07 • 09


07 • 09
07 • 09
Dear Readers,
there are a large number of challenges – the word „problems“ is one we discarded long ago – that arise
on a daily basis for the members of a „global editorial team“ such as we have at the OBTAINER. And here
I‘m not talking about the technical requirements that form the basis for the functioning of the collaboration of columnists and distribution managers across borders and continents. Without the Internet and
e-mail this new form of worldwide reporting about a specific industry wouldn‘t be possible at all. But even
when all the servers hum along briskly and all the data cables, transistors and processors do their job as
intended and planned, it is necessary for journalists working in front of a global background to regularly
navigate around rocks that colleagues who work on a local or regional level don‘t even know.
That begins with the fact that we can‘t use most of our oh so wonderful „wordplays“ or „puns“ any more
since as a rule, unfortunately, they only function in one language and after translation into other idioms
they often only provoke head-shaking incomprehension. Which brings us to the next problem – body
language. For example, in Germany and numerous other countries shaking your head means “No” and
nodding your head means “Yes.” However, there are other countries (e.g. Greece) where it‘s just the opposite. But will the translator remember to transform “head-shaking incomprehension” into “head-nodding
incomprehension” when he translates the text into Greek?
Or what about the weather? One of the most popular topics all over the world. Just today I wanted to
compare two reports about economic policy that are in the headlines at the moment with the weather –
which at least in Berlin would make sense. But what will the readers in Oklahoma or Mumbai make of this
information? And what about the religious and cultural attitudes of our readers? Many formulations that
readers in the USA or Canada might find “amusing” or “ironic” could in Asia or the Middle East provoke
angry indignation that the editor didn‘t even trouble his mind with when he was writing since he lives in
a completely different sociocultural frame of reference.
As far as this danger is concerned our translators distinguish themselves, fortunately, by a high degree of
sensitivity and creative awareness. For this I would like to thank our translators here in the name of all my
colleagues. And so I finally come back to the topic I started this train of thought with – the weather. The
weather in Berlin, Germany. This weather is this year in July as you would actually expect the weather in
this region to be in April: changeable. Sun and rain, clouds and calm weather have been alternating for
weeks. Some days are warm and humid, others again cool and windy. It almost appears as if the weather
can‘t decide what it wants to be.
And – at least her in this country – this is exactly how it is with the economic news. “The consumer climate is improving surprisingly strongly” says one report current today, for example. “Signs of an upturn”
are apparently being seen by numerous economists, but you ask yourself: To what extent is this “wishful
thinking?” When at the same time in the USA consumer confidence is sinking and respected voices are
warning that “the credit card bubble will burst,” you can assume “that one swallow does not a summer
make” – as people would say in England... and already I‘m asking myself how the people in the Pacific
region who speak “Mengubah Bahasa” might express that.
But at least we would be back to the topic summer – and to our beautiful industry. Not only that the
complaints about the “general economic situation” are more or less non-existent in network marketing
because here to a considerable extent people understand the “crisis as an opportunity”, but also because
the vacation and travel period also give networkers in particular the opportunity to build up their downlines in places where it is beautiful and they would like to be more often. That could, for example, also be
India, where one of the markets of the future lies, as we show in this issue. An issue which once again is
full to the brim with exciting and informative reports from all over the world. So regardless of whether you
are reading OBTAINER on the beach on your notebook via UMTS or you print it out in order to “browse”
through it at leisure, you will find a lot to read that is informative and helpful and will be of use to you in
building up your business.
À propos India: There too OBTAINER Founder & President Michael Sander will be holding his first training sessions in the near future, after his debut as a guest speaker for DXN at seminars in Abu Dhabi and
Dubai was met with so much enthusiasm. In view of his descriptions of the Arabian summer, which
features such things as 90% humidity with a temperature of 35°C at midnight, it appears to me too that
a vacation trip is called for again. Against the exposure of the skin to sun and wind I really ought to pack
a “Glimpse” skin care set to be on the safe side – our cover story has reminded me of that. And because I
imagine that the European tour that Beverly Hollister is making at the moment to promote the first skin
care based on mangosteen is a little bit like a “vacation” for her, I also wish you all a wonderful excursion
in the colorful world of reselling with the following pages.
Stay strong – also on vacation!
Until next time,
Tomas Klünner
Text: Tomas Klünner
With the launch of its new topical skin
product line known as GLIMPSE™, XanGo
is shifting into top gear so that the goal of
paying distributors 1 billion in commissions
will probably be broken in the near future.
Glimpse uses exclusive ingredients from
within the mangosteen on the largest human
organ – the skin. In combination with its
juice, XanGo is addressing „inside, outside
health” in a trend setting, holistic way that
is a real selling point for its distributors and
n the few, short years since its 2002 launch, XanGo
to treat various skin conditions. In addition, we’ve heard the
has expanded its operations all over the world. Un-
anecdotal stories about the fruit’s healing properties from the
til the fall of 2008, the overwhelming success of the
villagers,” reports Beverly Hollister, Vice-President of XanGo,
company in the USA and all other countries was based
in an interview with OBTAINER: “Glimpse is an ideal exam-
exclusively on its flagship product “XanGo Juice”. This pre-
ple of the possible convergence of innovative green technology
mium mangosteen product has been found to have beneficial
with the historic wisdom of traditional cultures.”
health properties, and as a result, XanGo Juice has become a
global phenomenon and category creator. But in November
Unlike many other skin care products, Glimpse is free of all
2008, XanGo launched a wave which has reached the shores
toxic substances, adheres to ecological standards and follows
of Mexico, Australia and New Zealand and in the last month
the rules established by the Safe Cosmetics Campaign to avoid
has arrived in Europe: Glimpse™, Topical Skin Nutrition, an
damage to both people and the environment. The innovative
up-to-date “holistic” skin care range based on mangosteen,
care range uses a complex called “BioActive X3™“, which
the ideal complement to mangosteen juice. Glimpse becomes
has been patented and consists of three exclusive ingredients
the first skin care product created from the mangosteen fruit
which are all rich in powerful phytonutrients known as xan-
to enter the world market.
thones. This BioActive X3 complex provides a higher antioxidant performance than vitamin C, resveratrol, catechins, the
Actually, the development of the Glimpse skin care range is a
coenzyme Q10 or green tea, a fact proven by Japanese food
logical and consistent step by XanGo management, who are
research laboratories. In this process, the BioActive X3 com-
intimately aware of the traditions of Southeast Asian culture
plex is produced according to intentionally environmentally
where the “Queen of Fruits” has always played a great role. “We
friendly standards. A “cold processing” method is used in or-
have known that, over the centuries, people have been using
der to retain an optimal level of the natural potency found in
sun-dried mangosteen fruits to make a sort of pulp poultice
Glimpse’s nutrient rich ingredients. The “ecological foot
print,” which indicates the negative effects of production on
product; it nourishes and protects the skin from climatic and
the environment, has been consistently minimized by XanGo.
environmental influences and allows it to look much health-
Another aspect of Glimpse worth mentioning is this: during
the development of the product absolutely no animal experiments were carried out! Furthermore, the addition of artificial
Research into environmental influences on the human body
“fragrances” has been dispensed with. Instead Glimpse uses a
has indeed clearly shown how the numerous toxins contained
large range of effective ingredients that supply the skin with
in cosmetics and skin care products can have serious effects
important nutrients. For this reason Glimpse is suitable for
on the hormone balance and under certain circumstances can
women and men of all ages.
result in cancers. “Glimpse can offer an effective but safe alternative,” explains Beverly Hollister, who is herself one of the
Beverly Hollister, who was responsible for the recruitment of
enthusiastic users of the new skin care line. This is no wonder,
the experts and scientists who developed the Glimpse formu-
since she was among those who were able to test the proto-
las, explains: “In addition to the mangosteen fruit, Glimpse’s
type. “For a woman of my age, it is sensible to do everything
proprietary formula contains micro-algae extracts, aloe vera,
you can for your body. Although luckily I have had the good
meadowfoam oil, vitamin B3, shea butter and other health
fortune to be blessed with good skin, Glimpse has helped very
promoting ingredients. Glimpse utilizes only natural, toxin-
much to make my skin smoother. Even when I come home
free ingredients since what we absorb through our skin affects
exhausted from a meeting, I still have a radiant complexion.”
our health just as much as what we consume into our bod-
Since the launch of the product, Hollister has received hun-
ies. In this sense, Glimpse is much more than just a skin care
dreds of positive testimonials from satisfied users. Many of
them suffered from skin conditions such as acne, aging spots
stories the local people told about the “Queen of Fruits.” Al-
or rosacea. While Hollister emphasizes that Glimpse is not a
though mangosteen has a long history of traditional use, Joe,
medicine, she is, of course, delighted with the positive feed-
and his brothers Gordon and David, were also impressed by
back. So too with that of Dr. Paveena Posang, a general practi-
the substantial amount of modern research that existed re-
tioner practicing in Charlotte and Lexington, North Carolina,
lated to “Garcinia mangostana,” the Latin name of the man-
who has become a real fan of Glimpse. Since the beginning of
gosteen. A few years later, after they had signed an agreement
2009 the doctor has been using the care products within the
with a world-famous drinks producer from Germany, they
framework of a special “anti-aging-program” she offers in her
created their product – XanGo Juice. “The rest is history,”
clinic in Charlotte. “I had problems myself with impurities in
my skin,” she explains. “It was difficult for me to find a suitable care line. Even when I used popular brands, I had great
problems. In contrast, Glimpse felt very soft on my skin and
helped to stem my inflammations. Since then I have been using the complete range – the cleansing cream, the facial tonic,
the serum and the moisturizer – twice a day.”
Dr. Posang, who spent her own childhood in Asia, has been
familiar with the mangosteen fruit since an early age. “My
grandfather used to squeeze the rind and use it on the skin,”
reports the doctor: “In Thailand, where I am from, they say
that the fruit has healing properties and helps the cells to regenerate. I have also met doctors from Japan who have started researching the mangosteen. They’ve told me that the fruit
can also help babies and children with eczemas and skin allergies.”
From its inception, adherence to ethical standards has been
one of XanGo‘s basic principles. Beverly Hollister explains
this as follows: “While we don’t compromise on our products’
performance, our commitment to producing green, toxin-free
products has been one of the keys to Glimpse’s success. As
a socially responsible company, we have made the commitment that no component of Glimpse will damage the earth.
Our packaging is biodegradable and we also observe the requirements of the European Union by using green, non-toxic
ingredients. Although this commitment costs us more in the
production of Glimpse products, we believe it is the right step
toward a better future.”
From its beginnings, XanGo’s products have been based on
a deep appreciation of natural plants and health, primarily
due to the company’s six founders experience in the industry. Gordon and Joe Morton, only to mention two of them,
came by this orientation naturally since they were raised by a
father who managed the Canadian branch of a global natural
products company and a mother who had her own health food
store. So they were already familiar with natural products
long before these became mainstream. Years later Joe Morton
worked as director of a global company in Malaysia. There, he
tasted the mangosteen fruit for the first time and heard the
they say today. For more than five years it was the company‘s
of others through the social commitment of “XanGo Goodness
only product. “It simply tastes good,” says Beverly Hollister:
“A bit like grape, strawberry, apple and pear. The white mangosteen flesh is wonderfully sweet. The rind of the fruit, which
“When we began to imagine the success we might achieve, we
has a color similar to a merlot grape or a pomegranate, is the
knew that we wanted to be active on the humanitarian front,”
source of the important antioxidants. For this reason we pu-
explains Gordon Morton, Founder and Director of XanGo:
rée the complete fruit and then add some natural fruit juices
“In addition to our dynamic business idea and our health-
to sweeten the flavor.”
promoting range of products, we wanted to use our global
network and our resources to change and save lives.” Seven
A market demand for healthy drinks rich in powerful phyto-
years, millions of dollars and thousands of voluntary working
nutrients led to the development of XanGo Juice. Now, seven
hours later “XanGo Goodness” is active all over the world and
years after its introduction, XanGo has developed into a glob-
in the process does more than “simply” write a check. Compa-
al phenomenon and raised the awareness of the mangosteen
ny partners, distributors, employees and consumers support
fruit to a point where it has become a well-known ingredient
the projects which provide sustainable help to needy children,
for health-conscious consumers in the highly industrialized
families and communities, often through their personal input
countries. The mangosteen fruit, which was recently charac-
on the ground.
terized in the USA by the “National Restaurant Association”
as one of the Top 10 ingredients, is now continuing its trium-
In the last year “XanGo Goodness” has twice financed “Opera-
phal march on a still higher level – bringing the extraordi-
tion Smile” missions to Mexico, and each of these campaigns
nary effects of the mangosteen to topical skin care. XanGo
was supported by more than 40 XanGo Mexican Distribu-
distributors are riding a new phase of success and wealth as
tors as well as XanGo founders and executives. More than
they promote XanGo Juice and Glimpse together. “We are
200 Mexican children received the possibility of a new life
talking about a product that consumers value and therefore
through corrective operations for cleft lip and palate. XanGo
purchase again month after month,” reports Jeff Chandler,
employees and Distributors spent hours each day during the
XanGo‘s company spokesman, who has had personal expe-
two-week project to, among other things, distribute XanGo
rience with Glimpse. “As a man, I had never used skin care
Juice to the young patients and their families, translate for
products before the introduction of Glimpse. But when I be-
medical volunteers, provide moral support to the patients and
gan using Glimpse, I saw and felt the difference and so now,
their families and play with the children before and after the
like many men, I am improving my skin each day through the
use of this system. The serum feels very soothing on the skin,
and thanks to the moisturizing lotion, I have experienced a
In 2008, XanGo was the title sponsor of the “XanGo Wish-
noticeable tautening of my skin.”
maker Parade,” a national fund-raising program in Canada,
which strives to fulfill the heartfelt desires of children suffer-
Now, with its second major product introduction, XanGo is
ing from life-threatening diseases. In more than 100 commu-
on the verge of a second worldwide wave of growth. In Eu-
nities across Canada employees and partners of XanGo par-
rope the markets in France, Portugal and Spain have just been
ticipated in this parade, contributing heavily to the more than
opened officially, which is good news not only for distribution
$ 1.46 million raised to fulfill the wishes of fatally ill children.
partners eager for success but also for charitable organizations. From its inception XanGo has donated time, money
In Germany XanGo supports an SOS Kinderdorf children‘s
and other resources to many different charitable institutions.
village in Schleswig-Holstein. SOS Kinderdorf villages pro-
This is part of the company philosophy. All XanGo distribu-
vide a permanent home to children who cannot grow up with
tion partners can participate in this in various ways and every
their biological parents. In Japan, XanGo helped to finance
member of the XanGo Family is proud of improving the lives
the building of the Yokohama Family House, a place where
XanGo Goodness actively supports
numerous philanthropic causes worldwide.
Bob Freeze (above right), VP of Corporate Communications, at an
Operation Smile mission last year in Guadalajara, Mexico. Young
girl receives critical Vitamin A tablets in Indai, thanks to XanGo’s
support of Vitamin Angels charity work (above left). XanGo actively
supports international children’s charity SOS-Kinderdorf through
a specific donation to help fund activities in the Schleswig-Holstein
village in Germany (below left). Howard Schiffer (right), founder
of Vitamin Angels, holding two children in India. Since 2008 XanGo
is the title sponsor of the Vitamin Angels India program, which will
serve Vitamin A to 3.5 million children who otherwise would be at
risk for childhood blindness and other diseases caused by Vitamin
A deficiency.
the parents of seriously ill children can live temporarily while
the attention of the governments of China, India and a number
their children are being treated in a nearby hospital. In the
of Latin American countries, which are now asking for similar
Philippines, hundreds of orphaned street children have se-
aid for their regions. And finally, XanGo distributors’ donations
cured a roof over their heads and a school education through
have led to nearly 650,000 meals which have been provided
XanGo‘s contribution to the “Tuloy Foundation”. In Taiwan
to undernourished people on the verge of starvation in Africa,
the company promotes music therapies for disabled and deaf
Latin America and Asia. This project is continuing to expand
children through the “Children’s Charity Foundation”.
and address hunger in various locations around the world.
Meanwhile, XanGo‘s commitment to the Barekuma villages in
“As a result of our industrious distribution partners, we have
Ghana is now in its fifth year. Since the beginning of this proj-
been able to have an extraordinary effect on the well-being
ect, XanGo has partnered with the University of Utah to create
of our fellow humans all over the world,” says Gordon Mor-
a sustainable development model to address the prevention of
ton: “It is very satisfying to know that somebody we will never
malaria and AIDS, the establishment of clean drinking water
meet or get to know personally is being helped by us and can
and toilet facilities and to develop educational and recreational
live with dignity because our distribution partners in Brussels,
facilities that contribute to the overall well being of children
Taipei, Mexico City, Paris, New York, Rome – or somewhere
and their families. The success of this program has attracted
else – have built up a XanGo business.”
As author of XanGo‘s market-
pany. Our plan was created with the
company for them and with them in
ing plan – What was the concept
idea of a genuine 50-50 partnership.
mind. Only if our distribution partners
behind it?
