April 2014 Newsletter - St. John`s Lutheran Church of Highland


April 2014 Newsletter - St. John`s Lutheran Church of Highland
If you are in need of a Stephen Minister, or feel a
calling to care for another, please call Pastor Bill
Or Pastor Kari 412-364-1606.
~We are a Stephen Ministry Congregation~
Sunday Morning Worship Services
at 8 & 10:30 a.m.
Christian Ed. at 9:15 a.m.
Summer at 8 & 9:30 a.m.
Saturday Worship 5:30 p.m.
Pastor William Diehm &
Pastor Kari Smail
"On Eagles’ Wings"
is the official newsletter of
St. John’s Lutheran Church
of Highland,
published & sent monthly to
members and friends.
The APRIL 2014 Issue
Volume 46, Number 4
Phone: 412-364-1606
St. John’s Lutheran
Church of Highland MAY INFO. DUE 4/15/14
311 Cumberland Road
Pittsburgh, PA 15237
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March 31, 2014
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Caring and Connecting
Two events in April focus our
mission emphasis for the year.
On April 6 after church, various groups whose
calling is caring for others inside and outside our
congregation will meet for a “caring audit.”
How may we best be faithful in our caring
ministries will be the theme of our gathering.
Included will be lunch, presentations and
conversation. If you have a sense that God is
calling you to care for others and you are
currently looking for ways to be engaged, you
are encouraged to attend this two hour seminar
from Noon to 2 p.m.
Another “connecting” event is our Saturday night
“Spring Fling” April 26th, after the 5:30 liturgy.
Our stewardship committee is using our seasonal
social event to assist members and friends in
discovering ministry talents for the good of our
community. Food, a “jeopardy-style” game and
group interaction about the time and talent part
of God’s call in our lives will highlight this light
hearted but poignant fellowship event of
self-discovery! Children’s activities will be
staffed after the meal.
May God shower you with blessings this April
as we move from Lent into Easter, caring and
connecting with one another.
In Christ, Pastor Bill
Points of
 Easter Schedule
 Easter Flowers
 Easter
 Thank You!
 Garage Sale!!
 Stephen
Ministers are
there for you!
 Children’s
Good Friday
 Notary
Services are
available for
members at the
 Vacation Bible
School is
 St. John’s Golf
 Spring Fling—
Talent Search
Youth Work Camp/N.Y.G.
The senior high youth group
is continuing to collect cell
phones, along with Inkjet and
laser cartridges. So far we
have earned over $900. This project will
continue as long as members of the church
bring in items. Any recyclable items can be
brought to the youth room or church office.
Thank you for all of your support.
Food Item
Of the Month
Do We have
If not, please
send it to
The N.H.C.O. Fishes
Food Pantry & North
Boroughs Food Pantry need
our food donations.
APRIL’S food of the month is
Peanut Butter and Jelly
Toilet Paper, Toothpaste, Shampoo &
Bar Soap are always needed &
appreciated. Containers are in the coat
room in the Narthex.
The St. John’s Stampers ...
It’s almost Spring! With spring comes Easter!! Join us on
Saturday, April 12th for a morning of fun with special projects
and cards for Easter. We meet from 9 a.m.-Noon in Fellowship
Hall. Cost is $5/person to help cover the cost of materials.
Then mark your calendars for May 17th when we will have Stamp Camp &
Sale. We will be meeting from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. that day. There will be lots of
projects, cards, a used stamp sale and lunch. Everyone will be asked to bring
something to share. Details to follow. YAY SPRING!!!
Questions? Contact Betsy at
724-935-1321 or pdfeaf@zoominternet.net
Have you ever wanted to
see where Jesus lived
and died and rose
Have you ever thought about what it would be
like to go to the Holy Land?
Pastor Kari, along with her husband,
Pastor Dan, Are looking into the
possibility of a Journey to Israel,
February 1-10, 2015
For any interested members of their
congregations. If you are interested, please
contact Pastor Kari at kbsmail1@verizon.net Or you can call
her at the church office at 412-364-1606. Space is limited, so
if you are thinking about going,
Please let her know soon!
