have you signed your commitment form for 2012?


have you signed your commitment form for 2012?
Casa lake county’s volunteer newsletter
Each year CASA Lake County asks our volunteers to reassess and recommit to serving
our children and our program. By now, you should have received an email from your Advocate Manager containing the commitment form for you to fill out and return. Please
contact your manager if you have not received this email. And if you received the email
and have not responded, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you!
CASA Lake County Statement of Commitment
I understand the duties involved in working as a CASA volunteer and accept the responsibility that
they require.
I will continue to commit myself to the requirements of time that being a CASA volunteer entails. I
understand that this averages about 10-15 hours/month.
I understand that I should provide my Advocate Manager with a court report at least 10 business
days before any hearing that requires one.
I understand that I should attend all court hearings and Administrative Case Reviews (ACRs) whenever possible.
I will conduct myself professionally, performing duties as a CASA volunteer, including maintaining
confidentiality on all cases for which I have knowledge.
Confidentiality Agreement
As a CASA volunteer, you may need to obtain information from doctors, psychiatrists, psychologists,
social workers, attorneys, clergy, teachers or other professionals who have protected relationship
status with a party or the child. You must adhere to ALL confidentiality guidelines and must respect the privacy of others in all matters relating to your work. The following guidelines govern circumstances in which you request, receive or provide information.
I understand that I must disclose confidential information learned when writing my report to the
Note: The Court must be provided all significant case specifics known to the CASA.
I understand that I must disclose confidential information learned when consulting with the
Director, Advocate Manager, or GAL.
I understand that I must disclose confidential information as required in my role as a mandated reporter
Note: To review mandated reporter requirements, visit
I understand that I may disclose confidential information and discuss case specifics when consulting
with DCFS.
Note: This provision also applies to DCFS contracted agencies.
I understand that I may discuss a case in hypothetical terms for the purpose of illustration at professional meetings designed to address issues promoting the best interests of children.
Note: I shall not mention the names of any individual involved or provide facts which may identify
the case or parties in any way.
I understand that I may never disclose the address where children are placed nor the names of the
foster parents to any party.
Note: The foster parents' names and addresses must not be provided in my court reports
I understand that I shall never discuss any case for purely conversational purposes, particularly in
specific terms, with anyone.
I understand that I will not promise a child or any party to the assigned case that his/her statements
will be kept secret or confidential.
Note: e.g. as a mandated reporter, sometimes you are required to report certain information.
I understand that I am not allowed to disseminate documents to any of the parties, their attorneys
and/or the collateral sources which are covered by state and/or federal confidentiality laws.
Note: Information should, instead, be provided by the social service agency working with the family.
I understand that cases involving parties who are known to the CASA program as being HIV positive or having AIDS are governed by an additional confidentiality protocol.
Note: Contact your Advocate Manager immediately if you learn that your case involves HIV/AIDS.
He/she will notify you of proper procedures.
I understand that failure to adhere to the guidelines above may result in dismissal from my case and
the CASA Lake County program.
If you have not yet completed CASA Lake County’s Annual Confidentiality/Recommitment
requirement, please contact your Advocate Manager!
Ask Claudia!
By Program Counsel/Director of Operations Claudia Lovelette
I just found out that my CASA child is taking an antidepressant. What should I, as the
CASA, be watching for?
Many of the children we work with are prescribed psychotropic medications, and there have been
many stories in the news about overmedication of children in foster care. In response to these and
other reported abuses of psychotropic medications, Illinois recently adopted the Administration of
Psychotropic Medications to Children Act. In response to that Act, DCFS has amended its rules
relating to administration of psychotropic medications on an emergency basis and issued Guidelines
for use of these medications. (A link to these Guidelines can be found at http://www.state.il.us/dcfs/policy/
As CASAs, we are not physicians or therapists, but there is information we can gather to ensure that the court can
effectively oversee the treatment our children receive for mental health problems. Based upon the DCFS guidelines,
here are some suggested questions a CASA might ask about his or her child’s treatment:
1. Has my child been informed by his or her treating clinician about the potential benefits as well as the side
effects of the medication? Does my child understand the prognosis without the medication? Has he or she
been informed of alternatives to medication? Is there a realistic chance that psychotropic medication therapy
can be effective if the child opposes taking the drug? Even if the child is too young to consent, it is important
that he or she understand, at an age appropriate level, how the drug might make them feel.
