Oktoberfest war wunderbar!!


Oktoberfest war wunderbar!!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community
Ladies’ Auxilliary Gründungsfest
Main Hall
The Golden Keys
Christmas Lunch
Main Hall
New Year’s Eve
The Golden Keys
Ok war
Für die Inhalte der aktuellen
Anschrift der Redaktion
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1
Peter Speckner
Graphische Gestaltung
Catherine Thompson
Please forward all newsletter
submissions to:
Wera Dennis
Telephone (519) 894-6695 or
November 2009
Bericht des Präsidenten
Am 30. September und 1. Oktober haben die Frauen
unseres Klubs sich Zeit genommen, sich im Klub getroffen und 2250 Kohlrouladen gemacht. Nach dieser
Leistung war das Oktoberfest nicht mehr weit und wir
waren vorbereitet. Ein großes Dankeschön geht an die
Frauen von mir und dem Klub. Eure Hilfe wurde gebraucht und geschätzt.
Am 2. Oktober haben Betty und ich, sowie Katie Harvey,
unsere Miss Schwaben, an der Oktoberfest-Gala und
der Krönung der Miss Oktoberfest 2009 teilgenommen.
Die neue Miss Oktoberfest ist Jessica Wulff. Eine einheimische junge Frau aus Mannheim.
Am 3. Oktober haben wir unseren Klub für das
Oktoberfest vorbereitet und auch hier möchte ich mich
recht herzlich bei all denen die mitgeholfen haben bedanken. Es war schön so viele junge und neue Gesichter
zu sehen.
Am 7. Oktober, Monica, Neil, Kirk und ich fuhren zum
Flugplatz um die „Schwaben 6“ Band aus Deutschland
abzuholen. Heffner Motors stellte uns 2 Kleinbusse zur
Verfügung, damit wir sie abholen und auch wieder zurück
zum Flugplatz bringen konnten. Ich möchte mich nun
persönlich bei Heffner Motors für deren Großzügigkeit
bedanken. Wir haben dies sehr geschätzt.
Ich möchte mich auch bei unseren Gastfamilien bedanken, die uns großzügig mit der Unterbringung unserer
Gäste aus Deutschland ausgeholfen haben.
Wolfgang und Karin Kahnke
Michael und Karin Kahnke
Bill und Heidi Oliver
Catherine Thompson
Mit dem Essen vorbereitet, den Hallen dekoriert und den
Kappellen zum Spielen bereit, sind wir fertig zum Feiern.
Am 9. Oktober fing es an und was für ein Anfang –
den ganzen Tag hat es geregnet. Es regnete von einer
Anzapfung (keg tapping) zur anderen, alle waren gute
gelaunt, Kleider und Schuhe jedoch durchgenässt – wir
haben es überlebt.
Sonntag – „Family Day“ – es war sonnig und
so waren auch die Gesichter der Kinder, Eltern,
Großeltern und Freunde, die unsere Halle bis
zum Überlaufen füllten. Alle hatten eine gute
Zeit und vielen sagten, “see you next year“.
Vielen Dank an alle, die anwesend waren und
vor allem ein Dankeschön an alle, die bei den
Vorbereitungen mitgeholfen haben.
„Parade Day“ Montag – was für eine
Überraschung. Es war sehr kalt, aber geregnet hat es nicht. Ich möchte mich wiederum
bei allen, jung und alt, die wacker dem Wetter
stand hielten und im Umzug mitliefen, bedanken. Vielen Dank auch an Rick, Mike, Vanessa
und Magdalena, die von Anfang bis Ende Polka
tanzten. Ihr wart einfach großartig - dies muss
ein Weltrekord sein.
Unser Klub wurde gefragt am Dienstag, den 13.
Oktober das „German Pioneer Day Dinner“
auszurichten. Wir haben dies gerne gemacht und
haben unser Bestes getan und wie wir erfuhren,
waren alle zufrieden. Vielen Dank an alle die mitgeholfen haben. Im Namen des Schwabenklubs
möchte ich noch einmal allen, die die Pioneer’s“
Auszeichnung erhielten, gratulieren:
Paul Tuerr
Die Familie Huber
Bethel Church
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church – Cambridge
Am nächsten Abend feierten wir den OktoberfestMitgliederabend und wiederum hatten wir ein
volles Haus und wie ich sehen konnte, haben
sich alle bis zum Schluss sehr gut unterhalten.
Das letzte Wochenende war total ausverkauft
und wenn wir die ganze Besucherzahl betrachten, waren wir sicherlich beinahe jeden Abend
ausverkauft. Das war gut geleistete Arbeit und
ich bedanke mich bei allen die in irgendeiner
Weise mitgeholfen haben.
Ich möchte mich auch bei allen meinen
Freunden, den Präsidenten der deutschen Klubs,
mittels dieses Nachrichtenblattes für all deren
Gastfreundschaft und Kameradschaft, die wir
während des Oktoberfestes 2009 genossen haben, bedanken. „Prosit“.
Phil Neidert
President’s Report
On September 30 and October 1, ladies from
our Club gave of their time and met at our Club
and made 2250 cabbage rolls. With this preparation, we could now say Oktoberfest is near and
we were getting ready. Ladies, I thank you and
our Club thanks you very much. Your help is
needed and appreciated.
On October 2nd Betty and I and Katie Harvey,
our Miss Schwaben , attended the Oktoberfest
Gala and crowning of Miss Oktoberfest 2009.
The new Miss Oktoberfest is Jessica Wulff. A
local young lady living in Mannheim.
On October 3rd, we did our club “Set-Up” for
Oktoberfest and here, I want to again, express
my thanks to all those who came and helped. It
was great to see so many young and new faces.
On Oktober 7, Monica, Neil, Kirk and I, were
off to the Airport to pick up the ”Schwaben 6”
band from Germany. Heffner Motors had donated 2 vans for our use to make the “Pick-up”
and Return” trip home. I want to personally
thank Heffner Motors for this kind donation. It
is certainly appreciated.
I also want to thank our four host families who
have so graciously volunteered not only their
time but also their homes to house our guests
from Germany.
Wolfgang and Karin Kahnke
Michael and Karin Kahnke
Bill and Heidi Oliver
Catherine Thompson
To you folks. “THANK YOU VERY MUCH”.
With food prepared, halls decorated and bands
in place, we are now in the ready mode.
October 9th is “Kick Off ” and what a start for
the opening, all day rain. Rain from one “keg tapping” to the other, spirits stayed high, clothes and
shoes were getting wet, however, we managed.
Sunday – “Family Day” the sun was shining and
so were the many faces of the children, parents,
grandparents and friends that filled our hall to
capacity and finally to overflow. A great time
was had by all and many people said ‘see you
next year’. Thank you to all who came and especially to those who helped in the preparation.
Parade Day, Monday, what a surprise, it was def-
initely very cold, but no rain. I want to again
thank all those young and older that braved the
weather and marched in our parade, especially Rick, Mike, Vanessa and Magdalena, who
danced the polka from start to finish. You were
simply “Awesome” it must be a world record.
On Tuesday, October 13th, our club was asked
to host the German Pioneer Day Dinner at our
club. We were pleased to be asked and I think
we did our best and from what we were told, everyone was very satisfied. Thank you to all who
played a part. Let me once again, on behalf of
our Schwaben Club, congratulate the recipients
of the Pioneer’s awards:
Paul Tuerr The Huber Family Bethel Church
St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church – Cambridge
Members Night was next and again our hall was
filled to capacity. From what I could tell, everyone enjoyed themselves to the end.
The final weekend was a complete sell-out and
when we look back on the overall attendance, we
were certainly very close to capacity every night.
A job well done and I thank everyone who contributed in whatever capacity.
I want to also extend a thank you to all my
German Club Presidents “friends” via this
“Nachrichten” for all the hospitality and camaraderie that we so thoroughly enjoyed during
Oktoberfest 2009. “Prosit”.
Philip Neidert
Manager’s Report
“What’s Going On”:November 2009
Oktoberfest has come and gone for another year.
The professionalism of the entire staff was amazing and the great performances of the Golden
Keys and the Schwaben 6 guaranteed that our
customers had a great Oktoberfest experience at
the Schwaben Club. A great job everyone.
Next up on November 28th is the Abbamania/
BeeGees Dinner and Show. It will be an enjoyable evening out.
Christmas parties and New Year’s Eve are not
far off. See you at the Schwaben Club.
Don Egley
Geburtstage Für November
Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs,
die im Monat November Geburtstag feiern
Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im
neuen Lebensjahr.
Dennis, Wera
Resch, Elisabeth
Nuxoll, Joann
Kessler, Lydia
Kniess, Theresa
Pilz, Monica
Offak, Jennifer
Schnautigel, Peter
Wolf, Magdalena
Adam, Michael
Mueller, Philipp
Endres, Irmgard
Schmidt, John
Cook, Susan
Seiler, Ludwig
Feiler, Cory
Neuberger, Kathie
Jauch, Elfriede
Mensch, Otto
Roechner, Walter Ernst
Blum, Manfred
Gerber, Charlotte
Norlock, John
Schwarz, Elisabeth
Harvey, Mary
Becker, Gary
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Everyone had a good
time at Oktoberfest at the
Schwaben Club
The Schwaben 6 from Germany
Eric Offak of the Golden Keys
Oktoberfest 2009
Cathy Thompson and her guests,
Manfred and Chris
Kindergruppe after the Oktoberfest
Parade on Monday morning
The Schwaben Dancers taking a break
from their busy dancing schedule, to
pose for a picture with Onkel Hans
German Pioneers Day /09
Bill # 28 1999
proclaims the day after
Thanksgiving Day in each year as a German
Pioneer’s day. This Bill was introduced as a private members Bill by Mr. Wayne Wettlaufer.
