DuMont Foreign Rights Non Fiction London 2016


DuMont Foreign Rights Non Fiction London 2016
Foreign Rights List
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH & Co. KG
Amsterdamer Str. 192
50735 Köln
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
Das Leid meiner Mutter und ihr Geschenk an
My Mother’s Suffering and Her Gift to Me
Memoir, ca. 400 pp.
Spring 2016
The suffering of a Jewish mother and her son
“You don’t want to learn how to sew buttons on? You will freeze in the concentration camp in
winter if you can’t close your jacket.”
It is the beginning of the 1950s and Jacky is just under five when his mother, in a loving but
resolute manner, teaches him everything that he has to be able to do to survive in the world
she knows – darning socks, peeling potatoes, braiding pigtails, washing clothes, reading and
writing. Her world is a world of horror.
His Polish-Jewish mother has survived two ghettos and two concentration camps. A story of
suffering that does not end when the war is over. Only two months after her liberation, she is
wrongly denounced by another former concentration camp prisoner ¬– accused of
maltreating prisoners in Auschwitz.
Whilst in prison, she gives birth to a son, Jacky – and finally, she is also given help. The
prison warden Claire Stahl takes pity on her and eventually achieves a pardon on the
grounds of her poor state of health. Jacky and his mother move to their saviour’s home.
Before too long, little Jacky notices that the motive for Ms Stahl’s willingness to help is not at
all based on neighbourly love. Behind the mask of the self-sacrificing helper, she is a
National Socialist of conviction.
When Jacky is nine years old, his mother dies and leaves a son behind who knows little of
life beyond suffering, alienation, lies and repression. In his book he explains how he still
managed to become a successful man and the happy father of a family. And he explains how
the unusual motto of his mother helped him:
“You must try to be happy. Regardless of what happens. You have to want it. More than
anything else.”
Jacky Dreksler was born in 1946 in Fresnes near Paris in a French prison. His mother was a Polish Jew and a
survivor of concentration camps. His father was a French Jew who he never got to know. He spent the first years
of his life in French and German children’s homes. At the age of nine he became an orphan and a few years later
he moved to Cologne. After an apprenticeship as a laboratory assistant, he studied and became a teacher. In
1976 he left the teaching profession and over the years that followed, he worked as a singing teacher, a journalist,
a guitar teacher and a songwriter, e.g. for Charles Aznavour, Heino and Costa Cordalis.
As of 1982 he wrote and performed radio sketches for, among others, the SWF, the WDR and Radio
Luxembourg. Here he met a friend for life: Hugo Egon Balder. A short time later, television producers noticed his
comic talent. In the years that followed, he became one of the most sought after television authors for comedy
and shows. In 1991 he founded his first television production company and produced over 600 television series in
the years that followed, for example, RTL Samstagnacht and numerous other comedies, game-shows and latenight shows.
Judith Habermas Tel: +49-221-224 1942
Fax: +49-221-224 401942
STADT OHNE ENGEL. Wahre Geschichten
aus Los Angeles/
CITY WITHOUT ANGELS. True Stories from
Los Angeles
Non-Fiction, Travel Literature
Ca. 300 pp.
Spring 2016
The German and the City of Dreams
An American myth as you have never heard it told
The Legend and the People of a City in 1000 Facets
Los Angeles is the city of fulfilled and unfulfilled desires. No city in the world is as
omnipresent in the media. No city produces so many myths and legends. And no city
can be as hard, brutal and destructive. L.A. is a place where what you see is what
you get, and yet it seems to be constantly hiding, escaping our scrutiny. Jan Brandt
makes this multifaceted cosmos talk in an unheard way. He tells of people from the
most varied occupational groups and layers of society. Of writers, star chefs, actors,
film makers, watchmen, gangster rappers, skaters, artists, singers and collectors – of
people who want to strive for more, to achieve their goal of living the American dream
in spite of the obstacles in their paths.
It’s always an encounter that marks the beginning of the author’s search for clues.
And that is where the fascination of these texts lies. They switch elegantly between
the personal story and the literary experience. Jan Brandt proves that he is not only
an extraordinary observer and an obsessive researcher, but – and this foremost – a
master of approaching people, a conversationalist, a casual kind of spy. In spite of
the close proximity that he has to the people and the place, there is always that
irritation: the foreign point of view – our view of this strange cosmos, though it seems
known to us, remains foreign.
