Underwater News March 2012 - Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
Underwater News March 2012 - Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
OFFICERS MARCH 2012 PRESIDENT Linda Giza 413.283.8680 lindagiza@comcast.net VICE PRESIDENT Will Fontaine, Sr. 413-467-1351 Mrniceguyinmass@comcast.net SECRETARY Martha Morris martha_morris@hotmail.com TREASURER David Giza 413-283-8680 davegiza@comcast.net BOARD MEMBERS Michael Lucey hummingbird7515@comcast.net Chuck Pixley cpixley3@verizon.net Jerine Blissett icegriller@hotmail.com COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS BOWL SHOW Chuck Pixley MEMBERSHIP (open) PROGRAMS Dan McKercher MUSEUM LIASON Linda Giza LIBRARY Bill Maier STORE LIASON Will Fontaine Sr. BAP Chuck Pixley & Mike Lucey REFRESHMENTS Mike Lucey SUNSHINE Linda Giza NEWSLETTER Michael Liu & Jerine Blissett BYLAWS Chuck Pixley, Linda Giza EXCHANGE EDITOR Linda Giza, Michael Liu NEC DELEGATE Will Fontaine PHOTO CONTEST Chuck Pixley NEC ALT. DELEGATE (open) TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Photo: Pictured on the cover, an orange and white Midas Cichlid, Amphilophus citrinellum IN THIS ISSUE 3 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 4 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE CLUB Minutes from our General & BOD Meeting 6 UNUSUAL BREEDING BEHAVIOUR IN WILD CAUGHT ARCHOCENTRUS SAJICA By William Berg 8 PVAS AUCTION ROUND UP: Our 2012 Annual Auction By Michael Liu 10 PVAS PROGRAMS & CONTEST Breeder Awards, Bowl Show Results, & Photo Show Contest 12 BUSINESS DIRECTORY & TRADING POST The Underwater News is the official publication of the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, Inc. and is published either monthly or bimonthly except for July and August. The views and opinions printed herein are those of the individual authors, and are not necessarily those of PVAS. The Underwater News is provided free to our members as part of their membership. Unless otherwise indicated, original articles and drawings may be re-printed in other non-profit publications, as long as credit is given to the author and The Underwater News. Two copies of the publication in which the reprint appears should be sent to PVAS. Address all exchange bulletins and correspondence to the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, Inc. c/o Michael Liu, 14 Indian Hill, Florence, MA 01062. VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE MARCH 2012 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENT Let me start off by saying our auction this year was one of the best ever.All of your hard work and long hours on your feet made it possible.Thank you for a great day. Several clubs helped us a great deal.Members from TFSRI,BAS,DAAS, GHAS,WAS,OVAS,NHAS,NAS,(if I missed a club I am sorry)all jumped in and were great.I hope PVAS members attend their auctions and help them out.That’s what it’s all about,being there for each other. We are planning a pizza party for the March meeting as a thank you.Please try to attend. We will be doing Earth Day again,I am still waiting for the details to be sent to me,it is always a really fun day,rain or shine.If you still owe for dues please see David. That’s it for now see you on the 6th. Linda Giza PVAS President VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 3 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE CLUB WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE CLUB NAME THAT FISH! MARCH 2012 Join us for pizza and an exciting game of Name that Fish! at the PVAS March 6th General Meeting. Winner will receive a $100 Prize! (Winner will split prize money equally in the event of a tie) MINUTES FROM OUR GENERAL & BOD MEETING GENERAL MEETING PVAS Minutes of the General Meeting held at Springfield Science Museum February 7, 2012 7:15 PM Meeting called to order by Linda Giza who made the following announcements: Dan brought a DVD for us to watch this evening. PVAS auction is on the 19th. Fingers crossed the weather is good! We have sign-up sheets for jobs for the auction. We need help in the kitchen during the auction. Ben, Scott and Elva volunteered. Martha announced that she will be coming around at break time and ask people to volunteer for an hour slot to record auction lot numbers, sale prices and bidder numbers. People will go on Saturday to check out the hall and plan the layout. We can get in at 7:30 on the morning of the auction. We won’t be putting tables out for eating at. Our venders will all be there, including Ed Pecord and Jim Carmak. Mark Broadmere will be our primary auctioneer. We still need more announcers. Will said we still have donations coming in. Yet to arrive are frozen food, fish and