Wanted: A New sound system for the sanctuary!
As you may have noticed, we’ve had frequent problems and
breakdowns with our current mikes and sound system, and
one speaker has been in use since the 1980’s. Thanks to diligent research and effort by Nick Ross, your church Council
has reviewed several bids and chosen one that seems to be
the best fit and value. The approximate cost of all phases
will be $25,000, and we are asking for donations from the
congregation to meet this need. Gifts may be given in honor
or memory of a loved one, and these will be acknowledged
in the bulletin. Please note ‘sound system’ on any donation.
The Council thanks you for
your consideration of this need.
JULY 7-11, 2014
When we have worries it can be helpful to have
a listening ear. Each Sunday, between the
8 and 10:30 a.m. worship services, one of our
St. John’s Stephen Ministers is available near
the balcony steps. Please stop by to say hello,
to share concerns, or ask for prayers.
Join us for V.B.S. this year!!!!!!!
The Congregation as Part of Social Ministry
The Social Ministry Committee would like to thank the congregation
for their support for the projects we sponsored in 2013. With your
help, we were able to provide the following:
North Side Common Ministries -- approximately $1200 in food,
12 shelter meals, a Fathers’ Day collection, $600 dollars for the men’s
shelter, and 130 Christmas gifts for the children of food bank clients.
Glade Run -- a Lenten collection of $841 for kids clothing & shoes.
North Hills Community Outreach -- on-going donations of food,
purchase of citrus fruit, donations for utilities & donations of coats.
St. John’s-- meals and transportation for our members;
Bethlehem Haven Women’s shelter, Mothers’ day collection of $610.
Grace’s closet -- clothing collections at approx. 1000 pounds.
The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank--- piggy bank collection
of about $600.
We thank Thrivent for Lutherans for their one third match for North
Side Common Ministries and Glade Run collections.
Candle & Flower Openings for APRIL
Please call the church office if you would like to have one of these weeks.
Remember: there are 2 openings for the flowers each week @$15 per vase &
3 openings for the candle each week @$3 each.
April 6—2 openings
April 6—0 openings
April 13—2 openings
April 13—0 openings
April 20—0 openings
April 20—0 openings
April 27—0 openings
April 27—0 openings
Spring Fling Talent Search
& Pot Luck Dinner
Saturday, April 26, 2014
at 6:30 p.m.
There will be dinner, games for
kids and adults and a chance to
explore your hidden talents. Don’t worry, you will not be asked
to get onstage (unless that’s where your hidden talents lie). The
Stewardship Committee will be sponsoring a gift assessment
activity. Let’s find out how we can be better connected to the
life of St. John’s Ministries! Food is provided, there is no cost!!
Please make reservations by calling Dawn Andersson at 724-935-4863
or Tom Nardina at 412-364-7489 or the church office at 412-364-1606
by April 18th. More info and details to follow!!
Come Golf with St. John’s
St. John’s has a permanent tee time at
4:30 p.m. every Monday at
Pittsburgh North Golf Course.
All ages and skill levels are welcome.
We will begin play April 21st. Join us
as often as you can. Invite your friends.
For more information contact Walt Treser at
724-687-0545 or wtreser@zoominternet.net
Opening New Doors
The current Opening New Doors Capital Campaign will be
coming to an end in June 2014. Currently our mortgage
has a balance of $1,203,420.54. with a monthly payment
of $10,668. This monthly payment includes an additional
principal pay down of $2,483. to reduce interest costs and
pay off the loan as soon as possible. There are three
ways to contribute to the building fund if you have not yet
made a pledge.
Saturday, May 31, 2014 - 7:30 a.m.-Noon
Fill out a 2014 Angels Among Us pledge card
and include a pledge for the building fund
Use a Building Fund envelope from your monthly envelope packet
Use the Opening New Doors envelope found in the pews.
Thank you for your ongoing stewardship & generosity.
