January - February - Congregation Beth Shalom


January - February - Congregation Beth Shalom
The Official Newsletter of Congregation Beth Shalom
Jeffrey Kaye, Rabbi •Tom Kayen, President
6116 S. Pennsylvania • Centennial, CO 80121 • 303-794-6643 • www.cbsdenver.org
January – February 2010 / Tevet – Shevat - Adar - 5770
Rabbi’s Reflections
“For the New Secular Year and the New Decade…”
Indeed, it does take a village to raise a child. The notion of community
is paramount in Judaism, and for thousands of years, the synagogue
has been the home base for nurturing, educating, uplifting and molding
our youth. Our Congregation Beth Shalom Community is an extended
family, as we share in the privilege and obligation of educating our
youth and providing a meaningful environment to navigate through life’s
vicissitudes. Additionally, synagogue community means being there for each other at times of joy and
times of sadness.
A focal point of our CBS community is our religious school and Hebrew school; and another major focus
is our Sabbath services and worship experiences. Together with the leadership of our Principal Michelle
Weinberg, we are further strengthening the connection between the schools and services by reinstituting
religious school opportunities within Sabbath observances for our youth and their families. We hope and
pray that this can be a real commitment for the new secular year and the new decade…
At least once a month, we hope and expect that every religious school student and Hebrew school
attendee will join with their families at Congregation Beth Shalom Shabbat services. It was a blessing to
see so many attend last month for our Chanukah/Shabbat celebration, with well over 75 in attendance (it
was also wonderful to see a number of our congregants at the Rose Medical Center community
Chanukah celebration, where over 3000 people were in attendance!)! Also, join us for the magical Tu
B’shevat family Seder on Sunday, January 31st at 11:30am. Celebrating with your community; gaining a
greater sense of community; becoming more familiar and comfortable with the Sabbath liturgy and
services; preparing for upcoming B’nai Mitzvah; spending sacred time with family and friends; enjoying
delicious food at the Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush; honoring your Jewish roots and connections; are to be
garnered and yours for the taking.
Indeed, this is a win-win-win situation—spending quality time with your family, connecting up to your
Congregation Beth Shalom community, and forging meaningful Jewish expressions.
We greatly hope that you will support these endeavors. We want to be special partners helping to raise
and nurture your precious children. We hope to see you around Congregation Beth Shalom for Jewish
education and Sabbath observance and services.
With wishes for a happy, healthy, meaningful, safe and prosperous 2010
Rabbi Jeffrey and Rhonda Kaye and family
Hebrew / Sunday School
From Michelle Weinberg, Hebrew / Sunday School Principal
2010...hard to believe it is here already! A
Big Todah Rabbah to the Kayen family
for all of their help and support for the
Chanukah Bazaar! A healthy todah
rabbah to the Slate-Allen family and the
Kayens for their help with the Rosh
Hodesh gift wrapping at Barnes and
Noble. The Chanukah dinner was a huge
success and the teens had a fantastic
time at our game night!
Hebrew School on Sundays is
working out well for everyone. Classes
are well attended and the students are
making great progress. Religious School
has been busy! With so many projects
going on for Chanukah, our classes were
fun-filled.... playing dreidle, singing songs, eating donuts and latkes!!!
January is a busy time for us! Classes begin again starting January 10, 2010. We will not have
school on the 17th as it is Martin Luther King weekend. Our Tu B'Shevat seder has been moved to
January 31st. The Tu B'Shevat seder is always a wonderful event. So mark your calendars... for a
fun filled luncheon after tasting so many fruits and juices .The seder is from 11:30-2.
February 27th is our annual Purim celebration. Our Shalach Manot baskets are always fun to
bid on, dinner will begin at 6 PM and our festive costume parade will be part of our 7 PM service. Plan
to come to hear the Megillah reading and a skit by Rabbi and me! We should have a fantastic turn out
as Purim is on Saturday night and no school on Sunday the 28th!! Start planning your costumes now!
Purim is always such a fun holiday for the entire family. We will have delicious Hamantashen for
dessert! There will be more flyers coming out about Tu B'Shevat and Purim. Wishing you all a
Shannah Tovah for a Happy Healthy Secular New Year!
