tubing - Coosawattee River Resort


tubing - Coosawattee River Resort
C o o s a w att ee R i v e r R es o r t A s so ci at i o n
Volume XV,
Issue 3
May/June 2015
Many Coosawattee property owners do, in fact,
consider this to be the most wonderful time of
the year, as it heralds the return of a few of our
favorite things:
Inside this issue:
Daily tubing excursions are underway now through
Labor Day! Participants convene at the General
Store and are brought by bus through the main gate
to River Park. There they begin their 2+ hour odyssey afloat the beautiful Coosawattee River to Canoe
Pickin’ On The Porch;
Pickin’ On The River (at Riverside Pool the
1st and 3rd Saturday of each month - show
time 6:00pm. See page 5 for featured performers)
And of course, CRRA property owners receive a
substantial discount:
Tubes = $15 per guest / $7.50 for owners
Factor in the opening of the outdoor pools, and
you can see that this really is a season in which
everyone should be of good cheer!
Tube Tracker = $20 per guest / $12.50 for owners
* property owners are allowed up to 4 guests at the
discounted rate
Every effort is made to accommodate all of our
guests, however reservations are strongly encouraged. Call (706)635-1609 to schedule your trip
down the river.
Our most popular community event, Pickin’ On The Porch is in full swing
at the General Store the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Show-time
is 7:00pm, and this year’s lineup features:
6/13 - The Band Raven
9/12 - Barefoot Boone
6/27 - Bill Pound
9/26 - Last Call Band
7/11 - Roy Schneider
10/10 - Loose Shoes Band
7/25 - The Dash Crackers
10/24 - Downtown Roy
8/8 - Deuce & The Wildcards
Enjoy a great dinner before the
music starts at The General
Store’s Deli!
8/22 - Gopher Broke
unless otherwise posted
EMC Cleanup Day
Georgia’s Woodpeckers
BOD Election Info
Meet the Candidates
Consultant & Interim GM
Board Briefs
Long-term Lease Units
Pickleball Clinic
Lots for Sale
Amish Fresh Market
Page 2
A VERY BIG “Thank You” goes out to all of the volunteers
who turned out Saturday, May 30th for our third annual Eagle Mountain Campground Cleanup Day.
Volunteers began showing up at 7:00am on the dot with
truck-loads of debris. Some six hours later when they called
it a day, three 20-yard dumpsters were full to overflowing.
The EMC Committee members are to be whole heartedly
commended for their organizational effort and participation
in this event so vital to the continued beautification of Coosawattee River Resort. And certainly, our sincerest thanks are
extended to the numerous volunteers who came out on a Saturday morning with the sole intent of keeping Coosawattee
To all who participated: JOB WELL DONE!
G E O R G I A’ S W O O D P E C K E R S
-- Kathy Williams
Ah Summer! Everything green, birds choosing
partners, building nests, and visiting our bird
feeders often to feed the youngsters. One common bird we see is the woodpecker.
It’s easy to spot and identify the woodpecker
sound of pecking on wood. Most every one
loves woodpeckers. With one exception. I will
get to that in a minute.
Georgia has many woodpeckers
that call our forests their home.
We will focus on the most common five. These are:
1. Downy woodpecker - the
smallest woodpecker and the
one most often seen at suet
feeders. These aren’t shy and often live in urban
areas. Easy to recognize with a black and white
body and red spot on the back of his head. His
bill is very small and dainty. The female looks
the same without the red spot. Measuring only 6
inches, the Downy eats sunflower seeds and peanut suet.
2. Hairy woodpecker – very
similar to the Downy. Hairy
woodpeckers are larger (9
inches) and have a strong, thick
bill. Hairy are frequent visitors to suet feeders
and when seen alone, often mistaken for a
Downy. Easiest identifier is the difference of
the bills. Hairys’ bill is spike-like while the
Downy bill is small, thin and dainty.
3. Red headed woodpecker
– Reds are very common in
Georgia but don’t visit our
feeders as often as others.
One reason for this is these
large woodpeckers (10
inches) prefer to have a
larger landing area than most suet feeders provide. It’s easy to build a suet feeder with a larger surface just by attaching the suet feeder to a
board that is about twice as long as the feeder.
