shall be minimum 4' x 8' exterior grade plywood and shall contain the names of the project, Owner, Architect, major Consultants, Contractor, and major financing institution. Except for safety and warning signs, no other signs are permitted. Location as acceptable to the Architect. Q. Fire Prevention: Take every precaution to prevent fire. Provide and maintain in good operating condition suitable and adequate fire protection equipment and services, and comply with recommendations regarding fire protection made by the representative of the fire insurance company carrying insurance on the Work or by the local fire chief or fire marshal. The area within the site limits shall be kept orderly and clean, and all combustible rubbish shall be promptly removed from the site. R. Egress: Maintain safe and legal means of egress at all times. At all times, provide at least two separate means of egress. S. Mold Control and Remediation During Construction: The Contractor shall protect construction materials and building systems from moisture damage and from conditions which promote mold growth during and after construction. The Contractor shall be responsible for mold remediation and replacement of materials which cannot be successfully remediated in accordance with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. Materials which become wet prior to installation shall be cleaned, treated and dried in accordance with EPA Guidelines. Materials which exhibit mold growth prior to installation shall not be installed and shall be removed from the site. Materials which exhibit mold growth after installation shall be remediated in accordance with EPA Guidelines for Remediating Building Materials with Mold Growth Caused by Clean Water. The Contractor shall engage and pay for a qualified industrial hygienist acceptable to the Owner to determine the cause of the mold growth, and to certify in writing that materials have been successfully remediated. In the event that the industrial hygienist recommends methods of remediation in addition to those in the Guidelines, the Contractor shall also be responsible for the additional remediation. Materials which can not be successfully remediated shall be removed and replaced with new materials at no additional expense to the Owner. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 11 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. T. 1.15 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Prior to the start of construction, the Contractor shall submit the name of the person in the Contractor's organization responsible for ensuring compliance with these requirements for mold control and remediation. Existing Mold-Contaminated Materials: In the event that mold-contaminated materials are encountered during remodeling operations, the Contractor shall stop work in that area and notify the Owner and Architect in writing. The Owner will engage and pay for an industrial hygienist to evaluation the situation to advise the Contractor on the proper course of action. PRODUCTS AND SUBSTITUTIONS A. Specified Products: In all cases in which a manufacturer's name, trade name or other proprietary designation is used in connection with materials or articles to be furnished under this Contract, whether or not the phrase "or equal" is used after such name, the Contractor shall provide the product of the named manufacturers without substitution, unless a written request for a substitution has been submitted by the Contractor and approved in writing by the Architect. B. Deviations from Detailed Requirements: If the Contractor proposes to use material which, while suitable for the intended use, deviates in any way from the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall inform the Architect in writing of the nature of such deviations at the time the materials is submitted for approval, and shall request written approval of the deviation from the requirements of the Contract Documents. C. Approval of Substitutions: In requesting approval of deviations or substitutions, the Contractor shall provide evidence, including, but not limited to manufacturer's data, leading to a reasonable certainty that the proposed substitution or deviation will provide a quality of result at least equal to that attainable if the detailed requirements of the Contract Documents were strictly followed. If, in the opinion of the Architect, the evidence presented by the Contractor does not provide a sufficient basis for such reasonable certainty, the Architect may reject such substitution or deviation without further investigation. D. Intent of Contract Documents: The Contract Documents are intended to produce a building of consistent character and quality of design. All components of the building including visible items of mechanical and electrical equipment have been selected to have a coordinated design in relation to the overall appearance of the building. The Architect shall judge the design and appearance of proposed substitutes on the basis of the suitability in relation to the overall design of the Project, as well as for their intrinsic merits. The Architect will not approve as equal to materials specified proposed substitutes which in the Architect's opinion, would be out of character, obtrusive, or otherwise inconsistent with the character or quality of design of the Project. In order to permit coordinated design of color and finishes the Contractor shall furnish the substituted material in any color, finish texture, or pattern which would have been available from the manufacturer originally specified, at no additional cost to the owner. E. Additional Costs or Impact: Any additional cost, or any loss or damage arising from the substitution of any material or any method for those originally specified shall be borne by the contractor, notwithstanding approval or acceptance of such substitution by the Owner or the Architect, unless such substitution was made at the written request or direction of the Owner and the Architect. Any decrease in the cost of the substitution shall be returned to the Owner. F. Manufacturers: To the greatest degree possible, provide primary materials and products from one manufacturer for each type or kind. Provide secondary materials as recommended by manufacturers of primary materials. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 12 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 G. Substitution Requests: Refer to Section 016200 - SUBSTITUTION REQUEST FORM. Submit 3 copies. Identify product to be replaced by substitute by reference to specification sections and drawing numbers. Provide Contractor's certification and evidence to prove compliance with Contract Document requirements as acceptable to Architect. H. Substitution Conditions: Substitution requests will be returned without action unless one of the following conditions is satisfied. The Contractor shall state which of the following conditions applies to the requested substitution: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Request is due to an "or equal" clause. Specified material or product cannot be coordinated with other work. Specified material or product is not acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Substantial advantage is offered Owner in terms of cost, time, or other valuable consideration. Specified material or product is not available. I. Invalid Substitutions: Contractor's submittal and Architect's acceptance of shop drawings, samples, product data or other submittal is not a valid request for, nor an approval of a substitution unless the Contractor presents the information when first submitted as a Request for Substitution. J. Compatibility of Materials Used in the Work: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.16 A. 1.17 A. Ensure complete compatibility between materials. Compatibility shall include adhesion, erosion, solubility, differential thermal response, and galvanic action. Provide evidence of compatibility. Provide custom testing where evidence is not available. Where materials are not compatible, provide necessary isolation or transition materials and provide details of same. Correct defects resulting from incompatibility including de-construction and reconstruction of assemblies – whether materials are part of a submittal and substitution process or not. Proposed substitutions may be rejected where compatibility information is not provided; or where compatibility is not adequately addressed, according to the Architectʼs judgment; or where incompatible materials would negatively impact the projectʼs success. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING Manufacturer's Instructions: Strictly comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and prevent damage, deterioration and loss, including theft. Minimize longterm storage at the site. Maintain environmental conditions, temperature, ventilation, and humidity within range permitted by manufacturers of materials and products used. OWNER-FURNISHED CONTRACTOR-INSTALLED (OFCI) PRODUCTS Owner will furnish products indicated. The Contractorʼs Work includes providing support systems to receive Owner's equipment and making plumbing, mechanical, and electrical connections. 1. Owner will arrange for and deliver Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples to Contractor. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 13 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. B. 1.18 A. 1.19 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Owner will arrange and pay for delivery of Owner-furnished items according to Contractor's Construction Schedule. After delivery, Owner will inspect delivered items for damage. Contractor shall be present for and assist in Owner's inspection. If Owner-furnished items are damaged, defective, or missing, Owner will arrange for replacement. Owner will arrange for manufacturer's field services and for delivery of manufacturer's warranties to Contractor. Owner will furnish Contractor the earliest possible delivery date for Owner-furnished products. Using Owner-furnished earliest possible delivery dates, Contractor shall designate delivery dates of Owner-furnished items in Contractor's Construction Schedule. Contractor shall review Shop Drawings, Product Data, and Samples and return them to Architect noting discrepancies or anticipated problems in use of product. Contractor is responsible for receiving, unloading, and handling Owner-furnished items at Project site. Contractor is responsible for protecting Owner-furnished items from damage during storage and handling, including damage from exposure to the elements. If Owner-furnished items are damaged as a result of Contractor's operations, Contractor shall repair or replace them. Contractor shall install and otherwise incorporate Owner-furnished items into the Work. Owner-Furnished Products: None at this issue. LABELS Labels, Trademarks, & Tradenames: Locate required labels on inconspicuous surfaces. Do not provide labels, nameplates, or trademarks which are not required. Provide permanent data plate on each item of equipment stating manufacturer, model, serial number, capacity, ratings and all other essential data. RECORD DOCUMENTS A. General: Keep record documents neatly and accurately. Record information as the work progresses and deliver to Architect at time of final acceptance. Include in record documents all field changes made, all relevant dimensions, and all relevant details of the work. Keep record documents up to date with all field orders and change orders clearly indicated. B. Drawings: Keep four separate sets of blackline prints at the site, one set each for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, and architectural/structural disciplines. Neatly and accurately note all deviations from the Contract Documents and the exact actual location of the work as installed. Marked-up and colored prints will be used as a guide to determine the progress of the work installed. Requisitions for payment will not be approved until the record documents are accurate and up-to-date. 1. 2. 3. Work Outside Building: Record data outside of building to an accuracy of plus or minus 1 inch and determine and record the invert elevation of all drain lines. At completion of the work, submit one complete set of marked-up prints for review. After acceptance, these marked-up prints shall be used in the preparation of the record drawings. Architect shall furnish Contractor with AutoCAD files for originals of the Contract Drawings. Make modifications to these files as shown on the marked-up prints. Remove superseded data to show the completed installation. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 14 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Deliver the completed AutoCAD record drawings, in the same version as Contract Drawings, properly titled and dated to the Architect. Indicate preparer of record drawings. These record drawings shall become the property of the Owner. C. Specifications: Maintain one clean copy of complete specifications [including addenda, modifications, and bulletins with changes, substitutions, and selected options clearly noted. Circle or otherwise clearly indicate which manufacturer and products are actually used. D. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Manuals shall be submitted which contain the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Description of the system provided. Handling, storage, and installation instructions. Detailed description of the function of each principal component of the systems or equipment. Operating procedures, including prestartup, startup, normal operation, emergency shutdown, normal shutdown and troubleshooting. Maintenance procedures including lubrication requirements, intervals between lubrication, preventative and repair procedures, and complete spare parts list with cross reference to original equipment manufacturer's part numbers. Control and alarm features including schematic of control systems, control loop electric ladder diagrams, controller operating set points, settings for alarms and shutdown systems, pump curves and fan curves. Safety and environmental considerations. E. Copies of Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Three copies of the manuals shall be provided within sufficient time to allow for training of Owner's personnel. Submit one copy of the manuals to the Architect for review no later than 90 calendar days prior to substantial completion, or building turn over, whichever comes first. Submit the remaining five copies within 15 days after first review set is returned to contractor. Progress payment may be withheld if this requirement is not met. F. Additional Requirements for Operating and Maintenance Manuals: The requirements for manuals applies to each packaged and field-fabricated operating system. The manuals shall be provided in three-ring side binders with durable plastic covers. The manuals shall contain a detailed table of contents and have tab dividers for major sections and special equipment. G. Framed Data: Provide charts and lists of all valves, circuits, switches, controls and equipment. Install on walls under glass at locations directed by Architect. 1.20 A. PROJECT CLOSE OUT Complete the following prior to Substantial Completion: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provide Contractor's Punch List of incomplete items stating reason for incompletion and value of incompletion. Advise Owner of insurance change over requirements. Submit all warranties, maintenance contracts, final certificates and similar documents. Obtain Certificate of Occupancy and similar releases which permit the Owner's full and unrestricted use of the areas claimed "Substantially Complete". Submit record documents. Deliver maintenance stocks of materials where specified. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 15 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Make final change over of lock cylinders or cores and advise Owner of change of security responsibility. Complete startup of all systems and instruct Owner's personnel in proper operation and routine maintenance of systems and equipment. Complete clean up and restoration of damaged finishes. Remove all temporary facilities and utilities that are no longer needed. Request Architect's inspection for Substantial Completion. B. Architect will either issue a Certificate of Substantial Completion or notify Contractor of work which must be performed prior to issue of certificate. C. Complete the following prior to Final Acceptance and payment: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1.21 A. FINAL CLEANING AND REPAIR Clean Up: Immediately prior to the Architect's inspection for Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall completely clean the premises and clean and prepare the completed work in order for it to be used for its intended purpose in accordance with the Contract Documents. Such work shall include, but not be limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. Obtain Certificate of Substantial Completion. Submit final application for payment, showing final accounting of changes in the work. Provide final releases and lien waivers not previously submitted. Submit certified copy of final punch list stating that Contractor has completed or corrected each item. Submit final meter readings, record of stored fuel and similar information. Submit Consent of Surety for final payment. Submit evidence of Contractor's continuing insurance coverage (if required by Contract Documents). Concrete and ceramic surfaces shall be cleaned and washed. Resilient coverings shall be cleaned, waxed and buffed as applicable. Woodwork shall be dusted and cleaned. Sash, fixtures and equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned. Stains, spots, dust, marks and smears shall be removed from all surfaces. Hardware and metal surfaces shall be cleaned and polished. Glass and plastic surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned by professional window cleaners. Damaged, broken or scratched glass or plastic shall be replaced by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. Vacuum carpeted and soft surfaces with high efficiency particulate arrestor (HEPA) vacuum. Use low-emitting, environmentally friendly cleaning agents and procedures. Pest Control: Engage a licensed exterminator, who practices integrated pest management (IPM), to inspect the project and eliminate rodents, termites and all other insects and pests. Coordinate pest control plan with Owner. Ownerʼs written approval is required prior to application. Submit proposed program to Owner and Architect. Program shall clearly indicate the following: 1. 2. 3. Area or areas to be treated. Manufacturer's printed instructions and MSDS for each chemical to be used. Pollution preventive measures to be employed. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 16 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Repairs: Repair and touch-up all damaged and deteriorated products and surfaces. PART 2 - PRODUCTS [Not Used] PART 3 - EXECUTION [Not Used] END OF SECTION GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 011000 - 17 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 012300 ALTERNATES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. SUMMARY A. 1.3 For each of the alternates Scheduled at the end of this Section, state the amount in the proposal to be added to or deducted from the Contract Sum for the work. ALTERNATES A. Definition: "Alternates" are alternate products, materials, equipment, systems, methods, units of work or major elements of the construction, which may, at the Owner's option and under the terms established by the Contract or Agreement, be selected for the work in lieu of the corresponding requirements of the Contract Documents. Selection may occur prior to the Contract Date, or may, by the Agreement, be deferred for possible selection at a subsequent date. B. Alternate Requirements: A Schedule of Alternates is included at the end of this Section. Each alternate is defined using abbreviated language, recognizing that the Contract Documents define the requirements. Coordinate related work to ensure that work affected by each alternate is complete and properly interfaced with work of each selected alternate. C. Provide written proposals for each alternate on the Bid Form for Owner's consideration. Each proposal amount shall include the entire cost of the alternate portion of the work including overhead, profit, and other costs including cost of interfacing and coordinating the alternate with related and adjacent work. D. Selection of Alternates: Selection of alternates to be included in the work will be by the Owner. E. Notification: Immediately following award of Contract, prepare and distribute to each entity a notification of status of each alternate. Indicate which alternates have been accepted, rejected, or deferred for consideration at a later date. Include full description of negotiated modifications to alternates, if any PART 2 - PRODUCTS [Not Used] ALTERNATES 012300 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SCHEDULE OF ALTERNATES A. Alternate No. 1: Provide interior fixed glass lites (six total) with clear finished fir trim at wall between corridor and CoA Program Space. Provide doors and associated trim between Corridor and CoA Program Space clear finished fir. Base bid is no windows in corridor wall (just GWB primed for paint) and doors with associated trim to be primed for paint. B. Alternate No. 2: Provide new window well and vinyl windows and adjacent construction as indicated on the Drawings. Base bid is no work in the area of the window (except insulated interior stud wall and GWB). END OF SECTION ALTERNATES 012300 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 024100 DEMOLITION PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Demolition and removal of selected portions of buildings and structures and as required for new work. Refer to the Drawings for additional requirements. Demolition and removal of selected site elements and as required for new work. Refer to the Drawings for additional requirements. Salvage of existing items to be reused or turned over to the facility. Removal and legal disposal of demolished materials off site. Except those items specifically designated to be relocated, reused, or turned over to the facility, all existing removed materials, items, trash and debris shall become property of the Contractor and shall be completely removed from the site and legally disposed of at her/his expense. Salvage value belongs to the Contractor. On-site sale of materials is not permitted. Demolition and removal work shall properly prepare for alteration work and new construction to be provided under the Contract. Scheduling and sequencing operations without interruption to utilities serving occupied areas. If interruption is required, obtain written permission from the utility company and the Owner. Provide temporary services as necessary to serve occupied and usable facilities when permanent utilities must be interrupted, or schedule interruption when the least amount of inconvenience will result. Section 011000 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS for Temporary Facilities And Controls: a. Maintenance of access, cleaning during construction, dust and noise control. DEFINITIONS A. Remove: Detach items from existing construction and legally dispose of them off-site, unless indicated to be removed and salvaged or removed and reinstalled. B. Remove and Salvage: Detach items from existing construction and deliver them to the Owner ready for reuse, at a location designated by the Owner. Protect from weather until accepted by Owner. DEMOLITION 024100 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Remove and Reinstall: Detach items from existing construction, prepare them for reuse, and reinstall them where indicated. Protect from weather until reinstallation. D. Existing to Remain: Existing items of construction that are not to be removed and that are not otherwise indicated to be removed, removed and salvaged, or removed and reinstalled. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Schedule of Selective Demolition Activities: Indicate the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Detailed sequence of selective demolition and removal work, with early and late starting and finishing dates for each activity. Ensure Owner's on-site operations are uninterrupted if applicable. Interruption of utility services. Indicate how long utility services will be interrupted. Coordination for shutoff, capping, and continuation of utility services. Use of elevator and stairs. Locations of proposed dust- and noise-control temporary partitions and means of egress, including for other occupants affected by selective demolition operations. Coordination of Owner's continuing occupancy of portions of existing building and of Ownerʼs partial occupancy of completed Work. Means of protection for items to remain and items in path of waste removal from building. B. Inventory: After selective demolition is complete, submit a list of items that have been removed and salvaged, and turned over the Owner. C. Predemolition Videotapes: Show existing conditions of adjoining construction and site improvements, including finish surfaces, that might be misconstrued as damage caused by selective demolition operations. Comply with Division 01. Submit before Work begins. D. Landfill Records: Provide trip tickets (receipts) indicating receipt and acceptance of hazardous wastes by a landfill facility licensed to accept hazardous wastes. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Examination of Existing Conditions: The Contractor shall examine the Contract Drawings for demolition and removal requirements and provisions for new work. Verify all existing conditions and dimensions before commencing work. The Contractor shall visit the site and examine the existing conditions as he finds them and shall inform herself/himself of the character, extent and type of demolition and removal work to be performed. Submit any questions regarding the extent and character of the demolition and removal work in the manner and within the time period established for receipt of such questions during the bidding period. B. Demolition Firm Qualifications: An experienced firm that has specialized in demolition work similar in material and extent to that indicated for this Project. C. Refrigerant Recovery Technician Qualifications: program. D. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with governing EPA notification regulations before beginning selective demolition. Comply with hauling and disposal regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. DEMOLITION 024100 - 2 Certified by an EPA-approved certification BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 E. Standards: Comply with ANSI A10.6 and NFPA 241. F. Predemolition Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Section 011000 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Project Meetings. Review methods and procedures related to selective demolition including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.6 Inspect and discuss condition of construction to be selectively demolished. Review structural load limitations of existing structure. Review and finalize selective demolition schedule and verify availability of materials, demolition personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Review requirements of work performed by other trades that rely on substrates exposed by selective demolition operations. Review areas where existing construction is to remain and requires protection. WARRANTY A. Existing Warranties: Remove, replace, patch, and repair materials and surfaces cut or damaged during selective demolition, by methods and with materials so as not to void existing warranties. PART 2 - PRODUCTS (NOT USED) 2.1 SALVAGING A. Salvaged for Reinstallation: Materials indicated on the Drawings or designated in the field by the Owner to be salvaged and reinstalled shall be carefully removed and stored at a location acceptable to the Architect and Owner. B. Salvaged for Storage: Materials indicated on the Drawings or designated in the field by the Owner to be salvaged and stored shall be carefully removed and delivered to the Owner at locations determined by Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Verify that utilities have been disconnected and capped. B. Survey existing conditions and correlate with requirements indicated to determine extent of selective demolition required. C. Inventory and record the condition of items to be removed and reinstalled and items to be removed and salvaged. D. When unanticipated mechanical, electrical, or structural elements that conflict with intended function or design are encountered, investigate and measure the nature and extent of conflict. Promptly submit a written report to Architect. DEMOLITION 024100 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 E. Engage a professional engineer registered in the state that the project is located to survey condition of building to determine whether removing any element might result in structural deficiency or unplanned collapse of any portion of structure or adjacent structures during selective demolition operations. F. Survey of Existing Conditions: Record existing conditions by use of preconstruction videotapes. 1. G. 3.2 Before selective demolition or removal of existing building elements that will be reproduced or duplicated in final Work, make permanent record of measurements, materials, and construction details required to make exact reproduction. Perform surveys as the Work progresses to detect hazards resulting from selective demolition activities. UTILITY SERVICES AND MECHANICAL/ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. Service/System Requirements: Locate, identify, disconnect, and seal or cap off indicated utility services and mechanical/electrical systems serving areas to be selectively demolished. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 3.3 Arrange to shut off indicated utilities with utility companies and Owner. If services/systems are required to be removed, relocated, or abandoned, before proceeding with selective demolition provide temporary services/systems that bypass area of selective demolition and that maintain continuity of services/systems to other parts of building. Cut off pipe or conduit in walls or partitions to be removed. Cap, valve, or plug and seal remaining portion of pipe or conduit after bypassing. Where entire wall is to be removed, existing services/systems may be removed with removal of the wall. Prior to commencing cutting work in existing surfaces, take all precautionary measures to assure that mechanical and electrical services to the particular area have been made inactive. Coordinate with Fire Suppression, Plumbing, HVAC, and Electrical subcontractors. Only licensed tradesmen of that particular trade shall disconnect and cap existing mechanical and electrical items that are to be removed, abandoned and/or relocated. If, during the process of cutting work, existing utility lines are encountered which are not indicated on the Drawings, regardless of their condition, immediately report such items to the Architect. Do not proceed with work in such areas until instructions are issued by the Architect. Continue work in other areas. PREPARATION A. Site Access and Temporary Controls: Conduct selective demolition and debris-removal operations to ensure minimum interference with roads, streets, walks, walkways, and other adjacent occupied and used facilities. 1. 2. Comply with requirements for access and protection specified in Section 011000 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, Temporary Facilities and Controls. Maintain adequate passage to and from all exits at all times. Before any work is done which significantly alters access or egress patterns, consult with the Architect and obtain approval of code required egress. Under no condition block or interfere with the free flow of people at legally required exits, or in any way alter the required condition of such exits. DEMOLITION 024100 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Temporary Shoring: Provide and maintain shoring, bracing, and structural supports as required to preserve stability and prevent movement, settlement, or collapse of construction and finishes to remain, and to prevent unexpected or uncontrolled movement or collapse of construction being demolished. 1. 2. 3. C. 2. 3.4 Strengthen or add new supports when required during progress of selective demolition. Remove temporary shoring, bracing and structural supports when no longer required. Post warning signs and place barricades as applicable during placement and removal of temporary shoring. Conduct demolition operations to prevent injury to people and damage to adjacent buildings and facilities to remain. Ensure safe passage of people around demolition area(s). 1. D. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Erect temporary protection, such as walks, fences, railings, canopies, and covered passageways, where required by authorities having jurisdiction. Provide temporary barricades as required to limit access to demolition areas. Protect existing site improvements, appurtenances, and landscaping to remain. Drain, purge, or otherwise remove, collect, and dispose of chemicals, gases, explosives, acids, flammables, or other dangerous materials before proceeding with demolition operations. SELECTIVE DEMOLITION, GENERAL A. General: Demolish and remove existing construction only to the extent required by new construction and as indicated. Use methods required to complete the Work within limitations of governing regulations and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Proceed with selective demolition systematically, from higher to lower level. Complete selective demolition operations above each floor or tier before disturbing supporting members on the next lower level. Neatly cut openings and holes plumb, square, and true to dimensions required. Use cutting methods least likely to damage construction to remain or adjoining construction. Use hand tools or small power tools designed for sawing or grinding, not hammering and chopping, to minimize disturbance of adjacent surfaces. Temporarily cover openings to remain. Cut or drill from the exposed or finished side into concealed surfaces to avoid marring existing finished surfaces. Do not use cutting torches until work area is cleared of flammable materials. At concealed spaces, such as duct and pipe interiors, verify condition and contents of hidden space before starting flame-cutting operations. Maintain fire watch and portable fire-suppression devices during flame-cutting operations. Maintain adequate ventilation when using cutting torches. Remove decayed, vermin-infested, or otherwise dangerous or unsuitable materials and promptly dispose of off-site. Remove structural framing members and lower to ground by method suitable to avoid free fall and to prevent ground impact or dust generation. Locate selective demolition equipment and remove debris and materials so as not to impose excessive loads on supporting walls, floors, or framing. Dispose of demolished items and materials promptly. Removed and Salvaged Items: DEMOLITION 024100 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Clean salvaged items. Pack or crate items after cleaning. Identify contents of containers. Store items in a secure area until delivery to Owner. Transport items to storage area designated by the Owner. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. Removed and Reinstalled Items: 1. 2. 3. 4. Clean and repair items to functional condition adequate for intended reuse. Paint equipment to match new equipment. Pack or crate items after cleaning and repairing. Identify contents of containers. Protect items from damage during transport and storage. Reinstall items in locations indicated. Comply with installation requirements for new materials and equipment. Provide connections, supports, and miscellaneous materials necessary to make item functional for use indicated. D. Existing Items to Remain: Protect construction indicated to remain against damage and soiling during selective demolition. When permitted by Architect, items may be removed to a suitable, protected storage location during selective demolition and cleaned and reinstalled in their original locations after selective demolition operations are complete. E. Items for Re-use and Preservation of Existing Surfaces to Remain: 1. 2. 3.5 The Contractor shall inspect closely each item specifically designated to be relocated, reused, or turned over to the Owner prior to its removal, and immediately report damages and defects to the Architect and the Owner. The Contractor shall be responsible for any subsequent damage to the same other than latent defects not readily apparent from close inspection, and shall bear responsibility for its repair or same replacement as directed by the Architect, to the satisfaction of the Owner. Unless special surface preparation is specified under other Specification Sections, leave existing surfaces that are to remain in a condition suitable to receive new materials and/or finishes. PROTECTION OF PUBLIC AND PROPERTY A. Provide all measures required by federal, state and municipal laws, regulations, and ordinances for the protection of surrounding property, the public, workmen, and Ownerʼs employees during all demolition and removal operations. Measures are to be taken, but not limited to installation of sidewalks, sheds, barricades, fences, warning lights and signs, trash chutes and temporary lighting. B. Protect all walks, roads, streets, curbs, pavements, trees and plantings, on and off premises, and bear all costs for correcting such damage as directed by the Architect, and to the satisfaction of the Owner. C. Demolition shall be performed in such a manner that will insure the safety of adjacent property. Protect adjacent property from damage and protect persons occupying adjacent property from injuries which might occur from falling debris or other cause and so as not to cause interference with the use of other portions of the building, of adjacent buildings or the free access and safe passage to and from the same. DEMOLITION 024100 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 D. Every precaution shall be taken to protect against movement or settlement of the building, of adjacent buildings, sidewalks, roads, streets, curbs and pavements. Provide and place at the Contractorʼs own expense, all necessary bracing and shoring in connection with demolition and removal work. E. Remove portions of structures with care by using tools and methods that will not transfer heavy shocks to existing and adjacent building structures, both internal and external of the particular work area. F. Provide and maintain in proper condition, suitable fire resistive dust barriers around areas where interior demolition and removal work is in progress. Dust barriers shall prevent the dust migration to adjacent areas. Remove dust barriers upon completion of major demolition and removal in the particular work area. 3.6 DISCOVERY OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS A. If hazardous materials, such as chemicals, asbestos-containing materials, or other hazardous materials are discovered during the course of the work, cease work in affected area only and immediately notify the Architect and the Owner of such discovery. Do not proceed with work in such areas until instructions are issued by the Architect. Continue work in other areas. B. If unmarked containers are discovered during the course of the work, cease work in the affected area only and immediately notify the Architect and the Owner of such discovery. Do not proceed with work in such areas until instructions are issued by the Architect. Take immediate precautions to prohibit endangering the containers integrity. Continue work in other areas. 3.7 CUTTING A. Perform all cutting of existing surfaces in a manner which will ensure a minimal difference between the cut area and new materials when patched. Use extreme care when cutting existing surfaces containing concealed utility lines which are indicated to remain and bear full responsibility for repairing or replacement of all such utilities that are accidentally damaged. B. Provide a flush saw cut edge where pavement, curb and concrete removals abut new construction work or existing surfaces to remain undisturbed. 3.8 DISPOSAL OF DEMOLISHED MATERIALS A. General: 1. 2. 3. B. Do not allow demolished materials to accumulate on-site. Remove and transport debris in a manner that will prevent spillage on adjacent surfaces and areas. Remove debris from elevated portions of building by chute, hoist, or other device that will convey debris to grade level in a controlled descent. Burning: Do not burn demolished materials. DEMOLITION 024100 - 7 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 CLEANING A. Clean adjacent structures and improvements of dust, dirt, and debris caused by selective demolition operations. Premises shall be left in a clean condition and ready to accept alteration work and new construction. END OF SECTION DEMOLITION 024100 - 8 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 037300 CONCRETE PATCHING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.02 All of the Contract Documents, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 General Requirements, apply to the work of this section. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Fill with concrete all existing openings in slabs and decks of floors and roofs where such openings are not required for the completion of the Work. B. Patching existing disturbed concrete surfaces. 1. 1.03 A. RELATED WORK Examine Contract Documents for requirements that affect work of this Section. Other Specification Sections that relate directly to work of this Section include, but are not limited to: 1. 2. 1.04 Cut and remove designated portions of interior slab-on-grade as required for trench work. Section 022210, Selective Demolition. Section 035300, Concrete Toppings. SUBMITTALS A. Manufacturer's Data: Submit manufacturer's specifications and installation instructions for all products in concrete, including certifications and other data as may be required to show compliance with the Contract Documents. B. Manufacturer's Review: Submit written signed statement, that Contract Documents have been reviewed by qualified representatives of the materials manufacturer, and that materials and system to be used for floor underlayment are proper and adequate for the applications shown. 1.05 A. 1.06 QUALITY ASSURANCE The Owner reserves the right to retain an independent testing laboratory to inspect the work. Neither presence of the testing laboratory, nor any observations and testing performed by the laboratory shall relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for the Work. PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials in manufacturer's unopened containers identified with brand, type, grade, date of manufacture, class, lot number, and other qualifying information. B. Store materials in original sealed containers, in dry enclosed storage area, within temperature range recommended by manufacturer. CONCRETE PATCHING 037300 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.07 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 JOB CONDITIONS A. Maintain manufacturer's current installation instructions at Project site. B. Maintain interior building area above 50oF before, during, and after installation of concrete underlayment until structure and subfloor temperatures are stabilized. C. Provide and maintain adequate ventilation until underlayment cures completely. D. Coordinate application of concrete underlayment with work of other Sections. 1.08 A. PROTECTION Protect adjacent surfaces and repair, restore, or replace soiled or damaged in performance of underlayment work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Concrete Materials: 1. 2. 3. B. Portland Cement: ANSI/ASTM C 150, Type 1 unless other types specified in writing by Architect/Engineer. a. Use one brand of cement throughout project, unless otherwise acceptable to Architect. Normal Weight Aggregates: ANSI/ASTM C 33, and as herein specified. Provide aggregates from a single source for exposed concrete. a. Local aggregates not complying with ANSI/ASTM C 33, but which have shown by special test or actual service to produce concrete of adequate strength and durability, may be used when acceptable to the Architect/Engineer. Water: Potable and free of substances that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Bonding Agent: Silpro C-21 Acrylic Latex manufactured by Silpro Masonry Systems, Inc., Ayer, MA. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CUTTING FOR TRENCHES A. B. C. 3.02 Cut out designated portions of existing concrete slab to accommodate trench excavation. Perform cutting of concrete slab-on-grade with suitable saws. Cut slabs in straight lines parallel to trench, leaving no jagged edges. FILLING OF OPENINGS A. Shortly before placing concrete, saturate the perimeter edges of the openings with water. After the free or glistening water disappears, the edges shall be given a thorough coating of neat cement slurry mixed to the consistency of thick paste and scrubbed in with a stiff bristle brush. B. The concrete mixture shall consist of one part cement, approximately one part fine aggregate and approximately two parts coarse aggregate by damp loose volume. The coarse aggregate CONCRETE PATCHING 037300 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 shall have a maximum size of 3/8". The exact proportions of fine and coarse aggregate shall be adjusted to produce a well-graded total aggregate. Mixing water shall not exceed 4-1/2 gallons per sack of cement (0.399 absolute ratio by weight). The mixture shall be of zero slump. C. Place mix and strike level with adjacent surfaces. D. Install all framing , formwork and dowels required for the placing of concrete and of bonding new concrete to existing. E. A commercial nonshrink, nonmetallic grout, approved by the Architect, may be used in lieu of the specified concrete mix. F. Color and texture of concrete shall match that of existing abutting concrete. 3.03 CONCRETE SURFACE REPAIRS A. General: Repair all concrete surfaces disturbed by the Work. B. Patching: Repair disturbed areas by patching with cement mortar . 1. 2. Cut out concrete as required to complete the Work. Make edges of cuts perpendicular to the concrete surface. Thoroughly clean, dampen with water and brush-coat the area to be patched with specified bonding agent. Place patching mortar after bonding compound has dried. Compact mortar in place and strike-off slightly higher than surrounding surface. For exposed-to-view surfaces, blend white portland cement and standard portland cement so that, when dry, patching mortar will match color surrounding. Provide test areas at inconspicuous location to verify mixture and color match before proceeding with patching. END OF SECTION CONCRETE PATCHING 037300 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 042000 UNIT MASONRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Concrete masonry units. Face brick, including installation of salvaged brick. Granite sills, including remodeling existing granite. Remodeling existing masonry. Remodeling existing granite sills. Mortar and grout. Flashing and sheet metal built into masonry assemblies. Reinforcing steel, masonry joint reinforcement, ties and anchors. Installing loose lintels at openings, duct penetrations and as indicated, furnished under Section 055000 – METAL FABRICATIONS. Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS for sealing control and expansion joints in unit masonry. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For the following: 1. 2. C. Masonry Units: Show sizes, profiles, coursing, and locations of special shapes. Reinforcing Steel: Detail bending and placement of unit masonry reinforcing bars. Comply with ACI 315, "Details and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcement." Samples for Verification: For each type and color of the following: 1. 2. 3. Exposed concrete masonry units. Face brick, in the form of straps of five or more bricks. Pigmented mortar. Make Samples using same sand and mortar ingredients to be used on Project. Label Samples to indicate types and amounts of pigments used. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Accessories embedded in masonry. D. Qualification Data: For testing agency. E. Cold-Weather Procedures: Detailed description of methods, materials, and equipment to be used to comply with cold-weather requirements. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Testing Agency Qualifications: An independent agency qualified according to ASTM C 1093 for testing indicated. B. Source Limitations for Masonry Units: Obtain exposed masonry units of a uniform texture and color, or a uniform blend within the ranges accepted for these characteristics, through one source from a single manufacturer for each product required. C. Source Limitations for Mortar Materials: Obtain mortar ingredients of a uniform quality, including color for exposed masonry, from a single manufacturer for each cementitious component and from one source or producer for each aggregate. D. Preconstruction Testing Service: The Owner will engage a qualified independent testing agency to perform preconstruction testing indicated below. Payment for these services will be made by the Owner. Retesting of materials that fail to meet specified requirements shall be done at Contractor's expense. 1. Prism Test: For each type of construction required, per ASTM C 1314. E. Fire-Resistance Ratings: Where indicated, provide materials and construction identical to those of assemblies with fire-resistance ratings determined per ASTM E 119 by a testing and inspecting agency, by equivalent concrete masonry thickness, or by other means, as acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. F. Sample Panels: Build sample panels to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects. Comply with requirements in Division 01 for mockups. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Build sample panels for typical exterior and interior walls in sizes approximately 48 inches long by 48 inches high by full thickness. Where masonry is to match existing, erect panels adjacent and parallel to existing surface. Clean one-half of exposed faces of panels with masonry cleaner indicated. Protect approved sample panels from the elements with weather-resistant membrane. Approval of sample panels is for color, texture, and blending of masonry units; relationship of mortar and sealant colors to masonry unit colors; tooling of joints; aesthetic qualities of workmanship; and other material and construction qualities specifically approved by Architect in writing. a. G. Approval of sample panels does not constitute approval of deviations from the Contract Documents contained in sample panels unless such deviations are specifically approved by Architect in writing. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. Agenda shall include protection of air barrier membrane during construction. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store masonry units on elevated platforms in a dry location. If units are not stored in an enclosed location, cover tops and sides of stacks with waterproof sheeting, securely tied. If units become wet, do not install until they are dry. B. Store cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. Do not use cementitious materials that have become damp. C. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. D. Deliver preblended, dry mortar mix in moisture-resistant containers designed for lifting and emptying into dispensing silo. Store preblended, dry mortar mix in delivery containers on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location or in a metal dispensing silo with weatherproof cover. E. Store masonry accessories, including metal items, to prevent corrosion and accumulation of dirt and oil. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Protection of Air Barrier Membrane: During construction, protect air barrier membrane from penetrations which allow air to pass through air barrier assemblies. Engage original installer to repair damage promptly using identical materials and methods of installation, and to the satisfaction of the Architect. B. Protection of Masonry: During construction, cover tops of walls, projections, and sills with waterproof sheeting at end of each day's work. Cover partially completed masonry when construction is not in progress. 1. 2. Extend cover a minimum of 24 inches down both sides and hold cover securely in place. Where 1 wythe of multiwythe masonry walls is completed in advance of other wythes, secure cover a minimum of 24 inches down face next to unconstructed wythe and hold cover in place. C. Do not apply uniform floor or roof loads for at least 12 hours and concentrated loads for at least 3 days after building masonry walls or columns. D. Stain Prevention: Prevent grout, mortar, and soil from staining the face of masonry to be left exposed or painted. Immediately remove grout, mortar, and soil that come in contact with such masonry. 1. 2. 3. 4. Protect base of walls from rain-splashed mud and from mortar splatter by spreading coverings on ground and over wall surface. Protect sills, ledges, and projections from mortar droppings. Protect surfaces of window and door frames, as well as similar products with painted and integral finishes, from mortar droppings. Turn scaffold boards near the wall on edge at the end of each day to prevent rain from splashing mortar and dirt onto completed masonry. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA E. Cold-Weather Requirements: Do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost. Do not build on frozen substrates. Remove and replace unit masonry damaged by frost or by freezing conditions. Comply with cold-weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. 1. F. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Cold-Weather Cleaning: Use liquid cleaning methods only when air temperature is 40 deg F and above and will remain so until masonry has dried, but not less than 7 days after completing cleaning. Hot-Weather Requirements: Comply with hot-weather construction requirements contained in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MASONRY UNITS, GENERAL A. 2.2 Defective Units: Referenced masonry unit standards may allow a certain percentage of units to exceed tolerances and to contain chips, cracks, or other defects exceeding limits stated in the standard. Do not uses units where such defects, including dimensions that vary from specified dimensions by more than stated tolerances, will be exposed in the completed Work or will impair the quality of completed masonry. CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS (CMUS) A. Concrete Masonry Units: ASTM C 90, normal weight unless indicated otherwise manufactured to dimensions 3/8 inch less than nominal dimensions. B. Shapes: Provide standard shapes indicated and as required for building configuration. Provide special shapes for lintels, corners, jambs, sashes, movement joints, headers, bonding, and other special conditions. 2.3 BRICK A. Face Brick: ASTM C 216, Grade SW, Type FBS. 1. 2. 3. Initial Rate of Absorption: Less than 30 g/30 sq. in. per minute when tested per ASTM C 67. Efflorescence: Provide brick that has been tested according to ASTM C 67 and is rated "not effloresced." Where shown to "match existing," provide face brick matching color range, texture, and size of existing adjacent brickwork. B. Building (Common) Brick where Concealed: ASTM C 62, Grade SW. C. General: Provide shapes indicated and as follows: 1. For ends of sills and caps and for similar applications that would otherwise expose unfinished brick surfaces, provide units without cores or frogs and with exposed surfaces finished. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Provide special shapes for applications where stretcher units cannot accommodate special conditions, including those at corners, movement joints, bond beams, sashes, and lintels. Provide special shapes for applications requiring brick of size, form, color, and texture on exposed surfaces. Provide special shapes for applications where shapes produced by sawing would result in sawed surfaces being exposed to view. Units which are sawn and less than one-half full size shall not be used. STONE TRIM UNITS A. Granite: Provide granite complying with ASTM C 615 and NBGQA's "Specifications for Architectural Granite" and as follows: B. Provide stone units accurately shaped, with exposed faces dressed true, and with beds and joints at right angles to faces. 1. 2. 2.5 For granite, comply with recommendations in NBGQA's "Specifications for Architectural Granite." For limestone, comply with recommendations in ILI's "Indiana Limestone Handbook." MORTAR AND GROUT MATERIALS A. Regional Materials: Provide aggregate for mortar and grout, cement, and lime that have been extracted, harvested, or recovered, as well as manufactured, within 500 miles of Project site. B. Portland Cement: ASTM C 150, Type I or II, except Type III may be used for cold-weather construction. Provide natural color or white cement as required to produce mortar color indicated. C. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C 207, Type S. D. Mortar Pigments: Natural and synthetic iron oxides and chromium oxides, compounded for use in mortar mixes. Use only pigments with a record of satisfactory performance in masonry mortar. 1. Available Products: a. b. c. LanXess; Bayferrox Iron Oxide Pigments. Davis Colors; True Tone Mortar Colors. Solomon Grind-Chem Services, Inc.; SGS Mortar Colors. E. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM C 144. For mortar that is exposed to view, use washed aggregate consisting of natural sand or crushed stone. F. Aggregate for Grout: ASTM C 404. G. Water: Potable. 2.6 REINFORCEMENT A. Uncoated Steel Reinforcing Bars: ASTM A 615/A 615M or ASTM A 996/A 996M, Grade 60. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Masonry Joint Reinforcement, General: ASTM A 951. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Interior Walls: Mill-galvanized, carbon steel. Exterior Walls: Hot-dip galvanized, carbon steel. Wire Size and Spacing: As required by Code. Provide in lengths of not less than 10 feet, with prefabricated corner and tee units. Masonry Joint Reinforcement for Multiwythe Masonry: 1. 2.7 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Ladder type with 1 side rod at each face shell of hollow masonry units more than 4 inches in width, plus 1 side rod at each wythe of masonry 4 inches or less in width. TIES AND ANCHORS A. Materials: Provide ties and anchors specified in subsequent paragraphs that are made from materials that comply with subparagraphs below, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Hot-Dip Galvanized, Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 82; with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B-2 coating. Stainless-Steel Wire: ASTM A 580/A 580M, Type 316. Galvanized Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel, G60 zinc coating. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. Stainless Steel Bars: ASTM A 276 or ASTM A 666, Type 304. Adjustable Anchors for Connecting to Structure: Provide anchors that allow vertical or horizontal adjustment but resist tension and compression forces perpendicular to plane of wall. 1. Anchor Section for Welding to Steel Frame: Crimped 1/4-inch-diameter, hot-dip galvanized steel. Mill-galvanized wire may be used at interior walls, unless otherwise indicated. C. Partition Top Anchors: 0.097-inch-thick metal plate with 3/8-inch-diameter metal rod 6 inches long welded to plate and with closed-end plastic tube fitted over rod that allows rod to move in and out of tube. Fabricate from steel, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. D. Stone Anchors: Fabricate dowels, cramps, and other stone anchors from stainless steel. 2.8 MISCELLANEOUS ANCHORS A. 2.9 Anchor Bolts: L-shaped steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A; with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers; hot-dip galvanized to comply with ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class C; of dimensions indicated. EMBEDDED FLASHING MATERIALS A. Metal Flashing: 1. 2. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 240/A 240M, Type 304, 0.016 inch (0.40 mm) thick. Configuration: Provide continuous flashing including preformed outside, inside corners, and end dams with smooth uninterrupted soldered seams and hemmed edges to maintain continuity. See drawings for profiles required. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Solder and Sealants for Sheet Metal Flashings: Compatible with flashing material. C. Adhesives, Primers, and Seam Tapes for Flashings: Flashing manufacturer's standard products or products recommended by flashing manufacturer for bonding flashing sheets to each other and to substrates. Verify compatibility between flashing materials and substrates. D. Transition Strips: Provide long-term compatible 6” wide transition strips to seal embedded flashing terminations to air barrier membrane. Comply with requirements of section 072700 – AIR BARRIERS. E. Drip Edge: Provide type 316, 0.016 inch (0.40 mm) thick stainless steel drip edge plates with factory applied adhesive strip for all through-wall flashing conditions. Provide preformed outside and inside corner drip plate corners with smooth uninterrupted soldered seams and hemmed drip edges to maintain continuity. Custom sizes will be required see drawings for profiles required. 2.10 MISCELLANEOUS MASONRY ACCESSORIES A. Compressible Filler: Premolded filler strips complying with ASTM D 1056, Grade 2A1; compressible up to 35 percent; of width and thickness indicated; formulated from neoprene. B. Preformed Control-Joint Gaskets: Made from styrene-butadiene-rubber compound, complying with ASTM D 2000, Designation M2AA-805 designed to fit standard sash block and to maintain lateral stability in masonry wall; size and configuration as indicated. C. Bond-Breaker Strips: Asphalt-saturated, organic roofing felt complying with ASTM D 226, Type I (No. 15 asphalt felt). D. Weep/Vent Products: Free-draining mesh; made from polyethylene strands, full height and width of head joint and depth 1/8 inch less than depth of outer wythe; in color selected from manufacturer's standard. 2.11 A. MASONRY CLEANERS Proprietary Acidic Cleaner: Manufacturer's standard-strength cleaner designed for removing mortar/grout stains, efflorescence, and other new construction stains from new masonry without discoloring or damaging masonry surfaces. Use product expressly approved for intended use by cleaner manufacturer and manufacturer of masonry units being cleaned. 1. Available Manufacturers: a. b. c. 2.12 A. Diedrich Technologies, Inc. EaCo Chem, Inc. ProSoCo, Inc. MORTAR AND GROUT MIXES General: Do not use admixtures, including pigments, air-entraining agents, accelerators, retarders, water-repellent agents, antifreeze compounds, or other admixtures, unless otherwise indicated. 1. Do not use calcium chloride in mortar or grout. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 7 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. B. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Limit cementitious materials in mortar to portland cement and lime. Mortar for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 270, Proportion Specification. Provide the following types of mortar for applications stated unless another type is indicated or needed to provide required compressive strength of masonry. 1. 2. 3. For masonry below grade or in contact with earth, use Type M. For reinforced masonry, use Type S. For exterior, above-grade, load-bearing and non-load-bearing walls and parapet walls; for interior load-bearing walls; for interior non-load-bearing partitions; and for other applications where another type is not indicated, use Type N. C. Pigmented Mortar: Use colored cement product. Pigments shall not exceed 10 percent of portland cement by weight. D. Grout for Unit Masonry: Comply with ASTM C 476. 1. 2. Use grout of type indicated or, if not otherwise indicated, of type (fine or coarse) that will comply with Table 1.15.1 in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 for dimensions of grout spaces and pour height. Provide grout with a slump of 8 to 11 inches as measured according to ASTM C 143/C 143M. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. 1. 2. For the record, prepare written report, endorsed by Installer, listing conditions detrimental to performance of work. Verify that foundations are within tolerances specified. B. Before installation, examine rough-in and built-in construction for piping systems to verify actual locations of piping connections. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Thickness: Build cavity and composite walls and other masonry construction to full thickness shown. Build single-wythe walls to actual widths of masonry units, using units of widths indicated. B. Build chases and recesses to accommodate items specified in this and other Sections. C. Leave openings for equipment to be installed before completing masonry. After installing equipment, complete masonry to match the construction immediately adjacent to opening. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 8 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 D. Use full-size units without cutting if possible. If cutting is required to provide a continuous pattern or to fit adjoining construction, cut units with motor-driven saws; provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. Allow units to dry before laying unless wetting of units is specified. Install cut units with cut surfaces and, where possible, cut edges concealed. Do not use units cut to less than one-half size. E. Do not install concrete masonry units with more than 5 percent damage to the face. Do not install brick units which will show defects after installation. F. Select and arrange units for exposed unit masonry to produce a uniform blend of colors and textures. Mix units from several pallets or cubes as they are placed. G. Matching Existing Masonry: Match coursing, bonding, color, and texture of existing masonry. H. Comply with construction tolerances in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 and with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 3.3 For conspicuous vertical lines, such as external corners, door jambs, reveals, and expansion and control joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet, 1/4 inch in 20 feet, or 1/2 inch maximum. For vertical alignment of exposed head joints, do not vary from plumb by more than 1/4 inch in 10 feet, or 1/2 inch maximum. For conspicuous horizontal lines, such as lintels, sills, parapets, and reveals, do not vary from level by more than 1/8 inch in 10 feet, 1/4 inch in 20 feet, or 1/2 inch maximum. For exposed bed joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch, with a maximum thickness limited to 1/2 inch. Do not vary from bed-joint thickness of adjacent courses by more than 1/8 inch. For exposed head joints, do not vary from thickness indicated by more than plus or minus 1/8 inch. Do not vary from adjacent bed-joint and head-joint thicknesses by more than 1/8 inch. For faces of adjacent exposed masonry units, do not vary from flush alignment by more than 1/16 inch except due to warpage of masonry units within tolerances specified for warpage of units. LAYING MASONRY WALLS A. Lay out walls in advance for accurate spacing of surface bond patterns with uniform joint thicknesses and for accurate location of openings, movement-type joints, returns, and offsets. Avoid using less-than-half-size units, particularly at corners, jambs, and, where possible, at other locations. B. Bond Pattern for Exposed Masonry: Unless otherwise indicated, lay exposed masonry in bond pattern indicated on Drawings; do not use units with less than nominal 4-inch horizontal face dimensions at corners or jambs. Prior to installation review bond pattern with Architect. C. Stopping and Resuming Work: Stop work by racking back units in each course from those in course below; do not tooth. When resuming work, clean masonry surfaces that are to receive mortar, remove loose masonry units and mortar, and wet brick if required before laying fresh masonry. D. Built-in Work: As construction progresses, build in items specified in this and other Sections. Fill in solidly with masonry around built-in items. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 9 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 E. Fill space between steel frames and masonry solidly with mortar, unless otherwise indicated. F. Fill cores in hollow concrete masonry units with grout 24 inches under bearing plates, beams, lintels, posts, and similar items, unless otherwise indicated. G. Build non-load-bearing interior partitions full height of story to underside of solid floor or roof structure above, unless otherwise indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.4 Install compressible filler in joint between top of partition and underside of structure above. Fasten partition top anchors to structure above and build into top of partition. Grout cells of CMUs solidly around plastic tubes of anchors and push tubes down into grout to provide 1/2-inch clearance between end of anchor rod and end of tube. Space anchors 48 inches o.c., unless otherwise indicated. Wedge non-load-bearing partitions against structure above with small pieces of tile, slate, or metal. Fill joint with mortar after dead-load deflection of structure above approaches final position. At fire-rated partitions, treat joint between top of partition and underside of structure above to comply with Section 078440 – FIRE-RESISTIVE JOINT SYSTEMS. MORTAR BEDDING AND JOINTING A. Lay hollow brick and concrete masonry units as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. With face shells fully bedded in mortar and with head joints of depth equal to bed joints. With webs fully bedded in mortar in all courses of piers, columns, and pilasters. With webs fully bedded in mortar in grouted masonry, including starting course on footings. With entire units, including areas under cells, fully bedded in mortar at starting course on footings where cells are not grouted. B. Lay solid masonry units with completely filled bed and head joints; butter ends with sufficient mortar to fill head joints and shove into place. Do not deeply furrow bed joints or slush head joints. C. Set stone trim units in full bed of mortar with full vertical joints. Fill dowel, anchor, and similar holes. 1. 2. Clean soiled surfaces with fiber brush and soap powder and rinse thoroughly with clear water. Allow cleaned surfaces to dry before setting. D. Tool exposed joints slightly concave when thumbprint hard, using a jointer larger than joint thickness, unless otherwise indicated. E. Cut joints flush for masonry walls to receive plaster or other direct-applied finishes (other than paint), unless otherwise indicated. 3.5 CAVITY WALLS A. Bond wythes of cavity walls together using one of the following methods: UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 10 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Masonry Joint Reinforcement: Installed in horizontal mortar joints. Where one wythe is of clay masonry and the other of concrete masonry, use adjustable (two-piece) type reinforcement with continuous horizontal wire in facing wythe attached to ties to allow for differential movement regardless of whether bed joints align. Masonry Veneer Anchors: Comply with requirements for anchoring masonry veneers. B. Bond wythes of cavity walls together using bonding system indicated on Drawings. C. Keep cavities clean of mortar droppings and other materials during construction. Bevel beds away from cavity, to minimize mortar protrusions into cavity. Do not attempt to trowel or remove mortar fins protruding into cavity. D. Coordinate and allow access for air and vapor barrier membrane installed in cavity under Section 072700 - AIR BARRIERS. 3.6 MASONRY JOINT REINFORCEMENT A. General: Install entire length of longitudinal side rods in mortar with a minimum cover of 5/8 inch on exterior side of walls, 1/2 inch elsewhere. Lap reinforcement a minimum of 6 inches. Space reinforcement not more than 16 inches o.c. B. Interrupt joint reinforcement at control and expansion joints, unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide continuity at wall intersections by using prefabricated T-shaped units. D. Provide continuity at corners by using prefabricated L-shaped units. 3.7 ANCHORING MASONRY TO STRUCTURAL MEMBERS A. Anchor masonry to structural members where masonry abuts or faces structural members to comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. 3.8 Provide an open space not less than 1 inch in width between masonry and structural member, unless otherwise indicated. Keep open space free of mortar and other rigid materials. Anchor masonry to structural members with anchors embedded in masonry joints and attached to structure. Space anchors as indicated, but not more than 24 inches o.c. vertically and 36 inches o.c. horizontally. ANCHORING MASONRY VENEERS A. Anchor masonry veneers with masonry-veneer anchors to comply with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Fasten screw-attached anchors through insulation and sheathing to wall framing and to concrete and masonry backup as applicable with metal fasteners of type indicated. Embed tie sections in masonry joints. Provide air space indicated on the Drawings between back of masonry veneer and face of insulation. Locate anchor sections to allow maximum vertical differential movement of ties up and down. Space anchors as required by Code. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 11 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 CONTROL AND EXPANSION JOINTS A. General: Install control and expansion joint materials in unit masonry as masonry progresses. Do not allow materials to span control and expansion joints without provision to allow for inplane wall or partition movement. B. Form control joints in concrete masonry using one of the following methods: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Form expansion joints in brick made from clay or shale as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Build flanges of metal expansion strips into masonry. Lap each joint 4 inches in direction of water flow. Seal joints below grade and at junctures with horizontal expansion joints if any. Build flanges of factory-fabricated, expansion-joint units into masonry. Build in compressible joint fillers where indicated. Form open joint full depth of brick wythe and of width indicated, but not less than 3/8 inch for installation of sealant and backer rod specified in Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS. Provide horizontal, pressure-relieving joints by either leaving an air space or inserting a compressible filler of width required for installing sealant and backer rod specified in Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS but not less than 3/8 inch. 1. 3.10 Fit bond-breaker strips into hollow contour in ends of concrete masonry units on one side of control joint. Fill resultant core with grout and rake out joints in exposed faces for application of sealant. Install preformed control-joint gaskets designed to fit standard sash block. Install interlocking units designed for control joints. Install bond-breaker strips at joint. Keep head joints free and clear of mortar or rake out joint for application of sealant. Install temporary foam-plastic filler in head joints and remove filler when unit masonry is complete for application of sealant. Locate horizontal, pressure-relieving joints beneath shelf angles supporting masonry. LINTELS A. Install steel lintels where indicated. B. Provide minimum bearing of 8 inches at each jamb, unless otherwise indicated. 3.11 FLASHING, WEEP HOLES, CAVITY DRAINAGE, AND VENTS A. General: Install embedded flashing and weep holes in masonry at shelf angles, lintels, ledges, other obstructions to downward flow of water in wall, and where indicated. B. Install flashing as follows, unless otherwise indicated: 1. Prepare masonry surfaces so they are smooth and free from projections that could puncture flashing. Where flashing is within mortar joint, place through-wall flashing on sloping bed of mortar and cover with mortar. Before covering with mortar, seal penetrations in flashing with adhesive, sealant, or tape as recommended by flashing manufacturer. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 12 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. 4. 5. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 At multiwythe masonry walls, including cavity walls, extend flashing through outer wythe, turned up a minimum of 8 inches, and 1-1/2 inches into the inner wythe. Form 1/4-inch hook in edge of flashing embedded in inner wythe. At masonry-veneer walls, extend flashing through veneer, across air space behind veneer, and up face of sheathing at least 8 inches; with upper edge covered with elastomeric membrane, lapping at least 4 inches. At lintels and shelf angles, extend flashing a minimum of 6 inches into masonry at each end. At heads and sills, extend flashing 6 inches at ends and turn up not less than 2 inches to form end dams. Install air barrier transition strips to seal embedded flashings in masonry to air barrier membrane in accordance with Section 072700 – AIR BARRIERS. C. Install reglets and nailers for flashing and other related construction where they are shown to be built into masonry. D. Install metal drip edge plate in accordance with architectural details and manufacturerʼs requirements. E. Install weep holes in head joints in exterior wythes of first course of masonry immediately above embedded flashing and as follows: 1. 2. Use specified weep/vent products to form weep holes. Space weep holes 24 inches o.c., unless otherwise indicated. F. Place cavity drainage material in cavities to comply with configuration requirements for cavity drainage material in Part 2 "Miscellaneous Masonry Accessories" Article. G. Install vents in head joints in exterior wythes at spacing indicated. 3.12 A. REINFORCED UNIT MASONRY INSTALLATION Temporary Formwork and Shores: Construct formwork and shores as needed to support reinforced masonry elements during construction. 1. 2. Construct formwork to provide shape, line, and dimensions of completed masonry as indicated. Make forms sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar and grout. Brace, tie, and support forms to maintain position and shape during construction and curing of reinforced masonry. Do not remove forms and shores until reinforced masonry members have hardened sufficiently to carry their own weight and other temporary loads that may be placed on them during construction. B. Placing Reinforcement: Comply with requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602. C. Grouting: Do not place grout until entire height of masonry to be grouted has attained enough strength to resist grout pressure. Comply with requirements in ACI 530.1/ASCE 6/TMS 602 for cleanouts and for grout placement, including minimum grout space and maximum pour height. 3.13 A. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL Inspectors: Engage qualified independent inspectors to perform inspections and prepare reports. Allow inspectors access to scaffolding and work areas, as needed to perform UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 13 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 inspections. Place grout only after inspectors have verified compliance of grout spaces and grades, sizes, and locations of reinforcement. B. Testing Agency: Engage a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency to perform field tests and inspections indicated below and prepare test reports. Retesting of materials failing to comply with specified requirements shall be done at Contractor's expense. C. Testing Frequency: One set of tests for each 5000 sq. ft. of wall area or portion thereof. Test types as determined by the independent testing and inspection agency. 3.14 REPAIRING, POINTING, AND CLEANING A. Remove and replace masonry units that are loose, chipped, broken, stained, or otherwise damaged or that do not match adjoining units. Install new units to match adjoining units; install in fresh mortar, pointed to eliminate evidence of replacement. B. Pointing: During the tooling of joints, enlarge voids and holes, except weep holes, and completely fill with mortar. Point up joints, including corners, openings, and adjacent construction, to provide a neat, uniform appearance. Prepare joints for sealant application, around penetrations and where indicated. C. In-Progress Cleaning: Clean unit masonry as work progresses by dry brushing to remove mortar fins and smears before tooling joints. D. Final Cleaning: After mortar is thoroughly set and cured, clean exposed masonry as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3.15 Remove large mortar particles by hand with wooden paddles and nonmetallic scrape hoes or chisels. Test cleaning methods on sample wall panel; leave one-half of panel uncleaned for comparison purposes. Obtain Architect's approval of sample cleaning before proceeding with cleaning of masonry. Protect adjacent stone and nonmasonry surfaces from contact with cleaner by covering them with liquid strippable masking agent or polyethylene film and waterproof masking tape. Wet wall surfaces with water before applying cleaners; remove cleaners promptly by rinsing surfaces thoroughly with clear water. Clean concrete masonry by cleaning method indicated in NCMA TEK 8-2A applicable to type of stain on exposed surfaces. Clean brick by bucket-and-brush hand-cleaning method described in BIA Technical Notes 20. Clean stone trim to comply with stone supplier's written instructions. MASONRY WASTE DISPOSAL A. Salvageable Materials: Unless otherwise indicated, excess masonry materials are Contractor's property. At completion of unit masonry work, remove from Project site. B. Waste Disposal as Fill Material: Dispose of clean masonry waste, including excess or soilcontaminated sand, waste mortar, and broken masonry units, by crushing and mixing with fill material as fill is placed. 1. Crush masonry waste to less than 4 inches in each dimension. UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 14 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Mix masonry waste with at least two parts of specified fill material for each part of masonry waste. Fill material is specified in Division 31 - EARTHWORK. Do not dispose of masonry waste as fill within 18 inches of finished grade. Excess Masonry Waste: Remove excess clean masonry waste that cannot be used as fill, as described above, and other masonry waste, and legally dispose of off the Site. END OF SECTION UNIT MASONRY 042000 - 15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 055000 METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following. Requirements for materials, hot-dip galvanizing, and shop-applied primers are included with each item as applicable. 1. 2. 3. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Galvanized steel lintels with shop-applied primer at exterior locations. Steel lintels with shop-applied zinc-rich primer at interior locations. Furnish for installation under Section 042000 – UNIT MASONRY Galvanized steel bar grating and frame at areaway. Section 099000 - PAINTING AND COATING for field painting work of this section. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. 1.4 Delegated Design: Design lintels and gratings, including comprehensive engineering analysis by a qualified professional engineer, using performance requirements and design criteria indicated. SUBMITTALS A. Delegated-Design Submittal: For installed products indicated to comply with performance requirements and design criteria, including analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation. B. Welding certificates. C. Qualification Data: For professional engineer. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Engineering Responsibility: Preparation of Shop Drawings, design calculations, and other structural data by a qualified professional engineer. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Professional Engineer Qualifications: A professional engineer who is legally qualified to practice in the jurisdiction where Project is located and who is experienced in providing engineering services of the kind indicated. Engineering services are defined as those performed for installations of metal fabrications that are similar to those indicated for this Project in material, design, and extent. C. Welding: Qualify procedures and personnel according to the following: 1. 2. D. 1.6 AWS D1.1, "Structural Welding Code--Steel." AWS D1.3, "Structural Welding Code--Sheet Steel." Metal Surfaces, General: Provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. For metal fabrications exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials without seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or blemishes. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify actual locations of walls and other construction contiguous with metal fabrications by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. 1. 2. 1.7 Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating metal fabrications without field measurements. Coordinate wall and other contiguous construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. Provide allowance for trimming and fitting at site. COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for metal fabrications. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors, that are to be embedded in concrete or masonry. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. B. Coordinate installation of steel weld plates and angles for casting into concrete that are specified in this Section but required for work of another Section. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 LOOSE STEEL LINTELS A. Fabricate loose steel lintels from steel angles and shapes of size indicated for openings and recesses in masonry walls and partitions at locations indicated. Weld adjoining members together to form a single unit where indicated. B. Size loose lintels to provide bearing length at each side of openings equal to 1/12 of clear span but not less than 8 inches, unless otherwise indicated. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.2 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 METAL BAR GRATINGS AND FRAMES A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Alabama Metal Industries Corporation; a Gibraltar Industries company. Fisher & Ludlow; Division of Harris Steel Limited. IKG Industries; a division of Harsco Corporation. Ohio Gratings, Inc. B. Removable Grating Sections: Fabricate with banding bars attached by welding to entire perimeter of each section. Include anchors and fasteners of type indicated or, if not indicated, as recommended by manufacturer for attaching to supports. C. Frames and Supports for Metal Gratings: Fabricate from metal shapes, plates, and bars of welded construction to sizes, shapes, and profiles indicated and as necessary to receive gratings. Miter and weld connections for perimeter angle frames. Cut, drill, and tap units to receive hardware and similar items. 1. 2. 2.3 Unless otherwise indicated, fabricate from same basic metal as gratings. Equip units indicated to be cast into concrete or built into masonry with integrally welded anchors. Unless otherwise indicated, space anchors 24 inches o.c. and provide minimum anchor units in the form of steel straps 1-1/4 inches wide by 1/4 inch thick by 8 inches long. FASTENERS A. General: Unless otherwise indicated, provide Type 316 stainless-steel fasteners for exterior use and zinc-plated fasteners with coating complying with ASTM B 633, Class Fe/Zn 5, at exterior walls. Provide stainless-steel fasteners for fastening aluminum. Select fasteners for type, grade, and class required. B. Anchor Bolts: ASTM F 1554, Grade 36. Provide hot-dip or mechanically deposited, zinc-coated anchor bolts where item being fastened is indicated to be galvanized. C. Expansion Anchors: Anchor bolt and sleeve assembly with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to six times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry and four times the load imposed when installed in concrete, as determined by testing according to ASTM E 488, conducted by a qualified independent testing agency. Anchors shall have an ICC-ES report with approval for use in cracked concrete. 1. 2.4 Acceptable Manufacturers: Kwik-Bolt TZ by Hilti, Inc., TruBolt Wedge Anchor by ITW Red Head, Power-Stud+ by Powers Fasteners, or Strong Bolt by Simpson. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Welding Rods and Bare Electrodes: Select according to AWS specifications for metal alloy welded. B. Universal Shop Primer: Fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free, universal modified-alkyd primer complying with MPI#79. Use primer containing pigments that make it easily distinguishable from zinc-rich primer. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Zinc-Rich Primer: topcoat. D. Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint for regalvanizing welds in steel, complying with SSPC-Paint 20. E. Isolation Coating: ASTM D 1187, cold-applied asphalt emulsion, VOC compliant, compounded for 15-mil dry film thickness per coat. Provide inert-type noncorrosive compound free of asbestos fibers, sulfur components, and other deleterious impurities. F. Nonshrink, Nonmetallic Grout: Factory-packaged, nonstaining, noncorrosive, nongaseous grout complying with ASTM C 1107. Provide grout specifically recommended by manufacturer for interior and exterior applications. 2.5 Complying with SSPC-Paint 20 or SSPC-Paint 29 and compatible with FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Shop Assembly: Preassemble items in the shop to greatest extent possible. Disassemble units only as necessary for shipping and handling limitations. Use connections that maintain structural value of joined pieces. Clearly mark units for reassembly and coordinated installation. B. Cut, drill, and punch metals cleanly and accurately. Remove burrs and ease edges to a radius of approximately 1/32 inch, unless otherwise indicated. Remove sharp or rough areas on exposed surfaces. C. Form bent-metal corners to smallest radius possible without causing grain separation or otherwise impairing work. D. Form exposed work true to line and level with accurate angles and surfaces and straight edges. E. Weld corners and seams continuously to comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface. F. Form exposed connections with hairline joints, flush and smooth, using concealed fasteners where possible. Where exposed fasteners are required, use Phillips flat-head (countersunk) screws or bolts, unless otherwise indicated. Locate joints where least conspicuous. G. Fabricate seams and other connections that will be exposed to weather in a manner to exclude water. Provide weep holes where water may accumulate. H. Cut, reinforce, drill, and tap metal fabrications as indicated to receive finish hardware, screws, and similar items. I. Provide for anchorage of type indicated; coordinate with supporting structure. Space anchoring devices to secure metal fabrications rigidly in place and to support indicated loads. METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.6 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 STEEL PRIMERS AND FINISHES A. Preparation for Shop Priming: Prepare uncoated ferrous-metal surfaces to comply with minimum requirements indicated below for SSPC surface preparation specifications and environmental exposure conditions of installed metal fabrications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. 2.7 Exteriors (SSPC Zone 1B) and Items Indicated to Receive Zinc-Rich Urethane Primer: SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3, "Commercial Blast Cleaning." Interiors (SSPC Zone 1A): SSPC-SP 7, "Brush Off Blast Cleaning." Apply shop primer to uncoated surfaces of metal fabrications, except those with galvanized finishes and those to be field welded, embedded in concrete or masonry, unless otherwise indicated. Extend priming of partially embedded members to a depth of 2 inches. Comply with SSPC-PA 1, "Paint Application Specification No. 1: Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel," for shop painting. Comply with SSPC-PA 2, "Measurement of Dry Coating Thickness with magnetic Gages.” Zinc-Rich Primer: Urethane zinc rich primer compatible with topcoat Specified in Section 099000 - PAINTS AND COATINGS. Provide primer with a VOC content of 340 g/L (2.8 lb/gal.) or less per OTC and HAPS COMPLIANT STANDARDS PER 2007 standards when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24). Provide Tnemec Series 394 Perimerprime at 3.0 mils DFT or approved equal by DuPont or Carboline. HOT-DIP GALVANIZING A. Hot-Dip Galvanizing: For steel exposed to the elements, weather or corrosive environments and other steel indicated to be galvanized, provide coating for iron and steel fabrications applied by the hot-dip process. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Basis-of-Design: Duragalv by Duncan Galvanizing. Comply with ASTM A 123 for fabricated products and ASTM A 153 for hardware. Provide thickness of galvanizing specified in referenced standards. Galvanizing bath shall contain special high grade zinc and other earthly materials. Fill vent holes after galvanizing, if applicable, and grind smooth. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Cutting, Fitting, and Placement: Perform cutting, drilling, and fitting required for installing metal fabrications. Set metal fabrications accurately in location, alignment, and elevation; with edges and surfaces level, plumb, true, and free of rack; and measured from established lines and levels. B. Fit exposed connections accurately together to form hairline joints. Weld connections that are not to be left as exposed joints but cannot be shop welded because of shipping size limitations. Do not weld, cut, or abrade surfaces of exterior units that have been hot-dip galvanized after fabrication and are for bolted or screwed field connections. C. Field Welding: Comply with the following requirements: METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. 3. 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Use materials and methods that minimize distortion and develop strength and corrosion resistance of base metals. Obtain fusion without undercut or overlap. Remove welding flux immediately. At exposed connections, finish exposed welds and surfaces smooth and blended so no roughness shows after finishing and contour of welded surface matches that of adjacent surface. D. Fastening to In-Place Construction: Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where metal fabrications are required to be fastened to in-place construction. Provide threaded fasteners for use with concrete and masonry inserts, toggle bolts, through bolts, lag bolts, wood screws, and other connectors. E. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items that are to be built into concrete, masonry, or similar construction. F. Corrosion Protection: Coat concealed surfaces of steel that will come into contact with grout, concrete, masonry, wood, or dissimilar metals with a heavy coat of isolation coating. 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Touchup Painting: Immediately after erection, clean field welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas. Paint uncoated and abraded areas with the same material as used for shop painting to comply with SSPC-PA 1 for touching up shop-painted surfaces. 1. B. Apply by brush or spray to provide a minimum 2.0-mil dry film thickness. Touch-Up and Repair for Galvanized Surfaces: For damaged and field-welded metal coated surfaces, clean welds, bolted connections and abraded areas. 1. 2. 3. For galvanized surfaces, apply organic zinc repair paint complying with requirements of ASTM A 780, modified to 95 percent zinc in dry film. Galvanizing repair paint shall have 95 percent zinc by weight, ZiRP by Duncan Galvanizing. Thickness of applied galvanizing repair paint shall be not less than coating thickness required by ASTM A 123 or A 153 as applicable. Touch-up of galvanized surfaces with silver paint, brite paint, or aluminum paints is not acceptable. For factory-applied finish coatings, field-touch-up shall be performed by factory approved personnel. Touch-up shall be such that repair is not visible from a distance of 6 feet. A touch-up repair kit or touchup instructions shall be provided to the Owner for each type of factory-applied finish. END OF SECTION METAL FABRICATIONS 055000 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 061000 ROUGH CARPENTRY PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Wood stud framing. Wood blocking, cants, and nailers. Plywood access door and trim. Plywood backing panels. Section 042000 - UNIT MASONRY for wood nailers and blocking built into masonry. Section 064020 - INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK for interior woodwork not specified in this Section. Section 092110 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES for sheet metal backing. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of process and factory-fabricated product. Indicate component materials and dimensions and include construction and application details. 1. 2. 3. 4. Include data for wood-preservative treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Indicate type of preservative used, net amount of preservative retained, and chemical treatment manufacturer's written instructions for handling, storing, installing, and finishing treated material. Include data for fire-retardant treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Include physical properties of treated materials, both before and after exposure to elevated temperatures when tested according to ASTM D 5516 and ASTM D 5664. For products receiving a waterborne treatment, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels specified before shipment to Project site. Include copies of warranties from chemical treatment manufacturers for each type of treatment. ROUGH CARPENTRY 061000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1.5 Testing Agency Qualifications: For testing agency providing classification marking for fireretardant treated material, an inspection agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction that periodically performs inspections to verify that the material bearing the classification marking is representative of the material tested. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Stack lumber, plywood, and other panels; place spacers between each bundle to provide air circulation. Provide for air circulation around stacks and under coverings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WOOD PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Lumber: DOC PS 20 and applicable rules of lumber grading agencies certified by the American Lumber Standards Committee Board of Review. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Plywood Panels: 1. 2. 3. 2.2 Factory mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of grading agency. Where nominal sizes are indicated, provide actual sizes required by DOC PS 20 for moisture content specified. Where actual sizes are indicated, they are minimum dressed sizes for dry lumber. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. Provide dry lumber with 15 percent maximum moisture content at time of dressing for 2inch nominal thickness or less, unless otherwise indicated. Plywood: Either DOC PS 1 or DOC PS 2, unless otherwise indicated. Thickness: As needed to comply with requirements specified but not less than thickness indicated. Factory mark panels according to indicated standard. WOOD-PRESERVATIVE-TREATED MATERIALS A. Preservative Treatment by Pressure Process: AWPA U1; Use Category UC2 for interior construction not in contact with the ground, Use Category UC3b for exterior construction not in contact with the ground, and Use Category UC4a for items in contact with the ground. 1. 2. B. Preservative Chemicals: Acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction and containing no arsenic or chromium. Do not use inorganic boron (SBX) for sill plates. For exposed items indicated to receive a stained or natural finish, use chemical formulations that do not require incising, contain colorants, bleed through, or otherwise adversely affect finishes. Kiln-dry material after treatment to a maximum moisture content of 19 percent for lumber and 15 percent for plywood. Do not use material that is warped or does not comply with requirements for untreated material. ROUGH CARPENTRY 061000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Mark each treated item with the treatment quality mark of an inspection agency approved by the American Lumber Standards Committee Board of Review. D. Application: Treat items indicated on Drawings, and the following: 1. 2. 2.3 Wood cants, nailers, curbs, equipment support bases, blocking, stripping, and similar members in connection with roofing, flashing, vapor barriers, and waterproofing. Wood sills, sleepers, blocking, furring, stripping, and similar concealed members in contact with masonry or concrete in exterior walls. FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED MATERIALS A. General: For all interior use materials, provide materials that are fire-retardant treated and comply with performance requirements in AWPA C20 (lumber) and AWPA C27 (plywood). Identify fire-retardant-treated wood with appropriate classification marking of UL, U.S. Testing, Timber Products Inspection, or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. 1. 2. 2.4 Use treatment for which chemical manufacturer publishes physical properties of treated wood after exposure to elevated temperatures, when tested by a qualified independent testing agency according to ASTM D 5664, for lumber and ASTM D 5516, for plywood. Use treatment that does not promote corrosion of metal fasteners. MISCELLANEOUS LUMBER A. General: Provide lumber for support or attachment of other construction, including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. 2.5 Blocking. Cants. Nailers. Furring. Grounds. For items of dimension lumber size, provide Construction, Stud, or No. 2 grade lumber with 15 percent moisture content. PANEL PRODUCTS A. Miscellaneous Concealed Plywood: Exposure 1 sheathing, span rating to suit framing in each location, and thickness as indicated but not less than 1/2 inch. B. Telephone and Electrical Equipment Backing Panels: DOC PS 1, Exposure 1, C-D Plugged, fire-retardant treated, in thickness indicated or, if not indicated, not less than 1/2 inch thick. 2.6 FASTENERS A. General: Provide fasteners of size and type indicated that comply with requirements specified in this Article for material and manufacture. 1. Where carpentry is exposed to weather, in ground contact, pressure-preservative treated, or in area of high relative humidity, provide fasteners of Type 304 stainless steel. ROUGH CARPENTRY 061000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Nails, Wire, Brads, and Staples: ASTM F 1667. C. Power-Driven Fasteners: Fastener systems with an evaluation report acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on ICC-ES AC70. D. Wood Screws: ASME B18.6.1. E. Screws for Fastening to Cold-Formed Metal Framing: ASTM C 954, except with wafer heads and reamer wings, length as recommended by screw manufacturer for material being fastened. F. Bolts: Steel bolts complying with ASTM A 307, Grade A with ASTM A 563 hex nuts and, where indicated, flat washers. G. Expansion Anchors: Anchor bolt and sleeve assembly of material indicated below with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 6 times the load imposed when installed in unit masonry assemblies and equal to 4 times the load imposed when installed in concrete as determined by testing per ASTM E 488 conducted by a qualified independent testing and inspecting agency. 2.7 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Adhesive, Including Gluing Furring and Sleepers to Concrete or Masonry: Formulation complying with ASTM D 3498 that is approved for use indicated by adhesive manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Discard units of material with defects that impair quality of carpentry and that are too small to use with minimum number of joints or optimum joint arrangement. B. Set carpentry to required levels and lines, with members plumb, true to line, cut, and fitted. Fit carpentry to other construction; scribe and cope as needed for accurate fit. Locate furring, nailers, blocking, grounds, and similar supports to comply with requirements for attaching other construction. C. Apply field treatment complying with AWPA M4 to cut surfaces of preservative-treated lumber and plywood. D. Securely attach carpentry work as indicated and according to applicable codes and the following: 1. 2. Table 2304.9.1, "Fastening Schedule," in ICC's International Building Code (IBC). ICC-ES evaluation report for fastener. E. Countersink fastener heads on exposed carpentry work and fill holes with wood filler. F. Use fasteners of appropriate type and length. splitting wood. Predrill members when necessary to avoid ROUGH CARPENTRY 061000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.2 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 WOOD BLOCKING, AND NAILER INSTALLATION A. Install where indicated and where required for attaching other work. Form to shapes indicated and cut as required for true line and level of attached work. Coordinate locations with other work involved. B. Attach items to substrates to support applied loading. surfaces, unless otherwise indicated. END OF SECTION ROUGH CARPENTRY 061000 - 5 Recess bolts and nuts flush with THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 064020 ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Interior standing and running trim, including door casings. Custom sliding barn-style door and hardware. Replacement of exterior sheathing. Shop priming of architectural woodwork to receive opaque finish. Section 061000 - ROUGH CARPENTRY for wood furring, blocking, shims, and hanging strips required for installing woodwork and concealed within other construction before woodwork installation. Section 099000 – PAINTING AND COATING for site finishing. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product specified, including casework hardware and accessories, and finishing materials and processes. 1. B. 1.4 Include data for fire-retardant treatment from chemical treatment manufacturer and certification by treating plant that treated materials comply with requirements. Shop Drawings: Show location of each item, dimensioned plans and elevations, large-scale details, attachment devices, and other components. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Shop that employs skilled workers who custom-fabricate products similar to those required for this Project and whose products have a record of successful inservice performance. B. Source Limitations: Engage a qualified woodworking firm to assume undivided responsibility for production of interior architectural woodwork with blueprint-matched wood veneers and components. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Quality Standard: Unless otherwise indicated, comply with AWI/AWMAC/WI's "Architectural Woodwork Standards," latest edition, including errata, for grades of interior architectural woodwork indicated for construction, finishes, installation, and other requirements. D. Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under sample submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and set quality standards for materials and execution. 1. E. 1.5 Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.6 Do not deliver woodwork until painting and similar operations that could damage woodwork have been completed in installation areas. If woodwork must be stored in other than installation areas, store only in areas where environmental conditions comply with requirements specified in "Project Conditions" Article. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install woodwork until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and maintaining temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. 1. B. Field Measurements: Where woodwork is indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication, and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. 1. 2. 1.7 The HVAC systems as specified elsewhere may not provide for humidity controls. The expected ranges of relative humidity are expected to be as high as 55% to a low of uncontrolled during the heating system. Comply with AWS Section 2, Care and Storage. Locate concealed framing, blocking, and reinforcements that support woodwork by field measurements before being enclosed, and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish dimensions and proceed with fabricating woodwork without field measurements. Provide allowance for trimming at site, and coordinate construction to ensure that actual dimensions correspond to established dimensions. COORDINATION A. Coordinate sizes and locations of framing, blocking, furring, reinforcements, and other related units of Work specified in other Sections to ensure that interior architectural woodwork can be supported and installed as indicated. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS A. General: Provide materials that comply with requirements of AWI/AWMAC/WI's "Architectural Woodwork Standards" for each type of woodwork and quality grade specified, unless otherwise indicated. B. Wood Veneers and Lumber: Provide AWI Custom Grade materials and workmanship, unless otherwise indicated. For species not listed in the AWS comply with the following: 1. 2. C. Provide AWI Lumber Grade 1 and AWI Grade A Veneer, book-matched, minimum 6 inch face veneer width. Kiln dry to 6-8 percent moisture content. Components shall be free of defects and sapwood. Match adjacent pieces for color and grain pattern. Single-Source Requirement for Wood Veneers and Solids: Intent is to provide wood which matches as closely as possible throughout the project. Provide wood veneers and solids from the same distributor, and from the same flitches and solids sources to the greatest extent possible. Wood Species and Cut for Transparent Finish: Douglas Fir. 1. 2. Architectʼs control samples for transparent finish, veneer grain and figure characteristics are available for review at the office of the Architect. Veneer Matching Requirements: a. b. c. Matching Between Adjacent Veneer Leaves: Book match and architectural end match. Matching Within Individual Panel Faces: Balance and Center Match. Method of Matching Panels: Blueprint-matched panels and components. D. Wood Species for Opaque Finish: Any closed-grain hardwood. E. Wood Products: Comply with the following: 1. 2. Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF): ANSI A208.2, Grade MD, made with binder containing no added urea formaldehyde. Veneer-Faced Panel Products (Hardwood Plywood): HPVA HP-1, made with adhesive containing no added urea formaldehyde. a. 2.2 Resin impregnated paper backs are not permitted. Backs shall be of compatible hardwood species and cut. Contact adhesive is not permitted. MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Hardware for Sliding Doors: Hafele or equal; stainless steel; style as selected by Architect. B. Furring, Blocking, Shims, and Hanging Strips: Fire-retardant-treated softwood lumber, kiln dried to less than 15 percent moisture content. C. Anchors: Select material, type, size, and finish required for each substrate for secure anchorage. Provide nonferrous-metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts on inside face ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 of exterior walls and elsewhere as required for corrosion resistance. Provide toothed-steel or lead expansion sleeves for drilled-in-place anchors. 2.3 FABRICATION, GENERAL A. Wood Moisture Content: Comply with requirements of referenced quality standard for wood moisture content in relation to ambient relative humidity during fabrication and in installation areas. B. Sand fire-retardant-treated wood lightly to remove raised grain on exposed surfaces before fabrication. C. Fabricate woodwork to dimensions, profiles, and details indicated. indicated for the following: D. Complete fabrication, including assembly, finishing, and hardware application, to maximum extent possible before shipment to Project site. Disassemble components only as necessary for shipment and installation. Where necessary for fitting at site, provide ample allowance for scribing, trimming, and fitting. E. Shop-cut openings to maximum extent possible to receive hardware, appliances, plumbing fixtures, electrical work, and similar items. Locate openings accurately and use templates or roughing-in diagrams to produce accurately sized and shaped openings. Sand edges of cutouts to remove splinters and burrs. 1. 2.4 Ease edges to radius Seal edges of openings in countertops with a coat of varnish. INTERIOR STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM FOR TRANSPARENT FINISH A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species and Cut: As specified hereinabove. 1. Provide split species on trim that faces areas with different wood species, matching each face of woodwork to species and cut of finish wood surfaces in areas finished. C. For trim items wider than available lumber, use veneered construction. Do not glue for width. D. For rails wider or thicker than available lumber, use veneered construction. Do not glue for width or thickness. E. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members and kerf backs of other wide, flat members, except for members with ends exposed in finished work. F. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field assembly. 2.5 INTERIOR STANDING AND RUNNING TRIM FOR OPAQUE FINISH A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species: Any closed-grain hardwood. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Backout or groove backs of flat trim members and kerf backs of other wide, flat members, except for members with ends exposed in finished work. D. Assemble casings in plant except where limitations of access to place of installation require field assembly. 2.6 INTERIOR FRAMES AND JAMBS FOR TRANSPARENT FINISH A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species and Cut: As specified hereinabove C. For frames or jambs wider than available lumber, use veneered construction. Do not glue for width. D. Fire-Rated Interior Frames and Jambs Where Indicated: Products fabricated from fire-retardant particleboard or fire-retardant medium-density fiberboard with veneered, exposed surfaces and listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire ratings indicated, based on testing according to NFPA 252. 1. 2.7 Fire Rating: 20 minutes. INTERIOR FRAMES AND JAMBS FOR OPAQUE FINISH A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species: Any closed-grain hardwood. 2.8 STAIRWORK AND RAILS A. Grade: Custom. B. Wood Species and Cut for Transparent Finish: As specified hereinabove. C. Wood Species for Opaque Finish: Any closed-grain hardwood, except that eastern white pine, sugar pine, or western white pine may be used for risers, stringers, and moldings. 2.9 SHOP FINISHING A. General: finishing. 1. B. Comply with AWI/AWMAC/WI's "Architectural Woodwork Standards" for factory Finish architectural woodwork at fabrication shop as specified in this Section. Defer only final touchup, cleaning, and polishing until after installation. Preparation for Finishing: Comply with referenced quality standard for sanding, filling countersunk fasteners, sealing concealed surfaces, and similar preparations for finishing architectural woodwork, as applicable to each unit of work. 1. Backpriming: Apply one coat of sealer or primer, compatible with finish coats, to concealed surfaces of woodwork. Apply two coats to back of paneling and to end-grain surfaces. Concealed surfaces of plastic-laminate-clad woodwork do not require ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 backpriming when surfaced with plastic laminate, backing paper, or thermoset decorative panels. C. Shop Priming: Shop apply the prime coat including backpriming, if any, for opaque-finished items specified to be field finished. Refer to Section 099000 - PAINTING AND COATING for material and application requirements. D. Transparent Finish: Comply with requirements indicated below for grade, finish system, staining, and sheen with sheen measured on 60-degree gloss meter per ASTM D 523: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Grade: Same as item to be finished. AWS Finish System 5: Water white conversion varnish. Staining: Match approved sample for color. Wash Coat for Stained Finish: Apply wash-coat sealer to woodwork made from closedgrain wood before staining and finishing. Open Finish for Open-Grain Woods: Do not apply filler to open-grain woods. Sheen: Satin, 30-50 gloss units. Effect: Partially filled pore. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION A. Before installation, condition woodwork to average prevailing humidity conditions in installation areas. B. Before installing architectural woodwork, examine shop-fabricated work for completion and complete work as required, including removal of packing and backpriming. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. Grade: Install woodwork to comply with requirements for the same grade specified in Part 2 for fabrication of type of woodwork involved. B. Assemble woodwork and complete fabrication at Project site to comply with requirements for fabrication in Part 2, to extent that it was not completed in the shop. C. Install woodwork level, plumb, true, and straight. Shim as required with concealed shims. Install level and plumb (including tops) to a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 96 inches. D. Scribe and cut woodwork to fit adjoining work, refinish cut surfaces, and repair damaged finish at cuts. E. Fire-Retardant-Treated Wood: Handle, store, and install fire-retardant-treated wood to comply with chemical treatment manufacturer's written instructions, including those for adhesives used to install woodwork. F. Anchor woodwork to anchors or blocking built in or directly attached to substrates. Secure with countersunk, concealed fasteners and blind nailing as required for complete installation. Use fine finishing nails or finishing screws for exposed fastening, countersunk and filled flush with woodwork and matching final finish if transparent finish is indicated. ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA G. Standing and Running Trim: Install with minimum number of joints possible, using full-length pieces (from maximum length of lumber available) to greatest extent possible. Do not use pieces less than 60 inches long, except where shorter single-length pieces are necessary. Scarf running joints and stagger in adjacent and related members. 1. 2. H. 3.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Fill gaps, if any, between top of base and wall with plastic wood filler, sand smooth, and finish same as wood base if finished. Install standing and running trim with no more variation from a straight line than 1/8 inch in 96 inches. Touch up finishing work specified in this Section after installation of woodwork. Fill nail holes with matching filler where exposed. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Repair damaged and defective woodwork, where possible, to eliminate functional and visual defects; where not possible to repair, replace woodwork. Adjust joinery for uniform appearance. B. Clean, lubricate, and adjust hardware. C. Clean woodwork on exposed and semiexposed surfaces. Touch up shop-applied finishes to restore damaged or soiled areas. END OF SECTION ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK 064020 - 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 078410 PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and will be performed under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Through-penetration firestop systems for penetrations through fire-resistance-rated constructions, including both empty openings and openings containing penetrating items. Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS for standard joint sealers. Division 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSION for fire-protection piping penetrations. Division 22 - PLUMBING for piping penetrations. Division 23 - HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING for duct and piping penetrations. Division 26 - ELECTRICAL for cable and conduit penetrations. COORDINATION A. Jobsite conditions of each through-penetration firestop system must meet all details of the ULClassified System selected. If jobsite conditions do not match any UL-classified systems, contact firestop manufacturer for alternative systems or Engineer Judgment Drawings. B. Coordinate work with other trades to assure that penetration-opening sizes are appropriate for penetrant locations. C. Verify that the schedule is current at the time of construction, and that each referenced system is suitable for the intended application. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. General: For penetrations through fire-resistance-rated constructions, including both empty openings and openings containing penetrating items, provide through-penetration firestop systems that are produced and installed to resist spread of fire according to requirements indicated, resist passage of smoke and other gases, and maintain original fire-resistance rating of construction penetrated. PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING 078410 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Penetrations in Fire-Resistance-Rated Walls: Provide penetration firestopping with ratings determined per ASTM E 814 or UL 1479, based on testing at a positive pressure differential of 0.01-inch wg (2.49 Pa). 1. 2. C. 2. 3. Horizontal assemblies include floors, floor/ceiling assemblies and ceiling membranes of roof/ceiling assemblies. F-Rating: At least 1 hour, but not less than the fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated. T-Rating: At least 1 hour, but not less than the fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated except for floor penetrations within the cavity of a wall. Penetrations in Smoke Barriers: Provide penetration firestopping with ratings determined per UL 1479. 1. E. Fire-resistance-rated walls include fire walls, fire-barrier walls, smoke-barrier walls and fire partitions. F-Rating: Not less than the fire-resistance rating of constructions penetrated. Penetrations in Horizontal Assemblies: Provide penetration firestopping with ratings determined per ASTM E 814 or UL 1479, based on testing at a positive pressure differential of 0.01-inch wg (2.49 Pa). 1. D. L-Rating: Not exceeding 5.0 cfm/sq. ft. (0.025 cu. m/s per sq. m) of penetration opening at 0.30-inch wg (74.7 Pa) at both ambient and elevated temperatures. Exposed Penetration Firestopping: 1. 2. Provide products with flame-spread and smoke-developed indexes of less than 25 and 450, respectively, as determined per ASTM E 84. For through-penetration firestop systems exposed to view, traffic, moisture, and physical damage, provide products that, after curing, do not deteriorate when exposed to these conditions both during and after construction. a. b. F. 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 For piping penetrations for plumbing and wet-pipe sprinkler systems, provide moisture-resistant through-penetration firestop systems demonstrating no evidence of water leakage when tested according to UL 1479. For floor penetrations with annular spaces exceeding 4 inches in width and exposed to possible loading and traffic, provide firestop systems capable of supporting floor loads involved, either by installing floor plates or by other means. For penetrations involving insulated piping, provide through-penetration firestop systems not requiring removal of insulation. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For each through-penetration firestop system, show each type of construction condition penetrated, relationships to adjoining construction, and type of penetrating item. Include firestop design designation of qualified testing and inspecting agency that evidences compliance with requirements for each condition indicated. PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING 078410 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. C. 3. 1.6 Submit documentation, including illustrations, from a qualified testing and inspecting agency that is applicable to each through-penetration firestop system configuration for construction and penetrating items. Through-Penetration Firestop System Schedule: Indicate locations of each through-penetration firestop system, along with the following information: 1. 2. D. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Types of penetrating items. Types of constructions penetrated, including fire-resistance ratings and, where applicable, thicknesses of construction penetrated. Through-penetration firestop systems for each location identified by firestop design designation of qualified testing and inspecting agency. Qualification Data: For Installer. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Either a firm that has been approved by FMG according to FMG 4991, "Approval of Firestop Contractors" or a firm experienced in installing through-penetration firestop systems similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in construction of a minimum of five projects with a record of successful performance. Qualifications include having the necessary experience, staff, and training to install manufacturer's products per specified requirements. B. Source Limitations: Obtain through-penetration firestop systems, for each kind of penetration and construction condition indicated, through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide through-penetration firestop systems that comply with the following requirements and those specified in Part 1 "Performance Requirements" Article: 1. 2. Firestopping tests are performed by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. A qualified testing and inspecting agency is UL or another agency performing testing and follow-up inspection services for firestop systems acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Through-penetration firestop systems are identical to those tested per testing standard referenced in "Part 1 Performance Requirements" Article. Provide rated systems complying with the following requirements: a. b. D. 1.7 Through-penetration firestop system products bear classification marking of qualified testing and inspecting agency. Through-penetration firestop systems correspond to those indicated by reference to through-penetration firestop system designations listed in the UL “Fire Resistance Directory.” Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver through-penetration firestop system products to Project site in original, unopened containers or packages with intact and legible manufacturers' labels identifying product and manufacturer, date of manufacture, lot number, shelf life if applicable, qualified testing and PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING 078410 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 inspecting agency's classification marking applicable to Project, curing time, and mixing instructions for multicomponent materials. B. 1.8 Store and handle materials for through-penetration firestop systems to prevent their deterioration or damage due to moisture, temperature changes, contaminants, or other causes. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install through-penetration firestop systems when ambient or substrate temperatures are outside limits permitted by through-penetration firestop system manufacturers or when substrates are wet due to rain, frost, condensation, or other causes. B. Ventilate through-penetration firestop systems per manufacturer's written instructions by natural means or, where this is inadequate, forced-air circulation. 1.9 COORDINATION A. Coordinate construction of openings and penetrating items to ensure that through-penetration firestop systems are installed according to specified requirements. B. Coordinate sizing of sleeves, openings, core-drilled holes, or cut openings to accommodate through-penetration firestop systems. C. Do not cover up through-penetration firestop system installations that will become concealed behind other construction until each installation has been examined building inspector, if required by authorities having jurisdiction. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, through-penetration firestop systems that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2 Hilti, Inc. BioFireshield; RectorSeal Corporation. Specified Technologies, Inc. (STI). 3M; Fire Protection Products Division. FIRESTOPPING MATERIALS A. Compatibility: Provide through-penetration firestop systems that are compatible with one another; with the substrates forming openings; and with the items, if any, penetrating throughpenetration firestop systems, under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by through-penetration firestop system manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Materials: Provide through-penetration firestop systems containing primary materials and fill materials which are part of the tested assemblies indicated in the approved ThroughPenetration Firestop System Schedule submittal. Fill materials are those referred to in directories of referenced testing and inspecting agencies as "fill," "void," or "cavity" materials. PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING 078410 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Accessories: Provide components for each through-penetration firestop system that are needed to install fill materials and to comply with Part 1 "Performance Requirements" Article. Use only components specified by through-penetration firestop system manufacturer and approved by qualified testing and inspecting agency for firestop systems indicated MIXING A. For those products requiring mixing before application, comply with through-penetration firestop system manufacturer's written instructions for accurate proportioning of materials, water (if required), type of mixing equipment, selection of mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other items or procedures needed to produce products of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for application indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Examine substrates and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for opening configurations, penetrating items, substrates, and other conditions affecting performance of work. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning: Clean out openings immediately before installing through-penetration firestop systems to comply with firestop system manufacturer's written instructions and with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. Remove from surfaces of opening substrates and from penetrating items foreign materials that could interfere with adhesion of through-penetration firestop systems. Clean opening substrates and penetrating items to produce clean, sound surfaces capable of developing optimum bond with through-penetration firestop systems. Remove loose particles remaining from cleaning operation. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. B. Priming: Prime substrates where recommended in writing by through-penetration firestop system manufacturer using that manufacturer's recommended products and methods. Confine primers to areas of bond; do not allow spillage and migration onto exposed surfaces. C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape to prevent through-penetration firestop systems from contacting adjoining surfaces that will remain exposed on completion of Work and that would otherwise be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods used to remove smears from firestop system materials. Remove tape as soon as possible without disturbing firestop system's seal with substrates. 3.3 THROUGH-PENETRATION FIRESTOP SYSTEM INSTALLATION A. General: Install through-penetration firestop systems to comply with Part 1 "Performance Requirements" Article and with firestop system manufacturer's written installation instructions and published drawings for products and applications indicated. PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING 078410 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Install forming/damming/backing materials and other accessories of types required to support fill materials during their application and in the position needed to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths required to achieve fire ratings indicated. C. Install fill materials for firestop systems by proven techniques to produce the following results: 1. 2. 3. 