2. Has my child been given a comprehensive treatment plan that includes other psychosocial and behavioral
interventions? DCFS’s Guidelines expressly state that medications are not to be used in place of these
interventions. Has the child been given an opportunity to address mental health issues through consistent
counseling before resorting to medication?
3. Has my child had a complete diagnostic assessment and medical history before starting on a psychotropic
medication? Our children often lack a consistent caregiver who can reliably describe the child’s history. We
should also watch for caregivers who exaggerate a child’s symptoms or behaviors out of frustration or to blame
the child for what may be their own shortcomings.
4. Has the prescribing physician been provided a complete list of other medications the child is taking?
5. Who will monitor the ongoing use of this medication? Does the treatment plan call for close oversight of the
child for side effects and needed adjustments to the dosage in the early stage of treatment? Does the caregiver
understand proper administration and dosage of the medication?
6. What safeguards are in place to ensure that the child will receive consistent care and oversight of the
medication? Who is responsible for observing the child and keeping a record of the efficacy and/or side effects
of the medication? Who will take the child to doctor’s appointments for monitoring the medication?
7. If you child has been prescribed psychotropic medication during a hospitalization, what is the plan for
aftercare and follow up to ensure continued medication monitoring and consistent treatment?
Children in foster care have little power over their lives and often lack a consistent, concerned adult to monitor
their treatment. Misuse of psychotropic medications can have devastating, long-lasting effects on our CASA
children. It is critical that we, as CASAs, step up to ensure that the court is fully informed on this issue.
From left to right: CASA staff Mary Neu-Stoppelman, Hope May and Wendy LaPlaca.
WE Care Organizers Heidi Sparacino, Wendy Apple, and Erin Kerpel.
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!
This holiday season was filled with kindness and generosity from some very special friends of
CASA. CASA children of all ages were fortunate to receive handmade gift boxes gathered by Girl
Scouts and other community groups. The boxes were filled with age-appropriate goodies such as
socks, t-shirts, candy, gum, and small toys. What fun! CASA friend Marla Shell coordinated all of
the gift boxes. Thank you Marla, for a great job! Another friend of CASA wanted to make the holidays special
for children in need and reached out to offer her help. Audrey Somers and her family provided needed clothing
and other items for one family who recently came into the court system and were without resources for the holidays. Thank you so much, you really made a difference for these children.
Advocate Jody Seligman and husband Richard and associates, friends and family gave generously again this
year by donating a wonderful supply of toys that were passed on to our CASA children. Thank you for thinking
of us and helping to make the holidays so much brighter!
A special thank you to the families and friends from Walden Elementary School in Deerfield. This year marked
the third annual WE Care for CASA event. Our friends from Walden Elementary spent weeks preparing information cards about things needed by our CASA children and passing those on to their friends and families. On
December 16th, 2011 they delivered over 600 needed items to our office for our CASA children. We are grateful
to all of the families and the community of Walden Elementary School for selecting CASA Lake County for their
outreach effort. Thank you to Heidi Sparacino who selflessly coordinated the whole project and did a wonderful
job! Thank you all for supporting CASA Lake County and for your great kindness and generosity. So many
children benefitted from your efforts.
Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!!
Another fabulous effort, spearheaded for the second year by Advocate Amy FoorNoland, involved twelve Starbuck stores and their customers. Thanks to District Manager
Kelly Tadelman and Lake Zurich Store Managers Ariana Bajramovic and Marcus Lyles (who
headed up the program in 2010 and 2011 respectively) and their affiliates, Starbucks collected over one hundred brand new winter jackets and snow pants as well as dozens of packages of underwear and socks for distribution to our CASA children. Now all we need is snow!
Thank you for such an outpouring of concern and holiday generosity.
Check out the CASA Lake County FACEBOOK page for upcoming events and useful and
interesting articles concerning child abuse and advocacy. Please click “Like” !! Ask your
friends to support us in this way as well.
