September 2011
September 2011
For the Kitchener Schwaben Club & Community September 2011 WICHTIGE DATEN 2011 September 10 Kirchweih Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys September 11 Film Nachmittag - Das Beste aus Keller dem Musikantenstadl September 23 Cooking Class - Cabbage Rolls Kitchen October1 Schwaben Hall Kidtoberfest Band – frankenfrieda October 2 Film Nachmittag - Mythos Wiesn October 7-15 Oktoberfest All Halls Bands – The Golden Keys & Schwaben 12 October 28 KISS Tribute Show: The Destroyers October 29 Halloween Dance November 6 Film Nachmittag Schwaben Hall Schwaben Hall Schwaben Hall Band – The Barefoot Boogie Band November 19 Frauen Gründungsfest Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys December 11 Christmas Luncheon Main Hall Various Groups December 14 German Christmas Show Main Hall Raphael & Susanna, Zillertaler Edelweiß Trio Yasmine-Melanie, Der Blonde Hans December 31 New Year’s Eve Ball Main Hall Band – The Golden Keys Goundskeeper Wanted! The Schwaben Club is looking to hire a part-time contract groundskeeper. Duties would include mulching, grass cutting, edging, watering, weeding gardens and around property, and general garden maintenance. Compensation negotiable. Please drop off resume in the office. Only parties of interest will be contacted for an interview. IMPRESSUM Für die Inhalte der aktuellen Druckausgabe: Anschrift der Redaktion Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1 Telefon 519-742-7979 Hauptredakteur Peter Speckner Graphische Gestaltung Catherine Thompson Please forward all newsletter submissions to: Praesidentenbericht Am Labour-Day-Wochenende machen wir uns auf dem Wege nach Mansfield, Ohio, um Teilnahme am grossen Tag der Donauschwaben zu nehmen. Es soll eine grossartige Veranstaltung fuer alle Anwesenden sein. Als ich diese Zeilen schrieb war der Bus schon voll, mit vielen Mitgliedern im eigenen Auto unterwegs. Mit ueber 90 Personen aus Kitchener soll das Wochenende von viel Spass gepraegt sein. In einem Augenzwinkern wird es Oktoberfest sein! Es freut uns sehr, dass unsere Oktoberfestkarten sich gut verkaufen lassen, so bitte nicht zu lange warten, wenn Sie noch Karten brauchen, da Enttaeuschung vorprogrammiert waere! Am 1. Oktober wird das erste Kidtoberfest bei uns veranstaltet. Dieser Nachmittag verspricht Tanzen, Spiele und lebhafte Unterhaltung fuer klein und gross. Bringen Sie ihre Kinder und Enkelkinder 2 heraus und geniessen die Gemuetlichkeit. Hallenvermietungen fuer Hochzeiten, usw. waren sehr gut in diesem Sommer. Unsere Raeumlichkeiten finden immer mehr Gebrauch, was gut ist, da wir uns staendig um Reparturen und Verbesserungen rund um den Klub kuemmern muessen. In der Kellerstube wird immer noch gearbeitet. Einen Dank geht an die Kartenspieler fuer ihren Geduld. Wir wollen diesen Nebenraum zur Klubbar ein bisschen freuendlicher gestalten, damit unsere Mitglieder einen gemuetlichen Ort zur Verfuegung haben. Eine Klimaanlage auf der Schwabenhalle muss auch leider ersetzt werden. Wie Sie sehen, fallen im Klub immer wieder neue Unkosten an. Karten fuer das “Alle Jahre Wieder” Weihnachtskonzert am 14. Dezember verkaufen sich auch sehr gut. Kaufen Sie Ihre Karten vorzeitig! Beigelegt mit diesem Nachrichtenblatt sind Informationen ueber die Reise nach Brasilien in Januar zur 60. Jahresfeier. Wie schon in anderen Nachrichtenblaettern erwaehnt, stellt diese Reise eine gute Gelegenheit dar, die donauschwaebische Gemeinde in Brasilien zur ihrer 60. Jahresfeier kennenzulernen. Bitte, die Infos durchlesen und denken Sie ernsthaft daran mitzumachen! President’s Report The coming Labour Day weekend we are off to Mansfield Ohio.The Tag Der DonauSchwaben in Mansfield is sure to be a great event for our club members. At this writing we have a full bus load and many more members driving. WIth approximately 90 plus people attending from Kitchener it is sure to be a fun weekend. Within a blink of an eye it will be Oktoberfest. We are pleased that our Oktoberfest ticket sales are on track but anyone needing tickets better not wait any longer or you may be disappointed. So be sure and get your tickets soon. This year we are also hosting Kidtoberfest on October 1st. This will be a fun afternoon filled with lively entertainment, dancing and games. So bring your children or grandchildren and their friends to what is sure to be a great way to get into the Gemutlichkeit spirit. Hall rentals at the club for weddings and functions have been very good this summer. We have seen more usage this summer than the first four months of the year. Always good news considering the usual on-going maintenance expenses we incur. This summer we have continued to work on improving the Keller room and we appreciate the card