This allows the woodpecker to use his long
strong tail to balance as he eats. The red headed
woodpecker’s entire head is bright red with a
black back and tail.
4. Red-bellied woodpecker - despite its name has mostly white
belly. Red-bellied woodpeckers
are easy to recognize due to ladder
back pattern on their backs. Males
have bright red stripe on their
5. Pileated woodpeckers are
crow-sized birds (up to 17”) with
a bright red crest on the head. His
body is mostly black with a sharp
angled head and white throat. This
bird is most often heard but not
seen. His call is a harsh, agitated
ke-ke-ki-ki-kiÖ. When you hear it, you can
understand how the cartoon Woody Woodpecker got his rascally call.
The down side of our woodpeckers: They will
drill on the wood surfaces of your house.
Woodpeckers can hear Carpenter bees chewing
inside wood planks and siding. They will peck
at the wood to get the Carpenter bees out. On
the surface, it sounds like the woodpecker is
doing you a good turn – removing Carpenter
bees from your house. But to get to the Carpenter bees, the woodpecker exposes the tunnels that the Carpenter bees made and makes a
mess of your siding or eves. Talk to your local
exterminator on how to treat your house to
keep the bees out. Once the bee is out, you
will need to fill the hole to keep them from
returning next year.
Did you know that we have an online birding
group, as well as classes? For more information, contact Kathy via email:
Page 3
2015/2016 Board of Directors
Election Information
Wednesday, 6/17/15: Mailing of Annual
Meeting notice with ballots and proxies.
Tuesday, 7/28/15: Nominating Committee
chair notifies all candidates of election results.
Monday, 7/20/15: Deadline for receipt of
ballots at accounting firm.
Wednesday, 7/29/15: Election results published.
Friday, 7/24/15: Ballots counted by accounting firm.
Saturday, 8/8/15: Annual Meeting with
announcement and seating of new board
Monday, 7/27/15: Nominating Committee
to verify election results (date tentative until
verified with accounting firm).
Ballots to be mailed
June 17, 2015
If unforeseen delays occur with any of these
dates, an email blast will be sent out within
2 business days informing property owners.
On May 29th and 30th, CRRA property owners
had an opportunity to meet the Board of Directors’
candidates. These meet-and-greet events allowed
property owners to ask questions, discuss topics of
interest to all, and provided an opportunity for
Board candidates to directly articulate their individual campaign platforms.
If you were unable to attend, you are encouraged
to read more about the candidate(s) from your subdivision. Log on to www.coosawattee.net; click
on “Documents” in the top menu bar; and choose
the category “2015/2016 Board Candidates.” You
will then see the list of all those running for the
Board of Directors.
The CRRA website remains your most timely (and
the only official) source of election information -and certainly for all other important information
related to life in Coosawattee. But you must submit a log-in request to access the “PropertyOwners Only” information. Go to
www.coosawattee.net; allow your cursor to hover
over “Login” in the top menu bar; then click on
“Request Login”. It’s as simple as that.
Page 4
- - R o b e r t M c C a l l , V. P. , B O D
Owners are invited to meet and greet Jeff Evans (Consultant)
on June 27th from 10:00AM until Noon, at the Water Tower.
Coffee and donuts will be provided.
CRRA has a rich history in the North
Georgia Mountains. This is where
most of us call home in one fashion
or another. Whether we are full time
or part time residents, campers, lot
owners that make the occasional trip
to enjoy the amenities and scenery,
or one of our valued employees, we
all have a vested interest in CRRA
and its future.
As most of you know there was a
change in our leadership last year.
The board could have quickly began
a search for a new GM, but instead
took a strategic approach with forward thinking to consider needs,
wants, and most importantly, our
future. With that objective in mind, a
team was assembled to seek out an
experienced consulting firm to evaluate our current state and develop a
plan for the short and long term success of CRRA. For the last several
months, that team worked diligently
to search, select, and secure a qualified consultant.
