Volunteering Manual 2014-6 - Alcatel


Volunteering Manual 2014-6 - Alcatel
Table of Contents
Chapter – 1
Message from Elisabeth EUDE –
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation
Executive Director
Chapter – 2
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation Mission
Sustainability @ Alcatel-Lucent
Chapter – 3
Chapter – 6
Signature Program –
Campus in the Cloud
Chapter – 7
Signature Program 2011-2014
Chapter – 8
Grassroot programs
About the Foundation Message from Foundation Chairperson –
Janet Davidson
Chapter – 9
Chapter – 4
Chapter – 10
Message from Marco Malfavon –
Trustee on Alcatel-Lucent
Foundation Board
Ways to Volunteer
Volunteering Management Website
Chapter – 11
Ambassadors in Action
Chapter – 5
Global Days of Caring 2014
Chapter – 12
To Know More
Message from
Elisabeth EUDE
Executive Director, Alcatel-Lucent Foundation
On behalf of the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation, I sincerely thank you for your interest
in volunteering, and in particular, in the volunteering activities and programs of the
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation.
Many of us feel concerned by the people in need around us. We care. But in many
cases we just don’t know how or where to start to help. This handbook is designed
to help you find the volunteering program best suited to you and your availability.
There are many different ways to volunteer and help our communities, and it is
often much simpler than we think. Did you know for example that you could change
the future of disadvantaged young people on the other side of the world by simply
recording a 10 minute video on Campus in the Cloud? Did you know that the
Foundation supported programs in 35 countries in 2013, so there are most likely
some activities happening in your area.
Volunteering is very beneficial to our communities, but also extremely rewarding for
the volunteers themselves. Volunteering with the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation is
another way to connect with your colleagues, build a network of people with strong
values, live extraordinary experiences together, develop new skills outside of the
work environment, and to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Volunteering also matters to our business. Our foundation is preparing youth to
participate and innovate in the connected world. It is contributing to create a
virtuous ecosystem for innovation around our Shift plan: we provide the
ultra-broadband and cloud-based services on one side, and make sure societies are
ready to fully benefit from new opportunities offered by the digital economy and
can innovate on top of the network on the other side.
By engaging with the communities where we do business, we are also collectively
building the reputation and brand of Alcatel-Lucent.
Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life
by what we give.” By giving just a little bit of our time, our skills or our experience,
we can make a huge difference. The Alcatel-Lucent Foundation and its beneficiaries
are counting on you and wish you great fun volunteering!
Best regards,
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation Mission
The Alcatel-Lucent Foundation is preparing youth to participate and innovate in the
connected world. We do this through employee volunteerism, developing focused
partnerships and making in-kind donations in our communities around the globe.
The availability and reliability of ultra-broadband and cloud-based services are
great enablers of economic growth and the empowerment of populations. Through
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation, we want to make sure the next generation is ready to
benefit from new opportunities offered by the digital economy and can innovate on
top of the network.
Learn more and contribute: www.alcatel-lucent.com/foundation
Sustainability @ Alcatel-Lucent
At Alcatel-Lucent we are committed to make communications more sustainable,
more affordable and more accessible with a focus on Responsible Business
“Within The Shift Plan launched one year ago, we regard sustainability as a key
competitive differentiator in our activities and in our innovation. My ambition
is for Alcatel-Lucent to be the recognized worldwide leader in sustainability
and responsible business innovation for the technology industry. Furthermore,
sustainability is a real and important business driver in today’s digital economy.
Alcatel-Lucent will be proactively engaging with the industry, the financial
community in driving this forward.” Michel Combes, Alcatel-Lucent CEO
The Alcatel-Lucent Foundation plays a key role in our sustainability priorities
and values by supporting innovative thinking and digital inclusion of youth; and
doing this through the volunteering efforts and talents of our people, by
developing focused partnerships and by making in-kind donations in
communities we work in worldwide.
Learn more about our Sustainability activities and contribute:
About the Foundation
Message from Foundation Chairperson – Janet Davidson
In our daily lives, all of us often think of things we can do that can help our
friends, colleagues and neighbors and even sometimes people unknown to us. In
Alcatel-Lucent, we have a firm commitment to improve societies through
responsible business innovation. Achievements in this area are a matter of great
pride and regard. The Alcatel-Lucent Foundation also works towards it tirelessly in
all the markets where we are present.
We at the Foundation have made it our purpose to touch lives of thousands of
youth across the globe to empower them to uncover the limitless opportunities in
the digital economy, especially young women. We do this by creating opportunities
for the youth through access to education and skill development programs that will
raise their curiosity and interest in digital technology, help them create, play, invent
with digital tools. The pace of progress is increasing with many innovations in the
areas of health or education and the digital gap is becoming even more important
to solve. With greater digital inclusion, the youth will be better prepared to meet
tomorrow’s challenges.
With the existing talent pool within Alcatel-Lucent we know this can be a reality!
The Foundation works with various non-profit and non-governmental organizations
around the world, you will find details about them in this handbook. As you will
also know, in 2013 we partnered with 48 organizations around the world,
benefitting 65,600 youth, of which 61% are young women.
Many of you are already volunteering regularly all over the world to make a lasting
difference and the ongoing activities are a sure indicator of that. You have our
heartfelt thanks! However, we still need more of our colleagues to join the
movement and invest with their time so that we can achieve our
goals worldwide quickly and set an example in philanthropy. I
appeal to you all to invest your time with the Foundation in
spreading joy and pride across the world. Let us reach out
to those who need us most because we care.
Happy Volunteering!
Marco Malfavon
Trustee on Alcatel-Lucent Foundation,
shares his experience
Being able to help somebody in need or
contribute to a good cause is one of the greatest
joys in life. Over the last several years I have
been fortunate to participate in a number of
Alcatel-Lucent across Latin America. I know from
personal experience that the needs of our peoples
are huge but also that the potential to effect positive
change and help improve living conditions are
enormous if we apply our hearts and energy to it.
Working with the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation Board of Trustees has allowed me to
experience firsthand the transformative work that Alcatel-Lucent and the
Foundation are doing in our communities around the world. Our company business
is about connecting people and the work of the Foundation is contributing to
connect our teams with our communities, their cultures and their needs. From Latin
America to Asia, Europe and North America, Alcatel-Lucent volunteers are working
to address digital divide, education and other challenges. Seeing the work and
passion of our teams across the world has been an inspiration.
And with the launch of the 2014 Global Days of Caring we all have a new
opportunity to re-engage and connect with our communities and each other by
volunteering on behalf of Alcatel-Lucent. Submit a project or join one of the many
programs that we support globally. Become an Alcatel-Lucent volunteer and
contribute to make a difference in people’s lives!
Warm regards,
Global Days of Caring 2014
Global Days of Caring is a company-wide volunteering
initiative supported by the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation. It creates a
framework for employees to channel their energy and solidarity
through voluntarism, with an emphasis on the following goals:
• Bring the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation closer to employees
• Increase visibility of the Foundation projects and activities
• Foster a culture of voluntarism
• Create a sense of pride and engagement amongst
Alcatel-Lucent employees
• Increase our impact in line with the Foundation’s mission to prepare youth to
participate and innovate in the connected world, and uncover the limitless
opportunities of the digital economy
GDOC takes place from July 1st to November 30th 2014. The closing ceremony will
be held on December 5, on the International Volunteer Day. Check out the INFO KIT
for more details.
How to volunteer in 4 easy steps
1. Suggest an event in line with the Foundation mission by connecting to
the Volunteering Management website and registering your event here; OR sign
up as volunteer for the Grassroots Programs by registering for it on the
Volunteering Management Website - "Search for an event" - Grassroots
programs tab.
2. If you created a new event - Wait for the approval coming from the
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation team. If you sign up for a Grassroots Program - You
will receive a confirmation e-mail by the coordinator of the program
3. Proceed with your initiative and make sure you send us a short story about it!
4. The program coordinators will have to fill-in the Expense Reimbursement Form.
The Foundation can provide financial support in the form of "seed funding"
reimbursement (USD$ 500-700) after all the employees who volunteered for the
program register their volunteering hours on the Volunteering Management
Website: My page => Submit my hours
You can check-out the user guide for the Volunteering Management Website here!
Make sure you already have a profile and you are logged into the system before you click on the links above.
Signature Program Campus in the Cloud
Campus in the cloud is one of the two signature programs of the Alcatel-Lucent
Foundation, together with ConnectEd. An
Alcatel-Lucent employee in-kind initiative, the
program aims to bridge the knowledge gap for
those who have no or little access to education
by leveraging our in-house skills, talent and
communications technology.
You are encouraged to share your knowledge by
creating short, educational videos on various topics.
These videos are then shared using communications
technology with the beneficiaries of Alcatel-Lucent Foundation programs. The
main focus of the program is on developing skills and knowledge for work.
Get started in 5 easy steps:
1. Chose the theme and language you want to use between the selection here:
List of video topics & languages
2. Prepare 3-5 speaking points you want to talk about in your video
3. Ask a colleague to record you with your smartphone or a video camera. You
can also do it yourself if you prefer. It can even be done with your webcam.
But for sure doing it in a group will be much more fun!
4. Upload on: http://campus-in-the-cloud.alcatel-lucent.com/videoRegistration.php
5. Tell everyone to do the same!
For more information, see the FAQ here: Frequently Asked Questions
More details on the project: What is Campus in the Cloud?
"Campus in the Cloud" is the Alcatel-Lucent
Foundation's latest signature program!
Signature Program 2011-2014
ConnectEd is a partnership between Alcatel-Lucent and World Education. Based on
the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, it aims to see universal primary
education for all by 2015. Since launching in 2011, the program has had a positive
impact on the lives of 21,944 youth as of April 30, 2014.
Active in Australia, Brazil, China, India, and Indonesia last year, ConnectEd
addresses factors that limit the work and life options of disadvantaged youth (with
an emphasis on girls and women). The program puts a special focus on the use of
technology to transform educational, work and life outcomes. ConnectEd will
conclude as planned in four countries in 2014, continuing in Indonesia until 2015.
Among the volunteering highlights:
• Christine Diamente, Head of Brand and Corporate Sustainability, held Skype
sessions with three young women in Australia, discussing her career and how she
attained her current position. Follow-up session continued in 2014. The
Alcatel-Lucent staff in Australia facilitate Career Workshops for the students.
• Alexandra Birladianu and Gabriela Cano (Alcatel-Lucent Brazil) visited ConnectEd
Brazil in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, where ConnectEd works with young
people from low-income. Marco Malfavon, Communications Leader for
Alcatel-Lucent in Latin America, mentored some of the students via Skype.
• In China our employees worked to help less-advantaged students in migrant
schools and girls in rural areas. Among the activities: ICT trainings, life-skill
trainings, home visiting in Beijing and Shanghai, the Small Eyes, Big World Photo
Class & Light in the Corner Exhibition, peer reading activities and outings to the
zoo, aquariums or scientific museums. Read more >
• From Cairo, Radwa Hafez of the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation Board
videoconferenced with three young women in India for a conversation about
education and careers. These first-generation learners were among a hundred
others from their locality supported by ConnectEd.
• In Indonesia, ConnectEd students visited the Alcatel-Lucent office in Jakarta to
interact with Frederic Chapelard (Board Member of the Alcatel-Lucent
Foundation), Bobby Rasyidin (President Director of Alcatel-Lucent Indonesia) and
Dodi A. Aziz (HR Director of Alcatel-Lucent Indonesia).
Click here to find out more about ConnectEd!
Since ConnectEd began in April 2011 we have worked
with 21,944 youth. All through the program, digital
inclusion and literacy have had a strong focus, and just in
Year 3 of ConnectEd alone, 9,503 youngsters accessed
ICT and developed their ICT skills in various ways.
Grassroot programs
Working with the company’s various regions, the Foundation funded 48 Grassroots
programs in 19 countries last year. +4,900 Alcatel-Lucent employees donated
approximately 34,500 volunteering hours. Through all of these initiatives, the total
number of those benefiting from Alcatel-Lucent Foundation activities around the
world was 65,600 children and young adults from disadvantaged communities. In
2014 the Foundation will continue to support its programs and increase in-person
and virtual volunteering, pro-bono skills sharing and mentoring.
