CERC SiteFinder User Guide – www.CTSiteFinder.com


CERC SiteFinder User Guide – www.CTSiteFinder.com
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – www.CTSiteFinder.com
SiteFinder is free to search for
anyone… no need to log in to
search for properties or
You only need to Login if you
need to make a change to
your own listing or you want to
access the Member Features
(i.e. Active Needs Log,
Properties New to Market, etc).
Featured Properties are a
great way to promote a special
property. For $250 per month
or $400 for two months your
property receives extra
exposure at a great value.
Contact Melissa Pasquale at
(860) 571-6212 to reserve your
Featured Property of the Month.
To post commercial real
estate or economic
development related events on
SiteFinder’s Events calendar,
email details to
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Property Search
To begin your search for available commercial property
in Connecticut click on either one of the search buttons
If your search box does not appear correctly, you may
need to upgrade your Java or Internet Explorer. Go to
microsoft.com for a free download of I.E. 8.
The search automatically defaults to Buildings, if you
are looking for land, click Sites.
There are five sections you can navigate through to
narrow your search criteria – Building Type, Basic
Information, Geography, Assets, and Advanced. You
can select criteria on any of these five tabs, but you do not
have to.
At any time you can hit the Search Buildings or Search
Sites button, you do not have to go through all five
Page 1 - Property search
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Property Search
Under the Building Type tab you
can choose to narrow your search
by the Building/Site type, i.e. Office,
industrial, Retail or Specialty and
any of their sub-types.
Continue to narrow the search by
the square footage (enter whole
numbers) or acres you are looking
for by typing in the boxes provided.
Using the Address field you can
search for a particular property (i.e.
123 Main). The database will search
for the exact text you type and return
any results that match the text. If
you want to see all properties on
Main Street, just type “Main”. You
can continue to narrow your search
with any other criteria as well.
Page 2 - Property Search Building Type tab
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Property Search
Page 3 - Property Search Geography tab
Under the Geography tab there
are a few ways to narrow the
location you want to search.
You can search by City/Town
(only 169 in CT, no subtowns are
included), County, MSA or
Region. To choose a town (or
County, etc), click on the town
from the list on the left and
click the + button so that it is
moved into the right-hand box.
OR if you begin typing the name
of the town in the Search box, a
list will appear and you can
double click on the name of the
town you want to add it to the
right-hand box.
You can also search using a map
by choosing “Custom”. Choose
either a polygon or a radius
search. Either will bring you to
the map. (continue to next page)
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Property Search
Begin drawing a polygon by
clicking once on the map then
letting go and clicking in another
spot, and so on until you create
a closed shape.
Click again on your first point
and you will be asked to
“Apply” the filter to your
search. Then once you click
Search Buildings (or Sites) your
results will show only properties
within that polygon.
Similarly, for a radius search,
if you click the radius button it
will bring you to the map. Click
once on the map, drag your
curser out as many miles as
you want, click again once, and
it will draw a radius for you.
“Apply” the filter and it will
reopen the search box.
Page 4 - Property Search polygon and radius search
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Property Search
The Assets section are
assets that a property may have
that are searchable. Checking
one or more of these boxes will
help narrow your search results
down to a very detailed level.
But, remember that there may
also be properties in the
database that have these
assets, but have not been
marked as such.
Page 5 - Property Search Assets tab
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Property Search
The Advanced section will
continue to help you narrow
your search. You can search
by Ceiling Height (important for
some industrial or warehouse
buildings), Sale Price, Lease
Rate, or a Property ID or Broker
ID if you know them.
At any time, you can click the
Reset button to clear all of the
criteria you have entered and
start over.
Once you have entered all of
the criteria you want to, click the
Search Buildings or Search
Sites button.
Page 6 - Property Search Advanced section, Reset button
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Search Results
After you click Search, your
results will appear with a map
first and a summary of the
results below.
Just below the map you will
see Results and Based On in
green. If you mouse over
Based On you will see what
criteria your Results are based
To Refine your search click
Refine Search at the bottom of
the Based On tab.
On the right side of the screen
you see “Viewing 1-6 of 47”
for example. This tells you how
many properties matched the
criteria you searched for, in this
case a total of 47 properties.
To view more detailed information about a property, click on the green
address of the property.
Page 7 - Search Results, Based On, Refine Search, Number of properties in summary
You can see 6 at a time
depending on the size of your
computer monitor. Scroll
through the pages by clicking on
the page numbers or by using
the green arrow shown here
over the thumbnail of the last
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Search Results
At this point, if you click the
Print button, it will print a
summary of the properties you
are currently viewing.
You can Sort your results by
mousing over “Sort by” and
choosing Name, Zip Code, City,
State, Address, Divisible or
Available (square footage).
You can Export the results
into Word, Excel, PDF or send
them in an Email. BUT at this
point it will only Export the
properties you can see.
To see All or more of your
results, mouse over Advanced
and choose View All. NOW if
you Export you will get a
summary of All 47 results.
Change Orientation will let
you see the results in a
horizontal format. You will see
26 properties at a time unless
you choose View All.
Page 8 - Search Results, Sort By, Export, Advanced
If you Save All these
properties will be saved in “My
Folder”. (See page 9 & 15)
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Search Results
“My Folder” is located on the
right side of the map.
When you “Save” a building,
site or report you will find it in
My Folder.
The Folder is saving the
cookies on your computer, so
each time you return to the
SiteFinder web site these items
will remain in your Folder.
If you would like to empty the
folder and start over, you can
right click on the Folder and it
will ask you if you want to reset
the Folder.
If you delete your browsing
history on your computer, you
will effectively empty the Folder.
