30 Days to 1K Action Plan It Only Takes Three System


30 Days to 1K Action Plan It Only Takes Three System
30 Days to 1K Action Plan
It Only Takes Three System
This is a business of duplication. The object is to keep the steps to recruiting and getting
someone started in this business simple so they can be easily duplicated. Once you can get
the skill sets so refined that others can easily step in and do them. You can teach skills that
get results.
The system in the nutshell is broken down into these few steps:
Step 1: Sort or Make a List – make a list of potential business
partners or product users
Step 2: Peak Interest or Invite – invite prospects to listen to
information about the business or products
Step 3: Present – Present the business to potential partners utilizing
numerous presentation methods
Step 4: Follow-up – utilize your upline to answer questions
Step 5: Signup – complete the Xango application and sign up
Step 6: Get Them Started – Follow the same steps for new
Make the system the authority.
Don’t deviate and you will be successful!
Refer to the TopLeaders 30 Days to 1K Action Plan for Step by step instructions and
timelines for completing the system.
The Getting Started Checklist
Prior to talking to your first person, you can begin completing the items in the Getting
Started checklist (See Attachment B). This checklist has all the preliminary activities that
you should do as you get started in your business.
The checklist will include how to get to your Xango website or purchase a mymangosteen
website. You will also get information on where to buy tools you will need to conduct
business (business cards, cds, dvds, brochures, etc.).
Your checklist will also include the contact names and numbers of your upline.
Action Plan Details
Step 1: Sort or Make a List
The first step on your way to 1K is the activity of making lists. Within the first 48 hours of
signing up, your sponsor will meet with you to help you make your lists. Remember that
most people know at least 500 people, not necessarily all by name, but at least by
acquaintance. So coming up with a list should fun. Your sponsor will help you come up with
people with each type of list by using memory joggers and other tools that assist in the list
making process.
There are three types of lists we use in building your business:
1. General Prospects: A list of at least 10 people who have a health issue and could use the
2. Power List: A list of the top 10 people you would feel comfortable going into business
with. These are the best and brightest people you know. People you might even be
afraid of talking with but you know have good business skills and are successful in their
professions. Your sponsor will meet with you to come up with a specific, customized
strategy for each of the people on this list.
3. Cliff-Jumpers: A list of 10 people you know very well and would join you in business just
because you asked them.
Where will we find these partners?
Warm Market: Friends, neighbors, relatives, business acquaintances, anyone you
Extended Warm Market: Referrals, your prospect’s warm market, your bank
manager,tellers, clerks at local markets, tax preparers, health professionals,
marketers, etc.
Cold Market: Leads from lead generation, advertising, shows, activities, events.
Who are you looking for?
Success is not a matter of how many you sponsor. It’s the quality of people you sponsor that
matters! Stay away from people who criticize, complain or are constantly negative.
Be Selective. The less time you have available, the more selective you need to be.
Five qualities to look for:
1. People who are warm, open, friendly and easy to talk to. They have good people
skills and communication skills. Others who know them, like them and trust them.
2. People who are coachable. Everyone needs a coach. Anyone at the top of his or her
game has a coach, whether in music, voice, sports, or business. (Tiger Woods has a
3. People who are reliable. They do what they say, are impeccable with their word.
Won’t waste your time, won’t create frustration!
4. People with credibility and influence. They can sponsor 20 to 25 people just because
of who they are. E.g., doctors, chiropractors, dentists, accountants, teachers, and
5. People who are industrious. People who want more in their lives and are not afraid
to work for it! Who wants more money, freedom or time with their family? Who’s
working a full-time job while going to school nights trying to better themselves?
Who had a paper route as a kid? Baby-sat for extra money? Working two jobs?
Who’s making $100, 200, 300 K per year but staying up nights trying to figure out
how to double it? Who’s making good money now but doesn’t have a life? Who
wants to double their income, but work half the hours?