Financially Speaking February 28, 2014
General Fund Income
Building Fund Income
Feb. Actual
Feb. Budget
Gain (Short Fall)
$ 42,872.94
$ 49,366.67
($ 6,493.73)
$ 7,083.44
$ 10,668.00
($ 3,584.56)
YTD Actual
YTD Budget
Gain (Short Fall)
$ 97,174.58
$ 98,733.33
($ 1,558.75)
$ 19,016.09
$ 21,336.00
($ 2,319.91)
We would like to thank the congregation for their support in
keeping their pledges current.
Watch each Sunday’s church
bulletin for good news about the
growing stewardship life of our
congregation, as we
share our time, talent
and treasure to
“Make Christ
Utilization of Funds–Priority
1. Monthly Mortgage Payment$10,600.00 , with Accelerate
Principal Payment
2. Monthly Utilities – Maintenance
& Insurance, $3,500.00
Needed: Contributions of your unwanted, but still useful items!
 Children’s toys and accessories (no clothing)
 Household items – Furniture – Vintage items
 Christmas decorations – Crafts and supplies
 Books, Magazines and Music – Live plants
 Sports equipment – Hardware and Tools
Please…no exer-cycles, Christmas trees or plastic mugs because
experience has shown that these items do not sell. Donations can be
dropped off downstairs in the back hall of the lower west wing,
starting, but not before Saturday, May 17th. Fire Marshall
Regulations do not allow longer accumulation in hallways. All items
should be clean and in good working order. Call the church office if
you need someone to pick up your items.
We need workers in all areas the morning of the event, but a large
part of the work happens in the week leading up to the sale. From
Tuesday, May 27th through Friday, May 30th, sorting, organizing and
pricing of the items will take place. You can come and go at the
convenience of your schedule…all helping hands are welcomed. If you
can help, please check the appropriate boxes and return the tear-off
slip to the church office.
------------------------------------------I can help with:
Work/day of sale
Clean – Up
Pastor Bill, Pastor Kari and all my
“St. John’s Family” and friends for the LOVE and kindness
shown to Nancy and our family during her recent illness and
death. The many cards, meals, thought and prayers
were greatly appreciated!
The work of the “Floral Arrangers” and the “Gardeners” was
very special. Again, many thanks for being there when needed.
Bill Danklefsen
Christian Literacy, St. John’s Literacy Mission to the World, has been headquartered in
the “Second Floor Apartment” since 1975. Staff: Dr. Bill and Linda Kofmehl, Chris and
Jennie Ebner, Rebecca Pirone, and a host of volunteers. Call 412-364-3777. Websites:
christianliteracy.com and literacyempowers.com Christian Literacy continues to
reach out locally, nationally, and internationally from the second floor "apartment" If you would like to "see the Doctor", please call 412-364-3777.
The BLOOM Program: Jennie Ebner, Children’s Literacy Ministries. Birds are
chirping, daylight is lasting longer, and children are blooming into readers.
BLOOM (Basic Literacy Outreach Opening Minds) programs have reconvened for
the spring sessions, helping mature 4 year olds to at-risk 8 year olds grow in
mastering basic reading skills. Thrivent Financial, through an Action Team, has
sponsored BLOOM Days in Butler, which began March 9 and will finish on May 4
with a Parent Training Workshop. Here in the North Hills, Christian Literacy
Associates will be hosting two BLOOM Summer Reading Camps at St. John’s
Lutheran Church of Highland and one in Butler. During the months of JuneAugust, small groups of our community’s children will be learning how to read and
growing in their desire to read God’s Word. More information to come in the
following months!
Overseas Work: Chris Ebner, CLA President. The Basic English App (English
Ade Lite) for iPad and iPhone has gone through its 4th revision and is currently in
the publication process for Pre-Primer 1 section steps 1-3. This is an introductory
“sample” that will eventually be available to the public. We will be working on the
rest of CLA’s ABC Look at Me Reading! Material for iPad and iPhone with the
assistance of some dedicated programmers in India. Once the English version is
completed, we have been requested to have the instructions and narrative made
available in Hindi on a separate App version.
