affin`. - Darlington Borough Council
affin`. - Darlington Borough Council
DARLINGTON LOCALBROWNFIELD STR,A.TEGY vli DARLINGTON BOROUGHCOUNCIL November20{1 lThomos 3 lister affin'., CONTENTS Page No. SUMMARY EXECUTIVE 2. 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5. 7. 16. 19. 35. INTRODUCTION CONTEXT POLICYAND ECONOMIC EVIDENCEBASEREVIEW MARKETREVIEW PROPERTY SITES REVIEWOF IDENTIFIED FINANCIALANALY$ISOF THEPROPOSED SITES OF BROWNFIELD REDEVELOFMENT 7.0 POTENTIALMEASURE$TO SUPPORTSITEDELIVERY ON OF THEDEVELOPMENT TO DELIVERY 8.0 APPROACH SITES BROWNFIELD AND EVALUATION MONITORING 9.0 10.0 coNcLUSIONS ANNEXES I tl ill IV MARKETASSE$SMENTREPORT SITEPROFORMA VIABILITYASSESSMENTS PRELIMINARY PROJECTACTIONPLAN 40. 43. 51. 63. 65. 2 SUMMARY EXECUTIVE Darlingtoncomprisesan importanttown due to its situationat the Gatewayto the Tees Valleyand NorthEast. The situationcloseto the 41(M),the EastCoastMainlineRailway andTeesportmeansit has beena popularlocationfor andthe NorthSea portsof Hartlepool relateduses. and morerecentlydistribution railwayrelatedmanufacturing of the changingeconomicbaseof the area,lowwagelevels, Darlington facesthe challenges pocketsof deprivation and issuesof the agingpopulationof the borough competitiveness, Strategyfor the Borough. of a LocalBrownfield whicheachimpacton the preparation impacton the economyof since2008hashada significant Howeverthe economicrecession industrywith housebuildingslowing on the propertydevelopment the area and particularly at a standstill. development commercial andspeculative towncentreschemesto be put "on hold"suchas the Oval The resulthas beenfor important initiatives suchas the EasternTownCentreFringe ShoppingCentreand widerregeneration in the shortor mediumterm' schemeto becomelessviableor deliverable has resultedin lowerlevels Thechangewithinthe variouspublicsectorfundingprogrammes of public sector funding support with the disbandmentof the RegionalDevelopment Agenciesand their variousfunding programmesand the provisionof many previous who have limitedfinancialresourcesto support functionsto LocalEnterprisePartnerships activity. regeneration brownfield There have been two roundsof biddingfor RegionalGrowth Funding, However,it is understoodthat investmentwill be specificallytargetedat projectscreatingdirect project to createjobs and private outputssuch as supportingcompanyexpansionor investments servicingor supportingnew speculative as opposedto site remediation, sectorinvestment development, The reductionin HCA fundinghas seen the Agencyfocus changingtowardsdevelopment enableand investoras opposedto grantprovideror deliveryagency. it is importantfor the LocalAuthoritiesto take a leadingrole in promoting Accordingly, in flexibleand imaginative needto be increasingly and LocalAuthorities activity regeneration period within a brownfield sites activity on promote regeneration to resources the useof their of financialconstraints. althoughnotethat each one may be The 12 identifiedsites providea rangeof challenges is within singleownershipwherethereare project. Each site alone as a stand delivered planningconsent.The principal existing benefit of an proposals many with the established availability of financein current viability or appears to be any scheme in relation to issue site ownersare seekingto challengethe marketconditionsalthoughin severalinstances, siteson viabilitygrounds. existingplanningstatusof keyemployment as The identifieduse of the 12 siteswithinthe LocalBrownfieldStrategyis summarised follows: DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 Site Descrlption 3 1 , 2 , 8b u i l t ipace Straat Bla built space Retail / LeiBure Housing No's Affordable ;ontent 108 16 30 5 Space SiteOf FormerBlackettsBrickworksAnd PetroleumDepot \lexanderStreet Blacketts Tio VlcmullenRoad FormerCoal Deoot Road Eastmount L a n dA d i o i n i n q1 2 $ 1 5 7 H e u q h t o nR o a d 'lauqhtonRoad lise Carr West Works Site /VhessoeRoad /acant Land HeronDrive 10,652 mZ 1,00m 02 1 . 0 0 0m z 15 1 7 , 8 8 0m ? {8 14 BrinkburnRoad ormerHooetownHouseAnd HooetownStudios 1 . 0 0 0m 2 1 , 0 0m 02 20 St CuthbertsWav 1 4 . 8 6 9m 2 IndustrialEstate /antaqeDoint Faverdale )rehid Horrse Fdur Ridds works Torrinqton $iteof Former YarmRoed SiteOf FormerSprinqfieldPrimarySchool ialters Lane South 1 . 0 0 0m 2 I 5 , 0 0 0m 2 17.283 ft12 78 1 . 6 8 4m z 1 , 0 0 0m 2 ; 000m2 12 487units 52unrts An approachis proposedwhichwouldseekto workas closelyas possiblewith siteowners as possibleof the existingbarriersto and developersto secureas much understanding which may minimumintervention through an appropriate delivery and to assist delivery jointlyseekingof thirdparlyfunding,poolingof assetsand,where includedeferredreceipts, to promoteprojectdelivery. to considerselectivesiteacquisition appropriate, It is assessedthat the identifiedbrownfieldsites would come foruard in the following timescales: 2 0 1 1- 2 0 1 5 Streel Slte DeEcription :ormer HopetownHouse And ilopetown Studios iitd Of Former $pringfield rrimaruSchool 8 1 , ? , 8b u i l l space 3 1 8b U l l t ;pace letai | / -eis u re Jousing ,,lo'5 $fordabl0 ;ontent l6 'l? 78 ielters I enA South lm? lm2 ,,letProflt rsf 14 3rinkburn Road )mz ,let Site jrdss !lte Area \rEa l6 units 1 7 4u n i t s 1. 4 3 h a 1 , 4 3h a t38.80 2.64ha 1 . 9 0h a 45.00 4 . 0 7h a 3 . 3 3h a 2 0 1 6- 20 2 0 $tmet ilte DsscriDtion 3 1 , 2 , 8b u l l t ;pace Bla built apaca t6tall / -eisure ioace HouEing \ffordable jroEs lontent llte Area {et Slte \rga \,let Profit Nd'g 108 16 l66ha 2.i0ha i28.80 a9 15 l05ha '1.93 ha 1 . 3 4h a \lexander Street -snd Adjoining125 157 -hrinhtonRoed y'dcantLand lsuohton Road -leron Drive rllen Road 3lackett$Tio :ormer Cosl DeDot lis6 Carr West Works Sito Tount Road : Road 3t CuthbertsWav y'antaoeDoint lndustrialEstate f,rchidHouse -a 1 34ha l0 )14ha 20.652 m2 1 . 0 0 0m 2 2 7 . 8 8 0m 2 l0 1 4 . 8 6 9m 2 1 . 0 0 0m 2 5,000m2 m? 17,283 l02ha 1 . 3 2h a 1 . 3 1h a + :32h5 )31ha 1 . 0 5h a 1 , 0 5h a t4.32 l0o0 m2 5.000m2 38 70 ha 14.49ha i.0O ha L32 ha 10 ha 0 Road 1 1 . 6 8 4m 2 o? he 47 he 1 0O0m2 18 . 2 0 22.OO t25.00) 3.54 t20.60) :30.33 E10.001 i2.4S 5he 1 000 1 . 0 0 0m 2 -our Ktqqs iite Ol FormerTorrinotonWorks Yaffi t8 rE 3 ' 1 3u n i t s 36 units DarlingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 of As noted,the role of Local Authoritieswill increasein promotingthe regeneration Agenciesand reducedfundingof siteswiththe removalof RegionalDevelopment brownfield the BoroughCouncilin supporting to Darlington available the HCA.Fundingmechanisms of brownfield sitesincludethefollowing; development . . r r . . . . r Levy CommunityInfrastructure BoroughCouncil Borrowing by Darlington Useof Prudential funding JESSICA Zonestatus Enterprise Useof the PublicLandInitiative of LocalAssetBackedVehiclefor Investment Formation passed) Finance(whenenablinglegislation Tax Incremental Fund Regional Development of European Use lnvestment of NewHomesBonus in the current facingall LocalAuthorities thatthereare financialconstraints It is recognised Council Borough intervention, Darlington financial in additionto economicclimate.Therefore, on brownfield of development the delivery will needto look at other measuresto support the use of CPO power),the use siteswhichmay includesupportfor siteassembly(including joint of venturesandthe preparation promote development, ownedsitesto of LocalAuthority use of sites. for the future Briefsto providecedainty Development DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 INTRODUCTION 1.0 The purposeof the DarlingtonLocal Brownfield$trategy(DLBFS)is to providea better and identifythosesitesthat siteswithinDarlington of the stockof brownfield understanding can be returnedto beneficialuse,for hardand softend uses,the timescalesagainstwhich thiscan be achievedandthe actionsneededto achievesitespecificgoals. For the purposesof this Strategy,brownfieldland is definedin accordancewith Planning PolicyStatement3 (PPS3)as being a site "whichis or was occupiedby a permanent landand anyfixedsurfaceinfrastructure". including the curtilageof the developed structure, Darlington coversan areaof 19,745hectaresand is situatedin the NorthEastof England, 21 milessouthof Durham.Nearbymajor and approximately 16 mileswestof Middlesbrough roadlinksincludethe 41(M),466 and 468 withjunction58 of the A1(M)some2.5 milesto 3 milesto the southwest. the northwest of the town centreand junction57 approximately take25 minutesand travelto Londontakes to Middlesbrough Railservicesfrom Darlington 2 hours 50 minutes. Darlingtonhas an estimatedresidentpopulationof approximately 2010), The Boroughretainsits market 100,800people(NOMIS:officefor NationalStatistics urbanin naturebut includessuburbanand rural/village towncharacterand is predominately communities. Stockton formspartof the widerTeesValleyregionwhichembracesHartlepool, Darlington area to the east. lt has a widecatchment on Tees,Redcar& Clevelandand Middlesbrough NorthYorkshireand SouthDurham. peoplefromneighbouring of up to 20 milesattracting The $trategymakesspecificreferenceto a total of 12 separatesites,a samplefrom a total siteswhichare includedon the NationalLandUse Database 85 brownfield of approximately area borougharea. The selectedsitesprovidea totalgrossdevelopment for the Darlington area of 37.8 hectares. An inspectionof of 42.8hectaresand eitimatednet developable given to their development each of these sites has been undertakenand consideration futureusesof thesesitesfor a rangeof uses, potential.This reportconsidersthe potential as to the stepswhichmay be and recommendations the existingbarriersto development necessaryto overcomethese barriersin the contextof currentmarketconditionsand the publicsectorfundingenvironment. existingconstrained on the identifiedbrownfield The Strategyseeksto identifya potentiallevelof development and officeuses in the short(0-5 industrialiwarehousing sitesfor uses includingresidential, term. years),medium(6-10years)andlonger(11yearsandbeyond) Strategywill be usedby DarlingtonBoroughCouncilto It is notedthat the LocalBrownfield deliverthefollowingobjectives; . . . . r . To supportthe Core Strategyspatialapproachand growth networkparticularly landwithinurbanareas. developed relatingto the focuson previously requiring LocalAuthoritiesto undertake guidance in PPS3 national To respondto previously land back into use in line developed to bring strategiesand interventions with localtargets. landbackintouse. To informa planningpolicycontextto bringbrownfield and landacrossDarlington of the supplyof brownfield To improvethe understanding factorsaffectingthe deliveryof thesesites. sitesintoreuse. relatingto bringingbrownfield To informpoliciesand strategies of To consideran approachto fundingwhererequiredto supportthe development brownfield sites. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 6 r sites of brownfield and earlywins in the development To prioriti$ekey opportunities acrossthe Boroughof Darlington. The Strategyis set out in thefollowingsections; 1.0 2.0 3.0 lntroduction regionaland localpolicies. on national, Policyand EconomicContext-Commenting previousrelevantstudiesand researchand EvidenceBase Review- Considering theirimpacton the subjectstrategy. 4.0 Property Market Review - A review of current market conditionsincluding on supplyand demandrelatedissueswithinthe borough.The section commentary considersfactors affectingthe supply side includingdevelopmentviability,site confidence. availability of financeand developer suchas siteconditions, constraints includingan S.0 Reviewof tdentifiedSdes- An analysisof the 12 sitesis undertaken, asse$$mentof the more appropriatefuture use for each site and anticipated projects. development for bringingforwardindividual timescale 0.0 FinancialAnalysis- To considerthe preliminaryassessmentof viabilityof the of siteson thisbasis. proposals for eachsiteanddeliverability development Z.O PotentiatMeasuresto SupportBrownfietdSite Development- To considerthe which are availableat the and deliverymechanisms variousfundingopportunities sites. of brownfield currenttimeto supportthe development - To considerthe specificmeasureswhich of Potentiallnteruentions Consideration 8.0 sites. brownfield of the identified willsupportthe deliveryof the development g.0 Monitoringand Evaluation This sectionconsidersthe requirementfor ongoing updateof the strategyto ensurethat it may be maintainedas a "live"document indicators and to identifyany key risks of key performance includingthe identification strategy. of the identified in the implementation 10.0 Conclusions DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 2.0 CONTEXT POLICYAND ECONOMIC 2.1 Introduction The past 18 monthshaveseen majorchangeswithinthe politicallandscapeand economic whichhaveresultedfromchangesin the economicclimatebutalsoarisingfromthe structure of radicalreformto the electionof the CoalitionGovernment.This hasseenimplementation publicsectorand fundingregimes,along with extensivecuts to budgetsto reducethe has the CoalitionGovernment t156 billionpublicsectorbudgetdeficit.In addition, e$timated the new "localism"agenda- the full impactof whichis difficultto assessat the introduced currenttime. the Regional DevelopmentAgencies,includingOne NorthEast,have Consequently, effectivelyceasedto exist with One NorthEasthaving previouslytaken a key role in the withinthe NorthEast (supportedby the One.NorthEast fundingof economicregeneration Agency budgetof aroundf240 millionperannum),The Homes& Communities investment its (HCA)whichsupportedthe deliveryof marketand affordablehousinghas seen budget development cut by over40% with its role proposedto be reducedfromthat of landowner, enablerand investorwho wouldbe partnerand grant providerto that of a development made. seekinglongertermfinancialreturnsin relationto investment Agencieshavenow beenpassedto the Manyof the functionsof the RegionalDevelopment (LEPs)and the Tees ValleyUnlimitedLEP 1*"*ntlycreatedLocalEnterprisePartnerships compriiesone of the 23 LEPsapprovedby CentralGovernment.TeesValleyLEP covers and Redcar& Clevelandas Stocktonon Tees,Middlesbrough the boroughsof Hartlepool, 800,000sq'km. of 650,000and approximately and coversa population wellas Darlington the new LEPsdo not haveanyallocatedrevenueor capitalbudgetsand as private However, - theirfuturerolein the coordination of investment and prioritisation sectorled organisations at this stage,althoughit is clearthat determined withinthe LEF boundaryis not specifically regardthe LEP as a keyconsulteein new policywithinthis areawhich CentralGovernment of sites has includedthe endoriementof bidsfor RegionalGroMh Fundingand nominating Zonestatuswithinthe LEPareas. The variousLEPsare currentlyseekingto for Enterprise businessplansandworkingstructures' establishindividual The March2011 Budgetannouncedthe creationof 21 EnterpriseZones(EZs)acrossthe Country,withsimilarringe of benefitsas the 1980smodelswithsimplifiedplanningpolicies, from businessrateexemptionfor up to 5 years' and occupiersbenefiting capital-allowances including5 major Zonehas beenapprovedby CentralGovernment A TeesValleyEnterprise including CentralParkin Darlington, the sub-region sitesthroughout The CoalitionGovernmenthas soughtto replacethe investmentprovidedby Regional AgenciesincludingBusinessInnovation Agenciesand CentralGovernment Development for Transport (CLG)and Deparlment and LocalGovernment and Skllls(BtS),Communities (RGF), with the (DfT)into projectson a nationalbasissuch as the RegionalGrowthFund projects from of successful secondround-ofbidsreceivedin July2011. The announcement RGF bids 2011. The secondroundof the July biddingroundis to be madein November of f950 million. weremadeagainstan allocation The abovechangesare made in the contextof a reductionin the CentralGovernment reductionin the budgetof whichtypicallyprovidesfor a 20-25o/o fundingof LocalAuthorities year period and providesfor a f22 million LocalAuthoritiesphasedovera three individual DartingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 I job BoroughCouncilwithinthe currentfinancialyearand projected budgetcut to Darlington by the Councilof up to 400 posts. cutsannounced of the severityof fundingcuts and radicalreformimposedupon The potentialramifications an economybeginningto recoverfrom economicrecessionhas raisedconcernsfor the economyto slide into a "doubledip recession".The spendingcuts come at a time when investmentthus of private/bank privatesectoractivityis hamperedby limitedavailability privatesectoroperations and growth. curtailing in respectof the availability andfutureuncertainty In the contextof the abovecircumstances to build strategies will needto identifyalternative of publicfunding,areassuchas Darlington potential will seek to identify . The DLBFS on and driveforwardsuccessfulregeneration withinDarlingtonin the contextof the current mechanisms to deliverphysicalregeneration regeneration of thetown. economicand marketclimateandto supportthe continuing 2.2 PolicyContext 2.2.1 NationalPolicvContext The Governmenthas announcedproposalsto replacethe collectionof planningpolicy (NPPF) andguidancewitha singleNationalPlanningPolicyFramework statements periodon the draftNPPF(July2011)closedon 17thOctober consultation The Government's thatthe proposedchangeswillcomeintoeffectfromSpring2012. 2011 and it is anticipated changesto the planningsystemwith a change The proposalwouldrepresentfundamental ';top down"approachwith the removalof nationaland regionaltargetsto a more from a in favourof sustainabledevelopment locallyfocussedapproachwith a new presumption a pro groMh agenda.The draftNPPF wherea LocalPlanis not up to dateand advocating of new in the preparation viabilityand deliverability placesan increasedfocuson feasibility, planning documents. as follows; In the interimperiod,relevantpoliciesare summarised Development Sustainable 1 (PP$1):Deliverinq Policv$tatement Plannino PPSI containsthe overarchingpoliciesand principlesthat underpinthe Government's approachto planning. lt seeks to ensure plans and proposalsachievesustainable adopta spatialapproach,promotehighqualityinclusivedesignand objectives, development allowfor communityinvolvement. paragraph27 containsthe advicenotefor the deliveryof brownfieldland,requiringLocal plansto seekto promotethe moreefficientuse of land to preparedevelopment Authorities developedland and buildings.Accordingly, throughthe use of suitablylocatedpreviously useto shouldbe broughtintobeneficial landand buildings vacantand underusedbrownfield land. helpto achievetargetssetfor brownfield Planninqfor a Naturaland HealthvEnvironment DraftPlanninqPolicvStatement: policyin PPS7,land This draft PPS publishedin March2010 set to replacebiodiversity lt requiresLDFs policy PPG17 when adopted. in protection policyin PPS9and recreational enjoyment of the natural enhancement and restoration, to set out policiesfor conservation, environment. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 I the policy stipulating The documentsets out the first nationalpolicyin greeninfrastructure, shouldprotect,manageand add to existingnetworks.Locationsthat will assistin reducing which allow for enhancement climatechangeimpactsare encouragedand opporlunities greencorridorslinkingruralandfringeareasand urbangreenareasare alsowelcome. PlanninoPolicvStatement3 (PPS3\:Housinq in June2010withthe key policygoalof ensuringthatall peoplehad PPS3was published location. and in an appropriate of livingin a decenthome,whichis affordable the opportunity thefollowing; Thismaybe achievedby undertaking . . . r r and markethomes. the choiceof affordable Broadening lmprovingaffordability. the supplyof housing. lncreasing for homeownership. Wideningopportunities inclusiveand mixedcommunities. Creatingsustainable, for sustainablecommunitiesindicatesa need to providehousingwith The requirement jobs,servicesand infrastructure. facilities, accessto a rangeof community The policyalso identifieda requirementthat 60% of nationalnew housingis built on land. However,thistargethas beendroppedby the CoalitionGovernment.Local brownfield PlanningAuthoritiesare also requiredto consider "strategyfor bringing previously into housing use - and should considerarrangements,incentivesor develop-ed-land in linewith landis developed developed thatcouldhelpto ensurethatpreviously intervention localhousingtrajectories, to addressthefollowingissues; PPS3requiresLocalAuthorities . . . of vacantor derelictsitesto resolveland Addressthe obstaclesto the development blYissues; ownership/assem Considerwhether sites with employmentor commercialallocationscould be for housing;and re-allocated appropriately - developed land. previously public sector Useof ppS3 now placesa requirementon individualLocal Authoritiesto producea Strategic (SHLAA)a$ partof an approachto monitor,manage Assessment HousingLandAvailability land is availableto achievehousingon previously suitable and enlure that sufficient, in identifyingpotentialsites for residential assisted have developedtand. SHLAAs a 15 yearperiod.The SHLAAalsoidentifies delivery over anticipated including development potential sites forwardand how thesecan be removed with bringing associated constraints potential for housing delivery. to improvethe EconomicGrowth for Sustainable 4 (PPS4):Plannino PlanninqPolicvStatement of pp$4 considerspotentialfor reuse of premisessuitableto meet the requirements well as proximity market as to quality, and of accessibility issues addressing businesses, by requiredworkforce. accessibility testingapproachto ensurethat priorityshouldbe givento The PPS includesa sequential is given to out of centre sites beforeany consideration edge of centle centre and town nities. opportu development DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 10 (PPS12): LocalSpatialPlannino PolicvStatement Planninq PPS12promotesthe conceptof placemakingand providesone of the principalgroundsof justificationfor the compulsorypurchaseof land by public sector agenciesto allow projectsto be undertaken. regeneration strategyshouldbe to The guidanceconcludesthatthe principalpurposesof localbrownfield identifythosesiteswhichcan be returnedto beneficialuses,the timescalesagainstwhich deliverycan be achievedand actionsneededto achievethe sitespecificroles. PlanninqPolicv GuidanceNote 17 (PPG17)'Planninqfor Open $pace, Sport and Recrealian supplyof openspacein sport an adequate of PPG17is aimedat maintaining Theguidance that all land and buildingsin recreation facilities,althoughit is recognised and recreation to sitesin preference to considerusingbrownfield use. PPG17advisesthe LocalAuthorities facilities. greenfield siteswhenlocatingnewareasof publicopenspace,sportand recreation Control Planninq andPollution 23 (PPS23): Planninq PolicvStatement usewill mittgaterisks sitesbackintobeneficial The statementnotesthat bringingbrownfield frompollutedsites. to healthandthe environment of landcan presentrisksto humanhealthand the PPSZ3notesthe presentcontamination environmentand can restrictthe beneficialuse of land althoughhighlightsthat new for the widerbenefitof to dealwiththeseriskspotentially offersthe opportunity development thecommunities. Context Plannino 2.2.2 Reqional "The North East of EnglandPlan"was publishedby the Governmentin July 2008 and as providesthe RegionalSpatialStrategyfor the periodto 2021. The RSS sees Darlington to regionaleconomicgrowthand a gatewayto the Tees havinga key role in contributing as a priorityfor development CentralDarlington Valleyand NorthEast. The Planidentifies locations.However, Laneareasas key employment and landin Faverdaleand Heighington intention to abolishthe its has announced Government previously noted, the Coalition as fixed minimum for a the requirement has already removed and Spatial Strategy Regional sites. proportion of newhousingto be on brownfield 2.3 EconomicContext 2.3.1 hlrcdlctiatr The Boroughretainsits markettown cultureand functionsas a sub regionalcentrefor shopping andculture. employment, publicadministration, banking, includemanufacturing, in Darlington The main industries financialand businessservices. Main employersincludeOrange,DarlingtonMemorial Collegeof Technology, Hospital,DarlingtonBoroughCouncil,CumminsUK, Darlington MagnetLtd, ClevelandBridge UK Ltd and Capita BusinessServices. The Darlington 45,200employeejobs. andapproximately economysupports3,630businesses DarlingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 11 Grossaverageweeklypay for full time workersis f440 comparedwith the averagefor the NorthEastof t443.10and the UK averageof f501.80per week (NomisOfficeFor National 2010). Statistics a ratioor 8,3% (NomisOfficeFor NationalStatistics totals4,100comprising Unemployment 14.3%and Stockton8.3%in the TeesValleyregion. 2010)comparedwith Middlesbrough at GCSEand A schoolsand collegeshavestrongand improvingpedormances Darlington Level. in the urbanareaswhilstprivate Owneroccupierlevelsamountto 70.8%of totalhouseholds remainder is rented from housing sector rented accommodationis 9.3%. The (2001 Census). or the Council associations/RSLs The averagehouse price acrossthe Boroughis currentlyf149,213 ( 2010). deliveredwithin successfully Duringthe last five yearsthere has beensomedevelopment new f13 millionfive University's is Teesside development Darlington.A recenisignificant and the facilities post graduate teaching storey buildingprovidingunder graduateand to procured with significant contributions DarlingtonCollegescheme. The buildingwas NorthEast, together and One fundingfrom DarlingtonCollege,DarlingtonBoroughCouncil and Tees ValleyUnlimited.The Darlington with supportfrom Tees ValleyRegeneration EasternTransporlCorridorReliefRoadwas openedin 2008 with the bulk of the scheme BoroughCouncil. fromDarlington togetherwitha contribution fundedby CeniralGovernment depotfor Argosat of a majordistribution Othermajorschemesincludethe development within the NorthEast position of Darlington the key strategic whichdemonstrates Faverdale Farm. schemesat WestParkandSnipeHouse andmajornewresidential The current position of the town was set out within "Darlington'sLocal Economic - $ummary"datedOctober2011producedby DBC. The principalissuesare Assessment as follows; summarised Outnut* GrossValueAdded 2.3.2 Economic a. Summary The economyof Darlingtonin 2011 is driven by the service sector. Where once was pre-eminent,today's Darlingtonis structuredaround employment manufacturing Education, and economicoutput generatedthroughPublicAdministration, opportunities andCommunications. Transport Healthand OtherServices,Distribution, Thesesectorsaloneaccountfor:. ' 40,000jobs) withinthe borough(approximately opportunities 80%of all employment totaleconomicoutput(GrossValueAdded GVA) almost50%of Darlington's Education, GVA is generatedby PublicAdministration, Almosta quarterof Darlington's 14,200jobs in the borough. approximately Healthand otherservicesrepresenting of the economytowardsthe servicesectorhas, in real terms,impacted The re-balancing whichsince2003/04has steadilybeen uponGVA per worker(a measureof productivity) belowthe UK was 14.60/o decliningin Darlington,ln 2008 GVA per filledjob in Darlington averageand2.7Yobelowthe NorthEastaverage, DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 12 The down-sizingof the public sec{or has the potentialto impact on the economyof Darlingtonin a number of ways - direct and indirectjob losses, reduced household mismatchbetweenskillsand the employment spending,reducedemploymentopportunities, available. opportunities b. Trends in GVA by industryrsector o Almost a quarter of Darlington'sGVA is generatedby public servicessector,which 14,200jobs)withinthe borough; of all employment(approximately accountsfor 27.8016 r GVA generatedby the productionindustrieshas declinedover the period2000- 2008 along with employmentassociatedwith the industry,although GVA generatedper employeereachedits highestlevelin 2007/08; and Communications r The contributionof GVA generatedby the Distribution/Transport sector has risensteadilyover the period2000 - 2008 althoughemploymentwithinthe sectorhas shrunk. This has in turn increasedGVA per employeeto €38,126,whichis abovethe Englandaverage; o GVA generatedby the BusinessServices& FinanceSector has increasedover the period2000 - 2008 alongwith fluctuatinglevelsof employment.The sectorcurrently contributes€411m to Dadington'seconomy and employs 7,686 people. GVA per lowerthan in England(t53,473 employeewithinthe sectorin Darlingtonis considerably comparedto t7'1,20o); Education,Healthand Other r GVA per employeegeneratedby the PublicAdministration, - 2008 along with rising period the 2000 has increased over in Darlington Services per has also risen(€30,227)although output employee levels. Economic employment (€3a,100) average fallsshortof England's ; o Darlingtonhas above national levels of employmentwithin a number of sectors, primarily:-telecommunications; manufacturingof furniture; manufacturingof motor manufactureof wood/woodproducts;manufactureof specialized construction; vehicles; products; chemicalsand chemical Table2.3.2(1) Breakdownby % shareof employmentby Sectorin Darling(2008) t Agriculture,forestryand fishing I Production lConstructiofi I Distribution, transportand communrcatron I Businessservicesand finance t Publicadministration, education. health and other scrvices Darlingtonhas below average levels of employmentwithin a number of sectors, products;rubber primarily:-manufacture of food products;textiles;basicpharmaceutical and plastic products; electrical equipment; scientific research and development; computerprogrammingand consultancy;advertisingand marketresearchand motion picture,videoandtelevision; DarlingtonLocal BrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 ,l',. Table2.3.2(2) D a r l i n a t o nG r o s sV a l u e A d d e d ( a t c u r r e n t p r i c e s l b y i n d u s t . y ( 2 o O O .2 O O 8 ) 200 roo o l ^€ "o\ .s1 ^do dr.$e.s6 *r1 ^$ Table2.3.2(3) D . , | | n r t o nE m p l o y m ebnyt i n d u s t r(y2 0 0 02- 0 0 8 ) -{-M;nofJdurngl5lC O) f-** ;P 'ii1",/"""Y. .i t-J n"" G,fi 0 3,000 coDm!D(JLion5(t C r) 5,@0 *-Banhnc. hnri!cifd , trurjn..,.tc (9lClkr id'rinistriron,cnocrL 2,0@ LM.N) oPqi DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 14 c. r . . r GVA - AverageAnnual Growth The construction sectorin Darlingtonhas shownthe most GVA growthover the period 2000- 2008withan averageannualchangeof 11.6%; Industrygroupincreased Transporl& Communications GVA growthfor the Distribution, period; over the 2000 2008 of 6,31% annual rate at an average The averageannual growth rate for the productionindustries,over 2000 - 2008 timeframe, is -2o/o: Health& OtherServiceshas seen an averageannual Education, PublicAdministration, growthrateof 5.8%overthe 2000- 2008period' of Darlinoton 2.3.3 Competitiveness r . Index (UKCI) ranks Darlingtonas the 247'nmost The 2010 UK Competitiveness out of 379). This is a small downwardfall from its locality(benchmarked competitive 2009 position. Darlingtonis still the most competitivearea within the Tees Valley, regionwithinthe UK; the NorthEastis the secondleastcompetitive atthough One of the key premisesof the UKCI is that knowledgebasedindustriesare vitalfor some growthwithinthis area it economicsuccess. WhilstDarlingtonhas experienced h a s b e e n r e l a t i v e l y m o d e s t o v e r t h e p e r i o d l g g T -l n 22 00 01 80 . 1 B o / o o lbaul ls i n e s s e s and in Darlingtonwere "KnowledgeBased",this is less than both Middlesbrough Stockton-on-Tees; (1,000+ by a smallnumberof largebusinesses businessbaseis characterised Darlington's (0 4 employees).Althoughthis is and a largenumberof smallbusinesses emploirees) partsof the Tees Valleyand the of other structure business ttre witt'r comparable broadly NorthEastregionit is adriftof the Englandaverage. are generallyconsideredto be relativelylow withinthe North Levelsof entrepreneurship East, althoughDarlingtonappearsto be buckingthat trend. The boroughhas seen althoughthis businessbaseeventhroughthe recession, growtl"' in the indigenous continued for new employment looking and redundant becoming of individuals be indicative may market. the local labour is available in what over and above opportunitie$ $uch gro6h is primarilywithinthe servicesectorwhichgiventhe natureof the Darlington economy is unsurprising. Handin handwith businessstartup ratesgo businessfailureratesand the NorthEastas a wholehas the lowestfour year businesssurvivalratesof all the UK regions,althoughthey has a greaterpropotlionof closures survivejust as well for the firsttwo years. Darlington giventhe structureand sizeof although size bands, 5 9 employment 0 4 and withinttre is that"SoleTraders"accountfor unsurprising Equally is unsurprising. base this the business may reflectnot only the which in Darlington, start-ups of business greatest number the of the but alsomay be indicative relati-ve ease by whicha new businesscan be established, of the businessowner. lackof "highgrowth"expectations & Qualifications Attainment 2.3.4 Educational r betterthanotherareaswithinthe TeesValleyin termsof the % is significantly Darlington betterin terms population with NVQ4or above,and indeedis significantly age of working withat leastLevel2 or Level3 qualifications; of the % of the workingage population DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 15 r . . educationor training)in of 16 - 18 year old NEET(not in employment, The proportion was ranked1 (where1 Darlington 2009was 7.1%. Amongthe 12 uppertierauthorities is best); for 13% accounting with no qualifications In 2009therewere 8,300peoplein Darlington aged 16 - 64. This is lowerthan the Norlh East but higherthan the of the population average; England proportion of boy pupils(2008- 2009)at the end of Key$tage4 achieving5+ A* - C The of girls is 45.4%and lessthanthe proportion Mathsand Englishin Darlington inctuding (56.e); 2.3.5 Deprivaliqn . . . . . as the 75thmostdeprivedarea 2010rankDarlington The Indicesof MultipleDeprivation most deprivedareain the country; position as the 95'n its 2007 in the country,a fallfrom and people who are incomedeprived has 16,638 According tothe IMD2010Darlington dePrived; 7,528whoareemPloYment At ward level Park East containsa LSOA (code E01012359which covers the eastareaof the ward)whichis amongstthe1% mostdeprivedin England. south/south arc withinthis LSOAare incomedeprivedwhilst32o/o ln essence53% of the population deprived; employment increasein the propotlionof LSOAswithinthe most has showna significant Darlington 5%. deprived are withinthe 10% most deprivedin Nine other individualLSOAgwithinDarlington England; 2.3.6 EsanqmraAqttyily r . r ratehasfallenby ?.60/,between2008/09(71.3o) and 2009/10 employment Darlington'$ is better thanTeesValleyand the NorthEastit is stilladriftof the to Og.7%,Whilsttiris rate; GreatBritainemPloYment - 2009/10to 72.6%, 2008109 The male employmentrate in Darlingtonhas fallen5.4o/o to by 0.1% 64.9%for the same ratehas risenmarginally whilstthe femaleemployment period. levelsfor bothsexesare betterthanacrossthe TeesValley,althoughthey Employment are lowerthanfor GreatBritainas a whole; 2,4 Summary The policy and economic context provide the statutoryframework and economic set outwithinthe strategyareto be considered. againstwhichproposals circumstances to replacethe The changeswithinthe planningsystemare ongoingand the new procedures provide moreautonomy notfinalisedand whilethiswill NationalPlanningPolicyFramework whilethe new policiesare be a periodof uncertainty therewill inevitably to localauthorities, and localauthorities. by bothdevelopers and understood finalised withinthe localeconomyand factors The economiccontextsets out the role of Darlington outside the availabilityof brownfieldsites for developmentwhich will influencethe preparation of a BrownfieldStrategyfor the boroughtogetherwith the challengesof the pocketsof changingeconomicbase of the area, low wage levels, competitiveness, population of the borough. and issuesof the aging deprivation DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 16 3.0 EVIDENCEBASEREVIEW 3.1 DarlingtonLocal DevelopmentFramework- Core $trategy The Core $trategywas adoptedon 6thMay 2011 and providesthe spatialframeworkfor plansand strategieswithinthe Boroughand comprisesthe principaldocumentwithinthe settingout how the Boroughwill developwithinthe period Framework, LocalDevelopment 2011-?026. plansand set out how the policies The CoreStrategywill informa rangeof implementation PerfectlyPlacedstrategy"OneDarlington: communities providedfor withinthe sustainable period. overthe Plan willbe delivered 2008-2021" A Visionfor Darlington as a gatewayto the TeesValleyand The CoreStrategyidentifiesthe key roleof Darlington whichrequireto be overcomeover the Plan NorthEast regionas well as key challenges periodwhichinclude; . r . . . issuesof an ageingpopulation. Addressing with 7 Wards withinthe most 10% deprived Dealingwith pocketsof deprivation nationally. whichis in decline,to manufacturing, the economyawayfromtraditional Diversifying engineering. growth$ectorssuchas specialist ratewithinthe unemployment suchas a 12.2o/o pocketsof unemployment Addressing ward. Hummersknott 1.7o/o in the innercentralward comparedwilh To improvehousingchoiceand in particularto improvethe supplyof aspirational housingaway from the stock of terracehousingto seek to attractand retain graduatesand otherkeyworkersand managers. which for otherkeystatutoryplanningdocuments The Core$trategyprovidesthe framework include: a. b. GrowthDPD - this emergingdocumentwill MakingPlacesand Accommodating policies' anddevelopment setout siteallocations DarlingtonEasternTown CentreFringeArea ActionPlan - this documentwill of a key regeneration providban area basedActionPlanfor the development areacloseto the towncentre. OtherKey Documents 3.2 below; are identified Otherkeydocuments - June2010- TeesValley of Ambition Statement and Regeneration i.2.1 The Economic Unlimited The documentsets out anticipatedoutcomesfor the Tees Valleyover a 15 year period whichshallinclude: . . r . lncreaseGVAfrom75%to 82%ol the nationalaverage. rateto the nationalaverage. Increaseemployment abovethe nationaltrend. Create1.000new businesses people withhigherskillslevelsby 5o/o. number of Increasethe DarlingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 17 of Deliverv 3,2.2 TeesVallevHousinqGrowthPoint:Proqramme were awardedHousingGrowthPointStatusby the The five Tees ValleyLocalAuthorities housinggroMh in the periodto 2016in mid 2008with a view to accelerating Government to supportthisprogramme. of f6.2 millionwasawarded 17. An initialfundingallocation TranspodStrateqv2006-2030 3.2.3 Darlinqton as an annexto the secondLocalTransportPlanandfocussed Thedocumentwas published throughbehaviourchangeand managing and improvingaccessibility on tacklingcongestion in March2011). thetransportnetworkto makebestuseof it (LTP3published OpenSpaceStrateqv2007-2017 3.2.4 Darlinqton The Strategywas adoptedin 2007 and providesthe evidencebase and surveyof open spacesto informrelevantpolicieswithinthe CoreStrategy. Assessment StrateqicHousinoLandAvailabilitv 3.2.5 Darlinqton potentialsourcesof housinglandsupplyin SHLAAidentifiesand quantifies The Darlington the boroughfor the next 15 years or so. lt has been preparedto meet nationalhousing policyrequirementsand to informthe preparationof the Council'sLocal Development housing whetheror not thereis a 5 yearsupplyof deliverable also identifies sitesin the borough. thatthereis likelyto be a surplusof 668 dwellingsagainst The mostrecentupdateidentifies assuming for the first 10 yearsof the plan period(2011112-2020121) the RSS requirement the sites identifiedin the SHLAA are suitableand achievableare delivered, There is for the period to be a net shortfallof 154dwellingsagainstthe R$S requirement anticipated sitesfromApril2010capableof Thereis a 5 yearsupplyof specificdeliverable ZOO4-ZOZ1. whencomparedagainstthe RSS requirement. a surplusof 597 dwellings delivering LandReview Emnlovment 3.2,6 Darlinoton GatewayStrategy as partof the Darlington Land Reviewwas undertaken The Employment withthe targetof "upto and identified a totalof 353 hectaresof landavailablein accordance withinthe R$S. 360hectares" growthforecasting whichindicatesa employment Thisfigurecompare$with the anticipated over the plan periodwhich is therefore requirement of only 101 hectaresof employment likelyto give rise to a significantsurplusof employmentsites. The key issuesfor the sitesrelatesto ensuringthatthereremainsa supplysuitableto of employment consideration withinthe boroughin terms of size, of a full rangeof businesses meetthe requirements landin the futureshouldbe those locationand availability.Sitesreleasedfromemployment of an useswhoselosswill not prejudicethe intentions thatare leastsuitablefor employment whichprovideslandto meetall needs. landportfolio employment - October2011 LocalEconomicAssessment 3.2,7 Darlinqton's The Local EconomicAssessmentprovidesan economicprofileand assessmentof the basedaroundkey themesof economicgeography, of Darlington economiccompetitiveness economy,Businessand Enterpriseand Peopleand Places. The Assessmentprovidesa of local economicconditionsfor the Counciland its partnersto detailedunderstanding on localpriorityfor delivery. key issuesand betterinformdecisions determine DarlingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 18 3.3 Summaryof EvidenceBase Review was preparedfor Darlington BoroughCouncilas theirpartner Eachof the abovedocuments policies, strategies and keydatawhichwillinformthe organisations and setsout keyexisting preparation $trategy. of the LocalBrownfield to achievegoals and Any proposalswill requireto be consistentwith the requirements targetsset outwithinthe keydocumentwithinthe contextof the currenteconomiccontextas setoutwithinthe LocalEconomicAssessment. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 19 MARKETREVIEW PROPERTY 4.1 lntroduction whichidentifiesissuesof supplyand demand A MarketAssessmenthas been undertaken withinthe Borough. The assessmentalso considerissue$of valuesacrossthe various propertysectorgandthe impactof thesefactorson development viability. A copy of Market Assessmentprepared by Caruer CommercialChaftered Surueyorsrs attachedat Annexl. aresummarised as follows; Thefindingsof the marketassessment 4.2 Office Market Review 4.2.1 Supplv An assessmenthas been undertakenin relationto the supplyof both availableland for currentlyavailableon the marketwith the following development and officeaccommodation results:a. SitesForOfficeDevelopment of the town towncentreand on the periphery Officesitesare allocatedbothwithinDarlington at MortonPalms,PioneerCourtto the east of the with recentpurposebuiltdevelopments towncentre. This site comprises11.3ha and has planningconsentfor ?3,225sq.m.of providing a totalof 12,469sq.m. officesof whichPhase1 and2 are nowcompleted vacantpotential officelandwithinthe coretowncentrefringearea Thereis someidentifiable suchas the formerEvansHalshawgaragesite on St CuthbertsWay adjacentto the Peel Courtofficedevelopmenl(2.47ha) and at CentralPark on HaughtonRoadwherea total area of 10.47ha allocatedfor employmentuse. The site includesDarlingtonTechnical Collegeand more recentlyTeessideUniversityhas constructeda multi storeyfacility. for officedevelopment with potentialto deliverup to 27,871sq.m. CentralParkis identified of space. Zonewhichwill as partof theTeesValleyEnterprise It is notedthatCentralParkis identified Order is being withinthis scheme. A Local Development encourageofficedevelopment preparedto facilitateemploymentdevelopment withinthis area b. AvailableOfficeAccommodation Researchhas been undertakenutilisingFOCUSdata basedresearchengineto ascertain availableofficespacewithin Darlington.We summarisethe findingsof this researchas follows:in Darlington, There is currently30,263sq.m. (325,630sq.ft.)of officeavailability madeup of 73 unitsof which13 are freehold(3 of whichare freeholdinvestments), 17o/o of the stock. representing Averageaskingrentsare f9.81 per sq.ft.witha rangeof minimumfl2.50per maximumf18.60 per sq.ft.;howeverthis figureis distorteddue to someofficerents beingall inclusiveratherthana net rent. Darlington Local Brownfield Strategy - November 2011 20 . space, A large Most stock is secondhand stock with some modern/refurbished proportionof the refurbished officestockavailableis situatedat LingfieldPointoff wherewe haveidentified 9,000sq,m.(98,613sq.ft.)of McMullenRoad,Darlington vacantofficesPace. is summarised as follows; Thesizeof existingvacantofficeaccommodation Unit Size Lessthan46 sq.m.(500sq.ft) sq.ft.) 46-93sq,m,(500-1,000 (1,000 5,000sq.ft.) 93 464sq.m, sq.ft.) 464- 929sq.m,(5,000-10,000 In excessof 929sq.m.(10,000sq.ft.) c. No. of Units 24 23 1l_ 7 5 Summary in relationto currentdemand. Thereis an oversupplyof officespaceavailablein Darlington availableis of reasonableto fair quality. However,there are no The accommodation that some for officespaceover 1,000sq.ft.,with marketindications significant requirements intosmaller and reducedtheirofficerequirements by relocating companies haverationalised units. up 4.2.2 Demand/Take throughFOCUSweb baseddata of reported We have reviewedevidenceof transactions dealsandwouldreportas follows:a. Offiee$Xe in recentyears due to the We have been unableto identifyany officeland transactions to Cityand landtransacted inactivity in this sector. We are awarethat officedevelopment with DarlingtonBoroughCouncilwas negotiatedat f250,000per NorthernDevelopments the firstphasesof PioneerCourtScheme. acre(2003)to facilitate b, Demandfor ExistinoOfficeAccommodation we have analysedtransactional In order to estimatedemandfor office accommodation evidenceobtainedfrom FOCUSdatabasefor the period2008,2009 and 2010to datewe wouldreportour findingsas follows:OfficeTransactions in 2008 for a totaltake up of 24,533 23 transactions werecompletedincluding2 freeholdsproviding sq,m,(263,975sq.ft.),The rangeof rentalswas f2,95 - t18.75 per sq.ft.with the largest 6,536sq.m.of refurbat LingfieldPoint. lettingcomprising of StudentLoansacquiring OfficeTransactions in 2009 were leaseholdand comprisinga totalof 27 transactions were completed,all transactions 3,018.5sq.m.(32,492sq.ft.). Rentsrangefrom f5.06 - f25.00 per sq.ft.althoughthe highestrentalswerefor smallsuiteson an all inclusiverentalbasis. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 21 OfficeTransactions in 2010 providinga 19 transactions completed(includingthree freeholdinvestmenttransactions), totalof 12,896sq.m.(138,822 included sq.ft.).Freehold investment transactions Hackworlh House,Beaumont HouseandWoodlands for 10,061sq.m.(108,301 Housewhichaccounted providea totalof 2,835sq.m.(30,505sq.ft.). sq.ft.)andthereforeleasehold transactions Transactions Januarv2011to Auqust2011 12 transactions havebeencompletedin 2011 including threefreeholdsalesof vacantunits. Takeup totals853 sq.m.(9,191sq.ft.)and rentsachievedvariedfromf4.78 - f15.00 per sq.ft.. Analysisof transactions showsthatthe demandto occupyofficespacehascontinuedto fall bothin numbersand spatialrequirements in realterms,with a significant furtherreduction yearto datewithin2011. The Darlington Employment LandReviewindicates an average annualtake up of officespaceof 5,410sq.m.(estimated between2006 and 2008). Whilst notset out withinthis analysis,it is notedthattransaction levelsfor 2008-2010 are lessthan 50%of thosefor 2007 priorto the economicrecessionand thereforereflectthe impactthat thefinancialcrisisand recessionhashadon thissectorof the market,In the absenceof any majorpublicsectorincentivesto stimulateoccupier,developerand investordemandthe positionwithin the office market in Darlingtonis likely to remain unchangedin the foreseeable future. Takeup of officesis summarised withinTable4.2.2as follows; Totaltransactions Leasehold Freehold Totalfloorspace(sq.m.) Average take up space (sq,m.) 2008 2009 23 27 21 2 24,533 1,066 27 0 3,018 11? 2010 19 16 3* 12,896 679 * These figuresare affectedas 2 of the freehold 3 deals were investmentsales i.e. Hackworth Houseat MortonPalmsand WoodlandsHousewherethe freeholdof properties weresoldsubjectto the existingtenanciesand no additional was occupied accommodation by eitherthe freeholdpurchaseror tenantcompanies.A vacantfreeholddealwas doneat Beaumont House.The investment dealsequateto 8,853sq.m.showinga netannualtakeup spaceof 4,043sq.m. Thefiguresshowthatwhilstmoretransactions wereconcludedin 2009therewas significant reduction in floor$pacelet. This may be an indicator that morebusinesses are rationalising into smallerspace or sub-lettingpad of their existingaccommodation in orderto reduce runningcosts" The 2008 figuresincludetwo significantlettingdeals at LingfieldPoint,one to Student Loans. Thesedealsequateto 20, wouldbe reasonable to assumethat in the currenteconomicclimate it is unlikelythat there will be further requirements for such volumesof space, This leavesa netfigureof 4,062sq.m,of dealsand an averagetakeup o f 1 9 3s q . m . DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 22 4.2.3 OfficeValueg a. OfficeSites notedthere has been no officelanddisposalsin the open marketin recent As previously years. We can only assessfiguresbaseduponhistoricevidence.On this basiswe would with no abnormal estimatethat officelandvaluesassumingsitesare readyfor development is between f125,000 uponlocationand lot sizes costsand depending worksand associated peracre. andf 175,000 b. OfficeRentalE Historically office rents have peakedat f14.50 per squarefoot at PioneerCourt,Morton that net rents Palms. Howeverrentalvalueshavedeclinedsince2008and it is considered disposals values for freehold rangecurrentlybetweent3.50 and f10.00 per sq.ft.. Capital region of f120 be in the buildingwith parkingwould for i well locatedmodernspecification per ft.. f50 sq in the regionof accommodation persq.ft.withpoorerqualitysecondary 4.?.4 Summanr Existingsupply of office sites is sufficientto accommodatesignificantfufther office develofimentwith sites at Central Park and Morton Palms availablefor immediate However,in presenteconomicconditionsand the constraintson funding development. limiteddemand is identifiedat this time. The sites identifiedby Darlington availability, sitestogetherwith sitesalreadycommitted Boroughbouncilas potentialofficedevelopment i.e.CentralParkandfurtherphasingat MortonPalmsshouldprovide for offile development supplybeyondthe LDF period. sufficient thatif currenttakeup trendscontinuethe current Analysisof availableofficespaceindicates B yearssupply.Our analysishas covereda periodduring suppiywill provideapproximately downturnin marketactivity. a significant 4.3IndustrialMarketReview 4.3.1 Supply landand unitshasbeenassessedas follows:of bothindustrial Theavailability a. IndustrialSiteE The DarlingtonBoroughCouncilEmploymentLand Reviewreportdated December2009 landsupply. of industrial and providesthe keyevidencein the assessment as sitessuitablefor B1(b)Researchand Development, sitesare categorised Employment and BB (Storageand Distribution).Darlington B1(c)LightIndustry,82 (GeneralIndustrial) BoroughCouncilhaveestimatedthatthereare 235 hectaresof existinggeneralemployment togetherwith a further 125 hectaresidentifiedas key sites within this classification sites, lt is assessedthat by 2026therewill be 360 hectaresof employment employment sitesin the DarlingtonBorougharea howeverthisfigureis a maximumon the basisthat it assumesthat all sites are capableof reclaimedand utilisedas employmentdevelopment DarlingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 23 is on the outeredgesof landavailability site$. lt is notedthat the majorityof employment boundaries. Darlington/Borough AvailablelndustrialAccommodation b. space thatthereis 90,500sq.m.of existingindustrialfloor As atAugust2011,it is estimated is largest availability The hand stock. is second space available All the market. availabldon Point(24,711sq.m.). at Lingfield situated as follows; properties may be summarised Available . . t . Thereare 59 unitscurrentlyavailable Of the 59 units,7 are availableon a freeholdbasis only 78o/o of availablestockis leasehold in the tablebelow of unitsavailableis summarised An indication unitsis providedin table4.3.1below; of the sizeof vacantindustrial A breakdown lnif Size U p t o 9 2 s q . m (. 1 , 0 0 0s q . f t . ) Numberof Units B Upto465sq.n G,o!qrq ftI- 26 g2gsq.m,- 1,858sq.m.(10,000 sq,ft.- zlJqq rq-!J- 6 I 3 465 sq.m.- 929sq.m.(5,000sq.ft.- 10,000sq.ft.) 1358 sqff. - 4,645sq. sq.ft.- lQQIQQr9 +,0+Ssqm. - 9,290sq m. (50,000 . 9 , 2 9 0s q . m + 6 2 The overallassessmentof supply concludesthat there is no speculativedevelopment comingforwardat this time which may be due to currenteconomicconditions,lack of fundin[ and viabilityissues in respect of developersbeing able to undertakenew returns. at appropriate development The lack of new or high qualityindustrialpremisesfor immediateoccupationmay resultin Darlingtonbeing able to secure new investmentfrom companiesseekingto undefiake of existingcompanieswho are seekingto withinthe areaor the retention inwardinvestment acquirehighqualitypremisesfor theirown occupation.lf the companiesare unableto wait thenthey may decideto relocateto other for 1? monthsfora designand buildopportunity areas. UP 4.3.2 Demand/Take a. Demandfor Sites market by the occupierand developer development The positionrelatingto landfor industrial position are in is that few occupiersgiven the currentmarket and currenteconomic at this sites wheretheyare ableto committo purchaseand developindustrial circumstances time. The natureof marketdemandfor freeholdsitesis limitedalthoughthere is some demand where they are unable to source suitable from the owner occupiersector,particularly existingpropertyto purchasefor theirown needs.Thereis a shotlsupplyof qualityfreehold industrialpropertyon the open marketat this time and thereforesome companiesare seekingsuitablesites in orderto constructnew premisesto their own requirements.Site seeking are typically1-2acresmaximumhoweveroccupiersare generally sizerequirements DarlingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 24 at this andthereare limitedopportunities development servicedplotsavailablefor immediate time. lt is stressed,however,that this is a limitedmarket. lt is estimatedthat demandfor perspective is presentlynil. froman investment landfor developments industrial We are not aware of any open market industrialland transactionswhich have been withinthe lasttwelvemonths.The followingsitewas sold by CarverCommercial completed to EMRfor wastehandlingpurposes:Surveyors Chartered - 1.24acres Estate,Darlington Formerhaulagesite,ClevelandIndustrial Sold- f200,000 Date- February2009 b. Buildinqs DemandandTakeUn of lndustrial yearto date(August2011)as 17 premises on industrial dealsin Darlington FOCUSreported andthe totalling6,996sq.m.(75,300sq.ft.),withall dealsreportedas leasehold transactions completed rentalsachieveda iange of f3.06 t6.50 per sq.ft.. Analysisof Transactions floorspace overthe previousthreeyear periodshowsa declinein the amountof industrial takenup after?009as follows; Completedin 2008 Transactions 30 transactionswere completedin 2008 of which 4 transactionswere freehold,16 Totalvolumeof propertytransactions accommodation, werefor new/refurbished transactions sq.ft.)of which719sq.m.(7,744sq.ft.)wasfreehold.The rental was20,114sq.m,(216,426 achievedvariedfrom f2,00 to a maximumof f12.00 per sq,ft. which relatesto Evans on LingfieldWay who werequotingpartinclusivedealson flexibleeasyin easy Easyspace outterms. Completedin 2009 Transactions a were completedwithin2009of which9 werefreehold.This represented 36 transactions 3 and 9,436sq.m.of freeholdsales sq.ft.).Including totalvolumeof 49,459sq.m.(532,178 per and a sq.ft. wereminimumf 1,92 dealscirca28,498sq,m.Rentsachieved warehouse rentaloff6.84 persq.ft.. maximum in 2010 Completed Transactions totalvolume completedwithin2010 including1 smallfreeholdtransaction 17 transactions 6,308sq.m.(67,899sq,ft) Rentsachievedwereminimumf2.43 per sq.ft.and maximum f7.63 persq.ft.. TotalTransactions Leasehold Freehold Total Floor Space (sq.m,) Average Take Up (sq.m.) Year2008 30 26 Year2009 36 27 Y e a r2 0 1 0 17 16 4 20,114 o 1 49,459 6,308 670 1374 371 overthe threeyear periodshowsa Withthe exceptionof 2009,the analysisof transactions dropin the amountof floorspaceand numberof deals. considerable DarlingtonLocatBrownfield$trategy- November 2011 25 The industrialsector was significantlysuppressedby the market crash during 2008 take up of industrialspaceotherthanfor comparedwith previousyearswith no significant smallunitsillustratedby the numberof unitstransactedand the averagetake up space. 30% of these deals were concludedwith Evans Easyspace,a small Approximately This may indicate of flexibleeasyin/easyout unitswith no leasecommitment. development that it is lack of confidencewithinthe market,and reluctanceto committo fixed term leaseholdcontracts,preferringthe flexibilityand abilityto vacateif requiredand at short notice,withoutleaseholdliabilities. (9,436 numberof freeholdtransactions Marketactivityimprovedin 2009 with a significant (15,492 sq.m.)and the two $avers including lettingsat Faverdale sq.m.)and warehousing (13,006 sq.m.). This development Easterwarehouse furtherlettingdealsat Faverdale's place was increased market and there reflectedsomeconfidencereturningto the industrial An exampleis the from the owneroccupiersector. demandfor freeholdaccommodation Volvo site at the FaverdaleIndustrialEstatesold due to their relocationto a new build at PrestonFarm,Stocktonandwasto VertuPlc.for theirownoccupation. development take up figuresand currentyearto August2011are showingsimilar The 2010 industrial levelsof activitywith an increasein take up of spaceso far this year by 10%. Therefore, 2011on the basisthat trendscontinue,will showimprovedlevelsof activitycomparedwith 2 0 10 . in the industrial It is consideredthat there has been an upturnin activityin requirements region there has been Valley sectorfor unit sizesof 9?-372sq.m.generally.In the Tees The weak companies. based dealsconcludedof much largervolumesfor manufacturing for export as manufacturing factorto this upturn sterlingexchangerate may be a contributory is more competitive. Labour costs have also stabilisedwhich contributesto more outputpricing, competitive to represent spaceis estimated takeup of warehousing Overthethreeyearperiodanalysed, withinDarlington. takeup of accommodation 80%of the volumeof industrial approximately 90,500sq.m.of which24,711is at Lingfield of spacetotalsapproximately Presentavailability Pointand 15,700at Faverdale(formerAmdegasite)in largedatedbuildings.In broad basedon accommodation 5 yearssupplyof existingindustrial terms,thereis approximately currenttake up rates. However,there is a mismatchbetweensupplyand demandwith likelyto currentdemandsfor smallerunitsand enquiriesfor largewarehouserequirements to satisfymodern be limited.Mostof the stockis datedand somewillrequirerefurbishment demands.Thereis a shortsupplyof modernlightindustrialunitsgenerally.However,in of funding,thereare no incentives and withinthe unavailability currenteconomicconditions, schemesat thistime. to developspeculative 4.3.3 Values a. Land With regard to the disposalof industrialland there is little comparabletransactional per acre evidence. Industrialland is being quoted presentlyat f100,000-f125,000 uponsitelocation. depending b. lndustrial Units typicallythesefall betweena In respectof rentalsachievedfor industrialaccommodation on rangeof f3.00 andt4,50 persquarefoot nethoweverthisdependson lot size. Presently DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 26 the marketthereis 30,000sq.ft.of spacebeingofferedat €1.00persquarefootat Faverdale at LingfieldPointis beingofferedat 50p-f1.00per squarefoot depending and warehousing that uponlot size. Thesebuildingsare olderstockcirca 1930s- 1960s. lt is considered are Deals new accommodation. f4.50 per sq.ft. is the headlinerate for modern/nearly beingagreedat this levelat MortonPark. currently W1hregardto freeholdvaluesdependinguponthe age and conditionof propedywe would suggest,(basedon historicevidenceoverthe lastthreeyears)is at betweenf30 per square footandf60 per squarefootcapitalvalue. 4.4ResidentialMarketReview 4.4.1 SupBly Supply of both residentialland and dwellingshas been consideredas part of this and it is repodedas follows:' assessment a. Land Residential BoroughCouncilStrategicHousing The most recentevidencecomprisesof the Darlington (SHLAA)Assessment UpdateAutumn2010. Assessment LandAvailability The DarlingtonSHLAA identifiesand quantifiessourcesof housingland supply in the whetheror not there is a five year Boroughfor the next 15 yearsor $o. lt also identifies housingsitesin the Borough. supplyof deliverable fromthisstudyare as follows; Specificconclusions for a) Thereis likelyto be a surplusof 668 dwellingsagainstthe R$S requirement assumingthatthe sites to 20201?1) the firstten yearsof the planperiod(2011112 are delivered. in the SHLM are suitableand achievable identified b) There is anticipatedto be a net shortfallof 154 dwellingsagainstthe RSS requirementfor the period2004-2021. sitesfromApril2010capableof c) Thereis a fiveyearsupplyof specificdeliverable deliveringa surplus of 597 dwellingsand comparedagainst the RSS requirement, b. Dwellinos Supplvof Residential throughutilisingweb basedproperlyresearchtoolssuchas This researchwas undertaken and zoopla,com.Our researchidentifiesthat thereare, currently1,989 propediesavailablefor sale within the Boroughof Darlingtonand the as follows:in respectof typeof properlyon the marketis identified breakdown Detached Semi-detached Terraced Flats Bungalows 25oA 498 32o/o 636 35o/o 696 159 8% of the overallstockfigure represent7o/o The abovefiguresare primarilysecondhand stockspreadthroughoutthe Borough. An data are listedas extractof new dwellingsavailablefor sale extractedfrom follows:- DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 27 Detached(4i5 beds) (3 beds) Detached Semis(a beds) Semis(3 beds) TownHouses(2 beds) Bungalows 11 5 I 4 2 I and of the recentrecession Thislow levelsupplyof newbuilddwellingsis as a consequence were beingbroughtforwardand as such housingmarketcrashwhen no new developments at Miller thereis nowlimitedsupplyof newstock, Thereis a furtherphaseto be constructed SkerneWay, Darlingtonof 27 properties.They have Homes,The Pasturesdevelopment advisedthatthey have7 unitsof currentstockunsold,whilstthereare ongoingschemesat West ParkVillage,Faverdaleby Bussey& Armstrongand at CollegeGardens,Glaisedale Courlwhichis beingdevelopedby CharlesChurch. planningpermissionhas recentlybeen grantedfor a new residentialdevelopmentat pointfor Marchdayin padnership withTaylorWimpeywho will build270 homesin Lingfieldat mixedcommunity next stageof the sustainable the to deliver new homes phase of ttreiirst Point. Lingfield 4,4.? Demand a. ResidentialSites there is limitedinterestin acquiring With regardto demandfrom residentialdevelopers, who have present However,developers time. at the development for future land resideniial of up to developments scale for small in sites interest some have expressed madeenquiries where locations good residential in houses detached 3/4 bed of for development 15 units phasedschemesmay be deliveredfrom a buildersown resourcesas opposedto relying upondebt or bank facilities.Howeverprivateownersare not bringingsitesto the market due to currenteconomicconditionsas proceedsof saleare perceivedat a low leveland in somecaseslowerthaneithercostor valuation. aboutthe stabilityof the housingmarketand Thereremainsa great deal of uncertainty in valuewitha potentialdoubledrprecession further falls to experience is likeiy whetherthis take affectwithinthe localeconomy.The viability start to cuts spending as the Government with estate demand. From discussions pricing and on hinges development of residential particularly affordable the spectrum, across for housing demand is a real agents,there which institutions the financial by imposed constraints is the borrowing it housing However, are some until there Therefore, forward. moving from market preventing the housing are prospect land being of is no there difficulty address this to initiativei reat GovernmLnt being implemented. cases permissions in some planning existing or developed land which is presentlybeingsold is for smallsitesfor 2+ units development Residential by the developerand which,in the affordablesectorare financed privately can be which tenuremarket' or intermediate the rental for constructed being b. Propertv Demandfor Residential Assessment(SHLAA)producedin Autumn2010 The StrategicHousingLand Availability indicatesthl numberof dwellingsrequiredto meetthe RegionalSpatialStrategydwellings targetfor the Borough.The DarlingtonBoroughCouncilCore Strategydocumentadopted dwellingsneed tr,ta-y ZOtl statesthatoverthe periodfrom2004to 2026,8,675net additional to be providedwithin DarlingtonBorough. lt statesthe averageannual net additional DartingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 28 witha 10 the targetis 1,700dwellings for the fiveyearperiod2011-2016 dwellings required as 5,000 dwellings. yeartargetof 3,025dwellingsandthe 15 yeartargetis identified is for with localagentsindicatethatthe highestlevelsof demandfor properties Discussions popular ever houses within the including semidetached traditional threebedroomproperties Hillareas. Prospective and Harrowgate WestEnd areaof the towntogetherwithCockerton priced properties which are well appointed. purchasers are attractedby reasonably There is also good dernandfrom the "buy to let" investormarketwho are purchasing wouldbe of interestto thefirsttimebuyermarket.Suchbuyers properlies whichtraditionally are'lookingfor bargainspreferablypropertiesat low priceswhichrequirerenovation.The first time buyersin this marketis havinga downwardeffecton pricesof lackof traditional theseproperties. A contributoryfactor to the increasein supply of propertieson the market is some purchasers wishingto downsizein orderto releasecashor reducemortgagecommitments. 'Stock is also movingmore slowlyin view of some sellershavingpurchasedin a better marketand havingspentfurthermonieson improvingtheirpropertywhichmay havebeen acquiredthroughle+nortgagingand are now technicallyin a positionof negativeequity. on sellingprice. lt is understood theiraspirations Thereforethereis resistancein reviewing rejectionof realisticoffersmadeon propertiesand sellershaving agentsare experiencing retonsideredsome days laterfindingthey have lost that prospectivepurchaserwho has movedontoanotherProPertY, With regardto pricing,agents have generallyreportedthat prices have fallen by between withinthe last3 Years. 15%-?Oo/o lf we assume LandRegistryFiguresReporttotalsalesJan-June2011at 414 dwellings. levels. stock current similarperfortanceto Dec 2011 this indicates42%of showsthe followingaveragehousesale pricesby housetype Researchfrom f r o mJ u l y2 0 1 0- J u l y2 0 1 1 Detached Semi Terraced Flat J u l y2 0 1 0 8217,116 f 145,055 f93,042 f 156,667 J u l y2 0 1 1 t200,163 t132,361 t79,726 t132,483 Change -3Yo -9o/o -14o/o -11Yo in the currentmarketis likelyto be restrainedby the levelof transactions Fundamentally, relatingto job securityand inabilityto uncertainty currenteconomicand financialsituations, prices, In the currentclimatedemandand securemortgagefinancedespitelowerhou$e activitylevels wittrin the residentialmarket remain uncertainand subject to volatility withinthe economyandjob uncertainty. particularly in termsof the sensitivities Withregardto the needfor affordablehousing,therecontinuesto be a strongrequirement for affoidablehousingin the DarlingtonBorougharea, this is well documentedin the DarlingtonBoroughfiouncil's HousingStrategydocument2008-2012and a Strategic for the Tees Housiig MarketAssessmentwhich was jointlyprocuredand commissioned prepared by ARC4. Valleysub regionin November2007and with regardto newstock housingis deliverable for affordable The currentmarketconditions and direct present economic conditions by is affected on a limitedbasis. New development with stock hand of second supply is a reasonable cuts in Governmentfunding. There DartingtonLocatBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 29 fully modernisedand up to a for properties demandfrom first time purchasers reasonable on this demand,however, valueof circaf100,000. Therestill remainssevereconstraints to fundsuchpurposes. to obtainmortgages fromthe inability housingschemeshavebeenbroughtforwardrecentlyincludingWoodland Someaffordable of 213and4 bedroom by FabrickHousing,a development Hill,Darlington View,Harrowgate homes. Theyofferflexibleownershipoptionsi,e. rent,partownershipor outrightpurchase, pricerangesarefromt130,000to t175,000. 4.5RetailMarketReview in the heartof the town centrewith the core activityin Darlingtonis concentrated Retailing -centred aroundHigh Row and NorlhgateprimarilybetweenHouseof Fraserand activity town centreto the east is a small Marksand Spencer, Ofl the outerfringeof Darlington bulkygood retailerssuchas FurnitureVillage,DFS,Comet,Currys retailparkincorporating locatedto includingSainsburys is wellservedby supermarkets, and Fiomebase.Darlington Park' at Morton the west of the town centreand Morrisonson the east side of Darlington "West mixed residential Park" There is a Co-Operativefood store at Faverdale's Individualand exclusiveshops are locatedwithin the "lmperialQuarte/' development. withina traditional schemeprovidinga rangeof fashion,homeand restaurantbusinesses streetsceneto the westof the towncentre. 4.5.1 Supplv a, RetailSites Streetwithin is Commercial for furtherretaildevelopment The firstprioritywithinDarlington project was dueto be thetowncentreto facilitatethe proposedOvalShoppingCentre.This over2 yearsago howeverdue to the economicclimate by DiscoveryProperties undertaken involves this has notyet takenplaceand is likelyto be scaleddown. The extantpermission presently car centre a town Streetsite of existingbuildingson the Commercial the demolition with park. The projectwas to deliver22,100sq.m.of retailspaceon two floorstogether togetherwith and restaurants fu,OOO sq.r. of leisurefacilitiesi,e.multiplexcinema/nightclub wintergardenand atrium. shopunits shorlfallof moderncomparison The schemewa$ proposedto meetan identified withinthe towncentre. a six levelmultistoreycar parkwith a linkacrossthe KendrewStreetwas to accommodate ring road on St AugustinesWay to the main shoppingcentre. KendrewStreet also aparlmentsfrontingNorthLodgeParkwith returnfrontageonto 26 residential incorporated KingStreet, of a new 62,000sq.ft. for the development haverecentlyannouncedproposals Debenhams storewithinthe NorthernEchowhichwilllinkto the existingCornMillShoppingcentrewhich in comprisesof the largestshoppingcentrewithinthe town Therehave beendiscussions and a development the past with regardsto the presentTown Hall site for mixed use part missed wider of a planningbrieffor the Feethamsareaincludesan elementof retailas use scheme. Sainsburyshave recentlybeen grantedplanningpermissionat appealto extendtheirfoodstoreon VictoriaRoadon the ringroadto includean upperlevelrestaurant DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 30 Workssite (NLUDRef: 135000160) It is alsonotedthatthe ownersof the formerTorrington on the site to meetidentifiedretailneedin to seek retailplanningpermission are proposing locations. in moresustainable failureof deliveryof retailfloorspace the lightof the perceived b. AvailableRetailUnits Darlingtonpresentlyhas 90 retail units available,providinga total of 17,424sq.m. The largestsingleunit availableis 1,539sq.m. locatedon the inner ring road (formerAllied Carpets). All retailunits are secondhand space. I unitsare freehold. One unit is A5 In termsof and 2 unitsare A4 (publichouseiclubs). (takeaway), 3 unitsare A3 (restaurant) in the table4.5.1below; the sizeof the availableunitsthis is identified Unit $ize Up to 92 sq.m.(1.000sq.ft.) sq.ft.) 92-464sq.m.(1,000-5,000 (5,000-1 0,000sq,ft,) 464-929sq.m. (1 sq,ft.) sq.ft. 0,000-25,000 930-2.322 ln excessof 2,323sq.m.(25,000sq.ft. No. of Units 48 33 5 4 0 Up 4,5.? Demand/Take a. Sites withinthe town On the basisthat the majorityof retailactivityis primarilyconcentrated for retailuse out of centre,althoughproposalsin centre,there is no real land availability demand. Worksindicatedeveloper/occupier relationto the formerTorrington b. DemandandTakeUo for RetailAccommodation between for Darlington BetweenJune 2009and July 2011thereare 10 retailrequirements and fromFrankie Bennys an A3 requirement 300sq,ft.and up to 50,000sq.ft,Thisincludes parks and in town centreschemes. seekingspaceup to 5,000sq.ft.on leisureparks/retail for primetown centrespace of between500 and The remainderare retailrequirements 2,500sq.ft. Evidencefor 2008 Transactional freehold(7 investmentproperties). were completedwith 11 transactions 30 transactions Totalarea2,234sq.m.(24,038sq.ft.).Spacesizesletrangedfrom11 sq.m,- 475 sq.m. Evidence2009 Transactional werecompletedof which25 wereleasehold.Totalarea8,587sq.m.(92,412 30 transactions one Nettoand one WickesDIY totalling sq.ft.)this included2 freeholddeals(investments) 38,090sq.ft,(3,540sq.m.), Evidence2010 Transactional 4 freeholdinvestments werecompletedof which11 werefreehold(including 45 transactions (91,805 sq ft ) space8,531sq.m. 18,119sq.ft.(1,684sq.m.).Totalfloor totalling DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 31 EvidenceJanuarvto Auqust2011 Transactional sale. 1 investment were completedincluding5 freeholdwhichincorporated 27 transactions Of the 22 lettings1,654sq.m.of spacewas let (17,797sq.ft.). TotalTransactions Leasehold Freehold Total Floor Space (exc investments) Ayerag9lqtq_qp_Eq.ln. Y e a r2 0 1 0 Year2008 30 19 Year2009 30 45 25 34 11 4 11 2,234 8,587 8,531 97 180 133 The figuresare distortedas in 2008 there were 7 investmenissold within Darlington. In 200g,therewere 2 investmentdealsequatingto 3,540sq.m.givinga net lettingfigureof 3 were sold including 5,047sq.m.,average180 sq.m. In 2010,4 freeholdinvestments yields 6'4% from with ranging a totalof 1,684sq.m. mixeduse retailsschemescomprising (tenantTesco)to 10.8%. Our analysisof availablespaceidentifies17,424sq.m.(187,48? sq.ft.)of spacecurrently of take up to availablebasedon averagetake up overthe lastthreeyearsand indications much of this spaceis date,the presentsupplycurrentlyexceedsdemand. lt is notedthat to is little availability secondaryand of smaller units of accommodation. There centre, in the town of any largerenquirieswishingto re-locate requirements accommodate particularly in goodsecondarylocations. The abilityto addresssupplyof good qualitynew spacemay existwith a suitablerevised thereremainsan Streetwhenthe retailmarketrecovers.Otherwise schemeon Commercial available in the present and the stock imbalancebetweensomenationalretailrequirements climate. 4.5.3 RetailValues a. Retail$rteq We havebeenunableto identifyany disposalsof retaillandand are unableto reportfurther in this regard.Landat MortonParkadjacentto PremierInn is beingmarketedat a quoting underofferhowevernotfor retailuse. priceof f350,000per acre,this landis presently b. RetailAccommodation withinthe town centre area notablyPost House Rentalsfor secondaryaccommodation whichhaveachievedrentalvaluesin the regionof f30-f40 persq.ft. Wyndand Skinnergate havepeakedat f 106 per sq.ft.with ITZA.Primeretailareasof the towncentrein Northgate per sq.ft.ITZA. headlinerentsnowin the regionof f85 disposalshaveachievedyields it is notedthatinvestment In respectof freeholdtransactions, (8.8%),YarmRoad(Tesco (Ladbrokes) withina rangeof 6.40/o 10.8%notablySkinnergate (10.8%). (6.4olo) and NorlhRoad(Co-op) Convenience) DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 32 c, $ummarv Thereis no evidenceof the earlydeliveryof the proposedOvalShoppingCentrein current the formerbus depotand the marketconditions.Siteson the peripherysuchas Feethams, mixeduseschemes. as potentially townhallare identified In termsof supplythere is around3 yearsof supplyof availablespacecurrentlyavailable. Mostof this spaceis secondaryin natureand includessmallunitson the peripheryof the towncentreand is thereforeonly suitablefor a limitedmarketas opposeto beingable to any largeroperatorswhichmay wish to considerbeingrelocatedwithinthe accommodate suchas a retail towncentre,Thisissuemay be difficultto addresswithoutnewdevelopment schemehoweverthe currenteconomicclimateand the abilityto secureprivatefinanceto will continueto frustratethe deliveryof theseschemesat the present facilitate development time. 4.6Leisureand Other Uses MarketReview 4.6.1 $upplv Boroughincluding5 Golf Clubs,Gala Thereis a rangeof leisurefacilitieswithinDarlington ArtsCentre, Darlington FootballStadium,3 nightclubs, Cinema,Darlington Bingo,the Ode-on HealthClub, Darl-ington CivicTheatretogetherwiththe DolphinLeisureCentre,Bannatynes andtakeaways. andmanyfastfoodrestaurants smallrestaurants a varietyof independent The townhas a selectionof hotelsincludingThe King'sHotel(a boutiquehotel)in the town centreand premierInn at MortonPalms.On the edge of the town centre(west)is The BlackwellGrange Hotel and Bannatynestogetherwith the five star RockcliffeHall at in 2008 by Tees Valley Hurworth,The Tees ValleyHotelFuturesReportcommissioned numberof hotelsfor a town of its statesthai Darlingtonhas a significant LocalAuthorities for size, althoughindicatesprojectionfor growthwithin the next 10 years, particularly leisure retail and tier budgethotels. We also havereferredto the NorlhEast budgeUupper by One NorthEastand preparedby DTZin February2011. commissioned stud-y a, Land Sites with planningpermissionare typicallymarketedon a design and build basis as opposedto land slle such as part of the TorringtonWorks site which has the benefitof pianningapprovalfor hoteland relateduseson a smallpartof the site. We are awareof siteswfrichmay have potentialfor leisureuse howeverthere is no evidenceof significant interestcomingforwardfor such sites, developerinterestis tentativedependantupon of disposal expectations potentialpre-lelconditions,This is furtherfetteredby landowners schemes. priceandcostviabilityof any potential b. AvailableBuildinqsFor LeisureRelatedUses Thereare presentlytwo publichouseson the marketfor sale close to the town centre namelythe Greyhoundin Parkgateand the Half Moonon Northgate.We are also aware thatthe Chinagutteton Northgateis currenttyon the marketfor sale. The formerEscapade some2,322sq.m..of spaceis Streetandcomprises whichis locatedon Gladstone Nightclub vacant. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 33 c. PublicOpenSpace OtherUseslncludinq We have referredto DarlingtonBoroughCouncil'sopen spacestrategyproducedin April 2007 and for the period2007-2017the Boroughhas a total of 923 hectaresof open space Darlington.Withinthis includingthe urbanarea and the threelargestvillagessurrounding play areaswithinthe urban openspacethereare 27 allotmentsites,26 equippedchildren's parksand gardens recognised localnaturereservesand threenationally arca,7designated forward the qualityof of landscapeor historicinterest.Focuson the strategyis on driving These include:existingopenspaceand planningfor a numberof majornewopenspaces. a) b) cl d) A newparkto be providedas partof the centralParkdevelopment. Newplayingpitchesto be providedat west Parkor MowdenRugbyclub. at Merrybent. withhousingdevelopment woodlandassociated Newcommunity Threenewlocalnaturereserves. whilstjust over 20% Almosta thirdof all open spacesare primarilyfor informalrecreation open spacesthat are site areas are primarilyoutdoorsportfacilities.On the basisof total Naturaland just open space. third of all undera primarily ouidoorsportfacilitiesaccountfor ll SouthPark The Grade just quafier the total. of overa seminaturalgreenspacemakesup In termsof works. upgrading and improvement investment, has benefitedfrom substantial the identifies report provided within the analysingthe existingprovisionthe information followingissues:Un 4.6.2 Demand/Take a. Landfor LeisureUses in the marketplaceand contactswiththe CharteredSurveyorsin Fromour own experience at thistime. We anyspecificleisurerequirements the marketplacewe are unableto identif,T arethereforeunableto reportfurtherin thisregard' b. DemandandTakeUp of LeisureAccommodation evidenceof disposalof leisurepropedyover the three We have referredto transactional withinthis period' yearperiod2008-2010.We havebeenunableto identifyany transactions bn thisbasiswe do not haveevidenceto enableus to identifytrendsin demandandtakeup rates and would thereforereportthat future leisureprovisionis likelyto remainstatic' Howeverwe considertheremay be limitednew leisureprovisionin any mixeduse schemes comingforwardin the future. There are some elementsof existingreasonableleisure provisionwhich is evening in on offerin the towncentre.Howeverwe wouldidentifysomeinadequacies entertainment cinema to replacethe datedexisting otherareassuchas modernmultiplexcinemafacilities upturnin marketconditions whichis locatedout of the town centre. lf thereis a significant and demandfor furtherleisurefacilitiesover the next 10 years, Darlingtonwill need to sitesto facilitatedemandand competewith otherstrategic identifysuitableand deliverabte centresin TeesValleyandthe widernorthernregion, publicopenspace Otherusesincludinq sui generisis difficultto establish.We and demandfor otherusesparticularly ldentification or trendsfor suchuse in Darlington. havenotbeenableto identifyany specificrequirements DartingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy* November 2011 34 throughplanning comingforwardthereis an opportunity In termsof any new development proceduresto addressprovisionof furtheropen spacesand facilitiesthroughplanning is not proposedthere is limited Clearlywherenew development requirements/obligations. any siteswhich unlessthe publicsectorown/control to addressany imbalances opportunity use. maybe vestedfor openspaceiamenity 4.7Summaryof PropertyMarkets Darlingtongenerallyis performingreasonablyas a commercialcentre in the current of financialand remainsrelianton the greatestproportion challenging educationand healthservices. Despiteeconomic employmentin publicadministration, conditionsthe town centreis performingmodestly.Thereare only 2 vacantunitsin the CornmillShoppingCentre at presentalthoughdiscussionswith the managingagents of the NorthernEcho buildingwhichwill indicatea positiveoutlookwith the development Department $torewithinthe shoppingcentre.We wereadvisedthatthey bringDebenhams for spacewhichtheyare confident continueto receiveenquiriesfromsomenationalretailers of the existingcentre. in the futurewithfurtherdevelopment theycanaccommodate by the lackof fundingavailability properlymarketcontinues to be constrained The residential particularly for first time buyerstogetherwith the presentover supplyof dwellingson the market. withinthis reportthereis a lackof occupier,developerand investoractivity As documented beingnon viabledue to low returnsbeing with manydevelopments in the areacommercially generated and inabilityto obtainfundsfor procurement. development As the economicclimateremainsuncertain,prospectsfor comprehensive activitywithin Darlingtonacrossall sectorsof any significantscale are likelyto remain limited, extremely DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 35 SITES 5 REVIEWOF IDENTIFIED 5.1 lntroduction lt is of eachof the 12 sitesidentified and proformacompleted. was undertaken An inspection a sampleof 12 sitesout of a totalof around83 siteson the NLUD notedthatthis represents registerwithinthe Borough. of manyof the sites,thenit was not Dueto the natureof the $tudyand unknownownership possibleto access all areas and where appropriatethe site inspectionswere undertaken usesand includeda reviewof the surrounding fromthe boundaryof sites.The inspections included as wellas information futureredevelopment viablepotential on potential constraints on withinthe NationalLand Use Database(NLUD)to assistin the informingof judgements sites. thefutureuseof individual photographs of and assessment irrcluding obtainedfromthe siteinspections The information whichareattachedat Annexll. potentialfuture withinSiteProformas useswereincorporated 5.2 Characteristicsof BrownfieldSites of Sites 5"2.1 Summarv sitesis set out below; areaof the 12 identified A summaryof the grossand netdevelopable able 5.2. - Analvsisof ldentifiedSites bv Size Struet SlteDescrlptlon SiteOf FormerBleckettsBrickworksAnd Petrol6umD6pot .ettsTio ormer Coal Debot L a n dA d i o i n i n q1 2 5 1 5 7 H a u q h t o nR o a , rseCarrWestWorksSite VacantLand o trormerHoDetownHouseAnd HopetownStudios \lexander Streel McmullenRoad EastmountRoad lauahton Road rNhessoeRoad Heron Drive BrinkburnRoad Way St Cuthberts VantaqepointIndustrialEstate Jrchid House ite Of FormerTorrinotonWorks Slte Of Former SprinqfieldPrimarySchool Faverdale Four Rjqqs Yarm Road SaltersLane South GroEE Site Area Net SitE Ar€a Acres 5,2acres 1 4 . 8a c r e s 3.3 acres 4 I acres 2 0 . 0a c r e s 3.3acres 3.5acres 2 5 acres 1 0 , 7a c i ' e s 0 8 acres 19.9 acfes 4.7acres 2 , 6 6h a 6.6acres 210ha 6.35 ha 15.7acres 600he 1 4h a 3 , 0 5h a 9 . 4 7h e 134he 1 . 4 3h a 1 . 0 2h a 4 , 3 2h a 0 . 3 1h a 5.3acres 7.5acres 1 . 3 2h a 193ha 8 , 1 0h a 134ha 143ha 102ha 432ha 031ha 8 . 0 5h a 23,4acres 2 . 6 4h a 3.3acres 3.5acres 2.5acres 1 0 . 7a c r e s 0,8acres 19 . 9 a c r e s 6.5 acres 4 ? . 7 7n a 10 5 . 6 3a c r e s 805ha 3 7 . E 1h a 9 3 , 4 0a c r e s 5.2.2 Analvsisof Sitesbv Size It is notedthat 12 identifiedsitescovera totalgrossareaof 42.77hectaresand,therefore, providean averageof 3.56 hectares.However,4sitesmake up a totalof 28.19hectares an averageof 1.82hectares. withthe balanceof sitesproviding as follows; Thefourlargestsitesare identified Tip FormerBlacketts RiseCarrWestWorksSite Industrial Estate Vantagepoint FormerTorringtonWorks 6 . 3 5h a 9.47ha 4 . 3 2h a 8 . 0 5h a 2 8 . 1 9h a DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 36 It is notedthat 3 of the 4 sites are formerfactorysiteswherethe existingbuildingshave to slab levelwith the exceptionbeingBlackettsTip - wherethe site has beendemolished filled. and subsequently beensubjectto clayextraction 5.2,3 Analvsisof Sitesbv PreviousUse use withthe exception It is notedthat I of the 12 siteshavebeenmostrecentlyin industrial Schoolwhichwas utilisedas school Tip (as notedabove),former$pringfield beingBlacketts playingfieldsand I St. CuthberlsWaywhichwas utilisedas car showrooms. however,has more It is notedthat landoff HeronDrivewas alsosubjectto clayextraction, recentlybeenusedas a buildersyard. All of the sites have had the previousbuildingsdemolishedwith the exceptionof Orchid for Houseanda listedbuildingat HaughtonRoadwithall sitescurrentlyvacantand available approvals' statutory subjectto obtainingnecessary development 5,2.4 Analvsisof Sitesbv LocationwithinDarlinqton as follows; The natureof the locationof eachof the proposedsitesmaybe characterised TownCentreand FrinqeArea a. Road FormerCoralDepot,Eastmount WaY I St, Cuthberts OrchidHouse Sub Total b. 2 . 1 4h a 1 . 0 2h a 0 . 3 1h a 3.47 ha Suburban LandAdjoining125-127HaughtonRoad Landoff HeronDrive PrimarySchool Former$pringfield HopetownHouse FormerBlackettsBrickyard Sub Total 3 . 0 5h a 1 . 3 4h a 2 . 6 4h a 1 . 4 3h a 2.66ha 1 1 . 1 2h a lndustrialAreas Established c. Tip Blacketts RiseCarrWestWorks IndustrialEstate Vantagepoint Works FormerTorrington Sub Total 6 . 3 5h a 9.47 ha 4.32 ha 8 . 0 5h a 42.77ha Total 5.3 2 8 . 1 9h a ProposedFutureUsesfor ldentifiedBrownfieldSites 5.3.1 lntroduction to bothexistingand emerging of eachof the sitesandwithreference an inspection Following for the Borough. The reports planningpoliciesas well as to the marketassessment DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 37 sites is summarisedin table5.3,1 proposeduse and capacityof each of the 12 identified below: Table5.3.1- Use and of Sites Basedon the above,it is estimatedthat the 1? identifiedsitesprovidethe capacityfor the following; t . . r properties). 62 affordable 487dwellings(including uses. 81,684sq.m,for B1(c),82 and BBemployment 3,000sq.m.for B1(a)officesuses. 6,000sq.m.for retailand leisureuses. It is notedthat office,retailand leisureuses would compriseof elementsof mixed use Way and on the siteof Orchid schemeson sitescloseto the towncentreat I St. Cuthberts Four Riggs, Houseon siteswhichare les$easyto quantify of the brownfield Otherbenefitsof the redevelopment wider regeneration of the areainclude; as important to the butarealsoregarded . a a lmprovementof environmentand image of the area - particularlythroughthe Way or Blacketts Tip of prominent sitessuchas St. Cuthberts regeneration Eastmount Road and Deliveryof sectionsof the GreenCorridoron sites such as within the town andfootpaths HaughtonRoadto improvecycle-ways of listedbuildingwithinthe overallHaughtonRoadscheme, Restoration areas; of successful key industrial for the expansion Provideprovision Estate o FaverdaleIndustrial - Vantagepoint - RiseCarrWorks Road o YarmRoad/McMullen - Torrington Works - Blacketts Tip DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 38 Unless adjustedto reflect site specificfactors (such as existingor historicplanning approvals),the assessmentis undertakenon the basis of the following standard areas; withregardto sitecapacitybaseduponthe netdevelopable assumptions Table5.3.1( - StandardAssum ns ardinq Site Gapat D.trytly Development Use g1,82 andBBDevelopmel 3,442sq.m.perhectare B1aOfficeDevelopment Residential - Housing - Flats 4,589sq.m.perhectare 30 - 35 per hectare 50 per hectare AffordableHousinq ?5-30o/o of market housing of Delivery 5.3.2 Proqramme in whicheachsitewillcomeforwardand as to the timeframes is undertaken An assessment which includethe following; is basedupona rangeof factors thisassessment b. c. The planningstatusof the sites- manyof the siteshavethe benefitof existingor expiredplanningconsentswhichare likelyto be capableof beingrenewed. - the likelihood of the subjectsite comingforwardrelative MarketAttractiveness the same proposeduse in currentmarket to Othersites whiChmay share conditions. Site Constraints- the level of site constraintsaffectingthe site which may include; Contamination issues Site ownership/access Floodrisk strategies of widerregeneration The implementation price or alternative(more required towards The ownersaspirations valuable)uses. Baseduponthe abovefactors,it is assessedthatthe subjectschemeswill comeforwardfor withinthe followingtimeframes; development - ProiectsCapableof DeliveryWithin2011-15 Table5.3.2(1) 2 0 1 1- 2 0 1 5 SitEDescrlptlon $fteet 8 1 , ? , Eb u i l t spac6 B i a b ui l t sPACe letall / .els u re :ormer HopBtownHou$e And l^6atAr^rn Str rdins iite Of Former Springfield rrimarv School JrinkburnRoad louEing !o'E Affordable Content l6 l4 78 t2 SEltersLane South m2 )m2 l m ? 174 units lb unlts DartingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 iross Net Site iit€ AreE AruA \,letProflt rBf 1 . 4 3h a 1 . 4 3h a 38.80 2 . 6 4h a 1. 9 0h a 45 00 + . 0 7h a 3 . 3 3h a 39 Table5.3.2(2)- ProjectsCapableof DeliveryWithin 2016-2020 2016 - 2020 lite DeEcrlptlon 8 1 , 2 , 8b u l l l space StEBt ll a bullt ipace letail / -eit u re H o u si n g No'E \ffordablE lontent 108 16 99 15 sit60f FormerBlacketts AndPetroleum Depol {lexander Street Brickworks Land Adjoining125 157 HsuohlonRoad .laLrohlon Road -lerdn Drive l-5nd 48 VcmullanRoad astmountRoad llacketls Tin Forrner CoalDepot tise Carr Wsst Works Site n,/hessde Road /dntaoeodinllndustriElEstale t Cufhbcrtc :averdale 10.652fi2 1 000 m2 I 880 m2 1 . 0 0 0n 2 \^./av 1 .0u0 m2 70 4 869 m7 I OOOm? our F{roo3 rchid I 000m2 iite Of FormerToffinqtonWorks /arm Road 5.4 1 . 6 6h a 2 , 1 0h a i28 80 l05hd 1 93ha 1. 3 4h a i.35ha 1 . 1 4h a 47 ha 'l 34 ha 818.20 i22 00 '825 00) i,00ha 1. 3 ?h a 1 . 1 0h 102h 1 .02 ha t3?ha 4.32 ha 1 . 3 1h a 131 ha 1.05ha 8 . 0 5h a lsf 54 'F?O 60) i30.33 E i 0.00) :2.49 i,000 m? 17,283 n2 1 1 . 6 8 4m 2 'lst Sito \rea ,,let Profit ilte Area jrosa 1,000n? t O0Om2 l3 units i6 unrts 432 3 8 , 7 0h a 34.49ha Summary withinthe The reviewof siteshas identified2 sitescapableof deliveringnew development and having for residential development with eachof the sitesproposed periodof 2011-2015 uses. lt is noted the benefitof existingor recentlyexpiredplanningapprovalfor residential mean thatthe Local which would BC ownership within Darlington are that3 out of the 5 sites withinthis later as explained delivery approach to site more flexible a Authoritymay take financial receipts maximising beyond which will extend objectives meet identified Strategyto term. withinthe short or mixeduse schemeswhichare all vacant The remainderof sitescompriseemployment projects their own rightsbut are constrainedby factorswhich within important sites and issuesand the impacton property markets, contamination commercial state of includethe to be delivered sites being estimated will result in the of use which viabilityand changes period 2016-2020. of withinthe DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 40 6.0 FINANCIAL ANALYSI$ OF SITES BROWNFIELD 6.1 lntroduction THE PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENTOF The purposeof this sectionis to undertakea high levelreviewof financialviabilityof the to the development. the overallconstraints proposed siteswitha viewto assessing The assessmentis not undertakenas a detailedsite appraisalas there is insufficient information availableto undedakethis exercisebut is intendedto considerthe scale of viabilityissueswhere such problemsexist basedon standardassumptionsin relationto developmentcosts and values identifiedfrom the propertymarket assessmentreport undefiaken. Theanalysisis set out as follows; Basis of ViabilityAssessment 6.2 sitesthena high of the variousbrownfield In orderto considerthe viabilityof redevelopment site baseduponthe following for eachindividual appraisalis undertaken leveldevelopment standardassumptions; r Siteswill only be broughtforwardwherethey are capableof deliveringa minimum landto the ownersat the followinglevels; - Sites Residential Sites Industrial Sites Retail/Leisure t250,000peracre peracre f 100,000 f250,000peracre Mixeduse schemeswould requireto generateland values betweenthese levels mix. dependant on development . . $ales valuesare basedupon the outcomeof the site assessmentand the values and based as$essedfor the proposeduseswithinthe relevantmarketasses$ment are as against different uses upon site inspectionscompleted. Values applied follows: - . Residential Industrial Offices Retail/Leisure f 1,883- t2j52 persq.m, t592 - f645 Persq.m. 81,7??persq.m. 81,722persq.m. A standardconstruction costis appliedto the grossbuiltareasas follows; - Residential f 8 6 1p e rs q . m . o Apartments f 807persq.m. o Houses lndustrialA//arehouse t 430persq.m. Offices t 1 , 0 7 6p e rs q . m . f 807persq.m. Retail/Leisure An uplift on constructioncosts is providedto reflect costs of infrastructure, remediation and 5106 costs.This figuregenerallyvaries between25o/oand 40Vo DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 41 assessmentof site conditions,howevera few sites dependanton our preliminary issuesare identified. haveupliftsof 60-90%wherespecificsitedevelopment A further allowanceof 40% of constructioncosts is made to reflectthe costs of profit, professional fees,financeand developers Affordablehousingis assumedat 25o/oof new housingwith the value includedat to be requiredas socialrented 50% of marketvalue as the majorityis anticipated that viabilitywouldbe supportedby affordable properties.There is no assumption housinggrant, A preliminaryviabilityassess,nent for all sifes rs attachedat Annexlll' 6.3 Analysisof ViabilityAssessmentand SensitivityAnalysis thatthe UK economyis at the lowerend of the economiccycleand property It is recognised by typicallyaround?0% on a nationalbasis sincethe peak of the have reduced values greaterin someareas. propertymarketin mid 2007and significantly viablebasedon schemesis financially indicatesthateachof the residential The assessment and achieving the minimumlandvalueof f250,000per appraisalassumptions the identified acre. schemeshavea viabilitygap assessedat 20-40%of projectcostwiththe The commercial exceptionof the BlackettsTip site wherethe viabilitygap is assessedat beingin excessof 50o/o. Table 6.3 below sets out the impact on the numberof sites which have a positive in values; valueagainsta rangeof increases redevelopment /alues Uplift flumber o Total Ha \gainst Base r'iableSites 40% 10 10 22.63ha 1 4 . 5 8h a 22.63ha 26.95ha 26.95ha 50% 1 ha 16.a2 )o/o 10% 70Vt 3Qo/o qffordable 8 1 ,8 2 a n dB B )fflces lesidential 1 8 , 2 8 3m Z m2 1.000 3,000 m2 1,000 m2 m2 1,000 ],000m2 ].000m2 487units 187units 187units 187units 1 . 0 0m 02 1 8 . 2 8 3m 2 ] 3 . 1 5m 32 1 3 , 1 5m 32 1 , 0 3m 22 R6sld6ntial 32units j2 units i2 units t87units i2 units 3?units 187units 32 units l€tail and LGisuft i.000m? 1 , 0 0m 02 j,000m2 1 . 0 0 0m 2 1 000m2 i.000m2 The table shows the impactof an increasein value on projectviabilitywhich may be addressedby an increasein projectvalue throughthe courseof the economiccycle or of appropriate financialsupportmeasures. throughthe provision Summarv It is notedthat at currentlevelsof sales valuesthat all residentialschemesproducea to purposes.However, this levelmay not be sufficient positivelandvaluefor redevelopment justifythe costsof securingall necessarycovenants,or providea sulficientland valueto justifyhistoriccostswhichmay havebeenpaidfor sitesin bettermarketconditions. The viabilityassessmenthas been undertakenon the basis of 25o/oaffordablehousing within planningguidancebeing met unlessthere is an existingplanning requirement Manydevelopersare currentlyarguingthat such approvalwhich variesthis requirement. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 42 requirements cannot be justifiedin current market conditions. Any reductionin the housingwillimprovesiteviability, requirement for affordable lt is notedthat even with an increasein valuesof 20% then the substantialmajorityof purposes. redevelopment industrial sitesremainunviablefor brownfield DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 43 7.0 POTENTIALMEASURESTO SUPPORTSITEDELIVERY 7.1 lntroduction hasseenmajorchangesin the Government As previously noted,the electionof the Coalition Agenciesand their policytowardsregeneration with the removalof RegionalDevelopment with no associatedbudgetsand their replacementwith Local EnterprisePartnerships dedicated budgets. Agency in the fundingof the Homes& Communities Therehas also beenmajorreductions of around40% which has impactedon the fundingof the NationalAffordableHousing Programmes and variousgrant regimeswhich has impactedon housingdeliveryin the currenteconomicclimate. and localdeliverypartnersto LocalAuthorities Howeverthe Governmenthas encouraged utiliseexistingand emergingfundingand deliverymechanismsto supportregeneration activities. measuresto supportsitedeliveryis set out below; A reviewof potential 7.2 and Mechanisms Reviewof FundingProgrammes areset out below; and mechanisms Thevariousprogrammes lnfrastructure Lew 7.2.1 Communitv set up in Englandunder Levyis an existingfundingmechanism Infrastructure A Community of localor sub the PlanningAct 2008wherebythe publicsectorwouldfundthe undertaking out andwouldobtainthe paymentof fundingoncesitesare developed regionalinfrastructure by the privatesector. This mechanismcouldbe appliedas a cost per dwellingor cost per sq.m.of commercialdevelopmentalthoughis more commonlyappliedon a propertyby the rooftax appliedwithinMiltonKeynesto propertybasiswith recentexamplescomprising works and the fundingof public realm by the HCA within the fund key infrastructure often sit side by side with Section106 Greengatearea of Salford. CIL arrangements Agreementsoperatedby Local Authoritiesbut do typicallyrequirethe relevantLocal Authority to secureaccessto the relevantcapitalfunding,whichis requiredto fundworkson proposals to be an upfrontbasis, The normalroutewouldbe for a scheduleof infrastructure and supportedby way of a Charging Framework incorporated withinthe LocalDevelopment Schedule whichwouldbe consulteduponandformpartof the LDF. CIL is not chargeablein relationto affordablehousingand propertiesused for charitable purposes. that the proposedworkswere not funded The LocalAuthoritywould have to demonstrate from otheractualand expectedsourcesof fundingand the proposedlevy does not have acrossits area as a negativepotentialeffectson the economicviabilityof development for as a mechanism whole. The schemehas beenbroadlywelcomedby LocalAuthorities worksacrossbothlocalandsub regionalareas. fundinginfrastructure is LondonBoroughof Redbridge ThefirstLocalAuthorityto formallyadopta CIL mechanism with ShropshireCounty Council and Newark & Sherwoodshotlly to adopt similar to are withinconsultation is notedthat arounda further25 LocalAuthorities ldentifiedCIL ratesare currentlyidentifiedbetweenf75-t150 introducesucha mechanism. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy* November 2011 44 ratesbetweenhigh per sq.m.and are chargedon a varietyof criteriaincludingdifferential and lowvalueareaswithina districtor borough. projectswhich seruea CIL mechanismsare typicallyused to fund major infrastructure deliverworks and may numberof separatesite ownershipswhere the Local Authority development. phased housing with interestcosts)through recoverthe capitalcosts(together on how Agreements Section 106 than to LocalAuthorities The CIL providesmoreflexibility on levy further and where contributionsare spent howeverthe impositionof the generally low value area. viabilityin a willimpacton development development None of the 12 identifiedbrownfieldsites would be appropriatefor the use of a CIL for example. whichare morerelevantto the creationof a majorurbanextension mechanism LocalAuthorities bv lndividual Borrowinq 7.2.? Prudential may makeprovisionwithintheir revenuebudgetsfor an annual LocalAuthorities lrrdividual sum whichwould be capitalisedto createa capitalsum and may be utilisedto promote projectswithinthe LocalAuthorityarea. This fund could then be propertyregeneration utilisedto undertakelnvestmentactivitywhich could includeequity investmentwithin projects,loan financeto developerswho are unableto secure investmentfrom traditional sourcesor gap fundingprovidingthat the fundingis withinpermittedintervention bant<ing for gapfunding. levelswithinthe approvedEU blockexemption Whilstincreasingrevenuepressureon revenuebudgetsis notedas a resultof reductions have been lookingcloselyat funding,variousLocalAuthorities withinCentralGbvernment this mechanismto promotecontinuingeconomicdevelopmentwithin a difficultfunding in previousfundingregimes.For example,DerbyCity marketand buildon work undertaken Council established in September 2010 a f 10 million RegenerationFund office to supportthe deliveryof highqualityspeculative ( to schemes four successful witninthe Citycentreareaand recentlyannounced developmeht The offices. sq.m. of 13,935 be deliveredover the nexi 18 monthsto 2 yearsto deliver in entire Councilinvestmentis projectedto be repayabletogetherwith interest/share the completed of developerprofitsover a 3-5 year timescalefollowinglettingand disposal scheme. to establisha similarfund CityCouncilhavealsorecentlyannouncedproposals Manchester "evergreen vehicle",all of the investment with a 10 year horizonand estimatesthat as an period. year 10 receiptsmaybe recycledthroughthe Fundthreetimeswithinthe In addition,SalfordCity Council(SCC)haverecentlyannouncedthat they have agreedto take a pre-tetof 50% 6t a t7,651 sq.m.officeat Greengateto enablethe developer(ASK to securefundingfor the schemeto move forwardon a speculativebasis' Developments) whichwouldotherwise have enabledthe schemeto be established, Thesearrangements and of construction requirea maJorpre-letto be securedin advanceof the commencement establish to seeks by SCC poientiallydelayingdeliveryof the project. The investment breengat,eas an extension of the ManchesterCity Centre office core following the scheme' of the Spinningfields completion to establishconfidencein local On this basis,prudentialborrowingis a usefulmechanism facility will be dependantupon such a within marketsand the abilityto recyclereceipts project development, with viabilityissuesassociated the Whilstthe limitationof resourcesof DarlingtonBoroughCouncilis fully recognised, provide and loans to Authority the Local to of the borrowingfacilitiesavailable utilisation DartingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 45 equityto supportprojectswhich are viableyet unableto secure privatesectorfinancein based for fuftherconsideration a usefulprogramme currentmarketconditionsis considered withinDerby. on the successof a similarprogramme 7 . 2 . 3 J E $ S I C AF u n d i n q by the LocalAuthority(or Local A JESSICAvehiclewouldseekto utilisecapitalinvestment vehicle,whichis initiallyproposed to leverEuropeanFundingintoan investment Authorities) returnon all fund.The JESSICAFundwouldseeka commercial to providea multimillion been existing and would not look at gap fundingpropositions.There have investments within the JESSICAvehiclesset up withinNorthEast England,NorthWest Englandand whichhaveprovidedloanfinanceto businesses. EastMidlands Howeversignificantconcernshave been raisedin connectionwith the time and costsof vehiclesof this nature,the annualrunningcostswhichare incurred investment establishing includingfinancerate. Neitherthe and the termson whichinvestmentmay be considered over 3 years Fundwhichwere established NorthWest or the East MidlandsDevelopment period of over 12 ago and have yet investedwithina singleprojectwith a typicalset up vehicle. monthsandcosts(setup and revenue)in excessof f 1 millionexpendedon each Manylocalauthoritieshave lookedat JESSICAto lever unutilisedEuropeanfundinginto projectsthroughthe use of localauthorityresourcesas project area basedregeneration for the settingup of suchan arrangement matchfunding howeverthe costsandtimescales are likelyto be prohibitivefor a Local Authoritysuch as Darlingtonwhere there is a by 31't December2013. to be contracted for ali investments requirement Areas Zonesand Enterprise 7,2.4 Enterprise Zone as parlof the TeesValleyEnterprise As notedabove,CentralParkhas beenidentified phases, previous which withinthe siteand buildingon witha viewto promotinginvestment of a new campusfor TeessideUniversityas well as a site for includedthe development DarlingtonCollege. Once legislationis in place,throughthe LocalismBill, businesses movingintoCentralParkwill be exemptfromBusinessRatesfor 5 yearsand benefitfroma more relaxedplanningregime (LDO) althoughthe detailedprovisionshave not been finalisedat the currenttime. It is also notedthat individualLocalAuthoritiesare ableto designateenterpriseareaswithin for an agreed partsof the authorityboundarysuchthat businessratesare noi chargeable for periodin orderto attractinvestmentwithinan area subjectto appropriateaccounting sucha mechanism. It is understoodthat over 50 LocalAuthoritiesare currentlyconsideringthe abilityto operate such an EnterpriseArea includingthe relevantboundariesand the accountingfor such a mechanism. (PLl) 7.2.5 PublicLandInitiative operatedby the HCAto supporthousingdeliveryon comprisesan initiative The programme publicsectorland largelyland in the directownershipof the HCA or land withinLocal Authority ownership. will be to whomopporlunities The HCA haveprocureda panelof housebuilders/developers The benefits proposals for schemes. parties invitedto makedetailed offeredwith interested and,due easyto procurea sitedeveloper of suchan approachare that it becomesrelatively DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 46 to the rate of deferredland receipts,developerswill operateat lower marginsthan may be the case. otherwise on this basisand it providesthe potential A numberof majorprojectshavenowcommenced andthe BC ownedsitessuchas BlackettsBrickyard to progressearlydeliveryon Darlington $choolsite. formerSpringfield may also be givento the poolingof sites underthe PLI to createa critical Consideration opportunities, massof development (LABVI) 7.2,6 LocalAssetBasedVehiclefor Investment LocalAuthoritiesor other publicbodiesutiliseexistingland and In these circumstances, propertyassetsto establisha vehiclewith a joint venturepartner(usuallya privatesector who shallbe ableto use suchassetsas securityfor new borrowingto fund the developer) activityon the sites. Such workswouldbe deliveredby the of development undertaking agreed privatesectorpadner in accordancewith a phasedprogrammeof development beforehandbetweenthe Parties. The typicalbusinessmodelfor a LABVIwould requirefor the publicsectorto receivea "coupon"rateof intereston the propertyassetsinvestedintothe vehicleand as suchthis would typicallyneed to incorporatea numberof incomeproducingassets as well as siteswhich often comprisean importantelementof LocalAuthorityrevenue development budget. is PxPWest MidlandsLimitedwhichwas The mostrecentexampleof a LABVIarrangement betweenAdvantageWest Midlands(nowHCA)and LangtreeGroupand covers established landand 55,741sq.m.of a portfoliocoveringapproximitely52,61hectaresof development in June 2007 with majorongoing existingworkspace.The joint venturewas established of a sitefor residential the progression prolecGincluding the formerLDVsitein Birmingham, projectrecently at BrindleyVillagePhase ll with the first new construction development commencedat BromsgroveTechnologyPark where PxP West Midlandsare currently Village to Brindley units.In addition 4,645sq.m.of newworkshop approximately developing proposals for 17,651 phasell in Smethwick, the BlackCountryinclude otherprojectswithin of and the development new unitsat CobaltPark in Willenhall three industrial unitsat HiltonParkcloseto Junction1 of the M54Motorway. industrial It is understoodthat PxP West Midlandshas not deliveredthe proposedlevelsof new development agreedwithinthe BusinessPlanand that AWM did not received speculative whenthe vehiclewas formed.Whilstthismay be attributed returnsanticipated the projected the approachfor a publicsectorbodyto rely on a single to changesin marketconditions, privatesectorpartnerto takeforwarda widerangeof projectson a regionwidebasishasnot benefitsat this stageand is regardedby manyas tyingup regeneration significant delivered valuablepublicsectorassetswithina longtermvehicle. area than would requireto cover a wider geographical The use of LABVIarrangements Darlington perhapsthe Tees Valleyauthorities howeverconsiderthat this is not an appropriatevehicle for DarlingtonBC or other Tees Valley authoritiesand is more appropriatein bettermarketconditionswherethe publicsectorare seekingto createa to createprivatesectorinterestor activity. criticalmassof opportunities DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 47 Finance(TlF) 7.2.7 Tax Incremental of a Tax announcedproposalsin late 2010for the introduction The CoalitionGovernment IncrementalFinancescheme which is a structurefrequentlyused in other countries (including to borrowcapitalto providecapitalfundingto the US) enablingLocalAuthorities rates incomeresulting projectsbased upon futureincreasesin non-domestic appropriate fromthe subjectdevelopment. The first TIF projectscoming forwardare within Scotlandwhere the necessaryenabling legislationhas already been approvedand the first developmentundertakenat Leith Dockyardswith a numberof other proposedfuturescheme$at the detailedassessment of the former RavenscraigSteel Works by Wilson stage includingthe redevelopment Limited, BowdenDevelopments in Englandwouldbe invitedto submitpilot understood that LocalAuthorities It was originally projectsto CentralGovernment in January2011for the scheme.However,therehavebeen due to the potentialissues of draftenablinglegislation a numberof delaysin the preparation from LocalAuthorities.Therehave been criticismsof the scheme raisedin consultations whereLocalAuthoritieswhich do not have a significantbase of commercialdevelopment theremay be the potential Furthermore wouldbe unableto benefitfromsucharrangements. impactsthat such a scheme could only benefitareas with existinghigh demandfor wherethere commercialpropertyand thereforenot benefitareasin need of regeneration maybe issuesof lowdemand. Furtherannouncementsregardingthe frameworkfor TIF and the call for pilot projectsis Autumn2011; howeverit is clearthat thesewill need to be restrictedon the anticipated the market. areaswhereTlFs mayoperateandthe numberof schemesto avoiddistorting schemes The use of TlFs is seen as fundingmajor works such as key infrastructure andflooddefenceworksand is notconsidered services,railconnections including highways, sitesidentified.However,TIF may be considered to the brownfield relevantor appropriate works to serve any more appropriateto larger schemessuch as new infrastructure Airport. expansion or businessparkat the TeesValleyInternational Fund Reqional Development 7.2.8 European are situatedwithinthe Tier2 AssistedAreawhich It is notedthatfourwardswithinDarlington & Whessoe, St. Georgeand Sandberge Lingfield, Middleton compriseFaverdale, On this basis,qualifyingpartiesare able to apply for EuropeanFundingto undertake commercialand mixed use developmentprojects.Such schemeswould requireto be 2015 andallfundingdrawndownby 31" December completed resourcesunderPriority3 of the uncommitted thereare currentlysignificant It is understood activity. Qualifying programmewhich may be utilisedto supportpropertyregeneration works subjectto the provisionof appropriate projectsmay take the form of infrastructure levelsof match funding,or may take the form of financialsupportfor a gap funding programmeacrossthe AssistedArea for employmentrelatedschemesdeliveringtarget outputswhich may includeemploymentfloorspace,leverageof privatesector investment, accommodated. or new businesses brownfield landremediated It will be necessaryfor a public sector body (such as the Local Authority)to act as thefundon a dayto day basis. accountable bodyfor the fundandto administer DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy* November 2011 48 bodiesto ensurethat all by the accountable It is notedthat any fundingmustbe advertised interestedpartieswould have the opportunityto bid for fundingunder any area based with programme.Any fundingprovidedto the applicantwill also needto be in accordance the gap funding block exemptionand targetedat $mall and MediumEnterpriseswith maximuminterventionlevelstypicallybetweenZla/oand30% of totalprojectcosts. of a local gap funding programmeutilisinguncommittedEuropean The establishment in the currentfundingclimate,althoughearly opportunity a significant moniesis considered to frameworkfor investment an appropriate progresswill needto be made in establishing by 31" December2013and expended for anyfundingto be committed meetthe requirement 2015. by 31'tDecember GrowthFundinq 7.2.9 Reqional for RegionalGroMh Fundingwith the There have now been two roundsof applications 2011. lt is secondroundbidsinvitedin July2011with a decisiondue in earlyNovember of againsta proposedcapitalprogramme notedthatbidstotallingf3.5 billionweresubmitted fl950million. programmes whichwill directly The RGF programmeis targetedat economicregeneration link to privatesector investmentand job creation- particularlyin high added value will also seekto promote suchas researchand development.The programme businesses economicactivitywithinareaswhichhavebeenaffectedby publicsectorjob losses. end withoutan identified remediation will notsupportbrownfield the programme Accordingly, fundingmechanismfor the above user and is thereforenot identifiedas an appropriate schemes. Thereare no furtherroundsof RGFbiddingproposedat the currenttime. 7.2.10NewHomesBonus where A schemeannouncedby Governmentin the early stagesof the new Parliament, (or fundsfor everynew homebuilt brought CouncilTax is matchedfromCentralGovernment back into use) for six years in a Local Authority'sarea. This is an incentiveschemeto encouragecloserwor:kingbetweendevelopersand LocalAuthorities- the matchingfrom thatcouldbe shouldbe seenas a revenuestreamto the development CentralGovernment usedto securefinanceon a capitalsum. It is notedthatreceiptsunderthe NewHomesBonusare notcurrentlyringfencedto housing deliveryrelatedactivitiesand are typicallyused for otherfundingpurposesat the current time. 7.3 OtherInterventionsto Suppott Site Delivery sitesthroughothernonof brownfield may also supportthe development LocalAuthorities thefotlowing; andwouldbrieflyhighlight financialmechanisms - Throughthe acquisitionof brownfieldsites Sife Assembtyand Consotidation togetherwith adjoiningareas and offeringthese as more comprehensive by opportunities.Such an approachrequiresup front investment development the publicsectoron the basisof futurereturns. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 49 b. tJseof ComputsoryPurchasePowers- To supportprivatesectordevelopersin site assemblyworkfor key projectswhichmay includethe securing undertaking redevelopment' to securecomprehensive of vacantpossession c. Preparation of DevelopmentBriefs- The earlypreparationof developmentbriefs of processby providinga clear indication will add certaintyto the development which are conditions and any terms and permitteduse, forms of development scheme. This approachwill likelyto be requiredin relationto the development for withoutthe requirement enable developersto bring forwardopportunities will be to establishthe type of uses which discussions lengthypre-application provide detailed permitted.Over previousyearsthere has been a tendencyto briefs. However,it is felt that such an approach development and prescriptive may be overly prescriptiveand shouldfocus upon permitteduses, form of and keydesignissues. development d. e, Poolingof Pubtic OwnedSifes- The brownfieldstrategyincludesa significant numberof public sector owned sites and there may be benefitsin offering whereasindividualsites may not be of a developersa portfolioof opportunities sufficientscaleto attractinvestment.Suchan approachwouldalso providethe for the mostvaluablesitesto crosssubsidiselessviabledevelopment opportunity obligations.For example throughlinkingthemwithindevelopment opportunities good qualityresidentialsites could be developedout againstan obligationto on eitherthe same or develOpcefiain elementof commercialdevelopments separatesitewithinthe sameownership. publicsector JointVentures- As opposedto disposingof sitesfor development, developers suchthat land bodiescan enterintojointventureswith privatesector received upon returns could be vested into developmentschemeswith the of the schemeand ultimatedisposal,Suchan approachenablesthe completion processand publicsectorto have an elementof controlover the development partner to improveproject improvescashflowfor the privatesectordevelopment profitability.This would normallyrelateto eitherthe privatesectorundertaking on publicsectorlandor the publicsectorjoiningwith an adjoining development however development schemeto providea more comprehensive development suchan approachwouldneedto ensurethatit compliedwithrelevantguidancein valuefor money' andobtaining relationto procurement Thepubticsecfor enteringintoa leasefor a new commercialproperty/scheme public sector to securefinancebaseduponthe strengthof a enablinga developer covenant.The publicsectorwouldthensubletthe propertyon termsappropriate provisions for the headlease to secureoccupierswithinthe market.Termination wouldbe agreedfor exampleuponB0%occupancylevelswith recentexamples seek to utilisetheir resourcesto in Salfordand Wakefieldas LocalAuthorities way. in a stateaid compliant leverin privatesectorinvestment g DevetopmentVehictesand Tax EfficientSfrucfures- As an incentrvefor the a seriesof tax has introduced of brownfieldsites,the Government regeneration incentivesincludingcapitalallowancesfor the undefiakingof decontamination and remediationwork underlakenparticularlyfor sites which have historic for a periodin excessof 15 years. lt is notedthat only private contamination sectorcompaniesare eligibleto receivesuchbenefitsand a numberof specialist workingwithinthe areawho are seekingto companiesare currently development projectsto benefitfrom the specifictax undertakequalifyingsite remediation for sitedecontamination. breaksappropriate DartingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 50 overa numberof adjoining wouldalsoconsidersiteremediation Suchcompanies wherea siteswhichwouldprovidepotentialeconomiesof scaleand particularly Agency which frameworkmay be agreedwith the Environment site remediation the without would allow materialsto be movedbetweenindividualownerships as a are treated (i.e. levelsof landfilttax the varioussites paymentof appropriate singleproject). h. Reuse of BrownfieldSlfesfor the Creationof Public Open Space- The viability sites indicatesthat it will be difficultto envisagesomecontaminated as$essment as the currentlevel in the futureparlicularly comingforwardfor builtdevelopment purposesis lessthanthe existing sitesfor employment of demandfor brownfield supply. of suchsitesthroughutilising shouldbe givento the improvement Consideration or workswhich may includelandscaping improvement thesefor environmental of have the effect would creation of areas of public open space which Such area. immediate the marketin relationto othersiteswithinthe encouraging of suchsitesby the publicsectorand an approachwouldrequirethe acquisition siteswith of the mostappropriate a carefulprocessof identification would'require areaas potential and maximumimpactuponthe surrounding limiteddevelopment of and the costs accountrequiresto be takenof boththe capitalcost of works futuremaintenance. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 51 8.0 SITES ON BROWNFIELD APPROACHTO DELIVERYOF THE DEVELOPMENT 8.1 lntroduction and extractionindustrieswithinDarlingtonhas left a large The declineof manufacturing by poorsite sitesacrossthe Studyareawithmanyof theseconstrained legacyof brownfield site or tippingwhichhaveincreased or historicexcavations conditions throughcontamination development costs. to be successfulthen it must seekto For any LocalBrownfieldStrategywithinDarlington addressa numberof key issuesas follows; i. Addressi$suesof poor site conditionsas a resultof historicsite usesand the opportunities. andviabilityof sitedevelopment impactof theseon deliverability ii. Relativelylow valuesachievedfor bothnew and existinghousingstockand for commercialproperty. iii. Demandfrom occupiersof commercialpropertyfor short term flexiblelease which impacton risk, viabilityand the abilityto secureprivate arrangements finance, iv. relativeto otherareasand in opportunities Lowdemandfor housingdevelopment particular greenfield sitesin outof townlocations. v, financewhichimpactson the abilityof housebuilders Shortageof development development.This is a padicularissue developers to undertake and commercial or infrastructure wherethereare highup frontcostsin relationto site remediation priorto receiptof incomefrom development workswhichneedto be undertaken saleswithresultantcashflowissues, vi. in manyareasas a resultof redundantsites,with depressing Poorenvironment effecton values, vil. housingprovisionwhichimpactson to meetthe costsof affordable Requirement requirements. viabilitytogetherwithotherSection1061278 viii. capableof attracting development of commercial To supportthe establishment keyemployers throughthe provisionof highquality inwardinvestorsand retaining of the officesand industrialpremisesrequiredto supportthe diversification value. on development which impacts economy ix. to addressissueswithinthe localeconomy To seek to attractnew investment in the publicsector,low wage levelsand includingover relianceon employment low levelsof GVA. relatively x. by improvinghousingdeliveryand To addressissuesof pocketsof deprivation housing. the deliveryof affordable choice- including approachwhich The core of any Local BrownfieldStrategymust be a comprehensive and occupiers investors,housebuilders impactsupon marketconfidencefrom developers, improvements wherebysignificant perspectives, in marketconditions andcreatesconfidence DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 5? are would be realisedover a period such that new prospectivepurchaserslinvestors considered. intoareaswhichwouldnothavebeenpreviously encouraged Approachto BrownfieldSitesWithin Darlington 8.2 The 12 identifiedbrownfieldsites each have individualconstraintswhich have resultedin theirnot beingbroughtforwardfor economicreuseat the currenttime,whichmay generally be includedwithinthe followingfactors; a. Marketconditionsresult in there being inadequatefinancialreturnsto bring forward opportunitiesin the current economicclimate - particularlywith the and siteremediation. associated up frontcostsof siteinfrastructure site to be in relationto the formerBlackettsBrickworks Examplesare considered or Schoolsitewherebothsitesare withinLocalAuthorityownership or Springfield on the HopetownHouse or Heron Driveschemeswhere the sites are within privatesectorownership, b. Whereexistingowner$are seekingto utiliseshorttermviabilityissuesto seekto promotechangeof usefor key employment sitesfor morevaluableusessuchas retailor residential uses. Industrial Works,Vantagepoint For instance,sitessuchas the formerTorrington Estateand Rise Carr works wherethe ownersare in the processof making or promotingthe sites for alternativeuses such as retailor representations purposes. residential c. proposalsand may be Where sites may comprisepart of wider regeneration uses or the difficultto deliverin isolationdue to issuessuch as neighbouring andwouldneedto be impactof a blastzonewhichaffectsa numberof properties of the area wide addressedon a wider basis to maximisethe deliverability scheme. regeneration Sites where this presentsan issue includeEastmountRoad, Four Riggsand potentially I St. Cuthberts Way. 8.3 ProposedApproachto IndividualSites 8,3.1 FormerBlackettsBrickvard The site is currentlyvacantand allocatedas an employment site althoughthe SHLAAhas identifiedthe site as suitablefor lower cost housingwith an estimatedcapacityof 108 have dwellings, The site is withinthe ownershipof DarlingtonBC. $ite investigations withthe treatmentof landfill and identified thatthereare variousabnormalcostsassociated petroltankson the siteand alsonotethatpartof the siteis usedas a playarea underground for localresidents. development It is consideredthat the site may come fonruard opportunity as a residential quicklyand it is proposedthatthe following relatively stepsshouldbe undertaken; i. A developmentbrief should be preparedfor the site which shall include with local residentsin order that the publicopen $pace may be consultation designedin sucha way as to jointlyprovidefor the needsof localresidents. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy* November 2011 53 il. ilt. should be underlakento providecertaintyin Any further site investigations relation to abnormal developmentcosts including consultationwith the issues. Agencyon anycontamination Environment An outlineplanningconsentshouldbe securedfor the sitewhichwill identifyall of includingSection106 requirements the costs associatedwith site development housingprovision. in relationto affordable and provisions tv. On the basis of the above,the subjectsite should be marketedto suitably in developerson the basisof deliveringnew housingdevelopment experienced brief. of the development withthe requirements accordance V. abnormalcostsand also the locationof the site The impactof site development withina low valuearea may impactupondeveloperinterestand thereforeit may on a jointventurebasissuchthat for the schemeto be undertaken be necessary costs as a priorityreturn the developerwill receiverepaymentof development of the surplusof income and that landvaluewouldbe receivedas a proportion from housesales followingthe repaymentof developmentcosts. An approach wherebythe Councildo not requireupfrontpaymentof land value and are preparedto share developmentrisk throughpaymentslinkedto housesales interestin the undertakingof residential revenuewill encouragehousebuilder on a siteof thisnaturein currentmarketconditions. development vt. under of the siteas an opportunity shouldbe givento the inclusion Consideration withothersites. the PublicLandInitiative eitheron itsownor in conjunction vii. may be for the subjectsiteto be includedwithina portfolio A furtherconsideration to take on smaller of sites which would encouragelargerscale housebuilders with the scaleprojects.For instancethe site may be consideredin conjunction whichis alsowithin siteat theformerSpringfield School(NLUDRef:135000170) LocalAuthorityownership, 8.3.2 BlaqkeltsTip Tip is a highlyprominentsiteadjacentto the EasternTransportCorridorhowever; Blacketts coststo sucha whichwillsignificantly increasedevelopment the siteis heavilycontaminated level where developmentwill be unviablefor industrialpurposeswithin the foreseeable future. The site comprisesa tippedarea which is now overgrownand providesinformal openspacewhichis well usedby dog walkers,etc,, lt is notedthat the currentsiteowners that theywouldrequirethe benefitof a retailconsentto enablethe siteto be haveindicated broughtbackintoeconomicreuse. which have been undedaken, It is notedthat whilstthere are detailedsite investigations manyof the works have not been costedat this time. lt is notedthat the site is withina popularindustriallocationbeingadjacentto the existingMcMullenRoad IndustrialEstate tradecounteror more a rangeof car showroom, and alsohasthe potentialto accommodate industrial uses. traditional in maximising It is considered the potentialfor that the followingstepsmay be undertaken the restoration of the BlackettsTip siteand for the bringingforwardof the sitefor economic reuse: i. The LocalAuthorityshouldundertakea reviewof the existingsite investigations of the levelof costsassociated for the site in orderto obtainan understanding DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 54 with liabilityassociated and alsothe potentialenvironmental with site restoration the ownership of the site which is understoodto be generatingmethane emissionsat the currenttime. ii. will also highlightwhetherthere is the potentialto A reviewof site investigation developsomepartsof the sitefor economicreusewhilstthoseareaswithworse uses for alternative costsmay be identified development contamination/abnormal whichmay includepublicopenspaceor openstorageusesfor example. iii. with the land owners(R, Blackett& Sons Limited)shouldclearly Consultation for the siteand whethertheywishto disposeof theirsite identifytheiraspirations in themediumandlongerterm. or delivernewbuiltdevelopment iv. Brieffor the sitebaseduponan BC shall$eekto agreea Development Darlington and shouldbe suppoftedby a potentialdelivery of site remediation understanding town of Darlington plan. For exampleit is notedthat the proposedregeneration centre EasternFringemay give rise to the relocationof a numberof major occupierswho may considerthatthe BlackettsTip site wouldprovidea suitable facilities. of alternative sitefor the development v. costswhichare up front development that thereare significant lt is recognised worksto the site and infrastructure likelyto be associatedwith site remediation of projectcashflowwill requireto be obtainedin orderto and an understanding meansof financialsupport. lt is notedthat the considerthe most appropriate LocalAuthoritycould considerthe use of variousmechanismsto suppotlthe of thisareawhichmay includethe following; development a. b. c, vi. Fundingof someelementsof workagainstfuturebusinessratesreceiptsfor the site. Assistingthe proposeddeveloperin securingfundingfor up front works through means such as prudentialborrowingor similar mechanisms whereby the Local Authority receive payment upon ultimate site development. for ERDF Workingwith the selecteddeveloperin promotingan application deficitin relationto the scheme. gapfundingto supportan identified associatedwith the site,the Local of any liabilities $ubjectto the identification Authoritymay consideracquiringthe freeholdof this area such that the site may be maintainedfor employmentuses and that the Local Authoritymay make works. and infrastructure for ERDFfundingto supportsiteremediation application Road 8,3.3 FormerCoalDepot,Eastmount Thesitecomprisesof a formercoaldepotand scrapyardsituatedadjacentto the formerrail area. The site is lineand is withinthe identifiedtown centreEasternFringedevelopment uses secondary by its longand narrowshape,a limitedaccessand surrounding constrained for mixeduse the sitein isolation.The siteis identified whichall makeit difficultto redevelop togetherwitha purposesand hasthe benefitof an existingplanningconsentfor 30 dwellings for the retainingof a wildlifehabitatwithinthe siteboundaries,The siteis within requirement for the benefitof the the BlastZoneof an existinggas holderwhichrequiresto be addressed widerarea. may It is proposedthat a strategyfor bringingforwardthis site for future development includethe followingelements; DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 55 It is necessaryto considerthe site in the context of other development opportunitieswithin the area in order to create economic manageable areas. For instanceit is notedthat thereare vacantsitesadjacent development parcels other underutilised to the site entranceand the potentialto incorporate withina development schemefor the sitesituatedto the rearof existinghousing off EastmountRoad. On this basis,it is considerednecessaryfor a delivery acrossthewiderEasternFringearea. strategyto be identified ii. of the nearby Any deliverystrategywill needto addressthe costsof dismantling ga$ holdersite to removethe BlastZone affectingthis as well as variousother sites withinthe area. lt is understoodthat whilstthe gas holder development to identifysourcesto fundthe couldbe removed.However,it will be necessary costof removaland alsodecontamination. ilt. It is understoodthat there is limitedinformationavailablein relationto site conditionsand additionalinformationwill be requiredin order that a more viability. as to development completereviewmay be undertake iv. The deliverystrategywill also need to addressissuesof site assemblyand propose uses across this and surroundingareas which may include a requirement for compulsorypurchasepowersto take forwarda comprehensive approachto the area which will be necessaryto $ecure the regeneration areaas an extension objectives of creatinga newvibrantmixedusedevelopment to Darlingtontown centre. The proposalswill involveconsultationwith the existingsiteowners(WardBros)and othersiteownerswithinthe area. v, lt is currentlyanticipatedthat the site will be broughtforwardfor mixed use development which will includesome elementsof employmentuses. At this stageit is difficultto assessthe capacityand viabilityof thesebuttheseshouldbe withexistingsiteowners. reviewedas soonas possiblein consultation 125-127Hauqhton Road 8.3.4 LandAdioininq The site is situatedwithina prominentpositionadjacentto the Park Gate Junctionof the East Coast MainlineRailwaywith existingaccess off HaughtonRoad. The site is constrainedby an awkwardshape and also containsa listed buildingand part of the Darlington to $tocktonraiMaytrackbed. The siteis in privateownershipandwas subjectto an outlineapplicationfor 65 dwellingsalthoughthe applicationwas not determinedand in July2010, withdrawn The site has a constrained existingaccessoff HaughtonRoadand notethatthereare Tree Preservation Orderscloseto the existingsiteentrance.Thereis an existingfootpathacross thesite. thefollowing; A strategyfor bringingforwardthe sitefor economicreuseshouldincorporate i. Whilst the site with the benefit of any planning consent for residential proposition it is noted to housebuilders, is likelyto be an attractive development associated with the existinglistedbuildingand track bed will be a that liabilities concernto any interestedpartiesconsideringthe site. On this basis it is briefshouldbe preparedfor the site whichwill consideredthat a development but also identifyhow it is proposedthat the identifythe areasfor development listedbuildingshall be dealtwith in the future. Optionswould includefor the DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 56 exclusionof the buildirtgfrom the area to be sold, an agreedschemefor the restorationof the buildingor the paymentof a Section106 or other form of paymentfor the building's futurerestoration. ii. lt is noted that there is a desktop site investigationhowever;a full site will needto be undedakenin orderto providecertaintyto interested investigation Parties. iii. A developmentbrief should be preparedfor the site to providecertaintyto parlies.The development briefwouldaddressissuessuchas access interested into the site from HaughtonRoad, Tree PreservationOrders,dealingwith for a GreenCorridorthroughthe siteas footpathsand the potentialrequirement well as providingan approachto dealingwiththe listedbuilding,The completed for the site to be formally briefwouldthen providethe opporlunity development marketed. lt is noted that there is the opportunityfor the site to be jointly with the formerBlackettsBrickWorkssite (NLUDRef: marketedin conjunction partya moresignificant opportunity whichwouldofferany interested 135000008) be of interestto largerhousebuilders. and could,therefore, 8.3.5 RiseCarrWestWorksSite to sitelevel whichhas now beendemolished The sitecomprisesa formerCorusSteelworks purposesby the currentowners,St. Modwen, withthe site now beingmarketedfor industrial Estate.The existingaccessto Industrial in association withadjoiningsiteson the Faverdale via HoneyPot Lanealthoughnotethatthereis the potentialto createa the site is restricted new accessto the site throughan extensionof SamianWay on the FaverdaleIndustrial improveaccessto the41(M). Estatewhichwouldsignificantly estatesservingthe Darlington one of the majormostpopularindustrial represents Faverdale of largeservice areaand has attractedmajoroccupierssuchas Aldithroughthe availability a rail freightlink sitescloseto the 41(M). The subjectsite has the abilityto incorporate of this one of the few opportunities withinone mileof the EastCoastMainlineand represents scaleto incorporatethis facility. in relationto a changeof use to It is notedthat St. Modwenhave made representations for the site. includingresidential, mixeddevelopment, of the subjectsite LocalBrownfield $trategywouldsupportthe regeneration The Darlington as follows: i. The strategywould identifythe former Rise Carr Works as an important purposes. siteand seekto resistanychangeof useto residential employment The strategyshouldseekto prornotethe sitefor rail relatedpurposes.Demand by the recentenquiry for suchusesfrom majorinwardinvestorsis demonstrated for a rail by Hitachifor a majornew sitewithinthe NorthEastwith a requirement link. Discussionswith largeragentsindicatethat many major occupiersare seekingthe flexibilityof a potentialfuture rail connectionwhen selectingnew sites. lt is alsoproposedto seekto ensurethatthe proposedlinkto SamianWay is providedas soon as possiblewhichmay includethe potentialuse of ERDF with DarlingtonBoroughCouncilor the potentialuse of fundingin conjunction Local Authorityresourcesto be investedon a joint venture basis with the Authoritybenefitingfrom a proportionof the uplift in site value of future withinthe Faverdale developmentprofits. The site may be fully incorporated DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 57 lndustrialHstateas opposedto providinga self containedarea with an inferior highwaysconnection. iii. DarlingtonBC shouldwork with the developerto promotethe opportunityto as to the abilityto deliverthe raillink inwardinvestorsincludinga full investigation in to the site, 8,3.6 Siteoff HeronDrive beentippedwith wasteand The site comprisesa formerclay pit whichhas subsequently morerecentlyusedas a buildingdepot. The site hasthe benefitof full planningconsentfor residentialdevelopment,includinga Section106 agreement, However,in the light of the sitedevelopment. the ownershavenotprogressed existingmarketconditions, and associatedsite abnormalcostsare well understoodby the site owners Siteconditions who havetakenthe decisionnotto proceedwiththe schemeat the currenttimeeitheron the as they are unableto secureprojectfundingat the basisof projectviabilityor alternatively site in the ownershipof Darlington currenttime. lt is notedthat the siteadjoinsa brownfield BC whichis also includedwithinthe NLUDregisterand is currentlyutilisedas openspace for the two and playareafor the is notedthatthereis somepotential of the local sites to be jointly broughtforward,subjectto addressingthe requirements in relationto playareaprovision. community It is recommendedthat the followingsteps should be undertakenin promotingthe of the subjectsite; regeneration i. Enquiriesshouldbe madewith the existingsite ownersto ascertainthe current statusof the schemeand whetherthere are existingproposalsto commence workand if notthe barriersto development. ii. as to the statusof the adjoiningsite and in the A reviewshouldbe undertaken event that the adjacentsite may be releasedfor new developmentthen to of the two areas. ascertainwhetherthere are benefitsin the joint development approachto Benefitsmay includeimprovedlayoutsand a morecomprehensive of a secondmeansof withinthe areawiththe potentialintroduction development access. iii. being identifiedthen to considerthe Subjectto benefitsof joint development basis on which a joint development(potentiallythrough joint venture whichwouldrequireto have regardto local may be undertaken arrangements) government and bestvalue, in relationto procurement requirements House 8.3.7 Hopetown whichhas the siteof theformerofficesof WhessoeEngineering Hopetown Housecomprises for now beendemolishedand the site now has the benefitof detailedplanningpermission residentialdevelopment.The site is privatesectorowned. A Section106 agreementhas nowbeenenteredintoby the siteownersand it is assumedthatthe schemeis notcurrently abilityto securefinancefor the proceeding on the basisof eitherviabilityor the developers deliveryof the scheme. in current housingmix is appropriate whetherthe approveddevelopment It is questionable withthe siteownersin this in conjunction and a reviewmay be considered marketconditions regard, Darlington Local Brownfield Strategy - November 2011 58 of the subjectsite In relationto the Local BrownfieldStrategypromotingthe regeneration as follows; then it is recommended i. as to the To approachthe existingsite ownersto secure an understanding will be on site that a start currentstatusof the schemeand whenit is anticipated undertaken. ii. lf the ownersindicatethattheyare not currentlyin a positionto consideran early issuesshouldbe obtainedif possible. of associated start,an understanding iii. DarlingtonBC should considerthe abilityto addressany of the constraints identifiedto promoteearly deliverywhich may includea reviewof affordable housing contribution(currentlyby way of financialcontributionto off site provision)togetherwith any other planningconditionswhich have a financial uponthe scheme. implication iv. $ubjectto receivingfurtherdetailsas to the basison whichthe ownersare not currentlyprogressingthe schemethen the LocalAuthoritymay wish to raise whichmay includethe following; potentialroutesto supportsitedevelopability to $ecureprojectfunding, a. Assistingthe developer mixfor the scheme. development b. Considering fundingto improve the potentialto introduceland remediation c. Considering projectviability, Wav - FormerEvansHalshawGaraqeand Showroom 8.3.8 I St, Cuthberts The site is a formercar showroomsituatedin a highlyprominentpositionfrontingDarlington InnerRing Road and is regardedas a key site in promotingthe Darlingtontown centre to Easternfiinge area and the culturalquarterof the town. The site has beendemolished in 2006 slab leveland a planningbriefwas producedfor the futuredevelopmentof the site purposes. The site has been indicatingthe site's suitabilityfor mixed use development vacantfor the pa$t5 years. Group)are seekinga minimumsalesvalueof f2 It is notedthatthe siteowners(Pendragon exceedsthe level of offersreceivedfor uses which include millionand this significantly outlineproposalsfor hotel,cinema,officesand residentialled mixed use schemes.The as ownersare currentlyusingthe sitefor car parkingpurposes(withoutplanningpermission) an is notedthat the site is withinan area subjectto flood riskwhichwill impactupon any developmentproposalswithin this area. The site is consideredan of the EasternFringearea. The siteis alsoimportant elementto the development important in the linkingof the culturalquafterto the existingtowncentrearea. of Strategyin seekingto securethe regeneration the role of the Brownfield In considering undertaken; thesubjectsitethenit is proposedthatthefollowingstepsshouldbe t. il. with the site ownersto obtainan understanding Dialogueshouldbe established thatthe site proposals for the site. lt shouldbe emphasised of theirdevelopment Eastern of the is regardedas an importantelementto the wider regeneration Fringearea. for temporaryusageof the site for car parkingpurposesshould Any application be consideredto replaceothercar parkingprovisionin the town centrewhich DarlingtonLocalBrownfield$trategy- November 2011 59 of key sitessuchas the Feethams may be removedthroughthe redevelopment of regeneration site. The focusshouldbe uponthe longerterm comprehensive thisarea. iii. DarlingtonBC shouldseek to work with the developerin terms of seekingthe levelof usesfor this areawhichwouldgeneratean acceptable mostappropriate to cortsiderthe returnto facilitatea disposalof the siteand with this information or otherwisein planningterms. acceptability rv. suitabledevelopersto work with shouldbe given to identifying Consideration on a joint venturebasisto activelypromotethe PendragonGroup- potentially of highervalueuses. of someelements therevisiting scheme,Thiscouldinclude V. vi. of In the absenceof agreeinga routethroughto securingthe earlydevelopment as the site,then DarlingtonBC may considerthe potentialto acquirethe site a for highquality development areaandto securethe subsequent key regeneration usesfor the site. andappropriate brieffor the EasternFringe of a development In the mediumterm,the preparation may give risefor the potentialto undertakestrategicsite assemblyand the use of compulsorypurchasepowerswhere sites cannot be acquiredby agreement wheresitesmay be acquiredat valueas opposedto the vendorsbestvalue. lndustrialEstate.Faverdale 8.3.9 Vantaqepoint with the The site comprisesa formerwarehousebuildingwhichhas now beendemolished site in the ownershipof SpencerHoldingsLimited.SpencerHoldingsare currentlyseeking basisand are seeking"finaland best"offers to disposeof the freeholdon an unconditional from interestedpartiesin conjunctionwith an adjoiningsite situatedto the rear of the Limited. of ArgonProperties Estatewhichis in the ownership Industrial Vantagepoint It is notedthat SpencerHoldingsand ArgonPropertiesLimitedhave soughtto promotethe purposeson the basisthatthe two sitesare situatedcloseto two sitesjointlyfor residential to the west. development Estatewithnewresidential theentranceoi the Faverdalelndustrial Strategy,it is LocalBrownfield the abovesite in the contextof the Darlington In considering proposed thatthe followingstepsshouldbe undertaken; i. BC shouldconfirmto the existingsiteownersand any otherinterested Darlington industrial estateis regardedas a key employment partiesthat the Vantagepoint (or retailpurposes)wouldbe strongly areaand any changeof u$eto residential from resisted,lt is likelythat the LocalAuthoritywill seeka numberof enquiries (GVA as agentsfor SpencerHoldingshave partiesinterestedin development noted that most enquiriesare from partiesseekingresidentialdevelopmenton to wouldbe keento workwithany purchaser the site)and thatthe LocalAuthority purposes. for industrial promotesitedevelopment ii. In the eventthat SpencerHoldingsdo not sell the site then the LocalAuthority to seekto identifyroutesin which shouldseekto workcloselywiththe developer the site may be broughtforwardfor industrialpurposes. Routeswhich may be shallincludethefollowing; considered DartingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 60 fundingas a fundingregimeto support of landreclamation a. Potentialutilisation works requiredincludingremovalof the concreteslab and the remediation of a newsiteserviceroad. as wellas introduction foundations b. Investigationof the use of ERDF funding to meet any gap funding with the LocalAuthoritystandingwithin requirements for built development Body the roleof Accountable fundingprofileof the developerin bringingforwardthis c. Considerthe potential scheme and to considerwhether DarlingtonBC may take any role in withinsite acquiringany part of the site subjectto receiptsbeingreinvested development. preparation or an elementof speculative iii. In the eventthat SpencerHoldingscompletea disposalof the sitethenthe Local with the purchasersto seek to agreea Authorityshall seek earlyengagement of siteviability ptanningbrieffor the sitewhichwouldincludesomeconsideration as to any issues. Once again the Local Authoritycould give consideration fundingsupportwhich may be providedas outlinedabove but also consider for tradecounterusesfor instancewhichmay whetherthe site has any potential seekto improveoverallprojectviability. 8.3.10OrchidHouse,FourRiqqs towncentrewithinan areaof mixeduseswhich OrchidHouseis locatedcloseto Darlington include industrial,office, residentialas well as various open car parks pending The existingbuildingis currentlyvacantand the existingownershavebeen redevelopment. consideringproposalsfor the site for residentialled mixed use development. The of $outhernCross has resultedin the major office occupierwithin the administration immediatearea vacatingtheir formerpremisesat NorthgateHousewhichwill resultin a to the market. quantityof goodqualityofficesbeingavailable significant Orchid House is a scheme which needs to be consideredin the context of wider proposalsin the surroundingarea includingthe impactof the town centre regeneration frontingSun Street,In the existingproperties Areaon the site and particularly Conservation LocalBrownfield Strategyit is proposedthatthe followingsteps the contextof the Darlington shouldbe undertaken; A dialogueshould be undertakenwith the existingowners to obtain a full as to the currentstatusof their proposalsand to seek where understanding regarding the proposedmixof uses. possibleto obtaininformation il. to development constraints regarding the currentidentified To obtaininformation agentsand to considerthe by the site owner/their whichhave been highlighted abilityto meet these throughrevisionsto the proposedschemeand any other measureswhichmay be appropriate, iii. To considerthe subjectschemewithinwider proposalsfor the area whichmay give confidenceto the site ownersor prospectivedevelopersregardingthe regenerationof the area in the short and medium term. This will include of the frontingSun Street)and consideration residentialproposals(potentially proposals withinotherelementsof OrchidHouse. marketfor commercial/leisure iv. of viabilitywill enablea fuller understanding of development An understanding include whichmaysupportprojectdeliverywhichmay any potentialinterventions DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 61 gap fundingof commercialelementsof the schemeor the potentialforuard purchaseof residentialelementsby a HousingAssociationor other relevant body. Works 8.3.11FormerTorrinqton The premisescomprisea majorformerfactorysite which is situatedon a prominentsite Estate.The existing frontingYarm Roadadjacentto the existingMcMullenRoad Industrial securedplanningapprovalforhoteland leisureusesas partof a siteownershavepreviously industrialdevelopment.The site is situatedadjoiningan mixeduse schemeincorporating existingnon-foodretailwarehousepark and the site ownersare now understoodto be proposingto promotethe site for furthernon-foodretailuses in the light of an identified withinDarlington, of provision shortfall The site is a key employmentsite whichis situateddirectlyoppositethe majorCummins factoryand is seen a$ an idealarea for the extensionof the successfulMcMullenRoad IndustrialEstate. lt is, therefore,con$ideredimportantthat the formerTorringtonWorks shouldbe retainedfor employmentuses to providea well locatedand accessiblesite to withinDarlington. companies of industrial meetthe futurerequirements of the subjectarea,it is proposedas follows; the futureregeneration In termsof promoting i. DarlingtonBC shouldclearlyidentifyto the site ownersthat they wouldstrongly opposeany proposalsseekingretailuseson siteand this areawill be protected site, as a keyemployment ii, shouldprogressmatters with the site ownersor theirrepresentatives Discussions in termsof consentedhoteland leisureelementsof the projectand whetherany that theseelementsof the scheme lt is understood demarrdhas beenidentified. were specificallyconsentedon the basis that they would cross subsidise of viabilityissues industrialelementsof the scheme. A full understanding to be associatedwith the existingschemewill enablea betterunderstanding constraints, obtainedof development iii. of site viabilityissuesis On the basis that a more completeunderstanding obtained(andthat a retailplanningconsentwill not be pursued);then Darlington as follows interuentions BC mayconsidera numberof potential fundingto addresssite a. To considerthe potentialuse of land remediation of a new site accessto create conditionsand the potentialintroduction plots. serviceddevelopment b for withinan application the developer for supporting To considerthe potential on the development ERDFgap fundingto supportan elementof speculative then scheme. Shouldthe developercomprisea smallor mediumenterprise this would providethe oppotlunityof higher interventionrates to support viability. c. Considerationmay be made towardsthe Local Authorityacquiringthe was reutilised freeholdof part of the site on the basisthat such investment to and serviceworkswhichwill be required supportearly withinreclamation ort the basisof future may also be considered site delivery.Any investment additionalrates receivableby the LocalAuthorityin the event of such an beingmade. investment Darlington Local Brownfield Strategy * November 2011 62 d. lt is notedthat the site is not currentlybeingformallymarketed.Darlington BC may work with the site ownersin terms of promotingthe site as an eitheron a speculativeor bespoke opporlunityfor industrialdevelopment withinthe relatedinvestment basiswith a viewto attractingnewemployment area. FrimarvSchool 8.3.12Former$prinqfield The sitecomprisesof formerschoolplayingfieldswiththe siteof the formerschoolbuildings redevelopedto provide new affordablehousing under a joint developmentbetween BC andthe HCA, Darlington development The playingfieldshad the benefitof outlineplanningconsentfor residential of a for the provision althoughthis has recentlyexpiredand notealsopotentialrequirements The site is withinthe ownership playareato servethe requirements of the localcommunity. BC. of Darlington to bringforwardthe early that the followingstepsshouldbe undertaken It is recommended site; of this brownfield regeneration t. ii. as a jointventurewith HCA On the basisthatthe previousphasewas undertaken thenthe housingrequirements, to deliverpartof the BoroughCouncil'saffordable Local Authorityshould consideran approachto HCA to seek their views the playingfieldsarea. to incorporate an extensionof the programme regarding It is proposedthat a developmentbriefbe providedin relationto this areawhich with local residents,Spoft Englandand the Highways will requireconsultation Departmentand any other relevantgroups in order to provide a clear with proposalfor the site and to removeany potentialuncertainty development regardto futureuses. that an outline Followingthe approvalof such a briefthen it is recommended planningconsentshouldbe securedfor the schemeby the LocalAuthorityas applicant. iv. V, The schememaythenbe marketedeitherdirectlyby the LocalAuthorityor under the terms of the PublicLandlnitiativea$ referredto above. The schemecould on a phasedbasis subjectto eitherbe offeredas a singlesite or potentially detaileddesign. viability,the LocalAuthoritymay considerundertaking Subjectto development the schemeon a joint venturebasissuch that eithera fixed levelof receiptis process(suchas saleof a deferreduntilan agreedpointwithinthe development that site value is linkedto totalreceipts ceftainnumberof units)or alternatively varyabovean agreedminimumlevel. Eitherof the and thereforewill potentially above mechanismsare regardedas reducingdeveloperrisk and would be partnerswho may not otherwiseconsidera attractiveto potentialdevelopment schemeof thisscalewithinthe SaltersLaneSoutharea. An ActionPtanin relatiortto eachof the selectedsifesrs set ouf in AnnexlV. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 63 9.0 MONITORING AND EVALUATION 9.1 Performancelndicators It is consideredan importantelementthat the Strategyshouldbe regularlyupdatedand as a "live"documentas opposedto a statementat a momentin time whichwill maintained quicklybecomeoutdated. appropriate that the LB$ will be reviewedon a regularbasisto updatethe It is considered from varioussources,in orderto ensurethat it factsand figuresthat have been presented representsa robustand up to date positionto informthe variousauthoritiesapproach land, towardsbrownfield will be updatedto help and monitoring mechanisms strategies Relatedto this,the supporting landandthereforeprovidea measureof the successof the monitorthe takeup of brownfield LB$. The followingprovidesa commentaryon how each documentor processwill be reviewed; i. AnnualMonitoringRepori- TheAMRwillbe publishedin Decemberof eachyear againstnationaland and will demonstratethe variousauthoritiesperformance regionaltargets and indicators,includingthe progressagainstthe housing target. trajectory and the nationalbrownfield ii. - The Councilswill submitits NLUDreturnto the NationalLand Use Database to ensurethat brownfield Agencyannuallyas appropriate, Homes& Communities sitesmaybe landstatistics are keptup to dateand the stockof vacantbrownfield assessedacrossthe borough. iii. AnnualHousingRepoft- This reportprovidesa factualupdateof the housing of the landsupplypositionas of l"April eachyearand detailsthe characteristics year'shousingcompletions and overallsupplyincludingsitesunderconstruction permission. andwithplanning iv. SfrategrcHausingLandAvailabilifyAssessment- The SHLAAwill continueto be reviewedand publishedannuallyto take accountof the generalhousingmarket on particular sites,suchas a sitegainingplanning and changingcircumstances permissionor commencing construction. The updatealso takesaccourrtof new sitesthat have comeforwardor havethe potentialto comefonruard that were not includedin previousversionsof the SHLAA. v. ContaminatedLand - The EnvironmentalServices office of the various repofts authoritieswill continueto assessand respondto site investigation and will keep land contamination submittedin supportof planningapplications recordsup to dateas sitescomeforward,to ensurethat up to dateadvicecan be givenout on the potentialrisksandchallenges to sites. 