Winter 2015 Recall Issue - St. Mary`s Catholic School
Winter 2015 Recall Issue - St. Mary`s Catholic School
37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:07 PM Page 1 A IENDS OF ST . MARY’ S SCHOOL , S L E EP Y E Y AND F R E, MN • VO I N M U LUME 31 • NUMBER 1 • WINTER 2 0 1 5 R AL O F T T ER SLE W ATHO T LIC CHOOLS EEK NE C S W 2015 ST. MAR RY¶S SCHOOL: CATH T OLIC TO THE CORE From January 25²6W0DU\¶V6FKRROZDV ful u l of excitement as we celebrated Catholic Schools Week. At the weekend Masses, Sam Bloedow (¶00) spoke about Catholic schools to begin this week. Sam is marrrried to Jessica and they have three children, Alexander (1st JUDGHU DW 6W 0DU\¶V -RQDWKDQ DQG (OL]DEHWK 7KHIROORZLQJDUHH[FHUSWVIURP6DP¶VVSHHFKJRWRRXU website for o com mpl p ete version): :KDW , IHHO PDNHV 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO VSHFLDO LV WKDW LW focuses on learning and teaching through a combination of educational excellence, extracurricular opportunity and authentic Catholic teaching. Yet what I am speaking to is not about being a straight A student, winning a state championship, or memorizing word for word a dozen paragraphs about important events in Church history. y What I am referring to is what St 0DU\¶V VWXGHQWV KDYH OHDUQHG E\ EHLQJ FKDOOHQJHG academically, participating in extracurriculars, and engaged within a setting that is not just Catholic by name but authentically Catholic through and through. I believe the results of this uniqueness are graduates who have been given the tools for a lifetime of learning, are confid f ent in themselves, and are grounded with a strong set of values. «+RZ EOHVVHG ZH DUH WR KDYH 6W 0DU\¶V . .--12 school in such a small community. Some highlights of the week included the following: On Sunday affterrnnoon, n fam a ilies were invited to adore Jesus du uring Perrp petual Adoration in chu urch. On Monday, fam a ilies were treated to fresh KC donuts as they brought their children to school. Ellen 0DWKLRZHW] ¶ spoke to the student body during a kick-offf pep/prayer service. On Tuesday, high school students were paired with elementary sttudents to worrk on serrvice projects and play games. On Wednesday, we celebrated an All School Mass with Bishop LeVoir. At the end of thhe liturgy, the president of Commuunity Catholic Foundation presented our parish with a check for $20,601.21 (restricted for the high school) thhrough the generosity of e s who had estabMsgr. Robert Wyffel u t fun u d to beneffit the lished a charitable trus three high schools of the diocese as well 3LFWXUHG UHFHLYLQJ 0VJU :\IIHO¶V JLIW IURP &&) LV OO-r): Bishop LeVoir, Anne Cullen Miller-CCF Pres., Andrew Bach-High School Principal, Mssgr. Lozinski-3DVWRUDQG:D\QH3HO]HO¶-CCF Dir. of Planned Giving. DV 6W 0LFKDHO¶V JUDGH VFKRRO :H DUH H[WUHPHO\ JUDWHIXO for o his generosity! He was dedicated to the school and poured his heart and soul into it while he was pastor here. Following Mass, parents en njoyed coffee e and muufffins in the cafet e eria befor o e visiting classrooms. That evening, everryone was invited to a fun u -filled Parish Family nament, Night with activities including a dodge ball tourrn a e paintbingo, plinko, giant Jenga, fac u ing and silent auction. A beautiful prayer concluded the evening. On Thursday, the Student Council students delivered cookies to local businesses to express ou ur gratituude for o all they y do foorr our o r school. On Friday, a Variety/Talent Show filled with various talen nt acts by our faculty and students imppressed a filled auditorium! o lowing the 5:30 p.m. Mass, the Donor On Saturday, fol Appreciation Dinnner was held in the social room. Our distinguished donors, teachers and staff enjoyed a delicious meal prepared E\ WKH 6W 0DU\¶V &DWHULQJ /DGLHV (Marie (Sellner '60) Bushard and Rosella Windschitl) and crew: 0DWW¶and Jessica Grausam, Jeff Koewler and Cindy Rieke. The teachers and staff received their bonus checks based on years of servvice. The total amount of this bonus ned on the Staff Endowmen nt (80% of the interest earrn Fund) totaled $24,416.69. Thank you to Mrs. Jacque o sharing her memories of teach&RRN ¶ 1RYRWQ\ for LQJIRUWKHSDVW\HDUVDW6W0DU\¶V 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:07 PM Page 2 Fall Sports Recap For a complete recap of our fall sports, visit our website and click on the Alumni tab. 6W0DU\¶V6FKRROKHOGWKHLU33RD ANNUAL ALUMNI AND FRIENDS BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT on December 27, 2014 with five teams participating. The 2005-2007 team won as they defeated the 2012-2014 team with a score of 54-38. Players on the winning team pictured above are (lr) front row: 0DWW *DQJHOKRII ¶ &KULV ,EEHUVRQ ¶ $QGUHZ :RLWDV ¶ Middle row (l-r): Scott 0DQJHQ¶%LOO\ &RRN ¶%U\DQ0LOOLDUG¶ Back row (l-r): :LOO\ 0DQJHQ ¶ and Alan