Briefing notes will be issued to skippers after registration for the event
Briefing notes will be issued to skippers after registration for the event
1 BRIEFING NOTES Briefing notes will be issued to skippers after registration for the event Page 1 Tournament Details Preamble This year’s Seasport Charters Marlin Cup is being sponsored by local identity Craig White’s charter company. The format has changed to enable a better chance of beating the windy conditions that applied in 2013. Thursday February 20th Pre-tournament golf A 9 hole Ambrose tournament is to be held at Jurien Bay Country Golf Club with a tee of time of 2 pm. Teams of 4 are invited to nominate for his event which will be informally held with members of JBCGC Briefing Night - 1830 Jurien Bay Country Golf Club 1830 - briefing to begin at 1900 All skippers and crew are invited to attend the briefing nights held at the above venue, dinner will be provided. It is essential that at least the skipper or one member of each crew attend the briefing night. Additional entry tickets for non-competitors can be purchased for $25.00 on the day Friday February 21st Sail-past Vessels are to muster no later than 0745 hours in Jurien Bay, south of an imaginary line between the start boat and Jurien Bay jetty. Boats will then form up behind boat representing last year’s winner “Ashram” for a sail past in single file formation and take the salute from Club President, Ben Weston onboard the start boat. Once all boats have sailed past and returned to the muster point, a signal to commence fishing will be given. Until this signal is heard all craft must remain in Jurien Bay waters and must not cross the line. All boats fishing day one, 21st February, must attend this muster. Failure to do so will result in no points being awarded for that day. To enhance the spectacle, all boats are encouraged to fly club flags or other decorative flags from a conspicuous position – preferably from outriggers, for that boat to be recognized as competing in the tournament. Evening Activity A barbeque dinner will be held at the Golf Club from 7:00 pm Saturday February 22nd Saturday is a full fishing day with lines in at 0600 and lines out at 1600 Evening Activity on Saturday 22nd - 1830 A dinner at the Sandpiper Tavern at 1900 is included in the tournament package. Additional entry tickets for non-competitors can be purchased for $35.00 on the day. 1830 for 1900 Sunday February 23rd Sunday is a full fishing day with lines in at 0600 and lines out at 1500 Page 2 The presentation gathering will be held at the Jurien Bay Golf Club and will be in the form of a barbeque dinner before the trophy presentations. The cost of this function is included in the tournament entry fee. Additional entry tickets for non-competitors can be purchased for $25.00 prior to the day from any member of the Tournament Committee. 1830 sharp. Note that a neat standard of dress is required at all evening functions. Entry Fees Entry fees are $150.00 per team member. Junior team members, under the age of 16 years are $90. (Juniors are eligible for Champion Angler and Runner-up Champion Angler only provided they have paid the full adult entry fee). Included are 4 evening meals, team grab bag, a quality Seasport Charters tournament shirt and other goodies. Entry forms are included in the Tournament Brochure. Boat Pens and Fuelling Non-trailerable boats may make arrangements for pens and refueling with diesel by contacting Jurien Boatlifters on 9652 1511or 0408 941306. It is recommended that skippers make contact ahead of the tournament to ensure pen availability. Jurien Boatlifters is offering free secure storage for those who wish to leave trailer boats in their compound overnight during the tournament. Communications The safety of all competitors and vessels is a principal concern of the organizers and Perth Game Fishing Club. Competitors travelling by sea from the Perth area are urged to log on with Jurien Bay Sea Rescue before departure by phoning 9652 1950. Jurien Bay Volunteer Sea Rescue Group will be running the radio coverage during the comp using the call sign “Seasport Charters Base”. All competitors must log on with the sea rescue group. Their working channel is VHF 21. As each boat logs on, the skipper must provide details of the amount of fuel and water being carried, the number of persons on board, the vessel’s current position and intended destination. Logging off should be done upon return for the night by 1800 hrs. An additional position report will be scheduled each day at 1100 hrs. If a boat crew fails to hear their position report call, they must advise the radio base station within 30 minutes of the official schedule. Position references should be given as quadrant reference as noted in the map in this briefing notes booklet. If a boat has difficulty communicating with Seasport Charters Base, it is that boat’s responsibility to have a message relayed by another boat to the organizers or the radio base. If