conference - JFK Lancer


conference - JFK Lancer
November in Dallas
November 18-20, 2011
16th Annual Conference
48th Anniversary of the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
Adolphus Hotel Dallas, Texas
Friday, Nov. 18:
8:30am – Welcome and Introductions,
Jerry Dealey - Overview of Dealey Plaza and the
Barry Ernest - From his book “The Girl on the
Stairs: My Search for a Missing Witness”
Tyler Newcomb - Limousine Windshield and New
ARRB Witness Interviews
Brian Edwards - Dealey Plaza Ambush: Perception
vs Practicality
Larry Hancock - Risky Business/ The JFK -Castro
Private Communication
Bill Simpich - Spy Games in Mexico City
Larry Hancock - The Bay Of Pigs
Phil Nelson - The LBJ Connection
Jerry Dealey - A Shooter in the Texas School Book
William Orchard - Shots in Dealey Plaza
Videos produced by Joey Granati, Sherry Fiester,
Cathy Stewart, Tori Williams and Danielle Williams
Saturday, Nov. 19:
8:30am - Presentations
Ben Rogers - The Pogue Library Collection
Ian Griggs - Jack Ruby and the DPD
Nancy Weiford - George de Mohrenschildt Revisited
Stu Wexler - Milteer Revisited
Larry Hancock - from his book, “Nexus”
Paul Chamber - From his book, “Head Shot: The
Science Behind the JFK Assassination”
Sherry Fiester - Reconstructing the Head Shot
Jim DiEugenio - JFK’s Foreign Policy
Jim Marrs - Jack Ruby in Dallas
6:00pm Social time - Book Signing*
Tuesday, November 22
12:00pm - 12:30pm Ceremony in Dealey Plaza,
Hosted by Beverly Oliver
7:00 pm Banquet, Awards and Auctions
Larry Hancock Conference Chair
Stu Wexler Co-Chair
Jim DiEugenio, “JFK” 20 Year Anniversary
Debra Conway, Sherry Fiester - Awards
Visit us online:
Email List:
*The Resource Area will be open until 6:30 PM
Sunday, Nov. 20:
8:30am – Closing: Presentations, Briefing for walking tour and Dealey Plaza ceremony
Brian Edwards - Minox Camera Mysteries
Casey Quinlan - The Eyes of Texas
Larry Hancock - Closing, Briefing for Walking Tour
11:00am - Depart for Dealey Plaza
11:30am - Walking Tour with Larry Hancock and
Jerry Dealey
12:00 – 12:30pm - Ceremony in Dealey Plaza
The Resource Area will be open Sunday until
10:00 a.m.
• Please be prompt! We will make every attempt to begin each
session on time and to stick to the schedule.
• Please speak softly in the hallway outside of the Conference
• You may audiotape presentations for your personal use only. No
video-taping without permission.
• You may not put recorded material on any website without
• Flash cameras are permitted unless they become distracting to
the speaker.
• You must wear your name badge or wrist band to enter all
conference events.
• There will be question and answer time whenever possible.
• We ask that you be respectful of the views of others.
• Some presentations will have supporting DVDs, CD-Roms,
Videos, or Documents available in the Resource Room. Please
ask about them.
JFK Lancer - Mary
Ferrell Research Awards
Brian Edwards & Casey Quinlan, New Frontier Award
“In appreciation for your new and innovative efforts in advancing interest and study
in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”
Bill Simpich, New Frontier Award
“In appreciation for your contribution of new evidence and futhering
the study of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”
Jim DiEugenio, CTKA, Legacy Award
“Presented in appreciation for your permanent additions to the record
of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”
Barry Ernest, Mary Ferrell Pioneer Award
“In appreciation for your lifetime of searching for
the truth in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy”
ost of my
City Mared back to
was started
old it and
local histhe years,
d various
torical reand exhibtional and
Southwestern Historical Publications
Post Office Box 225803 Dallas, Texas 75222
Phone 214-747-2362 E-mail
The Dallas Dispatch News (Rare) Bonnie and Clyde
Ambush near Mt. Lebanon, La. “Fate’s
verdict for killers.” Reprint of May 24,
1934 Price $8.00 includes shipping
and handling
Ambush - The Real Story of Bonnie and Clyde - By
Ted Hinton - Hinton was a Dallas County
Deputy Sheriff that knew Bonnie and Clyde
before they were wanted. Along with 5
other lawmen stage the ambush/stakeout in
Price $18.85 includes
shipping and handling
*By Appointment*
*1 person or Small Group*
* Full Bus Charter Service*
*Step on Bus Guide Service*
oliver Stone JFK
Very good overview of what happened
on that day in Dallas and events after,
along with over 90 photo’s. Price $5.25
includes shipping and handling
Call or write for your free catalog on other
historical publications.
