Praesidentenbericht - the Schwaben Club!
Praesidentenbericht - the Schwaben Club!
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community November 2011 WICHTIGE DATEN 2011/2012 November 6 Schwaben Hall Film Nachmittag: Trapp Familie in Amerika November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys Decenber 4 Film Nachmittag: Single Bells Keller December 11 Christmas Luncheon Main Hall Various Groups December 14 German Christmas Show Schwaben Hall Raphael & Susanna, Zillertaler Edelweiß Trio Yasmine-Melanie, Der Blonde Hans December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball Main Hall 2012 Band – The Golden Keys January 8 Film Nachmittag: TBA January 21 Spaghetti Night Fundraiser February 5 Film Nachmittag: TBA February 11 Valentines Tribute Concert February 18 Gründungsfest Keller Main Hall Keller Schwaben Hall Neil Diamond/Tom Jones Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys Main Hall Duo Herzblatt, Edith Prock, Joseph Holzmann Die Sandler April TBA Landestrachtenfest - Windsor March 10 March 20 Schlachtfest German Spring Show Beginning in 2012, all members MUST pay their membership in full in order to receive Member’s discounted pricing on any events. For any memberships still unpaid by March 31st, a $5 Late Fee will be applied on April 1st. IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Praesidentenbericht Oktoberfest kam und ist nun vorbei, aber das Jahr 2011 wird mir besondere Erinnerungen bescheren. Es war mein erstes Oktoberfest als Klubpraesident, so ich besuchte viele Veranstaltungen zum ersten Mal. Die erste offizielle Veranstaltung war der Oktoberfest-Galaabend. Es war schoen, so viele junge Damen vom Ort zu sehen, die sich kandidatieren liessen. Unsere eigene Lena Adam hat sich auch beworben und hat den Klub stolz vertreten. Am naechsten Abend fanden wir uns beim Transylvania Klubs Vor-Oktoberfest-Veranstaltung. Die “stille” Versteigerung fuer diese Benefizveranstaltung erlaubte uns die Gelegenheit, viele nette Leute kennenzulernen, in dem wir alle gutmuetig gegeneinander boten. Nun waren wir fuer das bevorstehende Oktoberfest bestens gelaunt. Am Eroeffnungstag hatten Mary und ich viele 2 Termine einzuhalten, aber die Hoehepuenkte des ersten Oktoberfesttages waren die Eroeffnungszeremonien am Kitchener Rathaus, sowie das Fassanzapfen in den verschiedenen deutschen Vereinen. Oktoberfest traegt sehr zum finanziellen Erfolg aller Vereine bei, und es is immer wieder erstaunlich, so viele Leute in den Festhallen zu sehen. Die Golden Keys sind eine langjaehrige Tradition bei uns und wir bedanken uns bei ihnen fuer ihre Beitraege zu unserem Erfolg. Das Talent, die Begeisterung und Spass, die sie zum Tisch bringen ist unbestreitbar. Der Schwaben Club gilt als Nummer Eins unter den Festhallen. Wie in den vergangen Jahr hatten wir wieder eine Kapelle aus Deutschland bei uns zu Gast: die Schwaben 12. Direkt vom Muenchner Oktoberfest kam die Band mal wieder rueber, um Gaeste in der Schwabenhalle zu unterhalten. Ein grosser Dank geht an alle Gastgeber, die den Gaestem aus Deutschland Unterkunft fuer die zehn Tage geboten haben. Dieses Jahr haben Phil und Betty Neidert, sowie Cathy Thompson, ihr Bestes getan, die Bandmitglieder, ihre Gastfreundschaft zu uebermitteln. Ich moechte mich auch bei der Frauengruppe fuer ihren grossen Einsatz waehrend Oktoberfest bedanken. Ueber 3000 Krautwickeln wurden fuer das Fest zubereitet und am Familientag wurden auch leckere Torten, usw. verkauft. Allen freiwilligen Helfern und unserer Personnel sind auch zu danken. Um die Hallen jeden Tag zu reinigen und rechtzeitig fuer den naechsten Abend vorbereitet zu haben, verlangt viel Arbeit. Andere Klubmitglieder haben auch geholfen, sei es mit dem Festumzug, Aufstellung der Buden, usw. Recht schoenen Dank! Nach Oktoberfest besuchte ich die BitzerPreisverleihung im Alpenklub. Studenten von dieser Region wurden fuer ihre Deutschkenntnisse geehrt. Viele hiesige Firmen und Familien haben sich als Sponsoren fuer diese Veranstaltung gemeldet. Wir hoffen auf eine weitere Unterstuetzung in den kommenden Jahren. Neuerdings wurde