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N Oktober 2015 achrichten For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community WICHTIGE DATEN 2015/16 Fish Fry Fridays Now With Schnitzel 5 PM TO 8 PM October 9 – 17 Oktoberfest October 30 Halloween Dance Donau Dancers November 1 Filmnachmittag Hansi Hinterseer November 15 Christmas Marketplace November 21 Frauen Gründungsfest (Ladies’ 80th Anniversary) December 6 Christmas Luncheon December 13 Filmnachmittag Stille Nacht December 18 German Christmas Show December 31 New Year’s Eve Celebration January 16, 2016 Kameradschaftsabend January 23, 2016 Miss Schwaben February 20, 2016 Gruendungsfest March 11, 2016 German Spring Show Bericht des Präsidenten Der Sommer geht zu Ende und der Herbst steht vor der Tür und damit kommen unsere Herbstfestlichkeiten. Zuerst kam unser „Kirchweihfest“ eines unserer farbenfrohen Feste auf das sich die meisten hier im Klub freuen. In diesem Jahr war es nicht anders. Alle Gruppen trugen dazu bei und unsere Frauengruppe übernahm die Führung bei den Vorbereitungen der Halle, der Tische und der Dekoration. Ein Dankeschön geht an Susan Cook und ihrem Komitee für die geleistete Arbeit. Ein Dankeschön geht auch an unsere Tanzgruppen. Ihr habt wunderschön getanzt und wir sind stolz auf euch. Das nächste wird unser Oktoberfest sein. Mir wurde mitgeteilt, dass beide Wochenende ausverkauft sind und wir hoffen, dass die Tage in der Mitte der Woche auch noch ausverkauft werden. Unsere Damen, mit Hilfe von einigen unseren Männern, haben ihre Aufgabe, unsere berühmten Kohlrouladen zu machen, wieder erfüllt. „DANKESCHÖN“ meine Damen und Herren für diese wichtige, gute geleistete Arbeit. Unser Club ist sehr glücklich und dankbar für eure Hilfe. Ich freue mich schon auf das Oktoberfest und freue mich besonders, euch alle, unsere Mitglieder, und viele Gäste hier in unserem Schwaben Club willkommen zu heißen. „Zicke, Zacke, Zicke, Zacke, Hoi, Hoi, Hoi“ President’s Report Summer is coming to an end and fall is fast approaching. With that come our fall festivities. First up was our “Kirchweihfest”, one of our most colourful and also our most looked forward to here at our club. This year was no different. All groups contributed with our “Ladies Auxiliary” taking the lead in preparation and hall and table setup and decorations. A thank you to Susan Cook and your committee for a job well done. Also a thank you to our dance groups. You danced beautifully and we are proud of you. Next up will be our “Oktoberfest”. I am advised that both weekends are sold out and we are hoping the mid-week days will also be sell outs. Our ladies, with the help of some of our men, have again finished their task of making our famous cabbage rolls. “THANK YOU” ladies and gentlemen for again doing this important task. Our club is very fortunate and appreciative for your help. I am looking forward to the actual Oktoberfest celebrations and I am most certainly looking forward to greeting you, our members, and may of our guests here at our Schwaben Club. “Zicke, Zacke, Zicke, Zacke, Hoi, Hoi, Hoi” Phil Neidert President 2 WHAT’S GOING ON Manager’s Report I’ve always thought that September is one of the best months of the year, and this year was no different. In September you can always count on great weather, and great business at the club. It is also a great lead in to Oktoberfest which again will be super busy. I hope you are going to take time to enjoy Oktoberfest to the fullest. November will feature the ladies 80th Anniversary dinner and dance. That’s fantastic when you think about it and the history that goes along with such a long time association. Congratulation Ladies! Also in November we will have another dinner and dance featuring a tribute to Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin with the Vegas North Orchestra. This will be a night you will enjoy and won’t want to miss. Tickets are now available