Michelle S. Weinberg, Principal
Library and Discovery Center
The Library and Discovery Center News…….from Miss Mimi
Excitement is in the air for several special events. On February.13th, CBS will have its second
“Havdalah Live” Saturday night program. Hal Aqua will be performing for us a very short Havdalah service,
and provide very festive music to sing and dance to in our sanctuary. Hal is a professional songleader, prayer
leader, musician, and teacher. Accompanied by guitar, mandolin, Middle Eastern lutes and hand drums, Hal
draws people into a most enjoyable participatory, uplifting experience for all religions. During our social time,
tasty refreshments will be provided. Please join our CBS families on February 13th, at 6:30 p.m. for a most fun
family event. There is no charge to attend this program.
Tu B’Shevat News
A very special program in celebration of Tu B’Shevat is the visit of Hilde Wexler. Hilde is a renowned
Denver artist, exhibiting many of her works throughout Denver, and winning awards. She will be coming on
January 31st to demonstrate her artistic technique in making “trees” and nature scenes in celebration of Tu
B’Shevat. More information will be following. A school Tu B’Shevat contest sponsored by the library will also
be started.
Purim Dinner and Service Celebration
On February 27th, CBS will continue its special tradition of collecting goods from each of our school
classes, for our charity “shalach manot” baskets. We will again have our silent auction for them. Also, Anne
the Clown will again be here to do her unique face painting. Anne really does a wonderful job with our
children. Everyone is invited to attend this family fun Purim event.
Our library is open 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon every Sunday. If you need a different time to visit us, please call
Miss Mimi at (303) 791-6070. If you have a special request for a book, again, just let Miss Mimi know.
Don’t forget we have several new Tu B’Shevat and Purim books in our children’s library. . Come check us out!
Lastly, we all had a wonderful time at Havdala service. It was a special evening for all of us.
Wishing you all a wonderful Tu B’Shevat and Purim!
Miss Mimi
Mark Your Calendars
Shabbat Services
CBS will continue the tradition of holding Friday night services beginning at 7 pm on the 1st and 3rd
Friday’s of every month from September-May. Everyone is welcome to attend Friday evening services.
Always check the CBS website for the latest calendar of events, www.cbsdenver.org.
Sunday, January 24
Hebrew School
Religious School
Sunday, January 31
Hebrew School
Religious School
Tu B’shevat Seder
Friday, February 5
Friday Night Shabbat Services
Sunday, February 7
Hebrew School
Religious School
The Bagel Club Special Guest speaker, you don’t want to miss this.
Rosh Hodesh Teen Super Bowl Party
Saturday, February 13
Pot Luck Dinner
Saturday Night Havdalah Service
Friday, February 19
Friday Night Shabbat Services
Sunday, February 21
Hebrew School
Religious School
Saturday, February 27
Purim Dinner/Celebration & Megillah Reading
Friday, March 5
Friday Night Shabbat Services
Saturday, March 6
Shabbat Services – Bar Mitzvah
Sunday, March 7
Hebrew School
Religious School
The Bagel Club
Mark Your Calendars
Sunday Morning Tu B'shevat Seder, Jan 31st, 11:30am - Don't miss this fun and
yummy seder for the trees! Seder and a potluck lunch will commence after regular
Hebrew and Religious school classes. $5 per person or seder items can be donated in lieu
of the fee - contact Lyn Kuzminsky at gkuzmin@ix.netcom.com if you would like to donate
or volunteer. Bring a dairy or parve dish for 10 for the potluck!
Friday evening, Shabbat Service, Feb 5th, 7pm - Enjoy shabbat with your CBS
family and Rabbi Kaye! Oneg kindly sponsored by the Pritchet family.
Sunday morning, The Bagel Club, Feb 7th, 10am - Share great food and company
with your CBS friends in the once a month get together! This month we have a special
guest speaker and book signing with Peter Ney. He was part of the Kindertransport to
Britian during WWII. This is becoming a vanishing part of history, especially with groups
fighing against the teaching of the Holocaust in Public Schools. (England and France)
Saturday evening, Havdalah Service, Feb 13th, 6:30 pm – There will be a Pot Luck
dinner at 5:30 pm preceding the Havdalah service, followed by a dessert break and more
music and dancing.
Friday evening, Shabbat Service, Feb 19th, 7:00 pm
Friday evening, Shabbat Service, March 5th, 7:00 pm
Saturday morning, Bar Mitzvah of Zachary Michael Sukin, March 6th, 9:00
am - Kiddush Luncheon following services, courtesy of Lisa and Dean Sukin
Mark Your Calendars
Tu B’Shevat Seder
The Tu B’Shevat Seder is the place to be,
Only $5 per person in the family.