We didn‘t want a situation where only
are successful, will we be successful.
the top distribution partners really
Before founding XanGo I was a suc-
earn money. XanGo’s compensation
Looking back on the last seven
cessful distribution partner in another
plan makes it possible for everyone to
years – What immediately
company. This experience helped me
earn money at all levels of business,
comes to mind for you?
to author XanGo’s compensation plan
even while you are building it up. With
with the belief that anyone who joins
proper development and hard work
Above all I‘m proud that we‘ve re-
XanGo can be successful and achieve
anything is possible.
mained true to our principles and are
success. My experience as a distribu-
really a “different kind of company”.
tor provides confidence to those who
Are you happy with the results
An organization with a genuine brand
choose to become XanGo distributors.
of your commission plan? Does
that has a high recognition value.
it work as you wanted it to?
A company that takes care of the
What is the philosophy behind
individual distribution partner and
a marketing plan like XanGo‘s?
I‘m very proud of this plan, as are the
of children in need as well. We have
What ensures that it will work
other five founders. This plan stands
created a place where it is again safe
for the distributors?
for our promise to the distribution
to dream. In a market with a growing
partners: What you invest in our com-
number of competitors with extremely
Too many companies have binary
pany will also be given back to you by
bold claims, XanGo remains an amaz-
plans, have breakaways or change
the company. XanGo is just as much
ingly successful company with great
their plan every few months – in the
the property of the independent dis-
products, a great business opportunity
final analysis to the benefit of the com-
tributors as it is mine. We built up this
and great people.
Glimpse is available in two different ranges: one for normal
and one for particularly dry skin. The four-stage care program
consists of a cleanser, a toner, a serum and a moisturizing
cream. The Glimpse system was developed to “decelerate”
the aging of the skin and to make the skin look younger and
healthier. Glimpse reinforces the natural regeneration of the
skin and stimulates the skin cells to assist in the production of
natural collagen. Clinical studies have proven that Glimpse increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin and can reduce
redness and inflammation.
Glimpse is most effective when it is used as a complete system and twice a day. Here XanGo advises users to experiment
with the products in order to find out the combination that
works best for them. The normal use of the four-stage care
program is simple and begins with washing the face with the
cleansing or moisturizing gel. In the next step the toner is applied, followed by the serum, which relieves the skin of the
stress caused by climatic and environmental influences. The
final step is the use of the moisturizing cream or lotion, which
hydrates and refreshes the skin.
If you would like to find out more about “Glimpse Skin Care,”
visit the Website
lready early on Friday afternoon the company invited all managers to a special training marathon.
Many international top earners, among them
Sharon Sharrif and Sherman Unker, offered the
participants their experiences and their know-how. But all
participants were agreed that it was Estella Salina, who had
come from Mexico, that touched the audience most. Estella
Salina is considered in the „XanGo Family“ as the new super-
star. The Mexican holds the only position anywhere outside
the USA that has qualified as a 500 K Premier. Her upline,
Anton Garrity – brother of the XanGo founder Aaron Garrity
– is rightly very proud of his most successful manager.
At the end of the first day there was also a first surprise for
those attending. They got to know Beverly Hollister. One
participant summed it up briefly: “Beverly cam, saw and conquered!” Indeed, you got the impression that the American
superwoman and wife of XanGo founder is a personified embodiment of GLIMPSE. Her talk sparkled with enthusiasm
and you saw her deep conviction with regard to the quality of
the new product. On the next day GLIMPSE was also officially launched by her onto the European market. In a personal
discussion with Beverly she also left it in no doubt who the
market would belong to in future. It really was the ultimate
in leadership training. In conclusion the charismatic founders
Kent Wood and Aaron Garrity also revealed the official announcements of the next day.
After a short break the VIP buses were already waiting for
qualified Top Leaders (from the position 20K) to transport
them to a VIP dinner. Michael Sander, OBTAINER Founder
& President, was also invited by the XanGo founders and was
able to report: “Once again XanGo performed brilliantly. The
location for the dinner alone was incredible. And also – as always – everything was perfectly ‚kitted out‘ à la XanGo.”
