Winter 2009 Recall Issue - St. Mary`s Catholic School
Winter 2009 Recall Issue - St. Mary`s Catholic School
S T . M ARY ’ S R ECALL A N EWSLETTER FOR ALUMNI AND FRIENDS OF S T . M ARY ‟ S S CHOOL , S LEEPY E YE, MN V OLUME 24 N UMBER 3 W INTER 2009 Remember when? In the past 127 years, many important traditions have developed at St. Mary‟s Catholic School, forming strong bonds between the students, teachers, parents, alumni and friends of St. Mary‟s. Some of these old traditions are long forgotten, some traditions continue today, providing a link between past and present and some are brand-new traditions, creating new memories for our students. Homecoming is one of the best-loved traditions! Remember when bonfires were a part of Homecoming? Remember the incredible floats of years gone by, created with napkins, chicken wire and amazing ingenuity? Pictured is the Class of 1975‟s senior float. *Since 1971, the Knights of Columbus have sponsored a poster contest entitled “Keep Christ in Christmas”. Prizes are awarded to the winning entries. *Do you remember the procession of boys and girls in white clothes on Forty Hours Devotions and Holy Thursday? *The Drum and Bugle Corps was established in the early 1930‟s by Sister Emerentia. The corps took an active part in American Legion programs and played for Catholic activities. The corps was disbanded in the late 1950‟s. One of the most exciting traditions of the year has always been St. Mary‟s Christmas program! The first program in the new auditorium was in December of 1939, a tradition that continues to this day. Pictured is the Christmas programs from 2001! *Reporting the school news is always an fun tradition! The Immaculata was first published in December of 1934. It was later replaced by the Spectrum. Today, the journalism students have the opportunity to write for “The Knightly News”, a page in the Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch written and produced by the students. *The dress code is always an important issue! It was September of 1955 that the girls dressed alike for the first time, wearing uniforms of dark jumpers and white blouses. In 1990, the boys too were required to wear a uniform for the first time. Today, the elementary students wear navy pants with a navy or white shirt and the high school students wear black or khaki plants with a white or black shirt. *In 1971, one of the best-loved sixth grade class tradition began: the class trip to the Twin Cities sponsored by the local Knights of Columbus! The class travels to the State Capitol and various other places of interest each year. *St. Mary‟s is well known for its musical productions! Each year, students, directors and volunteers put hours and hours into performing an incredible show for sold-out audiences. The first productions, which took place in 1915, were “Pontia” and “Millionaire Janitor”. St. Mary‟s will perform “Crazy For You” in 2010! *The Sodality of Our Lady was formally established in October of 1934. The group worked to bring its members closer to Christ and help others know Him, love Him and serve Him as well. *Cheering for the Knights often earned fans “the Spirit Stick”, a tradition that our fall cheerleaders brought back this football season! Prom is the capstone of high school for many students. This began in 1917 with the junior banquet. It evolved into a junior-senior event and then a prom held at the Orchid Inn. The juniors continue to do all of the preparation for this event held in the school auditorium. Pictured are Ted Klein („75) and Suzanne (Tauer „75) Krzmarzick at Prom 1974. *There are countless other traditions that have made St. Mary‟s what it is throughout its rich history. What is your favorite tradition? Let us know with a note or an email and we will share them on our website! May Crowning is one of the most popular traditions at St. Mary‟s! Pictured are Ruth (Froelick ‟40) Gardia, Agnes (Dietz ‟40) Modahl, Sr. Nicholine Mertz (‟40), Alice (Windschitl „40) Manderfeld, and Loretta Mathiowetz „40 at May Crowning on May 1, 1940. Fall Sports Update The volleyball team had a fresh new look with Jennifer Schwint („99) as head coach for the Lady Knights. After a first round play-off victory over Cathedral, the Knights went on to play GFW, the number one seed in the section. The girls had a couple of long volleys with the ball going 30 times over the net; 97 times the ball was touched, lasting one minute and thirty seconds which is unheard of in volleyball. The Lady Knights ended their season with a 914 record overall and 3-5 in the conference. The Knights were led by five seniors. Nevada Helget, daughter