To remove an item from the
Folder, mouse over the
property or report and you will
see an option to Remove.
Page 9 - My Folder (for more My Folder see page 15)
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Reports
Once you have clicked on the
address you will see the Full
Property Report and four other
tabs with demographic
information – Labor Force,
Demographics, Consumer
Spending and Business reports.
The Property Report shows
details entered by the listing
administrator for the listing,
usually a broker or owner. If
data is not entered by the
listing administrator the field
does not appear on the
Property Report. For example,
Zoning is an option when
entering a listing, but if the
Zoning is not entered a line item
will not appear on the report.
To return to your Search Results or your Saved Properties, DO NOT hit your
browser’s back button. Use the navigation options in gold below My Folder.
Page 10 - Search Results, Based On, Refine Search, Number of properties in summary
If you see a green arrow on
the property photo, you can
click on it to scroll through
additional photos attached to
the listing. You can also use the
green arrow to the right under
My Folder to go to the next
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Reports
There are five Reports
associated with each property
listing. Full Property Report,
Labor Force, Demographics,
Consumer Spending and
Business Reports.
The demographics reports
default to a 10 mile radius
around the property. You can
change this radius to any
number by mousing over
Modify Report on the right side
of the report.
Each section on the
demographics reports has a
Chart available to graphically
represent the data. If you wish
to see the chart, mouse over
the word Chart.
If you want the chart to stay
open click on Pin. To close it
click Unpin.
Page 11 - Full Property Report, Labor Force, Demographics, Consumer Spending and Business Reports
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Reports
The Business tab shows data
for every business in CT by
NAICS code.
The default is a one mile
radius around the property.
 You can drill down on the list
to view the names of the actual
business entities. Some
provide data on the annual
revenue, number of
employees, address, phone
number, URL and years in
If you click a colored dot on
the map a dialogue box will tell
you which business it
represents and give you the
available data.
Data for the Business Reports
is provided by Experian.
To modify and/or customize
this report mouse over Modify
Report. (continue to next page)
Page 12 – Business Reports
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Reports
To customize a business
report change any of the
following criteria under the
Modify Report option: Radius,
Business Name (if you are
looking for one in particular),
Address (if you are looking for
one in particular), range of
employees, range of annual
revenue, or years in business.
Also available are specific
business classes or business
types, i.e. Fortune 1000
Page 13 – Refine business report
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Share this property
To send information from the
site to someone else, mouse
over Share.
You have the option to click
Link and copy and paste a link
to that particular report.
You can also email this
particular report to someone
using the Emailer Report
Or share this report using any
of the popular social media
tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter
or Facebook.
You may also print each page
individually by clicking Print.
The same functions apply to
all five available reports, one at
a time.
Page 14 - Share, print, save reports
To share more than one
report at a time, mouse over
Save. You can Save each
report for this property
individually or save them all at
once. They will be saved in My
Folder and from there you can
export them together. (See
page 15)
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – My Folder
Once you have saved
properties, communities or
reports they will be available
under My Folder.
There is no limit to the
number of items you can save
in My Folder.
The Folder is saving the
cookies on your computer, so
each time you return to CERC
SiteFinder the same items will
be saved in your Folder.
To reset the Folder right click
and you will be asked if you
want to reset it. If you choose
reset the folder will be emptied.
If you delete the browsing
history or your cookies on your
computer the Folder will also be
To return to your Search Results, DO NOT hit your browser’s back button.
Use the navigation options below My Folder.
Page 15 - My Folder – reset, export
If you click on one of the
options in My Folder your
results will show only what you
have saved.
You can now Export multiple
reports to Word, Excel, PDF
or Email. (continue to next
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – My Folder
To Export reports using the
“shopping cart” feature,
anything you have saved will be
shown on the left side of the
cart. Choose what you would
like to include in a report and
click and drag it over to the
right side then let go.
You can rearrange the items
on the right by clicking and
dragging them above or below
the other items.
Title your report and click
This will combine each of the
reports on the right into one
PDF, Word document, Excel
spreadsheet or Email.
Page 16 - Export from My Folder
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
The Basic Search will give you
quick and easy access to
properties on SiteFinder by using
the search fields located on the left
side of the screen.
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
Click on the green Search
Properties button after you
are finished entering your
search criteria.
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
The results of your search
will be located under the
map in list form.
To save properties, place
check marks in the
designated area and click
the Save Selected button.
If there are multiple pages
of search results, save the
selected properties on the
current page before
navigating to the next page
of results.
The Save Properties
Folder will show under the
Google map and display
the number properties you
have saved.
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
To view additional property
information click on the hyperlinked
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
From this page you can
view property information
as well as demographic
data by clicking on the
Demographic Tab
If you click on the
hyperlinked address from
the property report, it will
redirect you to the property
report in the Advanced
Search of SiteFinder.
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
From the Demographics
page you can create 3
different reports.
Demographics Report
Consumer Expenditures
Business and Workforce
To return to the previous
page and property search
results click on the Back to
Previous button. (Do not
use the back button on your
web browser)
Click on the Generate
button after selecting your
distance criteria to view the
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
From this page, you can
Print and Email the reports,
and/or export the information
to a PDF, Word document,
or Excel spreadsheet.
If you would like to change
the distance being used on
the report or create a
different report, click on the
New Demographic Report
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
Here is an example of a
demographic report that was
exported to a PDF.
CERC SiteFinder User Guide – Basic Search
This report includes the broker contact information.
When you export reports, the user as the option to
include or not include broker information.
Here is an example of the list of Avon Properties
that were exported to PDF as Summary Report.