plants. Hartford had a very successful auction recently. The Rhode Island auction is March 3 and Norwalk auction is March 4. NECA’s first ever auction is April 22. We have a free NEC convention registration to auction off. Our gift card tonight is from Dave’s Soda and Pet City. Meeting adjourned. BOD MEETING No board meeting was held in February. VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 4 WHAT’S HAPPENING IN THE CLUB SAVE THE DATE! MARCH 2012 Tropical Fish Society of Rhode Island Triple Crown Fish Auction Saturday, March 3rd at the St. Joseph’s Parish Center, 1303 Mendon Road (Rte. 122) Cumberland, RI MARCH 2012 Doors open at 9 AM Auction starts promptly at 12 Noon Bring your best fish! TFSRI split is $3 per bag sold, all the rest goes to the vendor. Visit www.tfsri.net for complete auction rules and forms Norwalk Aquarium Society 34th Annual Tropical Fish Auction & Aquarium Equipment Benefit Auction for Earthplace Sunday March 4th Earthplace-The Nature Discovery, Center 10 Woodside Lane Westport, CT Set up & Viewing 9:30-11:30 AM Auction starts at 12 Noon Visit www.norwalkas.org for information & directions North Jersey Aquarium Society Aquarium Swap Meet & Vendor Expo Saturday March 10, 2012 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Lyndhurst Elks Club, 251 Park Avenue Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Vendors: $30 per table, 100% profit, set up at 9:00 am Buyers: free parking, $5 admission, under 12 free, browse and make deals Visit www.njas.net for information & directions Or contact Kevin Carr at 201-724-9460 or deadhead_kc@yahoo.com Jersey Shore Aquarium Society 20th Annual Tropical Fish & Dry Goods Auction Sunday March 18, 2012 Knights of Columbus Hall 70 E. Main Street Freehold, NJ Set up & Viewing 10:00-11:45 AM Auction starts at 12 Noon sharp! Visit www.jerseyshoreas.org for information or to preregister or email allaboutpetsllc@yahoo.com or call 732-223-4530 for information APRIL 2012 American Livebearer Association Convention 2012 April 26-29th in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Hosted by: Gold Coast Aquarium Society at the Ft. Lauderdale Hilton Airport Hotel $99/night single or double Two Great Field Trips: Florida Aquatic Nursery & Collecting Native and Exotic Fish Plus show, speakers, workshop, vendor room, banquet, BBQ, & auction Visit www.ala2012.com for more information VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 5 FEATURED ARTICLE MARCH 2012 Unusual breeding behaviour in wild caught Archocentrus sajica By William Berg of Sweden, for aquaticcommunity.com - This article taken from Aquarticles.com would like to write a few words about my experiences breeding wild caught Archocentrus sajica and a surprise that these fish gave me - a surprise that shows the fascinating and diverse behaviour of these animals. I got a pair of wild-caught sajicas from a friend who had collected them on a trip. Since I had kept this species before (in fact it was the third cichlid I ever bred), I didn’t expect any surprises. Well, I was wrong. I For want of better accommodations I put the 6 cm/ 2 inches long cichlids into a 540 litre/145 gallon aquarium that was already overly crowded. In the aquarium already swam four 20 cm/8 inch Texas cichlids, a pair of N. festae (25 and 20 cm/ 10 and 8 inches), a pair of N. managuense (about the same size as the N. festae) and four Natal cichlids, Mossanbicus mossanbicus, (20 cm/ 8 inches). The tank was also inhabited by two convict cichlids (about 4 cm/ 1 inches) that had originally been put there as feeders, and finally loads of Ancistrus that just wouldn’t stop breeding. All of the species were breeding regularly in the aquarium. As I said, the aquarium was already very crowded. I knew I was taking a chance putting the small sajicas in with these predators, but I didn’t have any choice. To my great relief the sajicas found themselves loving their company and were left alone by their larger predatory cousins. The aquarium was decorated with two very large roots that reached all the way to the surface of the aquarium and which created three natural territories for the fish in the aquarium. There were small gaps under the roots that the ancistrus utilised for breeding. The larger cichlids couldn’t get into these spaces. These large roots made the water in the tank very dark and made it look like a black-water river aquarium. However the water was harder and the pH level higher than what you might expect to find in a black-water river. When the sajicas had been in this aquarium for a week, on a diet consisting mainly of Hikari pellets and shrimps, they spawned for the first time. Anyone that has kept A. sajica wouldn’t be surprised about