Tomorrow Is Today


Tomorrow Is Today
November in
in Dallas
Dallas 2009
Tomorrow Is Today...
“The men who create power make an indispensable contribution to the
Nation’s greatness, but the men who question power make a contribution
just as indispensable, especially when that questioning is disinterested, for
they determine whether we use power or power uses us.” JFK
November 20-22, 2009 • Adolphus Hotel • Dallas, TX
Friday, Nov. 20th:
8:30am - Welcome and Introduction
8:45-9:45am - Jerry Dealey, Graphic tour of TSBD and
10:00-11:00am - Jerry Dealey, Press, Presidential
Parades and Politics and Problems On Nov. 22nd
11:00-11:30am - Jerry Dealey, Sherry Fiester, & Ian
Griggs, Dallas Police panel
11:30am-12:00 noon Joe Backes - CIA’s New
“Tracking” Find
Lunch 1:00-2:00pm - Sherry Fiester, Reading From “The Door
of Memory” by Aubrey Rike; Movie Time
2:00-3:00pm - Michael Cain – The Chicago Mob and
Richard Cain
3:00-3:30 - John Sanders & Larry Hancock – Update on
John Rosselli
3:30–4:00pm - Stu Wexler - New Information On CIA’s
Defector Program (research by Greg Parker)
4:00 – 4:30pm - Author’s Books Signing
4:30 – 6:00 - Abraham Bolden, The White House Detail
and A Chicago Threat
7:00 - 9:00pm • Larry Hancock & Stu Wexler – “Two CIAs”
• Larry Hancock – Garrett Underhill’s View Into A
CIA Affiliated Weapons/Drug Network
• Stu Wexler - Gene Wheaton Video, with Anne
Buttermer update
Saturday, Nov. 21st:
8:30-9:30am Russ Baker, author, “Family of Secrets”
9:30am-12:00 noon Larry Hancock, Jim Marrs & Lamar
Waldron - “Who Did It, The Big Picture” panel
Lunch - Author’s Books Signing
1:00-2:00pm Ian Griggs & Paul Wilkins – The TSBD
Rifle Discovery
2:00-3:00pm Jim Marrs – Loose Ends in Dallas
3:00-4:00pm Dr. David Mantik – Alterations to the
Autopsy X-rays
4:00-5:00pm Jim DiEugenio – Reclaiming History Meets
the New Hollywood, or Did Forrest Gump Read a Book?
5:00-6:00pm Dr. Robert McClelland - JFK at Parkland
6:00pm Social time - Author’s Books Signing
7:00 pm Awards Banquet
Randy Owen, Bob Cochran, Larry Hancock, Stu
Wexler, Sherry Feister, Glynn Bybee, Peggy Codella,
Awards and Auctions
The JFK Lancer Resource Area will close at 6:30 PM
Sunday, Nov. 22rd
8:30-9:30am Brian Edwards & Casey Quilan - The
Shooting of Officer Tippit
9:30-10:30am Bill Truels – Warren Commission and
HSCA Shooting Studies
10:45am Closing; Briefing for walking tour and ceremony
11:00am Depart for Dealey Plaza
11:30am Walking Tour with Larry Hancock and Jerry
12:00-12:30pm Ceremony in Dealey Plaza
JFK Lancer will keep you informed
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Remembering Robert White
Robert White was a self-described tactile historian.
Throughout his teenage years, a U.S. Army tour
working in military museums and his adult life, he
collected property that historic figures had used and/
or touched. Totally captivated by this ownership of
history, he went out of his way to share his extensive
collections with other collectors, museums, schools
and the general public. His favorite audience, however,
was children. Enraptured by his ability to bring
history alive, many of his young “students” found
his enthusiasm irresistible and started collections of
their own. He measured this passing of the mantle of
collecting to the next generation as his greatest success.
His life’s ambition was to display his world-class Kennedy
collection in a museum setting and to share it with the
public. This dream came to fruition in 1998 when the
Florida International Museum in St. Petersburg, mounted
an elaborate exhibition of his Kennedy collection that
remained on display for five consecutive years. Part
of that collection was included in a traveling exhibit.
While in sales until 1994, Robert White’s true occupation
was that of collector, co-owner of Federal Hill Autographs
and occasional dealer. In constant demand as a speaker
and for interviews, he received voluminous media
coverage over the years. In 1997, Fox TV honored him
as “Collector of the Year.”
Collecting is a passion of the curious mind. An individual
can be absorbed by the historical, cultural or artistic merit
of an object and concurrently relish the hunt and pride
of ownership. That was Robert White—the quintessential
collector. Although renowned internationally as having
the finest private collection of Kennedy memorabilia
in the world, Robert”s other collections of Americana
John F. Kennedy:
The Robert L. White Collection
were equally impressive. Spanning the 18th – 20th
centuries, the categories of his fascinating historic
memorabilia include: American wars (Civil War
through the Korean War), patriotic, presidential, hotel,
autographs and Hollywood memorabilia, to mention a
few. This auction is a tribute to those eclectic interests.
