Norwalk High School
Norwalk High School
Norwalk High School Community of Lancers Achieving Student Success April 28, 2015 6:00-‐7:00 Ryan D. Smith, Ed.D. @principallancer 4/27/2015 1 Agenda • • • • • • • • Welcome and IntroducPons PTSA Update What’s happening around NHS? Linked Learning Pathway – Biomedical Science WASC Visit Debrief Early Assessment Program LCAP Survey InformaPon Closing 4/27/2015 2 PTSA Update Mr. Jose Rios -‐ President 4/27/2015 3 What’s happening around NHS? 4/27/2015 4 Cohort GraduaPon Rates 100.0% 96.5% 93.6% 90.0% 88.9% 94.5% 95.1% 88.1% 95.1% 86.0% 88.0% 80.0% 79.6% 91.3% 85.0% 85.4% 77.2% 70.0% 78.3% 60.0% All Students EL 2010 4/28/15 2011 2012 SwD 2013 Source: California Department of Educa5on 2014 5 Where do our graduates go? College Enrollment Immediately A2er High School 100% 75% 58% 50% 53% 43% 36% 25% 58% 14% 17% 36% 22% 63% 37% 65% 41% 26% 24% 2013 2014 0% 2010 2011 4-‐Year Colleges 4/28/15 2012 2-‐Year Colleges Source: Na5onal Student Clearinghouse Any College 6 Where do our graduates go? College Enrollment Immediately A2er High School 100% 75% 54% 50% 46% 32% 42% 38% 36% 39% 35% 27% 29% Special EducaPon English Learners 25% 0% 2010 4/28/15 2011 2012 2013 Source: Na5onal Student Clearinghouse 2014 7 4/27/2015 8 4/27/2015 9 4/27/2015 10 4/27/2015 11 4/27/2015 12 4/27/2015 13 4/27/2015 14 4/27/2015 15 4/27/2015 16 4/27/2015 17 Linked Learning at Norwalk High School 4/27/2015 18 4/27/2015 19 Linked Learning Core Components • • • • Rigorous Academics Career-‐based learning in the classroom Work-‐based learning in professional seangs Integrated student supports 4/27/2015 20 Course 1: Principles of Biomedical Sciences Teacher: Liz Gonzalez 67 Students Course 1: Intro to Engineering Design Teacher: Alan Davis 55 Students Course 2: Human Body Systems Teacher: Tom Bates 23 Students Course 2: Principles of Engineering Teacher: Alan Davis 63 Students Course 3: Medical InnovaPons Course 3: Civil Engineering & Architecture Teacher Alan Davis 18 Students Computer Science and Sobware Engineering Aerospace Engineering • • • Course 1: Computer Science and Sobware Engineering Teacher: Vinson Pluma 48 Students • • Course 2: Computer Science ApplicaPons AP Computer Science? Course 3: In Development Pathways: Fashion Culinary Arts Band/Instrumental Music Vocal Music Visual Arts Course 4: Capstone Course 4: Capstone Course 4: Capstone Lead: Monte Ekoe Lead: Alan Davis Lead: Vinson Pluma Lead: Jacque Fabritz Counselor: Vanessa Iaquitna Counselor: Irene Rifilato Counselor: Rosa Gonzalez Counselor: Jerry Koppe 4/27/2015 Linked Learning Coach: Dan Sanchez Linked Learning AdministraDve Contact: Francisco Ramirez 21 CTE/VAPA Teachers: Elizabeth Gonzalez (PBS) Tom Bates (HBS) Alan Davis (IED, POE, and CAE) Vinson Pluma (CS) Doris Doyon (Instrumental Music) Jacque Fabritz (Visual Arts & Fashion) Mike Hess (Visual Arts) Tracy Horton (Culinary Arts) Nancy Lanpher (Vocal Arts) Yolanda Rubio-‐Soto (Drama and Dance) English Teacher: KrisPna Juan (LA 9 and Pre-‐AP LA 9) Janice Kroupa (LA 9) Rebecca Schuler (LA 9) Marcus Woodworth (LA 9) Math Teacher: Phil Turner (CC Math 1) Larry Soderling (CC Math 1) Nick Navarro (CC Math 1) Mark Travis (CC Math 1) Science Teachers N/A Erika Brasov (Biology and Biology H) Art Dominguez (Biology) Adam Taylor (Biology) Counselor: Vanessa Iaquinta Irene Rifilato Rosa Gonzalez Jerry Koppe 4/27/2015 22 WASC Visit Summary 4/27/2015 23 ACS WASC/CDE Visiting Committee Final Presentation Norwalk High School April 19–22, 2015 Focus on Learning asks… ü How do you know that all students are achieving based on our schoolwide student goals and academic standards? ü Is the school doing everything possible to support high achievement for all its students? © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 25 Organization: Vision and Purpose, Governance, Leadership and Staff, and Resources Areas to Celebrate ü The school’s vision is embraced and supported by all stakeholders ü The Lancer Leadership Team is broadbased, collaborative, and inclusive of all groups and programs on campus Areas for Focus ü Leadership and staff continues a process that would show measurable benefits of professional development ü Leadership and staff investigate ways to provide more tutors in a timely manner to the AVID program © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 26 Curriculum Areas to Celebrate ü ü ü ü Teachers are