this, the surprise would be if they didn’t breed during the first month. However the surprise was how they bred. My experience is that sajicas are dedicated parents that watch furiously over eggs and fry. But under these conditions this pair chose a different approach. The female laid her eggs on a root halfway to the surface. Her eggs had a much darker tone then A. sajica eggs usually have, and matched the colour of the root almost perfectly. This was something the parents seemed to be aware of, since they didn’t care about protecting their young. They both swam all over the aquarium just as before the egg laying, and it wasn’t unusual that the two fishes furthest from the eggs in the entire aquarium were the sajicas. Occasionally they did chase away some ancistrus. You would think that this strange parental behaviour would mean the end of the eggs in an aquarium where several fishes VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 6 FEATURED ARTICLE The parents continued to take them on these little expeditions for about a month, after which the fry had grown to approximately 1.5 cm / 1/3” inch. The impressive thing is that almost all of the fry had survived to this age. After the parents had stopped caring for their fry, the young quickly became bolder and started swimming around, which led to all but two of the fry being eaten one week later. (There had been 50-60 fry before that). These two however did manage to grow up in this aquarium. MARCH 2012 could eat all eggs in one gulp. But this was not the case and almost all the eggs survived and hatched, at which time the parents moved them (spat them) under a root where not even they could get in. They then continued acting as if nothing had happened. When the fry were free-swimming the parents took their young out for expeditions about 1-2 hours each day. The rest of the time they left them under the root, where they apparently found food because they grew nicely. Male C. sajica, or T-bar Cichlid, showing nice purple coloration, note the “T” bar pattern on the mid-flank (photo by Michael Liu) The wild caught A. sajica couple spawned many times in this aquarium, once every 2-3 months, and they always had great success using this method. At one point I moved them to another aquarium about half as big as the other and with clear water. They shared this tank with a number of other cichlids, mostly fry from the larger aquarium. In this aquarium they spawned in the way one is used to seeing A. sajica spawn, i.e. standing guard over their eggs and fry. A little later the couple was moved back to the 540 L /145 gallon aquarium and they then started to “hide” their eggs and fry again. Out of curiosity I also tried keeping them in an aquarium with clear water and a large pair of N. managuense as company, and the sajica couple spawned standing guard over their eggs and fry. It seemed like they simply chose another strategy in darker waters. I have kept other pairs of breeding A. sajica in the 540 litre/ 145 gallon aquarium since then, but none of them have shown this behaviour. I’m hoping that others get to experience this unique behaviour that just goes to show that cichlids never stop being surprising. Pair of C. sajica in the aquarium, male front, female rear (photo by Michael Liu) VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 7 FEATURED ARTICLE PVAS AUCTION MARCH 2012 Our 2012 Annual Auction By Michael Liu his one didn’t start out as planned but once we got started and got up some steam, we made it through the day, and it looks like it was a successful auction once again this year. After a late start getting the speaker system set up and missing our main auctioneer, Mark Broadmeyer, the auction finally started with auctioneer Doug Patac from Vermont doing the dirty work until Mark arrived. The weather was nice that day and it seems lots of people attended as the Elks Hall was full for most of the day. The first batch of “red dots” and fish donations really took a while to auction off as there were countless items. For a while it seemed like we would never get to the actual table lots. T We seemed to be a bit more short-handed than years past, but were helped out by many, many members from our sister clubs, who worked at registration, organized auction lots, did the running, helped in the kitchen, and bid and bought auction items! A hearty “Thank You!” to all the folks from TFSRI, DAAS, NAS, GHAS, OVAS, BAS, NECA, and non-club members who came and enjoyed the auction. I don’t mean to leave anyone out, and I apologize if I did. This year, we arranged the auction hall differently than in years past. We keep trying different layouts, but this years’ layout seemed to work better than