• Please be prompt! We will make every attempt to begin
each session at the time stated and to stick to the schedule.
Please speak softly in the hallway outside of the Conference room.
You may audiotape presentations for your personal use
only. No video-taping without permission.
You may not put recorded material on any website.
Flash cameras are permitted unless they become distracting to the speaker.
• You must wear your name badge to enter all conference
• There will be question and answer time whenever possible.
We ask that you be respectful of the views of others.
• Handouts, if available, will be on a table in the Conference room.
• Some presentations will have supporting DVDs, CDRoms, Videos, or Documents available in the Resource
Room. Please ask about them.
Randy Owen, Master of Ceremonies
was born and raised in Welland, Ontario, Canada just a
short distance across the border from Niagara Falls and
Buffalo, New York. His award-winning broadcasting career
began with two consecutive awards for having the top
mark in radio class at college. In 1988, he became the
first person to win both national Canadian country music
awards for on-air personality of the air in the same year.
This year, he became the first recipient of JFK Lancer’s
“Researcher of the Month” award. Owen’s research into
the JFK assassination began at age eleven. In 1970, while
researching a school project, he began reading about the
assassination and hasn’t stopped since. His collection
includes over 350 books and unpublished manuscripts,
over 500 hours of video (including live coverage of the
assassination), hours of audio (including Dallas Police and
Air Force One radio transmissions), over 1,000 newspaper
and 800 magazine articles. Owen has served as a consultant
to the JFK Assassination Exhibit and Research Centre in
Niagara Falls, Ontario, and was a presenter at the 1993 JFK
Assassination Symposium in Sudbury, Ontario. He’s been
on the “Shirley” and “Larry King” talk show. Owen has
also made written contributions to “The Third Decade” and
“The Fourth Decade” journals and through several posts on
the JFK Lancer Forum website.
America” (Bloomsbury, 2009). “Family of Secrets” covers
the influence and activities of the Bush clan and their
allies in finance, military contracting, intelligence, and
oil over the course of nearly a century, and includes five
chapters with new material, heavily footnoted and backed
by documents and interviews, related to the assassination
of John F. Kennedy—all developed in response to the
question: why did George H.W. Bush say he was unable
to remember where he was on November 22, 1963? He
has written for the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, the Nation, the
New York Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice
and Esquire. He has also served as a contributing editor
to the Columbia Journalism Review. Baker received a
2005 Deadline Club award for his exclusive reporting on
George W. Bush’s military record. He is the founder of the
nonpartisan, nonprofit investigative news organization,
WhoWhatWhy, operating
Bob Cochran, Banquet and Dealey Plaza Prayer. Cochran
is based in Washington State and has been an avid JFK
enthusiast all of his life. An unusual turn of events put Bob
in New Orleans, Louisiana during the JFK assassination
and witnessed firsthand the hate for JFK prevalent in that
city. Bob also lived in New Orleans in the 1970s where he
attended Warren Eastin Senior High School that was the
same school Lee Harvey Oswald attended. He is now a
collector of JFK and conspiracy oriented items, especially
first-hand items of JFK, Jack Ruby, and Lee Harvey
Abraham Bolden was a young African American Secret
Service agent in Chicago when he was asked by John F.
Kennedy himself to join the White House Secret Service
detail. For Bolden, it was a dream come true—and an
encouraging sign of the charismatic president’s vision
for a new America. Both prior to and following JFK’s
assassination, Bolden sought to expose and address the
inappropriate behavior and negligence of these agents,
only to find himself the victim of a sinister conspiracy that
resulted in his conviction and imprisonment on a trumpedup bribery charge. A gripping memoir substantiated by
recently declassified government documents, “The Echo
from Dealey Plaza” is the story of the terrible price paid
by one man for his commitment to truth and justice, as
well as a shocking new perspective on the circumstances
surrounding the death of a beloved president.
Peggy Codella, Banquet Speaker. TOPIC: Her brother was
Kennedy collector, Robert L. White, who was a friend of
Evelyn Lincoln. Robert, whose assemblage of John F. Kennedy
memorabilia grew to be regarded as one of the largest and most
significant private collections of the late President’s effects.
White was a teenager in the 1960s when he began collecting
items related to the 35th president. He continued collecting
after the 1963 assassination, and eventually was helped by
some Kennedy relatives and former Cabinet members. He
passed away in 2003 and his sister would like to keep his
memory and admiration for JFK alive.
Russ Baker is an award-winning investigative reporter
with a track record for making sense of complex and
little understood matters. He is the author of “Family of
Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, the Powerful Forces That Put It
in the White House, and What Their Influence Means for
Joseph Backes is a highly recognized expert on the JFK
Act and the ARRB from Albany, New York and a private
researcher into the case. Joe was awarded the “Legacy
Award” from JFK Lancer in 1998 and now has a new blog,
TOPIC: The State Department’s move that affected hundreds
and hundreds of CIA personnel.