3.4 Fill voids and cavities formed by openings, forming materials, accessories, and penetrating items as required to achieve fire-resistance ratings indicated. Apply materials so they contact and adhere to substrates formed by openings and penetrating items. For fill materials that will remain exposed after completing Work, finish to produce smooth, uniform surfaces that are flush with adjoining finishes. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspecting Agency: Engage a qualified, independent inspecting agency to inspect throughpenetration firestops. Independent inspecting agency shall comply with ASTM E 2174 requirements including those related to qualifications, conducting inspections, and preparing test reports. B. Where deficiencies are found, repair or replace through-penetration firestop systems so they comply with requirements. C. Proceed with enclosing through-penetration firestop systems with other construction only after inspection reports are issued and firestop installations comply with requirements. 3.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTING A. Clean off excess fill materials adjacent to openings as Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials that are approved in writing by through-penetration firestop system manufacturers and that do not damage materials in which openings occur. B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions during and after installation that ensure that through-penetration firestop systems are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated through-penetration firestop systems immediately and install new materials to produce systems complying with specified requirements. END OF SECTION PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING 078410 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 079200 JOINT SEALANTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Joint sealants and fillers. Section 042000 - UNIT MASONRY for masonry control and expansion joint fillers and gaskets. Section 088000 - GLAZING for glazing sealants. Section 092110 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES for sealing perimeter joints of gypsum board partitions to reduce sound transmission. Section 093000 – TILING for sealing of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile surfaces. Section 095100 - ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS for sealing edge moldings at perimeters of acoustical ceilings. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide elastomeric joint sealants that establish and maintain watertight and airtight continuous joint seals without staining or deteriorating joint substrates. B. Provide joint sealants for interior applications that establish and maintain airtight and waterresistant continuous joint seals without staining or deteriorating joint substrates. 1.4 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each joint-sealant product indicated. B. Samples for Verification: For each type and color of joint sealant required, provide Samples with joint sealants in 1/2-inch- wide joints formed between two 6-inch- long strips of material matching the appearance of exposed surfaces adjacent to joint sealants. C. Qualification Data: For Installer. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA D. 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Product Test Reports: Based on comprehensive testing of product formulations performed by a qualified testing agency, indicating that sealants comply with requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: Manufacturer's authorized Installer who is approved or licensed for installation of elastomeric sealants required for this Project. B. Source Limitations: Obtain each type of joint sealant through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Do not proceed with installation of joint sealants under the following conditions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.7 When ambient and substrate temperature conditions are outside limits permitted by jointsealant manufacturer or are below 40 deg F When joint substrates are wet. Where joint widths are less than those allowed by joint-sealant manufacturer for applications indicated. Contaminants capable of interfering with adhesion have not yet been removed from joint substrates. WARRANTY A. Special Installer's Warranty: Installer's standard form in which Installer agrees to repair or replace elastomeric joint sealants that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. B. Special Manufacturer's Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which elastomeric sealant manufacturer agrees to furnish elastomeric joint sealants to repair or replace those that do not comply with performance and other requirements specified in this Section within specified warranty period. 1. C. Warranty Period: Two years from date of Substantial Completion. Warranty Period: Five years from date of Substantial Completion. Special warranties specified in this Article exclude deterioration or failure of elastomeric joint sealants from the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. Movement of the structure resulting in stresses on the sealant exceeding sealant manufacturer's written specifications for sealant elongation and compression caused by structural settlement or errors attributable to design or construction. Disintegration of joint substrates from natural causes exceeding design specifications. Mechanical damage caused by individuals, tools, or other outside agents. Changes in sealant appearance caused by accumulation of dirt or other atmospheric contaminants. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Compatibility: Provide joint sealants, backings, and other related materials that are compatible with one another and with joint substrates under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by sealant manufacturer, based on testing and field experience. B. Colors of Exposed Joint Sealants: Provide colors as selected by the Architect from manufacturerʼs full range of standard and custom colors; maximum of five colors, three standard colors and two custom colors. 2.2 JOINT SEALANTS A. Elastomeric Sealants: Comply with ASTM C 920 and other requirements indicated for each liquid-applied chemically curing sealant specified, including those referencing ASTM C 920 classifications for type, grade, class, and uses related to exposure and joint substrates. B. Stain-Test-Response Characteristics: Elastomeric sealants shall be nonstaining to porous substrates. Provide products that have undergone testing according to ASTM C 1248 and have not stained porous joint substrates indicated for Project. C. Suitability for Contact with Food: Where elastomeric sealants are indicated for joints that will come in repeated contact with food, provide products that comply with 21 CFR 177.2600. D. Single-Component Neutral-Curing Silicone Sealant: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2. E. Extent of Use: Joints in exterior vertical and soffit surfaces. Multicomponent Pourable Urethane Sealant: 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2. F. Dow Corning Corporation; 790. GE Silicones; SilPruf LM SCS2700. Tremco Inc.; Spectrem 1. Pecora Corporation; 864. Bondaflex Technologies; Sil 290 Bostik Findley; Chem-Calk 550. Meadows, W. R., Inc.; POURTHANE. Pecora Corporation; Urexpan NR-200. Tremco Inc.; THC-901. Bondaflex Technologies; PUR 2 SL Extent of Use: Joints in exterior horizontal surfaces. Single-Component Mildew-Resistant Acid-Curing Silicone Sealant: JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2. G. Dow Corning Corporation; 786 Mildew Resistant. GE Silicones; Sanitary SCS1700. Tremco Inc.; Tremsil 200. Bondaflex Technologies; Sil 100 WF Pecora 898NST. Extent of Use: Sanitary joints at toilet rooms. Latex Sealant: Comply with ASTM C 834, Type P, Grade NF. 1. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2. 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Bostik Findley; Chem-Calk 600. Pecora Corporation; AC-20+. Sonneborn, BASF Building Systems; Sonolac. Tremco Inc.; Tremflex 834. May National Bondaflex Sil-A 700 Extent of Use: Non-moving joints at interior locations. JOINT-SEALANT BACKING A. Sealant Backing Material, General: Nonstaining; compatible with joint substrates, sealants, primers, and other joint fillers; and approved for applications indicated by sealant manufacturer based on field experience and laboratory testing. B. Cylindrical Sealant Backings: ASTM C 1330, Type B (bicellular material with a surface skin) or other type, as approved in writing by joint-sealant manufacturer for joint application indicated, and of size and density to control sealant depth and otherwise contribute to producing optimum sealant performance. C. Bond-Breaker Tape: Polyethylene tape or other plastic tape recommended by sealant manufacturer for preventing sealant from adhering to rigid, inflexible joint-filler materials or joint surfaces at back of joint where such adhesion would result in sealant failure. Provide selfadhesive tape where applicable. 2.4 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Primer: Material recommended by joint-sealant manufacturer where required for adhesion of sealant to joint substrates indicated, as determined from preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests and field tests. B. Cleaners for Nonporous Surfaces: Chemical cleaners acceptable to manufacturers of sealants and sealant backing materials, free of oily residues or other substances capable of staining or harming joint substrates and adjacent nonporous surfaces in any way, and formulated to promote optimum adhesion of sealants to joint substrates. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Masking Tape: Nonstaining, nonabsorbent material compatible with joint sealants and surfaces adjacent to joints. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine joints indicated to receive joint sealants, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for joint configuration, installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting jointsealant performance. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Surface Cleaning of Joints: Clean out joints immediately before installing joint sealants to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions and the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. 4. Remove all foreign material from joint substrates that could interfere with adhesion of joint sealant, including dust, paints (except for permanent, protective coatings tested and approved for sealant adhesion and compatibility by sealant manufacturer), old joint sealants, oil, grease, waterproofing, water repellents, water, surface dirt, and frost. Clean porous joint substrate surfaces by brushing, grinding, blast cleaning, mechanical abrading, or a combination of these methods to produce a clean, sound substrate capable of developing optimum bond with joint sealants. Remove loose particles remaining after cleaning operations above by vacuuming or blowing out joints with oil-free compressed air. Porous joint substrates include concrete, masonry and unglazed surfaces of ceramic tile. Remove laitance and form-release agents from concrete. Clean nonporous surfaces with chemical cleaners or other means that do not stain, harm substrates, or leave residues capable of interfering with adhesion of joint sealants. Nonporous joint substrates include the following metal, glass, porcelain enamel and glazed surfaces of ceramic tile. B. Joint Priming: Prime joint substrates, where recommended in writing by joint-sealant manufacturer, based on preconstruction joint-sealant-substrate tests or prior experience. Apply primer to comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written instructions. Confine primers to areas of joint-sealant bond; do not allow spillage or migration onto adjoining surfaces. C. Masking Tape: Use masking tape where required to prevent contact of sealant with adjoining surfaces that otherwise would be permanently stained or damaged by such contact or by cleaning methods required to remove sealant smears. Remove tape immediately after tooling without disturbing joint seal. 3.3 INSTALLATION OF JOINT SEALANTS A. General: Comply with joint-sealant manufacturer's written installation instructions for products and applications indicated, unless more stringent requirements apply. B. Sealant Installation Standard: Comply with recommendations in ASTM C 1193 for use of joint sealants as applicable to materials, applications, and conditions indicated. JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Install sealant backings of type indicated to support sealants during application and at position required to produce cross-sectional shapes and depths of installed sealants relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. 1. 2. 3. Do not leave gaps between ends of sealant backings. Do not stretch, twist, puncture, or tear sealant backings. Remove absorbent sealant backings that have become wet before sealant application and replace them with dry materials. D. Install bond-breaker tape behind sealants where sealant backings are not used between sealants and backs of joints. E. Install sealants using proven techniques that comply with the following and at the same time backings are installed: 1. 2. 3. F. Tooling of Nonsag Sealants: Immediately after sealant application and before skinning or curing begins, tool sealants according to requirements specified below to form smooth, uniform beads of configuration indicated; to eliminate air pockets; and to ensure contact and adhesion of sealant with sides of joint. 1. 2. 3. 3.4 Place sealants so they directly contact and fully wet joint substrates. Completely fill recesses in each joint configuration. Produce uniform, cross-sectional shapes and depths relative to joint widths that allow optimum sealant movement capability. Remove excess sealant from surfaces adjacent to joints. Use tooling agents that are approved in writing by sealant manufacturer and that do not discolor sealants or adjacent surfaces. Provide concave joint configuration per Figure 5A in ASTM C 1193, unless otherwise indicated. CLEANING A. 3.5 Clean off excess sealant or sealant smears adjacent to joints as the Work progresses by methods and with cleaning materials approved in writing by manufacturers of joint sealants and of products in which joints occur. PROTECTION A. Protect joint sealants during and after curing period from contact with contaminating substances and from damage resulting from construction operations or other causes so sealants are without deterioration or damage at time of Substantial Completion. If, despite such protection, damage or deterioration occurs, cut out and remove damaged or deteriorated joint sealants immediately so installations with repaired areas are indistinguishable from original work. END OF SECTION JOINT SEALANTS 079200 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 081110 HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Exterior insulated hollow metal doors and frames. Remodeling of existing metal doors for reuse. Section 042000 - UNIT MASONRY for building anchors into and grouting steel frames in masonry construction. Section 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE for door hardware for steel doors. Section 088000 - GLAZING for glazed lites. Section 099000 - PAINTING AND COATING for field painting steel doors and frames. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, core descriptions, label compliance, fire-resistance rating, temperature-rise ratings, and finishes for each type of steel door and frame specified. B. Shop Drawings: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Elevations of each door design. Details of doors, including vertical and horizontal edge details and metal thicknesses. Frame details for each frame type, including dimensioned profiles and metal thicknesses. Locations of reinforcement and preparations for hardware. Details of each different wall opening condition. Details of anchorages, joints, field splices, and connections. Details of accessories. Details of moldings, removable stops, and glazing. Details of conduit and preparations for power, signal, and control systems. Schedule: Provide a schedule of hollow metal work prepared by or under the supervision of supplier, using same reference numbers for details and openings as those on Drawings. Coordinate with door hardware schedule. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 D. Qualification Data: For Installer. E. Product Test Reports: Based on evaluation of comprehensive fire tests performed by a qualified testing agency, for each type of standard steel door and frame. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An employer of workers trained and approved by manufacturer. B. Source Limitations: Obtain standard steel doors and frames through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Fire-Rated Door, Assemblies: Assemblies complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fireprotection ratings and temperature-rise limits indicated, based on testing at positive pressure according to NFPA 252 or UL 10C. 1. D. 1.5 Smoke- and Draft-Control Assemblies: Provide an assembly with gaskets listed and labeled for smoke and draft control by a qualified testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, based on testing according to UL 1784 and installed in compliance with NFPA 105. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver doors and frames palletized, wrapped, or crated to provide protection during transit and Project-site storage. Do not use nonvented plastic. B. Deliver welded frames with two removable spreader bars across bottom of frames, tack welded to jambs and mullions. C. Store hollow metal work under cover at Project site. Place in stacks of five units maximum in a vertical position with heads up, spaced by blocking, on minimum 4-inch-high wood blocking. Do not store in a manner that traps excess humidity. 1. 1.6 Provide minimum 1/4-inch space between each stacked door to permit air circulation. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.7 Field Measurements: fabrication. Verify actual dimensions of openings by field measurements before COORDINATION A. Coordinate installation of anchorages for hollow metal frames. Furnish setting drawings, templates, and directions for installing anchorages, including sleeves, concrete inserts, anchor bolts, and items with integral anchors. Deliver such items to Project site in time for installation. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 Ceco Door Products; an ASSA ABLOY Group Company. CURRIES Company; an ASSA ABLOY Group Company. de LaFontaine Mesker Door Inc. Steelcraft; an Ingersoll-Rand company. MATERIALS A. Cold-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; suitable for exposed applications. B. Hot-Rolled Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1011/A 1011M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; free of scale, pitting, or surface defects; pickled and oiled. C. Metallic-Coated Steel Sheet: ASTM A 653/A 653M, Commercial Steel (CS), Type B; with minimum G60 metallic coating. D. Frame Anchors: ASTM A 591/A 591M, Commercial Steel (CS), 40Z coating designation; mill phosphatized. 1. For anchors built into exterior walls, steel sheet complying with ASTM A 1008/A 1008M or ASTM A 1011/A 1011M, hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153/A 153M, Class B. E. Inserts, Bolts, and Fasteners: Hot-dip galvanized according to ASTM A 153/A 153M. F. Powder-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory devices for attaching hollow metal frames of type indicated. G. Grout: ASTM C 476, except with a maximum slump of 4 inches, as measured according to ASTM C 143/C 143M. H. Mineral-Fiber Insulation: ASTM C 665, Type I (blankets without membrane facing); consisting of fibers manufactured from slag or rock wool with 6- to 12-lb/cu. ft. density; with maximum flame-spread and smoke-development indexes of 25 and 50, respectively; passing ASTM E 136 for combustion characteristics. I. Glazing: Comply with requirements in Section 088000 - GLAZING. J. Isolation Coating: ASTM D 1187, cold-applied asphalt emulsion, VOC compliant, compounded for 15-mil dry film thickness per coat. Provide inert-type noncorrosive compound free of asbestos fibers, sulfur components, and other deleterious impurities. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 STANDARD STEEL DOORS A. General: Provide doors of design indicated, not less than thickness indicated; fabricated with smooth surfaces, without visible joints or seams on exposed faces, unless otherwise indicated. Comply with ANSI A250.8. 1. 2. Design: Flush panel. Core Construction: Manufacturer's standard kraft-paper honeycomb, polystyrene, polyurethane, mineral-board, or vertical steel-stiffener core that produces doors complying with ANSI A250.8. a. b. 3. 4. B. Fire Door Core: As required to provide fire-protection and temperature-rise ratings indicated. Thermal-Rated (Insulated) Exterior Doors: Where indicated, provide doors fabricated with thermal-resistance value (R-value) of not less than 4.0 deg F x h x sq. ft./Btu when tested according to ASTM C 1363. Top and Bottom Edges: Closed with flush or inverted 0.042-inch-thick end closures or channels of same material as face sheets. Tolerances: Comply with SDI 117, "Manufacturing Tolerances for Standard Steel Doors and Frames." Exterior Doors: Face sheets fabricated from metallic-coated steel sheet. Provide doors complying with requirements indicated below by referencing ANSI A250.8 for level and model and ANSI A250.4 for physical-endurance level: 1. Level 3 and Physical Performance Level A (Extra Heavy Duty), Model 2 (Seamless), 13/4 inches thick. C. Hardware Reinforcement: Fabricate according to ANSI/SDI A250.6 with reinforcing plates from same material as door face sheets. D. Fabricate concealed stiffeners and hardware reinforcement from either cold- or hot-rolled steel sheet. 2.4 STANDARD STEEL FRAMES A. General: Comply with ANSI A250.8 and with details indicated for type and profile. B. Exterior Frames: Fabricated from metallic-coated steel sheet. 1. 2. C. Interior Frames: Fabricated from cold-rolled steel sheet, unless otherwise indicated to comply with exterior frame requirements. 1. 2. D. Fabricate frames with full profile welded joints. Frames for Level 3 Steel Doors: 0.067-inch-thick steel sheet. Fabricate frames with full profile welded joints. Frames for Level 2 Steel Doors: 0.053-inch-thick steel sheet. Hardware Reinforcement: Fabricate according to ANSI/SDI A250.6 with reinforcement plates from same material as frames. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 FRAME ANCHORS A. Jamb Anchors: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Floor Anchors: Formed from same material as frames, not less than 0.042 inch (1.0 mm) thick, and as follows: 1. 2. 2.6 Masonry Type: Adjustable strap-and-stirrup or T-shaped anchors to suit frame size, not less than 0.042 inch thick, with corrugated or perforated straps not less than 2 inches wide by 10 inches long; or wire anchors not less than 0.177 inch thick. Stud-Wall Type: Designed to engage stud, welded to back of frames; not less than 0.042 inch thick. Compression Type for Drywall Slip-on Frames: Adjustable compression anchors. Postinstalled Expansion Type for In-Place Concrete or Masonry: Minimum 3/8-inchdiameter bolts with expansion shields or inserts. Provide pipe spacer from frame to wall, with throat reinforcement plate, welded to frame at each anchor location. Monolithic Concrete Slabs: Clip-type anchors, with two holes to receive fasteners. Separate Topping Concrete Slabs: Adjustable-type anchors with extension clips, allowing not less than 2-inch height adjustment. Terminate bottom of frames at finish floor surface. HOLLOW METAL PANELS A. 2.7 Provide hollow metal panels of same materials, construction, and finish as specified for adjoining hollow metal work. STOPS AND MOLDINGS A. Moldings for Glazed Lites in Doors: Minimum 0.032 inch thick, fabricated from same material as door face sheet in which they are installed. B. Fixed Frame Moldings: Formed integral with hollow metal frames, a minimum of 5/8 inch high unless otherwise indicated. C. Loose Stops for Glazed Lites in Frames: Minimum 0.032 inch thick, fabricated from same material as frames in which they are installed. 2.8 ACCESSORIES A. Mullions and Transom Bars: Join to adjacent members by welding or rigid mechanical anchors. B. Ceiling Struts: Minimum 1/4-inch-thick by 1-inch-wide steel. C. Grout Guards: Formed from same material as frames, not less than 0.016 inch thick. 2.9 FABRICATION A. Fabricate hollow metal work to be rigid and free of defects, warp, or buckle. Accurately form metal to required sizes and profiles, with minimum radius for thickness of metal. Where practical, fit and assemble units in manufacturer's plant. To ensure proper assembly at Project site, clearly identify work that cannot be permanently factory assembled before shipment. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Tolerances: Fabricate hollow metal work to tolerances indicated in SDI 117. C. Hollow Metal Doors: 1. 2. 3. D. Exterior Doors: Provide weep-hole openings in bottom of exterior doors to permit moisture to escape. Seal joints in top edges of doors against water penetration. Glazed Lites: Factory cut openings in doors. Astragals: Provide overlapping astragal on one leaf of pairs of doors where required by NFPA 80 for fire-performance rating or where indicated. Extend minimum 3/4 inch beyond edge of door on which astragal is mounted. Hollow Metal Frames: Where frames are fabricated in sections due to shipping or handling limitations, provide alignment plates or angles at each joint, fabricated of same thickness metal as frames. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Full Profile Welded Frames: Weld joints continuously; grind, fill, dress, and make smooth, flush, and not visible. Full Profile Welded Frames at Fire-Rated Doors and Exterior Doors: Weld joints continuously; grind, fill, dress, and make smooth, flush, and not visible. Interlocking (Knock-Down) Frames at 20-Minute-Rated Doors and Non-Rated Doors: Interlocking with visible seams. Sidelight and Transom Bar Frames: Provide closed tubular members with no visible face seams or joints, fabricated from same material as doorframe. Fasten members at crossings and to jambs by butt welding. Provide countersunk, flat- or oval-head exposed screws and bolts for exposed fasteners unless otherwise indicated. Grout Guards: Weld guards to frame at back of hardware mortises in frames to be grouted. Floor Anchors: Weld anchors to bottom of jambs and mullions with at least four spot welds per anchor. Jamb Anchors: Provide number and spacing of anchors as follows: a. Masonry Type: Locate anchors not more than 18 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 32 inches o.c. and as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) b. Two anchors per jamb up to 60 inches high. Three anchors per jamb from 60 to 90 inches high. Four anchors per jamb from 90 to 120 inches high. Four anchors per jamb plus 1 additional anchor per jamb for each 24 inches or fraction thereof above 120 inches high. Stud-Wall Type: Locate anchors not more than 18 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 32 inches o.c. and as follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Three anchors per jamb up to 60 inches high. Four anchors per jamb from 60 to 90 inches high. Five anchors per jamb from 90 to 96 inches high. Five anchors per jamb plus 1 additional anchor per jamb for each 24 inches or fraction thereof above 96 inches high. Two anchors per head for frames above 42 inches wide and mounted in metal-stud partitions. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA c. d. 9. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Compression Type: Not less than two anchors in each jamb. Postinstalled Expansion Type: Locate anchors not more than 6 inches from top and bottom of frame. Space anchors not more than 26 inches o.c. Door Silencers: Except on weather-stripped doors, drill stops to receive door silencers as follows. Keep holes clear during construction. a. b. Single-Door Frames: Drill stop in strike jamb to receive three door silencers. Double-Door Frames: Drill stop in head jamb to receive two door silencers. E. Fabricate concealed stiffeners, edge channels, and hardware reinforcement from either cold- or hot-rolled steel sheet. F. Hardware Preparation: Factory prepare hollow metal work to receive templated mortised hardware; include cutouts, reinforcement, mortising, drilling, and tapping according to the Door Hardware Schedule and templates furnished as specified in Section 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE. 1. 2. 3. 4. G. Stops and Moldings: Provide stops and moldings around glazed lites where indicated. Form corners of stops and moldings with butted or mitered hairline joints. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.10 A. Locate hardware as indicated, or if not indicated, according to ANSI/SDI A250.8. Reinforce doors and frames to receive nontemplated, mortised and surface-mounted door hardware. Comply with applicable requirements in ANSI/SDI A250.6 and ANSI/DHI A115 Series specifications for preparation of hollow metal work for hardware. Coordinate locations of conduit and wiring boxes for electrical connections with Division 26 - ELECTRICAL. Single Glazed Lites: Provide fixed stops and moldings welded on secure side of hollow metal work. Multiple Glazed Lites: Provide fixed and removable stops and moldings, so that each glazed lite is capable of being removed independently. Provide fixed frame moldings on outside of exterior and on secure side of interior doors and frames. Provide loose stops and moldings on inside of hollow metal work. Coordinate rabbet width between fixed and removable stops with type of glazing and type of installation indicated. STEEL FINISHES Prime Finish: pretreating. 1. 2. Apply manufacturer's standard epoxy primer immediately after cleaning and Shop Primer: Manufacturer's standard, fast-curing, lead- and chromate-free primer complying with ANSI/SDI A250.10 acceptance criteria; recommended by primer manufacturer for substrate; compatible with substrate and field-applied coatings despite prolonged exposure. Refer to Section 099000 – PAINTING AND COATING for field-applied coating. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 7 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Examine roughing-in for embedded and built-in anchors to verify actual locations before frame installation. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Remove welded-in shipping spreaders installed at factory. Restore exposed finish by grinding, filling, and dressing, as required to make repaired area smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. B. Prior to installation, adjust and securely brace welded hollow metal frames for squareness, alignment, twist, and plumbness to the following tolerances: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. 3.3 Squareness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at door rabbet on a line 90 degrees from jamb perpendicular to frame head. Alignment: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a horizontal line parallel to plane of wall. Twist: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at opposite face corners of jambs on parallel lines, and perpendicular to plane of wall. Plumbness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a perpendicular line from head to floor. Drill and tap doors and frames to receive nontemplated, mortised, and surface-mounted door hardware. INSTALLATION A. General: Install hollow metal work plumb, rigid, properly aligned, and securely fastened in place; comply with Drawings and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Hollow Metal Frames: Install hollow metal frames of size and profile indicated. Comply with ANSI/SDI A250.11. 1. Set frames accurately in position, plumbed, aligned, and braced securely until permanent anchors are set. After wall construction is complete, remove temporary braces, leaving surfaces smooth and undamaged. a. b. c. d. At fire-protection-rated openings, install frames according to NFPA 80. Where frames are fabricated in sections because of shipping or handling limitations, field splice at approved locations by welding face joint continuously; grind, fill, dress, and make splice smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. Install frames with removable glazing stops located on secure side of opening. Install door silencers in frames before grouting. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 8 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA e. f. g. 2. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Floor anchors may be set with powder-actuated fasteners instead of postinstalled expansion anchors if so indicated and approved on Shop Drawings. Metal-Stud Partitions: Solidly pack mineral-fiber insulation behind frames. Masonry Walls: Coordinate installation of frames to allow for solidly filling space between frames and masonry with grout. Concrete Walls: Solidly fill space between frames and concrete with grout. Take precautions, including bracing frames, to ensure that frames are not deformed or damaged by grout forces. In-Place Concrete or Masonry Construction: Secure frames in place with postinstalled expansion anchors. Countersink anchors, and fill and make smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. In-Place Gypsum Board Partitions: Secure frames in place with postinstalled expansion anchors through floor anchors at each jamb. Countersink anchors, and fill and make smooth, flush, and invisible on exposed faces. Ceiling Struts: Extend struts vertically from top of frame at each jamb to overhead structural supports or substrates above frame unless frame is anchored to masonry or to other structural support at each jamb. Bend top of struts to provide flush contact for securing to supporting construction. Provide adjustable wedged or bolted anchorage to frame jamb members. Installation Tolerances: Adjust hollow metal door frames for squareness, alignment, twist, and plumb to the following tolerances: a. b. c. d. C. Remove temporary braces necessary for installation only after frames have been properly set and secured. Check plumbness, squareness, and twist of frames as walls are constructed. Shim as necessary to comply with installation tolerances. Field apply isolation coating to backs of frames that are filled with grout. Floor Anchors: Provide floor anchors for each jamb and mullion that extends to floor, and secure with postinstalled expansion anchors. a. 3. 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Squareness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at door rabbet on a line 90 degrees from jamb perpendicular to frame head. Alignment: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs on a horizontal line parallel to plane of wall. Twist: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at opposite face corners of jambs on parallel lines, and perpendicular to plane of wall. Plumbness: Plus or minus 1/16 inch, measured at jambs at floor. Hollow Metal Doors: Fit hollow metal doors accurately in frames, within clearances specified below. Shim as necessary. 1. Non-Fire-Rated Standard Steel Doors: a. b. c. d. 2. Jambs and Head: 1/8 inch plus or minus 1/16 inch. Between Edges of Pairs of Doors: 1/8 inch plus or minus 1/16 inch . Between Bottom of Door and Top of Threshold: Maximum 3/8 inch. Between Bottom of Door and Top of Finish Floor (No Threshold): Maximum 3/4 inch. Fire-Rated Doors: Install doors with clearances according to NFPA 80. HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 9 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. D. Smoke-Control Doors: Install doors according to NFPA 105. Glazing: Comply with hollow metal manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 3.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Secure stops with countersunk flat- or oval-head machine screws spaced uniformly not more than 9 inches o.c. and not more than 2 inches o.c. from each corner. ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Final Adjustments: Check and readjust operating hardware items immediately before final inspection. Leave work in complete and proper operating condition. Remove and replace defective work, including hollow metal work that is warped, bowed, or otherwise unacceptable. B. Remove grout and other bonding material from hollow metal work immediately after installation. C. Prime-Coat Touchup: Immediately after erection, sand smooth rusted or damaged areas of prime coat and apply touchup of compatible air-drying, rust-inhibitive primer. D. Metallic-Coated Surfaces: Clean abraded areas and repair with galvanizing repair paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. END OF SECTION HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES 081110 - 10 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 081400 FLUSH WOOD DOORS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Solid-core doors with wood-veneer and medium-density overlay faces. Factory finishing for wood doors for transparent finish. Factory fitting flush wood doors to frames and factory machining for hardware. Remodeling existing wood doors for reuse. Louvers and glass lites for flush wood doors. Section 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE for hardware for wood doors. Section 099000 - PAINTING AND COATING for field finishing of opaque wood doors. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of door. Include details of core and edge construction, louvers, and trim for openings. Include factory-finishing specifications. B. Shop Drawings: Indicate location, size, and hand of each door; elevation of each kind of door; construction details not covered in Product Data; location and extent of hardware blocking; and other pertinent data. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Indicate dimensions and locations of mortises and holes for hardware. Indicate dimensions and locations of cutouts. Indicate requirements for veneer matching. Indicate doors to be factory finished and finish specifications. Indicate fire ratings for fire doors. Samples for Verification: 1. Factory finishes applied to actual door face materials, approximately 8 by 10 inches for each material and finish. For each wood species and transparent finish, provide set of three samples showing typical range of finish color, sheen, and grain to be expected in the finished work. FLUSH WOOD DOORS 081400 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Frames for light openings, 6 inches long, for each material, type, and finish required. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain flush wood doors through one source from a single manufacturer. B. Quality Standard: Comply with AWI/AWMAC/WI's "Architectural Woodwork Standards." C. Quality Standard: In addition to requirements specified, comply with WDMA I.S.1-A, "Architectural Wood Flush Doors." 1. WDMA I.S.1-A Performance Grade: Heavy Duty. D. Fire-Rated Wood Doors: Doors complying with NFPA 80 that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction, for fire ratings indicated, based on testing at positive pressure according to NFPA 252 or UL 10C. E. Smoke- and Draft-Control Door Assemblies: Listed and labeled for smoke and draft control, based on testing according to UL 1784. F. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. 1.5 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Comply with requirements of referenced standard and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Package doors individually in plastic bags. C. Mark each door on top rail with opening number used on Shop Drawings. 1.6 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.7 Environmental Limitations: Do not deliver or install doors until building is enclosed, wet work is complete, and HVAC system is operating and will maintain temperature and relative humidity at occupancy levels during the remainder of the construction period. WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form, signed by manufacturer, Installer, and Contractor, in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace doors that are defective in materials or workmanship, have warped (bow, cup, or twist) more than 1/4 inch in a 42-by-84inch section, or show telegraphing of core construction in face veneers exceeding 0.01 inch in a 3-inch span. 1. 2. 3. Warranty shall also include installation and finishing that may be required due to repair or replacement of defective doors. Warranty shall include hardware installation and replacement of glass and glazing. Warranty shall be in effect during the following period of time from date of Substantial Completion: a. Solid-Core Interior Doors: Life of installation. FLUSH WOOD DOORS 081400 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2.2 Algoma Hardwoods Inc. Eggers Industries; Architectural Door Division. Graham Wood Doors. Marshfield DoorSystems. VT Industries Inc. DOOR CONSTRUCTION, GENERAL A. Doors for Transparent Finish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Doors for Opaque Finish: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.3 Grade: AWI Premium, with AWI Grade A faces. Species and Cut: Clear White Maple, plain sawn/sliced, 4 inch min. veneers. Match between Veneer Leaves: Book match. Assembly of Veneer Leaves on Door Faces: Center balanced. Pair and Set Match: Provide for doors hung in same opening or separated only by mullions. Transom Match: Continuous match. Stiles: Same species as faces. Cross-Banding: 1/8 in. high density fiberboard, urea formaldehyde free. Adhesives: Type I per WDMA T.M.-6. Grade: Premium. Faces for Interior Doors: Either medium-density overlay or high-density fiberboard. Apply medium-density overlay directly to high-density hardboard crossbands. Adhesives: Type I per WDMA T.M.-6. SOLID-CORE DOORS A. Cores: Comply with the following requirements: 1. 2. 3. B. Interior Veneer-Faced Doors: 1. C. Particle Core: ANSI A 208.1, Grade 1-LD-2. Structural Composite Lumber Core: Timberstrand LSL, WDMA I.S.10. Provide doors with structural composite lumber cores instead of particleboard cores at locations where exit devices are indicated or where light or louver cutouts exceed 40% of the door area. Construction: Five plies, hot-pressed, with stiles and rails bonded to core, then entire unit abrasive planed before veneering. Fire-Rated Doors: FLUSH WOOD DOORS 081400 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. Construction: Construction and core specified above for type of face indicated or manufacturer's standard mineral-core construction as needed to provide fire rating indicated. a. 2. 3. 2.4 Fire Retardant Mineral Core, with no added urea formaldehyde cross-banding,. Blocking: For mineral-core doors, provide composite blocking with improved screwholding capability approved for use in doors of fire ratings indicated as needed to eliminate through-bolting hardware. Edge Construction: At hinge stiles, provide manufacturer's standard laminated-edge construction with improved screw-holding capability and split resistance and with outer stile matching face veneer. a. 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Screw-Holding Capability: 550 lbf per WDMA T.M.-10. Pairs: Provide fire-rated pairs with fire-retardant stiles matching face veneer that are labeled and listed for kinds of applications indicated without formed-steel edges and astragals. Provide stiles with concealed intumescent seals. LOUVERS AND LIGHT FRAMES A. Wood Louvers: Door manufacturer's standard solid-wood, chevron-style, louvers, unless otherwise indicated. Species to match veneer. B. Fire Door Louvers (not required on 20 min. doors): Metal louvers with fusible link and closing device, listed and labeled for use in doors with fire rating of one and one-half hours and less. 1. C. Wood Beads for Light Openings in Wood Doors: 1. 2. 3. D. 2.5 Metal and Finish: Galvanized steel, 0.0396 inch thick, hot-dip zinc coated and factory primed for paint finish. Wood Species: Same species as door faces. Profile: Manufacturer's standard shape. At 20-minute, fire-rated, wood-core doors, provide wood beads and metal glazing clips approved for such use. Wood-Veneered Beads for Light Openings in Fire Doors: Manufacturer's standard woodveneered noncombustible beads matching veneer species of door faces and approved for use in doors of fire rating indicated. Include concealed metal glazing clips where required for opening size and fire rating indicated. GLAZING SYSTEMS A. 2.6 Glazing: Provide factory installed glass products in accordance with requirements in Section 088000 - GLAZING. FABRICATION A. Factory fit doors to suit frame-opening sizes indicated, with the following uniform clearances and bevels, unless otherwise indicated: FLUSH WOOD DOORS 081400 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. B. 2. Fabricate door and transom panels with full-width, solid-lumber meeting rails. Provide factory-installed spring bolts for concealed attachment into jambs of metal doorframes. Openings: Cut and trim openings through doors to comply with applicable requirements of referenced standards for kind(s) of door(s) required. 1. 2. 3. 2.7 Coordinate measurements of hardware mortises in metal frames to verify dimensions and alignment before factory machining. Drill pilot holes for screws for butt hinges and lock fronts at the factory. Metal Astragals: Factory prime and premachine astragals and formed-steel edges for hardware for pairs of fire-rated doors to receive concealed vertical rod exit devices. Transom and Side Panels: Fabricate matching panels with same construction, exposed surfaces, and finish as specified for associated doors. Finish bottom edges of transoms and top edges of rabbeted doors same as door stiles. 1. D. Comply with clearance requirements of referenced quality standard for fitting. Comply with requirements in NFPA 80 for fire-rated doors. Factory machine doors for hardware that is not surface applied. Locate hardware to comply with DHI-WDHS-3. Comply with final hardware schedules, door frame Shop Drawings, DHI A115-W series standards, and hardware templates. 1. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Light Openings: Trim openings with moldings of material and profile indicated. Louvers: Factory install louvers in prepared openings. Glass: Factory install glass products in prepared openings. SHOP PRIMING A. 2.8 Doors for Opaque Finish: Shop prime faces and edges of doors, including cutouts, with one coat of wood primer specified in Section 099000 - PAINTING AND COATING. FACTORY FINISHING A. General: Comply with AWI's "Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards Illustrated" for factory finishing. B. Finish doors at factory that are indicated to receive transparent finish. prepare for field finish doors indicated to receive opaque finish. C. Transparent Finish: 1. 2. 3. 4. Factory prime and Grade: Premium. Finish: Manufacturer's solvent-based catalyzed polyurethane finish with performance comparable to AWS System 11. Water based polyurethane finish may be provided for doors not requiring staining. Provide two finish coats. Staining: Provide custom color as selected by Architect. Sheen: Satin. FLUSH WOOD DOORS 081400 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine doors and installed door frames before hanging doors. 1. 2. B. 3.2 Verify that frames comply with indicated requirements for type, size, location, and swing characteristics and have been installed with level heads and plumb jambs. Reject doors with defects. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION A. Hardware: For installation, see Section 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE. B. Manufacturer's Written Instructions: Install doors to comply with manufacturer's written instructions, referenced quality standard, and as indicated. 1. 2. C. 3.3 Install fire-rated doors in corresponding fire-rated frames according to NFPA 80. Install smoke- and draft-control doors according to NFPA 105. Factory-Fitted Doors: Align in frames for uniform clearance at each edge. ADJUSTING A. Operation: Rehang or replace doors that do not swing or operate freely. B. Protection: Provide temporary protection to ensure work being without damage or deterioration at time of final acceptance. Remove protections and reclean as necessary immediately before final acceptance. C. Finished Doors: Replace doors that are damaged or do not comply with requirements. Doors may be repaired or refinished if work complies with requirements and shows no evidence of repair or refinishing. END OF SECTION FLUSH WOOD DOORS 081400 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 083110 ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Access doors and frames for walls and ceilings. Section 033000 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE for blocking out openings for access doors and frames in concrete. Section 042000 - UNIT MASONRY for anchoring and grouting access door frames set in masonry construction. Section 087100 - DOOR HARDWARE for rim cylinder locks and master keying. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of access door and frame indicated. Include construction details, fire ratings, materials, individual components and profiles, and finishes. B. Shop Drawings: Show fabrication and installation details of access doors and frames for each type of substrate. Include plans, elevations, sections, details, and attachments to other work. C. Samples: For each door face material, at least 3 by 5 inches in size, in specified finish. D. Access Door and Frame Schedule: Provide complete access door and frame schedule, including types, locations, sizes, latching or locking provisions, and other data pertinent to installation. E. Ceiling Coordination Drawings: Reflected ceiling plans, drawn to scale, on which ceilingmounted items including access doors and frames, lighting fixtures, diffusers, grilles, speakers, sprinklers, and special trim are shown and coordinated with each other. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain[each type of access door and frame through one source from a single manufacturer. ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES 083110 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Fire-Rated Access Doors and Frames: Units complying with NFPA 80 that are identical to access door and frame assemblies tested for fire-test-response characteristics per the following test method and that are listed and labeled by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction: 1. 2. C. 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 NFPA 252 for vertical access doors and frames. ASTM E 119 for horizontal access doors and frames. Size Variations: Obtain Architect's acceptance of manufacturer's standard-size units, which may vary slightly from sizes indicated. COORDINATION A. Verification: Determine specific locations and sizes for access doors needed to gain access to concealed plumbing, mechanical, or other concealed work, and indicate in the schedule specified in "Submittals" Article. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 STEEL MATERIALS A. Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars: ASTM A 36/A 36M. 1. 2. ASTM A 123/A 123M, for galvanizing steel and iron products. ASTM A 153/A 153M, for galvanizing steel and iron hardware. B. Steel Sheet: Electrolytic zinc-coated, ASTM A 879/A 879M with cold-rolled steel sheet substrate complying with ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, Commercial Steel (CS), exposed. C. Steel Finishes: Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. 1. Surface Preparation for Steel Sheet: Clean surfaces to comply with SSPC-SP 1, "Solvent Cleaning," to remove dirt, oil, grease, or other contaminants that could impair paint bond. Remove mill scale and rust, if present, from uncoated steel, complying with SSPCSP 5/NACE No. 1, "White Metal Blast Cleaning," or SSPC-SP 8, "Pickling." a. 2. D. 2.2 Galvanizing Repair Paint: High-zinc-dust-content paint for regalvanizing welds in steel, complying with SSPC-Paint 20. Factory-Primed Finish: Apply shop primer immediately after cleaning and pretreating. Drywall Beads: Edge trim formed from 0.0299-inch zinc-coated steel sheet formed to receive joint compound and in size to suit thickness of gypsum board. STAINLESS-STEEL MATERIALS A. Rolled-Stainless-Steel Floor Plate: ASTM A 793, manufacturer's standard finish. B. Stainless-Steel Sheet, Strip, Plate, and Flat Bars: ASTM A 666, Type 316. Remove tool and die marks and stretch lines or blend into finish. ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES 083110 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Finish: Directional Satin Finish, No. 4. ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES FOR WALLS AND CEILINGS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Acudor Products, Inc. Babcock-Davis; A Cierra Products Co. J. L. Industries, Inc. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. Nystrom, Inc. Flush Access Doors and Trimless Frames: Fabricated from steel sheet at typical areas and from stainless-steel sheet at toilet and wet areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Locations: Wall and ceiling surfaces. Door: Minimum 0.060-inch-thick sheet metal, set flush with surrounding finish surfaces. Frame: Minimum 0.060-inch-thick sheet metal with drywall bead flange. Hinges: Continuous piano. Lock: Cylinder. a. C. Recessed Access Doors and Trimless Frames: Fabricated from steel sheet at typical areas and from stainless-steel sheet at toilet and wet areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Locations: Wall and ceiling surfaces. Door: Minimum 0.060-inch-thick sheet metal in the form of a pan recessed 5/8 inch for gypsum board infill. Frame: Minimum 0.060-inch-thick sheet metal with drywall bead for gypsum board surfaces. Hinges: Concealed pivoting rod hinge. Lock: Cylinder. a. D. Lock Preparation: Prepare door panel to accept cylinder specified in Section 087100, DOOR HARDWARE. Lock Preparation: Prepare door panel to accept cylinder specified in Section 087100, DOOR HARDWARE. Fire Rated, Uninsulated, Flush Access Doors and Frames with Exposed Trim: Fabricated from steel at typical areas and from stainless-steel sheet at toilets and wet areas. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Locations: Wall surfaces. Fire-Resistance Rating: Not less than that of adjacent construction. Door: Minimum 0.060-inch-thick sheet metal, flush construction. Frame: Minimum 0.060-inch-thick sheet metal with 1-inch-wide, surface-mounted trim. Hinges: Continuous piano. Automatic Closer: Spring type. Lock: Self-latching device with cylinder lock. a. Lock Preparation: Prepare door panel to accept cylinder specified in Section 087100, DOOR HARDWARE ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES 083110 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 FABRICATION A. General: Provide access door and frame assemblies manufactured as integral units ready for installation. B. Metal Surfaces: For metal surfaces exposed to view in the completed Work, provide materials with smooth, flat surfaces without blemishes. Do not use materials with exposed pitting, seam marks, roller marks, rolled trade names, or roughness. C. Doors and Frames: Grind exposed welds smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces. Furnish attachment devices and fasteners of type required to secure access panels to types of supports indicated. 1. 2. 3. 4. D. Recessed Access Doors: Form face of panel to provide recess for application of applied finish. Reinforce panel as required to prevent buckling. 1. E. For trimless frames with drywall bead, provide edge trim for gypsum board and gypsum base securely attached to perimeter of frames. For trimless frames with plaster bead for full-bed plaster applications, provide zinc-coated expanded metal lath and exposed casing bead welded to perimeter of frames. Provide mounting holes in frames for attachment of units to metal or wood framing. Provide mounting holes in frame for attachment of masonry anchors. For recessed doors with plaster infill, provide self-furring expanded metal lath attached to door panel. Latching Mechanisms: Furnish number required to hold doors in flush, smooth plane when closed. 1. 2. For cylinder lock, furnish two keys per lock and key all locks alike. For recessed panel doors, provide access sleeves for each locking device. plastic grommets and install in holes cut through finish. Furnish PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing access doors and frames. B. Set frames accurately in position and attach securely to supports with plane of face panels aligned with adjacent finish surfaces. C. Install doors flush with adjacent finish surfaces or recessed to receive finish material. 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust doors and hardware after installation for proper operation. ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES 083110 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Remove and replace doors and frames that are warped, bowed, or otherwise damaged. END OF SECTION ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES 083110 - 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 085310 VINYL WINDOWS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 1.3 Operable vinyl window with factory-installed glass and glazing, screen and exterior casing. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Product Standard: Comply with AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 for definitions and minimum standards of performance, materials, components, accessories, and fabrication unless more stringent requirements are indicated. 1. B. Window Certification: WDMA certified with label attached to each window. Performance Class and Grade: AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 as follows: 1. Minimum Performance Rating: DP50 for windows. C. Thermal Transmittance: Btu/sq. ft. x h x deg F. D. Solar Heat-Gain Coefficient (SHGC): NFRC 200 maximum whole-window minimum SHGC of 0.35. 1.4 NFRC 100 maximum whole-window minimum U-factor of 0.35 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, fabrication methods, dimensions of individual components and profiles, hardware, finishes, and operating instructions for each type of window indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, sections, details, hardware, attachments to other Work, operational clearances, and the following: 1. 2. 3. Mullion details, including reinforcement and stiffeners. Joinery details. Expansion provisions. BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Flashing and drainage details. Weather-stripping details. Glazing details. Window cleaning provisions. Window System Operators: Show locations, mounting, and details for installing operator components and controls. For installed products indicated to comply with design loads, include structural analysis data signed and sealed by the qualified professional engineer responsible for their preparation and used to determine the following: a. b. 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Structural test pressures and design pressures from basic wind speeds indicated. Deflection limitations of glass framing systems. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An installer acceptable to window manufacturer for installation of units required for this Project. B. Source Limitations: Obtain windows through one source from a single manufacturer. C. Glazing Publications: Comply with published recommendations of glass manufacturers and GANA's "Glazing Manual" unless more stringent requirements are indicated. D. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. Review methods and procedures related to windows including, but not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.6 Inspect and discuss condition of substrate and other preparatory work performed by other trades. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials, Installer's personnel, equipment, and facilities needed to make progress and avoid delays. Review required testing and inspecting procedures. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Field Measurements: Verify window openings by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. 1. 1.7 Established Dimensions: Where field measurements cannot be made without delaying the Work, establish opening dimensions and proceed with fabricating windows without field measurements. Coordinate wall construction to ensure that actual opening dimensions correspond to established dimensions. WARRANTY A. Special Warranty: Manufacturer's standard form in which manufacturer agrees to repair or replace windows that fail in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Failure to meet performance requirements. BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Structural failures including excessive deflection. Water leakage, air infiltration, or condensation. Faulty operation of movable sash and hardware. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. Insulating glass failure. B. Warranty Period: Twenty years from date of Substantial Completion. C. Warranty Period for Vinyl Finishes: Ten years from date of Substantial Completion. D. Warranty Period for Glass: Ten years from date of Substantial Completion. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Vinyl Windows and Doors: a. b. c. d. 2.2 CertainTeed Corporation. Harvey Industries, Inc. JELD-WEN, Inc. Weather Shield Mfg., Inc. VINYL WINDOWS AND DOORS A. Frames and Sashes: Impact-resistant, AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440. complying with Insulating-Glass Units: 3/4 in. thick insulating glass units complying ASTM E 2190, certified through IGCC as complying with requirements of IGCC. with 1. 2. B. 1. C. PVC Finish: Integral color, as selected by the Architect Gypsum Board Returns: Provide at interior face of frame. Glass: ASTM C 1036, Type 1, Class 1, q3. a. b. 2. 3. 4. UV-stabilized Tint: Clear. Kind: Fully tempered where indicated on Drawings and required by code. Lites: Two. Filling: Fill space between glass lites with argon. Low-E Coating: Manufacturerʼs standard Glazing System: weathertight seal. Manufacturer's standard factory-glazing system that produces BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA D. Hardware, General: Provide manufacturer's standard hardware fabricated from aluminum, stainless steel, carbon steel complying with AAMA 907, or other corrosion-resistant material compatible with adjacent materials; designed to smoothly operate, tightly close, and securely lock windows, and sized to accommodate sash weight and dimensions. 1. E. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Exposed Hardware Color and Finish: As selected by Architect from manufacturer's full range. Hung Window Hardware: 1. 2. 3. Counterbalancing Mechanism: Complying with AAMA 902, concealed, of size and capacity to hold sash stationary at any open position. Locks and Latches: Allow unobstructed movement of the sash across adjacent sash in direction indicated and operated from the inside only.[ Provide custodial locks.] Tilt Hardware: Releasing tilt latch allows sash to pivot about horizontal axis to facilitate cleaning exterior surfaces from the interior. F. Weather Stripping: Provide full-perimeter weather stripping for each operable sash and doors unless otherwise indicated. G. Casing and Trim: Provide manufacturerʼs standard casing and trim with windows, factory primed. H. Fasteners: Noncorrosive and compatible with window members, trim, hardware, anchors, and other components. 1. 2.3 Exposed Fasteners: Do not use exposed fasteners to the greatest extent possible. For application of hardware, use fasteners that match finish hardware being fastened. INSECT SCREENS A. General: Design windows and hardware to accommodate screens in a tight-fitting, removable arrangement, with a minimum of exposed fasteners and latches. Provide for each operable exterior sash or ventilator. B. Insect Screen Frames: Manufacturer's standard aluminum alloy complying with SMA 1004. Fabricate frames with mitered or coped joints, concealed fasteners, and removable PVC spline/anchor concealing edge of frame. 1. 2. Aluminum Tubular Framing Sections and Cross Braces: Roll formed from aluminum sheet with minimum wall thickness as required for class indicated. Finish: Match window members. C. Glass-Fiber Mesh Fabric: 18-by-14 mesh of PVC-coated, glass-fiber threads; woven and fused to form a fabric mesh resistant to corrosion, shrinkage, stretch, impact damage, and weather deterioration. Comply with ASTM D 3656. D. Wickets: Provide sliding wickets, framed and trimmed for a tight fit and durability during handling. BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate windows, in sizes indicated, that comply with AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2 for performance class and performance grade indicated. Include a complete system for assembling components and anchoring windows. B. Weather Stripping: Provide full-perimeter weather stripping for each operable sash and ventilator. C. Weep Holes: Provide concealed weep holes and internal passages to conduct infiltrating water to exterior. D. Mullions: Provide mullions and cover plates as shown, matching window units, complete with anchors for support to structure and installation of window units. Allow for erection tolerances and provide for movement of window units due to thermal expansion and building deflections, as indicated. Provide mullions and cover plates capable of withstanding design loads of window units. E. Factory-Glazed Fabrication: Glaze windows in the factory where practical and possible for applications indicated. Comply with AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine openings, substrates, structural support, anchorage, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. Verify rough opening dimensions, levelness of sill plate, and operational clearances. Examine wall flashings, vapor retarders, water and weather barriers, and other built-in components to ensure a coordinated, weathertight window installation. 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.2 Masonry Surfaces: Visibly dry and free of excess mortar, sand, and other construction debris. Wood Frame Walls: Dry, clean, sound, well nailed, free of voids, and without offsets at joints. Ensure that nail heads are driven flush with surfaces in opening and within 3 inches (76 mm) of opening. Metal Surfaces: Dry; clean; free of grease, oil, dirt, rust, corrosion, and welding slag; without sharp edges or offsets at joints. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. INSTALLATION A. Comply with Drawings, Shop Drawings, and manufacturer's written instructions for installing windows, hardware, accessories, and other components. B. Install windows level, plumb, square, true to line, without distortion or impeding thermal movement, anchored securely in place to structural support, and in proper relation to wall flashing and other adjacent construction. BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Set sill members in bed of sealant or with gaskets, as indicated, for weathertight construction. D. Separate aluminum and other corrodible surfaces from sources of corrosion or electrolytic action at points of contact with other materials. E. Provide additional anchorage to prevent bowing where shim spaces and gaps are sealed with foam. 3.3 ADJUSTING, CLEANING, AND PROTECTION A. Adjust operating sashes and ventilators, screens, hardware, and accessories for a tight fit at contact points and weather stripping for smooth operation and weathertight closure. Lubricate hardware and moving parts. B. Clean exposed surfaces immediately after installing windows. Avoid damaging protective coatings and finishes. Remove excess sealants, glazing materials, dirt, and other substances. C. Clean factory-glazed glass immediately after installing windows. Comply with manufacturer's written recommendations for final cleaning and maintenance. Remove nonpermanent labels, and clean surfaces. D. Remove and replace glass that has been broken, chipped, cracked, abraded, or damaged during construction period. E. Protect window surfaces from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations. In addition, monitor window surfaces adjacent to and below exterior concrete and masonry surfaces during construction for presence of dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, stains, or other contaminants. If contaminating substances do contact window surfaces, remove contaminants immediately according to manufacturer's written recommendations. END OF SECTION BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 087100 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. 1.2 Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. SUMMARY A. This Section includes commercial door hardware for the following: 1. 2. 3. B. Door hardware includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. C. Division 08 Section “Hollow Metal Doors and Frames”. Division 08 Section “Flush Wood Doors”. Codes and References: Comply with the version year adopted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. E. Mechanical door hardware. Related Sections: 1. 2. D. Swinging doors. Sliding doors. Other doors to the extent indicated. ICC/IBC - International Building Code. NFPA 70 - National Electrical Code. NFPA 80 - Fire Doors and Windows. NFPA 101 - Life Safety Code. NFPA 105 - Installation of Smoke Door Assemblies. UL/ULC and CSA C22.2 – Standards for Automatic Door Operators Used on Fire and Smoke Barrier Doors and Systems of Doors. State Building Codes, Local Amendments. 521 CMR – Massachusetts Architectural Board Regulations. Standards: All hardware specified herein shall comply with the following industry standards: 1. ANSI/BHMA Certified Product Standards - A156 Series DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 1 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 1.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 UL10C – Positive Pressure Fire Tests of Door Assemblies SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Manufacturer's product data sheets including installation details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, operational descriptions and finishes. B. Door Hardware Schedule: Prepared by or under the supervision of supplier, detailing fabrication and assembly of door hardware, as well as procedures and diagrams. Coordinate the final Door Hardware Schedule with doors, frames, and related work to ensure proper size, thickness, hand, function, and finish of door hardware. 1. Format: Comply with scheduling sequence and vertical format in DHI's "Sequence and Format for the Hardware Schedule." 2. Organization: Organize the Door Hardware Schedule into door hardware sets indicating complete designations of every item required for each door or opening. Organize door hardware sets in same order as in the Door Hardware Sets at the end of Part 3. Submittals that do not follow the same format and order as the Door Hardware Sets will be rejected and subject to resubmission. 3. Content: Include the following information: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 4. Type, style, function, size, label, hand, and finish of each door hardware item. Manufacturer of each item. Fastenings and other pertinent information. Location of door hardware set, cross-referenced to Drawings, both on floor plans and in door and frame schedule. Explanation of abbreviations, symbols, and codes contained in schedule. Mounting locations for door hardware. Door and frame sizes and materials. Warranty information for each product. Submittal Sequence: Submit the final Door Hardware Schedule at earliest possible date, particularly where approval of the Door Hardware Schedule must precede fabrication of other work that is critical in the Project construction schedule. Include Product Data, Samples, Shop Drawings of other work affected by door hardware, and other information essential to the coordinated review of the Door Hardware Schedule. C. Proof of Certification: Provide copy of manufacturer(s) official certification or accreditation document indicating proof of status as a qualified installer of Windstorm assemblies. D. Keying Schedule: After a keying meeting with the owner has taken place prepare a separate keying schedule detailing final instructions. Submit the keying schedule in electronic format. Include keying system explanation, door numbers, key set symbols, hardware set numbers and special instructions. Owner must approve submitted keying schedule prior to the ordering of permanent cylinders/cores. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 2 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA E. Informational Submittals: 1. F. 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Product Test Reports: Indicating compliance with cycle testing requirements, based on evaluation of comprehensive tests performed by manufacturer and witnessed by a qualified independent testing agency. Operating and Maintenance Manuals: Provide manufacturers operating and maintenance manuals for each item comprising the complete door hardware installation in quantity as required in Division 01, Closeout Submittals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturers Qualifications: Engage qualified manufacturers with a minimum 5 years of documented experience in producing hardware and equipment similar to that indicated for this Project and that have a proven record of successful in-service performance. B. Installer Qualifications: A minimum 3 years documented experience installing both standard and electrified door hardware similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project and whose work has resulted in construction with a record of successful in-service performance. C. Door Hardware Supplier Qualifications: Experienced commercial door hardware distributors with a minimum 5 years documented experience supplying both mechanical and electromechanical hardware installations comparable in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project. Supplier recognized as a factory direct distributor by the manufacturers of the primary materials with a warehousing facility in Project's vicinity. Supplier to have on staff a certified Architectural Hardware Consultant (AHC) available during the course of the Work to consult with Contractor, Architect, and Owner concerning both standard and electromechanical door hardware and keying. D. Source Limitations: Obtain each type and variety of door hardware specified in this section from a single source unless otherwise indicated. E. Each unit to bear third party permanent label demonstrating compliance with the referenced standards. F. Keying Conference: Conduct conference to comply with requirements in Division 01 Section "Project Meetings." Keying conference to incorporate the following criteria into the final keying schedule document: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. G. Function of building, purpose of each area and degree of security required. Plans for existing and future key system expansion. Requirements for key control storage and software. Installation of permanent keys, cylinder cores and software. Address and requirements for delivery of keys. Pre-Submittal Conference: Conduct coordination conference in compliance with requirements in Division 01 Section "Project Meetings" with attendance by representatives of Supplier(s), DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 3 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Installer(s), and Contractor(s) to review proper methods and the procedures for receiving, handling, and installing door hardware. 1. 2. 3. 4. H. 1.5 Prior to installation of door hardware, conduct a project specific training meeting to instruct the installing contractors' personnel on the proper installation and adjustment of their respective products. Product training to be attended by installers of door hardware for aluminum, hollow metal and wood doors. Training will include the use of installation manuals, hardware schedules, templates and physical product samples as required. Review sequence of operation narratives for each unique access controlled opening. Review and finalize construction schedule and verify availability of materials. Review the required inspecting, testing, commissioning, and demonstration procedures At completion of installation, provide written documentation that components were applied to manufacturer's instructions and recommendations and according to approved schedule. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Inventory door hardware on receipt and provide secure lock-up and shelving for door hardware delivered to Project site. Do not store electronic access control hardware, software or accessories at Project site without prior authorization. B. Tag each item or package separately with identification related to the final Door Hardware Schedule, and include basic installation instructions with each item or package. C. Deliver, as applicable, permanent keys, cylinders, cores, access control credentials, software and related accessories directly to Owner via registered mail or overnight package service. Instructions for delivery to the Owner shall be established at the "Keying Conference". 1.6 COORDINATION A. Templates: Obtain and distribute to the parties involved templates for doors, frames, and other work specified to be factory prepared for installing hardware. Check Shop Drawings of other work to confirm that adequate provisions are made for locating and installing hardware to comply with indicated requirements. B. Door and Frame Preparation: Doors and corresponding frames are to be prepared, reinforced and pre-wired (if applicable) to receive the installation of the specified electrified, monitoring, signaling and access control system hardware without additional in-field modifications. 1.7 WARRANTY A. General Warranty: Reference Division 01, General Requirements. Special warranties specified in this Article shall not deprive Owner of other rights Owner may have under other provisions of the Contract Documents and shall be in addition to, and run concurrent with, other warranties made by Contractor under requirements of the Contract Documents. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 4 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Warranty Period: Written warranty, executed by manufacturer(s), agreeing to repair or replace components of door hardware that fails in materials or workmanship within specified warranty period after final acceptance by the Owner. Failures include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. Structural failures including excessive deflection, cracking, or breakage. Faulty operation of the hardware. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal weathering. C. Standard Warranty Period: One year from date of Substantial Completion, unless otherwise indicated. D. Special Warranty Periods: 1. Seven years for heavy duty cylindrical (bored) locks and latches. 2. Five years for exit hardware. 3. Twenty five years for manual surface door closer bodies. 1.8 MAINTENANCE SERVICE A. Maintenance Tools and Instructions: Furnish a complete set of specialized tools and maintenance instructions as needed for Owner's continued adjustment, maintenance, and removal and replacement of door hardware. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 SCHEDULED DOOR HARDWARE A. General: Provide door hardware for each door to comply with requirements in Door Hardware Sets and each referenced section that products are to be supplied under. B. Designations: Requirements for quantity, item, size, finish or color, grade, function, and other distinctive qualities of each type of door hardware are indicated in the Door Hardware Sets at the end of Part 3. Products are identified by using door hardware designations, as follows: C. Named Manufacturer's Products: Product designation and manufacturer are listed for each door hardware type required for the purpose of establishing requirements. Manufacturers' names are abbreviated in the Door Hardware Schedule. D. Substitutions: Requests for substitution and product approval for inclusive mechanical and electromechanical door hardware in compliance with the specifications must be submitted in writing and in accordance with the procedures and time frames outlined in Division 01, Substitution Procedures. Approval of requests is at the discretion of the architect, owner, and their designated consultants. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 5 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.2 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 HANGING DEVICES A. Hinges: ANSI/BHMA A156.1 certified butt hinges with number of hinge knuckles as specified in the Door Hardware Sets. 1. Quantity: Provide the following hinge quantity, unless otherwise indicated: a. b. c. d. 2. Hinge Size: Provide the following, unless otherwise indicated, with hinge widths sized for door thickness and clearances required: a. b. 3. b. Non-removable Pins: Provide set screw in hinge barrel that, when tightened into a groove in hinge pin, prevents removal of pin while door is closed; for the all out-swinging lockable doors. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. 2.3 Exterior Doors: Heavy weight, non-ferrous, ball bearing or oil impregnated bearing hinges unless Hardware Sets indicate standard weight. Interior Doors: Standard weight, steel, ball bearing or oil impregnated bearing hinges unless Hardware Sets indicate heavy weight. Hinge Options: Comply with the following where indicated in the Hardware Sets or on Drawings: a. 5. Widths up to 3’0”: 4-1/2” standard or heavy weight as specified. Sizes from 3’1” to 4’0”: 5” heavy weight. Hinge Weight and Base Material: Unless otherwise indicated, provide the following: a. 4. Two Hinges: For doors with heights up to 60 inches. Three Hinges: For doors with heights 61 to 90 inches. Four Hinges: For doors with heights 91 to 120 inches. For doors with heights more than 120 inches, provide 4 hinges, plus 1 hinge for every 30 inches of door height greater than 120 inches. Bommer Industries (BO). Hager Companies (HA). McKinney Products (MK). CYLINDERS AND KEYING A. General: Cylinder manufacturer to have minimum (10) years experience designing secured master key systems and have on record a published security keying system policy. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. B. Match Existing. Cylinders: Original manufacturer cylinders complying with the following: DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 6 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. 2. 3. Conduct specified "Keying Conference" to define and document keying system instructions and requirements. Furnish factory cut, nickel-silver large bow permanently inscribed with a visual key control number as directed by Owner. Existing System: Key locks to Owner's existing system. Key Quantity: Provide the following minimum number of keys: 1. 2.4 Interchangeable Cores: Core insert, removable by use of a special key; usable with other manufacturers' cylinders. Keying System: Each type of lock and cylinders to be factory keyed. 1. E. Mortise Type: Threaded cylinders with rings and cams to suit hardware application. Rim Type: Cylinders with back plate, flat-type vertical or horizontal tailpiece, and raised trim ring. Bored-Lock Type: Cylinders with tailpieces to suit locks. Mortise and rim cylinder collars to be solid and recessed to allow the cylinder face to be flush and be free spinning with matching finishes. Keyway: Match Facility Standard. Permanent Cores: Manufacturer's standard; finish face to match lockset; complying with the following: 1. D. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Change Keys per Cylinder: Three (3). MECHANICAL LOCKS AND LATCHING DEVICES A. Cylindrical Locksets, Grade 1 (Commercial Duty): ANSI/BHMA A156.2, Series 4000, Grade 1 certified. 1. Locks are to be non-handed and fully field reversible. 2. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. B. Arrow Locks (AW) – QL Series. Schlage (SC) - ND Series. Yale Locks and Hardware (YA) 4700LN Series. Residential Tubular Locking Devices: Standard ANSI A156.2, Series 4000, Grade 2. 1. Tubular locksets, deadbolts, and handlesets designed to fit ANSI standard door preps. 2. Locks are to be non-handed and have adjustable backset. 3. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. DOOR HARDWARE Schlage (SC) - TL Series. Yale Residential (YR) - YH Series. 087100 - 7 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 LOCK AND LATCH STRIKES A. Strikes: Provide manufacturer's standard strike with strike box for each latch or lock bolt, with curved lip extended to protect frame, finished to match door hardware set, unless otherwise indicated, and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Standards: Comply with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.6 Flat-Lip Strikes: For locks with three-piece antifriction latchbolts, as recommended by manufacturer. Extra-Long-Lip Strikes: For locks used on frames with applied wood casing trim. Aluminum-Frame Strike Box: Provide manufacturer's special strike box fabricated for aluminum framing. Double-lipped strikes: For locks at double acting doors. Furnish with retractable stop for rescue hardware applications. Strikes for Mortise Locks and Latches: BHMA A156.13. Strikes for Bored Locks and Latches: BHMA A156.2. Strikes for Auxiliary Deadlocks: BHMA A156.5. Dustproof Strikes: BHMA A156.16. CONVENTIONAL EXIT DEVICES A. General Requirements: All exit devices specified herein shall meet or exceed the following criteria: 1. At doors not requiring a fire rating, provide devices complying with NFPA 101 and listed and labeled for "Panic Hardware" according to UL305. Provide proper fasteners as required by manufacturer including sex nuts and bolts at openings specified in the Hardware Sets. 2. Where exit devices are required on fire rated doors, provide devices complying with NFPA 80 and with UL labeling indicating "Fire Exit Hardware". Provide devices with the proper fasteners for installation as tested and listed by UL. Consult manufacturer’s catalog and template book for specific requirements. 3. Except on fire rated doors, provide exit devices with key cylinder dogging device to hold the pushbar and latch in a retracted position. 4. Devices must fit flat against the door face with no gap that permits unauthorized dogging of the push bar. The addition of filler strips is required in any case where the door light extends behind the device as in a full glass configuration. 5. Flush End Caps: Provide flush end caps made of architectural metal in the same finish as the devices as in the Hardware Sets. Plastic end caps will not be acceptable. 6. Lever Operating Trim: Where exit devices require lever trim, furnish manufacturer's heavy duty escutcheon trim with threaded studs for thru-bolts. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 8 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA a. b. B. Lock Trim Design: As indicated in Hardware Sets, provide finishes and designs to match that of the specified locksets. Where function of exit device requires a cylinder, provide a cylinder (Rim or Mortise) as specified in Hardware Sets. 7. Rail Sizing: Provide exit device rails factory sized for proper door width application. 8. Through Bolt Installation: For exit devices and trim as indicated in Door Hardware Sets. Conventional Push Rail Exit Devices (Heavy Duty): ANSI/BHMA A156.3, Grade 1 certified panic and fire exit hardware devices furnished in the functions specified in the Hardware Sets. Exit device latch to be stainless steel, pullman type, with deadlock feature. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. 2.7 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Corbin Russwin Hardware (RU) - ED4000 / ED5000 Series. Stanley Precision (PR) - Apex 2000 Series. Yale Locks and Hardware (YA) - 7000 Series. DOOR CLOSERS A. All door closers specified herein shall meet or exceed the following criteria: 1. General: Door closers to be from one manufacturer, matching in design and style, with the same type door preparations and templates regardless of application or spring size. Closers to be non-handed with full sized covers including installation and adjusting information on inside of cover. 2. Standards: Closers to comply with UL-10C for Positive Pressure Fire Test and be U.L. listed for use of fire rated doors. 3. Cycle Testing: Provide closers which have surpassed 15 million cycles in a test witnessed and verified by UL. 4. Size of Units: Comply with manufacturer's written recommendations for sizing of door closers depending on size of door, exposure to weather, and anticipated frequency of use. Where closers are indicated for doors required to be accessible to the physically handicapped, provide units complying with ANSI ICC/A117.1. 5. Closer Arms: Provide heavy duty, forged steel closer arms unless otherwise indicated in Hardware Sets. a. b. DOOR HARDWARE Where closers are indicated to have mechanical dead-stop, provide heavy duty arms and brackets with an integral positive stop. Where closers are indicated to have mechanical hold open, provide heavy duty units with an additional built-in mechanical holder assembly designed to hold open against normal wind and traffic conditions. Holder to be manually selectable to on-off position. 087100 - 9 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA c. d. 6. B. Closer Accessories: Provide door closer accessories including custom templates, special mounting brackets, spacers and drop plates as required for proper mounting. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. Norton Door Controls (NO) - Unitrol 7500 Series. Yale Locks and Hardware (YA) - Unitrol 4400 Series. LCN Closers (LC) – 4040XP Series x Rixson 9 Series Overhead Stop/Holder. Door Closers, Surface Mounted (Commercial Duty): ANSI/BHMA 156.4, Grade 1 certified surface mounted, institutional grade door closers with complete spring power adjustment, sizes 1 thru 6; and fully operational adjustable according to door size, frequency of use, and opening force. Closers to be rack and pinion type, one piece cast iron or aluminum alloy body construction, with adjustable backcheck, closing sweep, and latch speed control valves. Provide non-handed units standard. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. 2.8 Where closers are indicated to have a cushion-type stop, provide heavy duty arms and brackets with spring stop mechanism to cushion door when opened to maximum degree. Closers shall not be installed on exterior or corridor side of doors; where possible install closers on door for optimum aesthetics. Provide drop plates or other accessories as required for proper mounting. Door Closers, Surface Mounted (Unitrol): ANSI/BHMA 156.4, Grade 1 certified surface mounted, heavy duty door closers with complete spring power adjustment, sizes 1 thru 6; and fully operational adjustable according to door size, frequency of use, and opening force. Unitrol arms to have door stop mechanism to absorb dead stop shock on arm and top hinge. Hold-open arms to have a spring loaded mechanism in addition to shock absorber assembly. Arms to be provided with rigid steel main arm and secondary arm lengths proportional to the door width. 1. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 LCN Closers (LC) - 1460FC Series. Norton Door Controls (NO) - 8500 Series. Yale Locks and Hardware (YA) - 3500 Series. ARCHITECTURAL TRIM A. Door Protective Trim 1. General: Door protective trim units to be of type and design as specified below or in the Hardware Sets. 2. Size: Fabricate protection plates (kick, armor, or mop) not more than 2" less than door width (LDW) on stop side of single doors and 1” LDW on stop side of pairs of doors, and not more than 1" less than door width on pull side. Coordinate and provide proper width and height as required where conflicting hardware dictates. Height to be as specified in the Hardware Sets. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 10 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. Protection Plates: ANSI/BHMA A156.6 certified protection plates (kick, armor, or mop), fabricated from the following: a. Stainless Steel: 300 grade, 050-inch thick. 4. Options and fasteners: Provide manufacturer's designated fastener type as specified in the Hardware Sets. Provide countersunk screw holes. 5. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. 2.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Rockwood Manufacturing (RO). Trimco (TC). DOOR STOPS AND HOLDERS A. General: Door stops and holders to be of type and design as specified below or in the Hardware Sets. B. Door Stops and Bumpers: ANSI/BHMA A156.16, Grade 1 certified door stops and wall bumpers. Provide wall bumpers, either convex or concave types with anchorage as indicated, unless floor or other types of door stops are specified in Hardware Sets. Do not mount floor stops where they will impede traffic. Where floor or wall bumpers are not appropriate, provide overhead type stops and holders. 1. Acceptable Manufacturers: a. b. c. 2.10 Burns Manufacturing (BU). Rockwood Manufacturing (RO). Trimco (TC). ARCHITECTURAL SEALS A. General: Thresholds, weatherstripping, and gasket seals to be of type and design as specified below or in the Hardware Sets. Provide continuous weatherstrip gasketing on exterior doors and provide smoke, light, or sound gasketing on interior doors where indicated. At exterior applications provide non-corrosive fasteners and elsewhere where indicated. B. Sound-Rated Gasketing: Assemblies that are listed and labeled by a testing and inspecting agency, for sound ratings indicated. 2.11 A. FABRICATION Fasteners: Provide door hardware manufactured to comply with published templates generally prepared for machine, wood, and sheet metal screws. Provide screws according to manufacturers recognized installation standards for application intended. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 11 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.12 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 FINISHES A. Standard: Designations used in the Hardware Sets and elsewhere indicate hardware finishes complying with ANSI/BHMA A156.18, including coordination with traditional U.S. finishes indicated by certain manufacturers for their products. B. Provide quality of finish, including thickness of plating or coating (if any), composition, hardness, and other qualities complying with manufacturer's standards, but in no case less than specified by referenced standards for the applicable units of hardware. C. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine scheduled openings, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, labeled fire door assembly construction, wall and floor construction, and other conditions affecting performance. B. Notify architect of any discrepancies or conflicts between the door schedule, door types, drawings and scheduled hardware. Proceed only after such discrepancies or conflicts have been resolved in writing. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Hollow Metal Doors and Frames: Comply with ANSI/DHI A115 series. B. Wood Doors: Comply with ANSI/DHI A115-W series. 3.3 INSTALLATION A. Install each item of hardware to comply with manufacturer's written instructions and according to specifications. 1. B. Installers are to be trained and certified by the manufacturer on the proper installation and adjustment of fire, life safety, and security products including: hanging devices; locking devices; closing devices; and seals. Mounting Heights: Mount door hardware units at heights indicated in following applicable publications, unless specifically indicated or required to comply with governing regulations: 1. 2. Standard Steel Doors and Frames: DHI's "Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Standard Steel Doors and Frames." Wood Doors: DHI WDHS.3, "Recommended Locations for Architectural Hardware for Wood Flush Doors." DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 12 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Where indicated to comply with accessibility requirements, comply with ANSI A117.1 "Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities." Provide blocking in drywall partitions where wall stops or other wall mounted hardware is located. C. Retrofitting: Install door hardware to comply with manufacturer's published templates and written instructions. Where cutting and fitting are required to install door hardware onto or into surfaces that are later to be painted or finished in another way, coordinate removal, storage, and reinstallation of surface protective trim units with finishing work specified in Division 9 Sections. Do not install surface-mounted items until finishes have been completed on substrates involved. D. Thresholds: Set thresholds for exterior and acoustical doors in full bed of sealant complying with requirements specified in Division 7 Section "Joint Sealants." E. Storage: Provide a secure lock up for hardware delivered to the project but not yet installed. Control the handling and installation of hardware items so that the completion of the work will not be delayed by hardware losses before and after installation. 3.4 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. 3.5 Field Inspection: Supplier will perform a final inspection of installed door hardware and state in report whether work complies with or deviates from requirements, including whether door hardware is properly installed, operating and adjusted. ADJUSTING A. 3.6 Initial Adjustment: Adjust and check each operating item of door hardware and each door to ensure proper operation or function of every unit. Replace units that cannot be adjusted to operate as intended. Adjust door control devices to compensate for final operation of heating and ventilating equipment and to comply with referenced accessibility requirements. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Protect all hardware stored on construction site in a covered and dry place. Protect exposed hardware installed on doors during the construction phase. Install any and all hardware at the latest possible time frame. B. Clean adjacent surfaces soiled by door hardware installation. C. Clean operating items as necessary to restore proper finish. Provide final protection and maintain conditions that ensure door hardware is without damage or deterioration at time of owner occupancy. DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 13 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.7 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 DEMONSTRATION A. 3.8 Instruct Owner's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain mechanical and electromechanical door hardware. DOOR HARDWARE SCHEDULE A. The hardware sets represent the design intent and direction of the owner and architect. They are a guideline only and should not be considered a detailed hardware schedule. Discrepancies, conflicting hardware and missing items should be brought to the attention of the architect with corrections made prior to the bidding process. Omitted items not included in a hardware set should be scheduled with the appropriate additional hardware required for proper application and functionality. B. Manufacturer’s Abbreviations: 1. MK - McKinney 2. YA - Yale 3. HS - HES 4. NO - Norton 5. RO - Rockwood 6. PE - Pemko 7. 00 - Other Hardware Schedule Set: #1 Description: Exterior Egress 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hinge (heavy weight) Exit Device (rim, nightlatch) Closer (w/ HD stop) Kickplate Threshold (ada, therm-barrier) Head & Jamb Gasketing Sweep T4A3386 (qty, size, nrp per spec) 7100F 632F keyed to exist system UNI4400 K1050 10" 4BE CSK 273x292AFGPK FHSL14 290AV 315CN US32D 630 689 US32D MK YA YA RO PE PE PE TA2714 (qty, size, nrp per spec) AU 4707LN keyed to exist system 404 Wall; 441CU Floor 608 US26D 626 US26D MK YA RO RO Set: #2 Description: Storage and Office 3 1 1 3 Hinge Cylindrical Lock (entry) Door Stop Silencer DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 14 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Set: #3 Description: Bathroom 3 1 1 3 Hinge Cylindrical Lock (privacy) Kickplate Silencer TA2714 (qty, size, nrp per spec) AU 4702LN 497 K1050 10" 4BE CSK 608 US26D 626 US32D MK YA RO RO TA2714 (qty, size, nrp per spec) YH11 Citadel 526 US26D 626 NP MK YA RO 280C-SWTKIT/12 94L/94P US27 US26D PE RO Set: #4 Description: COA Program Space 3 Hinge 1 Passage Set 1 Door Stop Set: #5 Description: Sliding Door 1 Sliding Hardware Set 1 Flush Pull (set) END OF SECTION 087100 DOOR HARDWARE 087100 - 15 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 088000 GLAZING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. Glass and glazing for the following products and applications: a. b. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Steel doors, frames and sidelights specified in Section 081110 - HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES. Interior borrowed lites. Section 081400 - FLUSH WOOD DOORS for factory glazing for wood doors. Section 085310 – VINYL WINDOWS for factory glazed windows. DEFINITIONS A. Manufacturers of Glass Products: Firms that produce primary glass, fabricated glass, or both, as defined in referenced glazing publications. B. Glass Thicknesses: ASTM C 1036. 1.4 Indicated by thickness designations in millimeters according to SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each glass product and glazing material indicated. B. Samples: 12-inch- square Samples for each type of glass and glass assembly, glazing sealants. C. Glazing Schedule: Use same designations indicated on Drawings for glazed openings in preparing a schedule listing glass types and thicknesses for each size opening and location. D. Product Certificates: Signed by manufacturers of glass and glazing products certifying that products furnished comply with requirements. E. Qualification Data: For installers. GLAZING 088000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Installer Qualifications: An experienced installer who has completed glazing similar in material, design, and extent to that indicated for this Project; whose work has resulted in glass installations with a record of successful in-service performance.. B. Safety Glazing Products: Comply with testing requirements in 16 CFR 120 and, for wired glass, ANSI Z97.1. 1. 2. 1.6 Subject to compliance with requirements, obtain safety glazing products permanently marked with certification label of the Safety Glazing Certification Council or another certification agency] acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. Where glazing units, including Kind FT glass and laminated glass, are specified in Part 2 articles for glazing lites more than 9 sq. ft. in exposed surface area of one side, provide glazing products that comply with Category II materials, for lites 9 sq. ft. or less in exposed surface area of one side, provide glazing products that comply with Category I or II materials, except for hazardous locations where Category II materials are required by 16 CFR 1201 and regulations of authorities having jurisdiction. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Protect glazing materials according to manufacturer's written instructions and as needed to prevent damage to glass and glazing materials from condensation, temperature changes, direct exposure to sun, or other causes. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GLASS PRODUCTS A. 2.2 Tempered Float Glass: ASTM C 1048; Type I (transparent flat glass); Quality-Q3; Kind FT; 1/4 inch thick unless indicated otherwise. GLAZING TAPES A. Back-Bedding Mastic Glazing Tapes: Preformed, butyl-based elastomeric tape with a solids content of 100 percent; nonstaining and nonmigrating in contact with nonporous surfaces; with or without spacer rod as recommended in writing by tape and glass manufacturers for application indicated; packaged on rolls with a release paper backing; and complying with ASTM C 1281 and AAMA 800 for project conditions. B. Expanded Cellular Glazing Tapes: Closed-cell, PVC foam tapes; factory coated with adhesive on both surfaces; packaged on rolls with release liner protecting adhesive; and complying with AAMA 800 for the following types: 1. 2. Type 1, for glazing applications in which tape acts as the primary sealant. Type 2, for glazing applications in which tape is used in combination with a full bead of liquid sealant. GLAZING 088000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 MISCELLANEOUS GLAZING MATERIALS A. General: Provide products of material, size, and shape complying with referenced glazing standard, requirements of manufacturers of glass and other glazing materials for application indicated, and with a proven record of compatibility with surfaces contacted in installation. B. Cleaners, Primers, and Sealers: Types recommended by sealant or gasket manufacturer. C. Setting Blocks: Elastomeric material with a Shore, Type A durometer hardness of 85, plus or minus 5. D. Spacers: Elastomeric blocks or continuous extrusions with a Shore, Type A durometer hardness required by glass manufacturer to maintain glass lites in place for installation indicated. E. Edge Blocks: Elastomeric material of hardness needed to limit glass lateral movement (side walking). 2.4 FABRICATION OF GLAZING UNITS A. Fabricate glazing units in sizes required to glaze openings indicated for Project, with edge and face clearances, edge and surface conditions, and bite complying with written instructions of product manufacturer and referenced glazing publications, to comply with system performance requirements. B. Clean-cut or flat-grind vertical edges of butt-glazed monolithic lites in a manner that produces square edges with slight kerfs at junctions with outdoor and indoor faces. C. Grind smooth and polish exposed glass edges and corners. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine framing glazing, with Installer present, for compliance with the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 3.2 Manufacturing and installation tolerances, including those for size, squareness, and offsets at corners. Presence and functioning of weep system. Minimum required face or edge clearances. Effective sealing between joints of glass-framing members. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Clean glazing channels and other framing members receiving glass immediately before glazing. Remove coatings not firmly bonded to substrates. GLAZING 088000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 GLAZING, GENERAL A. Comply with combined written instructions of manufacturers of glass, sealants, gaskets, and other glazing materials, unless more stringent requirements are indicated, including those in referenced glazing publications. B. Glazing channel dimensions, as indicated on Drawings, provide necessary bite on glass, minimum edge and face clearances, and adequate sealant thicknesses, with reasonable tolerances. Adjust as required by Project conditions during installation. C. Protect glass edges from damage during handling and installation. Remove damaged glass from Project site and legally dispose of off Project site. Damaged glass is glass with edge damage or other imperfections that, when installed, could weaken glass and impair performance and appearance. D. Apply primers to joint surfaces where required for adhesion of sealants, as determined by preconstruction sealant-substrate testing. E. Install setting blocks in sill rabbets, sized and located to comply with referenced glazing publications, unless otherwise required by glass manufacturer. Set blocks in thin course of compatible sealant suitable for heel bead. F. Do not exceed edge pressures stipulated by glass manufacturers for installing glass lites. G. Provide spacers for glass lites where length plus width is larger than 50 inches as follows: 1. 2. Locate spacers directly opposite each other on both inside and outside faces of glass. Install correct size and spacing to preserve required face clearances, unless gaskets and glazing tapes are used that have demonstrated ability to maintain required face clearances and to comply with system performance requirements. Provide 1/8-inch minimum bite of spacers on glass and use thickness equal to sealant width. With glazing tape, use thickness slightly less than final compressed thickness of tape. H. Provide edge blocking where indicated or needed to prevent glass lites from moving sideways in glazing channel, as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer and according to requirements in referenced glazing publications. I. Set glass lites in each series with uniform pattern, draw, bow, and similar characteristics. 3.4 TAPE GLAZING A. Position tapes on fixed stops so that, when compressed by glass, their exposed edges are flush with or protrude slightly above sightline of stops. B. Install tapes continuously, but not necessarily in one continuous length. Do not stretch tapes to make them fit opening. C. Cover vertical framing joints by applying tapes to heads and sills first and then to jambs. Cover horizontal framing joints by applying tapes to jambs and then to heads and sills. GLAZING 088000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 D. Place joints in tapes at corners of opening with adjoining lengths butted together, not lapped. Seal joints in tapes with compatible sealant approved by tape manufacturer. E. Do not remove release paper from tape until just before each glazing unit is installed. F. Center glass lites in openings on setting blocks and press firmly against tape by inserting dense compression gaskets formed and installed to lock in place against faces of removable stops. Start gasket applications at corners and work toward centers of openings. 3.5 CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Protect exterior glass from damage immediately after installation by attaching crossed streamers to framing held away from glass. Do not apply markers to glass surface. Remove nonpermanent labels, and clean surfaces. B. Protect glass from contact with contaminating substances resulting from construction operations, including weld splatter. If, despite such protection, contaminating substances do come into contact with glass, remove substances immediately as recommended by glass manufacturer. C. Examine glass surfaces adjacent to or below exterior concrete and other masonry surfaces at frequent intervals during construction, but not less than once a month, for buildup of dirt, scum, alkaline deposits, or stains; remove as recommended in writing by glass manufacturer. D. Remove and replace glass that is broken, chipped, cracked, or abraded or that is damaged from natural causes, accidents, and vandalism, during construction period. END OF SECTION GLAZING 088000 - 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 092110 GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Interior gypsum wallboard. Remodeling of existing gypsum board and plaster assemblies. Thermal insulation and acoustic insulation in gypsum wallboard assemblies. Installation of access panels. Marking and identification for fire- and smoke-partitions. Section 061000 – ROUGH CARPENTRY for wood framing. Section 083110 - ACCESS DOORS AND FRAMES for installation in gypsum board assemblies. PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Structural Performance: Provide fire stop tracks capable of withstanding deflection within limits and under conditions indicated. 1. B. Design framing system to maintain clearances at openings, to allow for construction tolerances, and to accommodate live load deflection of primary building structure. Marking and Identification for Fire- and Smoke-Partitions: Fire walls, fire barriers, fire partitions, smoke barriers, smoke partitions and other walls required to have protected openings or penetrations shall be effectively and permanently identified with signs or stenciling. Such identification shall: 1. 2. 3. Be located in accessible concealed floor, floor-ceiling or attic spaces; and Locate within 15 feet of end of each wall and repeat at intervals not exceeding 30 feet measured horizontally along the wall or partition; and Include lettering not less than 3 inches in height with a minimum 3/8 inch stroke in contrasting color, incorporating the suggested wording: "FIRE AND/OR SMOKE BARRIER - PROTECT ALL OPENINGS," or other wording. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Samples: Full-size Sample in 12-inch-long length for each trim accessory indicated. C. Shop Drawings: If materials and systems other than those specified and those indicated on the Drawings are proposed for use, submit shop drawings signed and sealed by a structural engineer licensed in the jurisdiction of the project certifying proposed systems meet code requirements, project requirements and the following deflection criteria: 1. 1.5 For gypsum board assemblies without applied rigid finishes L/240; for gypsum board assemblies with applied rigid finishes such as tile, stone, wood paneling L/360. Lateral load 5 psf except at shafts. Lateral load at shafts shall be required based on analysis of equipment and systems using shaft. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: For fire-resistance-rated assemblies, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in assembly indicated according to ASTM E 119 by an independent testing agency. B. STC-Rated Assemblies: For STC-rated assemblies, provide materials and construction identical to those tested in assembly indicated according to ASTM E 90 and classified according to ASTM E 413 by an independent testing agency. 1.6 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. 1.7 Store materials inside under cover and keep them dry and protected against damage from weather, condensation, direct sunlight, construction traffic, and other causes. Stack panels flat to prevent sagging. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Comply with ASTM C 840 requirements or gypsum board manufacturer's written recommendations, whichever are more stringent. B. Do not install interior products until installation areas are enclosed and conditioned. C. Do not install panels that are wet, those that are moisture damaged, and those that are mold damaged. 1. 2. Indications that panels are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that panels are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. B. Moisture- and Mold-Resistant Gypsum Board at all Vertical Surfaces: ASTM C 1396. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. C. Manufacturer: USG Sheetrock Brand Mold Tough, National Gypsum GoldBond XP Gypsum Board, Georgia-Pacific ToughRock Mold-Guard Gyspum Board. Fire-Rated Board: Required for fire-rated partitions. Core: 5/8 inch, Type X. Long Edges: Tapered. Mold Resistance: ASTM D 3273, score of 10 as rated according to ASTM D 3274. Fire-Resistant Type X: ASTM C 1396. 1. 2. 2.2 USG Corporation. Georgia-Pacific (G-P) Gypsum LLC. National Gypsum Company. Thickness: 5/8 inch. Long Edges: Tapered. TRIM ACCESSORIES A. Interior Trim: ASTM C 1047. 1. 2. Material: Galvanized or aluminum-coated steel sheet or rolled zinc. Shapes: a. b. c. d. e. 2.3 Cornerbead. Bullnose bead. LC-Bead: J-shaped; exposed long flange receives joint compound. Expansion (control) joint. Curved-Edge Cornerbead: With notched or flexible flanges. JOINT TREATMENT MATERIALS A. General: Comply with ASTM C 475/C 475M. B. Joint Tape: 1. C. Interior Gypsum Wallboard: Paper. Joint Compound for Interior Gypsum Wallboard: For each coat use formulation that is compatible with other compounds applied on previous or for successive coats. 1. Prefilling: At open joints, rounded or beveled panel edges, and damaged surface areas, use setting-type taping compound. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Embedding and First Coat: For embedding tape and first coat on joints, fasteners, and trim flanges, use setting-type taping compound. Fill Coat: For second coat, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. Finish Coat: For third coat, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. Skim Coat: For final coat of Level 5 finish, use setting-type, sandable topping compound. type, sandable topping compound. AUXILIARY MATERIALS A. General: Provide auxiliary materials that comply with referenced installation standards and manufacturer's written recommendations. B. Steel Drill Screws: ASTM C 1002, unless otherwise indicated. 1. C. Thermal Insulation and Sound Attenuation Blankets: ASTM C 665, Type I (blankets without membrane facing) produced by combining thermosetting resins with mineral fibers manufactured from glass, slag wool, or rock wool. 1. D. Use screws complying with ASTM C 954 for fastening panels to steel members from 0.033 to 0.112 inch thick. Fire-Resistance-Rated Assemblies: Comply with mineral-fiber requirements of assembly. Acoustical Sealant: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Acoustical Sealant for Exposed and Concealed Joints: a. b. c. 2. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: a. b. c. 2.5 Pecora Corp.; AC-20 FTR Acoustical and Insulation Sealant. Specified Technologies, Inc.; Smoke N Sound Acoustical Sealant. USG Corporation.; SHEETROCK Acoustical Sealant. Ohio Sealants, Inc.; Pro-Series SC-170 Rubber Base Sound Sealant. Pecora Corp.; BA-98. Tremco, Inc.; Tremco Acoustical Sealant. IDENTIFICATION LABELS FOR FIRE- AND SMOKE-PARTITIONS A. Identification Labels: Vinyl adhesive signs, to comply with applicable local Code. 1. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. 2. Fire Wall Signs, Inc. My Safety Sign. Safety Supply Warehouse. Text: "FIRE AND SMOKE BARRIER - PROTECT ALL OPENINGS" GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine areas and substrates, with Installer present, and including welded hollow-metal frames and framing, for compliance with requirements and other conditions affecting performance. B. Examine panels before installation. Reject panels that are wet, moisture damaged, and mold damaged. C. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Suspended Assemblies: Coordinate installation of suspension systems with installation of overhead structure to ensure that inserts and other provisions for anchorages to building structure have been installed to receive hangers at spacing required to support the Work and that hangers will develop their full strength. 1. B. Coordination with Sprayed Fire-Resistive Materials: 1. 2. 3.3 Furnish concrete inserts and other devices indicated to other trades for installation in advance of time needed for coordination and construction. Before sprayed fire-resistive materials are applied, attach offset anchor plates or ceiling runners (tracks) to surfaces indicated to receive sprayed fire-resistive materials. Where offset anchor plates are required, provide continuous plates fastened to building structure not more than 24 inches o.c. After sprayed fire-resistive materials are applied, remove them only to extent necessary for installation of non-load-bearing steel framing. Do not reduce thickness of fire-resistive materials below that required for fire-resistance ratings indicated. Protect adjacent fireresistive materials from damage. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Installation Standard: ASTM C 754. Also comply with requirements in ASTM C 840 that apply to framing installation. B. Install supplementary framing, and blocking to support fixtures, equipment services, heavy trim, grab bars, toilet accessories, furnishings, or similar construction. C. Install bracing at terminations in assemblies. D. Do not bridge building control and expansion joints with non-load-bearing steel framing members. Frame both sides of joints independently. 3.4 APPLYING AND FINISHING PANELS, GENERAL A. Comply with ASTM C 840. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Install ceiling panels across framing to minimize the number of abutting end joints and to avoid abutting end joints in central area of each ceiling. Stagger abutting end joints of adjacent panels not less than one framing member. C. Install panels with face side out. Butt panels together for a light contact at edges and ends with not more than 1/16 inch of open space between panels. Do not force into place. D. Locate edge and end joints over supports, except in ceiling applications where intermediate supports or gypsum board back blocking is provided behind end joints. Do not place tapered edges against cut edges or ends. Stagger vertical joints on opposite sides of partitions. Do not make joints other than control joints at corners of framed openings. E. Form control and expansion joints with space between edges of adjoining gypsum panels. F. Cover both faces of support framing with gypsum panels in concealed spaces (above ceilings, etc.), except in chases braced internally. 1. 2. 3. Unless concealed application is indicated or required for sound, fire, air, or smoke ratings, coverage may be accomplished with scraps of not less than 8 sq. ft. in area. Fit gypsum panels around ducts, pipes, and conduits. Where partitions intersect structural members projecting below underside of floor/roof slabs and decks, cut gypsum panels to fit profile formed by structural members; allow 1/4- to 3/8-inch- wide joints to install sealant. G. Isolate perimeter of gypsum board applied to non-load-bearing partitions at structural abutments, except floors. Provide 1/4- to 1/2-inch- wide spaces at these locations, and trim edges with edge trim where edges of panels are exposed. Seal joints between edges and abutting structural surfaces with acoustical sealant. H. Attachment to Steel Framing: Attach panels so leading edge or end of each panel is attached to open (unsupported) edges of stud flanges first. 3.5 APPLYING INTERIOR GYPSUM BOARD A. Single-Layer Application: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. On ceilings, apply gypsum panels before wall/partition board application to greatest extent possible and at right angles to framing, unless otherwise indicated. On partitions/walls, apply gypsum panels to minimize end joints. On Z-furring members, apply gypsum panels vertically (parallel to framing) with no end joints. Locate edge joints over furring members. Fastening Methods: Apply gypsum panels to supports with steel drill screws. Multilayer Application: 1. 2. On ceilings, apply gypsum board indicated for base layers before applying base layers on walls/partitions; apply face layers in same sequence. Apply base layers at right angles to framing members and offset face-layer joints 1 framing member, 16 inches minimum, from parallel base-layer joints, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistancerated assembly. On partitions/walls, apply gypsum board indicated for base layers and face layers vertically (parallel to framing) with joints of base layers located over stud or furring GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. 4. C. 3.6 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 member and face-layer joints offset at least one stud or furring member with base-layer joints, unless otherwise indicated or required by fire-resistance-rated assembly. Stagger joints on opposite sides of partitions. On Z-furring members, apply base layer vertically (parallel to framing) and face layer either vertically (parallel to framing) or horizontally (perpendicular to framing) with vertical joints offset at least one furring member. Locate edge joints of base layer over furring members. Fastening Methods: Fasten base layers and face layers separately to supports with screws. Laminating to Substrate: Where gypsum panels are indicated as directly adhered to a substrate (other than studs, joists, furring members, or base layer of gypsum board), comply with gypsum board manufacturer's written recommendations and temporarily brace or fasten gypsum panels until fastening adhesive has set. INSTALLING TRIM ACCESSORIES A. General: For trim with back flanges intended for fasteners, attach to framing with same fasteners used for panels. Otherwise, attach trim according to manufacturer's written instructions. B. Control Joints: Install control joints according to ASTM C 840 and in specific locations approved by Architect for visual effect. C. Interior Trim: Install in the following locations: 1. 2. 3.7 Cornerbead: Use at outside corners, unless otherwise indicated. LC-Bead: Use at exposed panel edges. FINISHING GYPSUM BOARD A. General: Treat gypsum board joints, interior angles, edge trim, control joints, penetrations, fastener heads, surface defects, and elsewhere as required to prepare gypsum board surfaces for decoration. Promptly remove residual joint compound from adjacent surfaces. B. Prefill open joints, rounded or beveled edges, and damaged surface areas. C. Apply joint tape over gypsum board joints, except those with trim having flanges not intended for tape. D. Gypsum Board Finish Levels: Finish panels to levels indicated below: 1. 2. 3. 3.8 Level 1: Ceiling plenum areas and concealed areas not exposed to view. Level 2: Panels that are substrate for tile. Level 4: Panel surfaces that will be exposed to view (typical panels). INSTALLING IDENTIFICATION FOR FIRE- AND SMOKE-PARTITIONS A. Marking and Identification for Fire- and Smoke-Partitions: Permanently install as required by Code. GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 7 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PROTECTION A. Protect installed products from damage from weather, condensation, direct sunlight, construction, and other causes during remainder of the construction period. B. Remove and replace panels that are wet, moisture damaged, or exhibit mold growth. Repair of damaged panels in place is not acceptable. 1. 2. Indications that panels are wet or moisture damaged include, but are not limited to, discoloration, sagging, or irregular shape. Indications that panels are mold damaged include, but are not limited to, fuzzy or splotchy surface contamination and discoloration. END OF SECTION GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES 092110 - 8 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 093000 TILING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Floor and base tile. Thresholds installed as part of tile installations. Elastomeric sealants for expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile surfaces. Surface preparation for tile and accessories. Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS for sealing of joints between dissimilar materials. DEFINITIONS A. Module Size: Actual tile size plus joint width indicated. B. Face Size: Actual tile size, excluding spacer lugs. 1.4 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS A. For tile installed on walkway surfaces, provide products with the following values as determined by the test protocol provided in ANSI A137.1, Section 9.6. 1. 1.5 Dynamic Coefficient of Friction: Not less than 0.42. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: Show locations of each type of tile and tile pattern. Show widths, details, and locations of expansion, contraction, control, and isolation joints in tile substrates and finished tile surfaces. C. Samples for Verification: TILING 093000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. 3. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Assembled samples with grouted joints for each type and composition of tile and for each color and finish required, at least 12 inches square and mounted on rigid panel. Use grout of type and in color or colors approved for completed work. Full-size units of each type of trim and accessory for each color and finish required. Metal edge strips in 6-inch lengths. D. Qualification Data: For Installer. E. Material Test Reports: For each tile-setting and -grouting product. 1.6 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations for Tile: Obtain all tile of same type and color or finish from one source or producer. 1. Obtain tile from same production run and of consistent quality in appearance and physical properties for each contiguous area. B. Source Limitations for Setting and Grouting Materials: Obtain ingredients of a uniform quality for each mortar, adhesive, and grout component from a single manufacturer and each aggregate from one source or producer. C. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver and store packaged materials in original containers with seals unbroken and labels intact until time of use. Comply with requirement in ANSI A137.1 for labeling sealed tile packages. B. Store tile and cementitious materials on elevated platforms, under cover, and in a dry location. C. Store aggregates where grading and other required characteristics can be maintained and contamination avoided. D. Store liquid additives in unopened containers and protected from freezing. 1.8 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install tile until construction in spaces is complete and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated in referenced standards and manufacturer's written instructions. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PRODUCTS, GENERAL A. Tile: Large format slate-look” through body porcelain floor tile by DalTile or American Olean; as selected by the Architect TILING 093000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 ANSI Ceramic Tile Standard: Provide tile that complies with ANSI A137.1, "Specifications for Ceramic Tile," for types, compositions, and other characteristics indicated. 1. 2. 3. Provide tile complying with Standard grade requirements, unless otherwise indicated. For facial dimensions of tile, comply with requirements relating to tile sizes specified in Part 1 "Definitions" Article. Large Format Tiles are defined as more than 12 inches in any nominal dimension. C. ANSI Standards for Tile Installation Materials: Provide materials complying with ANSI standards referenced in "Setting and Grouting Materials" Article. D. Factory Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within ranges selected during Sample submittals, blend tile in factory and package so tile units taken from one package show same range in colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. E. Mounting: For factory-mounted tile, provide back- or edge-mounted tile assemblies as standard with manufacturer, unless otherwise indicated. F. Tile Trim Units: Matching characteristics of adjoining flat tile and coordinated with sizes and coursing of adjoining flat tile where applicable. Provide shapes selected from manufacturer's standard shapes. G. Metal Edge Strips: Angle or L-shape, height to match tile and setting-bed thickness, metallic or combination of metal and PVC or neoprene base, designed specifically for flooring applications; extruded aluminum exposed-edge material, with clear anodized satin finish. 1. Available Manufacturer: Schluter Systems. H. Trowelable Underlayments and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, portland cement-based formulation provided or approved by manufacturer of tile-setting materials for installations indicated. I. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin Set): ANSI A118.4. 1. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, available manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: a. b. c. d. e. 2. 3. J. Bonsal American; an Oldcastle company. Custom Building Products. Laticrete International, Inc. MAPEI Corporation. Summitville Tiles, Inc. Provide prepackaged, dry-mortar mix containing dry, redispersible, vinyl acetate or acrylic additive to which only water must be added at Project site. For wall applications, provide mortar that complies with requirements for nonsagging mortar in addition to the other requirements in ANSI A118.4. Polymer-Modified Tile Grout: ANSI A118.7. TILING 093000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Polymer Type: Acrylic resin or styrene-butadiene rubber in liquid-latex form for addition to prepackaged dry-grout mix. a. b. Unsanded grout mixture for joints 1/8 inch and narrower. Sanded grout mixture for joints 1/8 inch and wider. K. Tile Cleaner: A neutral cleaner capable of removing soil and residue without harming tile and grout surfaces, specifically approved for materials and installations indicated by tile and grout manufacturers. L. Grout Sealer: Manufacturer's standard silicone product for sealing grout joints that does not change color or appearance of grout. 2.2 ELASTOMERIC SEALANTS A. General: Provide manufacturer's standard chemically curing, elastomeric sealants of base polymer and characteristics indicated. Comply with applicable requirements in Section 079200 JOINT SEALANTS. B. Colors: Provide colors of exposed sealants to match colors of grout in tile adjoining sealed joints, unless otherwise indicated. C. One-Part, Mildew-Resistant Silicone Sealant: ASTM C 920; Type S; Grade NS; Class 25; Uses NT, G, A, and, as applicable to nonporous joint substrates indicated, O; formulated with fungicide, intended for sealing interior ceramic tile joints and other nonporous substrates that are subject to in-service exposures of high humidity and extreme temperatures. 