NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 CHESHVAN / KISLEV 5775 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 1 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2014 CHESHVAN / KISLEV 5775 3 FROM OUR RABBI 5 FROM OUR CANTOR 6 TWIN CANTORS CONCERT 7 8 - 19 20 22 Relational Judaism 101 Acquire for yourself a friend Behind the Scenes of the CBS Hebrew School Teaching Team Cantors Elisa and Shoshana perform together again… 6 SISTERHOOD / MEN’S CLUB Exciting programs ahead waiting for you to explore! IN OUR CONGREGATION Birthdays, Anniversaries, B’nai Mitzvah, Legacy Society, Second Friday Shabbat and more! 20 10 IN OUR COMMUNITY Live From Israel… JAZZPHEST! TIKKUN OLAM SURVEY Tell Us What Inspires You. 23 - 24 CALENDAR 25 - 28 ADVERTISERS Take a look at what’s coming up at CBS and in our community! WATCH YOUR MAIL In a few weeks you will receive information on CBS Membership Dues for 2015. We hope you’ll like our new, streamlined dues process, payment options, and ways to save. As always, please call the office at 302.654.4462 if you have any questions. 2 | KOL SHALOM 8 16 FROM OUR RABBI RELATIONAL JUDAISM 101 קנה לך חבק Ralph Downard PRESIDENT Marla Cooper PRESIDENT-ELECT Edward Sobel VP ADMINISTRATION Karolin Lipman VP MEMBERSHIP Cindi Viviano VP PR, MARKETING, AND PROGRAMMING Peter Hazen TREASURER Barney Kantar SECRETARY Anita Sobel MEMBER-AT-LARGE Diane Wolf PAST PRESIDENT BOARD OF DIRECTORS Brian Appelbaum Steve Bernhardt Seth Bloom Carol Einhorn David Fruchtman Jodie Pezzner Mara Raskin Frances Ratner David Rosengarten Linda Sigman Anita Sobel Melissa Stanley Hayim Weiss ——————————1801 Baynard Boulevard Wilmington, DE 19802 302.654.4462 Acquire for yourself a friend --Pirkei Avot 1:6 When I was a visiting overseas student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, nothing was more fun than attending Shabbat services at the neighborhood Masorti synagogue up at French Hill. I wasn’t in rabbinical school at the time, in fact, I was just newly observant, still trying to find my way around the all-Hebrew siddur. It wasn’t the service itself that was fun. Rather, it was going to the services with friends. It was the walk to and from services which was engaging. And it was the potluck or veggie lunches where we would assemble in the commons area of Resnick dormitory. This was followed by afternoons of Scrabble, followed by mincha/maariv, and then catching the first post-havdalah bus down to the midrehov in downtown Jerusalem, to catch a movie –all this is what made Shabbat fun. It’s not that the services weren’t wonderful, but rather, it was the time spent with friends which made the entire experience so engaging. And I think the same could be true for our services and programs here at Congregation Beth Shalom during the months of November and December. There’s certainly enough to do to keep you busy in the next two months: CBS Book Club Jewish Women in Postwar America by Hasia Diner Sunday, November 2, 10:00am Veterans’ Day Shabbat “Among the Few and the Proud” Friday, November 14, 8pmSecond Friday Shabbat Rosh Hodesh Sisterhood Group Thursday, November 20, 6:30pm Annual Neighborhood Interfaith Thanksgiving Musical Celebration Hanover Presbyterian Church Tuesday, November 25, 5:30pm Potluck / 7:00pm Service A History of their Own: Jewish Women in America w/Professor Hasia Diner Rabbi Jacob Kraft Education Foundation Speaker Sunday, December 7, 12 Noon “Yes Virginia! There is a Santa Claus” – Chanukah myths and misas Friday, December 12, 8pm Second Friday Shabbat Man in the Sharkskin Suit by Lucette Lagnado CBS Book Club Sunday, December 14, 2014, 10:00am Brews with Jews w/Men’s Club Thursday, December 18, 7:30pm CHANUKAH: Tuesday evening, December 16 to Wednesday, December 24 That’s, takkah, a lot of programming!! Dayenu, it would be sufficient, if you managed to get yourself to all, or even one of the wonderful events planned in the next two months. Following a RELATIONAL JUDAISM model – how much MORE amazing would it be if you considered inviting a new member or fellow congregants to JOIN YOU in attending one of these programs? What would it look like if you not only attended a CBS Book Club event, but following a RELATIONAL JUDAISM model - you also introduced yourself to (Continued on next page) TWIN CANTORS’ CONCERT Sunday, November 16, 3:30pm CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 3 (Continued from previous page) your fellow readers, and maybe even shared a brief story about yourself – after all, who else attends a Book Club event other than a person who loves stories? And, what would it look like if you not only lit your Chanukah Menorah during the eight nights of our Festival of Lights, but—following a RELATIONAL JUDAISM model, set up an extra couple of seats at your holiday table for fellow congregants? After all latkas taste even better when you share them with friends! RELATIONAL JUDAISM takes what we have, great programs, wonderful holiday and Shabbat celebrations, and just moves it to the next level, by engaging others in conversation, story-sharing, a well-placed phone call of invitation, to personalize and humanize the experience – especially to people who might not otherwise engage. The programs, of which we have many, do not become an ends within themselves, but rather, they become a bridge for creating new friendships and strengthening the ones you have already established. In this season of thanksgiving and bringing light into dark places, I invite you to not only attend our Shabbat, holiday and intellectual programs, but I strongly encourage you to invite other congregants, including new members, to COME WITH YOU! ■ The CBS Book Club, open to all members of the CBS community, meets every 4 to 6 weeks to discuss a book. Do you like to read and to learn more about Judaism or Jewish history? Do you like to share your thoughts about a book you've read? Looking for a way to spend some time with friends? Join CBS Book Club on selected Sundays at 10 am, after Morning Minyan. November 2, 2014 A Jewish Feminine Mystique? Jewish Women in Postwar America by Hasia Diner December 14, 2014 The Man in the Sharkskin Suit by Lucette Lagnado For more information, contact Lori Barbanel or visit 4 | KOL SHALOM FROM OUR CANTOR BEHIND THE SCENES OF THE CBS HEBREW SCHOOL TEACHING TEAM It’s hard to believe that we’re already past the High Holy Days and already a couple months into the Hebrew School academic year. We are off to a great start! This month, rather than write about an upcoming holiday or liturgy, I thought I’d share some of what happens behind the scenes within the CBS Hebrew School teaching team. With the hustle and bustle of the busy work week, it can be easy to miss some of the great things that are happening in our Hebrew School. I must begin by saying how proud I am of the CBS Hebrew School staff. Our teachers and ozrim, teachers’ assistants, work tirelessly to give the future leaders of our synagogue a strong and positive Jewish foundation. Although our teachers teach Hebrew School on a part-time basis, many put in many more hours preparing for their students and working in their classrooms outside of school hours. Most of our ozrim are teens who grew up attending the CBS Hebrew School and had such a great experience that they have carved time out of their busy schedules to give back to the next generation of students. Ozrim not only help out in class, but also work one-on-one with students who need extra help, set up snack and projects, and read library books to the children. In addition, our teachers mentor our ozrim allowing them to take on more responsibilities, such as teaching periodic lessons and leading the class in projects. Next time you see one of our Hebrew School teachers or ozrim, I encourage you to thank them for their hard work and dedication. Kol HaKavod, Morim v’Ozrim! It’s very important to me that we set goals for the Hebrew School, for each class, and for each of our students and to build in time to reflect on whether goals have been met. To that end, when I joined the CBS community, I decided to require my teachers to submit lesson plans each week, twice a week if they teach twice a week. While it’s always a good idea for a teacher to have a plan before teaching a class, I have my teachers do this for a couple of specific reasons. Just as we often approach our prayers with kavanah or intention, I believe that we should do the same in education. Specifically, teachers submit lesson plans consisting of three parts: goals, procedures, and assessments. As a result, each teacher is able to enter each lesson with goals in mind: what do I want students to get out of this lesson? What do I want students to know by the end of this lesson? Teachers are able to teach lessons with these goals in mind. And secondly, when the lesson is done, students engage in an assessment. I know what you’re thinking- a test? an exam? in Hebrew School? By assessment, I mean, how do we know students reached the goals of the lesson? To answer your question, we RARELY defer to exams to assess our students; however, we assess our students through written and verbal projects, skits, art projects, and performances. I’m sure many of you have seen me handing out Hershey Kisses during Hebrew School dismissal. If a students tells me at least one thing they learned in class, I give them a Hershey Kiss. I do this for several reasons. First, it gives me a wonderful opportunity to interact with each and every student in the school. It is very important to me to build relationships with each of my students and I pride myself in knowing every student’s name. The second reason I hand out Hershey Kisses is to build in an extra layer of assessment. While all of my teachers build in assessment opportunities in class, it’s important for me to hear from the students themselves to see if their goals have been met. Lastly and simply, I believe that Torah should quite literally be a sweet experience for every child. Aside from writing lesson plans, our teaching team attends four staff development meetings each year. I hold these meetings in order to address important issues that arise or learn about pedagogical techniques that could benefit the teaching staff and raise the caliber of education at CBS. It’s a more formal way for us to regroup and reflect. In addition to holding periodic staff development meetings, I apply for grants each year in order to be able to send teachers to NewCAJE (Coalition for the Advancement of Jewish Education). Each year, educators from day schools, congregational schools, and clergy come together and learn together in order to bring new ideas and latest cutting-edge techniques back to their schools. Thanks to the generosity of the Rabbi Jacob Kraft Education Foundation and the Finger-Gordon Foundation, we are able to send at least one teacher each year. There is so much more I could tell you about our incredible CBS Hebrew School teaching team. I hope this gives you some insight into some of what occurs behind the scenes! ■ CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 5 and respected member of the Jewish clergy community. The Congregation Beth Shalom family and friends are cordially invited to the first twin sister cantorial concert in Delaware, the Sweet Singers of Israel Concert on Sunday afternoon, November 16, 2014, at 3:30pm. We welcome Cantor Shoshana Abrams Kaikov of Congregation Ahavath Sholom, Fort Worth, Texas, as she joins her twin sister, our own Cantor Elisa Abrams Casuto, for a magical musical afternoon, featuring a potpourri of sacred music, Sephardic songs, Israeli and Yiddish melodies, along with contemporary selections! Our CBS Hebrew School Students and Adult Choir will join our “Sweet Singers” for a joyous and memorable event. Cantor Shoshana Abrams Kaikov and her sister Elisa, born and raised in Los Angeles California, were active in synagogue life, music and ritual at early ages. Shoshanna holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from the University of California, Santa Barbara, a Master of Arts in Sacred Music and a Master of Arts in Jewish Education from The Jewish Theological Seminary of America (JTS). She has had previous 6 | KOL SHALOM experience as a student cantor at congregations in Ohio and in New Jersey while also gaining teaching experience in New York. Cantor Abrams Kaikov has lived in California and New York, and is a world-wide traveler. In addition to her cantorial responsibilities, Cantor Abrams Kaikov is the Education Director of Congregation Ahavath Sholom’s Religious School. Cantor Elisa describes this concert as “A musical program geared for people of all ages and backgrounds. We will take you on a musical journey back to our roots, making stops in Spain, Eastern Europe, Israel and the United States. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn about the diverse music of the Jewish People.” Cantor Elisa, as our CBS family calls her, studied music at the University of California, taught religious school, travelled to Israel with TaglitBirthright and studied abroad in The 3:30pm concert will conclude with a reception and friends and family are cordially invited to this special afternoon. Marv Cytron Thank you for your generous support for this concert: Siena, Italy. A graduate of the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at JTS, she studied in Jerusalem her first year of cantorial school. She added a second master’s degree in Jewish Education at JTS and served at a number of religious schools, related institutions and synagogues, including Park Avenue Synagogue, in the Metropolitan New York area. As Cantor and Education Director at Congregation Beth Shalom since 2012, she is recognized as a valuable Fairfax Liquors Jewish Family Service of Delaware Rabbi Jacob Kraft Education Foundation CBS Men's Club CBS Sisterhood Suzanne and Peter Burcat Sue and Marvin Cytron Frances and Steven Klein Celina and Ronald Riebman Jerry Simonowits Anita and Edward Sobel WELCOME TO SISTERHOOD’S NEW YEAR We would like to introduce you to the new CBS Sisterhood board: Co-Presidents Jodie Pezzner and Elaine Schmerling; VP of Programming Lisa Kletter; VP of Communications Meredith Weiss; VP of Membership Beth Ledger; Religious Life Coordinator Jessica Imber; Treasurer Judy Zucker; Secretary Linda Saccamondo; and Member-at-Large Frances Ratner. CBS Sisterhood ’14-15 is off to a great start, and we have renewed energy from new CBS and Board Members. We began the New Year with our first CBS Honey Cake Sale, thanks to Beth Ledger, to rave reviews. We fed over 60 people for a delicious home-cooked Break-the-Fast Dinner, and by the time the Kol Shalom is published, will have kicked-off at our Annual Membership Brunch with CBS’s own comedienne Shari Short! Rosh Chodesh group will be meeting and making challahs for New Member Shabbat. We are stepping up our support of CBS activities and sponsored the High Holy Days Flowers, and we are sponsoring or co-sponsoring several events including the Twin Cantors Concert, Family Promise, and Kiddush luncheons; and we are working with the Kraft Foundation and several others to support many programs! Look for Sisterhood Shabbat and Mishloach Manot and hamentashen-making in 2015; and new programming including a Purim Ball! Stay tuned for information on all our upcoming programs! We would like to thank several people for all they have done. Suzanne Burcat, past president, kept the Sisterhood going for several years and always has good, calm advice. Falana Walls was invaluable in supporting Sisterhood (and the Kitchen Klub and so much more at CBS.) Donna Harlev did fabulous work as our past VP of Communications, printed our stationery and so much more! Thank you all for everything. Todah Rabah to the Kitchen Klub, especially Janet Bailis, who cooks so much for our Sisterhood and many CBS events. Finally, thanks to Susan Ebner, Jean Spinner, Karolin Lipman, Jodie Pezzner, Beth Ledger, Esther Schmerling and Meredith Weiss who helped cook for Break-the-Fast. Join in the fun of being a sisterhood member. It’s a great way to meet your fellow congregants, and your dues help support CBS events and tzedakah projects. Just visit our website, sisterhood, for membership and event information. Sincerely, Elaine Schmerling and Jodie Pezzner Co-Presidents UPCOMING EVENTS FOR YOU TO ATTEND Men's Club Pancake Breakfast and Presentation Sunday, November 9th, 10:00am CBS Social Hall. Schmooze with old friends, and new ones you haven't met yet! Enjoy a complimentary pancake breakfast. Mimosas will be served. Guest speaker will be renowned sex therapist and author, Dr. Debra Laino. Anyone may attend. Admission is FREE for Men's Club members. $10 for non-members. Visit our website, to order non-member tickets. Brews with Jews Thursday, November 20th, 8:00pm Stoney's on 202 Join the guys of the Men's Club at Stoney's, for some cold beers, munchies and some laughs. What better way to enjoy a fall evening. Bring your friends and join in the fun. Men's Club membership or Jewish affiliation not required. For more information on these or upcoming events, contact David Fruchtman, Men’s Club President, CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 7 8 | KOL SHALOM 15 FAMILIES JOIN CBS SINCE JANUARY! Evan Brodsky Adam and Kim Ginsberg and Family Gregg and Jennifer Goldstein and Family Robert Bycer and Margo Gottesman-Bycer Lenny Kahn Beth and Jeff Ledger Arlene Ledger Rhona Perkins Liz and Zach Platsis and Family Marie Rosenberg Laura Rubin Jason Stiebel and Family Alan Tocker and Family Avrim and Vicki Topel Anna and Joey Zahn SCOTT LEWIS LEHRFELD Scott Lewis Lehrfeld became a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 25, 2014. Scott is the son of Lawrence and Wendy Lehrfeld, and the brother of Jonathan and Alan. The proud grandparents are Eve (z’’l) and Elliot Lehrfeld of Oceanside, New York and Davida and Howard (z’’l) Levitt of Wilmington, Delaware. Scott is a seventh grader at Garnet Valley Middle School. He is an honor roll student and is in the Academically Talented Program. He is continuing his Jewish education through the Confirmation Program at Congregation Beth Shalom Hebrew School. In addition, Scott is an ozer, teaching aide, at the CBS Hebrew School. Scott's passion is baseball. He plays for the Brandywine Youth Club and has competed with the Siegel JCC in the Mid-Atlantic Jr. Maccabi Games. He has earned his brown belt in Isshinryu Karate. Scott also enjoys acting, performing in his school productions of 101 Dalmatians and Under the Big Top, as well as numerous shows at the Darlington Arts Center and the Siegel JCC Summer Camp. In lieu of flowers on the Bimah, Scott helped make “Mitzvah Baskets” filled with baseball equipment. He made large collection boxes, to gather new and gently used items that will be donated to needy kids all over the world, through "Pitch In for Baseball," a non-profit organization. The Congregation is cordially invited to attend our New Member Shabbat Dinner and Services on Friday, November 21, beginning at 5:30pm. Dinner will be a traditional chicken meal with a vegetarian option prepared by the CBS Men’s Club. Dinner is $12 per person, $8 for children 12 and under. There are limited spaces for dinner, so please RSVP as early as possible to guarantee your spot. Following dinner at 6:30pm, we will move into the sanctuary for a spirited New Member Shabbat Service. Desserts will follow the service dutifully prepared by our CBS Sisterhood. We hope to seeing you there! Karolin Lipman VP of Membership SAMANTHA ILANA LIPSON On November 8, 2014, Samantha Ilana Lipson will be called to the Torah at Congregation Beth Shalom as a Bat Mitzvah. Samantha is a seventh grade distinguished honor student at Garnet Valley Middle School. Samantha dances competitively in Kicks Academy of Dance’s Company program. She has also been a teacher’s assistant at Kicks during both the school year and at dance camp. Dance is her passion, but Samantha also enjoys spending time with friends and family, the performing arts, skiing and swimming. Since she was five years old, Samantha has swum on the Siegel JCC Swim Team. For her Mitzvah project, Samantha created and taught a ten-week creative movement dance class to the pre-school class at the Siegel JCC. The class culminated with a parent attended class/recital where the parents were able to see all that their children had learned. Samantha is the daughter of Gary and Constance Lipson, the older sister of Brandon Lipson, and granddaughter of Charlotte Lipson, Albert Bortnick, and the late Jacob Lipson and Marcia Bortnick, of blessed memory. CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 9 VETERANS’ DAY SHABBAT: “WITH THE FEW AND THE PROUD!” NOVEMBER 14, 8:00PM This Shabbat we welcome our guest darshan, Nate Zahn, as he recalls his military experience with the United States Marines .The founding of the Marines goes back to the establishment of the Continental Marines on November 10, 1775. The Marines have a long, valiant and honorable history as part of our country’s armed forces. Jews have served in the marines for many years, most notably in World War II, when 1,500 Jewish Marines were part of the 70,000 men of the 5th Marine Division that went ashore on Iwo Jima on February 19, 1945. More than 6,821 men gave “the last full measure of devotion” during that five-week battle. The Military Cemetery on Iwo Jima was dedicated shortly after the battle, and among the chaplains in that ceremony was Lt. (Rabbi) Roland B Gittleson, the 5th Marine Division Jewish Chaplain, whose invocation went across the U.S wire services and newspapers that day: “Here lie men who loved America because their ancestors’ generations ago helped in her founding, and other men who loved her with equal passion because they themselves or their own fathers escaped from oppression to her blessed shores. Here lie officers and men, Negroes and whites, rich men and poor . . . together. Here are Protestants, Catholics and Jews together. Here no man prefers another because of his faith or despises him because of his color. Here there are no quotas of how many from each group are admitted or allowed. Among these men, there is no discrimination. No prejudices. No hatred. Theirs is the highest and purest democracy. Coming in December SECOND FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 8:00PM “YES VIRGINIA! THERE IS A SANTA CLAUS” AN INTRODUCTION TO CHANUKAH! In 1897, Dr. Philip O'Hanlon, residing on Manhattan's Upper West Side, was asked by his then eight-year-old daughter, Virginia O'Hanlon (1889–1971), whether Santa Claus really existed. O'Hanlon suggested she write to The Sun, a prominent New York City newspaper at the time, assuring her that "if you see it in The Sun, it's so." He unwittingly gave one of the paper's editors, Francis Pharcellus Church, an opportunity to rise above the simple question and address the philosophical issues behind it. The reply continues to be published today in many newspapers during the holiday season, concluding with: 10 | KOL SHALOM We here solemnly swear: this shall not be in vain. Out of this, and from the suffering and sorrow of those who mourn this, will come—we promise—the birth of a new freedom for all humanity everywhere.” After the end of WWII, and throughout peace time and times of conflict, Jewish men and women continue to serve our country in our armed Forces. Join us as Nate shares his Marine Corps experience, his Paris Island training, a story unto itself, and particularly the hospitality of the Jewish community at the nearby bases where he was stationed. This evening we will honor those that served, and remember those that gave “the last full measure of devotion.” Marv Cytron (Photo courtesy of Nathan Zahn, USMC) CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES NOVEMBER 2014 - DECEMBER 2014 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28 4:35pm 4:28pm 4:23pm 4:20pm 12/5 12/12 12/19 12/26 4:19pm 4:19pm 4:22pm 4:26pm DON’T FORGET CHANUKAH! DECEMBER 16 - 24! “No Santa Claus! Thank God! He lives… and will continue to make glad the hearts of children.” We are all familiar with the story of Chanukah, the Maccabean revolt, and the restoration of the Temple in Jerusalem. Most notably, the small flask of holy oil for the menorah, only enough to last for one day, miraculously lasted for eight days. The oil story was introduced into Hebrew literature several hundred years after the Maccabean revolt!! So is this story true, or just a bubbemisa, an old wives tale? Join us on the Second Friday of December, as Rabbi Beals explores this question, as well as the story of a contemporary rabbi of a famous synagogue, who in his Pesach drash proposed that the Exodus did not take place! Quite an uproar! Is this rabbi still around? Come to services at 8:00pm on December 12 and find out. KRAFT LECTURE SERIES: “A HISTORY OF THEIR OWN” JEWISH WOMEN IN AMERICA The Rabbi Jacob Kraft Educational Foundation and the Sisterhood of Congregation Beth Shalom welcome you to bagels, a nosh and lecture with Professor Hasia Diner of New York University on Sunday, December 7, 12:00pm. Dr. Diner will chat with us about historical Jewish women in America from such well-known names as Rebecca Gratz, Henrietta Szold to Ruth Bader Ginsburg and to lesser known personalities like Nobel Prize Laureate, Rosland Yalow. Dr. Diner is Professor of Hebrew and Judaic Studies and History; Paul S. and Sylvia Steinberg Professor of American Jewish History; Director, Goldstein-Goren Center for American Jewish History; and Director of Undergraduate Studies of New York University. Hasia Diner's work has been located at the intersection of American and Jewish history. In a series of projects since her first book which explored the ways in which American Jews engaged with the issues surrounding the condition of black Americans in the early twentieth century through her most recently published book which examined the ways in which Jews in post-World War II America went about the process of creating a public culture which memorialized the Holocaust. She has been interested in the mutual impact of America and the Jews. Her writings include: The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000 Hungering For America: Italian, Irish, and Jewish Foodways in the Age of Migration. The Lower East Side Memories: The Jewish Place in America Her Works Praise Her: A History of Jewish Women in America A Jewish Feminine Mystique? Jewish Women in Postwar America There is no charge for the noon luncheon, but reservations are requested, please e-mail Ed Sobel, docsobel@ or phone 302.475.2440 or Marv Cytron 302.764.6250 by Monday, November 24 And yes! Gentlemen are most welcome, as well as friends and family. Marv Cytron (Photo courtesy of Hasia Diner) A NEW SHABBAT SERIES TO ANSWER THE “I HAVE ALWAYS WONDERED” QUESTIONS Over the years congregants often ask me questions about Jewish customs, traditions, and practices that they may observe, but not sure why, or how they came about, questions such as: Why does one light at least two candles on Shabbat? Matzo boxes have “challah is taken” or “The laws of challah have been fulfilled” printed on the wrapper. What does that mean? Are we, The Jewish People, a race or a religion? I understand, and know, who are Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel and Leah when I bless my daughter on Shabbat, but what’s the deal with Ephraim and Manasseh for my son’s blessing? Shouldn’t it be perhaps Isaac, Joseph, Moses, Aaron? So…beginning in the new year, January 2015, we will explore these and other questions and issues of Jewish life on the Fourth Friday. I look forward to exploring and discussions on these and many more questions and issues with you. Why does the bride circle the groom seven times or at some wedding weddings today, the couple circle each other seven times? 6:00pm Welcome and Greetings 6:30pm Service! What books would you suggest for my home Judaica Library? Rabbi Michael Beals CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 11 November 1 Steven Edell Roy Finkelman Constance Lipson November 3 Samuel Caplan Susan Ebner Jack McDermott November 4 Bill Adelman Megan Stiner Alaina Walter Corinne Wiley November 5 Steven Weiler November 6 Caryl Marcus Stape November 7 Donna Miller November 8 Robert Cohen Ruth Ann Ger Stanley Ross Michael Sigman Nathan Zahn November 9 Anne Glass November 10 Herman Stein Gerald Turnauer Seth Walter November 11 Cindy Imber Claire Kantar November 12 Nigel Caplan Rebecca Harrison Bret Morris Rachel Rodriguez November 13 Daniel Berkowitz Ethan Cooper November 14 Jacob Adelman Susan Spitzer November 15 Leslie Dukart Norman Ertel Alex Felzer Linda Saccomando November 16 Pam-Sue Schwartz Edward Sobel November 17 Bernice Tomases November 18 Peri Berman Ethel Gorenstein David Kerner Alan Levin November 19 Rebecca Beck Beverly Cloud Jason Kutz November 20 Melissa Stanley November 21 Howard Barth November 23 Brent Saliman November 24 Donna Harlev Lecia McDermott Sophie Winaker November 25 Suzanne Adelman Gary Gold Hali Muldoon Kelsey Muldoon Celina Riebman November 26 Samantha Lipson Jack Markell Ruth Siegel November 27 Kim Ginsberg Berta Kerr Jill Liebling November 28 Brian Appelbaum Alan Horowitz November 29 Lori Barbanel Momilani Budner Rachel Davidson Ralph Downard, Jr. November 30 Barbara Felzer Jamie Rosengarten December 1 Gregg Fink Leonard Markovitz December 2 Rachel Rice Jake Rosengarten December 3 David Levinson Stacy Wintjen December 4 Paz Becker Ann Breslow Philip Fuhrman December 5 Suzanne Burcat December 7 Jodi Frank Jonathan Lehrfeld December 8 Doris Miller December 9 Stanley Budner Robert L. Cohen December 10 Elliot Mitchell Karen Morris December 11 Linda Drowos Paula Epstein Madeleine Fruchtman Ari Gillman December 12 Jeffrey Drowos Joel Lipschultz Gregg Millman December 13 Kara Haines Bess Lobel December 14 Robert Chadwick Jeffrey Dombchik Ellen Meyer Tom Tolin December 15 Rhoda Dombchik David Wiley December 16 Robert Bycer Ruth Greenberg Cheryl Mitchell December 17 Barbara Swinger December 18 Louis Epstein Sarah Giffin Meredith Haines Rebecca Lustig Irving Morris Jordon Rosen Esther Schmerling December 19 Lewis Bennett Kayla Saliman December 20 Jennifer Fariello Liz Platsis Tess Wolf December 22 Meredith Cloud December 23 Philip Epstein Lexi Goldberg Stacy Weaver December 24 Eva Weissman December 26 Shelly Mand Carla Markell Harry Themal Theodore Zutz December 27 Ellisha Caplan Steven Ebner December 28 Carol Derman Jared Goldberg Lawrence Ornston December 29 Jordi Butt Jill Downard Gordon Manin Rebecca Wiley December 31 Rachel Clark Ellen Levin WE WANT TO CELEBRATE YOUR BIRTHDAY WITH YOU! BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 6:30PM (NOVEMBER) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 6:30PM (DECEMBER) Welcome Shabbat and honor fellow congregants during our Friday Evening Shabbat Services. MAZEL TOV TO ALL OUR CELEBRANTS! 12 | KOL SHALOM November 1 Katie & Michael Glazier November 25 Linda & Michael Saccomando December 22 Barbara & Leslie Dukart November 2 Ann & Michael Dukart November 26 Shara & Ken Bubes Danna & Roger Levy December 24 Hinda & Jack Fink Harriet & Jay Harowitz December 1 Sarah Truitt & Steven Weiler December 26 Jodi & Martin Frank Vivian & Elias Mamberg November 8 Jennifer & Gregg Fink November 9 Amie Baker & Robert Hronsky November 11 Karen & Michael Ballard November 12 Jennifer & Gregg Goldstein November 13 Ali Mendelson & Jeremy Winaker November 19 Rhea & Stanley Levy November 20 Osnat & Ofer David Vicki & Avrim Topel December 4 Cindy & Paul Imber December 11 Ruth Ann & Errol Ger Marlene & Gary Gold December 16 Judith Dolinger & Edward Squire December 27 Lynne & Terry Sklar Caryl Marcus & Jeffrey Stape December 31 Suzanne & Bill Adelman Seham & Stephan Lewis December 17 Shirley & Barry Klassman Susan & Gregg Millman Sandye & Gerald Turnauer December 19 Marlene & Lawrence Ornston WE WANT TO HONOR YOU WITH A BLESSING! ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 6:30PM (NOVEMBER) FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 6:30PM (DECEMBER) Welcome Shabbat and honor fellow congregants during our Friday Evening Shabbat Services. MAZEL TOV TO ALL OUR CELEBRANTS! CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 13 8 Heshvan (11/1/2014) Arthur Citron Howard G. Cohen Pauline Kaltman Rose Kelrick Louis Leibowitz Henrietta Levenson Bessie Litwin Phyllis Wilkins 9 Heshvan (11/2/2014) Lena Blatman Aaron Imber Don Schechtman Lillian Schneider 10 Heshvan (11/3/2014) Ellen Downard Judy Greibach Nathan Spivack Mildred Weiner 11 Heshvan (11/4/2014) Jordan Covin Helen Lazarus Benjamin Levin Helen Rosowsky Dora Weiner 12 Heshvan (11/5/2014) Jerry Balick Mordko Bendersky Morris Brodsky Aaron Byron Louis J. Finger Guy Havet Estelle Hyman Leonard Leader Herbert Morris Evelyn Porcelli 13 Heshvan (11/6/2014) Marion Delmerico Shirley Freedman Joan Gold John W. Kane William Korr 14 Heshvan (11/7/2014) Joseph Braiger Riva Dektor Charles Moss Hyman Portnoy Fredric Rosen Mary Tocker 15 Heshvan (11/8/2014) Hyman Chudnofsky 16 Heshvan (11/9/2014) Eric Dolinger James Goldstein Rose Rosbrow 17 Heshvan (11/10/2014) Anne Abramov James Arieff Dr. David Bedrick David S. Goldman Shirley Levy George Preston Eva Rothenberg 18 Heshvan (11/11/2014) Charles Brown Betty Kamison 19 Heshvan (11/12/2014) Edith Bucholtz David S. Burcat Van Wie Clyde E. Aaron Glassman Abraham Levinson 20 Heshvan (11/13/2014) Tevye Dektor 21 Heshvan (11/14/2014) Herbert Cohen Jacob Garfen Linda Goldstein Max Hochman Harriet Kaufman Fannie Knopf Dorothy Pollett Jacob Sadowsky Henrietta Schwartz Morris Sommers Louis Tobin 22 Heshvan (11/15/2014) Lillian Balick Jacob Becher Morris Perry Arthur Schuster Marilyn Spiegel Katherine Waterland 23 Heshvan (11/16/2014) Herman Greenbaum Betty Hembree Benjamin Markovitz Harry Ploener Bessie Schagrin Bernice Sobel Lillian Zeid 24 Heshvan (11/17/2014) Abraham Morris Gertrude Rudman Julius Turnauer 25 Heshvan (11/18/2014) Anna Levin Abraham Ploener Mollye C. Sklut 26 Heshvan (11/19/2014) Miriam April Howard Barton Sarah Ashley Burns Gerald Burr Louis Pell Anna Sklut 27 Heshvan (11/20/2014) Harriet Bleier Rose Cutler Tibor Forray Freida Kleinbard Manette Newstat Sara Smeyne 28 Heshvan (11/21/2014) Rose Metzker John Rosbrow James Strauss David Cytron Nathan Edell Max Goldberg Judith Strauss 1 Kislev (11/23/2014) Barnet Belfint Bertha Cutler Sylvia Goldberg Clara Herman Hyman Reiver Ann Rudman 2 Kislev (11/24/2014) Ida Cohen Morris Forman Bessie Lewis Ruth Siegal Arnold Silvers 3 Kislev (11/25/2014) Sabina Kowlowitz Sara Rosbrow 4 Kislev (11/26/2014) Sima Aserkoff Anna Braunstein Samuel Jacoby Jennie Krichevsky 5 Kislev (11/27/2014) William Kaplan Anna Lehrfeld Alex Pollack Ida Schutzman 6 Kislev (11/28/2014) Herman Dolinger Samuel Drowos Ruth Finger Gordon Irving Kessler Helen Levy Ignatz Roth Bernard Schaffer Morris Seltzer Harry David Zutz 7 Kislev (11/29/2014) Irene Abramowitz Phyllis Baylson Murray Cohen Abram Ettinger Joseph Laiken 8 Kislev (11/30/2014) Morris Davidoff Emanuel Ehrenfeld Helen Feldman Ruth Leskiwec Louis Sherby Bertha Shusterman Harry Stone Harold Wexler 9 Kislev (12/1/2014) Samuel Berlin Lewis Raphaelson 10 Kislev (12/2/2014) Leo Keil Lionel Lipschultz Jerry Singer 11 Kislev (12/3/2014) Robert Ackerman Bernard G. Greenberg Melvin Himber Una Rose Eric Rotholz Esther Schwebel 12 Kislev (12/4/2014) Ida Edell Mark Harris Esther Jacobs Alan Shapiro Morris Zucker 13 Kislev (12/5/2014) Morris Eisenman Rebecca Frank Lena Hirsch Rose Moskowitz 14 Kislev (12/6/2014) Max Bucholtz Helen Weiner CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 14 15 Kislev (12/7/2014) Lillian Bellman Charles Ginns Edith Gorelick Daniel Lewis Alfred Mendelsohn Albert Raivy 20 Kislev (12/12/2014) Dorothy Goldstein 16 Kislev (12/8/2014) Jacob Garber Halina Preston Barbara Weiner 21 Kislev (12/13/2014) Robert Einhorn Doris Himber Pauline Kaufman Jacob Levoe Anna Lewin Jacob Rosenblatt Jack Stutz Celia Weissman 17 Kislev (12/9/2014) Norman W. Grant 22 Kislev (12/14/2014) Fay Shore 18 Kislev (12/10/2014) Rae Fink Harry Freedman Lisa Gross Hyman Kattler Harold Schoenberg 23 Kislev (12/15/2014) Alfred Carlis Fannie Kravitz Bertha Meyer Herbert Sperber Emmy Weil 19 Kislev (12/11/2014) Emma Berkman Seymour Donner Helen Gilbert Bette Heiman Nathan Katz Charles Meyer Mary Weil Bertha Wirosloff 24 Kislev (12/16/2014) Beatrice Cohen Rose Nadell Irving Roth 25 Kislev (12/17/2014) Gertrude Brecher Jacob Lipson Erwin Schmerling Bertha Sommers Tillie Zutz 26 Kislev (12/18/2014) Reba Fried Benjamin Lebowitz Herman Meritz Sadye Packer 27 Kislev (12/19/2014) Ruth Kashdan Isadore Reitzes Henrietta Zutz 28 Kislev (12/20/2014) Sidney Cohen Doris Gold Nina Roffman 29 Kislev (12/21/2014) Anne Z. Freedman Israel Kurfirst Rhoda Peri Jacob Rabinowitz 30 Kislev (12/22/2014) Herman Bertman Louis Dombchik Gloria Friedman Joseph Harad Charles Levy Izaac Mamberg 1 Tevet (12/23/2014) Thelma Bucholtz Fannie Cohen Marvin Epstein Ida C. Goldman Samuel Haberman Moses Levitt Rose Morganstein Jacob Nadler 2 Tevet (12/24/2014) Anita Braunstein Ralph Breslow Louis Isaacs Lillian Kurman Maurice Harry Picon Ruth Schwartz Samuel Shore Leon Stein 3 Tevet (12/25/2014) Searles Aaron Grossman Lily Karchmar Lena Roth Jacob Weiner 4 Tevet (12/26/2014) Joseph Blatman Edith Brash Brian Dombchik Emile Olschwane Beatrice G. Portnoy Ida Preven 6 Tevet (12/28/2014) Pearl Belfer Anna Cheitlin Zelda S. Cohen Tessie Fink Abraham Haber James Kaufman Martin Lubaroff Ann Schwartz 7 Tevet (12/29/2014) Samuel Kowlowitz Frank Laiken Katie Morris Janet Ratner Martin Yalisove 8 Tevet (12/30/2014) Molly Harris Leonard Karel 9 Tevet (12/31/2014) Steven Alexander Harry Binder Louis Entel Ethel Perry 5 Tevet (12/27/2014) Bennet Newmark Herbert Rubenstein Mae Steinberg Bertha Sutton Nettie Weiner To Michael Ballard, on the loss of his father, Forrest Marshall Ballard To Toni Young, on the loss of her husband, Stuart Young. To Craig Sternberg, on the loss of his father, Joseph Sternberg. To David Blumberg, on the loss of his father, Sidney Steiber. To Debbie Berman and Ron Cohen, on the loss of their mother, Shirley Cohen. To Ken Kamm, on the loss of his wife, Cheryl Kamm. To Len Dwares, on the loss of his mother, Jennie Caras Dwares. To Ethan Solomon, on the loss his father, Haim Solomon. CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 15 “Why Legacy? Why Now?” Monday, November 3, 2014 Siegel JCC Auditorium, 7:00pm Hosted by the Jewish Federation of Delaware For more information about this program and/or the benefits of creating your Jewish legacy through planned giving, contact: Andrea Bock Program Manager 302.427.2100 Seth Bloom CBS Legacy Society Chairperson 302.584.1592 To Caryl Marcus Stape, on receiving the Kipnis-Wilson/Friedland Award. (This is the highest recognition to women in the Jewish Federation of North America.) To Gila and Joel Lipman, on becoming grandparents and to Dola Rubin on becoming great-grandmother to Lauren Dorothy Lipman. To Katie and Michael Glazier (Sydney) and to Rachel Davidson and Robert Wolf (Tess) on their daughters Hebrew School Consecration held on Thursday, October 16. To Rabbi Michael Beals on being recognized by Vice President Joe Biden while attending a special dinner honoring the Jewish Community. To Allen Friedland, Warren G. Butt, Evan H. Crain, and Neil G. Hockstein for being recognized by their peers as 2014 Top Docs by Delaware Today Magazine. To David L. Finger for being recognized by his peers as 2014 Top Lawyer by Delaware Today Magazine. 16 | KOL SHALOM Congregation Beth Shalom raises funds to support synagogue activities, programs and projects. To make a donation to any of our existing funds, please email or call our synagogue accountant, Marlene Greenberg, at 302.654.4462. The minimum contribution to send a tribute card is $12. To establish a new fund or learn more about contributory opportunities, please call our synagogue President, Ralph Downard. We appreciate your generosity. AL BERLIN MINYAN FUND Mazel Tov: Leslie & Alan Koralek – On Your 50th Wedding Anniversary Sylvia & Ron Rosenberg Anita & Edward Sobel Barbara & Samuel Swinger In honor of: Danielle Lipman & Ben Wolff’s Marriage Bonnie & Nate Zahn Abe Orgiefsky’s 90th Birthday Meredith, Ron & Ross Orgiefsky In appreciation: Toni Young Speedy Recovery: Claire Kantar Bonnie & Nate Zahn In memory of: Frances “Mutzie” Bellak Barbara & Samuel Swinger Ann Haber Bimby Barbara & Samuel Swinger Bessie Cerota Norman Weiner Bruce Cohen Mrs. Seymour S. Cohen Edward Cohen Mrs. Seymour S. Cohen Philip Dwares Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Dwares Julius Finkelman Pam & Roy Finkelman Anne Garber Sena & Robert Garber & Family Elihu Gottesman Margo Gottesman-Bycer & Robert Bycer Samuel Haber Barbara & Samuel Swinger Clare Hirschfield Barbara Stargatt Frieda Katz Daniel Katz Charles Klein Elva Levine Freda Klein Elva Levine Gertrude Swinger Barbara & Samuel Swinger Isador Swinger Barbara & Samuel Swinger Louis Swinger Barbara & Samuel Swinger Stuart Young Barbara Stargatt BRIAN DOMBCHIK FUND In honor of: Gila & Joel Lipman’s New Granddaughter, Lauren Danna & Roger Levy & Family In memory of: Shirley Cohen Rhoda & Steven Dombchik Brian Dombchik Rhoda & Steven Dombchik Richard Miller Danna & Roger Levy & Famiy Abraham M. Preven Sandy Lubaroff & Family Ann Simon Rhoda & Steven Dombchik Samuel Slomowitz Rhoda & Steven Dombchik Joseph Sternberg Danna & Roger Levy Stuart B. Young Danna & Roger Levy Sandra Lubaroff CANTOR ANDREW SALZER MUSIC ENDOWMENT FUND Mazel Tov: Joyce & Charlie Kaufmann on the Birth of your Grandson, Dovi Edward Celina & Ronald Riebman In memory of: Shirley Cohen Celina & Ron Riebman CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In appreciation: Mildred & Herman Cohen CAPITAL CAMPAIGN In honor of: Miriam & Steven Edell’s New Grandson, Jake Andrea & Richard Levine The Birth of Our Grandson, Matthew Edward Levine Andrea & Richard Levine Gila & Joel Lipman’s New Granddaughter, Lauren Andrea & Richard Levine Ellen & Bob Meyer’s “Triple Mitzvahs” Ginger Weiss Anna Scholl and Joey Zahn’s Marriage Karolin & Mark Lipman Speedy Recovery: Renee Covin Karolin & Mark Lipman In memory of: Miriam Byron Karolin & Mark Lipman Shirley Cohen Karolin & Mark Lipman Susan Hirshman Barbara & Les Dukart Wendy Linder Ann Zion Sybil Sigman The Sigman Family Joseph Sternberg Andrea & Richard Levine David Waxman Lillian W. Balick Stuart Young Karolin & Mark Lipman CONGREGATION FUND In honor of: Elana Caplan’s Engagement to Genna Debbie Grossman Miriam & Steven Edell’s New Grandson, Jake Phyllis & Alan Fink Andrea & Richard Levine’s New Grandson, Matthew Edward Levine Marion & Jack Jacobs Ellen & Robert Meyer’s Triple Mitzvahs Ginger Weiss Susan & Gregg Millman’s New Granddaughter, Leora Bonnie & Nate Zahn Avery Steffen’s Bar Mitzvah Bonnie & Nate Zahn Sarah & Daniel Panock’s Marriage Mildred & Herman Cohen CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 17 Anna Scholl & Joey Zahn’s Marriage Ester & Les Balick Joyce & Charlie Kaufmann Speedy Recovery: Renee Covin Susan Ebner In appreciation of: Phyllis & Norman Aerenson’s Hospitality Ruth Forman & Herb Keller Tina & Henry Heiman’s Hospitality Sheila & Perry Goldlust In appreciation and joy: Congregants of Congregation Beth Shalom Phyliss Katz In memory of: Max Aerenson The Aerenson Family Leon J. Barbanel Aryeh, Danielle & Mark Kuller & Lori Barbanel Miriam Byron Sena & Robert Garber Celina & Ronald Riebman Anita & Edward Sobel Bonnie & Nate Zahn Charlotte Tannen Carter Ruth Siegel Bruce Cohen Merle, Ronald & Valerie Cohen Shirley Cohen Rosalie & Nardy Ableman Jacqueline R. Berger Diane & Philip Berger Barbara & Jewel Broadway Shirley & Bud Cooper Arlene & Robert Davis Andrea & Scott Feinman Joanne & Michael Finnegan Ruth Forman Fran & Bob Freedman Ken Ghaytanchi & Family Marlene & Gary Gold Dr. Edwin