9.2 RiskAssessment Risks sites. No demandfor Councilownedresidential Marketcontinuesto demand. DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 64 No co-operationfrom private owners. Failureto secure ERDF to supportschemes. . strategy. to implement BC resources Darlington Inadequate Mitiqation r of Councilownedassets strategyfor the promotion marketing ldentifyan appropriate as a portfolioof sitesto ensuremaximum eitheron a phasedbasisor if appropriate exposureto the market. to assistin schemedelivery. ConsiderJointVenturearrangements For Councilowned land considera deferredpaymentbasisto assistwith project cashflow. fundingand if Undertakediscussionsto ascertainavailabilityof ERDF/JESSICA to promotesuchfundsto the market. availablemechanisms by the Councilto set up a capital investmentfund based upon Consideration prudential borrowing. to to utilisetax allowances for landowners/developers intothe opportunity Exploration offsetcostsof sitedecontamination, DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 65 10.0 coNcLUsroNs Darlingtoncomprisesan importanttown due to its situationat the Gatewayto the Tees Valleyand NorthEast. The situationcloseto the 41(M),the EastCoastMainlineRailway andTeesportmeansit has beena popularlocationfor andthe NorthSea portsof Hartlepool relateduses. and morerecentlydistribution railwayrelatedmanufacturing impacton the economyof since2008hashada significant Howeverthe economicrecession industrywith housebuildingslowing on the propertydevelopment the areaand parlicularly at a standstill. development commercial andspeculative towncentreschemesto be put "on hold"suchas the Oval The resulthas beenfor important initiatives suchas the EasternTownCentreFringe ShoppingCentreand widerregeneration in theshodor mediumterm. schemeto becomelessviableor deliverable has resultedin lowerlevels Thechangewithinthe variouspublicsectorfundingprogrammes Agencies Investment Regional of the of publiciector fundingsupportwith the disbandment previous to Local functions provision of many andthe andtheirvariousfundingprogrammes to support brownfield EnterprisePartnershipswho have limited financial resources activity. regeneration There have been two roundsof biddingfor RegionalGrowth Funding. However,it is targetedat projectscreatingdirectproject that investmentwill be specifically understood to createjobs and private outputssuch as supportingcompanyexpansionor investments new speculative or supporting servicing as opposedto site remediation, sectorinvestment development. The reductionin HCA fundinghas seen the Agencyfocuschangingtowardsdevelopment enableand investoras opposedto grantprovideror deliveryagency. Accordingly,it is importantfor the Local Authoritiesto take a leadingrole in promoting flexibleand activityand Local Authoritiesare requiringto be increasingly regeneration sites on brownfield promote regeneration activity to in the use of theirresources imbginative and new assets withina periodof financialconstraints.This includesthe use of Council may be investment programmes, any so that funding initiativessuch as CIL or TIF or other Home Bonus New in the contextof potentialincreasedbusinessrates, considered deferredreceipts, althoughnotethat each one may be The 12 identifiedsites providea rangeof challenges deliveredas a standalone project. Each site is withinsingleownershipwherethereare * manywiththe benefitof an existingplanningconsent.The principal proposals established of financein current issuein relationto any schemeappearsto be viabilityor availability marketconditionsalthoughin severalinstances,site ownersare seekingto challengethe siteson viabilitygrounds. existingplanningstatusof keyemployment An approachis proposedwhichwouldseekto workas closelyas possiblewith site owners as possibleof the existingbarriersto and developersto secureas much understanding which may deliveryand to assist deliverythroughan appropriateminimumintervention pooling and,where jointly party of assets funding, seekingof third includedeferredreceipts, project delivery. promote to to considerselectivesiteacquisition appropriate, DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 66 REPORT ANNEXI. MARKETA$SESSMENT DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November2011 REPORT MARKETASSESSMENT OF IN RESPECT STRATEGY LOCALBROWNFIELD THEDARLINGTON 2011 Date:September |lgi DARLIIUGTOlU FOfiOUGH COUilCIL l'Ihomos { liger CharteredSurveyors CONTENT$ Summary Executive Purposeof the RePort Location Economicand MarketCommentarY Market IndustrialPropertY OfficePropertyMarket RetailPropertyMarket Market PropertY Residential Uses and Other Leisure Conclusions Recommendations ExecutiveSummary lntroduction of the has beenpreparedto supportthe preparation Thismarketassessment property market the (LBFS) is to establish and Strategy LocalBrownfield Darlington sites various forward proposals for bringing andeconomiccontextfor considering BoroughCouncil(DBC)area' withinthe Darlington The Economv generally to is facedwithsimilarchallenges ThelocaleconomywithinDarlington the UK. Withinthe lastfouryearsthe provincial townsthroughout mostcomparable period withslightrecoverywhichJras economyi'rasbeenthrougha recessionary andcautionwitheconomiesin Europe of uncertainty progresiedto a currentp-eriod within fragileconditions whichhascompounded difficulty USAin financial regional the "nd-ttt" factors affecting contributing main the marketplace. One of the incomecausing disposable cutsreducing spending economyhasbeenGovernment togetherwithcontractsin the publicsectorbeingcancelled, uncertainty, employment and propertylandlords. affectingbusinesses imposing institutions in thefinancial crisishasalsoresulted Thefinancial andalmosta freezeon fundingforthe on lendinggenerally constraints considerable "lowrisk"ie highquality sector.Pre-letswhichare considered propertydevelopment covenahtstrengthwith goodleasesare essentialfactorsif fundingis to be comingforwardat this considered.Thishas resultedin verylittlenewdevelopment propertyto let in mostsectors. timeand an increasein supplyof commercial meansthatthere economicconditions Withregardto the propertymarket,prevailing and investoractivitydueto declinein demandfor is veryiimiteddeveloper/occupier or to undertake notbeingin a position gooOiandservicesandsomebusinesses to in order economising and rationalising dueto ionsidera propertytrarrsaction economy' withina challenging levelof business a reasonable focuson sustaining of to takeadvantage companies Weaksterlinghasenabledsomemanufacturing by some been evident which has and securenewbusiness exportopportunities spacein theTeesValleyareagenerally. for industrial upiurnin transactions andthe difficultyin obtaining uncertainty Forthe housingmarket,withemployment has for properties demand particularly for the firsttimebuyersector, mortgages apaftment fallenwtrltstsupplyhas risenwiththe resultof pricesreducing.The difficultmarketwithinthe lastthreeyearsandthe markethas beena particularly are beingtakenup by the buyto majorityof firsttimebuyerhomesand apartments let sector. retaildevelopment withinthe towncentrewithinthe Therehas beenlittlecommercial TKMaxxon car parkincorporating lastten yearsotherthanthe newmulti-storey has Courtat Pioneer development been office CrownStreet.The onlysignificant a cluster of small MortonPalmsto the eastof the towncentre.Therehas been Estateby localinvestors/occupiers, industrial unitsdevelopedat ClevelandIndustrial in the Boroughis West undertaKen residential development The mostsignificant whichis a mixedschemeof 600homes,publichouse,school, Parkat Faverdale of and hospitaland is ongoing,currentlywitha development supermarket has recededdue to the development bungalows.In recentyearsresidential housingand the private economiccrisis.Thereremainspressurefor affordable rentalsectorhas grown withinthetownand someof thefringe newdevelopment The lackof significant to an dueto economicconditions.Thishas contributed areasis predominantly to hasbeenundertaken of largebuildings supplyof siteswheredemolition increased in a lossof accommodation, resulting ratingliabilities, mitigate we haveutilisedFocus,a webbased In termsof supplyanddemandindicators, ditficultto researchtooland data. Thisis notwholleyaccurateand is particularly confidential often due to present are reported many deals timeas analyseat the provide doeshowever a useful sensitivemarketconditions,The information andtrends. conditions indication of prevailing Employment to the Darlington landhas beenassessedwithreference Industrial a sufficientsupplyof LandReviewproducedby DB$,the reporlidentifies landup to ?0?6, employment the majorityof spacecurrentlyavailableis of a Withregardto industrialbuildings, spacecurrentlyavailablelocatedat standardwith mostlargewarehouse secondary Other Point.Otherthanthis,manylargespaceshavebeendemolished. Lingfield to providesmaller whichhavebeenrefurbished spaceavailable is existingbuildings Withregardto demandfor newspace,this is likelyto be unitaccommodation. pafticularly in difficultto facilitatein currenteconomicandfinancialcircumstances generally or flexible onlywillingto committo shorttermleasehold viewof occupiers aforementioned. fundingconstraints andthe development arrangements to be an oversupplywithinthe Withregardto the officesectorthereis identified towncentreareafor whichdemandat the presenttimeis minimal.Thereis a availableat MortonPalms. reasonable stockof vacantmodernaccommodation for futurenewofficedevelopment.Withcurrent Thereare adequatesitesidentified and presenttakeup rateswe estimatethereis circaI yearssupplyof availability availableto meetcurrentratesof demand.On thisbasis officeaccommodation exceedsthe levelof demandin the currentmarket.Lingfield supplysignificantly amountof officespaceon the market to a significant Pointagaincontributes ( 9 , 0 0 0sq .m.). property is similarto thatfor industrial Thesituationin respectof newdevelopment giventhatanydemandin the marketis alsofor shorltermleaseholdarrangements. withinthe town concentrated Withregardto retailactivitythisis predominantly the4'nlargestcentrein the Nodh centre.The mainshoppingcentreis TheCornmill, of coveredshopping.Fromour researchwe have Eastproviding20,438sq.m. of floorspacecurrentlyavailableon the market thatthereis 17,424sq.m. identified withmuchof the spacebeingsecondary.Largerspaceavailableis locatedon the bulkygoodsretailers.The mainsitewithinthe innerringroadfor accommodating is The OvalShoppingCentre development future retail for towncentrecommitted this Streethoweverwhether projectis broughtfonrardby Schemein Commercial at the presenttime,in viewof theirmainanchortenant is uncertain thedeveloper haveagreedto take formingpartof the CornmillCentre.Debenhams Debenhams will contribute which StreeUPriestgate The NorthernEchobuildingin Crown dueto open2014. development of the 5,760sq.m. 3,716sq.m. sectorthe Council'sstrategichousinglandavailability Withregardto the residential (reviewed thatthereis adequatelandfor Autumn2010)hasconfirmed assessment sitescapableof providinga surplusof 597 deliverable the next5 yearsof specificatly againstRSSrequirements. andcompared dwellings currentlyon the market Withregardto existingdwellingsthe numberof properties outstripsthe numberof buyersin the marketplacein a positionto be ableto completepropertytransactions.The highestlevelof demandis for 2 bedroomtown housesand3 bedroomsemisof goodquality.Muchof thissupplyis sourcedfrom secondhandstock. refurbished Leisure enquiriesfor new leisure We havebeenunableto identifyanysignificant interestfor the EvansHalshawsite businesses.Therehas beententativedeveloper that Darlington understand use, we also cinema/hotel Way for St Cuthberts on screen cinema.We are for a multi operators with BoroughCouncilis in discussions for do havea requirement Darlington. awarethat Frankieand Bennyrestaurants the healthclubsites,particularly of somedemandfor suitable Thereis evidence fromlettingagentRapleys budgetmodelwithlow monthlyclubfees. We understand thatseriousinterestis presentlyshownfor the formerRenaultGarageshowroomin for suchuse. Road,Darlington Eastmount Otheruses publicopenspace,the Darlington Borough Withregardto otherusesincluding published the needs identifies in 2007 CouncilOpenSpaceStrategyandActionPlan the identifies for publicopenspaces.The reportpredominantly andrequirements needto improvethe qualityof someof the existingareasof openspacein addition generally of spaceidentified furthernewspaces.Thereis a deficiency to developing of southwestDarlington,Thereis alsoa the Boroughwiththe exception throughout villageareas. withinthesurrounding deficiency of spaceidentified Summarv marketat thistimeare the currenteconomic The key issueaffectingthe Darlington activitydifficult employerand investment making developer, andfinanciatconditions sites development commercial areahasseveralkey to undertake.The Darlington landat development amountof industrial aroundthe towntogetherwitha significant Faverdale.The measuresthereforerequiredto bringforththesesitesfor future anda imagination Theywillrequireinnovation, willbe challenging. development, potentially lookingat Darlington and companies pro-active approachwithdevelopers to investin. as a destination placewithinthe region, linksanditsgeographical andcommunication Accessibility in the as a placeto livewithgoodqualityhousingstockparticularly its attractiveness to be an excellentplaceto work the potential WestEndof the town,givesDarlington andlive. is one of the towns thatDarlington hasindicated Recentnewsfromthe Government namedas a newenterprisezonewhichwill havethe benefitof sometax advantages to helpstimulate andfasttrackplanning. Thiswill presenta positiveopportunity activity. andgeneratedevelopment 6 1. Purposeof the Report BoroughCouncil for Darlington thismarketassessment Thepurposeof preparing strategy of theirlocalbrownfield is to underpinand supportthe preparation (LBFS). willestablishboththe propertymarketandeconomic The marketassessment proposals for bringingforwardthe varioussitesidentified contextfor considering respectof potentialuses,viabilityand in Council Borough by Darlington We wouldreportas follows:programme for development. 7 2. Location coversan areaof 19,745hectaresand is situatedin the NorthEastof Darlington 21 milel southof andapproximately 16 mileswestof Middlesbrough Englaild, Ouinam,Nearbymajorroadlinksincludethe ,A1M,,466and ,468withjunction58 of the 41M some2.5 milesto the northwestof the towncentreandjunction57 to 3 milesto the southwest. Railservicesfrom Darlington approximately 2hrs t"te 25 minutestravelto Londontakesapproximately tvtiOdlesbrou$n population of 100,800people resident hasan estimated SQmins.Darlington 2010).The Boroughretainsits markettown (NomisOfficeFor NationalStatistics and suburban urbanin naturebutincludes andis predominantly character communities. rural/village formspartof the widerTeesValleyregionwhichembracesStockton Darlington to the hasa widecatchmentareaof up to 20 miles anOMTdOtesbrough and SouthDurham' NorthYorkshire peoplelromneighbouring attracting 8 3. Economicand MarketCommentary The Boroughretainsits markettowncultureandfunction$as a sub regional shoppingand culture centrefor employment, publicadministration, includemanufacturing, in Darlington Themainindustries includeOrange, services.Mainemployers andbusiness financial banking, Collegeof Technology, CumminsUK,Darlington Hospital, Memorial Darlington Services.The BridgeUK LtdandCapitaBusiness MagnetLtd,Cleveland jobs. The broad 45,300employee approximately economysupports Darlington is in Darlington of employment sectorsto accountfor the greatestproportion this whichemploysome29.97o, healthservices publicadministration educational in region north east lower that of the than is abovethe nationalaverageof 28.2% TeesValleywithsome31.9%and 30.4%respectively. sectoremployssome20.2%of employees hotelsand restaurant The distribution, abovethe nationalaverage(19.6%).Transportand in Darlington, jobsin Darlington for 8.6%of allemployee accounts communications in the UK (6.8%). proportionally higherthanthesectorsshareof employment 14.5% jobs is and abovethe industries in the manufacturing The shareof lowerthanthe northeastregion15,1%and averageof 13,5%although national are in banking, fewerjobsin Darlington TeesValley15,9%,Proportionally (15.5%). whole (12.5%) UK as a with the compared insurance financeand jobs for example proporlion other services in of hasa relativelylow Darlington recreational, cultural, refusedisposal, beautytreatments, hairdressing, Valley areas. Tees East and North to the UK, compared Grossaverageweeklypayfor fulltimeworkersis f440 (NomisOfficeFor 2010). National Statistics levelsare repodedat 8,3% (NomisOtficeFor NationalStatistics Unemployment 8.3%in theTees 14.3%andStockton withMiddlesbrough ?010)compared havestrongand improving schoolsandcolleges Valleyregion.Dar'lington 5 or of pupilsobtaining performances at GCSEandA Level.2005percentage national the grade above at 56.70/o A-C stood at moreGCSEsor equivalent averageof 56.3%withadvancelevelresultssimilarlystrongand slightly population hasa of Darlington average.Resident the national exceeding population at profile the where North East in the schools strong comparatively 15.7o/o (degree while or equivalent) are educatedto NVQLevel4 least22.4Vo or a betterprofilethanthe sub-regional Thisrepresents haveno qualifications. populations. regional I withthatof comparesfavourably recenteconomicperformance Darlington's otherareasof the NorthEast.Grossvalueadded(GVA)2003of l.4billion a per capitafigureof 97%of the UK average,the highestfigurefor represents areain the NorthEastbetween1991and2004employment anylocalauthority growthhasexceeded and the sub-regional grewby 11%. Thisemployment Tees Valley districts grown faster than all of the a rate at regionalratesand has shorlof the growthrates Howeverit fallsconsiderably exceptMiddlesbrough, economygrewat a seenin the UK as a whole. Morerecentlythe Darlington fasterrate4,200net newjobswerecreatedbetween1994and 2004at 10%this and regional a growthratemorethandoublethe sub-regional represents growth ln March2005 rate of 5o/o. witha averagesand comparesnationally alsohasa active,Darlington wereeconomically around795% of the population in higherthanaveragenumberof peopleof workingageandemployment national averages. and to bothregional comparison H o usi n o within 46,800dwellings In termsof the housingmarketthereareapproximately in the regionof totalnumberof households the Borough(2006)withan estimated 2006). Statistics 45,100(OfficeFor National in the urbanareas Owneroccupierlevelsamountto 70.8%of totalhouseholds is 9.3%. The remainderis rented whilstprivatesectorrentedaccommodation (2001Census).Averagehouseholdincomefor fromhousingassociations/RSLs the Boroughin 2010wasf440p.w.Theaveragehousepriceacrossthe Borough 2010). t149,213(Finda is currently MarketCommentarv successfully Duringthelastfiveyearstherehasbeenlimiteddevelopment is Teesside development deliveredwithinDarlington,A recentsignificant providing and undergraduate newf l3millionfivestoreybuilding University's procured withsignificant was postgraduate Thebuilding facilities. teaching CouncilandOne Darlington College, to fundingfromDarlington contributions andTeesValley NorthEasttogetherwithsupportfromTeesValleyRegeneration was Relief Road openedin EasternTransportCorridor Unlimited.Darlington togetherwith 2008withthe bulkof the schemefundedby the Government BoroughCouncil,Thispresentspotentialfor further from Darlington contribution sitesfor thefuture,Morerecentlytherehas beenlimited development identified and occupieractivitysincethe gripof the recessionin late2008, development withthe collapseof the housingmarket,declinein demandfor goodsand beingforcedintoclosure. seryicesand somebusinesses 10 and intorecoverythe economy Althoughthe UK is nowofficially out of recession of privatefinancefromthe financial remainsfragile.The limitedavailability to recoverof the marketand the economy. institutions is alsoa majorconstraint operators and retail(withthe exceptionof supermarket ln respectof commercial property) arefor shortterm therestillremainslimiteddemand.Requirements rent incentives, significant agreements and lettingdealscommonlyincorporate freesand rentreductions.Someof thisactivityis due to the volumeof space notrenewing leases companies throughbusiness closures, becoming available intosmallerspaces. or rationalising of lnevitably the combinedeffectof demandfor shorltermleasesand companies valueof any effecton the investment weakcovenantstrengthhasa significant and thereforescheme$are simplynotviablein termsof development in viewof fundingcriteriaand returns.This sustainability andvalueparticularly is anticipated to continueat leasefor the rrext12-24monthsdue to sitr.ration prevailing conditions. economic Withinthetowncentretherehasbeenno newdevelopment, is secondhandand in additionthere The majorityof propertystockin Darlington due to the currenteconomic areareasof vacantlandwhichremainundeveloped Way andthe climate.Notablythe formerEvansHalshawsiteon St Cuthberts whichis presentlyutilisedas a car park, ln formerbusstationsiteat Feethams comingto the market.We the residential sectorthereis littlenewdevelopment development at the fromDBSthatthe EshGroupwillcommence understand FootballGroundwhichwasgrantedplanningpermission in formerDarlington developments whichhavebeen November 2009for 146homes,Residential developed in recentyearsincludeThe Pastures at SkernePark(MillerHomes), the CharlesChurchdevelopment at CollegeGardens(westend of Darlington) All sitesstillhavesome at ParkView(Cockerton). and Bellwaydevelopment vacantunitsavailable,Theonlydevelopment in progress at the presenttimeis of bungalows and threestoreytown the BusseyandArmstrongdevelopment WestPark, housesagainat Cockerton, uncertainty It is ditficultto predictfuturegrowthwiththe prevailing withthe economy. PropertvMarketSectors- Research elementsof our researchon the various It is notedthatin orderto undertake propertysectorswe haveutilisedthe FOCUSweb basedresearch commercial enginealongwith otherweb is 11 and do not providecomprehensive thatthesepropertydatabases acknowledged accuratedata for all propertywithinthe Boroughhoweverit does provide undertaken and property as to the leveland natureof transactions indicators availability. 12 4. IndustrialPropertyMarket Supplv landand unitshasbeenassessedas follows:of bothindustrial The availability Land Industrial LandReview BoroughCouncilEmployment We havereferredto the Darlington of the purpose findings for 2009 in the main December summarising reportdated thisassessment. thesetogetheras 81 (B siteswe havecategorised Withregardto employment (General (C and88 Industrial) 81 LightIndustry) B2 and Development) Research BoroughCouncilthat We areadvisedby Darlington (Storage and Distribution). siteswithinthis thereare presently235 hectaresof existinggeneralemployment potential hectares sites. 125 of key employment a further categorytogetherwith sitesin Thisassumedthat by 2026theremay be 360 hectaresof employment Boroughareahowever thisfigureis a maximumandbecauseit the Darlington qualitydevelopment sitesand thatall sitesarecapableof becoming a$sumes availability the land is on where necessary, majority of The accordingly upgraded boundaries. theouteredgesof Darlington/Borough Available Units lndustrial of 90,500sq.m. CostarFocusdataas at August2011thereis presently Utilising spaceis secondhandstock.Thebulkof floorspace,All available industrial spaceis locatedat Lingfield Point(24711sq,m.) warehousing . . . . Thereare 59 unitscurrentlyavailable Of the 59 units7 are freehold of stockis leasehold 78o/o is summarised An indication of unitsavailable in thetablebelow Numberof Units UnitSize (1 ,0 0 0 sq .ft.) U pt o 9 2 sq .m, I 26 Upto 465sq.m.(5;000sq.ft.) - 10,000sq.ft.) - 929sq.m.(5,000sq,ft, 465sq,m, 6 (1 0 ,000sq,ft, 9 2 9 sq .m. 1 ,8 5 8 sq .m. 20,000sq.ft.) 6 - 50,000sq.ft.) I - 4,645sq.m. (20,000sq.ft. 1,858sq.m. - 100,000sq.ft.) 3 - 9,290sq,m, (50,000sq.ft. 4,645sq.m. + 2 9 . 2 9 0 so .m. 13 thatthereis no new The overallassessment of supplythereforeconcludes due to currenteconomic may be time which comingforwardat this development beingable issuesin respectof developers lackof fundingandviability conditions, returns.The lackof new new development at appropriate to undertake a furtherdeterrentto newinvestment availableis alsopotentially accommodation withinthe area. andoccupation Up Demand/Take Demandfor Land by the occupierand development The positionrelatingto landfor industrial given the currentmarketand current developermarketis thatfew occupiers position wheretheyareableto committo economic are in circumstances purchase of industrial sitesat thistime. anddevelopment The natureof marketdemandfor freeholdsitesis limitedalthoughthereis some wheretheyare unableto demandfromthe owneroccupiersectorparticularly sourcesuitablepropertyto purchasefor theirown needs.Thereis a shortsupply propertyon the openmarketat thistimeand of qualityfreeholdindustrial thereforesomecompaniesare seekingsuitablesitesin orderto constructto their We wouldstresshoweverthatthisis a limitedmarket.We ownrequirements. landfor developments from wouldthereforesuggestthatdemandfor industrial perspective presently nil withsomelimiteddemandfromowner is an investment are typically1-2acres for theirown purposes.Lotsizerequirements occupiers of suchsitesat thistime. maximumhoweverthereis limitedavailability landtransactions whichhave We are notawareof any openmarketindustrial withinthe lasttwelvemonths.The followingsitewas soldby beencompleted to EMRfor wastehandlingpurposes:CarverCommercial CharteredSurveyors - 1.24acres Estate,Darlington Industrial Formerhaulagesite,Cleveland Sold [200,000 Date- February2009 buildinqs Demandandtakeup of industrial yearto date(August2011) is 17 premise$ Focusreported dealson industrial (75,300sq.ft.) reported andthe 6,996sq.m. all deals are leasehold dealstotalling averagerateper squarefootachievedis a rangeof minimumf3.06 and maximumf6.50, Thesefigureshavebeencomparedwith markettransactions withinthe previousthreeyearsand are outlinedin the gridbelow.The 14 spacewithinthe last3 yearsare 80%of the percentage of dealsfor warehousing All deals totalwithsquaremetresof totalof spacetakenof 45,190sq.m. of the Easter exception stock with the second hand werefor concluded completed of Transactions Analysis at Faverdale. of warehousing development overthe previousthreeyearperiodshowsa declinein the amountof floorspace takenup. in 2008 Completed Transactions werefreehold, werecompletedin 2008of which4 transactions 30 transactions volume of property Total accommodation. wereneWrefurbished 16trarrsactions was (216,426sq.ft,) of which719sq.m.(7,744sq.ft.) was20,114sq.m. transactions wasf2 andthe maximum freehold.The minimumratepersquarefootachieved on LingfieldWaywho f 12 per squarefootwhichrelatesto EvansEasyspace dealson flexibleeasyin easyout terms. werequotingpartirrclusive Completedin 2009 Transactions a completedwithin2009of whichI werefreehold.Representing 36 transactions of, fr eehold Including . 9,436sq.m t o t alvo l u meo f 4 9 ,4 5 9 sq .m .( 532,178sq.ft.) wereminimum Rentsachieved dealscirca28,498sq.m. salesand3 warehouse f1.92psf,maximumf6.84psf. in 2010 Completed Transactions 1 smallfreehold total transaction within2010including completed 17transactions (67,899sq.ft.). wereminimumf2.43 psfand Rentsachieved volume6,308sq.m. f7.63 psf. maximum TotalTransactions Leasehold Freehold TotalFloorSpace ( s q .m.) AverageTakeUp (so.m.) Year2010 17 16 20,114 Year2009 36 27 I 49,459 670 1374 371 Year2008 30 26 4 1 6,308 overthe threeyearperiod Withthe exceptionof 2009the analysisof transactions dropin theamountof floorspaceandnumberof dealssince showsconsiderable 2010, 15 by the suppressed sectorwas significantly Thefiguresshowthatthe industrial other space up of industrial take significant 2008 with no during crash market andthe average by the numberof unitstransacted thanfor smallunitsillustrated 30%of thesedealswereconcludedwithEvans takeup space. Approximately of flexibleeasyin/easyout unitswithno lease a smalldevelopment Easyspace, withinthe market,and it is lackof confidence that may indicate This commitment. preferring the flexibility contracts, leasehold to committo fixedterm reluctance leasehold liabilities, andat shortnotice,without andabilityto vacateif required numberof freehold Marketactivityimprovedin 2009witha significant including at Faverdale lettings (9,436sq.m.) andwarehousing transactions Easter andthe two furtherlettingdealsat Faverdale's Savers(15,492sq,m.) confidence (13,006sq reflected some m.) This development warehouse to the marketplaceandtherewas increaseddemandfor freeholdfrom returning the owneroccupiersector.Theselargesitessoldweresurplusto requirements TheVolvositesolddueto their instruction, howeverone salewas a receivership Farm, Stockton. at Preston build development a new to relocation with 2010figuresandyearto August2011 areshowingsimilarlevelsof activity an increasein takeup of spaceso far thisyearby 10%,therefore2011 on the basisthattrendscontinuewillshowimprovedlevelsof activitycomparedwith 2010. in theTeesValleyregionandour surveyors withindustrial Fromourdiscussions an upturnin activityin there has been of enquirylevels, ownexperience generally.In sectorfor unitsizesof 92-372sq,m. in the industrial requirements theTeesValleyregiontherehasbeendealsconcludedof muchlargervolumes basedcompanies.Theweakpoundmay be a contributory for manufacturing for exportis morecompetitive.Labour factorto thisupturnas manufacturing outputpricing. to morecompetitive whichcontributes costshavealsostabilised spacerepresents Overthe threeyearperiodanalysedtakeup of warehousing 80%of thevolumein Darlington. approximately Point of which24,711is at Lingfield of spaceis 90,500sq.m. Presentavailability there is in broad terms (former Amdega site), and 15,700at Faverdale however accommodation 5 yearssupplyof existingindustrial approximately for largewarehouse currentdemandsarefor smallerunitsandenquiries are likelyto be limited.Mostof the stockis datedand somewill requirements to satisfymoderndemands.Thereis a shortsupplyof requirerefurbishment conditions howeverin currenteconomic unitsgenerally modernlightindustrial to developspeculative of fundingthereis no incentives andthe unavailability schemesat thistime. 16 lmbalances land lndustrial landwe are notawareof anycurrent Withregardto demandfor development of industrial within the marketplace.Demolition demand or occupier developer development greater of industrial a supply spacein recentyearshascreated land,for whichtakeup will remainslowin the currenteconomicclimate.Thereis oversupplyof landat thistime. thereforea significant Buildinqs lndustrial (973,780sq.ft.) on the marketat the presenttimeie 90,500sq.m. Spaceavailable for and 5,000sq'ft. 1,000sq.ft. space of between is for smaller Demandpresently smaller of place with the exception whichthereis a smallsupplyin the market - 1,500sq'ft. starterunitsie 1,000sq.ft. Values Land landthereis littlecomparable Withregardto the disposalof industrial at f 100,000 landis beingquotedpresently evidence.Industrial transaciional five twenty (one hundred and pounds) 125,000 f (onehundredthousand location' uponsite pounds)peracredepending thousand Units lndustrial typicallythesefall accommodation In respectof rentalsachievedfor industrial a rangeof f3.00 andf4.50 persquarefoot net howeverthisdepends betweerr of spacebeingoffered on lot size, Presentlyon the marketthereis 30,000sq.ft. Lingfield Pointis being at warehousing and Faverdale at f 1.00persquarefootat buildings These lot size. upon persquarefootdepending offeredat 50p-81.00 areolderstockcirca1930s 1960s,We wouldsuggestthatf4,50 is thetopend Dealsare currentlybeingagreedat newaccommodation. ratefor modern/nearly thislevelat MortonPark, uponthe age and conditionof property Withregardto freeholdvaluesdepending we wouldsuggest,(basedon historicevidenceoverthe lastthreeyears)is at betweenf3O per squarefootand f60 persquarefootcapitalvalue. 17 Summarv Landreviewforecastssuggestthatin generaltotal Employment The Darlington needsoverthe to meetemployment landis required of 101.Shaof employment that the land period. states The review Framework LocalDevelopment provides in excessof 335ha, allocations withthe existingemployment availability needsin Darlington. amountof supplyfor employment a significant 18 5. Office Property Market Supplv to the supplyof bothavailable in relation hasbeenundertaken An assessment and officeunitscurrentlyavailableon the marketwiththe landfor development followingresults.Officeland- the bulkof officelandis allocatedbothwithinthe towncentreand are locatedbothwithinthe town on the fringe,ExistingofficeswithinDarlington purposebuilt parks withmorerecentconcentrated centreand on the business at MortonPalms,PioneerCourtto the eastof the towncentre. development of offices. consentfor 23,225sq.m. 11.3haand hasplanning Thissitecomprises (1?469sq.m.). Phase1 and2 is completed TownCentre standalone Thereare a numberof officeswithinthetowncentre,predominantly Northgate House,RegentHouse,PeelCourlandArcherStreet. unitsincluding vacantpotentialofficelandwithinthe coretowncentre Thereis someidentifiable Way EvansHalshawgaragesiteon St Cuthberts former the fringeareanamely Park (2.47ha), on Central adjacentto the PeelCourtofficedevelopment use. The for employment HaughtonRoadis a siteof some10.47haallocated has TeessideUniversity Collegeandmorerecently Technical sitehasDarlington Park is of Central Parl of the development a multi storey facility, constructed of withpotential to deliverup to 27871sq,m. identified for officedevelopment space. AvailableOfficeAccommodation researchutilisingFocusdatabasedresearchengineto We haveundertaken thefindings of We summarise officespacewithinDarlington. ascertain available thisresearchas follows:(325,630sq ft ) in Darlington of officeavailability 30,263sq.m, Thereis currently (3 of which are freehold freehold 13 are 73 units of which represerrts this thisrepresents17%of the stock.Averageaskingrentspersquare investments), f2.50 persquarefootto maximum footaref9.81 witha rangeof minimum f 18.60persquarefoot howeverthisfigureis distorteddue to someofficerents beingall inclusiveratherthana net rent. Moststockis secondhandstockwith officestock of the refurbished A largeproportion somemodern/refurbished, wherewe Road,Darlington Pointoff McMullen is situatedat Lingfield available of vacantotficespace(98,613sq.ft.). haveassessed9,000sq.m. 19 OfficeStock Availability UnitSize Lessthan46sq.m.(500sq.ft (500-1,000sq.ft.) 46-93sq.m. 93 464sqm. (1,000- 5,000sq.ft.) m. (5,000-1 m. - 929sq. 0,000sq.f.t) 464sq. (10,000sq.ft.) In excessof 929sq.m. No. of Units 24 23 14 7 5 Summary at the present Thereis an oversupplyof officespaceavailablein Darlington to fairqualityhoweverthere is of reasonable available time. Theaccommodation withmarket requirements for otficespaceover1,000sq.ft. areno significant and reducedtheiroffice thatsomecompanies haverationalised indications intosmallerunits. by relocating requirements up Demand/Take throughFOCUSweb baseddataof We havereviewedevidenceof transactions follows:report and would deals as reported OfficeLand in recentyearsdue We havebeenunableto identifyany officelandtransactions land to the inactivityin thissector.We are awareof officedevelopment with Darlington BoroughCouncil to Cityand NorthernDevelopments transacted the firstphasesof was negotiated at f250,000per acre(2003)to facilitate PioneerCourtScheme. Demandfor OtficeBuildinqs we haveanalysed In orderto estimatedemandfor officeaccommodation evidenceobtainedfromFOCUSdatabasefor the period2008,2009 transactional as follows:and2010to datewe wouldreportourfindings in 2008 OfficeTransactions including2 freeholds.Totalspace24,533sq,m. 23 transactions were completed (263,975sq.ft.). fl18.75.Two largedealswere Minimumrentpsff2.95,maximum at Lingfield Point,a in thesefigures StudentLoanstook6,536sq.m. concluded Point. was alsotakenat Lingfield further13,935sq.m. 20 in 2009 OfficeTransactions wereleasehold, totalsquare all transactions werecompleted, 27 transactions per f5.06, (32,492sq foot minimum ft Rents square footage3,018.5sq.m. ). maximumf25. The figureof f25 persquarefootis distortedon the basisthat reportedwereon an all inclusivebasis, someof the transactions in 2010 OfficeTransactions totalsquare transactions), completed(threefreeholdinvestment 19transactions transactions included investment (138,822sq.ft.). The footage12,896sq.m. for House,BeaumontHouseandWoodlandsHousewhichaccounted Hackworth (30,505sq.ft). (10,061sq 2,835sq.m, transactions m ). Netleasehold 108,301sq.ft. fl19.02. Rentspersquarefootminimumf4.05,maximum Januarv2011to Auqust2011 Transactions completed(threefreeholdsalesof vacantunits).Totalsquare 12transactions (853sq.m.). Rentspersquarefootfl4.78-t15. footage9191sq.ft. showsthatthe demandto occupyotficespacehas Analysisof transactions in realterms,witha to fall bothin numbersandspatialrequirements continued Land Employment yearto date2011.The Darlington furtherreduction significant an averageannualtakeup of officespaceof 5,410sq.m. Reviewindicates (estimated between2006and 2008). Figuresto dateindicatea dropof more the impactthatthe financialcrisis than50% in currenttakeup figuresindicating and recessionhas had on thissectorof the market.In the absenceof anymajor publicsectorincentives developerand investordemand to stimulateoccupier, in is likelyto remainunchanged position in Darlington within market the office the future. theforeseeable Totaltransactions Leasehold Freehold Totalfloorspace(sq.m.) Averagetakeup space ( s q .m.) Year2008 23 21 2 24,533 1,066 Year2009 27 27 0 3.018 112 Year2010 19 16 3* 12,896 679 * thesefiguresare distortedas 2 of the 3 freeholddealswereinvestment salesie Houseat MortonPalmsandWoodlandsHouse.A vacantfreehold Hackworth dealsequateto 8,853sq.m. House.Theinvestment dealwasdoneat Beaumont showinga nettakeup spaceof 4,043sq.m. ?1 wereconcludedin 2009there Thefiguresshowthatwhilstmoretransactions This may be an indicatorthat space taken. reduction in floor wassignificant partof their intosmallerspaceor sub-letting are rationalising morebusinesses in orderto reducerunningcosts. existingaccommodation Point,oneto lettingdealsat Lingfield The2008figuresincludetwosignificant to it wouldbe reasonable StudentLoans.Thesedealsequateto 20,471sq.m. thattherewillbe further climateit is unlikely assumethatin the currenteconomic for suchvolumesof space.Thisleavesa netfigureof 4,062sq.m. requirements of dealsandan averagetakeup of 193sq.m. lmbalances Office Land supplyof potentialofficelandto offerfor hasa considerable Darlington in relationto the currenteconomic howevermarketcircumstances development andfinancialclimateshowsthereis no demandat present,Thereis sufficient to takeup enquirylevels, secondhandstocksomeof whichis refurbished OfficeBuildinqs of stockat the presenttimeie Baseduponfiguresof currentavailability average takeup rateof spaceper annum and referring to the 30,263sq.m. pa, thereis LandReviewie 5000sq.m. Employment indicated in the Darlington sufficient existingstockto supplythe marketfor at lease6 years.However, reductionin takeup of spacefromthe figures allowingfor the significant in 2009albeitwitha much provided, increase in the numberof transactions the takinga grip conditions of economic is an indication smallerspatialrequirement potentially their downsizing/rationalising decisions andbusinesses of economic exceeds surplusspace.On thisbasissupplyconsiderably spaceby sub-letting betweengradeA demandgenerally.Howeverthereis an imbalance and secondhand/refurbished. accommodation 22 Values Land notedtherehas beenno officelanddisposalsin the openmarketin As previously years. We can onlyassessfiguresbaseduponhistoricevidence,On this recent basiswe wouldestimatethatofficelandvaluesassumingsitesare readyfor upon costsanddepending worksandassociated withno abnormal development andf175,000peracre, and lotsizesis betweenfi125,000 location OfficeRentals officerentshavepeakedat t14.50 per$quarefootat PioneerGourt, Historically since2008andwe wouldsuggest MortonPalms.Rentalvalueshavedeclined thatnet rentsrangecurrentlybetweenf3.50 andf 10.00per squarefoot. In we wouldsuggestthata building disposals respectof capitalvaluesfor freehold parking wouldbe in the regionof good location with in a specification of modern in the region quality accommodation poorer secondary f 120persquarefootwith of f50 per squarefoot. Summarv presentsupplyof officelandis sufficient significant further to accommodate the constraints and present conditions economic However in officedevelopment. time.The at this demand significant any we cannotidentify on fundingavailability BoroughCouncilas potentialofficedevelopment by Darlington sitesidentified ie CentralPark for officedevelopment sitestogetherwithsitesalreadycommitted provide should land available phasing the current at Morton Palms andfurther period, supplybeyondthe LDF sufficient thatif currenttakeup trendscontinue Analysisof availableofficespaceindicates I yearssupply,Our analysishas provide approximately the currentsupplywill downturnin marketactivity. covereda periodduringa significant 23 6. RetailPropertyMarket in the heartof the towncentrewith is concentrated Retailing activityin Darlington the coreactivitycentredaroundHighRowand Northgateprimarilybetween town Houseof Fraserand Marksand Spencer.On the outerfringeof Darlington good such as park retailers bulky incorporating retail east is a small the centreto is well Darlington Currys and Homebase. Village,DFS,Comet, Furniture locatedto the westof the towncentre withSainsburys servicedby supermarkets foodstore on the eastsideat MortonPark.Thereis a Cooperative and Morrisons development. residential Park" mixed at Faverdale's "West west on the north providing Quarter" shopsarelocatedwithinthe "lmperial Individual andexclusive street withina traditional businesses a rangeof fashion,homeandrestaurant centre. the town of to the west scene S u pp l v RetailLand is for furtherretaildevelopment The mainsiteallocatedwithinDarlington the proposedOval Streetwithinthe towncentreto facilitate Commercial by Discovery project to be undertaken was due ShoppingCentre.This properliesover2 yearsago howeverdueto the economicclimatethishasbeen on the of existingbuildings wouldinvolvedemolition sheived.Thedevelopment project park. was to car The presently a town centre site Street Commercial of with 6,000sq.m. together of retailspaceon twofloors deliver22,100sq.m. togetherwith and restaurants leisurefacilitiesie multiplexcinema/nightclub wintergardenandatrium. KendrewStreetwas to facilitatea six levelmultistoreycar parkwith a linkacross centre.Kendrew Wayto the mainshopping the ringroadon St Augustines frontingNorthLodgeParkwith apartments 26 residential Streetalsoincorporated returnfrontageontoKingStreet. towncentredue to developretailingin Darlington Thereis littleotheropporlunity in the pastwith discussions There has been land availability. to lackof suitable have Sainsburys development, for mixed present TownHallsite regardsto the Victoria store on their food to extend recentlybeengrantedplanningpermission Roadon the ringroadto includean upperlevelrestaurant' 24 RetailUnits Available of retailfloorspacein availability We havereferredto Focusdatain compiling witha totalof units available presentlyhas90 retail Darlington.Darlington locatedon the inner is 1539sq.m. The largestsingleunitavailable 1T,4?.4sq.m. ringroad(formerAlliedCarpets),All retailunitsare secondhandspace. I units and 2 units 3 unitsareA3 (restaurant) arefreehold.One unitis A5 (takeaway), units thisis In termsof thesizeof theavailable areA4 (publichouse/clubs), in thetablebelow. identified UnitSize (1 ,0 0 0 sq .ft.) U pto g 2 sq .m. ( 1,000-5,000sq.ft.) 92-464sq.m. 0,000sq.ft.) 464- 929sq.m.