CBS Bulletin - Congregation Beth Shalom


CBS Bulletin - Congregation Beth Shalom
ELUL 5776 / TISHREI 5777
Do you know
someone who is
Community Wide Service at Congregation B’nai Torah
Yom Kippur
Erev Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre
Tuesday, October 11……6:35 PM (Prompt)
Rosh Hashanah
Sunday, October 2
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, October 12
Saturday, September 24, 9:00 PM
(Erev Rosh Hashanah)
6:15 PM…….. Evening Services
Monday October 3 (First Day)
8:30 AM………… Shachrit
Tuesday, October 4 (Second Day)
8:30 AM ………… Shachrit
8:30 AM ……………….............Shachrit
5:05 PM..……………………..….Mincha
Operation Isaiah
“Do not turn away from people in need”
(Isaiah 58:6-7)
Don’t forget to donate non-perishable foods to the
Atlanta Community Food Bank. Just bring your
non-perishable items and place them in the bins in the
lobby any time from September 26th through
Yom Kippur.
See page 11-13 for all High Holiday Information
Shemini Atzeret
Monday, October 24
Sukkot First Day
Monday, October 17
9:30 AM Service
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
in the Sukkah
Sukkot Second Day
Tuesday, October 18
9:30 AM Service
Followed by Kiddush Lunch
in the Sukkah
For all events for Sukkot & Simchat Torah,
see pages 16 -17
9:30 AM Service followed by Kiddush Lunch
(Yizkor will take place following Haftorah)
Erev Simchat Torah
Monday, October 24
7:15 PM Evening Service and Grand Celebration
Simchat Torah Day
Tuesday, October 25
9:30 AM Service followed by Kiddush Lunch
Page 2
Partnership Programs - & Kroger
Inside this
From the Rabbi
From the President
High Holiday
5777 Information
11-15 is a partner with Beth
Shalom through their Smile.Amazon
program Support Beth Shalom by
registering and shopping
through this link: to help Beth Shalom earn 5% on
your Amazon purchases. Your Amazon experience will be no different,
but your purchases will go a long way in helping Beth Shalom. Each time
you wish to shop on Amazon, please use Thank
For instructions to register, go to
By Shopping Kroger,
You’re giving back to Beth Shalom!
High Holiday
5777 Events
Beth Shalom
Sign up or re-enroll your Kroger Plus Card in the Kroger
Community Rewards Program!
If you are currently enrolled, you MUST RE-ENROLL
Rewards will run from September 2016 through August 2017.
Educational News
Preschool News
Men’s Club
Tributes &
CBS Board &
Staff information
Calendar of Important
Kroger will donate up to
per quarter to Beth Shalom.
To participate, follow the directions below
and enter Beth Shalom’s
NPO #80196.
Use your Kroger Plus Card &
help us grow!
To link your Kroger Plus Card to Congregation Beth Shalom please follow these
simple steps:
1. Have your Kroger Plus Card handy
2. Register on line by going to
3. Click on Register and follow the steps to Register your Kroger Plus Card –
you will be prompted to create a user name and password
4. If you already have a Kroger Plus Card registered on-line you do not
need to repeat the registration process
5. Once you have registered or signed in, click on “my account”
6. Click on edit for all categories that have not been filled in such as Your card
number (on back of your Kroger Plus Card), personal information, preferred
store, and lastly, community rewards. When you “Edit Community Rewards”,
put in Congregation Beth Shalom #80196. Once you put in this number,
Congregation Beth Shalom’s name will be displayed.
7. Each time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Card, Beth Shalom
will gain cash rewards.
Page 3
Living in the ‘Real’ World
Recently, Linda and I were out taking an evening
walk in the neighborhood. As we happily strolled past
the synagogue we were taken by a peculiar sight.
One after another, cars were slowing down on
Winters Chapel Road right by the shul’s entrance and
then quickly driving off.
My first thought was: “Wow, we must have an
excellent advertising campaign this year. Look at all
these people who are slowing down to check out
Beth Shalom!”
Then I noticed that they had their smartphones out as
they passed by. I thought: “Wow, they’re even taking
pictures of the shul! How marvelous is that” I’ll admit
that for a brief moment my suspicious side took over
and I thought: “Perhaps some nefarious group is
casing out our synagogue before the High
Holidays.” (In today’s crazy world, it’s hard for Jewish
professionals to avoid having our thoughts go down
that worrisome path.)
But as I watched the way they were holding their
smartphones, finally it hit me! They weren’t in the
least bit interested in the shul, sadly. What I was
witnessing was the latest addictive internet game
craze. They were all playing “Pokémon Go” on their
For those of you who have no idea what I’m referring
to (and good for you, since that means you have
better things to do than live in a virtual world chasing
make-believe monsters), this is how the game works.
In the world of Pokémon, cute monsters lurk
everywhere, and your job is to find and capture them.
The smartphone app works by using your phone’s
GPS to determine your real-world location, and then
overlays an image of where you are along with
various Pokémon monsters on your screen. Then
you level up as you catch more and more of these
adorable creatures.
So as it turns out, the good folks at Nintendo placed
a “Pokémon” right next to the sign outside the Beth
Shalom entrance, and we didn’t even have to pay
them to do it! (Although had we thought of it, it would
have been a brilliant marketing idea.)
As I stood there, watching the steady stream of cars
slow down in front of the shul and then quickly drive
off as the proud owners of a just-captured virtual
internet creature, it dawned on me what a profound
insight was embedded in that surreal scene. And so I
wondered: “Is this is what it has finally come to?
People doing a shul “drive-by” – oblivious to the
meaning and transformative power within – only to
catch a virtual ‘something’ that isn’t even real?” I
certainly hope not.
This is precisely the
challenge posed to us by
our upcoming High
Holidays. Too often the
spiritual side of the holidays gets short-shrift when
we become overly focused on the artificial, and
neglect what is supposed to be happening deep
within ourselves. But in the words of Pirkei Avot
(Ethics of the Fathers), “Al tistakel b’kankan, elah
b’mah she-yesh bo” “Don’t look at the cover;
concentrate on that which is within.” If you really
want to deepen and enhance your life, you start
with your soul or neshama; and the High Holiday
season is about beginning that very process.
In this new world, more and more of us live out our
lives in cyberspace, and are no longer rooted in
real communities. We live our lives in a global
virtual world where all consequences are
temporary, and last only until the game is restarted.
But real life doesn’t work that way. We have arrived
at a point in time where technology has caused the
‘real’ to be ‘virtual’. We interact with real people –
face to face – far less often than we used to. Our
“community” now mainly consists of Facebook
friends and fellow gamers.
A society where there used to be real interaction is
now being replaced with online social networks,
and our Jewish traditions are being cast aside as
antiquated mythology. And what will be the
consequences of that? If we don't define the core
Jewish values for us and for our families, then the
surrounding culture and environment will end up
doing it for us. There is too much depth and
meaning in our own spiritual backyards for us to
allow that to happen. And as Jews we have never
shied away from being different, or from aspiring to
be more than what society expects of us.
So what kind of person do you hope to be, and
what are the most important values and principles
that you hold dear in life? Those a very important
questions, because during the Holidays we should
be devising our action plan to turn these
aspirations from the intangible into the real. It will
take prayer, focus and real introspection for us to
get the job done.
On behalf of Linda and myself, let me wish you all
and your loved ones a purposeful, happy, healthy
and prosperous New Year!
L’Shanah Tovah Tikatevu, V’Techatemu,
Rabbi Mark Zimmerman
Page 4
Shalom Congregation Beth Shalom!
As summer comes to an end and fall is upon us, it
begins a ‘spark’ in Jews across the Northern
Hemisphere (of course our Southern Hemisphere
friends will get this spark as the winter months come to
a close and summer is around the corner). That spark
is the arrival of the High Holidays and the spiritual,
emotional and physical preparation that comes with it. I
am so looking forward to seeing all of you during
services this year at Beth Shalom to share your spark
with you.
However, the questions are ‘where does your spark
come from?’ and ‘how does your spark manifest to
others?’. The first question you own. It is your
‘internal’ spark. It comes from your childhood
experiences around the High Holidays, your Jewish
education, family influences and personal beliefs. This
part of your spark has meaning to you and in most
cases continues to evolve.