Michael Cain is the author of “The Tangled Web” (Skyhorse
Publishing 2007), a biography of his half-brother Richard
Cain, a Chicago cop, CIA contractor, FBI informant, and
member of organized crime. Michael’s research for the
book brought him to the JFK research community fifteen
years ago when Richard was accused of assassinating John
F. Kennedy. A former software developer, Michael is now a
full-time writer living near Atlanta, GA.
TOPIC: Richard Cain
Jerry Dealey has been born and raised in Dallas as a
member of the Dealey family that Dealey Plaza was named
after and that owned the “Dallas Morning News.” Was in
school in Denver in fall of 1963, but returned every year
in the summer to live with his father. Is a Dallas historian,
and has authored a book on the history of Dallas, G.B.
Dealey, and Dealey Plaza “D in the Heart of Texas.” Is
a Docent at the Old Red Courthouse Museum, and the
Dallas Historical Society “Hall of State” in Fair Park. Also
gives tours of Dallas, and the assassination related sites.
Specializes in the history and politics of Dallas. An active
member and Moderator of the JFK Lancer Forum, where he
tries to assist in local information as much as possible.
TOPIC: The TSBD and Dealy Plaza - In Depth and Dallas
Police Procedures
James DiEugenio has written two books on the Kennedy
assassination. “Destiny Betrayed” (1992) was the first
positive reconsideration of the Jim Garrison investigation
in a generation. “The Assassinations” (2003, co-edited
with Lisa Pease) analyzed the murders of RFK, MLK, and
Malcolm X, but devoted most its pages to the newly released
ARRB documents in the JFK case. He and Lisa also edited
the journal “Probe” (1993-2000) which focused on the
releases of the ARRB and new developments in the King
and RFK cases. Jim has an MA in Contemporary American
History from California State University Northridge. He
was asked by Oliver Stone to do a commentary track on
the expanded DVD version of his film “JFK.”
TOPIC: Reclaiming History Meets the New Hollywood, or
Did Forrest Gump Read a Book? Brian Edwards has been studying the JFK assassination since
1969 and from 1978-1997, he worked as a police officer
in Kansas. He received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree
in Criminal Justice from Washburn University in Topeka,
Kansas. From 1996 to 2005, served as an adjunct instructor
for the criminal justice department, with Washburn
University, and taught a variety of law enforcement-related
courses. Edwards has lectured on the JFK assassination
throughout the Midwest, including the University of
Kansas Law School, Washburn University School of Law,
Johnson County Community College, and the Alf Landon
Lecture Series at Kansas State University. He has served
as an adjunct instructor at Friend’s University in Wichita,
Kansas; Ottawa University in Overland Park, Kansas,
and Washburn University in Topeka, Kansas. Edwards is
co-director of Project JFK/CSI Dallas, a student-oriented
historical experience. For the past 20 years, Edwards and
Casey Quinlan have sponsored student trips to Dallas to
study the assassination. Co-Author of the book, “Beyond
The Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of Ed Hoffman
and the Murder of President Kennedy.”
TOPIC: Officer J.D. Tippit
Sherry Fiester In 1993 Fiester, a Certified Senior Crime
Scene Investigator and Court recognized expert, begin
to apply her professional expertise to the Kennedy
Assassination. By using the same Bloodstain Pattern
Analysis and Trajectory Analysis techniques she”s used
in court for over 20 years, Sherry answers basic questions
concerning the Kennedy assassination. The result has been
several NID presentations with new information concerning
the fatal headshot, while including blood spatter and
trajectory analysis from previous presentations. Fiester has
testified as an expert in crime scene reconstruction and
bloodstain pattern analysis in over 30 judicial districts
in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Florida. Her
publications include “Bloodstain Pattern Identification and
Documentation: a Workbook for Analyst,” 1990, “Blood
Evidence; What Does the Blood Tell Us?,” JFK Lancer
Publications, 1997; and “Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and
the Kennedy Assassination,” The Echo, England, 2002.
In 2003, Fiester was presented with the Mary Ferrell JFK Lancer New Frontier Award in appreciation for her
contributions of new evidence and furthering the study of
the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
TOPIC: Reading from “The Door of Memory: Aubrey Rike
and the Assassination of President Kennedy,” by Aubrey
Rike with Colin McSween
Ian Griggs Griggs’s interest in the Kennedy assassination
goes back to the day it happened and he has been studying
it seriously for the past 37 years. He is a frequent visitor to
Dallas and has presented research papers and moderated
panels regularly at the Assassination Symposium on
President Kennedy (ASK), the Coalition of Political
Assassinations (COPA), and JFK Lancer’s November In
Dallas Conference since 1994. Griggs has published work
in “The Fourth Decade” and “Assassination Chronicles”
research publications. He is very proud to be a founder
member and recently elected Life Member of the UK
research group Dealey Plaza UK, which celebrates its 16th
anniversary this year. Griggs’ research articles have been
widely published on both sides of the Big Pond. He is the
proud recipient of a JFK Lancer Editor’s Award (1995) and
a JFK Lancer Frontier Award (1998). His first assassination
book, “No Case To Answer,” was published by JFK Lancer
in 2005. This features 27 essays and articles in which he
examines aspects of the assassination and cover-up through
the eyes if an English detective. He is due to follow this
with his definitive work on the Dallas Police Department
next year.
