THE FOUR CIRCLES© Program of Sosyete du Marche


THE FOUR CIRCLES© Program of Sosyete du Marche
Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
Love, Honor, Respect
THE FOUR CIRCLES© Program of Sosyete du Marche
Bienvenue – In the name of God, the Ancestors and the Lwa, Welcome to our home at Sosyete du
Marche! You‟ve made an excellent choice – to fully become who you are and to fulfill your destiny
by bringing love, honor and respect into your life! We are here to help you fulfill that destiny through
our Four Circles program.
We are a husband and wife team, who started out 25 years ago seeking answers to age old questions:
Who am I? What am I doing with my life? Why am I not happy or fulfilled? We were dissatisfied with
what Western spirituality seemed to offer. When we first encountered the Lwa, there was no Vodou in
America that was open to non-Haitians. Although there were many people who said they were
practicing Vodou, they were in fact, making it up as they went along. When we asked questions we
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were told we were either not ready to ask questions or, to receive the answer; that we were being
insolent, disrespectful or it was a “secret.” When we objected to the racial, sexual and gender
discrimination, we were told the Lwa would punish us. Throughout all our years, we resonated to the
power and beauty of the Lwa, to the truths They embodied. And so we began a journey to find the root
of Vodou and its relevancy to our lives.
We have walked the path of the Lwa for 20 years. Through private work, education and finally,
through Kanzo, we were able to fulfill our dream of becoming priests of Vodou. We‟ve made it our
life work, to tear down the hypocrisy, fear and myths of Vodou. To bring the great truth out to the
world – that you are precious and beautiful. That God made you for His pleasure and for your own
growth. That He has given you the tools to make a life worthy of your immortal soul. And that you are
not alone in your desire to find peace, balance and harmony in the world.
Welcome home child – the hearth fires of family await you!
Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
Love, Honor, Respect
Sosyete du Marche is a full time Vodou house - we are not
store owners; we are not shop keepers; we do not have a
botannica. We are Mambo and Houngan Asogwe, married
for 33 years, and we are also priests committed to walking
the path of Vodou each and every day. Our vocation as
priests is our job. The Sosyete holds regular Vodou
services for its members bi-monthly at the peristyle in
Pennsylvania. We do offer public Vodou service,
educational seminars to colleges and universities, as well as private Vodou ceremonies for clients. To
date, we have performed Lave Tets, Sevis Tet, Action de Gras, Maraj Lwa and Kanzo for many
dedicated individuals seeking to enrich their lives by working with their personal and family spirits.
Serving the Spirit in Vodou is much more than just parties! It's a dedicated commitment to being in
service to the community.
We recognize the spark of Divinity within each person,
and we are dedicated to working in the world to realize
the potential implicit in that divine gift. Our primary
purpose is to honor diversity and to provide a safe place
for personal growth and spiritual actualization. We
mutually support and respect the dignity of each
person's journey towards manifesting their highest
potential, and we awaken to the spirit within each of us which acknowledges that we are All One
Before God. Sosyete du Marche fulfills its Vision in the following manner:
~ To provide a safe and supportive environment for free religious expression by the membership.
We believe that each person is a unique expression of God and has a special gift to offer towards the
building of our liberating and celebrating community.
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~ To fulfill the charitable purposes as identified by our leaders.
“My faith demands – this is not optional – my faith
demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I am,
whenever I can, for as long as I can with whatever I
have to try to make a difference.” – Jimmy Carter
We believe that giving back to the world is the real work of any organization with the means and
ability to do so. As priests in Servants of the Light, we took vows to help those coming up behind us.
And in Sosyete du Marche, Inc, we have started a 501c3
organization called Open Road Charity as the vehicle for
doing charitable acts both here in the US and abroad.
~ We are committed to community building within a
caring atmosphere of shared responsibility. We "think
globally, but act locally", by supporting local efforts to feed
the needy, house the poor and cloth those who have less
than we do. We offer service to the greater community
through Public and Private ceremonies, rituals and services.