Woitas ¶ Thank you to all of the teams who participated. Congratulations to the raffle prize winners: Tom Larson ¶-$550, %LOO¶and 0DULH6FKXHOOHU¶:HEHU -$400, 'HDQ 0H\HU ¶ -$300, Team 2005-2007 $100, Fr. Andy Michels -$100 (donated back), R.L. Britton-$100 (donated back), Scott Simon-$100, Dan +LUVFK ¶ -$25, 6WHSKHQ +LOOHVKHLP ¶-$25, George Heim-$25, -RH+HLGHUVFKHLGW¶-$25. Thank you to the following sponsors: Schwartz Farms, Sleepy Eye Electric, 6W 0DU\¶V &DWHULQJ /DGLHV, 'DQ ¶ and Lisa Steffl, Council of Catholic Women, Knights of Columbus, Catholic United Financial, 7RQ\ ¶ and Joyce Hoffmann, Dan ('95) and Sheila (Sellner 6FKPLG 7RE\ ¶ and Gwen Schmid, Tom 6FKPLG ¶, 5DFKHO ¶ and Brent Kucera, Thriveon, 'UV $GDP ¶ and Karlyn Armbruster, -XGG ¶ and Jen Walter, %UDG ¶ and Christine Mathiowetz, %ULDQ 3 0DWKLRZHW] ¶, Mark Heymans (¶, Bill and Anita Walter, Student Council, Stark Farmers Mutual Insurance Co., Zinniel Electric, Catholic Order of Foresters, and Schweiss Meats. A fun time followed the tournament at the Railway Bar and Grill! The proceeds of $5,726.16 benefited the athletic and development departments. Thank you to everyone who supported this fundraiser! HOMECOMING 2014²Congratulations to Homecoming King Jared Rothmeier, son of Ray and Tammy and Queen Erika Ries, daughter of Bill and Julie. The Homecoming court consisted of Rebecca Schmitz, daughter of 7RQ\ ¶ and Lisa (Mages ¶; Tori Anderson, daughter of Paul and Julie; Laura Pelzel, daughter of Steve ¶ and Lynnae; Sabrina Portner, daughter of Tom µ and Mary; Brandon Helget, son of %LOO ¶ and -HQQ\ %UDXOLFN ¶; Lucas Heiderscheidt, son of Terry ¶ and Shelly; Jonathan Kopacek, son of Terry and Janelle (Reinarts ¶87) and David Surprenant, son of Scott and Judy. Junior attendants were Lucy Schmidt, daughter of Jonathan and Jena and Tyler Mathiowetz, son of 6FRWW ¶ and Kayla. The student council planned a week full of fun activities that ended with the football game on Friday, September 19, 2014. The Knights defeated the Springfield Tigers 41-20. 6W0DU\ÙV+LJK6FKRRO0XVLFDO MARK YOUR CALENDAR AND PLAN TO PLAY JANUARY 2, 2016! Friday, March 27, 2015 at 7:30PM Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 7:30PM Sunday, March 29, 2015 at 2:00PM Dinner Theater is on Saturday, March 28, at 5:00PM. Please visit to learn how to reserve your seats beginning March 9. What do you think about adding a dodgeball tournament to this tournament? Are you interested in getting a team together? :H¶G OLNH WR KHDU DKHDG RI WLPH 3OHDVH email your feedback to Mr. Bruce Woitas at 2 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:07 PM Page 3 Mr. Bach Makes ImPACt! Mr. Andrew Bach has been busy since becoming the high school principal this fall. Just recently he formed the Principal Alliance Committee (PAC). Two boys and two girls from each grade were chosen by the administration based on staff recommendations to find representatives of the general student body with a combination from all walks of student life. PAC differs from Student Council as they will focus more on school policies, procedures, scheduling needs and school climate. Pictured are members on the high school (grades 9-12) PAC (l-r) seated: Carly Hoffmann, daughter of 'DYLG¶ and Mary; Mr. Andrew Bach and Bailey Rutscher, daughter of Steven and 6XVDQ 3DXOVRQ¶. Second row (l-r): Tanisha Goblirsch, daughter of Kurt ¶and Sheri; Kaylee Braun, daughter of -DVRQ%UDXQ¶and Jill Bruns; Maleah Berry, daughter of Julie Hoffmann and Courtney Sellner, daughter of *DU\¶and 5HEHFFD+RIIPDQQ¶Back row (l-r): Elliot Braun, son of John ¶ and 5HQHH +DQVRQ ¶; Dalton Meyer, son of Ernie and Missi; Logan Steffensmeier, son of John Lux ¶and Krista Gent; Cole Owens, son of Wendy Owens and Steve Owens and Caleb Berg, son of Chad and Cindy. Other members not present for the photo are Abby Johnson, daughter of Carly and Deanna; Holly Moldaschel, daughter of Ron Moldaschel and Lisa Lax; Aaron Bruggeman, son of -RH¶and Carol; Cory Schumacher, son of Dean ¶and Julie and Drew Chmelar, son of Charles and Julie. This committee includes two reps from the Student Council: Megan Helget, daughter of Rick and %HFN\:DJQHU¶and Jim St. Peter, son of Jim and Chris. There is also a PAC for the junior high (grades 7 & 8) with eight members serving as an advisory board. As members of these committees our students will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, interpersonal relationships, debate skills and increase their investment in the school through an increased voice. Congratulations Newlyweds! 3DXO)XFKVµmarried 1LFROH6WHIIOµon 8/1/14. -HVVLFD1RYRWQ\¶married Sean Couillard 9/6/14. .DWKHULQH%HUNQHU¶married Forest Letellier on 9/13/14. 