before. With a few minor tweaks, the next auction should flow more smoothly. We put the auctioneer on the stage this year, and that seemed to help with the view over the large hall. One issue is having the kitchen in the vestibule away from the auction action. We’ll have to discuss the pros and cons in more detail, but it seemed hard to get volunteers to work the kitchen. We had several vendors at the auction: Seth Harris of Harris In Wonderland, Ed Pecord of Fish Frenzy along with Jim Carmark selling fish and aquarium goods, Rick Rego and RJR Booksellers, Ed Champigny of Kimmy Koi, and Ken Menard of Ken’s Fish with loads of pre-orders. We appreciate your attendance and thank you for your donations to the auction. Once again, Will Fontaine VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 8 FEATURED ARTICLE MARCH 2012 did a great job collecting donations from national and international companies and local stores. We have a lot of leftovers to be used for club meetings and other club purposes. Some items, including dog foods and treats, were used in a Silent Auction. This seemed like a successful way to sell items while not taking time away from the auction fishy items. We had some nice Raffle prizes that were donated by companies, such as Tetra and Fish Frenzy. And, by our own members, Martha Morris who donated a group of discus, and myself, who donated a large Synodontis angellicus catfish and a Lake Tanganyika Cichlid Mystery Box. Raffle tickets were sold throughout the day until the drawings, and it looks like the prizes generated a considerable amount of money. And thanks to Tony and Denise Panetta for their efforts in selling 50/50 cash raffle tickets, among other things. A great big THANK YOU to Dave and Linda Giza for being such an integral part of the planning and execution for our annual auction. Without their energy and efforts, the club would not be in the good shape it’s in. Finally, everyone in the club should be thanked for helping to put on another successful auction and participating in all club activities! Here are some photos from the auction. Enjoy! VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 9 BREEDERS AWARD PROGRAM BREEDER AWARDS In an attempt to increase participation in the BAP, the program will now have a monetary incentive. Each member who submits BAP fish for auction will be awarded 1 Point per bag. Totals for the year will be kept by the BAP Chair. This portion of the BAP is based only on the number of bags submitted and all other BAP rules apply. Awards will be presented in January and are as follows: STANDINGS MARCH 2012 Jim Cormier 605 points Master Breeder Award Tony & Denise Panetta 580points Master Breeder Award Mike Liu 430 points Senior Breeder Award Jim White 380 pointsSenior Breeder Award Chuck & Charlene Pixley 370 points Master Breeder Award Dan Balser 225 points Senior Breeder Award Joe Coleman 170 points Breeder Award Elva Hughes 170 points Breeder Award Tom Stevens 30 points Seth Harris 25 points Rit Forcier 15 points Dave Giza 5 points BREEDERS AWARD ANNUAL INCENTIVE PROGRAM PVAS PROGRAMS & CONTEST PVAS PROGRAMS & CONTEST Michael Liu 8 Points Joe Coleman 2 Points Dave Giza 1 Point 2011 BOWL SHOW STANDINGS BOWL SHOW CONTEST 2011 BOWL SHOW RESULTS BOWL SHOW RESULTS – January 2012 There was only one entry for January 2012. First place and People’s Choice went to Dave Giza for his Synodontis eupterus. 2012 Bowl Show Standings Dave Giza 4 points Awards were presented for the 2011 Bowl Show winners, first place went to Joe Coleman, second place went to Dave Giza and third place went to Elva Hughes and Bill Maier. Congratulations to all the winners! Joe Coleman 23 points Dave Giza 21 points Elva Hughes 8 points Bill Maier 8 points Rich DiGeorge 5 points Seth Harris 6 points Mike Liu 4 points The Bowl Show for 2011 will be conducted as in the past with a couple of minor changes. Points will be awarded as follows: 1st Place—4 Points, 2nd Place—3 Points, 3rd Place—2 Points, 4th Place—1 Point. Also, any fish entered in the Bowl Show that does not place will still receive 1 Point for participation. Point totals will be kept by the Bowl Show Chair and posted in each newsletter. Annual awards will be as follows: First Place: $50.00 Second Place: $25.00 Third Place: Free Annual Membership VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 10 DECEMBER 2011 PHOTO SHOW CONTEST RESULTS There were eight entries in the February 2012 Photo Contest. First place went to Elva for her photo of a Blue Rainbow. There were three second place finishers; Mike Liu, Jim Cormier and Chuck Pixley. Third place went to Elva. Chuck Pixley 5 points Elva Hughes 4 points Mike Liu 2 points Jim Cormier 2 points Eight