given time to implement CCSS Standards Two additional counseling positions were added for further support Furthering of college/career culture through ROP & Pathways Counseling Team conducts ongoing articulation with Middle Schools and colleges. Areas for Focus ü ü ü ü Additional time and training for CCSS implementation Teachers need time to implement and use benchmark tests. Continue with further technology training for staff Become more aware of how data from classrooms can guide curriculum and programs © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 27 Instruction Areas to Celebrate ü ü ü ü College & Career Readiness AVID Strategies PowerSchool/Schoology Inclusive invitation for student input Areas for Focus ü Continue Professional Development and support for CCSS ü Encourage continued use of Schoology ü Explore benefits of technology “packages” © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 28 Assessment and Accountability Areas to Celebrate ü ü ü Departments work toward common assessments Professional development time is provided to review data Use of technology to inform stakeholders via Schoology, PowerSchool, Data Dashboard, and EADMS Areas for Focus ü ü A variety of district/school site trainings that focus on components to address EL and SWDs in general education classes Continued work toward developing and using common assessments aligned with CCSS and technical pathways that links learning to the real world. © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 29 School Culture and Support for Student Personal and Academic Growth Areas to Celebrate ü ü ü Many opportunities are offered for parents to become involved in campus The focus on college and career readiness has helped to better prepare students for life after graduation Intervention programs are successfully identifying and supporting students at risk. Areas for Focus ü ü Need for internships with local businesses to increase opportunities as pathways develop Social-Emotional Support training for NHS Staff. © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 30 Celebrate Schoolwide Strengths ü Unified Vision of NHS ü Student Support Programs ü Caring, dedicated and cohesive staff ü Parent Involvement ü Existing Technology & Programs ü Pathways/ROP Programs ü Counseling Staff © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 31 Critical Areas for Focus Your own self-study identified and you should continue to work on: Areas for Focus ü ü ü ü Proficiency in core subjects English learners reach minimum proficiency Safe, drug-free learning environment Students are college and career ready As you plan and implement your work, include ü ü ü ü Varied Instructional strategies Continue toward full CCSS implementation Common Assessments to inform instruction Further technology training © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 32 Schoolwide Action Plan Visualize what will be different for students…. ü One year from now? ü Two years from now? ü Three years from now? © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 33 4/27/2015 34 © ACS WASC WASC/CDE 34 Early Assessment Program InformaPon 4/27/2015 35 What is the Early Assessment Program (EAP)? • Determines “content readiness” for both college-‐level English and math • Prior to 2015 – based on CST scores • 2015 and beyond – based on SBAC scores • Juniors will take the SBAC in May • All California State University schools parPcipate in the EAP • Several California Community Colleges parPcipate, including Cerritos 4/27/2015 36 4/27/2015 37 4/27/2015 38 4/27/2015 39 4/27/2015 40 For More InformaPon: • Sonia Perez – College and Career Counselor 562-‐868-‐0431 x 4145 – • Bindi Crawford – Dean of Students 562-‐868-‐0431 x 4116 – • Francisco Ramirez – Assistant principal 562-‐868-‐0431 x 4118 – • Shannon Baker – Director 562-‐868-‐0431 x 2178 – 4/27/2015 41 4/27/2015 Local Control Accountability Plan Update Norwalk La Mirada Unified School District Community Presentation 42 43 4/27/2015 Local Control Funding Formula Local Control funding Formula (LCFF) implemented on July 1, 2013 New funding model increases local control, reduces inequities, reflects needs of targeted students and is more transparent 44 4/27/2015 50 year Old Funding Model Revenue Limit Funding model had been in effect since early 1970’s Funding Over was a fixed amount per student 50 state categorical programs were