A. Goldberg Angela & Gary Greenberg Alene Groll Anita Hershon Ronna & Moses Hochman Joyce & Marvin Jeshiva Cathy & Gerry Kearney Debbie & Bruce Levin & Family The Loeliger Family Sandra & Brooks McCall Marcy & Joel Mirmelstein Mary Ann Munley Harriet Sachs Ruth Siegel Edie Slovin 18 | KOL SHALOM Anita & Ed Sobel Elaine Stein Iris & Jack Vinokur Christine Warheit, Audrey Katz, Ester Balick & Julie Kleiner Barbara Watson Judith & Howard Zucker Eric Dolinger Judy Dolinger & Ed Squire Norman Gardner Sheila Gardner Samuel Greengold Florence Budovitch Shyer Harowitz Harriet & Jay Harowitz Philip Holob Adeline, Gary, Marissa & Alyson Holob Cynthia Imber The Imber Family Marcella Kanofsky Shelley & Barry Kanofsky Ida Kimel Faith & Paul Silver Charles Klein Naomi R. Klein Alfred Koerner Adeline, Gary, Marissa & Alyson Holob Nadja Kuller Lori Barbanel & Mark Kuller Evelyn Cutler Laiken Nancy Laiken Swartz & Dr. Stephen Laiken Harry Levin Ellen & Alan Levin & Family Abraham M. Preven Sheila Gardner Lillie Rappaport The Rappapport & Fieldman Families Edna Fisher Riebman Celina & Ronald Riebman Harriet & Marvin Sachs Judith Schwartz Phyliss Katz Pauline Siegell Stuart Siegell Joseph Steiger Suzanne & Stuart Grant Joseph Sternberg Suzanne & Stuart Grant Robin & Bruce Saran Steven Turnauer Sandye & Jerry Turnauer Elsie Eisner Wachtel The Rappaport and Fieldman Families Miriam Westrich Betty & Barry Diznoff Stuart B. Young Elaine Schmerling & Warren Butt Eileen Cohen & Family Suzanne & Stuart Grant Debbie Grossman Frances & Steven Klein Barbara & Richard Longwill & Family Dr. Ruth Morelli Celina & Ronald Riebman Robin & Bruce Saran & Family Dicey Sklut Elaine & Bernie Snyder Ginger Weiss Sylvia Ziering Lin & Lance Ziering & Family FINGER GORDON FUND In memory of: Abraham Gordon His Children & Grandchildren Nathan Kraushar Dorothy Finger GLADYS ARIFF KITCHEN KLUB FUND In memory of: Shirley Cohen Janet & Abe Bailis Harvey Jacobs Ina Jacobs HARRIET KAUFMAN FUND In memory of: Michael Flanigan Lynda & Larry Kaufman HEBREW SCHOOL FUND In memory of: Raymond Bachrach Rhona Bergman Perkins Shirley Cohen Barbara & Stuart Felzer & Family Marissa Fishman Barbara & Richard Longwill HIGH HOLY DAYS HONORS In appreciation: Esther Balick Lillian Balick Lisa & David Driban The Harlev Family Tina & Henry Heiman Ronna & Moses Hochman KRAFT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION In memory of: Simon Balick Sidney Balick Rebecca Fink Phyllis & Alan Fink Herbert Fisher Josephine Fisher Elaine Gaby Ruth Siegel Paul Kessler Lillian Kessler & Family Stuart B. Young Cheryl & Ken Kamm Lori Barbanel & Mark Kuller Nancy Sherr David Siegel Ruth Siegel RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In appreciation: Mildred & Herman Cohen Marlene & Gary Gold & Family Jo & Al Kessler Hershey Schloss KRAFT ENDOWMENT FUND In memory of: Simon Balick Helen & Bernard Balick In honor of: Rabbi Michael & Elissa Green Beals’ Wedding Anniversary Ellen & Bob Meyer Bonnie & Nate Zahn Dina & Alan Lipschultz’ New Grandchild Linda & Jeff Drowos LIBRARY FUND In memory of: Doris Louick Felicia Tannenbaum & Family Stuart Young Diane Wolf & Lewis Bennett LINDA GOLDSTEIN FUND In memory of: Clara Arieff Hannah Braunstein Harry Atlas Frances Stein & Family Shirley Cohen Hannah Braunstein, Sandra Braunstein & Sam Powell PRAYER BOOK FUND In memory of: Walter Cloud Beverly & Meredith Cloud Harry Levin Carol Levin & Family Shirley Cohen Lillian Balick Linda & Jeff Drowos Linda Seidenstat Meyer Joseph Mand The Mand Family Roberta Marcus Caryl Marcus-Stape, Jeff Stape & Family Edith H. Picon Maris & Michael Laurence & Family Harry Ross Adele & Stan Ross Stuart Young Richard E. Poole In gratitude for: Rabbi Beals’ Safely Coming through the Encounter in Israel Dorothy Finger All My Blessings Bess Lobel CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of: Charlotte Tannen Carter Ethel & Don Parsons Ellen & Gerry Resnick Karen E. Sayers Speedy Recovery: Alan Beals Barbara S. & Robert L. Cohen SCHUTZMAN FUND In memory of: Shirley Cohen Helen & Norman Schutzman Stuart Young Helen & Norman Schutzman In memory of: Esther Blatnick Maris & Michael Laurence & Family Martha Cohen Barbara S. & Robert L. Cohen CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM TRIBUTE FORM Your Name: ___________________________________ Recipient: ______________________________________ Your Address: ___________________________________ __ In honor of __ In appreciation of City/State Zip: ___________________________________ __ Speedy recovery of __ In memory of Your Phone: ___________________________________ __ Marking yahrzeit of Please make a contribution to the following fund: For (Bnai Mitzvah, wedding, etc.): ___________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ A minimum contribution of $12 is required for a tribute card and an acknowledgement in the Kol Shalom. From: Make checks payable to Congregation Beth Shalom and send to: Congregation Beth Shalom 1801 Baynard Boulevard Wilmington, Delaware 19802 ___ Check enclosed ___ Visa ___ Master Card ________________________________________ Please send acknowledgment card to: Name: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/State Zip: ___________________________________ Phone: Number: ___________________ Exp. Date: _____/______ Email: (_________)______________________________ ________________________________________ SAVE A STAMP! GO TO HTTP://WWW.BETHSHALOMWILMINGTON.ORG/DONATE CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 19 ISRAELI JAZZPHEST, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 8:00PM, CONGREGATION BETH EMETH Congregation Beth Emeth in conjunction with the Israeli Consulate of Philadelphia welcomes Congregation Beth Shalom members, friends and family to a special Shabbat service that kicks off JazzPhest 2014. The Israeli JazzPhest is the premier showcase for presenting the eclectic world of Israeli Jazz and world music. This annual event features established and emerging Israeli musicians. This will be a special collaborative Shabbat service of music and concert. The evening service will feature The Seeds of Sun, a leading Israeli-Jazz ensemble. Also performing that evening at CBE, the Mattan Klein Ensemble’s Tribute to the late Naomi Shemer. The Rabbi Jacob Kraft Educational Foundation of Congregation Beth Shalom, along with the Jewish Federation of Delaware and Congregation Beth Emeth are co-sponsoring this first time in Delaware event. Rabbi Michael and Cantor Elisa will lead the 6:30pm service at Congregation Beth Shalom, and the service will conclude in ample time to join Congregation Beth Emeth members for this unique evening. Congregation Beth Emeth is located at 300 W. Lea Blvd. Wilmington, Delaware. For more information about the complete series and schedule of performances - please visit, WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE IT WITHOUT YOU! Thank you to all who helped to make the Open House a success. Thank you for everyone who helped out with gardening just prior to this year’s High Holy Days. Thank you to the entire High Holy Days Committee, Rabbi Michael, Cantor Elisa, Sarah, Marlene, Pat, Tia, William, CBS Board of Directors, CBS Adult Choir, and congregants who helped to make this year’s High Holy Days successful. Thank you to the Sisterhood for sponsoring the High