entries was the highest number of photos since the contest began. Let’s see if we can have more entries next month! Photos will be judged by the membership in attendance and winners will be determined based on popular vote. Points will be awarded as follows: First Place-3 Points, Second Place-2 Points, Third Place-1 Point. Point totals will be kept by the Photo Show Chair. Winning photos will be published in the next newsletter. MARCH 2012 2012 Photo Contest Standings Members may bring up to two photos, unframed, each meeting. Photos can be any size up to 8 x 10 inches. PVAS PROGRAMS & CONTEST PHOTO SHOW CONTEST RESULTS The photo show is open to all members. Members must take the photograph and bring the entry to the show at each meeting. The first place photo cannot be re-entered for the current year. Second and third place photos may be re-entered in future photo shows during the same calendar year. Point totals will accumulate through the December general meeting. Awards will be presented in January, and are as follows: First Place-$50, Second Place$25, Third Place-Free Annual Membership First place: Elva Hughes VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY MARCH 2012 VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 12 BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY (continued) MARCH 2012 VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 13 BUSINESS DIRECTORY BUSINESS DIRECTORY (continued) MARCH 2012 TRADING POST For Sale: 6 large Acei for sale for $30 pickup in Northampton. Contact Jim at jim.pellegrino@comcast.net if interested Please send ads to the Editor, Michael Liu, via email at mike@berkshiredesign.com, or call me at 413-585-9127. Lists may also be dropped off to me at the monthly meetings. Please send an accurate description along with your contact information. It is not necessary to list a specific price. PVAS is not responsible for ensuring the quantity or quality of the items being sold through this listing service. All sales and trades are to be negotiated between the buyer and seller. VISIT PVAS.NET FOR UPDATES AND MEMBERSHIPS 14 COME JOIN US! COME JOIN US! DIRECTIONS TO THE SPRINGFIELD SCIENCE MUSEUM: From the North - Take Interstate 91 South to Exit 7. Turn left onto State Street, proceed for three blocks and you will see the large, white marble Springfield City Library building on your left. Take the first left past the library onto Elliot Street and then the next left onto Edwards Street. MARCH 2012 DIRECTIONS & MEMBERSHIPS From the South - Take Interstate 91 North to Exit 6. Stay on Columbus Avenue to State Street. Turn right, proceed for three blocks and you will see the large, white marble Springfield City Library building on your left. Take the first left past the library onto Elliot Street and then the next left onto Edwards Street. From the East - Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Exit 6 (I-291). Exit at Dwight Street (Exit 2B), turn left. Follow Dwight to State Street. Turn left at the light, go through another light and you will see the large, white marble Springfield City Library building on your left. Take the first left past the library onto Elliot Street and then the next left onto Edwards Street. From the West - Take the Massachusetts Turnpike to Interstate 91 South and follow I-91 South to Exit 7. Turn left on State Street, proceed for three blocks and you will see the large, white marble Springfield City Library building on your left. Take the first left past the library onto Elliot Street and then the next left onto Edwards Street. Parking: Free parking is available in the lots on Edwards Street. To Download Printable Directions go to http://www.springfieldmuseums.org/about/hours.php NOT A MEMBER YET ? The Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, Inc. is a not for profit educational group. We meet the first Tuesday of each month, except July and August, at the Springfield Science Museum. Meetings start at 7:00 PM and include refreshments. Club news and activities are discussed and planned, and an educational program or speaker is presented, followed by a mini-auction. The general public is welcome at our meetings and is encouraged to see what fish-keeping is all about. The Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, Inc. is affiliated with the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies, Inc. PIONEER VALLETY AQUARIUM SOCIETY, INC. - MEMBERSHIP FORM To join the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, annual dues can be mailed to: Linda Giza, P.O. Box 201, Palmer, MA 01069. Rates are $15.00 for a single membership and $20.00 for a family membership Name: Address: City: Telephone: Email Address: State: Zip Code: