Underwater News January 2016 - Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
Underwater News January 2016 - Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society
BOARD MEMBERS OFFICERS In This Issue President: Chuck Pixley, cpixley16@comcast.net Vice President: Jim Cormier, jimcormier1@gmail.com Secretary: Jacob Guinasso, jguinasso@pvas.net Treasurer: Christina Guinasso, cguinasso@pvas.net President’s Message Chuck Pixley MEMBERS AT LARGE William Maier, lame_bull@yahoo.com This Month’s Program Jeff Slade, n/a Cichlids of Lake Tanganika Michael Liu, mike@berkshiredesign.com A National Geographic Video COMMITTEE CHAIRS Membership: Don Hennemann Programs: Dan McKercher Pictures From Last Month’s Meeting Newsletter: Michael Liu Bowl Show: Michael Liu Photo Show: Michael Liu Breeder Award Program: Jim Cormier Auction Chair: Jim Cormier NEC Delegate: (open) Featured Article Tips on Breeding Bettas Carolyn Hanlon Greater Akron Aquarium Society NEC Alternate Delegate: (open) MEETING INFORMATION Bowl Show & Photo Show Results Location: First Congregational Church, 42 Lathrop Street, West Springfield, MA 01089 Michael Liu We meet on the first Tuesday of the month, except July and August, at 6:30 PM. Meetings are open to the public and include a short business update, program or event, door prizes, mini-auction and refreshments. Trading Post—Items For Sale Affiliations PVAS is a member of the Northeast Council of Aquarium Societies, Inc. (NEC) The Underwater News is the official publication of the Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, Inc. and is published monthly or bi-monthly except July and August. The views and opinions printed herein are those of the individual authors, and are not necessarily those of PVAS. The Underwater News is provided free to our members as part of their membership. Reprint Policy: Unless noted by copyright, articles from this publication may be reprinted by other non profit aquarium societies. Please acknowledge PVAS as the source and mail two copies of the publication in which the reprint appears to PVAS: Pioneer Valley Aquarium Society, c/o Michael Liu, 14 Indian Hill, Florence, MA 01062 President’s Message, By Chuck Pixley Well, it looks like winter is finally upon us. I hope this message finds everyone warm and well. We had a great January meeting with Adam Harris as our speaker for the evening. We were fortunate to have members of a local Boy Scout Troop join us for Adam’s presentation. Everyone enjoyed the program. We are hoping to have the Scout Troop along with friends and family join us for other activities in the future. We had a productive board meeting with all board members present. Focus once again was on the PVAS auction. At the general meeting this month, we will discuss our plan for the auction as well as a couple other important issues. For those members who have not been at the meetings and are planning to attend the auction, please contact me or Jim Cormier if you would like to assist. Your time and effort on auction day is greatly appreciated. The success of the auction will help PVAS determine what activities and programs we can look forward to in the upcoming year. Hope to see everyone on February 2nd! Chuck This Month’s Program: Meeting Date - February 2, 2016, 6:30 PM Cichlids of Lake Tanganyika A National Geographic Video Pictured is a pair of Boulengerochromis microlepis with a swarm of fry This program not only features the cichlids of Lake Tanganyika, but also displays other wildlife found in and around the lake, including turtles, snakes, birds and otters. It offers a brief discussion of the formation of the Rift Lakes of Africa, and a fascinating look at the ecosystem of the lake. Not just for cichlid lovers! Come to the meeting and enjoy the program—hope to see you there! Photos From Last Month’s General Meeting Adam Harris gave a exciting talk about reptiles for the January meeting. Here you can see Adam with some of the critters he brought to share with the club. Featured Article Tips on Breeding Bettas Carolyn Hanlon, Greater Akron Aquarium Society In the past several months, several people have asked me about breeding bettas. For a 5-point BAP fish, it seems that these little guys cause an awful lot of problems. I’m no exception – I’ve had my share of troubles too, so maybe I can give some pointers to help others. First is the matter of the breeders. If the male is not in good condition, he will eat the eggs. Keep your male well-fed, for at least two weeks be-fore attempting the spawning. Also, those large old males in the pet shops aren’t likely to spawn. A male older than 12 months old is not likely to do more than kill females or eat eggs. Get a young male (about 6 months old) from a breeder and you’ll have better luck. There are exceptions, of course, but why waste your time with an unlikely spawner. In females, age is not as significant as long as she is in condition. The old tried-and-tired statement about breeding stripes (vertical barring) is only half true. My females show stripes in the presence of any male, any time. Your female is in condition if she has a full ovary. It is easier to see in light-bodied females, but basically the ovary is a wedge-shaped area directly behind the rounded portion of her abdomen. One of Gene Lucas’s articles in FAMA (Bettas. . .And More – FAMA August 1981) had a photograph that illustrates a betta ovary beautifully. A full ovary and breeding stripes is a guaranteed ready female. A conditioned male and ready female in a tank full of 80 degree clean water with a place for a male to blow his nest is about all that’s necessary for a spawning. Males prefer to blow their nests under something – half of an inverted styrofoam cup or a piece of opaque plastic, for example. Eggs can be seen in the nest by looking up under the nest with a flashlight. The eggs will be an opaque white area in the nest. You will learn to recognize behavioral changes in your own particular males that indicate a spawning has occurred. If your eggs repeatedly fungus, try ½ strength Nov-Aqua. It has helped me t o have good hatches. Get to know your fish. I have one male