Holy Days Flowers and preparing a delicious Break-the-Fast. Thank you the Men’s Club for serving as High Holy Days Ushers and for assembling and disassembling the CBS Sukkah. Thank you to all who contributed to our Annual Fund Appeal! We raised over $116K! (Details in January’s Kol Shalom) Thank you the CBS Clergy, Sarah Andrus, and William Taylor for leading a successful Simchat Torah Celebration! Thank you the NEW CBS Klezmer Band and Mike Kletter for organizing a truly memorable first event at CBS during Simchat Torah! Thank you to our Chesed Network / Committee for their tireless efforts to respond to congregants-in-need. CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 20 THE “KNEAD” FOR SPEED! ROSH CHODESH GROUP THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 6:30PM The Science & Spirituality of Challah-Making SHAKIN’ THE LULAV Join the Rosh Chodesh Group for a night of scientific and spiritual discovery as we mix, knead, braid, and bake, challah. Learn the science behind bread-making, and the spirituality of the mitzvah of challah. AT THE BEALS’ SUKKAH Our finished loaves will be served at the New Member Shabbat dinner the next evening. RSVP by November 14 to === === === === === === === === === === === === Save The Date! Purim Masquerade Ball Saturday, February 28, 2015! (Pro-Tip: Hit up the post-Halloween clearance sales for your costume or accessories!) CHANUKAH 411 PLACE RIGHT TO LEFT THE QUICK INFO YOU NEED TO KNOW TO GET YOU THROUGH THE EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS THE STORY: Chanukah, spelled many different ways, is a Jewish holiday that tells the story of a miracle that occurred during the re-dedication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem in 165 B.C.E. (Before the Common Era). A lamp with only enough oil to last one day was lit, yet the lamp continued to burn for eight days and nights. This is why the candelabra we use (the menorah) has eight candles - one for each night throughout the holiday and games like dreidel are played while songs like Maoz Tzur are sung. KINDLE LEFT TO RIGHT ON THE CALENDAR: Chanukkah begins this year on Wednesday, December 16 and ends on December 24! When Shabbat falls on Friday, December 19, light the menorah first and then the Shabbat candles. WHAT PRAYERS DO WE SAY: On Chanukkah there are three prayers. The last one is said only on the first night. (for Hebrew version, visit our website) 1) Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam asher kidishanu b'mitz'votav v'tzivanu l'had'lik neir shel Chanukah. (Amen) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe Who has sanctified us with your commandments and commanded us to light the lights of Chanukkah. 2) Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam she'asah nisim la'avoteinu bayamim haheim baziman hazeh. (Amen) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe Who performed miracles for our ancestors in those days at this time. 3) Barukh atah Adonai, Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam shehecheyanu v'kiyimanu v'higi'anu laz'man hazeh. (Amen) Blessed are you, Lord, our God, sovereign of the universe who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season. VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR COMPLETE CHANUKAH COVERAGE… WWW.BETHSHALOMWILMINGTON.ORG/CHANUKAH CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 21 TIKKUN OLAM (REPAIRING THE WORLD) A Congregation Beth Shalom committee has been formed to help focus on Tikkun Olam initiatives in our greater community (external outreach). The goal of the committee is to inspire membership involvement by pursuing causes that reflect the values and priorities of our congregants. Your input is critical to determining the social action initiatives that will be pursued. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey below, to share what is most meaningful to you. When CBS offers opportunities for our members to volunteer, are you likely to volunteer? Y or N If not, why? _____________________________________________________________________ If CBS offers a community project, would you volunteer? Y or N If yes, what motivates you to volunteer? If no, why do you prefer not to volunteer? _____________________________________________________________________________ Which of the following would be areas where you would be willing to give your help? ____ Community Service Project, such as Family Promise (helping the homeless) ____ Interfaith Discussion Group ____ Interfaith Community Projects, such as Food Prep/ Serving for Emanuel Dining Room, Filling Thanksgiving Baskets for The Sunday Breakfast Mission, providing staff relief at St. Francis Hospital on Christmas ____Food/Clothing drives ____Mentoring children in public schools ____Bartending Fundraiser for Emanuel Dining Room Are there any other projects you would like the CBS Tikkun Olam committee to consider _________________________________________________________________ Is there a particular time of day or day of the week that you would prefer to volunteer? ________________________________________________________________________ Are you willing to support a project with your: TIME ____ DONATION ____ BOTH ______ Do you prefer activities where the volunteers are: FAMILIES ________, INDIVIDUALS _______, TEENS ________ Are you completing this form for Yourself: _______ Your family?_________ Any additional comments ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Your Name_______________________________ How might we contact you? Phone ________ Email_________________ Thank You! SEND COPY AND/OR COMMENTS TO: Congregation Beth Shalom, c/o Tikkun Olam Survey, 1801 Baynard Blvd, Wilmington, DE 19802 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 22 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 23 24 | KOL SHALOM CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 25 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 26 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 27 CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM 1801 Baynard Blvd • Wilmington, DE 19802 PHONE: (302) 654.4462 / FAX: (302) 543.7150 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NEXT KOL SHALOM DEADLINE IS DECEMBER 10, 2014 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID Wilmington, DE Permit No. 77 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Kol Shalom is the bimonthly newsletter of Congregation Beth Shalom, an egalitarian-Conservative congregation affiliated with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. To submit articles, photos, and announcements, please e-mail: or mail them to the address noted above. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RABBI Rabbi Michael S. Beals CANTOR / EDUCATION DIRECTOR Cantor Elisa Abrams Casuto EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR (INTERIM) Sarah Baker Andrus PRESIDENT Ralph Downard The CBS Gift Shop Supports Israel with shelves of Israeli-made Judaica and gift items. Yes, they are more expensive, but we are helping out in our small way. Open during Hebrew School Hours and by appointment. CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM | 28
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November 2015 Kol Shalom - Congregation Beth Shalom
Marla Covin Cooper, President
Congregation Beth Shalom