players’ patience. We are striving to make the room more friendly and a place our members will want to use more often. We are also looking at replacing another roof top air conditioning unit for the Schwaben Hall. There is always some repair or improvement on the go at the club. We are also seeing some solid ticket sales for the Alle Jahre wieder Christmas Show on Wednesday December 14th, 2011. To avoid disappointment be sure to get your tickets soon. This month we have included information about the Brazil trip in the Nachrichten. As I have mentioned in previous newsletters this is an opportunity to visit a Donauschwaben community in Brazil and help their club celebrate their 60th anniversary. So be sure and check out this information and give some serious thought to joining us on what is sure to be a memorable trip. George Kraehling Jr. President Manager’s Report “What’s Going On” Summer was very hot and so was ticket sales for Oktoberfest. Some nights are already sold out and the others have limited tickets left. I would recommend you don’t delay and get your tickets. We have many great events scheduled for the rest of this year, plan early and get your tickets so you don’t miss out, as these events are and will be popular. Also the way that Christmas and New Years Eve falls this year all food order for New Years Eve will need to be placed before Christmas. I will be ordering all food and liquor needs by Thursday December 22nd, so if you are planning on attending the New Years Eve Dinner and Dance this year PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE purchase your tickets by December 21st. I’m looking forward to a busy end of the year and look forward to seeing everyone at many of the special events scheduled here at the Schwaben Club. Remember, plan ahead and get your tickets early. Should make for an exciting and fun few months and end of the year. See you soon…………… Don Egley Manager The Family of Elisabeth Resch invite you to join us to celebrate her 85th Birthday. We are hosting an open house i n t he K eller at t he Schwaben Club on Sunday N ovember 6 from 2-5pm. Best wishes only. Geburtstage für September Allen Mitgliedern des Kitchener Schwabenklubs, die im Monat September Geburtstag feiern Herzlichen Glückwunsch und das Beste im neuen Lebensjahr. Name Geburtstag Becker, Katharina Zeitler, Josef Weiland, Christina Hanke, Judy Schiketantz, Elizabeth Foster, Anne Boehnke, Willy Petkovic, Anna Schaman, Maria Langlois, Irene Ehrenberg, Ingeborg Kiefer, Frank Kahnke, Karin Cook, Robert Krech, Karl Willyung, Frank Kretschmann, Kathy Clausing, Darlene Bischoff, Franz Gaysek, Stan Adam, Joseph Mammen, Siegfried Haas, Guenther Hanke, Penny Endresz, Michael Sr. Schick, Anton Wirtz, William 01 07 07 09 09 10 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 16 17 17 19 20 21 21 21 22 23 24 29 29 29 Neidenbach, John At the Sunnyside Nursing Home, Kitchener on Saturday, July 30, 2011, at the age of 91 years. Beloved husband of Barbara (nee Fackelmann). Loving father of Mary Ann Schwarz (Wilchelm), Herold (Beth) and Tim (Barbi). Cherished grandfather of Adrienne Joosse (Eric), Katrina Matthew (Kyle), Tanja Schwarz (Rory Hall), Conan Schwarz (Katherine), Jason Neidenbach, Coralene Loewen (Christopher) and Paul Neidenbach. Great-grandfather of Mckenna, Katelynn and Noah Joosse, Emma and Evan Matthew. Dear brother of Anna Schustereit . 3 Frauengruppe 4 Greetings everyone! Fall is here! Where has the summer gone? Now that we are into September, our first meeting is on the 7th. Then right away on September the 10th is our Kirchweih Evening. That is always such a lovely evening and I hope to see everyone there. Are your rosemary plants getting tall? We will discuss when we will make the strausses at our meeting. It is usually the day before the event but if you need more info and can’t attend the meeting, but would like to help, then call the office and we will leave the info there. We can always use as much help as possible to make the time shorter for those of us who are able to come out. A reminder also, that we need raffle prizes for the event. We also need to think ahead about making cabbage rolls. We will be doing that also in September. I think that covers everything for now. And now I am off to the Schnitzengiggle in support of the Schwaben Dancers. It is always an enjoyable evening. See you at the meeting Susan Cook Frauengruppe Secretary SEPTEMBER FILM NACHMITTAG SEPTEMBER 11, 2011 SCHWABEN CLUB KELLER DOORS OPEN 2:00 PM FILM BEGINS 2:30 PM Admission $4.00 Coffee & Cake Available Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe Welcome back dancers! After a nice summer break our dancers first practice back was August 25th. We welcome Katie Harvey as our new