wednesday wake-up club breakfast with kate obenshain


wednesday wake-up club breakfast with kate obenshain
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Leadership Institute, Steven P.J. Wood Building
1101 N. Highland St. | Arlington, VA 22201
7:30 – 9 a.m. • $10 per person
regular guest on Fox News and radio shows across the country, a writer, and a popular national speaker, Kate Obenshain
is known for her passionate and articulate advocacy of conservative causes.
As chairman of the Virginia GOP from 2003 to 2006, Kate garnered national attention when she led the charge against tax
increases and the expanding role of government at the state and national levels. During her tenure, she was named as one of
the GOP’s rising stars by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Kate has also championed her conservative convictions as vice president of Young America’s
Foundation, a major campus conservative organization and owner of Ronald Reagan’s
Rancho del Cielo.
She served as Senator George Allen’s chief of staff and as his chief education and health policy
advisor when he was Virginia’s governor. Kate has served on Young America’s Foundation’s
board of directors, director of program development, and director of lectures, developing the
largest conservative lecture program in the nation. She is currently on the board of directors for
the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute.
From 1995 to 2000, Kate served as an appointee of Governors Allen and Gilmore on the State Council of Higher Education for
Virginia, implementing both governors’ vision for budgetary reform and programmatic accountability. A Virginia native, she is
a graduate of the University of Virginia, where she served as editor of the conservative newspaper, The Virginia Advocate. Kate
resides in Winchester, Virginia, where she lives with her four children.
LI’s Wednesday Wake-Up Club Breakfast is held the first Wednesday of each month and is an excellent opportunity for LI friends
to meet leading conservative speakers and hear their thoughts on current affairs over good food and fellowship with conservative
friends. Memberships are available for just $100. Receive 12 breakfasts for the price of 10!
Register online at or contact Joanne Bogan
at or (703) 247-2000 ext. 503.
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Meet Past Speakers of the
Wednesday Wake-up Club Breakfast
Bobby Jindal
Governor, Louisiana
Mitch McConnell
Senate Minority Leader &
U.S. Senator, Kentucky
Jim Jordan
U.S. Representative,
Steve Forbes
Editor & Publisher,
Forbes Inc.
Michele Bachmann
U.S. Representative,
Jim DeMint
U.S. Senator,
South Carolina
We meet your graduates everywhere.
They are the grassroots activists
of America. They are the people
who are organizing locally. They
are the people who are helping us
beat the left right now. I can tell
you we’re winning everywhere with
the American people, and that’s
something LI has a crucial role in.
Tim Phillips
President, Americans for Prosperity
Dinesh D’Souza
Ron Paul
U.S. Representative,
The King’s College, NYC
Grover Norquist
President, Americans
for Tax Reform
Tony Snow
Press Secretary,
President George W. Bush
& Political Commentator
J.C. Watts
U.S. Representative, Oklahoma
& Former Quarterback
P.J. O’Rourke
Edwin J. Feulner
Donald Rumsfeld
Fellow, Cato Institute &
Secretary of Defense
Political Correspondent Heritage Foundation Ford & Bush administrations
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