~ Education for all who come with open minds. We host the Four Circles OnLine Program for those
interested in learning about Vodou but who do not have local access to a sosyete or a teacher. Now in
its fifth year, the Four Circles has proven to be a valuable vehicle for learning about Haitian Vodou.
~ Spiritual and Therapeutic Counseling - Houngan is a licensed therapist, with extensive training in
Grief and Loss, Family Counseling and Youth counseling. Mambo has completed certificate training
in Pastoral counseling.
~ Holistic Healing - Mambo is a trained aromatherapist, utilizing both Western and Ayuvedic
therapies which she employs in the services the sosyete provides. A Lave Tet under
Mambo‟s loving hands is an immersive experience of hydrosols and green goodness.
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~ Legal marriages - both the Mambo and the Houngan are fully ordained Interfaith Ministers,
operating under the federal designation 501c3 umbrella of Sosyete du Marche, Inc, and are legally
capable of performing recognized marriages in all 50 States.
~ Legally ordained to offer birth and naming ceremonies, funerals and memorials.
For Mambo Vye Zo, the Sosyete is her family. Through a large correspondence of emails, letters and
cards, Mambo keeps in touch with her far-flung family of servitors, friends and associates. A Third
degree priest in Servants of the Light, Mambo is also an accomplished artist with a large USA and
European clientele. Mambo fulfills her kanzo promises by writing, teaching and offering classes on
Vodou, Magic and Hermetic studies and serving the spirits through ritual, divination, art and voice.
For Houngan Travay, it's leading services and being a vehicle for both change and growth in the
community at large. And for them together, it's a life time commitment of being in service to Spirit, as
was promised by them, to the Lwa, at their Kanzo ceremonies in Haiti.
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Initiation means beginning. It‟s a starting point,
meant to bring you into alignment with the goals,
ideas and teachings of a given system of belief. In
the classic concept of initiation, each level attained
simply brings the seeker to the bottom of the next
rung. This idea of levels is at the heart of Western
religious systems. There is a saying: “The only
title you‟ll ever earn is „novice‟. For once you
attain one level, you are at the bottom of the next
one.” This is a very humbling observation – but also a very formidable one.
In Vodou, initiation is far more humanistic, more fluid, more adaptable - in fact, more attainable. For
one doesn't so much climb toward their goal, as draw closer to it. This is a far more comforting idea,
than attaining dizzy heights from which one can easily fall. To move closer to the center, is much like
falling in love - the dearer to the heart, the deeper the commitment, the greater the faith, the more
expansive the konesans or knowledge. In Vodou, we like to say that the more you come to know, the
closer you want to get to the center. And from there, the love that radiates outward from the Divine to
us is warm and inviting - just like a hearth fire.
When we began our journey into Vodou,
there was no formal training. One attended
services when you could, and that was it.
Vodou is a family faith, where you learn by
being with the Mambo or Houngan daily,
observing and helping them with their tasks.
But this is not possible today, with folks
living far from urban centers, due to work or
family. If you were not fortunate to live near
the Mambo or Houngan, then you saved up
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your money and once a year flew to the houmfort, where you would participate in a single service. It
made learning anything nearly impossible.
A Modern Lakou
Today, thanks to the Internet and the grace of the Bondye,
Sosyete du Marche, Inc. is a working houmfort, near the
urban center of Philadelphia. We‟re close to trains and the
airport, making it accessible to be here regularly. We built
the temple onto our home, with help from our membership. It
is tiled, heated and fully enclosed, so the sosyete can work in
comfort and privacy year round.
Our property is ¾ acre, ringed with lush herb gardens that
we draw from for our Lave Tets, Sevis and other important
work. It also provides medicinal material for our headcolds
and body aches through the year, as well as our magical
tinctures and blends.