eine Fernsehserie im Klub gefilmt, und zwar eine Episode der beliebten “Four Weddings’ Serie. Im Monat Januar soll man diese Episode im Fernsehen sehen koennen. In der November-Monatsversammlung wird die Jahreswahl von verschiedenen Vorstandsposten gehalten. Wir freuen uns auf Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen fuer diesen wichtigen Termin. Wir freuen uns auf die folgenden Veranstaltungen : Frauengruendungsfest, Weihnachtskonzert, und Sylvester. Karten sind schon erhaeltlich, so reservieren Sie sich einen Tisch so bald wie moeglich. Die letzten Wochen sind nur vom Regen und mehr Regen gepraegt. Hoffentlich haben Sie einige schoene Tage am Erntedankfestwochende genossen. Das war so schoen—die letzten warmen Sonnenstrahlen zu geniessen. Bis bald…. President’s Report Another Oktoberfest has come and gone but 2011 will have its own special memories for me. It was my first Oktoberfest as president of the club and so I was involved in a number of events for the first time. The first official event was the Miss Oktoberfest Gala Ball. It was nice to see so many young ladies from the immediate and surrounding areas involved in the event. Our own Lena Adams was a very worthy contestant and made us proud to have someone from our club vying for the title. The following evening we enjoyed ourselves at Transylvania’s pre-Oktoberfest event. The silent auction at this fund raiser event allowed us to meet and mingle while doing some good natured competitive bidding. This event along with the Gala got us into the Oktoberfest mood and ready for the opening of the festival the following weekend. Mary and I had a full day of scheduled events on the opening day but the highlights for us was the opening ceremonies at the Kitchener City Hall and the keg tappings at all the German Clubs. Oktoberfest is critical to all the club’s financial success and it was exciting to see the great attendance at each venue throughout the week. The Golden Keys have been with us for Oktoberfest for many years and we appreciate all they do to contribute to the success of the event. The talent, energy and fun they bring to their performance helps to make the Schwaben Club the premier destination for many Oktoberfest participants. Once again we also had a band from Germany in our Schwaben Hall. The Schwaben 12 entertained at the Munich Oktoberfest and then made their way to Kitchener where they kept the crowd hopping in the smaller hall. For three years members of our club have housed the band. This year Cathy Thompson and Phil and Betty Neidert opened up their homes again to the visiting band for 10 days. My thanks to them as well as others who have stepped up in the past to provide this service. I also want to thank our ladies auxiliary for all their hard work in support of Oktoberfest. The ladies made 3,000 delicious cabbage rolls and also provided the wonderful desserts at our Oktoberfest family day. My thanks also go out to all the volunteers and staff that worked so hard to prepare the hall for the festival and provide the clean up after the event. It is a large job with lots to do to get ready for the event and we could not hold this event without the support and hard work from these folks. We also have a number of club members who provide lots of time and effort in support of Oktoberfest at events, such as the parade and the Miss Oktoberfest Gala. I wish I could name and recognize each and everyone of these volunteers but I run the risk of missing someone. So please know your efforts are very much appreciated. I would call this year’s event a great success and we will provide further information at the next members meeting. Following Oktoberfest I attended the Bitzer Awards evening at the Alpine Club. It is wonderful to have an evening where we recognize local students that are excelling in the German language. Many local business and families sponsor the event which is great to see. I hope we will see the continued support of this important event. We had a little excitement when the reality show Four Weddings came to film a wedding at our club. We believe the show