Guide to Establishing a Christian Literacy Outreach: Dr. Bill Kofmehl, CLA
Founder. The Guide” is being revised and extended to bring in new programs
(Summer Reading Camps, BLOOM, English as a Second Language, etc.).
We hope to place it on our CLA website as a resource for churches and groups
that wish to set up Christian Literacy programs. Please keep this ministry in your
prayers, and bring its existence to the attention of your friends, your church, or
anyone, anywhere in the world (literally) who might find our literacy materials,
training, and consultations services of use in their own ministries.
THRIVENT has offered its local members the opportunity to designate their
"Thrivent Choice" dollars to Christian Literacy. Christian Literacy has already
applied for approval and has been accepted. Call Dr. Bill for information. Check
on Thrivent “action teams”, as well. These can provide funding for CLA to
advance its ministries.
Keep Christian Literacy in mind if a child you love is having reading
problems in school. Dr. Bill and his staff would be happy to discuss the
matter with you. "Early intervention" is the best policy. We can train
you to work with your own child, if you desire.
Senior High (9th-12th grade) Youth News
Holy K.O.W.S. (6th-8th grade) Youth News
Senior High/Holy K.O.W.S.
(6th-12th grade)
DATE: April 6, 2014
TIME: 1:15 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
COST: $5.50 plus $2.00 skate rental/$3.50 roller blades
and money for snacks.
LOCATION: Neville Roller Drome
5109 Neville Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15225, 412-264-9856
We will leave St. John’s back parking lot at 1:15 p.m. and
carpool to Neville Roller Drome and
we will return around 5:30 p.m.
We will need a few parents to carpool with us.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email Linda
Meyerdierks at lmmeyers@zoominternet.net.
God Squad (1st-5th grade) Youth News
Mark your calendar for April 16th!
Hosted by Elizabeth and Anne Beilstein
Event to be announced…
watch bulletin & Sunday school
fliers for details!
N.H.C.O.’s Way to Work VISTA member will build the capacity of
N.H.C.O.'s Community Auto program, which serves
low-income individuals who need vehicles to get to work
and support themselves and their families.
For more information and to apply, click here:
for all worship assisting
positions. We need ushers,
greeters, lectors, deacons,
assistant ministers &
ESPECIALLY kid’s corner
staff!! Please call 412-364-1606 if
you are interested. Thank you for
considering this call to ministry!
has received a donation of
eleven gravesites located in
the Allegheny Memorial
Cemetery. The Cemetery
Committee is offering to sell
them for the same price as
our own plots--$500 each
plus a transfer fee.
This is a considerable
savings. This offer is not
limited to church members,
so if you or any of your
neighbors or friends want
to take advantage of this,
contact Debbie at
Do you love music? Do you sing or play an instrument? Those who want to
share the song in their hearts need to look no further! Heritage Hospice, LLC is
looking for musicians of all abilities – amateurs to professionals, beginners to
experienced - who would like to share their time and talents with our patients
and families right here in the North Hills. One of the most appreciative
audiences is hospice patients and their families! Volunteers will be matched to
patients with a strong love of music and supervised by a board certified music
therapist. Contact Sara Kiley 724-334-6600 or skiley@heritagehospicepa.com to
join the Heritage team! Music is forever; music should grow and mature
with you, following you right on up until you die. ~ Paul Simon
Spring has arrived and we will talk about God’s wonders of spring.
The 2 ½ year old classes are doing very well. They continue to have
fun interacting with each and making and learning about storybook
favorites. They will do Easter crafts too.
The 3’s are learning about traffic safety, shapes, the alphabet
and numbers 1-10.
The 4’s are busy making special projects for our Mother’s Day tea
and Donuts with Dad. We will finish the alphabet this month
and continue to learn about numbers 15-20.
The 5 year old classes love numbers! Several of the students have
written 1 – 100 to get on our Wall of Fame. The students are also
excited about our daily equation.
We are selling Betsy Ann candy – “Yummy!!”
We thank you all for your help in making our school so special!
May you have a Blessed Easter!
Cumberland Kids
Meet at
3:45-5:45 p.m. on Wednesdays
This program is open to all
1st through 8th graders.