(5,000-1 (25,000sq,ft. of 2323sq.m. In excess No.of Units 48 33 5 4 DemandffakeUp Land withinthe On the basisthatthe majorityof retailactivityis primarilyconcentrated for retailuseat thistime. We have towncentrethereis no reallandavailability FOCUS,our fromresearching demand, significant beenunableto identifyany owndataand makingenquirieswithretailagents. Demandand take up for Retail$Pace for Darlington June2009andJuly2011 thereare 10 retailrequirements Between from Thisincludes1 A3 requirement between300sq.ft.and up to 50,000sq.ft. parks parks/retail leisure on up to 5,000sq.ft. space seeking Bennys and Frankie prime for requirements are retail remainder The and in towncentreschemes, towncentrespaceof between500 and2,500sq,ft,Ourowndatabaseresearch are of a similarSquarefootage' the majorityof retailrequirements indicates Evidencefor 2008 Transactional freehold(7 investment with 11 transactions werecompleted 30 transactions Spacesizeslet rangedfrom (24,038sq.ft.). properties). Total area2,234sq.m. 1 1 s q . m- .4 7 5 s q , m , 25 2009 Evidence Transactional werecompletedof which25 wer:eleasehold'Totalarea 30 transactions one Netto deals(investments) 2 freehold (92,412sq,ft.) thisincluded B,SB7sq.m. (3,540sq.m 38,090sq.ft. ) andoneWickesDIYtotalling 2010 Evidence Transactional 4 freehold werecompletedof which11werefreehold(including 45 transactions space 8,531sq' m. floor Total 1 8 ,1 1 9 sq.ft,,1,684sq.m .) , i n v e stme nto tsta l l i n g ( 9 1 ,8 0 5 sq .ft.). 2011to Auqust2011 Evidence Transactional 1 including5 freeholdwhichincorporated completed were 27 transactions (17,797sq.ft.). was let of space 1,654sq.m, sale. Of the 22 lettings investment TotalTransactions Leasehold Freehold TotalFloorSpace(exc investments) Averaoetakeup so.m. ?234 Year2009 30 25 5 8587 Year2010 45 34 11 8531 97 180 133 Year2008 30 19 11 soldwithin Thefiguresare distortedas in 2008therewere7 investments deals were 2 investment quoted. 2009 there In with no squaremetres Darlington average givinga netlettingfigureof 5,047sq.m., to 3,540sq.m. equating 3 mixedretails weresoldincluding 1Bosq.m.In 2010,4freeholdinvestments minwithyieldsrangingfrom6.4%(tenantTesco)and 10.8%, 1,684sq,m. lmbalances RetailLand of our ownenquiriestherehas beenlittle Fromour researchand experience in the currentclimate.Someinteresthas land for retail development interest area and on St CuthbedsWay howeverthis Park beenreceivedin the Mofton from hasnot beendevelopedfurtherdueto lackof viabilityand someresistance withregardto sellingprice. Any developerin the current vendorsin aspirations further. marketwill requirea pre let or designand buildprojectbeforeproceeding 26 RetailBuildinqs (187,482sq.ft.) of space 17,424sq.m. spaceidentifies of available Ouranalysis years and the last three currentlyavailablebasedon averagetakeup over is of takeup to date,the presentsupplycurrently indications andof smallerunitsof notedthatmuchof thisspaceis secondary of any requirements to Thereis littleavailability accommodate accommodation. good particularly in largerenquirieswishingto re-locatein the towncentre, locations. secondary Theabilityto addresssupplyof goodqualitynewspacemayexistwitha suitable $treetwhenthe retailmarketrecovers' revisedschemeon Commercial and withsomenationalretailrequirements an inbalance remains there Otherwise present climate. the stockavailablein the Values RetailLand We havebeenunableto identifyanydisposalsof retaillandand are unableto reportfurtherin this regard.Landat MortonParkadjacentto PremierInnis being marketedat a quotingpriceof f350,000per acre,thislandis presentlyunder offerhowevernotfor retailuse. RetailAccommodation withinthe towncentreareanotablyPost Rentalsfor secondaryaccommodation achievedrentalvaluesin the regionof which have Skinnergate HouseWyndand t30-f40psf.Primeretailareasof the towncentrein Northgatehavepeakedat f 106psfwithheadlinerentsnowin the regionof f85psf. we notethe disposalsin the towncentrehave In respectof freeholdtransactions yieldswithina rangeof 6.4%- 10.8%notablySkinnergate investment achieved YarmRoad6.4%,Co-opNorthRoad 8.8o/o, TescoConvenience Ladbrokes 10.8%. towncentre. We are not awareof any primevacantretaildisposalsin Darlington Summarv Thereare no committedsiteswithinthe towncentrefor retaildevelopment outsideof the primaryshoppingcentre.Siteson the peripherysuchas 27 as potentially the formerbusdepotandthe townhallare identified Feethams, mixeduseschemes. spacecurrently In termsof supplythereis around3 yearsof supplyof available smallunitson and includes in nature available.Mostof thisspaceis secondary the peripheryof the towncentreand is thereforeonlysuitablefor a limitedmarket any largeroperatorswhichmaywishto as opposeto neingableto accommodate Thisissuemay be difficultto centre. considerbeingrelocatedwithinthe town suchas a retailschemehoweverthe current addresswithoutnewdevelopment economicclimateandthe abilityto secureprivatefinanceto facilitate will continueto frustratethe deliveryof theseschemesat the development presenttime, ?8 7. ResidentialProPertYMarket Supplv as partof this hasbeenconsidered landanddwellings Supplyof bothresidential andwe wouldreportas follows:assessment Land Residential BoroughCouncil we havereliedon the Darlington Furtherto thisassessment Update Assessment (SHLAA) Assessment StrategicHousingLandAvailability Autumn2010. We wouldreportas follows:for housing the currentlistof sitespermitted identifies The assessment in the SHLAA for inclusion sitessubmitted togetherwithadditional development for housing update.The reportoutlinesthe currentlistof sitespermitted maycome which identified potential sites with other together development period the local year of 15 the across development for residential fonruard thata totalof were frameworkplan. The findingsof thisanalysis development providinga totalnumberof potentialdwellingsof 101siteswereidentified permission' siteswithplanning committed . Thesesitesincludeexisting 13,g71 (planning 740 dwellings permission f-or The permittedsiteswhichhaveplanning grantedbetween1 october2009and 30 september?010)provide permission and307 (3s6units2011-2016 unitswellin excessof the 5 yearrequirement units2016-2021). circa740 It is notedthatthereare a totalof 15 sitescapableof delivering dwellings, Dwellinos Residential in seekingto identifythe numberof dwellingscurrently was undeftaken Research through Borough.Thisresearchwas undertaken on the marketwithinDarlington utilisingweb basedpropertyresearchtoolssuchas, 1989 thattherearecurrently identifies Ourresearch Righm[ the breakdown and Darlington of Borough pr[pertiesavailablefor salewithinthe as follows:ln respectof typeof propertyon the marketis identified ?5% 498 Detached Semi-detached 32o/o 636 35o/o 696 Terraced 8o/o 159 Flats 7% of the overallstockfigure represent Bungalows 29 the The abovefiguresare primarilysecondhandstockspreadthroughout for saleextractedfrom Borough.An extractof newdwellingsavailable follows:dataare listedas Rightmove Detached(4/5beds) Detached(3 beds) Semis(4 beds) $emis(3 beds) TownHouses(2 beds) Bungalows 11 5 I 4 2 I of therecent is as a consequence Thislowlevelsupplyof newbuilddwellings werebeing and housingmarketcrashwhenno newdevelopments recession broughtforwardand as suchthereis nowlimitedsupplyof newstocl<.Thereis a at MillerHomes,The Pasturesdevelopment fufth[r phaseto be constructed of 27 properties.Theyhaveadvisedthattheyhave7 SkerneWay, Darlington is as a unitsof curientstocf unsold.Thislowlevelsupplyof newbuilddwellings no new where crash market housing and of the recentrecession consequence a limited is now there such werebeingbroughtforwardandas developments supplyof newstock, beengrantedfor a newresidential permission hasrecently Planning withTaylorWimpey at LingfieldPointfor Marchdayin partnership develop-ment wtrowill build270 homesin thefirstphaseof newhomesin the deliveryof the Point. at Lingfield mixedcommunity nextstageof thesustainable Up Demand/Take Land Residential thereis limitedinterestin developers Withregardto demandfromresidential the presenttimehowever at future development for land acquiringresidential haveexpressed experience own fromour develop[rswho havemadeenquiries of up to 15 unitsfor $omeinterestin sitesfor smallscaledevelopments However locations, good residential in houses detached of 3/4 bed development current economic to due market sites to the privateownersare not bringing conditions. aboutthe stabilityof the housing Thereremainsa greatdealof uncertainty fuftherfallsin valuewitha to experience is likely marketandwhetherthis spendingcutsstartto take poten1aldoubledip recessionas the Government hingeson development affectwithinthe economy.Theviabilityof residential Nickand withestateagentsincluding pricinganddemand.Fromdiscussions 30 confirmedby (presently marketleadersin Darlington GordonCarverResidential Plus)thereis a realdemandfor housingacrossthe spectrum, Rightmove imposed constraints housing,howeverit is the borrowing particularly affordable marketto housirrg the affordable whichare preventing by the 1nancialinstitutions to initiatives moveforward.Therefore,untiltherearesomerealGovernment existing or developed being land prospect of is no there addressthisdifficulty permissions in somecasesbeingimplemented' planning beingsoldis for smallsitesfor landwhichis presently development Residential 2+ unitswhichcan be privatelyfinancedby the developerandwhich,in the for the rentalmarket.we further sectorare beingconstructed affordable commenthoweverthatthii doesnot meantherewouldnot be interestin land dependinguponits size, development thatwas madeavailablefor residential locationand $iteconditions/constraints' ProPertv Demandfor Residential (SHLAA)producedin Assessment The StrategicHousingLandAvailabitity to meetthe regional required the numberof dwellings AutumnZO10inOicatet Borough targetfor the Borough.The Darlington spatialstrategydwellings over the period that states May 2011 adopted CouncilcorestrategyO-ocumEnt provided in to be need dwellings from2004to 2026$,OZSnetadditional dwellings statestheaverageannualnetadditional Darlington witha 10 dwellings 1 is the target period ,700 year 2011-2016 requirjOfor the five -dweliings as 5,000 identified year is target andthe 15 yeartargetof 3,025 dwellings. PrimarvResearch estateagentsin Darlington residential We havespokenwithestablished who haveconfirmedthatgenerally includingtriicnanOGordonCarverResidential activitytEvelsyearto dateare similarto the previousyearwithgoodlevelsof of sales a greaterproportion howeverthisis not producing viewingson properties on the properties consensusis thatdueto the largesupplyof as the-general marketviewersare beingbothcautiousandveryselectivebeforesubmitting offers. threebedroom is for traditional The highestlevelsof demandfor properties popular WestEnd the ever houses within semi detached prop*,ii**including we are Hill areas. Harrowgate ad areaof the towntogetherwithcockerton priced reasonably by purchasers are attracted advisedthat prospective properties whicharewellappointed. 31 Thereis alsogooddemandfromthe buyto let investorwho is purchasing properties wouldbe of interestto the firsttimebuyermarket. whichtraditionally properties preferably at low priceswhich are looking for bargains Suchbuyers firsttimebuyersin this marketis requirerenovation.The lackof traditional havinga downwardeffecton pricesof theseproperties. acrossall priceranges We arefurtheradvisedthatthereis interestin properties andhousetypesat thistime. demandfor firsttime Withregardto the firsttimebuyermarketthereis significant or schemeavailable is some incentive purchase, However until there buyersto are suchpurchasers and mortgageavailability withregardto depositassistance unableto moveforward. on the marketis some A contributory factorto the increasein supplyof properties purchaserS wishingto downsizein orderto releasecashor reducemortgage Stockis alsomovingmoreslowlyin viewof somesellershaving commitments. their purchased in a bettermarketandhavingspentfurlhermonieson improving now and are propertywhichmay havebeenacquiredthroughre-mortgaging in thereis resistance technically in a positionof negativeequity.Therefore agentsare on sellingprice.We understand theiraspirations reviewing and sellershaving rejectionof realisticoffersmadeon properties experiencing purchaser prospective somedayslaterfindingtheyhavelostthat reconsidered who has movedontoanotherproperty.As a result,movementof the supplyof achievable regarding aspirations stockis slowerthanit mightbe if people's pricesin the currentmarketare unrealistic. Withregardto pricing,agentshavegenerallyreportedthatpriceshavefallenby withinthe last3 years. between11o/o-ZQVo per monthagentsare selling We are unableto determinehowmanyproperties as theyare reluctantto provideus withthisinformation.LandRegistryFigures lf we assumesimilar 2011at 414dwellings. ReporltotalsalesJan-June performance to Dec2011thisindicates42%of currentstocklevels, showsthefollowingaveragehousesalepricesby Research from housetypefromJuly2010 July2011 Detached Semi Terraced Flat J u l y2 0 1 0 t? 1 7 ,1 1 6 f 1 4 5 ,0 55 t93,042 f 1 5 6 ,6 67 July2011 f200,163 f 132,361 t79.726 f 132,483 32 Change -80/o -g% -140/o - 11o/o in the currentmarketis likelyto be the levelof transactions Fundamentally relatingto job uncertainty financial situations, and by currenteconomic restrained prices,In lower house despite finance securityand inabilityto securemortgage market the currentclimatedemandand activitylevelswithinthe residential sensitivities particularly of the in terms to volatility subject remainuncertainand withinthe economyandjob unceftainty. lmbalances LandSupplv withthe findingsof the SHLAAupdateAutumn2010it is stated ln accordance granted1 October thatthereare currently15 siteswithplanningpermission 28 siteswere the total of the reportstatesthat 2009-30$eptember:2010, withan estimated development assessedas beingsuitablefor residential capableof considered sites were Five potentially 1,58? units. deliver capacityto 10 sites 2016, a further 1 and ?01 between a totalof 386dwellings deiivering 2 period 2016-2021while 307 unitsin the capableof delivering wereconsidered in capableof development siteswiththe capacityfor72 unitswereconsidered be availablefor to were considered 45 sites The total of 2021-2026. of 13,871dwellings total an estimated with potentialto deliver development howeversomecautionmustbe usedwiththesefiguresas the sitesare located wouldbe development andresidential beyondthe adoptedlimitsto development the climate economic plan. In the current local a departurefromthe adopted in current to build the to sellandthehousebuilders of landowners willingness is alsoan issuein several as a keyconstraint.Contamination marketis identified riseagain' land values until to viability as a barrier identified urbansites The reportstatesthat in the firstten yearsof the adoptionof the local frameworkstrategy2011-2021atotalof 3,000dwellingsare development witha further fromsiteswithplanningpermission to comefonruard anticipated Thistotalof as achievable, identified 6g3dwellingsdeliveredfromothersites for of 3,025dwellings 3,693amountsto a surplusof 668on the RSSrequirement netdeficitol722 an estimated takingintoconsideration thisperiod.However per 2011 yearbetween demolitions of 5 an as$umption up to 2011and dweilings -ZOZ1lhere is likelyto be a netdeficitof 154dwellingscomparedwiththe RSS for 2004-2021.Thisdeficitis dueto the poorperformance housingrequirement landfor housing. of the housingmarketratherthana lackof available sitesto provide deliverable The SHLAAupdateconfirmsthattherewas sufficient sufficient Although a S yearsupplyof housinglandto meetRSSrequirements. in the first10yearsof the planthe estimatednet deficitof sitei wereiOentitieO 33 landneedsto be meansthatadditional in the period2004-2011 722dwellings up to 2021. new dwellings at least 154 additional to supply madeavailable Specific Conclusions Fromthe SHLAA2010study againstthe RSSrequirement a) Thereis likelyto be a surplusof 668dwellings in the for the firstten yearsof the planassumingthatthe sitesidentified delivered, achievable are SHLAAaresuitableand againstthe RSS of 154dwellings to be a netshortfall b) Thereis anticipated for the period2004-2021. requirement sitesfromApril2010 yearsupplyof specificdeliverable five c) Thereis a againstthe andcompared a surplusof 597dwellings capableof delivering RS$ requirement. Existino Dwellinqs the levelof withestateagentsregarding Fromour researchand discussions to out stripdemandin termsof withinthe market,supplycontinues transactions beingplacedon themarketandthe numberof buyersin the numberof properties a positionto completepropertytransactions. housingtherecontinuesto be a strong Withregardto the needfor affordable Borougharea,thisis well housingin the Darlington for atfordable requirement document HousingStrategy Borough Council's in the Darlington documents whichwasjointly and a StrategicHousingMarketAssessment 2008-2012 2007 for theTeesValleysubregionin November procured andcommissioned and preparedby ARC4. with for affordable housingis not deliverable Thecurrentmarketconditions hand stock with supply of second regardto newstock. Thereis a reasonable properties fullymodernised for reasonable demandfromfirsttimepurchasers on andup to a valueof circaf 100,000.Therestillremains$evereconstraints to fund such to obtain moftgages however from the inability thisdemand purposes. recentlyincluding housingschemeshavebeenbroughtfonrvard Someaffordable a development by FabrickHousing, Hill,Darlington Woodland View,Harrowgate options ie rent,part ownership of 213and4 bedroomhomes.Theyofferflexible pricerangesarefromf 130,000 to fl175,000. or outrightpurchase, ownership 34 8. Leisureand Other Uses $upplv Boroughincluding3 Golf withinDarlington Thereis a rangeof leisurefacilities three Stadium, Football Darlington Clubs,GalaBingo,the OdeonCinema, CivicTheatretogetherwiththe ArtsCentre,Darlington Darlington nightclubs, HealthClubanda varietyof independent DolphinLeisureCentre,Bannatynes Hut and PizzaExpress.The townhasa Pizza including restaurants small selectionof hotelsincludingThe KingsHeadHotelin the towncentreand PremierInnat MoftonPalms.On the edgeof the towncentre(west)is The Hall togetherwiththe fivestarRockcliffe Blackwell GrangeHoteland Bannatynes by in 2008 Repoft commissioned Futures Valley Hotel The Tees at Hurworth. numberof hasa significant statesthatDarlington TeesValleyLocalAuthorities for growthwithinthe hotelsfor a townof its size,althoughindicatesprojection hotels. We alsohave particularly tier budget years, for budgeVupper next10 by One North referredto the NorthEastretailand leisurestudycommissioned Eastand preparedby DTZin February2011. Land beingmarketedfor leisure We havebeenunableto identifyany landspecifically and are unableto commentfurtherin thisregard.We are awareof development siteswhichmay havepotentialfor leisureusehoweverthereis no evidenceof interestcomingforwardfor suchsites,developerinterestis tentative significant uponpotentialpre-letconditions.Thisis furtherfetteredby dependant of disposalpriceandcostviabilityof any potential expectations landowners schemes. LeisureBuildinos Available Thereare presentlytwo publichouseson the marketfor salecloseto the town centrenamelythe Greyhoundin Parkgateandthe HalfMoonon Nofthgate.We is currentlyon the marketfor are alsoawarethatthe ChinaBuffeton Northgate on GladstoneStreetand is located which Nightclub Escapade sale. The former of spaceis vacant. some2,322sq.m. comprises PublicOpenSpace OtherUseslncludinq BoroughCouncil'sopenspacestrategyproduced We havereferredto Darlington the Boroughhas a totalof 923 in April2007and for the period2007-2017 the urbanareaandthethreelargestvillages of openspaceincluding hectares 35 Darlington.Withinthisopenspacethereare 27 allotmentsites,26 surrounding playareaswithinthe urbanarea,7designated localnature children's equipped parks gardens or and of landscape nationally three recognised and reseryes quality the of historicinterest.Focuson the strategyis on drivingfonruard for a numberof majornewopenspaces. openspaceandplanning existing Theseinclude:a) b) c) d) A newparkto be providedas partof the CentralParkdevelopment. Newplayingpitchesto be providedat WestParkor MowdenRugbyClub. at withhousingdevelopment Newcommunity woodlandassociated Merrybent, Threenew localnaturereserves, whilstjust for informalrecreation Almosta thirdof all openspacesare primarily over20%are primarilyoutdoorsportfacilities.On the basisof totalsiteareas accountforjustundera outdoorsportfacilities openspace$thatare primarily thirdof allopenspace,Naturalandseminaturalgreenspacemakesupjustover a quarterof the total. The Gradell SouthParkhas benefitedfromsubstantial works, In termsof analysing the improvement and upgrading investment, providedwithinthe reportidentifies the existingprovisionthe information followingissues:Demand/Take Up Land in the rnarketplaceand contactswiththe Chaftered Fromour ownexperience in the marketplacewe are unableto identifyany specificleisure Surveyors at thistime. We arethereforeunableto repoftfurtherin this requirements regard. Demandand TakeUp of LeisureAccommodation We havereferredto transactional evidenceof disposalof leisurepropertyover the threeyearperiod2008-2010.We havebeenunableto identifyany withinthis period.On thisbasiswe do not haveevidenceto enable transactions us to identifytrendsin demandandtakeup ratesand wouldthereforereportthat futureleisureprovisionis likelyto remainstatic. Howeverwe considertheremay in the be limitednew leisureprovisionin any mixeduseschemescomingfonrvard future. 36 publicopenspace Otherusesincludinq Land sui generisis ditficultto and demandfor otherusespailicularly ldentification identify or trends we havenot beenableto anyspecificrequirements establish for suchusein Darlington. lmbalances Leisure between any imbalance of the markethasnotbeenableto identify Ouranalysis leisure of existingreasonable demandandsupply,Therearesomeelements provision on offerin the towncentre,Howeverwe whichis eveningentertainment in otherareassuchas modernmultiplex wouldidentifysomeinadequacies cinemafacilitiesto replacethe datedexistingcinemawhichis locatedout of the and demandfor upturnin marketconditions towncentre,lf thereis a significant will needto identify furtherleisurefacilitiesoverthe next10 years,Darlington demandand competewithother suitableand deliverable sitesto facilitate strategiccentresin TeesValleyandthewidernorthernregion. PublicOpenSpaceandOtherUses through comingforwardthereis an opportunity In termsof any newdevelopment planningprocedures of furtheropenspacesandfacilities to addressprovision is Clearlywherenewdevelopment requirements/obligations. throughplanning proposed the unless thereis limitedopportunity to addressanyimbalances not publicsectorown/control any siteswhichmaybe vestedfor openspace/amenity u$e. Values As previously of leisureproperties statedthereis no evidenceof transactions in the openmarketin the lastthreeyears. exchanged as havingnilor nominalvalue Withregardto publicopenspacethisis assessed andoftencarriesmanagement on the basisit is generally nonincomegenerating liabilities. andmaintenance 37 Summarv 1. 2. or majorissueswithregardto supply We are not awareof any imbalances of leisureland, the needto BoroughCouncilopenspacereportidentifies The Darlington public public and openspaces enhanceandimprovesomeexisting amenitiesgenerallyacrossthe Borough. 38 9. Gonclusions centrein the generallyis performing reasonably as a commercial Darlington remainsrelianton the andeconomic financial currentchallenging education andhealth proportion greatest in publicadministration, of employment performing is modestly. the towncentre services.Despiteeconomicconditions Shopping Centreat present Thereareonly2 vacantunitsin theCornmill withthe managingagentsindicatea positiveoutlookwith althoughdiscussions whichwillbringDebenhams of the NofihernEchobuilding thedevelopment We Department Storewithinthe shoppingcentre. wereadvisedthatthey continueto receiveenquiriesfromsomenationalretailersfor spacewhichthey of the in the futurewithfurtherdevelopment are confidenttheycan accommodate existingcentre. by the lackof propertymarketcontinues to be constrained The residential particularly for firsttimebuyerstogetherwiththe presentover fundingavailability on the market. supplyof dwellings withinthisreportthereis a lackof occupier,developerand As documented beingnon withmanydevelopments investoractivityin the areacommercially generated for funds andinability to obtain viabledueto lowreturnsbeing procurement. prospects for comprehensive As the economicclimateremainsuncertain, scale acrossall sectorsof anysignificant activitywithinDarlington development limited. arelikelyto remainextremely 39 10. Recommendations marketat thistimeis the currenteconomic The key issueaffectingthe Darlington activity andinvestment employer climatemakingdeveloper, andfinancial difficultto underlakeat the presenttime. Thereareviabilityissueson extremely may projectsand positivemeasuresto addressthesedifficulties development planning and initiatives with grants,together includeformsof discretionary Publicand privatesector development. to encourageandfacilitate incentives forward. to drivedevelopment partnerships may alsoprovideopportunities havenot been Zoneinitiatives Enterprise At thisstagethe Government canonlyhavea positiveimpacton thisopporlunity However announced. in Darlington. development future nurturing 40 67 ANNEXII. SITEPROFORMA DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 EgfigsEEgfuga* e** IEEEEfiiEEEtHE EEE iggffi;er;fi*E! rea ggcE$EffiEEgE$ c:rguEgE tsSgecEE EfiEggEgF aefigEigE Eigl*iFgs d o O o . 0, =) s -c. .g .8,? d # !,); E G e o ; i E $ ;# s #E .o 3 {) '6 .rd o6 g E + EF E; E6 Eat =E =A g; E c# l e !Q CL 3 9 FCL 6 > b 6 *.= 3E EgEHg gH s E; eEFgEEE o - .eH O F h d F E gE PE SE:i E*t-FE*E geEEEggE EIi Ffrg EE E E #f ; ; : F # FE=Hg sgE !qE;HE F€F -HEa€EEEIF g;*E EE;E$HE 'g*iuFu-B**E ggEgEo " "o o tr O r . 2 U EsF AEE 8 i 9t =lE sFt qt; S g ; EsHs O Og cr EEgE cL !a e9e I 5 5*€ $g a () i E e€ E g F I tu E;ig =gE fif! EA;* E;f r$rl *EFesi= EEFc EsEE EEF$EEE F t I O gEE$fEE gs€; cifr ; e g E =3 P uJ U) lll \2 a a o uJ o a .9. ,E;€'-*E_tE E:s;E:; gg;e6EE:gfi Fite€:i o q) E E 3 : ' E E U E 9o (! o ,E .s, ; CD .= .9 a o) IiE EEIfl a;fETEE ggiIgiflgigE 5EE,SggEE E o .o o € d) E E' il;gtgEg*gafiga*ig I #srEE$;Erf; iFEEi IFggEEgEEAEEggiEiE EFEEEEEao d e O . r aiE = o E a 6a = E ' , : E6 EE.EuE,; *EEE EE fli gEgfigEEE EEFEEF,EE €EgEgEE€F gEf,fEfiE ff Eg$ EgEEEE gEEEf,iE€E o .L uJ F u) xUJ z z FfiE-EEFiEgE ;g$Eiii$iIE .F (8J E o€e f F = E o o c! ra) a (o (\ g o o T (o (t E o (9 o g {) I (! (t? N .L T U' t uJ z 3 z I '7,4 tfl$ P EE EE E ; F,= t o iIEEgIiii fggEEEfiEaE - e c g 6., r-E E i ffs Eefi E, E$+ EEE iI , e t f i E Ef r e sEE€$ggE g:EEFE€f i:E$EgEfr t, o o o () tt, 6 a o E o q o I 0) o b .9 o o o p ( ! o O o 6 cD .r E : 3 r * * . E E I Ee ie.-, 3 .= b E E ; ,'E P; a : E f i : i g Ee,z Eg $ H E- K q3 EEg fitcg € g : E f E E gttg*f;* A = : 8E E E H gfr! 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J o - r o O . . E co . E t (/|(u -9' E;B 9 bEF t * F ss o-9.o e e; hd g E B t 9 * E .e. .iUO =E- .cI >. .4 q o d d >r ;i > 6 o = ! 6 do6- ! PT: 5 (5 E E P :E 6_9 F E oH 9ar6 o) OEtt .> b E a e E s E ,q f efrA 0E +E e t - 6 E a EH F c E€6 4ie eE -o 3 q E * ;! E e c 5 o o . -3O> iP b E F E f uE P : E b E _E E EEa ii I:E i_Ee tsoo E:f ieE 8.?e -sE s f;€+eEE F € Egf E E€ i:E; :E tr;E E E * pi6 :; # o,'8 *8 pBeP ;FE 3.9: Eig PEF E EEb Eg b :Pb XE 5 g P EE E: =iE EI! 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ED O E CDE a d c a q) E b T 0t (, G = .9 ' {8 o E tt, o c E o )o o (!E t r c ro = o ' (9 (fi E ,6 a |r, (f) o E E o n) I C) a 'ro c I € o q, o I |f) q .+ -c L it) c 3 o, o (9 (L o o .E 't 6.' o ; G} I c T a t uJ z = () o o E 5 z €, r #a fie a)6 o!o-9 n}| gF EsE= E$* cEE EEa; €E iEgE g€.bsb *;f-€,f BE *fr o i g H P = E ignE € € bEE € EE= N * q d FEhE +#aEE;="EaeI gHFE 5;E€ aH"HAgEE ESEE 'E*gEEui'E€* ;TEE :E€g EiffEE EF[fi o= !, E-O O (5 E.EEE 5*f;e ffEEle =.lcE.Y O tEg#$ iEEfr$ fi*ifise EH*EHfi Ee'EiFE g:gf R!6H. ; 6 e .:l9 'F (,, - T 9e E f.E rc*a *9 EEiE P g * E ;F gEEA Bb€s, SE€E IEee*iEfiu +f;:E 3 fEg; EiEH fl si s*g E g#eeEE= EFeEHE =H€ O e . c o c v ' :* t trr 9c l Ec Ea$# E9eu 9E=E 86:: E8B= gEEi E E5 5 s it e EH*E 3f;Ex" Ft n* sEgs Ex€9 EEE; #HEE 9 . . , ,9 * F=F d . 6 . O, c, EAHE fi 5 P E . HE g;EE E I sssE ;egEec $ ,.= e . g*EE-Igfi Efig+nHfg tfr$E+e EfiEIEt€ e . H ! , H E e EaigFEfiEE c o x *$F E;taru SH.gEgE ;fie t;E=gaegFl gEEfiiFgFE gfifiE*tEgEtIIggE i T E E E :E Ef r H € J F E a E . f ; E g ik*frr*Ef iE ; e g F + E 5 fi i. E * HL*= ggggggfl$tigggg lgEg,gggag E;tlgg d . . . b . o EgEfi g E E9 6.egg iEE! FEEi g$Ef; H$ef; E?9, E !eEe eEEEu 9 lF , i d o E Y O 6 E :Efrge gafEE ( g ; < - L Et9 8E IEEEE =EHaf ii*;EE E:S€: *cegF Hif,EE -*EtEg PEEE;E =*gEEs fi;frEgE fisg;tE = {B€;= IJJ O o (, o E ;E Tg 'E€: ' g :s F F3 o Er"F;€E = g >r. .g .st i q*, Ei t E E$ri FE UE fi€;€+$ EE :'3 :ig* ==;€ €e ggEfiggf, iE Fa de; fif;39 EEe ;e ;Ei 5 3 € 5 EEB,: ;E +iFE E*3 H* €re^grEg l'tE fig FE$EEEE fitE iPES E*EaF F; g€i EEE sE E E EP S9; EFHE:E,HE,;aEfgHe' rEnf;E€#fiHrE:fri; ag,lg*FgiI a a o o o . q ; U o .e S."5.s EEt+ al. 3E:f e* ticg;gHggiEfiE EE ;.EiE g,gg ; 9egEEiis-E3,PL ", ! F s F g g ! 8E F H ; 3 F Ii €g; EE€E;F+E"5fi;E E b ; E FgE6 = F ? 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G . . O r . Ei.s *P 2 bEE g* EEF 9 H ' t f ; F ; arE X'E E *EE giE ; E i ; 96 b Eeg B -g € fi q i ,EEe E E E € g €E -; e P=F ir E ; F a s FE 9 Ef # [ E E E E ! g € ' =3 e E E^;be g;E $ *" i ; E'8 EFA o ,a B a 9o, ! c i:6 EE-' E eET E T E E e EEe $ t f r EE # E iE E*E F: E ::= S H o x T ; H f E f i f i € $ g t * FEE ==E; >,= c,c e RE ; g ; ( n i 8 E o-a aE t9 !!(5 oP E 6 E 8 P 9 o.Y .eb 8 ^ EE p f r e €H = *RE gEf, EgHFfE E g;g *= E*E 6 Ef r T E EE g: ;EFE3E EEE t;rc-gEE EE F ,iFE$EgEtfiE g*€;f; EEEfiH+FFE -$i'o* EEiE€frf;8i ;€8EgeE;f ;:il!- ? s a E * g Ef iH f €: E t g*iE;ElEg E=q"eg g 3, K $E-gE;€ EEEES ; , H E ' 1 E T E g EoH E " . H fEEFF$:E;: il O r a a a = c) n OO -EsfHiTE E EE E* Eaegi;, $$EFEE figfiEfrgfi tiE gEE +e TE EE gFFg:9 fit#i$t t i i EE E fia€E EE EsE$eEE.s Er" o tt : a a Eyz € sfrE EEefi :t$E€Ee t€Eq EE+* E E E EH s F Es E F s u 0) g ; E E8 1 8 fE, ; T E $ o) o o o o o o ot ggEE EEE;E ,EEfi 3g o o q lEgecEgHE E o cc t: ql iEIEEEsE Eigfic E o (o o o E ';E o v, (! E c) E E .q c) '6 () F ( I o o O o . o E - H c 9 r 9 g 6* .$s ts€ f r #; I: i EE E 5s€EEE ;fEgE; 'ff8 6c F e E,# .etF ; E EE a tE ? * I ; 3 F.s ;E g E A ;c :o g = g ? s P i E; :# :F u s E o E .;E EsfrEfrn gfi E 5H E *EE = * Eg E Egqi EEE g ggH Eg EE EHee.gF E EE E *E F f fFp a g et IEFt: 'Eg gEEbEE E gE *: fEt*gfrg# HF* e5 . u s E jE *;EgE$EE - o E€E g ge gtsR ; o : E3E a* 4i 9E E9 E a-;E EEE sEE; , Y 30 _ O O BE5; d.u9€ tr O o a a a c) o O (t) ; 8P b sF I 8 I E E E FE (E o)i : EE E#$ sx ( le' aHf*q 96c o ,P8 5 .9 F Y o c SESE iB.ep #E#e e;eE F ( ) F ( ) F.c @ h P E :.Y F.9 oc, c (,|o k q, .ii -c .tl - 3 (4c, = 6 5 &.9 = 8 . cE H$EF 9EP.E'i fiFEig .9o[is= ; E 9 EE EEEffE EaE[; E e9 >X o b . a ' E' o, i $F EEE +;*€t lgcF{ = E: E g EEEEE EaEgfi o o st ; E o E E 9l gEEEH ; $f; EE gEE,gg 9 o "E 9 s i ! gFEEEB E sEFfi$E$ *E*E-tE€ F X uJ z z o t l! gEEg:eeI EEFEEE,EE g#ig;ggcE Nallon l Land U$ Data&s€ of Plgviouslv De!€loDod Land - Sit€ Evslu6lid Pl!-Fonna pro forma SITEEVALUATION V.nlon Foin V.rrlonr NBFS-F|n.| illt DPDL R.L: LOCAL AUTIIORITY INid -ro'* "r, Nane oryaoi.tbon @ qhalher or nol, bas€d on @i.nlly held lnto, atblhel d he nm has an inletEd iA this sle hro SITEADDREAS s|t Commonlyt||oM Ar: addr.$ I - sao: Addl. !2"PAol Addrar 3 -Sln t: addrllr ,t - Loc.lny: Addtt.5"town: Arlthr!. 6 . ArlmhFtrdl,r€ ar..: ? - Portcod.: Wr*airrr/e ilorlllngl ADDmONAL SITE lnlb cods,ts. 9rxr. suwsrmor*.n"., @roaalinorft $oanrptl:@! GlssE tH.),F8M eie Found..y I sn"rn"rvn,@ xa rr"eoirutc r- | Es,,/r,€te aAdiusn bbw. 1rr1:ffi Srre. Judficrtoi rorAl|yanl D{r.|onc.l I I *reunavrleue,W &r*ryco-*"o, @Mud&y6s,!.ltst:otopdo@nEnu I I *r."O'-"-, "t" r knon; tlnpolant tottaN uem&iatt,n Rai*rftot utuale cr,vetoa 'IFEG lers I o.te nrrr o.otnrv.".nt rra"g"phlal *o*ot ffi rrbn: -|@lMud oe vir sle esr o.*n"-., , ,eoeasSry -+ l--] ", " slt con td.nda.P.rtofa"'uo- t t i- tndudeo.n,na,lanandnstk on nap. " . i | - - " - j - , . . f | " l---l - f - i r , l | 1 @ t Y.', Otlrorslt!. To E cdltdor.d: I a|TE USEInto NLUDc|..gpry: PROTEqT . COfiIERCIAL Nallonal Lrnd U33 Odrbg8€ of P€viorrsry D.!€lop€d Laft - Sie EvaruationPrc-FomE DETAII.ED SITEOESCRIPTIO{ A*niomt CMoEnts - exgand Ooros as ,€c6ss€ry ldo not vony a'out re.Fl ton): Pndomln dt / n.|fby rt' *.r-*F;;-l ,o.t"" l"-"" LocdPtoF,rylh rt r !.nd'.lly__J . "- -r-. I cu,.dtroc.rrdshsryntv,oJ;;;*- I I "'P""ttY'lmn u6rryc.ercrvr...,.*.nrr.F-.'.*-".----l sh.p€ of "u,,'.n".,,**i;"**-*-l]lf l th.l partot th. tt l. utlb.d |. plry fi.r by .(lolnlog rlald.|rt' t"t".r"r,F;-l *-".,'-**"."1.-.-I]J-l ..-..,**@] cum,tt""c..!/.!'u.tor^'.r.{r*-;;;i th. .r!r rr oF.r .nd w.ll ur.d r. bcd rm.nrq $ft. abni ol dbnnd .c.€.. / W.tr6r-, utltE rrDro.t Slgrrt otconl|mln ton srsnsoroildtad.v.ropmrt.""*,F" I ,n_",,*o,"F;-l Pq62or9 PROTECT . COIIIERCIAL llrlional lrxt Us€ Dslab6€ of Pr! oJsly Dev€loo€d Lfid - Sit6 Evaluation PrD+orna Explanatbn ot etevan@ to sle aslaflrcnt (& no! wory about 6plflon): rflpptoPn.b p|lnnrng conc€m. owr.p€c c wrth m|r ot ul6. rlth dJolnlng r..rd.norl u..3. hc.nprtbb n€hhloudng .cc.x.ldg OiLlt n n!* rr.lddrdrl dn t an.ddtdonrl rcc.r. m.y !. llqul|td. ffilc Edrt l.h!d ldo||rd oponrprco Con .rY.don, Ulbd ll ulad rd |ny cnar|. p!po.rl. w|lt raquh io hcoaponta opan$|ca witch wlll banatttrdlotntng Bulldhgl hv..dgauoos hrv. rd.nfi.d conrrm|nrdonrhlci wlll n qulrl ro b. .ddni.€d In htlng brw.^l Fopo.d., Conc.m. ov.r lod.a.ldng rd.ndfi.d |l.u.. hi no|otn.t do€. on .djornrngdt 1 PROTECT . COflf,ERCIAL Nalional Land Uso ttetabg3s of Pr€lidsly DevebDod tand - Sit€ Evaluatio Plo-Fofina AURVEYOR RE@UflEIOANONAON FUTUREUSE firnnhg St tI!: Propor€dUr6: ilo.t Suttrus Ut€: Houdng < bmy: Erom.Ld Hou.lng c.prcftry {t{o.): O.n.liy (Dwg/NGtH!l: Itw.yor Ft comn|.ndid Fln.l lr!.: ffi bnd t)e ctass:Dropdo6nnanu. INLUDCtass.Dap c,ow 6ef,u fR..fd.nd!f Desr,ntuon. orcpdowndEnu ffi lt rcddd, Jult{lc.rbn For ust In |c.o?dmco w|$ ti. urrlr|ndlng $l|- Aidy, wtu| m{or pohlt fR.dd.ntrf/ Ju$y: R€tld€nt.l L.d| otAfiodaDlo tiom.g, Po!..rdrt lbr, JusliY: f^ppropdlre: SuN.tor R.commrxLd IniarlmU.€: Ih*nrlon / J||'ffic.don SURVEYOR arE AS8ESSIENT FOR RECOflilEl'lDAflOxS Ol{ FUTURE USES ForrrF Doro6!d, ll'osl Sail$ro', sdFyor R.@mnded .d, n ,lJaqi, lntaii Ms br lr9 sita,oad hclor to b. @ad annqd@p6n of M. sno.M k W.7. .s '.,bw -2 {wfy sdwrs€ fnpact), -1 (adverE6),0 (n€dral or as ro be $F€cted), +1 (poftlive impadj, +2 (v€ry pGrtjv€) fh.d R!.rd.nd.r comm.rcr.r*n Pr.domlnrt dlrc.nt / Ertr r-r, roruon wlUln rcttemam: P'., non." ot!h6: Locd prop.rv 'l|.|t r i.nd-o.r, cudi-rocd nbhv.y n.two* ""c"aty' Wllty ..P!clty / comtrlnt : Shp.dr.ft.: cureau,rrowy: rorendrv, srructmonrn, Otlermrnmro"r..t,-a: lr"rorno,.... cudt rc.€.r / .gftG b / rron clto: srsl! ot hro'mr .cc..! / u*, w.yl€.v6 / utrrrd.! !.rc*.rro, ."' .1,'i*"1; E] @ El l-6-l ftr E E f! @ [l @ fll @ -7-i ftr slemotcortudn.rbn.ri( ftr slgn. .r! d3adoprnont "arrnl, Srg.i otmrrt Unq: @ E PROTECT . COfXERCIAL u.., M, DLwn b b. M Xtr.d u.!. conon6rcr'r'mProvm'ntt$:f" ":'''""f* Mlional tsnd U3€ Dai.b$€ qr PEvioust D6v€lop€d Land - Sile Eva|lalbn Pm-Fdm. SURVEYOR AASESSAET OX SITECONSTRAIIITS OIi FUTUREUSES Forti. lJ'k. qlpos4 Cd.rnhitgF.F 948yor Rwmnnbcl t r.i srrftbb, *xl, iltc?tat4 'nnpnadr, DrEDrei.4 uzn tt nbin @t'otttf dL, np t*M ov.r .p.Gnc p|r|rrtng potty: Uncrrrrn trna ownrllrrP: Fr.snronrid lmd ownarhlp, Lrnd contolLrl br .ndullr rLvllop." tuqitfr!.tldt9vi.hJlitb [lr.d u.., commftlal l.d R6t(|.nd.l In.Dprcpd.t phnnhs dtr;' dl6ch @,* lo=iifim to m liEfim ltffiiiil|l r-ocrmmr ropuunoo: u[@rc rEonprdbr..dshbouftrsu$!: t@h tccr:r r egrrer ir*"r, onrnc rrnc consoton: E Lblbh.d lrbflml opt|.prc. ,n ,, urr6d turtdtng, *m: con .rrr ov.rcoat flln {oo, conc€rru ov.r tod.!. tng canrcrV: coacrmr o"rrm"a rrrr: conc.rm oy.r -t urrrr.d brodr*ruv: conc.rnr onr utttttc p'oyl.t"", Ol r r h! $.dn.d ooErz (!..p.dn6d lm-portn l@b I,I lllgllltt r--r lc oerr-nt '!lrgt" r@rc tc:mrr r@r. @" In EV.6): E In Ev. o): -l r-1 r--1 ourr s 1mrpoamon w. t;: I OOrrr lrr rpecncC n W,e;: I Pag€5 or g PROTECI - COISERCIAL t-] b..$t{d 4.tnldbpdNn fil.d ut , rm9loymant PubllcOFn l.d Spaca &IlrllnlD Natlonsl LEnd Us€ Dat8b€s€ o{ Praviouslv O€v€loD€dLand - Sit€ Evdualion Pro-Forna Assuntng ntol€ 'nomal (i.e. not bnn or bust) ndkel cot|dtlions, anlttpatd |inesale Flote cnmneftral develoqr nEhl stad on slle (d@p tufln nenu) Io Oe€ssesssd ,br Pooo66d'. 'llbsl Su.iaalo' ,rd 'Surva/or Asco finendd u*s ontv lllr.d R6trdrr. .,'',r.",n ,Jffi$'fu nnrcuntttorttrus ite posp€cls,brre0se of lre s,(€(ag, @l f tr6d |'r, ":,",i1; oprbl. of rt ld€nd.l l.d i|d.a.lo0.Ed & ao rlxlvtE l..u.r o, goulc op.n ip.c. prod.tor|, .rb li!r|| H.ughton Rad.nd .lr. contmlnrdon 1..u.!, A rt!. d.v.loFrnl !?l.l nry Edd In p|Dvtdtng ao poa.nd.l frJilE prlvri. ..cior .Ly.loFr Int Bt owner / sgerl, d65f,t/Ftionol Ee $debtedrs oossdre./Voier as manyBva ts ,q) '3qunB P|€-Populal€d / Pre'Advi3€d: Mar\daidt Fietd: Optidet Fidd: For phoio(s): Psqo 5 of 9 u!., comr'/Ehr'mprovrn'nr -:1"*T- PRO]ECT " COIIERCIAL Nalidd Land Uso D.lebas€ of PGviousv Dewlop€d tand - Site Evaluaiion Pl!