At 11:30, we shall start
So RSVP, now that’s your part!!
Put your name on an envelope, with the money
We'll know that you plan to come along for the
So, remember on January 31st, starting the last
half-hour of school
It’s the Tu B’Shevat Seder, and a potluck that
Please help us by bringing any of the following:
An entrée that will feed at least 10-12 people. It can be any dairy or parve
dish that you choose. Suggestions are: Cheese lasagna, spinach lasagna,
kugel, macaroni and cheese, a veggie cassarole dish, salad, a pasta dish
(remember NO MEAT), tuna, egg salad, bagels and cream cheese, etc…
Please remember that there may not be any meat in your dishes. Dairy or
parve only!
Please RSVP by January 27,2010
by giving your envelope to Mrs. Weinberg.
Call me at 303-470-0218 between 9AM and 9PM. Please leave me a
message and speak clearly, leave your name and how many people to
You may also choose to pay the day of the event.
Please call, we just need to know how many places to set and how much
fruit and juice we will need for the delicious seder.
Event at CBS
With pride, joy and love we invite you to share our happiness as our son
Zachary Michael
is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah
Saturday, the sixth of March
Two thousand ten at nine-thirty in the morning
At Congregation Beth Shalom
Kiddush Luncheon following services
Lisa and Dean Sukin
Chanukah Event
In case you didn’t read your last bill carefully, CBS can now accept your payments and donations via
credit cards. We are accepting Visa and MasterCard and can set up your account to automatically
charge your monthly dues. Once people start to take advantage of this option, you should expect to see
the charges around the 8th of every month. But remember, we can also accept any donations you would
like to make this way as well!!!
If you would like to take advantage of this new payment opportunity or have any questions please contact
our Treasurer David Goldstein. He can be reached by email at dg@q.com or phone 720-922-1288.
Summary of donations from our first four months of this fiscal year (Sept – Dec):
General Donations:
High Holiday Donations: 5,476.00
Donations were from and for:
Mark & Jody Meyer
Mr. & Mrs Bernard Gottlieb
Both in honor of Teddy Meyer’s violin recital
Margaret Moss in honor of Veronica Lubofskys Bat Mitzvah
Dr and Mrs. Ralph Fisch in honor of both Blanche Bronstein and Bill Lookners 80th
Blanche Bronstien in honor of Bill Lookners 80th birthday
Representative Costs as of November 1, 2009
Additional Fees for Life Cycle Events
(Not a function provided by CBS-Contact Jewish
Family Services)
Baby Naming
Bat/Bar Mitzvah Tutoring $80/hour with Rabbi
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
$1000 (in-town), $1250 (out-of-town)
Renewal of Vows
Miscellaneous Service for an Event $250
Building Rental Rates
CBS Members
3 hours
5 hours
**If children are participants, the child to adult ratio must not be greater than 7 to 1.
Board approval is required for all events.
Please note that there are no additional charges for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah for members in good standing.
If you have questions in regards to this list, please let me know.
Veterans Temple News
Jewish War Veterans
The Captain Ellis David Greene Denver Post 344 of the Jewish War Veterans of the United States of
America will held its monthly meeting 10 January 2010 at Temple Sinai, at 10:00 hours. During this meeting
the new Post officers were installed.
Jewish War Veterans Denver Post 344 meets the second Sunday of the month (except July and August), at 10:00 a.m., at
Temple Sinai. If you are a Jewish veteran of the U.S. Arm Forces or have served with an allied nation’s forces, come join us.
Bagels, lox, “schmere” and other goodies are served, at a nominal cost of $5.00 per person. Wives, significant others and
friends are welcome, first-time visitors will be the guest of Post Past-Commander Jim Barnard. . We have various programs
and speakers, on topics ranging from current VA legislation, members’ military experiences, and other things of interest.
Questions, call Past-Commander Jim Barnard at 303-791-6068.
Recipe Corner
New to the News Letter is the Recipe Corner. This issue I choose a couple of my wife’s recipes to get things
started. If you have a couple of recipes that you would like to have published in the News Letter, just send them
to me, Stanley Pritchet at spritchet@msn.com and you may see your recipes in this Corner next time.