Boys Hope Girls Hope is a privately funded, non-profit, multi-denominational organization that provides atrisk children with a stable home, high quality education, and the support they need to reach their full potential. They accept motivated and capable Scholars who possess the desire to change their lives.
Advocate Kristyn Gibson passed along this agency information. Check out their website at www.boyshopegirlshope.org
Friday, March 16, 2012 in Champaign, IL
This annual conference is a one-day event with a variety of workshops including:
Child Trauma, Sexual Abuse, DCFS Panel, Interviewing and Reporting, Building Relationships
Holly Schlaack, author of “Invisible Kids”
Please check website for registration information and agenda
Continuing education credits awarded
To new CASA Shadisha Bennett Brodde for getting up to date
on her case so quickly! Shadisha showed up for her first meeting
with her manager with three pages of questions!
To Alex Dominguez for being the CASA for a young child for
over a year. When protective custody was taken of her CASA
child’s newborn sibling, Alex immediately agreed to be the CASA for this child. Thank you, Alex,
for being a voice for these two young children.
To Carolyn Gable for successfully advocating to have her CASA child, who suffered from failure
to thrive, referred to a medical specialist. It took months to make it happen, but an appointment
has been made and her child will finally get the medical attention she needs.
To Lynn Goffman for advocating for her large CASA family. With Lynn’s background as a
social worker, Lynn uses her expertise to let the court know what is going on in the lives of her
CASA children. Because of the different ages of the children in the family, each of the children
has unique needs. Thank you, Lynn, for being the eyes and the ears of the court for all your
CASA children.
To Madge Gonzalez for successfully closing her third case as a CASA. Madge’s monitoring
helped ensure her CASA child’s well being and provided support to the family.
To Meg Hamilton, who for over three years has attended school staffings twice per month to
ensure that her CASA child’s myriad of needs are continually being met.
To Robin Henn for the many hours it took to help her CASA child move and get settled in her
new placement. She transported all her CASA child’s belongings to her new placement, and
facilitated transportation of the CASA child to her new placement. In addition, she continues to
make sure that her CASA child’s medical needs are being met. Thank you, Robin, for all you’ve
done for your CASA child.
To Nancy Knight for successfully advocating to keep a case open so that the family could can to
receive services that will help stabilize their potentially volatile situation.
To Julie Langley and Jody Seligman for doing an outstanding job of relationship building
with an unreceptive party. Their obvious concern for the children’s best interest and their
objectivity are helping to break down barriers to communication and collaboration on their case.
To Scott Marler for taking a new case. After recently completing his first case, Scott agreed to
take a second case. Thank you Scott, for being the eyes and the ears of the court for your young
CASA child.
To Lynn Mason for her constant attention to her case that involves five children and three
different foster homes! Great job Lynn!
To Terri McDonnell for advocating tirelessly for her CASA teen as he endured a health crisis
and weeks of protracted placement uncertainty in the midst of the year-end holidays.
To Stephanie Nagel for completing her first case which ended happily with her CASA child
back with his NM.
new CASA Haydon Logan Paquin and her CASA partner, Becky Scheuneman, for
locating last-minute donations to put presents under the tree for the five children in their new
To Belinda Reed for successfully closing your first CASA case. Your CASA children greatly
benefitted from your attention, advocacy, and great concern.
To Jim Sayre for maintaining contact with his adult CASA child after he insisted on leaving
the system early against the advice of DCFS and the court. Jim has patiently worked with this
young man as he struggles to achieve independence without the assistance of DCFS.
To Jacki Scott for accepting a difficult new case advocating for a child living in a very tense
family situation. Jacki has already won the confidence of family members and will be working
with everyone to determine a path to safe and healthy permanency for her child.
To Andi Sperling for sticking by a difficult teen who is also a mother. The holidays were not
easy for this teen and Andi took the time needed during this busy season to make sure she was
there for her CASA teen!
To Susan Stern for being a constant in her CASA child’s life. Although natural mom has not
been consistently involved in her daughter’s life, Susan has been there for her CASA child.
Susan continues to inform the court of any needs of her CASA child. Thank you, Susan, for all
you do for your CASA child.
To Barbara Unikel for recently accepting a case with four siblings in three foster homes. We
appreciate Barbara's willingness to make multiple home visits each month, plus all the other
work involved in this case.