Note: If you are an existing distributor who has made a list and even contacted
people on that list, make a brand new list. It does not matter if you have talked to
some of the people on your new list. We will contact them utilizing a completely
different and specific system that may appeal to them.
You should complete a Prospect Profile Worksheet (Attachment C ) for each of your
business prospects. This worksheet helps you rate each prospect in regards to the traits
that we look for in a business partner.
Your sponsor will meet with you to devise a strategy for getting information to each
Once you and your sponsor determine the number one prospect on your list, your
sponsor will call that prospect and invite them to join you in your new business
Step 2: Peak Interest/Invite
Once you have determined WHO you want to introduce this exciting venture to, the next
step is to determine HOW you will get them information. You will work with sponsor or
designee to strategize how to bring each prospect to the opportunity. The strategy meeting
will include discussing your first 5-10 prospects and deciding which of the three methods
(listed below) we will use to get information to the prospect. Ask questions as you go
through each candidate such as:
Do they have a preconceived notion about network marketing. If so, what is it?
How old are they?
How doing financially?
How long known them?
do they have kids? If so, ages?
What do they do for a living?
Do they love their career?
Are they W2 employees?
Below are some of the ways to get a prospect preliminary information about what we do:
8pm EST Call
Giving out CDs
One of the most effective tools we use to invite people to look at Xango is handing out cds
that explain the product or business venture. The checklist has the main cds we use to give
out information. Below is a preview of each cd. See the scripts in Attachment D for help in
giving out the cds.
Magic Wand: Sherman Unkefer’s Magic Wand cd serves as an introduction to the
mangosteen fruit, XanGo and the Magic Wand System. This CD is a perfect tool which can be
handed to candidates to generate interest in XanGo. The Magic Wand series also includes a
cd that explains how to build your business using the Magic Wand system. Sherman Unkefer
introduces the success formula that he and his wife used to build an organization of 100,000
people in 36 months. He will help you understand where to begin, what to say, and what
system to run with. This powerful presentation will help you overcome your fear of
rejection and get you on track for a successful organization.
Insider’s Edge: This cd is an "inside scoop" on a lucrative business plan? On this highly
informative CD, your prospects will hear from industry insider's Tommy Johnson, Justin
Prince and Sherman Unkefer as they discuss the facts about XANGO and network marketing
without all the hype! Their no-nonsense approach to this business plan will help your
prospects make an informed decision about whether XANGO is right for them.
More Money, Less Tax: Tommy Johnson and mother Carolyn Johnson interview Ron
Mueller. Introduction by Bob Schmidt. This cd tells your prospects about the legitimate
Home-Based Business tax benefits for those who join Xango. Distributors may be able to
slash taxes, perhaps by up to 50% or more! They might even qualify to claim thousands in
refunds on previously filed Tax Returns! Most people who have a “W-2 job” can increase
their take-home pay by up to $200 - $500 per month, sometimes even more. This
phenomenal CD is a great recruiting and retention tool for everyone.
Straght Talk: Dr. Amod Tootla is a world-renowned board certified cancer surgeon and leading
scientist. He has been practicing medicine for over 40 years. Join Dr. Tootla as he discusses his
professional opinions and how he and many other medical doctors have used the mangosteen in
their personal and professional lives. This is the #1 cd we use for attracting product users.
For those people who do not have the temperament to listen to a cd, we use several websites
where they can go and get preliminary information about Xango. Your sponsor will help you
strategize to determine those prospects that would benefit more by going to a website. Below are
some of the recommended websites we use when recruiting:
Your Xango website: This is the website you receive when you become a distributor. Based on
which type of website you selected, your prospect will have access to product and business
information. You can initially access and setup this website from your Back Office. Refer to the
checklist for how to get to your Back Office or speak with your sponsor. A prospect can signup as
a distributor in your organization from this website.
Xango.com: The official Xango website contains company, product and business information. It
is a great website for those who want general information.
