DuMont Foreign Rights Fiction 2015


DuMont Foreign Rights Fiction 2015
Foreign Rights List
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH & Co. KG
Amsterdamer Str. 192
50735 Köln
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
300 pages
Spring 2015
“During our first meeting, Jan Brandt was silent most of the time. The
only question he asked me was whether I felt confident enough to
publish his books.” Sabine Cramer, Publisher
“Normally I protect our authors from journalists. In Jan Brandt’s case,
it’s the opposite.”
Julia Giordano, Head of Press Office
“He kept coming back with new ideas. Even when the novel had long
been published. He asked me to do things that no layout programme in
the world could possibly implement.” Peter Kainrath, Production
“He rang us almost every day to check the sales figures of GEGEN DIE WELT. He even came by
personally. “ Imke Schuster, Head of Sales
“I have dealt with a lot of writers in my time, but none of them were as difficult as he was.”
Kathrin Lemmen, Assistant to the Publisher
“I was really happy when he finally went on a reading tour and wasn’t hanging around the office all day
anymore.” Linda Marie Schulhof, Readings
“I thought the translation into Italian would be good for him and that an invitation to Turin might teach
him modesty and humility. I was wrong.” Judith Habermas, Foreign Rights
“When he called me from Italy and enthusiastically told me that he was sitting in the hotel, working on an
extensive autobiographical text with the title DEATH IN TURIN, and that he had written more than a
hundred pages within a few hours, I hoped that he would never finish it.” Martin Kordic, Editor
“All world-famous German writers wrote about their Italian journeys” Jan Brandt
Autofiction, industry report, travelogue
Not a novel, not nine hundred pages long – a trip of self-discovery without return
Jan Brandt spends a weekend at the book fair in Turin. In his luggage, a copy of his novel Gegen die Welt,
translated into Italian. In three days, he experiences more than he would normally in a month. The result –
this book.
“I was in heaven. I saw the Alps from above, the snow covered mountaintops. I started out in Germany
and landed in another world. I met my alter ego. I am a different person. I set off on a pilgrimage and
missed my target by a year. I hovered over the precipice, but did not take the deciding step forward. I saw
outrageously lightly clad women, but only on television. I photographed nudes and set off an alarm. I now
know what unfuckable means, and ever since have wished I didn’t. I have cried tears of happiness, even if
only briefly. And now that I am back, everything I experienced seems like a dream.”
Jan Brandt born in 1974 in Leer (East Friesland), he studied history and literature in Cologne, London and Berlin
and attended the Deutsche Journalistenschule in Munich. His novel “Gegen die Welt” was published in 2011, made
it onto the short list of the Deutsche Buchpreis and won the Nicolas Born debut novel award.
Rights to Gegen die Welt sold to: Bompiani (Italian), Seagul Books (English World)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel
ca. 300 pp.
Spring 2015
‘Marc Degens is the kafkian-joycian Strindberg of
Generation X for Beckett-readers who like to read comics
while watching TV.’ Dietmar Dath
‘A novel, more even a soundtrack, as warm as the last days
of the summer holidays and as excited as a hand slipped
inside a bikini.’ Jonas Leppin, KULTURSPIEGEL
‘Degens manages to evoke the feeling that anything is possible in life.’ Kendra Stenzel,
Kölner Stadtanzeiger
‘Marc Degens gets the pace and the sound right in his story set around a school band. To
a large extent, ‘Fuckin Sushi’ is a thrillingly written homage to the unregulated, the nonreflected, and the chasteness of youth – whereby the overtones of a modern experience of
‘no future’ also add up here. The story remains captivating to the end.’ – Jens Uthoff, TAZ
A book about growing up and a sharp portrait of the abandoned Bonn republic.
The story of a band – from its founding to its break up
A novel about a time in life when almost anything seems possible
A school band from Bonn – Fuckin Sushi. They sing in German and rock, loudly and at length.
In the pedestrian area of Bad Muenster Eifel, at the summer party for armed forces relatives or in
the Bla. A You Tube video makes the four famous. However, after a brief tour, Niels the narrator
of the novel is thrown out of the band just before his final exams. Using his deceased
grandmother’s inheritance, he travels to New York and writes about his experiences.
Fuckin Sushi is a wild, touching book about the sense of security you can only experience as a
young person in a punk band amongst friends.
The chandeliers suspended from the ceiling shake. Music came out of our arms and legs, quite automatically. It was
raw, hard and honest. I felt like a new person. Bonn must come down. The whole bloody planet.
Marc Degens
born in 1971 in Essen, he lives in Toronto. His bands are called Doda, Stendal Blast, Die blutjungen
Dilettanten and Superschiff. In 2014, he was awarded the Hugo-Ball prize for literature. Fuckin Sushi is his
first novel to be published with Dumont.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
KL – Gespräch über die Unsterblichkeit/
KL – Conversation About Immortality
ca. 160 pp.
Spring 2015
‘John von Düffel is bold. In his new book ‘KL – Discussions on Immortality’ there are three figures, which each
have striking similarity with a real television presenter, an
ex-politician and a very prominent fashion designer. Is
that allowed? Only if done in such a clever manner as in
the present case (…) 160 pages to smile and think about!’
Ulrike Sákárny, NDR
About the fear of disappearing
To be is to be seen. In today’s media world, this is truer than ever. And no one knows this better
than the fashion designer KL, who is not only considered one of the most well known icons of
our time, but who also shaped the beauty ideals with whom we are compared and to whom we
compare ourselves today. The narrator/interviewer of this story sets off for Paris and visits KL in
his studio to ask him about his view of the (visual) world that he helped to create. The aim is to
survive the acid test of a conversation with one of the most eloquent and moody interview
partners in the German language. All the while strictly regimented and monitored by the master’s
staff, who only allocated the interviewer half an hour. Thankfully, KL is a fast talker.
However, the authorisation of this interview on our beliefs in visuals and the diktat of image
cultivation proved difficult. In a night-time telephone call, KL demands a stream of corrections,
which results in a second conversation that not only addresses issues touching on success and
careers, but also very personal subjects such as loss and the death of his own mother. KL, who as
an icon seems to be immortal, here shows himself from his vulnerable side. And the interviewer
is quick-witted enough to record the telephone conversation. Will that bring him any closer to an
Yet this is not the question when the narrator is once again asked to meet KL, this time in the
VIP wing of a Hamburg hospital. There he waits to be allowed in to see the fashion guru,
irritated by the notion that his protagonist might die and this before the publication of his book.
Will this third interview with the master be his very last…?
›KL – Conversation About Mortality‹ attempts, in three very different conversations, to find an
approach to this icon of aloofness. Conversations with two high profile women are also included
– the presenter BS and the politician HS, who experience the full medial force when trying to
meet the image requirements and public expectations. Their fate at the hands of the media
reflects the darker aspects of the perception of women and of the image mania that arises in the
daily combat for visibility and against the fear of disappearing.