a radio fault occurs, the only condition for a boat to continue fishing will be if that boat is able to relay its position (as noted above) and the organizers agree that it continues fishing in company with another vessel. Any boat that develops radio difficulties during the competition must advise the organizers and have the radio repaired before commencing a new day’s fishing. Any competing boat failing to comply with the radio schedules on any day will not be awarded points for that day’s fishing. All competitors must comply with Department for Planning & Infrastructure regulations concerning safety. Page 3 Chatter between boats is encouraged and should be conducted on VHF 68. Tournament Rules This event is to be held from Jurien Bay and for the purposes of City Beach Builders Club Championship Series points and Annual Club points will be treated as “Local Waters” for the dates of the competition only. The rules broadly agree with those for the City Beach Builders Grand Prix Series which can be downloaded from . Rules in this document take precedence. Teams This tournament is sanctioned by The Western Australian Game Fishing Association (WAGFA) and will be fished under Game Fishing Association of Australia (GFAA) rules. All competing anglers must be conversant with these rules and must be registered with the Western Australian Game Fishing Association via their respective clubs. The definition of competing anglers includes all crew members participating in the act of capturing or releasing a fish – this includes skippers and deck hands. Team members who are not members of a WAGFA affiliated must join PGFC prior to the Seasport Charters Marlin Cup. Fishing Area Jurien Bay area has a diverse range of pelagic species, from marlin and possibly sailfish to many tuna species, kingfish, wahoo and mackerel. The fishing area prescribed includes places where all these species may be found. All fishing is to be conducted within a 50 Nm radius of Jurien Bay marina. Page 4 Quadrants are marked for radio reporting purposes. There are three FADs planned for deployment at Jurien Bay prior to the Marlin Cup, their positions will be advised at the briefing night. Page 5 Fish Abundance Chart Thanks to Craig White of Seasport Charters Jurien Bay for providing the information contained in this chart. No guarantees. Page 6 Weigh-in The weigh-in will be conducted adjacent to the launching ramps at the Jurien Bay marina. All fish being weighed must be presented on the day of capture, in an edible condition and within the weigh-in times. Fish which are too large to hold in a refrigerated space may be cut into a maximum of 3 pieces provided that each piece remains connected. Any fish which has been treated as such must have been photographed whole to be eligible for a State or Australian record. PGFC encourages tag and release fishing; however a billfish which is potentially a record may be weighed at the end of the day’s fishing. No fish that have been disfigured or mutilated by whatever means will be accepted at the weigh station. When weighing-in a fish or handing in a tag card, the rod, reel and rig used, together with the double, leader and 3 metres of the line, must be presented to the weigh master. If the fish being weighed is a potential record then 16 metres of line together with the entire terminal tackle used must be presented. The rig and line must be presented as one piece, and be the actual rig used in the capture of the fish. All billfish caught or tagged must be radioed in at the time of capture. A photograph of the fish will be required to make it eligible for awards. The correct tag card for the species is mandatory. Fish tagged with inappropriate tags will not be included in the score. All fish captured must be recorded on fully completed PGFC capture forms which requires boat and angler ID numbers and line class. All capture forms and tag cards must be presented to the weigh-master on the day of capture to be eligible. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Incorrectly completed forms will not be scored. Fishing & Weigh-in Times Fri 21st Sat 22nd Sun 23rd Fishing Times 0800 to 1600 hrs 0600 to 1600 hrs 0600 to 1500 hrs Weigh-In Time 1630 to 1730 hrs 1630 to 1730 hrs 1530 to 1700 hrs Weigh Station Jurien Bay Marina Jurien Bay Marina Jurien Bay Marina After a 15 minute warning, lines out will be called by Seasport Charters Base each day. Any fish hooked up prior to lines out time will be eligible for inclusion in scoring provided that the vessel has notified Seasport Charters Base that they are hooked up prior to the lines out time. Radio silence should otherwise be observed in the 15 minutes before lines out. No live baiting, fishing, burleying or running of teasers shall commence before lines in time each day. Weighed fish After allowing reasonable time for photographs, weighed fish must be removed from the weigh-in area immediately after weighing by the capturing crew. They must be placed fully aboard