7RP%UDXOLFNµmarried Casie Schewe on 9/20/14. &DVVDQGUD=LQQLHO¶married Matthew Fritz on 10/4/14. -DFRE%ORHGRZ¶married .DWLH6HOOQHU¶on 10/18/14. &DUO+RIIPDQQ¶married Caitlin Franke on 11/22/14. -XOLD(FNVWHLQ¶married Brian Henke on 11/22/14. .DWHO\Q%HUNQHU¶married Matthew Gray on 1/28/15. CLASS REUNIONS Class of 1955² 60 year reunion will be held August 7, at Whiskey River in St. Peter, 12:30PM luncheon. Contact: Ruth Steffl 507-794-6144. Class of 1965²50 year reunion will be held September 7, DW WKH 6HUYLFHPHQ¶V &OXE &RQWDFW /LQGD *HKUNH Schroepfer 507-794-6842. Class of 1995²20 year reunion will be held August 1, at )RUUHVW,EEHUVRQ¶VKRPH&RQWDFW6WDFH\*URHEQHU=DUQ Remember to contact Chris in the Development Office for addresses when planning your class reunion! MARATHON 2014²ANOTHER NIGHT ON THE ROOF 6W0DU\¶V6FKRROFHOHEUDWHGWKHLU0DUDWKRQIRU1RQ-Public Education on October 3, 2014. Incentives were given to the students to help achieve the school goal. One of the elementary Marathon incentives was a picnic for the class who averaged the most money per student. The 3rd grade class won this incentive and because of their efforts, their teacher, Mrs. Maria Lux, also got to spend the night on the school roof with elementary principal Mrs. Mary (Hoffmann ¶ Gangelhoff! We are grateful to everyone who gave to our Marathon, especially our alumni who re7KH EHVW ZD\ WR VWD\ FXUUHQW RQ ZKDW¶V KDSSHQLQJ ceived letters from our students and sent a gift. Because of when it happens is with Facebook! Our school has HYHU\RQH¶V JHQHURVLW\ RXU VFKRRO VXUSDVVHG WKHLU JRDO DQG RQH RI WKH EHVW )% SDJHV \RX¶OO ILQG /LNH XV RQ UHFHLYHGIRUWKLV\HDU¶V0DUDWKRQ FB! Go to 3 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:07 PM Page 4 The Class of 1949 held their 65 year reunion on June 28, 2014 at the Railway Bar and Grill in Sleepy Eye. Pictured seated is (l-r): Mary (Schumacher) Griffin, Minneapolis; Joan (Braun) Abrahamson, Sleepy Eye and Peggy (Krzmarzick) Tauer, Sleepy Eye. Back row standing (lr): Margie (Hirsch) Broich, Sleepy Eye; Leon Tauer, Sleepy Eye; Donald Sellner, Comfrey and Eugene Fuchs, Morgan. We are grateful for their donation of $50 to the Recall. The Class of 1954 held their 60 year class reunion on Sept. 5, 2014 in Savage, MN. Pictured in the front row is (l-r): Robert Johnson, Hastings; Gerald Krzmarzick, Rochester; John Rosseth, Bloomington. Back Row: Mavis (Marks) Davis, New Ulm; Barbara (Piehl) Roetzler, Buffalo; Rita (Neid) Rosseth, Bloomington; Marie (Maurer) Trautman, North Mankato; Claudia (Tauer) Klages, Good Thunder; Joan (Sellner) Richert, Sleepy Eye; Joan (Thuer) Werner, Saint Peter. The Class of 1959 held their 55 year class reunion on August 2, 2014 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Barb Marso, Sleepy Eye; Colleen (Hengel) Berkner, Sleepy Eye; Donna Krzmarzick, Maple Grove; Judy (Schottenbauer) Conrad, St. Cloud; Patty (Bertrand) Steeber, Maple Grove; Dorothy (Billmeier) Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Phyllis (Mathiowetz) Wenner, Nicollet; Sr. Theresa Hoffmann, Rochester. Second row (l-r): Carolyn (Suess) Bertrand, New Ulm; Carol (Goldschmidt) Hengel, Sleepy Eye; Janet (Sellner) Evenson, Gibbon; Verena (Groebner) Nelson, Sleepy Eye; Sandy (Bertrand) Runing, White Bear Lake; Mag (Olsen) Rasmussen, Marion, OH; Angela (Schroepfer) Bushard, New Ulm; Ann Marie (Zinniel) Scharfencamp, New Ulm; Margaret (Seidl) Bauer, New Ulm. Third row (l-r): Lynn Willhite, San Marino, CA; Gerald Hauser, New Ulm; John Bertrand, Tipp City, OH; Patrick Rosenhamer, Sleepy Eye; Curt Runing, Coggon, IA; Leo Braun, Runaway Bay, TX; Ed Berkner, Sleepy Eye; Robert Tauer, Hanska; David Pietig, Sleepy Eye; David Pinzka, St. Paul; Tom Hirsch, Sleepy Eye. 4 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:07 PM Page 5 The Class of 1964 KHOGWKHLU\HDUFODVVUHXQLRQRQ6HSWDWWKH6HUYLFHPHQ¶V&OXELQ6OHHS\(\H3LFWXUHG in the front row is (l-r): Pat Windschitl, Wentworth, SD; Jim Miller, New Ulm; Florian Wurtzberger, New Ulm; Kathy (Piehl) Grausam, New Ulm, Darlene (Boettger) Tauer, Hanska; Pat Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye. 2 nd row (l-r): Leonard Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye, Chuck Forster, Sleepy Eye; Ardelle (Helget) Domeier, New Ulm; Madeline (Hillesheim) Toups, Newllano, LA; Teresa (Seifert) Wenisch, Lamberton; Judy (Thul) Olson, South Haven; Elaine (Abel) Nalipinski, New Richmond, WI; Mary Ann (Schmidt) Sommerfeld, Sleepy Eye. 3rd row (l-r): Dave Haala, Sleepy Eye; Leonard Hauser, Essig; John Johnson, Plymouth; Tim Soukup, Spicer; Nancy (Evers) Mann, Sleepy Eye; Marian (Wunsch) Johnson, Sleepy Eye; Joyce (Sellner) Berg, Sleepy Eye; Sharon (Schroepfer) Kral, Sleepy Eye; Susan (Schumacher) Pelzel, Sleepy Eye; Beverly (Witt) Reynolds, Naples, FL; Richard Groebner, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Don Krueger, St. Louis Park; Mike Cleary, Brandon; Tim Peichel, Gainesville, TX; Tom