TOPIC: Finding the Rifle
Larry Hancock is a leading historian-researcher in the
JFK assassination. Co-author with Connie Kritzberg of
“November Patriots” and author of the acclaimed “Someone
Would Have Talked.” Hancock recently published a
study of the RFK assassination, “Incomplete Justice ” in
conjunction with the Mary Ferrell Foundation and will be
issuing a new edition of “Someone Would Have Talked” this
Spring, 2010. In 2000, Hancock received the prestigious
Mary Ferrell New Frontier Award for the contribution of
new evidence in the Kennedy assassination case. In 2001,
he was also awarded the Mary Ferrell Legacy Award.
TOPIC: A Mystery Death and A Small Clique in the CIA”
and “The Big Picture” Panel Discussion
Jim Marrs, a distinguished journalist and author of the “New
York Times” bestseller, “Crossfire-the Plot to Kill Kennedy”
and of best-selling books such as “Rule by Secrecy” and
his 2008 book, “The Rise of the Fourth Reich.” Mr. Marrs is
a fearless and gifted writer and researcher.
TOPIC: Loose Ends in Dallas (which will including a study
of Roscoe White) and “The Big Picture - Who Made It
Happen Panel Discussion
Dr. David Mantik, is a Radiation Oncologist at 21st Century
Oncology in Palm Desert, California and serves on a
speakers’ panel educating other physicians about the new
role of biological therapy when combined with radiation.
Prior to his present position, he worked for 15 years at
Eisenhower Hospital in Rancho Mirage, California, where
he served as Medical Director in Radiation Oncology, and
nine years at the Loma Linda University Medical Center,
where he specialized in prostate cancer and cancers of the
head and neck.After initially earning his PhD in Physics at
the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Mantik did a postdoctoral
fellowship at Stanford University and then joined the
physics faculty at Michigan. After a few years of telling his
students to go to medical school, he then took his own
advice and graduated from the University of Michigan
Medical School. He did his residency at the University
of Southern California. He is board certified in Radiation
Oncology and maintains a special interest in cancers of
the prostate and of the mouth and throat. Among his many
publications, he has been a major contributor to four
books on the medical evidence in the assassination of John
F. Kennedy.
TOPIC: Alteration of the President’s X-rays
Robert McClelland, M.D. is a 1954 graduate of The
University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Following
his internship at the University of Kansas Medical Center
and two years of military service in the Air Force in
Germany, he completed his residency in general surgery at
Parkland Memorial Hospital where he attended to President
John F. Kennedy in the Emergency room and also attended
Lee Oswald two days later. He then completed a one-year
fellowship in splanchnic hemodynamics with Dr. Fouad
Bashour, in the Department of Internal Medicine, at UT
Southwestern in Dallas. He was appointed to the faculty
of UT Southwestern Medical Center in 1962 and is the
first faculty member to hold the Alvin Baldwin Jr. Chair in
Surgery, an endowment designated for support of surgical
education. His primary interests lie in gastrointestinal
surgery and in postgraduate medical education. As
originator and editor of Audio-Journal Review General
Surgery and Selected Readings in General Surgery, his
influence as a medical educator extends beyond the
department into surgical training programs throughout the
Greg Parker is a former Australian Public Servant who
worked in Federal Social Security administration before
a stint with the Northern Territory Health Department’s
Environmental Health Unit working on a project looking
into remote Indigenous housing needs. He moved from that
into managing an employment agency and currently runs
a small family business in rural New South Wales. Greg
has been researching and writing about the assassination
since 2000 and his work has appeared in books by Joan
Mellen, George Michael Evica, Larry Hancock and Lamar
TOPIC: A False Defector Program To Russia (This material
will be presented by Stu Wexler)
Casey Quinlan was born and raised in Kansas City and has
been a high school teacher for over 32 years in Kansas.
Quinlan served in the United States Army with the 9th
Infantry as a medical corpsman during the Vietnam War.
He earned a Bachelor of Science in Education and a
Master’s degree in American History from Emporia State
University in Emporia, Kansas. He is co-director of Project
JFK/CSI Dallas, a student-oriented historical experience for
high school and college students. Quinlan has served as a
guest historian for the A&E network, the History Channel,
and for Oliver Stone’s movie, JFK. In 1995, Quinlan was
named the Outstanding Educator of the Year by JFK Lancer.
From 1997, Quinlan has served as an adjunct instructor at
Friends University in Wichita, Kansas; Ottawa University in
Overland Park, Kansas and Washburn University’s Criminal
Justice Department in Topeka, Kansas. Today, Quinlan
teaches American History at Basehor-Linwood High
School in Bonner Springs, Kansas. Co-Author of the new
book, “Beyond The Fence Line: The Eyewitness Account of
Ed Hoffman and the Murder of President Kennedy.”