Choose one of our grassroot programs and volunteer:
All Grassroots Programs:
Providing Students In Western Sichuan With Education Opportunities with BEBF
New Great Wall: Self-Improvement Classes for Poverty-Stricken Students
Fostering Character Building, Creativity And Leadership with JA China
Empowering Children, Removing Discrimination with Beijing Brooks
Empowering Young Women for the World of Work with Prerana Resource Center
Educating for Economic Freedom with SOS Children's Villages
Vocational Training and Social Transformation for the Underprivileged with SGBS Trust
Life Skills for Underprivileged Youth with ARUWE
Helping Women and Children to Get Work Skills and Education with Faith Foundation
Helping Street Kids with Non-Formal Education with BECC India
Providing for the holistic needs of orphans and abandoned children with CHILD
Developing ICT Skills in Thailand with EDF Thailand
Grassroot programs
Belgium and Egypt
New Lessons, New Life with Mothers at Risk
Improving Education through Technology with
Instituto Ayrton Senna
Reinforcing the Learning Abilities of Children
Enrolled in Public Schools with Banati
Education for Underserved Girls with AUEED
Social Inclusion and Restoring Confidence in
Street Children with Samusocial International
Become their Mentor with Injaz Egypt
France and Worldwide
Towards Economic Independence with
Passeport Avenir
Food Security through Education and Women
Empowerment with Kenya Red Cross
Making School Education a Reality with SOS
Children's Villages
Entrepreneurship Masterclass with Injaz
Achieving Self Sufficiency Through Coaching
and Mentoring with SOS Children's Villages
Women's Act with Foundation for Poland
South Africa
A Step Towards Employment with VCI
Building New Life Opportunities for Youth
through Digital Inclusion with Fundacion Adsis
Helping Poor Single Mothers through
Technology with iSisters
Developing Business and Entrepreneurial
Skills in High School with JA Canada
STAR Scholarship Program with EWL
Preparing Young People For Success with JA
Encouraging Students to Explore the World
of Science with Frisco Education Foundation
Empowering Youth for Economic Success
with JA Chicago
Boosting Confidence through Language
Training with Catholic Charities of LA
Preparing Young People for a Financially
Stable Future with JA New Jersey
Empowering Students to Become 21st
Century Global Citizens with Oiada
Empowering Young Disadvantaged Girls
Through IT Training with Superatec
Ways to Volunteer
With the Alcatel-Lucent Foundation in 2014
If you want to volunteer with Alcatel-Lucent Foundation,
please register on the Alcatel-Lucent’s Volunteering Management Website
Make an educational video for
our new signature program,
Campus in the cloud on a
topic of your choice
Be a mentor in one of the
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation programs
Assist a teacher or
teach a foreign
language or a
subject you are
comfortable with
Donate clothes
and books for the
less fortunate
Host a
Career Day
Speak about
your career
path and what
it means to be
successful for
Submit and
coordinate a
project for the
Global Days of
Caring 2014
Volunteering Management
This is your personal volunteering management space. You can search and join
various causes, keeping in mind your skills and time availability. This website,
which allows you to set and track your volunteering hours and goals, also lets
you view the event/program reports and get information about the events in
your area.
If you want to volunteer with Alcatel-Lucent Foundation, please register on the
Alcatel-Lucent’s Volunteering Management Website.
You can download the user guide here.
Ambassadors in Action
Melissa Vernon, Alcatel-Lucent USA
Nothing can compare to the feeling I have once I have
completed a volunteer assignment. Volunteering allows me to
give back to our community and make it a better place. Today
I may be the person with the ability to help, but tomorrow I
may be the recipient of someone else's volunteer effort.
Nthabi Mashilwane, Alcatel-Lucent South Africa
My volunteering in our company CSR priorities provide me with
greater purpose in my daily activities. It is a quest for
meaningful work-life balance, considering the value add and
partnerships with the community. Volunteerism has, over the
years, enhanced my professional networks, which gave me value
far beyond my professional career. Through volunteerism I get a
personal meaning that results in my self-fulfillment.
LIU Yiqing, Alcatel-Lucent China
I volunteer because many of my colleagues in ALU are
volunteers too. They shared their interesting stories and
photos with me, so I thought why not be a member of the
team? In 2013, ASB launched a series of photography lessons
for the migrant children. As I’m good at taking photos, I
volunteered as teacher and shared with them my experience
and knowledge. I had a really good time volunteering!
