The Prompter - The Village Players of Birmingham


The Prompter - The Village Players of Birmingham
The Prompter
93nd season, Issue 6
Table of Contents
Page 1
Prez Says
Page 2
Page 3
To Kill a Mockingbird
Page 4 & 5
South Pacific Auditions
Page 6
VYT News and Events
Page 7
Murder Mystery, Help Wanted
Page 8
Member News
Page 9
Sing in the Season
Page 10
Auditions Elsewhere
Page 11
Word Search
Page 12
Upcoming Events
January /February 2016
Prez Says
New Year’s Greetings
Happy New Year! I hope that you and your family had a
safe and happy holiday season. January started off with a
bang with a successful production Vanya and Sonia and
Masha and Spike! I hope you had a chance to see this
hilarious comedy.
The Board is pleased to announce the 2016-2017 season
as follows:
Plaza Suite directed by Eileen White
Mame directed by Michael Gravame
Doubt directed by John Unruh
You Can't Take it With You directed by Mark Carley
Fiddler on the Roof directed by Kathleen Duffy
*All subject to Rights and Availability
Thanks to all those who expressed interest in directing. It
should be a great season. Soon, it will be time for
everyone to jump in and lend their talents!
In just four weeks we will be presenting our 4th show of
our season To Kill a Mockingbird, please come out and
support this timeless drama.
Have a wonderful Valentines Day . See you around the
Paul A. Gillin
Show Recap
By Stephen Sussman
Well I have now had a little time to process the experience after the final
performance of Vanya and Sonia and Masha and Spike at the Birmingham
Village Players -- my directorial debut. And I must say it has been
absolutely fantastic!! I am so very grateful to my entire All-Star production
crew of: AD Pam Dundas, producer Diana McClain, stage manager Carol
Aaron, lighting designer Frank Ginis, Sound designer Steve Roberts,
costumes designed by Michael A. Gravame and assisted by Kathleen Duffy,
props by Maggie Garza and Sharon Rosati, and of course our incredible
professional quality set built by Mike Dundas!
I loved working with our brilliant cast of Greg Bowman (Vanya), Susan Chekaway, (Sonia) Sally Savoie
(Masha), Brian Stanczak-Tuscany (Spike), Shondra Tipler (Cassandra) and Erica Bassingthwaighte (Nina)!
What an array of awesome talent! And also the many people who assisted in numerous capacities
including Diane D’Agostino, Josie Thomas, Bryan Conroy, and so many others. Thank you all! I also wish to
thank the Village Players for entrusting me with this show. And to the many people who came out to see
our production and laugh along with these wonderful and colorful characters, I thank you from the bottom
of my heart for taking a "leap of faith" to see a little known and relatively new show. I hope you had as
great a time attending as I had directing. Till next time, all the best!!
The Prompter
To Kill a Mockingbird
On behalf of the Production Team, we can with certainty state
that we have assembled a stellar cast that will excite our audiences and lead to sell-out performances. We had over 40 people audition for the show, and want to thank those who auditioned for
their patience and perseverance.
Be sure to join us for the stage adaptation of this American Classic as timely and relevant today as it was when the novel was first
published in 1960.
Performance dates: March 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20.
Benefits performances: March 10 and 17.
The Cast:
Maudie Atkinson
Stephanie Crawford
Mrs. Dubose
Sheriff Tate
Mr. Gilmer
Walter Cunningham
Bob Ewell
Boo Radley
Judge Taylor
Tom Robinson
Rev. Sykes
Elena Pfeiffer
Sam Slocum
Alex Calderwood
Gabrielle Feber
Paul Gillin
Takesha Walker
Cathie Badalamenti
Elizabeth Rager
Gertrude Fox
Eric Goldstein
John Rutherford
Kevin Feber
Joseph Munem
Michael Trudel
Bill Dixon
Ronnie Glenn
Eurick Crayton Jr.
Walter Cunningham Jr.