TOPIC: Officer J.D. Tippit
John Sanders, is an award-winning screenwriter who has
spent the last year researching and writing an historical
mini-series about the life of mobster Johnny Rosselli.
A student of the JFK assassination since the early ‘70s,
John jumped at the chance to explore the life of this
well-respected “emissary to the underworld,” and began
to uncover new evidence regarding his role in Dallas.
Previously, John has been an international business
systems consultant, an industrial psychologist, a marketing
executive, and directed quality improvement efforts for the
California State University system.
TOPIC: “A new picture of John Roselli’s mob
Dr William Truels is a practicing general surgeon/wound
surgeon at Deaconess Hospital in Oklahoma City. In
1995 he published “Breach of Faith,” which summarizes
the various forces surrounding JFK at the time of his
assassination. Most recently, he has published “Quatrains
of Camelot,” an epic poem about the JFK assassination, but
which also incorporates philosophy, end of life issues, and
some mythology. He believes that the JFK assassination
is one of the major events in world history and will be
studied for centuries to come.
TOPIC: A three dimensional graphics program of Dealey
Lamar Waldron, received both undergraduate and graduate
degrees from Georgia State University. He lives in Atlanta
and is the author (with Thom Hartmann) of “Ultimate
Sacrifice.” Waldron’s groundbreaking research has been
cited in media outlets ranging from “Vanity Fair” and
“The New Republic” to the History Channel and “USA”
Today. His work has been acknowledged by authors such
as Anthony Summers and Gus Russo, historians like Dr.
John Newman and John H. Davis, and former goverment
investigators Gaeton Fonzi and FBI veteran William Turner.
The softcover publication of his most recent book, “Legacy
of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination” will
available in November 2009.
TOPIC: “The Big Picture - Who Made It Happen” Panel
Stu Wexler is a teacher of World History, AP Government
at Hightstown High School, Hightstown, NJ. He has been
a JFK assassination researcher for about fifteen years where
he has focused on the issues connected to the chemical
analysis of the ballistics material since 2000. Wexler
has spoken on the subject at JFK Lancer’s NID in 2005
and 2006, at the Wecht conference in 2003, and at the
AARC conference in 2004, three of those times opposite
Dr. Kenneth Rahn, NAA advocate, from the University of
Rhode Island. Wexler has collaborated with chemist Tom
Pinkston since approximately 2000 on the same subject
matter. Wexler’s other Kennedy interests focus on Oswald,
his background and associates leading up to November
22nd. Most recently he has also worked on both the Robert
Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. assassinations.
TOPICS: Two CIAs, and the Gene Wheaton Video, with
Anne Buttermer update
2009 JFK Lancer - Mary Ferrell Research Awards
Glynn Bybee, Teacher of the Year Scholarship Award
“Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope
and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.”
John Sanders, New Frontier Award
Greg Parker, New Frontier Award
“In appreciation for your contribution of new evidence and futhering
the study of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.”
Betty Windsor, Legacy Award
Presented in appreciation for your permanent additions to the record of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Dr. Robert McClelland, Mary Ferrell Pioneer Award
In appreciation for your dedication to the true history of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Robert White, Mary Ferrell Pioneer Award
In appreciation for your lifetime of devoted service to the memory of President John F. Kennedy.
The Echo from Dealey Plaza
From the first African American assigned to the presidential Secret Service detail comes a gripping and unforgettable true story of bravery and patriotism in the
face of bitter hatred and unthinkable corruption.
Abraham Bolden was a young African American Secret Service agent in Chicago when he was asked by John F. Kennedy
himself to join the White House Secret Service detail. For
Bolden, it was a dream come true—and an encouraging sign
of the charismatic president’s vision for a new America.
But the dream quickly turned sour when Bolden found himself regularly subjected to open hostility and blatant racism.
He was taunted, mocked, and disparaged but remained strong,
and he did not allow himself to become discouraged.
More of a concern was the White House team’s irresponsible
approach to security. While on his tour of presidential duty, Bolden
witnessed firsthand the White House agents’ long-rumored lax approach to their job. Drinking on
duty, abandoning key posts—this was not a team that appeared to take their responsibility to protect
the life of the president particularly seriously. Both prior to and following JFK’s assassination, Bolden sought to expose and address the inappropriate behavior and negligence of these agents, only to
find himself the victim of a sinister conspiracy that resulted in his conviction and imprisonment on
a trumped-up bribery charge.
A gripping memoir substantiated by recently declassified government documents, The Echo from
Dealey Plaza is the story of the terrible price paid by one man for his commitment to truth and justice, as well as a shocking new perspective on the circumstances surrounding the death of a beloved
The Echo from Dealey Plaza
The true story of the first African American on the White House Secret Service
detail and his quest for justice after the
assassination of JFK
Written by Abraham Bolden
* Format: Hardcover, 320 pages
* Price: $25.95
* ISBN: 978-0-307-38201-6 (0-30738201-X)
For Sale This Weekend By
JFK Lancer
Abraham Bolden with
His Wife
Abraham Bolden, 29, a suspended U.S. secret service
agent is shown with his wife
in corridor of the Federal
building here before he was
indicted. Bolden is charged
with offering to sell secret
government documents to
an underworld figure for $50,000. Bolden says he is being framed.
