Tormey`s IGA - Charlton Community Website, Victoria


Tormey`s IGA - Charlton Community Website, Victoria
Issue 92
Charlton’s Only Dedicated News Resource
Tormey’s IGA
plus Liquor
28 High St, Charlton VIC 3525
Tel: (03) 5491 1909
Fax: (03) 5491 1007
Proud Sponsors of the
Charlton Community Newsletter
September 2015
Inside the CCN
September Edition
Page 3 - Charlton Rotary Club
Page 4/5- Charlton Hockey Club 50 Years
Page 6 - Rotary Visit Health Centre
Page 7 - Charlton Probus
Page 8/ 9 - Charlton Badminton Club
Page 10 - Netball Club Reunion
Page 11 - Netball Club Presentation
Page 12/13 - Teams in Finals
Page 14 - Charlton College
Page 15 - Basketball Club
Page 16/.17 - WW1
Page 18 - Bowling Club
Page 19 - Lions Club
Page 20 - New Arrivals
Page 21 - Rex New
Page 22 - Community News
Page 23 - Charlton Forum
Page 24 - Charlton Show
Page 24 t o 27 - Sponsors Page
Page 28 - Calendar
Email news, items of interest, stories and advertising items to Or drop into Lauren at The
Boyz Café or Charlton Mensland
Advertising Rates: 9x4 cm $15, 9x8cm $30, 9x12cm $45
Classifieds: 1-3 lines (30 words) $5, 4-6 lines (60 words) $10
Advertising deadline: 4th Monday of each month
The Charlton Community Newsletter is printed at Charlton
The Rotary Club of Charlton are
proud sponsors of the Charlton
Community Newsletter.
Lauren Riley
Hi all, well let me start with a
big apology for not getting a
newsletter out in August.
Things have been really busy
and news has been a bit light
August was a crazy month for
our family. Tyler had two
new cousins arrive in August.
Lenny & Willow. Tyler also
turned 10. He was very lucky
because for his birthday he
got a gorgeous little Jack
Russell called ‘Peppa”. Its
safe to say we have all fallen
in love with her and it won’t
be long before she is taking
over the whole house. I’m
sure in the coming months I
will have lots of stories to
tell about Peppa.
Plenty of sports news in this
month edition. There is a two
page spread of the teams that
are and were in the Football,
Hockey & Netball finals.
Good Luck everyone.
There is another full page of
new arrivals, WOW there
must be something in the
water at the moment.
Tyler with Lenny
Tyler with Willow
The front cover is of Book
Week, both schools and
playgroup all had days
where the kids dressed up,
they look amazing.
Now I promise that I am
Tyler with Peppa
now back on track so I will
have the next newsletter out on time, I hope :-)
Have a great month
Take care
Note: An article about the show was sent in at the last minute, you
can find it on page 24.
September 2015
Once again local artists and photographers are encouraged to
display their work in the 34th Annual Charlton Rotary Art &
Photography Exhibition to be held October 9-12th. With an incentive
of $500 each for the different sections of drawing, watercolours and
oils/acrylics, $300 for the best photographic print, a $100 Secondary
School award and $1000 for the Best Exhibit in any media those with
an artistic flair should register their entries early.
The well-credentialed Judge will appraise the entries earlier
on Friday so that after the Opening at 8.30pm on the Friday night, 9 th
October, of the Exhibition he can announce both the winners of each
section and the reasons he chose each of them. The official opening
this year will be done by a young local, Gil McKenzie who attended
Charlton College and was a recent very successful and award winning
VCE Art student.
Doors open at 7.30 pm on this Opening night which has
always been a popular timeslot to attend the show with drinks &
nibbles on the night provided as part of the entry fee, the evening
finishes around 10.30pm. Other viewing times are Saturday and
Sunday 10am – 6pm and the Exhibition finishes on the Monday 10am1pm. As all artwork is for sale it is a wonderful opportunity for
purchasing new pieces to enjoy on your own walls or to give as a gift.
As usual there is an art prize for the first draw in the raffle –
this year the piece is by the very well known wildlife artist Lyn Cooke
– an exhibitor of many years at Charlton and tickets may be bought
from any Charlton Rotary member or over the weekend, second draw
is for a $200 voucher to be spent in Charlton.
The demonstrating artist for 2015 is Libby Letcher, daughter
of Beryl and Ian Pederson, who spent her childhood in Charlton – she
is an amateur artist in numerous media including iPad art applications
and illustration.
For any enquiries or Entry Forms please contact Nola Wright,
Article by John Harley
The Sketa Grimshaw Tourers Motorcycle Club has donated a new
television to the Charlton Traffic Safety Education Centre. Way back
in 2006 the club donated a new TV and so 9 years later has renewed
its association with CHARTSEC.
CHARTSEC Manager, John Harley said he was delighted that the
Sketa Grimshaw Tourers Motorcycle Club had again provided this
support to the centre. “We get no outside funding except from
sponsors like Sketa Grimshaw and we rely on their generosity to
update important technology to allow our presentation to students to
be modernised”, Mr Harley said. “ Back in 2006, the original TV was
a state of the art model but in 2015 has become very outdated. The
Sketa Grimshaw Tourers Motorcycle Club, which supports many
local organisations has now provided us with a state of the art TV that
will again last us for many years. It will allow us to connect to the
internet as well as show the DVD’s we use in our program”.
The new TV was recently presented to CHARTSEC by the club’s
representative, Daryl Rolinson at a brief ceremony at the Driver
Teal Collective has opened up a
store in Charlton next to the
John Harley and Daryl Rolinson
Open Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm
All Proceeds go into Cancer Research .
Teal Collective will be selling recycled:
- Furniture: Beds/tables/bookcases/ TV cabinets
-brick a brac
And donations of all these items are gratefully
accepted and furniture can be picked up by
Help us raise awareness and funds for Ovarian Cancer
Research in aid of the Women’s Cancer Foundation
(Ovarian Cancer Institute).
Founder of Teal Collective Nick Youngson, for more
information please call Nick on
0407 349 607
Or email
September 2015
Article by Leanne Gretgrix
Photo’s by Jenny Pollard
The Charlton Hockey Club celebrated 50 years on Saturday the 1 st of
August. Around 100 past players joined in the celebrations. With 5 of
the original 1965 team members returning to help celebrate, the day
started with registrations at the marquee set up at the Hockey field. A
few ventured out onto the field for a Legends game. It would appear
that though they may be a little slower many haven’t lost the ability or
competitive edge that they once possessed. If the laughter was any
gauge from the players and the spectators then a great game was had
by all. The legends then retired to the sidelines to let the Women’s
and Men’s team show them how the game has changed in the last 50
Everyone was then invited out of the chill to the warmth of the social
rooms where a hearty roast was available for all to enjoy. President
Kylie Fitzpatrick welcomed everyone to the night’s proceedings.
Kylie then presented thank you gifts to Leanne Gretgrix, Joy Wright,
Carolyn Olive, Kelly Wright, Deb Hobbs, Lyn Southwell, Roz
Burnett and Gill Gretgrix for all the work they had put in to the 50
year book and to ensuring the weekend was a success. Leanne & Joy
then had great pleasure in presenting the first book of Celebrating 50
Years Charlton Hockey Club to Kylie. It is a great reference and
history of the Charlton Hockey Club that has been beautifully
presented. Leanne and Joy then conducted the rest of the evening. Joy
read out a letter from Aileen Banfield (nee Campbell). Aileen was the
first coach and a great influence at the club. Aileen coached the A
Grade to the Grand Final in 1965 but they were unfortunately
defeated by St Arnaud. Aileen is now 84, resides in Drouin and
couldn’t make it but wished the club all the best for its celebration and
hoped for many more successful years to come.
Leanne and Joy then presented some of the things they had learnt
while researching the book especially the enjoyment of going through
old papers and reading the articles. Moving the hockey field from the
common to its current position. How you used to mark the field out
with a pick dragged along the ground and each week you had to paint
the ball white. If it was a wet day the leather ball would soon lose its
paint and would end up like a wet brown brick. The change in hockey
sticks since the first game. The sticks needed oiling with Linseed oil
and some even tap a nail into the head of the stick to make it absorb
the oil better. This kept the stick supple and less likely to jar or break.
The importance of a good secretary become apparent when reading
through the old minute books. What a huge role Lyn Good has played
in the club over the years and even though she was given a life
membership back in 1991 she continued to be an important and
dedicated member of the Charlton Hockey Club. Lynne Southwell
then presented the change to the rules over the last 50 years, from the
Players from the 1960's
Members of the First Team of 1965
bully to start the game, off side, sticks and dangerous ball.