Mymangosteen website: This is a paid website which gives your business an instant professional
look and credibility. You can change your landing page so that prospects can open to the business
or product opportunity. The Back Office of this website allows you to do auto responders to keep
track of who has accessed your website. Refer to the Getting Started Checklist for information.
Tommyjohnson.com: Tommy’s website contains information about he and his wife Lindsay,
resource links, and overall information about how Tommy built his business. This is a great
website for business prospects. If you intend to have a prospect meet Tommy, you should forward
his website prior to the meeting.
Carolyn-johnson.com: Carolyn’s website is a great website for recruiting professional women
and men into the business. Again, if you intend to have a prospect meet with Carolyn, you should
forward her website prior to the meeting.
8pm EST Calls
The call is a scripted call that occurs every evening at 8pm EST. This is an opportunity call
for you to 3way prospects into so that they can hear about building a business with network
marketing and Xango specifically. You and your sponsor will determine the prospects that
will benefit from hearing preliminary information from the call. The call number is:
1-641-594-7500, access 312220#
Step 3: Presentation
This step is one of the most crucial steps because it is one that you MUST rely on your team
to help you. Presentations should be done by an upline team member in order to bring
credibility to your business. Below are the most common forms of presentation:
3-way Call
We use third-party verification or the 3way call to present Xango to prospects that have
already listened to a cd or visited a website. This call validates the information given on the
cd or website and provides credibility for the distributor who is initiating the 3way. 3way
calls should be conducted by upline team members who are successfully building their
business. The preference is a Premier or above, but you can utilize a 20K or even a 5K if that
person will resonate with your prospect. Refer to Attachment E for details and scripts for
the 3way call.
Face-to-face Meeting
One of the most effective presentation methods is a good old fashioned face-to-face meeting.
These meetings can be conducted at a local coffee shop or restaurant and should include
you, your prospect and a third-party (preferably an upline team member). Be sure to set
aside an appropriate amount of time for the meeting and select a location that is quiet so
that you can conduct a professional meeting.
Hosting Home Parties
One of the fastest ways to build to 1K is by hosting a meeting in your home or the home of a
prospect. In Home Presentations are a fun and effective way to build your business and they
are easily duplicable. Home parties are a great way to get the team together. They are a
great way to develop local success and they are a great way to help people go to 1K FAST!
So, set the date, make a commitment and start inviting people.
The secret is to do the parties consistently regardless of who shows up. Rain or shine, big or
small, do a Home Presentation. And then do another and another and then another. You will
then have enough people in your local area building with you and you can rotate
presentations from home to home. Massive Action!
Our team has a home party kit that explains how to host a party. The kit includes a dvd,
sample products, applications, invitation samples, and a guide which explains hosting
City Meetings and Events
Our team hosts a city-wide opportunity meeting twice a month (1st and 3rd Thursday at the
time of publication). These meetings are a perfect venue for inviting people to hear about
the Xango business opportunity. Hosted by some of the top earners and leaders in our team
and company, your prospect will learn about Xango the company, the products and the
potential for financial freedom in network marketing.
Xango also hosts an annual convention where the vision of the company is defined in an
informative and fun spirit. All the founders, the president and vps, and up and coming
leaders are highlighted. Motivational speakers and the best in the industry training sessions
make these events a MUST for every distributor.
Step 4: Follow-up
Follow-up! Follow-up! Follow-up! This step is important to bringing prospects into your
organization. If there is no follow-up, the chances of growing your business are slim and
none! The follow-up phase can include any of the above methods such as giving out a cd,
inviting a prospect to a home meeting, inviting prospects to a city meeting, doing a face-toface… You should follow-up with a prospect within 72 hours of them receiving information
about Xango. Your sponsor can help you determine the best method of follow-up. Be
Patient! This phase can take some time. It is important that you continue to follow-up with
prospects until you are sure they are either going to join your team or are not interested in
a business.
The recruiting process is not necessarily over once a prospect has “rejected” the invitation
to join you in business or take the product. Everyone knows someone who needs to earn
extra money or are having a health concern. Your prospect may know some people who
have need or your business or product. Utilize the referral scripts in Attachment D to ask for
referrals at the end of the recruiting process. Your sponsor can help you change the wording
to meeting the needs of the prospect.
Book a Meeting from a meeting
Book a meeting from a Meeting. BAM FAM
a. Set the next step as you are finishing the current step.
-Don’t Bug or annoy or chase.
-Be professional and clear on the Next Step
b. Soft appointment
c. Hard appointment
-Leave No "Loose Ends"
B. Keep a Follow UP Log. Get council.
a. Follow UP on your People’s People.
b. Know the difference between persistence and ignorance.
C. Invest in the Relationship
a. Know who to follow up on
b. Patiently drip. Don’t let too much time pass without communication.
Never beg anyone to review this business or CD. Speak with confidence when talking about
our business.
Most people have caller ID and know you have called; so leave a brief message. Something
simple like, “Tim, I hope you’re doing well. I just wanted to chat with you. I’ll try again later.
Take care and tell Linda I said hi”, or Tim, I hope you had a great weekend. When you have a
chance give me a call on my cell phone. My number is 555-1234. If I don’t hear from you soon,
I’ll touch base with you later. Take care”.
Keep the call short and to the point. Talk less and listen more.
If you get three no’s in a row, call your sponsor before making any further calls.
If prospects are not interested in the business, ask for referrals.
If you get continuous no show’s: call and leave a message.. “Gee Bob, I’m worried about you.
It’s not like you to miss an appointment. We’ve scheduled a time to meet twice and frankly I’m
feeling a little bit uncomfortable here. It’s important or I wouldn’t ask you to meet. Give me a
call and let me know a good time for you”.
Step 5: Signups
As you signup new business builders, it is important that you present the 30Days to 1K system
to them. You and your sponsor would then work with the new signup as follows:
Signups who have agreed to the 30Days to 1K – your sponsor will treat them as if they
personally sponsored them. This means that the sponsor will work with them exactly
how they worked with you. You will work along with your sponsor to ensure the new
signup has every chance possible to be successful.
Signups who are not working the business (product users) or those who do not agree to
the 30Days to 1K system –keep in touch through weekly calls or emails.
Attachment A
30 Days to 1K Agreement
I, __________________, the Sponsor for ___________________, agree to help the Sponsoree get to the 1K level
within 30 days of this agreement.
I agree to reasonably be available to:
1. Work with the new distributor to help them recruit 3-5 people into their business utilizing the 30
Days to 1K Action Plan.
2. Do Get Starts for new distributors or designate someone to do the Get Start.
3. Be available for recruiting calls during the first month
4. Be available to facilitate 3way calls
5. Assist with home presentations
6. Be available for accountability calls – daily or weekly
7. Work with the new distributor to help their newly sponsored people go 1K in 30 days.
________________________________ _____________________________________________________ __________________
Signature of Sponsor/Date
I, _______________________________, the Sponsoree agree to build the distributorship position to the 1K
rank within 30 days of this agreement.
I agree to:
1. Daily (5 minute maximum) accountability calls with my sponsor or designee for the first 30 days.
2. Work with my sponsor to sign up 3 to 5 people within the first 30 days utilizing the 30 Days to 1K
Action Plan.
NOTE: If a new distributor does all the business building activities and has not reached the 1K pen level
within 30 days, we will continue to work with the distributor with the assumption that he/she will reach
this goal within the next month.
Work their Xango business ____________________hours per week. These hours will be restricted for
business building activities such as:
4. Prospecting/recruiting
5. 3way calls – follow-up
6. Hosting home parties
7. Inviting guests to City meetings
8. Attend one training call a week.
9. Attend at least one city meeting a month.
10. Read something motivational each day.
11. Listen to a training cd each day for the first 30 days.
I understand that if I do not fulfill my end of this agreement, I jeopardize receiving support from my
sponsor and other upline team members.
----------------------_______________________________ _______________ ______________________
Signature of Sponsoree/ ID Date
Attachment B
Get Start Checklist
 Make sure the new distributor is on a minimum of $200 ADP and is ready to invest in a
minimum of 20 recruiting cds as follows:
o Insider’s Edge
o Magic Wand
o Straight Talk
Direct them to go to Xgopro.com or x1tools.com to order the cds in any combination.
 Determine your compelling why – your DREAM? Write this down and place where you can see
it every day. Share with your sponsor.
 Determine your short term and long term goals? Write them down and put timelines to them.
Go over this with your sponsor.
 Sign up for emails from www.mangosteenarizona.com website at bottom of home page.
 Meet 4-5 sponsors in your upline. Get your sponsor to introduce you. Your upline team is as
Dr. Jerome Garrison and Cheryl Garrison – www.mytopleaders.com, topleaders@cox.net,
480-893-9182, Jerome (602-684-5804) and Cheryl (602-684-5366)
Deborah Burns – juiceforall@aol.com, 602-291-7437
Shaun and Cathy Kalos – teamkalos@cox.net, 602-595-4818, 623-910-0470
Lennon Ledbetter – lennonledbetter.com, 801-669-0852
Rob Ledbetter - 801.859.7998
Tommy Johnson – tommyjohnson.com, 602-518-6044
Carolyn Johnson – Carolyn-johnson.com, 602-595-5969
 Set up your tax file (go to www.mangosteenarizona.com website for instructions).
 Learn how to use your back office:
1. Go to www.xango.com
2. Click on the MYXANGO OFFICE.
3. Your login is your Distributor ID and your last name (initial cap). Example:
 Setup your website
Attachment C
Prospect Profile
Attachment D
30 Days to 1K Scripts
Making Calls
Invite people to look at your business over the phone or in person. We strongly discourage
using email to invite people to “take a look”. Instead make your invitations in person or
over the phone and then place in their hands the CD or information that best suits them and
matches their situation.
Prepare for your calls
Find a quiet place where you can make your calls without distractions.
Set a goal as to how many people you will call at this time.
Prepare yourself: speak with confidence and controlled enthusiasm. Stand up.
Select a person to call:
Take a moment to think about this individual
Ask yourself “why he/she might have an interest in our business”
Think of reasons why this would be attractive to him/her
Reflect on the reasons you want to be in business with this person
Consider how you may sincerely compliment this individual
Always call with positive expectations. When you think things will turn
out well, they generally do.
Make the call with a smile and a friendly voice
When starting a conversation, always be personable and friendly. After a pleasant
hello, make sure the person has time to chat with you.. you could ask “Did I catch you
at a good time?” or Are you busy”? or “Do you have a couple minutes?” If the person is
busy, ask “When would be a good time for me to call back?”
Note: People will wear themselves out “thinking” about calling someone to
recruit. DO IT!! You have Nothing to lose & Everything to gain.
Making a List/Sorting Scripts
Script for Going over Prospect Lists
Use this script when sorting through and making the list to identify the one person that YOU
will call for your new distributor:
If YOU were going to bet 10K of your OWN money on any one person that you know
that will do well at this business, who would you bet on?
Where do you know him/her from?
Why you pick him/her?
What’s his/hers background?
What is his/hers skill level?
Peak Interest/Inviting Scripts
What Not to Do or Say
-I’d like to get you involved
-I know you will love this
is fine
-I know you would be good at this
-I want you to….
-Come to a meeting
-I recently became involved with
-You need….
-New business opportunity
-I’m looking for the right person
-You may or may not be interested, either way
-This might be lucrative for us
-You might want to…
-Meet some of the people I am working with
-I’m working on a project
-I don’t suppose you’d
-Business idea or project
Why they should listen?
Legitimate Reasons
Because it always makes sense for good people to meet.
Because all good business in referral business.