Image:© Bettmann/Corbis
Date photographed May 21, 1964
JFK Lancer
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications is a historical
research company founded in 1995 by Thomas A. Jones
and Debra J. Conway, joined now by Sherry G. Fiester
for research and administration. Larry Hancock is the
program chair for November In Dallas conferences.
JFK Lancer Productions & Publications works with the
largest, most
active groupHistorical
of JFK historical
Post Office Box 225803 Dallas, Texas 75222
and at the
had many of the most
respected of the researchers from around the world
The Dallas Dispatch News (Rare) Bonnie and Clyde
speak on
the assassination
and La.
on President
near Mt. Lebanon,
policies.verdict for killers.” Reprint of May 24,
1934 Price $8.00 includes shipping
JFK’s Secret Service Code name. Use
of this Ambush
formerly- secret
name represents our efforts to
The Real Story of Bonnie and Clyde - By
make JFK
and available
Ted Hinton - Hinton was a Dallas
to everyone.
Deputy Sheriff that knew Bonnie and Clyde
before they were wanted.
Ask About the Bus Tour!
Limited Availabilty
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
Historical & Sightseeing
*By Appointment*
*1 person or Small Group*
* Full Bus Charter Service*
*Step on Bus Guide Service*
Along with 5
other lawmen
stage the
JFK Lancer
to ambush/stakeout
the values ofin patriotism,
Price $18.85 includes
excellence, integrity, and dedication to the revealing
shipping and handling
of truth surrounding the assassination of President John
F. Kennedy
while promotingHISTORICAL
public understanding
most of my
good overview
what happened the Kennedy
of the Very
on that and
day in
and events
of that time.
f City Maralong
ved back to
was started
sold it and
g dream.
n local hisr the years,
hed various
istorical reand exhibcational and
d Belle
e Shirley
lle Starr)
includes shipping and handling
write for
your free
catalog on
to extend
a other
historical publications.
special thank you to the following:
Car Show & Exhibit
Stu Wexler and Randy Owen
Joey Granati and Cathy Stewart
Brian Edwards and Casey Quinan
Deborah Fagin
Bob Cochran
Ken Holmes
Mary Ferrell Foundation
Kevin Snelus & Adolphus Staff
Lightning Source
Hurrah Book
Store and Clyde Movie
Now you Last
can schedule
the Bonnie
the 1967
movie League
starring Warren
Cara car,
Clyde", for your
Rick Barton & Patricia D. Richards
events. This
Judy Whitley and Ms. Karla Not Pay" educational program or just for viewing and has a walk-in
Betty Windsor
trailer exhibit. Stories can be told and a video will be
running during this display. Call for pricing.
and our speakers and guests.
Custom designed tours to meet
your interests and time schedule.
!JFK Assassination Tour
!Dallas “Then and Now” Tour
!Bonnie & Clyde Tour
!Fort Worth (Cowtown) Tour
!Waco (Central Texas) Tour
!SouthFork Ranch Tour
(See inside for Details)
Member of
Dallas/Fort Worth Area Tour Guides Association
Dallas Historical Society
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Texas Home School Coalition
JFK Lancer Resource Catalog
Your purchase of these items helps fund the Mary Ferrell - JFK Lancer Scholarship Program
Kennedy Assassination Chronicles Journals
Back Issues in PDF on CDRom
NID special - $10 per year
Not all issues availalbe printed or CD.
Edward Lansdale’s Cold War
Jonathan Nashel
A cultural biography of a legendary Cold War figure
The man widely believed to have been the model for Alden Pyle in Graham Greene’s The
Quiet American, Edward G. Lansdale (1908–1987) was a Cold War celebrity. A former
advertising executive turned undercover CIA agent, he was credited during the 1950s
with almost single-handedly preventing a communist takeover of the Philippines and with
helping to install Ngo Dinh Diem as president of the American-backed government of
South Vietnam. Adding to his notoriety, during the Kennedy administration Lansdale was
put in charge of Operation Mongoose, the covert plot to overthrow the government of
Cuba’s Fidel Castro by assassination or other means.
In this book, Jonathan Nashel reexamines Lansdale’s role as an agent of American Cold War foreign policy and takes
into account both his actual activities and the myths that grew to surround him. In contrast to previous portraits, which
tend to depict Lansdale either as the incarnation of U.S. imperialist ambitions or as a farsighted patriot dedicated to
the spread of democracy abroad, Nashel offers a more complex and nuanced interpretation. This is the Lansdale who
would use any conceivable gimmick to serve U.S. aims, from rigging elections to sugaring communist gas tanks. Elsewhere, however, he seems genuinely respectful of the cultures he encounters, open to differences and new possibilities, and willing to tailor American interests to Third World needs.