John von Düffel was born in Göttingen in 1966; he is dramaturg at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and professor for
scenic writing at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. DuMont published his novels “Vom Wasser” (1998), “Zeit des
Verschwindens” (2000), “Ego” (2001), “Houwelandt” (2004), “Beste Jahre” (2007), “Goethe ruft an” (2011) as well
as the essay “Wovon ich schreibe” (2009) and the novella “Hotel Angst” (2010). Among other awards, John von
Düffel received the 2006 Nicolas Born Prize.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel, ca. 400 pp.
Autumn 2015
A fast-paced profile and portrait of society in a novel about
an industry sector that does business with our guilty
A remorseless debut: highly intelligent, shameless and cynical.
You’ve got a company with a difficult portfolio? Genetically modified maize? Production in asian
sweat shops? No problem, Mars & Jungs will take care of this. The agency offers integral
support, from viral image campaigns to the invention of fair-trade certificates to on-site crisis
management. In case there’s a fire somewhere. In a textile factory for instance. Which has no
escape routes.
Thomas Hessler is at home in this greenwash-world. And he is equipped with the perfect
qualitities to make a career in this world: creativity, empathy, self-sacrifice – and
unscrupulousness. For PR-stories he travels to Brazil, India or Ghana and has the killer instinct
for the success of his projects.
He delivers what is expected: The lies we all want to hear. Until he falls victim to his own
With painful precision Karl Wolfgang Flender’s debut is telling the story of a steep career – and
of a rapid decline in character.
Karl Wolfgang Flender, born in 1986 in Bielefeld, studied Creative Writing at the University of
Hildesheim and was co-editor of the literary magazine BELLA triste, as well as a member of the artistic
management of PROSANOVA 2014. He works as a research associate at the UdK Berlin and completed
his doctorate there in Social and Business Communication.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel, ca. 300 pages, Spring 2015
English sample translation available!
A culinary story about the longing for comfort
Elsa wants to cook herself to happiness – from the chippy to the gourmet restaurant
The most sensual novel of the season
For Elsa, cooking is so much more than just preparing a meal. It’s only in the kitchen that she
manages to put her troubles behind her and dream of the possibility of another life. She has also
set herself a goal - at least the rough direction of a goal – she wants to go north, to the sea. And,
in the process, get as far away as possible from her family in the south.
In her debut novel, Anne Köhler manages to portray big emotions - delicately, sensitively and
touchingly – and allows them to unfold within these unique atmospheric cooking- and kitchen
scenes. “I’ll be there in a minute” is the story of a young woman, who, on a journey of selfdiscovery is once again united with her family – and maybe with a new love.
Anne Köhler
born in 1978 in Hesse and lives in Berlin. She studied architecture and art history in Berlin, as
well as cultural studies, creative writing and cultural journalism in Hildesheim. She has been
working as a freelance author and copywriter since 2006. As a journalist, she has written for
jetzt.de and taz amongst others. In 2006, she was one of the finalists of the 16th Open Mike with
an excerpt from “I’ll be there in a minute”.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Fiction, ca. 256 pp., Autumn 2015
Trial days, midnight parties and mud fights
Funny and bizarre things from boarding school life
Wake up, morning run! – Behind the scenes at Schloss Salem
Since Malory Towers, it’s been hard to imagine a more fun place than boarding school. Although
it does stand for strictness and discipline on the one hand, boarding school life is characterised by
small revolutions, adventures and deep friendship – right?
Heike Kottmann knows what boarding school feels like. She was eleven when she attended
Schloss Salem and stayed for nine years up to her graduation. She made friends who were like
siblings to her. She made enemies and learnt all sorts of tricks how to deal with them. She
climbed out of the window at night in search of alcohol – until it suddenly flowed from the pipes
in the girls’ bathroom. And she saw a plane crash right next to the school building. It is obvious
that boarding school is anything but boring!
›Turn off the Light‹ is a book about loyalty, friendship and the transformation of an eleven-yearold outsider to a self-confident young woman. Clever, funny and very entertaining.
Heike Kottmann,
29, has been working as an editor for NEON for the last three years. She previously attended the
Henri-Nannen School of Journalism and worked as a freelance journalist, among others for the
“Süddeutsche Zeitung”, “Emma” and the “Münchner Abendzeitung”. Her first book “Entweder,
vielleicht oder doch lieber ja – 90 lebenswichtige Entscheidungsbäume” was published in 2012.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel, ca. 300 pp.
Autumn 2015
‘Currently nobody relates in such an enticing
unsentimental manner of the addiction of longing – and
its devastating side-effects as Judith Kuckart.’
‘There are few who approach questions relating to the meaning of life so purposefully as
Judith Kuckart.’ DIE ZEIT
A delicate and oppressively lovely novel about the true adventures of life
‘Now and then, but especially as of now, life can demand to be lived impetuously. But you don’t
have to go as far as pretending you are dead, Leonard,’ his piano teacher had once said to him.
Eighteen-year old Leonard spends New Year’s Eve alone in his parents’ house. On New Year’s
Day, life simply comes to him: A strange woman is sleeping on the floor in the hallway. Leonard
spends the next night with her in the guest room. Emilie and Maria meanwhile, both over
seventy, are adventurous, if not quite up to the events that take place during their stay in a Czech
spa hotel. Was it really the piano teacher who drove them there and did he really spend the night
drunk in bed with the two old ladies?
In a merry dance of eleven episodes, Judith Kuckart’s characters experience unheard-of things. It
happens to them like an accident, like a spontaneous memory or a love letter from the past. It
gives their lives unexpected twists and turns and gives the reader an indication that everything
belongs together: Desire and terror, love and death, guilt and happiness. The mysterious piano
teacher keeps appearing in the circle. It finally moves from the present day to the past, to a
terrible event in the summer of 1989, and in a sudden realization, the eleven occurrences come
together as one big story.
Judith Kuckart, born in 1959 in Schwelm (Westphalia), lives as an author and director in Berlin and
Zurich. In 1986, she founded the dance theatre Skoronel, which she led until 1998. With DuMont, Judith
Kuckart has published the novel ‘Lenas Liebe’ (2002), which was filmed in 2012, the story collection ‘Die
Autorenwitwe’ (2003), the new release of her novel ‘Der Bibliothekar’ (2004), as well as the novel
‘Kaiserstraße’ (2006) and ‘Die Verdächtige’ (2008). Her novel ‘Wünsche’ (2013) was on the Longslist of
the German Book Prize in 2013.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A novel, 350 pp.
Spring 2015
“I recognise myself in this completely different generation. “ Adriana Altaras
“Rebecca Martin describes her feelings and her world so
sensitively and cleverly that her world becomes mine.”
Eva Mattes
The story of a relationship – and a perception of women.
In her writing, Rebecca Martin is blunt, genuine and honest to herself
Something is amiss in Nora and Paul’s relationship. They have been together for years, and
viewed objectively they should be a happy young couple. However, over time, the stereotypical
roles they imposed upon themselves begin to crumble and crack. Not only are they increasingly
faced with emotional problems, but they also seem to be losing their physical bond.