will air sometime in January so keep an eye out for it. Our November membership meeting will include elections for several board positions. If you have not been out to a meeting for a while it would be great to see you. Let’s have a full house at the next meeting. We are looking forward to the Ladies Anniversary, Christmas Show and New Years Eve Party to round off the year. Tickets sales are going well so make sure you buy your tickets soon so that you are not disappointed. Well it has been rain and more rain these past few weeks but hopefully you were able to capture some of that beautiful weather on the Thanksgiving weekend and you were able to enjoy the holiday basking in those final rays of summer-like sun. Hopefully I’ll see many of you at our November meeting and events. George Kraehling Jr. President Manager’s Report “What’s Going On” October sure was a busy month with Oktoberfest, followed by a T.V. show “the 4 weddings” being tape here for a wedding at the club the following weekend, and then two BIG Halloween parties the next week after that. Thank you to all the great staff here at the Schwaben club for a great job well done during this hectic time. It all could not of happen without the dedication of the entire staff. I’m very proud of them and I applaud their professionalism throughout the month and throughout the year. Great work everyone. Now we are coming into November and December, again two busy months to go to the end of this year. I remind you again to please get your tickets early for your favorite events coming up, especially New Years Eve. I have to get the food ordered in before Christmas so PLEASE purchase your New Years Eve tickets before Christmas, thank you Don Egley Manager NOV 6 Schwaben Hall Open: 2:00 pm Film: 2:30 pm $4.00 Coffee & Cake Available November Film Nachmittag 3 Geburtstage für November Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat November Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name 4 Geburtstag Doerner, Mona Herold, Glenn Dennis, Wera Resch, Elisabeth Nuxoll, Joann Kessler, Lydia Schiketantz, Ericha Kniess, Theresa Laws, Monica Hoffmann, Margaret Offak, Jennifer Schuster, Josef Adam, Michael Schmidt, John Cook, Susan Seiler, Ludwig Feiler, Cory Neuberger, Kathie Mensch, Otto Roechner, Walter Ernst Blum, Manfred Gerber, Charlotte Norlock, John Harvey, Mary Becker, Gary Kaehling, Lisa 02 02 05 06 06 07 07 08 08 08 10 11 12 16 18 19 20 23 25 26 26 26 26 29 29 29 Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe Twas the week of Oktoberfest, young Schwaben Club dancers were through out the town, polkaing from Conestoga Mall to Concordia as not to let their anticipated audiences down! As the Kindergruppe sought after a visit with Unkle Hans, the Jugendgruppe could not wait for the Alpine Club’s - “So you think you can Tanz”! From the parade march to their performance on Family Night, our little dancers made us all so proud. Family and friends showed their admiration as they clapped, whooted and hollered so loud. We are so thankful to all of our volunteer “parents extraordinaire”, you gave us your time – chauffeuring, fundraising and decorating the hall with a German flair! Now that “boot camp” is over, our little performers are on to the next task… asking everyone to please support our upcoming January Spaghetti Night! Upcoming Performances: November 12th – Sunnyside Nursing Home (1:30pm) November 19th – Frauengruppe’s Anniversary December 1st -- Christkindl Market Procession (5:30pm) Tara Willemsen Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe Secretary Congratulations on another successful Oktoberfest. Many thanks to all our dancers, parents/guardians, instructors and committee for making this year run smooth and enjoyable. A special thank you to our many pretzels volunteers: Janine Polski, Jennifer Stager, Debbie Bourne, Lea Becker, Helga Hill, Karen Braun, Kathy Beckett, Tina Hall, Penny Hanke, Carla Stachowski, Johanne Watchorn, and Melissa Gissing. A warm welcome to our new Kindergruppe Instructor, Sheri Thompson! Sheri brings with her many years of dance experience and an eagerness to teach! We sadly say goodbye to Katie Harvey and wish her all the best in her future endeavors with school and work. Thank you for all your time and gentle ways with our children, Katie! 