34 Volunteering Events were Registered
for Global Day of Caring 2013 Edition!
Terri Tauber – Alcatel-Lucent USA
I started volunteering locally when my children were in
elementary school as a way of giving back to the community
and setting an example for my kids. Now that they are grown
and I have more time, I serve on the board of a theater
company, I’m a member of the Summit Elks Lodge and I run
our high school’s Project Graduation event. Through
Alcatel-Lucent, I volunteer for Junior Achievement of NJ and I
co-chair our Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
program. After all these years, I still find volunteering to be
very rewarding!
Nataly Leal, Alcatel-Lucent Colombia
I'm a volunteer to favor the peace and the worldwide
development. The voluntary work can transform the pace and
nature of development and it benefits both society and
volunteers. With significant contributions in both economic and
social terms, this activity contributes to the creation of a more
cohesive society by building trust and reciprocity among
citizens. To volunteer is often a challenge, but it also means
acquiring new knowledge and performing rewarding activities.
Each volunteer brings his knowledge, while learning to better
understand the problems faced by others. I’m happy, I’m a
WAN Haifeng, Alcatel-Lucent China
I benefited from good education and I hope all children can
have equal chances to receive good education. As a volunteer,
I joined the “BEBF” program to help these children from poor
families. Years by years, with this project continuous help,
these children have finished their middle school education and
some of them are learning in high school now. I really feel
happy to spread hope and love.
In the final year alone, employees filled
2,171 volunteer placements and contributed
to ConnectEd, positively impacting 11,755
youth, teachers and parents!
More than 478 employees gave their
time and support during GDOC 2013,
benefiting more than 5,525 people
Emma FERNANDEZ, Alcatel-Lucent Venezuela
“Is not enough to feel sorry for other that needs help, it is
necessary to do something for them”... Is impressive to see how
with a few little things done by each one of us, we can make
the difference. It won’t be the difference for the world, but for
sure will be the difference for that ones who receive our hand.
Give back a little of what life has given to us! If we help a
child in need today, he will become a better person, a person
who you won´t be afraid to find in your way tomorrow. You
can help from your element: sharing your knowledge, your
time, donate your used clothes or your children old toys,
sowing in them the seeds of help. The feeling we have each
time that we made the difference for someone, I assure you,
it’s something awesome!
Liliana Hernandez, Alcatel-Lucent Mexico
I feel lucky to be able to volunteer because it gives me the
opportunity to support incredible causes. Sometimes we do not
realize the potential we have as human beings to become
volunteers and how much we can contribute to our society until
someone says, "thank you, without your support this would not
be possible." Just at that moment, when someone gives you a
smile for your good deeds and you know you changed their
mood, is when you feel the satisfaction that perhaps you
already changed someone´s life.
Bimpe AYO-ELIAS, Alcatel-Lucent NIGERIA
I volunteer so I can positively impact the less-privileged in my
country, society and neighborhood and make life meaningful
for them through different life-changing initiatives.
WANG Wenjie, Alcatel-Lucent China
Helping people
Gabriela Cano, Alcatel-Lucent Brasil
I volunteer because the greatest feeling you can have in life is
to make someone feel good about him/herself. Everyone in this
world should have at least once the opportunity to actually do
something for another person because at the end of the day
you are actually doing something for yourself. Giving is the
most wonderful gift in life!
Raymond Corral, Alcatel-Lucent USA
Giving back to the community is a way to remind myself of the
many blessings that I have. My dad was also one to give of
himself so willingly that he passed it down to me. I learned so
much from him that the words “Love thy neighbor” really have
true meaning.
MENG Yue, Alcatel-Lucent China
As a volunteer, I can collect the most beautiful smiles from
around the world, and it’s enough.
In 2013, over 2,000 employees in China
volunteered for over 13,000 hours,
enabling the company to receive
several honors for its CSR activities.
Sherine El-Soussy, Alcatel-Lucent Egypt
Volunteering gives us a better chance to meet and interact with
people from different walks of life. It teaches us to count our
blessings and experience real life diversity. It opens up our
minds and gets us more in touch with our real surroundings.
We all need to believe in our efforts and believe that we can
make a difference.