The Bonnie & Clyde Movie
Car Show & Exhibit
e Starr)
Historical & Sightseeing
Now you can schedule the Bonnie and Clyde Movie
death car, used in the 1967 movie starring Warren
Beatty and Faye Dunaway "Bonnie and Clyde", for your
car is shown
as a "Crime Did Not Pay" edu20 This
cational program or just for viewing and has a walk-in
trailer exhibit. Stories can be told and a video will be
running during this display. Call for pricing.
Custom designed tours to meet
your interests and time schedule.
!JFK Assassination Tour
!Dallas “Then and Now” Tour
!Bonnie & Clyde Tour
!Fort Worth (Cowtown) Tour
!Waco (Central Texas) Tour
!SouthFork Ranch Tour
(See inside for Details)
Member of
Dallas/Fort Worth Area Tour Guides Association
Dallas Historical Society
Texas State Historical Association
Sheriff’s Association of Texas
Texas Home School Coalition
Ask About the Bus Tour!
Limited Availabilty
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Remembering Carl Oglesby 1935-2011
Carl Oglesby, one of the most influential figures of the 1960s counterculture. An acclaimed
political theorist, orator, playwright, musician and writer, Oglesby served as president of
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) from 1965 to 1966 and played a leading role in
the opposition to the Vietnam War.
After the demise of SDS, Oglesby taught politics at Antioch, Dartmouth College and MIT,
and wrote a column for the Boston Phoenix that merged geopolitical theory with his
keen interest in the hidden dimensions of the Watergate scandal, the John F. Kennedy
assassination and the CIA. His book containing his studies of the JFK assassination is “The
Yankee and Cowboy War: Conspiracies from Dallas to Watergate”
note: Compiled from several obituaries.
DEALEY PLAZA WALKING TOUR: Sunday, November 20, 11:30 a.m.
REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY: Sunday, November 20, 12 noon - 12:30
You must arrange your own transportation to and from the Plaza. Check with the
Adolphus for shuttle service.
AWARD BANQUET: Saturday, November 19th evening 7:00 pm. in
the conference room. Social time will be at 6:00 pm before the doors
open. You must show your wrist band for entry.
*Please inform Debra Conway if you have paid for but are not planning to
attend the Banquet.
For Those About To ROCK Academy
Thank You
Joey and
You inspire us
Conference Presentations:
Crime Scene Presentations:
Jerry Dealey - A Shooter in the Texas School Book
Depository? Dealey Plaza and Texas School Book
Depository “walk thru”
Born and raised in Dallas, Jerry is a member of the Dealey
family that Dealey Plaza was named after and that owned the
“Dallas Morning News”. He was in school in Denver in fall of
1963, but returned every year in the summer to live with his
father. A Dallas historian, Jerry is writing a book on the history
of Dallas, Dealeys, “Dallas Morning News”, and Dealey Plaza.
Jerry is a Docent at the Old Red Courthouse Museum, and
the Dallas Historical Society “Hall of State” in Fair Park. He
also gives tours of Dallas, and the assassination related sites,
specializing in the history and politics of Dallas. An active
member and Moderator of the JFK Lancer Forum, where he
tries to assist in local information as much as possible.
Barry Ernest - The Girl on the Stairs; My Search for a
Missing Witness
With a degree in journalism and communications, Barry Ernest
honed his skills as an investigative reporter and features writer
at newspapers in New York and Pennsylvania. It was a tip from a
friend in 1967 that started Mr. Ernest looking for answers to the
John Kennedy assassination. The result of those lengthy efforts
is his book “The Girl On the Stairs”. His study of this subject
over the years has led him to the witnesses of Dallas as well as
the documents of the National Archives. He has appeared on
numerous radio talk shows and, ironically enough, has been
featured in countless newspaper interviews. He also provided
research and investigative services for several noted authors
on the assassination, including David Lifton, Penn Jones Jr.,
and Harold Weisberg, the latter considered to have been the
leading authority on this case. Mr. Ernest now lives with his
wife in Harrisburg, Pa., where he continues to research, write,
and maintain his blog while answering the many questions he
is asked about the assassination and its missing witness.
Brian Edwards - The Dealey Plaza Ambush: Perception
vs. Practicality
Edwards has been studying the JFK assassination since 1969
and has read over 300 books on the subject. From 1978-1997,
he worked as a police officer in Kansas. He was assigned to the
patrol division and served eight years on the police department’s
tactical response team. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s
degree in Criminal Justice from Washburn University in Topeka,
Kansas. From 1996 to 2005, served as an adjunct instructor for
the criminal justice department, with Washburn University, and
taught a variety of law enforcement-related courses. Edwards
has lectured on the JFK assassination throughout the Midwest,
including the University of Kansas Law School, Washburn
University School of Law, Johnson County Community College,
and the Alf Landon Lecture Series at Kansas State University.
He has served as an adjunct instructor at Friend’s University in
Wichita, Kansas; Ottawa University in Overland Park, Kansas,
and Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Edwards is codirector of Project JFK/CSI Dallas, a student-oriented historical
experience. For the past 20 years, Edwards and Casey Quinlan
have sponsored student trips to Dallas to study the assassination.