2011/2012 Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe Committee Lisa Schaadt President Johanne Watchorn Vice President & Costume Director Kathy Becket Treasurer Tara Willemsen Secretary, Jugendgruppe Parent Representative Helga Hil Fundraising Coordinator & Performance Coordinator Lena Herold Event Coordinator, Jugendgruppe Parent Representative Lea Becker Kindergruppe Practice Volunteer, Kindergruppe Parent Representative Lisa Schaadt Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President Frauengruppe Well, Oktoberfest is over and everyone survived! I worked in the kitchen for 5 nights and saw, first hand, how hard everyone worked. The quality of food and the volume was very good. The Schwaben Club sure was a happening place! I would like to say Thank You to all our committee members and the volunteers for all their hard work! I also have a huge Thank You for all our ladies who made a donation and the ladies who did such wonderful baking for our fundraising bake sale. This was the most baking we have had in the 3 years that I have been involved. This goes such a long way in helping to keep us financially stable. November is the month when we need to think about our committees and the positions that need to be filled. After many, many years as president, Mary Hild is stepping down. As well Katie Geimer is also giving up her post after many years serving the Frauengruppe. We still have 2 positions open, secretary and treasurer. Could you take on one of those positions? And last I hope to see a great turn out for our 76th Grundungsfest on November 19. It will be another enjoyable evening among members and friends. Susan Cook 5 Frauengruppe Secretary presented by the Schwaben Club & Transylvania Club Wednesday December 14, 2011 Doors Open 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Show 8:00 pm Members - $39.95 + tax Member of either Schwaben or Transylvania Club Non-Members - $44.95 + tax 6 6 7 When the Monsters Come out to Play! 8 If you weren’t at the Schwaben Club on the Saturday night before Halloween, then you probably still have your wits about you. For those that were there, they had the opportunity to scare it up at the annual Halloween Dance. And it was a ghoulishly good time! Walking in, the simple decorations set the mood right away. Little monster mannequins hanging from the lights and walls reminded you that the bigger monsters were still coming. And the disco ball, the ultimate in dance paraphernalia, cast an eerie glow over the room, adding to the mystique. Even the creepy devil lady working behind the bar provided a light touch to our guests as they wet their whistle. The first major difference one would notice was the band. Unlike previous years, this year the party was led by the Barefoot Boogie Band. A group of veteran musicians with an ear for classic rock, they guided the party goers through plenty of foot tappin’, booty shakin’ tunes. And although some might miss the polkas of yesteryear, the guests that were present were more than We are hosting an open house in the Keller at the Schwaben Club on Sunday November 6 from 2-5pm. Best wishes only. happy to rock the night away. In the end, although attendance may have seemed a bit lower than last year, the mood was high, the costumes were outstanding, and the party was howling well past sundown (to the witching hour)! All in all, a great time was had by all. Peter Speckner Cultural Director Dezember Film Nachmittag Oh No! Single Bells it’s the Weihnachtender ganz normale Wahnsinn December 4, 2011 Schwaben Club Keller Doors Open: 2:00 pm Film Begins: 2:30 pm $4.00 Coffee & Cake Available KISS Me What is black, silver and flesh all over? The rock band KISS of course. And ‘Destroyer’ did an excellent job as the KISS tribute band last Friday. I attended even though I knew nothing about the band KISS other than the fact that they wear really strange outfits