-Foma pro SITEEVALUATION Form Vir.lon: NBfS-Finrl ve6ion NU'D.PDL Rof': c.npl.ied By: Cnd. Thotlr.r, ESc..XRFS, Thom.! Ll.a.r Unl!.d tolrowz!tl conttrctrol.lrn*: ffi llrla-'- elnnryyw DmpdownNnu ls{ale \lhehef or noL based on cllnenay tuld lnlo, enohel lctient ol lha tum has an ktotest in this sto SltE AI''RESS Info slt Comnooly auorar z - eorrcooc'@/' a,aa,oe. AODITIOI{AL SITEInto su.r.r n*..".* tocat Auhofty crtte, i e g xt no., @ sroenatttrt:S@ smat-rrnu,@ ta ocvrropru.lnr{ttal ffi Itb.EaundrryGrsstr.(H.,,reM| Esrinate aNpdE.x,tow lL€ndad,€€nt lo EastgmOFlnbulorCornd* Jurntc.lon tor Any Ar!. Drlrrlrr.E.f lsro|e I S,t enne*,,.bto, e"unoary cotrn-.0: Mvsba via sttevistt;Dtopdow nenu. @ eo,ra.o r!|B: 9r1" r l o*rr*^rr.r,uu^. n'orosnphlrtr.r.n: |@lrwd Phordda.|r Odarfdd.. hdude oienlatan aMtra.k on t,Ep, o "," oeyr sreFsj l lVl.u alotloE tbn tAntodtconLbr I zlVL{ or Sib Atu nce | n6oessary. , 5l n""r|""4, stte cdd.Lrd ar P.n oaa clu.t6r? r Yo., oh.r sh.r To Ea cortlld.rld: r,!{ ofSlles| SITE USE ltfo Cbss "*'-"u*,ffiLandusc/ass PROTECT . COITERCIAL | I N€rior|el land - sila E€rudjln PrGFoft\. land usa Drisla8o o{ PEvio'rsvo,6v€{op€d DETAIEOsI'E DESCRIPTION Addtlional Cottu l€nls - expand Dor€3 as .eoe.s.ry fdo ?ol wony abut roq$h .r!.|nlnlnrl.dl.c€d / no.rby s'fih old.r IndurH.l .. wall .! pr|ulc op.n 4rc. |!.! "-,-.*'.*",*lm;-l nq{.g€ to m.ln .ri.rhl rosta Loc.l Fop.ny m.*.1 ..rum.nt: q|lrlrn bcd hlghwry n lrdlrry crpfthy / comtnldt ShrF ot ropo9np ,"..*,""*.Fml ".".,"-.*F;41 fp.|!|r cnd.d by olwr.i6 firtlid qnrtnt rcc6.. / eqrcr. to / tom (..s dog Slgnl of hlort||rl ..c.a. / l! op.n .nd s..d .. hlb|md opln .prco !hyr€.v.. , u0rrdo.rcror. .lto h.3 bo.n algn! or conltnin.ton Slgnr dr on€&. rlov€l.r9|nrn l;-"."-r,*.. I s|eil orln|ltdrnsl.gart I Pag€ 2 of I PROTECT " COf,XERCIAL q..d .| . llp lor hoo..iotd wa!.. : Netior€l Lend us€ Dst ba!€ of Previouslv O€\€loo€d Land - Site Evdu€tion Prc-Foma stTEcor{STRAItls E\planatidn d 'lletatida b sne ass€ssrranl (do rcl *orry abut rc,dl4on): r.Lv.fiL ow|r6 Lv. pNtonl.dta {tlin In.or?.!bl. Elt|blbh.d m.d. r.Prs.rlr0ol|. In rafllm to Pobtr!.|tlo. rfhll u.., potril.r .mployrn r{ !r!r- ndghbourhg Ihe.hgr6.66, pr.vlooty r! ult| h n b.rng drmcufilo.uDdryrdr !|. .li. wn]od und,.rbtlng .bnnc.nt q|.lr! ffllc Inionntl opir !p.c. Crt|tnth.u6.hosly€rth.dt.dlolntll!l'ofiormrlpubllcop.n.Fc6wnEh!r!.sticl.nttorlocd Con$wruon, ll.t.d adulng, lr.letornn n||t d.v.lo9in-trnd b..n co.t d to d.t . b3r.r C.mln of m€tr.n. la.|.ndo.r Invatugruonr un(rrLt n - fi l. lrcLrlood tft.t th.|. hrw on tlt , ov.r lo.d"b.lrlng com.n|. ovr utilld.. l.!u.! lddilt.d !tOlr tbg!nd.orm lEu.. l(bnufi.d |t thl! 3bga pdbnld olh.r 3 Oth.r4 PROTECT - COIflERCIAL In d.dhg wl$ |.lt olnft tts llatonal l'ld Use O€t Dals of Pr€vtc|ls|! Dov€loo.d Lad - SitG Evslualion P.D+orma SURVEYOR RB@XENOATI(IiI8 ONFUTUREUAES Phnnlng Si.h|.: E!€ndusscJass. ffi*o'l*,. xoa suttrltr ul: fftard ussc/rst E^o+,to, Horl.hg Suft.bllltY: Edm.t d Ho||lry c4rcry (No.l: DendtylDr.rdN.t Hrl: lluiv.yot R*omn:nd€d Enal lra!: w ffi La'd U* Ctats: Dao @w ne J. fh !try.nd Eudnaaa Dtoptu n npnu. INLUDC1,A,E: D**,'it't on: otop downnvnu. ffi It D[!.rrn Frt|ll Ir.!.ritdo|l I J|,.dnc.ton ad€ny, *tth m{o. r R.!H.!t{d, Nd.| d lrd: Proponuonoltlb.{.b|. Hom6: llcru. Poadrthlror E no.vdoo|nlll rAptropftb: S0rvayor ibcommfid.d InLdm l,3a: Dr.drdon / Ju.tltlc$on For SURI/EY(X SITE ASSESSTEI{T FOR RECOIIEI{DATIOI{S OI{ FUIURE USES Fddt Aopo€4 llfd{ sl/n bb| Eary.yd R.4,lfilFDed and,il.rbydt, r4din M br (h. tt',6td1|'(lo.lo b. 6ttd ddh{! .nr d.ird tr EY Z & &abrvs -2 (v€.y adv3f36 hp8d), -1 (€dv€t3e), 0 (n€ulral or as lo b€ €xp€d€d), +1 (posiwe imp€ci), +2 (v€.y po!itv6) Emdott||.ri P.don n rnrq.cornr n diy.,.-, Poctton wtttn *rtlnnrt rromtnrrc. or otr: Locrl popdry 'nttd r.r{rn.nti currlnt locrl t{enw.y n ltwort c+rcnv: f---1" I f]] f--l E ttlny ce.Cty / co'llt]|ldt *rreceo: Cu7r.ttt../..dYiy: fl TilI f?l t--i-l t-ilt f-o--'l -] T--l fl -l [ I tu--] StoltClnrrtrdng: l-] - Bslldng. r=1 - Slgn of cont rnln.don d.I ft$Ic Opr| ap*a t-] t:] strrtrucorno' onu mrrt|'i'6: nronlrrtn+ Qrftnt |cc.|. t .!n . !o / rrcmetr, Sgn of lnftd|nd!ccr.. t 'r:.: wri..vt6 / d[!.r rro, sgn! ot orBlt {.v.lopma{ ."dvny, l.d 6tu, fi-] roeosnphF E: I 4!i,d dop 6$ t--1 ril trl T-o-] t--l r;-t PROTEqT . COIf,ERCAL Nalidd Land t,s€ Dalabrls of P€vidrsly Dov€br€d fand - Sils Evslualion Pt!-Fom. AUruEYOR A83ESSflEI{T OI{ AllE CONSTNANIS OI{ FUTURC USES 'a.ih m4 9opor.d: tlor{ si,t r.. swryottutmntd codtitin''a m o.r/rr€dli tt l@tu, nd, nd.vdtltfrrn @6hrtlt 'la, dE Dtu o6 or.adl ldq Ilr.d ur., EnDloym.dt r.dd.nd.l |.al In ppmpdrt pl.nnlng ddl|3: C9rcom. otnr 3I*Ilc plmnlng pollcy: t-:"1 Uncarldn landourr.hlp: bnd codtollad by anohr d.v.lopar: locrton.l rDuffion: |lto|nDdt||r ndCt$oodng u...: rr'onEl op.n ryft.(|..: Com.w.!on, Eulldhg, SAX: E [_l "@tr44g!d fll nffi" F--'1 l_J f---'l L--J El '@!, c.p.clts ov.r.dbllbh.duodlv.ra9: Conc.r|r. ov'r u!llt.. l__J *r-ffi* @' ou.r corfi dnrUon: ow'llood rilk conc.r NgEglnt ,|n*']t.r, E t !{ri.d Con .rr. osr lodn.rnng E nq'{.--t N9!4!!!d b.u6: On rl. b.{tc co.rg.€dm: Coft.n! nE@' N4Eg4'{ Fngm..rbd hnd owr|.r! p: accara / .!rt8 Dro{l.lon: o[rr r {...p-nrd h Ev. a}: oh€r 2 (F .tcn.d In Ev. l): ktndndne @Dral ro or.r&Fd .loird dlp dom r*tw r-1 @ . E lgpgtnli *iE't I E Otr$r 5 {l. rp.clt.d In Ery.O: Oo|.r a (r| .p.dn.d h Ev. c): P'IOTECI . COIIERCIAL I tod Prilllc oPan Spac. aolldlngr fl€tonal lslO t s€ Dalabas€ of Pr€tcrlrly D€v€bp€d Land - Srt6 Evalualion Pro-Foma IO cURI'EYORASSEAAflEUTOI{ SITEOELIVERY Awntog .Me ,tonal' (1.. nd b.on q budl m*et @&tont attkipatedtlmate beton MNrtat fo be,ssessedibr Floposod',Wd Sutable'aod'$rve|r'orre@Nrcnclec! us€sonly R€dd6nd.l nnrr UnttOrttvrV: Emdoyma dlnet / t$nl, &5r't6ioa of ue dc). 8e €s d6lhibdrs oo6s/r/6./lvol€i ,s rr€oyrnlysas loti ,€qu[€ Xlr.d u... .mplotmont l.d Puulc Op.n Ep.c. Publlc auldhla rtlr Ir vr.y pr! lmnt horv r d.|dopn|onl l. con lr.laad !y rlL co. rnhdon andlh. alngb polnr c]|not b..upporiad. I |. rctto drv.loF hl| prc9...d fti.l rLv.lopm.ri ro.uppon v|.D|flt hoi.{..lhlt . !.tLru L'|hndln! cot l(|.r wrF to tdng ioff.rd th. dt rd poi.| a [.!11ru.3 Darahowroqn , publlc opr| apacalnal.mploylrr.nt t|!6, Conaldarrny ltr|dng to riwfit.llllv.ry. ers-eonr,rtaeC t eo-AoviseA; f, F'€ld:E Mgldatory oP-ariao,I Fo. Pl'olo(s): Pa$0ot9 fh.d u... comr|.rEl.l Lrl I lite ,rD5t6ds DrrFUs€ol ti€ siE KEY co mrcl.l Ulxadur., nJdl|rd|| l.d devetoqrnbm dad q dte (drcpdon oEau) PROTECT . OOTflERCI,AL National land Use Dglrbaso of PrsMouslvDMIoD€d lsnd - Site Evaluation Pro-Forma pro forma SITEEVALUATTON LOCA|- AUT}|OflIY forn V.rdon: [BFS-Finrl Vo|.lon rlr-uo-mrna.' @$ffi Inb Nane,oryanisatbn. or* @ "r, "on conddon Drt6' U Fonat do^tww s(ate ehether u Aot, bag€d oD cfien v held tnfo, atpthel dl€rl d lp tum has an inle€si in lhis sile. Into S|rE ADORESS alt. Conm.nlt *n<'wnA!: Addrs$ l - aao: addrat 2 - PAo: AdiL!,[ 3 - Str.€t: addr!.8 4 - Locrlny: Addn r 5 - Town: Addrt r 6 - ad||rnhffiv. A.|.: aoorrcrr - eorrcoar:@tra,a,iaoc. AOoITXINALS|rE lnlo€nc6 No.: @Locat snetrrprryS@l Althor/tycrtle. i.e.s txx. srbBoundarycrssru.(Ht)'W sn A-TYP.: WJ;WI 'lrr oo"arop"*arra {ttr}:fiff E*jnate betow aN iuslity lDMbp€ds ar€€m3tdct€dbysir€shapoand€t€nrionor partaEfildlil€ tu!ft€r Ju.tlic.xon ior Any Ar!| I staae. *rnrnnvrnrOr,@ aouftrrry cornnn d: lY.. rccur|l!. coinn .d v|| rt€ lr,4r9 DevE siteyisit.DtEpdor nenu eroonarryr-u*, Sara t ofto Ff.!t D.r€ffct i v.ont t kMwn.lnpodait ult rhotosophtrl r!r€.t, |@ Photognph D..cdpdom: t lndu& o.€otdmn aN M^ @ map. fr'tEc.@1'c,,o|@ncans.nE;-.n necessart. e 4 Mustbe via snevist. r - - - _ - - - 5 **-' ,""' 9t condd.EdA. PrnolA",u* @ It Y..! oh.r alt ! ro B. Comld# srTEt sE Info ffirrao*n PROTECI - COMI|ERCIAL - . ' l h.Iatld Rone<lal€n F€/t€l lu ptivalo de llattm4 L€rd us€ Datd{€€ of P€viorstvoevsh9€dLr\d - sit€ EvslqslionP6fdrn6 ,5 OCTAILED SITE OEI}CIUPTIOI{ A(tditiaoal Cqnatents - sxpad bdres at nec€66'aty(do nol ||qry abul r€,cllllon): Pftdomhnt dacatl, u...rx n rtt |l l!|!€ l"-"""-"-*a*. r.ocrrprcp.rrymut.t ralrd*d1*crn n cur t rocdhrshwryn.two",|Il; "--rrt c.P.cltv:lr'vFncdo I hd|J|tLl|. l|EhdtD $rll l. r.dd€rdrl rrom Ertliount u.d Ro.d by oth€r ||€ p.?t df 6ndnC aaa, wtn .om. r..ldmlal .l.nrrt I l|nproy.mdb wlll b3 tlqul|ld lo l,Dcdhbhwry nlturod(to .uppon .[. " I l Udl[yc.prclty/ co|tainldr llnpo ll. ol .li. l.* to to'ln.r ..llwry lln. ftd trp.n to . pot .rt oo. .nd. to und.rt ka alb Inatacfon .nd {.{ nom ahaanfr.ra to tL .lt . .-".*,,l;;:;;;-l vl.wr lrc||| th. lnaFrton u ta.t|k.|r l|.{! lhm lmFcton how'v.f ll appaard thrt outldurg. ddralLhrl to aLb (lti.. mrrmd. iiatrr.. Nfbn cunsnl !c.... t.tut! Slgm aahlbind acc..l , w.ylxv6 l. !n .idlng , .grt . to , tiorn accaar to th. dt hosoyir n l. adcl9ft d rhd dr dan{a to gfi! .nd ny ipphg cl6! io lh. .ntr.nca lo l,|a ab. (e.9. do! / oullt.. .cro|3 .pp6.E dgn 3lg! oaond0. d.vdopm.rn L l 3r!'r!o.'l.n unsf/ont|rrbr6 thrt d.mollton mlbd.l hr t .i rddn.d on dt . I lr llLly thft ah.|t wlll &m. corlrmlmdon l. a rraul d lrd!.trlrl rr..! but no lnlbnnrdon Slg'E d cont mln.Oon Pag6 2 of I drllL b.yood p..Ylou8 d.mollon ll PROIECI - CO flERCTAL I Nattonattand lJso DslgbE36 of Proric!$ly Dev.loDed Land - Sit8 EvalL€ton Pt!-Foflnt srTEcoirsTRA|tTti a'danaadn d Etew E to ste as$ssr,€d h6 vdy ld.nti.d rlt u!6 {do rol|1ody rbdrt,Epo&to?jr wnbh rft cond.t6d wtli mlr.d u.. .rfl- rlt lt ||r .lngl. ovyrsdlp how.v.r $idar a|la rlgln-don mulupL l.nd orrorihlp: on . ph...d b..1|' !lt. lmompr6bl. n.hLoulng wlll b.n€!! ton wldlr rrg.i.ndon pmpo.rL !Fr. .r! . nng. ol lndu:td.l ur.. on n.lghloudng .f/rlich wtll r.qulr. lo !. rddr.$.d In m..t rDl.nnlnf at culllnl ot th. €.3tam davalq .nvlronn|.nl nt aira wlll l. nll.d. xhlch nry tr haompdu. wnn ]tdd€ndrl .l.m.n!r Stngtcpoht ot ftc..a |rl|kh wll lnprst on &v6lormdrt layoot o|Llt t.tnc Frdculrr l.r!.. om hoftwr horw.rtrl c cdrrlng llt ly to b. tqdr|dwlth ndb poomdll r.qd|uDnl mlnor ll.u.. rdclp.t d.!. |t{lt th.liDL|n.ntdon ro Include . gllm conldor wl{rln rny .ch!m. al p.lvloulIntu !l.l||.-. ottchrm p.opo.rl.' proporla, @nc.rlr| orer lod{a.rlng .!lho{4n conc.m! ihe .fti h|l b..|l ld.n!n.d .r provldlng f,lldlf ov.r ufllt6 PROTECT - @f,XERCIAL h.Ura b co||rp.r!{. lo. d.{.lo!n$nt or .n.'h.r N8tlonal land Uls Datab€s€ of PrE ously bv€lop€d Land - liib Evallsligl Pt!-Forma AURVEYOR RECOXf,ENDA11OI{S OII FUTUREU8E1S rr.trng!b!r.,u*, -Led "'oo-.0 Co"""eu", EO.sctDUo, r-r art u. urc, f, us, cr€ss. Lr.d us, cass Ko"o',r-. Fou.lDgSuribllEt: *--*attnt,E E Etdmrbd csdty (t{o.l' EtdmrbdHo..tng Ho..tnscsdtr t""r' K *-,rtow"**t,E &rv.yori.comnE6d,.d nnn *, u* ctass:r,fog.bwnmnu. @Ltt1d lR.rtd.n!.t r-!€nu. cleps:Dropdovn t!€nu. I NLUDCleps: uqdownnenu. @D651,np|I,n; It rf Dfibrant fom P.po:tO Offnnt f|!||l , Jutdnc.don D6rcrlt[o.r D6rcrrpdo.r, Ju.dnc.don Fo. Rml I I | poffi rl &l.nt, &|.nr, w|l|l wi$ m.lo. m.lo.poffi t|mn ry. Dd .dlu.ntE*{ Ju*ity: Ju*ify: tt R.rf{ti.fd.t R.rf{ti.fd.t , R.d.h R.d.h !att.d: !att.d: P|lrorlor P|lporlon Homor: Hoftor: P.r.r .l for P.t nU.l for EcaDeslop|l|.rn: EcaDeslop|noi'rt Judtt: rApproprl.t rApproPrl.t : sfvryor tLaonrnandadhtart" ,,!", D€.crlloor D€.crlpdor I Jr|t!|tdon rs Judltc|don Fd As deta,bd rs po66lde I | | ?oF.!d, r,od &'ftre','SvFr@tRcanl'ruxlcd md, i,.t vdt, ra&rn @t hrdp .b,..dt h( b. 6td o,lbk & tM ht EV.7,..tobwt -2 (v€ry .dv€Eo imp€d), n (..!v6rl5), 0 (nEutrald 3s 1ob€ erI,€d€d), +l {podlw tnp€d), +2 (v6rr F€tw) ud,o*n nEN, Ndb$d f,|Iadut, *..rd!n.r coftmdd. ."*r,n.* Pndomlnrt .4hc.nt / nx'nr ,r-., eo*on *lrn *tuemrnt, P'!.'rmnc.or.n: Loc.l proFny lndsl &ntn"t t, Cui.nt loc.l liqhw.y n t$,o* -e.ony' uutttr crnatr t conrtntru, Shg.ordlel 1-] fl -l E:] I Q : cu'rrt.rrrravnp ! ropoenerrs f]] Stt tr,"., ! oor m.rn'rc. r..ruro, n.t '.r r.t,-, qn.nt H. r trr.. to / f-. *., Senr ormwrnr rccro t urc, Wrjorvrr l uUttUorcrcr rttc: S6m orconrrmmrtonlrrr, Slgn ol ondr. d€wloprrft rctvttl: stryt: or mrrttrtng: ! I fl f] I ! I f= ,ffif,,! pbvat to thc w ttxad ur.. co..r'.rcrdnnProt'n.nt T[f" .:illf* Natimd LandU3€oahDs€ of Pr€toJst D€v€bp€dLfld - sita Evaluation Pm+orna SURI'EYORASSESSflEITT ONSITECOIATRINTS ON FTITURE USES Fdd. A!po..dt tfr.esr,irl,., at'd,if ..braft, tnw s1tuFt R.atntutd 'htt4,Ant, Uanq eL Condrtt nMr e D..bG.rt, co|nn.|d.r In.pProprrf!. d.nnrng.i.ft t!: Concai! oyarlp.cllc p||nnlng pollcy: l-J @. wkc.'r., ttb dEvtu.t..dtturn .fllx.d ut , com|nard|| EmPloymrr raldlndd r.d | | t{gllg4d U|Erdrln l d o*n€lthlp: Fr.ginr!.d hnd oryn€Ehlp: E lrnd conllll.d by lnodl.r (hY.loFl: Lo.rdon.l rrFrLdon: n.lghlourhg u!E: Aed r.!.Et lt.u6: O|'.rb t'dttc con!6ton: E t btbh.d hrionnd otat rp.c. u!.: l_J l_J l_J l_J rirs$g. r\rgrglnr Com.rv.{on, LELd &illdlng. AA[: Conc.rB oYorconhmlrlton: Conc€r oY.r lod{..nng G|F.tty: qonc.r! ov.rlloorl d!t: Conc.m. ov.? .cl!|hh.d bto.twdty: ' ov.r uUld6 proYldon: o!r.r t {r.!..n.d l l l l n 4 ! ! ! E n t lqpqqlt | | l-l r:-'l h Ev. a): Ot.r 2 {.s .r.cfll.d In EV.l}: Oh.r 3 (.. .p.clt.d h Ev. al: Orh.| 4 {.r rt .n.d In EV.9: qdg t-] ndDr/rtyroD.,$.srd !!.ird dop doh tuulc Op.n l.d Eulldlng! Nalbr|al L€nd us€ Elatabs8€ol Pr€yioudlyoftdop€d Land - silo Evdualtdl PdFoma l0 S|JIIIEYORAssE8slElill O{{Sm DEU\|ERY Alsmtng mole'nomal (i.e. nolb@h or tust) naftet &tffibos' anli$an{ $nes[alebloB @n^Mt ial .leveloparnigm ad on dle (dop tu o henu) Io D€€ses$edtor ?Dposed, $& Suiteue'a,ld'SuleyorRe@nntande{u*s oaly [lt.d ||!6. flr.d ux. .nploym€nt AiDllc Op.n lllr.d u.., coflr|.rcld tulllc auldflgt R.rrtr.n!.r r.d l.d comrmrcld E q,royn.nt l|!E ndd l.d sFc. nmUnttOellvrO: I b cb|. ro to n c.|tr t e,ro60ec$ b/ 6'nsa ot li€ slt but r|.ttso.d .cc..a md ahapaw|tn Lct of Fodft.nac maft. lhnt th. tlt rould !. p.n ol wld.r prop...r. ln ludlneo! .1i.. h ih. r'm. ovrt6r/ ,qont,&shtion ot ua 8e rs &iar6d€sDossole. ll'Iote: xEY PePoFir!6d/P|€-Advis€d: E u"nCaorY fero,I rierc f] oPtonsr Fo.Prtotots): P€e 6 ol9 PROECT - COXIERCIAL Nal|oml Llnd Uss DaEtEs8 ot Prwiouslv oevelooed Land - Sit€ Evduaton Prc Foma pro forma SITEEVALUATION LOCALAU'HOFUTY lTb Fom v.rdonr NBFS-FinalveFion illutlPt L Rsr.: cor4*a ey, @ comdoon orte' ffi connlct o. H.E!t ll!_l Naneoaansan' Fomatdd/ni'/ww D@p da,lnnen, Slate wne(rte. or na(, O6sedon cunBntly iekJ ,rto, 6nolnet lclbnl ol lha fn has an interest in this sile. SITE ADoREq9 hio eocno z - eoa"oo",ffiaan ,r"oc. ADOITIO|'|AL S'TEhfo su*yno"*. n-, @ sroerrrtxrt:$@ sttettrrvne,@ na oevetonrotrrm 1tta1:|[]]]] L&at Authottyco.h, i.e s xxx. snoaounda.y cE sr'. (H')'FE @ Esrinateand iun y &tow srrr" Jultnc'donro.anyA ofr.r.ncol I srerrnlvrrreora,@ aouncarycontnna' @ eroundrryrt!,rcr, Mustb ia sttevisil:Drrlpdov,nnenu. 961" t ore fira ocmmt r vr".*, l tt koown:thvlent tot LandRen*,dilltiooRetiefto. ptuatederel 'JPEGten. ffi emtoenrtrtrt raro: @MustDevilsnevist morognpn D€.crtpdom: t tndudao|tlotatlonaN trFlAon nap, z 3 1 5 n-.-'*, stit co'tdord ItY.., A. P.n of a or",*" @ O$or Slt . To & Condd.rldl lin o{ glesi SITE lrSE lr o PROTECT . COIMERCIAL Nalioml Land Us€ Det|b€3€ of PrEvinEly O.volo!€d Lrnd - Sil€ Evalualion Pm-Fom. DETAT.ED Sf'E DESC&PT|ON Addilioaal ConnenE - axpaMDor0sas ,€cas$ry ldo ,ot vory ebu e.ptidon): .dFcrl t saaewlifln |hr $|r rnc wltll! Dr.{omln rry riEra{ rLo lmlud! ol taaalda lrdv.rrlty, p.b!l iulng .trton, cn.p.l and$fi. co.rtri.rcl.l / I rdl. from lt&llnllon town c.rr. la roud on r n.ln rjt rl.l ro|jL (li.ughton Ro.dl.loFugn iro.r ofrt toth. n r of. hrrc. ol hoo.... rlt Loc.r prop.rt m..k t!.n6m.nt: crrE4t tocd lighv|y n wl{ch wlll ln|!|ct .|r. rr on dci[nd mqdrcm.n!. ftf ot lte d!. rcc..l onto rlrullion tlod. lrdlny c|P|clty / con brha. *.*...*.@l - bulldln!tr by.xkdn| [iLd urlldlrE! l|n.d Urldlng on .|t. - fi r.|nJ Lr ol!h.|l!a la cla.nd. ,""***E;;-l ll.!.d fom.r dtwat rtad lt .lt[t d In th. c.n!t of th! .lL .nd lr In poor o",.,*^0"**,-[;-l n-.,*'.{"-"*.*_l Cu'rtflt .cc..t ggnl , ogrir5 lo t frcm of Iniofin l ftc.$ w.y'€.v.! loohdr .cro.t L . tor'rl.l rct!.. tlr. tlL but |l$ no!. n r 0.t rto. |!imt ror - tt ld.t orE oawhomrpp.|'t to u.r r rcrr v.hlculr &c.... ton pBvlourly ||3.d trr nllwry p{rpo|.3 |nd d!d@ ",ttr..*"@l FEg€2 or 9 lh. .lto. , ut tr.: rcD|a Slgn! ofcodbml Algn. of , b r rlngl. .cc... frEmtha rouilr u,.tt ol th. db anddto no!! trrt tir.r. ta an PROTECT - @l tERCtA! .urv|t ldmln.. po!!r!.| rlt Ndlonsl Land Ula Datab€sa of PrEvloll8lyDov€loD6dLand - SiatsEvslualion Pm-Forma S|TECO STRATTA Ext'ianal,or of lelav.rd f.r ttte 8ss€ssTrorl ldo ,ot $ony aborl /€O€{i?o,)j ltro n w T...ld. Unlvrlly c.mpE rnatotrPxr hctr{ng nar hou.lng rbv.lapd.nt ]ll..tb .o lrrltb 'rom th. opf,lng ofrh. an.|n .rb d|oln! th. E{a Co|tl m.lnllm to tho .dtdng t|l. |3c-r C{.ulthd ffibnnd tirlllc op.n .p.c. cont.wrton, utlrd Bdldlng; nllwry .nd d-lgn wlll n..d to r.n.d wlll |lqu|n lo t|. ufth.trt o *||ft T]|n$orl d con tin!] ury .ch.m. Flpodt rnown lt!u.. rl it|l tt 0.. lr a t@!th throughtro .lt rxl r!|..cc6.a lo p|r'p.rt-.nd I ho|l. gn'|ng In p|ft oitha rlL, Ir a h.t d tonn.f rdlwry .hrd wltl{n tft. 3lte.any lctrm. wlll rrquha to tiv. r|grd to tha |.tlng ofth. bulldlng. rb.t iop .!ry.y ndcrb.r tom€ corlrnlm0on [ | rc.uli of hlrbrlc .|llsry $Lbd u.€r b|n unlhaly to b! ConcarE ov.. ]o|tl{€dng conc€m. oY.r ulltl.r Oth.r t Olh.r 2 OA|r I Oort PagE 3 of I PROTEGT . @f,f ERCIAL Nelioml trd Lr!€ hsbala of Pnvidrst El€l,Eloo€d!fid - Sit6 Evrlug|ion PGFoma eropoeco u*, ffibrd ro.r suuu. urc, Qlald grvryorRlco :od,.d Fh.r *., us€ct€es. us coss: otupdow nanu. @Ls.d ffi NLUDclass: Dtoptbm nenu. oaaarltdon r Jullncaton For Juslity: auR\tEYoR sflE ASSESSIEi'|T FOR RE@[[E|{OAT|O aO FUTURE USES F6ttFtpd,tt@Stntd.','AowrorRet/|fudur *rt,ttat wN,lituia'! !'ir,..d turlo b wd dobb .tt sa.idh EY.t, $ it'dort .2 (vsry 8(l\,€rlo h|lp€d), -1 (adv6r3€), 0 (n€utr€l o. €5 lo t€ oxr€cl€d), +1 (p6niv6 mp€d), +2 (vsy poriliv6) \*dbpbsn Ntp, @n b.t .!,.l&.ntto PUD{cOtan bd PEdomln.nt .(Fcr* / n.|lny ""-, eoauon nttln rrrtcmarn eronrrxncaotrru Locd prcp.rty rrni(.t.. lrfi* Cunrt locd hlghwry nitwort -fatf, Utllt' c|p.cny r co||.|nlnt : f--'l f] I Q - st[rc orrnc: I o"t nru-r."urlty, I toposnpht: Sora,rramatr: otntn|.nmrccraetne' mtrnrrrurc: Cri.rri*.cc..s t .grrs to , from .: s6mcnro|||nt.cccalu:c vvrtcrv.. , utttd€..cro.. .tt: Sgnr orcortrnnaton tr: shtr. olon.t d.v.roF*nt *{"t: l-:l -i] I f]] fl E:f f] l-J I f:] StenrCmr*ctng, fl tTl r?l trl TT-I FA-'l t-.T| t-?-l ri] r-1 t-i] -il t-i'l T;-'l r,7] t--t PROTECT . OOT'IERCIAT r-"1 r-l r--l t @ BulldnlF N.lionel tgnd us6 oat baso of Plsvarslv Doy€bDsd Land - sit6 Evalualion F o+ofna Fqt@. ','s,'nro' Nb.t Stnhd| D..ltuaef, iCAwm W. Rdtutuftldl ud, if d.n'l, \nptdt, ildt6€ his'in !'s tv dE sn.s,AE Nbm of .ad1r'.1w [lr.d u.€, Rcrd.nir.r co.,'*r.r h.ppF?.la. conc.m! ov.rrpxnc dmlnq rt ir p|.nnlng poll"y, UncerrrtnrnC ovnrr:Ul: rnlmrntrr trno mnhtp: I f]] Lrnd aontrott.d !y mooror dov.lop.n - r-ocrtmrr nCueton: I n bnbouane -.n, f:] tn*.np.tot. accaer4rarrrcua:"dr"n' Edrblbh.d lfiior t l oP..| lnct ur., cont.rv.lon, r.l3!.d aolEtnc, srril: f]] E I t:f Concsrr! or€r contrmhrdo Conc..3 onr lo.Gbxrlng c.rpdty: E conc.m. ov.rnood d!r: f= conc€m! ov.r.dttl.hod conc.rr DrodrwaV, ov.r 'd|E.. p|bYl"lon, Oft.. r (.rlp.c|nrd In Ev..): I l-] E oorr z l.t rpcctoco tn w. el f]]] Oft.. t t|' In Ev.6): E Oftda(.!.pcn.dhEv..): E ..0,."*r -Tlifl5t- irwlo b..esd.gtkddop.tNn ulx.d ur., comm€'"hiomprovm'rt adldlng. Netlonal Land lJ3€ Ejrt€b€s€ oaPr€viowlv D€v€loo€d LEnd . Sito Evduation Prc-Foma Assuning,no]g fionet'(.e. nd b@n or bust)'z'tat''fl@ndtorc" a,ttk4Btedtinesr,le bero/t@ntEEtEl devslory r$n saa oa ,le (dop 6wo raau) fo D€as.r6ssad /w Propo6edll&6t &r{bo€'€ad 'Su.v€ro.Fecofin€ndedssesonly Xh..16., flU.d rr., R..rd.,drr connl.,.r E pr""..",Ji#ffu comr"'dd 'mProvn'nr '$*T" J,"'i'l; nrncUntt Octtvrrr: I ile prDspedsib. r!.u$ ot ii€ sdt 1e.9. oft$ hr. . numbarof tay corEf.lnL .uch aa lhad lxllitlie, grt.fl aonl&r, mO, acc$ rrxl conhrnhalon wn|ch c6ll6ah/dy Falnbd th. .ft. con ng lbrt.rd, T|l|!|lth tn. .{ablbnn-t ot . f,rrEwod( lo add6a rll ot polnb I l. co||.llan.d tm wlllcrr.lorwad lbr d.ld.on l|.d mlrad alaa dawlop|!|.tt Tl|t m.y I ageft, de5.'lqtion ol use €'c). a€ as &lared€srosstlrb. /i{oloi XEY PrE+oputated/Pra-Adv*l6o: Q uanoaayri6lo:I Ontonat rieto:Q For photo{s): PROTECT . @f,UERCIAL Natoml Lrnd Ua€Deteb$€of Pr&ioudvt.v€bo€d Lrnd - SitoEv€luafrmPro-Fo'm. SITEEVALUATONprc fom. tiutDfoL Formv.r!lon: itBFa-Fh.t vo|tlon Rd.: |.cal artho y: qomdi.d ay: ch||! TDo|l||i s6c., re3, Tnom.t udr umtad ltl|iE/zlr'r Compldon n!b: co"ttt"o o tno,.a, S]]]f ehnn/Yyw. alopdovnnr,,'u. fslels dre6eror aol,oasador cutenAybld lob, ddher ldi'tt ol thafrtmhasan kla'€a in thE&. I I alTE ADORESS Into St Co|||monlybbwn ea: l - SAO: Aild|lt ArE]l .2 - PAO: Addrr. 3 - gr..t: Addrur il - Locrl[y: Arldr|. I - Town: Adtnl|.3 -Afi nMEArlr: emrrcn z. eo.tcoo' f :aatno,E ra,rraoo. tto't'tng'E aoo'no"n[ErrEkrrb | _ trtr#: I r* o.r.topllr lr.. G.I ffi Jnldrcdon lor ^ny a'I sr'Boud'ryG€srr'(H')'E Dff!.lrrc.{ Edtrl,a*. sndlvstirytrtow lldEt'y acc63snsd fsn Hmet PdrLlno oxdud€dfilrn n€tds. l$rle | eO*n^or*rE *-'-"r-"-* eo,rorvco.n"tt"o, Eoo|rLrt ! Muet& d. en€$dt Dlr,pclor,.rl rnenu. @ 6: lr,loltoierlfi€d r* | l5rt . O.r. O- *rr,trv.".t, *r*rJ ntaognpr6l rrra, ffi|Mu!{ Fno.ogr+fo.*rfrdom: r lnduboia ttloa d nart onneq ?l "* 'JPE! t'ts Deubsirsv,s[. f-------l l l " iF u l-l , I ".t lr^ep.oFr6: gtt qonddrldl.P.rtofAckt I I l l l t?- | tY.r, Od r SlbaToa. Cor.l&rid: I SITEUSElnlo aturD /VLU,d33s. O*ttrrtrp,ffi Pag€1 arg PROTEqT . COIf,ERCIAL flational trld Us€ Haba€€ of Pr€viously D€v6lop€d Lrd - Sil€ Evaluatlon PcFfina DETALEDSI'E DEAC&PIOII A<l*li@el Connidnlg - qpad l! .ltut l'Jt6 d on ft.!||Ul.h.d tt neqery tnduatl.l (.1onot wony aLDut epeWon): .1tL l! locrLd clo.. lo Ur Al([) .nd on th! p.rtph.ry ot rr|'tnitan. l. not .l thrt tul|'l d.v.lopmrii dt th. it ior rnployn nt uraa wlll |lquln . naw ao!. c6r!.d ihEugh th. F.v.dd€ hdur'|.l lE|t!.> .ttlb ft.t t Ullty c.Fdtt , Sh|p. ot hoarwr l||nlt d rcdvttt In clr'.nt wlll.lgnltc|r Inlornilloo rv.lhbl. lrmv.r wfll bodgnmcld $Mc. ,nrrk.t coftlnlon. y | .ltudon. rlvlour crprcl!6In r!!. .! .t .l wodc wouE lndlcd. thrt th. rr.!. b v.ry long whiah*tll not lmFct on dlv.lop&Ilty Dutrnat c'td. l.$.1 nlllr df on tlte hnrllt|clure r€qul|td. bufldh. cl..rd to .l|! l.Y.l> 06.r nam d.i!|turu. q|t't|rr .cc..r / 6gne. ro / nlm uncorEtr:ln.d, th. .idng rcc.$ io Hon€yPoaLrm llnl| to ggns ol Iniortn l .cc..r / Uhyl€rv.. / u{t|d...crc6. Slgm or cori.dndon lrown l.aua lddrli.d. r.loclllod wltt P|wlour .l€.lw!.b Slgn ot on.t!. d.wloPtnr|t.ctvtt 39m of l! m..l(.t d by 4.n!. PROTECT - COIXERCIAL DtiL l!.u6 ,lthoogn no |l|rtlr.r mhor Nalion.t Lrld us6 Ddtab$s of Pr€9crl8ly Dev€bD€d Lfid - sita Evlluation P.Dfome .8 a[E @NSTRA| TS adanation ot /E,wanE to dte Ess€*rB'n (donotwory abovtrepetilLt): ph|flng h|pprop|lrt Conc.d. L no!.d ahft th. .lt own rl h.vo m..L rapr! .nt Iofi trr of u$ lo r..ld.trtlrl pu.t!.!.t howr.r |||0l. r..n rnployr.rn dt l. Go|!ld.|ld rtrP|!pr|.!.. ovar |o.clllc la und.rrtood thn 0r o{|or, Indu.ll.l IncompdDL sl nltl€.lgltr E 11L l. r rsy p.pd.r Indudn.| to nrt locdon codn.cdon hb u. r[! d!. to |cc!.. lnfairrctlrt ro Ar {fl} .|orough .d!dn! nofi l]ft||n .cc... l. ndghboutlng Flrtnr IndBlt l u!.,lll b€ fip.nd.nt on n w .cc8. rN.lncco||lhrcb4 Ofi4b rrdlc Er!.!ll.h.d Con wfloq oF.n lpft. ll|fomd Ud.d Auldh!,, wlll !. r.qulra to D. .ddF.t d fiough !ft. fiwr.thalo|t. In (l|. couE *rtouln iot cord(|.r!tt Ik lt to Co{ qvrr lo.d.O.adng b conddmd rirt thb n y b. .n rl!.ctl|g tuaur. u- nosv.r !.. no nntlrar dabll. .vall.b!.. Conc€rfx ov.r dIru6 o$or I Olh6r2 Oh.r a ot!.r4 P€gE3 ol9 PROTECI . @f,fERCIAL Natond Lard U!6 Dalrle of P|Eviou8t Devdop€d Land . Sila E€loaibn PGFdm€ REOOf,TEIIDAIIONSOI{ FUTUREUSEI 3UR\TEYOR P||nnlng €||tu r o r.* -Lrnduse ".oon Eo"o',pt- Eo"*roHou.lng Sdrrbllliy: E flntd l|oulho C.Prciy( - o.): - Dnlty (D$€/N€tHr): ItN u& Ctass: aop @ n nEnu. 14t)DclasstDnp.lownncnu. lc€srl@o4:&apewn nbnu. SurwyorR.ccm.nd.d Ffn.fu..: ry ffi lE4loymd r Oltlrlni frln Or.rlnlo|l , Jll:tlt6&n tot Bn.ny, uln n|||or oolftt f Ri.fd.i&fl R!td.n0.l Juditr. Lodt It olodon oaAibd.!t. l|om..: ll{/A Por-!.| lor Eco-D.v.lommnt IiUA Jugtf fiAeprggtlata: D|.itltdon, Jutllkftlon SrJivEYOR A|lE AASES€IEIT FOR REOOT[EflOAflOl{s Or{ FUTURE USES *d, n6bdtlttbaa @lbrn€ tib, qd',. @dt 6ru dop tt*n tutu,!d,.l$!t F6ttt PnN,lt d s&tbt s4wnrtua nwdet h EV.7,6,b/t't " olthh .ltc t& "2 (v€ry 3dv€€€ hp€d), -1 (€dv€n€), 0 (n€ollll d 33 to b€ exp€d€d), rt (poltw€ anP8d), +2 (v€.y potiliv.) f,lx.d u.., EmDloymdrt r|.ld..rnd rd F'rdomlnrt dl.cmt , n.rtbt !...: Pod[on wtlln $lt Mmnc. m.nt: Tj--'l of .l!.: t---l TT'] tTl TilI Locd prlF t m|tl3t .ontm.nt Cun tloc.l taghrry rlt T,Tl t-i-l ortr c.plcltF uufty ..prcry , corutrtntr. SnrF otdb: ropognphy: fj--'l f!--l Aaructlru! on d!a: t--l cunttul./rclrtty: tu--] I{lbmlft.tut : culratlt rccalt , .gr! r lo , lrcm !ir: gtn of Inlhrnd .cc..r / ur.: mt..rt. , udlE.. .crr.s .n : slgnr ol cont.|ntnoon irh: fo--'l r-71 fj--'l t--l trl gg||fof on t d.v.rotirfit.dlvlty: 8rgm ot irta0ng: T;-'l P@TECT - COSIERCIAL fh..l ua., com|r|rqd bd fltrcd uaa. a|nployr||.rl l.d PUDXG Opf| Spaca b Nw &Ildngr Nsibnal Land u$ Lralab€s€of Pr€viouslv Dev€loo€d Land " site Evduatio.t Pm-Foma OIi slTE OOIIS'RA|{TSON FUTUREUAES Fdti8 dd. Alros4 Con*rtn SuNtar Rc@t vE4!.d .R!, tlt L6tN,'itsiE o&/fns, 'tll€tlttt(, Vanag i*s e D&fr...rr!/, u4. hth. slb,lh. Et dM RoCdonud ln|ppm9drb Phnrdngtlrtr: Gon..m. pl.nnln! po{cy: unc.rt ln l.nd owna'lhlp: lEompdu. n lghDoutugux.: acc..r , .tr!$ O| hd@d*1g rarl/dyio l.d : l--l -_ r-1 Ngl!|!tnr d.v.lop€r: Loctdontl ttPu|lton: lr6t Ndlr!l.{|nl Frqm..Ld lu|d own.|lhlp: lrnd corntold t'y or..dt r-1 tt@r. t4!!c!9,. lr!ri.!: trdllc cong..don: Errr.D|rrid lr ormrl olfrlp.c. u!.: Co||!uv.don, l&!ad Eufldlng,8Al: l{or r!l.{in niEFtrt Gonc.rflr orrr cont mlnrdon: Conc.nlt ov.r b.dadrlng Conc.{n! ov.r..t.blLhd c.Fcltyr blorllv.r|lty: cor|cf||. ov.r uult.. Fovl.lon: N@" r-] r-] : Othr 1 (rr rFcfil.d ln Olir 2 (.t ! |n E\t a): Oltr 3 (.. !p-|n.d r- In EV.6): Olh.r:l {a .p*|n.d In EV.6]: PROTECT . COIf,ERCIAL D..r*.$d.!*tBl Publlc Op.n S9lc. dropdo@ AulElng. National t*d us€ o€tabas€ of Pr€vidrslv Dev€hr€d Lfid - sil€ Evaluation Pro+oma SURVEYOR ASSESSIENT OI{ SI'E DELIVERY Assuning hote'noira| (i.e. nol b.fin or bugt hatuel &nd'lions, anliipaled l/,re*ale bektre (tnre<;al 'tlost Suiable and 'SufEvot Re.nnnande<l uses onlv Io De assessad Dr'Dros€d devdory n;grn 'iatt on slte (dnp down @nu) f,lr.d R.lrd.ntiar cq,''orErar -0,.r,** rr. umtoat*ry' I II OVERALL JUSNFEAIOI{ 'I'jilof& flr.d u!.. J,''ih FOR SITE k.y .lto r! brohndd oe9ortlnlty on popul.r Ind!.t l.l .rtrb wnh bngor t.fn pot nt.l lbr nll rllrt d Cor nenlaryeteYanl lo lr€ ,rosr€cfs b/ r*usa of{ia st8 b!r|.3 ol ro.d .cc@ to b. .ddrs!$d .nd lmDrcl ol .lt accers co.d.aDls, @lal/s ot ovw / €€ent, cktscn'ttuonof usa etc). Be ss del€redaspossilte. f,qde: as naryows 6s you ,Equi.€ P|€"FroFllaled / Pr€-Advii€dl ffi Msndatory Fi€td: Pa06 6 ot I u.€, comm€rcr'rompro,'r'nr't#f" PROTECT. COSXERCIAL coBlrmhrdon ..trblt.h€d, slb .hould !. rst h.d N€tional Lrd t s€ Oat*e€ ol P|€vlo|J3 D6vcN0p€dL'ld - Sits Ev€lualion Pro+oflna SITEEVALUATIOpTofoma Formv-Jon: |lBFr$Ftnd v.fiion LUO,PDLfuf.: LOC LAUTIIORITY ltrlb *rr,* @n!no, ""' cora.oon o*, E connht.orrr. !.t llg_lc,w oss' s€mrr Fo.'natMn'rvywy &rvnn u. wh€lhero, not,}Ascr!on anenw hokllnlo,tudhel. d lha Itnnnaaan intet& in this sit€. Slt Cor mmly hox'n Ar: Addr*r t - SAe Ad{ftla. 2 . PAq Addr.. ! - Sft.t addrr.4.Lo.alltF Aaldtla 5 - fown: ArldE . l -Arhldrdv.Ar..: loot-r z - eoeooer f aD'ro*r rrr*ate. srrE,nb | _ a'"Bo0ndeYcEsr"(lrd'- #tr#;: | aNjuw rrtow n"toc"uoprur am 1xr;'fflEstrflae I I s€i. Ju$!3.gon brAny Ar!| rxlI.r|nc.{ | I strarntrltlur:f E4nd.rycor .m.d:ry,Al'.€ui.frlNi$ I I *t "**-t,r-' ffkpwn: lnprtanttotLarllFantsrlauon Rdwtu pnvdta rrrv€lqa ort" nnro"t"ra I v."rnt, ffi mcos..ern 1r.r.t, @l{rstr6 v,€sitar$it I ftorognph D...dpton!: Itdu.b ot'ahlal''t andnet'( on t'Eo, 2lgatiJvt ffiHf;c'wairu'*nd , trcr! | I 5 r*t "-.t 8r. Cocld.rrd A. ern trrl ctr*" l - It Y6, Oih.r 8|lr To B. Condd.rd: SltE UsE lnlb UseAa55' /VLUDCJ€ss. | | NsliondL€rxlu3€ Delrb$€ or PEvioultyDav€lop€d Lar|d- sne EvatuslionP6-Fom€ SITEDESC&PnON OETAI..EO 4dd'!oo.i Co'l'nlrlis - sjesnd boo(lsas D€css''ry ldo not$rry atux ru,ffiroD) ho||.lng lFw.{.r Pt|dodmnt .dlm€rn / n.|t!y rlo lmlud.. $||ool .nd E!r[ p|!|nb... "-,-**,".-.**|---",-*;l *.,"-"."*@l iu0 n | .ljhu|bit| no.i.lne..arb. Ac.ayLtlxohOrlv.Ltoiharbrotm.rlrtn!ho| |"t""'t. Loc.t p.!F ty m|tt?t ..nrm.fr1tf*"rr"r" **t.- | t .tth..nd ot..rt- Gr|.rd nr.rl(at condl0orl. lrnoiactoo lht .tta. I Currtni locrrhbn y Eon hlghr.y. wlll D. rtqulnd dff th!.[. t. b|!ll!n tolw|td. btu6 ldmdrad rt thl. .r.9.. lrdtty c.plclty / con nr|nb ".r.t*@ Jt h.. b..n Urlr., TopognaP txildlngt n.w da|l|d to.l.b lav.l. *,-"'.0.-o,-Fill *".,".,,!il-'*,*-l Eld.ongldghwayr .cc..r la tfil r.rldrlal ro.d. C[rlrn .ca.$ / .9|l.. ro I tlm Algnt ot Intotmd rcc... / wayl..Y€r , ufllto lc.g. dos llom li.oo Ddv. xnbh b r Slgnt ol .cc..r tvrn rqolnlng oFn .p.c., .cro.t h.. b..n u!.d In lh. pall lor w!.t dlapo!.| .nd ongotr|c|nft n |t w.ll .r o0.f coftrmlnrtlon l.$.r. str|3 ol cont mlnroon ahr| ol on{tb rLv.lopn$nl Yb|u€ ",.,,'.*o*,liL,-il P€62or9 . !:.rbd PROTEC' . COI{IERCLqL Natonal tand U3€ Oatab*€ ol Pr€vioulv O6v€lop0dL€nd - Sits Ev.llalion Pro-Forn€ Exp|httbn ol Etewne lo dE as:Esshent(dorpt wonr abouttaryttion): rppllcrbl.. Unc.rLln l.d hcoi||pdDro n lghbouri.{ on rl!. t,|ltlc €l|llng {|lr b6 |lqul|!d bur nor codld.r.d n{or lEua otLx. tr.|nc ErEbll.h.d lrlbrn.l opeoqrcr conr.rvdon, u.{.d Erilldng, l..|l.. dlt dnc th..tb ra r$l.tli-. h|Y. !..n t y hv..t!tro.d.nd $,oda . il|3 hr. I n€gdvc |mp.ct on Yl.Hlly. oY.r lod}!rd|{ ld.'rfi.d b!u.r .rhoqgh Eryl.onn.rt Ae.ncy Et h to .pp'|y. Concarn! ov.f ullllt6 Olh.r t Oort, (tth6r 5 OIrr a PROTECT . OOXIERCIAL .urhc. watat lhnldon .chana. NakrnalLrnd U3€D8tab€s€or Pr€vlo|l3lv D€v€loo€d Lrnd . s|16Evalu3tion PE"Fonna SURIIEYOR RECOIXE T'AIIOI{8 OI{ FUTUREUSES u.., Ere'd ""0-.0 usecbs& noa suntu" rrr, f, uN u* ciasl-. E dmrhd Hos.tns c.p.ctty (".), E --ntt'*nt"rlE alrl.yor Rocoftm-a.dFtn.fu-, @ ffi ffi Dratltloo , Judtc$oo u& class:Dtopcbwnnww. Land NLUDc!a6s;Dnp.bwnnilnu. u$tutiont Df)pc{,J,nnx'nu. For .ummrry. Hl.d ft Rnf.f.d.l , Rol(|n{i Prmrdon Mr|d.l L.d I oa Aidfbl. r|6Es: lor|.|n: JutW lO€C h.v, lcar9rd no .nbr{al||. Juslttt PtzviNdy wnv.d SURIIEYOR SIIE ASSESSXEiIT FOR RECOfflE to(r*|o m YlaDlttv dlurxl . I dlr. lo locllon. lNot fintD|. I lo $atu€ sfodabla housing !€gutanwt DAtx)TS OIt FUTURE USES &.dtt Aqpo..4 luod&d.!b',slN,@R.Mnd a4,tdenft,'tt6in ,..dt,l,.qb!,6r.du.k9&.pdwnM,r,r,d!dt ddin .nr !,.i!d h Ev 7,s rbrava -2 (vsy adv€F€ imp€d), -1 (adv€f33), 0 (natEl or as !o b€ €&ad€d), +1 (polinvo impea), +2 (v€ry po.ltlvo) comm{rld Piidordmln .{Fc€nl , n€rby ur..: to.ltlon w|.'; ot dt l local prop.rty |r|rtat |f|dmont: Cu]lalrrhc.l hlghfiy n.lvro* crp*lry: U ry c|9rdry , contb.trlb: ShrP. al dr.: Cumnt (|l. , .cdY y: TopognprrF Sluctf... on .lt€: alrnl llrurB: Qr nt rcd.r, .!rt . b / hom rlt . Sl9|! ot IntonnJ |cc..r , u!.: Wry'xY.r , utllto .cm.r !n : ggnt olcont|mtmdon d.r: Slgn oton n ilvrdoFn$rt adytty: Slg|tt ol m.dctng: Emplorn.d ,,'.o-., "".,,#il,ffiffni l.d t.d Lr.tibttpt Puulc O9.n 3p.c. Fil tTl t--71 fj--l To-1 |-r;i-l r-':il tu--l fj--] t--l tu--l tu--l |--71 |-.T'1 f---l trl t--l t-l ii!. nrulc Al|dhg. National L€nd U3€ Datrb$€ of P'€t/'Jrdy D.v€loF€d Lrnd - SnE Evallaton Pm+orna SUII\IEYOR ASSEISSXEI{T ON SITE CONSTRAI TA ON FUTURE UAES For're at oed, Nrocas,teD& , ' e6wy* aea t''Mta4 aN lt tub6i4 wetu '!6t @, c./rdtett riqr. e D..ltsrd.! tu.pttut'. tltnae lor thc i'le, ltg t 't@na .1.d, Emplotm..r flL.d ul., n ld.d!.|l.d t ct!' inn6dtng i.w b b .s!t'.t4 .g.ird nfrp.b*n Publc Ot..| l.d Bulldng! @d conc.rrr oy€r.p.cnc d.nntng porr"y' l@ttr umaam tml uwrrntrtp: l&ffinr Fnsrnrrbd lrlo oh.6tip' Lrnd cori'dt.d by .ndlcr da'rror: t-ocrtonrtnsmon, @.t {@m nffifint hconprubt. n lgibunns u!.!' ^tr..€,$..: orrlto urtttc congorron: E rbuhld Intarm.t op.n !Fc. u.o: coru.rv.don, Lkr.d &Ildlns, satrt, "@ tt!!!199. l@r r:- @nt ot lllotr-|rt Conc.ntov.rconi.mhdo",,@ cormm. ortlodnanrs crD.cfty: conon!! ovrttooo rtt: Conclm. ov....irbllrh.d Conc.rrl3ou.. t!|U.. Uodlv€r|ltv: Dro{.lon: r@lrt tto-if,fint Noa nt Nol rll.vrn oth.r 1 (l. rp.dr.d I! Err.6l: dr.r2 {.! rD.ctl'.. h An. t): olh.f I (.. !Fcll|.d In Ev. al: Oftr il (.! ,;|.cn.d h Ev. a): Page5 ol9 PFIOIECT - COflIERCIqL al O€vslcD€d Land - Sits Elduation PKFFo a Ndionel L6nd UB6 Od.&ss IO SURVEYORAAAE& E TO SITE DEIj\IERY r'€suttttl€ 'fse 'nonnal' (.e. M tun or b!g) noftaI condtbhs, arltirb€te.t tnl€sctto btoE Io A€ ass.ssed,br Propo$d', 'tuto61Sudahld anal 'Surueyor Recofinl€'l@ u*s only 6mnt6E d dwetopet night st6/t on til!- (drop @tn fllFnu) llr.d R.rr.r.r.r comm.rchr .''r'*.,Jm:i,i |r3., fllr.d r.o, comnnd'rmPro''*rt *![3" Jil"'h n,n€UndrDollwry: @ tte prosrscG,brrFus€ of ?b s{e {49. o*nat / &a| d.sf'ittbn wtth tull pl.nnlng.pprov.l wlh pot d.l ior..rly d.llrr.y.{lbic! or*. co.rb lnrdon on vl.Dllly lt u€.. ot u8 elc). E€rs deaa&das 9o6saie.(l\btej as nQtryo*a aayou nquin I(EY Pr!.Poputal€d / Plgddvs€d: m menoaory rorc:f]] rieO:I Opriara Fof phoio(s): PIIOTECT . COIIXERCIAL to lmprofrt|.nt In m. d.ondltair. |nd Ndonal Lsid U56D.t€ba$ ot PrgvEudyD€v€lop€d t nd - Sn€EvdustonPrc-Forma pru forma SITEEVALUATION For|t|v.|!rqr BF8-Fh.tvoEton I{LUI}POLR.r.: IOCAL AU'HOE.rY Hb Loc.l Alhorily: By: ;rrn| rhomr., Btc- xRrGL rhom! Lhbi tlt c-md6it Cofid.oo.r Dlr.: co'.ttt"rr ornr".t* d n !tzo1l []]] ddlnnyyyyy. D@pbvt r'nu. whdn r or M, ba'€d m dneotty hc/d lato, e'€{hef ol the fim ha' an in/!€sl in lh/€ d€. SIIE ADDiES8 fle addn.r A.Ir-. . sao: 2 . PAO: AanEt I-S'tt t: add|l 14 - L6dtty: Add||.l-Town: Addrsr a -lrt nlrbrdwAEr: loor... z - cocrcoocr [r anaaato. "o't*ng,E ADOIMiAL SITE IilO arryarrrmnce no.:[Ln<::lAuko*rycrz.,i.a.gxtt. gtoBou'ld|rycrsstr.l|r.t,sn rn".or.;[ I | ar.t'ryp.,f rrt o.".roror. er." 1n1, @]]f I EdinaleaN iusny lckl*. I - I Jurulc.ton lor Ant Ari. Dl6l.nnc.:l *.runl'lnrr,[ | *t*"'-.-, ;*no-yconnntt ** or@ltueavs*evll,aop@t*nnwv. i l prtarad6,r€ropo o.o at r orola t v.omt ffiLto*r; lrn ofrsn( Rer!€dtralbr R6#srrbr 'JPEca,t6 adosrrpn(r1ra,ft |@^noo"**r*. | Ptrord..h D-dfdd':E t tw!.xb'3'l,t fiornlnfxpy ariv. I L__j I l n d u < t e o ' ' e n f , b o n a n l n u l < o n n a p , 2 l c c | € . , r d . e . c r d r r t t u t g r l b . d | d t b , | I I I r t_] s t_rl | "-t"t'*' 'ffffi:lHx filpo.oorrs: l l al|E usE Inao /VLUDO.33. UsoCt6sa PROTECT . COIIIERCIAL N.tioml Lrnd Uss DatabaBsof E€vdloo€d Lrnd - Sito Evduation Prc-Foma DETAILED SITE OASCRPNO A&ittwt Ptldontl|rl rq|, C.l)/.'lffits - qpand bo(,s s @crssr.y (dr ,c'l $orry abod qa tbxt: Indudr rvortlng m.m club. n.|fty ,-t."**'.-"r-*l.;ffil .rc{nd I ml!. nonth ol o|rllngion lown, Brlnllum Ro.d l.. rdl ur.d dtttlbutor rcd. pmp!,., 1o.,, n r*".""."-t[*J*'*-, cu?r..trodr srwry n.twoJ." -*. ""0*','l:L_l " rct ot connd.m. nDmboth l||v.lop€r. .nd occupt.r In mmy. I *- | Soft€ locd hlgi*ryt lmp|lvon.db r.qulrtd lut no malorbt||- .. ldan Ld, lr0llty c|p.dty / .onrhlnb Snrp. ot Forrrf oal|c. Dulldhg. on {t cl{rtd to .trb Lvat. Iopognahy noi con.lrlGd I coraunL To9ognply Prfl lo|jl buttdlnqa d.mottah.d Qttlrt rc... / .grt Sgnt ol | Wryll|vl. Eqn ot ood. .cc6a / udllt.r Abnlalcont Oo.fng .lt .cc..! firm D.mby odv. .ppor|!.d.qr.t . to , non / Umtt d (..9. do! nttlng 0 ng. to g|ta Indlc.t aaom. rcoaaaoDt tn d, .cEa. 'o!.irtl!l n ruuon d.v.loF[.t l..ur ||.ocl.t D.momon b drb Lv.l. a,t"r-.-"nE.'.,'-;l P€e2of9 PRqTECT - COf,IERCIAL d wtti Drlvloo. ottc. u..6, t6f ptpo...l nrtun ut.|' l'aslional L*d Lls€oalsDr$ of Pr€to|JslyD€v6tr€d Lsd - sit Evstuation PrcFoma erdanaltan ()l teleyan z b sne dsswrenl 16 ,o/ nrny rtEsi Ep6nbr')i Incornpribl. n.lghhoudng mtlor bar. E irDllth.d Imbfid ldrtn.d rlroogh mlmr h6c c.ldng rlll !. |!qul|td. tratlc op.n .p.c. Bulldlng, filhrot lft.qm.dd orul d.vdop|n.|rt co.i' trt rba condd.nd mdor l..U.. Cor|c*nt ovd toda.rfirg PROTECI - CO{IERCIAL Nstonsl Land U36 Drt De Land - SitE EvalsdjsR Prc-Fc.n\q or Pr€viously O.vdopd SURVEYOR REC1)flXENDAIX)I{S o|I FUTUREUSES Pl.ndng $.tr: Prop...d U&: E*or[o.t &itrbta lraa: : Xourhg Sun bttlry: E th.r.d Houdnt qgdty l o.l: D.ndty (Dw!/t.t H.r: Sura.tor R.comn nd.d Flrl [r$: uEtcla's' t bpthwn n€nu. f o* n I MtD Clrcs:Dap &n nbou Lv*,l4ior, Dnp chw^ n'nu. ffi It Dmrrt Frcr O...ntdon / Ju.dncdon For ad.ty, wt!| tum|l|.tt O.t||rd rR..fd.dd JusW: r itodd.nn.tbdt htoordon ot^lbrd.bL Hom6: tbt ndd lbf Eco{.v.toofir* lgoflr tot. coi!|u m h lrlr olon a[. t'|ovitio||. I .r .! .df conr.|n d .tlc lo vhblllty Lau... PnYtb ownanhlp. I Jutity: rAppftpt|.t: guw.yo. I FrovLlon or or.lE R€conm.rtd ht d ll!.: Ol.crlruon / Jrdncrdon SUFI'EYOR SIIE AASESSIEI{T FOR RECOflIEI{DATIOiIS OI{ FUIURE USES F*th. W,lltd, tt Db64ln/€/*n'le $ii'ra., Fffi.hd, t t db s'!, ',.b. b b s.d otatb sd. lLbd &rEll Z s ,blbyt -2 (vary adv€B€ imp€d), -1 {.dv€6a), o (n€utEl or a3 lo b€ exp€d€o, +1 {porittuo imp6ct), +2 (v6fy politv€) Ehployl||dn P|slo| n..6y u$!; Po.tlcn wfiin !.t!.mrl|: Pronhanc. ofdo!: l,rcd prDFty n.dct ..r&|r.nt: Gtr nt loctl Hghw.t r|.ftri( Itullty clpftt, tTl r;.l |--] T-T'l c.p.cry: , conednb: lh.p. of.lir: Cumrt u.. t adhrtty: Topogr.phy: stuctur.. on .to: Ottr.. mnfita brttrE:||bfu|!: qrr.nt Gcaaa , .!rta. to / torn dtc: ait'! ot lnbnnd *ca!a / u!.: Yvry'..n| I uutd- .cft.r !t : ggm or co.tumlmdon i.t: SICnlof m.tto d.vatopmant.cddry: S|El! ol mrfidng: Fag€4ofI fh.d rla.l rl r.r.n!.ttd t-.T] t-i-l Tj--] t---l t-r-l f--] l-o---'l r-1-l t--"-l t--l Fil PFOTEGT . @flXEFICIAL u.!'E dbr bvn M, t|I.d utq comm.rcLl l.d rk d u.!, iidoym.|t t.d M.@ nbv.nt toth. M Arutc ot n gprcr Itub[6 BulldlnF Nalional Land U3€ Oatabas€ of Pr€viourly oov€lop€d land - Sile Evatualbn PGFdm! ASSESAXE|TONSIIE CONSTRAI{TS OIi FUIUREUSES SURVEYOR fqb. M tlro..!4d,lub9, cOrldrrrt6qr6.F gxFyotRwod'at ell,bb, 'htwtt D.dbEr4 i(, rLn4 R..ldlnt.l tnryercpdd.phnnhsrhu., @* conc.mrowlp€ctttc aldrlng porhy, rrotT;rn Unofitn trxt own.rrhtpr nffi',t Irrt own.Elrlp: ffi;rrt rrnd conrrorr€d by.noh.r d.".roe* n@"t Loc.donr ,"puudd: lro;l;'r hcomprtuon roDoudnsu-r, Nffi-t.".,r a.".$,.s'* rs.s: *@r otdr. Frmcconsroon: t@" Ert Dr.h.d Iniom.t o? .*, conr..v.don, Lllbd &ttdir|g, sen' Pag€5 or 9 et , th. t t v@ of ..dt Ldniattu Xlr.d ut , comm€rEl.l t.d Employ|||. qrn Ntrg vlJrb ily tb ba..'& fllx.d !!o, dnploym.|i t.d spac. fl ---'l f]] f---l l-] l--] l-l I f] cono m. ov.r..trtttrh6d Dtod".retr, n@a owruollt€. proyl.r*, niiifinr otr r 1rr rpcmra tn w. r1 [ Ou€r2{a.p€crt.d InEv.0): f:f Oth€r! lr! ! InEV.S): : ooFr. (r|.p€ch.dInEv.0): E r$.b.a,L l----l rr@"t @d n@t lHlrim Gorl|lroElal r,dEfi"r hponbd orertoertb..rtns cp.dty: cone!' r ov..oood'rrk ud, il D/.w.q l_J f-| | l-l l-] I PROTECT . COfXERGIAL ddl.pde' B0lldlnc! Nslbnsl Land us€ t)atab€se of PBiouslv D€vslooed Land - site EvdEtim Po-Forna OIi s|TE DEWERY A$)ning nlijl]e hofiEl' (i-e. nol bootn $ busl) natuel turltions, anlicipatcd lides€ate bto6 ro be ass€ssed ibr Bqpos€d', Mos{ Sutab/€ aN 'So^cyot Re@mneAded uses onty Roatd€ntiet nmr UnttOrttvery: commorct.t conneEial .kedopt ll|r.d ur., Emptoymenr r..tdmor||od ntght s,tn on si/€ (dtop dofln nwu) lr.d u.q coffirxit.l t.d Ult.d u&, drptqnun tod pubflc Op.n Sprc€ plblc aofldtng. @ T1 OVERALLJUSNFrcAION FORSITE Comnantaty lElevant to the p/Dl4€ds bt tE'{)* of he 3!E (e.q. acc6s corsln$ls, delrils of ofody d.llyary rntlctto lmprcwmooi h mirtltcondttlon. owner/ agent,des''iptbn of ue Be€s dara,l€dasrossiO/e/wo6a: aanatry rcwsas you,Er&he exryndaw as nec€ssary. ere-eoprtoaI ere+ovisso' ffi ttlanOatory rieU:I odionat riet, fl For pholo{s): PROTECT , COflMERCIAL Ddpo0litdtt rs$drfi|.|tt torGl||ng. h N8tond Ltnd U3a Od.!