1. Available Products: a. b. c. d. e. D. Multipart, Pourable Urethane Sealant for Use T: ASTM C 920; Type M; Grade P; Class 25; Uses T, M, A, and, as applicable to joint substrates indicated, O. 1. Available Products: a. b. c. d. 2.3 Custom Building Products; 100 Silicone Caulk. Dow Corning Corporation; Dow Corning 786. GE Silicones; Sanitary 1700. Pecora Corporation; Pecora 898 Sanitary Silicone Sealant. Tremco, Inc.; Tremsil 600 White. Bostik; Chem-Calk 550. Tremco, Inc.; Vulkem 245. Pecora Corporation; NR-200 Urexpan. Tremco, Inc.; THC-900. MIXING MORTARS AND GROUT A. Mix mortars and grouts to comply with referenced standards and mortar and grout manufacturers' written instructions. B. Add materials, water, and additives in accurate proportions. TILING 093000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Obtain and use type of mixing equipment, mixer speeds, mixing containers, mixing time, and other procedures to produce mortars and grouts of uniform quality with optimum performance characteristics for installations indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions where tile will be installed, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of installed tile. 1. 2. 3. B. 3.2 Verify that substrates for setting tile are firm; dry; clean; free of oil, waxy films, and curing compounds; and within flatness tolerances required by referenced ANSI A108 Series of tile installation standards for installations indicated. Verify that installation of grounds, anchors, recessed frames, electrical and mechanical units of work, and similar items located in or behind tile has been completed before installing tile. Verify that joints and cracks in tile substrates are coordinated with tile joint locations; if not coordinated, adjust joint locations in consultation with Architect. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Remove coatings, including curing compounds and other substances that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, that are incompatible with tile-setting materials. B. Provide concrete substrates for tile floors that comply with flatness tolerances specified in referenced ANSI A108 Series of tile installation standards. 1. 2. C. 3.3 Fill cracks, holes, and depressions with trowelable leveling and patching compound according to tile-setting material manufacturer's written instructions. Use product specifically recommended by tile-setting material manufacturer. Remove protrusions, bumps, and ridges by sanding or grinding. Blending: For tile exhibiting color variations within ranges selected during Sample submittals, verify that tile has been factory blended and packaged so tile units taken from one package show same range of colors as those taken from other packages and match approved Samples. If not factory blended, either return to manufacturer or blend tiles at Project site before installing. INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. ANSI Tile Installation Standards: Comply with parts of ANSI A108 Series "Specifications for Installation of Ceramic Tile" that apply to types of setting and grouting materials and to methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. B. TCA Installation Guidelines: TCA's "Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation." Comply with TCA installation methods indicated in ceramic tile installation schedules. TILING 093000 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. Extend tile work into recesses and under or behind equipment and fixtures to form complete covering without interruptions, unless otherwise indicated. Terminate work neatly at obstructions, edges, and corners without disrupting pattern or joint alignments. D. Accurately form intersections and returns. Perform cutting and drilling of tile without marring visible surfaces. Carefully grind cut edges of tile abutting trim, finish, or built-in items for straight aligned joints. Fit tile closely to electrical outlets, piping, fixtures, and other penetrations so plates, collars, or covers overlap tile. E. Jointing Pattern: Lay tile in grid pattern, unless otherwise indicated. Align joints when adjoining tiles on floor, base, walls, and trim are same size. Lay out tile work and center tile fields in both directions in each space or on each wall area. Adjust to minimize tile cutting. Provide uniform joint widths, unless otherwise indicated. 1. For tile mounted in sheets, make joints between tile sheets same width as joints within tile sheets so joints between sheets are not apparent in finished work. F. Lay out tile wainscots to next full tile beyond dimensions indicated. G. Expansion Joints: Locate expansion joints and other sealant-filled joints, including control, contraction, and isolation joints, where indicated during installation of setting materials, mortar beds, and tile. Do not saw-cut joints after installing tiles. 1. 2. H. Grout tile to comply with requirements of the following tile installation standards: 1. 2. 3.4 Locate joints in tile surfaces directly above joints in concrete substrates. Prepare joints and apply sealants to comply with requirements in Section 079200 - JOINT SEALANTS. For ceramic tile grouts (sand-portland cement; dry-set, commercial portland cement; and latex-portland cement grouts), comply with ANSI A108.10. For chemical-resistant epoxy grouts, comply with ANSI A108.6. FLOOR TILE INSTALLATION A. General: Install tile to comply with requirements in the Floor Tile Installation Schedule, including those referencing TCA installation methods and ANSI A108 Series of tile installation standards. 1. B. 3.5 For installations indicated below, follow procedures in ANSI A108 Series tile installation standards for providing 95 percent mortar coverage. Metal Edge Strips: Install at locations indicated or where exposed edge of tile flooring meets carpet, wood, or other flooring that finishes flush with top of tile. CLEANING AND PROTECTING A. Cleaning: On completion of placement and grouting, clean all ceramic tile surfaces so they are free of foreign matter. 1. 2. Remove grout residue from tile as soon as possible. Clean grout smears and haze from tile according to tile and grout manufacturer's written instructions, but no sooner than 10 days after installation. Use only cleaners TILING 093000 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 recommended by tile and grout manufacturers and only after determining that cleaners are safe to use by testing on samples of tile and other surfaces to be cleaned. Protect metal surfaces and plumbing fixtures from effects of cleaning. Flush surfaces with clean water before and after cleaning. Remove temporary protective coating by method recommended by coating manufacturer that is acceptable to tile and grout manufacturer. Trap and remove coating to prevent it from clogging drains. B. When recommended by tile manufacturer, apply coat of neutral protective cleaner to completed tile walls and floors. Protect installed tile work with kraft paper or other heavy covering during construction period to prevent staining, damage, and wear. C. Prohibit foot and wheel traffic from tiled floors for at least seven days after grouting is completed. After seven days, cover areas subject to construction traffic with heavy cardboard. D. Before final inspection, remove protective coverings and rinse neutral cleaner from tile surfaces. 3.6 TILE INSTALLATION SCHEDULE A. This schedule refers to Tile Installation Methods specified in the TCNA Manual. Refer to Finish Schedule for Tile Product Types. B. Floor Tile and Base Installation Method FT-2: Interior floor installation on concrete; thin-set mortar; TCA F113 and ANSI A108.5. 1. 2. 3. Thin-Set Mortar: Latex-portland cement mortar. Grout: Polymer-modified unsanded grout. Joint Width: 1/16 inch. END OF SECTION TILING 093000 - 7 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 095100 ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 1.3 Acoustical ceiling tiles and panels. Remodeling of existing ceiling systems. Suspension systems, grid systems and ceiling hangers. Acoustical sealant at edge moldings at acoustical ceilings. Section 092110 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES for gypsum board ceilings and soffits. Division 21 - FIRE SUPPRESSION for fire-suppression components located in ceilings. Division 23 - HEATING, VENTILATING AND AIR CONDITIONING for air handling and distribution components located in ceilings. Division 26 - ELECTRICAL for light fixture and alarm system components located in ceilings. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Coordination Drawings: Reflected ceiling plans drawn to scale and coordinating penetrations and ceiling-mounted items. Show the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. C. Ceiling suspension members. Method of attaching hangers to building structure. Furnish layouts for cast-in-place anchors, clips, and other ceiling attachment devices whose installation is specified in other Sections. Ceiling-mounted items including lighting fixtures, diffusers, grilles, speakers, sprinklers, access panels, and special moldings. Minimum Drawing Scale: 1/4 inch = 1 foot. Samples for Verification: For each component indicated and for each exposed finish required, prepared on Samples of size indicated below. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 095100 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Acoustical Panel: Set of 6 inch square Samples of each type, color, pattern, and texture. Exposed Suspension System Members, Moldings, and Trim: Set of 12 inch long Samples of each type, finish, and color. D. Asbestos Certification: Manufacturer's written certification that acoustical ceiling products contain no asbestos (0.0000%). Product labels indicating that it is the user's responsibility to test the products for asbestos are unacceptable and sufficient cause for rejection of the product on site. E. Maintenance Data: For finishes to include in maintenance manuals. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: 1. 2. B. Acoustical Ceiling Panels: Obtain each type through one source from a single manufacturer. Suspension Systems: Obtain each type through one source from a single manufacturer. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: following requirements: 1. Fire-Resistance Characteristics: Where indicated, provide acoustical panel ceilings identical to those of assemblies tested for fire resistance per ASTM E 119 by UL or another testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. a. b. 2. C. 1.5 Fire-Resistance Ratings: Indicated by design designations from UL's "Fire Resistance Directory" or from the listings of another testing and inspecting agency. Identify materials with appropriate markings of applicable testing and inspecting agency. Surface-Burning Characteristics: Provide acoustical panels complying with ASTM E 1264 for Class A materials as determined by testing identical products per ASTM E 84: Mockups: Build mockups to verify selections made under sample Submittals and to demonstrate aesthetic effects and qualities of materials and execution. 1. D. Provide acoustical panel ceilings that comply with the Approved mockups may become part of the completed Work if undisturbed at time of Substantial Completion. Preinstallation Conference: Conduct conference at Project site to comply with requirements in Division 01. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver acoustical panels, suspension system components, and accessories to Project site in original, unopened packages and store them in a fully enclosed, conditioned space where they will be protected against damage from moisture, humidity, temperature extremes, direct sunlight, surface contamination, and other causes. B. Before installing acoustical panels, permit them to reach room temperature and a stabilized moisture content. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 095100 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. 1.6 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Handle acoustical panels carefully to avoid chipping edges or damaging units in any way. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.7 Environmental Limitations: Do not install acoustical panel ceilings until spaces are enclosed and weatherproof, wet work in spaces is complete and dry, work above ceilings is complete, and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. COORDINATION A. Coordinate layout and installation of acoustical panels and suspension system with other construction that penetrates ceilings or is supported by them, including light fixtures, HVAC equipment, fire-suppression system, and partition assemblies. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 ACOUSTICAL PANELS, GENERAL A. Acoustic Tile: General office use and as indicated. 1. Manufacturer and Model Number: a. b. c. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. Panel Size: 24 inches by 24 inches by 3/4 inch. Panel Mounting: Revealed edge. Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC): Not less than 0.70. Ceiling Attenuation Class (CAC): Not less than 35. Color: White. Grid Material: Painted steel. Grid Face Width: 9/16 inch. Wood Fiber Tile: 1. 2. 3. 2.2 USG, Mars ClimaPlus No. 86985. Certainteed Ceilings, Symphony M. 1222F-OVT-1. Armstrong, Ultima No. 1912. Manufacturer: Tectum. Panel Size: 24 inches wide by 96 inches long by 1 inch thick. Panel Mounting: Concealed. METAL SUSPENSION SYSTEMS A. Metal Suspension System Standard: Provide manufacturer's standard direct-hung metal suspension systems of types, structural classifications, and finishes indicated that comply with applicable requirements in ASTM C 635. 1. 2. 3. 4. Manufacturer: USG, Armstrong, CertainTeed Ceilings, or Chicago Metallic. Structural Classification: Intermediate-duty system. End Condition of Cross Runners: Override (stepped) or butt-edge type. Face Design: Flat, flush. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 095100 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 5. 6. 7. B. 2. Anchors in Concrete: Anchors with holes or loops for attaching hangers of type indicated and with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to five times that imposed by ceiling construction, as determined by testing per ASTM E 488 or ASTM E 1512 as applicable, conducted by a qualified testing and inspecting agency; zinc-plated for Class SC1 service. Power-Actuated Fasteners in Concrete: Fastener system of type suitable for application indicated, fabricated from corrosion-resistant materials, with clips or other accessory devices for attaching hangers of type indicated, and with capability to sustain, without failure, a load equal to 10 times that imposed by ceiling construction, as determined by testing per ASTM E 1190, conducted by a qualified testing and inspecting agency. Wire Hangers, Braces, and Ties: Provide wires complying with the following requirements: 1. 2. 2.3 Cap Material: Steel or aluminum cold-rolled sheet. Color: White, prefinished. Grid Face Width: As specified with ACT type. Attachment Devices: Size for five times the design load indicated in ASTM C 635, Table 1, "Direct Hung," unless otherwise indicated. 1. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Zinc-Coated Carbon-Steel Wire: ASTM A 641/A 641M, Class 1 zinc coating, soft temper. Size: Select wire diameter so its stress at three times hanger design load (ASTM C 635, Table 1, "Direct Hung") will be less than yield stress of wire, but provide not less than 0.106 diameter wire. METAL EDGE MOLDINGS AND TRIM A. Roll-Formed Sheet-Metal Edge Moldings and Trim: Type and profile indicated or, if not indicated, manufacturer's standard moldings for edges and penetrations that fit acoustical panel edge details and suspension systems indicated; formed from sheet metal of same material, finish, and color as that used for exposed flanges of suspension system runners. 1. 2. 3. B. Suspension Trim: Subject to compliance with requirements, provide one of the following: 1. 2. 3. 2.4 For lay-in panels with reveal edge details, provide stepped edge molding that forms reveal of same depth and width as that formed between edge of panel and flange at exposed suspension member. For circular penetrations of ceiling, provide edge moldings fabricated to diameter required to fit penetration exactly. For narrow-face suspension systems, provide suspension system and manufacturer's standard edge moldings that match width and configuration of exposed runners. Armstrong World Industries, Inc.; Axiom. CertainTeed Ceilings; Approved equal. USG Interiors, Inc.; Compasso. ACOUSTICAL SEALANT A. Acoustical Sealant for Concealed Joints: Manufacturer's standard nondrying, nonhardening, nonskinning, nonstaining, gunnable, synthetic-rubber sealant, with a VOC content of 250 g/L or less when calculated according to 40 CFR 59, Subpart D (EPA Method 24), recommended for sealing interior concealed joints to reduce airborne sound transmission. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 095100 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, including structural framing to which acoustical panel ceilings attach or abut, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements specified in this and other Sections that affect ceiling installation and anchorage and with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of acoustical panel ceilings. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. 3.3 Measure each ceiling area and establish layout of acoustical panels to balance border widths at opposite edges of each ceiling. Avoid using less-than-half-width panels at borders, and comply with layout shown on reflected ceiling plans. INSTALLATION A. General: Install acoustical panel ceilings to comply with ASTM C 636 per manufacturer's written instructions and CISCA's "Ceiling Systems Handbook." B. Suspend ceiling hangers from building's structural members and as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. C. Install hangers plumb and free from contact with insulation or other objects within ceiling plenum that are not part of supporting structure or of ceiling suspension system. Splay hangers only where required to miss obstructions; offset resulting horizontal forces by bracing, countersplaying, or other equally effective means. Where width of ducts and other construction within ceiling plenum produces hanger spacings that interfere with location of hangers at spacings required to support standard suspension system members, install supplemental suspension members and hangers in form of trapezes or equivalent devices. Size supplemental suspension members and hangers to support ceiling loads within performance limits established by referenced standards and publications. Secure wire hangers to ceiling suspension members and to supports above with a minimum of three tight turns. Connect hangers directly either to structures or to inserts, eye screws, or other devices that are secure and appropriate for substrate and that will not deteriorate or otherwise fail due to age, corrosion, or elevated temperatures. Do not support ceilings directly from permanent metal forms or floor deck. Fasten hangers to cast-in-place hanger inserts, postinstalled mechanical or adhesive anchors, or power-actuated fasteners that extend through forms into concrete. Do not attach hangers to steel deck tabs. Space hangers not more than 48 o.c. along each member supported directly from hangers, unless otherwise indicated; provide hangers not more than 8 inches from ends of each member. Install edge moldings and trim of type indicated at perimeter of acoustical ceiling area and where necessary to conceal edges of acoustical panels. 1. Apply acoustical sealant in a continuous ribbon concealed on back of vertical legs of moldings before they are installed. ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 095100 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. 3. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Screw attach moldings to substrate at intervals not more than 16 inches o.c. and not more than 3 inches from ends, leveling with ceiling suspension system to a tolerance of 1/8 inch in 12 feet. Miter corners accurately and connect securely. Do not use exposed fasteners, including pop rivets, on moldings and trim. D. Install suspension system runners so they are square and securely interlocked with one another. Remove and replace dented, bent, or kinked members. E. Install acoustical panels with undamaged edges and fit accurately into suspension system runners and edge moldings. Scribe and cut panels at borders and penetrations to provide a neat, precise fit. 1. 2. 3.4 Paint cut edges of panel remaining exposed after installation; match color of exposed panel surfaces using coating recommended in writing for this purpose by acoustical panel manufacturer. Install hold-down clips in areas indicated, in areas required by authorities having jurisdiction, and for fire-resistance ratings; space as recommended by panel manufacturer's written instructions, unless otherwise indicated. CLEANING A. Clean exposed surfaces of acoustical panel ceilings, including trim, edge moldings, and suspension system members. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for cleaning and touchup of minor finish damage. Remove and replace ceiling components that cannot be successfully cleaned and repaired to permanently eliminate evidence of damage. END OF SECTION ACOUSTICAL CEILINGS 095100 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 096510 RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. 1.3 Resilient floor covering. Resilient wall base and accessories. Substrate preparation for resilient flooring and accessories. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. B. Shop Drawings: For each type of floor covering. Include floor covering layouts, locations of seams, edges, columns, doorways, enclosing partitions, built-in furniture, cabinets, and cutouts. 1. C. Show details of special patterns. Samples for Verification: Full-size units of each color and pattern of resilient flooring required. 1. 2. Resilient Wall Base and Accessories: Manufacturer's standard-size Samples, but not less than 12 inches long, of each resilient product color and pattern required. For heat-welding bead, manufacturer's standard-size Samples, but not less than 9 inches long, of each color required. D. Seam Samples for Sheet Flooring: For seamless-installation technique indicated and for each floor covering product, color, and pattern required; with seam running lengthwise and in center of 6-by-9-inch. Sample applied to a rigid backing and prepared by Installer for this Project. E. Maintenance Data: For resilient products to include in maintenance manuals. 1.4 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fire-Test-Response Characteristics: Provide products identical to those tested for fire-exposure behavior per test method indicated by a testing and inspecting agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES 096510 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.6 Store resilient products and installation materials in dry spaces protected from the weather, with ambient temperatures maintained within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 50 deg F or more than 90 deg F. Store tiles on flat surfaces. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Maintain temperatures within range recommended by manufacturer, but not less than 70 deg F or more than 95 deg F in spaces to receive floor tile during the following time periods: 1. 2. 3. 48 hours before installation. During installation. 48 hours after installation. B. After postinstallation period, maintain temperatures within manufacturer, but not less than 55 deg F or more than 95 deg F. range recommended by C. Close spaces to traffic during floor covering installation. D. Close spaces to traffic for 48 hours after floor covering installation. E. Install resilient products after other finishing operations, including painting, have been completed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 RESILIENT FLOOR COVERING A. 2.2 Type: Refer to the Finish Scheduleon the Drawings. RESILIENT WALL BASE A. Wall Base: ASTM F 1861. 1. 2. 3. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Johnsonite, a division of Tarkett. Nora Systems, Inc. B. Style and Colors: As indicated on the Finish Legend. C. Type (Material Requirement): TS (rubber, vulcanized thermoset) or TP (rubber, thermoplastic). D. Shape: Straight (toeless) at carpet and coved at resilient flooring. E. Minimum Thickness: 0.125 inch. F. Height: 4 inches. G. Lengths: Cut lengths 48 inches long or coils in manufacturer's standard length. RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES 096510 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA H. Outside Corners: Premolded. I. Inside Corners: Premolded. J. Surface: Smooth. 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 RESILIENT MOLDING ACCESSORY A. Types Include the Following as Applicable: Cap for cove carpet, cap for cove resilient sheet floor covering, carpet edge for glue-down applications, nosing for carpet, nosing for resilient floor covering, reducer strip for resilient floor covering, joiner for tile and carpet. 1. 2. 3. Armstrong World Industries, Inc. Johnsonite, a division of Tarkett. Nora Systems, Inc. B. Material: Rubber. C. Profile and Dimensions: As indicated. 2.4 INSTALLATION MATERIALS A. Trowelable Leveling and Patching Compounds: Latex-modified, Portland cement based or blended hydraulic cement based formulation provided or approved by resilient product manufacturer for applications indicated. B. Adhesives: Water-resistant type recommended by manufacturer to suit resilient products and substrate conditions indicated. C. Metal Edge Strips: Extruded aluminum with mill finish of width shown, of height required to protect exposed edges of tiles, and in maximum available lengths to minimize running joints. D. Floor Polish: Provide protective liquid floor polish products as recommended by manufacturer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, moisture content, and other conditions affecting performance. 1. 2. 3.2 Verify that finishes of substrates comply with tolerances and other requirements specified in other Sections and that substrates are free of cracks, ridges, depressions, scale, and foreign deposits that might interfere with adhesion of resilient products. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. Prepare substrates according to manufacturer's written recommendations to ensure adhesion of resilient products. RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES 096510 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Concrete Substrates: Prepare according to ASTM F 710. 1. 2. 3. Verify that substrates are dry and free of curing compounds, sealers, and hardeners. Alkalinity and Adhesion Testing: Perform tests recommended by flooring manufacturer. Proceed with installation only after substrate alkalinity falls within a range on pH scale not less than 5 or more than 9 pH, or as otherwise required in writing by manufacturer of flooring. Moisture Vapor Emission Testing: a. 4. Relative Humidity Testing: a. 5. Perform anhydrous calcium chloride test, ASTM F 1869. Proceed with installation only after substrates have maximum moisture-vapor-emission rate of 3 lb of water/1000 sq. ft. in 24 hours, or as otherwise required in writing by manufacturer of flooring. Perform relative humidity test, ASTM F 2170. Proceed with installation only after substrates have a maximum relative humidity level of 75 percent, or as otherwise required in writing by manufacturer of flooring. Perform tests indicated above and as recommended by flooring manufacturer. Proceed with installation only after substrates pass testing. C. Remove substrate coatings and other substances that are incompatible with adhesives and that contain soap, wax, oil, or silicone, using mechanical methods recommended by manufacturer. Do not use solvents. D. Use trowelable leveling and patching compound to fill cracks, holes, and depressions in substrates. E. Move resilient products and installation materials into spaces where they will be installed at least 48 hours in advance of installation. 1. F. 3.3 Do not install resilient products until they are same temperature as space where they are to be installed. Sweep and vacuum clean substrates to be covered by resilient products immediately before installation. After cleaning, examine substrates for moisture, alkaline salts, carbonation, and dust. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. SHEET INSTALLATION A. Comply with manufacturer's written instructions for installing floor coverings. B. Unroll floor coverings and allow them to stabilize before cutting and fitting. C. Lay out floor coverings as follows: 1. 2. 3. Maintain uniformity of floor covering direction. Minimize number of seams; place seams in inconspicuous and low-traffic areas, at least 6 inches away from parallel joints in floor covering substrates. Match edges of floor coverings for color shading at seams. RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES 096510 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Avoid cross seams. D. Scribe and cut floor coverings to butt neatly and tightly to vertical surfaces, permanent fixtures, and built-in furniture including cabinets, pipes, outlets, and door frames. E. Extend floor coverings into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, and similar openings. F. Maintain reference markers, holes, or openings that are in place or marked for future cutting by repeating on floor coverings as marked on substrates. Use chalk or other nonpermanent marking device. G. Install floor coverings on covers for telephone and electrical ducts and similar items in installation areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattern between pieces of floor coverings installed on covers and adjoining floor covering. Tightly adhere floor covering edges to substrates that abut covers and to cover perimeters. H. Adhere floor coverings to substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied to substrate to produce a completed installation without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, and other surface imperfections. 3.4 TILE INSTALLATION A. Lay out tiles from center marks established with principal walls, discounting minor offsets, so tiles at opposite edges of room are of equal width. Adjust as necessary to avoid using cut widths that equal less than one-half tile at perimeter. 1. Lay tiles in pattern indicated. B. Match tiles for color and pattern by selecting tiles from cartons in the same sequence as manufactured and packaged, if so numbered. Discard broken, cracked, chipped, or deformed tiles. C. Scribe, cut, and fit tiles to butt neatly and tightly to vertical surfaces and permanent fixtures including built-in furniture, cabinets, pipes, outlets, edgings, doorframes, thresholds, and nosings. D. Extend tiles into toe spaces, door reveals, closets, and similar openings. E. Maintain reference markers, holes, and openings that are in place or marked for future cutting by repeating on floor tiles as marked on substrates. Use chalk or other nonpermanent, nonstaining marking device. F. Install tiles on covers for telephone and electrical ducts and similar items in finished floor areas. Maintain overall continuity of color and pattern with pieces of tile installed on covers. Tightly adhere tile edges to substrates that abut covers and to cover perimeters. G. Adhere tiles to flooring substrates using a full spread of adhesive applied to substrate to produce a completed installation without open cracks, voids, raising and puckering at joints, telegraphing of adhesive spreader marks, and other surface imperfections. RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES 096510 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 RESILIENT WALL BASE INSTALLATION A. Apply wall base to walls, columns, pilasters, casework and cabinets in toe spaces, and other permanent fixtures in rooms and areas where base is required. B. Install wall base in lengths as long as practicable without gaps at seams and with tops of adjacent pieces aligned. C. Tightly adhere wall base to substrate throughout length of each piece, with base in continuous contact with horizontal and vertical substrates. D. Do not stretch wall base during installation. E. On masonry surfaces or other similar irregular substrates, fill voids along top edge of wall base with manufacturer's recommended adhesive filler material. F. Premolded Corners: Install premolded corners before installing straight pieces. 3.6 RESILIENT ACCESSORY INSTALLATION A. 3.7 Resilient Molding Accessories: Butt to adjacent materials and tightly adhere to substrates throughout length of each piece. Install reducer strips at edges of floor coverings that would otherwise be exposed. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Perform the following operations immediately after completing resilient product installation: 1. 2. 3. Remove adhesive and other blemishes from exposed surfaces. Sweep and vacuum surfaces thoroughly. Damp-mop surfaces to remove marks and soil. a. B. Do not wash surfaces until after time period recommended by manufacturer. Protect resilient products from mars, marks, indentations, and other damage from construction operations and placement of equipment and fixtures during remainder of construction period. Use protection methods recommended in writing by manufacturer. 1. Apply protective floor polish to horizontal surfaces that are free from soil, visible adhesive, and surface blemishes if recommended in writing by manufacturer. a. 2. 3. Coordinate selection of floor polish with the Ownerʼs maintenance service. Cover products installed on horizontal surfaces with undyed, untreated building paper until Substantial Completion. Do not move heavy and sharp objects directly over surfaces. Place hardboard or plywood panels over flooring and under objects while they are being moved. Slide or roll objects over panels without moving panels. END OF SECTION RESILIENT FLOORING AND ACCESSORIES 096510 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 099000 PAINTING AND COATING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the following work only: 1. B. Work Not Included in Contract: 1. C. All other work of this section. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 Finishing of clear finished Douglas Fir doors (2) and Douglas Fir trim at wall between Corridor and CoA Program Space. Section 055000 - METAL FABRICATIONS for shop priming ferrous metal. Section 064020 - INTERIOR ARCHITECTURAL WOODWORK for shop priming interior architectural woodwork. Section 081110 - HOLLOW METAL DOORS AND FRAMES for factory priming steel doors and frames. Section 081400 - FLUSH WOOD DOORS for factory priming. Section 092110 - GYPSUM BOARD ASSEMBLIES for surface preparation of gypsum board. DEFINITIONS AND EXTENT A. General: Standard coating terms defined in ASTM D 16 apply to this Section. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Flat refers to a lusterless or matte finish with a gloss range below 15 when measured at an 85-degree meter. Eggshell refers to low-sheen finish with a gloss range between 20 and 35 when measured at a 60-degree meter. Semigloss refers to medium-sheen finish with a gloss range between 35 and 70 when measured at a 60-degree meter. Full gloss refers to high-sheen finish with a gloss range more than 70 when measured at a 60-degree meter. This Section includes surface preparation and field painting of exposed exterior and interior items and surfaces. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. C. Surface preparation, priming, and finish coats specified in this Section are in addition to shop priming and surface treatment specified in other Sections. Paint exposed surfaces, except where these Specifications indicate that the surface or material is not to be painted or is to remain natural. If an item or a surface is not specifically mentioned, paint the item or surface the same as similar adjacent materials or surfaces. If a color of finish is not indicated, Architect will select from standard colors and finishes available. 1. D. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Painting includes field painting of exposed bare and covered pipes and ducts (including color coding), hangers, exposed steel and iron supports, and surfaces of mechanical and electrical equipment that do not have a factory-applied final finish. Do NOT paint prefinished items, concealed surfaces, finished metal surfaces, operating parts, and labels. 1. Prefinished items include the following factory-finished components: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. 2. Concealed surfaces include walls or ceilings in the following generally inaccessible spaces: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 3. Foundation spaces. Furred areas. Ceiling plenums. Utility tunnels. Pipe spaces. Duct shafts. Elevator shafts. Finished metal surfaces include the following: a. b. c. d. e. 4. Architectural woodwork. Acoustical wall panels. Toilet enclosures. Metal lockers. Kitchen appliances. Elevator entrance doors and frames. Elevator equipment. Finished mechanical and electrical equipment. Light fixtures. Anodized aluminum. Stainless steel. Chromium plate. Copper and copper alloys. Bronze and brass. Operating parts include moving parts of operating equipment and the following: a. b. c. d. Valve and damper operators. Linkages. Sensing devices. Motor and fan shafts. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 5. 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Labels: Do not paint over UL, FMG, or other code-required labels or equipment name, identification, performance rating, or nomenclature plates. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each paint system indicated. Include block fillers and primers. 1. 2. B. Samples for Verification: For each color and material to be applied, with texture to simulate actual conditions, on representative Samples of the actual substrate. 1. 2. 3. C. 1.5 Material List: An inclusive list of required coating materials. Indicate each material and cross-reference specific coating, finish system, and application. Identify each material by manufacturer's catalog number and general classification. Manufacturer's Information: Manufacturer's technical information, including label analysis and instructions for handling, storing, and applying each coating material. Provide stepped Samples, defining each separate coat, including block fillers and primers. Use representative colors when preparing Samples for review. Resubmit until required sheen, color, and texture are achieved. Provide a list of materials and applications for each coat of each Sample. Label each Sample for location and application. Submit two eight inch by 12 inch Samples for each type of finish coating for Architect's review of color and texture only. Qualification Data: For Applicator. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: A firm or individual experienced in applying paints and coatings similar in material, design, and extent to those indicated for this Project, whose work has resulted in applications with a record of successful in-service performance. B. Source Limitations: Obtain block fillers and primers for each coating system from the same manufacturer as the finish coats. C. Mockups: Provide a full-coat benchmark finish sample for each type of coating and substrate required. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P5. Duplicate finish of approved sample Submittals. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Deliver materials to Project site in manufacturer's original, unopened packages and containers bearing manufacturer's name and label and the following information: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Product name or title of material. Product description (generic classification or binder type). Manufacturer's stock number and date of manufacture. Contents by volume, for pigment and vehicle constituents. Thinning instructions. Application instructions. Color name and number. VOC content. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Store materials not in use in tightly covered containers in a well-ventilated area at a minimum ambient temperature of 45 deg F. Maintain storage containers in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. 1. 1.7 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Protect from freezing. Keep storage area neat and orderly. Remove oily rags and waste daily. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Apply waterborne paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 50 and 90 deg F. B. Apply solvent-thinned paints only when temperatures of surfaces to be painted and surrounding air are between 45 and 95 deg F. C. Do not apply paint in snow, rain, fog, or mist; or when relative humidity exceeds 85 percent; or at temperatures less than 5 deg F above the dew point; or to damp or wet surfaces. 1. 1.8 Painting may continue during inclement weather if surfaces and areas to be painted are enclosed and heated within temperature limits specified by manufacturer during application and drying periods. EXTRA MATERIALS A. Furnish extra materials that match and are from same production runs as products installed and that are packaged with protective covering for storage and identified with labels describing contents. 1. Paint: Furnish four unopened gallons of each type of paint and coating work, in color and gloss as used for the Project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. 2.2 Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work are listed in the Finish Schedule at the end of this Section. PAINT MATERIALS, GENERAL A. Material Compatibility: Provide block fillers, primers, and finish-coat materials that are compatible with one another and with the substrates indicated under conditions of service and application, as demonstrated by manufacturer based on testing and field experience. B. Material Quality: Provide manufacturer's best-quality paint material of the various coating types specified that are factory formulated and recommended by manufacturer for application indicated. Paint-material containers not displaying manufacturer's product identification will not be acceptable. 1. Proprietary Names: Use of manufacturer's proprietary product names to designate colors or materials is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the exclusion of equivalent products of other manufacturers. Furnish manufacturer's material data and certificates of performance for proposed substitutions. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Colors: Refer to Finish Schedule. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Applicator present, for compliance with requirements for paint application. 1. 2. B. Coordination of Work: Review other Sections in which primers are provided to ensure compatibility of the total system for various substrates. On request, furnish information on characteristics of finish materials to ensure use of compatible primers. 1. 3.2 Proceed with paint application only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected and surfaces receiving paint are thoroughly dry. Start of painting will be construed as Applicator's acceptance of surfaces and conditions within a particular area. Notify Architect about anticipated problems when using the materials specified over substrates primed by others. PREPARATION A. General: Remove hardware and hardware accessories, plates, machined surfaces, lighting fixtures, and similar items already installed that are not to be painted. If removal is impractical or impossible because of size or weight of the item, provide surface-applied protection before surface preparation and painting. 1. B. Cleaning: Before applying paint or other surface treatments, clean substrates of substances that could impair bond of the various coatings. Remove oil and grease before cleaning. 1. C. After completing painting operations in each space or area, reinstall items removed using workers skilled in the trades involved. Schedule cleaning and painting so dust and other contaminants from the cleaning process will not fall on wet, newly painted surfaces. Surface Preparation: Clean and prepare surfaces to be painted according to manufacturer's written instructions and technical bulletins for each particular substrate condition and as specified. 1. 2. Provide barrier coats over incompatible primers or remove and reprime. Cementitious Materials: Prepare concrete, concrete unit masonry, cement plaster, and mineral-fiber-reinforced cement panel surfaces to be painted. Remove efflorescence, chalk, dust, dirt, grease, oils, and release agents. Roughen as required to remove glaze. If hardeners or sealers have been used to improve curing, use mechanical methods of surface preparation. a. b. Use abrasive blast-cleaning methods if recommended by paint manufacturer. Determine alkalinity and moisture content of surfaces by performing appropriate tests. If surfaces are sufficiently alkaline to cause the finish paint to blister and burn, correct this condition before application. Do not paint surfaces if moisture content exceeds that permitted in manufacturer's written instructions. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 5 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA c. 3. b. c. d. e. b. c. D. Exterior Exposed Steel: Clean steel surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning. Abrasive blast cleaned surfaces shall exhibit a uniform, angular profile of 1.5-3.0 mils. Prime cleaned surfaces within 8 hours and prior to surface rusting. Interior Exposed Steel, in Humid Environments: Clean steel surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning. Abrasive blast cleaned surfaces shall exhibit a uniform, angular profile of 1.5-3.0 mils. Prime cleaned surfaces within 8 hours and prior to surface rusting. Interior Exposed Steel, in Dry Environments: Clean steel surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP2 or SP3 Hand or Power Tool Cleaning. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean galvanized surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP16 Brush off Blast Cleaning of Galvanized Steel and NonFerrous Metals, to achieve a minimum 1 mil anchor profile. Material Preparation: instructions. 1. 2. 3. E. Scrape and clean small, dry, seasoned knots, and apply a thin coat of white shellac or other recommended knot sealer before applying primer. After priming, fill holes and imperfections in finish surfaces with putty or plastic wood filler. Sand smooth when dried. Prime, stain, or seal wood to be painted immediately on delivery. Prime edges, ends, faces, undersides, and back sides of wood, including cabinets, counters, cases, and paneling. If transparent finish is required, backprime with spar varnish. Backprime paneling on interior partitions where masonry, plaster, or other wet wall construction occurs on back side. Seal tops, bottoms, and cutouts of unprimed wood doors with a heavy coat of varnish or sealer immediately on delivery. Ferrous Metals: Clean ungalvanized ferrous-metal surfaces that have not been shop coated; remove oil, grease, dirt, loose mill scale, and other foreign substances. Use solvent or mechanical cleaning methods that comply with SSPC's recommendations. a. 5. Clean concrete floors to be painted with a 5 percent solution of muriatic acid or other etching cleaner. Flush the floor with clean water to remove acid, neutralize with ammonia, rinse, allow to dry, and vacuum before painting. Wood: Clean surfaces of dirt, oil, and other foreign substances with scrapers, mineral spirits, and sandpaper, as required. Sand surfaces exposed to view smooth and dust off. a. 4. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Mix and prepare paint materials according to manufacturer's written Maintain containers used in mixing and applying paint in a clean condition, free of foreign materials and residue. Stir material before application to produce a mixture of uniform density. Stir as required during application. Do not stir surface film into material. If necessary, remove surface film and strain material before using. Use only thinners approved by paint manufacturer and only within recommended limits. Tinting: Tint each undercoat a lighter shade to simplify identification of each coat when multiple coats of same material are applied. Tint undercoats to match the color of the finish coat, but provide sufficient differences in shade of undercoats to distinguish each separate coat. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 6 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 APPLICATION A. General: Apply paint according to manufacturer's written instructions. Use applicators and techniques best suited for substrate and type of material being applied. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. B. Scheduling Painting: Apply first coat to surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated, or otherwise prepared for painting as soon as practicable after preparation and before subsequent surface deterioration. 1. 2. 3. 4. C. The number of coats and film thickness required are the same regardless of application method. Do not apply succeeding coats until previous coat has cured as recommended by manufacturer. If sanding is required to produce a smooth, even surface according to manufacturer's written instructions, sand between applications. Omit primer over metal surfaces that have been shop primed and touchup painted. If undercoats, stains, or other conditions show through final coat of paint, apply additional coats until paint film is of uniform finish, color, and appearance. Give special attention to ensure that edges, corners, crevices, welds, and exposed fasteners receive a dry film thickness equivalent to that of flat surfaces. Allow sufficient time between successive coats to permit proper drying. Do not recoat surfaces until paint has dried to where it feels firm, and does not deform or feel sticky under moderate thumb pressure, and until application of another coat of paint does not cause undercoat to lift or lose adhesion. Application Procedures: Apply paints and coatings by brush, roller, spray, or other applicators according to manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. 3. D. Paint colors, surface treatments, and finishes are indicated in the paint schedules. Do not paint over dirt, rust, scale, grease, moisture, scuffed surfaces, or conditions detrimental to formation of a durable paint film. Provide finish coats that are compatible with primers used. The term "exposed surfaces" includes areas visible when permanent or built-in fixtures, grilles, convector covers, covers for finned-tube radiation, and similar components are in place. Extend coatings in these areas, as required, to maintain system integrity and provide desired protection. Paint surfaces behind movable equipment and furniture the same as similar exposed surfaces. Before final installation of equipment, paint surfaces behind permanently fixed equipment or furniture with prime coat only. Paint interior surfaces of ducts with a flat, nonspecular black paint where visible through registers or grilles. Paint backsides of access panels and removable or hinged covers to match exposed surfaces. Finish exterior doors and doors in wet areas on tops, bottoms, and side edges the same as exterior faces. Sand lightly between each succeeding enamel or varnish coat. Brushes: Use brushes best suited for type of material applied. Use brush of appropriate size for surface or item being painted. Rollers: Use rollers of carpet, velvet-back, or high-pile sheep's wool as recommended by manufacturer for material and texture required. Spray Equipment: Use airless spray equipment with orifice size as recommended by manufacturer for material and texture required. Minimum Coating Thickness: Apply paint materials no thinner than manufacturer's recommended spreading rate to achieve dry film thickness indicated. Provide total dry film thickness of the entire system as recommended by manufacturer. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 7 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 E. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Painting of mechanical and electrical work is limited to items exposed in equipment rooms and occupied spaces. F. Mechanical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. G. Uninsulated metal piping. Uninsulated plastic piping. Pipe hangers and supports. Tanks that do not have factory-applied final finishes. Visible portions of internal surfaces of metal ducts, without liner, behind air inlets and outlets. Duct, equipment, and pipe insulation having "all-service jacket" or other paintable jacket material. Mechanical equipment that is indicated to have a factory-primed finish for field painting. Electrical items to be painted include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. Switchgear. Panelboards. Electrical equipment that is indicated to have a factory-primed finish for field painting. H. Block Fillers: Apply block fillers to concrete masonry block at a rate to ensure complete coverage with pores filled. I. Prime Coats: Before applying finish coats, apply a prime coat, as recommended by manufacturer, to material that is required to be painted or finished and that has not been prime coated by others. Recoat primed and sealed surfaces where evidence of suction spots or unsealed areas in first coat appears, to ensure a finish coat with no burn-through or other defects due to insufficient sealing. J. Pigmented (Opaque) Finishes: Completely cover surfaces as necessary to provide a smooth, opaque surface of uniform finish, color, appearance, and coverage. Cloudiness, spotting, holidays, laps, brush marks, runs, sags, ropiness, or other surface imperfections will not be acceptable. K. Transparent (Clear) Finishes: Use multiple coats to produce a glass-smooth surface film of even luster. Provide a finish free of laps, runs, cloudiness, color irregularity, brush marks, orange peel, nail holes, or other surface imperfections. 1. L. 3.4 Provide satin finish for final coats. Completed Work: Match approved samples for color, texture, and coverage. Remove, refinish, or repaint work not complying with requirements. FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. The Owner reserves the right to invoke the following test procedure at any time and as often as the Owner deems necessary during the period when paint is being applied: 1. 2. The Owner will engage a qualified independent testing agency to sample paint material being used. Samples of material delivered to Project will be taken, identified, sealed, and certified in the presence of Contractor. Testing agency will perform appropriate tests for the following characteristics as required by the Architect. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 8 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. 3.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 The Architect may direct Contractor to stop painting if test results show material being used does not comply with specified requirements. Contractor shall remove noncomplying paint from Project site, pay for testing, and repaint surfaces previously coated with the noncomplying paint. If necessary, Contractor may be required to remove noncomplying paint from previously painted surfaces if, on repainting with specified paint, the two coatings are incompatible. CLEANING A. Cleanup: At the end of each workday, remove empty cans, rags, rubbish, and other discarded paint materials from Project site. 1. 3.6 After completing painting, clean glass and paint-spattered surfaces. Remove spattered paint by washing and scraping without scratching or damaging adjacent finished surfaces. PROTECTION A. Protect work of other trades, whether being painted or not, against damage from painting. Correct damage by cleaning, repairing or replacing, and repainting, as approved by Architect. B. Provide "Wet Paint" signs to protect newly painted finishes. After completing painting operations, remove temporary protective wrappings provided by others to protect their work. 1. 3.7 After work of other trades is complete, touch up and restore damaged or defaced painted surfaces. Comply with procedures specified in PDCA P1. PAINT SCHEDULE A. Schedule: Provide products and number of coats specified. Use of manufacturer's proprietary product names to designate colors, materials, generic class, standard of quality and performance criteria and is not intended to imply that products named are required to be used to the exclusion of equivalent performing products of other manufacturers. B. Exterior Paint Schedule: 1. Exterior Previously Painted Concrete, Previous Painted Masonry, and Plaster Painted Finish: a. One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) b. Tnemec 151 Elast-Grip at 2.0 to 3.0 mils DFT. Liquid Plastics Water Borne Penetrating Primer at 3.0 mils DFT. Dupont Corlar 2.1 PRP at 1.0 to 2.0 mils DFT. RD Coatings Multiprim at 1.5 to 2.0 mils DFT. And Two Coats: 1) 2) 3) 4) Tnemec 156 Enviro-Crete at 8 to 10 mils DFT. Liquid Plastics Decadex at 10.0 to 12.0 mils DFT. Dupont Tufcryl at 8.0 to 10.0 mils DFT. RD Coatings Elasto-Flex at 6.0 to 8.0 mils DFT. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 9 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. Exterior Galvanized Metal (not shop-finished under Section 055000 - METAL FABRICATIONS), Alliphatic Acrylic Polyurethane System: a. b. Surface Preparation: SSPC-SP16 Brush-off Blast of Galvanized Steel. One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) c. Tnemec 73 Endura-Shield at 3.0 mils DFT. PPG PMC Amercoat 450H Polyurethane at 3.0 mils DFT. Dupont Imron 2.8 Urethane at 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. International Interthane 990 HS at 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. Exterior Existing Prepainted Painted Steel, for Overcoat Painted Finish: Includes existing lintels. a. b. Surface Preparation: Water Blast 5000 psi and SSPC-SP3 Power Tool Clean. One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) c. d. Tnemec 394 Omnithane at 3.0 to 3.5 mils DFT. PPG PMC Amerlock 400 Hi-Build Epoxy at 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. RD Coatings Elasto Metal at 3.0 mils DFT. International Interplus 356 at 3.0 to 5.0 mils DFT. And One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) Tnemec 66HS Hi-Build Epoxoline at 3.0 to 5.0 mils DFT. PPG PMC Amerlock 400 at 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. RD Coatings Elasto Metal at 7.0 mils DFT. International Intergard 475 HS at 5.0 to 10.0 mils DFT. And One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) C. Tnemec 66HS Hi-Build Epoxoline at 3.0 mils DFT. PPG PMC Amerlock 400 Hi-Build Epoxy at 4.0-5.0 mils DFT. Dupont 25P High Solids at 4.0 mils DFT. International Intergard 475 HS at 5.0 to 10.0 mils DFT. And One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) 3. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Tnemec 73 Endura-Shield at 3.0 to 5.0 mils DFT. PPG PMC Amercoat 450H at 3.0 mils DFT. RD Coatings MurCryl at 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. International Interthane 990 HS at 3.0 to 4.0 mils DFT. Interior Paint Schedule: 1. Interior Gypsum Wallboard and Plaster, Latex Paint Finish: a. One Coat, Primer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Primer 372. Duron Genesis Latex Primer. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Wall Primer. PPG Pure Performance Latex Primer. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Primer 646. PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 10 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA b. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 And Two Coats, Flat Finish: At ceilings, and elsewhere as indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Flat 373. Duron Genesis Latex Flat. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Flat. PPG Pure Performance Latex Eggshell. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Flat 633. or c. And Two Coats, Eggshell Finish: At walls, and elsewhere as indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Eggshell 374. Duron Genesis Latex Eggshell. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Eggshell. PPG Pure Performance Latex Eggshell. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Eggshell 631. or d. And Two Coats, Semi-Gloss Finish: At toilet rooms, other wet areas, and elsewhere as indicated. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2. Interior Architectural Woodwork, Finish Carpentry, and Wood Doors (softwoods, paint grade hardwoods, MDF, MDO, and hardwood veneers), Latex Paint Finish: a. One Coat, Primer: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) b. Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Primer 372. Duron Genesis Latex Primer. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Primer. PPG Pure Performance Latex Primer. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Primer 646. And Two Coats, Semi-Gloss: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3. Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Semi-Gloss 376. Duron Genesis Latex Semi-Gloss. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Semi-Gloss. PPG Pure Performance Latex Semi-Gloss. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Semi-Gloss 663. Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Semi-Gloss 376. Duron Genesis Latex Semi-Gloss. S-W ProMar 200 Zero VOC Latex Semi-Gloss. PPG Pure Performance Latex Semi-Gloss. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Semi Gloss 663. Interior Architectural Woodwork, Finish Carpentry and Millwork (hardwoods and hardwood veneers, except paint grade and factory-finished items), Transparent Polyurethane Finish: a. b. c. Sand: 120 grit sandpaper. Sand: 220 grit sandpaper. One Coat, Stain: PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 11 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) d. 4. Sand Between Urethane Coats: 220 grit sandpaper. One Coat: 1) 2) 3) b. PPG Pure Performance Latex Semi-Gloss. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Semi-Gloss. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Semi-Gloss 663. Interior Metals (Not specified to receive other coating systems/not shop finished), Latex Painted Finish: a. b. One Coat: Approved primer, in shop under other Sections (where specified). If not shop primed, provide primer recommended by finish coating manufacturer. And Two Coats: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Moore Eco Spec WB Interior Latex Semi-Gloss 376. Duron Genesis Latex Semi-Gloss. S-W ProMar 200 Zero-VOC Latex Semi-Gloss. PPG Pure Performance Latex Semi-Gloss. California Paint Envirotech Zero VOC Semi-Gloss 663. Concrete Floor, Clear Exposed Sealer: a. One Coat: 1) 2) 3) 4) 7. PPG Speedhide Int/Ext Latex Block Filler 6-15 or 6-16. S-W Loxon Block Surfacer. California Paint Pro Block Filler 515-00. And Two Coats: 1) 2) 3) 6. Bona Kemi USA, Bona Tech Mega Waterbase Polyurethane. Target Coatings, Oxford Hybrid Satin Varnish. American Formulating & Manufacturing, Polyureseal BP. S-W Minwax Water Based Polyurethane. GP Woodpride WB Satin Polyurethane 1802. Interior Concrete Masonry Units in Dry Areas, Latex Paint Finish: a. 5. Carver Tripp Waterbase Stain. Knute’s Restoration EF Waterbase Stain. American Formulating & Manufacturing, SafeCoat Durostain. S-W Minwax Water Based Stain. GP Woodpride Stain 1700V. And Two Coats, Satin Finish: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) e. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Curecrete Chemical; Ashford Formula. Chem Probe; CT Denisifyer. WR Meadows; Liqui-Hard. L&M; Sealhard. Mechanical and Electrical Work: Paint all exposed items throughout the project except factory finished items with factory-applied baked enamel finishes which occur in PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 12 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 mechanical rooms or areas, and excepting chrome or nickel plating, stainless steel, and aluminum other than mill finished. Paint all exposed ductwork and inner portion of all ductwork. Same as specified for other interior metals, hereinabove. END OF SECTION PAINTING AND COATING 099000 - 13 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 101400 SIGNAGE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Code-required interior panel signage, including but not limited to, accessibility signage, toilet room signage and mechanical and electrical room signage. For bidding purposes, assume 8 signs 8” by 10” and 12 signs 6” by 8”. Locations as determined by Architect. Division 26 - ELECTRICAL for illuminated exit signs. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each type of sign. B. Shop Drawings: Include plans, elevations, and large-scale sections of typical members and other components. Show mounting methods, grounds, mounting heights, layout, spacing, reinforcement, accessories, and installation details. 1. C. Samples for Verification: For each type of sign, include the following Samples to verify color selected: 1. 2. D. Provide message list for each sign, including large-scale details of wording, lettering, artwork, and braille layout. Panel Signs: Full-size Samples of each type of sign required. Approved samples will not be returned for installation into Project. Maintenance Data: For signage cleaning and maintenance requirements to include in maintenance manuals. SIGNAGE 101400 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain each sign type through one source from a single manufacturer. B. Regulatory Requirements: Comply with the Massachusetts Architectural Access Board, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and with code provisions as adopted by authorities having jurisdiction. 1.5 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. 1.6 Field Measurements: Where sizes of signs are determined by dimensions of surfaces on which they are installed, verify dimensions by field measurement before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. COORDINATION A. For signs supported by or anchored to permanent construction, advise installers of anchorage devices about specific requirements for placement of anchorage devices and similar items to be used for attaching signs. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PANEL SIGNS A. General: Provide signs that comply with requirements indicated for materials, thicknesses, finishes, colors, designs, shapes, sizes, and details of construction as indicated. Produce smooth panel sign surfaces constructed to remain flat under installed conditions within tolerance of plus or minus 1/16 inch measured diagonally. Provide the following: 1. Code-Required Signs for Certificate of Occupancy: a. 2. Interior Signs Based on Ownerʼs Requirements: a. B. Type: Photopolymer on acrylic or printed acrylic / aluminum as applicable. Size and color as selected by Architect. Tactile and Braille Copy: Manufacturer's standard process for producing copy complying with ADA Accessibility Guidelines and ICC/ANSI A117.1. Text shall be accompanied by Grade 2 braille. Produce precisely formed characters with square cut edges free from burrs and cut marks. 