What I want to touch on is the second question above –
around your ‘external’ spark. This is the one we all
have the privilege of seeing and knowing. This is
where I want to challenge you to make your High
Holidays spark be the stepping stone to your continued
love and appreciation for the Jewish life you live and
share your spark with others. How can you get more
involved with the many amazing committees, programs,
Shabbat services, social action projects, religious
activities, USY/Kadima programs and adult
education, just to name a few that Beth Shalom has to
offer? As the voice in the movie Field of Dreams says
“if you build it, he will come”, I would submit to you that
the voice over at Beth Shalom sounds more like “we
already built it, so come!”. Come share your
spark with us and let’s make Congregation Beth
Shalom a place where everyone wants to be.
We have made such progress during the past few years
around the synagogue. From the general appearance
around the building with a nice update of the foyer and
entrance area; a much needed painting expedition both
interior and exterior; some behind the scenes work
around roof repair and HVAC replacements
And not to mention the upgraded
security system due to a grant we
were awarded – we are continually
trying to keep our physical building in top shape.
(We will talk about how you all can help here
financially at a later date!)
The other bit of progress is our own Beth Shalom
‘spark’. We have re-energized and organized our
committee structure; established a leadership plan
among our Officers and Board of Trustees; brought
on staff a new Youth and Family Programming
Director (welcome again Ryan!); enhanced our
Gilner Religious School curriculum and continue to
have Shabbat services that create a warm, spiritual
atmosphere for our members and guests. So I ask
again, ‘how does your spark manifest to others?’
Show us your Beth Shalom spark!
Thanks again to all of our volunteers, committee
leaders, Loli, Helene and Roberta in the office,
Linda and Risa with religious and pre-school, Ryan
with programming, the rest of the staff, the Officers
and Board of Trustees, Men’s Club, Sisterhood and
Rabbi Zimmerman for making Beth Shalom spark
every day. It is your dedication that makes us who
we are.
The activities around the synagogue will be plentiful,
and we look forward to having you all get involved to
make Beth Shalom an important part of your Jewish
life for the next 40 years. To that end, if you would
like to reach out to me for any comments, questions
or concerns, please feel free to contact me at, and I will happy to connect.
Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy 5777.
L’Shanah Tova Tikatevu and See you in Shul!
Howard D. Fish
Do you work for a company that participates in a “Matching” Gift Program?
Employee matching gift programs are corporate giving programs in which the company matches
donations made by employees to eligible non-profit organizations.
It’s an easy way to double your contribution to us!
We currently have several congregants whose companies are matching their gifts to Beth Shalom.
Requesting a matching gift is normally a five minute process which must be initiated by you to see if
your company participates.
For more information contact Loli Gross, Executive Director at 770-399-5300.
Page 5
The month of August was very exciting! Beth Shalom had two successful Prospective Member
weekends. On Friday, August 19th, the Rockin’ Shabbat service was held, followed by a
wonderful Shabbat dinner. Special thanks to Alex Schulman and the Men’s Club for cooking
the delicious meal, and to all of the event volunteers. On Saturday, August 27 th, a special
Kiddush was held following services. Many of our Beth Shalom congregants as well as quite a
few new and prospective members attended both popular events. Welcome to all of our new
Keep in mind that if you know anyone who is shul shopping, you are welcome to bring guests to experience our
amazing synagogue hospitality.
Now that school is back in session and fall is approaching, there are several social and educational events planned
during and after the High Holidays. Please take note of the following:
Friday, Sept 9th –
Sunday, Sept 18th –
Sunday, Sept 25th –
Ruach Shabbat / Family Shabbat and Pot Luck Dinner
Sisterhood / ORT Mah Jongg Tournament
4th Annual Atlanta Kosher BBQ Competition (Cheer on the Beth Shalom team and enjoy
tasting BBQ brisket, ribs, beans, etc.)
Saturday, Oct 15th – Film Festival
Thursday, Oct 20th – Men’s Club Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah
Friday, Oct 21st –
Family Ruach Shabbat and “Pasta In The Hut”
Check out the remaining events under the Calendar link on the Beth Shalom website (
There are many “themed” Shabbat services throughout the year, dinners in the Sukkah during Sukkot, Simchat Torah
celebration, Thursday night Mah Jongg, and more.
We’d love to see you!
Marci Schulman
September is possibly the most stressful time of the year. Summer is over and we all return to
school and activities. Traffic gets worse, and our calendars fill up quickly. It may not seem so,
but the High Holy Days come at the perfect time. As we return from vacations and time with
family, it is an ideal opportunity to reflect on our relationships – with our family, with our friends,
and with ourselves. On Rosh Hashanah, we all gather and see friends we may not have seen all
year. In the course of praying together, we reconnect with our synagogue, our community, and
our world.
This year will bring with it some changes to our ritual services. Please make plans to join us on
Shabbat. Come see your friends, and make new ones, at our festive Kiddush lunch. Celebrate
your birthdays, and anniversaries, and your milestone events with your Beth Shalom family. One
of those milestone events in all our lives is our bar or bat mitzvah. We would like to celebrate the
anniversary of this meaningful event with each of you. Please let the office know the date of your
bar or bat mitzvah so we can acknowledge it appropriately and plan to join us on that Shabbat to
honor that important day.
May coming together to worship as a community bring us all closer to each other, and closer to
repairing the world.
David Kleber and Mark Safra
Page 6
L’DooR VE DooR
There isn’t a typo, L’DooR ve DooR is about adorning all of the doors at Beth
Shalom with mezzuzot. This inspired idea came from Rabbi Zimmerman. The
Development Committee along with the Rabbi and Beth Shalom Staff will rollout this
campaign in November. Look for details in our next bulletin.
In addition the Development Committee is also excited about hosting a Dinner of Honor in the Spring.
We will be finalizing details soon.
If you would like to provide input on these events and other ideas, please contact VP Development,
Carolann Reiter,
The Beth Shalom Softball team just finished the 2016 regular season and have secured a First
Place finish in the "C" division of the Atlanta Men's Synagogue Softball League.
Pictured, top row left to right: Howard Fish, Warren Hinds, David Kleber, Joel London, David
Lopp, David Merbaum, Billy Widis, Peter Scourtis, Dan Frankel
Bottom row, left to right: David Izenson, Larry Rosenfield, Glenn Levin, Issy Cheskes
Other team members not pictured: Michael Funk, Mike Rosen, Andy Rosenfield, Kenny
Buckles, Morgan White, Adam Shapiro, Neal Bach.
Page 7
We are so pleased that you are part of our family!
Seth and Liz Hyman and son, Jordan
Morgan White & Tressa Levenson
Alan and Zhenia Kaplan and sons Michael & David
Katherine Lorraine Villyard
William & Michele Rich and sons, Evan, Daniel & Cooper
Adi Powers & Merryl Reiss , son, Kevin and daughter, Carolyn
Throughout the coming year, we will be highlighting our newest members. We are delighted
that they have become a part of our Beth Shalom family. Please welcome them!
Welcome to the Zamuel family…
or actually, welcome back! Dana and Mike originally joined Beth
Shalom as a young married couple without children. After a membership
hiatus, they are back as a family. Daughter Leah is a 2nd grader at
Simpson Elementary School and son Jacob is in pre-school at the JCC.
The Zamuels live in Peachtree Corners. Dana grew up in Morristown,
NJ and Mike is from Memphis, TN. They met as students at University
of Tennessee – Knoxville. Dana moved to Atlanta in 1997 and Mike
followed a few years later. Mike works in the field of Logistics and
Transportation. Dana has taken some time off from her work in Public
Relations and Marketing to raise the kids. A former soccer player, she
now coaches Jacob’s team. Leah is a dancer, studying ballet and
jazz. As a family, they love to travel. Mike is an avid mountain
biker. They are glad to be back as part of the Beth Shalom
family. They are fans of Rabbi Zimmerman and the way he conducts
services. Additionally they love the Tot Shabbat program and the
warmth of our congregation.
Welcome Mike Rosen and his daughter, Jessica…
One of our newest members is a psychiatrist who did his medical
training at Emory. He originally came south from New Rochelle,
NY to attend Duke University and is a passionate and proud
alumnus. Mike is a co-founder of the Duke Band Alumni
Association and plays trombone in the Duke Alumni Pep Band.
He has travelled all over the country playing with the band. A
health and fitness enthusiast, he works out daily and plays on the
Beth Shalom softball team. Mike’s only daughter Jessica just
began her freshman year at Georgia Tech. He is good friends
with many Beth Shalom families and has always found our
congregation to be friendly and welcoming. We’re delighted to
have him as part of the Beth Shalom family.