€5€ st PEviou€t D€vclq€d |.8nd - Sile E€|Jathn Ao-Foflra prc forma SITEEVALUATION I LOCALAUII{OATY M Fo|rnV.don: BF$Ftn.lV.ltron LUDPOI R.I.: LocalAuthodiy: .. Conpltd By: Co|'d.non O.t : C[rilb! Of InLr€l: N€ty,,ooani5y11bn. ffiFomatWyw. iro -_ lD,o, do@ l@d -'l$de vrEfi€ror rct Ossadonautaoly hetd!n,o, dt|0lnor ldtaflt ol W nn hrs an i',te|€slh tnisttb, Eh. coflmdy rnonD A.: ^d4..r1-aAO: A.l(ll|. Addr!.9 ? . PAOI - S.!!l: Addrl!. a.locd[y: . Adn!.! t - ldrhl!ts Addnr. Aildr!. t. Tdnr: !v. Ar.: t - Fbreod.: "o*tnc'E suw.rn"'ffi sttcelr6rt ffi Ltd AMW w, t.e.s xxx. art.EoutryGEaE (H.),- S-or-Tt",rcrorrcnruaarrlnal: ahdiusritytotot'. @]]]Me Jurlllcrdon lb. A'ly Ar.! m Aouxh?y Corilrn d: fY....cun!., connin d vf..fLd{r luusl b vie*€viii I Dt@6*n iau I _ _ " 1 l Bourxtarytt u6: t t Dat Flrtt O.|rllct / Vrc.ft: -ttuo"n; Pno@.rp .l T*r|: fryg4__lr''d Pnoto0npn Dr&dpdo lnd/de ortsnllldr EndrE* o1rnt6p, ia$ c.n E pvlia'ed |@ tataled I lnpona turLend RanrdeaonRsurt'totptu 'EEG ''IS b qase vt6!!. r z 1 5 G.n.r.l lno: tfAppropfit: ^r P.n Of A qud.a? rY6, Oltir 4fi.. lo g. Co|ldd: l&lofstr si slt Cdd(tr|d afiE usE hr. ,$!UOCJrss. '\ILUDOas9 *,vabpl Nalionel Land Us€ Dabb€3€ of PrBtia6ly Dov€lop€d land - Sib Elatuatim FJDfo|rna DCI ILED SITE OESCiIPTION &tignal C4onenls- .r<FN !ot.s ,3 nsarssrryfdo ,ot ,Dtry a!{'n tt,.€l(iott). aldonlnr{ .4*rrt r nxtny ur€ .dgr ol carih loc.Ion wlthqt.. loc.flofi trondnc lh. hNr Indod|ng ottcal rlng |!r.l |Itftnlal, clo.€ aotown c.nt!, mrdct ln U. to l|jp9ort rouglrl bt lt|. y.rrdort, cuftrt loc.l llghwry n Utllry c|p.clty / con ar.hts lnrdl rmourl of crr rlong. L mdrl|tan oo rn tftlu|rr Irau.a ld.n!1Ld, -,.r"r"r.*r""t,i;J-l **.,-"r*F;-| cu.|grt .c.6a I .9ri.3 to / trotn d!. rcc.!. r. obi.rr.d llon Brunrr$ct tF.€r Ahna ol lrtofita ac6.r I Irvrt..v.. I !d|l[.. |cr!.. slg||t ot conr.r{ndon eg6 ofondr. d.v.rop,Er.**F;-] ,rt"r..-*1*;;;;l Paga2 d 9- rld(. rl r6ult oahl.lorlc lncudlrl u!.!. rclvtly b.yond cr||ollon ol p|r|our ldtdtog., oftErt.rl.c{Ely PROIECT - COf,IERCIAL m.rl6ung tt ati.tbr I r 9. ofu!... badi IndfHd Ndional Land Ue€ Oateb€s€ d Pr€liowly Oo\r€lopadL€nd - Sit6 Evtuation Pro-Foma S|TECOi|STRAI{T3 AdanaUon ot ldewne to gte assaslli,etn @o not wory abut /e.,ltnion): .,(l,!ng pl.nrdng brl.r lbr th .t!a . brod nng. ot Ut€. r. .0[$t.|ough no!! orlr dr. llt hcompr&|. n ldrDo! ng m.lor r..!6 .fhooqh ma. trs ttft l. rlo n m.r.. com.m! ovr lo.d.t ttl.|lTrdo.r b . [!hd cntlfth td cb.p.l In rh. rtl on ca. tut Gra<bt t 2 u.i.d Dulldhg! In tlr! r] lor lltroric corhrnhtdo ld.n0ll.d lbf$d.r tbr th. .lh, Dropoxb ot wntdr ihtt wnbn |t| y lmp|cr on Fco.d. . to on p|!po..l. .l0rough d.a.rr.d rtb t .dgttom ntvr not b.!n dng .lia L wtlt n . FloodZona2 .nd lny fttu]! .ch.rn wlll tlqulru to trl€ &count ot ootdrd.l nood bau.r Duldlng (|.dgn. Psg€3 ol9 PROTECT . COIf,ERCIAL Nstonsl land U6. Oatdar€ of Pl€viou3ly [t€v€rop€d tand - Sll€ Evaruatr,n Pr.lFrma SURI'EYORREOOIIENOAIIOI{s OI{ FUTUREUs€S Pl.nnlrE Etrur: -brdus6crrs6. noasu.u. rr., ffbrd rio|t h9 srltt ulry: E tm.t d r|oldng C.FGlly (l.lo.): O.||.lty (D|r€/||.r Hd: {./se cr€rs- E K Surv.yorR.coom.nrbdFfnrfU..: U ltnd Us Ctasa. Dtop.wn nFnu. {LUo crrssjDropdoynflerr. ffi lfu.d r DrLr.nt flln D€.crbdon , Judnctlm u!a! ttddl.|!.t L{ lDc6tjlplbo: Drop &w n€nu. For polr|| Ad.ty, wlrn fiFr r R.dd.ntd , R.dd.nt.l 1-.d: Prooorton of l6od.Dl. Hon..: lro..otlrllbr Ecolrr.loomarl: JudtY: ftApprqd.r.: D..cndon , Jl'&lcdon Fa suRvEYoR $rE agsessfl€lT FoRREoofxENDATtoNs ol{ FUTURE usE{| Fo.dn .p.$4 t6d$ saMyorttwnaxkr*n,itahd{ 1,,brtr'@ frr.3i., *t rbct*rb 6. s.dt dtt db n lld i, Evz a 6rbrs -2 (very €dvene tmpaa), n (dvg€€), 0 (ndlral or a3 lo b€ op€d€d), +1 (podliv€ impsd), +2 (vsry poadv€) R..rdrr!.t c.nnxrEht."rr"r..r P'donin|it 4l.crt / nxdy "-r, rooton *tn rrttrmr* wlyl€|v.. / u!lE6.d!.r Slgit! at on.lte d6v.loFlnt rcu ry: SrgmofmrrL.lng: Pu lc OFI ap.c. r-] l--l I f] f= I rl-r f] l__l l_J | | | I dL Stgnr ol corrrrnnrton Ae*: "-i5*'t ,ffif,,i n*q f---'l [ eromrmnoorato: f] r.ocrrproprrtymrrrnt:cntrnent f] aii|n bclt htsnnr n.lmrr c.Fcry: l--'l udtnyc4.cty , conti.ttt Srrrrorrnc, cunrnt.rarrcovtp ropog..phy, Ouctrneonltr: lul"nr: OlrcrrnrnnrrOc r{durr i..qfE: Cu'.ft ftc... t .grr. to r to'n rtl.: sbn ol hfoftrl ft.-r r u.€ @ d.p &u .I _l f E PROTECT . @||IERCIA! | | 0 | Aulldlnga NstonalLlnd u!€ Daisbas€ot aEvirrdy o€volop€dLard - sit€ Evaluatton Pm-Foma ON gITE COI{SIRANTS OT FUIURE U!iEA Ftlh. ,rw. arJd.}l.', ' 6!Neto. R@nan d .N, tt tut t rt, lntqin *ttdd.lnl r Eb.ltD.rc4 N.Mg ho!,nd, llal col,nt tii.&.tt @. hrdE lit , th. dm@ or.d, tltxld u!., EmPlottnf,t r-ld.ndd l.d .'c/Et intuEming i.Ew Xlr.d urr, cotr i.rclrt l.d b b .ent d.t [lr.d ur., s||!|loyr|.m t.d i.d *.p en Bulklng! In.pFlpnro. pl.nnlng.fitu!; co.E.r|| oY.rrp.chc d.nnlng Frrct: unc€nhlnl.nd own hlp: Fngmst d l.nd orn 6llp: Lr|ldcodrol.dby t-t ohrd.v.loF.: Loc.Uand rtpdh[on: lmomprlu. n lgtDounng ur.r: r-1 Acc..r I .O!aa t..!.r: otdt E Lblt$i{ u.ltlc cong.r0on: Inlotm.l op.n.Fc. u.a: C6n|.rvrlot\, L|!B B|llrqng, 3AI: r-1 Gonc.m. ov.r lo.d-0...1n0 c!p.cty: Concfii. or..nood dlti Conc.rI! ovlr .rt$lrh.d blodlvrJtyr conc.m! ov.f utlltt r prbvlrlo.r: Otr.r 1 F. .Fdllod In Ev. 6l: oor.r 2 (.. rFcni.d In Ev. 6l: (!|lr I (l' lFclll.d h Ev. a): OfiI a (.. .P.clfi.d In EV.t): PROIECT . GOTf,ERCIAL Nalbn€l Land U3€ Datsb.s€ oaPrsvioll8lv DeEloDgd Land - Sit€ Evslualioo Po-Foma ,IO SURVEYOR ASSESSflElfI O SITE OELNERY 'nonn€l (i.a. not boon ot Astuniog tnE brlsg rna*el .o^dnions, ,raa4tatd I'i7r€sca/ebetola @nrErcial dewloFe( n4lht ded on sile (d'€'p dow nenu) Io be €ssessed in'Boposed', u'ost Suilable' ad SuNew R&ttnnEn rxl us€s or'ly Roddontlrl n'n umt o"tl"rry: Commorclrl Employrft|n [lr€d |tr., dld.olrl l6d fl|l.d u.5. co$$n6r.l{ lld ftx.d ul., sfirDlorm.rd lod Publlc oD.n Sp.cG hrblr. 8uttdhg. I lhe protp€ds,ltr re"us€ot lre sde(o I. promhdni 310.wldch hll b€.n v.crnt 1br6 yarr.. (ry to .rtrubr to .rHrB! l$u.r ol hlgh .rirdn! ry In dr. tolm c.nbr .r!.. U|. yrlu! rnd pot riurt cont dlnrdon. o*net / qenl, &*apnton of us etc) ae as detatcdsspo€sio/e.t/vorbi as n6ny avs asyou oequie er+PonutatetI Pra.Atvisoo:@l Mand€lory Fiold L_l oPtionat Fi€b:E Forphoto(s): PROTECT.COI|IERCIAI Naton.l Land Us€ Dstab€so of Pevioust O€v€lopsd Land - Sit€ Eval@lioi Pl!-Forma p.o foma SITEEVALUATION t LocALAllrHonrY t o Fom Vfiioo: NBFS.FlnalVeFion NLuD-mL R"..,Effil Chdt ftom$, asc., IBICS, Thoml' Lrdlr tlmllbd !0r0er2o1l co'nbf of lnt6,ot, E:] ddnntfyl,/. oop ctlvnnanu. whether ot not, bascd on cu.fttitly hold ln o, .nothel ol th. fitn has an ine'Esi iD kE sle. Addr.!. t -SAq addr! 12 - PAo: A.ldrlr 3 - Sbrd: a - Loc.llty: AddE.3 5 - Town: Arld.a$ a - Admlobi.|dYe Alerr rooarc z - eocrcoo:@navartale. ADDMO AL S|rE INfO su.rsv newrnco r,ro.,@ st at.6.1,@ sn lorrypc, ffil na gerrtoprua rr- 0r.1:ffil Lrx'atAvthcntycode,i.a. s xxx. s[cBoond.ryGrssEe{si),BIM{ E nmarandtustdy Etow lNol6 agedspsticuac rsbr to a snsarsaor4.32h€ciar€s Ju.tircrdd tb. Ar|y A'.a Dnt !!nc€d t l&rie. I l st"n-l'ar.ur,@ aorrta..yc"r.n-"0, MuslE via Enev;sr.;Dtcp(hwn n6nu. @ Aounlary rrurr: t l l"rr," l o*rrtrao*rtrtrvacurt ffi)rbown;tnpona rrrorocnotct rrk6n, @ Mustbe ia sie visit. phnr^nddro.*.lntr^nr'tMtetoostotsh.ttprtFrvsd.le hdlh otie^tahon aN Ntk o nap, i-^r,!v;!'EP!hia:"co,|Eriarw 2lvi.woloryoiog.loztofit Nm.Lt a- ,|€@ss:ary, I l | 4 . " o-..""-t sne conltd.rad a! Pd or a ct-t.a @ LaN Rendiatjon Fdietw qtvau dovel 'JPE9 tr,ts @ It Yo!, Oth.r S[o. Io B. CoFld.rld: ri$ otSn6sl a|IE usE hrb PROTECT - @III{ERCAI l I Nrlion.l larxt U3€Drtabas€of Pr€vioustO€v€rop€d Land- Sir€Ey.tusibnPro-Foina DETAI.EDS|TEDESCdPr|ON Addliond Cdnnents- sxptnd lpxes ts n'ty ldo notvarry at ut trF0tton): r|l. ll .lt!d.d PFdomtnant.dlrc€ni , n€iby ,tnto" "rt,".*"ra*lffi;;l tumnt loc.l ghwry n noi. tlrd |. ilra .[. d h I profiln.rn fi|. on rh. .dg. of Dnrlnglon cl6. lo lh. al(xl podlm Umlt d Indureh .dtv,tty In cul'rt landm€rt lndn t l{ E tdb how.r n.n thar lt l| ld.nU.l ur! !.yond, b . m{or In(l$lrr rh. b dltflt Lo.!l ProFrt!, m.tlct on tha Fft.nldr th. p.dpn ry ot tn...trb clo.. to on otttr n tn an!.m.. mrrt€t cond{on. . ,f,rucddy abrtan r 5h. n t good llnt! to Ar(t), ufinyc+.clty,conttt|ribl"* "*- shrp. ot [o .n6cDLd l.tu.. In lglt of Frvlour u.6. 1 llt h.. good tionhgo to F.v.r{d.. Prudou. brlldngl undrr damolloond lha drb of In p.c{on, o.moll0on on{o|ng rl dat ot lr.pac0on. Cullnr .cc€r! / rgrc! ro / tilm Slgnrathftr W.y'.as {t |||cc.a!/ Slgm ol onalb dlYrlopnant .mocl*.n eflt prseloo. u!. tor .dll'.y r!l.t rl Frpor.c, l!.u.| Clarnd !e. o'",".'",n"'{*ilil] P€062ofs wr. tnc.d r|(l ..cur, r riuEo. ftro.. aq[[ ot.or .|nhtton ooty.r oppocadto i€w deY€loFhrt .rc.rd! .p9ohi.d |t xl€ PROIECT - @UUERCIAL to th. acar|t t. Nstoml LondUl€ Drlr6o of PEviouslyD€valop€d L8rld- Sib EvsluslionPGForma Explanation of ,€lev.n@ b site acs€'!/'ltnt rrdl6|lgn I b urr.ri.od .lte Ir r srrl .dLuldrd hco| Olt'*. El..blllh€d mlghboutl|g ddarll fi|(lrHd (do M w(tEy tbod 'a.!tthll} th* !rnh|... ln..!d lr thor||pde propo.tng to |..t rdd.r lo.don r||,lolgh tha .ub,.ct .ft. comprlaa. pertof.n .m ot ofthr u!€. ort l.L th€..EL howw.riilr l. not coffld.rld to lmprct od th3 raa oftlr trdlc lfllo.r i o!.n .prc. cofi€nrdon, urbd Bulldng, lr lll.t Cor*dr|. .t ur.. lofi. mlnor lr.(raa wlll rrqlru to !. aaldr! ..d |.. oY.r lor(ltddn! o.h.r I Oft.r OllE a OO|!I 4 PROTECT . COXIERCIAL ault of prlvlou.lrdraHal ra- D|rtnot Natbnsl Lrnd tJ8€ DstabaB€d Praviougy Dev€lop€d L€rd - Sit€ Evaluation Pl!-Form8 SURVEYOiRE@XIEXDAIIOiIS OI{ FUTUREUSES Phrdng gttur: -i.rduseo,ss. E*nao" ror surtu. ur, f, [,d usscJass- E*rto" Bou{ng s|llllHlny: E{dm.t d Houdng c.p.ctt (t{o.): D.ruet (Owgrl.t tl.): Suiryor R.cod ld.d Fln lu.e: E : glol|!tr or dltlltuuor ,uhol-.|. U* Aass:Uop .lo*^ ne^u. dlblbrton cE56, Dtop ctovn neno. rxsrrlption.Bop aore n anen u ry r O |||ril From For D6.drlm , Ju.ltcrlm En.ty, w|n ndor Pohi. .ummry. IHl.d It R..ldrr!.| &Ntty: , R.drtdrd.l L€d: Prcrotlon oaAfibrd.U. Hom..: P!|.r .l for Ecaoolrororn6nt: srfttlyor R.cofinendd lnbrkn llx: Do.crltdon AUiVEYOi I Ju.dlkioo For s|TE ASSE6SIEiIT FOR RECOTf,ENDAIIOIIS OII FUTURE UAES Fh.')r ttqpds4 ]lbd 9/n d.', Elttr.W R.dfirtlxL.l dnt! rib *6 ir Ev I e bturee vd, if.alcrad.'ffin us€t br the .ile, atcn tun b b t'o,!d u.iE.kt, dow nn, @uldend nk'.d lo tlp rttll ? (vdy adv€rsoimp€ct),-1 {adwtgs),0 (nautElor as b b€€xFd6d), +1 (p6siliv€imp€d),42 [€r, poeiwe) R.dddrd.r co,o,,,.lr.r*o,r'* Prdodnrn .dl.c.rn / no.lty ,,.a, m.dtat..dlr6", - Orrlnt locd nlgiytry ndlvrort -1."t' f] I I l4J l_l lrtllty op.clry / cone.rt srrrprc*r: f]]] Cumnt,r$trOviy: E ropognphy: E St raunr onrtt* ff Oorr mrrnrO narra: I nrt.rnrtrc: I q||'*rt *c...1.!rE lo r ltom*: I agnr ormonnl rcm t urr: I $hri!av.. l uul66 .rtq. ggnr arcodmhrdon *l [-] r&r: E l-] Slgn! ofor.lio d.dopm.nt ftOvty: agfi*mr*.erg' *ifn' .|trplotmrt l.d l-] rorum.mnroanrrm I Promrn.m.ordt: L_l r4cd r.oFty ,J'ffiii,i : PROTECI . COIIERCIAL | | Pu!|lcop€n 8prc. Publlc Bildlng. of P€vbudy D,6vdop€dLald - Sn€ Evaluatlon P.o+rma Natbflal Land Ue Dat& SURVETOR A88E38TEiIT OI{ S'IE @NSIR^IXTS srhyotRma'l''af,ift*aa EDporq ffrd.srrrl&. bp.,tat:. ,ttilp JJ|e, Cb"!a!rt!Ea .€ D{b!.ftdi OII FUTURE I'SE5 ,'be|,.n/,/*h.'Egb,llERh!.@or.ldtHo.rtlqq,''gut',*yo|a.t*satdoa*w@o trr.d r..rd.rdd co,n.n'chr Etnrrop.d rffifil PLtdng A.t!. Co.x.rrr! oyorrp.cttb plrnnrrrgeorrcy: h.FttftL tlrertrtn tr'd omonr p: I f| Fr.g|t|.rtdt lr.d ofnaddg Lrnd cortoll.d by.rErn .ddobFc toc!0o.|.l EP{idon: El Incomp.0DLn.l ghDoufi!9'r!.. lccr:r t eVr:c rlcuo: on tt n" "o.uoton, E|trblr.h.d lritonn.l op.n .p.- ,.., cors.w.don, ult d atrlldh!, sArt, I I f----l 8 Concorl|. ov6r conti|r{nrdo cooc.nE oy.r tod.bxtlns co*'nr ".p.dtyt ov6rnood d*: Conc€nEowr othbll.h€d blodlver.fty: corroir oy6r udrrda Fovr"ron, E -l f----l Oor.r r (r! !p.dn6d h err. .): - Orrrr z 1r: rpccrleO rn W. 11 ! Orrrr r tr: rpecnroOrn W. Cl Olrer l tr: epecn*Orn W. e): I I P@IECT - COTTERCIAL -'H !r., Ib.d 6q .'H* ad|dn9. l{atiml Lsd U$ odalas d( P(avidJsry osvdog€d Ldld - Site E!€lualhn Pcroflna AIISE8SIENTONIITE OETI\'ERY SURVEYOR ltrEsde neibrE.anwtecial devetorytiiglt dan on:ne @tWclovnoEnu) Assun p nr,e twtnf (i.a. 'ld tun ot bug, natlal mnditbn nalaioered Refircn le.l u*s @ly to oe,sse$ed ilrr'Pl]posed 'Mc"nS\daW' aocl'SuN€yor Rs.lchndal nm umt octlrcry: OVEMLL JUSNFrcAIOI{ co.nmoEld Employn.dt flltod !.., ndd.nt.l l.d flr.d ut6, cornmoEl.l led Ilr.d 6., mdoy|rrr Ld ttDllc Op.r Sp.c. PuDllc auldl'rgr l-.r v""l fl fOR SIIE comtEntaty devant lo the ,ralpecfs /b. /p'u$ ofno s,rs fag. ,acesscorslra,.ts,&irils of F.v nhl. hdurtdd comprr... .nptoym6nt Ct on .!t !I{|.d d.! lnd propo..b lbr n.w lt rd.rdrr .hodd b. 6Lt dtth. FewnLl. Ei.l€, o|| th..outl|.m.€cdd| anet / aCent,desE'rl,6o ot u* dc). Ee as o@!ed as possiD/€. (iloie: ae matty tows as wu rewiE spaN mw ae necesaary. eeeos:laea/ ere+drised@@ rieu f]]] raaraarory optonarrrr:f]f For pholo(s): PROIECT - COTIIERCIAL Edd.. qd.r !|rll(I||g. on rr. h.w b.i thb would od !|. ddD lr|| crokhr Ls}d - SftsEvalGlio.rPGFotn€ Nruor|€lLandUs€O€btr€s.ot Pt6!,b{€t D€volop€d prc fotma SITEEVALUATION lrUOrornr.,f rno LOCALAUI{(nrY otssttirdbo. *t",".o ry, @l&'n4 c".{r"not. =Mwrvr. c.. f.r. olet.'.{ aE''d) l!_lDtbo.hftt vnafiEfuno4 h,ff,,oa dne.ty W dii€ trr lros sr 'iibr€d il ,r!s 5b ln$, andlDl snE AIrttiESA hb SL cor|icdt kFxn ^l: Adt|sa | -SArO: AdrL.r 2 - P O: Addr. I - €lr.!b a - L.4 lddr..r ArEs 5 -Tolrr: Arf,l Ad(lr.. a -ld|rhnfdY. A.&|.. 7 - arxrnoN^L lrTE||rb | _ sr.Bound.'yqs$E(H.),- s*^'*(".I- | stmrrypr:f nro.'rorrr.e'*cr.l ffiE*nacauF*lryt*,w. I I *!" lbrantarx D br..". Juldn.rdon I eo.rnc.oco.,tt .*@Mustbevladtevttt,Dnpddvnnsv. I "rO ".""*O..r-, . Drb Ffdn€ofbtrvrc.rt *JEG,u" ,rrt--rr(.tr.,,.n,ffi ftGer{ft r o*sgto.'.r l t tnor,ln;tnpnad w LandFrrrlrr'rrtar,Rr,Hrio/piltiedatctope - l-] I | I M u < ^ t o d e n a i o a a r i d n E k o , l n a L 2 l l t l r r o r F o t l ' / @ g ' t l o , ' / | g a l l l l " s . ' . " ItApFopd.G: ar.cdEtdaP.notao..-., , r | "1 , l-1 * | I - | rY.qOh..S.n..ToB. Con*Lrrd: I SIIE USC ffi ,\lltro CJass Pa!€ 1 ofS PAOIECI . @TIERCIAL , 1 Natbnal tard Uso Detabas€ or Pr€vioult O€!€lcp€d Land - Site EvEtudtJn PlD-Fontta I'ETAILED SIE OESCRIPIPX tuffiiooal CuturEnB- eroafit Dox€sas n€oessary fd mt w.rry abd twld*nt: Prtdoml|. |r. |rx --l "-'"",*,".-",-,,i*.t-,.. .dlc.nt t i..l!Y *. b do4 E!9. ffi;;;t Loc.lFlFnty rr.rdrutl|nts*r. gna ldb.t I ***,**-lffil b. {. hdrlq b fi. rrro c.rffEtli lr|d€r tlr|g t!.d .d r|o5 .r|d c.t Fldrg u...' rm y.da olll. nalr aorr cs|tl .!.rlhtclo..bBdalnbrd t|.|tc E rt r..ldqrda, co||dlto||. p.rd.d.rly .. ar. d. b v dn I| I|x tik|r d.ilbp|r|.nt h|. coorffi .lvry. $A{i!dn d th.l||rEde t|.lworl liffy lo n ll hn d6.lre Udrv c.p.crry , cd|dnlr. *.,.","@l L 6 .rLdng snhou.. on .t!a shlch .pFrld |r.Dl€ horoy.r co.r.ld.r!d occrDl.d rt dib ot to . llmlLd .cq|odc Ot".r..rr**-,*,1".'.*,-*__l "*."-,-F;*I Cu'flnt .c..$ Sh[! , .gr.$ oa mffil.@-3, lUryl..v6 n rrow lfin to t ltEm vldUo d.v.lopfiolrl cdrdrkr h€wy v.hlcl€r. E rnn.d. Slg]! ot contf,rlmdor slg''of rtlfb roid n awork rll .lto wa oc.NTlod .t drr. ol li.Fcfm. / ufllloo. .crolc tlrlDL .$.!q lt . r.1t ol p..r lndultild buldlng r,.. o.drd.d. PROTEC' . @IIERCIAL t|.3 dlty. l||.. howyir m mijor l.rx. ld.dtr.d. Natimal Land Use Oatabs. of PBioudy Dev€bpad La.d - Sit6 Evalualbn Evdanatbn o, tetevaD@to s'te Bssessn ad fd,nl 6lti.r! f! cuEay .!plh.Dh.[ftot{h hcompnlue dlgtlbdd.q ondl. trftlc E t Ul.h.d lrlbnlnl Con.€Nldon, dn9rdolnarylr|d|t h!..-| lhfrd prrdcdr r$u.. ldq|lLd pr!po..b rkv.l.Fr..t L.u6 ldddt poF- dr lo llr r{ll rtqt|rr r&ctry rl t||t..ra I |nor€ c.|ryarElYc ht.|tttqn tP.ordr hr |!lr.d b hr. u n.tft cdrlot D.€nld.| Ld |.I| !|!. olotoalnlty oath. .rrr n rmd rir..Lb ]!.d d .I ftL rtiga U3bd Brllnng, to o r$i. n *(|.rnlog.rlt.Orouaft rppllc.!L. to !. . mdor co||dicdl Conc.n$ iould rdlr|..rh.b hcrPtr o;r!. |b.pdic lrwry too./t,epeitu !b. ntun .tcvblopm6ntt6.rd.l ovr 0dlldo. PROTECT . COIXERCIAL for .o||r. |l.u.. hlt nol ttu ioflt Nadonal L€nd Us€ oatab$€ ol Ptwirust Dsv€hp€d Land - Slt€ E'lalualion Pl!-Fom slrRltEYoR REoOnrExDA',IlOl{sotl FUTIiE USES "-o...o Id l/seorss a*, E.r'd &{rU.lL: Hotdrg gJrd|||ryl E**',r- Edtnd.d l|ou.lrr! C.r.dtt 0ao.l: orrlty lDrytrbi l|rl: rrrld useclrss:6tqp&rrr, nurx/ lit.UDctasr.u.p.tuln n''au F[d U..: ffi Suwcto. R.conr.rdrd ffi .d 6., l t'.!.rt!don t llldllcr[on Fa Brirly, rillr ndor Po.na3 r R.dd.ndl I R.dd.ntl &n6Y: Ldt Fnlooirhn of Ito.d.Db Fmr-' oO.t dogr.nt PoldddftrE &Nxl: rApprcpdrr.: R.commtd.d$oo h!il" u*, t Jululcr0on AURVEYOR SITE ASSESSCI{T FOR RECIOXXEI{DAIIOI{S OII FUTURE USES -2 (v€.y rdv€86 idp&l), "l (rdv6r€), 0 (naJtrd or as to b€ sr@€d), +1 Go{ttiv€ impa.4, 12 (v6ry pa3iliE) f,lElu.., llr.d 16, co'nmrthr 'nP.''.n n6rd.nd,r co.,'n€r.rd *r,.r,** Pndomln.d.dFc.rnr n inr urer, eo:ttonwttln rUrnrm:!ot*.: Lcd prop.'ry'n d(.t!r{r|.n, cumrt lo..l shrv.ynd*qt *p*lyr uurg crl*ttv I oon*rrrr: Sr'nror*r: C.'r t''.,.cdvly: ropography, St"ct lrloorro, oo'"rmrnnraerttr*' l*rntt*t'::"ln.n, l-] "I,jn:?* I f= l-l l-] I I f::] E I I I ! 8l9i. of ln& r ut w.yr..vt i ]l!lu.t .;Dn dr. srgn ofcont n|l|don rtsI slgr| ol on.b d.Y€loF|.d..trily, - su'.orn.r,*a' I PROTECT . @Xf,ERCIAL RiD'cop"l Bulldlng. oovdoP€d land - Sne E€|lalbn r,lallsd Lr|d Use Databass of Plolio$t .. Pro-Foma SURVEYOR ASA€SAIENT OI{ S(TE OO STRANTS ON FUTURE USE3 Fo.rpfioposdlxt6t&4!oloi.&rFdAddrsad'an4nElarrt,ld',i',dEEb|J!@ol..*tLcLrit/hdp.adrdtyrbbo.s5r$.d.!rnt!adotee 'tr$**, vore ttdffl./, co,r*.ft1b!6c M. R.rlr'r|dr h.pprlpd.i.glrrdns{at,t: - Corcorr ow lFcinc PlrrrnS Pollcy: I Fngm.rtd t:d otr|.r!hh: - ||v.l"C." - lrnd codrd.d by.trdr.. r--x-,.r.Uru'r, f-] ncrot*ourng t.6: rmrprtur L..- 1.e,.- E Irl,r"o, Or'dO" *,tg*t*, Ert ubh.d tntbrflJ opdr !px. r*, co||.irvfdon, t.L!.d guldng, sar., Concemrover corrrmrrUcr: I f--l E I r ! 4 l g $ .l r;F;'. r'@. ,.rg-" ,r@t *@. t, - *gl!!!!-t Omr r {rs rFOnra rn ev. q: OororZ frr rprctltrO ln W. t): I ov.r ....DI.rEd Dtodv.*y, ov.rdlH.. pr.{i"t I h €V. S): f::] 1rr rpconcc rn ev. q: f]]] on!.r S{.r .r-m.d ot.rr Publlc Op.n 9Pd ,rG'n @'n ur44 "@t ,@b I F---l I "+""rv, Cmcenr ovrtnool tf: xlr.d 6q .|qtoy|Ent l.d fllrcd ulr commddd l.d Prbllc B0{dlngt n q l ! g ! ! , r r | | | | t _ J L _ J N@* ,r@m rlffi"t condrrE o$r lo.dl€.ttns coEm! - Uncrrrn rm wrnrctth' Srd @, r..ld.ourl l.d - COXf€RCrAt PROTECT l l l t _ J l _ _ l Naiional Land Use O€lab€so ol Pdbusly Devslopsd Ltnd _Site Evaluation AsJ;uning nr,le nofltat (i.e. td b<fin ot btls'l) na*d ct$dnkns, atidpaled ltnes,ale &fo,e arnneEid u*s onu |,ltsl Sunatle' aN gtNet\r. RqannenN IoDeassessed,b.P/Dposed, Fl6ldd8.l Comm.rc||l emdoym.nt Mir.d ut€, rEftl6td.l l6d develo@t m'ghl datt oo sne @ap tuM nretu) llir.d u!6. co|||mrc|!l |.d lrod u.e' stploy|lElt l.d PubIc Opon Spa. Publlc Bulldlro3 rmrunuoefiwrY: f] lhe p,Dspeds n'r rFuse ot lh€ s'{e (€ 9 .lr. In bull |? .u whLh DroDo..l. l|l|lhh lt .d. tt It dllllcull io cLElop In lloLdd o*ne. / agent, .t sf,liiq[rn ol u* er.). 8e as deraibd as poseDle. 6bei as nQtry .d$ as you EqriE em+oputateO i eeaavised:ffi uanOatory rioU:I optionat Fdd:f::l For pfiolo(E): PROTECT - COIITIESCIAL ud lhould lrc con lrtrtd .! Prn ot l{ational Land us6 Databas€ ot Praviously Dsv€lop€d L€nd _ Site Evsluation Pro Forma SITE EVALUATIONpro forma Fonn V6ld: NBFS-FinalV€Fion LUDfDL R.l.: LTOCALAUIHOETY hro Nane,oryanisatim Fomatdhntrvvv *o'* @ "r, *, E ",tconni"r.ornor.a, ffi bw d.Nntanu *rEtherot not, ba$d oa atnenth M.l lnto, anolhel ot be fm has d inlded k lh6 gle. SllE ADDRESS Inlo eoa* z - r-t oo.' @@lnr'"i"oe. sr!.4,..({.rSMl stn..rrr,$@ na o." Lcr.aituntotityc&, i e s xn tto, @ su*uy n*".."". ro sr.Ednd.rycrssrz.l}h),ffi@f@#l Edintatead iustitybdov 1tt4 fl Jurdfcfdon iorAnr at! Dtn.t.Ell I ar"nnl"rttu.,ffi e*no"oc-nr."ar @ Mustb via silevvl; Dnp do n aaou Srr.. aouna.ryr..uo, I o.r.rtr*o.roarv.".ttt, enaoerrolrt ffirkno*n;h,@nanttorLandRen.rrlationRetretrotqivatecle be rir rre est rrton: @iv6t PhotognDh tt .crlpdonr: lducle otierlalan aN nart on nap, I Z , 1 *"".,'*, sli.cdldorod |lY€. a. Prrt ota S|TElrsE lnlro "'.o"at E Corild.r€d: ri$ otSdrsl " @ Relret lor qitale developa National Land Us€ Oatabas€ qf PEvioudv oav€lclp€d Lard - Sits Evalualion Pnt_Fonm DETAILED SITE DESCRIPTION A!ftiliond Coi',n'etns - exoatd Dores as ,e.essary (do ,or x,ury alEut rc'allttioo): ||.. m.h .dlol.lns d !dFc.nt, Preitodn Po.t[on vtldn lcid€ |r€ In4rdl.l b.ttud.d rt r!{n d|. oatl|. l|| hlflt Cufr tl@l wl||l| | poedr th rlt bdturbd imo.ct d o.| .leffl|d .rd ntu-. mrr*dt ..ndm..rl CrtMllE trctort on an. .4onng tlx .li8 .nd . xorrL.n !|d |]... dthhlEtdIn (Y.rn Rod) mh htr( lEd lY|'m R.d). .rL rb.t|g. L@d lrrf.rty lftclodt|g iL tLri L . rrail p. of Yrm Ro.d lE{6r n .tbt h4ta!hl.t!., goo.t l rufid condlton hhlmy t llFY c.Fclty I co.ltktlnar G;;;l .||. .hT. lbr d.v.lopmrt l"*'*""__l b.ildlrEr hm purpo€... b6.r d b .b!D l.y€I ,""*.nrF;'-] cumnt .163 srgn ol Inform{ .c.€r. / w.ylxv.! / u{llt.r .cro.. sb|! ot cql.mln.too slgn.of oodt L cudrdy I .gr€6 ao, liofi d.tdopfi€rn .[. |l thc.d i Cngl6 poht of rc6!t rn lc no |Pp.|rl .o.Nn. otmy l!.u€.. It U(.ly to b€.ome conbrinldoo.r ..{viy b.tond dennlfton 'n.,.",","*.n"ol'.**""l PROTECT - @XNERqAL to Y.rm Rord of P|lvlou. I |s dt Inor[i1 !.tkine.. u.o. but not Nsltonal L'ld t se Dal$6e or P€viorst D€v€lo9€d L€nd - Sils Evaluallon PtcFoma $TE @NSINA|{Is E daDAta,, ot t*vance h.pprcp|||t Coft.rr|a pl.rrang lrb hs pLNftg to fle asstrcnt co.s* (.h not ,otry alod reqlnioat: to hdbl .id t isr! urd no 0: lit|L.ot h.v! Indtcrbd tl|a dl.y rtl D. ...5n9 rd d.|rir! oalna.flt ryovrl wtn ||xtulll.l lbt Oc *.. ov.f lF.ltlc l. loc.t d rlu|ll .r ..a.dur.d lEomP.tblo lghDourhg rnd Fpd.r H-td .r|d cotrn€rd.l loc$orr .!!lh.Dlc. Oll{lbhfic E|lruk||ad lftb(rml oo.n Co.|..rvdd, Lllt d Bulldlrg, .pp{c.u.. cdbmln.tlon Conc.m! ov.. lo.d.D.l|lng ConcorE ov.r utllta Page 3 of 9 tlt lt Dd nor coo.ld.r.d to b r mrro. cdr.lttht to ddv.loprf,nL ao lh.l!.t rn Netion l lrnd u36 Ddlb€3s of Prsvbu3ly DB.rdopod . st16Evdu6tion P@Foma O{'IFUIUFEUSES SI'RVEYORREOOTXEI'IDAIIOI{S @ra.d{/secta3a cbss ronrsn u. u. flrt'd{.rse Bo|r.hoadr.DJry: E!&n td HodiC Crp.cft {lfo.t Oadtt lowgr||* H.x su.".tdRrcorinir.dFrrtu*r aE cta*: Dtopor,fln no,tu EI,,,'a -'u.UDcra$ tvq@'tnnr,v. raftrlttF|!m D...rlp0or I Judnc.dan For ELir I tu8ldq|la, r|lr fidor po|nar R-lddrll l|d: Pmpoilon ot Alh.bL Ho|l6r Pdbr!.l lb. EccosrdaF| Su.v.ya|'rr.|lrhd m.rln lr!€: D6.ddG{| rJtdncrudl FOR REcoflIEl|DAITOl{S SI'RI'EYOR SIIE ASA€SAIEI|T OII FUTURE USES Forfi. A!Fo.t, rb6r&d.66',Sle,olRwmau a4 ndhv.'t 'latdin uqtbrlta !i.,6cl, b.lda bo @dadveq.!*n .td,,b sib r,-dir Ea.z G irbG, -2 (wry 6di€rs. imp€d), -1 (adv€r$), 0 (n€utEl or ar bobo 6r9€ct d), +1 (po{iliE impad), +2 (vory posttiv€) ,rt"o*, Comm.ltl.l Prldo|nlnrrt dl.crt Emdoynonr rl.klr|d.l ui..: / rr?tt Froddonwltfln .ai{.mar : .Pror* Locrl propa(y nart l t.nlm€|rl: Curflt lacd hlghrny mbort c|F.ltt: lrdllty c.prdry t codllnt : Sh| .: qrrlnf u.o f .dtdrY: IopognPhY: thrcbrr. o|h€r n|.lmd. or| r[.: iaa!ll.: xft||rl teftxr!; Curflt|t rcc6. , .$Ee to t tlrn de ggn! ochaofird .cc6r I u$: Wrt|.v.. , dlt . *m.. .lb: Slgn of cotrt mlmtlo.r rlrt: gg||. of ondr. -rdo9|nit .ctYlly: g$r. ot .nd(€nn!: PROTECT . @f,TERCIAL *rrr#, l.d l.d M,6n I|uloy|||.nr l.d r,]dt*nd Pubrbop.n btlE w Plblrc Buldlrga Natiofd Land u!6 Drlaiaa€ of Prsvidllty Dgv€lopod Lrnd - sib Evalualifi Pri-Forma suRirEYoR assEssxEll otl slrE coxsrRAlt{Ts0N FU REusEs 4r!, fi Bbt4'ttt6rtn Fo. rF fpp.$4 ,&d $ribrb,, , s4F l/o,@rm@d.t '.lt 69 ]|'l'w. oo,r*.!tt!gsm a.dt .&rl tn$b M tordb db, tt9 Bteratl'a ol...h! i!tuei.t E doym.rt |mpprop.ld pldlr|g €rdr! c6.'c.rrr ov.r.D.cnc drrrns po,""' unc*rrh trna mrrrp: fnemrrra nra mtlP: t rd cortoLd ty.notrt lr..!oml f= I f drveopor E lreohtut - Incomp.tbt. rohtaorrlng u"o, r'",,""' l."".n r "snnn oron""-ru.*-, Et!.ul.h.d lrFnt||t op.n.p.coi:.vado4 "g!cg!t *"t ut!.d B|lt|||r|g! sel, - E I c.||c.rn ot. lo.da.dns co.rcrtr coiEnr -p.atyt Pals 5 of I E l-l ,@" NE!E, "E@ri-,.r.'."r E orrr r 6 rpccmornev.cX rnEv.eX orr 21errpecrncl o,- r 6orpecr.on w. cy Oorrr Cr:pcunratnw. rl l---'l I--l [----'I l-l f= f----l fi;;,* I rrttvtr.", fiEiii* @* nfiifi* rffi'r ilI@'r 'ri,'.r'-'* @ ' E n@" ti.arr.r{y, concxrrr ov.ruult.. F-] f--'l o*r ttooo a*, ow €.trdlrftr, I I I I I f---l @r l-] Co c..l|! oirr' crftuin|tio f,lx.d ur., co.nnircld x|[d R, l.d l|.r(hd.l Ld "ffi" f---l 1--] f= flll f----l T---'l PROIECT - OOXIIERCIAL r{r1y lo !€ .$ss.d.tpttd Xhd u!., cnployn|rr Ld Flalic oFr sP.c. *.p .b't Publlc Bulldlngr Nalidd tfld LJseoatabas€ of PGvioust Oovelop€d Ldfld - SitE Evsluslion PrcForna ONSITEOEWERY Asst ttrg nnle hond' (i e not t'<'un o. A76t)naftel @nditions, art i)atsd ti'n€scar€ a€rore <tnnterciat .teretoryr nt9ht slatt on ltte (dmp @*^ nenu) Io b€ asressed lbr'Aorosed . lrrosl sun.aae' ttkl StNevor Re@tneD@' u*s otllv illr.d u*' flrod |l!c' MdoynErt Publlc op.n $ir.d rt! , comm.rcl.l l.d SFd Employmenl 6lddrd.l lod l.d Comm3rcld R€.|(ltrdrl nmUmrOOv*y: 11 OVERIII ll$yrll fl | | | | Bulldhg. L__r JI'STIF|CADOII FOR SIIE conmg'tary EE aDt a hdltnJ Jt rortut@.rrr.roFdt P,EFo..l. to. rrarl |B. lrEld p.dcqu.ry |or .|n ll..rrnrt3 (|.r!t xL b. rt itt dht volr of n|orl lullin eeeoputareai eru+,avisea:@ Md{alory Fisld:[_l odi-a riao, f]] PR('TECT . COTIERCIAL $rE|E lLly to t Fur lrL lo.dorE llliln lh. toh. Nalional tand U* Datab$€ of Previously O.vdop€d Land - Sile Ev€lualion Prc-Foma SITEEVALUATIOI{pro forma r,'tuororna., |]ocAl aurltoRtTY Into f]@ffi *nd-o "r, "o.oo-o.'-t, comur orrr-"*, Fod V*id: osaris6.'on. @tJane, tt/Yvvv @F*nat.w ffi NBFS-Finalverslon Dropar,enrcN shethe! or M, bas€d on anenlly h& lD',. a'oll]€ ol lhe turn has an inletesl in lhis sile. Adttl.. 5 - Torn: ADr: A{ldrgtc 6. Admlnl*rls z - ftoflcodo: addr... E adrB: ADtxnO|{AL S|TEtnio *-*-*"., L6at A4hotilyc& @ sn e'*rn"t' @ Sr"Aorrp.,@ lttr ro i e s xxx sn Bouno.ry cE Ezo(H.),mffi@€l E$nate andiusfrybetow 1n; I Sa. Juldncrdon tor Anr lvl. D**"1 | stt"nna".mu.'ffi e*nc..yc-nr."o, Mus!E vE sre vislt:Dnpdow ne^u @ sao. eorrnarry t.'u.!, I o"t rta o"r"tn r v.""rr, ffi nraognph{t1rrr6n, @Moslbe Pfro.olnPh It .crtsdorE: lnctucle oder|.alion an.!nta/foDnap, vtaele esn. , Z t u n*.t,*, stt con rd.rcdarP.norao,--" @ ff Yc., OtlEr Slt ! To B. Consld.r.d: SITEUSElnto PROTECT . @Tf,ERCIAL Rdie,br givate.tevdl 1, knowlrhwnant lorLat taene.tial:En 'JPEG'E s ot Plgl/iously Dovebp€d tsnd - Sit€ Elslualion P|GForlr'a Nalionaltand Uso htbas€ .5 DETALEO SITE OESCiIFTKIII AcEitinat Cnunents - etgao<! Ooras ts rEcessary (do ,o( trtty abod E'€titiu): r{ dlrcol|t rhdoarn .tt I n rty "-rr-t-..-.r*4"",,".",*";;l lr .Lo da Loc|l proFny m.rt.t tftr.rt Cutrrtlocd ghw.y n tw ulllty csclty l|o|!&rg ..lri.. rtb lt ,lorh .n 6LDLlr.d dle l. !t||bd oll s.k! t|nFcr.d ty Fx.{ .lt Vltl|qa GrmDs.. to Edxltlon lrn sonur m|.|(.( h'|(|3 |nd not .p€cflc beuoml l.!rE wll mqulr. . rcc..a to $lbt l.rn Sod|| .tthoqh m.y 7.qulE &mr t cdrcblln . .ctrool drylng n.kt dfcn .rl now or€ngrown, topognphyt . cot||brlnt ndt conllrtGid .r .chool phying ftldr tr.! t .gr!!! Curftnt rccdt Sl$r of lrlormd w.torw! ggn. Slgn! of onal .cc.s. / udllds ![o .!c..rd v.hl.Nd.. ftca. rqoh! thi l ghwr! a verlo6 to !. l.corl. mo!. ot co.* {r.Idop|td / buft ltudbr|4 wlrlch mry r.qulE to b6 .€tllr.d, l. no.{rung to t frlm filnt io rLwropir€nt. 13|trd.n}lood $rt th€ft lr nd6 g.ud rd!* rh. .lte whlclr i|.y hdudo mibiial hn not oordd.rtd llk ly lo ho m.lor conrtnht .ocirl ho6h9 PROTE]CI . @XIERqAL $h.m. on ti. .lL ot !t. lormlr .chool bulldlng. h.3 Nalional L€nd Us€ Dalabass ol Pcv*tudv D6\€lop€d L€nd - Sit6 Evaluslion Pro-Foma E Dlanatbnot Ebran.€ nt ttb ass€&srp.t (do ..r |iony €oodatEpedtot i LDp.opri.t d.mlo! ns D qrarld Co.E rf|3 or,r lFcltrc rFtlrlf r.qulr. Ofidt Eri.bli.Ld fo. rGlddtti nob Ddbr|li .|l lrldy maqtrbdttn! lncomFdhb con.ia ndildii €na to r|locd! dnirloFrs|t |!{rrlrrrlb rrd iH|ibr| b.! *op.r|d !ffi rllc|r l! orEi.lqad r.r..il9Fd d.y .|!. h oratio cl!ft. n t rcccs trrlfc Ut66d Bulld|ng, Coft .m! ov.r lord.boidng r.ru6 .r r llirt odtom€r plry'ng i.ld. !.comlng ov.rlroyrn. Co.Eorn. olltr udlttl€. PROTECI . COIIERCIAL ao -v. | $d.r ! - conT.Uble . ftr,orf .l oFr Con$R.Uon, u..- lh. lllo3t ap9rcpd.L no|n $!.r l.l|. Sddr Pto+oma Nati.oattand U6€oatabs€ of PEvioust o€v€bp€dLand- sit€ Evaluafion SIIRVEYOR REOOf,TEiDANq{S OI{ FIIIURE I'SE *n"e*r*E "-0...0 ,* tto* t/sscJrsr. u-, Et'd E**nr" t/ssclass u*, Er:nd E*-at' r..,a.lsl*rlyf Xou.hg C.pdry ("",I E Edred ot,,r(u*r*OlE bo(! lle clas: aw.tun nr,nu otw6r!nftenu. Fr r u.., @ stwlyo. aocoridt€nd.d ffiNLwGasa D,Dp e*n nwv. Derx,t@ton; ffi r^-.--r*t or.dndor I t Ju.drcdon ForFh.l I I ErLtly, wrn m{of pdllt r.l .rrro|Ir. Ddl.d lrrdfi.doq JufiY: tti3ld.ndd r-dt f R.rfFrhl, propato.r o. afior{u. ltom6, Pd...l ld Eco.Dr,i.opm.nt JudfiY Irlppfof.ldo: &wayo. R.commlrxhd lr d. D.r.rtrdorr / ldlcdon U-, Fd li..l- rr.l t ,d,claredosposslr€I I tntuin'@. b. th. dE,..dt &orb b dd .n l, it Fo.rr. ft!@od, t od sl/i.rb', 5ltF}dR.@mdibd ".r.v.t4 Ev.Z .r abE otdir.ib.rdlde -2 tv€.r ldv€lsa impad), -1 (advg8€), 0 (nal'd or ar ro bo o(p€dsd), +1 (posilivo imp€d), +2 (v€ry Podlivo) tlrcd"n,..r.r,'nr'., Pftdomlnrrt tdfc.nt t lE rby "*., eo:uon wrwn *ilar:nt Pronrtm*rof rnr: Loc.t Fop.iy mrt t..r.'-m, Crrt|lrt loctl hlgltw|y mtwort orprcny: ,#olifu fr?-] f! @ [l E |Illty c|Fclty l corfdd. shpoof .rt.: Cunrnt* rr.tvrfy, ropogr.dy, St.ctrrron*r: orrrm.nmrd.Fdilr: n Ur.rttrt., clrrrr*.cc6..r.grr.tort".n, a|g]|| o. hfo'.r rc.6r r '! , u'.t€.Ya r utlld6. rc..r. .n", '"rndo.'a.r ag*.at s|tn d|YdaFrrt.or|tr fE @ E @ E @ @ rj--'l l-d-l El lTl aenror.n'reong- f:Cl P€g€4 ol9 PROIECI , COIIERCIAL dttto&q u.o, rtun M, flted @3id*rd,rhn,rlort 6.@ u!.. 'mPro'n,.t comm"chr "tl3- #i,'h l Natbml Land Usa D€labass of Pl€vioust Dev€bp€d t4d - si16 Evaluatin PE+onna usEs slrRvEyoRassErssrExroir srrEooNsrRAlNrsoi{ FUTURE Foro$4 t&d&rtu6,.,, SleJot R@tttstd.d. Erx!,it Btemnt, LLtin @s b. tb sa., tE dbvaffi ot oadl h<t$dnwi.g corrdrail irqe @ D.rA'E er,/i hn@tt*t, uanq ttdF M. Rsrldf,t.l tn|f' ordrb pL|t.l.s r.rt* cooc.rn oyrlp.crtc n;-tu.".n ptrmtng pottcy: x@b conmrckl E l-] hnd dr'*.d{p, niffii"t f----l r-lrdc.nlrorr.d by.noth€r d.v.ron n@m x@" I f--.l r@t : Fr€ndltld Locdon.t lrp{trton: " Incodnrdu. mbnlo.,rrne 6..' /r@r.sri.r..cu6!: +gsgin ondb" Elt ul{rd |nlormropin.pmc'*, Wfi" c.MNi[oo, cooc'. llsiad aulldlng, sar, comin'" o'.r cor!.nrn don' @tl r.@t osr rcd.Dsnn! -p."ry, @a con.o'i.. o!.r nood d!r: co.Ear owr 6t HhLd broar"*nr, corEem! @r uurds prcvi"t"", odw r (- .Fdnld oororz(r Pq€5or9 h Ev. .): rpocnca rn ev- c1 @t r@r" @"r E t---l l-] E:] l-1 I E f----l E I f----l [ oo'orsl..:pccncatn w.el: f]] orrer r lr rpectnecrn Ev' 01 f]]] E t ddoP do{, ,*d".", S*;Ti .?'it*",i, l.d bd ",0,.*. SP|c. .!.ld.fid.l tod f--l na re"".tl Un6.t ln Lnd os|€rftip: EmplottlE{ wrrty lo r. r.$sd PROTECI . COIIERCIAL And!tg. Nation.l Lsnd use Databas ol P@i slY offiloo€d tand - site Evalualioi Pro_Fonna ON SITE DEWERY Assunjng nwe Nnat (i.e. t ol ttoon orhrsl) natuel @ndlkns, ankipalecl line*ale bfore amrcrcEl Io !e as*ssed ,br F Dpcsedi llbd s|drtle' ,rd &nve,€r F€.onnE rted uses only R..l.l.o0rl Enplovm fltred u!6, Etidendd lod &vertPt mirltl slan on site (dop ewn fiEnu) Urod |r.o. c6m*ld led ilr.d u.€. qnployrst lod Publl. (rp.n SP.@ nmeurrrDollv.rv: @ 1I OVERALL JUSNFrcAT|O{ TOR STE C,omQntarydev ,t to lre ,r$rects ,b. eue otlte srte aooess congrants, 6ats or o$tat / age , e*npt,,n d uso aA. Be as delrredas pGiso€. lt{oG: as /rary ro{r's as }or, ,€ mH.rdd dt6 c+.blc dlh ..ldrtra p..d6 la!6 ot drly .LllFry f,nFct to .iH|t$lng p.ld to lho torml mrLdr|g of th. .t4.. eeeopulaea r Pre,lavisaa:S$ MedaioryField:-f Ontionariaa: I Fofphoio(st PROTEqT. COItrERCIAL ot PUblk otM 3p*. In Bulldlrg3 68 ASSESSMENTS VIABILITY ANNEXIII. PRELIMINARY DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 R E 3 EE s s 3 R nE R 3i a qq R E E lt ri e3 EE t a d E !s }E E E a ! 5- a Ei I ci 6 s I E P E ts ;i F EI =E s a J a a a a s s t b { s { & n i I 3 F = T : 6 g a p.i a s E Er 3 E 5 & r!E fr I x * a F E :q ,g $ F T i:ExEr E $ E I @ qp;€*, e c E g P 6 B 6 E 9 at Ti 5X E d ; a s a Elr EIE P ; I 5 g I F t! I D ta E; 3 s E E I In r E3 ta t€ c ,6 ff !& g !f gt gx P' l t ET5 5 F; i t sF r 61 q F J 3 69 ANNEXIV - PROJECTACTIONPLAN DarlingtonLocalBrownfieldStrategy- November 2011 PROJECTACTIONPLAN 1. 2. 3. Site of FormerBlackettsBrickworks,AlexanderStreet . Preparea DevelopmentBrief for the site includingconsultationwith local residents to addressissuessuchas publicopenspaceprovision. . necessaryand undedakeconsultations Undertakeany furthersite investigations Agencywhereappropriate. withpartiessuchas the Environment . Securean outlineplanningconsentfor the site includingpreparationof draft Section106Agreement. . To considerthe potentialfor the site to be marketedunder the PublicLand panel. Initiative to the HCAdeveloper . Considerthe potentialfor the siteto be marketedon a JointVenturebasiswith the Local Authorityreceivingeither a deferredland receiptor land receipt dependentuponprojectsalesvaluesachieved. BlackettsTip r to To work with site owners (R. Blackett& Sons)to review site investigations of site remediationcosts and environmental obtain a better understanding liability. . strategies includinguse of partof the siteas development To consideralternative viabilityissues. publicopenspacein areaswherethereare the mostchallenging . To considerthe preparationof DevelopmentBrief for the site includingthe companiesrelocatingfrom the Town of potentialto accommodate identification Area. CentreEasternFringeRegeneration . of the use of LocalAuthorityfundingto supportthe project To considerpoterrtial businessratesreceipts. future financedagainst . To considerthe potentialfor DBC to acquirethe site as a key and prominent opporlunityadjacentto the EasternTransportCorridorReliefRoad subjectto liability. consideration of issuesof environmental FormerCoal Depot,EastmountRoad r To reviewthe potentialof the sitein the contextof the widerEasternFringeArea, . to addressthe issueof the existinggas holder To work with variouslandowners sites site and impactof the BlastZoneto this site as well as otherdevelopment withinthe area. . of site conditions To work with the landownerto obtaina betterunderstanding withthissite. andviabilityissuesassociated 4. 5. 6. 7. LandAdjoining125-157HaughtonRoad . as to the future use of the listedformer To underlakedetailedconsideration of the building. thefundingandfuturemaintenance railwayshedincluding . To preparea developmentbrief for the site in conjunctionwith the existing ownerswhichwill seekto addressissuessuchas accessfrom HaughtonRoad. Ordersand the approachto the requirementfor a "green Tree Preservation throughthe site, corridor" . with the of this site in conjunction Considerthe potentialfor the development may attract formerBlackettsBrickWorksite suchthatthe combinedopportunity interestfromlargerhousebuilders. RiseCarrWest Works Site,WhessoeRoad . to residential To resistany potentialchangeof usesof the sitefrom employment purposes. . To work with the existinglandowner(St. Modwen)to seek to implementthe proposedroad link acros$the FaverdaleIndustrialEstatefrom SamianWay to of the site. improvethe accessibility . the potentialfor rail related to investigate To work with the existinglandowners benefit in attractinginward an important uses on the site which is considered to the town. investment . in orderthat a more detailed To promotethe undedakingof site investigations of siteviabilitymaybe undertaken' asses$ment Land Off HeronDrive . the status with the existingsite ownersto understand To undertakeconsultation and planning approval schemewhichhasthe benefitof of the existingresidential the basison whichthe schemehasbeendelayed' . To workwith the site ownersto considerthe potentialof revisingthe layoutand unitmix to reflectchangeswithinmarketconditions' . withthe adjoiningplay To considerthe potentialtodevelopthissitein conjunction joint area which is within DBC ownershipand considerthe benefitsof a approachto bothparties' development . of thetwo areas' issuesin relationto jointdevelopment To considerprocurement FormerHopetownHouse,BrinkburnRoad . as to the current To approachexistingsite ownersto securean understanding on site will be a start that it is anticipated status of the schemeand when undertaken. . lf an earlystartis not proposedthenconsiderthe barriersto earlydevelopment' 8. 9. 10. . To workwiththe developerto considerissuesincludingpotentialrevisionsto the developmentmix (whichincludesa significantnumberof apartments)in order thatthesewillmorecloselyalignto currentmarketneed. . or other To considerwhethera reviewof the affordablehousingcontribution wouldsupportprojectdelivery' 278 contributions Section106/Section r To considerthe route in which the Local Authoritymay supportthe scheme includingassistingthe developerin securingprojectfundingor the potentialto Fundingto improveprojectviability' introduceLandRemediation I St. CuthbertsWaY . To liaise with the existing site owners too understandtheir development proposalsfor the site and to confirmthe site is regardedas a key elementof the regeneration of the EasternFringeArea. . for temporaryuse of the sitefor To workwith the ownersin relationto proposals car parking. r To work with the developerto considerthe most appropriateuses for the site levelof return.This may includeworkingto whichwouldgeneratean appropriate partner for the scheme. development identifyan appropriate . To considerwhetherthere is any potentialfor DBC to acquirethe site in the mediumor longertermas a keyelementof the EasternFringeArea. . of the masterplanfor the wider To consultwith the owner in the preparation EasternFringeMasterPlan. VantagePoint IndustrialEstate,Faverdale . To confirmto the existingowner$thatany proposedchangeof useto residential useswouldbe resisted. . To work with the existingowners to bring forward the site for industrial redevelopmentpurposes which may include the potential use of Land Funding,ERDFfundingor the potentialuse of fundingsupport Reclamation throughDBCto PromoteProPosals. . of brieffor the siteto guidethe futureredevelopment To preparea development Holdings. Spencer the site by proposed disposal of the sitefollowingthe OrchidHouse,Four Riggs of the current To liaisewith the existingownersto obtainan understanding proposals for mixed use development. development to as to existingconstraints To work with the ownerto obtainan understanding the site. with includingviabilityis$uesassociated development who are To promoteliaisonwiththe siteownerwithothersiteownersidevelopers with potential to work of the area includingthe promotingthe widerregeneration programme by agreement. the ownersin relationto a siteacquisition . 11. I 12. to seek to To seek to work with site owners,HCA and HousingAssociations elementsof the scheme. supportresidential Site of FormerTorringtonWorks,Yarm Road r DBC to confirmto the existingsite ownersthat any proposalsfor retailuseson the site would be stronglyresistedand the area would be protectedas a key employment site, . strategy of a development To workwiththe existingsiteownersin the preparation for employmentrelatedpurposes, This would includean for redevelopment of viabilityissuesand howexistingplanningconsentfor hoteland understanding relateddevelopment. leisureuseson a smallparlof the sitesupportemployment . to considerwhetherany assistancecan be To work with existinglandowners providedfor employmentrelateduse includingpromotingthe site for Land Remediation or ERDFfunding, . for DBCto acquirethe freeholdof the site. of the potential Consideration . againstfuturebusiness Considerthe potentialfor DBC to undeftakeinvestment ratesincome(TlFmodel). . of the sitefor employment To supportthe existingsiteownerwithinthe marketing relateduses. Site of FormerSpringfieldPrimarySchool,SaltersLaneSouth . ApproachHCAto considerthe extensionof existingprogrammeof development housingon the sitefor partor all of the balanceof thisarea. of affordable . with local Brieffor the site includingconsultation Preparation of a Development key design to address Department and the Highways Sport England residents, issues. . To make applicationand secure outline planning consent for residential withcurrentmarketrequirements. development on the sitein accordance . To considerthe potentialfor the site to be marketedunder the PublicLand framework. withthe HCAto theAgency'sdevelopment Initiative . To considerthe potentialfor the schemeto be marketedon the basisof a Joint with the LocalAuthorityreceivinga deferredland receiptor Ventureopportunity landreceiptdependentuponsalesrevenue.