1. C. Type: Photopolymer on acrylic or printed acrylic / aluminum as applicable. Size and color as selected by Architect. Raised-Copy Thickness: Not less than 1/32 inch Symbols of Accessibility: Provide 6-inch- high symbol fabricated from opaque nonreflective vinyl film, 0.0035-inch nominal thickness, with pressure-sensitive adhesive backing suitable for both exterior and interior applications. SIGNAGE 101400 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.2 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 ACCESSORIES A. Mounting Methods: Use double-sided vinyl tape fabricated from materials that are not corrosive to sign material and mounting surface. B. Anchors and Inserts: Provide nonferrous-metal or hot-dip galvanized anchors and inserts for exterior installations and elsewhere as required for corrosion resistance. Use toothed steel or lead expansion-bolt devices for drilled-in-place anchors. Furnish inserts, as required, to be set into concrete or masonry work. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances and other conditions affecting performance of work. B. Verify that items provided under other sections of Work are sized and located to accommodate signs. C. Examine supporting members to ensure that surfaces are at elevations indicated or required to comply with authorities having jurisdiction and are free from dirt and other deleterious matter. D. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 INSTALLATION A. General: Locate signs and accessories where indicated, using mounting methods of types described and in compliance with manufacturer's written instructions. 1. 2. B. Wall-Mounted Panel Signs: Attach panel signs to wall surfaces using methods indicated below: 1. 3.3 Install signs level, plumb, and at heights indicated, with sign surfaces free from distortion and other defects in appearance. Interior Wall Signs: Install signs on walls adjacent to latch side of door where applicable. Where not indicated or possible, such as double doors, install signs on nearest adjacent walls. Locate to allow approach within 3 inches of sign without encountering protruding objects or standing within swing of door. Vinyl-Tape Mounting: Use double-sided foam tape to mount signs to smooth, nonporous surfaces. Do not use this method for vinyl-covered or rough surfaces. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. After installation, clean soiled sign surfaces according to manufacturer's written instructions. Protect signs from damage until acceptance by the Architect. END OF SECTION SIGNAGE 101400 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 102800 TOILET ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Toilet accessories. Section 061000 - ROUGH CARPENTRY for blocking. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. Product Schedule: Indicating types, quantities, sizes, and installation locations by room of each accessory required. 1. 2. C. 1.4 Construction details and dimensions. Anchoring and mounting requirements, including requirements for cutouts in other work and substrate preparation. Material and finish descriptions. Features that will be included for Project. Manufacturer's warranty. Identify locations using room designations indicated on Drawings. Identify products using designations indicated on Drawings. Maintenance Data: For toilet accessories to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: For products listed together in the same articles in Part 2, provide products of same manufacturer unless otherwise approved by Architect. TOILET ACCESSORIES 102800 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 COORDINATION A. Coordinate accessory locations with other work to prevent interference with clearances required for access by people with disabilities, and for proper installation, adjustment, operation, cleaning, and servicing of accessories. B. Deliver inserts and anchoring devices set into concrete or masonry as required to prevent delaying the Work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2 A & J Washroom Accessories, Inc. American Specialties, Inc. Bobrick Washroom Equipment, Inc. Bradley Corporation. ACCESSORIES A. Mirror: 24 by 36 inch tempered plate glass mirror, and stainless steel frame with No. 4 finish. B. Toilet Paper Holder: Double roll, stainless steel with No. 4 finish. C. Grab Bars: Stainless steel with No. 4 finish, concealed mounting. 2.3 MATERIALS A. Stainless Steel: ASTM A 666, Type 304, 0.0312-inch minimum nominal thickness, unless otherwise indicated. B. Steel Sheet: ASTM A 1008/A 1008M, Designation CS (cold rolled, commercial steel), 0.0359inch (0.9-mm) minimum nominal thickness. C. Galvanized Steel Mounting Devices: ASTM A 153/A 153M, hot-dip galvanized after fabrication. D. Fasteners: Screws, bolts, and other devices of same material as accessory unit and tamperand-theft resistant where exposed, and of galvanized steel where concealed. 2.4 FABRICATION A. General: Fabricate units with tight seams and joints, and exposed edges rolled. Hang doors and access panels with full-length, continuous hinges. Equip units for concealed anchorage and with corrosion-resistant backing plates. B. Keys: Provide universal keys for internal access to accessories for servicing and resupplying. Provide minimum of six keys to the Owner. TOILET ACCESSORIES 102800 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION A. Install accessories according to manufacturers' written instructions, using fasteners appropriate to substrate indicated and recommended by unit manufacturer. Install units level, plumb, and firmly anchored in locations and at heights indicated. B. Grab Bars: Install to withstand a downward load of at least 250 lbf, when tested according to method in ASTM F 446. 3.2 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Adjust accessories for unencumbered, smooth operation. Replace damaged or defective items. B. Remove temporary labels and protective coatings. C. Clean and polish exposed surfaces according to manufacturer's written recommendations. END OF SECTION TOILET ACCESSORIES 102800 - 3 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 104400 FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTIES PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. 2. 3. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 2. 1.3 Portable fire extinguishers. Fire-protection cabinets for portable fire extinguishers. Mounting brackets for fire extinguishers. Section 099000 - PAINTING AND COATING for field painting fire-protection cabinets. Division 21 - FIRE PROTECTION for fire hose valves and standpipes. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Include construction details, material descriptions, dimensions of individual components and profiles, and finishes for each item. 1. 2. B. 1.4 Fire Extinguishers: Include rating and classification. Fire-Protection Cabinets: Include roughing-in dimensions, details showing mounting methods, relationships of box and trim to surrounding construction, door hardware, cabinet type, trim style, and panel style. Maintenance Data: For fire extinguishers and fire-protection cabinets to include in maintenance manuals. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Source Limitations: Obtain fire extinguishers and fire-protection cabinets through one source from a single manufacturer. B. NFPA Compliance: Fabricate and label fire extinguishers to comply with NFPA 10, "Portable Fire Extinguishers." C. Fire Extinguishers: Listed and labeled for type, rating, and classification by an independent testing agency acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 104400 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA D. 1.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Fire-Rated Fire-Protection Cabinets: Listed and labeled to comply with requirements of ASTM E 814 for fire-resistance rating of walls where they are installed. COORDINATION A. Coordinate size of fire-protection cabinets to ensure that type and capacity of fire extinguishers indicated are accommodated. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS A. General: Provide fire extinguishers of type, size, and capacity for each fire-protection cabinet and mounting bracket indicated. B. Multipurpose Dry-Chemical Type in Steel Container: UL-rated 2-A:10-B:C, 5-lb nominal capacity, with monoammonium phosphate-based dry chemical in enameled-steel container. 2.2 FIRE-PROTECTION CABINET A. Available Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. JL Industries, Inc. Larsen's Manufacturing Company. Potter Roemer; Div. of Smith Industries, Inc. B. Cabinet Type: Suitable for fire extinguisher. C. Cabinet Material: Enameled-steel sheet. D. Recessed Cabinet: indicated. 1. Cabinet box recessed in walls of sufficient depth to suit style of trim Trimless with Plaster Stop: Surface of surrounding wall finishes flush with exterior finished surface of cabinet frame and door, without overlapping trim attached to cabinet. Provide recessed flange, of same material as box, attached to box to act as plaster stop. If wall condition does not allow for trimless with plaster stop, provide flat 5/16 inch trim of same material as the cabinet box. E. Door Material: Steel sheet with baked enamel finish, color as selected. F. Door Style: Vertical duo panel with frame. G. Door Glazing: Tempered break glass. H. Door Hardware: Manufacturer's standard door-operating hardware of proper type for cabinet type, trim style, and door material and style indicated. I. Accessories: FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 104400 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 2. 3. 2.3 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Mounting Bracket: Manufacturer's standard steel, designed to secure fire extinguisher to fire-protection cabinet, of sizes required for types and capacities of fire extinguishers indicated, with plated or baked-enamel finish. Break-Glass Strike: Manufacturer's standard metal strike, complete with chain and mounting clip, secured to cabinet, or provide locking mechanism that allows for emergency access to the cabinet without the breaking of glass, simply by pulling sharply on the cabinetʼs handle. Identification: Lettering complying with authorities having jurisdiction for letter style, size, spacing, and location. Locate as indicated by Architect. MOUNTING BRACKETS A. Mounting Brackets: Manufacturer's standard steel, designed to secure fire extinguisher to wall or structure, of sizes required for types and capacities of fire extinguishers indicated, with plated or baked-enamel finish. B. Identification: Lettering complying with authorities having jurisdiction for letter style, size, spacing, and location. Locate as indicated by Architect. 2.4 FABRICATION A. Fire-Protection Cabinets: Provide manufacturer's standard box (tub), with trim, frame, door, and hardware to suit cabinet type, trim style, and door style indicated. 1. 2. Weld joints and grind smooth. Construct fire-rated cabinets with double walls fabricated from 0.0428-inch-thick, coldrolled steel sheet lined with minimum 5/8-inch-thick, fire-barrier material. a. B. Cabinet Doors: Fabricate doors according to manufacturer's standards, from materials indicated and coordinated with cabinet types and trim styles selected. 1. 2. C. 2.5 Provide factory-drilled mounting holes. Fabricate door frames with tubular stiles and rails and hollow-metal design, minimum 1/2 inch thick. Miter and weld perimeter door frames. Cabinet Trim: Fabricate cabinet trim in one piece with corners mitered, welded, and ground smooth. FINISHES, GENERAL A. Comply with NAAMM's "Metal Finishes Manual for Architectural and Metal Products" for recommendations for applying and designating finishes. B. Protect mechanical finishes on exposed surfaces from damage by applying a strippable, temporary protective covering before shipping. C. Finish fire-protection cabinets after assembly. D. Appearance of Finished Work: Variations in appearance of abutting or adjacent pieces are acceptable if they are within one-half of the range of approved Samples. Noticeable variations FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 104400 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 in the same piece are not acceptable. Variations in appearance of other components are acceptable if they are within the range of approved Samples and are assembled or installed to minimize contrast. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine walls and partitions for suitable framing depth and blocking where recessed cabinets will be installed. B. Examine fire extinguishers for proper charging and tagging. Contractor shall be responsible for fire extinguisher tagging by a certified service technician located within 75 miles of the project. 1. C. 3.2 Remove and replace damaged, defective, or undercharged units. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. PREPARATION A. 3.3 Prepare recesses for recessed fire-protection cabinets as required by type and size of cabinet and trim style. INSTALLATION A. General: Install fire-protection specialties in locations and at mounting heights indicated on the Drawings and acceptable to authorities having jurisdiction. B. Fire-Protection Cabinets: Fasten fire-protection cabinets to structure, square and plumb. 1. 2. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, provide recessed fire-protection cabinets. If wall thickness is not adequate for recessed cabinets, provide semirecessed fire-protection cabinets. Provide inside latch and lock for break-glass panels. Fasten mounting brackets to inside surface of fire-protection cabinets, square and plumb. C. Mounting Brackets: Fasten mounting brackets to surfaces, square and plumb, at locations indicated. D. Identification: Apply vinyl lettering at locations indicated. 3.4 INSTALLATION OF FIRE-RATED CABINETS A. Install cabinet with not more than 1/16-inch tolerance between pipe OD and knockout OD. Center pipe within knockout. B. Seal through penetrations with firestopping sealant as specified in Section 078410 PENETRATION FIRESTOPPING. FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 104400 - 4 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING A. Remove temporary protective coverings and strippable films, if any, as fire-protection specialties are installed, unless otherwise indicated in manufacturer's written installation instructions. B. Adjust fire-protection cabinet doors to operate easily without binding. Verify that integral locking devices operate properly. C. On completion of fire-protection cabinet installation, clean interior and exterior surfaces as recommended by manufacturer. D. Touch up marred finishes, or replace fire-protection cabinets that cannot be restored to factoryfinished appearance. Use only materials and procedures recommended or furnished by fireprotection cabinet manufacturer. E. Replace fire-protection cabinets that have been damaged or have deteriorated beyond successful repair by finish touchup or similar minor repair procedures. END OF SECTION FIRE-PROTECTION SPECIALTIES 104400 - 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 107446 WINDOW WELLS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. B. RELATED WORK: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Segmented retaining wall (SRW) window well system with granite cap. Section 055000 – METAL FABRICATIONS: Metal bar gratings and frames for installation at top of window well. SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: For each type of window well required. B. Shop Drawings: Include sections and details showing general arrangement, jointing, fittings and accessories, and attachment systems. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 WINDOW WELLS A. Available Products: Subject to compliance with requirements, products that may be incorporated into the Work are the following or approved equal: 1. Segmented Retaining Wall Units (SRW): By VERSA-LOK or equal. a. 2. SRW units shall be interlocked with connecting pins that provide ¾-inch setback from unit below (yielding a 7-degree cant from vertical). Granite cap stones to match adjacent window wells. WINDOW WELLS 107446 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, and other conditions affecting performance of the Work. B. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION A. Foundation Excavation: Excavate to neat clean lines in undisturbed soil. Remove loose soil and foreign matter from excavation and moisten earth before placing concrete. Place and compact drainage material at excavation bottom. B. Provide forms where required due to unstable soil conditions. 3.3 WINDOW WELL INSTALLATION A. General: Install window wells where shown and according to Shop Drawings and manufacturer's written instructions. B. Stack modules as required to reach finish grade. Lock modules together. C. Anchor brackets and bases securely to foundation wall with fasteners as indicated on Shop Drawings. Seal joints between foundation wall and window well. D. Backfill area surrounding window well per manufacturer’s instructions. END OF SECTION WINDOW WELLS 107446 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 122110 HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. 1.2 Attention is directed to the CONTRACT AND GENERAL CONDITIONS and all Sections within DIVISION 01 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS which are hereby made a part of this Section of the Specifications. DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work Included: Provide labor, materials and equipment necessary to complete the work of this Section, including but not limited to the following: 1. B. Related Work: The following items are not included in this Section and are specified under the designated Sections: 1. 1.3 Miniblinds with aluminum louver slats at each of six new interior windows, each of two new interior glazed doors, and each of two new exterior windows. Section 061000 - ROUGH CARPENTRY for wood blocking and grounds for mounting horizontal louver blinds and accessories. SUBMITTALS A. 1.4 Product Data: For each type of product indicated. Include styles, material descriptions, construction details, dimensions of individual components and profiles, features, finishes, and operating instructions. DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. 1.5 Deliver blinds in factory packages, marked with manufacturer and product name, and location of installation using same room designations indicated on Drawings and in a window treatment schedule. PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Limitations: Do not install horizontal louver blinds until construction and wet and dirty finish work in spaces, including painting, is complete and ambient temperature and humidity conditions are maintained at the levels indicated for Project when occupied for its intended use. B. Field Measurements: Where horizontal louver blinds are indicated to fit to other construction, verify dimensions of other construction by field measurements before fabrication and indicate measurements on Shop Drawings. Allow clearances for operable glazed units' operation hardware throughout the entire operating range. Notify Architect of discrepancies. Coordinate fabrication schedule with construction progress to avoid delaying the Work. HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS 122110 - 1 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Manufacturers: Subject to compliance with requirements, manufacturers offering products that may be incorporated into the Work include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 2.2 Hunter Douglas Window Fashions. Levolor Contract; a Newell Company; Levolor. Springs Window Fashions Division, Inc.; Graber. Verosol USA, Inc. HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS, ALUMINUM LOUVER SLATS A. Louver Slats: Aluminum, alloy and temper recommended by producer for type of use and finish indicated; with crowned profile and radiused corners. 1. 2. 3. Nominal Slat Width: 1 inch for miniblinds. Nominal Slat Thickness: Not less than 0.008 inch. Slat Finish: Two colors as indicated, one per side of slat. B. Headrail: Formed steel or extruded aluminum; long edges returned or rolled; fully enclosing operating mechanisms on three sides and ends C. Tilt Control: Consisting of enclosed worm gear mechanism[, slip clutch or detachable wand preventing overrotation, and linkage rod, for the following operation: 1. 2. 3. Tilt Operation: Manual with clear plastic wand Length of Tilt Control: Length required to make operation convenient from floor level. Tilt: Full. D. Lift Operation: Manual, cord lock; locks pull cord to stop blind at any position in ascending or descending travel. E. Ladders: Evenly spaced to prevent long-term louver sag; braided string. F. Mounting: As indicated on Drawings, mounting permitting easy removal and replacement without damaging blind or adjacent surfaces and finishes; with spacers and shims required for blind placement and alignment indicated. 1. Provide intermediate support brackets if end support spacing exceeds spacing recommended by manufacturer for weight and size of blind. G. Hold-Down Brackets and Hooks or Pins: Manufacturer's standard, as indicated. H. Colors, Textures, Patterns, and Gloss: As selected by the Architect. 2.3 HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS FABRICATION A. Product Standard and Description: Comply with AWCMA Document 1029, unless otherwise indicated, for each horizontal louver blind designed to be self-leveling and consisting of louver slats, rails, ladders, tapes, lifting and tilting mechanisms, cord, cord lock, tilt control, and installation hardware. HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS 122110 - 2 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. Concealed Components: Noncorrodible or corrosion-resistant-coated materials. 1. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Lifting and Tilting Mechanisms: With permanently lubricated moving parts. Unit Sizes: Obtain units fabricated in sizes to fill window and other openings as follows, measured at 74 deg F: 1. Blind Units Installed between (Inside) Jambs: Width equal to 1/4 inch per side or 1/2 inch total, plus or minus 1/8 inch, less than jamb-to-jamb dimension of opening in which each blind is installed. Length equal to 1/4 inch, plus or minus 1/8 inch, less than headto-sill dimension of opening in which each blind is installed. D. Installation Brackets: Designed for easy removal and reinstallation of blind, for supporting headrail and operating hardware, and for hardware position and blind mounting method indicated. E. Installation Fasteners: Not fewer than two fasteners per bracket, fabricated from metal noncorrosive to blind hardware and adjoining construction; type designed for securing to supporting substrate; and supporting blinds and accessories under conditions of normal use. F. Color-Coated Finish: For components exposed to view, apply manufacturer's standard baked finish complying with manufacturer's written instructions for surface preparation including pretreatment, application, baking, and minimum dry film thickness. G. Component Color: Provide rails, cords, ladders, and exposed-to-view metal and plastic matching or coordinating with slat color, unless otherwise indicated. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXAMINATION A. 3.2 Examine substrates, areas, and conditions, with Installer present, for compliance with requirements for installation tolerances, operational clearances, and other conditions affecting performance. Proceed with installation only after unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLIND INSTALLATION A. 3.3 Install blinds level and plumb and aligned with adjacent units according to manufacturer's written instructions, and located so exterior louver edges in any position are not closer than 1 inch to interior face of glass. Install intermediate support as required to prevent deflection in headrail. Allow clearances between adjacent blinds and for operating glazed opening's operation hardware, if any. ADJUSTING A. 3.4 Adjust horizontal louver blinds to operate smoothly, easily, safely, and free from binding or malfunction throughout entire operational range. CLEANING AND PROTECTION A. Clean blind surfaces after installation, according to manufacturer's written instructions. HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS 122110 - 3 BEMIS HALL – BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Provide final protection and maintain conditions, in a manner acceptable to manufacturer and Installer, that ensure that horizontal louver blinds are without damage or deterioration at time of Substantial Completion. C. Replace damaged blinds that cannot be repaired, in a manner approved by Architect, before time of Substantial Completion. END OF SECTION HORIZONTAL LOUVER BLINDS 122110 - 4 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 22.00.01 PLUMBING (Filed Sub-Bid) PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Include the General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, as part of this Section. B. Examine all other Sections of the Specifications for requirements that affect work under this Section whether or not such work is specifically mentioned in this Section. C. Coordinate work of this Section with that of all other trades affecting, or affected by, this Section. Cooperate with such trades to assure the steady progress of all work under the contract. FILED SUB-BID A. Bidding procedures shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30; Section 39M, and Chapter 149, Section 4; as modified by Chapter 484 (1984) and Chapter 30B, Uniform Procurement Act (1990). Time and place for submission of sub-bids is given in Advertisement for Bids. B. Sub-Bids for work under this section shall be for complete work and shall be filed in a sealed envelope with Awarding Authority, at time and place specified in Advertisement for Bids. Following shall appear on face of envelope: NAME OF AWARDING AUTHORITY PROJECT NAME [NAME OF SUB-BIDDER] SECTION 220001- PLUMBING 1.3 C. Every sub-bid submitted for work under this section shall be on forms furnished by Awarding Authority, as required by Section 44F of Chapter 149 of General Laws, and specified in Advertisement for Bids. D. Sub-bids filed with Awarding Authority shall be accompanied by bid deposits in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check, issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Awarding Authority in compliance with Chapter 149, Section 44B. Amount of bid deposit shall be 5 percent of value of bid. E. Work to be done under this section is shown on the following drawings. : P-001, P101, P201. Remaining contract drawings are included for reference and coordination. SCOPE OF WORK A. Included in this Section is the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and accessories required to provide a complete installation of the work described herein and on the Drawings. Build the work of other trades into the work of this Section as required. B. Give notices, file plans, obtain permits and licenses, pay fees and back charges, and obtain necessary approvals from authorities having jurisdiction, as required to perform work in PLUMBING 220001- 1 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 accordance with all legal requirements and with Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, all of which are part of Contract Documents. C. 1.4 1. Selective demolition of plumbing, 2. Pipe Materials 3. Plumbing Fixtures 4. Pipe Protection 5. Electric Water Heater 6. Thermostatic Tempering Valve 7. Hangers, Anchors and Inserts 8. Pipe Hangers and Supports 9. Pipe Insulation 10. Valves 11. Sleeves 12. Jointing Compounds 13. Identification 14. Access panels 15. Packaged Sewage Ejector 16. Provide Close-Out procedures per Division 1. RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS A. 1.5 Mechanical, Section 230001 2. Electrical, Section 260001 ITEMS SUPPLIED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS FOR INSTALLATION BY THIS SECTION none. ITEMS SUPPLIED UNDER THIS SECTION FOR INSTALLATION BY OTHER SECTIONS A. 1.7 The following work is not included in this Section and will be performed under other Sections: 1. A. 1.6 The work under this Section consists of: Access panels shall be installed by the GC QUALITY ASSURANCE A. 1. PLUMBING Perform work in strict accordance with rules, regulations, standards, codes, ordinances, and laws of local, state, and Federal governments, and other authorities having lawful jurisdiction, and be responsible for compliance therewith. Such authorities include but are not limited to the following: Local and state building, plumbing, Mechanical, electrical, fire and health department codes. 220001- 2 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.8 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 2. 248 CMR Fuel Gas and Plumbing Code 3. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC 2009) 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 5. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) 6. Factory Mutual Association (FM) 7. Material and equipment shall be Underwriter's Laboratory (UL), ASME and AGA approved, as applicable, for intended service. B. When two or more codes, regulations, etc. conflict with each other or with Contract Documents, the more severe requirement shall govern conduct of work. The Engineer may relax this requirement at his sole discretion when such relaxation does not violate ruling of any authority having jurisdiction. Approval for such relaxation must be obtained in writing. C. Most recent editions of applicable specifications and publications of the following organizations form part of Contract Documents. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 3. National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 4. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 5. National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) SUBMITTALS A. Provide submittals in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division-1 Specification Sections. B. Material and equipment requiring Shop Drawings or Product Data submittal shall include but shall not be limited to: 1. Pipe Materials 2. Plumbing Fixtures 3. Pipe Protection 4. Electric Water Heater 5. Thermostatic Tempering Valve 6. Hangers, Anchors and Inserts 7. Pipe Hangers and Supports 8. Pipe Insulation 9. Valves 10. Sleeves 11. Jointing Compounds 12. Identification 13. Access panels 14. PLUMBING Packaged Sewage Ejector 220001- 3 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.9 September 23, 2015 C. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions, service manuals, and parts lists under applicable provisions. D. Submit a line item schedule of values for review prior to equipment submittals for use in the requisition process. E. Submit a schedule for the work in coordination with the G.C.'s schedule. F. Submit Massachusetts product approval for all plumbing and gas related products. G. Submit proof of potable water system sterilization. H. At substantial completion, prepare a set of as-built drawings per Division 1. GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES A. The provisions under Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 are included. B. Guarantee work of this Section in writing for one year from date of Substantial Completion. 1. Defects in materials, equipment, workmanship or installation that develop within this period shall be repaired and replaced promptly to Engineer's satisfaction at no cost to Owner. 2. Written guarantee shall stipulate that damage caused in making necessary repairs and replacements shall be corrected at no cost to Owner. 3. The plumbing system shall be considered substantially complete only after all fixtures are installed, functional and cleaned, and all potable piping has been sanitized. C. 1. 1.10 Abacus Architects + Planners Guarantee shall include provision of 24-hour service for complete system during guarantee period at no cost to Owner. Choice of service organization shall be subject to Owner's approval. D. Submit guarantee to Engineer through Contractor before final payment. E. Transfer individual equipment and material guarantees, which are still in force to Owner at end of guarantee period. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Work to be performed under this Section is shown on the accompanying drawings. B. Listing of drawings does not limit responsibility of determining full extent of work required by Contract Documents. 1. Refer to Architectural, Plumbing, Electrical, Structural and other drawings on file, as well as other specification sections, which indicate type of construction in which the work must be installed. 2. Locations shown on Drawings shall be checked against general and detailed drawings of the construction proper. C. 1. D. PLUMBING Drawings are diagrammatic and indicate general arrangements of systems and work included in Contract. Drawings are not intended to specify or to show every offset, fitting, or component; however, Contract Documents require components and materials, whether or not indicated or specified, as necessary to make installations fully complete and operational. Questions regarding drawings or specifications shall be addressed to the Engineer in writing prior to Award of Contract. 220001- 4 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. 1.11 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Otherwise, the Engineer's interpretation of meaning and intent of drawings and specifications shall be final. DISCREPANCIES IN DOCUMENTS A. 1. B. 1. C. Where Drawings or Specifications indicate discrepancies or ambiguities, advise the Engineer in writing before Award of Contract. Otherwise, the Engineer's interpretation of documents shall be final; no additional compensation shall be permitted due to discrepancies or ambiguities thus resolved. Where drawings or specifications do not coincide with recommendations of manufacturer of material or piece of equipment, alert the Engineer in writing before installation of item in question. Otherwise, make changes in installation, as the Engineer requires without additional cost to owner. When specifications and drawings are in conflict with each other, or with Contract Documents, the more severe (costly) requirement shall be provided as part of the base bid work. 1. The Engineer may relax this requirement at his sole discretion when such relaxation does not violate ruling of any authority having jurisdiction. 2. Approval for such relaxation must be obtained in writing. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 PIPE MATERIALS A. 1. Service: Above-ground hot and cold water. Pipe Material: Type L copper tubing, hard temper. a. Pipe shall comply with ASTM B-88 2. Fitting Material: Wrought copper conforming to ANSI-ASME B16-22. 3. Joints: Solder, “lead free” (less than 0.2% lead). NSF cert. ASTM B-32 B. 1. Service: Above-ground Sanitary and Vent. 2” and larger a. Pipe Material: Service weight cast iron no-hub soil pipe conforming to CISPI 301 and ASTM A-888. b. Fitting Material: Cast iron drainage fittings conforming to CISPI 301 and ASTM A-888. c. Joints: 2. 1) Heavy-duty shielded coupling with gasket conforming to ASTM C-1540. 2) Standard shielded coupling with gasket conforming to CISPI 310 and ASTM C1277. Smaller than 2” a. Pipe Material: Type DWV copper conforming to ASTM B306-99. PLUMBING b. Fitting Material: wrought copper drainage fittings conforming to ANSI B16-29. 220001- 5 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 c. Joints: threaded or soldered. C. 2.2 Service: Below-ground Sanitary and Vent. 1. Pipe Material: Service weight cast iron no-hub soil pipe, asphalt or coal tar pitch coated. ASTM A-74 2. Fitting Material: Cast iron drainage fittings conforming to CISPI 301 and ASTM A-888. 3. Joints: Heavy-duty gasket conforming to CISPI 310 and ASTM C1277. PLUMBING FIXTURES A. Work includes, but is not limited to, the following fixtures, See schedule on associated drawings. 1. Water Closets. 2. Lavatories, faucets, and drains. 3. Mop Sink B. REFERENCES 1. ANSI A112.6.1 - Supports for Off-the-Floor Plumbing Fixtures for Public Use. 2. ANSI A112.18.1 - Finished and Rough Brass Plumbing Fixture Fittings. C. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Fixtures: By the same manufacturer for each product specified throughout. 2. Trim: By the same manufacturer for each product specified throughout. D. ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS 1. Gerber 2. Kohler; 3. Manufacturers as listed in the plumbing fixture schedule or approved equal. E. INSPECTION 1. Confirm location and size of fixtures and openings before rough-in and installation. 2. Verify that adjacent construction is ready to receive rough-in work of this Section. F. INSTALLATION 1. Install each fixture with trap, easily removable for servicing and cleaning. 2. Provide chrome plated rigid or stainless steel flexible supplies to lavatories and toilet fixtures with key stops, reducers, and escutcheons. 3. Provide integral stops at shower valves. 4. Provide drain, strainer and lever actuated drain plug at showers and lavatories. 5. Install components level and plumb. 6. Install and secure fixtures in place with wall supports and bolts. 7. Seal fixtures to wall and floor surfaces with sealant as specified in Section 07900, color to match fixture. 8. Mount fixtures according to dimensions shown on Architectural drawings PLUMBING 220001- 6 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA G. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 ADJUSTING AND CLEANING 1. Adjust stops or valves for intended water flow rate to fixtures without splashing, noise, or overflow. 2. At completion, clean plumbing fixtures and equipment. H. FIXTURE SCHEDULE 1. See schedule printed on drawings. 2. The products listed in the schedule establish the minimum quality and performance standard for each fixture, and the materials used in their manufacture. I. FIXTURE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS 1. Certain fixtures require the use of a concealed, matching fixture hanger. a. Provide hangers as manufactured by Zurn, Smith, Watts, or approved equivalent for wall mount lavatories. b. Provide toilet flanges for securing toilets to the floor. 2. Pay close attention to dimensional requirements with respect to wall thicknesses and to wall construction type. Coordinate with the GC prior to start of wall construction. a. Select the proper hanger based on fixture type, installation conditions and requirements. 3. 2.3 2.4 Pay close attention to the requirements shown on Architectural drawings for individual fixture mounting height and location. ELECTRIC WATER HEATER A. Provide electric water heaters meeting the performance and capacity as identified in the equipment schedules on the drawings. B. The water heater shall have an Energy Factor of 0.95 EF for storage volumes less than 55 gallons and meet April 16th, 2015 NAECA energy efficiency requirements. C. Tank shall be glass lined steel construction with 2" thick, non-CFC foam insulation (R-24) with enameled steel outer jacket. D. Provide ASME temperature and pressure safety relief valve and discharge piping to a safe location. E. Tank shall include magnesium anode with stainless steel core to protect against corrosion. F. Tank shall include tamper resistant, brass drain valve. G. Unit shall include electric heating element(s) and aquatstats meeting the wattage and electrical characteristics shown in the schedule on the drawings. H. Water heater shall be AO Smith Conservationist, Ruud, or General Electric. POINT OF USE THERMOSTATIC TEMPERING VALVE A. Provide point of use thermostatic tempering valve at each lavatory fixture. (For bathrooms with more than one lavatory one tempering valve may be used to serve multiple fixtures.) B. The valve shall be ASSE 1070 certified for Point of Use Applications. C. Valve body shall be of bronze and stainless steel construction with Teflon coated wear surfaces. PLUMBING 220001- 7 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.5 2.6 September 23, 2015 D. Valve shall reduce mixed flow rate in the event of cold supply line failure. E. Valve shall have integral check valves on the inlet, or check valves shall be field installed. F. Calibrate valve to deliver 90°F water. G. Tempering valve shall be AM-1 series as manufactured by Honeywell or equivalent by Watts or Conbraco. PIPE PROTECTION A. ADA-conforming, wheelchair accessible lavatories and sinks shall be provided with under sink protective pipe covers that are intended to minimize risk of scalding from hot surfaces or abrasions from sharp surfaces. B. All exposed plumbing, including P-trap and angle valve assemblies, shall be fitted with molded vinyl covers. Cover shall be constructed of 1/8” thick, anti-microbial vinyl and include UV resistant coating. C. Covers shall be secured with non-abrasive, reusable fasteners to allow convenient servicing. D. Cover to be selected by architect from manufactures standard color chart. Include color selection chart with submittal. E. Pipe covers shall be Lav-Guard2 as manufactured by Truebro, Inc, or approved equal as manufactured by Plumberex or McGuire. HANGERS, ANCHORS, AND INSERTS A. Provide hangers to support all piping from building structure to maintain required grade and pitch of pipe lines, prevent vibration, secure piping in place, and provide for expansion and contraction. Hangers shall be secured to inserts wherever practical. B. Hangers shall be adjustable clevis hanger type. 1. C. 1. D. 1. E. 1. F. 2.7 Abacus Architects + Planners Hanger rods shall have machine threads. Vertical brackets shall be used where horizontal piping is racked along walls. Trapeze hangers may be used where conditions permit. Hangers for insulated piping shall be outside insulation with 12 inch long galvanized insulation shields. Hanger rods shall be connected to beam clamp, UL approved concrete inserts, or Phillips or approved equal expansion shields as required to attach to the building construction. No ram-set or shot shields will be allowed. Hanger spacing shall conform to requirements of state and local plumbing codes. In no case shall horizontal piping be supported at intervals greater than 10 ft.- 0 in. Piping below basement or lowest level slab (that is, buried piping) need not be supported from structure if slab is not designed as structural slab. PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Uninsulated pipes 2 inch and smaller: 1. Adjustable steel swivel ring (band type) hanger. 2. Adjustable steel swivel J-hanger. PLUMBING 220001- 8 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. Malleable iron ring hanger or hinged ring hanger. 4. Malleable iron split-ring hanger with eye socket. 5. Adjustable steel clevis hanger. (MSS Type 1) B. Adjustable steel clevis hanger. 2. Pipe roll with sockets. 3. Adjustable steel yoke pipe roll. 1. September 23, 2015 Uninsulated pipes 2-1/2 inch and larger: 1. C. Abacus Architects + Planners Insulated pipe- Hot water piping: 2 inch and smaller pipes: a. Adjustable steel clevis with galvanized sheet metal shield. 2. 2-1/2 inch and larger pipes: a. Adjustable steel yoke pipe roll with pipe covering protection saddle. b. Pipe roll with sockets with pipe covering protection saddle. 3. D. 1. Hangers must be sized for outside diameter of pipe insulation. Insulated pipe- Cold water piping: 5 inch and smaller pipes: a. Adjustable steel clevis with galvanized sheet metal shield. 2. 6 inch and larger pipes: a. Pipe roll with sockets with pipe covering protection saddle. b. Adjustable steel yoke pipe roll with pipe covering protection saddle. 3. E. 1. F. Hangers must be sized for outside diameter of pipe insulation. Pipe Clamps When flexibility in the hanger assembly is required due to horizontal movement, use pipe clamps with weldless eye nuts. For insulated lines use double bolted pipe clamps. Multiple or Trapeze Hanger 1. Trapeze hangers shall be constructed from 12 gauge roll formed ASTM A1011 SS Grade 33 structural steel channel, 1-5/8 inch by 1-5/8 inch minimum or stronger as required. 2. Mount pipes to trapeze with 2 piece pipe straps sized for outside diameter of pipe. G. For pipes subjected to axial movement: 1. Strut mounted roller support. Use pipe protection shield or saddles on insulated lines. 2. Strut mounted pipe guide. H. 1. Wall Supports Pipes 4 inch and smaller: a. Carbon steel hook. b. Carbon steel J-hanger. 2. PLUMBING Pipes larger than 4 inch: 220001- 9 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 a. Welded strut bracket and pipe straps. b. Welded steel brackets, with roller chair or adjustable steel yoke pipe roll. pipe protection shield or saddles on insulated lines. I. Use Floor Supports 1. Hot piping under 6 inch and all cold piping: a. Carbon steel adjustable pipe saddle and nipple attached to steel base stand sized for pipe elevation. Pipe saddle shall be screwed or welded to appropriate base stand. J. Vertical Supports 1. K. Steel riser clamp sized to fit outside diameter of pipe. Copper Tubing Supports 1. Hangers shall be sized to fit copper tubing outside diameters. 2. Adjustable steel swivel ring (band type) hanger. 3. Malleable iron ring hanger or hinged ring hanger. 4. Malleable iron split-ring hanger with eye socket. 5. Adjustable steel clevis hanger. 6. For supporting vertical runs use epoxy painted or plastic coated riser clamps,. 7. For supporting copper tube to strut use epoxy painted pipe straps sized for copper tubing or plastic inserted vibration isolation clamps. L. 1. M. 1. N. 1. Insulation Shields: 18 gage galvanized steel shield over insulation to cover the lower 180 degree of pipe, minimum 12 inches long centered on pipe support. Pipe Protection Saddles Pipe protection saddles shall be formed from carbon steel, 1/8 inch minimum thickness, sized for insulation thickness. Saddles for pipe sizes greater than 12 inch shall have a center support rib. Hanger Finishes Indoor Finishes a. Hangers and clamps for support of bare copper piping shall be coated with copper colored epoxy paint. Additional PVC coating of the epoxy painted hanger shall be used where necessary. b. Hangers for other than bare copper pipe shall be zinc plated in accordance with ASTM B633. c. Strut channels shall be pre-galvanized in accordance with ASTM A653 SS Grade 33 G90 or have an electro-deposited green epoxy finish. 2. Outdoor and Corrosive Area Finishes a. Hangers and strut located outdoors shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A123. All hanger hardware shall be hot dip galvanized or stainless steel. Zinc plated hardware is not acceptable for outdoor use. PLUMBING 220001- 10 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.8 2.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 CLEANOUT A. Cleanouts shall be provided in soil and waste piping at change in directions, at the foot of stacks where required by inspecting authorities and at other points so that lines will be readily accessible for cleaning or rodding out. Cleanouts shall suit construction in which they are to be installed. B. Maximum horizontal distance between cleanouts in piping 4 inches in diameter and smaller shall be not more than 50 feet apart. C. Cleanouts shall be same size as pipe installed, up to 4 inches in diameter. For piping larger than 4 inches in diameter, cleanouts shall be not less than 4 inches in diameter. D. Bodies of cleanout ferrules in bell and spigot piping shall be standard pipe sizes conforming in thickness to that required for pipe and fittings, and shall extend not less than 3/4 inch above hub of pipe. 1. Cleanout plug shall be of cast brass and shall be provided with raised nut 3/4 inch high. 2. Cleanouts in copper waste piping shall be soldered brass cleanout fittings with extra heavy brass screw plugs of same size at line. 3. Cleanouts in threaded waste piping shall be cast iron, drainage T pattern, 90 degree branch fitting with extra heavy brass screw plugs of same size as pipe. E. Cleanouts shall be installed so that cleanout opens in direction of flow of drainage line served or at right angles thereto. F. Cleanout plug shall be kept free of dirt and construction materials and shall not be covered with cement, plaster, or other permanent finishing materials. G. Floor cleanouts in finished areas shall be cast iron body and frame with round adjustable scoriated secured nickel bronze top, J. R. Smith No. 4020 or approved equal. H. Floor cleanouts in unfinished areas shall be cast iron body and frame with round adjustable scoriated secured cast iron top, J. R. Smith No. 4220 or approved equal INSULATION A. All pipes shall be insulated in accordance with MA stretch Code requirements and as follows. B. Fiberglass Insulation shall be: Fibrous glass insulation with factory-applied fire retardant vapor barrier jacket with K factor of 0.27 at 75 degrees F mean temperature; by OwensCorning, Certain-Teed, Manville or approved equal, unless otherwise specified. C. Insulation, jackets and adhesives shall be flame retardant. Fire and smoke Hazard ratings to be as tested under procedure ASTM E-84, NFPA 255 and UL 723, not exceeding: Flame Spread 25 Smoke Developed 50 MINIMUM INSULATION THICKNESS SCHEDULE APPLICATION NOMINAL PIPE SIZE < 1” 1” to 1-½” 1-½” to <4” 4” to 8” Domestic Cold Water ½" ½" ½" ½" Domestic Hot Water Supply 1” 1” 1” 1" PLUMBING 220001- 11 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Fittings shall be insulated by using pre-formed insulation fittings. E. All insulation to include continuous vapor barrier. F. Insulation and vapor barrier on piping which passes through walls or partitions shall pass continuously through sleeve, except that piping between floors and through fire walls or smoke partitions shall have space allowed for application of approved packing between sleeves and piping, to provide firestop as required by NFPA. Seal ends to provide continuous vapor barrier where insulation is interrupted. G. Install materials in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. H. Install materials only after piping has been tested and approved. I. Use glues and tapes that are from the same manufacturer as the insulation itself. Install per manufacturers recommendations. Provide separate submittal for these products. J. In exposed piping, locate insulation and cover seams in least visible locations. Seal to be continuous. K. Insulate all fittings, valves, and unions. L. Pipe hangers shall be external to all pipe insulation. M. Insulation by a firm regularly specializing in this work and employing workers particularly skilled therein shall install insulation. No covering applied by plumber's helpers will be acceptable. POTABLE WATER VALVES A. Isolation valves (2” and smaller) 1. Provide bronze two-piece, ¼ turn, full port ball valve with chrome-plated brass ball, blowout proof stem and lever handle. 2. Valve shall have PTFE seats and stem packing seal. 3. Rated for 600 PSIG WOG service. 4. Provide extended valve stems where insulation thickness is greater than 1” or where handle movement is impeded by insulation. 5. As manufactured by Apollo, Watts, Jenkins or approved equal. B. 2.11 September 23, 2015 D. 1. 2.10 Abacus Architects + Planners Fixture stop valves 1. Provide ¼ turn, chrome plated brass ball valve fixture stop valves. 2. Valve shall have brass ball and PTFE seats. 3. Provide angle or straight pattern to best match rough plumbing 4. Valve shall be as manufactured by Brass Craft, Chicago, McGuire or approved equal. JOINTING COMPOUNDS A. Provide pipe dope, Teflon tape, wax rings, neoprene gaskets and other jointing compounds as required by best standard practice and only on service as recommended by manufacturer. B. Work shall conform to manufacturer's recommendations with regard to use of putties, jointing compounds or both in installing plumbing fixtures and trim. PLUMBING 220001- 12 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.12 September 23, 2015 IDENTIFICATION A. Provide identification of all new plumbing systems. Colors per ANSI/ASME A13.1 unless otherwise specified. B. Equipment: Numerically label multiple pieces of equipment (i.e., pumps, etc.) with plastic nameplates or stencil painting C. Valves: Identify major valves in main and branch piping and risers with embossed brass tags. Provide matching valve chart. D. Piping: Identify piping with plastic tape markers. 1. Identify service, and flow direction. 2. Install in clear view and align with axis of piping. 3. Locate identification not to exceed 20 feet on straight runs including risers and drops, adjacent to each valve and tee, at each side of penetration of structure or enclosure and at each obstruction. E. 2.13 Abacus Architects + Planners Provide valve chart and schedule for inclusion in three-ring project manual. DUPLEX SEWAGE EJECTOR A. Provide complete sewage ejector system connected to waste systems intended to lift waste up and to drain into a gravity drain systems. 1. Include all piping connections for waste and vent. Match piping type with the rest of the connecting system piping. 2. Provide approved connections. 3. Provide isolation and check valves for each discharge line. B. Coordinate requirements with all trades 1. Electrical to provide line voltage power. 2. GC to provide opening in the floor and concrete work to stabilize and secure the basin and provide for finished floor requirements. C. Provide duplex pump system & control. 1. Provide two sewage ejector pumps per equipment schedule each with its own float switch. 2. Provide electric alternator that will automatically alternate the pump operation and sense pump failure providing alarm for any one pump failure and/or high level. Provide controller equivalent to Zoeller 10-0469; use NEMA-1 control enclosure for indoor application and for outdoor applications provide NEMA-4x control enclosure. Provide variable level control switch equal to Zoeller 10-0225 used as control activator; provide 3 float system. D. Provide collection basin. 1. Basin shall be manufactured of fiberglass with cast iron piping connections. 2. Basin cover shall steel, removable and equipped with air tight gasketing and piping connections. E. PLUMBING Provide high level alarm system. 220001- 13 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 1. Provide high level alarm with remote audio/visual enunciator. Locate enunciator per Owners direction with maximum wire run length at 100 feet. 2. Plumbing contractor to provide low voltage alarm and transformer if required PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES A. Coordination: Cooperate and coordinate with other trades in executing work of this section as described hereunder. 1. Perform work so that progress of entire project including work of other trades whether involved in work of this or other Sections shall not be interfered with or delayed. 2. Provide information as requested on items furnished under this Section, which shall be installed under other Sections. 3. Obtain detailed information from manufacturers of equipment to be provided under this Section as to proper methods of installation. 4. Obtain final roughing dimensions or other information as needed for complete installation of all items furnished under other Sections or by Owner. 5. Keep fully informed as to shape, size and position of openings required for material or equipment to be provided under this and other Sections. a. Give full information so that openings required by work of this Section may be coordinated with other work and other openings may be provided for in advance. b. In case of failure to provide necessary and sufficient information in proper time, trade involved will be required to do cutting and patching or have same done, at own expense and to full satisfaction of Engineer. 6. Notify Engineer of location and extent of existing piping and equipment, which interferes with new construction. a. In coordination with and with approval of Engineer, relocate such piping and equipment to permit new work to be provided as required by Contract Documents. b. With approval of Engineer, remove non-functioning or abandoned piping and equipment. c. If requested by Engineer, remove non-functioning or abandoned piping and equipment, which does not interfere with new work. d. Dispose of or store items as requested by Engineer. B. Maintenance of equipment and systems: Provide maintenance for Plumbing equipment and systems until final acceptance by the Engineer and the Owner, and take such measures as necessary to ensure adequate protection of equipment and material during delivery, storage, installation and shutdown conditions. 1. This responsibility shall include provisions required to meet conditions incidental to delays pending final test of systems and equipment under seasonal conditions. 2. Use of Premises: Use of premises shall be restricted as directed by the Engineer and the Owner and as required below. 3. As required, during progress of work, remove and properly dispose of resultant dirt and debris, and keep premises reasonably clean. 220001- 14 PLUMBING BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 a. Upon completion of work, remove equipment and unused material provided for work, and put building and premises in neat and clean condition, and do cleaning and washing required to provide acceptable appearance and operation of equipment, to satisfaction of Engineer, and as specified in General Conditions. 4. Conduct work so as not to interfere with functioning of existing sewers and water mains. a. Extreme care shall be observed to prevent debris from entering piping. Confer with Engineer as to disruption of water service or other utilities due to testing or connection of new work to existing. C. 1. Do not change representative without prior notification to Engineer. D. Inspections by Engineer: Undertaking of periodic inspections by Engineer, Engineer, or designated agent shall not be construed as supervision of actual construction, nor make either responsible for providing safe place for performance of work of various trades or suppliers, or for visitors or occupants, or make either responsible for omission of safety devices called for by codes, ordinances, or specifications of manufacturer of equipment supplied. E. Surveys and Measurements 1. Base measurements, both horizontal and vertical, on reference points established by Contractor and be responsible for correct laying out of work. 2. In event of discrepancy between actual measurements and those indicated, notify Engineer in writing and do not proceed with work until written instructions have been issued by Engineer. F. 3.2 Superintendence: Keep superintendent or foreman on site during progress of work. Instructions given to such representative by Engineer shall be binding of Contractor. Firestopping and proofing: 1. Coordinate the work of this section with fire stopping provided by others for all new penetrations at fire rated partitions. 2. Fire stopping for all new penetrations at fire-rated partitions made by this contractor shall be provided by the GC. 3. Provide a marked plan set for reference by the GC indicating all penetrations that require fire stopping. 4. Patching and repairing of spray fireproofing due to cutting or damaging to fireproofing during course of work specified under this Section shall be performed by installer of fireproofing and paid for by trade responsible for damage and shall not constitute grounds for an extra to Owner. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP A. Work shall be executed in workmanlike manner and shall present neat and mechanical appearance when completed. 1. Piping shall run concealed except in unfinished basement, mechanical rooms and areas where no finished ceiling exists. 2. Material and equipment shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommended best practice such that completed installation shall operate safely and without leakage, undue wear, noise, vibration, corrosion, or water hammer. PLUMBING 220001- 15 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3. September 23, 2015 Use of dielectric couplings between dissimilar materials is mandatory. Work shall be properly and effectively protected, and pipe openings shall be temporarily closed to prevent obstruction and damage prior to completion. B. Fully insure workmen and work as required by law and General Conditions. C. Except as otherwise noted, material or equipment mentioned in these Specifications or on Drawings shall be furnished new. 1. Provide supplies, appliances and connections necessary for complete and operational installation. 2. Equipment shall be provided with components required or recommended by OSHA and applicable NFPA documents, and shall be UL approved where applicable. 3. Protection facilities including expanded metal cloth guards over belt drives and couplings shall be provided in conformance with OSHA standards and all other applicable regulations. D. Notwithstanding any reference in Specifications or on Drawings to material or piece of equipment by name, make or catalog number, such reference shall be interpreted as establishing type, function, and standard of quality desired and shall not be construed as limiting competition. E. Finish of materials, components and equipment shall not be less than industry good practice. 1. F. 3.3 Abacus Architects + Planners When material or equipment is visible or subject to corrosive or atmospheric conditions, finish shall be as approved by Engineer. Owner shall not be responsible for material and equipment prior to testing and acceptance. BULLETINS, MANUALS AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Obtain at time of purchase of equipment, three copies of operation, replacement and maintenance manuals for all items. 1. Assemble literature in coordinated manuals. 2. In addition to literature listed above manual shall contain the following: a. Names and addresses of manufacturers and local representatives who stock or furnish repair parts for items or equipment. b. Valve charts c. Copies of all extended warranties filled out for the owner. d. Testing reports. B. 1. C. Furnish three copies of manuals to Engineer for approval and distribution to Owner. Deliver manuals no less than 30 days prior to acceptance of equipment to permit Owner's personnel to become familiar with equipment and operation prior to acceptance. Operating instructions: Upon completion of installation or when Owner accepts portions of building and equipment for operational use, instruct Owner's operating personnel in any or all parts of various systems. 1. Make adjustments under actual operating condition. 2. Provide a minimum of three separate training sessions. PLUMBING 220001- 16 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.4 3.5 September 23, 2015 CONTINUITY OF SERVICES A. Do not interrupt water, gas, phone, or electrical services without Owner's approval. B. Schedule interruptions in advance, according to Owner's instructions. Submit, in writing, with request for interruption, methods proposed to minimize the length of interruption. C. Interruptions shall be scheduled at such times of the day and work so that they have minimal impact on Owner's operations. PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Hangers shall be arranged to maintain the required grading and pitch of piping, to prevent vibrations, and to provide free, guided, expansion and contraction between anchors. B. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. C. Place a hanger within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. D. Where several pipes can be installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple or trapeze hangers. Trapeze hangers shall be spaced according to the smallest pipe size, or install intermediate supports according to schedule in this section. E. Install hangers to provide minimum ½ inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. F. Piping shall be supported at no greater than the following intervals:: PIPE MATERIAL/SIZE Copper (1-1/4” or less) Copper (1-1/2” or greater) Cast Iron 3.6 Abacus Architects + Planners HORIZONTAL SPACING VERTICAL SPACING 6'-0" At each story (10’-0” max) 10'-0" At each story (10’-0” max) 5'-0" At base and each floor (15’-0” max) G. Provide means of preventing dissimilar metal contact such as plastic coated hangers, copper colored epoxy paint, or non adhesive isolation. Galvanized felt isolators sized for copper tubing may also be used. H. Do not support piping from other pipes, ductwork or other equipment that is not building structure I. Hangers must be sized for outside diameter of pipe insulation. ACCESS AND ACCESS PANELS A. 1. B. 1. PLUMBING Perform work required so as to provide proper access to material or equipment, which may need inspection, replacement, repair or service. If proper access cannot be provided, confer with Engineer as to best method of approach to minimize effect of reduced access, which may result. Supply access panels for installation under other Sections where shut-off valves, control valves, check valves, or any items requiring access which are installed under this Section and concealed in floor, wall, furred space or above the ceiling. Access panels shall have same fire rating classification as surface penetrated. 220001- 17 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.7 Lay out chases, openings and partitions before installation to permit coordinated installation. Coordinate with other trades. 1. Sleeves and inserts shall be set in forms before concrete is poured. 2. Sleeves set in floors or fire walls but not used in final installation shall be filled with concrete or grout flush with floor or wall to ensure proper fire stop. 3. Necessary sleeves in floors or fire walls not provided because of omission or change may be core drilled except where watertight sleeves are required. B. Provide sleeves for piping between floors and through fire walls or smoke partitions. Provide approved packing between sleeves and piping to provide fire stop. 1. Piping passing through slab on grade shall not require sleeves. 2. Sleeves shall be 12 gauge or heavier steel, first pipe size or larger than outside diameter of pipe to be sleeved. C. Sleeves through outside walls shall be schedule 40 black steel pipe with 150 pound black steel slip-on welding flanges, welded at center of sleeve, painted with one coat of bitumastic paint inside and outside. 1. Space between sleeve and pipe shall be packed with oakum to within two inches of each wall face. 2. Remaining space shall be packed and made watertight with waterproof mastic. D. Watertight sleeves through floors shall be schedule 40 black steel pipe, set no less than one inch above finished floor surfaces. E. Inserts shall be iron or steel of type to receive machine bolt head or nut after installation. 1. F. 1. Inserts shall permit adjustment of bolt in one horizontal direction and shall develop strength of bolt when installed in properly cured concrete. Sleeves under footings. Sleeves shall be a minimum of 6’-0” long. Sleeves shall extend 2’-0” beyond barring area of footing. ESCUTCHEONS A. 1. 