City without Angels collects literary investigations, critiques and essays, and cuts
police reports to poetry with a touch of irony. Personal encounters and observations
meld with newspaper articles, Twitter posts, reader comments and Facebook
messages, to create a collective urban noise.
A book on foreignness and approximation, as of course Jan Brandt always is both,
tourist and journalist, author and spy – a German guest, standing outside, but still
managing to get right into the centre. Into the inner life of the probably most insane
city of the world.
Jan Brandt born in 1974 in Leer (East Friesland), he studied history and literature in Cologne, London
and Berlin and attended the Deutsche Journalistenschule in Munich. His novel “Gegen die Welt” was
published in 2011, made it onto the short list of the Deutsche Buchpreis and won the Nicolas Born
debut novel award. His second book “Tod in Turin” was published in 2015.
Rights to Gegen die Welt sold to: Bompiani (Italian), Seagul Books (English World)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
50 Clever Thoughts That Can Save Your
Non-Fiction, Psychology/ Self-Help
ca. 198 pp., Autumn 2015
‘A long-term love affair is an interpersonal obstacle
course, which is so difficult that many couples stumble
at the hurdles.’ Oskar Holzberg
Orientation for all couples who want to stay together
How does a lifelong active relationship work?
Oskar Holzberg has been a relationship therapist for more than twenty years and
during this time he has been able to observe what keeps a love together – or tears it
apart. Patterns appear that make life very difficult for many people. The columnist for
the women’s magazine Brigitte summarised them in a pointed and humorous
manner, titling them ‘Key Love Indictors’. In this book, he adds longer, fundamental
texts on sex, happiness expectations, communication, bonds and love.
What is it that successful couples do right on their way to a harmonious and long
term relationship? Why do breath-taking romances turn into battlefields after the
wedding? Why does one build up an inner distance from one another when all
everyone really wants is closeness and love? Is that which I experience normal?
Oskar Holzberg provided 50 inspiring answers.
Key Love Indicators such as:
A relationship never stands still - Sex is rarely about sex - The solution is that there is
no solution - Understanding does not mean agreeing - Excessive demands lead to
demands - Those who don’t separate, will be separated - Being nice is not love Being responsible is responding That which brings couples together also brings them apart again - Lovers are not
psychics Only the present can be resolved - Confrontation is the desire for closeness Discussed does not mean decided;
Oskar Holzberg, born in 1953, studied Psychology and German in Hamburg. He is a
qualified psychotherapist, supervisor, lecturer and author. Relationship therapy is the central
focus of his work. He has been writing on psychological subjects since 1984. He is one of the
most-published psychologists in the country. He has published three books. Oskar Holzberg
is married, has three grown up children and lives in Hamburg.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
Wie wir alt werden, ohne zu altern. / 7 Kniffe
gegen die allmähliche Verholzung des
Non Fiction, ca. 180 pp., Autumn 2016
The biggest problem area as you age is your head, not
your bottom!
Shows how aging can liberate us.
How you can turn your life upside down without yoga
The fear of growing old bothers us more than the aging process itself. We constantly check
ourselves for symptoms of decline. From childhood on, we are instilled with the fear of senescence. We stand under the continuous scrutiny of our egos, which can have its good
points, since senility is frequently not a symptom of old age but a self-inflicted condition of
early senescence. If you prefer a more urbane explanation: Our horizons close in with the
years not because the world around us is growing smaller, but because our gaze increasingly sinks down to the ground, until we reach the point of seeing only the tips of our toes at the
end of a casket. In How We Can Grow Old Without Aging, Gregor Eisenhauer does not focus
on the unavoidable decline of our bodies nor on illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.
He concentrates on the gradual petrification of our thought process, which causes us to grow
older much faster than is happening in actuality. The barrier in our mind is frequently one that
we ourselves have built.
Over the course of seven chapters, he shows us how to recognize the traps of the aging process and how to carefully maneuver them without stumbling. After all, there is one thing he
cannot promise us: eternal youth.
Gregor Eisenhauer, born 1960, studied German and philosophy and wrote his doctoral
thesis about Kant. He lives as a freelance writer in Berlin, where he for example writes
obituaries for the TAGESSPIEGEL.
Rights to previous titles sold to: CHAEK-SESANG (Korean)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
Non-Fiction, ca. 180 pages, Autumn 2014
English sample available
“A timeless book [...] Clearly written and straightforward by a
laconic flaneur and humanitarian […] A little book about the
essence of life, frequently touching, at turns melancholy,
astonishingly cheerful.” Werner Bartens, Süddeutsche Zeitung
“Eisenhauer provides [...] no answers, but poses intriguing
counter-questions.” Saarbrücker Zeitung
“The ten questions encourage us to contemplate what really matters in our lives.” Chrismon
“From start to finish, Gregor Eisenhauer conceptualizes and explains things in an honest
manner; he strives throughout to be erudite, to be “upfront” (as we say today) and, in doing
so, he focuses on the ordinary, commonplace issues, not the Big Picture, thus posing in an
edifying way some of life’s essential questions. He prefers to ask questions than to answer
them, which is smart, as well as compelling. Without questions, nothing is comprehensible not even the answers! And the book favors the telling of stories over dark and weighty philosophizing.” Thomas Kapielski, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
The philosophical journey of an obituary writer
This is not a book about death but one about life instead.
A companion for the still unwritten pages of your life
We often live our lives as if we had all the time in the world. But even though we do not like
being confronted with the finality of our existence, the courage to take a look would do us
some good. We would then pose the questions about life that are really important. Are we
giving our dreams the chance of becoming fulfilled? Are we fully taking advantage of the
possibilities that life has in store for us? What is the meaning of my life? Am I happy? What
should I do? For whom should I do it? What fulfils me? What am I afraid of – and why?
Gregor Eisenhauer has been writing obituaries for over ten years; not about the famous men
and women of our times but very normal people. It is a task that has changed his life
because his brief visits into the fate of other people have shown him what is really important
in the end. He quickly noted that it was not the steps on the career ladder or vacations or
time we wasted that puts our lives in a nutshell but rather our relationships to others and to
In “Die 10 wichtigsten Fragen des Lebens”, the philosopher with a doctoral degree provides
us with some instructions to think about. He encourages the reader to write his own
“obituary”, three pages in which he provides an account of himself – before it is too late,
because there is no opportunity to do it better the next time.
This books want to accompany you through the many still unwritten white pages in your life.
Gregor Eisenhauer, born 1960, studied German and philosophy and wrote his doctoral thesis about
Kant. He lives as a freelance writer in Berlin, where he for example writes obituaries for the
Rights sold to: CHAEK-SESANG (Korean)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
Geschichte der Vera Atkins und ihrer
wagemutigen Agentinnen/
Vera Atkins and her Bold Female Agents
Non-fiction, History WW II, ca. 280pp.
Autumn 2015
Bold agents in the fight against the Nazis
New facts on the special task force of the British
Intelligence Unit MI6
The Unyielding
Sabotage, subversion and espionage behind enemy lines were some of the most
dangerous jobs during the Second World War. Thirty-nine female agents went into
battle against Hitler’s-Germany. The driving force is Vera Atkins, descended from a
German-British family of Jewish faith, who grew up in Rumania. From 1940 onwards,
she builds up a specialist network of female agents, despite strong political
opposition. She trains these unyielding women, plans and heads up their operations
in the fight against Nazi terror. She is considered as the genuine role model for the
figure of Miss Moneypenny. Yet the real agent is much more than an assistant.
Vera Atkins’ secret service files were kept under seal for almost 70 years. Now they
have become accessible in the National Archives in London. With the help of these
documents, the authors have reconstructed the secret story of Vera Atkins and her
agents, who became forgotten heroines.
Arne Molfenter, born 1971, attended the German School of Journalism in Munich and
studied Politics and Communication at the University of Munich. He was editor, reporter and
correspondent for, amongst others, the BBC, ARD/SWR and the ZEIT. He now works for the
United Nations in Brussels, Berlin and Bonn.
Rüdiger Strempel, born 1962, studied Law, German and History of Art and now works as a
freelance journalist, translator and consultant for German and international organisations and
DuMont recently published the non-fiction work ‘Über die weiße Linie’ (2014) written by Arne
Molfenter and Rüdiger Strempel.
Rights to previous title sold to: Uitgeverij Lannoo (Dutch)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
rescued over 6000 people from the Gestapo
Non-Fiction, History WW II
ca. 288 pages
Autumn 2014
‘The Oskar Schindler of Rome - Molfenter and
Stempel now commemorate him.’ - Joachim Frank,
Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Monsignor O’Flaherty was Rome’s Oskar Schindler
A Priest fighting the Nazis
It is an exciting, breathtakingly fast game of cat and mouse that the Irish priest
Monsignor Hugh O’Flaherty played with the lieutenant colonel of the SS Herbert
Kappler during the German occupation of Rome from 1943 to 1944: Secret hiding
places, various costumes, and constant spectacular last-minute escapes. But Arne
Molfenter and Rüdiger Strempel are not telling us a Don Camillo and Peppone story
– for thousands it was a matter of life and death. With chutzpah, courage and trust in
God, O’Flaherty put together a secret organisation to assist allied soldiers and Jews
to escape Rome. He did some of the refugees in the Vatican, others in private homes
in Rome. A murderous hunt soon began between O’Flaherty and Gestapo chief
No individual saved the lives of more allied soldiers in World War II than O’Flaherty,
who rescued more than 6,500 persons from 25 countries from imprisonment, torture
and death. He is today still a model of civil courage and dauntlessness; his story
should not be forgotten.
Arne Molfenter, born 1971, lives near Bonn, attended the German Journalist School
in Munich and worked for example as an editor, reporter and correspondent for the
BBC, ARD/SWR and the ZEIT and now works for the United Nations in Brussels,
Berlin and Bonn. His biography of Juan Pujol, known as Garbo, the greatest spy of
World War II, is being published in 2014.
Rüdiger Strempel, born 1962, studied law, German literature and art history, worked
for the United Nations for many years and is now a freelance journalist, translator and
consultant for German and international organizations and NGOs.
Rights sold to: Uitgeverij Lannoo (Dutch)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
Non-Fiction, Art, ca. 260 pp., with 4/c illustrations,
Spring 2016
sequel to the bestselling title “Das kann ich auch!”/
“I Can Do That Too” - (over 66.000 copies sold!)
“Fresh new insights into the art business. Absolutely
worth reading, amusing, and informative.” Artinvestor on
“Das kann ich auch!”
“One loves to read the mortifying and droll anecdotes,
especially because they are about the love for art,
actually.” Die Welt on “Das kann ich auch!”
“This entertaining squib on 250 pages about contemporary art wangles the delicate
balancing act between information density and entertainment value wonderfully. We
want to recommend this book warmly to those, who participate in the contemporary
art world in any form, be it as a professional, be it as a mere observer: It can be
extremely beneficial to laugh at oneself.” NDR on “Das kann ich auch!”
Art, Cliques and Commerce
Money makes the world go around, in particular the world of art. Extortionate sums
are paid at auctions. The market is booming as never before. Good for art? We might
think so, but the hype also has a dark side to it.
With “Is that Art or Can It Be Put Away?” Kittl/Saehrendt provide us with the follow-up
to their bestseller “I Can Do That Too!” With their usual charming disrespect, they
scrutinise the hysterical art scene and the obscure and unfathomable laws, tastes
and decisions that govern it.
On the one hand, art is an event – be it the Documenta, the Biennial, Frieze London,
or Art Basel – where the motive seems to be to consume as much art as possible. On
the other hand, there is hardly any contemporary art in museums for the simple
reason that new art is simply unaffordable.
The authors make an open plea for a rethink – to move away from the monetary
value of art and rediscover the true value!
Christian Saehrendt studied art, art history and history. He has published with DuMont
“Gefühlige Zeiten” (2015) and together with Steen Kittl “Das kann ich auch!”(2007, 2013),
“Das sagt mir was!”(2008), „Geier am Grabe van Goghs” (2010) and “Du hast die Haare
Steen T. Kittl studied art, art history and cultural studies, and now works – apart from being
an author - as an Art Director.
Rights to “Das kann ich auch” sold to: Prophet Press (Taiwan), Yoldaerim (Korea); Robin Book
(Spain), Shunjusha (Japan); Citic Press (Mainland China); Ayrinti Yayinlari (Turkey).
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
Christian Saehrendt
Kunst & Killer, Märchen & Menschenfresser. Durchs wilde Hessenland
zur documenta /
Art and Killers, Fairy Tales and Cannibals. Through the Wilds of Hesse to
Revised and up-dated paperback edition Is That Art or Can it be Thrown Away?
Kassel – documenta Stories, Myths and Fairy Tales
ca. 300 pp. with 50 illustrations, Spring 2017
Summer 2017 - Three Major Art Events in Europe:
documenta 14, Biennale Venice, Skultur projekte Münster
The old and new fairy tale worlds meet each other in Hesse in the summer of 2017.
Documenta takes place here, the most important exhibition of contemporary art. The Brothers
Grimm also collected their fairy tales here that in the meanwhile have been translated in 160
What do fairy tales and modern art have in common? What do the stories, sagas and myths of
past centuries have to do with avant-garde art, which preferably points the way into the future
but at the very least wants to keep pace with the times, i.e. wants to be contemporary?
