August 2015 - AIL Agent Resource Center
AUGUST 2015 [ L I T T L E T H I N G S B I G R E S U L T S ] 02 THINGS MAKE A LITTLE IT’S THE LITTLE DETAILS THAT ARE VITAL. LITTLE THINGS MAKE BIG THINGS HAPPEN. — JOHN WOODEN I N THE 1980s, NEW YORK CITY WAS experiencing the worst crime epidemic in history. Experts said that fixing this huge problem would require nothing less than finding a solution to social injustice, economic inequalities, unemployment, racism, broken families, substandard education, poor health and drugs. Unwilling to wait the decades it would take to even put a dent in such overwhelming issues, New York managed to figure out a much simpler solution… almost ridiculously simple: what really mattered were little things. Those little things became known as the “broken windows theory” from a 1982 Atlantic Monthly article by two criminologists about urban disorder, vandalism and crime. The theory says that the unwanted behavior was not the result of a certain sort of per- Roger Smith President & Chief Executive Officer AIL & NILICO A monthly publication spotlighting top producers of American Income Life and National Income Life _ MANAGING EDITOR Sam Yarbrough / DIFFERENCE son, but rather, the result of a certain sort of environment. In other words, a disordered environment — one that is not maintained (broken windows, graffiti, excessive litter) — sends the signal that the area is not monitored, and that there is little risk that criminal behavior will be detected. If a neighborhood gives the impression that it is well cared for, people tend to behave as if they are being watched. So, during the 1990s, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani fixed the little things that showed people did not care for their environment. He fixed all broken windows, cleaned all graffiti (this required that every train be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned every single day), and cracked down on petty crimes, especially in the notoriously dangerous subway stations. The results paid off. Within four years, a period during which the poorest neighborhoods were hit by deep welfare cuts amid an exploding population, violent crime dropped by twothirds and felony crimes were cut in half. What in the world do broken windows and graffiti have to do with your career at AILNILICO? I’m glad you asked! The answer is nothing… except that whether we’re talking about revitalizing cities or shifting your career (or your life, for that matter), into a higher gear, it’s always the little things that matter. Author Frank Clark once wrote, “Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things.” What would happen if you made just three extra presentations each week? According to Company averages, it would mean you’d have an extra sale. How would that affect your weekly and monthly income and bonus? Qualifying for Convention? End-of-year standing? I’ve seen as little as $5 determine whether a producer gets to stand onstage or sit it out until the following year. Check out the income projection chart on pages 18-19 to see how little it takes to make a really big difference. What would happen if you raised your retention rate by a percentage point or two? Well, it could mean the difference between earning your maximum WGB bonus versus receiving a decreased amount… or not making bonus at all. We all know the saying, “The business that pays is the business that stays.” What if you made a conscious commitment every day to talk to your server at lunch or the cashier at the convenience store about Opportunity Unlimited? If you read “A Few Words from our Personal Recruits” in the June 2015 issue of Spotlight (page 3), you’d know how grateful those recruits are that someone approached them about AIL-NILICO. Need I mention the incentives for the personal recruiter? What if you made it a point to encourage and offer your help to that new person who looks so overwhelmed? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard — from top producers and even successful SGAs — “I was ‘this close’ to quitting ‘til so-and-so took an interest and helped me turn it around.” All of these little things by themselves or in any combination can add up to big results. Why not give it a try and see for yourself? Rise to your own occasion — expect excellence from yourself and project it to the people around you. WRITER & COPY EDITOR Leah Fry / SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jonathan McGinnis / GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Mikailah Clark / Maggie Hill / CONTRIBUTORS Daniel Acton, Robyn Allen, Becky Brown Paula Clements, Wendy Copeland Karen Curtis, Lana Giebe, Angel Henderson Mary Lampert, Muñeca Moody-Yanez Luke Murphy, Pat Nevarez, Kristin Nichols Christina Pretzman,Tonia Stonum, Andrew Wesolick, Rhonda York _ Spotlight is published monthly by American Income Life Insurance Company for the dissemination of information to its Producers. Prior permission must be obtained from American Income for reproduction or other use of material herein. _ NEWS AUGUST 2015 03 VOL. 48 NO. 8 SGA Career Track New Markets Opening & Expanding! There is a growing need for ambitious leaders. AIL/NILICO is looking for MGAs and GAs wanting to pursue the SGA Career Track. If you are interested, speak to your SGA, then send an email to: Required Retention Rate Effective Jan. 1, 2015, to be eligible for bonuses and be featured in Spotlight, Producers must meet the required Retention or the minimum Net to Gross. Net to Gross varies based on bonus guidelines and is used only during the Producer’s first nine months. The rates listed are for Spotlight recognition only. Retention: Net to Gross: 70.0% 80% Dates to Remember eApp business and paper applications subject to the 7 day hold should be uploaded or sent to Home Office by Wednesday 9/23 before 2:00 p.m. CST. Paper apps excluded from the 7 day hold and PR credits should be sent to Home Office by Monday 9/28. eApp business excluded from the 7 day hold should be uploaded by Wednesday 9/30 before 2:00 p.m. CST to count for September production. $4,450,050 in total bonuses were paid out this month by AIL and NILICO. For more information on the monthly bonuses, turn to Page 30-37. HOME OFFICE 254-761-6400 WEBSITES SOCIAL MEDIA RECRUITING SUPPORT © 2015 by American Income Life Insurance Company FPO GEAR IT UP! pg. 18-19 *Look for the asterisk! The asterisks, shown throughout the magazine, indicate that place will be a year-to-date award winner. The Producers, who will be recognized at the 2016 Awards Presentation are: the top SGA from each category based on YTD First Six Month Objective Percentage plus YTD Net ALP growth percentage, the top two RGAs, the top five MGAs, the top five GAs, the top five SAs, and the top ten Individual Producers, the top two PR Representatives from each category, and the top three PR Managers. View the 2015 Convention Qualifications online at or Check your production! If there is an asterisk by your position, you could be on your way to stay at the wonderful El Conquistador Resort in Puerto Rico! The convention will be held May 22-25, 2016. LOOK FOR ME! 04 NEW SALES DIRECTORS 2015 FRED HADAYIA Fred joined AIL and the Durhon Oldham Agency in 2002, and most recently ran his own successful Agency in Pennsylvania. In addition to having experience in the insurance industry dating back to the 1970s, Fred has been in home sales and direct marketing. “The opportunity to become a sales director presented itself. I am truly excited about having a