3.9 September 23, 2015 SLEEVES, PLATES, AND INSERTS A. 3.8 Abacus Architects + Planners Escutcheons shall be installed around exposed pipe passing through finished floor, wall, ceiling, or cabinet. Escutcheons shall be heavy cast brass, chromium-plated, unless otherwise noted, adjustable, and shall be of sufficient outside diameter to cover sleeve opening and shall fit snugly around pipe. JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS A. Joints and connections shall be permanent and shall be gas- and water-tight. Jointing shall be types specified for service indicated. 1. Joints and connections shall meet requirements of manufacturers best recommended practice. 2. Provide isolation valves for all fixtures and appliances whether shown on drawings or not 3. All transitions between different piping materials shall be made using approved adapters. PLUMBING 220001- 18 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. 3.10 1. B. Adapters for transitions between two types of piping materials shall be manufactured for purpose intended. Water supply piping shall be run as indicated on Drawings, including mains and supplies to indicated equipment. Piping shall be pitched at least 1 inch in 40 feet so that it can be drained completely at low points with drain valves which shall be provided wherever necessary. Shut-off and control valves on main distribution and branch lines shall be located for easy access and operation. INTERIOR SANITARY WASTE, AND VENT PIPING A. 1. 3.12 September 23, 2015 INTERIOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM A. 3.11 Abacus Architects + Planners Waste, drainage and vent lines shown in building shall be installed as indicated on Drawings; vents shall extend through roof and be increased to 3 inches minimum size. Piping shall be assembled and installed without undue strains and stresses, and provision shall be made for expansion, contraction, and structural settlement. B. Interior horizontal sanitary waste and storm drainage piping shall be installed in practical alignment at uniform grade of 1/8 inch per foot minimum but 1/4 inch per foot where possible, and as shown on Drawings. C. Protect piping against breakage when passing under or through wall by means of pipe sleeves. TESTING, BALANCING AND ADJUSTING A. 1. Scope Provide testing, balancing, and adjusting of plumbing systems as shown on Drawings, as specified herein and as required by authorities having jurisdiction, including Owner and Engineer. a. Perform tests recommended by manufacturers of materials and equipment; this requirement may be waived by Engineer. 2. Testing, balancing and adjusting shall in no way relieve guarantee requirements. 3. Test shall be conducted as part of Work of this Section and shall include labor by qualified personnel, equipment, apparatus and services required to perform tests. 4. Provide letter to engineer stating what system has been tested, a brief description of testing procedure and results of tests. B. Prior to date of acceptance, furnish Engineer with certificates of testing and inspection for Plumbing systems indicating approval of authorities having jurisdiction and conformance with requirements of Contract Documents. C. General 1. Submit proposed test procedures, recording forms, and test equipment for review prior to testing. 2. Notify Engineer and authorities involved at least 48 hours prior to testing and inspection. 3. Do not paint, cover or conceal work prior to testing, inspecting and obtaining approval; this includes backfilling and application of insulation. PLUMBING 220001- 19 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 4. D. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Costs of repairs and restoration of work of other trades and existing building surfaces or material damaged during cleaning or testing shall be borne by trade performing such cleaning or testing. No tests shall be started until systems have been cleaned as described under paragraph "CLEANING". 1. Provide temporary piping and connections for testing, flushing, or draining systems to be tested. 2. Leaks, damage or defects discovered or resulting from tests shall be repaired or replaced to like-new condition. a. Leaking pipe joints, fittings, fixtures, etc. shall be removed and replaced with acceptable materials. 3. Piping must be absolutely tight before it will be accepted and joints shall be made tight without caulking. a. Tests shall be continued until systems operate without adjustments and repair to equipment or piping. 4. Provide testing instruments, force pumps, gauges, equipment and labor necessary to properly conduct tests. a. Instruments used for testing and balancing shall have been calibrated within six months prior to balancing. b. Instrument calibration shall be certified. E. Waste & Vent Piping 1. Final test shall be made after vertical and horizontal pipes and roughing-in have been run and before sewer or fixture connection is made. 2. After soils, wastes, and storm lines, etc. have been installed, outlets shall be temporarily plugged. 3. Fill pipes with water to top of vertical lines and allow to remain so filled for twenty-four hours. 4. Retesting after leaks are repaired shall be at no additional cost. F. Pressurized Piping Systems 1. Leak tests shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI B31.9 "Building Service Piping" and as specified herein. 2. Before piping of various systems has been covered or furred-in, piping systems shall be tested for 24 hours under hydrostatic pressure 1½ times system working pressures but not greater than 300 psig. 3. Tests shall be witnessed by the Engineer and pronounced satisfactory before pressure is removed or any water drained off. 4. Equipment shall be valved off or removed during test if equipment pressure rating is less than test pressure. 5. Retesting after leaks are repaired shall be done at no additional cost. G. 1. PLUMBING DHW system balancing Adjust thermostatic tempering valves at public lavatories. 220001- 20 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.13 2. Adjust aquastat at water heater. 3. Provide testing as required by local authority having jurisdiction. September 23, 2015 CLEANING A. Upon completion of work but prior to final system testing, all parts of installation shall be thoroughly cleaned. 1. Fixtures, equipment, pipe, valves, and fittings shall be completely cleaned of grease, metal cuttings, dirt, etc. 2. Protective covers shall be removed and fixtures (including lavatories, water closets, etc.) shall be cleaned and ready for use. B. 3.14 Abacus Architects + Planners Stoppage, discoloration or damage to parts of building, finish or furnishings due to failure to properly clean piping system shall be repaired by trade responsible at no cost to Owner. PIPE CLEANING AND STERILIZATION A. Domestic water piping shall be thoroughly flushed and then treated and sterilized with liquid chlorine gas, water solution, or direct chlorine gas placed in upstream side in amounts to give dosage of 50 ppm chlorine calculated on volume of water piping will contain. 1. Minimum residual of 5-ppm chlorine shall remain in entire system for minimum of 24 hours. 2. After sterilizing, flush lines thoroughly. In accordance with EPA, National Primary Drinking Water Regulations, concentration of chlorine shall not exceed 4 mg/L Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL). B. 1. Foregoing shall be considered minimum requirements. Sterilization shall be in strict accordance with City Water Department requirements. C. Under no circumstances shall any portion of domestic water system be used until it has been properly sterilized and certified same by City Water Department. D. Provide temporary piping and connections required for cleaning, testing, flushing, draining of systems. E. Replace any filters prior to final inspection and testing. END OF SECTION PLUMBING 220001- 21 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 23.00.00 HEATING, VENTILATION, AND AIR CONDITIONING (Filed Sub-Bid) PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 1.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Include the General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, as part of this Section. B. Examine all other Sections of the Specifications for requirements that affect work under this Section whether or not such work is specifically mentioned in this Section. C. Coordinate work of this Section with that of all other trades affecting, or affected by, this Section. Cooperate with such trades to assure the steady progress of all work under the contract. FILED SUB A. Bidding procedures shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30; Section 39M, and Chapter 149, Section 4; as modified by Chapter 484 (1984) and Chapter 30B, Uniform Procurement Act (1990). Time and place for submission of sub-bids is given in Advertisement for Bids. B. Sub-Bids for work under this section shall be for complete work and shall be filed in a sealed envelope with Awarding Authority, at time and place specified in Advertisement for Bids. Following shall appear on face of envelope: NAME OF AWARDING AUTHORITY PROJECT NAME [NAME OF SUB-BIDDER] SECTION 230001- Mechanical C. Every sub-bid submitted for work under this section shall be on forms furnished by Awarding Authority, as required by Section 44F of Chapter 149 of General Laws, and specified in Advertisement for Bids. D. Sub-bids filed with Awarding Authority shall be accompanied by bid deposits in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check, issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the awarding authority in compliance with Chapter 149, Section 44B. Amount of bid deposit shall be 5 percent of value of bid. E. Work to be done under this section is shown on the following drawings. : M-001, M-002, M101, M102, M201, & M202 Remaining contract drawings are included for reference and coordination. 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK A. Included in this Section is the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and accessories required to provide a complete installation of the work described herein and on the Drawings. Build the work of other trades into the work of this Section as required. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 1 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Give notices, file plans, obtain permits and licenses, pay fees and backcharges and obtain necessary approvals from authorities having jurisdiction, as required to perform work in accordance with all legal requirements and with Specifications, Drawings, Addenda, all of which are part of Contract Documents. C. The work under this Section consists of 1. Ducted Fan Coils 2. Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) 3. Air Filters 4. Exhaust Fans 5. Hydronic Coils 6. Panel Radiators 7. Pumps 8. Ductwork 9. Piping and Fittings 10. Valves and Unions 11. Piping Accessories 12. Hydronic Specialties 13. Vibration Isolation 14. Insulation 15. Pipe Hangers and Supports 16. Sleeves 17. Test and Balance for all Mechanical systems 18. Supply Access Panels 19. Mechanical Identification 20. Automatic Temperature Controls 21. Provide Close-Out procedures per Division 1. MECHANICAL SYSTEM NARRATIVE A. The following narrative describes the Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (Mechanical) systems and their function. The intent of this narrative is to comply with the requirements of Section 1301.1.1 of the Massachusetts State Building Code 780 CMR (7th Edition), as amended to adopt the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC 2009), Section 104.2 Information on Construction Documents. B. Design Intent 1. Heating: a. Existing gas fired, condensing boilers provide heating for the building. New heating for the areas of this renovation shall connect to this existing hydroinic system. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 2 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 b. Radiators provide heating to basement areas. Non-electric zone valves provide independent, non-programmable control to each respective area. c. Fan coil unit with a hydronic coil provides heating to the program space. d. A hydronic coil provides heating of outside air after the ERV. 2. Ventilating: A Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) provides outside air to support occupancy within the basement space. The ERV also functions to provide bathroom exhaust and general exhaust from storage and utility areas. 3. Cooling: a. None. (N/A) 4. C. Controls: Controls consist of electronic, programmable controls. Basis of Design 1. This project involves renovation of a community rooms within the basement of an existing building located with Climate Zone #5a, (Lincoln, Massachusetts) 2. The following Thermal Design Criteria were used to calculate the capacities and parameters for the building as required by Section 302 of the IECC. a. Interior Design Conditions 1) Heating: 72 deg. F 2) Cooling: N/A b. Outdoor Design Conditions 3. 1) Heating: 7 deg. F winter 2) Cooling: N/A System Intent: The intent of the heating system is to satisfy the minimum indoor temperature requirements as defined by 105 CMR, Section 410. a. Habitable rooms shall maintain least 68°F between 7:00 A.M. and 11:00 P.M. and at least 64°F between 11:01 P.M. and 6:59 A.M. every day, other than during the period from June15th to September 15th. b. The indoor temperature shall be met at a height of five feet above floor level on a wall any point more than five feet from the exterior wall D. Sequence of Operations and Interactions 1. AHU 2. ERV 3. Bath exhaust fans 4. Panel Radiators 5. Basement Zone Pump E. 1. F. Systems and Equipment Capacities Refer to schedules on the associated drawings for equipment capacities. Testing HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 3 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. G. 1. H. 1. I. 1.5 Operation Manuals and Maintenance Manuals When the building is completed and ready for occupancy, the contractor shall provide operation manuals and maintenance manuals as required by the contract documents. Record Drawings and Control Documents When the building is completed and ready for occupancy, the contractor shall provide Record Drawings and Test and Balance reports as required by the contract documents. All maintenance recommended by the various equipment manufacturers. 2. Each fan coil, air handler, and heat exchanger should be inspected twice per year, filters changed and the condensate drain pan cleaned with a bleach solution at the end of the cooling season (late fall). RELATED WORK IN OTHER SECTIONS The following work is not included in this Section and will be performed under other Sections: Electrical, Section 260001 ITEMS SUPPLIED UNDER OTHER SECTIONS FOR INSTALLATION BY THIS SECTION A. 1.8 The contractor shall provide complete testing and balancing for all new air systems, hydronic systems installed by this project. 1. 1. 1.7 September 23, 2015 Future Maintenance: Recommended maintenance includes but is not limited to: A. 1.6 Abacus Architects + Planners None. ITEMS SUPPLIED UNDER THIS SECTION FOR INSTALLATION BY OTHER SECTIONS A. Access Panels B. Disconnects QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in strict accordance with rules, regulations, standards, codes, ordinances, and laws of local, state, and Federal governments, and other authorities having lawful jurisdiction, and be responsible for compliance therewith. Such authorities include but are not limited to the following: 1. Local and state building, plumbing, Mechanical, electrical, fire, and health department and public safety codes. 2. International Energy Conservation Code (IECC 2009) 3. The International Mechanical Code (IMC 2009) 4. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 5. American Insurance Association (A.I.A.) 6. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). 7. Factory Mutual Association (FM). 8. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA). HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 4 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 9. 1.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Material and equipment shall be Underwriter's Laboratory (UL), ASME and AGA approved, as applicable, for intended service. B. When two or more codes, regulations, etc. conflict with each other or with Contract Documents, the more severe requirement shall govern conduct of work. The Engineer may relax this requirement at his sole discretion when such relaxation does not violate ruling of any authority having jurisdiction. Approval for such relaxation must be obtained in writing. C. Most recent editions of applicable specifications and publications of the following organizations form part of the Contract Documents. 1. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 3. National Electric Manufacturers Association (NEMA). 4. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 5. American Society for Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). 6. Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning National Contractors Association (SMACNA). 7. National Insulation Manufacturers Association (NIMA). SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division-1 Specification Sections. B. Material and equipment requiring Shop Drawings or Product Data submittal shall include but shall not be limited to: 1. Ducted Fan Coils 2. Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) 3. Air Filters 4. Exhaust Fans 5. Hydronic Coils 6. Panel Radiators 7. Pumps 8. Ductwork 9. Piping and Fittings 10. Valves and Unions 11. Piping Accessories 12. Hydronic Specialties 13. Vibration Isolation 14. Insulation 15. Pipe Hangers and Supports 16. Sleeves HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 5 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 17. Test and Balance for all Mechanical systems 18. Access Panels 19. Mechanical Identification C. 1. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Automatic Temperature Control System Submittal: The following items shall be included in the automatic temperature controls submittal. Controls system shall be submitted as a single package. All items indicated below shall be included in package or entire submittal will be rejected. Shop drawings: Shop drawings shall include the following: a. Job specific wiring diagrams showing physical location of all wiring runs, ladder diagrams of control logic, schematics showing terminal strips, controller diagram formatted on 11” x17” sheets. b. Riser diagram shall show schematically the entire system with all major components identified. c. Written sequence of control operation for each controlled device including control interlocks to other systems. Sequences must be full and complete. (Resubmission of engineer’s sequences will not be acceptable.) 2. Products a. Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature, operating instructions, and maintenance and repair data under applicable provisions. 3. 1.10 Prior to substantial completion contractor shall submit a summary list of initial set points for all controllers. D. Submit manufacturer's installation instructions, service manuals, parts lists. under applicable provisions. E. Submit a line item schedule of values for review prior to equipment submittals and for use in the requisition process. F. Submit a schedule for the work in coordination with the GC's schedule. G. Submit blank test and balance report forms. H. At substantial completion prepare a set of as built drawings. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. The following paragraphs supplement Division 1. B. Submit manufacturer's descriptive literature, operating instructions, and maintenance and repair data under applicable provisions. C. Provide O&M Manual, three copies in three ring binders marked on the cover with the name of the project and the date of final completion. Each binder shall be divided with labeled tab dividers for the following: 1. Contact information for the installing contractor and the 24-hour service provider. 2. Equipment Warranties, 3. Approved submittals, 4. Operations and maintenance manuals parts lists. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 6 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1.11 A. The provisions under Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 are included. B. Guarantee work of this Section in writing for one year from date of Substantial Completion. 1. Defects in materials, equipment, workmanship or installation that develop within this period shall be repaired and replaced promptly to the Engineer's satisfaction at no cost to owner. 2. Written guarantee shall stipulate that damage caused in making necessary repairs and replacements shall be corrected at no cost to Owner. 3. The Mechanical systems will be considered substantially complete only after the system has been fully tested and balanced and the engineer has signed off on the completed test and balance forms. 1. Guarantee shall include provision of 24-hour service for complete system during guarantee period at no cost to Owner. Choice of service organization shall be subject to Owner's approval. D. Submit written guarantee to the Engineer through Contractor before final payment. E. Transfer individual equipment and material guarantees, which are still in force to Owner at end of guarantee period. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Work to be performed under this Section is shown on the accompanying drawings. B. Listing of drawings does not limit responsibility of determining full extent of work required by Contract Documents. 1. Refer to Architectural, Plumbing, Electrical, Structural and other drawings on file, as well as other specifications sections, which indicate type of construction in which the work must be installed. 2. Locations shown on Drawings shall be checked against general and detailed drawings of the construction proper. C. 1. D. 1. 1.13 September 23, 2015 GUARANTEES AND WARRANTIES C. 1.12 Abacus Architects + Planners Drawings are diagrammatic and indicate general arrangements of systems and work included in Contract. Drawings are not intended to specify or to show every offset, fitting, or component; however, Contract Documents require components and materials, whether or not indicated or specified, as necessary to make installations fully complete and operational. Questions regarding drawings or specifications shall be addressed to the Engineer in writing prior to Award of Contract. Otherwise the Engineer's interpretation of meaning and intent of drawings and specifications shall be final. DISCREPANCIES IN DOCUMENTS A. 1. Where Drawings or Specifications indicate discrepancies or ambiguities, advise the Engineer in writing before Award of Contract. Otherwise, the Engineer's interpretation of documents shall be final; no additional compensation shall be permitted due to discrepancies or ambiguities thus resolved. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 7 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA B. 1. C. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Where drawings or specifications do not coincide with recommendations of manufacturer of material or piece of equipment, alert the Engineer in writing before installation of item in question. Otherwise, make changes in installation, as the Engineer requires without additional cost to owner. When specifications and drawings are in conflict with each other, or with Contract Documents, the more severe (costly) requirement shall be provided as part of the base bid work. 1. The Engineer may relax this requirement at his sole discretion when such relaxation does not violate ruling of any authority having jurisdiction. 2. Approval for such relaxation must be obtained in writing. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 ENERGY RECOVERY VENTILATOR (ERV) A. Provide ERV meeting the capacity and performance as identified on the assoicated drawings. Unit shall be a packaged static plate enthalpic-energy recovery ventilator. B. Units with integral blowers shall be listed under UL 1812 Standard for Ducted Air to Air Heat Exchangers. C. The energy recovery cores shall be certified by ARI under its Standard 1060 for Energy. Recovery Ventilators. ARI published certifications shall confirm manufacturers published performance for airflow, static pressure, temperature and total effectiveness, purge air (OACF) and exhaust air leakage (EATR). Products that are not currently ARI Certified will not be accepted. Manufacturer shall be able to provide evidence of independent testing of the core by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), verifying a maximum flame spread index (FSI) of 25 and a maximum smoke developed index (SDI) of 50 thereby meeting NFPA 90A and NFPA 90B requirements for materials in a compartment handling air intended for circulation through a duct system. The method of test shall be UL Standard 723. D. The Heat Exchanger core shall be warranted to be free of manufacturing defects and to retain its functional characteristics, under circumstances of normal use, for a period of ten years from the date of purchase. Balance of Unit shall be warranted to be free of manufacturing defects and to retain its functional characteristics, under circumstances of normal use, for a period of two years from the date of purchase. E. Unit shall be capable of transferring both sensible and latent energy between air streams. Latent energy transfer shall be accomplished by direct water vapor transfer from one air stream to the other, without exposing transfer media in succeeding cycles directly to the exhaust air and then to the fresh air. F. Energy-transfer element shall perform without condensing or frosting under normal operating conditions (defined as outside temperatures above humidity below 40%). Occasional extreme conditions shall not affect the usual function or performance of the element. No condensate drains will be allowed. G. Unit shall have the capacity to operate continuously without the need for bypass, recirculation, preheaters, or defrost cycles under normal operating conditions. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 8 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.2 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 H. Water vapor transfer shall be through molecular transport by hydroscopic resin and shall not be accomplished by “porous plate” mechanisms. Exhaust and fresh airstreams shall at all times travel in separate passages, and airstreams shall not mix. I. Airflow through the energy exchange element shall be laminar, avoiding deposition of particulates on the interior of the energy exchange plate material. J. Fixed-plate energy-exchange element. Energy-exchange module shall be of fixed-plate cross-flow construction, with no moving parts. No condensate drain pans or drains shall be allowed and unit shall be capable of operating in winter and summer conditions without generating condensate. K. The unit case shall be constructed of galvanized, 20-gauge steel, with lapped corners. 1. Flange components shall be provided suitable for connection of ductwork. 2. Access doors shall provide easy access to blowers, energy transfer elements, and filters. Panel shall be gasketed to provide air-tight seal. 3. Case walls and doors shall be insulated with 1” FSK high-density board insulation, eliminating the possibility of exposing the fresh air to glass fibers. L. 30% efficient 2” nominal pleated, disposable filters shall protect energy-exchange element. Provide spares as specified. M. Units with blowers shall have single-point power connection. N. Blower motors shall be thermally protected with automatic reset, or supplied with starters. Motors shall be variable speed DC motors of the ECM type. O. Unit shall be as manufactured by Renewaire, Lennox, or Lossnay. AIR HANDLING UNITS A. Provide, per drawing schedule, indoor mounted central station air-handling units designed to provide specified performance requirements for ventilation, heating, cooling, filtration, and distribution. Unit shall be assembled for draw-through application and shall be arranged to discharge conditioned air horizontally or vertically as shown on the contract drawings. B. Unit performance shall be certified in accordance with ARI Standard 430 for Central Station Air-Handling Units. C. Unit shall be stored and handled in accordance with the unit manufacturer's instructions. D. Factory assembled, single-piece central station air-handler. Unit may consist of a fan and coil section with a factory-installed chilled water coil, heating coil section, filter section, mixing box or combination mixing box, and access section as indicated on the equipment schedules. E. Unit Cabinet: 1. Unit panels shall be constructed of milled galvanized steel. Casing panels shall be removable for easy access to the unit. 2. Hinged access doors shall be double wall with 1.5 lb. dual density fiberglass between galvanized steel panels. 3. Insulation for casing panels on unit shall be 1 in. minimum thickness dual-density fiberglass insulation with a density of not less than nominal 1.5 lb. per cubic foot. 4. Insulation shall be secured to casing with waterproof adhesive. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 9 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 5. F. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Sloped, self-draining condensate drain pans shall have double-wall construction with threaded drain connection. Fan Section: 1. Fan sections shall be constructed of galvanized steel and have a formed channel base for integral mounting of fan, motor, and casing panels. Fan scroll, wheel shaft, and bearings are to be mounted on spring mounts to the air handling base, minimum one inch static deflection. 2. Each unit shall have one fan wheel and scroll only. Fans shall be double width, double inlet type, with forward-curved blades. Wheels shall be bonderized steel painted with baked enamel, or galvanized steel. 3. Fan wheels shall be keyed to the shaft and shall be designed for continuous operation at the maximum rated fan speed and motor horsepower. Fan wheels and shafts shall be selected to operate at least 25% below the first critical speed, and shall be statically and dynamically balanced as an assembly. 4. Fan shafts shall be solid steel, turned, ground, and polished. 5. Fan bearings shall be self-aligning, pillow block regreasable ball type selected for an average life of 200,000 hours at design operation conditions; per ANSI/AFBMA Standard 9-1978. 6. Fan motor shall be mounted within the fan section casing on slide rails having 2 adjusting screws. Motor shall be NEMA Design B with sizes and electrical characteristics as shown on the equipment schedule. 7. Fan drive shall be designed for a 1.3 service factor and shall be factory mounted and aligned. Belt drive shall be variable or fixed-pitch type. G. Coil Sections: 1. All coils shall have mill galvanized steel casings. They shall be tested at 400 psig air pressure while submerged in water. Coil performance shall be certified in accordance with ARI Standard 410. 2. Chilled water coils shall have aluminum plate fins with belled collars bonded to 1/2 in. minimum OD copper tubes by Mechanical expansion. Coils shall have galvanized steel casings and steel headers with threaded connections. Working pressure shall be 300 psig promoting devices will be permitted inside the tubes. Headers shall have drain and vent connections. 3. Direct Expansion (DX) coils shall have rippled aluminum plate fins bonded to copper tubes by Mechanical expansion. Coils shall have galvanized steel casing. Coils shall have brass liquid distributors and sweat type copper suction connections. Coils shall be fitted with a Thermal Expansion Valve(s) (TXV 4. Hot water heating coils shall have aluminum plate fins with belled collars bonded to copper tubes by Mechanical expansion. Coils shall have galvanized steel casings and steel headers with threaded connections. Working pressures shall be 175 psig at 400 Headers shall have drain and vent connections. 5. All water and refrigerant coils shall be factory tested for leakage at 400 psig air pressure with coils submerged in water. After testing, direct-expansion coils shall be dehydrated and charged with dry air. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 10 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.3 2.4 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 H. Filter Sections: Filter section shall be designed and constructed to house the specified type of filter. Provide spares as specified. I. Special Features: 1. Unit Cabinet: Air-dry paint finish on exterior of unit. 2. Provide high efficiency motor. 3. Supply motor controller/starter. 4. Provide variable pitch drive where indicated. 5. For base mounted units, provide welded angle iron base of sufficient height to permit piping to travel beneath the unit. 6. For base mounted units, provide ribbed neoprene and cork vibration isolation mounting pads. 7. For suspended units, provide unit strut suspension frame, ready rod, means of securing to structure above and neoprene and spring vibration isolation mounting hardware. 8. Connections to duct work shall be made with continuous flexible duct material. HEATING COIL A. Heating coils shall have aluminum plate fins with belled collars bonded to copper tubes by Mechanical expansion. B. Coils shall have galvanized steel casings. C. Working pressures shall be 175 psig at 400 connections. D. Coil shall have burst proof return bends or plugs and shall be guaranteed against freeze damage by the manufacturer.. E. Coils shall conform to ARI 410 Standard. F. Coils shall be as manufactured by USA coil & air or equivalent by Rahn Industries or Super Radiator Coils. AIR FILTERS A. Air handlers, fan coils, and heat exchanger supply air intakes shall each have a separate filter section at the air inlet side. B. Filter housings shall either be integral to the manufactured unit or shall be fabricated of 18 gauge-galvanized steel reinforced with corner gussets and supports. 1. Doors shall be fully gasketed and fitted with quick action positive pressure latches. 2. Metal to metal interfaces shall be sealed with silicone compound. 3. Filters shall be sealed by the use of extruded aluminum tracks combined with a woven nylon pile seal. 4. Housing to be constructed such that the filter elements are accessible from the access side of the unit. C. Provide air filters for air handling equipment according the schedule below. Air Handling MERV Rating Minimum Final HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) Remarks 230001- 11 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Equipment Fan Coil Units FCU’ ERV’s 2.6 2.7 September 23, 2015 Resistance (in wc) 0.6 0.6 2”, anti-microbial 2”, anti-microbial 1. Filters shall be rated in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 52.2 Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV). 2. Filters shall be as manufactured by American Air Filter, 3M or Fiberbond. D. 2.5 8 8 Abacus Architects + Planners Replacement schedule: 1. Just prior to occupancy, provide a new set of filters for all fan coils. 2. In addition to the original filters and the set installed just prior to occupancy, provide two full sets of disposable panel filters as extra for future maintenance purposes. Store at the direction of the Owner's representative. CEILING MOUNTED EXHAUST FAN A. Provide ceiling mounted exhaust fan performance identified in the equipment schedule on the drawings. B. Unit shall be Energy Star rated and certified by the Home Ventilating Institute (HVI). C. Fan motor shall be totally enclosed, four pole condenser type, with integral thermal protection, engineered to run continuously. D. Housing shall be galvanized steel with rustproof painted finish. E. Unit shall include ABS grille attached to housing with torsion springs. F. Unit shall be as manufactured by Panasonic. MOTORIZED DAMPERS A. Dampers shall be opposed blade, gasketed, suitable for motorized operation. B. Dampers which provide an air barrier to separate the outside air from the building interior or interior air systems shall have a leakage no greater than 3 cfm/ft2 at 1.0" w.g. when tested in accordance with AMCA 500. C. Coordinate damper dimension with louver plenum and ductwork. D. Unit shall be as manufactured by Buckley or equivalent unit by Dayton or Carnes. DAMPER MOTORS A. Provide damper motors (actuators) for all dampers installed under Section above. B. Open/closed spring return damper actuators shall be direct-coupled type which require no crank arm and linkage and be capable of direct-mounting to the damper jack shaft. C. Actuators shall be capable of clockwise or counterclockwise fail-safe operation. D. Actuators shall be protected from overload at all angles of rotation. E. Coordinate selection of actuators with the size of the damper they control. F. Actuators shall be UL listed and CSA certified., with a two year warranty. G. Actuators shall be as manufactured by Bellimo, or similar unit by Honeywell, Robertshaw, or approved equal. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 12 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.8 2.9 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 STEEL PANEL RADIATORS (BUDERUS STYLE) A. Provide panel radiator with fluted front panel, constructed of 0.049” steel with convection tunnels welded on the water channels. B. Radiators shall be finished with white polyester-epoxy powder coating. C. Radiator shall have integral air bleeder and flow setter valves. D. Piping connections shall be located at the bottom of the radiator. E. Fittings exposed to view must be nickel or chrome plated as by Oventrop or equal. No piping shall be run horizontally exposed below radiator. MC is responsible for roughing F. Provide dry fit up of one sample radiator for review prior to completing the rest. G. Mount to wall using factory approved mounting brackets. H. Radiators to be as manufactured by Buderus or approved equal by Myson or Biasi. I. Each radiator shall be equipped with a non-electric zone valve (NEZV) with adjustable temperature sensing actuator. J. Accessories: For all radiators in public areas and stairways, provide tamper proof cover for NEZVs that prohibit adjustment after the initial setting, provide submittal. K. Provide radiator valve for supply and return unless indicated otherwise. If indicated on drawings or in schedules replace the radiator valve on the supply and return with H-pattern bypass radiator valve. Provide escutcheon plates on both supply and return piping where it penetrates the floor or wall. VARIABLE SPEED PUMPS A. Provide speed-controlled, in-line, wet-rotor circulators meeting the performance identified in the pump schedule on the drawings. B. Unit shall include an integrated frequency converter. Integral controller is programmed to provide speed control and automatically adjusts for optimum flow. C. The pumps shall have the following features: 1. The pump housing shall be of the in-line type and have a stainless steel neck ring to minimize recirculation and increase pump efficiency. 2. The impellers shall be of the radial type with curved blades. The impeller shall be secured to the shaft by a split cone and nut. 3. The suction and discharge flanges shall be tapped and drilled to allow gauge installation on the pump. 4. Pump Construction. a. Pump housing: Cast iron EN-JL-1040 (35B-40B) or Stainless Steel 1.4408 (CF8M) b. Impellers, rotor can: 304 Stainless Steel c. Rotor cladding: 316 Stainless Steel d. Shaft: 303 Stainless Steel e. Thrust Bearing: Tungsten Carbide HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 13 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA f. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Axial thrust bearing: Carbon MY106 g. Journal: Tungsten Carbide h. O-rings: EPDM i. D. Integrated Variable Frequency drive Motor 1. Each motor shall be 4- or 8-pole, synchronous, permanent-magnet (PM motor) and tested with the pump as one unit by the same manufacturer. 2. Each motor shall be of the Integrated Variable Frequency Drive design consisting of a motor and a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) built and tested as one unit by the same manufacturer. 3. The stator housing shall be made of pressure die cast aluminum. The stator housing shall have 12 drain holes to enable condensed water to escape. 4. The motor shall be cooled by the pumped fluid. 5. Motor shall be self ventilating. The stator housing shall have nickel plated brass inspection screw. 6. Minimum insulation class for the motors shall be Class F. 7. The integrated VFD control shall utilize an energy optimization algorithm to minimize energy consumption by reducing the factory-set setpoint and adjust to actual system characteristics. This shall be accomplished without the need of any external sensors or input. E. 2.10 Bearing plate: 304 Stainless Steel The terminal box shall be made of black composite material. Enclosure class shall be IP44. Aluminum terminal boxes shall not be acceptable. 1. The terminal box shall be able to connect directly to the mains without the need of an external contactor. 2. The terminal box shall be suitable to accept add-on modules. F. GeniBus module for communication between two pumps piped in parallel. The duty pump shall operate when called, the standby pump will be off and exercised at a fixed frequency. If the duty pump stops due to a fault the standby pump will automatically start. G. Operating panel and remote control for self diagnostics. H. The pump shaft shall be installed horizontally per manufacturer’s recommendations. The terminal box shall be located as per manufacturer’s recommendations. The system shall be vented out from a higher location form the pump. The required inlet pressure by the pump shall be available at the pump inlet. I. Variable speed pumps shall be Magna series as manufactured by Grundfos, or equal. PIPING AND FITTINGS A. Unless otherwise noted, all piping fittings, including nipples, shall be new material absolutely perfect throughout, scale free, and of the best grade guaranteed full weight. All steel pipe shall be as manufactured by National Tube Co., Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Bethlehem Steel Co.. Copper tubing shall be as manufactured by Bridgeport Brass, American Brass, Revere Copper and Brass. The manufacturer’s name or brand shall be rolled or stamped on each length of pipe and nipple. All piping shall conform to American Standards Association “Code for Pressure Piping” HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 14 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA September 23, 2015 B. All nipples and fittings shall be of the same material and thickness as the pipe which they are used, except as otherwise noted and/or where screwed fitting are used on steel pipe, in which case they shall have band and clean cut, full taper thread. Welding fittings shall be standard weight, conforming to ASA B36.10. Welding elbows shall be long radius patter, unless otherwise specifically authorized for each location. C. Schedule of Pipe Fitting Materials SERVICE Hydronic Hydronic 2.11 Abacus Architects + Planners MATERIAL Steel Schedule 40 Copper Type - L JOINTS Up to 2 inch: Threaded; Larger than 2 inch: Welded* Copper ** Soldered *** FITTINGS Malleable Iron/Steel Schedule 40 Wrought Copper 1. * Grooved piping system shall not be considered as an equal. 2. ** PEX piping will be accepted as an alternative for selected portions of the hydronic system if requested in writing and accepted by the Engineer and the Owner. No fittings buried in walls or floors will be allowed. 3. *** Viega Pro-Press system will be accepted as an alternative to soldered joints VALVES AND UNIONS A. 1. Isolation Valves: Up to 2 Inches: a. Provide bronze two-piece, ¼ turn, full port ball valve with chrome-plated brass ball, blowout proof stem and lever handle. b. Provide extended valve stems where insulation thickness is greater than 1” or where handle movement is impeded by insulation.” c. Valve shall have PTFE seats and stem packing seal. d. Rated for 600 PSIG WOG service. e. As manufactured by Apollo, Watts, Jenkins or approved equal. 2. 2 inch and larger, provide butterfly valve: Iron body, cast iron nickel plated disc, resilient EPDM replaceable seat for service to 250 degrees F, wafer or lug ends, extended neck, infinite position lever handle with memory stop. 3. Install ball or butterfly valves for all shut-off, bypass and to isolate equipment, part of systems, or vertical risers. 4. Provide extended valve stems where pipe insulation is greater than 1” thick. B. Check valves: 1. Up to 2 in. and smaller shall be bronze, screwed ends, spring type. 2. 2-1/2 in. and larger shall be iron body, flanged ends, bronze mounted, spring type. C. Non-electric-zone-valve actuators 1. Provide non-electric zone valve actuators (NEZV) for all panel type radiators. 2. NEZV's shall be of the angle pattern self contained type for steel radiators. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 15 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA September 23, 2015 3. The thermostatic control (control head) shall have an integral, calibrated, user-adjustable thermostat, with a high limit of 78 degrees F. Do not include a zero setting. 4. Pipe NEZV's with careful attention to the direction of fluid flow. Fluid must flow in the direction of the arrow stamped on the valve body. D. 2.12 Abacus Architects + Planners Radiator Valves 1. Provide balancing, isolation, fill and drain valve with integral union for direct connection to radiator. 2. Valve to be bronze/brass body with bronze/brass valve disc and EPDM O-ring seal. Valve to be nickel plated. 3. Provide suitable connection for threaded, soldered or compression fitting. Provide in angle pattern or straight through configuration as required for specific location. 4. Provide “Combi 4” as manufactured by Oventrop or equal by Buderus or Myson. HYDRONIC SPECIALTIES A. Air Vents 1. The top of main forced hot water supply and return risers shall be provided with an automatic air vent. 2. Air vents shall be "Spirotop" automatic air vent as manufactured by Spirotherm, Inc. or approved equal. 3. Float Type: Brass or semi-steel body, copper or plastic float, stainless steel valve and valve seat; unit shall allow manual disassembly for repair or float replacement; suitable for system operating temperature and pressure; with isolating valve. 4. Provide isolation valve for each vent to allow work on the vent without requiring system drainage. 5. Coordinate permanent access with GC. B. 1. C. Relief Valves Bronze body, Teflon seat, stainless steel stem and springs, automatic, direct pressure actuated, capacities ASME certified and labeled. Dielectric Connections: 1. Connections shall be of copper alloy and ferrous materials with threaded, solder-joint, plain, or weld-neck end connections that match piping system materials. 2. Insulating material shall be suitable for system fluid, pressure, and temperature. 3. Dielectric Unions: Factory-fabricated, union assembly, for 250-psig minimum working pressure at 180 deg F. 4. Dielectric Flanges: Factory-fabricated, companion-flange assembly, for 150-psig minimum working pressure as required to suit system pressures. 5. Dielectric-Flange Kits: Companion-flange assembly for field assembly. Include flanges, full-face- or ring-type neoprene or phenolic gasket, phenolic or polyethylene bolt sleeves, phenolic washers, and steel backing washers. a. Separate companion flanges and steel bolts and nuts shall have 150-psig minimum working pressure where required to suit system pressures. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 16 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.13 September 23, 2015 6. Dielectric Couplings: Galvanized-steel coupling with inert and noncorrosive, thermoplastic lining; threaded ends; and 300-psig minimum working pressure at 225 deg F. 7. Dielectric Nipples: Electroplated steel nipple with inert and noncorrosive, thermoplastic lining; plain, threaded, or grooved ends; and 300-psig minimum working pressure at 225 deg F. 8. All piping connections between dissimilar materials shall use dielectric connection where materials are joined. PIPING ACCESSORIES A. 2.14 Abacus Architects + Planners The Contractor is expected to furnish and install all accessories, valves, fittings, specialties, and similar items commonly used for installations of this type. This includes, but is not necessarily limited to shut-off valves to isolate components for repair or replacement, safety controls usually associated with these system types, connection to controls as required, and any other items that the contractor deems suitable or desirable for the installation. PIPE INSULATION A. 1. All pipes, valves, fittings, flanges, and similar elements conveying fluids above or below ambient temperature shall be insulated as follows: Provide material and thickness as indicated in the table below. Fluid Hydronic Heating and systems B. C. 1. Pipe insulation minimum thickness (inches) Insulation conductivity Nominal pipe size Conductivity (K) Mean Temp < 1" 1" to 1½" 1½"< btu*in/(h*ft2 * °F) Rating 0.27 75°F 1.50 1.50 2.0 Insulation, jackets and adhesives shall be flame retardant. Fire and smoke Hazard ratings to be as tested under procedure ASTM E-84, NFPA 255 and UL 723, not exceeding: Flame Spread 25 Smoke Developed 50 Fiberglass: Insulation shall be rigid, molded, noncombustible complying with the requirements of ASTM C 547, ASTM C 585, and ASTM C 795. Pipe Insulation a. K factor as indicated in the table above. b. Maximum Service Temperature: 1000º F. c. Vapor Retarder Jacket: Jacket shall conform to ASTM C 1136 Type I, secured with self-sealing longitudinal laps and butt strips. d. Insulation shall be as manufactured by Owens-Corning, Certain-Teed, Manville or Knauf. 2. Field-Applied Jackets or Fitting Covers HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 17 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 a. Fitting Covers: Fitting cover system shall consists of pre-molded, high-impact PVC materials with fiber glass inserts. Fiber glass insert has a thermal conductivity (‘K’) of 0.26 at 75° F. mean temperature. b. Closures: PVC adhesive D. 1. E. 2.15 Exterior Pipe Insulation For piping exposed to the elements, jacketing shall be Outdoor Weatherable PVC with a minimum thickness of 0.020 inches. Fitting covers shall be of similar materials. Flexible Foam: Insulation shall be flexible elastomeric expanded closed-cell foam, thermal insulation complying with the requirements of ASTM C 534, and ASTM D 1056. 1. Tubing to be factory slit. 2. Thermal Conductivity: 0.25 Btu in/h°F. 3. For foam insulation exposed to sunlight: coat with compatible exterior paint-on coating to prevent degradation by UV light. Provide separate submittal for this product. 4. Insulation shall be as manufactured by Armaflex by Armstrong or equal by Armacell or K-Flex. F. Use glues, tapes and mastics that are from the same manufacturer as the insulation itself and compatible with the insulation material. Provide separate submittal for these products G. Insulation Covering for Impact Protection: Covering to be Aluminum, 0.016-inch thick with embossed finish with factory applied moisture barrier. Overlap shall be 2-inch minimum. Fittings shall be die-shaped with factory-applied moisture barrier. PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Uninsulated pipes 2 inch and smaller: 1. Adjustable steel swivel ring (band type) hanger. 2. Adjustable steel swivel J-hanger. 3. Malleable iron ring hanger or hinged ring hanger. 4. Malleable iron split-ring hanger with eye socket. 5. Adjustable steel clevis hanger. (MSS Type 1) B. Uninsulated pipes 2-1/2 inch and larger: 1. Adjustable steel clevis hanger. 2. Pipe roll with sockets. 3. Adjustable steel yoke pipe roll. C. 1. Insulated pipe- Hot or steam piping: 2 inch and smaller pipes: a. Adjustable steel clevis with galvanized sheet metal shield. 2. 2-1/2 inch and larger pipes: a. Adjustable steel yoke pipe roll with pipe covering protection saddle. b. Pipe roll with sockets with pipe covering protection saddle. 3. Hangers must be sized for outside diameter of pipe insulation. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 18 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA D. 1. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Insulated pipe- Cold or chilled water piping: 5 inch and smaller pipes: a. Adjustable steel clevis with galvanized sheet metal shield. 2. 6 inch and larger pipes: a. Pipe roll with sockets with pipe covering protection saddle. b. Adjustable steel yoke pipe roll with pipe covering protection saddle. E. PEX tubing (cross linked Polyethylene) 1. Use only plastic tubing supports. 2. Select supports with respect to service temperature of tubing to ensure maximum continuous working temperature of support is not exceeded. 3. Provide suspension clips or approved plastic insulator at penetrations through studs/joists and where abrasion is a concern. Provide nailing plates to protect tubing concealed within the wall. 4. Support horizontal PEX every 32” with U-clips or suspension clips. 5. Support vertical PEX every 48” and at each floor using J-Clamp or lock clip style fasteners. 6. Provide ear drop bend support where PEX turns sharply to exit a wall (e.g. connection to a radiator). 7. Supports shall be as manufactured by Viega, Sioux Chief, or Uponor. F. 1. G. for Pipe Clamps When flexibility in the hanger assembly is required due to horizontal movement, use pipe clamps with weldless eye nuts. For insulated lines use double bolted pipe clamps. Multiple or Trapeze Hanger 1. Trapeze hangers shall be constructed from 12 gauge roll formed ASTM A1011 SS Grade 33 structural steel channel, 1- 2. Mount pipes to trapeze with 2 piece pipe straps sized for outside diameter of pipe. H. For pipes subjected to axial movement: 1. Strut mounted roller support. Use pipe protection shield or saddles on insulated lines. 2. Strut mounted pipe guide. I. Wall Supports 1. Pipes 4 inch and smaller: a. Carbon steel hook. b. Carbon steel J-hanger. 2. Pipes larger than 4 inch: a. Welded strut bracket and pipe straps. b. Welded steel brackets, with roller chair or adjustable steel yoke pipe roll. pipe protection shield or saddles on insulated lines. J. Use Floor Supports HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 19 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Hot piping under 6 inch and all cold piping: a. Carbon steel adjustable pipe saddle and nipple attached to steel base stand sized for pipe elevation. Pipe saddle shall be screwed or welded to appropriate base stand. 2. Hot piping 6 inch and larger: a. Roller stand with base plate b. Adjustable roller support and steel support sized for elevation. K. 1. L. Vertical Supports Steel riser clamp sized to fit outside diameter of pipe. Copper Tubing Supports 1. Hangers shall be sized to fit copper tubing outside diameters. 2. Adjustable steel swivel ring (band type) hanger. 3. Malleable iron ring hanger or hinged ring hanger. 4. Malleable iron split-ring hanger with eye socket. 5. Adjustable steel clevis hanger. 6. For supporting vertical runs use epoxy painted or plastic coated riser clamps,. 7. For supporting copper tube to strut use epoxy painted pipe straps sized for copper tubing or plastic inserted vibration isolation clamps. M. Insulation Shields: 1. Shield for Insulated Piping 2 Inches and Smaller: 18 gage galvanized steel shield over insulation to cover the lower 180 degree of pipe, minimum 12 inches long centered on pipe support. 2. Shields for Insulated Piping 2-1/2” and larger: 16 gage galvanized steel shield over insulation to cover the lower 180 degree of pipe, minimum 12 inches long centered on pipe support. 3. Shields for Vertical Copper Pipe Risers: Sheet lead. N. 1. O. 1. Pipe Protection Saddles Pipe protection saddles shall be formed from carbon steel, 1/8 inch minimum thickness, sized for insulation thickness. Saddles for pipe sizes greater than 12 inch shall have a center support rib. Hanger Finishes Indoor Finishes a. Hangers and clamps for support of bare copper piping shall be coated with copper colored epoxy paint. Additional PVC coating of the epoxy painted hanger shall be used where necessary. b. Hangers for other than bare copper pipe shall be zinc plated in accordance with ASTM B633. c. Strut channels shall be pre-galvanized in accordance with ASTM A653 SS Grade 33 G90 or have an electro-deposited green epoxy finish. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 20 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Outdoor and Corrosive Area Finishes a. Hangers and strut located outdoors shall be hot dip galvanized after fabrication in accordance with ASTM A123. All hanger hardware shall be hot dip galvanized or stainless steel. Zinc plated hardware is not acceptable for outdoor use. 2.16 DUCTWORK A. General 1. Material, construction and installation shall meet requirements of most recent editions of the following standards and references, except as otherwise specified or shown on Drawings: Standard As Applicable To SMACNA Low Pressure duct Low Pressure Duct Construction Standards (SMACNA-LPDS) NFPA 90A Fire Dampers; Fire Resistance Standard for Ducts and Liners ADC Test Code 106 R4 Ratings of Diffusers, Registers, Grilles 2. Provide supporting and hanging devices necessary to attach entire Mechanical system including ductwork and equipment, and to prevent vibration. 3. Provide vertical and horizontal supports as required by codes to meet minimum earthquake resistance standard for geographical area. B. General - Sheet Metal Ductwork 1. Ductwork shall be free from vibration under all conditions of operation. 2. Pipe or conduit crossing duct: a. No pipe or conduit shall pass through duct without approval of Engineer. b. Where it is impossible to re-route pipe or conduit and when written approval has been obtained, increase duct size to maintain constant cross-sectional area at point of interference. c. Provide streamlined enclosure for pipe or conduit, as illustrated in SMACNA LPDS. 3. When making offsets and transformations necessary to accommodate structural conditions, preserve full cross-sectional area of ductwork shown on Drawings. 4. Ductwork shall have the following pressure-velocity classifications: Duct Class Low Pressure 5. Static Pressure Rating 2 in. Pressure Pos or Neg SMACNA Seal Class B Velocity 2500 fpm of less Sealants a. Seal duct joints and joints between fittings and ducts with 3M, United Sheet metal or approved equal sealant as required by manufacturer's instructions. b. Make and seal duct joints properly. Apply sealant over joint lines and screws. Coverage shall be 1-inch wide on each side of joint. When joint is inaccessible HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 21 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 for sealing from outside, cut hand-hole in duct to seal joint form inside. Where possible, sealing shall be on inside of ductwork. c. Before assembling fittings and joints, apply sealer to rivets, grooved seams and top-off collars on inside of ductwork. Flood Pittsburgh lock pocket and the zoning plants with sealer. d. Brush sealer around washers, corners, notches and top-off collars after assembling ducts. e. Coat inside of connecting lap of slip joints and duct surface with sealer. f. Do not use tape to seal sheet metal ducts. 6. Provide volume damper, or other approved air balancing device, with indicating and locking quadrant at each branch from main duct, at each duct take-off and at each neck to individual diffuser or register in supply, return or exhaust ducts. 7. Support a. Support vertical duct on each floor or slab it penetrates. b. Supports for ductwork and equipment shall be galvanized unless specified otherwise. 8. Connections a. Provide flexible connections at all RTU connections. Flexible connections shall be fire retardant fabric, by Vent fabrics or approved equal. 9. Construction a. No sharp metal edges shall extend into air streams. b. Install slip on air-leaving side of duct with sheet metal screws on 6-inch centers. 10. Joints a. Longitudinal lock seams shall be double-locked and flattened to make tight joints. b. Make transverse joints, field connections, collar attachments and flexible connections to ducts and equipment with sheet metal screws or bolts and nuts. Do not use rivets and staples. 11. Elbows and Bends a. Elbows and bends for rectangle ducts shall have centerline radius of 1½ times duct width wherever possible. b. Where centerline radius is less than 1 ½ times duct width (on supply and return duct work), supply air elbows shall have single thickness turning vanes. Fasten vanes to runners in installed operating position. Install vanes in accordance with SMACNA LPDS. 12. Duct Termination a. End of duct sections shall be notched and lapped on. Connect ends with bar slips, S-slip and drive caps. Slips shall be made in form of frames, mitered and riveted at corners to prevent leakage. 13. Leakage HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 22 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 a. Test ducts before applying exterior insulation. Correct leaks. Leakage noise shall not be audible from any point in ductwork at distance of 3 feet, as determined by Engineer. 14. Materials a. Sheet metal ducts shall be constructed of hot-dipped galvanized sheet metal with G90 commercial costing according to ASTM 525 unless specified otherwise. C. Low Pressure Ductwork - Rectangular 1. Ducts wider than 19 inches with more than 10 square feet of unbraced panel shall be beaded or cross-broken, unless they have nonconductive covering or acoustical liner. 2. Use internal stiffening struts where required and where directed by Engineer. 3. Make changes in duct size with tapered connections as required by SMACNA LPDS. 4. Transverse joints shall be made with sip joints; use flat or standing seam according to SMACNA LPDS. Where duct size requires standing seam but space restrictions dictate flat seam, flat seam may be used if shown and approved on shop drawings. D. Low Pressure Ductwork - Spiral Sheet Metal Ductwork 1. Construct per SMACNA. Provide submittal detailing spiral duct manufacturing standards and custom fabricated connection from spiral to diffusers. 2. Provide acid wash and proper preparation for painting. 3. Provide one coat of compatible primer. Provide submittal. 4. Provide two finish coats of paint, coordinate color selection with Engineer by providing a submittal. E. Low Pressure Ductwork – Round 1. Construct per SMACNA. 2. Seal all joints with liquid sealer. F. Low Pressure Ductwork – Bathroom Exhausts 1. All ductwork shall be rigid Aluminum. 2. Provide liquid sealant for all joints and seems. 3. All longitudinal seams shall be oriented up. Avoid dips and sags in which condensate can collect. G. Low Pressure Ductwork - Pre Insulated Flexible Ductwork 1. Flexible ducts shall have an impervious core with wire reinforcement. the inner duct shall be covered with fiberglass insulation with an vapor barrier covering. 2. See insulation specification for requirements. 3. Flex duct shall be UL 181 listed, and shall meet all local codes. 4. Adjustable stainless steel or nylon bands shall be used to connect duct to registers and fittings. a second band shall be installed over the outer jacket, to maintain the vapor barrier. 5. Flexible duct length shall be limited to connections between trunk ducts and diffusers, not to exceed four feet. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 23 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.18 September 23, 2015 6. All flexible ducts shall be fully stretched to reduce resistance. 7. Support the flexible duct with adequate hangers to relieve the strain on any fittings. Unnecessary bends, twists, etc. will not be permitted. H. 2.17 Abacus Architects + Planners Duct Access Doors 1. Provide 1" Insulated Access Doors in Ducts at each automatic or motor-operated Damper, Fire Damper, smoke damper, combination smoke fire damper, at all main trunk duct manual Dampers, and at fresh air, exhaust air and other major manual Dampers and any other location where there is equipment mounted within the ductwork. Access Doors shall be Buckley Model C-10 (Double Cam) or H-10 (Single Cam and Hinge) as manufactured by Buckley Associates. 2. Access Door Panels shall be constructed from 24 Gauge Galvanized Steel (22 gauge on 14 x 14 and larger). Both sides of the Door will have 1/8" Neoprene gaskets to prevent leakage. 3. Access door shall be sized to allow for access and maintenance of equipment within duct. GRILLES, DIFFUSERS, LOUVERS AND AIR TERMINATIONS A. Shall be ADC certified and tested and shall be rated in accordance with ADC. B. Shall handle air quantities at operating velocities with maximum diffusion within space supplied or exhausted. C. Shall operate without objectionable air movement as determined by Engineer. D. Shall operate with sound pressure levels not to exceed NC 25. E. Return grilles shall be provided for return inlets and shall be sized, at no greater than 300 feet per minute face velocity. F. Diffusers, registers and grilles shall be furnished with gaskets and installed with faces set level and plumb, tightly against mounting surface. See drawings for schedule. All air terminations shall be white. G. All supply diffusers shall be supplied with opposed blade volume damper operable through the face of the diffuser. H. Exterior Louver supplied by MC installed by GC. 1. Louvers to be extruded aluminum construction. With 45 degree angle blade. 2. Louver to be 2” depth. 3. Provide bird screen for all louvers. 4. Provide anodized aluminum finish. Color to be chosen by architect from manufacturers standard color chart. Provide color palette as part of louver submittal. 5. Coordinate frame type with wall construction. Coordinate rough opening size with GC. DUCT INSULATION A. 1. Duct liner: Provide duct liner, for both supply and return rectangular ducting connected to air handlers, ducted fan coils, and heat exchangers. Duct liner shall be flexible glass fiber; ANSI/ASTM c553, class 1; 'k' value of 0.24 at 75 degrees f; 24 lb/cu.ft. minimum density; coated air side for maximum 4,000 ft/min. air velocity. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 24 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 2. Use one-inch thick insulation. 3. Secure duct liner with Mechanical fasteners on 15-inch centers on top and side of ductwork with any dimension exceeding 20 inches. Seal and smooth joints do not use nail type fasteners. 4. Ductwork dimensions indicated are net inside dimensions required for airflow. Increase outside ductwork dimensions as required allowing for insulation thickness. 5. Materials and installation shall meet following standards, as applicable: a. NFPA-90A b. Fire hazard classifications of 25-flame spread, 50 smoke developed, and 50 fuel contributed according to ASTM E-84, NFPA 255, UL 723 Class I. B. Exterior duct insulation: Insulate the exterior of all concealed supply duct work that is not lined, duct that runs in unconditioned space, attics, and outside air intake ducts. 