This book provides the answer. Its golden thread is made up by the notion that the history of
modern art is laid out like a fairy tale narrative. There is namely no objective “one true” history
of art but many different histories of art that are told by artists, dealers, collectors and curators.
One gets the impression that the art market has now taken the place of the mythical kingdom.
The art trade tells “fairy tales for adults”: How many Cinderella and servants are out there
among today’s artists who believe deep down that they are in fact a princess or royal foundling
and mixed up as a little child? Those who spend their entire lives hoping that their true beings
will be recognised and thus finally become famous? The art market and the biographies of
famous artists make use of today’s rags-to-riches fantasies; these post-modern fairy tales offer
the present-day’s public miracles, magic and colourful dreams; they also provide some frights,
terrors and – morals!
The author, a native of Kassel, tracks down these interactions in the Hessian landscape,
serving the reader as pathfinder in the thicket of sagas, myths and fairy tales. The author
suggests a travel route for documenta visitors based on the course of the official German Fairy
Tale Road. In the process he also introduces the reader to Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and
Cinderella but also with the Werewolf or the Headless Rider.
The reader will ask himself whether this beautiful land is in fact cursed. But the fearless will be
rewarded at the conclusion of the voyage through Germany’s sinister heartland with an
encounter with colourful, dazzling, loud and joyous examples of contemporary art. The time
has then come to marvel, question, curse and celebrate at the “Carnival of Art” – at
documenta in Kassel!
Christian Saehrendt (born 1968) studied history and art history in Berlin and Heidelberg.
Aside from his teaching positions, he works as an art historian and journalist.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942 fax: +49-221-224 401942 judith.habermas@dumont.de
MEMOIR Highlights Backlist
ca. 200 pages
Non-fiction, Memoir
English sample translation available
‘A captivating book‘ - Katja Nele Bode, BRIGITTE WOMAN
‘Whoever reads this book, will look to the future – not
only of the book – more positively.’
Arno Widmann, Berliner Zeitung
‘This is fun to read and inspirational.‘
Doris Knecht, Kurier
‘There are many reasons for the fact that this long, cheerful biographical story is fun
[…] That which works as the private account of the fulfilment of a life’s dream, is ultimately the story of: the book. Or rather: The story of the written word and its fight for
survival in times of Amazon and the Internet […] told with spirit and humour.’ Catrin
Kahlweit, Süddeutsche Zeitung
‘Petra Hartlieb knows almost all sides of the book industry. Above all, she knows how
to write […] a very positive book that shows that you should believe in your dreams.’
Sebastian Fasthuber, Salzburger Nachrichten
Nobody has written funnier or more poetically about the love of books
A woman, a family and dream come true
Petra Hartlieb tells her own story in this book. It is the story of a coincidence and the decision
to leave one’s old life behind in order to fulfil one’s dream, namely become the owner of a
literary bookstore. A bookstore that turned into the living room for her family and the meeting
place for the whole neighbourhood. With regular customers that become friends and friends
that become regular customers.
Petra Hartlieb tells this story in a snappy and humorous frame of mind, making every line a
pleasure to read and every chapter a declaration of love to the world of books.
Petra Hartlieb lives together with her family in and above a book store. Her own. Originally a
crackpot idea while on vacation. She and her husband turned their attention to a recently
closed Vienna bookstore with a long tradition. From one day to the next she quit her job and
started a new life in a new city without knowing what she was getting herself into. Petra
Hartlieb is still a hippie at heart; officially however she has been a businesswoman for ten
Rights sold to: Ciela (Bulgarian), Beijing Creative Art Times International (Simplifeid
Chinese Characters); SOLBITKIL (Korean), Periferica (Spanish World), Timaş (Turkish);
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
MEMOIR Highlights Backlist
„ERZÄHL ES NIEMANDEM!“ Die Liebe meiner
The Story of my Parent’s Love
Non-fiction, Memoir
Ca. 280 pages with illustrations
230.000 copies sold!
100 weeks on SPIEGEL Bestseller list!
A unique contemporary document
“The moving testimony of private investigations as
well as an informative document on the German
occupation of Norway and the situation of the socalled ‘half-breeds.’” Jüdische Zeitung
A gripping love story
It is her parent’s passionate, complex and often painful love story that that Randi Crott tells
here together with her mother. Only when she was 18-years-old did her mother tell her about
the family’s secret: her father’s Jewish biography. She promises never to tell anyone.