The Fashion parade brought back memories for those present. The
uniforms that have changed over the years were put on display. From
Val Coghill in her 1965 goalie gear (including raincoat and original
hockey stick) to Matt Thompson kitted out in full goalie gear with
protection from head to toe. The original school uniform first worn in
1965, the box pleat uniform that everyone hated to iron to the printed
white t-shirts that were only worn for 3 years. Brooke Thompson
wore her mother’s uniform from the 90’s and Erica Sait wore her
current uniform.
The club had set up a display of old trophies and awards as well as
Premiership and Runner Up medallions. A wall was dedicated to team
photos from the last 50 years and old uniforms were also on display.
Players from each decade of the clubs history were asked to join in a
photo. It was great to see so many past players return to celebrate and
catch up with old team mates. Everyone had a wonderful day and all
agreed that Charlton Hockey Club had a positive influence on their
sporting and social lives.
The Club still has the 50 years of Charlton Hockey Club Book
available. Email the club at or it is
also available at Charlton & District Community Bank and the
Charlton Newsagency.
Players from the 1970's
September 2015
Property of the Month
Maureen Paterson Mob 0427798019
Charlton Based Agent providing confidential & prompt service.
Real Estate sales window at
31 High St. Charlton
AUCTION: 2 Mary Street, Charlton
Thursday 17th September 2015 @ 12.30pm. On Site
3 bedroom timber house with colorbond roof. Solar hot water,
fully fenced. ID 1358
Loddon Real Estate 33 High Street, Wedderburn 3518
Players from the 1980's
Players from 2000's
Players from the 1990's
Players from 2010 onwards
Charlton Hockey Club 4 Life members: Isabel Roberts, Lynne
Southwell, Lyn Good & Joy Wright
Leanne Gretgrix, Kylie Fitzpatrick & Carolyn Olive
September 2015
On Wednesday the 26th of August, Charlton Rotary Club representatives Maureen & Lloyd Paterson presented the newest children to the
Charlton community with a book each as part of Rotary’s Literacy Program. This is a wonderful program which supports the educational
development of children in the community. A total of fourteen families were welcomed before being presented with a book for their child.
The Charlton Maternal and Child Health Centre would like to thank the Rotary Club of Charlton for their kind donation, and also a big thank
you to all the families which attended on the day.
Harper Byrne and mum Jess
The annual Charlton RSL Diggers day
golf event is on Sunday 13th September,
starting at 10:00am.
Records show Diggers day started in
1939 when the local RSL had a lot more
members than today, even though it was
the start of WW2. After the war members
grew and by the 1960’s up to 300 golfers
turned out, there were 4 grades for non
RSL and 1 grade for diggers. In those
days it was a huge effort to keep food and
drinks up to players. Refreshments were
driven around the golf course to keep the
players happy and afterwards they
enjoyed more refreshments and of course
the famous spinning wheel.
Things have not changed much these
days except the number of diggers has
declined as the average age of WW2
Diggers is now in the nineties. As the
RSL members grew older, they enlisted
the help of the Local Apex Club to assist
with d
Diggers day and when Apex folded Oasis
took on that role. As well as being a great
day out Diggers continues to raise much
needed funds for RSL Legacy. Legacy
provided enormous support to the
families of ex service personnel. RSL
Henry Lanyon
Maddie Lanyon
Diggers day has raised over $75,000.00
for Bendigo Legacy and is one of their
biggest contributors annually.
The RSL invites all to come out to the
Charlton Golf Club on the 13th of
September for a round of golf, eats,
refreshments and plenty of trophies and
Supporting Legacy
Sunday 13th September
10:00am START
Entry - $30
Entry includes round of Golf,
All day BBQ, nibbles and
(not top shelf)
Car loads or more from other towns,
driver gets free entry.
Thomas McGurk
Live Show—The Seekers Story
(Rex Theatre)
Wednesday 7th October
Rotary Art Show
Fri-Mon 9th-12th October
Open Gardens
Sunday 11th October
Lions Swap Meet
Sunday 11th October
Charlton Show
Saturday 17th October
Cafe Culture—Tihuana
Peanut (Golf Club)
Saturday 7th November
Live Show - Cave, Waits &
Choen (Rex Theatre)
Saturday 7th November
Sponsored by
Charlton Tourism
September 2015
The AGM in June was a very special occasion for two of our stalwart
members. Nita Perry and Margaret Bowen celebrated 25 years of
association with the club. Both joined in the 1990/91 season and have
held varying positions within the club. Nita and Margaret have been
Peg McGrath Doubles winners, Golf Croquet champions and
Association Champions in division 2 and 3 respectively. Margaret has
also been a Murray Valley Champion and in 2006 was runner up in
the Victorian Association Golf Croquet Regional Championships.
They were presented with their 25 year badges by President Janet
Richardson who congratulated them on such an enduring commitment
to the club.
The club has enjoyed the MVCA fun days with the final one being
played at Boort on the 15th August.
Margaret Bowen, Janet Richardson, Nita Perry.
Our Pennant season has begun in both golf and association. The golf
croquet players had a win over Boort in the first game of the round.
Our Opening Day will be Thursday 10 September at 1 p.m.
We will also be supporting Victorian Seniors Festival 2015 on
Wednesday 7th October at 5 p.m.
The club will be supporting the Cystic Fibrosis Federation on that
day, so all are welcome.
At this time of year a warm fire and the Footy shows may be
who all gain from the experience with many making quite an
preferable to going out.
improvement in their quality of life as a result. Many thanks Harry, a
We are very fortunate to retain a strong average for our meetings of
wonderful insight to yet another area of volunteering.
around 45attendees regardless of the weather which is great.
While talking of Football our members are just amazing with their
tipping and high scores are the order of the day several 9s. Our Footy
tipping has Marg Bartlett in the overall lead by 3 points with Pat
Matthews winner for the month. The benefits enjoyed by a Club such
as ours, is the socialisation and friendship along with celebrations
shared outings and much fun, not forgetting a chat over a cuppa.
Our guest speaker this month, introduced by Gary Larmour, was
Harry Brindley our Ambulance Paramedic from Charlton. Harry
spoke of his other life on the road where he is connected to “ Freedom
Across Australia” an organisation aimed at assisting people with
Disabilities over the age of 18yrs to enjoy a holiday or day trip and
experience activities available to everyone else with affordability.
Harry won a prestigious Lions Club award for his work for this
organisation which he started in1999. The organisation was launched
in 1970 in NSW with the aim to bring those with Disability into the
general population and encourage a focus on their true abilities. The
trips are now two long trips a year having started with one and there
are also charters and camps. We can all take our hats off to Harry and
the other volunteers who make these activities possible for those with
disabilities within our communities. Harry also spoke of the
involvement of Lyons Clubs throughout Australia who assist with
bedding, catering and additional assistance as required.
The outcome for participants is that they grow
in personal confidence and development, learn independent skills and
move on to integrate better into their communities when they return
home. Harry spoke of the gains for both participants and volunteers
Guest speaker Harry Brindley
September 2015
Kris Clifford & Megan Peverill are the 2015
Charlton Badminton Club Singles
On Tuesday night, 28th July, 30 players took
part in the Singles Championships.
The Mens A Grade Title was hotly contested with Kris surviving a
scare from Jason Wiseman, winning 21/20 and then going on to
defeat runner up, Ping Ong, who had won all his other matches.
Jason finished third, followed by Joe Tormey, Lachlan HolmesBrown and Brian Heenan.
The Ladies A Grade winner Megan, defeated runner up Sigrid Lee
31/27, won 31/29 against Amy Russell and 31/17 against Shelley
Ten players contested Mens B Grade which was played in two
In section 1, Nathaniel Holmes-Brown won all his games. Julian
Smith only lost the one game to Nathaniel 16/21. Sam Carroll and
Eric Liou were the other players along with Anthony Bourke, who
would have to be the unlucky one here, winning two games and
losing the other two, both 19/21.
In section 2, Chris Stopps won all his matches, while Wen Li lost a
close match to Chris 18/21. The others vying for a position were Joo
Ong, Connor Lee and Griffin House.
In the final, Chris called on his experience to defeat Nathaniel 21/10.
The six competitors in Ladies B Grade also had some very close
games. The winner was Morgan Crisp, winning all her games, but
just surviving a “sisterly grudge match” with Mikaylah 21/20. A
count back had to be used to decide the runner up, with both Lizzy
McGrath and Stacey Reeves finishing on three wins apiece. Stacey,
however, had the better percentage and was declared the runner up.
The others competing here were Lily Gao and Natalie Bourke.
Mens C Grade had 4 players and once again the organisers had
some work to do with Diming Liu and Toby Ainsworth both only
losing one match. The winner, on percentage, was Diming, with
Toby filling the runner up position. D. Jauna and Rory Fahey were
close behind the other two, in fact, Rory could easily have been the
winner, as his scores were 30/31, 31/25 and 30/31, “very stiff” to
miss out.
runner up, this going to Charlie Patullo on 3 wins 127%, ahead of
Jed Thompson with 3 wins 113%. The other competitors were Ben
Simpson, Lindsay Patullo, Anthony Stewart and Andrew Donnellon.
Tuesday Night results for 14th July; Section 1 winner Brian
Heenan; Section 2 – Chris Stopps; Section 3 – Maddie HolmesBrown.
21st July; Section 1 – Kris Clifford; Section 2 – Joo Ong;
Section 3 – D. Jaura.
4th August; Section 1 – Jason Wiseman; Section 2 – Amy Russell;
Section 3 – Sam Carroll.
11th August; Section 1 – Kris Clifford; Section 2 – Lachlan
Holmes-Brown; Section 3 – Connor Lee; Section 4 – Kaye
25th August; Section 1 – Brian Heenan; Section 2 – Chris Stopps;
Section 3 – Julian Smith; Section 4 – Finn Smith.
Friday Morning Ladies: 17th July: Section 1 winner was Wendy
Pollard and Section 2 was won by Heather Willey.
24th July; A very successful Annual Ladies Tournament.
Section 1 winner was Bronwyn Pokorzynski (Caroline Springs),
Gloria Baldwinson (Bendigo) was second and Heather McKenzieRoss (Echuca Moama) was third.
In section 2, the winner was Bernadette Zagame (Charlton), second
place was Bree McPhee (Charlton) and third was Vanessa McMaster
from Horsham.
The section 3 winner went to Cher Brien (Charlton), second place to
Marcia Carrick (Horsham) and third position went to Janet Stafford
from Charlton.
31st July; Social day at Buckrabanyule Hall (Stadium was not
available). Day’s play won by Lisa Bruns.
7th August; Section 1 – Wendy Pollard; Section 2 – Stacey
14th August; Section 1 – Wendy Pollard; Section 2 – Kaye
Blanchard; Section 3 – Hayley Soulsby.
21st August; Section 1 – Glenda Watts; Section 2 – Lisa Bruns;
Section 3 – Marie Fitzpatrick.
28th August; Section 1 – Lisa Bruns; Section 2 – Dawn Carlson.
Tuesday Juniors: 14th July; Section 1 Kit Kat – Charlie Patullo;
Section 2 Time Out – Imogen Stewart; Section 3 Mars Bar –
Caileb Good; Section 4 Crunchie – Bailey Hooper-Dixon;
The Mixed Doubles Championships were played on Tuesday
Section 5 Smarties – Ellie Chamberlain.
night, 18th August, in three grades, plus a Mens Round Robin
21st July; Section 1 – Nathaniel Holmes-Brown; Section 2 –
Caileb Good; Section 3 – Jackson Zagame; Section 4 – Charlotte
The Club Champions this year are Kris Clifford & Lisa Bruns,
winning all their matches, narrowly defeating Wen Li & Megan
Dowell; Section 5 – Nick Thompson.
Peverill 41/35. The runners up were Ping Ong & Sigrid Lee, losing
28th July; Section 1 – Nathaniel Holmes-Brown; Section 2 –
only to Kris & Lisa and defeating Jason Wiseman & Wendy Pollard Emilee De Maria; Section 3 – Ethan Needs; Section 4 – Tahli
in a very tight 41/38 victory.
Roberts; Section 5 – Nick Thompson.
4th August; Section 1 – Nathaniel Holmes-Brown; Section 2 –
The B Grade Title was won by Lachlan Holmes-Brown &
Shelley James with 3 wins 132%, on a count back from runners up, Imogen Stewart; Section 3 – Lucinda Holmes-Brown; Section 4
Julian Smith & Amy Russell with 3 wins 114%. The other pairs
– Morgan Sullivan; Section 5 – Nick Thompson.
were Tim & Rachael Smyth, Joo Ong & Kim Yap and Nathaniel
11th August; Section 1 – Connor Hooper-McKenzie; Section 2 –
Holmes-Brown & Morgan Crisp.
Lucinda Holmes-Brown; Section 3 – Caileb Good; Section 4 –
C Grade winners were Sam Carroll & Lizzy McGrath, who won Nick Thompson; Section 5 – Ellie Chamberlain.
all their matches. A three way count back was required to decide
18th August; Section 1 – Jed Thompson; Section 2 – Abby
runners up, with the result going to Eric Liou & Mikaylah Crisp on 3 Thompson; Section 3 – Ethan Needs; Section 4 – Nick Thompson;
wins 127%, ahead of Griffin House & Kaye Blanchard on 3 wins
Section 5 – Fletcher Holmes-Brown.
100% and Rory Fahey & Michaella Ward on 3 wins 93%. The other 25th August; Section 1 – Nathaniel Holmes-Brown; Section 2 –
two pairs in this grade were Toby Ainsworth & Bernadette Zagame Ethan Needs; Section 4 – Tyler Riley; Section 5 – Fletcher
and D Jaura & Val Bourke.
An abundance of men meant that there was also a Mens Round
Robin Championship, which was taken out by Chris Stopps, who
won all his games. Once again, a count back was needed to decide
September 2015
On Tuesday the 1st of September the Charlton Badminton Club held their Junior Breakup. The juniors enjoyed an
afternoon of playing fun games and then snacked on yummy food. The presentation of trophies was then held,
congratulations all on a fantastic year.
Girls Most Improved Award : Imogen
Boys Most Improved Award: Patrick Soulsby
Rising Star Award: Lucinda Holmes-Brown
Rae Heenan’s Girls Awards: Charlotte
Rae Heenan’s Boys Awards:
Tyler Riley
Section Winners
1. Kit Kat - Nathaniel Holmes-Brown
Runner-Up - Jed Thompson
2. Time-Out - Nicholas Olive
Runner-Up - Abby Thompson
3. Mars Bar - Ethan Needs
Runner-Up - Caileb Good
4. Crunchie - Eliza Phillips
Runner-Up - Tyler Riley
5. Smarties - Nick Thompson
Runner-Up – Elliott Fitzpatrick
Beginners Ladder Aggregate
Boys Ladder Aggregate
Winner –-Nathaniel Holmes-Brown
Runner- Up – Ethan Needs
Third – Jed Thompson
Winner – Nick Thompson + 318
Runner-Ups – Elliott Fitzpatrick
Girls Sportsmanship Award
Girls Ladder Aggregate
Boys Sporstmanship Award
Winner-Abby Thompson +135
Runner-Up – Lucinda Holmes-Brown
Third – Eliza Phillips
Charlie Patullo
Emilee De Maria
Charlton Community Gym turned one on 15 th August 2015 and held a celebration
on Sunday 23rd August. The two hour festivities consisted of gym and
community members coming along to try the gym, renew or become a member
and join in with the half hour fitness session, lead by Cherie Walsh – She
Believed Fitness.
Charlton College Principal, Kelvin Baird congratulated the Charlton Community
Gym on the one year milestone and explained the benefits that the gym has not
only to the school but also to the Charlton community. Kelvin took pleasure in
cutting the birthday cake, kindly donated by Charlton Bakery Café. A big thank
you must go to Charlton College for the use of the squash courts and for the
ongoing support that is provided to the gym and its operations.
Erin Mulquiny was the lucky winner of the hamper raffle consisted gym related
goodies, kindly donated by Charlton & District Community Bank, Charlton
Mensland, Cherie Walsh- She Believed Fitness and House to Home Decorating.
Thank you to the individuals and businesses that made the 1 st birthday event
If you would like to join the gym, memberships are $150 for 12 months, contact or visit Signwise Solutions, 9 Mildura Way,
Cherie Walsh and Kelvin Baird cutting the cake
September 2015
On Saturday, 22nd August 2015 Charlton played host
to the Boort Netball Club for the last of the home and
away competition.
It was a very special day at Charlton with the club
honoring 8 premierships from 1975, 1985 and 2005,
and celebrating this year’s Sponsors with a light lunch
and refreshments courtside.
President Andrea Peverill welcomed past and current
players, coaches, team managers, committee and
parents involved in our premiership reunion weekend,
especially the premiers from the 1975 – A and B
Grades, U16 and U14, the 1985 – A and B Grades,
and U15 and the 2005 – B Grade.
The “5’s” have obviously been wonderful years for 1975 A & B Grade: Cathy Rapkins (coach), Leonie Bird, Di Giblett, Kathy Mulquiny, Kate
the Charlton Netball Club and this year we have the
Sivell, Helen Carland, Jan Cossar, Marg McGrath and Deb Feeny
13 & Unders flying the flag for the club in next
week’s first Semi Final at St Arnaud.
The format of the day was to enjoy each others company and to have
a fantastic day catching up with old team mates, reminiscing over the
memorabilia and exaggerating stories about the number of intercepts
or goals scored in the grand final.
On the sponsorship side our valued sponsors mingled with the past
premiers and watched some excellent displays of netball from the
current players. Unfortunately we were only successful in the junior
grades on this occasion. The Charlton Netball Club would like to
thank our very valuable sponsors for their support this season. Your
assistance is highly valued by our club and displays your
commitment to helping our club. Your generous sponsorship helps
the club to maintain low membership fees to enable everyone to
1975 Under 16: Judi Hannan, Marea Judd, Liz Whykes, Lynne Cossar, Julie
participate, covers general running costs associated with fielding
Avery, Carmel Cadzow
teams on Saturdays, providing valuable resources and amenities
for all players, spectators and committee. We hope that your
continued support will continue into the future. THANK YOU:
Charlton Massage Clinic, Walsh Motors, Loveland Electrical,
Charlton Bakery Café, Paddlewheel Motel – Echuca, Charlton
Newsagency, Bendigo Bank, Commonwealth Bank, Charlton
Pharmacy, Tormey’s IGA, House to Home, Salon 13, Rex Cinema,
Life Members, Natalie Bourke Massage, Ladies Auxiliary, Perry
Contractors, North West Ag & Agri Elec.
The marquee was buzzing with stories of the past whilst enjoying
some amazing refreshments provided by the committee. At the
completion of the A Grade game, we had our up and coming
netballers from Charlton and Boort playing in a Net Set Go game,
2005 B Grade: Marea Judd (coach), Emma Paterson, Abby Walklate,
which was amazing to see. Members from both clubs gathered
Carmel Fitzpatrick, Maddi Fitzpatrick (mascot), Erin McGurk, Kim
around the courts to watch and support the future of both clubs and
the association. Thanks to the Net Set Go coaches and players from
Charlton and Boort the girls did an amazing job and I think may just getting done what needed to be done as usual.
have stolen the limelight for the day.
The Charlton Netball Club would like to wish all those participating
Another highlight of the day was Melinda Jardine receiving her C in this year’s finals all the best for a successful and injury free series.
Grade Umpires Badge. Mel has only really taken up umpiring this
season and has worked extremely hard to improve her umpiring
skills and as a result of her hard work and dedication was successful
in obtaining her badge. Well done Mel!!
Following the day’s proceedings everyone was invited into the social
rooms to celebrate with the football clubs 2005 premiership team.
The coaches from each grade and their players were presented to the
large crowd and from the noise in the rooms, you could certainly see
that everyone enjoyed their day.
Special thanks must go to Carmel Fitzpatrick, Jayne Burton and the
Reunion Committee – for the invitations and finding everybody,
Carmel Fitzpatrick and Fran Byrne Lee for organising the catering
and setting up, Jayne Burton for the memorabilia displays, Amy
Nicolson for the decorations, and the entire committee for just
Net Set Go
September 2015
On Saturday, 29th August, the Charlton Netball Club celebrated its
Vote Count and Presentation Evening at the Charlton Football Club
Social rooms.
President Andrea Peverill started the evening’s proceedings by
welcoming invited guests, club life members, players, parents,
supporters and friends of the club, in joining together to celebrate the
2015 season. Andrea reflected on the 2015 season, the club may not
have been as successful on court as we would have liked, but the club
has built a strong foundation to work on for next season. Andrea
praised the coaches for their time and commitment to the club this
season and thanked the players for their commitment to the club also.
Andrea also thanked the committee and club members that have
undertaken the NCNA League on the clubs behalf for a great season
and the commitment shown to keep the wheels turning for 2015. A
power point presentation was put together by Maxine Thompson and
Fran Byrne Lee to keep everyone entertained before, during and after
the vote count. Photos of each player were displayed along with team
photos and sponsorship slides along with the important vote count.
A fantastic meal was provided by the Charlton Football Club Ladies
Auxiliary and the clubrooms were decorated by Marlene Townsend
and looked absolutely fantastic.
Award winners for the season are as follows:
13 & Under:
Best & Fairest: Zara Jenkyn
Runner Up: Maddison Fitzpatrick
Coaches Awards: Morgan Sullivan & Courtney Sait
Spectators Award: Zara Jenkyn
Best in Finals: Zara Jenkyn
16 & Under A:
Best & Fairest: Danielle Campbell
Runner Up: Megan Peverill
Coaches Awards: Stephanie Fitzpatrick
Spectators Award: Danielle Campbell
13 & Under: Megan Peverill (Coach), Courtney Sait, Morgan Sullivan, Kim
Fitzpatrick (Coach). Front Maddison Fitzpatrick, Zara Jenkyn
16 & Under trophy: Megan Peverill, Danielle Campbell and
Stephanie Fitzpatrick
C Grade:
Best & Fairest: Jayme Tully
Equal Runner Up: Brooke Thompson & Emily Lanyon
Coaches Awards: Maddi Barber
Equal Spectators Award: Jayme Tully & Brooke Thompson
B Grade:
Best & Fairest: Danielle Campbell
Runner Up: Erin Walklate
Coaches Awards: Tracy Mulquiny
Spectators Award: Danielle Campbell
A Grade
Best & Fairest: Kirsty McKenzie
Runner Up: Sabrina Thompson
Coaches Awards: Lizzy McGrath
Spectators Award: Kirsty McKenzie
A Grade: Sabrina Thompson , A Grade Coach Carmel Fitzpatrick,
Kirsty McKenzie & Lizzy McGrath
Claire McGrath Memorial Trophy Best Club Person: Maxine Thompson
B Grade: Danielle Campbell and Tracy Mulquiny
C Grade: Jayme Tully, Emily Lanyon, Brooke Thompson & Maddi Barber
September 2015
2 Mark Vigus
3 Joe McGrath
4 Anthony Judd
5 Kris Clifford
6 Aaron Walklate (coach)
7 Dean McKay
8 Anthony Tatchell
9 Luke Mulquiny
10 Matt Winsall
11 Shane Rogan
14 Kieran Sait
15 Danny Wright
16 Damien McIntyre
18 Daniel Thiesz (Captain)
19 Luke Kyriakides
20 Ben Walklate
22 Joe Tormey
23 Rhys Thompson
25 Andrew McGurk
28 Tyson Watton
30 Nathan King
31 Ryan Moloney
33 Lachlan Holmes Brown
35 Sam O’Connor
36 James Baird
37 Tulan Humm
38 Sean O’Connor
39 Riely Thiesze
40 Michael Laffin
44 Joe McLean
47 James McGrath
49 Zane Sullivan
00 Henry Bourke
21 Matthew Thompson
1 Leanne Gretgrix
4 Brooke Thompson
5 Zoe Allcock
7 Julie Bourke
8 Trista Wright
18 Kelly Wright
20 Sigrid Lee
25 Jessica White
27 Danielle Lang
30 Kylie Fitzpatrick
32 Tessa Fitzpatrick
82 Kellie Madge
83 Jayme Tully
98 Emily Patullo
Coaches: Leanne Gretgrix &
Deb Hobbs
September 2015
The Underage Hockey team played in the first semi final. They were defeated by Donald 4 - 0
21 Matthew Thompson
1 Charles Patullo
3 Henry Bourke
11 Arthur Bourke
13 Nicholas Olive
20 Sigrid Lee
23 Erica Sait
26 Xanthe Fitzpatrick
38 Angus Jablonka
40 Caileb Good
60 Tahlia Casey-White
54 Emilee De Maria
56 Jazzmin Phillips
57 Jack Collins
99 Darby Fitzpatrick
Coach: Julie Bourke
The 13A Netball team played in the first semi final. They were defeated by Donald in extra time 24 - 22
Zara Jenkyn
Maddison Fitzpatrick
Lucinda Holmes-Brown
Abby Thompson
Tilly Townsend
Dora McGeown
Courtney Sait
Morgan Sullivan
Rose McGeown
Coach: Kim Fitzpatrick &
Megan Peverill
The under 16’s footy team played in the first semi finals.