And we continue to educate
ourselves, through service
work, return trips to Haiti and
assisting at other houses
kanzos, so we keep learning,
stay fresh and up to date,
maintaining a dynamic
leadership that lives up to date on how to integrate it‟s far flung
membership into a house of loyal, loving servitors.
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Beginning in 2008, Sosyete du Marche, Inc. began
offering a four year training program called The Four
Concentric circles of power are at the heart of Vodou
and its work. These circles are seen in the construct of
the peristyle, the ranks of its membership and the
ordering of the Spirits. As one works through these
circles and draws closer to the center, the power, the knowledge and the grace of the servitor becomes
stronger, their faith deeper and the love and devotion of the spirits to their servitors becomes manifest
in their lives.
The Four Circles© will place the qualified candidate on the
right path for them. We do not sell initiations. Rather, we
prefer to educate, elucidate and illuminate graceful
servitors who follow the Regleman of Vodou, integrate it's
lessons into their lives and become who they are meant to
be. We do this with our program of classes, rituals,
pilgrimages and personal experiences.
Each circle is one year in duration. Each circle is overseen by one of the major Lwa, beginning with
Legba. During the time of the circle, you will work with that particular Lwa, to bring his or her gifts
into manifestation in your life. You will celebrate the calendar of Vodou holidays, and work with the
house, the Spirits and the Mambo to learn all you need, to serve on your own. And, you will also learn
what it means to be a part of something bigger than yourself.
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The Opener of the way, Legba will work to bring into your life, that which will
manifest in this reality for you. A foundational education, Legba will
encourage you to "place your foot on the path" and allow Him to open the way
for you. In this circle are the lessons that will be the foundation for all that is
to come in the following years.
The First Circle is the Foundational Work of the servitor – four classes designed to give you the basics.
This circle is all about the Ancestors, how they are the core of all Afro-Haitian Vodou, and how They
manifest in your life. We will demonstrate this through the following four classes.
Year 1, Class 1 is about the Ancestors of Vodou. These are not just the people related to you, but the
very Lwa themselves. Some Lwa are spirits that have never been human, while others are elevated
ancestors who fought, loved and lived their lives fully. Their exploits and stories have become the
legends of the Lwa, and it is from their experiences that we learn how to live properly
Year 1, Class 2 is Sevis Lwa. This class is about how to make correct altars, build your service
muscles and learn the to work the Reglemen of Vodou, so you begin to serve your Ancestors.
Year 1, Class 3 is Pilé Féy, the herbs of vodou. In this class, we will cover the top fifty herbs that can
be employed here in the USA in your work with the Ancestors. Although there are herbs which can
only be gotten in the Caribbean, there are many, many plants that grow right here in the USA. And
best, they can be either grown here or purchased from reliable growers.
Year 1, Class 4 is Brule Zin, the fire ritual of the Ancestors. Brule Zin is always part of the rites of
Kanzo, but it can also be a solo offering to the Ancestors. Having spent a year in their holy company,
it‟s a fitting close to the year.
These classes are listed on our website, and give you a full description there.
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At any point in the first year, we offer students the opportunity to receive the Lave Tet ritual. This is a
ritual head washing that confers balance, healing and is an initial step toward becoming a Vodou
practitioner. It carries no obligations, isnot priesthood and nothing further needs to be done tro practice
Vodou. It is done here on the grounds of the Houmfort and is an overnight rite. Some people only do
this and go no further on the path. That is perfectly fine and can often satisfy the student‟s desire for
commitment without obligation.
The First Circle Initiation is called Sevis Tet. This is a four day ceremony and the whole house comes
together to engage in its power and blessing. It is a withdrawn working, which means you will be in
seclusion for three days and nights. During that time, the Sosyete offers dance, ritual, sacrifice, and
service to the Lwa for you. The family works hard to bring about your re-birth as a servitor of the
Lwa! Upon completion your seclusion there is a huge party called a Batem, and you are christened
with the title of Hounsi Bossale. Your new life begins on that day as a servitor of Vodou!