Aaron Warrow
Extra Males:
Rudy Vuckov
Charles Devaman
Audition Notice
Music and Lyrics by Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein
Saturday, February 20, 4:00pm / Sunday, February 21, 7:00pm
Sign in is 30 minutes prior to audition time
Director/Choreographer: Ralph Rosati / Music Director: Dennis Penney
Asst. Director: Arthur Tucker / Producer: Bryan Conroy / Assistant Producer Dale Feldpausch
Those auditioning should be prepared to sing selections from South Pacific and learn a brief dance routine.
Copies of audition materials will be available beginning January 25. To receive materials digitally, send an
email to with SP audition materials as the subject line and indicate
the specific character (s) for which you would like to audition. You may also call 248-644-9667 during box
office hours, if you prefer to pick up audition materials at the theatre.
Character Descriptions
(Ages indicated are those of the characters and are only a guideline.)
Ensign Nellie Forbush – Young. Strong mid-range voice (not operatic), acting, and dancing. An unsophisticated girl from Little Rock, Arkansas, she is perky and vibrant, in love with Emile, but with doubts about
their relationship. Audition Song: “I’m In Love With a Wonderful Guy,” “Cock-eyed Optimist,” "Twin Soliloquies".
Emile DeBecque – Middle-age. Strong singing (baritone) and acting, French accent. A wealthy planter in
love with Nellie, but fears their different backgrounds might hamper their love. Audition Song: “Some Enchanted Evening,” This Nearly Was Mine,” "Twin Soliloquies".
Bloody Mary – Tonkinese woman, mother of Liat. Middle-age. Strong singing (mezzo), acting, and dancing.
Foreign accent. A “wheeler-dealer” with the sailors, she is a loveable rascal with a shrieking, cackling laugh,
which she displays constantly. Audition Song: “Bali Hai,” “Happy Talk.”
Lieutenant Joe Cable – Young Marine officer. Strong singing (tenor), excellent acting, and some dancing.
In love with Liat. Audition Song: “Younger Than Springtime.”
Liat – Pretty, young daughter of Bloody Mary. Minimal singing and dancing. Speaks no English and only a
little French. She loves Lt. Cable, has only a few lines, but must be able to convey words and feelings
through pantomime and facial expressions. Audition Song: “Happy Talk.”
The Prompter
January/February 2016
Luther Billis – Middle-age. A great voice is not needed, but strong acting is. This is the prime male comedy
role. He is crude, tough, and undisciplined, but he worships Nellie and would do anything for her (including
her laundry). Solo dance. Audition Song: “Honey Bun.”
Ngana and Jerome – Tonkinese daughter and son of Emile DeBecque. Ages 8-11. They speak only French.
The children will be required to act, sing, and do a brief minuet dance. Audition Song: “Dites-moi.”
Captain Brackett – Middle-age to older. Strong actor; no singing or dancing. Brackett is a career Navy
officer, all business, but with a sensitive side.
Commander Harbison – Executive Officer to Captain Brackett. Age 35 – 50. Strong actor; no singing or
dancing. Harbison is hard-nosed, stiff, and out to get Billis on some violation.
Men’s Ensemble (some speaking lines): Audition Song: "There's Nothin' Like A Dame"
Henry, Emile’s manservant
Seabee Mike West
Seabee Morton Wise
Seaman Tom O’Brien
Lt. Buzz Adams
Radio Operator Bob
Yeoman Herbert Quale
Cpl. Hamilton Steeves
Sgt. Ken Johnson
Sgt. Tom Hassinger
Women’s Ensemble: Audition Song: "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair"
Ensign Lisa Minelli
Bloody Mary’s assistant
Ensign Connie Walewska
Lt. Genevieve Marshall
Ensign Pamela Whitmore
Ensign Dinah Murphy
Ensign Bessie Noonan
Ensign Janet MacGregor
Henry’s assistant, Marcel
Ensign Cora MacRae
Ensign Sue Yaeger
Director’s Comments:
Although South Pacific showcases the talents of the leading characters, its strongest point is that it is built
around the men’s and women’s ensembles. Some of the most popular songs to have remained with us
over the decades are chorus numbers.
Also, many of the sailors and nurses in the play are career personnel. They were in the Navy when the war
began and will remain in service when the war ends. They are not all youngsters! People of all ages and
ethnic backgrounds are encouraged to audition.