The CASA Closet is a donated storage unit in Northbrook at Shermer and Willow filled with a plethora of donated clothing, books, and toys for our CASA
Thanks to wonderful Advocates Angie Affolter and Barb Howard (who rule the
Closet roost!), items can be acquired by:
Contacting Angie via email/phone with the sizes and types of clothes/items
you need which will be dropped off at the Forest Edge office for pick-up
Contacting Barb to schedule a time to meet at the storage unit to “shop til
you drop‖ yourself!
Because we have limited space, we are unable to keep furniture and larger pieces of toys and baby gear, but
we know these items are often needed in your cases. For this reason, we have a group on Google.com where
you can sign-up to receive information about items that are needed by other CASAs and agencies, and to request those larger items for your own CASA families. You can choose to receive e-mails as they are posted, or
you can choose to receive no more than one a day. We're calling it the "CASA Swap Shop" and we're asking
that all CASAs sign-up to participate.
Angie and Barb could use additional help as well with stocking items and assisting occasional shoppers...if
you live in the Northbrook area and could volunteer, please call Barb.
To request items, donate, volunteer, or sign-up for the CASA Swap Shop, please contact Angie Affolter:
angieaffolter@aol.com or 847-525-9511
To schedule a ―shopping extravaganza‖ or to offer to help at the storage unit, contact Barb Howard:
bardezign@comcast.net or 847-446-1780
NOTE: Please plan to provide Angie and Barb with at least one week’s notice in advance of your date for drop off/delivery of items.
Celebrating 18 Years of Child Advocacy
Monday, April 16, 2012
6:00 P.M.
Kemper Lakes Golf Club
Invitations to be sent soon!
ONLINE Continuing Education Opportunities
In addition to our in-services and mentor meetings, there are other ways for volunteers to
develop their advocacy skills and earn continuing education credits. Read a book! Watch
a movie! Or try one (or more!) of these online opportunities!
If you haven’t surfed around the national CASA website lately, now’s the time to do it! Log into
www.casaforchildren.org and select PODCASTS from the News and Events section. There you
will see many, many podcasts that you can download and view. The incredible variety of topics is
updated frequently, so make this a ―Favorite‖ on your computer! The duration of each podcast
varies, as will continuing ed. credits for completing.
CASA Kane County has created educational podcasts that you can view from the comfort of your
own home! Just log into www.casakanecounty.org and select PODCASTS from the CURRENT
ADVOCATE section of the home page. Podcasts No. 2 through 13, each lasting 20-30 minutes,
will earn 1 continuing ed. credit. Learn more about IEPs, CAYITs, ACRs, and more!
Harvard University provides twelve one-hour episodes of Justice with Michael Sandel on their
website— http://justiceharvard.org. Just select EPISODE GUIDE from their home page review a
summary of each episode. Perhaps you can improve your cultural competence and social consciousness by viewing each of these episodes in chronological order. Each episode earns one continuing ed credit.
REMEMBER! To receive credit for your participation, you must complete the Continuing Education
Form located on the volunteer pages of our CASA Lake County website.
Curious about whether you’ve fulfilled your 2011 continuing education requirements?
Contact Mary Bird-Parks for update. Mbirdparks@casalakecounty.com
Continuing Education Opportunities
Lucky You!! It’s a Sweet Thing!
Connect with other Volunteers
Share resources, success stories, and frustrations
Learn from one another! Strategize!
Receive staff support and education
(and earn continuing education credits!)
FEBRUARY 7 from 9:30—11:30
Hosted by Andy Tick and Dick Hulseman
FEBRUARY 29 from 9:30—11:30
Hosted by Brenda Buranosky and Mary Neu-Stoppelman
MARCH 16 from 9:30—11:3
Hosted by Debby Parry and Hope May
All manager mentor meetings are held at the CASA Lake County Forest Edge Office in Vernon Hills
Attendance limited to manager(s) group(s)
To enroll, contact your Advocate Manager
Two continuing education hours will be earned
Please contact hosts to enroll.
CASA Book Club: Thursday, February 9th from 6:00—8:00 p.m.