of Jeanne (Haala „72), the setter of the team, received her 1000 set assists, was named KNUJ Player of the Week and All Conference, and was voted MVP of the Knights. Madeline Schmitz, daughter of Tony („82) and Lisa (Mages „84), had a awesome year playing the middle hitting position, with a total of 208 kills. She was named KEYC Player of the Week, All Conference, All Conference Academic, All State Academic, and was voted Leadership of the Knights. Ann Berkner, daughter of Pat („80) and Patty (Spaeth „80), was the libero and was voted Ms. Defense. Chelsi Kuebler, daughter of Glen Kuebler („80) and Chris Pelzel („88), a back row specialist, was Senior Nevada Helget, awarded All Conference- Academic and All State Academic. Annie Sellner, daughter of Marty and Kris daughter of Jeanne, accom- (Proell „85), an outside hitter, was recognized as All Conference- Academic and All State Acaplished the awesome goal of demic. The seniors did an awesome job and will be missed next year! 1000 career set assists The cross country team, a combined effort between St. Mary‟s, Sleepy Eye Public School, and New Ulm during the 2009 season! Cathedral, had an excellent season. The girls‟ varsity won two meets and the boys also had a strong season at the section meet, placing 12th out of 19 teams. Seniors from St. Mary‟s included: Brett Ubl, son of Bill and Wanda (Moldan „78), recognized as a positive leader on the team; Leah Lax, daughter of Randy and Diane, an excellent leader for the team; Kelsey Sellner, daughter of Mike (‟74) and Judy, known for her great work ethic; Laura Rosenhammer, daughter of John (‟80) and Patty, who was able to fight back after an early season serious injury, and Corey Johnson, daughter of Joel and Stacey, who served as manager and acted as an assistant to coach Scott DeMaris. Team awards to St. Mary‟s students included: freshman Kari Schumacher, daughter of Dean (‟76) and Julie, as Best Runner; Lax and Ubl as Leadership; and Rosenhammer as Most Improved. DeMaris says: “We have so many good young runners retuning next year. Our girls‟ team could be good enough to move into the top half of the section team. Isaiah Butler (son of Steve and Wendy) will provide a great foundation as one of our two top runners again”. The tennis team, a combined effort between St. Mary‟s, Sleepy Eye Public and Springfield Public School, ended their season with a 4-17 overall and a 2-11 record in Section 3A matches. The top performers of the year from St. Mary‟s included Stef Havemeier, daughter of Dave and Jeanne (Tauer „75), who was 8-13, with 4 wins at #2 and #3 singles and 4 wins at #1 doubles. Coach Bradd Goedde states: “We should be better balanced next season as we will return 7 of our top 12.” The Knights football team ended their season with a 2-6 overall record. Top performers for the Knights included Kyle Krzmarzick, son of Leon („81) and Kim (Hoffmann „82), who was recognized with the Leadership Award and the KNUJ Player of the Week. He was also the Defensive MVP for the third year in a row. Scott Salfer, son of Ron and Kim, was awarded Offensive MVP and Dillan Meyer, son of Ernie and Missi, was Lineman MVP. Taylor Solma, son of Harris and Carrie, was honored with the Charlie Hale Award. The 2009 seniors include Krzmarzick, Meyer, Solma, David Meyer, son of Chuck and Tracy (Meyer „80), Keaton Borth, son of Bob and Michelle, Jordon Osmonson, son of Glen („75) and JoAnn (Eichberger „75), and AJ Huiras, son of Greg and Sue (Windschitl „82). The Knights were coached by Ron Berdan („70) and assisted by Mark Tauer („71), Matt Andres, and Dustin Mangen („02). Answers to “RECALL These Moments from St. Mary‟s Past” A “St. Mary” Christmas: (lower row) Tony Hillesheim, Dan Schnobrich, John Bertrand, Tom Hirsch, Phil Haas, Dick Arbes, Ron Peters, Al Schmitz, Ken Huiras and Duane Tauer. (upper row) Tom Hoffmann (cut in half), Dave Steffl, Ed Berkner, Jim "Humpty" Steffen, Jon Frederickson, John Fritz, Ron Gilbertson, Lloyd Rothmeier, Dave Pinzka, Paul Grengs, Tom Gannon and Lynn Wilhite. The second grade teacher was Sister Marie Louise. “Touchdown”: (front row) Lynn Willhite (‟59), Ed Haas (‟58), Ed Schotzko (‟58), Ed Berkner (‟59), Tom Dormady (‟58), Dennis Sellner (‟58), Jim “Humpty” Steffen (‟59). (second row l-r) Fr. Peichel, Duane Tauer (‟59), Bob Rosseth (‟58), Jerry Prescott (‟58), Jerry Sellner (‟58), Dick Earl (‟58), Phil Haas (‟59), James Pelzel (‟60), Ron Peters (‟59), Coach Aut Seidl. (third row) Dick Rasmussen (‟58), David Pinzka (‟59), Don Thul (‟58), Paul Grengs (‟59), Roger Hengel (‟58), Tom Ries (‟58), Marlyn Schroepfer (‟58), Dan Schnobrich (‟59). (back