Spinach Noodle Casserole
1 lb Kluski noodles, cooked and drained
2 boxes frozen chopped spinach, cooked & drained
3 beaten eggs
1 stick butter or margarine melted
1 envelope dry onion soup mix
1 cup milk or non dairy creamer
Mix all ingredients together into a 9” x 13 “ pan and bake for 30 minutes at 325 degrees
until set
Nut Kisses
4 egg whites
1 lb sugar
1Tbs cornstarch
3 Tbs white vinegar
1 tsp vanilla
1 lb chopped walnuts or pecans
Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Beat egg whites until stiff peaks form.
Gradually beat in sugar, then cornstarch, then vinegar & then vanilla.
Beat until very thick and stiff. Fold in the chopped nuts. Drop onto cookie sheet lined
with parchment paper. Bake for 50 minutes. Yields about 50 to 75 cookies
For Passover: Use potato starch instead of cornstarch, Apple Cider vinegar and
imitation vanilla or lemon juice.
In Our Community
Be a Part of the 2010 Denver JCC Maccabi Games®, August 1-6, 2010
The Robert E. Loup JCC invites you to join us for the 2010 Denver JCC Maccabi Games®, hosted for the
first time in Denver August 1-6, 2010. This Olympic-style event provides a unique combination of sports,
cultural and social activities and will be the largest Jewish teen event in Denver’s history. The JCC
Maccabi Games® offer a transforming and powerful experience to Jewish teens by integrating sports with
Jewish identity and values.
We need:
• 1000 volunteers
• 600 host families
• 300 local athletes between the ages of 12-16
To learn more about the 2010 Denver JCC Maccabi Games® visit www.jccdenvermaccabi.org or call 303-316-6318.
The JCC Maccabi Games® are coming to Denver! The Games are a unique Olympic style athletic competition for
Jewish teens. Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to get involved as an athlete, a host family, or as a volunteer
August 1-6, 2010. To learn more about the 2010 Denver JCC Maccabi Games® visit www.jccdenvermaccabi.org or call
Bagel Brunch Club – Formerly Men’s Club
Come and enjoy some great company and yummy food - both men and women are very welcome. Dues
for this monthly event will be $36 per year, to be paid with the September billing (Sep - Aug membership
The Bagel Brunch Club is primarily concerned with eating and talking, but regularly lends a hand in other
shul matters; like setting up and taking down tables and chairs, distributing and retrieving prayer books for
High Holy Days, cooperating with the Sisterhood for joint programs, and did I say, eating and talking?
Historically, we have had about two dozen men (and occasional women) attend the monthly brunches
through out the year. Any single meeting typically involves about 12 to 15 people. Certainly enough for
lively conversation, but with plenty of room for anyone else who would like to join in.
Bagel Brunch Club Buffets
When: At 10:00 a.m. the first Sunday of every month (unless it conflicts with a holiday, at which time it
moves to the next Sunday).
Where: In the café at the shul
What: The menu includes the following –
Nova lox
Einstein’s bagels variety (toasted and untoasted)
Whipped cream cheese (plain and onion-chive)
Kosher dill pickles
Greek olives
Tomatoes, onions, capers
Coffee, juice, pop
Occasional fresh fruit or sweets
The Freight: $36 per person per year. (That’s an average of less than $3 per brunch – what a deal!)
Please bring your check (made out to CBS).
Come and sit in for some good food and conversation.
Please note that at this time there are no monthly Sisterhood meetings and any future events held by
the Sisterhood will be announced as they are determined.
Presents the 2nd Annual Informational, Inspirational, and Inclusive
Jewish Disabilities
Awareness Day
Fun for the Whole Family! Music, Purim Themed Activities for
Kids, Kosher Refreshments, and Featuring Guest Speaker
Shelly Christensen and a Special Performance by PHAMALY:
Shelly Christensen, MA
Author of “Jewish Community Guide to Inclusion of People with Disabilities” and has created inclusion
programs for numerous synagogues, schools, and organizations.
[Physically Handicapped Actors and Musical Artists League], professional live theatre performers
who are physically and/or developmentally challenged.