Some people take a year to reach this goal. Others take two. There is no hurry. What we try to
convey in the classes, our web site, our forums and our teachings is that there is no one schedule for
everyone. Your personal journey is just that – a personal exploration that serves you and your goals.
Each person is a unique gift from the Divine, and as such, has their own journey to complete. Once
you fully understand the commitment, you can make an educated choice in serving the Vodou.
In addition to the four Foundation classes, there will be specialty classes offered on the day of service.
These classes are the “electives” of the house and are intended to give you a well rounded education in
Vodou. Some examples are Choir Practice with Clave, individual lectures on the Lwa and
Astrological Dates for Vodou. These classes are offered on the day we do ceremony, prior to dinner.
They are not required for completion of the circle, but by attending them, you can enrich your
understanding of the practice of Vodou and appreciate the multi-faceted heritage of this faith.
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The Marassa are the sacred twins of Vodou. Male and Female,
Brother and Sister, Lovers and Friends, they share the power of
creation, the ability to be two things at once. This image of duality
will begin to manifest for you in the Second circle. Living in two
worlds, you will begin to shift your consciousness, to be able to
express this duality for yourself. For in becoming a servitor, it‟s
not about removing yourself from the world, but becoming more
fully a part of it.
This circle will teach you to become aware, to walk in two worlds.
The Second Circle Classes will include the practical as well as the spiritual.
Weekend 1: La Priye Ginen, the prayer of Africa, the
centerpiece of all Vodou services. We are fortunate to
have several old recordings, as well as new ones of this
authentic and beautiful prayer. The Priye is the long,
coded prayer that is sung at the beginning of all Vodou
services. But it‟s more than a collection of songs and
canticles. It is the heart and soul of Vodou. Understand
the Priye, it‟s nuances and it‟s correlations, and you will hold the key to understanding all of the
Vodou Religion.
Weekend 2: Mange Lwa will be devoted to foods of service, with emphasis on cooking for the Lwa.
Food is the coin of the realm in Haiti, and this workshop will give you the recipes, ingredients and
preparation directions, so you can properly prepare a meal for the Lwa. Each spirit has it‟s own special
dishes, food likes and dislikes, as well as methods of preparation, serving and offering. Each Kanzo is
expected to know their Met Tet‟s foods, how to prepare the dishes and how to serve the food properly.
Weekend 3: Chante Lwa, where you will study the Regleman of Vodou in depth, beginning with
Songs. You will learn Haitian Kreyol – enough to sing correctly and fluently for the spirits. Think
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you can‟t? Then, think again! Kreyol is the magical language of Vodou, the one which the Lwa love
and respond to in Vodou service. When you kanzo, you will need to demonstrate this skill, by singing
for your personal Lwa, in Kreyol.
And Weekend 4: Dance and Movement in Ritual, to
ensure you know how to move correctly in sacred
space. Vodou ritual is very organized and regimented.
There are proper ways to move, to salute the altars,
drummers and spirits. There is the a way to address
the hierarchy and how to speak in ritual. All this will
be covered, with lots of hands on experience and
Completion of this circle leads to the initiation ritual known as the Holy Kanzo. This is a seven day
ceremony, with seclusion for five days and nights. It‟s not for the faint of heart. You must be healthy,
both on the mundane level (as in body) and on the mental level. Be ready to do the deep work of
changing yourself on the inner levels of the soul. The sosyete comes together and works very hard for
the rebirthing process. There are three nights of preliminary dances. A very special service called the
Chire Ayzian to prepare the ritual chamber. Seclusion and then a rebirth batem, where you are
crowned Kanzo. Your title is Hounsi Kanzo and you are truly a fire-tempered servitor of the Vodou.