Kindergruppe Instructor and welcome back Brandy Chapman and Kirk Hanke as our Jugendgruppe Instructors. We have a busy couple of months ahead with Oktoberfest soon to be here. This month we are off to Mansfield, OH where both our Kindergruppe and Jugendgruppe will perform. We look forward to seeing everyone at Kirchweih and our newest event Kidtoberfest! Our Jugendgruppe is in the midst of collecting older Schwaben Dancers green dirndl’s to use as a second outfit. If you still have yours and would be willing to donate it to our Jugendgruppe, please contact Lisa Schaadt at NEW DANCERS WELCOME! KINDERGRUPPE ages 4-9 JUGENDGRUPPE ages 9-15 Practice: Thursdays at 6:30pm Lisa Schaadt Kindergruppe/Jugendgruppe President Und … Trinken! Those are the magic words from host David Borch that started every event in the Schwaben Dancers’ 3rd Annual Schnitzengiggle. They also inspired the crowd to cheer and jeer their favourite teams at the annual fundraiser celebrated at the Schwaben Club. The evening started with the sounds of the Golden Keys, raising the energy level of the room in anticipation of the beginning of the tournament. The opening ceremonies consisted of a parade of all the teams, and then a special performance from the Schwaben Dancers of their brand new Bierstein Marsch. Nothing could be more appropriate to start a drinking competition than a dance about what else … drinking! And this year, there were twice as many teams as last year, with the following countries/states being represented: Germany, Canada, Hawaii, Japan, Scotland, Hungary, Netherlands, and returning champs – Sweden. With tables being setup for the first two events, Flip Cup and Beer Pong, the competition began. At times the crowd could be deafening as they cheered for their favourites. And after each team had completed two matches in each event, points were tallied to see who would move on. At 4-0, Japan was the surprise leader. At 3-1, we had Hungary and Hawaii tied. Those teams were given a bye into the semi-finals for their successes. The other five teams, with scores of 2-2 or worse, were relegated to competing in the third event for their survival – Musical Beer Chairs. A new event this year, Musical Beer Chairs. All competitors must carry a full drink while walking around the chairs, and when the music stopped, must first drink their glass empty to earn the right to sit down. And the two fastest in the room were from Sweden and the Netherlands. Sweden advanced to the semis. The semi-finals consisted of the Beer-Lay Race – a four-round obstacle course to be finished as quickly as possible. Japan took the early lead, breezing through the Hula Chug and the Baseball Bat Chug. But they stumbled enough in the third round, Hula Lasso, to give Sweden the chance to not only catch up, but take the lead. Had Japan not dropped their tray of drinks at the end of the fourth round, Stack & Serve, it would have been a much closer match. Sweden was onto the finals. The other semi-final race pitted Hungary against Hawaii. Both teams were fairly close through the first two rounds, but it was the Hula Lasso that made the difference. Hungary got stuck in that round, giving Hawaii the chance to finish the last round at a relaxed pace, ensuring their victory. Hawaii was onto the finals. The final event was of course, Das Boot. Four glasses per team, first team to drink them all wins. When the starting phrase was bellowed, it was unfortunately obvious right away that Hawaii’s chugging ability was not quite as good as Sweden’s. In the end, it was a third victory for Team Sweden. We thank the Schwaben Dancers for a great tournament, and look forward to next year’s. Hopefully someone will finally dethrone Sweden and take home the “Boots” for themselves! Peter Speckner Cultural Director 5 presented by the Schwaben Club & Transylvania Club Wednesday December 14, 2011 Doors Open 5:30 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Show 8:00 pm Members - $39.95 + tax Member of either Schwaben or Transylvania Club Non-Members - $44.95 + tax Jade & Nick’s Shower 6 6 KID t s e f r e b to 11:00 am to 5:00 pm $5 General Admission 3 & Under Free Music by “frankenfrieda” Yodeling Contest Pretzel-eating Contest Chicken Dance Competition and much more!!! Food and Beverages Available For more information: Search “Schwaben Club” on Facebook Call office: 519-742-7979 Tickets are available at the office as well as at the door Schnitzengiggle 2011 7 Great German Stein Roundup 8 We need to display some German Heritage, and we are asking for your help! Have you ever gone into a museum or gallery, seen something, and thought “wow that looks like something from my attic or garage”? This time it really could be something from your attic or garage! This