The program will consist of recreation
and activities in our new gym, help with
homework, plus a meal. The cost per student is $1 per week.
Register your child now! Please contact the church
office for a registration form and more details.
sjlutheran@verizon.net or at 412-364-1606
Children’s Good Friday Program
April 18, 2014 from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
St. John’s Lutheran Church of Highland
Hear the Story of the Passion
Make a Craft
Have a Snack
Finish with an Easter egg hunt
Ages 3 through 3rd grade, Parents are welcome to stay.
Registration is required
Child’s Name ________________________Age _______
Child’s Name ________________________Age _______
Child’s Name ________________________Age _______
Child’s Name ________________________Age _______
Child’s Name ________________________Age _______
Parents Name ________________________Phone # _____________
Allergies/Special Needs:
________________________________________ __________
Contact the church office for directions
or questions (412)364-1606.
R.S.V.P. by April 14, 2014
Join us for breakfast in Highland Hall Easter Morning, April
20th. The Fellowship Committee will be serving egg
casseroles, fresh fruit, pastries, cereal, juice and hot
beverages. Serving time will be from
7:30 a.m. until 8:30 a.m. There will be
a free will offering taken during breakfast.
Please join us!
The Priscilla Guild will decorate the church with
flowers for Easter Sunday. These flowers are
donated to honor or memorialize loved ones.
The cost is $13.00. Please return the tear-off
to the church office with a separate check.
In honor of
In memory of
Amount Enclosed $
(This year, we would ask that you please do not bring the flowers home
with you after worship services, so that the gardening group might plant
them around the church to beautify the property. Thank you!)
Holy Week Worship
April 17—Maundy Thursday
Holy Communion—Noon & 7:30 p.m.
April 18—Good Friday
Children’s Program—9:30 a.m.
Reading of the St. John’s Passion—Noon
Tenebrae—7:30 p.m.
April 19—Easter Vigil
Candlelight Holy Communion with Choral Cantata
“The Green Blade Riseth” - 7:30 p.m.
April 20—Festival of the Resurrection of Our Lord
Sunrise Holy Communion-6:30 a.m.
Easter Breakfast-7:30 a.m.
Festive Holy Communion with Choral Cantata
“The Green Blade Riseth” - 8:30 a.m.
Contemporary Holy Communion -10:30 a.m.
During lent we focus on the physical life and
trials of Jesus. We mentally feel the ridicule, the
lashes, the thorns that our precious Savior
suffered. We are saddened by, but grateful for
the sacrifice He made on our behalf. His gift to us
is immeasurable!
How will the value of our days be measured?
What will matter is not what you bought, but what you
built, Not what you got, but what you gave.
What will matter is not your success, but your
What will matter is not what you learned, but what you
What will matter is not what you gave in to, but what
you stood up for.
What will matter is not your competence, but your
What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion,
courage, love or sacrifice that enriched, empowered or
encouraged others.
Living a life that matters doesn’t happen by accident.
It is not a matter of circumstances, but of choice.
Choose to live a life that matters.
Jesus has your back…and He always will !
“QUOTE” of the Month
“You are not only
responsible for what you say,
but also for you do not say.”
-Martin Luther
Mondays, April 7 & 14
Book Study with Pastor Bill
Why Jesus? By William Willimon
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., please bring a lunch.