Decades later, after her father’s death, the WDR journalist felt free to tell the story for the first
Easter 1942: the 18-year-old Norwegian girl Lillian and the German soldier Helmut fall in love
in Northern Norway. It is a forbidden love because the Germans are hated and the populace
is suffering under the occupation. Lillian is also appalled about the crimes of the National
Socialists and the Wehrmacht; she must find out from Helmut where he stands. He reveals to
her that he is himself Jewish and that he had experienced many horrors and is now very
fearful for his Jewish mother. He concealed himself in the Wehrmacht and, hiding his true
identity, he lives in fear of being discovered. She must never tell anyone about what he has
told her.
Discrete and lovingly, Randi Crott reconstructs her parent’s extraordinary but nevertheless
exemplary love story – and sets off in search of the blind spot in her own biography. The
horrors of European history are mirrored in this equally urgent and moving love story.
Born 1951 in Wuppertal, Randi Crott is a radio and television reporter as well as moderator
at WDR. She worked for example for the Aktuelle Stunde, the ARD Morgenmagazin and for
III nach 9. Aside from hosting such programs as west.art Talk and Literatur im Römer, she
also made numerous films for Arte, 3sat and WDR, including ones on whale fishing in
Norway, the East German director Winfried Junge and the European tour of a Chicago Blues
Lillian Crott Berthung, born 1922 in the Northern Norwegian city of Harstad, lives in
Germany since 1947 where, aside from being a housewife and mother, she has worked as a
translator and interpreter. Her volume of poetry “Det var en gang et lite sted” was published
in 1989. She writes short stories for the Harstad Tidende daily newspaper. She now lives in
Mülheim an der Ruhr.
Rights sold to: Spartacus (Norwegian)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
DIE HERRSCHER DER WELT. Wie Bakterien unser
Leben bestimmen/
THE RULERS OF THE WORLD. How Bacteria Rule Our
Non-Fiction, Natural Science, ca. 352 pp.
“Kegel is a master at transforming complicated facts into
fascinating stories.” Die Welt
“We Are not Alone (...) Bernhard Kegel presents many
interesting facts on the colonisation of our bodies by
bacteria.” Norbert Lossau, Literarische WELT
“Biology is going through a very turbulent phase and Bernhard Kegel’s book is a
guide through these exciting times, recommendable without hesitation.” Thomas
Weber, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“An equally entertaining as informative book.” Michael Lange, Deutschlandfunk
“Breathtaking insights into the world of microbes.“ Herbert Pardatscher,
You cannot live alone...
Do you like bacteria? Probably not. Although without microbes there would be no life on our
planet. Yet it is only in the last few years that scientists are realising how staggeringly high
their numbers and their significance, how close and manifold the connection really is
between plants and animals and the microbial midgets. These new revolutionary insights, as
described knowledgeably and visibly by Bernhard Kegel in “The rulers of the world”, will
completely change the way in which we view both the phenomenon life and ourselves. Using
advanced methods scientists are in the process of raising the curtain on a performance that
is not so much about sickness, but more about health, cooperation and the division of labour.
The big questions need to be rephrased. What influence have these midgets had on
evolution? What influence do they exercise today, and how can this knowledge be used in
medicine? What influence do they have on the climate and the ecosystems? One thing is
already clear - no creature is ever alone. Biological individuals do not exist and have never
existed. That which is becoming apparent behind the curtain raised by modern science is
nothing less than a breath-taking new image of the world we live in.
The significance of bacteria for our health
New revolutionary discoveries from biological science
“Kegel is a master at transforming complicated facts into fascinating stories.” Die Welt
Bernhard Kegel, born in Berlin in 1953, studied chemistry and biology at Freie Universität Berlin,
subsequent research activities, worked as an ecological specialist and lecturer. Guitarrist in diverse
Berlin Jazz bands since the mid-nineteen seventies. Since 1993 Bernhard Kegel has published
several novels and non-fiction books. He has been awarded several prices for his writing.
Rights sold to: ddworld Publishing (Korean)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
Non-Fiction, Natural Science, 350 pp.
“With a pleasant tone and gifted narrative talent, the author
allows us to literally experience the colourful goings-on of
DNA, RNA and cellular mini- and macromolecules. The
general lack of illustrations is only logical. Bernard Kegel richly
serves the mind’s eye with metaphors.”