Brian is co-Author of the book, “Beyond The Fence Line: The
Eyewitness Account of Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President
William Orchard – The Shots in Dealey Plaza
William Orchard only exists on official documents. “Bill”
Orchard will be glad to shake your hand and talk about the
assassination. However, Bill is a bit self-conscious about having
an MA in Marriage and Family Therapy, when he should have an
MS is some technical field. Nevertheless, Bill has been reading
about the Kennedy assassination for twenty years and he has
a respectable library on it. “The Shots in Dealey Plaza” is his
only published work on the assassination and it has been in
progress for about two years. Bill is semi-retired as a mental
health counselor and he lives on the Alabama Gulf Coast.
Tyler Newcomb - Murder From Within
Tyler Newcomb is the son of legendary JFK researcher and
writer Fred T. Newcomb. Tyler and his sister Valerie have
taken it upon themselves to publish their father’s underground
1974 manuscript “Murder From Within”. This is being done
as a loving tribute to their father who devoted 7 years of his
life and every spare minute and dollar to try and understand
what happened 11/22/63. The new and updated “Murder From
Within” is being brought to the JFK Lancer convention in it’s
first unveiling and release from the publisher, AuthorHouse.
Tyler is experienced in lecturing on the material in his father’s
book having done so at UCLB, Arizona State and other venues.
Newcomb will present work on the limousine windshield and
new interviews from ARRB Bethesda witnesses.
Shooting Studies:
Sherry Fiester - Trajectory Studies of the Fatal Shot
In 1993 Fiester, a Certified Senior Crime Scene Investigator
and Court recognized expert, begin to apply her professional
expertise to the Kennedy assassination. By using the same
Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and Trajectory Analysis techniques
she’s used in court for over 20 years, Sherry answers basic
questions concerning the Kennedy assassination. The result
has been several NID presentations with new information
concerning the fatal headshot, while including blood spatter
and trajectory analysis from previous presentations. Fiester
has testified as an expert in crime scene reconstruction and
bloodstain pattern analysis in over 30 judicial districts in the
states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Her publications
include “Bloodstain Pattern Identification and Documentation: a
Workbook for Analyst,” 1990, “Blood Evidence; What Does the
Blood Tell Us?,” JFK Lancer Publications, 1997; and “Bloodstain
Pattern Analysis and the Kennedy Assassination”, “The Echo,”
England, 2002. In 2003, Fiester was presented with the “Mary
Ferrell - JFK Lancer New Frontier Award” in appreciation for
her contributions of new evidence and furthering the study of
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Paul Chambers – The Physics of the Fatal Shot
Chambers is a physicist and ballistics expert currently working
as a contractor for NASA. He previously worked as a research
physicist for the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington,
D.C. Chambers has applied his scientific training to a detailed
study of the shooting of JFK, in particular, the physics of the
fatal head shot as described in “Head Shot: The Science Behind
the JFK Assassination”. Writer Jeff Morley wrote, “Chambers
dismantles the bad science at the core of Vincent Bugliosi’s
flabby “Reclaiming History” and politely punts the fantasy
that the Zapruder film was altered. What remains, he reveals,
is a body of scientific evidence about JFK’s murder that is
increasingly consistent, self-authenticating, verifiable, and
CIA Studies:
Bill Simpich - Spy Games in Mexico City
Simpich is a civil rights attorney and an antiwar activist in the
San Francisco Bay Area. The main areas of his law practice
are government misconduct and toxic tort violations. He also
writes for publications such as “Truthout”, “Counterpunch”
and “OpedNews”. He considers the assassination cases to be a
poorly understood area of civil rights violations. To preserve cold
cases, he is preparing a proposed “JFK Preservation of Evidence
Act” that would be applicable in both of these areas of the law
and administered by a citizen panel similar to the ARRB. His
study of the JFK case focuses on the documentary evidence,
rather than firearms, acoustics, and other forensic evidence.
His current focus is on Mexico City and the counterintelligence
aspects of the JFK case.
Larry Hancock – Risky Business / The JFK-Castro Private
Hancock is a leading historian-researcher in the JFK
assassination. He co-authored, with Connie Kritzberg,
“November Patriots” and is author of the acclaimed book
“Someone Would Have Talked”, now in its third, 2010 edition.
Hancock has also published a study of the RFK assassination,
“Incomplete Justice,”on the Mary Ferrell Foundation website
and along with Stuart Wexler, will see publication of their new
work on the MLK assassination in the spring of 2011. In 2000,
Hancock received the prestigious “Mary Ferrell New Frontier
Award” for the contribution of new evidence in the Kennedy
assassination case. In 2001, he was also awarded the “Mary
Ferrell Legacy Award.”