who will tend a nest for 24 hours and then eat the eggs. I let him tend the nest for about 23 hours and then pull the male. If a male tends the eggs well, he will rarely eat the fry (although it does happen). After the fry are free-swimming, or 24 hours after the eggs hatch (whichever comes first) pull the male (you pulled the female right after the spawning). First food for the fry is baby brine shrimp, Tetra Egglayer, and Aquarian Egglayer. DO NOT use infusoria. You don’t need it and you’ll starve the fry. Get them onto microplankton after the first week, and add mashed growth food and crumbled freeze-dried daphnia – variety is the key. The fry should be able to eat frozen brine at 4 to 6 weeks of age. Start water changes at 7 to 10 days old, and change water once or twice a week. You’ll really improve growth rates. The main thing with breeding bettas is to keep trying. The fish can be frustrating, but remember – “Patience is a virtue” (I know, you never wanted to be that virtuous). Really, it can be done, and the pleasure you’ll get from watching a tankful of “slivers” become long-finned beauties is worth all the frustration. END Don’t forget our Annual Auction ! Fish Tune—by Michael Liu When I was a kid, I eagerly read MAD Magazine. I enjoyed the Spy vs. Spy cartoon series very much, as well as the spoofs of anything and everything under the sun. One such tidbit that always stuck in my mind was the following fish ditty, which fore-told of my future in the fish hobby. Please sing along to the tune “My Favorite Things”. Black shiny mollies and bright colored guppies, Shy little angels as gentle as puppies, Swimming and diving with scarcely a swish, They were just some of my tropical fish. Then I got mantas that sting in the water, Deadly piranhas that itch for a slaughter, Savage male betas that bite with a squish, Now I have many less tropical fish. If you think that Fish are peaceful That's an empty wish. Just dump them together And leave them alone, And soon you will have -- no fish! SAVE THE DATE ! ! ! See more information on the NEC Facebook Page: NEC 2016 CONVENTION & 60th ANNIVERSARY Bowl Show Results—January 2016 1st Place: Dan McKercher, Male Betta 2nd Place: (no entry) 3rd Place: (no entry) 2015-2016 Bowl Show Standings 16 points Dan McKercher 3 points Chuck Pixley Bowl Show Rules 1. The bowl show is open to all members. Members must bring fish entries and a container to display the fish for the show at each meeting. 2. There is no limit to the number of entries a member can bring to each meeting. 3. Until further notice, all entries will be judged by the membership in attendance and winners will be determined based on popular vote. Points will be awarded as follows: First Place4 Points, Second Place-3 Points, Third Place-2 Points. Additionally, any entry not in the top three places will also receive 1 point. 4. Point totals will be kept by the Bowl Show Chair. The top three entries and the winners will be published in the next newsletter. 4. The first place entry cannot be re-entered for the current year. Second and third place entries may be re-entered in future bowl shows during the same calendar year. 5. Point totals will accumulate through the December general meeting. Awards will be presented in January, and are as follows: First Place-$50, Second Place-$25, Third PlaceFree Annual Membership. Photo Show Results—January 2016 1st Place: Travis & Rebekah Peck, Sand Sifting Starfish 2nd Place: Michael Liu, Whiptail Catfish 3rd Place: (no entry) 2015-2016 Photo Show Standings 8 points Michael Liu 6 points Chuck Pixley 6 Points Travis & Rebekah Peck 2 points Elva Hughes Photo Show Rules 1. The photo show is open to all members. Members must take the photograph and bring the entry for the show at each meeting. 2. Members may bring up to two photos, unframed, each meeting. Photos can be any size up to 8 x 10 inches. 3. Photos will be judged by the membership in attendance and winners will be determined based on popular vote. Points will be awarded as follows: First Place-3 Points, Second Place2 Points, Third Place-1 Point. Point totals will be kept by the Photo Show Chair. The winning 1st place photo will be published in the next newsletter. 4. The first place photo cannot be re-entered for the current year. Second and third place photos may be re-entered in future photo shows during the same calendar year. 5. Point totals will accumulate through the December general meeting. Awards will be presented in January, and are as follows: First Place-$50, Second Place-$25, Third PlaceFree Annual Membership. 6. Winners need to submit their entry digitally if they wish to have them published in the newsletter. Trading Post—Items For Sale FOR SALE from Jacob Guinasso– Good stuff, low prices. I need to sell lots of tanks, plants, decor, and some fish. Looking for best offers, not trying to make money. Please contact me if you’re interested, email - spiritualsnipers@gmail.com or phone (707) 718-2866. 125 gallon full setup is sold, I just need to sell off all that java moss, java fern, rocks and driftwood with said plants attached, 1 koi, 1 small albino bristlenose, a few dwarf/pygmy cories, a Fundulopanchax gardneri, and a deformed cory. 20 gallon with metal stand, dual T5 light, small internal filter. Several Threadfin Rainbowfish, variety of stem plants, Anubias nana, java moss, floating plants, Ranunculus inundatus, and dirted bottom. Two 29 gallons on metal stand. Top: mostly dwarf sag or pygmy chain sword in the tank, few other stems and such. variety of plants on top, such as pothos, wandering jew, etc. on floating driftwood, HOBs, and planters. Heterandria formosa, a Dario dario, and a bunch of wild type cherry shrimp. Bottom: fake decor with a ton of marmorkrebs Immersed plant growing tanks, variety of plants, would rather sell off really cheap than try to ID all the plants 35 gallon hex, internal filter. big center piece of driftwood with java fern and Anubias nana attached, potted lily, and golden shiners Lots of Xenotoca eiseni (CARES goodeid) I need to find homes for, as well as a few Tiger Limia.
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