If their situation were to change, you are the 1st phone call they make.
Because knowledge and good information is never a disadvantage.
Lead with People.
1. Microsoft, PCs, Bill Gates. If you lead with a product or a company you’ll get
some yes, some no, some maybe. If you lead with a person you’ll get more yeses.
2. Create the Unique Situation. We don’t normally call about juice, green pills.. etc.
so why are you calling? Because this is unique. So what our job is to share that
unique situation..
Under normal circumstances I would not even bring this to you, but these
are not normal circumstances. With the economy people are trying to find
ways to make ends meet. I know I have been and I was fortunate enough to
meet (Tommy, Cathy, etc. whoever works best with the person). (Tommy,
Cathy, etc. whoever) is a successful business person who has agreed to help
me build a business. He/she is using her talents, resources and time to help
me find 5 people who I think would be a great business partner and I
thought of you. Mostly because of your ….(fill in why).
The Sincere Approach: You know how you feel when you when you’re nervous and
feel awkward about calling someone. The Sincere Approach will just address it right
up front.
“John, honestly I feel a little bit nervous calling you… address it head on...
then say two sincere compliments: you’re such a fantastic person, I’ve always
admired you and how you carry yourself in the community. The reason I’m
calling Mary is because I’m working on a business project that I thought on the
outside chance you may have and interest I wanted to give you a call…”
Hi______________ I want you to listen to this CD. I have a working relationship
with several of the people on the CD. In fact, one of them is my mentor Tommy
Johnson (edify). There might be information on the cd to help her to stay at
home. After you listen to the CD I’d like to set up a call with you and my mentor
I want to introduce him to you.
Or if objection to network marketing – it doesn’t work say:
I know how you feel, but then I met Tommy and I read what Robert
Kiyosaki said
about network marketing, he felt the same way, even tried to get his
mother out of the business, you’ll hear his story on the cd.
Third Party Invite Scripts
Hi ____. This is ___________. Do you have a second to talk? Great. I just have a second myself
but I had to call you because I remembered that you’re a _______. I know we haven’t spoken in a
while but I’ve gotten involved in a business that ________do especially well in and I wanted to
call you because you may be able to connect me to some _______________ you work with that
might be a perfect fit for what I’m doing.
What is it? (natural response)
I can’t get into all of the details now cause I have to go. Let me just tell you I’m working on a
business project with (describe Cathy, Tommy, Caroline, etc.) He’s/She’s built a substantial
business out of His/Her home and has done it without any overhead, inventory, or a single
employee. He’s/She’s now working with me to find at least 5 individuals are looking to earn
additional income with a homebased business.
I wanted to speak to you to see if you know of anyone who is looking to earn extra income or
replace a full-time income. Because you are so successful in what you do, I thought you would be
connected with some people with the right skills to build a business.
Note: Close with thanking them for their help!
Third Party when someone in a conversation mentions someone needs a job, or lost a
I would normally never do this but I heard what you said about _______________ losing his
____________. I happen to know someone who is helping people build businesses from their
home. Maybe I can get you guys connected and he can tell you what he’s doing to help people
make some money.
Catch people at their window of opportunity!!!
Presenting Scripts
You have so much in common with (Tommy, Cathy, etc.) I’d like for you two to meet
either over the phone or for coffee. Do you have some time this week (just about 20
minutes) to meet with (Tommy, Cathy, etc.). I think you would appreciate what she/he
has to say. Can I set up a time for you two to talk?
Script for calling contact from a Fair:
Hi, my name is _______________ and I’m looking for _____________. Hi _______________I
hope you remember me. You and I met at the ________________. Hopefully you remember me. I
know there were so many booths there. I was actually representing that functional beverage you
and I had a great conversation about. In fact, you were telling me about your _____________or
your spouse, etc. ___________(illness). You shared some great information with me and even
told me you were looking for some additional income. That’s why I’m calling because of your
interest at that fair. I’d like to spend a few minutes with you on the phone whenever you can. I
gave you I gave you a lot of detail there however I promise you at will be well worth your time.