Slugs tells of the daily struggle of maintaining a relationship and of hidden wishes. Seemingly in
passing, the story also deals with the demands you impose on your self-image as a young woman
in the here and now. Occurring in a time when contradictions are unavoidable.
Rebecca Martin
born in 1990 in Berlin. Her novel Frühling und so was published in 2008. She completed her secondary education in 2009. She trained as a copywriter at the Texterschmiede Hamburg. Her second novel Und alle so yeah was published in the summer of 2012 by DuMont. In September 2013,
she began her screenwriting studies at the Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie in Berlin.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Heimatgeschichten vom Balkanizer/
ca.200 pp.
Spring 2015
‘Welcomečić’ is anything but the blue-eyed, politically
correct celebration of a successful integration and existing
multi culturalism. In reality, this integration report has a
surprising amount of rough edges. And a hell of a lot of
humour.’ -Martin Oehlen, Kölner Stadtanzeiger
It is so easy to be a German or a Yugo. But to be a human being is the most difficult
thing of all.
Ćevapčići and Sauerkraut – a journey between two worlds
From eco-Germans to turbo-Balkanites - Danko Rabrenović is an interpreter of souls
Danko Rabrenović serves up a selection of autobiographical stories and illuminates his everyday
life between two worlds, Germany and the Balkans. He talks of eco-Germans and turboBalkanites and asks himself what it actually means when his neighbours never call by because
they ‘don’t want to disturb his privacy’. And he remembers the day when his eight-year-old
daughter no longer felt like being ‘the German’ in the family and asked them to get her a Croatian
This book is a humorous journey that shows us how implicitly people can feel at home in several
different cultures. Danko Rabrenović toys with cultural contrasts, but also shows what a
symbiosis of both worlds can look like. In his stories, home is no longer a geographical
coordinate but a feeling.
Danko Rabrenović
works as an author and radio presenter with the WDR. He is also the singer and guitarist of the
Balkan-Ska-band “Trovači”. He comes from a Yugoslavian journalist family. As a child he spent
three years in China, where his parents were working as foreign correspondents. He came to
Germany shortly before the Balkan War broke out – and stayed, in order to avoid being called
up. He studied English and media studies at the Heinrich-Heine University in Düsseldorf.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
DER BALKANIZER. Ein Jugo in Deutschland/
THE BALKANIZER. A Yugo in Germany
Danko Rabrenović is an interpreter of souls
»Russian disco in Balkanese – funny and deep.« rbb
Radio Berlin Brandenburg
Home is a feeling – and humour knows no boundaries
Are ‘Yugos’ born as fans of Roma brass bands? Why do people in the Balkans swear genitalfixated, while the Germans swear anal-fixated? What is the migrant worker dichotomy? The radio
presenter and musician Danko Rabrenovic, known to his fans as ‘the Balkanizer’, tells his stories
of being a migrant in Germany in a pointed and hilariously funny manner and elucidates about
the cultural differences between Germans and ‘Yugos’: Why do Germans insist on paying
separately in restaurants? Quite incidentally, he disentangles the jumble of ex-Yugoslavian
language and descent. An equally entertaining as enlightening report from Germany’s secondlargest immigrant community, which unsparingly holds up the proverbial mirror to the Germans
and ‘Yugos’.
Danko Rabrenović comes from a Yugoslavian journalist family. As a child, he spent three years
in China, where his parents worked as foreign correspondants. He came to Germany shortly
before the Yugoslav war broke out – and stayed, in order to avoid being called up. He studied
English and Media at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. He now works as an author
and radio presenter at the WDR. He is also singer and guitarrist of the Balkan-Ska-Band
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel, ca. 250pp.
Autumn 2015
A strange villa, a bunch of crazy old folk, a ravishing
outsider and love with a capital ‘L’.
A modern fairy tale, full of humour and delightful original
Sometimes you just need a gentle shove in the right direction...
This is the story of Dorle. She lives in Berlin in a 20sq m basement flat of a grand house, which is
otherwise inhabited by old, grumpy aristocrats from Charlottenburg. Working from home, she
puts together glass chandeliers for a candelabra manufacturer. And she allows herself to be used
as a concierge by her neighbours, even though she isn’t the concierge – what else are you
supposed to do when eight flowerpots are suddenly dumped on your doorstep with a sign saying:
‘Please water. Am on holiday. Regards Bock.’
Yet Dorle is undemanding and content with her life. In contrast to Annegret Sonne, 84 years old,
and full of life. When Mrs Sonne sets off for a three-month trip, she asks Dorle to housesit her
flat. But only under the condition that Dorle does exactly the same things that the old lady did to
make her life fun: watch films in bed and eat chocolates, attend wellness and yoga classes and
cook delicious recipes. Dorle even suddenly has dates. Fair enough, the men are all over eighty,
but they treat her like a lady. Consequently Joe, Dorle’s only friend, who delivers the crystals to
her every week, has his hands full trying to remain in the running. But this would not be a good
story if there were not a few detours to the Happy End, right?
Susann Rehlein works as a journalist and editor and lives in Berlin.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel
ca. 180 pp.
Spring 2015
What happens when we let the mask slip after work?
Laconic, imaginative, disturbing – a book about who we really are
Claudia is gardening. She’s weeding. Why does this bloody stuff exist? She askes herself – but
also God, the only person she has to talk to after work. Ida and Marie exchange opt out fantasies;
today it’s pig farming, where you can see the animals growing via webcam. Urban eco-freaks
should be thrilled at least! Miriam is voted parent representative at her son’s school. And Peter
recounts an anecdote about an aquarium fish so that he can briefly delay the moment when he
has to enter his dying son’s room.
›After Work‹ accompanies a completely diverse group of people from their offices back to their
respective lives. They all work for the same company, but have no idea who their colleagues really
are. A novel about secrets and depths, about the difference between work-me and after work-me,
and about the existential questions that keep arising in the very small spaces in between.
Kathrin Spoerr, Aged 47, Journalist. In the past, Spoerr wrote about herself because this is what
she knew best, but she would be open to trying something new for this project. Author of
„Weibersachen“ (Quadriga 2012) and „Das Leben mit mir ist die Hölle für mich“ (Heyne 2013)
Britta Stuff, Aged 34, Journalist. In the past, Stuff wrote about others and was awarded the
Alexander-Rhomberg-Preis by the Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache. She received the 2012
Axel-Springer-Preis for young journalists for her profile „Herr Schröder will es allen zeigen“
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
IM WEIßEN KREIS. Ein Fall für Louise Bonì/
A Case for Louise Bonì
Crime Fiction, ca. 350pp.