Fun, Free,
and Open
to the Public
February 21
1-4 pm
Robert E. Loup Jewish Community Center
350 South Dahlia Street, Denver, CO 80246
For more information, visit www.jewishfamilyservice.org
Jewish Disabilities Network Partners:
In Our Community
New Caring Committee Formed
As the hot summer weather approaches and different health conditions affecting some of our members are
occurring, we felt the need to form this committee, and to assist our members. Miss Mimi, Martha Menin and Ceil
Lookner are heading this committee. We can always use more volunteers and new ideas. If interested, contact
one of our committee members. It may only involve calling a few of our members, helping supply a family with a
meal, or just a friendly visit or call. If Miss Mimi is brave enough to cook (far from being a gourmet chef…”I just call
it back to the basics”) for a family, so can you. It’s just a nice thing (a mitzvah) to help a family needing some help.
Anyway, call chairpersons Martha, Miss Mimi or Ceil if interested in this committee.
The Synagogue Council of Greater Denver encourages everyone to “Always Buy Israel”. Some of the merchants
in and around Denver stocking Israeli product and textile items include: Auerbachs, Albertsons, Arash, The Bagel
Store, The European Market, King Soopers, Safeway, Whole Foods, Argonaut Liquor, Grapevine Liquor, Sears, TJ
Max and Cost Plus.
Rental Opportunities Available at CBS
Our building has over 18,000 square feet of flexible meeting space and a large parking lot. With the
exception of CBS services, school & special events, there is a large opportunity to rent space from us.
Perhaps you know of a small business, pre-school, civic organization, scouting troop etc. that is looking
for a regular place to hold their meeting or activities?
Space is available to rent on a one-time, weekly, monthly or annual basis. Please have any interested
parties contact any board member and we will gladly contact the interested persons to discuss their
Rental pricing is very flexible and based on the groups space requirements.
We need you! More than 1,000 volunteers are needed to ensure the success of the 2010 Denver JCC Maccabi Games®.
There are many ways you can assist to help make these Games memorable for the athletes and our community. To learn
more about volunteer opportunities during the Games, please visit www.jccdenvermaccabi.org or call 303-316-6318.
How to Donate
Beth Shalom accepts donations of vehicles and other equipment. It doesn’t even have to run! Let us know and we
will have it picked up. Proceeds go to Beth Shalom.
Beth Shalom continues its participation in a program sponsored by the Rose Community Foundation called “Live
On” in which members of Jewish organizations are being encouraged to support the future economic health of
their organizations through bequest giving. Several of our member families have pledged to include CBS in their
bequests. From generation to generation, these gifts will help insure CBS’ existence in years to come. Thank you
to those that have given. If you desire more information, please call Phil Klass.
Your charitable donation to Congregation Beth Shalom will be acknowledged in the next issue of CBS news.
Your contributions are tax deductible and help us preserve and expand our programs, school and synagogue.
Please send donations to Congregation Beth Shalom, PO Box 3107, Littleton, CO 80161
As always, donations to CBS are fully tax deductible and are greatly appreciated.
Siddur Sim Shalom ($25)
Herz Chumash ($30)
General Fund
Sandy Gudowitz Memorial Education/Library Fund
Building Fund
Rabbi’s Fund
Please accept my donation in the amount of $________. Personalized to say:
As always, donations to CBS are fully tax deductible, and are greatly appreciated. Thanks to everyone who
has donated!
How You Can Help
King Soopers Certificates NOW RELOADABLE
Would you consider doing something important to benefit the synagogue if it did not
cost you any money, effort or time?
Do you eat? Do you know someone who does?
Do you drive a car? Do you know someone who does?
For several years Congregation Beth Shalom has participated in the King Soopers gift card program where the
synagogue has received 5% of all sales without costing our members anything. In spite of our best efforts,
including a dollar for dollar match from an anonymous donor, our success has been limited.
There were always two reasons that people cited for not participating in the program. The first is they don’t shop at
King Soopers, and the second is they prefer to use their credit cards to buy groceries where they can then get
rewards like airline miles, rebates, and points.
PROBLEM SOLVED! Beginning immediately when you purchase any denomination King Soopers gift card
from the synagogue you may reload that card at any time for any amount up to $500.00 at a time USING
These gift cards carry a sticker identifying them as a fundraiser for Congregation Beth Shalom, and your reloads
automatically benefit the synagogue. When you have used up a card DO NOT throw it away. Simply reload it for
any amount at the service desk or the checkout stand (before buying your groceries) using cash, check or CREDIT
PROBLEM SOLVED! You may use your gift cards at King Soopers gas stations. Their gas prices are
always competitive, but when you accumulate a monthly total of $100 on groceries (using your store
loyalty card) you get an EXTRA $0.10 PER GALLON OFF. (A new Kings gas station is on the northeast
corner of County Line and Holly.)