They were defeated by Birchip Watchem 13.8.8 - Charlton 3.3.21 FC 13.8.8
1 Wally Townsend
2 Ziah Tauali i
3 Trent Cossar
4 Matt Sarre
5 Jack Thompson
6 Marcus Campbell
7 Michael Soulsby
8 Matt Thompson
9 Tyson Tauali i
11 Connor Lee
12 Connor Hooper-McKenzie
14 James McCabe
15 Zac Tauali i
16 Griffen House
20 Tom Sheahan
21 Charli Patullo
Charlton Football Club
Invites players, sponsors, family members
and spectators to the
Vote Count /Presentation Day
Sunday 20th September
At the Footy Social Rooms
10.30 for an 11.00 start
BBQ Lunch 12.30
Juniors provide a salad /
Seniors provide a sweet please
Enquires to Bluey McGeown 0459 411 657
or Geoff Thompson 0447 248 632
22 Kyle Webb
23 Jed Thompson
27 Nathaniel Holmes Brown
32 Will Fitzpatrick
37 Kyle Postlethwaite
Coach: Doug Finlay
Assent Coach: Wes Jenkyn
The Charlton FC offers our sincere condolences to the
Mulquiny Family on the recent passing of Mary,
Husband of Kevin (dec) and Father of ex Player and
long standing committee person Laurie , Father in Law
of Kath, and Grandfather to Luke and Tracy.
Rest in Peace.
Charlton Cricket Club Annual
General Meeting
The Cricket Club Hotel
At 7.30 p.m.
• Nibbles & Drinks provided.
• All players, parents, supporters,
Life Members & sponsors urged to attend.
Brian Wright: 0407 041 219
September 2015
by Megan Peverill Year 10
chance to look at university accommodation and see the facilities that
Friday 21st of August, Jed Thompson, Jo Whittle, Abby Shay and I you can access, such as the gym. Overall I found the day fun. The
travelled to Ballarat to attend the Year 10 Federation Uni Experience university students who worked with us were really helpful and I
Day. After meeting in a lecture theatre to receive an introduction to gained a better idea of what a university campus is like. We would
the day we were broken up into groups to complete the Amazing like to thank Abby Shay for giving up her time to come with us on the
Race. This required us to navigate our way around the uni with maps. day.
Prior to the day we had selected subject
stream selections. My first stream selection
was Human Movement. During this
session I was able to use equipment that
Human Movement students use in their
course. My second stream was Performing
Arts. I did not enjoy this session as much
as we were required to participate in drama
games and activities. Lastly I completed
the Education stream. While in this group
we focused on completing an activity that
you could teach to children.
We were required to build a car out of
different materials, mainly cardboard and
balsa wood. On the day we also had the
Jed Thompson, Jo Whittle and Megan Peverill at Federation
Megan participating in an activity
University, Ballarat
During July, Charlton College Year 12 student Ping Ong submitted an application for the Macpherson Smith Rural
Foundation Scholarship; a substantial scholarship which provides successful applicants with financial support valued at $45,000 ($15,000 per annum for 3 years).
Ping was recently notified that he is one of 6 students who has made it to the final stage of the selection process.
He should be very proud of his efforts as over 240 applications were received. On Saturday Ping will attend a 40
minute interview in Melbourne with a panel of four people.
At least two scholarships will be awarded in Victoria this year and we wish Ping all the best. Good luck!
During lunchtime in Science week, Charlton College primary students were treated to a wide range of science experiments as well as some
activities demonstrated by some of their older peers. Year 5/6 students had researched, trialled and then presented an investigation of their
choice in Science classes this term, and it was a perfect opportunity to share their experience with students from other classes. The highlight
of the session was the lighting of a hydrogen balloon where the vigorous nature of the explosion was a shock to all present
Tyler Riley uses the ‘magic wand’ to
keep some foil afloat.
Maddison Fitzpatrick demonstrates
her lava lamp
Dora McGeown and Zara Jenkyn try out an optical illusion.
September 2015
Article by Jo Russell
“It is a good thing that Australia should have earned a
reputation for a sensitive understanding of the problems of people
in other lands; that we should not come to be regarded as people
who are detached from the miseries of the world...” These words
were spoken by Prime Minister Robert Menzies at the opening of
World Refugee Year in Australia, 1959.
In 1950 Australia was a signatory to the UN Human Rights
Convention. They thought then it would take a few years to solve the
world's refugee problem. 65 years later it seems impossible.
The world seems to have lost its capacity to prevent or resolve
conflicts. 60 million people have been displaced, the highest number
ever recorded. Civil war, conflicts in Afghanistan, Africa and Asia
are just some of the reasons why people have been forced out of their
homes. Every day last year 42 ½ thousand people were displaced. In
Greece thousands arrive on their islands every day. It's terrible for the
people who've fled or lost their homes and it's also creating great
problems for the locals.
There are many active groups and individuals trying to manage and
work this out in a humanitarian way, but we don't generally hear
about this in the mainstream media. I believe it's because people don't
hear the real stories of refugees and asylum seekers that they seem to
not care.
Two weeks ago a few of us went to Maryborough to a gathering
arranged by Rural Australians for Refugees, and met a large group of
Afghani asylum seekers from Swan Hill. There were over 50 men
and young boys. Some had very little language and needed an
interpreter, others were quite fluent and able to tell their stories. All
were Hazaras and Shia muslums. They explained how their
appearance singled them out and led to discrimination even in their
own country with the Taliban and instantly recognised and persecuted
when they crossed the border into Pakistan.
Despite the trauma they'd experienced fleeing their country they
believe they're the lucky ones as they arrived before 2013. Anyone
arriving after that without a visa would not be eligible for a permanent
visa and was sent to an offshore detention centre.
In 1980 Australia accepted 48,000 Vietnamese boat people. By the
mid 80's with family reunions the number was almost 90,000. Per
capita Australia had one of the most generous refugee resettlement
Some of these men have permanent visas, some have their families
with them and are working. But many have only temporary
protection visas and so unless there are exceptional conditions they
can't access medicare and language classes, look for work, or even
All this had changed by 2001. Asylum seekers are often called queue apply for a permanent visa.
jumpers but others say the queue, if there is one, is 40 years long.
Luckily there are people like Kath Morton and Jill Pattenton from
Some children and young people have lived all their lives in a refugee Swan Hill who have opened their arms to these people. Jill's
described by the men as an angel. Jill had travelled to Maryborough
with the men.
Australia's detention centres have been described internationally as
concentration camps because of their remote and isolated location,
prolonged detention and limited rights. Despite this international
criticism there's bipartisan support for offshore detention and the
current stopping the boats policy.
When we heard their stories we certainly realised they qualified as
asylum seekers, in other words, people with a well-founded fear of
persecution. They urged us to tell their stories so that people
understand they're not terrorists but ordinary people who want to live
peaceful and productive lives.
Spring has arrived and with it is a
new Basketball season. A well-attended Annual General Meeting was
held in August and planning for the new season is well underway.
The Club will be led by President Damien McIntyre; Vice-President
Rhys Thompson; Secretary Kaylene Cossar; Treasurer Mary-Ann Sait
and General Committee Members- Craig Walsh, Doug Finlay, Jayne
Burton, Geoff Thompson, Derek Lee, Briony Zagame, Zoe Cossar,
Stacy Thompson, Julie Gould, Chloe Walsh, Chris Thompson, Naomi
Patullo, Kim Collins, Abby Shay, Brooke Thompson and Andrew
McGurk. The committee is also supported by twelve Aussie Hoops
and Junior Team Coaches and twenty one Umpire Supervisors.
Subscriptions have been set as $100 for Senior players, $80 for Junior
players with $10 refunded in both grades upon return of singlets.
Aussie Hoops membership is $60. This small $5 increase has been
unavoidable due to the increase affiliation costs to Basketball Victoria
and Basketball Australia. As part of the new registration system all
players must pay subs prior to playing their first game. The Bendigo
Community Bank has been kind enough to again allow the use of
their eftpos machine for ease of payment.
The season will commence with Junior Boys and Mens playing on
Monday 5th October, starting at 5pm and Junior Girls and Womens
will start their season on Tuesday 6th October. Aussie Hoops will
start at 3.30pm the following Monday 12th October. Games will be
played every Monday and Tuesday from then until December 8 th and
the season restarts January 25th with a full week of finals starting
February 8th. Spectators are most welcome to attend and a canteen
service is provided for refreshments.
This season has seen many exciting initiatives proposed, that will be
implemented- the jump ball has been bought back for players and
crowd enjoyment; the Junior competition will have a round robin
event played throughout the year allowing similar aged players to
compete against each other; an electronic live stadium scoring system
will be introduced; the Charlton Basketball website will launch at the
start of October; an opportunity for referees to be assessed and
graded by Basketball Victoria Referee Coordinator will occur at the
start of the season; and a Sports First Aid course will be offered
towards the latter part of the season.