The Board of Directors recently
voted to hire the consulting firm of
Management Matters. This firm will
provide CRRA with consulting services, in addition to providing a Contract Interim General Manager. The
firm will analyze our Association’s
operations and provide written
evaluations of each department, to
include identifying departmental
needs, challenges, goals, and objec-
tives. They will also make recommendations to help increase cash
flow, improve customer service and
efficiency, and develop an implementation plan and timeline for each
The Board is excited that Management Matters will also be developing
a comprehensive Strategic Plan and
Long-Term Facilities Plan. To ensure
the best possible success and efficiency during the contract period, the
firm’s point of contact will be the
President of the Board, or whomever
the Board appoints.
Our consultant (Jeff Evans) comes
with 30 years’ experience, having
served as CEO for the Lake NaomiTimber Trails Communities and the
Lake Naomi Club (A Platinum Club
Community located in Pocono Pines,
Pennsylvania). Jeff also served as the
Court Appointed Receiver for the
Hamlet Recreation Club in Canadensis, PA. He holds the prestigious certifications of Large-Scale Manager
(LSM), Professional Community
Association Manager (PCAM), Master Community Manager (MCM),
Certified Club Executive (CCE), and
Certified Club Manager (CCM), to
name a few. Jeff also holds a Master’s Degree in Leisure Service Management and a Bachelor’s Degree in
Community Development.
Our consultant has chosen Sherman
Britton as our Contract Interim General Manager. He is an industry vet-
eran who most recently managed
Cresswinds in Gainesville, GA.
Sherman has over 30 years of experience working with volunteer staff,
project management, administrative
functions, program development,
motivational speaking, large-scale
productions, and as a planning consultant. His experience includes construction, consultant, video and
magazine productions, project management, and community management. Sherman holds a Bachelor of
Science Degree in Organizational
Leadership and Management.
Our contract period starts 15 June
2015. The Board is pleased to welcome Jeff Evans and Sherman Britton to CRRA! Please join us on 27
June 2015 from 10:00AM until noon,
at the Tower, for our “Meet and
All property owners are encouraged
to be active participants!
Volume XV,
Issue 3
Page 5
At the May 16, 2015, Board Meeting, the minutes from the Open Session of 03/14/2015, the 1st Special Called of 04/04/2015, and
the 2nd Special Called of 04/04/2015, were approved.
Finance Committee The Treasurer presented the April financial reports and reported that the Finance Committee Recommends approval of up to $65,000 for repairs to the culvert on Riverview. This recommendation was approved by the Board with the notation
that the newer cost estimates were only $50,000.
The Legal Updates including the Collection Case Update was given showing the April Collections through Legal to $12,240.32.
Unfinished Business: A) The Board voted to allow Committee Meetings to be recorded for Board Members to come to the POA to
listen to at a later date. B) The Search Team recommended moving forward with Management Matters Consulting Firm and for the
Contract to be reviewed and approved. This recommendation was approved. C) The GM, Product Sales Manager Position and
Controller positions were discussed, stating that several applications have been received and some have already been declined. D)
Several seemingly non executable options for CRRA divesting itself from the Villas were discussed. E) The Forensic Audit Team
and purposes for the audit were discussed.
New Business Items: A) Capital Expenditure requests were discussed with $5,000 for upgrades to the miniature golf and $15,000
for the Villas being approved with the additional requests not being approved at this time. B) The Finance Committee recommended creating a new reserve account for EMC Water System Infrastructure with an opening deposit of $71,266.00. This recommendation was approved.
The 2015/2016 Board Candidates were allowed to introduce themselves.
Any decision on the Rule Change relating to Tarps in EMC was postponed.
Executive Session Items: The minutes from the Executive Session of 04/18/2015 were approved. The consultant contract was discussed. Encroachment by Property Owner Structures onto CRRA Common Areas was discussed.
Important Dates: Late Fees will be assessed to accounts after June 1; Annual Meeting Information Mailed week ending June
19, 2015; Ballots will then be due to the Auditor in July and Proxies due to the POA by August 1; Election Results will be
posted once verified.