GLASS CASTLES by Jeanette Walls
Facilitated by Brenda Buranosky and Mary Neu-Stoppelman. All are welcome! 5 CEUs
bburanosky@casalakecounty.com; mneustoppelman@casalakecounty.com
Teen Group: Friday, February 17th from 9:30—11:30 a.m.
Facilitated by Hope May and Debby Parry. For ALL CASAs advocating for teens! 2 CEUs
dparry@casalakecounty.com; hmay@casalakeocunty.com
Continuing Education Opportunities
CASA Lake County is providing an opportunity for you to view the film
A film by Jennifer Dworkin
February 24, 2012
At the CASA Lake County Administration Office
700 Forest Edge Drive
Vernon Hills, IL
ONLY ONE SHOWING: 9:30—12:15 p.m.
Coffee Served at 9:15; film to start promptly at 9:30
Critically acclaimed, and winner of countless industry awards, LOVE & DIANE tells the remarkable story of a mother and
her children reunited after being apart for six years At its heart lies the highly charged relationship between a mother and
daughter desperate for love and forgiveness. Ultimately uplifting, LOVE & DIANE is a real life triumph of the spirit and a
profoundly moving portrait of a family surviving in spite of insurmountable odds.
To enroll, contact Mary Bird-Parks at mbirdparks@casalakecounty.com or call the CASA office at 847/383-6260 ex 202
Three continuing education hours will be earned.
Liza Simon-Roper, ACSW, LCSW
Clinical Supervisor, One Hope United
Thursday, March 22, 2012 6:00—8:00 p.m.
In-services held at
CASA Lake County
Deborah May, LCSW
Vernon Hills 60061
Senior Vice-President Operations, ABTC
Thursday, May 17th 9:30—11:30 a.m.
6:00— 8:00 p.m.
700 Forest Edge Drive
Enroll by contacting Mary Bird-Parks at
Stipulate date of in-service and session if
applicable. Two continuing ed credits will
be earned for each in-service attended.
Welcome New Advocates!
Sworn in Thursday, January 19, 2012
Left to right: Cleveland Tyson, Susanne von Borcke, Julia Tanneberger, Kathy
Worman, Judge Ceckowski, Jenny Zinser, Judge Lessman, Crystal Northern,
Shadisha Bennett Brodde, Gayle Tavares, Diane Kovarik, Amy Ho Bless
Shadisha Khallilah Bennett Brodde, a Lindenhurst resident, discovered CASA while surfing the Internet. A
Substance Abuse Counselor who recently passed her LSKA exam, Shadisha has also worked professionally with
behaviorally and emotionally disturbed children. With a Master’s Degree in Community Counseling, Shadisha brings a
wealth of experience to her role as advocate. Her home-schooled 16-year-old son is also a testament to her broad range of
hands-on knowledge. Shadisha, a U.S. citizen, is originally from Jamaica and enjoys spending time reading, listening to
music, and spending time with her husband, son and extended family. Her volunteer experience includes the Zacharias
Center sexual abuse hotline.
Amy Ho Bless lives in Gurnee and discovered CASA researching opportunities to help children. With a degree in law
from De Paul, Amy’s experience is in private practice specializing in matrimonial law with experience in Chapter 7
bankruptcy, minor criminal law and real estate. Over the years, she has also done pro bono work as a legal
representative,. Her hobbies include travel and real estate. Currently, Amy and husband Bob are reveling in the custody
of his two sons ages 9 and 13 as well as two boxers and one Siamese cat!!
Diane Kovarik comes to CASA courtesy of an article in the Daily Herald. Currently a home stager and tri-athlete, Diane
worked for Motorola for nineteen years in a variety of financial and material management functions and at CDW for five
years. Diane lives in Grayslake and has an MBA from Northwestern University. Diane and husband Tom have two
children ages 16 and 13 and two golden doodles. She enjoys genealogy and collecting Noritake art deco china and
SHOPPING. CASA Closet – here she comes!
Welcome New Advocates
Crystal Northern, a resident of Round Lake, heard about CASA from our best referral source – another CASA! An
educator by avocation, Crystal’s background includes teaching and student affairs administration work, as well as customer service and retail experience. Crystal volunteers extensively with her church and sorority as well as the local
housing authority. She and husband David are busy two very active school-age children and enjoy working out, reading, and traveling.