Texas Studies:
Jim Marrs - Jack Ruby in Dallas
A native of Fort Worth, Texas, Marrs earned a Bachelor of Arts
degree in journalism from the University of North Texas in 1966
and attended Graduate School at Texas Tech in Lubbock for
two years more. He has worked for several Texas newspapers,
including the “Fort Worth Star-Telegram”, where beginning in
1968 he served as police reporter and general assignments
reporter covering stories locally, in Europe and the Middle
East. After a leave of absence to serve with a Fourth Army
intelligence unit during the Vietnam War, he became military
and aerospace writer for the newspaper and an investigative
reporter. Since 1980, Marrs has been a free-lance writer, author
and public relations consultant. He also published a rural
weekly newspaper along with a monthly tourism tabloid, a
cable television show and several videos. In 2007, Marrs retired
from the University of Texas at Arlington where he had taught a
course on the Kennedy assassination since 1976. In 1989, his
book, “Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy”, was published
to critical acclaim and reached the “New York Times” Paperback
Non-Fiction Best Seller list in mid-February 1992. It became
a basis for the Oliver Stone film “JFK”. Marrs served as a chief
consultant for both the film’s screenplay and production. An
award-winning journalist, Marrs is listed both in “Who’s Who
in the World” and “Who’s Who in America”. Marrs has won
several writing and photography awards including the Aviation/
Aerospace Writer’s Association’s National Writing Award and
Newsmaker of the Year Award from the Fort Worth Chapter of
the Society of Professional Journalists. In 1993, Marrs received
Freedom Magazine’s Human Rights Leadership Award.
Ian Griggs – Jack Ruby and the DPD
Griggs’s interest in the Kennedy assassination goes back to
the day it happened and he has been studying it seriously for
the past 37 years. He is a frequent visitor to Dallas and has
presented research papers and moderated panels regularly at
the Assassination Symposium on President Kennedy (ASK), the
Coalition of Political Assassinations (COPA), and JFK Lancer’s
November In Dallas Conference since 1994. Griggs has
published work in “The Fourth Decade” and “Assassination
Chronicles” research publications. He is very proud to be a
founder member and recently elected “Life Member” of the
UK research group Dealey Plaza UK, which celebrates its
16th anniversary this year. Griggs’ research articles have been
widely published on both sides of the Big Pond. He is the
proud recipient of a JFK Lancer Editor’s Award (1995) and a JFK
Lancer Frontier Award (1998). His first assassination book, “No
Case To Answer” was published by JFK Lancer in 2005 with
an updated edition in 2011. He is also at work on a definitive
work describing the Dallas Police Department.
Casey Quinlan – The Eyes of Texas
Quinlan was born and raised in Kansas City and has been a
high school teacher for over 32 years in Kansas. Quinlan served
in the United States Army with the 9th Infantry as a medical
corpsman during the Vietnam War. He earned a Bachelor of
Science in Education and a Master’s degree in American History
from Emporia State University in Emporia, Kansas. He is codirector of Project JFK/CSI Dallas, a student-oriented historical
experience for high school and college students. Quinlan has
been the featured speaker at many colleges throughout the
Midwest, including the Alf Landon Lecture Series at Kansas
State University; the William Allen White School of Journalism
at the University of Kansas; and the Johnson County Community
College in Overland Park, Kansas. Quinlan has served as a
guest historian for the A&E network, the History Channel, and
for Oliver Stone’s movie, “JFK”. In 1995, Quinlan was named
the Outstanding Educator of the Year by JFK Lancer. From
1997, Quinlan has served as an adjunct instructor at Friends
University in Wichita, Kansas; Ottawa University in Overland
Park, Kansas and Washburn University’s Criminal Justice
Department in Topeka, Kansas. Today, Quinlanis co-Author of
the book, “Beyond The Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of
Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy.”
Phil Nelson - Then Johnson Connection
Phil Nelson’s interest in the darker character traits of Lyndon
B. Johnson actually began well before John F. Kennedy’s
assassination. Even as a sophomore in high school, in 1960,
he was intrigued by magazine articles about Johnson which
had appeared in a number of news magazines in the period
of Johnson’s vice presidency; one such incident occurred just
weeks after the Kennedy-Johnson administration took office
in January, 1961. It involved a radio announcement about
the crash of an airplane on Johnson’s ranch on February 17,
1961, a Friday, which went unreported until the following
Monday. Nelson thought it seemed a little strange when the
announcement was made on the high school PA system during
English class; the class was assured that the vice president
had not been injured, “only” the pilots were dead. If it hadn’t
been for the numerous additional scandals that subsequently
appeared in newspapers for nearly three years after that -- TFX,
Billie Sol Estes, Bobby Baker -- the crash of an airplane would
have been forgotten with time. After Nelson’s graduation from
college and service in the Peace Corps in Brazil , he decided
against graduate school and took a job in the insurance
industry. Only after retirement did Nelson return to the topic
of the Lyndon Johnson, authoring the 2010 book, “LBJ : The
Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination”, scheduled for introduction
on November 1, 2011.