The next day the meeting began at 9 o‘clock sharp. Although
many teams were still enjoying the nightlife of Brussels, the
Expocenter in Brussels – at the foot of the Atomium – was
already well filled. All in all there were probably between 800
and 1,000 participants present when Aaron Garrity officially
announced to rapturous applause that France, Portugal and
Spain were opened from that day! The next country in Europe
Convention in October XanGo‘s consultants will have more
is intended to be Italy and that should follow within the next
surprises. The company, which is considered to be the clear
three months.
market leader in the field of mangosteen products, will be
bringing a new product onto the market in the Fall. Of course,
The program was taken up again by many successful con-
here again the superfruit from Asia will again form the ba-
sultants from Europe and around the world. Whether from
sis. If the OBTAINER founder and President Michael Sander
Norway, Italy, Belgium, Holland, France, England, Ireland,
wanted to reveal more, nevertheless he was forced to promise
Mexico, Portugal or many other countries. Saturday offered
not to publish anything about it. So things remain exciting.
an exciting program right up to the last minute. In all 5 top
consultants with a position of 500K and 5 top consultants
So XanGo is developing itself further and further. Many con-
with a position of 200K had come extra from all over the
sultants in Germany who had already turned their backs on
world to Brussels in order to share their know-how with the
the company are looking at the American company again. Af-
ter a gigantic start XanGo was unable particularly in Germany
and Austria to resist the massive attempts at poaching carried
Beverly Hollister has already given all the visitors a taste of
out systematically and with military precision by former con-
what will happen in Europe in the next months when she trav-
sultants. The more so as the company had to do its own home-
els throughout Europe on tour with GLIMPSE.
work in some fields again. But that is all now water under the
bridge. XanGo has now been on the market for six years and
The second day also had its emotional peaks. The Chairman of
in this period it has produced over 63 income millionaires.
the Board and XanGo founder Aaron Garrity sang live and, of
1.2 million consultants work with XanGo part-time and/or
course, earned standing ovations for his artistic contribution.
full-time! But the company is still right at the beginning of its
But the organizers also had a cliffhanger on offer. Because
still young success story – above all in Europe and in Germany
right at the end there was another video message from the
an incredible market potential is lying at their feet with the
XanGo CEO Robert Conlee: Already at the Worldwide Annual
product GLIMPSE.
XanGo, France
xhibiting a strong passion about everything she did,
Mugette Fiat of Langon, France approached her 60th
birthday a little more than a year ago with some unexpected health challenges, including shoulder pain, oral
abscesses and insomnia. Determined not to let these challenges
slow her down or give up her personal goals, she searched for a solution, a product that could help her regain her well-being. When
a friend introduced Mugette to XanGo, she determined to investigate the product of that company for herself. After a thorough
research in the world wide web that provided positive information
about the company and XanGo® Juice, she decided to give it a try.
“When I first heard about XanGo, I thought to
myself that this was too good to be true – that this
kind of product could not really help me with my
health concerns,” says Mugette. “Fortunately, my
research resolved some of my concerns and then I
took the product and experienced its amazing benefits; this experience changed the course of my life.”
A convert to the unique health benefits of XanGo
Juice, Mugette set out to share the product with
those within her circle of influence, many of
whom were also looking for a natural approach toward improved health and
wellness. As she saw others strengthened by the product and excited
about the company, she, too, began
to realize the great business opportunity available through XanGo.
Though XanGo had not yet officially opened for business in France,
she was determined to get more involved and decided to take a deeper look into the benefits of being
a XanGo independent distributor.
Mugette agreed to have the product
shipped from Belgium at her own
expense in order to pursue her goals.
Full of energy and being a strong testimonial about the product, Mugette
began to grow her downline, and as
a result of her focus and hard work,
she earned a plane ticket to Salt Lake
City, Utah as a Glimpse™ Topical
Skin Nutrition All-Star for XanGo’s
Overdrive Convention 2008. That was
when the next phase of her life began.
Excitement was in the air and huge
crowds were on hand for the launch
of XanGo’s next category-creating
product to complement XanGo Juice.
Mugette gathered first-hand experience with Glimpse™ Topical Skin
Nutrition and got the opportunity to meet the brand’s architect,
XanGo Senior Vice President and
20-year veteran of the natural
products and network marketing
industries, Beverly Hollister. The more time Mugette spent
be forever grateful for the act of charity they’ve received
interacting with other XanGo distributors and hearing from
because of XanGo and the products we sell.”
company founders and executives, the more she began to understand what made XanGo different from other companies.