chance to work with the SGA body and give back to the company that has given so much to my family and me,” he says. Fred and wife Brenda live in Bradenton, FL. ANDREW BATTEN Andy joined AIL in 2011 and has served as a leadership consultant for the Surace-Smith and Simon Arias Agencies. Andy says his passion is digging in to help people find their calling and vision to help their dreams become a reality. He says he is excited about being a sales director and the opportunity to partner with SGAs in his territory because “growth cannot happen by addition, it only happens through multiplication, which is dependent on leadership and training.” Andy and wife Kristen live in “downtown Cleveland — go Browns!” CHRISTINA PINHEIRO Christina has been with AIL since June 1 of this year and says she is proud to be the first woman in the position of Regional Sales Director. She brings with her a strong background in the financial services industry including venture capital, angel investors, hedge funds, recruiting, insurance and financial consulting. Christina views her new position as an opportunity to “really make a difference” by helping people to succeed. Although her heart and her home are in San Francisco, Christina says her surfer girl soul is in Malibu. JULY BONUS PAYOUT: Tuikogau Afuamua$1,000 Kendra Alnes1,000 Jason Ashline1,000 Daniel E Austin1,000 Hannah Bailey1,000 Tonya Bailey1,000 Brandie Bonner1,000 Jason Charron1,000 Andrew Covell1,000 Christian Craig1,000 Christine Cuesta1,000 Matthew Dawson1,000 Shaina Duchesne1,000 Rachel Elfenbein1,000 Clinton Entzel1,000 Katherine Felix1,000 Matthew Freeman1,000 Timothy Hamel1,000 William Hethcoat1,000 Crystal Johnson1,000 Ashley Kelly1,000 Abdel Khawatmi1,000 Kristy King1,000 Brandon Larkin1,000 Bridgett Laster-Brogden1,000 Gloria Mendoza1,000 Richard Millington1,000 Nikki Miner1,000 Lusieni Pasiaka1,000 Jenny Rosales1,000 Nikki Sievers1,000 Thorin Somers1,000 Jeffrey Spanaus1,000 Jagdish Sukhu1,000 Justin Sutton1,000 Shirley Tadiarca1,000 Marc Thebeau1,000 Michael Thompson1,000 Erika Torres1,000 Clint Umbrell1,000 $130,250 James Velas$1,000 Ronald Velestuk1,000 Christopher Walsh1,000 Aaron Yanez1,000 Jordan Albright750 Kyle Alden750 Lucas Allen750 Rebecca Alloway750 Karen Alvarado750 Fabian Aniekwensi750 Alexandra Berberich750 Ashley Bordelon750 Michael Botond750 Dianna Brown750 Colin Bryant750 Elcar Buhay750 Natalie Bunce750 Benjamin Butzlaff750 Graciela Calderon750 Michael Cash750 Michael Ceidro750 Jason Cox750 James DeCommer750 William Doborowicz750 Jesse Doherty750 Evan Donoghue750 Nicholas Forrest750 Jean Francis750 Ronnie Franklin750 Chalena Grisby750 Cameron Gunter750 Lawrence Hadley750 Ana Havea750 Justin Heckel750 Alex Henry750 Peter Iverson750 Raphael Jaras-Dunfey750 Ryan Jones750 Shane Junger750 Arthur Kicknosway750 JULY BONUS QUALIFIERS: 184 Marc Kurzberg$750 Timothy Lade750 Christina LaPlant750 Saul Lopez750 Lindsay Maring750 Darryl McDougal750 Joshua Miller750 Markida Mitchell750 Magaly Morales750 Edmaggie Myrthil750 Fadi Nassar750 Edward Nguyen750 Alicia Nieman750 Eva Poirier750 Kay Pomroy750 Crystal Revilla750 Cynthia Riddle750 Cierra Ringberg750 Patrick Rooney750 Christopher Salerno750 Shana Sanders750 Sherin Sepulveda750 Jamie Sheffield750 Richard Sidoti750 Michael Tagliaboschi750 Julie Trieu750 Phillip Waisman750 Brittney Wheeler750 Tommy Zherebnenko750 Alain Abaya500 John Adams500 Nicholas Ailport500 Marmin Alea500 Stephen Allison500 Nicholas Alvaro500 Janette Bacani500 Natalie Ball500 Robert Bilder500 Matthew Boles500 Kamilah Brock500 Calvin Bruch$500 Kristofor Chappel500 Corey Clayton500 Zachary Clubine500 Jeffrey D Cobb500 Joseph Corwin500 Susan Cousineau500 Paolo Dandrea500 Ryan Dermody500 Brandon Dodds500 Celeste Dongell500 Michelle Eudy500 