Handling Objections
When in doubt say: “I know how you feel. I felt the same way until I realized….”
Always answer a question with a question Any objection handled correctly will be the thing that gets a
person involved. People are not looking for facts. They are looking for a compassionate picture of you.
Try to remove as many objections as possible during the presentation.
Product Objections
Objection: It’s too Expensive!
Response: What would you say if I told you that Xango pays you to consume their products.
Objection: I like the products buy I don’t have any money.
Response: Did I mention that Xango’s referral commissions allow people with cash flow issues to
consume their products and get paid while doing so. Plus there are some great tax advantages.
Objection: I want to try the product first to see what it does for me before I sign up for the business.
Response: If you have great results on the product will it make the product better for others?
Objection: All these products are the same.
Response: I know how you feel. I felt the same way until I did some research and found out just the
opposite. Let’s look at the research together so you can see for yourself.
13 Most Common Objections
1. I Don’t Have the Time
Make sure you probe to determine:
Is time really the issue or whether the current time is a bad time for you to present the
How does the prospect feel about being time-strapped?
What is taking up the prospects time now and are there areas where they could find time?
What is the prospect’s desire to gain control over their time?
Does the prospect understands what is actually required to do the business?
Does the prospect appreciate what it would be like to have the time?
2. I Don’t Have The Money
Make sure you probe to determine:
What is what they’re doing now not working?
Have they provided for future needs – college for kids and retirement?
How would they feel to never have to say this again?
What are they doing now to correct the situation?
Are they ready to do something about not having any money?
3. This Is A Pyramid
Make sure you probe to determine:
What is their perception of a pyramid?
Would they appreciate you would not involve others in an illegal scheme?
4. I Can’t Sell
Make sure you probe to determine:
What is their past experience with sales?
What is it about sales that scares them?
What do they believe is involved in network marketing?
That they understand that sharing, and not traditional sales, is the core of your business
5. My Friend Lost Money in Network Marketing
Make sure you probe to determine:
That they appreciate that different people succeed in different endeavors because we are
What was the type of opportunity this friend was involved in?
Why their friend was unsuccessful
Do they predict their success on how successful their friend was?
Do they understand that there is a right way and a wrong way to do business?
6. I’m Not The Network Marketing Type
Make sure you probe to determine:
What do they believe the network marketing type is?
Were they involved in network marketing before and if so, with whom?
Do they understand network marketing?
Do they appreciate how network marketing has evolved over the years?
Do they know the caliber of individuals involved in your business?
7. I’ve Tried Network Marketing and it Didn’t Work
Make sure you probe to determine:
What was their prior network marketing experience?
Why their prior experience would not work for them?
What do they see as the elements necessary for them to succeed?
How were their prior employment experiences right or wrong for them but had the
opposite effect on others?
8. I Don’t Know How To Start A Business
Make sure you probe to determine:
Have they started a business in the past?
Were they alone in starting a business?
What do they see as difficult in starting a new business?
Do they appreciate the rewards in owning a business?
9. I Don’t Know Anybody
Make sure you probe to determine:
Would they appreciate how nice it would be to have a network of friends to call upon?
What relationships they actually have, such as professionals who serve them and family
members seeking opportunity?
That your business can get started by sharing the product/service and finding just a few
people to do the same (the # will depend on your compensation plan)
They can appreciate how many friends you have made with this business.
10. I Can Get It Cheaper/Too Much Competition
Make sure you probe to determine:
How they select their own products?
What makes them think there is too much competition?
Do they appreciate the difference between price and value?
Could they well be comparing apples to oranges?
11. My Partner Doesn’t Want Me To Do This?
Make sure you probe to determine:
Do they appreciate that a home based business allows them to focus on family first?
What was their network marketing experience in the past?
What are the partner’s objections?
Who is the decision maker in the family?
Whether the spouse should attend the presentation?