Leaving Salt Lake City with an increased desire to
expand her XanGo business and make a difference
“What impressed me more than anything was the humanity
in her part of the world, Mugette determined to put
of XanGo that is evident in every encounter with its execu-
Glimpse skin care to the test. Her positive experi-
tives and employees,” says Mugette. “At XanGo, the business
ence with XanGo Juice had given her faith in the
is set up for us to make money at every level in the organiza-
company and its products, and now she would let her
tion, and, we all want to improve our quality of life. However,
own face be the laboratory. Using Glimpse on only
as we grow our business and make money, the company is
one half of her face, Mugette began her challenge.
also interested in the individual distributor and customer
finding opportunities for growth and personal development.
Within a few short weeks, the results appeared. She
and others around her began to notice the gradual re-
We improve ourselves through products that promote health
duction of wrinkles as well as the improved tone and
and wellness, a great business opportunity and giving what
glow of her skin. Convinced of the product’s quality
we have to others.” Mugette continues: “The company’s motto
and with an unbeatable marketing tactic – her face –
is that it is safe to dream again, and that we can all make a
Mugette set out to share her story with anyone who
difference. This includes helping children in remote regions
would listen. As she began to take her business more
of the world who might never know our name, but who will
seriously, Mugette invested time with her upline lead-
ers, Lilian Hinque and Beatrice Doyer, to learn the best
crowds from all over Europe to Brussels, Belgium. As a ris-
ways to leverage the amazing XanGo business opportunity.
ing star at XanGo, Mugette is ready for the next level of success. “I am very passionate about life and have always put
“I have a great upline at XanGo, and they have really helped
forth my best effort in everything I’ve done,” says Mugette.
me learn the business,” says Mugette. “I am extremely grate-
“XanGo and Glimpse, and the amazing business opportu-
ful for the care they have shown me.” After having received
nity before me have made that passion 10 times stronger.”
training and having participated in joint meetings with her
upline, she began to hold regular meetings herself. With each
Mugette continues, “I would like to thank the six founders
gathering, her business began to grow and expand. In just a
of XanGo and all involved who make this wonderful compa-
few months, well over a hundred people had joined her or-
ny what it is.” With a bright future ahead in a newly opened
ganization. Her success has not gone unnoticed and just last
market for XanGo, Mugette is jumping in with both feet.
month Mugette was recognized by Beverly Hollister on stage
“I’m going to quit my job next month to pursue my dreams
at XanGo’s European Regional, which drew enthusiastic
and work my XanGo business full-time.”
Soccer Team Renew Jersey Sponsorship
we are happy to see other major brands
set to the Utah business community and
League Soccer’s Real Salt
follow our lead and support soccer in
we appreciate their continued support of
Lake (RSL) announced a
North America,” said XanGo Founder/
our organization.” XanGo’s multi-year
three-year renewal of the
Board Member Gordon Morton. “This
deal with Real Salt Lake includes signage
club’s historic title jersey-front spon-
partnership is ideal for XanGo and our
and promotional opportunities at the
sorship on July 8; the financial terms of
global brand in the sense that our brand
team’s sports and entertainment venue,
the deal were not disclosed. The original
goes wherever the team plays and that
Rio Tinto Stadium, in Sandy, Utah. Ad-
contract, announced in October 2006,
soccer is the world’s game. We promise
ditionally, XanGo and RSL will continue
made history for being the first jersey-
that XanGo and its more than one mil-
the annual tradition of the XanGo Cup,
front sponsorship in U.S. professional
lion distributors worldwide will continue
which pairs RSL and an international
sports. Since that time, several other Ma-
to support Real Salt Lake both at home
soccer powerhouse in a friendly match.
jor League Soccer clubs have announced
and abroad.”
This year’s XanGo Cup, the fourth an-
similar partnerships with major global
nual, will feature Clúb América, Mexico’s
brands. “As a global company that
“We are very pleased to continue our
premier soccer club. The game will kick
prides itself in innovation, XanGo is very
partnership with XanGo, and to repre-
off at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 11 at Rio
pleased to have joined Real Salt Lake in
sent their brand on our jersey through the
Tinto Stadium. Select adidas/RSL train-
this partnership as the first jersey-front
2013 season,” said Real Salt Lake Presi-
ing and off-field gear will also promote
sponsors in U.S. professional sports, and
dent Bill Manning. “XanGo is a great as-
the XanGo/RSL partnership.
a proven opportunity
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