row) Robert Peterson (‟58), Tom Hoffmann (‟59), David Kruzich (‟60), Mark Berdan, Pat Berdan (‟60), unknown. “Cheerleaders”: Janie (Seidl „57) Gallup, Franny (Piehl „57) Blank, Roger (Ole) Hengel (‟58), Jeanne (Schiller‟57) Volker, and Patsy (Sellner‟57) Reynolds “Super Hoopers”: (front row) Joe Mangen („67), Tony Hoffmann („67), Steve Soukup („67), Bernie Soukup („67), and Duane Helget („67). (top row) Dennis Braulick („67), Lonnie Spaeth („67), Jim Smith („69), Roger Goblirsch („67), Larry Mages („69), and John Mages („75). “Volleyball”: (front row) Peggy (Hillesheim „87) Zinniel, Teresa (Walter „87) Aschenbrenner, Robin (Pelzel „85) Parsons, Katie Schwartz („88), Theresea (Hoffmann„89) Lueck, Barb (Lux „89) Kerkhoff. (back row) Mary (Witucki „89) Dahlen, Jodi (Hoffmann „90) Lucero, Barb (Seidl „89) Schrerer, Sonya (Krzmarzick „89) Schoneck, and Tammy (Huiras „88) Waibel. “Lunch is Served!” We know Frances Steffen is the head cook in this photo, but we don‟t know any of the children she is serving! If you recognize yourself or someone you know, please contact us via mail or email and we will post the names on the website! Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament St. Mary‟s held its Annual Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament on September 12, 2009 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Eighteen team entered the contest with the first place team of Brad Ludewig („82), Tony Schmitz („82) and Tim Heymans („82) pictured above. The team of Todd (‟83) and Maureen (Berkner ‟85) Heiderscheidt and Trent Weicherding (‟97) placed second and third place went to Adam (‟89), John (‟94) and Joe (‟02) Huiras. Thank you to all who helped to organize this event and to all who participated in making it a great day of golf! St. Mary‟s Marathon: A Success! On Wednesday, September 30, St. Mary‟s celebrated its Marathon for Non-Public Education. Again, the Marathon was held during the school week so our entire student body could participate. The elementary students were paired with high school students and together, they made the journey to Allison Park. At the park, the students played games together and enjoyed a delicious treat. A special thank you to the Knights of Columbus for all that they do to make the Marathon a success! The following day, a beautiful AllSchool Mass was celebrated with Bishop LeVoir. This event generated over $34,436 for Catholic education at St. Mary‟s, which includes the generous donations from our student letter-writing campaign to our alumni. Thank you so much to our parents, students, alumni, parishioners and friends who were so generous in their donations! Pictured are some of our eighth grade girls with their first grade “buddies” as they prepared for the “Marathon” walk! From the Development Director… By Chris (Berkner „81) Heiderscheidt What a pleasure it was to visit with so many of you this past summer as you gathered at your class reunions! We are extremely grateful to everyone who donated money to St. Mary‟s School. This is truly a testament of your love for St. Mary‟s! Our marathon was a success as we surpassed our goal and achieved $34,436! Many of you received letters from our students and generously gave to this major fundraiser. Our 2010 Alumni Annual Appeal is off and running. We are pleased to have received almost $15,000 since our mailing in mid -October. Our goal is $40,000. In December, we will hold a phonea-thon to contact any alumni who have not yet given to this fund. Please take a moment to consider what you may be able to give. Once again we are preparing for our Alumni Basketball Tournament to be held December 26, 2009. I wish to thank Dan Schmid (‟95) and Judd Walter (‟98) for helping again with this year‟s tournament. Last year our profit more than doubled because of their involvement!! We look forward to another great year. We invite you to register your team soon for this tournament. So as you can see, we have so much to be thankful to you, our alumni, for. We continually look to you to support St. Mary‟s School and we are blessed to have you as our alumni! Please know that you are truly appreciated and we thank you for all that you do! Dear Alumni and Friends of St. Mary‟s School: We are now into the third month of the school year and all is going well. Our football team was challenged but the players worked hard and accomplished a lot. Our volleyball team made us proud as well and our cross country team showed real stamina. Our teachers are all striving to offer our children the best as they continue to challenge our children to do their best. It is important that