Other Topics:
Ben Rogers – The Baylor JFK Archives with a focus on
the new Armstrong Collection
Director of W. R. Poage Legislative, a research facility that
houses congressional records and personal papers related to
political history. The Library currently features exhibits: JFK50:
Primary, Election, Inauguration and LBJ: Texan, Politician,
President. The library began its JFK Assassination Research
Collection in 2004 with the papers of Penn Jones, Jr. There are
now papers from not only Penn Jones but also Jack White, John
Armstrong, Gary Shaw, John Kelin, Roy Schaeffer, Paul Hoch,
Mae Brussells and others. The collection includes extensive
magazines, newspapers and newsletters related to research
since 1963. Most materials are listed online and are open to
researchers. See
Stuart Wexler – Milteer Revisited
Wexler is a teacher of World History, AP Government at
Hightstown High School, Hightstown, NJ. He has been a JFK
assassination researcher for about fifteen years where he has
focused on the issues connected to the chemical analysis of the
ballistics material since 2000. Wexler has spoken on the subject
at JFK Lancer’s NID twice, at the Wecht conference in 2003, and
at the AARC conference in 2004, three of those times opposite
Dr. Kenneth Rahn, NAA advocate, from the University of Rhode
Island. Wexler has collaborated with chemist Tom Pinkston
since approximately 2000 on the same subject matter. Wexler’s
other Kennedy interests focus on Oswald, his background and
associates leading up to November 22nd. His book, co-authored
with Larry Hancock, on the MLK assassination will be in print
in spring, 2011.
Jim DiEugenio – JFK’s Foreign Policy…plus
DiEugenio has written two books on the Kennedy assassination.
“Destiny Betrayed” (1992) was the first positive reconsideration
of the Jim Garrison investigation in a generation. “The
Assassinations” (2003, co-edited with Lisa Pease) analyzed the
murders of RFK, MLK, and Malcolm X, but devoted most its
pages to the newly released ARRB documents in the JFK case.
He and Lisa also edited the journal “Probe” (1993-2000) which
focused on the releases of the ARRB and new developments
in the King and RFK cases. Jim has an MA in Contemporary
American History from California State University Northridge.
He was asked by Oliver Stone to do a commentary track on
the expanded DVD version of his film “JFK”.
Nancy Weiford - George de Mohrenschildt Revisited
Nancy Weiford has conducted significant research into the
political violence of the 1960s for several decades. She
has been a recognized source of assistance to authors and
researchers. Together with Gordon Winslow, she created and
co-edited the “Master Researchers’ Directory” from 19942002. She has fostered further education of the public through
presentations to Mensa, local high schools, and various
historical conferences. Nancy has written articles in the “Third”
and “Fourth Decade”, “Dealey Plaza Echo” and the “Kennedy
Assassination Chronicles”. Relating to the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy, she has specialized in research
covering Michael and Ruth Paine, Marita Lorenz, and George
and Jeanne de Mohrenschildt. She has recently completed a
two volume biography of George de Mohrenschildt, “The Faux
Baron: An Aristocrat’s Journey from the Russian Revolution to
the Oil Fields of Texas.”
Bob Cochran - Banquet and Dealey Plaza Invocations
Banquet and Dealey Plaza Invocation. Cochran is based in
Washington State and has been an avid JFK enthusiast all of
his life. An unusual turn of events put Bob in New Orleans,
Louisiana during the JFK assassination and witnessed firsthand
the hate for JFK prevalent in that City. Bob also lived in New
Orleans in the 1970’s where he attended Warren Eastin Senior
High School— the same school Lee Harvey Oswald attended.
He is now a collector of JFK and conspiracy oriented items,
especially first-hand items of JFK, Jack Ruby, and Lee Harvey
Debra Conway - President, JFK Lancer Productions &
Publications, Inc.
Debra has been following the study of President Kennedy’s
assassination since Elementary school where she remember’s
the events of November 22, 1963 and the following weekend
vividly. Living near New Orleans, Conway and her family would
listen to updates on the Garrison investigation and Clay Shaw
trial on the radio. The House Select Committee’s work was
followed in the media and Debra continued to follow the case
by reading the available books, but most important impression
was made after reading newspapers, books, and magazines
from a collection of her deceased Mother-in-law. Visits to
Dallas followed, and introductions to researchers and authors
inspired her. Upon meeting Mary Ferrell and others at the 31st
Anniversary ASK Conference in Dallas and attending the Dallas
meeting of the Assassination Records Review Board, Conway
became focused on the distribution of the coming document
releases and how to have them in the hands of researchers and
the public. JFK Lancer was born of this goal in 1995.
Updated 2nd
Coming 2012
JFK Lancer
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications is a historical
research company founded in 1995 by Thomas A.
Jones and Debra J. Conway, joined now by Sherry
G. Fiester. Larry Hancock is the program chair for
November In Dallas conferences.