The Prompter
January/February 2016
VYT's Grease, School Edition had a wonderful run, December 10 - 13.
The show was 99.8% sold and each audience gave rave reviews
Our VP presidents, Paul Gillin and Cathie Badalamenti, made curtain speeches to the large family audiences promoting VP's family-friendly events, Sing in
the Season, To Kill a Mockingbird and South Pacific.
While the show was fantastic, strike was nothing short of amazing. More than
80 people dismantled the set (used for both Grease and Sweeney Todd), sorted costumes and cleaned the entire playhouse in just 2.5 hours!
Thanks to everyone for their support during the show and strike.
Auditions for VYT's spring show, Disney's High School Musical are scheduled for March 19 beginning at 9
a.m. Complete audition details will be on the VP website soon.
Registration for VYT's Summer Theatre Arts Camp opened on January 11 and is already more than 80%
full! Camp runs June 27 - July 22, 2016. Our camp show is Disney's Mulan, Jr. Camp details and an enrollment form are on the website.
Congratulations to VYTers Elena Pfeiffer, Alex Calderwood and Aaron Warrow who were cast in VP's upcoming production, To Kill a Mockingbird. Elena is Scout, Alex is Dill and Aaron is Walter Cunningham, Jr.
VYT will celebrate its 10th Anniversary in February 2017! We are currently planning our festivities. Our
spring 2017 show will be Cinderella, the first show VYT performed in June 2007.
Murder Mystery - Help Wanted!
The Baldwin Library would like VP's help in hosting a Murder
Mystery event in October 2016.
VP would be responsible for creating the Mystery script, bringing the necessary props and costumes (guests would be encouraged to wear their own costumes) and running the event.
The library would invite the guests and provide decorations and
The library is offering VP a trade for rehearsal space for our hosting the event.
There are plenty of free scripts and instructions online!
If you're interested in working with the Baldwin Library on this event, please contact Cathie Badalamenti at
248-227-1095 for more details.
Member News
Last month our longest standing member, Peg McCall, let us know she is moving to
Arizona. Since joining Village Players in 1949, Peg spent most of her time supporting the
group backstage, including painting sets, working props, and even producing shows. But
that doesn’t mean she never trod our boards: Here is a photo of her in one of her first
Village Players performances – the 1951 production of Stage Door. Pricilla Benson said
“Peg and Bill McCall were some of our first friends when my husband Ben and I joined
Village Players in the early 1970s. They are lovely people.”
Active Village Players member, Michael A. Gravame, crossed over to the other
side of Woodward to appear in St. Dunstan’s production of Man of La Mancha in
his dream role of Sancho Panza. He appeared with Theatre veteran Doug Clark
who played the title role.
Man of La Mancha" proved to be one of the hottest tickets in town. It sold out
quicker than you could say Windmill. Congratulations Michael and Doug o and
all involved in this terrific production.
Jerry McKeon – (And Dianne)
Too often names of members passing away are appearing in the newsletter, but I felt it
important enough to write about my friend and long time member of Village Players
Scott Cameron, who died on December 18, 2015. Scott was only 68 years old.
Scott joined in 1978 and was a life member. His labors at VP mostly consisted of
backstage activities, especially sound and lights. Those knowing Scott will tell you that
the sound system was “his” and hands off for everyone else! But Scott put his money where his mouth was,
upgrading the system continually with his own money. Scott also worked a lot on maintenance issues and he
was the in-house expert on our heating system. Scott earned the “Abby” award in 1997. Scott served on the
Village Players board as well as one of the original members of the Playhouse Board. One of the problems
Scott encountered throughout his life was getting others to respect his knowledge and listen to him. Those
that did were very good friends. Those that didn’t were soon on the outside.
Scott had something to say about everything – a curmudgeon long before his time. When he raised his gruff
voice he could be heard across the playhouse. But he always meant well, and he always had Players best
interest at heart. Scott made a number of generous donations to Players and encouraged his parents to do
the same; both are on the wall of honor at the Playhouse.