Teams have been selected but it is never too late to join, please notify
Kaylene on 0427 177 688 if you would like to play or require further
information. Or pop into the Charlton stadium on any Monday or
Tuesday evening and enjoy watching a game.
September 2015
WWI—The Charlton Story: Aug-Sept 1915
WWI—The Charlton Story is a
monthly segment produced by the
Charlton Golden Grains Museum. It
draws primarily on reports and stories
from the East Charlton Tribune
detailing the impact of the war on the
Charlton community each month,
exactly 100 years ago.
August and September was a busy
time with elections for the Charlton
Shire and preparations for the Annual
Charlton Show. Cr A McIver & Cr W
Merrylees were re-elected unopposed
but Cr A Dabron had to fight it out with
Mr G.F. Leech to eventually be reelected to the South Riding.
Significant August rainfall
continued into September with 67mls
falling in Avoca and 45mls falling in
Charlton over two days. This resulted in
Charlton's biggest flood since the great
flood of 1909. The Charlton Show
which was to be held the following day
had to be postponed until October.
A little 2 year old boy was lost at
Granite Flat for several hours after
wandering off whilst his father and
grandfather were fencing. Forty men
and fifteen women were involved in the
search which continued into the night.
The lad was finally found safe and well
after covering a distance of 5 miles,
going through 11 fences but managing
to keep clear of swamps and dams.
The Saturday half day holiday was
under discussion with the town and
business people wanting it to revert
back to a Wednesday half holiday.
The Charlton High School
(woodwork) class had been busy
making 120 splints for the Red Cross
Society. They also made wool winders,
bandage winders and knitting needles.
Fundraising efforts continued
throughout the district with Yeungroon
adding to the total with an impressive
£115. At a Charlton Red Cross novelty
evening ‘Bobs’ the pony was raffled for
£21 5s. There was however some
confusion as to the age of Bobs who
was being confused with his much older
mother. The crowd were assured that
Bobs was only seven years old,
Photo: 1915 flood, cnr of Halliday & Orr Streets.
thoroughly broken and quiet, and sound
in wind and limb.
Several more of Charlton’s young
men enlisted and were farewelled in
August and September 1915. Three
soldiers were farewelled at the railway
station after their final leave, Private
Frank Elder who was only 20 years old,
Pr i vat e Wi ll i am P at chett , a
wheelwright, and Dick Draper. Private
Ted Leehane, 18 years old, was
farewelled by the Patriotic League at the
East Charlton Hotel and had enlisted on
the same day as his brother Thomas.
Nathaniel Gilbert of Chirrup
successfully enlisted after three
previous attempts. After seeing his
brother Fred off in August he’d decided
to try again. Mr T W Thomas from the
Bank of Australasia enlisted and would
embark on the HMAT Kyarra in
January. Mr Gilbert Constable of
Barrakee had enlisted in late July and
would depart in December, joining his
brother William who had been in active
service since December 1914. Fred
Serpell, a 20 year old blacksmith,
enlisted in July and was given a
farewell by the IOR at their anniversary
celebrations in August. Fred was the
Deputy Chief Ruler of the Charlton IOR
Tent. The Chief Ruler, Ernest Crossley,
had already departed for camp. Special
mention was made of the Ross and
Gillies boys. Mr and Mrs K Ross of
Richmond Plains now had three sons
enlisted, with the latest son Daniel
joining brothers Ronald and Thomas.
Mrs Cowin (formally Mrs Gillies) of
Buckrabanyule had three sons enlisted.
Duncan was the first to answer the call
and Don and Jack were in camp.
Edward O’Toole sailed on board the
HMAT Ballarat on 9th September and
would fortunately survive for the
duration of the war. At a Red Cross
dance at the Woosang Hall, Grenville
Gleeson was given a hearty farewell.
Later at a patriotic meeting at Woosang,
Kenneth (Kenny) Mangan, who had
been working for Mr Leech for eight
years, was presented with a wrist watch.
Both men would also make it through
the war to return home in 1919.
September 2015
WWI—The Charlton Story: Aug-Sept 1915
Letter from the Front
Corporal W E Williams wrote to
his brother Harry at Barrakee describing
his experience after five weeks hard
fighting at Gallipoli.
“I was kept hard at it for two
hours, and was very nearly spent, for I
was ordered in the hottest place of all,
having to stand guard alongside a
communicating tunnel where some 17
Turks had managed to get before my
arrival. I had to keep them there, and at
the same time keep a sharp lookout on
my front, for we did not know the
moment they might rush the trenches.
Their rifle fire was very heavy, but it
was the bombs that had to be feared
most, for they were coming in thick and
fast. One rolled between my legs—it
had been sent in too soon, and whilst it
was fusing I caught it in my hand and
threw it over the parapet, where it
exploded with a terrific bang. Had I not
seen it I am afraid I should not be
writing this letter now.
Later on another Battalion of our
Brigade made a charge to reoccupy
some of the trenches—and were
unfortunate enough to drop right in
front of the afore-mentioned tunnel, and
consequently were shot. It fell to my lot
to try to extricate the wounded, but the
task was difficult owing to most of them
having their legs partially blown down
the tunnel, and on top of them were
several of their comrades. All the while
the Turks in the tunnel, and those in the
trenches, kept up a heavy fire, but I had
no other alternative than to remain
where I was.
It took nearly all my strength, yet I
was satisfied, for I felt I was making
progress. I had to strap the wounded
under the shoulders to get them out. The
first chap had every hope of his life
being spared, and that encouraged me,
but the next poor fellow was badly
wounded. He took my hand, thanked
me, and gave me God’s blessing for
what I had done. I then turned to
complete my work, and had placed the
strap under the shoulders of the last one
when a bomb burst so close that I
received a portion of it under the right
eye. I bled profusely, and not knowing
the exact extent of the damage got out
of the firing line and somehow or other
received medical attention. Fortunately
the wound was slight, so I returned to
my post.
One of my officers then ordered me
out to rest, and I gladly went as I was
about done. I could keep on writing
accounts of incidents that have crossed
my path, but some would be too
Sadly William Williams’ luck ran
out and he died shortly after this letter
was printed in the paper.
Meningitis Outbreak
Private Harold Lynas was infected
with spinal meningitis whilst at camp in
Melbourne and was so critically ill that
his parents were sent for. He eventually
recovered but was invalided, so did not
see any active service.
Private Thomas McGurk was less
fortunate and died of meningitis at the
Alfred Hospital. Thomas was the son of
Patrick and Mary McGurk of Woosang
and was the only son out of 10 children.
Photo: Private Thomas McGurk.
Private Fevin who had already
recovered from an injury when a bullet
caught him in the back was listed as
wounded a second time.
Staff Sergeant Cyril Tonkin who
was to be invalided home after suffering
an injury whilst on duty with the Light
Horse Field Ambulance, was instead
operated on in England and was hoping
to return to active duty.
Lance Corporal Lionel Pennefather
of the 7th Battalion was reported ill and
had been suffering from tonsillitis and
Lance Corporal Laurie Anderson
who had previously been reported as
missing but was found wounded in a
British trench, was now suffering from
Private Arthur Shannahan was also
reported as wounded. His cousin,
Private J J Shannahan who had been
one of the first from Charlton to enlist
had been invalided home in June
suffering from Rheumatism.
Private Edward Smale of Barrakee,
who had been wounded in the hip by a
high explosive shell at Cape Helles, on
the Gallipoli Peninsula, was invalided
home to Ballarat in July. He had served
with the 5th Battalion.
Killed in Action
Private George Edward (Ted)
Sloper (113), 18th Battalion, aged 23,
was killed in action, 22nd August at
Gallipoli. He had enlisted with his
brother John who also served with the
18th. His brother Thomas, aged 21, had
just recently enlisted and his other
brother Fred, aged 18, would also enlist
in November. Fortunately all three
remaining brothers survived the war.
George has no known grave.
Sergeant W E Williams (148), from
Barrakee and a native of Llando, Wales,
14th Battalion, died of a gunshot wound
on 31st August and was buried at sea.
He was promoted from Corporal to
Sergeant on the battlefield and was
offered a commission in the British
Army but preferred to remain with the
Australian Forces. Before enlisting he
had been employed at Smale and Sons
of Barrakee.
Sources: East Charlton Tribune;,,
Lest we forget
William Williams (DOW)
George Sloper (KIA)
Thomas McGurk (Illness)
September 2015
Australia Day Awards
Charlton Citizen of the Year 2016
Young Citizen of the Year 2016
Community Event of the Year 2016
(nominations close 19th October, 2015, 5pm)
Youth Volunteer Recognition Awards
(nominations close 16th November, 2015, 5pm)
Nomination forms are available at the
Post Office.
