auditions - Six Flags
auditions - Six Flags and Subject Line: PRE-AUDITION REQUIREMENTS: All audition participants must visit and fill out the online application BEFORE auditioning. “2015 Fright Fest Auditions” Attn: Entertainment 2201 Road to Six Flags Dr. Arlington, TX 76011 All participants MUST pre-register. To do so, please send emails to: 2015 AUDITION REQUIREMENTS: AUDITIONS - You must be at least 16 years of age to audition. - Feet must be covered at all times. No barefoot auditions allowed. Dont forget... we will be holding auditions again for Holiday in the Park in October, 2015. Information will be available at Spread the word! Six Flags Over Texas is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Supports a DRUG-FREE Environment. ®/TM M&M’s, the M&M’s Characters, SNICKERS, the parallelgram design, 3 MUSKETEERS, DOVE, MILKY WAY, and TWIXare trademarks of MARS, Inc. ©MARS, Incorporated 2015. All rights reserved. - Anyone NOT participating in the audition will not be permitted into the facility for the audition process. Please plan accordingly. - All audition participants must remain inside the facility throughout the audition process. - Performers MUST be available for ALL show days in in order to be considered. Rehearsals will begin late August, through late September. Detailed rehearsal schedules WILL BE AVAILABLE at the audition. All shows will open Saturday, September 26th, and run through Sunday, November 1st. (Rehearsal schedules and show openings/closures subject to change) AUDITION LOCATION: Six Flags Over Texas 2100 E Copeland Rd (Employee Entrance) Arlington, TX 76011 Registration begins ONE HOUR PRIOR to the times listed. Friday, AUGUST 14TH (open call) Actors and Specialty Acts - 7:00pm Saturday, AUGUST 15TH (open call) Actors and Specialty Acts - 12:00pm Dancers & Dancers who Sing - 12:00pm Singers who Move - 2:00pm DETAILS Singers (Rock, Pop, and Broadway) 2015 AUDITIONS Singers should be prepared to sing an up-tempo AND a ballad song of their choice and should limit each selection to one minute in length. Some singers may be asked to take a short dance combination. Singers must either bring sheet music in your key OR you may use a CD accompaniment. CD’s must NOT have any lead vocals on recording. NO A CAPELLA auditions allowed. A piano accompanist will be provided. Dancers will learn a short dance combination. No prepared routines required. DANCERS WHO SING should be prepared with an up-tempo AND a ballad song of their choice to sing if asked. (see details for singers above) . HEY MAKE--UP ARTISTS ... *NOTE: We will also be interviewing for Specialty Make-up Artists on August 14th and 15th during the “Specialty Acts” auditions. Please bring portfolio. Actors and Specialty Acts Love to scare? This is your chance to be a part of one of the biggest Halloween events in DFW. Do you have a special talent... a unique look... we want to see you. We are also looking for: Actors, Magicians, Jugglers, Fire Eaters, Contortionists, Stilt Walkers, and Unique Talents.
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auditions - Six Flags
Please plan accordingly.
- All audition participants must remain inside the facility
throughout the audition process.
- Performers MUST be available for ALL show days in
order to be considered.