is a call out to all citizens within the TriCities to bring their old, or new, German Steins to the Schwaben Club (1668 King St. E., Kitchener, downstairs) on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm. The Stein will be tagged and featured in our first ever Stein-tastic Exhibit being held from Friday, October 7th - Tuesday, October 11th at Kitchener City Hall (behind the Rotunda). Don’t worry, the tagging system guarantees the safe return of your Stein once the exhibit is closed! THANK YOU! On behalf of Jade, Joe and Joan Adam and myself, we would like to thank all the ladies that attended our Traditional Schwaben Shower here at the club on August 21st. It was very nice and meant a lot to see all of you having fun playing bingo and eating outstanding hamburgers with lots of onions. We enjoyed our day very much and thank you for your support. We would like to thank everyone that helped make the day a great one including the men in the kitchen, and the ladies for their baked goods, decorating and smiles. THANK- YOU! NicK LANg Mary Bruckler celebrated her 90th Birthday at our Schlachtfest, 2011 Congratulations Mary! Members, Members,Members Free Glassware And Dishes This past month, we have been cleaning out one of our many storage rooms here at our beloved Schwaben Club and we have decided to give away all the glassware and dishes that we no longer use or have a need for. Over the past few years we have purchased new dishes and glassware to replace the out-of-date ware we had. The board of directors has decided that before we offer this stuff to an organization or charity, we would offer it to our members first. Starting at our September General Meeting , we will be offering this glassware and dishes to our members for free. Take as much or as little as you like. It would be great at home or at the cottage. Even great for kids or grand kids that need items for their first house or are off to school away from home. It will be available at the September General Meeting, in the office during the month of September and at the October General Meeting. After this, it will be donated to an organization. Call Melissa in our office for details. REGULAR DRINK GLASSES WINE GLASSES BRICK BEER GLASSES DISH SETS, CUPS and SAUCERS Nick Lang Director 9 Come to the October 7 to 15, 2011 10 e t a r b t e l s e e f C r e b o t Ok Kitchener Schwaben Club 1668 King St. E. Kitchener, ON N2G 2P1 TEL: 519-742-7979 DAY TIME ADMISSION $ including meal ADMISSION ONLY $ EMAIL: 5.00 E N T E RTA I N M E N T B Y Saturday, Oct 1 11am-5pm free for children 3 yrs and under Friday, Oct 7 Saturday, Oct 8 Sunday, Oct 9 6pm-1am 4pm-1am 11am-5pm 29.50 + tax 31.50 + tax 20.00 + tax 16.50 + tax 18.50 + tax 8.00 + tax Thursday, Oct 13 5pm-1am 8.00 + tax Friday, Oct 14 Saturday, Oct 15 6pm-1am 4pm-1am 20.00 + tax FAMILY DAY CORPORATE NIGHT 29.50 + tax 36.50 + tax ‘The Golden Keys’ and the ‘Schwaben 12’ 16.50 + tax 23.50 + tax Free Parking Casual Dress October Film Nachmittag Setup & Club Clean-Up Day Sunday September 25, 2011 9:00 a.m. free for children 12 yrs and under We recommend that you arrive before 6:30 pm. Tickets are available at the Schwaben Club office during regular hours; Mon-Fri, 9am to 5pm. You can also order by phone with credit card payment; pick up at the office before date or upon arrival on date. Oktoberfest FAX: 519-742-0004 Der Film zeigt alle Faszetten des Oktoberfestes und die wahnsinnige Anspannung und Arbeit der Beteiligten im Dienstleistungsbereich ESS HERE ISE YOUR BUSIN ADVERT in our Schwaben Club Nachrichten. Everyone welcome. Contact: email or call the office (519) 742-7979 SCHWABEN CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE DIRNDLS FOR SALE: beige size 16 or 44 euro size $50.00 or best offer. Child’s dirndl blue for 3 year old child $ 30.00 or best offer. ph: 519- 748-2144 To add an item please contact the Schwaben Club at 519-742-7979. or send an email to Transylvania Club DATES TO REMEMBER 2011 11. September Youth Dance Group practices start – 18:30 Uhr 21. September Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine - 11:30 Uhr 01. Oktober Charity Golf Tournament for Anselma House – Dundee Country Club - 10:30 Uhr 01. Oktober Pre-Oktoberfest Event – Polka for a Purpose – 18:00 Uhr 07. bis 15. Oktober Oktoberfest 19. Oktober Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon - Alpine - 11:30 Uhr 05. November Trachtenball – Aylmer Saxonia Club – 20:00 Uhr 12. November Schlachtfest – 18:30 Uhr 13. November Volkstrauertag – Remembrance Service – 14:30 Uhr 16. November Seniorentreffen – Seniors’ Luncheon – Alpine - 11:30 Uhr 11 12 Schwaben Club 1668 King Street East Kitchener, Ontario, Canada N2G 2P1
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