Page 8
Joan Vogin, mother of Gary Vogin, June 30,
Blanche Slott, mother of Rene Montaigne,
July 10, 2016
George Cohen, father of Mona Wolmer,
July 28, 2016
We would like to thank the following for reading the Torah and Haftorah
in the months of June & July :
Lynne Balaban, Michael Balaban, Ellen Doft, Marni Bronstein, Naomi Balaban, Jenna Schwack,
Jacob Balaban, Shayna Balaban, Elaine Berger, Robin Kramarow, Hannah Goldberg, Mark Safra,
Shayne Rose, Rebecca Cheskes, Ed Aqua, Andy Gothard, Dori Kleber, David Kleber,
David Bauman, Gail Foorman, Randi Strumlauf, Marsha Fish and Rabbi Mark Zimmerman.
Thank you also to our Gabbais…
Dan Frankel, Lee Newman, Stuart Levin, Shai Robkin, Rebecca Cheskes, Robin Kramarow,
Sarah Chodrow and Joel Axler
Yasher Koach,
The Ritual Committee
If you would like to read regularly at a service or would like to celebrate an anniversary of an event
such as your Bar/Bat Mitzvah by reading the Torah or Haftorah for that Shabbat, please go to and click on forms and then click on Torah readers or contact Robin Kramarow
Sisterhood’s catering department and kitchen committee would like to thank the following
people for giving their time to help in the kitchen and decorating the tables for Simchas in
the months of June & July:
Selma Merbaum, Lisa Sturt, Joel London, Julie Lakric, Robyn Anshell,
Rene Montaigne, Julie Horowitz, Melisa Getzow, Betsy Zeff, Randi Frank,
Deborah Shapiro, Edie Friedman, Ellen Levy, Cheryl Garfinkel, Lucy Moses.
Jan Adler and the Sisterhood Kitchen & Catering Committee
We really appreciate all your hard work and help. We would not be able to
have our Kiddush lunches without you!
Page 9
Miriam Van Buren
August 20, 2016
Daughter of Julie Lakric
Miriam will be in the 8th grade this Fall at Henderson Middle School. She is a cheerleader, and loves
music and theatre. Miriam will be in the Assistant Director’s Class at school this year, helping to
cast and direct the Spring Musical. For her Mitzvah project she chose to raise money and
awareness for The Trevor Project. The Trevor Project is an organization that provides crisis and
suicide prevention services to teens and young adults in the LGBTQ community. As she becomes a
Bat Mitzvah, Miriam will be honoring the memory of a child who died in the Holocaust through the
Holocaust B’nai Mitzvah Project.
Aria Rose Vahaba
June 20, 2016
Daughter of Joseph Vahaba and Michelle Greenberg
Aria weighed 6 lbs and 13 ozs and was 21” long. Proud grandmother is Beth Shalom
member, Barbara Vahaba.
Our Littlest Members
Adam Henry Horowitz
July 26, 2016
Son of Dan & Dana Horowitz
Adam weighed 8 pounds 1 ounce, 19 inches long. Adam has a big sister, Emily Horowitz. Grandparents
are Beth Shalom members, Jeffery and Renee Berg and Don and Janice Horowitz. Great grandparents are
Evelyn Taratoot, Sylvia Abbott, Betty Horowitz. Adam was given the Hebrew name Adam Zundel in
memory of his great grandfather, Sidney Abbott.
Ari Ward Cook
July 26, 2016
Son of Jeffrey & Stacie Cook
Ari weighed 8 lbs and 9 ounces and was 21.25 inches long. Proud first time grandparents are Beth Shalom members, Leo and Marianne Cook and Pat and Rich Ward.
Ariella Axler & Joseph Shayani
Drs. Louise Short and Joel Axler are pleased to announce the engagement of
their daughter, Ariella Axler to Joseph Shayani, son of Dr. Vafa and Liz
Shayani from Chicago, Illinois.
A July 2017 wedding is planned
Page 10
Food-of-the-Month Tzedakah
Project for JF&CS’ Kosher Food Pantry
Congregation Beth Shalom is collecting food to fill the JF&CS Kosher Food Pantry.
Please help us feed people in our community by donating an item during the month. ALL
items must be marked with a hechsher (Kosher) symbol. Bring your donated food and put
in the bin in the Beth Shalom Education Wing.
For more details, go to:
Mitzvah Men
The Mitzvah Men are getting project requests from our Beth Shalom community. We can do
handyman work around the house, provide basic tech support etc. We are not professionals but
often, the help you need doesn’t take a professional.
If you want to help us, give David Kleber a shout. If you know someone who can use our help, give
David Kleber a shout (or simply call the office) or e-mail us at
Chesed Committee
Todah Rabah to Jacob Beck, Fran Bay, Regina Newman, Diane Fisher, Karen Richer,
Robyn Anshell, Clara Safra, and Eileen Cohn for their help on Monday, August 8th,
cooking meals for the Chesed Committee.
These meals are given to Beth Shalom congregants who needed a meal for Shiva,
New Babies, and Recovery from major surgery.
We so appreciate you!
Terrie Bryan
Chessed Committee Chair Person
Sponsored Kiddushim...July and August 2016
Thank you to the following people who have graciously sponsored our Kiddush Lunches
during July & August: Ed & Vicki Aqua in honor of Ed’s 78th birthday & his 65th Anniversary
of his Bar Mitzvah; Jodi & Dan Frankel in honor of their 10th Wedding Anniversary; Ellen Doft
in honor of her birthday and the Yahrzeit of her mother, Sylvia Doft; Barbara Vahaba in honor
of the baby naming of her granddaughter, Aria Rose Vahaba; Stan & Cheryl Shapiro in honor
of their 25th Wedding Anniversary; Julie Lakric in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of her daughter,
Miriam Van Buren and Stan & Sheila Schwartz in honor of their 55th Wedding Anniversary.
Your support is greatly appreciated!
Beth Shalom Office
Thank you to Miryam Relis, Merice Kraar and Audrey Clayman who gave their time to help in
the office. We appreciate you and your help!!! Anyone interested in helping in the office or
volunteering with programs or events, please contact Loli or Helene at
Page 11
Please be
checked by
the Lobby.
We are happy to offer additional tickets for your family
members and guests. Tickets must be pre-paid. The
2016 / 5777 ticket prices are as follows:
advised that tickets are required for
to High Holiday services and will be
Ushers and Security Officers as you enter
Please have your ticket available as you
High Holiday tickets will be mailed the first week in
September. Tickets will be mailed to members whose
dues and other financial committments are current. If
finances are a concern, please call our finance
manager, Roberta London or Loli Gross to discuss
your account and make appropriate financial
arrangements. All discussions are confidential.
Children may attend services with their parents;
tickets are not necessary for children under 23 years.
Adult children of members may purchase tickets as a
guest of their parents. If you will not be using your
High Holiday tickets (each ticket will be labeled with
your name and address), please understand that your
ticket is not transferable to other family members or
We are happy to offer your College Student or Military
Personnel complimentary tickets for High Holiday
Please fill out the Guest Ticket form with the name
and school attending or branch serving, and we will
issue the tickets. Having their own tickets will save
them from having to check in with Security personnel
at the front door.
$72 – relatives or guests living over 50 miles beyond
Metropolitan Atlanta and for adult children of members
23 -25 years (who are living in the Metro Atlanta area &
no longer on your membership).
$180 - all relatives or other non-related guests living
within the Metropolitan Atlanta area.
Reciprocity for High Holiday tickets is arranged through
the synagogue office. For out-of-town guests who are
members of a United Synagogue affiliated synagogue,
we will provide complimentary tickets. These
out-of-town individuals must have their synagogue
administrator send a letter to Congregation Beth
Shalom stating that they are members in good
In fairness to all Beth Shalom congregants who
support our synagogue throughout the year, we
welcome non-members to join us for the celebration of
the High Holidays. We ask that those who are not yet
help offset the costs of providing our
members with outstanding programming, superior
educational services (both for our children and adults),
as well as the countless projects and social activities.
Tickets may be purchased through the synagogue
office for the cost of $180 each for non-members. (Nonmembers who join by December 31, 2016 will have the
cost of HH tickets applied to their first year’s dues)
Tickets may be used for both Rosh Hashanah and
Yom Kippur. All guest tickets will be mailed to the
congregant’s address with their High Holiday tickets.
It is wonderful to see and visit with friends we have not
seen in a while. However, it is often a disturbance to
those attending High Holiday services when this visiting
takes place in the sanctuary. Please do not disturb the
services with unnecessary talking.
Parents, please know where your children are at all
times. You are the responsible party in this endeavor.
Children signed up to attend our Children / Teen
Services are to be in their designated rooms or with
you in the sanctuary. Please do not allow them to roam
the halls unsupervised. Thank you!