Upcoming Board Meetings: June 20, 2015 (Water Tower 9:30 AM); July 18, 2015 (Water Tower 9:30 AM); August 8, 2015
(Annual Meeting at Ellijay Elementary School at 10:00 AM – Registration begins at 9:00 AM); August 15, 2015 (Water
Tower at 9:30 AM)
Please Check the Events Calendar on the Website for the Community Yard Sale and Pickin’ on the Porch Dates.
Gilmer County Animal Shelter Fundraiser at the General Store in the Fall – will include rabies clinic, possibly spay / neuter
clinic, training or demonstration and music.
CRRA is pleased to announce an enhanced Summer 2015 schedule for
Pickin’ On The River. The concert series will be held twice monthly
(the first and third Saturday) at Riverside Pool from 6:00-8:00pm.
Our featured acts this season include:
June 20 - Deuce & The Wildcards
July 18 - Jack, Mac & Dr. Nick
August 1 - To Be Announced
August 15 - Bill Pound
September 5 - Downtown Roy
NOTE: The July 4th concert will be held at the General Store
With Summer underway, you’ll likely want to enjoy some quality pool time. CRRA’s pools are open daily and observe the
following hours of operation:
FOXHOUND POOL: 11:00am - 7:00pm
RIVERSIDE POOL: 8:00am - 8:00pm
*REC CENTER POOL: 6:30am - 8:00pm
* Fitness Center, Game Room & Lobby are open until 8:30pm
We hope you, your family and guests have a fantastic Summer
and take advantage of the many amenities our community is
proud to offer.
Page 6
L o n g - Te r m L e a s e Vi l l a s
Av a i l a b l e N o w
CRRA is currently offering long term lease (6 months - 1 year) options on several 1 and 3 bedroom units
including the recently refurbished Villas adjacent to the Water Tower -- just minutes from the main gate.
The 1600 square feet units boast:
3-bedrooms; 2 full baths;
Dining room; Spacious patios;
Refrigerator; Stove; Dishwasher;
Open living room and kitchen with 15-foot ceilings.
Villas have washer/dryer hook-ups and are cable ready. Lease includes use of pools, tennis courts, fitness
center, parks and other amenities. Ample parking is available and a playground is within safe walking distance. Small pets will be considered.
If you or someone you know are looking for an exceptional lease unit, contact Susan at the POA:
(706) 276-1060 ext. 219.
Free Clinic
Pickleball is a racquet sport in which two to four players use
solid paddles to hit a perforated ball (similar to a Wiffle ball)
over a net. The sport shares features of other racquet sports, the
dimensions and layout of a Badminton court, and a net and rules similar to tennis -- with a few modifications.
One of the fastest growing sports in North America, Pickleball was invented in the mid-1960’s as a children’s backyard pastime but quickly
became popular among adults as a fun game for players of all skill levels.
Have you heard of Pickleball, or perhaps tried your hand at a game? Did you know it’s available for play right here in Coosawattee at the
Rec Center? To learn more about the game, attend the:
10:00am on Saturday, June 20th at
The Blue Ridge Swim & Tennis Club
2494 Tennis Court Road
Blue Ridge, GA 30513
Wear comfortable clothes and sports shoes, and be prepared for prizes, food and fun. Beginners and experts welcome!
Volume XV,
Issue 3
EMC491 (24th St.) -- $6500: CANOPY RV LOT!!
Magnificent 1/10+ acre lot completely covered by tree
canopy during those hot days of summer. One of the
largest RV lots available. Picturesque, level, and
ready for your family to enjoy for a lifetime.
Page 7
EMC591 (26th St.) -- $6500: One of our largest RV
lots, this ready to use property comes complete with
a custom retaining wall and landscaping. With more
than 1/10 acre of land, there is ample space for a
roof over and patio, plus room for parking. This one
won't be available long -- so you'd better act fast
EMC326 (10th St.) $6500: INCREDIBLE views
abound from this hillside RV lot. Perched perfectly on
10th St., you’ll enjoy paved road access just a few
minutes from Riverside Pool, the Coosawattee River,
Fishtrap Park and Legion Rd. gate.
BF496 (Villa Dr.) $4750: Ideal building site in a
superb locale: just minutes from Water Oak Dr. and
the main gate. BF496 boasts nearly ½ acre of
level, ready to build property – all on a peaceful,
residential street. Quiet, Convenient, and Affordable!