Woessner, Brandon; Chuck Nelson, Sleepy Eye; Peter Schreiner, North Mankato; David J. Sellner, Sleepy Eye; Tom Neyers, Albert Lea; Clete Zinniel, Sleepy Eye; Robert Braun, Sleepy Eye; Ron Krzmarzick, New Ulm. Present but not pictured is Leo Soukup and Ron Gent. We are grateful for their donation of $1,115 to the Scholarship Trust Fund. The Class of 1969 held their 45 year class reunion on August 16, 2014 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Darlene (Berberich) Hoffmann, New Ulm; Maggie (Sellner) Mages, Lafayette; Joan (Schottenbauer) Fixsen, Fairfax; Carol (Mathiowetz) Wendland, Sleepy Eye; Rosemary (Simonsen) Suker, Lakeville; Jean (Zollner) Moody, Sanborn; Gretchen (Schwartz) Hesli, St. Paul, Susan (Goldschmidt) Hogen, New Ulm. 2 nd row (l-r): Gloria (Schmid) Peluso, New Brighton; Jean (Rono) Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Joe Soukup, Sleepy Eye; Linda (Marks) Krueger, Glencoe; Tom Larson, Sleepy Eye; Dennis Tauer, Jordan; Bob Seidl, Faribault; Mike Hillesheim, New Ulm; Jeanne (Broich) Wass, Essig. Back row (l-r): Vince Sellner, Sleepy Eye; Ruth Bertrand, Red Wing; Larry Mages, Lafayette; Eugene Krueger, Farwell; Ken Hauser, Sleepy Eye, Steve Braulick, Sleepy Eye. Present and not pictured: Gwyn Goettig- Ruddy, Brad Johnson, Karolyn (Fredrickson) Marks, Myra (Sellner) Simon, Carey Seifert, Patricia (Seidl) Rademaker, Allen Fischer, Carol Hillesheim, Mary Ann (Helget) Krebs. 5 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:07 PM Page 6 The Class of 1974 held their 40 year class reunion on August 23, 2014 at the Sleepy Eye Golf Club. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Jay Miller, Buffalo; Dean Koll, Glenwood Springs, CO; Phil Sellner, Sleepy Eye; Matt Rausch, California, MD; Mike Schmid, Sleepy Eye; Steve Hansen, Chaska; Vernard Haala, Sleepy Eye. Second row (l-r): Mary Carroll, New Ulm; Carol (Fromm) Whitney, Mankato; Julie (Helget) Windschitl, Comfrey; Diane (Neid) Meath, Centerville; Rita (Moldaschel) Weiss, Sleepy Eye; Patty (Eckstein) Kopel, North Mankato; Debra (Helget) Hacker, Olivia; Ralph Hillesheim, Sleepy Eye; Jerome Tauer, Harrison, AR. Back row (l-r): Randy Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Jack Pelzel, Buckeye, AZ; John Ebenhoh, Sleepy Eye; Wally Johns, Mankato; Jim Tauer, Plymouth; Jerry Heymans, Winona; Fred Braulick, Sleepy Eye; Sandy (Krueger) Nydam, Sleepy Eye; Bruce Sellner, New Ulm; Candy (Seifert) Helget, Sleepy Eye; Dale Berkner, Brandon, SD; John Schwartz, Sleepy Eye; Cathy Haala, New York, NY. We are grateful for their donation of $1,000 to the Scholarship Trust Fund in memory of their deceased classmates. The Class of 1979 held their 35 year class reunion on August 2, 2014 at the Eagles Orchid Inn in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Jaci Braun, Sleepy Eye; Monte Heiderscheidt, Sleepy Eye, Geraldine (Helget) Vogel, Lake Crystal; Glenn Berkner, Sleepy Eye. Second row (l-r): Brad Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Kay (Eckstein) McGuire, St. Paul; Dan Seidl, Sleepy Eye; Loren Ludewig, Sleepy Eye; Mike Gangelhoff, Hastings; Randy Zinniel, Sleepy Eye; Eileen Sellner, Sleepy Eye. Back row (l-r): Tom Conrad, New Palestine, IN; Doug Mathiowetz, Sleepy Eye; Duane Kral, New Ulm; Darold Krzmarzick, Sleepy Eye; Cindee (Stimpert) Schewe, Sleepy Eye; Deb (Mages) Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Kathy (Schmidt) Kotten, Wentworth, SD; Liz (Baumann) Koskiniemi, Staples; Joan (Eischen) Hoffman, New Ulm; Lisa (Peichel) Pelzel, Sleepy Eye; Nellie (Sellner) Richter, Comfrey; Maurice Seidl, New Ulm; Monica (Sellner) Lax, Sleepy Eye; Katie (Schotzko) Dalbec, Champlin; Mark Bollig, Franktown, CO. We are grateful for their donation of $625 to the North Addition for the church. 6 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:08 PM Page 7 The Class of 1984 held their 30 year class reunion on July 5, 2014 at the &DUO¶V &RUQHU LQ (VVLJ Pictured in the front row (l-r): Alan Knadel, St. Cloud; Bonnie (Nelson) Guldan, Sleepy Eye; Lois (Krzmarzick) Ezzo, Canton, OH; Mary Ann (Van Keulen) Neid, New Ulm; Nancy (Reiniger) Reed, Lafayette. Back row (l-r): John Schotzko, New Ulm; Ann (Schmitz) Schotzko, New Ulm; Diann (Dietz) Wiederich, Le Sueur; Brenda (Wintheiser) Schumann, Burleson, TX; Lisa (Mages) Schmitz, Sleepy Eye; Gary Hauser, New Ulm; Gina (Roiger) Windschitl, Sleepy Eye. We are grateful for their donation of $965 to the AdoptA-Student fund. The Class of 1989 held their 25 year class reunion on August 16, 2014 at the Kaiserhoff in New Ulm. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Eric Larson, Sleepy Eye; Craig Haas, Clive, IA; Jeremy Klein, Owatonna; Bob Steffl, Albert Lea; Adam Huiras, North Mankato; Scott Zilka, St. Louis Park. 2nd row (l-r): Tork (Berkner) Schweiss, Sleepy Eye; Lia (Proell) Peterson, Blooming Prairie; Sonya (Krzmarzick) Schoneck, Amboy; Paula (Helget) Meyer, Marshall; Shelly (Groebner) Kosak, Sleepy Eye; Barb (Seidl) Schreier, Redwood Falls; Aaron Berg, Rochester; John Tauer, Lakeville. Back row (lr): Connie (Strate) Goblirsch, Butterfield; Barb (Lux) Kerkhoff, Morgan; Tracy (Sellner) Fitzgerald, Blaine; Bob Bushard, St. Louis Park; Randy Sellner, Sleepy Eye. The Class of 1994 held their 20 year class reunion on August 2, 2014 at the Railway Bar and Grill in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Dawn (Eickhoff) Sellner, Sleepy Eye; J eremy Mages, New Ulm; Rachel (Meyer) Hoffman, New Ulm; Dan Kuebler, Lake Crystal; Mag McDowell, Portland, OR; Jenny (Braulick) Helget, Sleepy Eye; Joanna (Hoffmann) Carroll, West Fargo, ND. Second row (l-r): Lynn (Schneider) Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Danna (Domeier) Trebesch, Sleepy Eye; Holly (Hoffmann) Christensen, Sleepy Eye; Lisa (Kral) Oberg, Sartell; Tammy (Sellner) Hinderman, New Ulm; Tiffany (Bertrand) Hoffmann, Sleepy Eye; Sarah Forster, Maplewood; Ann (Sprenger) Andries, Marshall. Back (l-r): Mike Hillesheim, Shakopee; Tim Haala, Eagan; Dan Haala, New Ulm; Justin Weiss, Austin, TX; Jeff Sellner, Eagan; Matt Nuytten, Lake Crystal; Kevin Bushard, Northfield; Joe Haala, Courtland; Jenny (Braun) Kunkel, Sleepy Eye; Jason Braun, Mankato. 7 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:08 PM Page 8 The Class of 1999 held their 15 year class reunion on August 9, 2014 at the Railway Bar and Grill in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Dustin Haala, Santa Monica, CA; Tim Schwartz, Sleepy Eye; Todd Hemme, Sioux Falls, SD; Bob Schmid, Sleepy Eye; Dustin Helget, Mounds View; Naomi (Walter) Weiss, Sleepy Eye; Kit (Neubauer) Rehman, Waconia; Kristin (Jahnke) Sprenger, New Ulm; Melissa (Hille) Grabek, Mounds View; Rashelle (Hoffmann) Weicherding, Sleepy Eye; Beth Vait, Sleepy Eye; Heide (Hornick) Helget, Sleepy Eye; Michelle (Sellner) Masog, Paynesville, Chrissy Mages, Minneapolis. Back row (l-r): Kyle Sheesley, Farmington; Matt Ludewig, St. Cloud; Brian Harkin, Becker; Cori Krebs, Minneapolis; Kurt Wurtzberger, New Ulm; Susie Eckstein, Edina; Susie (Regan) Rodewald, Mankato; Rachel (Braun) Eckstein, Sleepy Eye; Anna (Brandl) Melzer, New Ulm. The Class of 2004 held their 10 year class reunion on August 23, 2014 at the Railway Bar and Grill in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Raina (Walter) Klisch, Marshall; Rachel (Heiderscheidt) Weeks, St. Paul; Amanda (Helget) Wunderlin, New Ulm; Abigail Helget, South St. Paul. Back row (l-r): Jim Peterson, Sleepy Eye, Garrett Soukup, Faribault; Jennifer (Stimpert) Hinderman, Sleepy Eye; Nick Braun, Clearwater. Present but not pictured, Joey Wahl and Steven Seidl. The Class of 2009 held their 5 year class reunion on August 23, 2014, at the Sportsmen Park in Sleepy Eye. Pictured in the front row (l-r): Cortnie (Wahl) Mathiowetz, Sleepy Eye; Amanda Fischer, Sleepy Eye; Allison Heiderscheidt, Sleepy Eye; Mikayla Mages, Sleepy Eye; Samantha Tauer, Mankato; Amy Surprenant, Sleepy Eye; Sarah Ludewig, Minneapolis. Back row (l-r): Elizabeth (Seidl) Madsen, Morgan; Crissi Schewe, Sleepy Eye; Dave Krzmarzick, St. James; Peter Schwartz, New Ulm; John Cook, Sleepy Eye; Jake Mangen, Sleepy Eye; Casey Davidson, Beulah, ND; Bryan Windschitl, Sleepy Eye. 8 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:08 PM Page 9 ³1XQ´%HWWHUDW7HDPLQJ5HOLJLRXV/LIHZLWK)RRWEDOO By Sr. Lisa Maurer (¶ kicking. I was not really sure how to answer him. I had never played or coached football. (All I ever did was PDUNWKHOLQHVRIWKH6W0DU\¶VILHOGIRUP\'DG0RUH importantly, as a Benedictine Sister I had to discuss it with my Prioress and truly discern if this is a part of *RG¶VSODQIRUPH When I answered *RG¶VFDOOWR5HOLJLRXV Life I thought I was giving-up coaching. I WKRXJKW P\ ³\HV´ WR *RG PHDQW ³QR´ WR DOO the things that I enjoyed, like coaching. Boy, was I wrong! My ³\HV´ WR *RG KDV EURXJKW VR PDQ\ DPD]LQJ WKLQJV WR my life. Since entering St. Scholastica Monastery in 'XOXWK³WKH/RUGKDVGRQHJUHDWWKLQJVIRUPHDQGKRO\ LVKLVQDPH´/N,FDQ¶WEHJLQWRWHOODOOWKHZRQ ders that have been afforded me. Some are big and some are small. Many are personal and often private but every now and again they are public. One of the surprise blessings of my Monastic Life has been very SXEOLF«FRDFKLQJIRRWEDOO So after much prayer and many conversations with my Prioress and Coach Ramler, I felt the Spirit once again FDOO PH WR VD\ ³\HV´ ,Q WKH HQG , GLG UHFHLYH 6LVWHU /RLV¶ EOHVVLQJ $QG GHVSLWH MXJJOLQJ 0RQDVWLF /LIH D job as director of mission for the Benedictine Health 6\VWHP DQG JUDGXDWH VFKRRO DW 6W -RKQ¶V 8QLYHUVLW\ School of Theology, I became the first-ever female on WKH &ROOHJH V IRRWEDOO FRDFKLQJ VWDII«DQG SRVVLEO\ WKH only coaching sister in all of college football. ,W¶V EHHQ DEVROXWHO\ ZRQGHUIXO )RRWEDOO KDV ILW VHDP lessly into my vocation and my life. I get an immense thrill, lots of excitement and true fulfillment out of coaching. Admittedly, I have experienced a steep learning curve coaching college football and working with kickers but I love it! It is great seeing football from the inside. I have such respect for our coaching staff and our student athletes. The amount of dedication, work and effort that goes into it game after game after game is astonishing. I am awfully proud of who and what we are as a football team. The story of my role as kicking coach at the College of St. Scholastica (CSS) made quite a splash. It started out simple enough with the local Duluth news outlets doing stories on the opening of camp for the 2014 football season. From there my position as kicking and punting coach with the Saints exploded. It made the Minneapolis Star Tribune, the New York Times, Sports Illustrated (on -line), Fox News Network's Fox and Friends, Currents a Catholic television daily news show in Brooklyn, NY, and the Catholic News Service, which goes to more than 200 outlets in the U.S. and abroad. All of the media attention has been pretty amazing and sometimes overwhelming. Who knew simply doing something I loved would garner such interest! I am so grateful for the positive publicity it has brought to the College of St. Scholastica, Saints Football and St. Scholastica Monastery. (Plus GLG \RX QRWLFH WKDW 6W 0DU\¶V DQG 0U 0DXUHU JRW D IHZ ³VKRXW RXWV´ LQ WKH QDWLRQDO press?!?) It has been a true blessing for all involved. I KDYHHQMR\HGKHDULQJIURP6W0DU\¶V$OXPVDQG'DG¶V former players. My own vocation has been enriched and my commitment to the Lord strengthened. My gratitude and joy in the Lord is flourishing! My connection to the football team began because I wanted to stay involved with sports. I came to the monastery around the same time that football started at CSS. The football practice field is directly behind our monastery and I found myself drawn by the VRXQG RI WKH FRDFKHV¶ ZKLVWOHV , ZRXOG VLW ZDWFKLQJ from the sidelines or walk around the field praying my Rosary. After time, I became a fixture at most practices and eventually I forged a relationship with the players and coaches and attended most games. &RDFKLQJ IRRWEDOO ZLWKLQ P\ ³\HV´ WR 5HOLJLRXV /LIH SURYHVWKDW³QRKXPDQPLQGFDQFRQFHLYHWKHWKLQJVWKDW *RG KDV SUHSDUHG IRU WKRVH ZKR ORYH +LP´ , &RULQ WKLDQV:RXOGQ¶WLWZRXOGEHVRPHWKLQJif my story gets young people thinking seriously about religious voFDWLRQV«ZKLOHEULQJLQJLQDVWHOODU&66IRRWEDOOUHFUXLW or two! When Kurt Ramler became head coach in the spring of 2014, he approached me about helping out with the WHDP,WROGKLP,¶GDVVLVWLQDQ\ZD\,FRXOG,WKRXJKW, could do some prayer things with the guys and be around for support. He told me that the prayer stuff was in his ZRUGV D ³QR-EUDLQHU´ EXW KH DOVR ZDQWHG PH WR WDNH D little more active role. He asked what I thought about 9 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:08 PM Page 10 /HW3HUSHWXDO/LJKW6KLQH8SRQ7KHP« (Includes obituaries received through February 9, 2015) Msgr. Robert Wyffels, 79, died on November 29, 2014. He was ordained to the priesthood on February 21, 1960. Msgr. :\IIHOVVHUYHGDV SDULVK SDVWRU KHUH IURP XQWLO 'XULQJ WKLVWLPH 0VJU :\IIHOV ZDV SULQFLSDO RI 6W 0DU\¶V High School from 1971-1973 and 1975-1979. Msgr. Wyffels also taught Religion classes as needed years later. He is survived by his siblings Richard, Donald (Angie), Mary Anne Van Lerberghe and Dennis. Robert Cochran, 67, died April 4, 2014. He was a member of the class of 1965. He is survived by his wife Marny and two sons Sean and Brian. Melvin L. WeberGLHGRQ-XO\0HOYLQJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXUYLYHGE\ his wife Marge and children Mark (Jenny) and Shelly. Fr. Leonard Jenniges, GLHG-XO\+HWDXJKWDW6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO 3DWULFLD2¶5RXUNH6HLIHUW, 83, died August 4, 2014. Patt was a member of the class of 1948. She is survived by her husEDQG 6WDQOH\ ³6RQQ\´ 6HLIHUW DQG FKLOGUHQ &DUH\ ¶ &KULVWLQH ¶ 'DQ ¶ +RIIPDQQ &UDLJ ¶ &DQG\ ¶ 0LNH¶+HOJHW&DWK\¶5DQG\/XGHZLJ&RQQLH¶'RQ¶6FKURHSIHU Melvin Rose, GLHG $XJXVW +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV ZLIH -RVHSKLQH 7DXHU ¶ DQG FKLOGUHQ 3HWHU ¶ &HOHQD3DXO¶DQG3DP¶%RE)OHFN Linus KrzmarzickGLHG$XJXVW+HDWWHQGHG6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO+HLVVXUYLYHGE\KLVFKLOGUHQ(ODLQH¶ -LP0LFNHOVRQ/XYHUQH¶5RVLH'LDQQH¶0HO$OIUHG'HQQLV¶'LDQH6HOOQHUµ6KDURQ¶5RJHU +RIIPDQQ$OYLQ¶%DUE6FKURHSIHUµ6KLUOH\¶$QWKRQ\¶6FKURHSIHU(XJHQH¶-XOLH&OHWXV¶ %UHQGD ¶ 7RP ¶ 6FKURHSIHU .DWK\ ¶ 6WHYH ¶ :HUVDO 'HEUD ¶ 3DXO ¶ 6FKPLW] /HRQ ¶ .LP +RIIPDQQ¶DQG/X$QQ¶6KDZQ¶5H\QROGV Sally (Celestine