The great healer, father of the initiates, and the first Houngan. Loko
brings health, blessings and achievement. The third circle is the
toughest - here you will face your greatest challenges, and it is here
that many fail. Loko is here also, to support, guide and help you on
this particular path of the journey.
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Loko is the Lwa of leaves, wind and change. All his songs point to the idea that Loko has the ability to
make changes on the mundane level of your life. And as you move through this circle, you will find
this to be very true!
When you reach the Third circle of the Sosyete, there will be an expectation that you are preparing for
priesthood, and all that it demands. We do not sell titles – we teach responsibility, self-reliance and
respect for the tradition. It‟s not about titles or power. But it is about service to the greater community
at large. Respect for the teachers, elders and Ancestors who have preceded you. And about giving
back to those who have worked so hard to make a place for you at the hearth fire.
Third Circle classes will be held over three weekends of in-depth, intense teachings. All classes will
culminate in a full blown ceremony, incorporating the elements of the classes, so you can see how it all
comes together, and what happens when it does. As you reach this level of training, you will begin to
work directly with the Spirits. We train you to not only call to Them, but to be able to respond when
They come. These are not intellectual constructs, but sentient Beings, who wish to commune with us.
There is a proper way to do this, and we work to help you fully understand how it is done and what to
Weekend 1 is Veves: Ritual ground drawings. Veves are the call signs of the Lwa. Do not be
fooled into thinking that what‟s out in print is correct! No mambo or houngan worthy of their asson
would ever give out these holy images. The veves of a house are given by the Lwa directly to the
house membership. They are specific to that house or even to the person drawing. What I draw for
Legba will not work for you, when you draw for Legba. Period. The Lwa give these images to us to
be used by the specific person They want to speak with. The Lwa are very specific as to what goes
into the sign. Delicate details, words of power spoken, elements of water and perfume – each sign has
it‟s own touches of grace and ashe. This class will cover the basics of Veves - their inner meanings,
the invocation and evocation to ignite them on the astral, and their use in ritual. It is expected that over
time, you will receive your own Veve from your Lwa. At your kanzo, you will be expected to
demonstrate a knowledge of the veves that are directly related to your personal Constellation of Spirits,
their correct usage and their correct consecration, invocation and evocation.
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Weekend 2 is Theology and Symbology. Escorts, Met Tets and the symbolic as well as symbiotic
relationship between these two important groups are fully explored and explained. The evening
ceremony will emphasize these relationships, in conjunction with the Regleman.
Weekend 3 is a Pilgrimage to Haiti. Yes, if you want to walk this path, then you must return to the
origin of it‟s roots. We will make the obligatory pilgrimage to the sacred water falls of Saut D‟eaux in
the Artibonite mountains of Haiti, site of Ezili Freda‟s appearance, and home to Dambala Wedo. It is
essential that anyone who wants to kanzo to the rank of Su Pwen, must make this trek, to place an
offering at the foot of the falls, and request Dambala‟s permission to go any further in their training.
In addition to these weekends, if you are pursuing a Su Pwen level initiation, then it is expected that
you will be in attendance for every ritual, class and service the house is holding. It‟s a huge
commitment of time and effort. But the reward is a deep and lasting relationship with the Lwa, the
Ancestors and with your Met Tet. Intent, we like to say, is 9/10ths of the Lwa.
There is no set time frame for completion of this circle. When the candidate is ready, the culminating
ritual is Kanzo and the title conferred is Mambo Su Pwen, if you are a woman, and Houngan Su Pwen
if you are a man. It is a seven day ceremony with seclusion for four days and nights. It‟s not for the
faint of heart. You must be healthy, both on the mundane level (as in body) and on the mental level.
Be ready to do the deep work of changing yourself on the inner levels of the soul.
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Purifier, uplifting and holy. Mother of the initiates. The original
Mambo, Ayizan is the guardian of the djevo, the sacred chamber where
the initiates are born into Vodou. You have come full circle, if you are
now here.