EM141 (Alcan Way) $7500: Spectacular .64-acre
island lot located just 3/10 mile off Lemmon
Lane. The incredibly unique configuration and terrain
of this property offer unlimited building potential: All
within only 1 mile of the River and Canoe Park.
BB257 (Zenith Trl.) $5500: If you desire convenience, this property is for you! Located on Zenith
Trl. just ½ mile from Ellington Rd. Gate, BB257
offers ½ acre of prime, ready-to-build land. This lot
boasts over 100 feet of road frontage, with side
boundaries extending as far back as 289 feet. And
you’ll be only ½ mile from Foxhound Pool and 1.1
mile from the River and Fishtrap Park.
The adjacent .57-acre property is also available for
BL564 (Foxhound Ct.) $12,500: Create your own
piece of heaven with this 1 1/2 acre cul-de-sac lot on
Foxhound Ct. The majestic mountain views will bring
tranquility to your home, and both stun and impress
your visitors! BL564 is conveniently located less than
½ mile from Ellington Rd. gate and Foxhound Pool –
and just 1.5 miles to Fishtrap Park and the River.
EM1727 (Newport Dr.) $8500: Location, Location,
Location! This lot has it all. Situated on a main
Coosawattee River Resort thoroughfare and just a 5
minute walk to Canoe Park and the riverbank. Perch
your home atop this ½ acre property and entertain
guests on terraced patios. This is a prime residential
lot for the discerning builder – and comes complete
with the “WOW” factor.
EMC248 (10th St.) -- $6500: A full tenth acre RV lot
in the perfect location on 10th St. at the intersection
with 14th St. There’s ample room to easily maneuver
your RV onto this spacious lot, with plenty of space
available for a roof over, deck, or large picnic area.
EM636 (Mango Cir.) $6500: Just across the street
from the Rec Center and within a mile of Eagles
Mountain gate, EM636 offers over ½ acre of picturesque, mountain views. This property plateaus nicely
to accommodate almost any size and style of home:
from a casual weekend getaway to a sprawling country chalet.
EM914 (Othello Dr.) $5500: NEWLY LISTED 1/2
acre, coast-to-coast building site. Enjoy the unspoiled
front porch view with 150’ on Othello Drive — while
from your back deck take in the mountain view with
150’ on Myna Dr. Surrounded by wooded lots and
within only a 5 minute drive of Eagles Mountain gate
For more information on these or any
other CRRA-owned property,
call Jonathan at (706) 889-2802.
HIGHlights &
Coosawattee River Resort
634 Beaver Lake Drive, Unit 5160
Ellijay, GA 30540
Phone: 706-276-1060
Fax: 706-276-1061
at The General Store
Take a nutritional step forward by paying a visit to the all-organic, Amish
fresh market at the General Store. Stock up your pantry and freezer with the
freshest and healthiest meats, vegetables, breads and a variety of other wholesome goodies.
Make good on that New Year’s resolution by eating just a bit healthier today!
Saturday and Sunday
10:00am - 4:00pm
Detach and save this handy CRRA telephone listing
Frequently Dialed Numbers
POA (706) 276-1060:
Accounting, ext. 250
(706) 635-1609
(706) 276-AEMC
Central, ext. 244 (to add temporary
guests, for road information or
dangerous road conditions)
Front Desk, ext. 221
House Check Program, ext. 230
Property Sales, ext. 241
Roads & Grounds, ext. 237
Sign Dept., ext. 235
(706) 276-1060, ext. 247 - Billing
Ext. 235 - Leaks & Maintenance
Amicalola Emergency & After
Foxhound (706) 276-1017
Rec Center
(706) 276-1004
Riverside (706) 276-1219
(706) 253-0359; or (706) 276-0359;
or (706) 864-0359
(706) 276-2271 or (800) 660-6826
(706) 635-1609
(706) 276-2202
After Hours: (706) 635-7929
(706) 276-1060 ext. 252
(706) 276-1060 ext. 244
(888) 660-5890
permits): (706) 635-8733

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