Page 12
In recognition of those families who
have voluntarily increased their dues
level to CHAI or to DOUBLE CHAI the
following is observed during the High
We conduct three separate children’s services - Mini
Minyan for K, 1 & 2, Junior Congregation for grades
3-5 and Bogrim for grades 6-7. Please take the time
to fill out and return the registration forms so we may
plan adequate staffing.
Reserved Parking for Chai Members– The
numbered spots along the back of the parking lot are
reserved for our Chai Members throughout the High
Holidays. Please be respectful and do not park in the
numbered spots.
Reserved Seating in the Sanctuary: three pews
will be marked as reserved for those Chai Members
wishing to be seated there. (All other seating is first
come, first serve.) In fairness to all, please do not
reserve seats for family or friends after 10:00am .
Services for the youngest members ( preschoolers
5 years and under) of Beth Shalom will take place in
classrooms on the first floor of the Margol & Klein
Family Center. Space is limited. Each child must be
accompanied by a parent.
Parking is at a premium during the High Holidays.
Our parking lot will accommodate 109 cars. A shuttle
service will be running continually on the first and
second day of Rosh Hashanah, Erev Yom Kippur,
and Yom Kippur. The shuttle will circuit between
Dunwoody Community Church, 2250 Dunwoody Club
Drive 30350 (approximately 1 1/2 mile from CBS)
and Congregation Beth Shalom. Please do NOT
park in the neighborhood streets as your car will
be ticketed and/or towed.
If you would like to usher during any of the High
Holiday services, your help would be greatly
appreciated. Maintaining decorum and safety in the
Sanctuary and the Lobby takes many volunteers.
You may request your day and time; we will do our
best to honor your
Please call the
synagogue office and/ or Ed Ross, Usher
Coordinator, 678-443-9205 to volunteer your
services. (Please note: you do not have to be a
Board Member to be an usher).
Babysitting will be provided by PAID RESERVATION
only. Space is limited. We will accept reservations
for children until the deadline, September 9th or until
the room is filled. No walk-ins
can be accommodated for High
Holidays. Babysitting is available
for children ages one through five
years only.
CH UR CH , 22 5 0 DU NW O O D Y CL U B DR I V E
Monday, October 3
Start: 10:00 am End: 2:30 pm
Tuesday, October 4
Start: 10:00 am End: 2:30 pm
Tuesday, October 11
Start: 6:15 pm End: 10:30 pm
Wednesday, October 12
Start: 9:00 am End: 3:00 pm
There will be NO parking in the Fountainebleau
Subdivision. Your car WILL be towed or
Through affiliation with United Synagogue,
synagogues support the organizations and programs
of the Conservative Movement.
Page 13
Each year we ask congregants and friends of Beth
Shalom to help add to the beauty of the High
Holiday services by contributing toward the cost of
floral arrangements for the Bima on Rosh Hashanah
and Yom Kippur.
It is through the generosity of members and friends
that we are able to host a delicious break fast for all
who come to celebrate Ne’ilah and Havdallah with
us at the conclusion of Yom Kippur.
Please consider remembering to include these
events on your giving list. Check your High Holiday
Packet and email for the form to
fill out.
Saturday, September 24, 9:00 PM
Community Wide Service
Congregation B’nai Torah
Sunday, October 2
(Erev Rosh Hashanah
6:15 PM…………. Evening Services
Todah Rabah!
Monday, October 3 (First Day)
8:30 AM………… Shachrit
Shofar Service at approximately 11:00am
Followed by Junior Congregation & Children’s
6:15 PM…Tashlich followed by Mincha-Ma’ariv
What is MERCAZ? MERCAZ is the arm of the
Conservative Movement in Israel.
promotes religious pluralism in Israel and promotes
representation on religious councils and full
equality for women.
Your support funds the
Conservative Movement’s voice in Israel and
encourages electoral reform so that extremist
minority parties no longer wield undue power.
Tuesday, October 4 (Second Day)
8:30 AM ………… Shachrit
Teen Service 10:00 AM
Shofar Service at approximately 11:00 AM
followed by Junior Congregation & Children’s
Your first act of tzedakah in the New Year couldn’t
be easier! Atlanta Food Bank barrels will be in the
shul September 26th through Yom Kippur. Don’t
forget--- clean out those pantries, put a few extra
cans in your shopping cart and help fill up the Beth
Shalom barrels so the Atlanta community can have
a truly good New Year!
The choir, under the direction of our own
Amy Thropp, is meeting on Thursdays at 7:30 PM.
till the High Holidays begin.
YOM KIPPUR 2016 / 5777 Schedule
Erev Yom Kippur / Kol Nidre
Tuesday, October 11………… 6:35 PM
Yom Kippur
Wednesday, October 12
8:30 AM ………………...........Shachrit
10:00 AM …….…………..……Teen Service
11:00 – 12:30 PM ........,……..Jr Congregation
& Children’s Services
11:30 AM (approx.) …...........Yizkor Service
2:30 – 5:05 PM ………….......Break
5:05 PM (Prompt)..................Mincha
6:35 PM…………..……..........Ne’ila
7:35 PM …………..................Shofar, Ma’ariv
7:45 PM…..............................Havdallah &
Break Fast
Page 14
Four times a year, on the holiest days of Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pesach & Shavuot. our
congregation commemorates all whom we have lost, as well as those who have none to
mourn for them, in the sacred Yizkor service.
Each year, we publish a special book to use on those four days. It provides a written record of
all those that we remember.
To ensure that your loved ones are recalled in our communal memory for the coming
year, please submit the names no later than Friday, September 9, 2016. The cost for each
name is $18.
If you have previously had a name(s) in the book, please use the form sent to you and let us
know if there are any changes or additions or call the Office to let us know.
If you did not have any names in last year’s Book but would like to be included this year,
please go to our website to fill out the form and submit to the Office or call us for any
Since time immemorial, blessing the lulav and etrog has
been the Jewish way of thanking God for the blessings of
the earth on the holiday of Sukkot. By holding the four
species together, we symbolically “get our own act together” in preparation for the New Year. By pointing them in
six directions, we remind ourselves that God’s presence
can be found in every area of our lives. And by shaking the lulav & etrog vigorously,
we commit to being movers and shakers in the world this year, for good and for
Please join us at Shul with lulav and etrog in hand; it will add immeasurably to the
beauty of this festival.
Lulavim and Etrogim cost is $55 per set
Each Lulav & Etrog Set must be pre-ordered by Friday, September 9, 2016
Order today through the Beth Shalom website or call the Office at 770-399-5300
Page 15
The Congregation Beth Shalom L'Shana Tova Greetings Book is a lovely way to express
your wishes for a sweet New Year to your family and friends during the Holidays. The
greetings book will be distributed on the first day of Rosh Hashanah, October 3rd.
You can place your Holiday greetings on a full page, 1/2 page or 1/4 page in this
8 1/2" x 5 1/2" memorable book. We can also include a photo.
Cost is:
Full Page- $96
Half Page- $54
Quarter Page- $36
Please submit to the Beth Shalom Office by Friday, September 9, 2016.
Go to the Beth Shalom website and fill out the form with your ad. You can also email
Helene at office@bshalom net with your ad and if you wish to use a picture, please
submit a photo as well. Any Questions, call us at 770-399-5300.
With your help, the High Holidays will be blooming with color. Please
consider contributing to the cost of the beautiful flowers that will adorn our
Pulpit and Foyer for the High Holidays.
On Yom Kippur, Beth Shalom welcomes over 200 people annually for
Break Fast. It is through the generosity of members and friends that we
are able to host all who come to celebrate Ne’ilah and Havdallah with us at
the conclusion of Yom Kippur.
If you wish to contribute to the purchase of these Flowers and
to Break Fast, please submit your contribution to the
Synagogue office no later than Friday, September 9, 2016.
Your contribution is greatly appreciated. If you have any
questions, please call the office at 770-399-5300.
Page 16
Join us for a Family Ruach Service at 6:35pm when
we will be celebrating all October birthdays.
After services, come spend a night under the stars
in the Sukkah with your Beth Shalom Family on
Friday, October 21, 2016
Dinner: Pasta(s), Salad, Drinks, and Dessert
Cost is $10 Adults
$7 Children
Under 3 Free
RSVP to or to the Office by October 14th
Thursday, October 20, 2016
6:30 pm
Everyone is invited to join the Men’s Club for a festive night in
the Sukkah enjoying Steak, great Scotch, camaraderie and ruach.