Deutschlandradio Kultur
“In his book, Bernhard Kegel passionately presents the principles of epigenetics, for he is
convinced that they will revolutionise the biological sciences (...) The easily comprehensible
and fluidly written book presents a good introduction to the subject of epigenetics.”
Inheritance is human …
It has been heatedly and emotionally debated in universities and on bar stools: does the
environment and experiences affect a person, or solely his genes. The still young science of
epigenetics now shows that both are true.
Not only are genes passed down, but also such essential information as when, where and to
what extent they must be turned on. The control is carried out by biochemical switches that
are not least programmed by environmental influences. Individual experiences thus become
a part of the genome’s hardware.
How can the grandparent’s eating behaviour lower the life expectancy of their grandchildren?
Why does someone suffer from schizophrenia or cancer while his genetically identical twin
does not show any symptoms at all? How can nutrition influence the skin colour of mice and
their descendants? And why do early traumatic experiences such as child abuse leave
biochemical traces with fatal results in later life, perhaps even over generations?
These are only a few of the questions that Bernhard Kegel’s answers. The biologist with a
doctoral degree portrays the far-reaching consequences of epigenetics for medicine and
evolutionary biology in an exciting and competent. We become witness of a dramatic
theoretical change.
Bernhard Kegel, born in Berlin in 1953, studied chemistry and biology at Freie Universität
Berlin, subsequent research activities, worked as an ecological specialist and lecturer.
Guitarist in diverse Berlin Jazz bands since the mid-nineteen seventies. His first book, the
novel Wenzels Pilz, was published in 1993 and followed by three further novels, most
recently Der Rote and the non-fiction book Die Ameise als Tramp. Bernhard Kegel has
worked as a freelance writer and science journalist since 1996.
Rights sold to: ddworld Publishing (Korean)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
HIMMEL? Die Gesetze des Universums
einfach erklärt/
SKY? Laws of the Universe Easily Explained
About 140 pages
New in Paperback Spring 2015
“A Book on the sky offers an as comprehensible as funny
history of our universe.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung
The Discovery of the Sky
What is the difference between stars and planets? Where in the sky lives God? Why
don’t we fall off the globe? Stella asks the same questions as all children. But she is
lucky: her father is an astronomer and knows the answers. He gives her binoculars
for her first school day so she can look for her lucky star at the firmament. But her
quest for her lucky star turns out to be much more complicated than expected, again
and again the lights at the sky turn out to be planets or entire starformations. And her
father explains to her by and by during her first school year the cosmos. He explains
gravitation, how people discovered the heliocentric system, the calendar, navigation
systems as well as he tells the story of Galilei.
Ulrich Woelk’s elegantly and clearly written book is also a reflexion on fatherhood.
With pride and joy he follows the naïve and direct thoughts of his daughter,
understands the logic behind her questions and explanations and he discovers the
cosmos anew through the eyes of his child – from the amazement of the shining
moon to the understanding of the complexity of our universe.
Ulrich Woelk was born 1960 in Beuel near Bonn, studied physics in Tübingen and received
his PHD from TU Berlin. Until 1994 he worked at the Insitute for Astronomy as theoretical
astro-physicist. Today he lives with his family in Berlin. His debut novel “Freigang” received
the Aspekte-Literatur-Preis. He published several novels, e.g. “Liebespaare” (201), “Die
letzte Vorstellung” (2002) or “Die Einsamkeit des Astronomen” (2005).
Rights sold to: Bomnamu (Korea); Parenting Source Press (Taiwan);
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
Non-Fiction, Philosophy, about 170 pages
New in paperback Autumn 2014
Good ideas are not forgotten!
We take it completely for granted when we pass by a school bus or a courthouse,
encounter a policeman or look at a clock. But how did these things enter our world?
At one time they were nothing but ideas! Martin Burckhardt tells us the stories behind
all these thoughts that have become reality. We therefore discover that the policeman
is called that because there was once a Polis among the Greek. That meat skewers
were the forerunners of our coins and that the alphabet contributed much to
democracy. Understandably and amusingly, the author shows how philosophy
invented our world.
The author
The cultural theorist and media author Martin Burckhardt, born 1957, studied German
philology, dramatics and history in Cologne. He has lived as a freelance writer and
audio artist in Berlin since 1985. Aside from his artistic work, he teaches at the
Hochschule der Künste, the Humboldt Universität Berlin, and at the Freie Universität
Berlin. His books include “Vom Geist der Maschine. Eine Geschichte kultureller
Umbrüche”, “Brandlhuber. Eine Fiktion” and “Die Scham der Philosophen”.