Autumn 2015
Quadruple German Crime Fiction Prize winner
»The Scandinavian crime novel-obsessed Germans don’t have to
look far – Freiburg is quite far enough. « Frankfurter Rundschau on
›Das verborgene Netz‹
Finally a new case for Louise Bonì
Louise Boni, Chief Commissioner of the CID in Freiburg im Breisgau, receives a tip off that a
man has bought two weapons from a Russian criminal. Louise follows this up, in order to
prevent a possible assassination attempt. Her investigations lead her to the Neo Nazi scene and
in a newspaper article, she stumbles across the ‘perfect murder victim’: Ludwig Kabangu, a
Rwandan, demanding the return of the skeletal remains of one of his ancestors from the
University of Freiburg. Scientists had brought these to Germany some hundred years ago under
the auspices of ‘race’ research. Providing protection, Louise accompanies Kabangu – and they are
actually attacked by two armed men the very next day. A Special Operations Unit arrives at a
timely moment and kills the attackers, apparently under instruction from the Criminal
Investigations Office in Stuttgart. Yet how did they know of the goings on?
One of the Neo Nazis that Louise had questioned is obviously a mole for the State Protection
Office. When this man is found dead shortly afterwards, it is clear that the danger is not over yet
Oliver Bottini was born in 1965. His novels ‘Mord im Zeichen des Zen’, ‘Im Sommer der
Mörder’, ‘Der kalte Traum’ (DuMont 2012) and ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’ (DuMont 2014) were
awarded the Deutsche Krimi Preis (German Crime Fiction Prize). He was additionally awarded
the Stuttgarter Krimipreis for ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’. In 2007, Oliver Bottin was norminated for
the Friedrich-Glauser-Preis. His novel ‘Im Auftrag der Väter’ was shortlisted for the Münchner
Tukan-Preis. Oliver Bottini lives in Berlin. www.bottini.de
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Louise Bonì/
for Louise Bonì
A crime Novel, 384 pp.
new edition
Autumn 2015
German Crime Fiction Prize 2005
»It has been a long time since anyone started out so strongly, so visually.« Die Zeit
»Exceptional crime novel« taz
The first case for Louise Bonì
Louise Bonì, Chief Inspector with the crime squad, 42 years old, divorced, is faced with a dreary
winter weekend and the shadows of the past. The memories of the dead and old flames are
disrupted by a call from the department chief, and Louise gets the strangest assignment of her
career: She is to find a Japanese monk, who is wandering through the snowy winter wasteland to
the east of Freiburg in sandals and cowl, and find out what he is up to. Reluctantly she sets off.
When she catches up with the monk, two things become very apparent: He is injured and he is
on the run. Louise manages to dig up the background information with some difficultly and
comes across a terrible crime, in whose wake her own life will undergo significant changes.
Oliver Bottini was born in 1965. His novels ‘Mord im Zeichen des Zen’, ‘Im Sommer der
Mörder’, ‘Der kalte Traum’ (DuMont 2012) and ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’ (DuMont 2014) were
awarded the Deutsche Krimi Preis (German Crime Fiction Prize). He was additionally awarded
the Stuttgarter Krimipreis for ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’. In 2007, Oliver Bottin was norminated for
the Friedrich-Glauser-Preis. His novel ‘Im Auftrag der Väter’ was shortlisted for the Münchner
Tukan-Preis. Oliver Bottini lives in Berlin. www.bottini.de
Rights sold to: People’s Press (Danish); Standaard Uitgeverij (Dutch); Éditions de l’Aube (French); Alexandra Pecsi Direkt (Hungarian); Beit Casa (Italian); Dolnoślaskie (Polish); Tritonic (Rumanian)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Louise Bonì/
Louise Bonì
A Crime Novel, 464 pp.
January 2016
new in paperback
German Crime Fiction Prize 2007
»Stringent, brillant.« taz
The second case for Louise Bonì
The idyll of Kirchzarten was deceptive. Strangers had made an illegal stockpile of weapons
underneath the shed. Louise Boni, the Chief Inspector from Freiburg, is faced with the most
challenging case of her career. Initial tracks lead back to the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Yet
when a cold-blooded murder takes place, Louise begins to understand that the case has far
greater dimensions. Oliver Bottini, fourfold German crime prizewinner, has written a highly
topical and controversial novel on the subject of arms trading and international terrorism.
Oliver Bottini was born in 1965. His novels ‘Mord im Zeichen des Zen’, ‘Im Sommer der
Mörder’, ‘Der kalte Traum’ (DuMont 2012) and ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’ (DuMont 2014) were
awarded the Deutsche Krimi Preis (German Crime Fiction Prize). He was additionally awarded
the Stuttgarter Krimipreis for ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’. In 2007, Oliver Bottin was norminated for
the Friedrich-Glauser-Preis. His novel ‘Im Auftrag der Väter’ was shortlisted for the Münchner
Tukan-Preis. Oliver Bottini lives in Berlin. www.bottini.de
Rights sold to: People’s Press (Danish); Standaard Uitgeverij (Dutch); Éditions de l’Aube (French); Alexandra Pecsi Direkt (Hungarian);
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
JÄGER IN DER NACHT. Ein Fall für Louise
A Crime Novel, 336 pp.
new in paperback
»At some point, all you want to do is: put the kids to bed, switch off the phone and carry
on reading.« Stern
»Oliver Bottini, one of the few German authors who play in the premier league of crime,
really knows how to tell a good story. « Frankfurter Rundschau
The fourth case for Louise Bonì
Summer 2005. Within a few days, a female student from Freiburg disappears; a father is brutally
murdered and a young boy drowns in the Rhein under mysterious circumstances. Louise Boni,
Chief Inspector with the crime squad in Freiburg, and her colleagues, quickly realise that the
three cases are connected – and that even more people are in grave danger. Amongst them:
Louise Boni herself. Boni’s fourth case confronts her with sinister secrets of well-situated families
from Freiburg and once again reminds her of the fact that it sometimes takes very little to free
the beast in man.
Oliver Bottini was born in 1965. His novels ‘Mord im Zeichen des Zen’, ‘Im Sommer der
Mörder’, ‘Der kalte Traum’ (DuMont 2012) and ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’ (DuMont 2014) were
awarded the Deutsche Krimi Preis (German Crime Fiction Prize). He was additionally awarded
the Stuttgarter Krimipreis for ‘Ein paar Tage Licht’. In 2007, Oliver Bottin was norminated for
the Friedrich-Glauser-Preis. His novel ‘Im Auftrag der Väter’ was shortlisted for the Münchner
Tukan-Preis. Oliver Bottini lives in Berlin. www.bottini.de
Rights sold to: People’s Press (Danish)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Crime-novel, ca. 464 pp.
March 2016
A captivating mixture of family drama and crime novel
A sinister family secret on the coast of Cornwall
On this oppressively hot summer’s day, DC Collin Brown believes he is simply dealing with an
unusual accident: A lorry has crashed into an outbuilding of the Woodland Manor House, which
has been standing empty for years now. However, an explosive murder case develops out of this
routine event – once the lorry has been recovered, the skeleton of an infant with a shattered skull
is found in the remnants of the building.
While his family goes on holiday without him in the New Forest, Collin Brown takes up the trail
of the Hattonfield family, who breed horses on the Woodland estate. Should he believe the
village gossip, according to which the mother killed her illegitimate child?
The case proves to be even more dramatic when an additional infant skeleton is found during the
forensic investigations. Collin Brown is sure that the key to clearing up the murder lies in the
family’s past. Yet the truth is even more dreadful – and dangerous – than the detective had
envisaged …
Iris Grädler was born in 1963 in Halle (Westphalia). She has published poetry and
short stories and edited several anthologies. She now lives in Swakopmuns, Namibia. Her first novel “Meer des Schweigens” was published in 2015 by DuMont
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
THE CASTLE WEB. Councillor Fickel
A regional crime novel, ca. 320pp.
Autumn 2015
Secret affairs among the musical aristocracy
A new case for the laziest councillor in the world
Councillor Fickel encounters aristocracy – will that go well?
After his turbulent forays into the world of bobsleigh in Oberhof, Fickel is happy to be on home
turf again. Now everything can return to its normal pace. No such luck however! In Castle
Elisabethenburg in Meiningen of all places, where Fickel so enjoys his goose dinners in the cosy
dining room, criminal energy is rife.
The musical score of an unknown Brahms’ concert has appeared and caused a dispute between
the City Council in Meiningen and the aristocratic family. Fickel couldn’t care less about it all,
were it not for the fact that the man who found the score had turned to him for a finder’s reward
– only to fall to his death from the tower café of the Hessensaal shortly afterwards. But now
what? He sets out to solve the case and soon wishes that he had never discovered his artistic vein
Hans-Henner Hess, born in Berlin-Mitte in 1973, trained
there to become a fully-qualified jurist. Because the state did
not require his services, he turned his back on jurisprudence
and kept himself busy as a writer and dramaturg for varying
television formats in Munich, Leipzig and Berlin. On the side
he wrote long and short stories, plays and contributed texts
for the spoken word project “Schwindel” that only insiders
are familiar with. After a phase of contemplation, he has
recently been devoting himself to the art of crime again. His
novels “Herrentag” (2013) and “Der Bobmörder” (2014) have
been published by DuMont..
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
DEATHLY CAMARGUE. A crime novel from
Provence with Capitaine Roger Blanc
A Novel, ca. 272 pp., Spring 2015
»The plot is as original as the characters. Between the
lines you begin to believe you can detect the scent of Provence. (…) Great to hear that Blanc will be investigating
further cases.« Kölner Stadtanzeiger on “Mörderischer Mistral”
„Thrilling, complex and equipped with a charismatic protagonist – highly readable.“
Eckart Bayer, Buchjournal on “Mörderischer Mistral”
Atmospheric, authentic, thrilling
Capitaine Roger Blanc investigates in the Camargue
August, the air over Provence shimmers in suffocating heat. Capitaine Roger Blanc and his colleague Marius Tonon are called to the Camargue. A black fighting bull has escaped from the pasture and has gored a cyclist on its horns. A bizarre accident, or so it initially seems. Until Blanc
discovers evidence that someone left the gate open intentionally …
The deceased is Albert Cohen, political magazine reporter, fashion intellectual from Paris, TV
personality. He was in the Camargue to write a major article on Vincent van Gogh. Yet what has
that got to do with the attack? Whilst a cheerful building crew remove the old roof from his dilapidated oil mill, but don’t find a new one, Blanc comes across Cohen’s incomplete report during his investigation, which is not quite as harmless as it initially appeared. And also a spectacular,
never solved burglary on the Côte d'Azur, and an old, deadly story that everyone, absolutely everyone wants to forget. By the end, Blanc feels a little more at home in his new surroundings in
Provence. But he pays a high price for it.
Cay Rademacher, born 1965, studied Anglo-American history, ancient history and philosophy in Cologne and Washington. He has been an editor at Geo since 1999 where he participated in establishing the history magazine Geo-Epoche, whose managing editor he has been
since 2006. His first novel in the Inspector Stave series is „Der Trümmermörder“ / The Rubble
Murder (2011), followed by Inspector stave’s second and third case “Der Schieber” / The Trafficker (2012) and “Der Fälscher”/The Forger (2013). After moving from Hamburg to Provence,
France with his wife and three children in Summer 2013 he started with “Mörderischer Mistral”/ Murderous Mistral (2014) a new crime series with Capitain Roger Blanc set in Provence.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Crime Novel
ca. 300 pp.
Spring 2015
„A great debut with a dishevelled heroine which takes the
reader’s hearts easily.”
Kölner Stadtanzeiger on “Das Mädchen im Feuer”
Thea Dombrowski and the dead man in the forest
Local reporter Thea Dombrowski has managed to fit back into her old and now new hometown
Wartenburg. Which might be due to the fact that a lot more happens in the idyllic small town
than she had expected. One day her neighbour Mrs Ullreich rings her doorbell and asks for her
help – her son Benjamin has disappeared. Thea starts making enquiries and discovers Benjamin’s
almost fantastical interest in conspiracy theories. The high-school graduate was part of a school
project team that discussed the repercussions of 9/11, and an active member at that. Did this
have anything to do with his disappearance?
While Thea gets more and more involved in Benjamin’s social surroundings, strange things begin
to happen in Wartenburg. A herd of cattle and pigs gallop through the main shopping street at
dawn, the river overflows its banks and floods entire districts. Burglaries take place where nothing is stolen.
When Benjamin’s teacher and school project team leader is eventually found dead in the forest, it
quickly becomes clear that something has to happen to stop the situation getting out of control
Conny Schwarz,
grew up in Southern Germany and moved to Berlin during her student days
in the 90s. This was followed by various projects in film and television, as
well as extensive sojourns in Italy and the South of France. Published with
DuMont so far ›Das Mädchen im Feuer‹ (2014). Conny Schwarz now lives in
Berlin and the Havelland with her two children.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942
A Novel, 920 pp.
Shortlist Deutscher Buchpreis 2011
Our world today: This is what Germany feels like.
Stirring, highly charged, unpredictable.
“An outstanding debut novel.“ - Spiegel online
“ A powerful, impressive novel (…) “ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“A masterpiece” - Hamburger Abendblatt
“A triumphal book” - Rolling Stone
Jan Brandt, born 1974 in Leer (Eastern Frisia), studied history and literature in Cologne, London and Berlin and
graduated from the German Journalism School in Munich. His short stories have been published in the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung, the WOCHENENDE supplement of the Süddeutsche Zeitung and Playboy.
Rights sold: Seagull Books (English World); Bompiani (Italian)
A Novel, 350 pages
English sample translation available!
A wild voyage leading from the disintegration of the Soviet Union to the European
fiscal crisis
“A literary confection. (…)This is a stylish, original first novel, which cleverly juxtaposes the disintegration of the Soviet Union with the European financial crisis.”
new books in german (spring 2013)
“An all-embracing European book about the economic crises and the people who have to shoulder it. Terrific; eminently readable!” - RBB RADIO FRITZ
“‘Zuckerleben’ is a devilishly high-speed novel that takes off in Moldavia and storms past Italy to Iceland – and it is
also very cinematic at that, which is not a coincidence insofar as the author is a director and has a doctorate in film ...
and he is furthermore the great up-and-coming literary star of the city of Cologne.” – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“Fast-paced, funny and with a clever sense for ludicrous situations and endearing characters, Nedov embeds the
story of the final days of the Soviet Union in a road movie plot … It is a picaresque adventure story full of grotesque
notions that sensitively and subtly places precarious personal relationships in a larger context.”
Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Pyotr Magnus Nedov was born in the Soviet Union in 1982 and lives in Cologne. He grew up in Moldavia, Rumania and Austria. He studied Celtic culture, French literature and Film in Paris, Moscow, Montreal, Vienna and Cologne. He has a PhD in film studies and worked last as an archaeologist in the excavation site around the city hall
square in Cologne.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel, 280 pages
“What particularly distinguishes this debut is its amalgamation of precision and
poetry. John von Düffel’s first novel is an outstanding achievement. In a prose that
does completely without dialogue and is all-encompassing in its narrative range,
Düffel creates figures that are difficult to forget.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Rights sold to: Finland (Otava), France (Albin Michel), Italy (Mondadori), Spain (Planeta, Ediciones del
Bronce), Taiwan (New Sprouts);
A Novel, 316 pages
“We always think that only US-authors and Thomas Mann are capable of writing great
family sagas, but this is wrong: John von Düffel as well!”
Elke Heidenreich on Houwelandt
“John von Düffel isn’t just an exceptionally gifted word artist and a great observer,
but also a real storyteller.” Focus
Rights sold to: France (Albin Michel), Korea (Dulnyouk Publishing), Bizim (Turkey)
Stories, 256 pp.
“A master story teller” new books in german spring 2014
“‘We always return to water’ is the first sentence I ever wrote in prose.” John von Düffel
John von Düffel was born in Göttingen in 1966; he is dramaturg at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and professor for
scenic writing at the Universität der Künste in Berlin. DuMont published his novels “Vom Wasser” (1998), “Zeit des
Verschwindens” (2000), “Ego” (2001), “Houwelandt” (2004), “Beste Jahre” (2007), “Goethe ruft an” (2011) as well
as the essay “Wovon ich schreibe” (2009), the novella “Hotel Angst” (2010) and his collection of stories
“Wassererzählungen” (2014). Among other awards, John von Düffel received the 2006 Nicolas Born Prize.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A novel, about 240 pages, Autumn 2013
Robert-Walser-Prize 2014
Förderpreis zum Bremer Literaturpreis 2014
English sample translation available!
“The tone of this novel is austerely poetic and elegant.” - Kulturspiegel
“Roman Ehrlich’s brilliant debut novel... Unpretentious and simply literature: language, world plan, crisis
situations transformed into text.” - Tagesspiegel/ Zeit online
“You should absolutely not trust this book. But you should absolutely read it. Dress warmly.”
Kölner Stadtanzeiger
“Roman Ehrlich travels in his clever, post-apocalyptic debut novel to the ground zero of literature … it
has been a long time since contemporary literature has resisted the demand for such a realistic and varied,
unglossed, true-to-life novel ... the freer this curious, brilliant book mixes up its material, the freer it can be
read... a joy for all readers... Be sure to read it all…” - Süddeutsche Zeitung
“A literary nightshade, dark, shimmering and mysterious. Its author is a highly-talented illusionist.” –
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Stories, ca. 200 pages, Autumn 2014
‘The ten texts in Roman Ehrlich’s story collection are set in the border zone between
the tangible being and the intangible possibilities that are hidden behind it (…) A
sophisticated and reflected author.’ Christoph Schröder, Süddeutsche Zeitung
"The story collection […] irritates in the best sense." - Angela Leinen, taz
‘Roman Ehrlich’s atmospherically dense book creates a well-formatted society in capitalistic end time [...]
Ehrlich’s narrative strength lies in the microscopic. With particular attention he masters the detail rich and
yet still ambiguous invocation of everyday situations, where the real becomes surreal and the surreal […]
very real […] written with a delightfully light hand.’ Oliver Jungen, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
‘Roman Ehrlich proves himself to be an unswerving observer in his wonderful stories […] daring, sensitive, intelligent and written with admirable care […] His gaze knows the precision of a clean cut, his tone
the elegant distance, which is protecting a large capacity for empathy.’ Angelika Overath, Neue Zürcher
‘Ehrlich creates unreal, fantastical sprinklings into a hauntingly idling and alienated present day world. For
the moment, they are mostly cleverly composed and thought through finger exercises, but here is someone who has his carefully developed software fully under control.’- Helmut Böttiger, Deutschlandradio
Roman Ehrlich, born 1983 in Aichach, raised in Neuburg an der Donau, studied at the Deutsches Litera-turinstitut
Leipzig and the Freie Universität Berlin. He received the advancement award to the Bremer Literaturpreis and the
Robert Walser Prize for his debut novel “Das kalte Jahr” (DuMont 2013).
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel, 140 pp.
Winner of the Kelag-Prize at the
Ingeborg Bachmann Festival 2010
Aspekte Literature Prize 2010
Rauriser Literaturpreis 2011
“Dorothee Elmiger’s debut reveals a powerful, unconventional talent who courageously pursues her own
path. Her impressive imagination and playful joy in experimenting with language add up to a poetic potential that makes one look forward to her future development.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“The book is not only daring, it is bold and poetic, clever in a literary fashion and puzzling without being
pretentious... This book is not just a novel about two sisters and it is also not just the story of a selfextinguishing landscape: The language itself is the novel and the adventure of this narrative that deals with
the melancholy of emptiness and disappearance.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Rights sold to: Seagull Books (English World); Editions d’en bas (French); Kabusa (Swedish); Bokvennen
(Norwegian); Delidolu (Turkish)
A Novel, ca. 140 pp., Spring 2014
Schweizer Literaturpreis 2015
Promotional prize to Hermann-Hesse-Prize 2014
“Disturbing, bewildering and with a soundscape that has a poetic beat that buzzes in the head,
this highly unusual short work is a courageous contribution to the immigration debate and a
striking work of literary fiction. “
New Books in German Autumn 2014
“With her literary collage (…) Elmiger shows herself to be a talented magician of word alchemy (…) A mundane,
clairvoyant book!” Björn Hayer, taz
“Dorothee Elmiger’s novel Schlafgänger plays with the freedom of art... A decisively more appropriate reaction to the
conditions, the astonishing simultaneity of occurrences, the juxtaposition of boat people and travellers on the lecture
circuit, of art and literature, history and the present day, simply of everything that is the case is surely Dorothee
Elmiger’s Schlafgänger.” - Tobias Lehmkuhl, Die Zeit
“Dorothee Elmiger has achieved something very rare, namely a convincing merger of politics and poetry. Schlafgänger
is an elaborate discussion about questions concerning voluntary and forced immigration and emigration, about political and imagined boundaries... She succeeds in presenting a book in which the spheres of politics and poetry sparklingly overlap. It is a brilliant contribution to the debate.” Linus Schöpfer, Tagesanzeiger
“Equally fluid as selective images […] Dorothee Elmiger links astuteness with political awareness without ever being
didactical.” Nico Bleutge, Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Dorothee Elmiger was born in Wetzikon, Switzerland, in 1985, grew up in Appenzell and lives today in Lucerne.