Cost is $25 per person by October 14th
$30 per person after October 14th
RSVP to the Beth Shalom Office no later than
Friday, October 14th!
Page 17
Simchat Torah Celebration...Camp Style
Monday, October 24th
Join us for our traditional Simchat Torah Celebration! Our evening
will begin at 6:00 pm with a complimentary pizza dinner and camp
dessert, followed by singing and dancing with friends as we
celebrate Simchat Torah.
Wear your favorite camp t-shirt and share your favorite Jewish camp songs as we dance
the night away.
RSVP on line to
or to
The Beth Shalom Mini Movie Festival
Is Back!
Saturday, October 15th 2016
7:00 PM
Beth Shalom Social Hall
The Ultimate Revenge Movie….
Remember is the suspense filled story of Zev (Christopher Plummer), an Auschwitz
survivor, who discovers that the Nazi guard who murdered his family some seventy
years ago is living in America under an assumed name. With the help of a friend
(Martin Landau), Zev sets out on a gripping journey that tests both his will and his
fading memory as it brings him closer to the retribution he seeks.
No charge. Please rsvp to the CBS office before October 13th!
Page 18
Sponsored by Beth Shalom Sisterhood & ORT Atlanta
Sunday, September 18th
10:30am - Registration
11:00am - Play Begins
Win Prizes and Enjoy Lunch!
New!!! For those who wish to
play but with no stress of time,
we will have Advanced Beginners Tables!
Cost/Donation is $25 per person
Tell your Mah Jongg friends about this fun event!
RSVP by September 12th to:
Sunday, September 25th
Brook Run Park, Dunwoody, GA
The 4th Annual Atlanta Kosher BBQ Competition will return to Brook Run Park for
the second straight year, September 25, following a record-breaking 25 teams
and more than 5,000 visitors at last year’s event. The Atlanta lodges of the
Hebrew Order of David International, the BBQ competition presenters have put out the call for
teams and sponsors.
Beth Shalom is again “The Masterful Mensches of Meat”. This event has the biggest team turn
out yet this year… 29 registered teams, so far (there’s room for one or two more)!
Our team is comprised David Izenson, Howard Fish, Robyn Anshell and Glenn Levin. As last year,
the competition will involve brisket, ribs, beans and chicken, all smoked, and all judged by certified
Kansas City BBQ judges.
There will be activities for Kids, Live Music & Entertainment, BBQ Tastings and Food.
Come to the event and rally around our ” Masterful Mensches of Meat”.
Page 19
Friday, September 9th
Come casual and join Rabbi Zimmerman and fellow
congregants for a night of camaraderie and ruach.
We will be honoring all members who will be celebrating their birthday in
After services,share a warm Shabbat Dinner with your Beth Shalom Family
in the social hall. We will be having a "pot luck dairy/parve dinner" . Your
entrance fee is a dish you will share with your fellow congregants. Come
and get become better acquainted with your fellow congregants by sharing a Shabbat dinner
We hope you will join us!
RSVP on line or call the Beth Shalom Office and let us know what dish you will be bringing!
Sunday, September 18th
10:00 - 3:00 (or later)
It’s time to get ready for fall family fun; We’re headin’ to Ellijay, Why don’t you
We’re taking a drive and packin’ a lunch; We’re looking for apples to pick and to
munch. Bring the whole family; You won’t want to miss it.
Join your fellow congregants as we caravan and carpool to Ellijay for a day of family
fun with friends. We will gather in the back parking lot of the synagogue to drive
together to BJ Reece Farm.
General admission is $5 per person. Other packages available which include
additional activities. See website:
Plus apples: 1/2 peck - $6, 1 peck - $11, and 1/2 bushel - $18
Bring a dairy lunch to eat at the farm.
Page 20
And eat again...
Why are those people covering their eyes? Why are they gathering their tzitzit? And why are they “shuckeling” to the Amidah?
Join us on Saturday morning, September 17th, for Chai Mitzvah Shabbat and
enjoy a learning Shabbat service where you will get the answers to these
questions and many more.
Come at 9:30 for coffee and doughnuts and join Rabbi Zimmerman for a
informative learning Service. After service, stay for a delicious Kiddush
luncheon sponsored by the Beth Shalom Sisterhood.
And while the grown-ups are learning in the main sanctuary,
our children will be learning in our Youth Services as our Gilner
Religious School students hold their first Shabbat classes.
Members of our Chai Mitzvah Class will celebrate their graduation by
participating in the service.
Congregation Beth Shalom invites you to our
spring Retreat! Join Rabbi Zimmerman & fellow
congregants for a weekend of
Go to our website for all details and to
make your reservation
Page 21
We are off to another great year in the Abraham and Anita Gilner Religious School. Our
students returned on August 21st to new and familiar faces, new technology, and a new
exciting curriculum. Some of our teachers spent time this summer on webinars learning new
ways to inspire our students while others learned new skills on the computer. These new skills allow our classrooms
to expand beyond the four walls so that our students can access material throughout the week to enhance their
connection to Judaism. And all of our staff attended a community wide Kallah learning opportunity on August 7 th ,
where they learned techniques to connect with all students in the classroom. I want to thank our dedicated teachers
who go above and beyond to help make the GRS the best it can be.
This year, we have many new innovative programs to make learning come alive. Our third through fifth grade
students will be introduced to the Etgar Yesodi curriculum, which was designed by the Davidson School of the
Jewish Theological Seminary. It uses a variety of modalities to make learning fun and connect students to their
Jewish heritage. We also move to a Hebrew curriculum with an on-line component so that students who are not
able to join us in the classroom on Tuesdays can continue to learn at home. The added advantage is that all of our
students in grades second through seventh will now be able to access their “classrooms” during the week for
additional support through fun games and videos.
And if all of this was not enough, we have two more exciting programs that will help connect our students to the
Shabbat experience. This year we will have five weekends in which we will hold school on Shabbat morning rather
than on Sunday. The students will meet in their Mini-Minyan and Junior Congregation groups for an expanded
morning of prayer instruction and fun activities related to the parsha of the week, or the upcoming holidays.
Additionally, we are starting a monthly family Friday night service. Each month everyone is invited to come Friday
night for a Family ruachl Shabbat service where all of the birthdays that month will be celebrated. Our students will
help lead services and we will celebrate some of our grade level simchas on these evenings. On some months we
will follow services with a dinner.
And finally, we are bringing a very special and timely program to our Teen Scene class. Our leaders, Edye
Nechmad, past VP of Education and Rich Walter, the Associate Director of Israel Education for the Institute for the
Study of Modern Israel at Emory, will explore the history of the modern State of Israel. They will also use materials
from the Jerusalem U/Stand Up for Israel program as they discuss the fundamental issues concerning the State of
Israel today. This course will explore Israel’s unique complexities, accomplishments and values. It will not only
inspire teens to form a relationship with Israel, her people, and her heritage, but will also give them the tools they
will need to respond to the voices that they will come into contact with, if not in high school, almost assuredly on
their college campus. Spots are still available.
Stay tuned for upcoming special programs and ways you can join your children in becoming lifelong learners.
Chag Sameach,
Linda Zimmerman
This year marks the 26th anniversary of Operation Isaiah, one of the longest running food
drives in Atlanta, benefitting the Atlanta Community Food Bank (ACFB). The ACFB and
JF&CS’ Kosher Food Pantry (KFP) are partnering to let our community help sort some
of the food collected during Operation Isaiah, and to allow us to bring the kosher items back
to the Kosher Food Pantry. When our clients can put food on their tables from the KFP, it
frees up money that they can put towards medicines, their rent and other bills
Join us on Sunday, October 16 from 9:00am -12:00pm or 1:00pm – 4:00pm at the Atlanta Community
Food Bank, 732 Joseph E. Lowery Blvd, NW, Atlanta, GA 30318
All children must be at least 8 years old and accompanied by an adult. Must wear closed toe shoes!
RSVP is required as there is limited space. Email Sheri Schwartz at
Page 22
The new preschool year is here! With much anticipation and excitement, smiles and
hugs, laughter and song we are back for the 2016-2017 year. Each classroom team of
educators has worked diligently to design a curriculum based on the developmental needs
of each class while taking into account the children’s individual strengths, needs and
interests. Additionally, we have emphasized providing a physical environment that is welcoming, encouraging,
thought provoking and age appropriate. As a result, our classrooms are filled with learning manipulatives that
challenge, engage and provide skill building. Everything we do, think, and model is with our Alefbet yeladim
(children) in mind. We are so blessed with a group of educators who are passionate, are experienced and love
what they do. We look forward to starting the new year hearing/blowing the shofar, performing many mitzvoth,
building and decorating a sukkah and dancing with the Torah this Fall.