Legba opened the way for the fires of the Ancestors to tempered you.
The Marassa have given you what you need to walk in the world of men and of spirits. Papa Loko has
healed you of your mundane world wounds and now, you are clean and ready for Ayzian‟s purifying
chamber of kanzo. She will bring you into the world of Spirit and return you safely to the world of
men. She is the pre-eminent mother of all initiates, and births all the candidates of Vodou.
There are no specific classes for this circle. Rather, if
you are planning on Kanzo to Asogwe, the expectation
is that you spend this year in service to the sosyete, by
helping Mambo and Houngan to teach the classes, lead
the services and attend all the functions of the house for
a full year. In doing so, you will gain a wealth of
knowledge not only of the intellectual, but also of the
practical. By attending here full time, you will speak to
clients, work side by side with Mambo as she serves the community, and gain a perspective of service
that is the heart and soul of being an Asogwe.
“To the one who reaches out and asks for more, MORE is expected.” – Legba to the house membership
Kanzo is held here on the grounds of the Lakou. Our plants are here. Our ancestors are here. And here
is where we serve the Lwa monthly through fets and service work. Although this is a sticking point for
some houses, as Americans, we feel our power is in this land. Therefore, we hold our kanzos here in
the USA, with full attention to the details of Vodou Reglemen.
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To hold the Kanzo in Haiti is to feed and work with the Lwa on their
own turf, called bitsymon in Kreyol. It is powerful, and it‟s easier, for
people in Haiti are not locked into 9-5 jobs like they are here in the USA.
Kanzo requires a large effort of manpower to do. One to three nights of
Bat Ge dances with drummers, singers and dancers. Five nights of
seclusion with many hands helping in all the secret rituals of the djevo.
Dozens of people needed for the Kanzo‟s brule zin, when seven pots
light up the night sky with sacred fire and scent. And many folks must
be present to be parinn (godfather) and marinn (godmother) to the
kanzos, when the candidates exit the djevo on their Batem day. And everyone must stay on the
property for the duration of the kanzo, for to leave the lakou during a kanzo is to break the bond
between man and spirit.
Here in the USA, it is difficult to gather the necessary manpower as well as have the land to work. Our
bosses don‟t understand when we say, we‟re dancing under the tonnel for seven days and can‟t go
anywhere. And seven days and nights is a lot of vacation time spent on one ceremony! But – kanzos
have been held here in the US since the early 50s. When the embargo to Haiti was in place in the 80s,
folks still went into the djevo right here and were made properly. Mambos and Houngans found land
to work on, consecrated it and blessed it, feeding the Lwa. The Lwa moved to where Their servitors
were and no one felt slighted or left out. But now, there is a split between the traditional community,
who feel Kanzo is only done right, when done in Haiti. And the more modern folks, who say, it‟s done
just as well if not better here in the US.
As we began last year‟s cycle of service, we entered into conversation with the Haitian houngans who
are the elders of this house. They told us that ideally, we should come back to Haiti to hold an Asogwe
kouche, but that Hounsi and Su Pwen could be done in the USA. Further, our Mother Asson, who is
here in the states also concurs. She was made in Haiti in the 60s, but now holds her own Kanzos here
in the USA. So it is with some pride, that we now are offering Kanzo here, on our land, in
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The Four Circles© is an ongoing program. You may
begin at anytime, but everyone starts off in the First
Circle. Although we hold the classes year round, if
you begin midyear, you must complete all the
classes, to fulfill the obligations of each circle.
Classes are held here at the houmfort Pennsylvania.
To help you along the way, we have put into practice
some methodologies that will keep you in touch with the house membership, as well as the outer court
of folks who are friends of the house and occasional visitors to our rituals. This is Legba‟s house, and
as such, it‟s a genuine crossroad of people and things!