Entinger) Maiers, 96, died on August 19, 2014. She is survived by her children Dennis (Karen Konz ¶/XDQD%HHFK-DQH¶+RIIPDQQ0DUF\¶7RQ\(ULFNVRQ*OHQQ¶/DXULH6FKURHSIHU¶/RLV¶ +H\PDQVDQG%ULDQ¶5KRQGD3HO]HO¶ James SchmidtGLHG$XJXVW+HJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXUYLYHGE\KLVZLIH /X$QQ2¶0DOOH\¶DQGVRQV7LPDQG%ULDQ Irene (Sellner) SeifertGLHGRQ$XJXVW6KHDWWHQGHG6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUGDXJKWHUV 'HEELH¶'RXJ+DOYRUVRQDQG&LQG\¶-RKQ1HOVRQ Randall J. BerknerGLHG6HSWHPEHU+HJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXUYLYHGE\ KLVFKLOGUHQ$OODQ¶%RQQLH5HQDH¶1HLO%RFN'DOH¶'LDQQH&LQG\¶&KDUOHV¶6RERFLQVNL3DW ULFN¶3DWW\6SDHWK¶DQG/\QQ¶ Marian (Portner) FischerGLHG6HSWHPEHU6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUFKLOGUHQ$OOHQ¶&DURO.HOYLQ¶-XG\1DQF\ ¶DQG%HYHUO\ Sr. Jacqueline FarrellGLHGRQ6HSWHPEHU6U-DFTXHOLQHWDXJKWDW6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO Christine (Turbes) NelsonGLHGRQ6HSWHPEHU6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUFKLOGUHQ6DQG\'RPHLHU/RUL¶ (Todd) Klotz and Steve (Beth). Jane Elizabeth Goblirsch, 82, died September 26, 2014. Jane was a member of the class of 1950. Annette (Ochs) Feirer, 91, died October 4, 2014. Annette is survived by her children, Allan (Yvonne), Linnea Barron and David. Ivona (Helget) WindschitlGLHG2FWREHU6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLVVXU YLYHGE\KHUVRQV.HQ0DU\'DYLG'LDQH-HIIU\-XOLH+HOJHW¶'DQ7DPP\ Gertrude (Hauser) Marti, 91, died 2FWREHU 6KHDWWHQGHG 6W0DU\¶V 6FKRRO 6KH LVVXUYLYHG E\ KHU FKLOGUHQ 0RQLFD ¶:DUZLFN -DQHW ¶-HQQLJHV )UDQN ¶.DUHQ 'HRSHUH 'LDQH ¶ +HPPHWHU 5RQ ¶ 0DUOHQH $QLWD¶-RKQ+HPPHWHU6WHYHQ¶3DXO¶/X$QQ0DU\¶0DUN+DOOHU%RE¶.DWK\-R+DQVHQ ¶-XOLH¶5LFKDUG6LQGHOLUDQG%HYHUO\¶'DQ.DGOHF Marvin SellnerGLHG2FWREHU+HDWWHQGHG6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO+HLVVXUYLYHGE\KLVFKLOGUHQ'HEELH¶ 7LP%UHXHU%DUE¶6WDQ6LHJOH9LFNLH¶.URQDEHWWHU%UDG¶6XH,EEHUVRQ¶DQG/RUL¶ Verna (Hillesheim) ReinGLHG2FWREHU6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLVVXUYLYHG by her children Jerry (Colleen), Dan (Brenna), Nick (Sharon) and Becky (Jim) Cartwright. Roger Klein, 77, died October 26, 2014. He was a member of the class of 1954. He is survived by his wife Joanne (Seidl ¶DQGGDXJKWHUV/RUL¶6WHYHQ'LHUNHDQG/LVD¶7LP(FNVWHLQ Sylvia (Helget) AugustinGLHG1RYHPEHU6KHDWWHQGHG6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUGDXJKWHU Brenda (Rodney) Newman. Adella (Windschitl) Schueneman GLHG 2FWREHU 6KH DWWHQGHG 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO 6KHLV VXUYLYHG E\ KHU children Jody, Tom (Becky), Ann (Carl) Schmitz, Richard (Karen) and Paul. Celine (Ebenhoh) BortnichakGLHG1RYHPEHU&HOLQHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLV 10 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:08 PM Page 11 survived by her first husband Michael Suess and children Anthony Suess, Tim Suess, Patricia Meznarich, Maryellen Hall and Frances Bishop. Mary Jane (Ganske) KoesslerGLHG1RYHPEHU6KHJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ She is survived her children Joseph (Sandy), Mary Sue Bonin, Cindy (Phillip) Altmann and Jon. Gerald Goldschmidt, 89, died November 28, 2014. He was a member of the class of 1943. He is survived by his wife Olive and children Susan (Jim) Hogen, Mary Lee (Perry) Polzin, Mark (Barbara), Tom (Terri), Janet Betker, Joel, Ann (Terry) Holtz, Leon (Sheri), Barbara, John (Stephanie) and Kevin (Tammy). Teresa Schroeder, GLHG'HFHPEHU7HUHVDJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ6KHLVVXU vived by her children Kelly Kluver and Kathy Kluver. Linus Weiss GLHG 'HFHPEHU +H LV VXUYLYHG E\ KLV FKLOGUHQ 'RQQD ¶ 0DUYLQ ¶ 0DUDOHH 6WHSKHQ ¶ 3DWW\ ¶ &OHWH ¶ 7DXHU -DQHW 1DFKUHLQHU ¶ 0DU\$QQ )LVFKHU ¶ -XOLH ¶ (XJHQH +LOGHEUDQGW$XGUH\¶.HQ5XXG-HDQQLH¶%UDG+LHWDQHQ5LFKDUG¶DQG%UHQGD¶0LNH¶ Linus SchonsGLHG-DQXDU\+HJUDGXDWHGIURP6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROLQ+HLVVXUYLYHGE\KLV daughters Lynn (Steve) Dolan and Lori (Eugene) Zempel. Elenora (Krebs) ThuerGLHG-DQXDU\6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUGDXJKWHUV-RDQ¶%RE:HUQHU$OLFH ¶%LOO/RHDQG0DU\¶3KLO$OLRWR Evelyn (Rosenhammer) Kinney, 76, died January 27, 2015. She graduated from St. Mary's High School in 1955. Joanne (Helget) GroebnerGLHGRQ)HEUXDU\6KHLVVXUYLYHGE\KHUGDXJKWHUV6KDUL¶%LOO¶3HO ]HO6KHOO\¶*DU\¶.RVDN.ULVWL¶0DUY+RVH6WDFH\¶-HII=DUQ Mary (Scherer) Lux, 90, died February 9, 2015. She is survived by her children Douglas, Audrey (·(Larry) Johnson and Gerald (Michelle) Lux. :KDWZLOO\RXUOHJDF\EH"0DNLQJDJLIWWR6W0DU\¶V&DWKROLF6FKRROLQ\RXUZLOODOORZV\RXWROHDYHDOHJDF\ Please rememEHU6W0DU\¶V6FKRRODV\RXSUHSDUH\RXUZLOO Dear Alumni and Friends of 6W0DU\¶V6FKRRO 5HFHQWO\6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRROUH ceived $20,601.21 from an annuity that