Rather than attempting to reconcile these apparently contradictory images of Lansdale, Nashel explores the ways
in which they reflected a broader tension within the culture of Cold War America. The result is less a conventional
biography than an analysis of the world in which Lansdale operated and the particular historical forces that shaped
him—from the imperatives of anticommunist ideology and the assumptions of modernization theory to the techniques
of advertising and the insights of anthropology.
“Nashel is interested not so much in recounting Lansdale’s life and career as in writing what he calls a ‘cultural mythography,’ exploring Lansdale’s connection to American cold-war culture. . . .
New York Times Book Review
Sold by JFK Lancer for
the Scholarship fund.
Jonathan Nashel is associate professor of history at Indiana
University, South Bend.
304 pp., 20 illus.
$24.95 paper, ISBN 978-1-55849-464-0
November 2005
by William Law
In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence
comprises “conversations” with eight individuals who agreed to talk about
their experiences at the Bethesda Hospital in November 1963 and beyond.
The reader is the judge of these eyewitness accounts and their implications.
Dennis David Paul O’Connor James Jenkins
Jerrol Custer Saundra Spencer Harold Rydberg
Ex-FBI Special Agents James Sibert and Frances O’Neill
A retired English detective’s essays and articles on the
JFK Assassination: 1993-2005
By Ian Griggs
No Case To Answer is a major advance in dealing with the Kennedy
assassination. Ian Griggs research enumerates a variety of evidence and
people, resolving numerous issues in a clear and concise manner.
Special NID Price $20 with FREE DVD!
The Assassination of President John F. Kennedy
and the Conspiracy to Mislead History
By Larry Hancock
If they had privileged information concerning the most infamous murder
in modern history; talked with an unintentional slip, in a furtive intimate
exchange, or perhaps with a boastful remark about their personal
knowledge of a conspiracy in the murder of a President.
… And someone did.
Special NID Price $30 with FREE DVD!
Mary Ferrell Legacy Project
Before the internet searches there was Mary’s work...
About Mary Ferrell
Speeches 1994, 1996, 1997
Assassination Database
LHO Chronology
Documents include Souetre (French assassin), Dallas Police
Ditabelt, and the ARRB Final Report
DVD Rom-100 for $30
Your purchase of this disk helps sponsor the Mary Ferrell - JFK Lancer Scholarship Program
Doug Horne
Presentations and
Memos to the ARRB
In 1998, Doug Horne was the special guest speaker
at JFK Lancer’s Conference on the JFK assassination
where he donated copies of his memos for JFK to
distribute making them available for the first time. Now
these memos are made available paired with Horne’s
1998 NID presentations on DVD.(movie file)
DVD Rom-161 for $30.
First on the Scene: Interviews With
Parkland Doctors
by Brad Parker
A series of interviews and essays with the Dallas Parkland
Hospital doctors. Also testimony and interviews by the Warren
Commission, House Select Committee On Assassinations, and
the Assassination Records Review Board. SC, 218 pages.
CD Rom Includes: The entire book with all illustrations and
Dr. Ronald C. Jones’ presentation at JFK Lancer’s November In
Dallas Conference 2000. (Quicktime)
CD-162 for $10
Forensic Reconstruction
From Sherry G. Fiester
The DVD Includes:
Four PowerPoint Presentations
• Bloodspatter Analysis in the Kennedy Murder: Proving a Frontal
• Trajectory Analysis of Kennedy’s Fatal Head Wound
• Crime Scene Investigation: 1963 Protocols
• Trajectory Analysis in the Tippit Shooting
Copies of Previous Publications:
• “Blood Evidence; What Does the Blood Tell Us?” JFK Lancer Publications, 1997
• “Bloodstain Pattern Analysis and the Kennedy Assassination” The Echo, England, 2002
CD - 205 for $30.00
Lynn Mangan
RFK Assassination Research
The Most Trusted and Chief Researcher For Sirhan Sirhan
Lynn Mangan’s Report, with Sirhan’s late older brother Adel,
is a culmination of a four-year long examination and review of
hundreds of evidentiary records that are housed in the California
State Archives in Sacramento, California. The Report also includes
the complete autopsy report done on Senator Kennedy, by then
Los Angeles County Chief Medical Examiner-Coroner, Thomas T.
Noguchi, M.D., as well as excerpted transcripts of crucial testimony
given during Sirhan’s trial from January 7, 1969 to April 17, 1969.