MPP for Kitchener Centre at that time.
The Schwaben Club was host to this year’s annual German Pioneers Day dinner held on October
13, 2009. Our President, Phillip Neidert, welcomed all of the guests and introduced our
Committee. It was a very well-planned event and
it went very smoothly.
We had many guests who told us that the food
was finger-licking good and the atmosphere was
perfect. Thank you to the many helpers who made
this event a big success. And congratulations to
Rick, our cook, who did a wonderful job in preparing this special meal (an Oktoberfest special ).
There were many dignitaries from the federal
and provincial governments; also the Mayors
of Kitchener and Waterloo and the Regional
chair; the Presidents from the German clubs in
Kitchener-Waterloo, the Hansa Club, DKK,
Remembrance Society, DKK National, GermanCanadian Professional Business Association, the
Misses from the different German Clubs. And of
course, we cannot forget the most important people, the recipients of the German Pioneers Award.
The Huber Family, Paul Tuerr, Bethel Church,
and St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church.
Walter Marzinko
Pless, John
Passed away suddenly on Thursday, October
1, 2009 at the K-W Health Centre of Grand
River Hospital at the age of 82. Former
husband of Elfriede. Loving father of
Katharine, Elfie both of Markham and John
Jr. and his wife Camilla, of Sweden. Dear
Grandpa of Emilie and Christopher. Brother
in law of Kristina of Waterloo. He will be
missed by many nieces, nephews, cousins and
his special friend Irene.
Sertic, Helma
Born in Welimirowatz, Yugoslavia, passed
away peacefully at Sunnyside Home,
Kitchener on Saturday, October 10, 2009 at
the age of 74. Beloved wife of 53 years to
Anton “Tony”. Loving mother to Monica
Anstett of Kitchener and the late Edward
(1997). Cherished grandmother to Danny and
Billy. Dear sister of Adolf Stock (Minnie)
of Wellington, ON, Walter Stock (Hilda) of
Stouville, ON and Susan Stoter (Tony) of
Delta, BC. Helma will be remembered also by
many nieces, nephews and relatives in Austria,
Germany, Brazil and California.
Kraehling, Georg O.
Passed away peacefully, at Guelph General
Hospital, on Monday, October 19, 2009, at the
age of 73. Loving father of John Kraehling
(Sandy) of New York City, George Kraehling
(Mary) of Waterloo and Lisa Kraehling
(Steve Pelley) of Kitchener. He will be fondly
remembered by his grandchildren, Matthew,
Zachary, Laura and Tyler. Dear brother of
Anna Weiss of Roundtop, N.Y. and her late
husband Robert. Also survived by his nephew,
Robert Weiss of Roundtop, N.Y. Georg will be
sadly missed by his loving companion, Stephanie
Lehn and her children, Rosemarie Simon
(Lonny), Annemarie Lehn-Kurt (Jack) and her
grandchildren, Paul, Jessica and Jacklyn.
German Pioneers Day cont’d on page 7
Website: www.kitchenerschwabenclub.com / Link: Newsletters/Nachrichten / Click on the month you wish to view
Mueller, Anna
Passed away peacefully at her residence,
Sunnyside Home, Kitchener on Tuesday,
October 28, 2009. Mrs. Mueller was in her
96th year. She was a member of St. Mary’s
R.C. Church (German Congregation),
Schwaben Club and the Einigkeit Club.
Loving mother of Katie Becker and
Anna Kolaritsch both of Kitchener. Dear
grandmother of Gary (Donna), John
(Lea), Diane (Kevin), and Carole. Greatgrandmother of Nicole, Natalie, Carlton,
Emma, Adam, Taylor, and Nicolas.
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Call Cathy Thompson 519-569-7824
To add an item please contact the
Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send
an email to nachrichten@live.ca
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German Pioneers Day cont’d from page 6
There are now 2 ways to receive the Nachrichten.
1. It can be mailed to your home at a cost of $20.00
for 2010. Please call the office at 519-742-7979
to put your name and address on the mailing list.
2. Pick up the Nachrichten at the Schwaben Club at
a cost of $1.00 per issue.
We hope that our members will help the Club cover
the cost of this valuable newsletter.
Kindergruppe and
Oktoberfest ist wünderbar! And it was just that!
This year the children had a fantastic time during their many performances and chilly walk in
the Thanksgiving Day Parade. We performed
at Hubertushaus, Kitchener City Hall, Apline
Club, Schwaben Club and Sunnyside Nursing
Home. Their dancing improves with every performance. Congratulations to all dancers. You
made it through another busy Oktoberfest.
Our group is looking for more youth group members
(ages 8-15). Please let us know if you are interested
in joining.
Lisa Schaadt
Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe President
Schwaben Club
1668 King Street East
Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
N2G 2P1