in the office for this Amazing show on Saturday November 28th. Then comes December, “the most wonderful time of the year” need I say more. The club’s Christmas lunch and New Years Eve are always very popular events to attend. As you can see the remainder of this year is packed with lots to do here at the club. So until next time…. See You At The Schwaben Club. Don Egley Manager Frauengruppe Our Kirchweih was a great success! Thank You to all the ladies that helped with the hall set up and the making of the rosemary corsages. The straus was won by Joanne Holland and Ed Ries; may your rosemary prosper and grow! The second straus was presented to Katie Geimer for her faithful help to us. Please note, we have 3 positions coming open in our Frau committee. 2 nd treasurer, secretary, vice president. Please consider volunteering for any position. Oktoberfest Sunday Oct 11. We have our famous bake sale. We appreciate your baking goodies. Keep in mind Tuesday, Oct 13th, Pioneer Day at the Kitchener City Hall. The Schwaben Club is being honoured this year, and since it is Frauengruppe 80th Anniversary, it makes us “extra special” COME OUT and visit our display ! Joann Nuxoll 2nd treasurer, Frauengruppe 3 Geburtstage für November Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat November Geburtstag feiern. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name Geburtstag Feiler, Cory 02 Herold, Glenn 02 Kreitzer, Hilda 03 Dennis, Wera 05 Nuxoll, Joann 06 Jenkins, Wiltrud 07 Kessler, Lydia 07 Schiketantz, Ericha 07 Kniess, Theresa 08 Laws, Monica 08 Offak, Jennifer 10 Adam, Michael 12 Schmidt, John 16 Gurski, Barry 16 Cook, Susan 18 Johnson, Christie 19 Neuberger, Kathie 23 Mensch, Otto 25 Roechner, Walter Ernst 26 Blum, Manfred 26 Gerber, Charlotte 26 Becker, Gary 29 Kinder/Jugendgruppe Welcome back everyone after a break from dance over the summer. We got back into the swing of things pretty quickly this September, to get ready for Kirchweih. After only a few practices, our dancers fell back into the groove and made us proud that night. It was a great mix of dances and the dancers looked so bright and colourful with their flowers and ribbons. The Kindergruppe had us all smiling as they performed a few of their favourite dances. Then the Jugendgruppe had the crowd clapping along as we enjoyed some of their signature dances. There was also an additional performance by the Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe dancers that represented our group in California. All dancers had to learn the other group’s dances. It was quite the feat considering ages of the children. What a fun surprise to see the girls lift and spin the boys! Our groups are always growing and changing. Some dancers are not returning to our group this fall. Congratulations to Angele, as she moves on to become a member of the Schwaben dancers. As well, we want to wish Owen, Madison, Jessica, Jayne, Maddy, Evan, Jenna, Christopher, and Melanie all the best as they pursue other interests. We would like to welcome our newest dancer, Cordelia to the Kindergruppe. New members are always welcome, so if you know of any families who are interested please contact me at: Kathy Beckett President, Kindergruppe/Jugengruppe Membership and Benefits To all Members It is getting into the fall season and soon to think about renewing your membership and sick benefit fees. Oktoberfest is coming upon us - bring your friends to our club for Oktoberfest, introduce them to a great time and a wonderful bunch of people at our club. Hope to see many of you at Members night at Oktoberfest! Heidi Peller-Oliver Membership Director & Finance Secretary Donau Dancers Unfortunately with the passing of Rolf Eberl’s mother, Elisabeth, we were unable to attend Kirchweih. Our heartfelt condolences go out to him and his family. I heard it was a great evening and everyone performed wonderfully! We are getting ready for our performances around KW, Mississauga and of course, Oktoberfest! Don’t forget we have our Halloween Fundraiser – Friday October 30th – at 8 pm – come dressed for some wonderful prizes! Dirty Old Men, a great rock and roll band, will be entertaining everyone. Look forward to seeing you there! Helga Peller President, Donau Dancers Welcome to Our New Members Chad and Jennifer Nicholls William and Theresa Herzog Filmnachmittag November 1, 2015 4 Shelley Speckner 519-893-7008 December 13, 2015 Romano Klomp 5 DR. MICHAEL KAHNKE Family Dentistry 22 WATER ST. S SUITE 1 KITCHENER, ON N2G 4K4 Tel: (519) 576-4530 Providing Personalized Protection Since 1935 Insurance Risk Management Stevenson and Hunt Insurance Brokers Limited Marsland Centre, 100-20 Erb. St. W. Waterloo 800.265.5956 Personal Home & Car Insurance Commercial Insurance • Group Benefits & Pension Consulting • Financial Services 6 7 Kirchweih 10 11 12 13 Hanke, Dieter Passed away peacefully at Freeport Health Centre on Monday, October 5, 2015. Dieter was born in Schlesien, Germany on July 3, 1937. Husband of Judy for 55 years, father of Kirk (Penny), Opa to Erika. Brother of Herman Hanke (Christa), Waterloo, brotherin-law of Hannelore Funk (Wolfgang), Wally Auggenthaler and Horst (Corolla) Auggenthaler of Munich Germany. Lovingly remembered by his nephews. Weiss, Margit Passed away suddenly at Clair Hills Retirement Home on Tuesday, September 15, 2015, at the age of 84. Wife of Tony for 59 years. Mother of Rick and his wife Annemarie. “Baba” of Mark (Monique) and Nicole and great-grandmother of Jack. Sister of Barbara Schipper (Bud) and Renate Lehmann (Joe) Please have your Schwaben Club parking permit (sticker) displayed in the bottom corner of the windshield on the drivers side of your vehicle Parking permit stickers are available at the office, functions or monthly meetings. Let us know if you need more than one. Should you receive a parking ticket, you will be required to pay it. SUPERIOR MEMORIALS For Unmatched Unmatched Quality For Quality& Craftsmanship & Price Experts in design since 1924 Let us design a personalized memorial for your loved ones 528 Victoria St. N., Kitchener (Beside Westons Bakery) (519) 745-6136 R001965361 SCHWABEN CLUB PARKING STICKERS 14 We’d like to meet your friends Refer a friend and both receive one month free Internet. When you refer your friends to us, you each receive one month free Internet service. Sharing with friends is fast and easy, and there's no limit to how many friends — or how many months — you can earn. Go to: Call us at: 519 -741-8167 or 1-877-638-3527 Not a Netflash Internet customer? Call now to get connected and you can start referring your friends! Official Internet provider for the Kitchener Schwaben Club QUYXM T Z F HU S X T O I O P A R A R YONA P DV T V X J UA F D RWA L F T S B R A S P D I T DUN E E B UND M J UK R UHY P X P Q GWV V B DMN MU E P S QHA T E WTML V T ONK E S C H N I T Z R G N E G N I E J YWDWO D E H I D E H C X R I C O B C N R J R D D DH H I B Q P N L T UA R K E H E Z V VM R KWZ O G U S O H R E D E HO S E N RM OH A KQ A B AD E I R F E S R G D T S I SWB Z A H O T R U D E L Y J WZ OK B U D F O A R L N L H A N S LM E S K J S V S R N H L P H T P N K B D J L E T O J R U E D A T P I N B J E T J O T E O M N P Q U G H X B H A I A U I G F A N Z EN E S QHE B E R VD E U K I A O UMAL U I J VU X B U P O A S Z I R D T H EM Y S E B L C R E RH J UWOH QWH TA T H C NL E R L MO P G Q CH H D WWN J J C BV F Y I GW I C S T C Oktoberfest OKTOBER HERBST SCHNITZEL SAUERKRAUT BIER WURST BROT ROULADEN TANZEN SINGEN POLKA PROST PARADE FASS DIRNDL LEDERHOSEN BUNDHOSEN TRACHT STRUDEL BREZEL ONKEL HANS TANTE FRIEDA 15 1250 Weber St E Kitchener N2A 4E1 Kitchener Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 IMPRESSUM: Fur die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please send all newsletter submissions to:
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