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications works with
the largest, most active group of JFK historical
researchers and at the past conferences have had
many of the most respected of the researchers from
around the world speak on the assassination and on
President Kennedy’s policies.
LANCER was JFK’s Secret Service Code name. Use
of this formerly secret name represents our efforts
to make JFK assassination information open and
available to everyone.
JFK Lancer subscribes to the values of patriotism,
excellence, integrity, and dedication to the
revealing of truth surrounding the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy while promoting public
understanding of the historical record surrounding
the Kennedy assassination and the political climate
of that time.
JFK Lancer wishes to extend a
special thank you to the following:
Steve Conway and Paul Fiester
Larry Hancock and Stu Wexler
Joey Granati and Cathy Stewart
Brian Edwards and Casey Quinan
Bob Cochran
Ken Holmes and Jerry Dealey
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Kevin Snelus & Cheryl Overfield, Adolphus Staff
Lightning Source
Last Hurrah Book Store
Tori Williams and Danielle Williams
Beverly Massegee
Betty Windsor
Dennis Bourland
Lamar Waldron
and our Speakers and Guests.
JFK Lancer Resource Catalog
Kennedy Assassination Chronicles
Back Issues in PDF on Disk
NID special - $30 for all issues
•George Michael Evica
•Larry Haapanen and
Alan Rogers
•Robert Chapman
Includes contributions by
Harold Weisberg
Scott P. Johnson
Rex Bradford
Marina Oswald Porter
Martha Moyer
Dr. Donald B. Thomas
Wallace Milam
Angus Crane
Larry HappanenHal VerbDoug HorneDoug Weldon
Allan Rogers
Mark Sobel
Ken Holmes, Jr.
Barb Junkkarinen
Craig Roberts
John Delane Williams
Mark K. Colgan
Noel Twyman
Ian Griggs
Stewart Galanor
Clint Bradford
Nancy Wertz
Brad Parker
Tim Howells
William E. Kelly, Jr.
Mike Johnson
Pamela McElwain-Brown
Douglas DeSalles, MD
James Sawa
John Kelin
Larry Hancock
Robert David Steele
Joe Biles Bill Holiday
Ken Jacobs
Jerry McKnight
Anthony Marsh
David W. Mantik, MD, PhD
Vincent J. Salandria
Thomas Purvis
Jim Marrs
Vince Palamara
Debra Conway
John Williams, PhD
Kerry McCarthy
Anna Marie Kuhns-Walko
Lawrence Teeter
Chris W. Courtwright
Russ Burr
William Law
Charles DragoMilicent CranorSteve JonesNancy Wertz
Connie Kritzberg
David Lifton
Peter Dale Scott
George Michael Evica
Russell KentJim HargroveJane SitkoSteve Bochan
Tom M. Hudson
Jerry Rose
Sherry G Fiester
Charles Crenshaw, MD
Ron Friedrich
Rick Caster
Mark Bridger
Samuel F. Kritzberg, MD
Joseph Backes
Chris Mills
Raymond Carroll
Dr. Anthony Baltakis
JFK Lancer Resource Collections
Ask About Our Collections of NID DVDs
from these speakers:
And These Presentations:
Larry Hancock
John Newman
Jim Marrs
Ian Griggs
William Law
George Michael Evica
Craig Roberts
Rex Bradford
Sherry G. Fiester
Jim Olivier
John Armstrong
Medical Evidence
Zapruder film
Garrison Investigation
Robert Kennnedy Investigation
Specially Priced
for 2011
Someone Would Have Talked: The Assassination of President John
F. Kennedy and the Conspiracy to Mislead History
A walk-through from lead to lead.
New material in almost every chapter, new
documents, new names!
The thousands of primary source materials he uses paint a
disturbing and compelling picture of the assassination of
President John F. Kennedy. This is a significant contribution to
our nation’s historiography.
Dr. Thomas L. Pearcy, Former Joint Historian U.S. Department of
State and the Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C.
Once again Hancock opens doors that the CIA and FBI would
prefer stay closed. By probing newly-released documents and
bringing fresh witnesses to the fore, Hancock’s tireless research
conclusively proves there is still plenty we don’t know about the
perpetration and cover-up of the Kennedy assassination.
Dick Russell, Author of “The Man Who Knew Too Much” and
“On the Trail of the JFK Assassins”
John Newman
Oswald in Mexico City Presentation
“November in Dallas” JFK Lancer Conference 1999
Disk One: DVD of Presentation
Disk Two: Complete Transcript with hundreds of
linked documents, photos and audio files.
Follow along as the material is presented by an expert. One of the most
important aread of research.