added. Each had specific programmatic and fiscal compliance requirements 45 4/27/2015 A New Funding Approach New Funding Model = New Emphasis, Policies and Governance 1. Targeted Funding for Targeted Student Groups 2. Local Decision Making with Stakeholder Input about how to address Student Needs and Close Achievement Gaps with Budget Accountability 46 4/27/2015 LCFF – What and How Equal BASE GRANT amounts per pupil for four grade spans – the same for all students at all school districts K-3 4-6 7-8 9-12 $6952 $7056 $7266 $8419* Additional Funding is added based on fixed percentages of Targeted Populations Supplemental Grant Concentration Grant * Base amounts projected at full implementation over eight years 47 4/27/2015 Targeted Student Populations Supplemental and Concentration grants are increased based on the percentage of total enrollment accounted for by: English Learners Free and Reduced priced meal program Foster children LCFF = Base Grant + Supplemental Grant + Concentration Grant 48 4/27/2015 Local Control Accountability Plan Accountability Under LCFF To ensure that the district budget is aligned with the priorities of the State a plan called the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is required LCAP must be adopted annually by the Board of Education prior to the adoption of the district budget LCAP must include SPECIFIC ACTIONS with a DESCRIPTION OF EXPENDITURES 49 4/27/2015 What is LCAP? The LCAP is the action plan that accompanies each district’s budget. The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support improved student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP is organized into three sections: (1) Stakeholder Engagement (2) Goals and Progress Indicators (3) Actions, Services, and Expenditures LCAP 50 4/27/2015 THE LCAP SERVES AS THE SPENDING PLAN THAT ACCOMPANIES EACH DISTRICT”S BUDGET. THE LCAP IS A THREE-YEAR PLAN THAT DESCRIBES THE GOALS, ACTIONS, SERVICES, AND EXPENDITURES TO SUPPORT POSITIVE STUDENT OUTCOMES THAT ADDRESS STATE AND LOCAL PRIORITIES. THE LCAP MUST ADEQUATELY DEMONSTRATE THAT THE DISTRICT IS USING LCFF FUNDING TO INCREASE AND IMPROVE SERVICES FOR ALL STUDENTS, BUT IS ALSO KEENLY FOCUSED ON THE NEEDIEST STUDENTS STAKEHOLDERS ARE MEANINGFULLY ENGAGED IN THE DEVELOPMENT, CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT AND ANNUAL UPDATE/REVISION OF THE LCAP THE LCAP AND THE DISTRICT’S SPENDING PLAN WILL BE ACCESSIBLE TO STAKEHOLDERS THE LCAP TELLS THE STORY 51 4/27/2015 52 4/27/2015 NLMUSD Identified Goals/ Priorities 2014 – 2017 Goal #1 - NLMUSD will support the socio-emotional well-being and a sense of connection by providing counseling and guidance in academics, college and career readiness, and personal and social needs. Goal #2 - NLMUSD will ensure all students graduate college and career ready by achieving mastery of content standards through having access to a variety of courses, and being provided with opportunities to develop interests, talents, and marketable skills. Goal #3 - NLMUSD will provide students with exemplary services and staff, in connected school environments supported by ongoing professional development. 53 4/27/2015 NLMUSD Identified Goals/ Priorities 2014 – 2017 Goal#4 - NLMUSD will create a culture of collaboration and communication that values the input of all stakeholders in order to cultivate meaningful relationships and partnerships with students, families, staff and community including shared responsibility for student success. Goal #5 – NLMUSD will provide all students equitable access to high quality instruction and tiered interventions to ensure access to and mastery of 21st century learning tools and to meet their individual needs. Goal#6 - NLMUSD will provide well-maintained, safe schools with highly-qualified, teachers, standards-aligned instructional materials, and resources to support students, families, and staff. 54 4/27/2015 NLMUSD LCAP Tasks Review the Three year plan (2014-15, 2015-16, and 2016 – 17) developed in 2013-14 and approved by School Board in June 2014. Provide an update on the progress of the actions and revisions in 2014-15 LCAP. Update years 2015-16 and 2016 -17 and considerations for 2017-18 Stakeholders to provide consultation and assist in prioritizing district actions. Board of Education Approval of LCAP 2015-2018 Link to the LCAP Survey 4/27/2015 55 Next MeePng: Tuesday, May 19 – 6:00 4/27/2015 56