Msgr. Bob Wyffels had established during his life. We are indeed grateful for this gift, a sign of his generosity and KLJKUHJDUGIRU6W0DU\¶V+LJK6FKRRO and the importance of Catholic School education. He gave an equal amount to each of the high schools in the diocese DVZHOODV6W0LFKDHO¶VJUDGHVFKRRO+HVHUYHGDWHDFKRI these schools as either their Principal or Pastor. Every year of his active priesthood was spent in a parish with a Catholic School. He therefore had the opportunity to touch the lives of many, if not most of the youth and their parents in those parishes. Msgr. Wyffels saw our Catholic schools having a unique opportunity to pass on the Catholic Faith and form young people with strong moral virtues. +HVHUYHGDV3DVWRURI6W0DU\¶VIURP'HFHPEHURI to June of 1982 and one year as an associate. We ask God to grant him rest and peace for all eternity for having served Him faithfully here on earth. May his kindness be returned to him many times over by the one who came to serve and not be served. May each of us remember him in our prayers and may many of us follow his H[DPSOHDQGJLYHJHQHURXVO\WR6W0DU\¶VVRWKDWLWZLOO be able to continue to be a strong instrument to build up the Body of Christ by forming our young people in the Catholic Faith. May Jesus Christ be praised in all we do and are. Msgr. Eugene Lozinski, Pastor-Superintendent 11 Thriveon Named One of 100 Best Companies to Work For Thriveon is excited to be named one RI WKH µ %HVW &RPSDQLHV WR :RUN )RU¶E\Minnesota Business magazine. This achievement results from their dedication to making their work environment a great place to be for their employees. Thriveon strives to ensure their employees consider the workplace to be more than just a place to punch in from 8-5. They are all here to work together as a team and produce better results for their clients. 7KULYHRQ WUXO\ EHOLHYHV LW¶V HVVHQWLDO WR PDNH VXUH HDFK employee feels valued for their contributions to the team. 6DP %ORHGRZ ¶, CEO at Thriveon, expressed his JUDWLWXGH ³, DP TXLWH KXPEOHG E\ EHLQJ QDPHG WR WKH Top 100 places to work by Minnesota Business Magazine. One of the greatest joys of building a growing company is providing opportunities for others to be happy and successful. I am continuously amazed by our team at 7KULYHRQ´ $W 6W 0DU\¶V 6FKRRO HOHPHQWDU\ FRPSXWHU LQVWUXFWRU &KULV %UDXQ ¶ $QGUHV VKDUHV ³7KULYHRQ LV RXU ,7 support. They are responsible for the smooth operation of our in school/church computer functions. They mainWDLQRXUVHUYHUVFRPSXWHUODEVDQGWHDFKHUODSWRSV´ Congratulations to Thriveon! INQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW Who painted the Knight on the horse in the school basement hallway outside the band room as you exit to the football field? Email: 37548 SMSE Recall Winter 2015.qxp__ 2/18/15 4:08 PM Page 12 Non-profit Organization U.s. postage Paid Permit no. 36 Sleepy eye, mn 6W0DU\·V5HFDOO 6W0DU\¶V&DWKROLF6FKRRO 6W0DU\¶V6WUHHW1: Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 507-794-4121 Return Service Requested ,W·V7LPHIRUWKH6W0DU\·V&KXUFK Calendar Raffle Congratulations to the winning team at our 24TH ANNUAL ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GOLF TOURNAMENT held on September 13, 2014, (l-r): Darren Anderson, Josh South, %UHWW0DWKLRZHW]¶. We had 26 teams of three participating this year with a profit of $4,370. Second place team was -LOO6FKXPDFKHU¶:HLVV, Karl Weiss and Kevin Weiss. The longest drive for men: Brett Mathiowetz and for women: 0DFNHQ]LH6FKXW]¶; closest to the pin for men with a hole in one: Kevin Weiss and women: Mackenzie Schutz; longest putt for men: Tad Klabacca, and women: Denise Ludewig. The winners of skins were Brett Mathiowetz, Josh South, Darren Anderson, Jill/ Karl/Kevin Weiss, 0DWW 0DWKLRZHW] ¶, Sean 0DWKLRZHW]¶, .DQVDV$GDPV¶. Thank you to all the golfers and to our sponsors! There will be $12,000 in prizes awarded in our annual 6W0DU\¶V&KXUFK&DOHQGDU5DIIOH There are 378 chances to win! Two drawings for $200 TOne drawing for $125 11 drawings for $100 T 51 drawings for $50 313 drawings for $25 Many of you have supported this important parish fundraiser in the past. Please buy a raffle calendar again this year. The calendar tickets are $25 each and a limited number will be sold. The drawing will be held on July 1 so please send your check for $25 per calendar by June 25. (Checks received after July 1 will be kept as donations). Thank you! Please make checks payable to 6W0DU\¶V&KXUFK. And send to: 636 1st Ave N, Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Please include this slip with your calendar order: Check enclosed for $___________ for_____ calendars. Name: ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________ _______________________________________________
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