we keep the bar high. Our young people have many abilities and, if challenged, can even surprise themselves. I am pleased that all is going well. Our students are friendly, polite and well behaved, so much so that we have come to take it for granted at St. Mary‟s. Our students are normal; sometimes acting before thinking, but we have all been there and done that. I am pleased that we have such a dedicated staff that is there to guide and direct our fledglings. I am proud of them for all they do to help our students. I am so pleased with our parents. They are so supportive and want so much good from their children. I appreciate the sacrifices that they make in order to give their children an education at St. Mary‟s. Their dedication is commendable and an inspiration to me. I am pleased at how well all work together at the Parish of St. Mary‟s in order to maintain this long tradition of Catholic education. But like any good institution we dare not let down our guard, we must continue to critique our programs and make improvements where needed. What we have is very good, but even very good can become better. It is a mark of excellence when a staff is willing to review and be reviewed for it indicates a desire to grow. That is what we are continuing to do here at St. Mary‟s. I am proud of our alumni who year in and year out continue to support our efforts at St. Mary‟s. Your support is a great part of our success. Your financial contributions and moral support are always a great boost. May God bless you for your sacrifices and continued support. We have begun another annual appeal. I hope that this year all of our alumni and friends will be willing, even in these economic trying times, to be generous so that we can continue to offer our students the best education possible. We strive to equip them to go into the world and make it better with a deep faith in God, a love for their Catholic faith and the skills to make a difference. There is no gift too small or insignificant from our friends and alumni. Your gifts are needed and appreciated. I believe that we have so much to be proud of and thankful for at St. Mary‟s. As we approach our national holiday of Thanksgiving, I know that I will be thanking God for the gift that St. Mary‟s is to our Church and to the world. May God love and bless you. Praised be Jesus Christ now and forever. Monsignor Eugene Lozinski Pastor-Superintendent St. Mary‟s Catholic School St. Mary‟s Catholic School Mission Statement St. Mary‟s Catholic School exists to assist the parents in passing on the Catholic faith while providing a quality education in a safe and positive environment. Visit our website for regular update on St. Mary‟s, on our alumni happenings and upcoming events : Congratulations St. Mary‟s Class Reunions St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1949 held their 60 year reunion at the Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye on August 1, 2009. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Theresa (Eichten) Grupe, Apache Jct, AZ; Herbert Windschitl, Cold Spring; Cletus Tauer, Luck, WI; Teacher, Fr. Jenniges, Sleepy Eye; LaDonna (Weicherding) Domeier, Sleepy Eye; Mary (Schumacher) Griffin, Minneapolis. Second row (l-r): Paul Kotten, New Ulm; Peggy A. (Krzmarzick) Tauer, Sleepy Eye; Margie (Hirsch) Broich, Sleepy Eye; Leon Tauer, Sleepy Eye; Joan (Braun) Abrahamson, Sleepy Eye; Dorothy Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Joe Braun, Danube; Eugene Fuchs, Morgan. Present but not pictured was Colleen (Wersal) Ibberson, Sleepy Eye. Thank you for your gift of $183 to St. Mary‟s Catholic School! St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1954 held their 55 year reunion at the Sleepy Eye Golf Course on August 8, 2009. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Marie (Maurer) Trautman, North Mankato; Joan (Sellner) Richert, Sleepy Eye; Bennett Tauer, Sleepy Eye; Mavis (Marks) Davis, New Ulm; Sylvia (Marso) Steffl, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Sr. Cecily Schroepfer, Billings, MT; Robert (Onions) Johnson, Hastings; Fr. Paul Schumacher, Tyler; Claudia (Tauer) Klages, Good Thunder; Gerald Krzmarzick, Rochester; Rita (Neid) Rosseth, Bloomington; John Rosseth, Bloomington; Barb (Piehl) Roetzler, Buffalo; Duane Willhite, Phoenix, AZ; Agnes (Fischer) Zwaschka, Sleepy Eye; Roger Klein, Sleepy Eye. Present but not pictured, Sylvan Goblirsch, Comfrey. Thank you for your gift of $90 to be used for the RECALL! Sleepy Eye St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1959 held their 50 year reunion on July 18, 2009 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured in front is (l-r): Verena (Groebner) Nelson, Sleepy Eye; Donna Krzmarzick, Maple Grove; Colleen (Hengel) Berkner, Sleepy Eye; Carol (Goldschmidt) Hengel, Sleepy Eye; Barb Marso, Sleepy Eye; Mag (Olsen) Rasmussen, Marion, OH; Dorothy (Billmeier) Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Phyllis (Mathiowetz) Wenner, Nicollet; Sr. Theresa Hoffmann, Rochester; Linus Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye. Second row (l-r): Mary Lou (Neyers) Mans, Savage; Carolyn (Suess) Bertrand, New Ulm; Donna (Cleary) Krysl, Omaha, NE; Eileen (Hillesheim) Kral, Sleepy Eye; Judy (Schottenbauer) Conrad, St. Cloud; Lorraine (Hauser) Seifert, Clements; Thomas Hoffmann, Morgan; Richard Arbes, Tallahassee, FL; Charles Hoffmann, Aurora, CO; Pat Rosenhamer, Sleepy Eye; David Pinzka, St. Paul. Third row (l-r): Tom Hirsch, Sleepy Eye; Robert Tauer, Hanska; Sharon (Hillesheim) Malecha, Lonsdale; Patty (Bertrand) Steeber, Osseo; Ed Berkner, Sleepy Eye; Ron Peters, Cordova, TN; Ken Huiras, St. Louis Park; Gerald Hauser, New Ulm; David Steffl, Waverly, TN; Curt Runing, Casa Grande, AZ; John Bertrand, Tipp City, OH. Thank you for your gift of $750 to St. Mary‟s Catholic School! St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1969 held their 40 year reunion at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club on August 15, 2009. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Margaret (Sellner) Mages, Lafayette; Susan (Goldschmidt) Hogen, New Ulm; Marsha (Neidecker) Zemler, Sauk Centre; Marsha (Brown) Duval, Cumming, GA; Gretchen (Schwartz) Hesli, St. Paul; Jane (Sieve) Hoffmann, Ottawa, IL; Ruth Bertrand, Red Wing; Karolyn (Frederickson) Marks, Sleepy Eye; Audrey (Lux) Johnson, Marquette, MI. Second row (l-r): Tom Larson, Sleepy Eye; Jeanne (Broich) Wass, Essig; Joe Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Jean (Rono) Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Joan (Schottenbauer) Ruona, Fairfax; Pat (Seidl) Rademaker, Sleepy Eye; Linda (Marks) Krueger, Glencoe; Carol (Mathiowetz) Wendland, Sleepy Eye; Doug Baumann, Minneapolis; Mary Ann (Helget) Krebs, Sleepy Eye; Mary Jo (Bauer) Evers, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Mike Hillesheim, New Ulm; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Eugene Krueger, St. Louis Park; Marvin Weiss, Sleepy Eye; Brad Johnson, Smyrna, TN; Greg Grausam, Sleepy Eye; Allen Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Ed Abel, Sleepy Eye; Kevin Tauer, Edina; Steve Eichberger, Springfield. Thank you for your gift of $354 to St. Mary‟s Catholic School! St. Mary‟s School Class of 1974 held their 35 year reunion on July 11, 2009 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Front row (l-r) Bill Moran, Minnetonka; Jerome Tauer, Harrison, AR. Sitting 2 nd row (l-r): Ralph Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye; Charles Sobocinski, Park Rapids; Dean Koll, Glenwood Springs, CO; John Schwartz, Sleepy Eye; Mike Schmid, Sleepy Eye; Dale Berkner, Brandon, SD; Philip Sellner, Sleepy Eye. Sitting 3rd row (l-r): Laurie (Soukup) Bemmels, New Ulm; Monica (Neudecker) Juba, Chaska; Dine (Lux) Radtke, Mountain Lake; Diane (Neid) Meath, White Bear Lake; Debbie (Helget) Hacker, Olivia; Cathy Haala, New York, NY; Matt Rausch, California, MD. Standing back row (l-r): Julie (Helget) Windschitl, Comfrey; Laurie Schroepfer-Sieve, St. James; Rick Soukup, Clear Lake; Laurie (Wendinger) Enns, Roseville; Ron Soukup, Blaine; Paul Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye; Candy (Seifert) Helget, Sleepy Eye; Jan (Cook) Seidl, Burnsville; John Ebenhoh, Sleepy Eye; Sandy (Braun) Perkins, Victoria; Carol (Fromm) Whitney, Mankato; Jay Miller, Buffalo; Joan (Gangelhoff) Dording, Winthrop; Jim Tauer, Plymouth; Janet (Weiss) Nachreiner, Fairfax; Wally Johns, Mankato; Clete Krzmarzick, Gibbon; Mark Bruggeman, Sleepy Eye. Present but not pictured Mary (Abel) Wolle, Lake Crystal and Fred Braulick, Sleepy Eye. Congratulations St. Mary‟s Class Reunions St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1979 held their 30 year reunion at the Railway Bar & Grill in Sleepy Eye on August 1, 2009. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Loren Ludewig, Sleepy Eye; Michael Gangelhoff, Hastings; Dan Seidl, Sleepy Eye. Second row (l-r): LaMonte Heiderscheidt, Sleepy Eye; Monica (Sellner) Lax, Sleepy Eye; Nellie (Sellner) Richter, Comfrey; Bernadette (Sellner) Windschitl, Houston; Eileen Sellner, Sleepy Eye; Sandy Braulick, New Ulm; Brad Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Reggie Prokosch, Hutchinson; Doug Mathiowetz, Sleepy Eye; Geraldine (Helget) Vogel, Lake Crystal; Carole Tauer, St. Louis Park; Dan Bauer, New Ulm; Deb (Mages) Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Joan (Eischen) Hoffman, New Ulm; Kathy (Schmidt) Kotten, Wentworth, SD; Duane Ludewig, Owatonna; Cindee (Stimpert) Schewe, Sleepy Eye; Glenn Berkner, Sleepy Eye; Duane Kral, New Ulm; Lisa (Peichel) Pelzel, Sleepy Eye; Darold Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Steve Cook, Sleepy Eye. Thank you for the gift of $350 to purchase new Bibles for St. Mary‟s School! Sleepy Eye St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1984 held their 25 year reunion on July 11, 2009 at the Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in front is (l-r): Lois (Krzmarzick) Ezzo, Canton, OH; Bonnie (Nelson) Guldan, Sleepy Eye; Nancy (Reiniger) Reed, Lafayette; David Hoffmann, Starbuck; Jerry Forster Minnetrista; Brian Haas, Mankato; Rick Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Michael Sellner, New Ulm. Back row (l-r): Sue (Riebel) Lueck, St. Cloud; Diann (Dietz) Wiederich, Le Sueur; Brenda (Wintheiser) Schumann, Burleson, TX; Karen (Sellner) Schneider, Plymouth; Lisa (Mages) Schmitz, Sleepy Eye; Gina (Roiger) Windschitl, Sleepy Eye; Amy (Steffl) Mages, Sleepy Eye; LuAnn (Krzmarzick) Reynolds; Mankato and Mary (Schwartz) Cok, Lees Summit, MO. Thank you for the gift of $690 to St. Mary‟s Catholic School! St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1989 held their 20 year reunion on July 25, 2009 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured front row (l-r): Craig Haas, Burnsville; Tork (Berkner) Schweiss, Sleepy Eye; Theresia (Hoffmann) Lueck, North Mankato; Tracy (Sellner) Fitzgerald, Blaine; Lia (Proell) Peterson, Blooming Prairie; Barb (Lux) Kerkhoff, Morgan; Sonya (Krzmarzick) Schoneck, Mapleton; Shelly (Groebner) Kosak, Sleepy Eye; Barb (Seidl) Schreier, Redwood Falls; Rick Hanson, Tallmadge, OH. 2 nd row (l-r): Greg Mathiowetz, Black Hawk, SD; Connie (Strate) Goblirsch, Butterfield; Paula (Helget) Meyer, Marshall; Michael Sellner, North Mankato; Eric Larson, Sleepy Eye; Scott Zilka, St. Louis Park; Jason Fischer, Sleepy Eye; John Tauer, Eagan; Dale Schroepfer, Sleepy Eye. 3 rd row (l-r): Tom Schmid, Savage; Chad Schewe, Lakeville; Gary Windschitl, Sleepy Eye; Jason Hertling, North Mankato; Adam Huiras, North Mankato; Randy Sellner, Sleepy Eye; Gary Braulick, Sleepy Eye; Mark Stoneberg, Redwood Falls; Aaron Berg, Rochester; Bob Steffl; Albert Lea. Thank you for the gift of $560 to St. Mary‟s School! St. Mary‟s High School Class of 1994 held their 15 year reunion at the Servicemen‟s Club in Sleepy Eye on August 15, 2009. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Dorine (Helget) Wellmann, Hanska; Tiffany (Bertrand) Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Joe Haala, Courtland; Jeremy Mages, New Ulm; Dan Kuebler, Lake Crystal; Justin Weiss, Elk River; Sarah Forster, Maplewood; Lisa Kral, Shoreview; Tammy (Sellner) Hinderman, New Ulm. Back row (l-r): Jenny (Braun) Kunkel, Sleepy Eye; Ann (Sprenger) Andries, Marshall; Jenny (Braulick) Helget, Sleepy Eye; Tim Haala, Eagan; Lynn (Schneider) Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Mike Hillesheim, Shakopee; Jason Braun, Sleepy Eye; Shannon (Zeig) Ryan, San Jose, CA; Marcy (Moldan) Nesje, Morgan; Jeff Sellner, Eagan; Holly (Hoffmann) Christensen, Sleepy Eye; Dan Haala, New Ulm; Jennifer Wendinger, Minneapolis; Jeff Meidl, Benson. St. Mary‟s High School Class of 2004 held their 5 year reunion on July 25, 2009 at the Railway Bar & Grill in Sleepy Eye. Pictured front row (l-r): Adam Lux, Jonalyn Cook, Christy Schroepfer, Amber Riebel, Christine Moldan. Row 2 - Raina Walter, Rachel Heiderscheidt, Samantha Mecklenburg, Sarah (Kuebler) Eckstein, Jennifer (Stimpert) Wersal, Lindsey (Reddemann) Mages. Row 3 (l-r): Jamie Pietig, John Schmid, Robyn Helget, Nick Braun, Jim Peterson. Present but not pictured: Matt Meyer, Dave Hillesheim, Lonnie Beltz, Joe Wahl Upcoming Reunions The Knights of Olde will hold their next reunion on Friday, December 11, 2009 at the Lost Spur Country Club, 2750 Sibley Memorial Highway, Eagan MN, 55121. The phone number is 651 454-2330. The Class of 1960 is planning their 50th year reunion to be held July 31 at Turner Hall in New Ulm. Contact John Konz ( /507-359-3372). Thank you to Mark („65) and Jean Schroepfer for their donation of $500 to St. Mary‟s School in memory of Steve Fritz („65) and Jack Berdan („49). This gift was received in 2008 and inadvertently omitted from the annual report included in the last issue of the Recall. We apologize for this error. Congratulations