Rights sold to: Tinta Negra (Brazil); Siruela (Spain); Alma (Korea), Hainan (Chinese
Complex Characters)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
NON-FICTION Highlights Backlist
approx. 184 pages with approx. 31 monochrome
‘After reading this book, you look at an obvious
accomplishment of our technical present day – and
realise that it would have just taken one small
detail and you would be looking at the same item
as a scurrility in a museum.’ Süddeutsche Zeitung
‘Christian Mähr provides with this review of bizarre inventions an entertaining
piece of the history of technology.’ Die Welt
Ten of the most exciting inventions, which did not have a chance in their days, but
which appear to be amazingly up-to-date nowadays. Entertaining impressions,
backgrounds and impulses from the world of “science faction“.
Who does remember the ingenious Sodium locomotive, which moved for years and
years free from noise and exhaust gases through Berlin and Aachen before it died
out. Or the Stirling engine and the ion engine? Christian Mähr (re)discovers incredible
things on the siding of the history of invention and presents ten of the most
interesting ideas. Understandable for everyone “Vergessene Erfindungen” (Forgotten
Inventions) explains startling ideas and embeds them cleverly in the conditions of
their development and disappearance.
Christian Mähr was born in Feldkirch in the Vorarlberg (Austria) in 1952 and lives as
an author and journalist in Dornbirn. Mähr, who holds a doctorate in chemistry,
worked for the science and environment editorial staff at Austrian Radio for years.
DuMont has published the volume “Von Alkohol bis Zucker” (2012) as well as the
novels “Simon fliegt” (1998) and “Die letzte Insel” (2001).
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
ART Highlights Backlist
112 pages with ca. 50 4/c illustrations
18,5 cm x 14 cm, Autumn 2011
More than 40.000 copies sold!
Angels Are Always Welcome
Paul Klee’s angels are as precious artworks as gentle companions – here almost 50
images of his angels are gathered in a wonderful gift book.
His entire life Paul Klee has been painting angels. The author Boris Friedewald
describes their creation and their meaning in Paul Klee’s life work: from the Christ
child, Paul Klee painted at the age of five, to the cheerful and witty angels like the
“forgetful” angel up to the famous “Angelus novus” who accompanied Walter
Benjamin into exile and the “doubting angel”, Paul Klee draw the year he died.
Boris Friedewald’s stimulating and easy to read text introduces us to the meaning of
angels in Paul Klee’s oeuvre and to the artist’s biography.
A wonderful book to give away or read on your own every now and then.
64 cards
Autumn 2015
Paul Klee’s Angels as memory game.
Paul Klee’s angels to uncover and discover .- the
classic memory game featuring Kle’s heavenly
beings can be enjoyed by young and old alike.
Each of the 32 enchanting imgaes has its
Boris Friedewald (*1969) works as art historian and lives in Berlin.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
Mainland China
Jackie Huang,
Andrew Nurnberg Associates International Ltd.
Beijing Representative Office, Beijing
E-Mail: jhuang@nurnberg.com.cn
Dr. Michael Wenzel
Editio Dialog Literary Agency, Lille
E-Mail: dr.wenzel@editio-dialog.com
Dr. Aleksandra Markiewicz
Literarische Agentur, Warsaw
E-Mail: aleksandra_markiewicz@space.pl
Norbert Uszeka, Lex Copyright Office, Budapest
E-Mail: lexcopy.bp@mail.datanet.hu
Barbara Griffini, Berla & Griffini Rights Agency, Milano
E-Mail: griffini@bgagency.it
Meike Marx, Literary Agency, Hokkaido
E-Mail: meike.marx@gol.com
The Netherlands
Linda Kohn, Internationaal Literatuur Bureau, Amsterdam
E-Mail: lkohn@planet.nl
Simona Kessler, Simona Kessler International Copyright Agency, Bucharest
E-Mail: simona@kessler-agency.ro
Esthi Kunz, CLA Copenhagen Literary Agency, Copenhagen
E-Mail: esthi@cphla.dk
Spain, Portugal & Latin America
Isabel Piedrahita, A.C.E.R., Madrid
E-Mail: ipiedrahita@acerliteraria.com
Mrs. Whitney Hsu, Andrew Nurnberg Associates International Ltd.
Taiwan Representative Office, Taipei
E-Mail: whsu@nurnberg.com.tw
Sedef İlgiç, Kalem Agency, Istanbul
E-Mail: rights@kalemagency.com
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942