1. Duct Insulation: Flexible glass fiber; ANSI/ASTM C553, Class 1; 'K' value of 0.30 per inch at 75 degrees F; covered with foil faced vapor barrier. 2. Use thickness to achieve a minimum of R-3 in conditioned spaces. 3. Use thickness to achieve a minimum of R-3 for outside air intake ductwork and outside air plenums. 4. Use thickness to achieve a minimum of R-8 in unconditioned spaces. 5. Secure duct insulation with manufacturers tapes and methods. Assure continuous vapor barrier. 6. Materials and installation shall meet following standards, as applicable: a. NFPA-90A b. Fire hazard classifications of 25-flame spread, 50 smoke developed, and 50 fuel contributed according to ASTM E-84, NFPA 255, UL 723 Class I. 2.19 2.20 VIBRATION ISOLATION A. For each element of rotating Mechanical equipment, provide vibration isolation to reduce the transmission of vibration from the equipment to the supporting building member. B. Provide ribbed neoprene and cork pads for mounting of floor mounted air handling and fan coil units. C. Provide spring and neoprene hangers for horizontal air handlers, fan coils, exhaust fans, supply fans, and air to air heat exchanger units. D. Provide spring and neoprene hangers for isolating the piping in the boiler room from any attachment to the ceiling. Rack pipes and suspend racks with isolation hangers. MECHANICAL IDENTIFICATION A. Provide identification of all new Mechanical systems. Colors per ANSI/ASME A13.1 unless otherwise specified. B. Equipment 1. Identify exhaust fans, supply fans, and heat exchangers with stencil lettering, minimum two inches in height. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 25 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 2. Identify pumps as per schedule with embossed phenolic name plate secured to the pump housing not motor. 3. Identify all motor starters per equipment schedule with embossed phenolic nameplate secured to the front face of the starter. C. Controls: Identify control panels and major control components outside panels with embossed phenolic nameplates. D. Piping: Identify piping with plastic tape markers. Identify service, and flow direction. Install in clear view and align with axis of piping. Locate identification not to exceed 20 feet on straight runs including risers and drops, adjacent to each valve and tee, at each side of penetration of structure or enclosure and at each obstruction. E. Valves: Identify valves in main and branch piping with embossed brass tags. F. Provide valve chart and schedule for inclusion in three ring project manual and framed for installation in the boiler room. PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 SPECIAL RESPONSIBILITIES A. Coordination: Cooperate and coordinate with other trades in executing work of this section as described hereunder. 1. Perform work so that progress of entire project including work of other trades whether involved in work of this or other Sections shall not be interfered with or delayed. 2. Provide information as requested on items furnished under this Section which shall be installed under other Sections. 3. Obtain detailed information from manufacturers of equipment to be provided under this Section as to proper methods of installation. 4. Obtain final roughing dimensions or other information as needed for complete installation of all items furnished under other Sections or by Owner. 5. Keep fully informed as to shape, size and position of openings required for material or equipment to be provided under this and other Sections. a. Give full information so that openings required by work of this Section may be coordinated with other work and other openings may be provided for in advance. b. In case of failure to provide necessary and sufficient information in proper time, trade involved will be required to do cutting and patching or have same done, at own expense and to full satisfaction of Engineer. 6. Notify Engineer of location and extent of piping, ductwork and equipment of other trades which interferes with the work of this section. a. In coordination with and with approval of Engineer, relocate such piping, wiring and equipment to permit new work to be provided as required by Contract Documents. B. Maintenance of equipment and systems: Provide maintenance for Mechanical equipment and systems until final acceptance by Engineer and Owner, and take such measures as necessary to ensure adequate protection of equipment and material during delivery, storage, installation and shutdown conditions. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 26 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 1. C. 1. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 This responsibility shall include provisions required to meet conditions incidental to delays pending final test of systems and equipment under seasonal conditions. Use of Premises: Use of premises shall be restricted as directed in Division 1 and as required below. As required, during progress of work, remove and properly dispose of resultant dirt and debris, and keep premises reasonably clean. a. Upon completion of work, remove equipment and unused material provided for work, and put building and premises in neat and clean condition, and do cleaning and washing required to provide acceptable appearance and operation of equipment, to satisfaction of Engineer, and as specified under paragraph "CLEANING". 2. Conduct work so as not to interfere with functioning of existing sewers and water and gas mains. a. Extreme care shall be observed to prevent debris from entering piping. Confer with Engineer as to disruption of water service or other utilities due to testing or connection of new work to existing. D. 1. Superintendence: Keep superintendent or foreman on site during progress of work. Instructions given to such representative by Engineer shall be binding of Contractor. Do not change representative without prior notification to Engineer. E. Inspections by Engineer: Undertaking of periodic inspections by Engineer or designated agent shall not be construed as supervision of actual construction, nor make either responsible for providing safe place for performance of work of various trades or suppliers, or for visitors or occupants, or make either responsible for omission of safety devices called for by codes, ordinances, or specifications of manufacturer of equipment supplied. F. Surveys and Measurements 1. Base measurements, both horizontal and vertical, on reference points established by Contractor and be responsible for correct laying out of work. 2. In event of discrepancy between actual measurements and those indicated, notify Engineer in writing and do not proceed with work until Engineer has issued written instructions. G. Firestopping and fireproofing: 1. Coordinate the work of this section with fire stopping provided by others for all penetrations at fire rated partitions. 2. The GC shall provide fire stopping for all new penetrations at fire-rated partitions made by this contractor. 3. Provide a marked plan set for reference by the GC indicating all penetrations that require fire stopping. 4. Patching and repairing of spray fireproofing due to cutting or damaging to fireproofing during course of work specified under this Section shall be performed by installer of fireproofing and paid for by trade responsible for damage and shall not constitute grounds for an extra to Owner. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 27 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.2 September 23, 2015 PIPE HANGERS AND SUPPORTS A. Hangers shall be arranged to maintain the required grading and pitch of piping, to prevent vibrations, and to provide free, guided, expansion and contraction between anchors. B. Support riser piping independently of connected horizontal piping. C. Place a hanger within 12 inches of each horizontal elbow. D. Where several pipes can be installed in parallel and at same elevation, provide multiple or trapeze hangers. Trapeze hangers shall be spaced according to the smallest pipe size, or install intermediate supports according to schedule in this section. E. Install hangers to provide minimum ½ inch space between finished covering and adjacent work. F. Horizontal piping shall be supported in accordance with MSS SP-69 and as follows: PIPE SIZE ½ to 1-1/4 inch 1-1/2 to 2 inch 2-1/2 to 3 inch 4 to 6 inch 8 to 12 inch 3.3 Abacus Architects + Planners MAX. HANGER SPACING 6'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 14'-0" HANGER DIAMETER 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" 5/8" 7/8" G. Support vertical piping at each floor but no more than ten-foot intervals. H. Provide means of preventing dissimilar metal contact such as plastic coated hangers, copper colored epoxy paint, or non adhesive isolation. Galvanized felt isolators sized for copper tubing may also be used. I. Do not support piping from other pipes, ductwork or other equipment that is not building structure. J. Hangers must be sized for outside diameter of pipe insulation. PIPE INSULATION INSTALLATION A. General Installation Requirements 1. Insulation shall be installed by insulation firm regularly specializing in this work and employing men particularly skilled therein. (No covering applied by pipe fitters or helpers will be acceptable.) All materials shall be installed in strict accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations, building codes, and industry standards. 2. Install insulation materials only after piping has been inspected, tested and approved. 3. All pipes, valves, fittings, flanges, and similar elements shall be insulated. 4. Locate insulation and cover seams in the least visible location. All surface finishes shall be extended to protect all surfaces, ends and raw edges of insulation, ends or raw edges of insulation terminations at equipment connections, or fittings shall be sealed with vapor retarder mastic. 5. All pipe insulation shall be continuous through walls, ceiling or floor openings, or sleeves. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 28 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 6. PIPE SUPPORTS SHALL BE EXTERNAL TO THE INSULATION. Where pipe supports cannot be installed external of the insulation, (Split ring hangers on vertical piping.) the support rods shall be insulated for 6” beyond pipe insulation. 7. Any piping located exposed in occupied spaces within 6 ft of the floor shall be provided with insulation covering for impact protection. 8. Install per manufacturers recommended installation instructions. B. General Installation Requirements for Fiberglass Pipe Insulation 1. All insulation ends must be firmly butted to eliminate all voids and secured with appropriate butt-strip material. Longitudinal jacket laps and butt strips shall be smoothly secured according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Care shall be taken to ensure that no folds or air pockets are created when jacket laps and butt strips are secured. 2. Galvanized metal shields shall be applied between hangers or supports and the pipe insulation. Shields shall be formed to fit the insulation and shall extend up to the centerline of the pipe and shall be of the length specified for the insulation hanger inserts less 4" to allow for vapor retarding butt joints on each side of the shields. 3. Rigid insulation inserts shall be installed on pipe sizes 1½" or larger under outside hangers. The thickness of inserts shall be equal to the thickness of the adjoining insulation and shall be provided with vapor retarder seals. Insulation inserts shall not be less than 12” for all pipes up to 6” in diameter. C. General Exterior Pipe Insulation Installation Requirements for Fiberglass Pipe Insulation 1. The insulation and jacketing shall be held firmly in place with a friction type Z lock or a minimum 2” overlap joint. 2. All joints shall be sealed completely along the longitudinal seam and installed so as to shed water. (For horizontal piping all seems shall point down.) All circumferential joints shall be sealed by use of preformed butt strips; minimum 2" wide or a minimum 2" overlap. Butt strips shall overlap the adjacent jacketing a minimum ½-inch and be completely weather sealed. 3. A 6" to 10" unsealed slide joint shall be installed every 25 to 30 lineal feet for the thermal expansion of the pipe and jacketing. A thin bead of silicone grease shall be applied in the overlap to prevent water migration while allowing the joint to slide. Where distance between fittings exceeds 8 lineal feet, an unsealed slide joint shall be installed. D. General Installation Requirements for flexible foam Insulation 1. All insulation ends must be firmly butted to eliminate all voids and secured with appropriate butt-seam adhesive. 2. Seal longitudinal seam with appropriate adhesive. 3. Allow a minimum of 36 hours before system operation to allow for adhesive to fully cure. 4. Fabricate fitting covers for valves, elbows, tees, etc from miter-cut pieces of insulation. Fitting cover should overlap the pipe insulation by at least one inch. 5. Install per manufacturers installation instructions. E. 1. Heating only Hydronic Systems All insulation shall be Fiberglass except where noted otherwise. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 29 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.4 September 23, 2015 2. Insulate all system elements including pipes, valves, fittings, flanges, pump volutes, air separators and similar elements. 3. PEX Piping: All PEX piping shall be insulated with flexible foam insulation. MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP A. 3.5 Abacus Architects + Planners Work shall be executed in workmanlike manner and shall present neat and Mechanical appearance when completed. 1. Ductwork and piping shall run concealed except in Mechanical rooms and areas where no hung ceiling exists unless otherwise shown on drawings. 2. Material and equipment shall be installed according to manufacturer's recommended best practice such that completed installation shall operate safely and without leakage, undue wear, noise, vibration, corrosion, or water hammer. 3. Use of dielectric couplings between dissimilar materials is mandatory. Work shall be properly and effectively protected, and pipe openings shall be temporarily closed to prevent obstruction and damage prior to completion. B. Fully insure workmen and work as required. C. Except as otherwise noted, material or equipment mentioned in these Specifications or on Drawings shall be furnished new. 1. Provide supplies, appliances and connections necessary for complete and operational installation. 2. Equipment shall be provided with components required or recommended by OSHA and applicable NFPA documents, and shall be UL approved where applicable. 3. Protection facilities including expanded metal guards over belt drives and couplings shall be provided in conformance with OSHA standards and all other applicable regulations. D. Notwithstanding any reference in Specifications or on Drawings to material or piece of equipment by name, make or catalog number, such reference shall be interpreted as establishing type, function, and standard of quality desired and shall not be construed as limiting competition. E. Finish of materials, components and equipment shall not be less than industry good practice. When material or equipment is visible or subject to corrosive or atmospheric conditions, finish shall be as approved by Engineer. F. Owner shall not be responsible for material and equipment prior to testing and acceptance. BULLETINS, MANUALS AND INSTRUCTIONS A. Obtain at time of purchase of equipment, three copies of operation, lubrication and maintenance manuals for all items. 1. Assemble literature in coordinated manuals with additional information describing combined operation of field-assembled units, including as-built wiring diagrams. 2. Manual shall contain names and addresses of manufacturers and local representatives who stock or furnish repair parts for items or equipment. B. 1. Furnish three copies of manuals to Engineer for approval and distribution to Owner. Deliver manuals no less than 30 days prior to acceptance of equipment to permit Owner's personnel to become familiar with equipment and operation prior to acceptance. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 30 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA C. 3.6 3.7 September 23, 2015 Operating instructions: Upon completion of installation or when Owner accepts portions of building and equipment for operational use, instruct Owner's operating personnel in any or all parts of various systems. 1. Such instructions shall cover period of control such as will take Mechanical equipment through complete cycle. 2. Make adjustments under actual operating condition. Provide a minimum of three separate training sessions, each of up to one days duration. CONTINUITY OF SERVICES A. Do not interrupt existing or temporary services without Owner's approval and coordination with the GC. B. Schedule interruptions in advance, according to Owner's instructions. Submit, in writing, with request for interruption, methods proposed to minimize the length of interruption. C. Interruptions shall be scheduled at such times of the day and work so that they have minimal impact on Owner's operations. ACCESS AND ACCESS PANELS A. 1. B. 1. C. 1. D. 3.8 Abacus Architects + Planners Perform work required so as to provide proper access to material or equipment, which may need inspection, replacement, repair or service. If proper access cannot be provided, confer with Engineer as to best method of approach to minimize effect of reduced access, which may result. Supply access panels for installation under other Sections where shut-off valves, control valves, check valves, or any items requiring access which are installed under this Section and concealed in floor, wall, furred space or above the ceiling. Access panels shall be by Knapp, Milcor, Way Loctor, or approved equal; coordinate selection with other trades supplying similar access panels. Ceiling consisting of lay-in or removable splined tiles do not require access panels. Valves above the ceiling shall have locations marked with thumb tacks on finished ceiling panels; locations shall be noted on record drawings. Access panels shall have same fire rating classification as surface penetrated. SLEEVES, PLATES, AND INSERTS A. 1. Lay out chases, openings and partitions before installation to permit provision in work. Sleeves and inserts shall be set in forms before concrete is poured. Extra work required where sleeves, chase openings or inserts have been omitted or improperly placed shall be performed at expense of trade which made error or omission. B. Sleeves provided for piping between floors and through fire walls or smoke partitions shall be installed with approved packing between sleeves and piping to provide for fire stop. C. Pipe passing through floors, walls and partitions shall be provided with 122 USGG galvanized iron sleeve, first pipe size larger than outside diameter of insulation to be sleeved. D. Sleeves installed in floors of toilet rooms and apparatus rooms shall extend two inches above finished floor. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 31 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA E. 1. 3.9 1. Inserts used shall be cast iron or steel of type to receive machine bolt head or nut after installation. Inserts shall permit adjustment of bolt in one horizontal direction and shall, when installed in properly cured concrete, develop full strength of bolt. Escutcheons shall be installed around exposed pipe passing through finished floor, wall, or ceiling. Escutcheons shall be heavy cast brass, chromium-plated, unless otherwise noted, adjustable, and shall be of sufficient outside diameter to cover sleeve opening and shall fit snugly around pipe. INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT A. Install equipment so as to avoid interference with structure and with work of other trades, preserving adequate headroom and clearing doors and passageways, to satisfaction of Engineer and in accordance with code requirements. B. Install equipment so as to properly distribute equipment loads in building structural members provided for equipment support under other Sections. 1. Roof-mounted equipment shall be installed and supported on separate supports as previously specified. C. Provide suspended platforms, strap hangers, brackets, shelves, stands or legs as necessary for floor, wall or ceiling mounting of equipment provided under this Section (e.g. heating and ventilating units, fans, ducts and piping) as indicated on Drawings and in Specifications. D. Provide steel supports and hardware for proper installation of hangers, anchors, guides, etc. E. Provide cuts, weights, and other pertinent data required for proper coordination of equipment support provisions and installation. F. Structural steel and hardware shall conform to Standard Specifications of ASTM; use of steel and hardware shall conform to requirements of Section Five of Code of Practice of American Institute of Steel Construction. G. Verify site electrical conditions prior to purchase of equipment. Coordinate voltage of all equipment requiring electrical connections with EC prior to purchase. Notify engineer of any discrepancies. H. Verify site conditions and dimensions of equipment to ensure access for proper installation of equipment without disassembly, which will void warranty. 1. 3.11 September 23, 2015 ESCUTCHEONS A. 3.10 Abacus Architects + Planners Report in writing to Engineer, prior to purchase or shipment of equipment involved, on conditions, which may prevent proper installation. ADJUSTING A. 1. B. Provide start-up service, make any required adjustments and efficiency tests, and provide one, minimum three-hour instruction periods to owner's representative at the site. This is in addition to the separately specified control system training. Include a minimum of three separate visits to the site after substantial completion for the purpose of assisting the Owner's representatives in proper operation. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 32 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.12 See drawings for correct pipe sizing and locations. 2. Pipe materials and fitting materials shall be as indicated in Schedule of Pipe and Fitting Materials. 3. After completion, fill, clean, drain and refill systems; pressure test boiler piping. B. Provide shut-offs at the base of each riser, at each major piece of equipment and at appropriate locations to facilitate service of components. C. Provide balancing valves at the outlet of all hydronic coils and radiation. D. Install piping to allow for expansion and contraction without stressing pipe, joints, or connected equipment. E. Install valves with stems upright or horizontal, not inverted. F. Install unions at equipment that does not have flanged connections between equipment and isolation valves. JOINTS AND CONNECTIONS Joints and connections shall be permanent and shall be gas-and water-tight. Jointing shall be types specified for service indicated. Joints and connections shall meet requirements of manufacturers best recommended practice. All transitions between different piping materials shall be made using approved adapters. Adapters for transitions between two types of piping materials shall be manufactured for purpose intended. EXPANSION PROVISIONS A. 1. B. Installation of piping must allow for expansion using offsets, loops, swing joints, expansion joints, etc. as shown and as necessary to prevent undue strain. Take-offs from mains to runouts shall not have less than three elbow swings. Mains and risers with loops or offsets shall be securely anchored to structure so as to impart expansion towards loops or offsets. 1. Anchors shall be constructed of heavy forged wrought iron, secured to pipe and to structure. 2. Provide vibration isolation as required. C. 3.15 Install piping as required for a complete installation. Conform to the best practice of the trade. 1. A. 3.14 September 23, 2015 PIPING AND FITTINGS A. 3.13 Abacus Architects + Planners Provide pipe alignment guides as required to guide expanding pipe to move freely from anchor points toward expansion joints, offsets, etc. TESTING, INSPECTION, BALANCING AND ADJUSTING A. 1. General Provide the services of an independent test and balance company certified by the ABA who shall supply qualified personnel, equipment, apparatus and services for testing, inspection, balancing and adjusting of Mechanical systems, to performance data shown in schedules, as specified, and as required by codes, standards, regulations and authorities having jurisdiction including City Inspectors, Owner and Engineer. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 33 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 a. Notify Engineer and involved authorities at least 48 hours prior to testing or inspection. b. Do not cover work (this includes application of insulation) prior to testing or inspection. 2. Testing, inspection, balancing and adjusting shall in no way relieve or reduce guarantee requirements. 3. The Mechanical systems are not to be considered substantially complete until the test and balance work is complete and the submitted paper work detailing results has been approved by the engineer. 4. Submit proposed test procedures, recording forms and test equipment for review prior to testing and balancing. 5. Notify Engineer and authorities involved at least 48 hours prior to testing. 6. Do not cover or conceal work prior to testing and inspection and obtaining approval. 7. Prior to date of acceptance, furnish Engineer with certificates of testing and inspection for Mechanical systems indicating approval of authorities having jurisdiction and conformance with requirements of Contract Documents. a. Instruments used for testing and balancing shall have been calibrated with six months prior to testing or balancing. b. Calibration shall be certified. 8. Leaks, damage and defects discovered or resulting from tests shall be repaired or replaced to like-new condition with acceptable materials. a. Tests shall be continued until system operates without adjustments or repairs. 9. Report on standard reporting forms. 10. Submit six copies of testing and balancing reports to Engineer for approval. 11. Prove capacity and performance of equipment by field testing. Install equipment and instruments required for testing, thermo-wells and gauge connections at no additional cost to Owner. 12. Qualified representative of equipment manufacturer shall be present at test. 13. Tests: No tests shall be started until systems have been flushed. a. Fill system and allow to sit for 24 hours or more. b. Drain and refill system. c. Provide temporary piping and connections for testing, flushing, or draining systems to be tested. d. If leaks develop, repairs shall be made and tests repeated. e. Tests shall be continued until systems operate without adjustments and repair to equipment or piping. f. B. 1. Tests are further specified under other paragraphs of this Section. Hydronic Piping Systems Leak tests shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI B31.9 "Building Service Piping" and as specified herein. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 34 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2. Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 Test system to 1.5 times working pressure, but not less than 100 psig. a. Pipe shall be capable of holding test pressure for a minimum of fifteen (15) minutes with no perceivable pressure reduction. b. Test shall be conducted using compressed air. 3. Test shall be documented by the contractor and written report shall be provided to the engineer. 4. Equipment shall be valved off or removed during test if equipment pressure rating is less than test pressure. 5. Where more than one pipe is being installed and tested, testing shall be performed individually unless otherwise approved by Engineer. 6. Leaks discovered during testing shall be repaired at no cost to Owner; retest system. C. Non-electric zone valves. Check for proper operation under system operation and proper piping and flow direction. D. Duct System Testing 1. Adjust all air handling equipment to provide required or design supply, return and ventilation air quantities. 2. Test duct leakage in accordance with Energy Star for Home Indoor Air Package and requirements below. a. Duct system leakage shall be measured at 25 Pascals and shall be no greater than 6 cfm per 100 sq ft of conditioned space. 3. Measure air quantities at all risers and adjust related manual balancing damper. (Airflow shall be balanced between 100% and 120% of specified flow rate.) 4. Measure air quantities at all inlets and outlets. a. Adjust distribution system to obtain indicated airflows, uniform space temperatures, and free from objectionable drafts and noise. (Airflow shall be balanced between 100% and 120% of specified flow rate.) 5. Use volume control devices to extent that adjustments do not create objectionable air motion or sound levels. Effect volume control by duct internal devices such as dampers and splitters. 6. Vary total system air quantities by adjustment of fan speeds. Provide drive changes required. Vary branch air quantities by damper regulation. 7. Measure static air pressure conditions on AHU's, including filter and coil pressure drops, and total pressure across the fan. Make allowance for 50% loaded filter. 8. Adjust outside air automatic dampers, outside air, return air, and exhaust air dampers for design conditions. E. Test of Air Handlers 1. Measure air quantities at all inlets and outlets. 2. Adjust distribution system to obtain uniform space temperatures free from objectionable drafts and noise. 3. Measure static air pressure conditions at AHU's, including filter and coil pressure drops, and total pressure across the fan. HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 35 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 a. Make allowance for 50 percent loaded filter. 4. Adjust outside air automatic dampers, outside air, return air, and exhaust air dampers for design conditions. END OF SECTION HEATING, VENTILATION & AIR CONDITIONING (HVAC) 230001- 36 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SECTION 26.00.01 ELECTRICAL (FILED SUB-BID REQUIRED) PART 1: GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Include the General Conditions of the Contract and Division 1, General Requirements, as part of this Section. B. Examine all other Sections of the Specifications for requirements that affect work under this Section whether or not such work is specifically mentioned in this Section. C. Coordinate work of this Section with that of all other trades affecting, or affected by, this Section. Cooperate with such trades to assure the steady progress of all work under the contract. 1.2 FILED SUB-BID A. Bidding procedures shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30; Section 39M, and Chapter 149, Section 4; as modified by Chapter 484 (1984) and Chapter 30B, Uniform Procurement Act (1990). Time and place for submission of sub-bids is given in Advertisement for Bids. B. Sub-Bids for work under this section shall be for complete work and shall be filed in a sealed envelope with Awarding Authority, at time and place specified in Advertisement for Bids. Following shall appear on face of envelope: NAME OF AWARDING AUTHORITY PROJECT NAME [NAME OF SUB-BIDDER] SECTION 260001- ELECTRICAL C. Every sub-bid submitted for work under this section shall be on forms furnished by Awarding Authority, as required by Section 44F of Chapter 149 of General Laws, and specified in Advertisement for Bids. D. Sub-bids filed with Awarding Authority shall be accompanied by bid deposits in the form of a bid bond, cash, certified check, or a treasurer's or cashier's check, issued by a responsible bank or trust company, payable to the Awarding Authority in compliance with Chapter 149, Section 44B. Amount of bid deposit shall be 5 percent of value of bid. E. Work to be done under this section is shown on the following drawings. : E001, E101, E102 Remaining contract drawings are included for reference and coordination. 1.3 SCOPE OF WORK A. Included in this Section is the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment and accessories required to provide a complete installation of the work described herein and on the Drawings. Build the work of other trades into the work of this Section as required. B. Installation of all materials to be furnished under this Section, and without limiting the generality thereof, includes all materials, equipment, hoisting, rigging, staging, labor and services required for furnishing, delivering, and installing the principal items of work hereinafter, and all items incidental thereto, as specified herein and as shown on the Drawings. ELECTRICAL 260001- 1 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 C. The complete removal and disconnection of all electrical components, as required. D. Electrical work shall include, but not be limited to, the following systems: 1. Selective demolition including cutting, capping and making safe branch circuits serving areas of the basement to be renovated. 2. Lock out/tag out to facilitate demolition work. 3. Provide electrical disconnect and connections to new space heating equipment and controls. Provide connections to existing branch circuits. 4. Disconnect switches 5. Emergency call system for new bathrooms including remote alarm in first floor management office 6. Circuit Breakers 7. Lighting fixtures 8. Modifications to existing fire alarm 9. All grounding required by the Massachusetts Electrical Code 10. Operating and maintenance manuals 11. Record drawings 12. Testing 13. Control wiring of over 30 volts to mechanical equipment. 1.4 RELATED WORK UNDER OTHER SECTIONS A. Examine Contract Documents for requirements that affect Work of this Section. Other Specification Sections that directly relate to Work of this Section include, but are not limited to the following: 1. 23.00.01 Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning a. All temperature control wiring below 30 volts and oil burner control wiring shall be furnished and installed by the HVAC Contractor, unless shown otherwise. 1.5 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform work in strict accordance with rules, regulations, standards, codes, ordinances, and laws of local, state, and Federal governments, and other authorities having lawful jurisdiction, and be responsible for compliance therewith. Such authorities include but are not limited to the following: 1. Installation shall comply in all details with the Massachusetts Electrical Code with its latest revisions and all prevailing federal, state and local codes. 2. All material and equipment shall be Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. listed, where a standard has been established. 3. Manufacturers' names and nomenclature facilitates descriptions of certain materials and equipment, and are used to establish type, quality and function. 4. Unless otherwise specified, all work shall be manufactured, tested and installed in accordance with the latest editions of applicable publications and standards of the following organizations: ELECTRICAL 260001- 2 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 5. American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM). 6. Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (U.L.) 7. Insulated Power Cable Engineers Association (IPCEA). 8. National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA). 9. Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). 10. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). 11. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 12. National Electrical Code (NEC). 13. Massachusetts Electrical Code (MEC). 14. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Public Law 101-336. 15. Commonwealth of Massachusetts State Building Code (SBC) 16. Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) B. Should specifications, Engineers' instructions, laws, ordinances or public authority require any special tests or approvals, arrange for these and give the Engineer timely notice. If the inspection is by another authority other than the Engineer, notify the Engineer of the dates fixed for such inspection. C. Where reference is made to Codes and Standards, these shall be interpreted as minimum requirements. Requirements in excess of these codes and standards may be indicated on the Drawings or in the Specifications and shall be so included in the contract work. Compliance with such code requirements only shall not be construed as fulfillment of the contract work, where the plans and/or Specifications indicate additional work which may exceed such code standards. 1.6 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following in accordance with Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 Specification Sections: B. Data sheets shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following items: 1. Wires, cables and raceways 2. Disconnect switches 3. Emergency call 4. Circuit Breakers 5. Lighting fixtures 6. Fire alarm devices and wiring 7. Operating and maintenance manuals 8. Record drawings 9. Test results 10. Guarantee C. The acceptance of systems, equipment and data sheets is a general approval subject to the contract Drawings, Specifications, and verification of all measurements at the job. Acceptance does not relieve the Electrical Contractor from the responsibility of data sheet errors or ELECTRICAL 260001- 3 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 omissions. Quantity of items indicated on submittal is the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor. D. Submit samples of all materials requested by the Engineer. 1.7 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. The Electrical Contractor shall be responsible for all materials delivered to the site in connection with the work and pay all charges for cartage, scaffolds, planking, rigging and erecting. Take every precaution necessary to protect equipment and installation, in addition to plugging and protecting open ends of all pipes, outlet boxes, panelboxes and junction boxes. All equipment shall be stored in a clean, dry place to preserve the quality of materials being use. Equipment and/or materials damaged during construction shall be replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. B. All materials and equipment required by this Specification shall be new, clean and free from defects at the time of installation. The Manufacturer's and Underwriters’ label shall appear on all material and equipment, unless otherwise approved in writing by the Owner. 1.8 GUARANTEES AND WARRATNIES A. The provisions under Conditions of the Contract and Division 1 are included. B. Manufacturers shall provide their standard guarantee for work under this Section. However, such guarantees shall be in addition to and not in lieu of all other liabilities which the manufacturer and Contractor may have by law or by other provisions of the Contract Documents. C. All material, items of equipment and workmanship furnished under this Section shall carry for this standard warranty against all defects in material and workmanship. Any fault due to defective or improper material, equipment, workmanship or design which may develop shall be made good forthwith, by and at the expense of the Electrical Contractor, including all other damage done to areas, materials and other systems resulting from this failure. D. Electrical Contractor shall guarantee that all elements of the systems are of sufficient capacity to meet the specified performance requirements as set forth herein or as indicated. E. Upon receipt of notice from the Owner indicating failure of any part of the systems or equipment during the guarantee period, the affected part or parts shall be replaced by the Electrical Contractor at no cost to the Owner. F. Furnish, before the final payment is made, a written guarantee covering the above requirements for a period of two years. 1.9 RECORD DRAWINGS A. In accordance with requirements, furnish and keep in the job at all times, two (2) complete and separate sets of blackline prints of the electrical work on which shall be clearly, neatly and accurately noted, promptly as the work progresses, all electrical changes, revisions and additions to the work. Wherever work is installed otherwise than as shown on the Contract Drawings, such changes shall be noted. B. At the conclusion of work, prepare Record Drawings in accordance with General Conditions. 1.10 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Instruct, to the Owner's satisfaction, such persons as the Owner designates, in the proper operation and maintenance of the systems and their parts. ELECTRICAL 260001- 4 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. Furnish operating and maintenance manuals and forward same to the Engineer for transmittal to the Owner. C. Operating instructions shall be specific for each system and shall include copies of posted specific instructions. D. For maintenance purposes, provide shop drawings, parts lists, specifications, and manufacturer's maintenance bulletins for each piece of equipment. E. Provide name, address and telephone number of the manufacturer's representative and service company for each piece of equipment so that service or spare parts can be readily obtained. 1.11 WORKMANSHIP A. The entire work provided in this Specification shall be constructed and finished in every respect in a workmanlike and substantial manner. Equipment shall be securely installed plumb and/or level. No electrical equipment shall be supported by work of other trades. B. Obtain detailed information from the manufacturers of apparatus as to the proper method of installing and connecting equipment. Obtain all information from the General Contractor and other Subcontractors which may be necessary to facilitate work and the completion of the whole project. C. Remove daily all rubbish and debris and all refuse from workmen's lunches and at completion, remove all their surplus materials, and leave the work in clean condition acceptable to the Engineer. 1.12 PROTECTION A. This Contractor shall be responsible for the electrical work and equipment until finally inspected, tested and accepted. Carefully store materials and equipment which are not immediately installed after delivery to site. 1.13 EXAMINATION OF SITE AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Before submitting his proposal, this Contractor shall visit the premises and review the entire project, including ballasts in the existing fixtures, existing transformers and other devices classified as hazardous disposal. The Contractor shall determine the difficulties, conditions and disposal requirements which may be encountered during the work. All charges related to meeting the intent of the drawings and specifications shall be incorporated in his bid. No additional charges will be allowed due to existing conditions. 1.14 SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIALS OR EQUIPMENT A. If the Electrical Contractor wishes to use materials or equipment other than those specifically designated herein, as being equal to those so specifically designated BEFORE PURCHASING AND/OR FABRICATION, the Electrical Contractor shall submit the proposed substitution in accordance with the requirements of the GENERAL CONDITIONS, and the decision of whether or not it is equal to that specified shall be determined by the Engineer. B. Unless requests for substitution are made in accordance with the above instructions and the instructions of the GENERAL CONDITIONS, supported by sufficient proof of equality, the successful Contractor will be required to furnish the specifically named items designated under the base bid. C. If the apparatus or materials substituted for those specified necessitate changes or additional connections, piping supports, or construction, same shall be provided and the Electrical Contractor shall assume the cost and the entire responsibility thereto. ELECTRICAL 260001- 5 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 D. The Engineer's permission to make such substitution shall not relieve the Electrical Contractor from full responsibility for the work. 1.15 DRAWINGS A. The drawings are generally diagrammatic and are intended to convey the scope of work and indicate general arrangements of equipment, ducts, conduits, piping and fixtures. The locations of all items shown on the Drawings or called for in the Specifications that are not definitely fixed by dimensions, are approximate only. B. The drawings showing layout of the electrical systems indicated the approximate location of existing outlets and equipment. The outlets, as shown on the drawings, are not intended to show the routing of the wire. The final determination as to the routing shall be governed by field conditions. This shall not be construed to mean the design of the system may change. It merely refers to the exact run of raceway between two points. 1.16 FIELD MEASUREMENTS A. The Electrical Contractor shall verify, in the field, all measurements necessary for his work and shall assume responsibility for their accuracy. 1.17 PERMITS, LAWS, ORDINANCES & CODES A. The Electrical Contractor shall give all necessary notices, obtain all permits in connection with the work of this trade. Associated fees will be paid by the Owner. The EC shall file all necessary plans, prepare all necessary documents and obtain all necessary approvals of state authorities, all local town, city, or county departments having jurisdiction; obtain all required certificates of inspection for his work. B. The Electrical Contractor shall include in the work, without extra cost to the Owner, any labor, materials, services, apparatus, drawings in addition to Contract Drawings and Documents, in order to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations whether or not shown on the drawings and/or specified. 1.18 DEFINITIONS A. "This Contractor" means specifically the Electrical Contractor working under this Section of the Specifications. B. “Furnish and Install" means to supply, erect, install and connect up, complete for regular operation, the particular item referred to, unless otherwise specified. C. “Install" means to mount, erect and connect up, complete for regular operation, the particular item referred to, unless otherwise specified. D. "Piping" includes, in addition to pipe, all fittings, boxes, hangers and other accessories relating to such piping. E. “Provide" means to furnish and install. F. "Concealed" means hidden from sight as in trenches, chases, furred spaces, shafts, hung ceilings, embedded into construction, ground or concealed as defined above. 1.19 GROUNDING A. A complete grounding system shall be furnished and installed in full compliance with the latest edition of the NEC. ELECTRICAL 260001- 6 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. The equipment and materials required under this Section are included under PART 2 PRODUCTS. C. Ground all systems and equipment in accordance with the best industry practice. Size all conductors per the latest addition of the NEC. D. Conductors utilized for grounding and bonding shall have type "THHN" or better insulation, color coded green. E. For each feeder or run of lighting and appliance branch circuitry, include equipment and raceway grounding conductors run within the raceways. The indicated quantities of conductors do not include the ground wires. F. Provide supplementary ground bonding where metallic conduits terminate at metal clad equipment (or at the metal pull box of equipment) for which a ground bus is specified. Accomplish this by equipping the conduits with bushings of the grounding type connected individually by means of jumpers to the ground bus. 1.20 NEUTRAL WIRING A. For 120 volt branch circuit wiring to receptacles, common neutrals shall not be permitted. B. Individual neutral conductors shall be installed within the raceways and be run with the branch circuit. C. Conductors utilized for neutral wiring shall have type "TW" or better insulation, color coded white. PART 2: PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL A. All materials and equipment necessary to make the installation complete in every detail shall be furnished and installed under this Contract, whether or not specifically indicated on the Drawings or specified herein. All materials and equipment shall be new. B. It is the intent of the Specifications that one manufacturer be selected, not a combination, for any particular classification of material; for example, all wire of one manufacturer, all switches of one manufacturer, etc., except specific material classifications in which delivery time becomes a problem. The Engineer may give specific exemption from the requirements. C. Where materials, equipment, apparatus, or other products are specified by manufacturer, brand name, type or catalog number, such designation is to establish standards of performance, quality, type and style. 2.2 PULL BOXES, WIREWAYS AND CHANNELS A. Pull boxes shall be code gauge galvanized steel with screw covers to match. Pull boxes and wireways shall be as shown on Drawings and/or as required by NEC and/or job conditions, with steel barriers separating systems. B. Wireways shall be galvanized steel, manufactured standard sections and fittings, with combination hinged and screw covers. C. Steel channel supports shall be minimum 1⅝ inch mold strip steel with minimum 105 inch wall thickness, Unistrut P1000, Kindorf, Husky Products, or equal. D. Steel support rods or support bolts for conduits shall be ⅛" diameter for each inch or fraction thereof of diameter of conduit size, but no rod or bolt shall be less than ¼ "in diameter. ELECTRICAL 260001- 7 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 E. Metal conduit fittings shall be of cast malleable iron, cadmium plated with neoprene gaskets and cast malleable iron covers. Fittings shall be as manufactured by Steel City, Appleton, or RACO. 2.3 OUTLET BOXES AND ACCESSORIES A. Provide galvanized sheet steel outlet boxes for all outlets unless otherwise noted. Provide single gang “Old Work” style boxes for retrofit. B. Fixture outlet boxes shall have ⅜" solid male fixture studs and auxiliary fixture stems shall be supported from 3/8" male fixture studs. C. All outlet boxes for concealed work shall be galvanized, stamped steel; those for fixtures, furnished with a fixture stud. D. Outlet boxes shall be of size and type to accommodate (1) structural conditions, (2) size and number of raceways, conductors or cables entering, and (3) devices or fixtures for which they are required. E. Install blank plates on all outlet boxes, in which no apparatus is installed, which do not integrally provide a cover for the box. F. Special care shall be taken to set all boxes correctly square and true with the building finish. G. Outlet boxes and accessories shall be as manufactured by Steel City, Appleton, Raco, or equal. 2.4 RACEWAYS A. Electric metallic tubing shall be electrogalvanized or sheradized steel. EMT shall be used in all exposed areas which are not subject to physical abuse. Couplings and connectors for electrical metallic tubing shall be galvanized steel set-screw. Tubing shall be as manufactured by Pyle National, Allied Tube and Conduit Corp., Wheatland Tube Company, or equal. B. Flexible metal conduit shall be type MC aluminum armor cable with current carrying conductors as required. MC cable shall also have full size separate copper grounding conductor. Flexible conduit shall be used above hung ceiling areas, in wall partitions and in other concealed areas not subject to moisture or physical abuse. C. Flexible conduit shall be manufactured by American Flexible Conduit, Eastern Wiring Conduit, International Metal Hose Company, or equal. D. Liquid-tight flexible metal conduit shall be galvanized steel with separate copper grounding conductor. The outer jacket shall be an extruded, moisture and oil proof, covering of polyvinyl chloride. Liquid-tight flexible metal conduit shall be used for the final connections to motors and other equipment are subject to an oil or moisture type environment. Liquid-tight flexible metal conduit shall be manufactured by American Flexible Conduit, Eastern Wiring Conduit, International Metal Hose Company, or equal. E. Galvanized Rigid Steel Conduit (GRC) shall be made of zinc coated steel. GRC conduit shall be installed as shown on the drawings, as specified, and in all areas subject to physical abuse. F. Steel support rods or support bolts for conduits shall be ⅛" diameter for each inch or fraction thereof of diameter of conduit size, but no rod or bolt shall be less than 1¼“ in diameter. G. For 20 ampere branch circuit wiring furnish and install the number of individual conduits required to limit the number of conductors in each conduit to a number which will not require derating to a value below 100 percent of the current rating of the circuit overcurrent protective device. ELECTRICAL 260001- 8 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 2.5 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 WIRE AND CABLE A. Branch circuits shall be type MC or EMT wiring methods with copper conductors. B. Wiring shall be minimum of #12 AWG solid copper. C. Provide single conductor wire and cable with 600V insulation. Wire size #8 AWG and larger shall be stranded. Wire of size smaller than #8 AWG shall be solid. Conductors shall be soft drawn copper with conductivity of not less than 98% of ANSI Standard for annealed copper. D. Wire and cable shall be Type THWN-THHN building wire, 600V, rated for 75oC in wet locations and 90oC in dry locations. E. All wire and cable shall be copper, no aluminum is permitted. F. Wire and cable shall be manufactured by American Flexible Conduit, General Cable Co., and Southwire Company. 2.6 WIRING DEVICES A. General 1. All wiring devices shall be of a single manufacturer, as manufactured by Pass and Seymour, Hubbell, or Cooper/Arrow Hart. Manufacturers listed below establish minimum requirements. Coordinate color with Engineer for wiring devices and wiring device plates. B. Single Pole Switches 1. Wall switches shall be of the quiet toggle type, single pole, rated at 15 Amperes-120 Volt. Switch shall be rated per UL-20 for motor loads up to 1/2hp at 120VAC (12A max). Switches shall be Arrow Hart CS115V (Ivory). C. Receptacles - 15A rated 1. Receptacles shall be commercial grade, duplex type, polarized slot with side wired terminals, grounded as required, and rated at 15 Amperes-125 Volts. Receptacles shall be Cooper/Arrow Hart 2.7 WIRING DEVICE PLATES A. Wall plates shall be provided for all receptacles, switches, blank junction boxes and special purpose outlets. Device plates shall be: 1. Type 403 stainless steel, 0.032" nominal thickness 2. All plates shall have color-matched mounting screws and conform to UL, CSA and NEMA standards. B. Device plates shall be by same manufacturer as devices. 2.8 LIGHTING A. Provide lighting fixtures and lamps as shown in the lighting fixture schedule on the drawings. B. Coordinate locations with architectural reflected ceiling plans. C. Lighting shall be as manufactured by GE, Lightolier, or Lithonia. 2.9 EMERGENCY CALL SYSTEM A. Provide emergency call system to serve new bathrooms. ELECTRICAL 260001- 9 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 B. System shall include call switches with string pulls. When activated the switch shall create a visual and audible alarm at the remote receiver via a wireless signal. C. System shall be as manufactured by National Call Systems, TekTone or Cornell. 2.10 FIRE ALARM A. Provide fire alarm devices listed for use with existing MIRCOM FA-1000 fire alarm control system. B. Initial devices shall include smoke detectors, heat detectors and pull stations. C. Notification devices shall include strobe, horns, and/or combination units. D. Provide Tier 2 shop drawings including product submittals, point to point wiring, battery calculations, PART 3: EXECUTION 3.1 SERVICE TO THE FACILITY A. Electrical power outages must be minimized as not to interfere with the buildings operation. The time and duration of any power outage must be approved by and scheduled with the building owner/authority. The Electrical Contractor shall notify the owner/authority at least ten calendar days from the date of proposed power outage in the facility. 3.2 DEMOLITION, RELOCATION AND REMOVAL OF EXISTING WIRING A. The Electrical Contractor shall provide all electrical demolition, relocation of circuits and removal of existing wiring necessary for the electrical work. 3.3 SPECIAL COORDINATION INSTRUCTIONS A. Coordination with work of other trades is required. The following special instructions shall also be carefully noted: 1. Locations and mounting height of all wall outlets and lighting fixtures shall be verified with the Engineer prior to roughing-in. 2. All feeder, branch circuit or auxiliary system wiring passing through pull boxes and/or being made up in panelboards shall be properly grouped, bound and tied together in a neat and orderly manner, in keeping with the highest standards of the trade, with plastic cable ties. 3. All duplex convenience and power receptacles shall be mounted vertically with the grounding post to the bottom as the outlet is viewed from the front. 4. All miscellaneous hardware and support accessories, including support rods, nuts, bolts, screws, and other such items, shall be of a galvanized or cadmium plated finish, or of other approved rust-inhibiting coatings. Care should be taken that fixtures shall not be installed on both sides of existing or new building expansion joints. 5. The Electrical Contractor shall provide all materials, equipment and workmanship to provide for adequate protection of all electrical equipment during the course of construction of the project. 6. The Electrical Contractor shall furnish and install approved insulation at terminal connection points for all electrical conducting materials, such as transformer terminals, terminal studs, and at any other special locations as directed by the Engineer. ELECTRICAL 260001- 10 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 7. Prior to installation of conduit and wire, the Electrical Contractor shall coordinate wiring requirements with actual equipment supplied. 3.4 CUTTING, PATCHING AND DRILLING A. The Electrical Contractor shall perform plaster cutting and channeling and drilling necessary for the installation of electrical work through walls, floors and ceiling construction. B. The General Contractor shall be responsible for all patching which shall match existing base materials in looks and color. 3.5 COOPERATION AND WORK PROGRESS A. The Electrical work shall be carried on under the usual construction conditions, in conjunction with all other work at the site. The Electrical Contractor shall cooperate with the Engineer and all Contractors and equipment suppliers working on the site, coordinate the work, and proceed in a manner so as not to delay the progress of the project. B. The Electrical Contractor has a responsibility to coordinate the exact mounting arrangement and location of equipment indicated on the Drawings to allow for proper space requirements for equipment access, operation and maintenance. C. It shall be the responsibility of the Electrical Contractor to coordinate the delivery of electrical equipment to the project prior to the time installation of equipment will be required. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF WIRING & CONDUIT A. In general, all conduits shall be run concealed unless otherwise indicated to be run exposed. Unless otherwise indicated, all wiring shall be 2-#12 and 1-#12 ground, 1/2"C. B. Conduit ends shall be cut square, threaded and reamed to remove burrs and sharp edges. Offsets and bends for changes in elevation of exposed conduit runs shall be made at walls or beams and not in open spaces between walls or beams. Conduits shall be routed so as not to interfere with the operation or maintenance of any equipment. The entire job shall be done in a neat and workmanlike manner, as approved by the Engineer. Steel supports or racks shall be galvanized steel channel and fittings. Supports shall be manufactured by Unistrut, Kindorf, Husky Products Company, or equal. C. Exposed conduits shall be run parallel to, or at right angles to, the walls of the building, and all bends shall be made with standard conduit ells or conduits bent to, not less than, the same radius. Horizontal runs of exposed conduits shall be close to ceiling beams, passing over water or other piping where possible and shall be supported by pipe straps or by other approved means, not more than 5' apart. Installation of exposed conduits in finished areas of the building shall be checked with the Engineers for layout before installation to conform to the pattern of the structural members, and when completed, is to present the most unobtrusive appearance possible. No exposed conduits will be permitted on walls or partitions in public areas, unless specifically noted. D. Conduits shall not be installed within 3" of hot water pipes, or appliances, except where crossing is unavoidable and, in that case, the conduit shall be kept at least 1 from covering or pipe crossed. E. Conduits shall be supported on approved type galvanized wall brackets, ceiling trapeze, strap hangers or pipe straps, secured by means of toggle bolts on hollow masonry units or expansion bolts in concrete or brick. F. In general, no splices or joints will be permitted in either feeder or branches except at outlets or accessible junction boxes. ELECTRICAL 260001- 11 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 G. All splices in wire #8 AWG and smaller shall be standard pigtail, made mechanically tight and insulated with proper thickness of insulating tape. Wire splicing nuts as manufactured by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (Scotch Lock) or Ideal wire nuts may be used, subject to the local wire inspector. H. Wire #6 and larger shall be connected to panels and apparatus by means of approved lugs or connectors. Connectors shall be solderless type, sufficiently large to enclose all strands of the conductor and securely fastened. I. 3.7 Provide all required branch circuit wiring for electrical devices and lighting fixtures. Designations shown on drawings are diagrammatic only. Circuit numbers beside receptacles and lighting fixtures convey that a complete branch circuit is required back to electrical panelboard. Switch control letters adjacent to lighting fixtures indicate branch wiring required from lighting fixture to light switch or dimmer. COLOR CODING A. Provide color coding for secondary service, feeders and branch circuits as follows: PHASE 120/240V, 1 phase, 3 wire, wye: A B Neutral Ground COLOR Black Red White Green B. Provide same color coding for switch legs as corresponding phase conductor. Provide colored plastic tape of specified color code identification for large size conductors available only in black. 3.8 MOTORS, CONNECTIONS AND CONTROLS A. Splices and Terminations: 1. Make splices and terminations equivalent electrically and mechanically to conductor insulation. 2. Make splices in branch circuit wiring with solderless, screw-on connectors Ideal, Scotchlok, T&B or equal, rated 600V, of size and type required by manufacturer's recommendation, with temperature ratings equal to those of cable insulation. Insulate splices with integral covers or with plastic, rubber, or friction tape, Permacal or equal, to maintain integrity of cable insulation. 3.9 SLEEVES, INSERTS AND SUPPORTS A. Furnish and install all inserts, conduit hangers, anchors and steel supports necessary for the support and installation of all electrical equipment. B. Where openings are required in walls and floors for the passing of raceways the Electrical Contractor shall furnish the General Contractor with the necessary information regarding dimensions and locations so that he may install suitable concrete stops to provide these openings. Such openings shall be by the General Contractor in such a manner so as not to interfere with the fireproof integrity of the building. C. The Electrical Contractor is responsible for the location of, and maintaining the proper position of sleeves, inserts and anchor bolts supplied and/or set in place. In the event that failure to do so requires cutting and patching of finished work, such work shall be done by the General Contractor at the Electrical Contractor's expense. ELECTRICAL 260001- 12 BEMIS HALL - BASEMENT RENOVATIONS 15 Bedford Road, Lincoln, MA 3.10 Abacus Architects + Planners September 23, 2015 SALVAGE A. The Electrical Contractor shall remove all electrical equipment not to be used. B. All electrical equipment removed and deemed salvageable by the Owner shall be stored in an area designated by the Owner. C. Any electrical equipment removed that is not desired by the Owner shall be disposed of at the expense of the Electrical Contractor. 3.11 SUPPORTS AND ATTACHMENTS A. Boxes and pendants for surface mounted fixtures shall be supported in an approved manner. Boxes and supports shall be fastened with bolts and expansion shields on concrete or brick, with toggle bolts on hollow masonry units, with machine screws on steel work with locknuts. Threaded studs shall be provided with lock-washers and nuts. 3.12 TESTS A. Furnish all labor, material, instruments, supplies, and services and bear all costs for the accomplishment of tests herein specified. Correct all defects appearing under test, repeat the tests until no defects are disclosed. Leave the equipment clean and ready for use. B. The Electrical Contractor shall perform any test other than herein specified which may be specified by legal authorities or by agencies to whose requirements this work is to conform. 3.13 FINAL INSPECTION AND TEST A. Prior to test, feeders and branches shall be continuous from service contact point to each outlet; all panels, feeders and devices connected and fuses in place. Test system free from short circuits and grounds with insulation resistances not less than outlines in the National Electrical Code. Provide testing equipment necessary and conduct test in presence of the Owner's authorized representative. B. The final inspection and test shall include the following: 1. Testing of the impedance of the grounding system. 2. Testing of the fire alarm system devices that were added to existing system. 3. Testing of branch and feeder conductors for continuity. 4. Testing of motors, verifying proper current balance and voltage. 5. Testing of fire alarm system. END OF SPECIFICATION ELECTRICAL 260001- 13