• PDF Mexico “Lopez” Report, Final release October 1996:
“Lee Harvey Oswald in Mexico City Report”
• over 400 pages
• PDF John Scelso Interview, 192 pages
• PDF Anne L. Goodpasture Deposition, 170 pages
• PDF James J. Angleton Interview, 278 pages
• PDF David Slawson Trip to Mexico City - Warren
Commission 4-22-64, 178 pages
• PDF CIA Mexico City Chronology, 513 pages
• PDF HSCA CIA Mexico City Station, 271 pages
• PDF Mexico City Mystery Man File, Copies of photos of
unidentified man/office notes related. 21 pages
Special NID Price Two Disks for $20
John Newman
by William Law
In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence comprises
“conversations” with eight individuals who agreed to talk about their experiences
at the Bethesda Hospital in November 1963 and beyond. The reader is the judge of
these eyewitness accounts and their implications.
Dennis David Paul O’Connor James Jenkins
Jerrol Custer Saundra Spencer Harold Rydberg
Ex-FBI Special Agents James Sibert and Frances O’Neill
Disk includes 3 years of documents presented at November In Dallas
Conferences and utilized in his book “Someone Would Have Talked”
• Richard Case Nagell NID Conference Presentation (movie)
• Richard Case Nigell Documents
• John Martino Documents
• Fiorini/Sturgis Chronology
• HSCA Report on Gerald Patrick Hemming
• HSCA Reports: Armador Odio, Robert McKeown, Carlos Quiroga & Sergio
Arcacha Smith, and Bernardo DeTorres
•112th Intelligence Corp
Special NID Price CD-163 for $10.00
Doug Horne
Presentations and
Memos to the ARRB
In 1998, Doug Horne was the special guest speaker
at JFK Lancer’s Conference on the JFK assassination
where he donated copies of his memos for JFK to
distribute making them available for the first time. Now
these memos are made available paired with Horne’s
1998 NID presentations on DVD.(movie file)
Special NID Price DVD Rom-161 for $15.
First on the Scene: Interviews With
Parkland Doctors
by Brad Parker
A series of interviews and essays with the Dallas Parkland Hospital
doctors. Also testimony and interviews by the Warren Commission,
House Select Committee On Assassinations, and the Assassination
Records Review Board. SC, 218 pages.
CD Rom Includes: The entire book with all illustrations and Dr.
Ronald C. Jones’ presentation at JFK Lancer’s November In Dallas
Conference 2000. (Quicktime)
CD-162 for $10
Forensic Reconstruction
From Sherry G. Fiester
Four PowerPoint Presentations
• Bloodspatter Analysis in the Kennedy Murder: Proving a Frontal Headshot
• Trajectory Analysis of Kennedy’s Fatal Head Wound
• Crime Scene Investigation: 1963 Protocols
• Trajectory Analysis in the Tippit Shooting
DVD ROM Special NID Price $20.00
Lynn Mangan
RFK Assassination Research
The Most Trusted and Chief Researcher For Sirhan Sirhan
Lynn Mangan’s Report, with Sirhan’s late older brother Adel, is a
culmination of a four-year long examination and review of hundreds
of evidentiary records that are housed in the California State Archives
in Sacramento, California. The Report also includes the complete
autopsy report done on Senator Kennedy, by then Los Angeles County
Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner, Thomas T. Noguchi, M.D., as well as
excerpted transcripts of crucial testimony given during Sirhan’s trial from
January 7, 1969 to April 17, 1969.
* Lynn Mangan’s RFK Assassination Evidence Report * Evidence Photos
* LAPD Witness List
* Draft Autopsy Report
* LAPD Case Prep
* LAPD Evidence and Lab Book
* RFK-FBI Report Booklets
* Sherry Gutierrez’s article on Methods Of Firearms Examination
* 1994 visit to the California State Archives. (movie file)
* 1998 interview featuring Larry Teeter, Rose Lynn Mangan
and Adel Sirhan, Los Angeles community access cable TV
show, “Over the Shoulder,” with Glen Lynch. This program was
sponsored by JFK Lancer. (audio file)
• Special Unit Senator composite film: “Senator Kennedy Assassination”, June 5, 1968. (movie file)
DVD ROM Special NID Price $15
Buy the Sirhan Sirhan Trial CD
Get both for $25
by John Martino
Surveillance on Carlos Marcelo,
1970s (103 pages) 13 conversations
relevant to the assassination of JFK
• HSCA CIA/Mafia Documents
(appx 400 pages) Castro plots
• LA COSA NOSTRA/John Roselli
FBI Files (appx 1000 pages)
A biography of the former
District Attorney of Orleans Parish,
Louisiana from his 1922 birth in
Iowa and service in World War II - to
his years confronting the corrupt
politics of Louisiana. Contains new
information on the assassination of
President Kennedy and Lee Oswald.
Special NID Price $10.00
Special NID Price $15
Prior to his death
in 1975, John
Martino became
the “Someone Who
Talked.” - from the Prologue by
Edward Martino. “I Was Castro’s
Prisoner” is historically significant
book. - from the Foreword by Larry
Originally printed in 1963,
reprinted by JFK Lancer 2008.