We have a public Facebook group to advertise our many classes, services
and ceremonies. The writings presented there are meant to be short in nature. The private Facebook
Four Circles page is where you will find photos, essays and other items relating to Mambo's writings,
house interests, public offerings of and about Vodou, as well as current news items on Vodou and
Haiti. Initiates of the house, guest priests and wisdom elders speak in confidence, to those willing to
listen. Here you will find like minds, asking questions, quietly debating and sharing. No flaming, no
condescension – just people talking with respect and with love. Membership is by invitation only.
The Library - We have a huge, traditional library of over 1,000 volumes on many occult and religious
topics, ranging from Magic and Western Mysteries, to African Traditional Religions. We have the
complete collection of Gnosis magazines, one of the finest vehicles for occult thinkers. We have
ancient texts from closed Germanic Rosicrucian Lodges, Masonic brotherhoods and European magic
schools. We were students and Magus in the Servants of the Light school, and maintain a huge
collection of withdrawn writings, rituals and pathworkings by Dolores Ashcroft Nowicki and other
notable English occultists. Currently, we are adding in the collective wisdom of our Papas - Domond
Parizot of LaFond, Edgar Jean Louis of Belair, Richard Morse of Port au Prince. The withdrawn notes
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of Odette Rigaud. Many copies of the Priye Ginen. A huge library of rasin music, Vodou songs and
Rara. The library is used here at the houmfort. We strive to keep loaner copies of material, but by and
large, our reference work is rare in nature, so we do not lend books out. You are welcome to come
here and read to your heart‟s content.
We are blessed to have an amazing talent in our Master Tambor, James Armstrong. Through his
knowledge and experience our repertoire of material for ritual has grown extensively. We either own
or have access to thousands of Haitian Vodou recordings, both field and studio, old as well as new.
We sing all the old songs, in the old method and no other house can make this claim! We are currently
working on a huge book of music, with drum notation, song translation and ritual inclusion. The
sosyete is Mambo‟s personal “lab” for experimentation, practice and enjoyment. Along the way, you
will learn a huge repertoire of songs, how they work in ritual and what they can accomplish.
All this is available to our students and membership, when you enter the Four Circles program.
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Yes, tuition, as this is a functioning Vodou house. We do Charity work, we do service work, the
electric, water, and heat of the houmfort are not free. We cook and serve food for the congregation
every month. Its work, and the saying is that Mambo doesn‟t work for a big thank you!
We do have a payment scale for the program, to make it affordable for everyone. All classes culminate
in a ceremony, which incorporates the elements of the class.
First Circle of Legba: $750.00 a la carte, $700.00, on a monthly plan (both Lave Tet and Classes)
A La Carte prices: Lave Tet - $350.00
Four Classes - $100.00 each/$400.00
Second Circle of Marasa: $1200.00 a la carte, $1100.00 on monthly plan
A La Carte prices: Herbal Weekend: $350.00, Mange Lwa Weekend: $350.00, Chante Lwa:
$250.00, Danse Sevis Weekend: $250.00
Third Circle of Loko: $700.00 a la carte, $600.00 on monthly payment plan
Weekend One: Veves - $350.00
Weekend Two: Theology - $350.00
Pilgrimage to Haiti: Price to be determined. Prices subject to change, based on hotel costs
and local land issues in Haiti. Does not including airfare or personal spending money)
Fourth Circle of Ayizan: Monthly donation of $50.00 (current house dues) and your priceless time.
Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
Love, Honor, Respect
The cost of Initiation rituals are not included in the Four Circles program tuition. That is because we
cannot control the costs from year to year, with regard to gas, food and offerings. Prices listed are
current for 2016.
We include everything for your Initiation, regardless of the rank. We provide you with food, housing,
clothing and accoutrements; all the offerings and sacrifices. You purchase your beads for the sacred
kolye, and your paket materials. These are pertinent to you, and must be obtained by you, prior to the
Kanzo. We do not ask you to bring anything else with you – we do it all. Unlike many houses, which
say this is the price and then hit you with a major shopping list in addition to the fee, our price is all
inclusive. You bring yourself, an open mind and a willing spirit. We do the rest.