Newlyweds! Sadie Sabatino (‟04) married Shannon Brown on June 20, 2009 Amelia Hoffmann (‟01) married John Anderson on August 15, 2009 Jessica Konz (‟96) married Eugene Elliott on August 15, 2009 Erin Scherer (‟01) married Josef DeRosa on September 12, 2009 Anna Brandl (‟99) married Roddy Melzer on September 26, 2009 Larry Soukup (‟76) married Mary Jo Blickem on September 26, 2009 Jessica Kuebler (‟00) married David Weisbrich on October 24, 2009 Help Support the Terry Treml Memorial! Congratulations Hall of Fame Inductees Congratulations to the following individuals chosen to receive the distinguished service achievement award: Sister Nicholine Mertz ('40) accepting for Nick Mertz, Sr, ('48) and Philip Sellner ('74) along with the following individuals chosen to receive the distinguished athletic award: Janet (Schotzko '83) Bolstad, Mark Tauer ('71), Glenn Sieve ('75) and Joe "Dutch" Schroepfer ('48). The Sixth Annual Hall of Fame Banquet and Awards Ceremony to honor these inductees was held on Saturday, November 21, 2009. The event began with Mass followed by social hour, dinner, and the awards banquet in the social room. It was a wonderful evening, filled with many memories as these six individuals were honored for their talents and their service. To nominate an individual for as a future Hall of Fame inductee, please visit our website at and click on the “Alumni” tab. Anyone who made it to a St. Mary's home football game this fall could sure hear the difference that the Terry Treml Memorial has made. That's because the wonderful new sound system that has carried over the north end of town and the lake for years could be heard loud and crystal clear on Friday KNIGHTS because of the generous donations that many have made. Not to forget the security cameras, to cover school grounds, that were also installed with Treml Memorial money. The drive for 2009 has had a slow start this year, but I am confident that many will respond to the RECALL and help us to keep up and improve St. Mary's all in the good name and cause that this wonderful memorial has provided for 7 years. Remember that every penny donated goes to this memorial's designated cause(s) and that no donation is too small. Help keep the drive alive again by writing out a tax deductible check TODAY that will benefit so many. If you wish, PLEASE include an idea for us to consider to help out good Ol‟ SMS with your donation. God's Blessings to you all, Dr. Dean Brinkman (‟81) 505 Fourth Ave. NW Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 ALUMNI MAILBAG An upcoming new feature in the RECALL, The Alumni Mailbag, will be a great place for you to let your classmates know what is going on! Send your news via mail or to and we will be happy to share it in future issues of the RECALL! Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Them… Carol Braun, 49, passed away on July 15, 2009. She is survived by her parents, Linus and Lois (Pelzel „55) Braun. Mary Rose (Windschitl) Eischen, 73, passed away on August 17, 2009. She is survived by her children: Mary Lee (‟77) Eischen (Robert Stuber), Steve („78) Eischen (Marie), Joan („79) Hoffman (Dan), Lori („84) Knake (Mark), and Robert (‟96) Eischen and his special friend Sue Kunerth. Helen (Zuhlsdorf) Luckhardt, 89, passed away on August 17, 2009. She attended St. Mary‟s School. Survivors include her six children: Lynette and Tom Zilka, LaDonna and Tom Baumann, Steve and Monica Luckhardt, Kathy and Jim Steinbesser, Dean Luckhardt, and Gene and Mary Luckhardt. Lucille “Lou” (Gengler) Seidl, 78, passed away on August 19, 2009. She is survived by her husband Aut („48) and their children: Dan (Deb) LaCourse, Jodie (Brian) Steffensmeier, and Pat (Ann „81) LaCourse. Phyllis (Moldaschel) Bastian, 76, passed away on August 30, 2009. A 1951 graduate of St. Mary‟s Catholic School, she is survived by her husband, LeRoy and their daughters and sons-in-law: Connie Wolf and Sandi and Jim (‟81) Soukup and sons and daughters-in-law: Kenneth and Linda Bastian and Douglas and Wanda Bastian. Sister Rosita Krzmarzick, OSF, 93, passed away on September 15, 2009. Sr. Rosita graduated from St. Mary‟s in 1934 and entered the religious life as a Franciscan Sister on August 15, 1935. She served God faithfully throughout her life, including as a teacher and guidance counselor at St. Mary‟s. She is survived by her Franciscan community and by her brother, Art Krzmarzick and her sister, Bernice Eckstein („42). Helen (Clark) Hacker, 78, passed away on September 16, 2009. She graduated from St. Mary‟s in 1948. She is survived by her husband, George and their children: Dan and Lynn