Special NID Price $10.00
by Joan Mellen
Secret Service Document Collection
• HSCA-FBI Secret Service Files,
(Dallas motorcade agents’ interviews included)
• Richard Case Nagell Potential Threat File
• Chicago Threat File
• WC Drinking Involving the SS Agents
• SS Chief Rowley WC Testimony
• SS WC Report
• ALSO: Vincent Palamara Interviews and Archives: (Movie Files,
some audio only. 15 interviews) Special for NID only from JFK
Lancer and Vincent Palamara
Special NID Price $15.00
The Mary Ferrell Foundation is devoted
to carrying on the legacy of Mary Ferrell,
whose integrity and fierce dedication to
truth is an inspiration to many.
find out more:
and more...
A retired English detective’s essays and articles on the
JFK Assassination: 1993-2005
By Ian Griggs
No Case To Answer is a major advance in dealing with the Kennedy assassination.
Ian Griggs research enumerates a variety of evidence and people, resolving
numerous issues in a clear and concise manner.
Seven new chapters
and new photos include
information on
• who found the rifle on
the sixth floor
• claims that the limousine
driver shot the president
• a n d n e w w i t n e s s
These specialized
aspects of the case are
comprehensively covered
in this book.
Special NID
Price $25
Presidents’ Foreign
Intelligence Advisory Board
Documents, including a
forward by John Williams,
The Warren Commission
Executive Sessions
with intro by David Lifton
CD-165 for $10.00
A Study of the JFK
Assassination Witnesses in
Dealey Plaza,
Intro by Stewart Galanor
CD-169 for $10.00
Robert F. Kennedy Oral Histories
708 pages fascinating Interviews
CD-168 Only $10.00
Gerry Patrick Hemming:
Documents and Interviews,
Plus Movie of his
appearance at NID
CD-166 for $10.00
Depositions of Marita Lorenz
E. Howard Hunt, Jr. Plaintiff
against Liberty Lobby, Defendant,
Total pages 259
CD-142 $10.00
Annual “November In Dallas”
Research Conference
on the Assassination of President John Kennedy
NID Conference DVDs and Videos
Available in the Resource Area - $10 each
Limited Availability - Buy Early!
By Casey J. Quinlan & Brian K. Edwards
Foreword by Jim Marrs
Ed Hoffman is a most important eyewitness in the murder of President
Kennedy. He should have been embraced for coming forward but instead
was crucified by the electronic and print media. He is the only witness
who can “speak” to the fundamental events of November 22, 1963. The
conspirators were hoping that no one would see the activity behind the
picket fence, but someone did. The irony is that the only eyewitness to
their activity that afternoon has a hearing disability.
The Door of Memory: Aubrey Rike and the
Assassination of President Kennedy
by Aubrey Rike
with Colin McSween
Tribute by David Lifton
While in Trauma Room 1, Aubrey Rike found
himself at the center of an unequaled time
in history as he assumed the impromptu
undertaking of providing assistance to First
Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and President
Kennedy. Aubrey shares heartbreaking
moments in time that became forever ingrained in his memory, one that
came as an opportunity to offer kindness and caring to a slain President
and his grieving widow. Now, he has opened that door of memory and
asked us to step through.
A message to Lancer from Lamar Waldron
I hate having to miss Lancer this year — for
the first time since 2003 — but I’m busy
finishing a new book for the 40th anniversary
of Watergate. I’ll miss seeing many friends
and all the great presentations, especially
those by Hancock, Wexler, Simpich, Fiester,
Paul Chambers (whose book I recommend),
and many more.
My Watergate book sheds new light on JFK’s
murder, because of its revelations about
Santo Trafficante, E. Howard Hunt, Johnny
Rosselli, Bernard Barker, Richard Helms,
Frank Fiorini, Nixon, and others who show
up in both stories. The new book comes
out in May 2012, and will be less than half
the size of Legacy of Secrecy and Ultimate
Sacrifice. Hopefully, I’ll be back at Lancer
next year, to talk about it.
NEXUS: The CIA and Political Assassination
Larry Hancock
NEXUS — written to provide a full picture
of the culture and conditions which could
allow illegal acts to be instigated by CIA
personnel and then not be exposed by an
Agency investigation.
NEXUS bravely asks, how can you take a
position that CIA officers were involved and
yet maintain that it was not an act of the
Agency as a whole?
NEXUS — a historical study of how political
assassination evolved within the Central
Intelligence Agency. And perhaps most
importantly‚ asks who were the people
actually involved in such actions as
political assassination and even on a
grander scale, “executive action” of
senior political leaders during the
1950’s and 1960’s.
A “culture” which viewed
murder as simply another
It is time to pass on the lessons learned from the release of the JFK
records, and to bring about a fundamental change in the way in which
American citizens obtain information from their government – especially
at a time when we still continue to struggle with seemingly endless (and
needless) foreign wars and regime change.
- Bill Simpich
Author of the forthcoming book, “Double Image”
A look at how CIA counter intelligence molded the JFK case

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