Every time you buy groceries at King Soopers your checkout tape will show both the total of your monthly
purchases (for gasoline discounts) and the amount remaining on your gift card. Monthly gasoline discount
balances last through the following month.
The stars are now aligned. You can save money on gas, buy your groceries (and gas) with your gift card, receive
all of your credit card rewards and the synagogue will get 5% -WITHOUT COSTING YOU ANYTHING.
Please see Pat Winer to buy your King Soopers gift cards.
Thank you! You have just purchased a new re-loadable King Soopers gift card that benefits Congregation Beth
Shalom now, and every time you reload it. (See the special orange “Fundraiser” sticker on the corner of the card!)
The big new advantage to this card however, is that you may reload it using your charge card. This way you not
only help the synagogue, but continue to get full credit for any airline miles, rebates or points offered by your charge
card company.
Other Temple News
Congregation Beth Shalom Youth Fund
The CBS Youth Fund has been established to provide letters of greeting from the Rabbi along with small gifts
for our young adults away at college. The mission is to support our children by keeping them connected to
their Jewish roots and our synagogue.
Initially, the fund will provide for our college-age children. Depending on the funds we hope to eventually
receive, we hope to include gifts for membership to Jewish organizations and education in the Denver area and
perhaps money to those planning trips to Israel. Of course, donations are more than welcome even if you do not
have a student!
Currently, if you have a student at college and would like to participate, please complete the form below (e-mail
it to the addresses given) and mail in your check for $36 or more as a donation. The first mailing will be a
High Holiday gift, calendar and greetings from the Rabbi letter in early September.
Also, please let the rabbi know if your post high school (18-25) young adults are in town to receive a service honor.
College Addresses
If you wish to have your college age child to be part of the program, please complete the form
below. Please forward the completed form with your child's information to Rhonda Kaye
at jridaa@comcast.net or to Irene Reeves at cireeves@comcast.net and send your check of
$36, double-chai, (or more) designated to “CBS Youth Fund” to Irene Reeves, 10338 E.
Aberdeen Ave., Englewood, 80111.
Student Name ________________________________________
Year of Graduation ______________
Name of School ________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________
City, State, Zip _________________________________________
Student E-mail ________________________________________
Happenings Around Town
JFS at Home Provides Compassionate Home Care
JFS at Home, a new division of Jewish Family Service, provides compassionate support and comprehensive
services to help seniors and those with chronic illnesses live safe, healthy, independent lives in their own
homes. Independence, however, doesn’t mean having to do it all alone. Whether you need a little or a lot, JFS at
Home can help you or your loved one. Please call Carla Weeks, JFS at Home director, at (303) 750-4000 for
more information and a free in-home assessment.
Clean Out Your Closets to Help JFS
Please donate your usable clothing and household items to JFS’s Healing Minds program and turn your stuff
into funds that help JFS heal the minds of children and adults dealing with emotional issues. Help the JFS
Counseling Center serve the uninsured and underinsured, and receive a receipt for your tax-deductible
Clothing donation bins are now available in the JFS parking lot, 3201 South Tamarac Drive, for your
convenience. Please bag your donated clothing in advance and simply drive up to drop off your donations! For
more information, please call (303) 232-GIVE (303-232-4483).
Classified Advertising
Classified Advertising
Mention Congregation Beth Shalom and receive 10% off of your order.
Tell them that you saw it in the CBS Newsletter.
Classified Advertising
WANTED: U.S. Coins
If you or someone you know has a collection or estate of U.S. coins to sell, please call Bruce
Goldstein. I will give you a valuation and a fair offer. Thank you! (720) 641-5231
Great Car Deals!
Congregation Beth Shalom member Mickey Rovner is now an Independent Auto Broker and is
associated with Centennial Leasing and Sales. Mickey can assist you in the lease or purchase
of any make or model of vehicle whether new or used. He guarantees a no hassle, pressure free
experience and vows never to lose a sale due to price. Call him at 303-250-2124 for any auto or
truck needs, new or used. He will donate $100 to the shul for any vehicle sold to a Congregation
member or referral. Just remember to say you heard about him thru the CBS newsletter or from a
synagogue member.