and makeup. Destroyer was KISS. They played both the hits and also took requests from the audience. The audience responded with cheers, table rapping and ovations. The Club offered roadhouse cuisine, chippers, fries, onion rings; delicious! As the evening had a Halloween theme, prizes were awarded to the 3 best costumes. KISS collectibles and a t-shirt were the reward for the best-dressed. It was a good evening; I feel that everyone enjoyed the sounds of KISS. Catherine Thompson Roving Reporter 9 You are invited December 10, 2011 40th birthday 7:00 pm celebration of Keller Shelley Speckner Schwaben Club Everyone Invited! to join the Greetings from the Schwaben 12 Extracted from an email received from the Schwaben 12: 10 We arrived safely back in Germany and are not as tired as on the first days back! It was really a great trip for us and we feel very close to you. Many thanks for your friendship and hospitality, especially to Cathy and Phil and Betty! We would like to extend special thanks to all members of Schwaben Club. Also special greetings to the Schwaben Dancers (nice T-shirts from nice ladies:-))) and Donau Dancers, the kitchen crew, “Golden Keys”, Melisssa, Don, Walter, Neil, Kirk...... Hopefully the Club was completely satisfied with our music and our members! Greetings and thank you from the members of the “Schwaben12”!!!!! Franz Seitz Manfred Heiss Piller, George Passed away at home surrounded by family on Monday, October 3, 2011, at the age of 80. Husband of Cecilia Piller for 51 years. Loving father of Rosemary Piller, Tony Piller and his wife Shelley and the late George John Piller (1994). Grandfather of Richard, Jennifer, Elysha, Brandon and Trevor. Brother of Rosalia Piller-Vogel. George will be missed by his nieces Erna Vogel and Helen Pokrajac of Houston, Texas and nephew Robert Habjanic (Diane) of Dubai and extended family in Austria. Transylvania Club DATES TO REMEMBER 2011/12 05. November 12. November 13. November 16. November 07. Dezember 18. December 21. Dezember 31. Dezember 14. Januar 2012 18. Januar 18. Januar 04. Februar Trachtenball – Aylmer Saxonia Club – 20:00 Uhr Schlachtfest – 18:30 Uhr Volkstrauertag – Remembrance Service – 14:30 Uhr Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine - 11:30 Uhr Frauenverein Ladies Christmas Dinner – 18:00 Uhr Weihnachtsfeier/Christmas Pageant – 14:00 Uhr Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine - 11:30 Uhr Silvester – New Year’s Eve – 17:00 Uhr Kameradschaftsabend – 18:30 Uhr Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine - 11:30 Uhr Frauenverein Jahreshauptversammlung/AGM – 19:00 Uhr Frauenball – 18:30 Uhr Deutschkanadischer Kongress/GermanCanadian Congress BOOKS FOR SALE 50 Thesen zur Vertreibung Alfred Maurice de Zayas $10.00 A Terrible Revenge Alfred Maurice de Zayas $9.50 Die Wermachtuntersuchungsstelle Alfred Maurice de Zayas $35.00 Gerechtigkeit schafft Frieden Alfred Maurice de Zayas $22.00 Nemesis at Potsdam Alfred Maurice de Zayas $24.95 Die Zerstörung deutscher Städte im Luftkrieg Bjorn Schumacher $27.25 Wernher von Braun Ernst Stuhlinger $36.90 Der Kult mit der Schuld Heinz Nawartil $13.60 Crimes and Mercies James Bacque $24.95 Dear Enemy James Bacque and Richard M. Muller $29.95 Die falsche Rolle mit Deutschland Josef A. Kofler $30.00 A taste for Paprika Laura Elise Taylor $19.95 Die Holocaust-Industrie Norman G. Finkelstein $13.60 Larenopfer Rainer Maria Rilke $15.00 Larenopfer (2nd Edition) Rainer Maria Rilke $25.00 Unvergessene Ereignisse und Begegnungen Walter F.E. Krueger $27.35 Other Losses James Bacque $30.00 If you are interested in ordering, please give us a call at (416) 642-0955, or send an email to Our books in the Heritage Room are available to all members. It is asked that the books remain in the building (they shouldn’t be taken home), but members are invited to come and read them on-site if interested. If a member wishes to take a book home for reading or research, please submit your written request to the Cultural Director’s mail slot in the office. 519-742-7979 11 12 Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1