Our inclusive preschool is geared to ages 1 - 4 year olds and the options available include core (9:30-1:30),
extended (8:30-3:30) and full (7:30-6:00) day hours. We have hours to suit you and your child’s needs!
Check us out on our website,, call for a tour at 770.399.7622 or email us at
Shana Tovah Tikatevu
Risa Walter
Take five minutes to be a Jewish education hero!
Turn a tax credit into a scholarship- sign up today at
Returning ALEF Fund users:
1. Go to
2. Enter your user name (your email address) and password. Password can be
reset if you forgot.
3. If personal information has changed, please update (email address, phone
number, street address, tax filing status, etc.) or click the link on the right side
to keep information the same as last year.
4. Review your school designation(s).
5. Be sure that your personal information matches your 2015 taxes.
6. Once you confirm all your information, click the submit button.
First-time ALEF Fund applicants:
1. Go to and click "First Time Applicant".
2. Create your account. Use your email as your user name. Create a unique password.
3. Enter your personal information. Make sure it matches your 2015 Georgia tax return.
4. Designate which school(s) will receive your tax dollars and the amount.
5. Once you confirm all your information, click the submit button at the bottom.
*If you are a new Georgia taxpayer, you must register first with GA Taxpayer Services Call Center (877) 423-6711 before registering with the ALEF Fund.
Page 23
What a way to kick off 2016-2017! The Youth Department’s opening event at Stars and Strikes was a
huge success. After meeting with the Rabbi, Loli, the Youth Commission and a number of parents and
kids for the past month, it was great to have our first activity. Thank you to all the parents, volunteers and
Beth Shalom staff members who were able to make this amazing kickoff event happen!
The Youth Department is looking to build on this momentum as we prepare for our next events in
September and October including hangouts, video game nights, official meetings for USY and so much
more! Continue to be on the lookout for regional conventions for Kadima and USY coming up as well. This November 11-13, the fall
sub-regional convention will be held in Atlanta at the AA synagogue. This event is open to Kadima (6th-8th grade) and USY (9th-12th
grade) members. More information including exact times, sign-up, and cost to follow.
Even though the Rio Games are over, the Beth Shalom Wacky Olympics are in full swing. On September 11, I hope to see all Kadima
and Jr. Kadima members represent their country with pride as they go for gold in the silliest events and games that the youth
Department has to offer. This event is free for all Kadima and Jr Kadima members and $5 for non-members. Lunch will be provided
after Sunday school and will run from 1:30pm- 3:30 pm. Please RSVP to with the subject line Wacky Olympics
For our KUSY members, we will have our first official meeting Sunday, September 25th, at 1:30. Come hang out in the Youth Lounge
with old friends and new friends as we discuss upcoming events for the year including conventions, Yom Disney and our own KUSY
events. Following the meeting, we will partake in a discussion about labeling, name calling, and bullying in school and in the community. Our meeting will last from 1:30pm – 3:30pm and lunch will be provided.
If August is any indication, I believe that 2016-2017 will be an outstanding year for the Youth Department!
Please continue to send feedback and questions regarding membership, programs, and conventions
to or
I hope to see everyone soon!
L’Shana Tova!
Ryan Tourial
Wacky Olympics
KUSY Official Meeting
Come discuss major topics including
conventions, old and new business and
KUSY Programs.
September 11th at 12:15pm
Join us for lunch in the Youth Lounge. After lunch,
we will proceed to the Beth Shalom parking lot for
the first annual Beth Shalom Wacky Olympiad!
Represent your country with pride as you compete
for the gold in the wackiest and silliest events and
games that Beth Shalom has to offer!
This event is free for all Kadima and Jr. Kadima
Members and will follow Sunday Religious School.
$5 for non Jr. Kadima and Kadima members
Use in subject line...Wacky Olympics
September 25
1:30pm - 3:30 pm. Lunch will be provided
Congregation Beth Shalom
Youth Lounge
Labels/Bullying Program to follow.
Following the meeting, we will be discussing
bullying, name calling, and labeling in high
school, and in the community.
Page 24
As we come to the start of the New Year, the Beth Shalom Men's Club is gearing up for many
activities. On Sunday, Oct 9th, we will start the construction of the Beth Shalom Sukkah. Join us
for a light brunch and help to get a great start to the construction. The following Sunday, Oct 16,
we will finish the Sukkah, just in time for the start of Sukkot. The following Thursday is our annual
Steak and Scotch in the Sukkah. Be sure to make your reservations early. On Sunday, October
30, we take the Sukkah back down for another year.
Of course, we just don't sit around the rest of the year. Join us for our monthly brunches and our
Texas Hold 'Em poker tournaments.
And it is definitely not too early to make your plans to join the guys from other Men's Clubs around
the south at the annual retreat at Camp Ramah Darom the weekend of February 24 - 26.
From our families to yours, we wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year,
L'shanah tovah tikatevu ve techatemu
Ed Heller / Mike Trinker
Men's Club Co-Presidents
Join us at 10:00 am for the Men’s Club Monthly
Brunch. Instead of making breakfast at home,
let our Men’s Club serve you a
delicious breakfast.
Come early for Minyan at 9:30am.
Stay and enjoy the delicious
brunch, camaraderie & ruach
with old and new friends.
Upcoming Brunch dates are:
September 11
Co-sponsored with Sisterhood, there will be a
special 9/11 program featuring a video, "The
Heart of Steel". An uplifting, inspirational
documentary about everyday people taking on
an extraordinary task to volunteer in the
aftermath of 9/11. On America's worst day,
America's best responded. Ordinary people
dedicated themselves to the largest rescue and
recovery mission ever mounted on US soil. Hear
their stories and feel their courage
October 9th and 16th- Sukkah Construction
Please come and help build the Beth Shalom
Brunch Cost is $7 per person payable at the
Once a Month on Sunday
Beth Shalom Chapel, 6:30 PM
Come one. Come all. Texas Hold’Em Poker is
now once a month!! Men and Ladies, you are
invited to join us for an evening of Texas
Hold’Em poker, sponsored by the Beth Shalom Men’s Club.
Anyone can enter with a $20 donation.
1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes will be awarded.
Beer, soft drinks and snacks will be served.
Next Dates:
September 4th , October 9th
For more information:
contact Steve Kaufman at
Page 25
Sometimes we enter into a new venture kicking and screaming. And so it is that Rene
lassoed me, along with Jodi Beck, into forming the Women’s League Sisterhood
Management Team for this New Year. Part of my responsibility is to update you, the Beth Shalom congregation, on Sisterhood business and events. During our last board meeting, I
discovered there is much happening with Beth Shalom Sisterhood, and its importance to
our congregation and the world cannot be overstated. Women’s League is social,
educational, cultural and financial. So many talented and hard working women create and
plan to ensure the success of our Sisterhood and its financial contribution to Beth Shalom
and the national movement which provides seminary scholarships, support for the Jewish
Braille Institute and much public policy. Shamefully, I should have known more about
sisterhood as a 30 year plus member of Congregation Beth Shalom. However, as we approach this High
Holiday season of personal reflection, I commit to understanding the mission of Women’s League and to passing
that knowledge on to you throughout this year. Hopefully, you, too, are asking what you can do to support
Women’s League.
First, simply become a Women’s League member by joining Congregation Beth Shalom’s Sisterhood. Your 40
dollar contribution supports our local synagogue as well as the Conservative movement and all of K’lal Yisroel. If
you do nothing else this year, your membership dues allow you to join forces with a movement much bigger than
yourself helping to support Jews worldwide.
On the local level, on Sunday, August 21st , we had our opening event. Welcome aboard! We “cruised” in our
social hall from 3-5 PM. Passports and all cruise gear were provided. Marcia Fish worked hard ensuring that our
new year started with a splash! Everyone had a fun and informative afternoon.
On Sunday September 18th, grab your Mah Jongg card because Beth Shalom Sisterhood and ORT will be
co-sponsoring a Mah Jongg extravaganza at Beth Shalom. The cost is 25 dollars per person and includes a
catered lunch. There are great prizes for the winners as well! Bring all your Mah Jongg playing friends.
Everyone is invited!
Keep your eyes open for a fashionable paid up membership event on November 16 th. Chicos will be coming to
Beth Shalom for a wonderful fashion show. Their fully accessorized outfits will also be available for purchase
that evening. This should be a fun night of food, fashion, and fundraising thanks to Diane Rich and her team.