a boat. Weighed fish must not be left overnight either on a beach or tethered to competitors’ or other vessels or buoys. Non compliance with this rule will result in disqualification of the capture. Fish cleaning facilities are available at the marina. Page 7 Point Scoring System Points will be awarded as follows: Captures Fish weight (kg) x 100 Line Class = Points Billfish (only if a record fish) Fish weight (kg) x 150 Line Class = Points All fish weighed or tagged and released must equal or exceed line class except sharks which must equal twice the weight of the line class. All species eligible under GFAA rules will apply, except eagle rays which will not be accepted either tagged or boated. Tag & Release Point Scoring Tag and release points will apply to prizes on the following basis: The following fish species tagged and released, will be allocated nominated points, noted below: Marlin Blue and Black Marlin Striped Other billfish Sharks (min 1.5m length) Amberjack Samson Fish Spanish Mackerel Shark Mackerel Yellowfin Tuna Yellowtail Kingfish (Min size 60 cm, min tag length 70 cm) Mahi Mahi Australian Salmon Snapper Striped Tuna Southern Bluefin Tuna Wahoo Nominated Fish Points Line Class 33000 points 16500 points 16500 points 5000 points 1500 points 1500 points 1000 points 700 points 700 points 600 points 500 points 500 points 500 points 450 points 300 points 1000 points = Points GFAA rules and conditions apply, except in the case of eagle rays which will not be accepted either tagged or boated. Tag cards must be submitted at the weigh station on the day of capture and be fully completed including additional details of the angler ID, boat ID, and line class. Incomplete tag cards will not be accepted for scoring. Page 8 Marlin & Sharks Marlin and sharks will be tag only species. These species can be weighed if potentially a record; however fish which do not register as a record will attract no points. Live Baiting Note that all live baiting must use non-offset circle hooks. Tied Scores In the case of a tied score, the trophy or prize will be awarded on a count back. Except for Marlin which require a tag to be radioed in, the first capture certificate or tag card to be received by the weigh master, resulting in the highest point score (or number of fish tagged), will be deemed the winner. Progress Scores Progress scores will be announced at the Friday and Saturday evening functions at Sandpipers Tavern and Jurien Bay Golf Club. Bag & Size Limits Except marlin, only five tagged or weighed fish of each species will be accepted per boat each day. Fish to be weighed must be in an edible condition when weighing in at the weigh station. It is a requirement of this tournament that all competitors comply with Department of Fisheries regulations concerning licensing, bag limits and minimum sizes at all times. Note that there have been considerable changes to the bag limits of many fish targeted in this competition. The latest rules can be downloaded from Line Testing The Club’s line tester will be used for random checks on competitors’ lines. Any line which does not pass this test will result in disqualification of the angler’s and boat’s catch on that line class for that day. For the benefit of all teams the weigh-master John Webber will be available on Thursday (20th) afternoon to check any tackle to ensure its compliance with GFAA rules. He may be contacted on 0407 386734. Additional copies of the 2013 GFAA Journal are available for all members. Trophies & Prizes Awards will be made in each category provided there is an eligible capture and sufficient eligible anglers. Ivan Erceg Memorial Medallion – this award commemorates the passion the late Ivan Erceg held for fishing in the Jurien Bay area and his contribution to the sport and the club in earning accolades for his performance. It is awarded to the angler with the highest point scoring marlin on day 1. If no marlin is caught on day 1 it carries over to the following day(s). If no eligible Marlin are captured it will be awarded at the Tournament Committees discretion Champion Boat - Seasport Charters Marlin Cup – the Seasport Charters Marlin Cup is awarded to the boat with the highest points scored on marlin only. In the case of a tie a count back on the timing of capture will be used to decide. If no eligible marlin are caught, it will be awarded to the boat with the highest 2 day points aggregate. Combining points scored on the vessel for all allowable captures and tagged and released fish. The winning boat will receive an invitation to participate in the 2015 Offshore World Championship Tournament in Costa Rica and a 1 Day exclusive charter with Seasports Charters and a free entry to 2014 Shimano WA Open Tournament. Page 9 Champion Male Angler - Awarded to the male angler with the highest 2 day points aggregate. Combining points scored for all allowable captures and tagged & released fish on those days. The award for the Champion Male Angler will include a Shimano