Julia Tanneberger feels passionately that she’s found her volunteer home at CASA Lake County and that the child
in her case was meant just for her. A Lindenhurst resident and exemplary student hoping to become a psychiatric
nurse, Julia also heard about CASA through Internet research. Owner/founder of Helpful Hands of Lake County, an in
-home services and care organization, Julia and ―wonderful husband Bryan‖ have three school-age children and they
all enjoy music, dancing, reading and anything outdoors. Pet rescue is a passion for this family who include as members a mastiff, a chocolate lab, a bunny, turtle, and bearded dragon!
Gayle Tavares lives in Vernon Hills and heard about CASA several years ago while teaching at Arden Shores Home
for Boys when it was a residential facility. A recently retired Special Education teacher, behavior consultant and transition consultant in the local public schools, Gayle and husband have two adult sons and enjoy traveling, reading, and
technology. She also volunteers for Meals on Wheels.
Cleveland Tyson, a Buffalo Grove resident and long-time donor to CASA Lake County, decided to check out our volunteer opportunities while reading a donation flyer! After many diverse life experiences including being a Marine in
Viet Nam, a Chicago police officer, a Chicago school teacher, and an attorney/senior management executive in the
health insurance industry and private practice, Cleveland is currently retired and looking for even more challenges.
He and his wife enjoy two daughters and two grandchildren as well as travel, reading, movies and dining out. Cleveland also volunteers as an attorney at expungement fairs in Cook County.
Susanne von Borcke comes to CASA through her volunteer work at Catholic Charities and her friendships with active advocates Juliann Abderholden and Kathy Brosmith. A German native and current Lake Forest resident, Susi
recently moved back to the area and enjoys reading, playing the piano, and her work as a registered yoga teacher. Fluent in four languages with a B.A. in International Economics, Susi trained as a bond sales person. She also volunteers
as a substitute teacher at Holy Cross School. Susi and husband Erik have three school-age sons.
Kathy Worman, a recent transplant from the Deep South and current Grayslake resident, read about CASA in a local
newspaper and feels it continues her work in her much-loved field of social work. Kathy enjoys baking and cooking and
is also a runner who loves all sports and the out-of-doors. Her volunteer work includes helping to launch the opening
of a home for young pregnant women and a ministry for a maximum security women’s prison through her church.
Kathy and her husband of 35 years, Dave, enjoy three adult children and two beloved granddaughters.
Lake Forest resident Jenny Zinser read about CASA in a local online newspaper and more importantly from current
advocate Joan Shannahan. Another great referral! She worked in commercial real estate in Chicago before retiring to
raise three children with husband Jim. Jenny’s extensive volunteer experience includes Greenhouse, A Safe Place,
Spirit of ’67 Foundation and the Lake Forest Junior Women’s Club. Currently, she spends time at the Mercy Home for
Boys and Girls, Lake Forest High School Foundation, and District 67 Association of Parents and Teachers. Jenny particularly loves skiing, all water sports, tennis, yoga, scuba diving and reading. Her family also regularly hosts and enjoys foreign exchange students.
CASA University continues 2012 with a full training class beginning February 13th. You, our
current volunteers, are our best recruits. Tell your friends about the
rewards of becoming a CASA volunteer!
Evening Training Session: Begins on Monday, February 13, 2012. The six-week
session will be held on Monday and Wednesday nights from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. at
our Forest Edge office. Daytime Training Session: Begins on Monday, April 2,
2012. The six-week session will be held on Monday and Wednesday mornings from 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.,
also at our Forest Edge office. The (final) summer session will begin May 14th from 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
For more information, contact Mary Bird-Parks at 847-383-6260 x202 or mbirdparks@casalakecounty.com
February 2012
9:00 AM
Calendar reflects all
court dates as of
01/30/2012. Please
contact your Advocate
Manager with any
questions concerning
upcoming court dates.
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Gant/Brown, Moore, Jacobson,
Allen, Richmond/Remmert,
Thamina/Lezimus, Kovarik, Moser
Carlson, Jimenez, Drucker
9:30 AM Mastricola
10:00 AM Gould
Tyson, Harju, Lynn, Turner,
Wagner/Collins, Unikel, McClain
9:00 AM
Curschman, Guess, Gould,
Goldman, Dolin, Cash, Stern,
Turner, Pickard, Guilford
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
1:30 PM
**Book Club 6-8 pm
Doshi, Tanneberger
Valentine’s Day!
