PRE-CAMPAIGN REPORT Client Profile. Sittar Green is a music
PRE-CAMPAIGN REPORT Client Profile. Sittar Green is a music
PRE-CAMPAIGN REPORT Client Profile. Sittar Green is a music band of music based in Barcelona (Spain) ( The team is formed by seven young men playing many different instruments (drums, bass, bagpipes, guitars, bagpipe, saxo, percussion…) and composing “fusion music” (rumba, reggae, Latin rhythms…) The band exists from 2009 and nowadays they just auto produced & publish their first album. But one of the best sides of Sittar Green is the involvement in the fight for preserving the Mother Earth. Some of these guys come from Delta del Llobregat, that is located near Barcelona (Spain) and it was a natural marshland of nearly 98 km2. Formerly the final section of the river spread its waters all over a surface and it was plenty of wildlife. From Roman times, the human being let his imprinting by canalizing the water for getting arable land. This canalization became bigger and bigger, so the human touch quickly damaged the natural area. The spaces for wildlife (animal and vegetable) became smaller. With the industrialization the situation became worse. Factories were established all over the river and they polluted the water of the Delta. As a consequence, plants and animals started to get sick and even to disappear. From the nineties the port and the airport of Barcelona grew very fast, and that meant to reduce the natural area for building roads and runways therefore to damage still more the environment. From some years ago there is a new social conscience and many people is aware of the damage done to the Delta. There are some social movements for restoring the wildlife as much as possible and Sittar Green pretends also to do its bit. The band combines the music with the environment care by means of an initiative called “La Huella Verde”. “La Huella Verde”! ( is a reforestation program, whose goal is to recover a part of the Llobregat River with some plants it lost in the past with. How do they do it? In each concert they share out among the audience clay balls, which contain seeds inside. These balls once the show is finished are thrown on some indicated areas needing this reforestation. This is the Fukuoka Method, based on the natural farming and using the system of clay seed balls call Nendo Dango. “The Adwords Action pretends to spread the initiative among as much people as possible for getting a greener river and Delta, as it was in past times. What some humans damaged, some other humans try to settle.” Market Analysis. Some small events have been promoted all over the river in recent years from some private ONG’s. Fundación “Más árboles” (, Delta Viu (, Martorell Viu (, Llobregat SOStenible, ( Acció natura, ( Projecte Rius, ( All of them are private foundations supported with private funds from membership, which organizes periodically some ecological events for restoring the natural landscape. Apart from the private money, in their events many official entities help with some amounts of public money. This private initiative and the growing social demand about it, the city councils of the area became also aware of this eco-friendly need, therefore they started as well being involved in this philosophy from some years ago. They also organize this kind of events, although, obviously with much more amount of money. In any case no one of them links the ecological event with the music. Sittar Green is the first music band with this ecological conscience. The idea of the band is to do something that nobody has done: combine in one-day music, fun and involved in Nendo Dango workshops and the environment care. This kind of events that take place close to the Llobregat River needs always the official permission from ACA (Agencia Catalana del AiguaWater Catalan Agency). In this case of an ecological event join with a concert, the band needs also an official permission from the city council. Sittar Green has succeeded every official requirement for its event “La Huella Verde”: the acceptance from both, ACA and the city council of El Prat del Llobregat. Current Marketing. Sittar Green finances itself. What the band sells is what the band has for spending in the project “La Huella Verde”. Also they are wrapped by "Amics del Prat" one of the local associations of more than fifty years old, and they have the support of a requested a small grant to the department publishes environmental to buy the necessary clay and seeds. The website ( was created at the beginning of 2014. Their program “La Huella Verde” for restoring and preserving the landscape of Llobregat River is included in it. In a page of the website of the band they informs about what is this program about and explains the method of the clay balls by means of video uploaded in its YouTube channel. ( Apart from that in every concert the band, informs the audience about this planting event and share some flyers among the people to generate engagement. They also have a Social Media plan for promoting “La Huella Verde”. Sittar Green has a presence in Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Myspace, Sound cloud and they just start now with Google+. (Following our recommendations.) All these channels are nowadays working, but they need to organize better and they have been more useful for increasing the fan amount for the band. Regarding now the project “La Huella Verde”, Sittar Green is using its Social channels for capturing fans interested in fusion music and also eco-friendly for increasing its ecological awareness. They pretend these fans also to be influencers, who could help the band to