Make sure the people who contribute to the
betterment of our community receive the recognition
they deserve. Nominate someone or a community
event today. For further details contact Carolyn Olive
on 0418 361 971
Charlton Forum—Developing
Charlton Together
From a Melbourne café to the world stage –one of Australia’s most
successful groups – “The Seekers”- captured the world’s attention
during the 1960’s with their appealing and unique sound, along
with their enduring hit songs which still resonate today.
Athol Guy, the double bass strumming member of the folk –
inspired pop quartet will be performing live on stage at the Rex on
Wednesday 7 October at 8pm in a show defining the history and the
–behind-the–scenes stories of this group.
Along with support from Buddy England, Jenny Blake, Michael
Cristiano and Rod Hulls, Athol will present all the well known hits
including “Morning Town Ride”, “Georgy Girl”, “I’ll Never Find
Another You”, along with sharing unseen film footage of the group
and narrating their extraordinary rise to fame.
With a theatrical version of the Seeker’s story entitled “Georgy
Girl” set to open at Her Majesty’s Theatre in Melbourne in December 2015, this is an unprecedented chance to see one of the original
members of a group which trail-blazed Australian musical talent to
an international audience.
Tickets for “Athol Guy – The Seekers Story” are $35.
Bookings can be made by calling 0422 522 731, emailing or booking online on the Rex website Live Shows.
Don’t miss this special event, brought to you by the Rex Theatre
(For those who would like to know more about The Seekers check
out the following link)
Written by Kevin Willey
Well Bowlers it is that time of the year again that we start
Lawn Bowls with our Opening on Sunday September 13th
at 1pm and Casual Dress and a plate please.
With a busy year ahead we are still playing two rounds of Saturday Pennant commencing on September 26th (earlier than
previously) and going through to December 19th before a
break until January 9th.
Midweek Pennant on Tuesdays is back to one round commencing October 6th where we are home to Boort commencing at 10.40am with a $5 green fee.
We are having a Membership Drive with anyone wishing
to play Lawn Bowls to attend our Try days on Thursday
September 3rd at 4pm and Saturday September 5th at
1pm followed by a Free BBQ, Bowls are available at the
All Members subs are $100 and are due and payable by November Pennant.
The Pennant Unavailable List is on the notice board, so if you
are to be away, names are to be placed on this list please or
you may be selected to play.
For further information contact President: Richard Porter on
54911494, or Secretary: Kevin Willey on 54911830.
September 2015
Where: Unlimited Radius of Charlton
When: Sunday September 13th from 7am -5.00pm.
Weigh In: 5.00pm SHARP at Clubrooms with BBQ Tea to
Adults $5.00 Juniors $2.00
All members to register by placing their names on the
registration sheet at the Clubhouse before they go fishing and
return for the weigh in at 5.00pm SHARP to pay & measure their
fish if any are caught (CARP ONLY FOR JUNIORS EXCEPT
Prizes for the Longest fish and Longest bag will be given out. (A
BAG has now been added)
More incentive for the kids will be a prize for participation – just
for being there.
More information from President Danny Blair or Secretary
Kevin Willey
Hope to see you there – good luck
September 2015
Born: 20th June 2015
Weight: 7lb 1oz
Mum: Emma Morpeth
Dad: Dean Morpeth
Sibling: Harrison
Grandparents: Deb and Tim Whykes,
Peter and Kerry Morpeth
Great Grandparents: Dot McKee, Peter and Bernice Whykes
Born: 14th of August 2015
Weight: 6lb 8oz
Mum: Meryl Crossley
Dad: Lee Crossley
Grandparents: Enid & Lachlan Ronals
Shirley & Billy Crossley
Born: 4th of August 2015
Weight: 8lb 5oz
Mum: Hannah Gretgrix
Dad: Matt Gretgrix
Siblings: Evie & Elsie
Grandparents: Anne & Kelvin Baird
Colleen & Peter Gretgrix
Born: 17th of August 2015
Weight: 8lb 6oz
Mum: Melanie Riley
Dad: Brad Riley
Siblings: Dash & Archer
Grandparents: Marion & Peter Watts
Wayne & Jeanne Riley
September 2015
Compiled by Brian Bish
We travelled back to old Charlton town,
To say goodbye to an old departed friend,
Old acquaintances, family, and kin came down,
Gathering in the Uniting Church, his funeral to attend,
The Eulogy was warmly given by his niece Denise,
Then Dean her husband, from the pulpit, expertly
The hope of the soul going up to God,
Then mourners watched him, being lowered beneath the
Gathering around the grassy grave, bowing in prayer,
Paying last respects, to Howard Leslie Bish there,
Thinking of good times, memories of younger days,
His grin and sense of humour, and impish ways,
Practising cricket, at the Granite Flat Clubs ground,
For the next Saturdays match, on in Donald Town,
He’d always greet you with, ‘’How are you boss’’,
Always in good cheer, whether we won or lost,
Remembering times he drove me to the beach,
In his E.H. Holden, travelling about four hours to reach,
Old Queenscliff Town, to the Guesthouse, Whitehall,
Relaxing and travelling around, we had a ball,
With other friends and family here on holidays,
Happy times together, lazing the hours away,
Les and Leila sitting against the wall in the sand,
Going back for meals, in Whitehall’s dining lounge,
Memories of him playing in the ‘Bish’ Table Tennis
Howard enjoyed the competition, and was always keen,
Many people will miss his company, and mourn his loss,
We farewell him as he would, ‘’See you later, Boss’’.
Charlton Uniting Church
Charlton Uniting Church times.
Sun. Sept. 6 .
Sun. Sept. 13 .
9.00 AM
U/C to St. Martin’s
9.00 AM
Worship team.
Sun. Sept. 20 . 11.00 AM
Sun. Sept. 27 .
Sun. Oct.
9.00 AM
Rev. jon Watson /Lunch
9.00 AM
U/C to St. Martin’s
9.00 AM
Worship team. H/C
9.00 AM
Worship team.
4 .
Sun. Oct. 11 .
Sun. Oct. 18 .
Charlton Medical is proud to support
the Charlton Community.
Learmonth Street Charlton, Vic, 3525
Tel:(03) 54776888
Fax: (03) 54476889
September 2015
North Central Garden Club
Charlton Senior Citizens
The Club has seats available on the bus to
the Open Gardens at Kyneton Wednesday 9th September
Contact Bernice 54911334 or Sue 0407140336
Members enjoyed the mosaic workshop at the August
Thanks to Pam for a great afternoon.
The September meeting will be on Tuesday 22nd at 2pm.
This will be at the Meeting room at the Charlton
Hospital Learmonth St .
Open Gardens in Charlton to be held on Sunday the
11th of October
The Charlton Senior Citizens held their annual meeting on Monday
3rd August. The new executive for 2015 is: President – Val Bourke,
Vice-President – Elaine Donaldson, Secretary – Esme Avery, and
Treasurer – Di Harvey. We are looking forward to an enjoyable year
We will continue to hold our normal activity days. On Monday is
Bingo, Tuesday is cards, and Thursday is games and carpet bowls.
On 24th September we are planning a day trip to the Barham Club to
try out the Pokies. We would welcome anyone to come on that trip.
Notices are in the clubrooms, so put your name down there if you are
In early October we are planning a little bit extra for Seniors Week,
starting with a meal at the Cricket Club Hotel on the Monday. We are
hoping the children from the two schools will be able to entertain us
that week also.
If you would like to be part of our activities, the membership for the
year is $5.00. Come and have some fun and fellowship with your
friends at the Charlton Senior Citizens Club.
St Martin’s Messenger
Sunday Services:
6 September- 9.00am, Holy Communion
13 September- 9.00am, Morning Prayer
20 September- 9.00am, Holy Communion
27 September- Visit to Uniting to Church
A few Sundays ago, we had a reading from the book of Ephesians
(5:1), which spoke about how we need to ‘imitate God’. This
seems like a pretty huge ask of us. How can we ever hope to
imitate God? We may think that imitating God means trying to be
god-like, but when we do this we only end up becoming arrogant
and unapproachable. So, if we are not meant to try and be God,
maybe imitating God means to be more fully human. We are, after
all, created in God’s image. We are therefore called to be who
God created us to be. Within all of us is a unique person created
especially by God. And so imitating God is not about becoming
like a robot who does all the right things. If we are to imitate God,
we are called to follow in Jesus’ footsteps and become truly
authentic, like Jesus was. We all know what it is like to be in the
company of people who are pretending to be someone they are not
- it is incredibly draining. And when we try and be someone we’re
not, we end up exhausted. And so being truly authentic is about
becoming more ourselves, which is the most life- giving thing we
can do for ourselves, and others.