9:00 AM
Heimlich, Greenawalt, Mason,
von Borcke, Berkowitz,
9:30 AM
PM Training Begins
23 8:30 AM Scott
9:00 AM Ahern/Palmer, Scott,
King, Silverstein/Winters,
Ulreich, Lindgren, Block, Davis
9:30 AM
9:00 AM
Landgraf, Olsberg, Onan,
Kulczyk, Howard, Greenawalt,
Doninguez, Njaa/Howath,
Wlliams, Kulczyk
**Mgr/Mentor Meeting
Brenda Buranosky &
Mary Neu-Stoppelman
**Teen Group
MARCH 2012
Calendar reflects all
court dates as of
01/30/2012. Please contact your Advocate
Manager with any
questions concerning
upcoming court dates.
9:00 AM
Antrim, Cole, Degrazia, Falter/Willian, P Harris, Henn,
Leiderman, Mays, Roseman,
9:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Conway, Villalon, VanErden,
Kanuch, Hulseman, Weber,
Northern, Ulreich, Brosmith,
Rolfsen, Falter/Willian,
Dominguez, Paquin/Scheuneman
10:30 AM Brown
11:00 AM Marler
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
Bernardi, Ostman,
9:00 AM
Perivolidis, Ross, Smart,
9:30 AM
**Mgr/Mentor Meeting
Debby Parry/Hope May
1:30 PM
1:30 PM
9:00 AM
Ardell, Lawler, Kamka,
9:00 AM
9:00 AM
1:30 PM
8:30 AM Swearing-in
Curschman, Ekholdt/Weber,
Ganju/Piner, Gould, SheehanLucas, White
**Attachment Disorders
In-service 6—8 p.m.
Adjoran, Knight
9:00 AM
Melton, Pence
This Valentine’s Day, when you buy that box of candy or bouquet of roses for your
loved one, please consider making another gift from the heart and showing an abused
or neglected child that you Have the Heart to Help.
Your gift of $25 or more will support CASA Lake County’s mission to provide a trained
volunteer advocate for every foster child in Lake County. To make your gift just click
on this link: http://www.casalakecounty.com/support/donate
This year, please Have the Heart to Help abused and neglected children by making a
Valentine gift to CASA Lake County.
More Development News
An Easy Way to Help CASA Lake County Raise Funds
Every time you shop at any of 700+ online stores in the iGive network, a portion of the money
you spend benefits CASA Lake County. It’s a free service, and you’ll never pay more when you
reach a store through iGive. In fact, smart shoppers will enjoy iGive’s repository of coupons,
free shipping deals, and sales. To get started, just create your free iGive account. And when
you search the web, do it through iSearchiGive.com where each search means a penny (or
more) for our cause!
Start igiving at: www.iGive.com/CASALakeCounty &
It’s Not Too Late to Take the Volunteer Survey!
The Development Department is currently in the process of updating our volunteer database.
We are often asked by local corporations supporting CASA Lake County if any of their
employees volunteer for us as advocates. We are asking all our volunteers to complete a short
survey that will help us collect that information. The information collected will not be used for
any other purpose.
Please take 2 to 3 minutes to complete the survey by clicking on this link:
Thank you!
CASA Lake County
700 Forest Edge Drive
Vernon Hills, IL
CASA Lake County
Program Staff
Executive Director
Terri Z. Greenberg
Director of Operations
Program Counsel
Claudia Lovelette
Program Director
Wendy LaPlaca
Bonnie, Wolinski
Jill Kirk
Advocate Managers
Mary Barber
Brenda Buranosky
Dick Hulseman
Hope May
Mary Neu-Stoppelman
Debby Parry
Andrea Tick
Coordinator of Advocate Services
Mary Bird-Parks
Contact Us:
ETO Site Administrator
Linda Piepenbrink
Phone: 847/383-6260
Fax: 847/383-6261
Office Managers
Rene’ Griesmer
Sheri Robin