Women’s League continues to support Beth Shalom with its delicious weekly catering for Shabbat kiddush and
through purchases made at our incredible, top-notch, Beth Shalom gift shop. Our monthly book club and
Thursday evening Mah Jongg groups thrive as well. Come be involved in any or all of these initiatives.
So, sometimes the things we do kicking and screaming turn out to be the most rewarding after all. If you are not
a Women’s League member, please use this season to reflect on its social and financial importance to Beth
Shalom and world Jewry and write that check. Our goal is that every Beth Shalom family is represented in
Women’s League this year.
Shana Tova to each and every one of you. May you be written and sealed for a good year.
Cheryl Garfinkel
Sisterhood Book Club
Join us for our monthly Book Club meetings when we read the newest books by popular
authors. We meet monthly at 7:30 PM in the Beth Shalom Library.
The books that will be reviewed and discussed for September & October are
September 21st - “The Marriage of Opposites” by Alice Hoffman
October 26th - “The Japanese Lover” by Isabel Allende
Refreshments will be served.
For more information and to RSVP, contact Eileen Cohn at
Page 26
Do you have your own game? Playing regularly? Just learned but need to play with a slower group?
Miss the game and want to come back? Can you relate to any of these questions?
Sisterhood Mah Jongg Nights are for you! Join us for a night of fun & games, schmoozing with
friends and great snacks.
Cost is $2 for Sisterhood members,
$5 for non-members.
Start the New Year with a new tallit.
Over 50 just in from Israel
All on sale at least 10 % some 20% off.
All jewelry on sale except
Blooming Flowers 20% off.
All Kosher Cook on sale 20% off.
CALL SHEILA at 404-983-3410 or REGINA at 404-790-5170
Page 27
5776 / 5777
September 01 / 28 Av
Jack Bauman
Paula Goldstein
Joseph Grunwald
Renee Kolender
September 02 / 29 Av
Edgar Rodruan
September 03 /30 Av
Jack Hack
September 04 / 1 Elul
Isidore Cohen
Albert Hurwitz
Eleanor Spitzer
September 05 / 2 Elul
Betsy Aronovitz
Morris Bauman
Chara Fleshler
Shirley Herskowitz
Robert Newman
Jacob Rosner
September 06 / 3 Elul
Ed Cranman
Jerome Frank
Jennie Gottlieb
September 07 / 4 Elul
David Batterman
Shirley Feinberg
Silvia Moscovici
September 08 / 5 Elul
R. Phillip Ashton
Fanny Broder
David Edelstein
Walter Israel
September 09 / 6 Elul
Joel Goldhar
Leon Levy
Judy Smollen
September 10 / 7 Elul
Sarah Oster
Yahrzeit observance begins with the evening
prior to the day of the Yahrzeit & ends at
sundown on the day of the Yahrzeit
September 13 / 10 Elul
Milton Alpert
Abraham Katz
September 30 / 27 Elul
Ilya Dubovis
George Kravitz
October 15 / 13 Tishrei
Joseph Bronstein
Mina Saltzman
September 14 / 11 Elul
Rafail Babinsky
Marilyn Litzky
October 02 / 29 Elul
Louis Blum
Rosalie Petchesky
Robert Rosenfeld
Alexander Sherr
October 16 / 14 Tishrei
Ida Seligman
Harry Zagelbaum
September 15 / 12 Elul
Judith Evans
Gerson Schklar
Samuel Schulman
Blanche Sheinhorn
September 16 / 13 Elul
Goldie Mayer
September 18 / 15 Elul
Dorothy Zeidwig
September 19 / 16 Elul
Gustave Hellering
Pasal Moscovitch
Roanne Rubin
Bernard Ruset
September 20 / 17 Elul
Morris Margol
September 21 / 18 Elul
Rosalyn Gross
September 22 / 19 Elul
James Kasow
September 23 / 20 Elul
Emma Abelkop
Fred Halpern
Frances White
September 25 / 22 Elul
Meyer Hochhauser
September 26 / 23 Elul
Wilbur Lipsius
Irving Richter
Eileen Wolff
September 11 / 8 Elul
Gary Erman
Ethel Newman
September 27 / 24 Elul
Aaron Lopp
Ethel Richter
Raisa Shefer
Leonard Weinkle
September 12 / 9 Elul
Jacob Boorstin
Kenneth Kaplan
Theodore Kupferman
Philip Silver
September 28 / 25 Elul
Matilda Streichler
Jordan Zeidwig
September 29 / 26 Elul
Jack Gay
Sarah Gruber
Ethel Silverman
Aaron Zuckman
October 03 / 1 Tishrei
Phyllis Werbel
October 04 / 2 Tishrei
Avis Aronovitz
October 05 / 3 Tishrei
Sylvia Glick
Raymond Hirsch
October 06 / 4 Tishrei
Alice Hurwitz
October 07 / 5 Tishrei
Dolores Boorstin
Jack Halpern
Betty Widelitz
Howard Zeidwig
October 17 / 15 Tishrei
Peter Scourtis
October 18 / 16 Tishrei
Jack Cohen
October 19 / 17 Tishrei
Samuel Axler
Irene Kohn
October 20 / 18 Tishrei
Meyer Moskovitz
October 22 / 20 Tishrei
Sarah Krulevitz
October 23 / 21 Tishrei
Herbert Gordon
Marvin Lefkoff
Baruch ben Meyer
October 08 / 6 Tishrei
Risa Becker
Rebecca Birnbrey
Sara Jetta Kaplan
October 24 / 22 Tishrei
Joe Dandy
Dorothy Miller
Hugo Munzer
October 09 / 7 Tishrei
Sidney Moskovitz
Louis Silver
Seymour Silver
October 25 / 23 Tishrei
Milton Whiteman
October 10 / 8 Tishrei
Paul Newman
October 11 / 9 Tishrei
Gerald Profis
Marion Rodruan
October 12 / 10 Tishrei
Norman Lovinger
Ita Profis
Betty Scheinberg
Bernard Stoumen
October 13 / 11 Tishrei
Charles Rosen
October 14 / 12 Tishrei
Henrietta Chernofsky
Mel Halpern
Annie Hocchauser
Saul Sussman
October 26 / 24 Tishrei
Vernon Reingold
Bernard Silver
October 27 / 25 Tishrei
Beverly Ripps
October 29 / 27 Tishrei
Morton Cohen
Randy Gerson
Mark Hersh
Ernst Rose
Frances Schling
October 30 / 28 Tishrei
Celia Bay
October 31 / 29 Tishrei
Sanford Goldman
Israel Lischkoff
Page 28
Building Fund
Stephen & Gale Silverman
In Memory of
Janet Lane's mother, Helen Ruset
Capital Fund
Alfred Bay
In Loving Memory
of my father, Saul Bay
Chesed Committee Fund
Andrew Gothard & Julie Horowitz
In Memory of
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Education Fund
Nancy Averbach
Nancy Averbach
Sid & Regina Newman
Laurence & Jill Stoumen
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
Gary Vogin's mother, Joan Vogin
Craig Tovey's father, Henry Tovey.
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
beloved grandmother, Florence Clayman
Gan Gilner Fund
Sid & Regina Newman
In Honor of
Diane Fisher's recovery
General Fund
Wayne & Cheryl Garfinkel
Jerry Greenberg & Toby Block
Milton & Arlene Jacobson
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
the birth of Maya Lilly Garfinkel.