She had a grant from the Literaturkurs Klagenfurt in 2009 and her debut novel “Einladung an die Waghalsigen”
(DuMont 2010) has been awarded with the Kelag Prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann Festival 2010, the Aspekte Literature Prize 2010, the Rauriser Literaturpreis 2011, th Hermann-Hesse-Förderpreis 2014 an the Schweizer Literaturpreis 2015.
Rights sold to: Seagull Books (English World); Editions d’en bas (French), DeliDolu (Turkish)
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A novel, 224 pages
English sample Translation available!
“The Happiness Office is a novel with a magical touch, an unconventional love
story, and the tale of how a man’s ordered life is transformed – for the better – once
he is prepared to open up to a little of life’s unpredictability.” new books in german
(spring 2013)
“Izquierdo creates a work of art out of making bureaucracies something magical. The story is witty and
thrilling at the same time, told casually and without frills … a touching fairy tale about a man who wraps
himself in red tape and finds his princess in the end.” - Kölner Stadtanzeiger
“Andreas Izquierdo writes with such a sense for the beautiful that even the filling out of bureaucratic
forms becomes a magical procedure.” – Neue Westfälische
“Told in a straightforward and uncomplicated fashion, it is a cheerfully thrilling, tragic melancholic story
that you can’t be put down once you’ve started.” - Mitteldeutsche Zeitung
“A novel about a bureaucrat that could not be any more eccentric, romantic and magical. He changes
one’s views of work, colleagues and happiness. Read this book! Before, after – or if you have to, while at
work!” - Express
“Magical. Izquierdo writes with such sensitivity and elegance that even the filling out bureaucratic forms
sounds like poetry.” - Freundin
A Novel, ca. 350 pages
English sample translation available!
A bastard discovers his heart
A touching novel about true values and the pursuit of happiness
Spirited, cheerful and tragic
200 hours of community service can change a life
Gabor Schöning is good-looking, successful and popular among colleagues and women. And he is a
bastard. He loves only himself and is not afraid to use any method necessary to attain his goals. But one
day everything changes: Gabor causes an accident in which a bicyclist is hurt. She is the director of a
special needs school and demands as compensation that Gabor take care of a project group among her
pupils. And of course he does not know what to do at first with a group of children whose IQ is below
70. But the children slowly draw him into their world in which nothing goes smoothly and the problems
are real. They finally discover something to share that will change their lives – dancing.
Andreas Izquierdo, born in 1968, has published, among other works, the novel “König von Albanien” (2007),
which was awarded the Sir Walter Scott Prize for best historical novel of the year, and the novel “Apocalypsia”
(2010), which received the Lovelybooks Reader’s Prize in silver for the best book of 2010 and selected as book of
the year by Vorablesen.de. DuMont Buchverlag has previously published his novel Das Glücksbüro (2013).
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A novel, 350 pp., Spring 2013
English Sample Translation Available!
Longlist for the German Book Prize 2013
SWR Bestenliste May 2013
“The author lends the characters her sparse, highly-charged language, her merciless power of
observation and her sense for the consonance of the large and small.”
Jenny Erpenbeck in Buchreport
Stories, 140 pp.
“In The Authors Widow the author proves herself as master in the dissection of disturbing
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
A Novel, 320 pages, Spring 2006
“A suspenseful psychological thriller of our conditions written in a language whirring electrically
between emotionalism and irony. You’ve got to read it!” – Die Zeit
“At the moment nobody else tells as unsentimental and at the same time seductive as Judith
Kuckart of the drug of longing – and its disastrous side effects.” - Deutschlandradio
A Novel, about 240 pages, Autumn 2008
“A literary horror trip ... an extremely artistic labyrinth comprised of fear and particularly beautiful
sentences... With the means of the crime novel, Judith Kuckart stages an extraordinary illusionary
theatre. She makes use of the genre with elegance and mastery.” Die Welt
A Novel, 320 pages
„One of those rare books which murmur, shine and live on in the reader.“ - Die Zeit
“In a concise language and with a sparse use of tools she manages to capture the atmosphere of a
specific time and place in such a way that the reader can hardly escape the attraction of her story
telling.“ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
A Novel, 250 pages
"Judith Kuckart will relief all those who are still moaning about the inability of German poets, to
succeed in writing erotic literature". Die Welt
“In short sharp sentences Judith Kuckart sketches the outlines of a story that lacks all perilous
depths, and we sense the great risk of clichés, trash or kitsch. The story aims to remain shrill and
oblique, and yet ecstatic; it mustn’t slip or slide off into the banal. With an extreme presence of
mind and stylistic efforts, the narrator hold this delicate balance line for line. …world language
cinema…..” Die Zeit
Judith Kuckart, born 1959 in Schwelm (Westphalia), has lived since her studies of literature and the dramatic arts as
well as dance training as an author and director in Zurich and Berlin. Aside from plays, she has published several
novels. Among other prizes, Judith Kuckart has received the Rauriser Literaturpreis, the Villa Massimo stipend, the
Deutsche Kritikerpreis and in 2012 Annette-von-Droste-Hülshoff-Prize.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Novel
Ca. 180 pp.
Spring 2012
Shortlisted for the Aspekte Literature Prize 2012
“Lisa-Maria Seydlitz manages to tell an entire family history in a single sentence.” taz
“The most captivating and impressive debut of a young German writer for a long time. Sommertöchter is
a wonderful, absolutely touching book, profoundly sad and heart-warming at the same time, about a
woman’s search for the lost happiness of her carefree childhood and a voyage to herself. … a great, internally refreshing piece of literature.” - Jüdische Zeitung
“… an amazing debut, a beautifully sad novel that says much about dealing with loss but not losing track
of happiness in the process.” - NDR Kultur
Lisa-Maria Seydlitz born 1985 in Mannheim, studied creative writing and cultural journalism at Hildesheim University and theatre and German studies at the University of Provence Aix-Marseille. She was co-editor of the “Bella
triste” literary journal and scholarship holder from the 12th Klagenfurt Literature Course.
Rights sold to: Keller Editore (Italian); Ediciones B (Spanish language World)
A Novel, Ca. 176 pages
‘A strong piece of literature, this debut’ - Deutschlandradio
'Augusta’s Garden is a poetical, stirring novel about a separation and a longed for new
beginning, as well as a story about the tragic consequences that can result from
lengthy silences.’ - BUCH AKTUELL
‘A complex and highly sensitive book.’ - FREUNDIN
‘Heuser describes […] in such a fine and psychologically nuanced manner that the cumulative tragedy of
human relations […] becomes evident.’ Kerstin Meier, Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Andrea Heuser, born 1972 in Cologne, now lives with her family in Munich. She studied German literature, politics
and comparative religions in Cologne and Bonn. She completed her doctorate in 2008 with a thesis on GermanJewish literature. Her own literary works encompass poetry, prose, librettos and music theatre. Her debut book as a
poet, “vor dem verschwinden”, was published in 2008 and she received the Wolfgang-Weyrauch-Förderpreis des
Literarischen März Darmstadt for it. In 2012 she was among the finalists for the Meran Poetry Prize. “Augustas
Garten” is Andrea Heuser’s first novel.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Crime-Novel, Ca. 350 pp., Spring 2014
Deutscher Krimipreis 2015 (German Crime Novel Prize 2015)
Stuttgarter Krimipreis 2015
#1 Krimi ZEIT Bestenliste May & June 2014
“One of our best crime writers […] You leave the novel enlightened by the
revelation that there is genre literature that deploys complex characters and
structures.” Elmar Krekeler, Die Literarische Welt
“Crafty political thriller, enlightened by a sense of possibility.” Die Zeit
“Bottini’s crime novel can certainly match Don Winslow’s better novels. Thrilling, well written and like his
US colleague’s, extremely realistic.” Wolf-Dieter Vogel, taz
“A political thriller of international calibre. Thrilling to read, informative, convincing. Let’s have more!”