Hacker, Mike and Carol Hacker, Judy and Guy Harding, Gerry and Rhonda Hacker, Nancy and Rick Petersen, Tim and Laurie Hacker, Peg and Scott Breiholz, Kevin and Tammy Hacker, Brian and Patty Hacker, Sue and Mark Theobald, Paul Hacker, Scott and Dana Hacker, and Chris and Nicole Hacker. Lucille (Turbes) Stage, 75, passed away on October 5, 2009. She is survived by her children, Diane (Gerald) Christensen, Rosemary Stage, Gregory („76) Stage and special friend Michelle Bielen, Michael („78) Stage, Daniel („79) Stage, David („81) Stage, and Janine („83) Stage. Celestine “Sally” (Seidl) Zinniel, 87, passed away on October 8, 2009. Sally attended St. Mary‟s Catholic School and served as the school cook until her retirement. She is survived by her daughters, Ann (‟59) Scharfencamp and Paulette („70) Bertrand and Doug Samuelson and her sons and daughters-in-law, Bob („61) and Alice Zinniel, Dick („62) and Audrey Zinniel, Clete („64) and Jan Zinniel, Chuck (‟74) and Lorette Zinniel, Randy (‟79) and Shelly Rae Zinniel, and Ron („81) and Irene Zinniel. Hope Tauer was born stillborn on October 15, 2009. Hope was the daughter of David („98) and Angela Tauer. Ronald Hose, 74, passed away on October 24, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Bonnie; sons, Bill and wife Constance, Mike and wife Kim (‟85), Ed and wife Judy (‟85), and Marv and wife Kristi (‟92); and his daughters Mary Johnson and Denise Dawson. Alphonse Mages, 81, passed away on October 30, 2009. He is survived by his wife: Barbara and his daughters: Linda (Joe) Gall, Nancy („68) Strate, Barbara („73) (Kevin) Plath, Betty („73) Jass, Debra (‟79) (Larry) Fischer, Donna (‟81) (Dean) Nelson, and Lisa (‟84) (Tony) Schmitz and his sons: Dan (Arlene) Mages, Larry (‟69) (Maggie) Mages, Duane (‟71) (Jermayne) Mages, Rick (‟72) (Jane) Mages, John (‟75) (Cindy) Mages, Jeff (‟76) (LeAnn) Mages, Curt (‟78) (Kathy) Mages, and Mike (‟83) (Amy) Mages. Jack "Tex" Geschwind, 86, passed away on November 2, 2009. He is survived by his wife, Mickey (Thome ‟47) and his children, Susan (‟69) (Eric) Mullins, Sandy (‟70) (Dennis) Burnett, Bill (‟72) (Deb), Rosie (‟75) (Mark „73) Osmonson, and Jon (‟77) (Marie). “RECALL” These Moments From St. Mary‟s Past Do you recognize yourself or one of your classmates or friends in one of these photos? To discover who these alumni are, please look at the answers on page 2 of this RECALL! Enjoy your trip down memory lane. ting s celebra a w o h ?W ? ristmas ary” Ch he class of 1959 M . t S “ t A m o r f Go! Fight! Win! Who Knights ch are these energetic eerleaders ? ! Can you hts Volleyball ts? ig n K o G e! h ik Bump! Set! Sp of these former Lady Knig name of any Touchdown! Do yo u remember any of the members of this Knights foot ball team? Hoopers, e SMHS Super th l to ck ba e m mni Basketbal Welco of the 1985 Alu of them? ps am Ch n io ize any Consolat Do you recogn Tournament! Lunch is s recogniz erved at St. Ma ry‟s cafe e any of Please c ontact u these hungry y teria. Do you s if you o can help ung students? us ident ify them ! St. Mary‟s t. Mary‟s Recall Non-profit Organization U.s. postage Paid Permit no. 36 Sleepy eye, mn S Mary‟s High School 104 St. Mary‟s Street NW Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 507-794-4841 Return Service Requested St. Mary’s 28th Annual Alumni Basketball Tournament December 26, 2009 Tournament and Alumni Post-Tournament Gathering at Railway Bar and Grill in Sleepy Eye for all alumni Two Brackets: “Older” Teams and “Newer” Teams HOMECOMING 2009 AT ST. MARY‟S! Congratulations to our 2009 St. Mary‟s Homecoming King Kyle Krzmarzick and our Queen Madeline Schmitz! Kyle is the son of Leon (‟81) and Kim (Hoffmann ‟82) Krzmarzick while Madeline is the daughter of Tony („82) and Lisa (Mages „84) Schmitz. Keaton Borth, son of Bob and Michelle Borth, and Kailey Seifert, daughter of Mike (‟69) and Linda (Schroepfer ‟69) Seifert were our first attendants while Mark Sellner, son of Robert („76) and Barb Sellner, and Nevada Helget, daughter of Jeanne (Haala ‟72) Helget, were our second attendants. The St. Mary‟s Student Council planned a busy Homecoming week, full of exciting activities for the students. The week culminated with the football game on Friday, September 25 against the Wabasso Rabbits which the Knights lost. Registration Fee for Tournament: $140 per team Contact: Jerry Neubauer 507-794-4121/ Entry Deadline: December 17, 2009 Your Alumni Tournament Sweepstakes tickets are included in this RECALL… please return as soon as possible for a chance to win! Check out the Grand Prize!!!!!
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