Beth Shalom - a donation
the Bar Mitzvah of our grandson, Max London and
for the honor of an Aliyah
Robert & Marcia Bergman's Anniversary
Norman & Merice Kraar's Anniversary
Norman Rosner's Birthday
Beth Shalom for Yizkor services during Shavuot
Sylvia Altman
Eleanor Averbach
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
beloved father, Louis Dressler
Helen Ruset, mother of Janet Lane.
of Rene Montaigne's beloved mother, Blanche Slott
Cheryl's dad, Sanford Cotton
my brother, Robert Gilner, on his Yahrzeit
my mother, Anita Gilner, on her Yahrzeit
beloved brother, Victor Profis
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Rene Montagine's mother, Blanche Slott
my brother, Joseph Oster
my grandmother, Katie Lischkoff
my mother, Hinda London on her Yahrzeit
Alfredo Voloschin's father, Naum Voloschin
Gary Vogin's mother, Joan Vogin
Herb Jarecki at the time of his yahrzeit
Melvin Margol
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Tracy Scourtis
Janet Lane's mother, Helen Ruset
Fred Levy
our Parents on their Yahrzeits
our beloved Philip Sultzer, husband, father & poppy
Ely Meyer Wolf
Israel Scholarship Fund
Sylvia Smith
In Memory of
my beloved husband, Arnold M. Smith
Men's Club Fund
Jon & Robin Guy
With Gratitude
to the Beth Shalom Men's Club. Thank you
Prayer Book Fund
Julia Oken
In Memory of
dearly beloved mother & grandmother, Hannah
Freyl Zuckman Welch
Helen Ruset, mother of Janet Lane
Sandy Cotton, father of Cheryl Garfinkel
Victor Marks
Sherry Shemtov
Sherry Shemtov
Sherry Shemtov
Robert & Alice Wolfson
Ron & Judy Altman
Nancy Averbach
Joel Axler & Louise Short
Ron & Rita Dressler
Wayne & Cheryl Garfinkel
Wayne & Cheryl Garfinkel
Wayne & Cheryl Garfinkel
David Gilner
David Gilner
Joel & Loli Gross
Elaine Gruenhut
Stephen & Roz Harris
Herman & Dorothy Lischkoff
Herman & Dorothy Lischkoff
Roberta London
Bill Mahle & Deborah Sumner
Hugh & Jill Mainzer
Hugh & Jill Mainzer
Hilbert & Betty Ann Margol
Jeff Nagel & Laura Kurlander Nagel
Stuart & Vera Newman
Dan & Sheila Riegel
Reuban & Suzanne Rodriguez
Lawrence & Abby Rosenthal
Leila Sultzer
Marty & Bonnie Wolf
Edward & Jaclyn Silverstein
Edward & Jaclyn Silverstein
Oded & Aileen Zyssman
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
Page 29
Kiddush Fund
Stephen & Claudia Kramer
Stanton & Cheryl Shapiro
Scot & Marina Bay
Scot & Marina Bay
Dale Joiner & Fran Bay
Sofia Kogan
Howard Shulman
Scot & Marina Bay
Jeffery & Renee Berg
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
my grandparents
Ed Aqua on his 78th Birthday
of my grandfather, Saul N. Bay
of my aunt, Sylvia Skrakowsky
of my grandfather, Saul Bay
of my cousin, Stella Kaplun
of Josiah Shulman
Monte Potaznick
father, David Silverman and grandfather,
Gus Silverman
Rene Montaigne's beloved mother, Blanche Slott
Gary Vogin's mother, Joan Vogin
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Rene Mongaigne’s mother, Blanche Slott
Pearl Kramer on her Yahrzeit
Monte Pataznick
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Rene Montaigne’s mother, Blanche Slott
Rene Montaigne’s mother, Blanche Slott
Rene Montaigne’s mother, Blanche Slott
Gary Vogin's mother, Joan Vogin
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Preschool Fund
Jyl Batterman
Bonnie Besmertnik
Sid & Laurie Besmertnik
Sid & Laurie Besmertnik
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
Ariel Rothman
my grandfather, Herbert Weinstein
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
beloved father, Herbert Weinstein
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
Joel Axler & Louise Short
Joel Axler & Louise Short
Mayer Becker
Stan & Judith Beiner
Barry & Melisa Getzow
Morris & Arlene Horesh
Richard & Harriet Litzky
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
Reina Nuernberger
Dory Profis
Dory Profis
Ray & Mary Waisler
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
In Memory of
Mona Wolmer's father, George Cohen
Henry Tovey, father of Craig Tovey
Jack, Sue & Hattie Becker
Irvin Beiner
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott.
Abraham Kessler
our parents & grandparents, Marilyn Litzky,
Augusta Proskauer, Ralph Proskauer, and
Seymour Klein
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
my son, Victor Profis on his Yahrzeit
Zeev Profis
beloved father, Moshe Waisler
Sisterhood Fund
Marvin & Diane Bernstein
Naomi's AA Sisterhood Book Club
In Memory of
In Memory of
Rene Montaigne's mother, Blanche Slott
Rene Montaigne’s mother, Blanche Slott
Social Action Fund
Art & Carol Katz
In Honor of
Ed Aqua
Torah Fund
Muriel Frank
In Loving Memory
In Memory of
of beloved father & grandfather,
Bernard Warshaw, on his Yahrzeit
Craig Tovey's father, Henry Tovey.
Torah Repair & Restoration Fund
Eddie Krebs & Peggy Lindenbaum
Jay & Rachel Robins
In Memory of
In Memory of
Gary Vogin's mother, Joan Vogin
Gary Vogin’s mother, Joan Vogin
USY Make a Change Youth Fund
Alan & Terrie Bryan
Robert & Gail Golden
In Honor of
In Loving Memory
Diane Fisher
of our mother, Helen Kupferman
Youth Programming Fund Donation
Sherie Green
Guy & Susan Rappaport
In Honor of
In Memory of
Diane Fisher
the Yahrzeit of my beloved father,
Abraham Keller
Alan & Terrie Bryan
Alan & Terrie Bryan
Daniel & Eileen Cohn
Marvin & Marsha Fish
Marvin & Marsha Fish
Dale Joiner & Fran Bay
Sherron Lazarus
Susan Levine
Arnold & Eileen Perlman
June Schwartz
Stanton & Cheryl Shapiro
Ronald & Jaclyn Stevens
Sherie Green
In Honor of
In Honor of
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Loving Memory
In Memory of
In Memory of
Page 30
Page 31
Offer expires Dec. 31, 2016
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Cell– 404-725-6303
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Page 35
Howard Fish, President:
Jeff Budd, Executive Vice President:
Joel Axler, Executive Vice President
Alan Bryan, VP Administration:
Mark Safra, Co-VP Ritual:
David Kleber, Co-VP Ritual
Marci Schulman, VP Membership:
Wendy Widis, VP Education:
Carolann Reiter, VP Development:
Michael Shafron, Treasurer:
Diane Fisher, Secretary:
Men’s Club Co-Presidents:
Ed Heller
Michael Trinker
Sisterhood Management Team:
Rene Montaigne
Cheryl Garfinkel
Jodi Beck
Rabbi Mark Zimmerman
Linda Zimmerman
Director of Life Long Learning
Loli Gross
Executive Director
Eileen Cohn
B’nai Mitzvah Co-ordinator
Roberta London
Finance Manager
Risa Walter
Director of Early Childhood
Helene Urbaitel
Office Manager
Ryan Tutorial
Youth / Program Director
Sept 6
Sept 8
Sept 9
Sept 11
Sept 15
Sept 16
Sept 17
Sept 18
Sept 21
Sept 23
Sept 24
Sept 25
September 2016
Sisterhood Board Meeting, 7pm
Education Committee Meeting, 7:30pm
Religious School 1st & 2nd Grade
Consecration, 6:35pm
Family Ruach Shabbat & Pot Luck Dinner
Men’s Club Brunch, 10am
Jr. Kadima, Kadima Wacky Olympics
Beth Shalom Board Meeting, 7pm
Boy Scout Shabbat, 6:35pm
Chai Mitzvah Shabbat, 9:30am
Eat, Pray, Learn Service
Sisterhood & Atlanta ORT Mah Jongg
Madness, 10:30am
Family Apple Picking, 10:00am
Sisterhood Book Club, 7:30pm
Alefbet Preschool Shabbat, 6:35pm
Selichot Service, 9pm
Teen Scene, 12pm
Kosher BBQ Competition, 12:30pm
Mah Jongg Nights - Every Thursday, 6:30pm
Men’s Club Poker Dates - Sept 4, Oct 9
Oct 2
Oct 3
Oct 4
Oct 9
Oct 11
Oct 12
Oct 15
Oct 16
Oct 20
Oct 21
Oct 24
Oct 26
Oct 30
October 2016
Erev Rosh Hashannah, 6:35pm
First Day of Rosh Hashannah, 8:30am
Second Day of Rosh Hashannah, 8:30am
Sisterhood Board Meeting, 10:30am
Men’s Club Sukkah Construction, 10am
Erev Yom Kippur, 6:35pm
Yom Kippur, 8:30am
Softball Shabbat, 9:30am
Mini Film Festival, 7pm
Men’s Club Sukkah Construction, 10am
Men’s Club Steak & Bourbon Dinner, 6:30pm
Family Ruach Shabbat & Pasta in the Hut,
Simcha Torah Celebration & Pizza Dinner,
Sisterhood Book Club, 7:30pm
Men’s Club Sukkah De-Construction, 10am
Teen Scene, 12pm
Adult Education Classes
Adult Education Classes will resume in November.
Dates and times for each class will be forthcoming.
Watch for details in our website and on our weekly