Jürgen Priester, KRIMI-COUCH
“A Few Days Of Light shows once again what Oliver Bottini is capable of and that is creating premium
crime literature in step with the times.” Ulrich Noller, WDR
“Oliver Bottini is not only a shrewd crime writer but above all a highly political author.” Sylvia Staude,
Frankfurter Rundschau
Rights sold to: Editions Piranha (French)
A Crime-Novel, ca. 400 pp., Spring 2012
English sample translation available!
Deutscher Krimipreis 2013 (German Crime Novel Prize 2013)
“With a magnetic plot and chilling contemporary ring, Bottini’s riveting new
crime thriller is reminescent of Frederick Forsyth’s The Day of the Jackal. (…)
The work of a master craftsman.” new books in german spring 2012
“A terrific political thriller biting with anger and chilliness.” - Die Zeit
“Only rarely has one so excellently succeeded in visualising complex political
history in such a thrilling plot.” Tobias Gohlis, Die Zeit
“Oliver Bottini picked out a difficult, heavily-mined terrain for himself, and the author – a multiple winner
of the Deutscher Krimi Preis – proves that his preparations and research of the material was first rate.
The dialogues are pointed and so are the protagonists; even the rather underhanded characters are lovingly
described.” Süddeutsche Zeitung
Oliver Bottini, born 1965, studied modern German literature, Italian studies and psychology in Munich. He won four times the
German Crime Novel Prize for his books “Mord im Zeichen des Zen” ,“Im Sommer der Mörder”, “Der kalte Traum” and “Ein
paar Tage Licht”. He was nominated for the 2007 Friedrich Glauser Prize in the novel category. His third novel, “Im Auftrag der
Väter,” was shortlisted for the 2007 Munich Tukan Prize, in 2010 he published “Das verborgene Netz” also, as the previous titles
part of his Louise-Bonì series. Oliver Bottini lives in Berlin.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
A Crime Novel, 352 pp.
English sample translation available!
More than 60.000 copies sold
A serial killer in post-war Hamburg
“You better dress warm: Cay Rademacher’s thriller tells the story of the bitter
cold winter of 1946/47, and so realistically that you are likelier to get frostbite
than goose pimples.” Brigitte
“A compelling read, as much a historical novel as a crime novel, "The Rubble Murders" creates life in
post-war Hamburg under British occupation. (...) The story is gripping, the language forceful, the setting
absorbing. A spine-tingling portrayal of how the defeated interact with their victors.” New Books in German
Rights sold: English World (Arcadia Books); French World (Le Masque); Spanish World (Ediciones Maeva)
A Crime novel, 336 pp.
“A close-up look at modern history. And told very touchingly as well. In his
continuation of ‘Der Trümmermörder’ Rademacher has again succeeded in
providing a fascinating glimpse at a world that is not all that far away, a world
where everyone has to fight to survive.” – Brigitte
“Rademacher knows how to draw a vivid picture of the post-war period. He
enables his readers to get a sense of the times without lecturing, but packed in an
exciting crime novel instead.” Hessische Allgemeine
“Rademacher impressively describes life in 1947 with all its distresses and hopes. A piece of history comes
alive and touches the reader.”- Hambuger Morgenpost
Rights sold: French World (Le Masque);
A Crime novel, 336 pp.
The monetary reform of 1948: chief inspector Stave investigates in the
forger milieu
“The novel provides a meticulously researched, disturbing and always instructive
piece of post-war German history. More continuations, please!” - Emmanuel von
Stein, Kölner Stadtanzeiger
Rights sold: French World (Le Masque);
Cay Rademacher, born 1965, studied Anglo-American history, ancient history and philosophy
in Cologne and Washington. He has been an editor at Geo since 1999 where he participated in
establishing the history magazine Geo-Epoche, whose managing editor he has been since 2006.
After moving from Hamburg to Provence, France with his wife and three children in Summer 2013 he started with
“Mörderischer Mistral”/ Murderous Mistral (2014) a new crime series with Capitain Roger Blanc set in Provence.
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Graphic Fairy Tales
About 80 pages
about 80 illustrations
Spring 2013
“A quirky alternative to the oral tradition of the
Grimms: a highly striking graphic novel without a
singe word. … the well-known tales as they have
never been seen before.”
new books in german spring 2013
Comic/Graphic Novel
ca. 100 pp.
The Christmas Story Without Words
ca. 100 pp.
Men on the verge of a nervous breakdown … it’s enough to leave
you speechless
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 1939
Mainland China
Jackie Huang,
Andrew Nurnberg Associates International Ltd.
Beijing Representative Office, Beijing
E-Mail: jhuang@nurnberg.com.cn
Dr. Michael Wenzel
Editio Dialog Literary Agency
E-Mail: dr.wenzel@editio-dialog.com
Greece & Eastern Europe except Hungary & Romania
Milena Lukic, Prava I Prevodi International Literary Agency
E-Mail: milena@pravaiprevodi.org
Norbert Uszeka, Lex Copyright Office, Budapest
E-Mail: lexcopy.bp@mail.datanet.hu
Barbara Griffini, Berla & Griffini Rights Agency, Milano
E-Mail: griffini@bgagency.it
Meike Marx, Literary Agency, Hokkaido
E-Mail: meike.marx@gol.com
The Netherlands
Linda Kohn, Internationaal Literatuur Bureau, Amsterdam
E-Mail: lkohn@planet.nl
Simona Kessler, Simona Kessler International Copyright Agency
E-Mail: simona@kessler-agency.ro
Esthi Kunz, Leonhardt & Hoier, Copenhagen
E-Mail: esthi@leonhardt-hoier.dk
Spain, Portugal & Latin America
Isabel Piedrahita, A.C.E.R., Madrid
E-Mail: ipiedrahita@acerliteraria.com
Mrs. Whitney Hsu, Andrew Nurnberg Associates International Ltd.
Taiwan Representative Office, Taipei
E-Mail: whsu@nurnberg.com.tw
Sedef İlgiç, Kalem Agency
E-Mail: rights@kalemagency.com
Judith Habermas
phone: +49-221-224 1942
fax: +49-221-224 401942