Tiagra 80 W reel and free entry to 2014 Shimano WA Open Tournament. Champion Female Angler - Awarded to the female with the highest 2 day points aggregate. Combining points scored for all allowable captures and tagged & released fish on those days. This award will only be made if there are 2 or more competitors in the category. The award for the Champion Female Angler will include a Shimano Tiagra 50WLRS reel and free entry to 2014 Shimano WA Open Tournament. Champion Junior Angler- Awarded to the junior with the highest 2 day points aggregate. Combining points scored for all allowable captures and tagged & released fish on those days. This award will only be made if there are 2 or more competitors in the category. The award for the Champion Junior Angler will include a Shimano Talica 8 reel and free entry to 2014 Shimano WA Open Tournament. Champion Tag & Release - Awarded to the angler with the highest number of fish tagged. The award includes a Black Magic Equalizer Harness Set and free entry to 2014 Shimano WA Open Tournament. NAFA Award – A not so keenly sought after award – the exact prize will surprise the recipient. Photographic Prize – Prize for the best fish, action or boat image as judged by the tournament committee. Images must be emailed to by 1st March. This award will be announced at the following club social night. Prize is 1 x PGFC Family Membership valued at $180 Marlin Captures – A cash award of $500 will be made for the first boat to capture or tag a line class marlin. The second and third boats will be awarded $300, photographic evidence of tagging must be provided. The capture must be radioed in immediately after tagging or boating. Prizes are not redeemable for cash. PGFC would like to thanks Bluewater Tackle for supplying the Reels/Harness as part of their club sponsorship for 2014. Other Relevant Information Protests Any protests relating to weight of or the manner of weighing a fish must be made in writing to the Weigh-master before the fish is removed from the weigh scales. All other protests must be made to a member or members of the Tournament Committee as soon as practicable after the event being disputed has occurred. All protests will be decided by the Tournament Committee and their decision will be final and binding. No protest will be accepted after 1700 hours 23rd February. The club reserves the right to lodge a protest. Tags Tags are available at any time from the club’s weigh-master John Webber, contact 9386 7343 or 0407 386734. They will also be available at the briefing night. Details of correct use of tags and completion of tag cards can be found on the club’s website at Page 10 All members are reminded to have the correct tag applicator. Tags will be available at the briefing night. Conduct All competing anglers are expected to conduct themselves in a sportsman-like manner and at all times follow the rules, regulations and ethics of game fishing. All skippers and crews are reminded that as members of a Game Fishing Club they are regarded as representatives of the Club. As such, any unbecoming behaviour reflects adversely on Perth Game Fishing Club and indeed on all game fishers. The Tournament Committee may on its own initiative investigate and act upon any incident occurring during the tournament and may invoke penalties of loss of points, disqualification of fish, angler, boat or team where misconduct is deemed to have taken place. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary in these circumstances. Weather The decision to put to sea and stay at sea, and the responsibility for the vessel and crew, is solely that of the skipper. If the Bureau of Meteorology’s “Lancelin Coast Forecast” issued at 0400 for any fishing day of the event includes a strong wind warning for that day’s sea breeze, that day’s fishing may be cancelled, postponed or shortened at the absolute discretion of the Tournament Committee. All boats will be advised by radio from Seasport Charters Base. Accommodation A wide variety of short term accommodation is available in Jurien Bay. The hotel has rooms and local real estate agents can assist with self contained and family requirements. The Apex Camp which is close to the golf club also has self contained and budget accommodation. Transport The club hopes to have organized a mini bus service to assist members to and from the golf club who do not have vehicles available or prefer not to drive. Organiser’s Liability The Perth Game Fishing Club (Inc) will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to their person or effects, or consequential losses, sustained by any competitor or third party. All competitors taking part in the tournament shall do so at their own risk. Page 11 Jurien Bay Community Sponsors Perth Game Fishing Club would like to thank these Jurien Bay organizations for their help and sponsorship for making this tournament possible. Please support these businesses. Jurien Bay Volunteer Sea Rescue Group Jurien Bay Country Golf Club