Charlton Agriculture Show
Red Cross
The Schedule will be out at the end of August or the first
week in September. If you have been a steward, please let
me know if you are not able to help and if anyone in
interested in joining the team on Sat. 17th. And in the Show
office and Pavilion office the preceding week, please offer
your SERVICES. It is very
necessary that we have some new and enthusiastic stewards
and it is quite fun!
The Show office opens Oct. 12th. From
2PM. Chris 54911671 Joy 54927550.
A big thank you to all who brought along goods for the Big Bake
stall and to the customer support we received from our ongoing
caring community.
A profit of over $ 400 was the outcome and this money will go to
the support of humanitarian work for those less fortunate here and
for overseas aid. The competition was generously donated by
Chris Livingston and was won by Luke Zagame.
Cabbaritta Charlton CWA
The next Saturday Craft day this year will be the 21st of November.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause
Walsh Motors is proud to
support the Charlton
70-72 High Street, Charlton
Ph: 54911 144 Fax: 54911984
September 2015
The Charlton Forum desperately needs new members if it is to
continue representing the needs of the Charlton Community. The
Forum are responsible for raising issues and pursuing projects that
effect or will benefit our town. Buloke Shire representatives regularly
attend our meetings and look to our group for feedback on behalf of
our community. It is essential that we have a broad representation of
the community to operate effectively and ensure we have a variety of
views and fresh ideas.
Below is a summary of previous and
current projects that the Forum have/are
associated with:
Annual Projects:
Maitreya Community BBQ
Australia Day Awards
Charlton Community Newsletter
Charlton Community Website
Traveller’s Rest
Charlton Chamber of Commerce &
We also advise the Buloke Shire on a
range of issues such as street tree pruning,
disabled parking, footpaths and budgetary
Completed Projects:
Avoca River Walk (Stage 1)
Skate Park (Stage 1)
Traveller’s Rest Manager’s Cabin
Pompey Elliott Bust (Elliott
Avoca River Walk
Current Projects:
Shire Hall Kitchen Upgrade
Charlton Skate Park (Stage 2)
Avoca River Walking Track (Stage 2)
Streetscape Development
Traveller’s Rest Toilet Upgrade
Community Questionnaire (to assist with updating the
Charlton Community Plan)
Pompey Elliott Bust
The Forum meets monthly but attendances at all meetings is not
essential. We also encourage representatives from various community
groups to attend our meetings and keep us up to date on their
For further information or to attend our next meeting contact:
Alan Getley—President, Carolyn Olive—Secretary
Geoff Wright—Vice President, Garry Larmour—Treasurer
Developing Charlton together
Charlton Golf Club ran a Mygolf
junior clinic last month at the
College. Lots of fun was had by all.
Back: Clinton Olive, Trevor
McGurk, Wendy Laffin.
Middle: Jack Collins, Patrick
Soulsby, Angus Soulsby, Jasper
Walsh, Isabel Soulsby, Calieb Good,
Ned Zagame, Abby Thompson,
Chelsy Good, Jackson Zagame, Nick
Front: Sebastian Zagame, Leigh Van
Boven, Lennon Jablonka, Reagan
September 2015
Charlton Show News
A tug-o-war competition will be held on the lawn at this
year's 134th annual Charlton Show to be held Saturday 17th
October. Tug-o-war is not new to Charlton, it has been
around for as long as the Show has been running. In 1924
the Tug-o-war team in Charlton were "Champions of
Specialty tug-o-war cleats from Swan Hill will be set up on
the lawn and the competition will take place at
approximately 5pm. The teams will consist of 5 people, one
anchor and four on the rope who will compete against
another team. Teams will pull for 60 seconds, competitors
will have to be fit and strong in the legs.
With $500 prize money on offer it is hoped to attract a large
number of teams.
For all enquiries and entries to the competition please
contact either Doug Finlay or Vin Sait
2-3 very ripe bananas, peeled
Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C), and butter a 4x8-inch loaf pan.
1/3 cup melted butter
In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas with a fork until smooth. Stir
1 cup of sugar (can easily use 3/4 cup, or drop it down to 1/2 cup if
the melted butter into the mashed bananas.
you want it less sweet)
Mix in the baking soda and salt. Stir in the sugar, beaten egg, and
1 egg, beaten
vanilla extract. Mix in the flour.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Pour the batter into your prepared loaf pan. Bake for 1 hour to 1 hour
1 teaspoon baking soda
10 minutes (check at 50 minutes) at 350°F (175°C), or until a tester
Pinch of salt
inserted into the center comes out clean.
1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
One Flower to a Basket arrangement Charlton Florist &
Fashion can meet all your floral needs. We also cater in
fashion for babies right through to ladies including ladies
underwear. New stock arriving all the time.
9B High Street, Charlton,
Local Representative:
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
Doug Finlay
Livestock and Real-estate
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
September 2015
 Interior & Exterior
 New Homes
 Re Paints
 Commercial Work
 Restorations
 Free Quotes
0409 357063
Proud Sponsors of the Charlton
Community Newsletter
Proud Supporters of
the Charlton
Community Newsletter
Proud Sponsors of the
Charlton Community
61-67 High St Charlton, Vic, 3525
Tel: (03) 5491 1375
School Bus & Charter
Charlton Stadium
Davies Street,
P.O Box 106
69 High St Charlton, Vic, 3525
Tel: (03) 5491 1680
38 Halliday St, Charlton, 3525
Tel: (03) 54 911 237
Fax: (03) 54 911 100
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
Felicity Boyle
70 High St Charlton, Vic, 3525
Tel: (03) 54 91 11666
Open 7 days a week
Monday to Saturday: 9:00am to 8:00pm
Sunday: 9:00amto 7:00pm
High Street
03 54911 080
Proud Supporters of
the Charlton
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
St Martin's Anglican Church are proud
Sponsors of The Charlton Community Newsletter
September 2015
The Boyz Café
Neville Cloak/Robert Spruhan
27 High St Charlton, Vic, 3525
Tel: (03) 5491 1414
Mob: 0439 889 825
Men / Ladies Wear
Embroidery Service
(towels, sportswear, work uniform, etc...)
Proud Supporters of
the Charlton
Peter Gretgrix
24 High Street
Charlton, 3525
Ph: 54911870
Fax: 54911133
Mobile: 0417568418
Proud Supporters of the Charlton
Community Newsletter
Meets evenings, 3rd
Monday of each month
Friendship, Crafts,
New Members Welcome
Contact: Secretary, Bernice Kenny on 5491 1334.
P.O Box 64
Borung Hwy, Charlton
(03) 5491 1263
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
Monday - Bingo 2pm
Tuesday - Cards 2pm
Thursday- Games 2pm
New Members Welcome
Contact Val Bourke: 54911418
Proud Supporters of
the Charlton
All your steel requirements
Bolts, bearings and belts on hand
22 Menzies Street
Charlton, 3525
Rae Heenan
Ph: 5491 1672
Mob: 0417 541672
Your host: Ron & Lyn Good
86 High St, Charlton. Vic. 3525
Phone: 03 54911911
Proud Supporters of
the Charlton
Proud Supporters of the
Charlton Community
Sharon McLean
Ph: 5491 1324
Mob: 0408 549113
September 2015
First Aid
23 High Street
Charlton, 3525
Ph: 5491 1521
Fax: 5491 1141
Natural Health
Weight Management
Proud Supporters of
the Charlton
- Pipe laying: up to 2 inch poly
- Ripping - Erosion control
- Dam construction - Channel decommissioning
- Dozer, excavator and float for hire
Free No Obligation Quote
Enquires: (03) 5495 6261, Aaron- 0408 102 331,
Peter- 0407 090 680
& Tearooms
Services Include:
Varieties Include:
#Drive ways
#Carports & Shed Slabs
#Retaining Walls
# Plain Concrete #Coloured Concrete
#Stencil Coloured
#Exposed Concrete #Smooth Finish
# Concrete Cutting
Antiques, Coffee/Tea, Cakes &
Slices, Hot food, Devonshire Tea
(all Home made) Fully Licenced.
9A High St.
0411 203 255
Proud supporter of the Charlton Community Newsletter.
Mob: 0404 033 057
Ph: (03) 5491 1739
License NO: 23860 ABN: 31490 485 307
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Bowls Pennant Starts
The Charlton Lions Club Inc. are
proud sponsors of the Charlton
Community Newsletter
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
September 2015
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
2pm @
Charlton Hospital.
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Garden Club Meeting
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Mens Shed 1pm - 4.30pm
Angling Club Fishing Comp Angling Club Meeting 8pm
Lawn Bowls Opening