spread the project “La Huella Verde” among their followers. Conclusion. Delta del Llobregat is a marshland that needs aid for restoring the environment and Sittar Green is a music band involved in eco-friendly events, which wants to help with the project “La Huella Verde”. Sittar Green finances itself, so they have not such a big amount of money as other entities also involved in this kind of events. Their marketing activity is based on three pillars: website, concerts (off-line marketing) and Social Media. This is an organic way of increasing, but too slow. For pushing the project “La Huella Verde” Sittar Green need a fourth pillar: advertising. For that reason they will start with an Adwords campaign for making more public the project and for getting more audience interested in environmental matters. Adwords Strategy One of the goals of the campaign is to spread the event and the initiative “La Huella Verde”. In that direction than we pretend to generate traffic to the web page during the campaign for increasing the awareness of the event. For measuring that we will count firstly the number of impressions and secondly in the landing page of “La Huella Verde”. By monitoring The ClickThrough-Rate will be aware of the most effective ad. (Display and generic words) The second goal will be to get engagement; that is people being involved in the event by registering themselves. They should give their name and e-mail address. The KPI here will be the number of registrations. And by monitoring the Conversion Ratio we will be aware of the most effective ad. (We are looking for Subscriptions) Our target will be the inhabitants 13 km around the place were we want to make the concert and all the activities in El Prat del Llobregat. They are people interested in music and mainly in nature and with an eco-friendly profile. We will address our message to people interested in fusion music, in outdoor sports (trail running, walking, trekking, mountain bike…), in wildlife (ornithologist’s…) The campaigns will have a Google Search Network (GSN) version, but mainly a Google Display Network (GSN), for publishing the ads in those websites the target visit. 70% will be invested in GDN and 30% will be invested in GSN. The objective is get into the websites interesting for the people who would be sensitive to the initiative “La Huella Verde”. In GDN 50% of the budget will be around the subject of music and 50% will be invested in ecology thematic. In GSN 20% of KeyWords and budget will be put aside for the branding around the band “Sittar Green”, on the other hand the 80% will be put aside for “Clay seed balls”. We will create two campaigns around two matters: music and nature. The AdGroup based on the Keywords will be a follows: "plantar!árboles,! plantar!un!árbol,!plantar!arbol,!plantando!árboles,!cua!"médio!ambiente,!proteccion!del!medio!ambiente,!cuidado!del!medio!a!"ecologia!y!medio!ambiente,! la!ecologia,!noticias!sobre!ecologia,!ecolo!"environmental!protection!agency,!environmental!impact,!environmen!"environment,!the!environment,! environment!news,!environment!prot!"como!sembrar!semillas!de!arboles,!como!sembrar!arboles!para!sembra!"conciertos!en!barcelona,!conciertos! barcelona!2014,!concierto!barcelo!"musica!reggae,!grupos!musica!reggae,!grupo!de!musica!reggae,!estilos!"barcelona!reggae,!reggae!en!barcelona,!festival! reggae!barcelona,!fest!"bandas!de!música,!banda!música,!mejores!bandas!de!musica,!música!b!"grupos!de!bandas,!grupo!de!bandas,!grupos!y!bandas,! bandas!y!grupo!"el!prat!de!llobregat,!actividades!barcelona,!eventos!barcelona,!ocio!ba"!NEGATIVE!KEYWORD:!Camping.! !CAMPAING!PLAN! BUDGET'% CAMPAINGS CAMPAING!1.!ECOLOGY CAMPAING!2.!MUSIC AD.!GROUPS "Plantar!arboles" "Medio!Ambiente" "ecología" "enviromental" "Enviroment" "Sembrar" "Concierto!En!Barcelona" "Musica!Reggae" "Música!De!Bandas" "Banda" "concerts!Barcelona" "que!hacer!en!barcelona" !CAMPAING!PLAN! BUDGET'% KEYWORDS "plantar!árboles,!plantar!un!árbol,!plantar!arbol,!plantando!árboles,!cuan "médio!ambiente,!proteccion!del!medio!ambiente,!cuidado!del!medio!am "ecologia!y!medio!ambiente,!la!ecologia,!noticias!sobre!ecologia,!ecolog "environmental!protection!agency,!environmental!impact,!environment "environment,!the!environment,!environment!news,!environment!prote "como!sembrar!semillas!de!arboles,!como!sembrar!arboles!para!sembra "conciertos!en!barcelona,!conciertos!barcelona!2014,!concierto!barcelon "musica!reggae,!grupos!musica!reggae,!grupo!de!musica!reggae,!estilos "barcelona!reggae,!reggae!en!barcelona,!festival!reggae!barcelona,!fest "bandas!de!música,!banda!música,!mejores!bandas!de!musica,!música!ba "grupos!de!bandas,!grupo!de!bandas,!grupos!y!bandas,!bandas!y!grupos "el!prat!de!llobregat,!actividades!barcelona,!eventos!barcelona,!ocio!bar !CAMPAING!PLAN! 33,33% W1 BUDGET DISPLAY SEARCH 28 29 AWARENESS 175 6 6 75 2 2 30 31 11 4,7 11 6 !CAMPAING!PLAN! 33,33% 33,33% W2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 6 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 2 11 4,7 11 6 !CAMPAING!PLAN! 33,33% 33,33% W3 8 9 ENGAGMENT 11 6 6 2 10 11 12 13 6 2 6 2 6 2 11 4,7 !CAMPAING!PLAN! 33,33% 14 15 16 17 18 11 6 11 6 6 2 6 2 4 0,9 !CAMPAING!PLAN! KPI`S AVG.!MONTHLY!SEARCH $!MEDIA CLICK 1490!busquedas 0,27 138 2,930!búsquedas 0,12 312 As!a!example,!!we!create!a!few!Snippets!with!this!keywords:!(Key!planner)! Plantada de árboles en el Llobregat - Sittar Green! Conciertos Barcelona 2014 Como sembrar semillas de árboles - Sittar Green! Proteccion del medio ambiente Ecologia en el Llobregat - Sittar Green! "nendo dango" 19 de Octubre de 2014 Barcelona reggae - Sittar Green! festival reggae Barcelona Etc…