Yves Charreire, Alcatel-Lucent France
Volunteering could be seen as helping other people to progress,
but that is not it. For me this was probably far more a selfish
attitude to learn something different and to be a sponge for
new ideas, a new way to look for innovation. Listening is not
only a gift for the person you listen, this is a common present.
Roger Ghorayeb, Alcatel-Lucent Lebanon
I am thankful to get the opportunity to volunteer together with
my team , visiting the old women shelter and spend the day
with them. It was thoughtful and a heart touching initiative. I
think it shows unselfishness and dedication to help and serve
others… May this day go beyond celebration. I hope to see in
the coming years concrete impact on the society, where women
become really equal to men and not only in wishful thinking
and words!
WANG Futang, Alcatel-Lucent China
I trust if what I do is helpful and valuable for others it’s good
to be done, and I’ll just do it. My small step may be big help
to others. It’s such a good thing that helping others is rewarded
with sincere smiles.
48 multi-year programs
supported in 19 countries
in 2013
In 2013, +4,900 Alcatel-Lucent employees
donated approximately 34,500 hours to 119
goodwill projects in 35 countries
Bedis Ben Hadj Ayech, Alcatel-Lucent Senegal
Volunteering for me is a must. I believe everyone deserves to
be helped. My experience was amazing because I witnessed the
solidarity and the sense of sharing the kids have. The littlest
thing they have, they share it among themselves. And that
really touched me. These children are hopeful and optimistic
despite the situations they are going through. They manage to
hang in there. Life is too short and no one knows what
tomorrow is made of. I try my best to give a lending hand as
much as I can because it is important to give back to the
community you live in.
GUO Yan, Alcatel-Lucent China
Being a volunteer is good way to discover myself, and it
actually gave me much more than I expected.
Tarik El Amrani, Alcatel-Lucent Morocco
I have to say that it was a great and rewarding moment this
Saturday… with a class of teenagers eager to discover the
business world towards Alcatel-Lucent. I am sure if they pass
nearby our office they will see us with other eyes. Great
memories that will remain etched in me. I would love to
participate again.
Rita EMDIN, Alcatel-Lucent Nigeria
It is a great opportunity to give back to the society. Personally,
I get fulfillment when I touch lives positively.
Philip SAKWA, Alcatel-Lucent Kenya
I volunteer because it gives me energy and satisfaction when I
am part of an activity that brings positive change to
underprivileged societies/communities, and improves lives. I
think our society makes us who we are and giving back in any
way is very rewarding for me.
Ahmed Harraz & Khaled Ayman,
Alcatel-Lucent Egypt
Being a part of My Environment program with Injaz
was an uplifting experience, for us and the school
children. It was a chance to represent ourselves & ALU
as being positive contributors towards our community.
Without a doubt, the future of this country depends
on the youth; we must all do our part in educating
these kids on how to collectively preserve our natural
resources and surrounding environment.
Peter Burns, Alcatel-Lucent USA
‘Giving back’, should not just be a cliché we use randomly; it
should be the fuel that energizes our efforts to make a positive
difference in the lives of others and our community.
Ravikumar Calyanakoti, Alcatel-Lucent USA
Volunteering helps channelize my knowledge and energy into
something that makes a difference in other people's lives. It
gives me a sense of fulfillment. I also see it as 'getting back' in
the sense that I learn from the experiences it offers, which
helps shape me as a better person.
The total number of those benefiting from
Alcatel-Lucent Foundation activities last
year was 65,600 children and young adults
from disadvantaged communities
To Know More
If you want to volunteer with Alcatel-Lucent Foundation, please register on the
Alcatel-Lucent’s Volunteering Management Website.
If you want to know more, you can send an email to Elisabeth Eude,
Alcatel-Lucent's Executive Director at: elisabeth.eude@alcatel-lucent.com
Useful links:
Foundation Homepage: www.alcatel-lucent.com/foundation
Volunteering Management Website:
User guide: https://engage.alcatel-lucent.com/docs/DOC-164436
Engage: https://engage.alcatel-lucent.com/groups/alu-foundation
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AlcatelLucentFoundation
Flickr: www.flickr.com/alcatel_lucent_foundation/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ALU_Foundation