Our initiations are attended by other priests, who add their ashe to the work, thereby providing you
with both additional spiritual ashe as well as being witnesses to the work. These “witnesses” provide
support, ensuring that you are made correctly and offering their collective wisdom to your birth. It is
very important that you are seen by the community as having been made properly. And it validates us
as your parents, that we gave you everything you needed, to be fully recognized as a priest of Vodou.
Sevis Tet – held here in the USA: $1,500.00
Fours days and nights, all inclusive (Offerings, food and accommodations)
Hounsi Kanzo – held here in the USA: $2,500.00
Seven days and nights, all inclusive (Offerings, food and accommodations)
Su Pwen Kanzo – held here in the USA: $3,500.00
Seven days and nights, all inclusive (Offerings, food and accommodations)
Asogwe Kanzo – $5,500.00
Seven days and nights, all inclusive (Offerings, food and accommodations)
Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
Love, Honor, Respect
With the exception of the pilgrimage to Haiti all rituals are held on the grounds of Sosyete du Marche,
in the USA. Our land is consecrated, sanctified and devoted to the Lwa. We offer monthly service,
feed our spirits and maintain our obligations. Ayibobo.
Entry into the program is done in three parts. The first is an interview with us and one of the members
of the Initiates Council. This is to see if your goals fit ours. It won‟t do either of us any good, if you
are looking to become a TATA and we don‟t offer this!
The second part is for you to write a letter of commitment, saying why you wish to come into the
House. For despite the program and classes, it‟s still a family of servitors. Your letter will be read by
the Mambo and Houngan and the members of the Initiates Council, who stand as the advisors to
Mambo and Houngan.
The third part is to attend a ritual here and “meet the family” – meaning both human and spiritual.
This will give you a taste of how the house works, how a service is held and what to expect when in
service with the Sosyete. It‟s also a chance to meet spirit. Although many folks say they want a
connection to Spirit, when it actually happens, we see who is meant to be here and who is not.
Once you‟ve completed this process, you will make your first payment. We will provide a contract
with payment schedule and you may begin to participate at a date of your choosing. Committing to the
program means you are committed to being here. Should you need to drop out at anytime, you will
continue to pay in full, for those classes you have taken. You may begin again at anytime, with
permission from the Initiates Council.
You will be assigned a Companion – a mentor from the house, who you can call on at anytime, for
help, explanation or just talk and friendship. The members of the Sosyete have been with us for a long
time. Most members have been with us for over ten years. They have been to Haiti, they are initiated
and they are willing to reach out to anyone needing their help.
Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
Love, Honor, Respect
Payment can be made at one time, or in monthly installments. We accept Mastercard, Visa and
Paypal, as well as money orders.
This document is by no means cast in concrete. As we have said, the Lwa are very active in their faith,
and make requests all the time. We expect from time to time, that we be instructed by the Lwa to
update veves and rituals, delete what is not working and add in new elements as they are revealed to us
by the Lwa. As such, Vodou is a living faith, one that changes as the Spirits see fit and the servitors
needs are met. We expect that all members embrace this idea of living within a changing paradigm
and learn to use it‟s dynamic interactions for their own growth and betterment as people, citizens and
Love, Honor and Respect are the words we live by. We hope you will join with us in this graceful
dance we call life. Ayibobo!
Mambo Vye Zo Komande la Menfo and Houngan Travay de Bo Miwa
And the Beloved Membership of Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
Copyright 2005 - 2016 Mambo Vye Zo Komande La Menfo/Sosyete du Marche, Inc.
This document if the sole property of Mambo Vye Zo Komande La Menfo a.k.a. Patricia Scheu, and is
not to be shared with any person without her express permission.