Dianne and I attended Scott’s funeral in Saline. Most in attendance only knew Scott the past few years. It
was like his life and friends in Birmingham never existed. That made us feel bad. God Bless you Scotty!
The Prompter
Sing in the Season was a joyous holiday event attended by over 130 people and enjoyed by young and
old. The day started with hot hors d'oeuvres, desserts and holiday punch served in the lobby and then the
audience enjoyed a delightful "invitation to a holiday party" inside the theater. Led by director, Laura Beth
Quinn, over 20 talented Village Players members and 10 Village Youth Theatre members took to the stage
to beautifully sing Christmas favorites and entertain the crowd. The afternoon even included a visit from
Santa himself! The event, hosted by the VP fundraising committee, raised over $1400 for our organization. Thanks to all who volunteered their time and talent to make the afternoon so special. It was a delicious way to "Sing in the Season!"
Cast includes members of the Village Youth Theater and Alexa Carollo, Kate Connley, Kevin Cristbrook,
James Cristbrook, Diane D’Agostino, Deb Dworkin, Coleen Genette, Dave Genette, Dan Hartley, Ben Henri,
Mark Konwinski, Kevin Kuznia, Sarah Kwas, Erika Movahedan, Cassie Najor, Laura Quinn, Janna Rees and
Dez Walker.
The Prompter
Neil Simon's The Odd Couple (Comedy) - AVON PLAYERS—
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Registration: 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Auditions start at 7:00pm
Monday, February 8, 2016
Registration: 5:30pm - 6:00pm
Auditions start at 6:00pm
Location: Avon Players Theater
Directed by: Lesa Bydalek
Show Dates: April 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16
Feb 7 & 8 - 7PM at the Corner Playhouse—For more information, call 734-558-9779.
Casa Valentina 2nd Stage — STAGECRAFTERS —
Auditions: February 28 & 29, 2016
Location: Maplewood Rehearsal Space at 330 E. Maple Rd, Suite F, Troy, MI 48083
Directed by VP Member Jay Kaplan
Show Dates: May 6-8, 12-15, 2016
February 13 & 14, 2016
Directed by Jamie Richards
Location: Royal Oak Middle School
Show Dates: June 3-5, 9-12, 16-19, 24-26, 2016
HELLO DOLLY—Grosse Pointe Theatre—
Saturday, February 27th, 2:00 – 6:00 PM / Sunday, February 28th, 5:00 – 9:00 PM
Please register at the sign-in table by 3:30 PM on Saturday and by 6:30 PM on Sunday
(GPT) Rehearsal Studio: 315 Fisher Road • Grosse Pointe, Michigan 48230 • 313.881.4004 •
Performance Dates: May 8, 12 - 15, 19 - 21, 2016
BOEING BOEING - Ridgedale Players—
Sunday and Monday, March 6 & 7 - 7 pm Registration is at 6:30pm
There are roles for 2 men and 4 women of various adult ages. Cuts and character descriptions are
available on the website.
Directed by VP Member, Eileen White
Performance dates are May 6-22
For more information, contact Eileen White at
Theatre Word Search
a person seated out of sight of the audience who supplies a forgotten
word or line to an actor during the performance of a play.
Up until the last few decades, it was the tradition at Village Players to
have a Prompter for every performance of every show we performed,
and it was considered a very important and prestigious position. This tradition is what inspired the name
of our newsletter when it was begun almost 40 years ago. Before then, it was strictly known as “The Bulletin”.
The Prompter
34660 Woodward Ave.
Birmingham, MI 48009
Upcoming Events
Prompter deadline February 21, 2016!!!
View the VP online calendar at
February 10
February 12
February 14
February 15
February 17
February 20
February 21
February 28
March 4
Board of Trustees Meeting - Green Room
P@W Table Read — Green Room
Board of Directors Meeting — Green Room
P@W Meeting — Green Room
Membership Committee — Green Room
South Pacific Auditions
South Pacific Auditions
Mockingbird Long Sunday
Mockingbird Opens
This edition of The Prompter was created and compiled by your newsletter
team Michael A. Gravame & Tania L. Velinsky.
Please send all newsworthy articles, pictures and items to either:
Michael— ◊ Tania—
The Prompter