12. I Already Have A Good Job
Make sure you probe to determine:
Does their job provide an income after they have left?
Is their retirement and kid’s education provided for?
That this opportunity need not threaten their current employment
That job security is no longer assured after what’s already happened in this financial crisis
13. I Don’t Want To Bother My Friends
Make sure you probe to determine:
That they already make recommendations to their friends daily – a good movie, a good
restaurant, etc
Are their friends already established and secure in their income and retirement?
That this opportunity can help their friends achieve their goals.
General Responses
Hi, What do you do??
We market a functional health beverage…
What’s that??
Well, technically, Red Bull is a functional health beverage – it’s an energy drink.
But this happens to be a naturally fruit juice that happens to be the national fruit of Thailand
and has been used medicinally for centuries, but I don’t want to sound like an advertisement,
let me give you a CD……
At Stores:
Hi are you the manager or the owner?
How long have you been here?? Let me introduce my self, my name is ____________.
I am a Beverage Distributor and I need a couple of really good communicators. Of all the reps
that come to see you: which two have the best people skills??
A Business Referral:
Hi______________ I was talking to __________________ and I mentioned that I spent a fortune looking
for people with your skill sets….
Hi____________________ I was over talking to_____________ and I happened to mentioned to
him/her that we own a beverage distributorship and I spend a fortune looking for motivated
and dedicated individuals with great people skills and __________ proceeded to tell me that you
have the greatest people skills of anyone that he ever worked with – Where did you get your
people skills???????
Where did you go to school?
Are you open to offers??
I would like to sit down and buy you a cup of coffee – find out what your career objectives are
and throw some numbers at you??
What is better for you, Tuesday or Wednesday??.....
Attachment E
The 3-Way Call
The Most Important Action: The 3-Way Call
The 3-way call invite is one of the most important actions you will make as you build your
business. Whether you are a new distributor or have been in the business for years, you
should rely on third-party verification to introduce your potential builders to the product
or business opportunity. Your upline premier should be utilized to bring your people in
(not you). You identify them in a list. The upline will work with you to create a custom
script to invite your prospect to a 3-way call. THEY WILL TELL THEM THEIR STORY AND
Your job will be to edify your premier and share the invite to potential partners.
Tailor the call to the person you are speaking with. Each call should be different but have
the same components. Remember your only responsibility is to get them to agree to
speaking with you upline mentor.
You should have a strategy session with your upline for each of your prospects so that you
can tailor the story to fit the prospect.
Your job is to educate – not sell
Components of the Invite:
1. Compliment – come from the heart. Give a true compliment about the person –
people person, go getter, strength of character, etc After the compliment PAUSE and
take a breath before continuing.
2. Build a bridge of commonality between upline and prospect – after the compliment
say “because of that” Exam: Johnny I’ve always admired how you’ve built a
successful business from scratch and I’ve watched how you work with people, it’s
because of that, I want you to meet my mentor. Just like you, he/she has built ….
3. Get the appointment – Do you have some time this week to speak with mentor. I
would like to set up a 3-way call and introduce you to him/her.
Script: (name of prospect) Under normal circumstances I would not even bring this to you,
but these are not normal circumstances. With the economy people are trying to find ways
to make ends meet. I know I have been and I was fortunate enough to meet (Tommy, Cathy,
etc. whoever works best with the person). (Tommy, Cathy, etc. whoever) is a successful
business person who has agreed to help me build a business. He/she is using her talents,
resources and time to help me find 5 people who I think would be a great business partner
and I thought of you. Mostly because of your ….(fill in why).
You have so much in common with (Tommy, Cathy, etc.) I’d like for you two to meet either
over the phone or for coffee. Do you have some time this week (just about 20 minutes) to
meet with (Tommy, Cathy, etc.). I think you would appreciate what she/he has to say. Can I
set up a time for you two to talk?
Use your imagination but use the elements of the 3 part invite and you will watch your
leads expand.

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