* Lynn Mangan’s RFK Assassination Evidence Report * Evidence Photos
* LAPD Witness List
* Draft Autopsy Report
* LAPD Case Prep
* LAPD Evidence and Lab Book
* RFK-FBI Report Booklets
* Sherry Gutierrez’s article on Methods Of Firearms Examination
* 1994 visit to the California State Archives. (movie file)
* 1998 interview featuring Larry Teeter, Rose Lynn Mangan
and Adel Sirhan, Los Angeles community access cable TV show,
“Over the Shoulder,” with Glen Lynch. This program was sponsored by JFK Lancer. (audio file)
• Special Unit Senator composite film: “Senator Kennedy Assassination”, June 5, 1968. (movie file)
Purchase of this work benefits the JFK Lancer-Mary Ferrell
Scholarship Fund
DVD ROM - 206 for $25
by Joan Mellen
A biography of the former District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana from
his 1922 birth in Iowa and service in World War II - to his years confronting the
corrupt politics of Louisiana. Contains new information on the assassination of
President Kennedy and Lee Oswald.
This volume takes us to the moment in 1966 when Jim Garrison began to investigate
the Kennedy assassination.
Biographer Joan Mellen, author of “A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK’s Assassination, and the Case That
Should Have Changed History.”
JFK Lancer First Edition 2007
ISBN Number 978-0-9774657-2-9
Over 300 pages
Perfect bound 6”x9”
Special NID Price $22 with FREE DVD!
New Information in Foreword on the debrief of Lee Oswald.
by John Martino
Prior to his death in 1975, John Martino became the “Someone Who Talked.”
from the Prologue by Edward Martino
“I Was Castro’s Prisoner” is historically significant book that in 1963 was a media
sensation in conservative political circles. Martino’s attention was focused on
his exile companions and the elimination of Fidel Castro—any related political
consequences would have been of little concern. Martino’s attitude, aims and
commitments grew from his “I Was Castro’s Prisoner” experience. You will not
find the details of what Martino did in 1963 in “I Was Castro’s Prisoner”—what
you will find, is the reason why Martino acted as he did.
from the Foreword by Larry Hancock
(Originally printed in 1963, reprinted by JFK Lancer 2008.)
The Mary Ferrell Foundation is devoted
to carrying on the legacy of Mary Ferrell,
whose integrity and fierce dedication to
truth is an inspiration to many.
find out more:
Secret Service Document Collection
• HSCA-FBI Secret Service Files, (Dallas motorcade agents’
interviews included)
• Richard Case Nagell Potential Threat File
• Chicago Threat File
• WC Drinking Involving the SS Agents
• SS Chief Rowley WC Testimony
• SS WC Report
ALSO: Vincent Palamara Interviews and Archives: (Movie Files, some audio
only. 15 interviews) Special for NID only from JFK Lancer and Vincent Palamara $15.00
Now Out In Paperback!
“Shocking in its disclosures, elegantly crafted,
and faultlessly measured in its judgments, Family of Secrets is nothing less than a first historic
portrait in full of the Bush dynasty and the era
it shaped. From revelation to revelation, insight
to insight—from the Kennedy assassination to
Watergate to the oil and financial intrigues that
lie behind today’s headlines—this is a sweeping
drama of money and power, unseen forces, and
the emblematic triumph of a lineage that sowed
national tragedy. Russ Baker’s Family of Secrets
is sure to take its place as one of the most startling and influential works of American history
and journalism.”—Roger Morris, former
senior staff member, National Security Council, and author of Richard Milhous Nixon: The
Rise of an American Politician and Partners in Power: The
Clintons and Their America
$25.00 Russ Baker is an
award-winning investigative reporter and founder of He has writen for the
New Yorker, Vanity Fair, the Nation, the New York Times, the
Washington Post, the Village
Voice and Esquire.
Sold This Weekend by JFK Lancer
DEALEY PLAZA REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY: Sunday, November 22, 12 noon - 12:30 pm.
You must arrange your own transportation to and from the Plaza. Check with the Adolphus for shuttle service.
AWARDS BANQUET: Saturday, November 21th evening 7:00 pm. in the conference room.
Social time will be in the atrium at 6:00 pm before the doors open. You must show your
flag wrist band for entry.
Please inform Debra Conway if you have paid for but are not planning to attend the banquet.
By Casey J. Quinlan & Brian K. Edwards
Foreword by Jim Marrs
Ed Hoffman is a most important eyewitness in the murder of
President Kennedy. He should have been embraced for coming
forward but instead was crucified by the electronic and print
media. He is the only witness who can “speak” to the fundamental
events of November 22, 1963. The conspirators were hoping
that no one would see the activity behind the picket fence, but
someone did. The irony is that the only eyewitness
to their activity that afternoon has a hearing
Sold this weekend to
benefit Project JFK/CSI
The Door of Memory: Aubrey Rike and the
Assassination of President Kennedy
by Aubrey Rike
with Colin McSween
Tribute by David Lifton
While in Trauma Room 1, Aubrey Rike found
himself at the center of an unequaled time
in history as he assumed the impromptu
undertaking of providing assistance to First
Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and President
Kennedy. Aubrey shares heartbreaking
moments in time that became forever ingrained in his memory, one that
came as an opportunity to offer kindness and caring to a slain President
and his grieving widow. Now, he has opened that door of memory and
asked us to step through.
Special NID Price $22 with FREE DVD!

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