Wednesdays, April 2 & 9
11 a.m. Lenten Service of the Word in the Sanctuary
11:45 a.m. Lenten Lunch
6:15 p.m. Lenten Supper
6:45 p.m. Lenten Bible Study
7:30 p.m. Lenten Evening Prayer in Highland hall
The first thing we would like to say is thank you for coming to church with
your children – we are so glad that they are here as that is how they learn! The
other thing that some of you may not know is that we do offer a service during
the 10:30 worship called Kids Corner for any kids kindergarten age and under
that need childcare. It takes place in the preschool daycare room, which is also
the 2 and 3 year old Sunday school classroom, through the door on the left at
the front of the sanctuary. This is certainly not a requirement as we love to
have kids in church at St. John’s however; it is an option for parents who are
interested in this. Each week the Kids Corner is staffed by a teenager of the
congregation, as well as an adult volunteer. The other thing that we wanted
to let parents know is that volunteers are really needed to help with the
adult supervision role. Right now we have three adults who faithfully help
out, however we would like to get some more adults involved so that those
three volunteers have more opportunity to worship. The parents of those who
utilize this service seemed like a logical place to start to ask for help. If we are
able to get about 5 more volunteers, then each person would only have to help
out about once every other month. If you are willing and able to do this on an
occasional Sunday, please let Pastor Kari or Debbie, our office manager
know. The church office # is 412-364-1606 and the
email is sjlutheran@verizon.net. Thanks for your consideration
and for your partnership in ministry!
Your kids are a joy and a blessing to our church!
APRIL 2014 Assisting Schedule
APRIL 2014 Assisting Schedule
8 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
April 6
Nina Ruffolo Lindsay Worrall-Pinevich 4/5 Grant Jones
April 13
Abby Miller MacyWorrall-Pinevich
4/12 Drew Hunker
April 20
Jonathan Partridge
Abby Miller
Nina Ruffolo
Paige Miller Drew Hunker
April 27
April 6
8 a.m.
Beth & Lee Fischer
April 13
Tom Beilstein,
Eric Kofmehl
Bob & Margie Miller
Linda Falck,
Harold Huffmyer
Bob & Margie Miller
April 20
April 27
Pat Hartman,
Matt Reiff
Sue Diehm
7:30 p.m.
Brandon Visconti
April 13
Drew Leister
April 20
6:30 Betsy Fackler
8:30 Paul Krepps
4/26 Joseph Hunker
April 27
Barb Eback
5:30 p.m.
April 5
Pat Hartman
April 12
Chris Lindberg
April 19
Jeff Maltz
April 26
Margie Miller
8:00 a.m.
Linda Falck
Ellen Fowkes
10:30 a.m.
Nina Ruffolo
John Miller
April 20
6:30 Matt Reiff
8:30 Carletta Nichols
Matt Reiff
Jeff Maltz
8 a.m.
8 a.m.
April 6
April 6
April 13
April 27
10:30 a.m.
Mac McIlvried,
John Miller
Mary Pat Jackson,
Doug Hull
Chris Lindberg,
Cathy Coudriet
8 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
April 6
Curt Soergel,
Bill Crawford,
Tom Beilstein, Harold
Mike & Clay Sheleheda April 5
Mary Jean Voigt
April 13
Rosina & Dan Maljak,
Matt Reiff, Roger
Gail Polosky, Joseph Ulomi McQuaid
April 12
Curt Soergel
April 20
6:30 Bill Danklefsen,
Heather McElroy,
Mario DeIuliis,
April 19
Ron & Laura Coombs
5:30 p.m.
7:30 Jennifer
8:30 Kent & Jim
Bruggeman, Sam Falck,
Jeremy Fowkes
April 27
Steve Hrvoich
Brian Miller,
Jerry Cronenweth,
Gene Modic
Mac & Paula McIlvried April 26
Matt Reiff
10:30 a.m.
April 6
Gail & Frank Bankowski
Jean Martz, Cathy Coudriet
April 13
Dan & Rosina Maljak
Dorothy Winner, Jim Cislon
April 20
Roger & Jan McQuaid
April 13
Dawn Andersson, Youth
April 27
6:30 Ellen Fowkes, Sam Falck
8:30 Shirley Brunner, Bill Danklefsen
Mary Ethel Hague, Sam Falck
Mary Ann Eppinger, Doug Hull
April 20
Laura & Nick Lankes
Jane & Bob Robertson
Dawn Andersson, C. Sperandeo
April 27
Dawn Andersson, Youth
(This page made especially for placing on your refrigerator.)
10:30 a.m.
April 6
Jean Martz, Youth
Kids Corner is offered at
the second service on
Sunday mornings for
children up through
Kindergarten in the
daycare room.
(This page made especially for placing on your refrigerator.)