Emmanuel Fedna500 Kathryn Fell500 Ricardo Flores500 Marcus Fugate500 Sean Gillespie500 Philippe Godin500 Jason Hall500 Steven Halm500 Cole Hatfield500 Sabrina Hawkins500 Seroa Hodge500 Diana Hussman500 Cody Hutchinson500 Veasna Keo500 Jay King500 Octavia Kong500 Bently Laser500 Royce Latham500 Jun Hua Liu500 Woffard Lomax500 Alfonzo McClinton$500 Aubrey McMillan500 Benjamin Meiller500 Carla Millsaps500 Philip Morgenthaler500 William Nesseth500 Steffi Obilisundar500 Jennifer Peralta500 John Perry500 Christopher Petrosino500 Kassandra Power500 Miranda Ramirez500 Lavinia Rangihuna500 Samuel Robertson500 Michael Rogelj500 Jennifer Russell500 Carlene Samecken500 Betty Schweitzer500 Brian Sewell500 Matthew Simon500 Susan Sims500 Bennett Smith500 Michael Smith500 Franklin Snyder500 Ana Tahifote500 Tad Teeters500 Carrie Thomas500 Timothy Vajas500 Matthew Vanderhoof500 Marget Weatherby500 Michael Williamson500 Christine Wood500 Eligibility must occur in the 4th, 5th or 6th month of tenure. Tenure month is determined by agent’s contract date (first application date) with the Company. Hire/code month is Month One and based on date in the system. Contract month counts as a full month of tenure regardless of whether agent codes on the first day of the month or last day of the month. Agent must have minimum of 84% Net-to-Gross in month 4 - 6 *Qualifications and guidelines are on the ARC. 38 YEARS OF SERVICE Malka Arony, PR 29 YEARS OF SERVICE Lawrence Dennis , AGT 20 YEARS OF SERVICE Raymond Lau, AGT 15 YEARS OF SERVICE Wes Elder, MGA Robert Ulreich, AGT 14 YEARS OF SERVICE Gabriela Berloni, PR Darren Miller, RGA 13 YEARS OF SERVICE Joshua Goodman, GA Curt Snow, AGT 12 YEARS OF SERVICE Joaquin Santos, AGT Helen Taylor, AGT 11 YEARS OF SERVICE Scott Hanna, AGT 10 YEARS OF SERVICE John Collins, RGA Gabriel Feldmann, RGA David Goodman, AGT Mickenzie Linse, AGT Nicole Pate, PR Agatha Safford, AGT 9 YEARS OF SERVICE Cindy Cleary, PR Richard Correa, SGA Nikki Crosby, AGT David Romfoe, GA Paul Samra, MGA Michael van Delft, MGA Ryan Vopat, GA 8 YEARS OF SERVICE Cara DeFiore, MGA 7 YEARS OF SERVICE John Bacaron, GA Kevin Davis, SGA Magda Figueiredo, MGA Joy Horcajo, AGT Lisa Kahan, AGT Scott Kim, MGA Yeni Losano, AGT Lafi Papalii, AGT Alex Rozotto, AGT Erez Shabtay, AGT Robert Simmen, AGT Steven Sparkes, AGT 6 YEARS OF SERVICE Shelby Poston, AGT Chad Potts, MGA Sarah Thomson-Dufrechou, PR Robert Tierney, AGT 5 YEARS OF SERVICE Reynolds Akuamoa, MGA Kimberly Alston, AGT Carl Carlberg, MGA Jorge Guerra, GA Cecil Johnson, AGT Trevor Mayer, RGA Phillip Rigoli, AGT George Rosicky, MGA Nicholas Walsh, MGA 4 YEARS OF SERVICE Anthony Batista, SA Tara Crane, MGA Nigel Crowe, SGA Sherie Duvall, AGT Kelly Ekker, MGA Ryan Giddens, MGA Stephen Giddens, GA Jason Green, GA Phyo Phyo, SA Ileana Rosas, MGA Sherry Schick, AGT Michael Shaba, MGA Austin Soboleski, AGT Steve Svendson, MGA Luz Torres, AGT Victoria Wippich, AGT 3 YEARS OF SERVICE Jenny Alvarez, SA Ryan Ballard, SA Jeanine Coxe, AGT Susan daCruz, AGT Troy Elliott, RGA Amanda Hogan, GA Lockert Johnson, AGT Thomas King, RGA Mynor Lemus, AGT Mollie Miller Merrett, PR Gregory Norris, SA Rory Olson, MGA Duni Olusegun, MGA Melissa Quintal, GA Ellen Schultz, AGT Yuridia Stoffa, AGT Scott Swint, MGA Sonia Tyner, GA 2 YEARS OF SERVICE Mark Adelman, AGT Delores Aguilera, SA Kade Beck, MGA Monica Brown, MGA Denis-Michael Catalano, SA Jason Craig, SA Aissa Diehl, AGT Badr Elkousy, AGT Debra Frederick, AGT Danie Frenette, SA Peter Gabranski, MGA Dylan Gardner, GA Jon Golin, SA Inna Grigorov, GA Claude Harriott, MGA Solomone Havea, GA Johnathan Hernandez, AGT Stacy Hollingsworth, MGA Dan Ikei, GA Kaylee Kielczewski, GA Mahadai Kryshundayal, GA Jonathan Lamb, AGT Angela Landry, GA Isabelle Laraque, GA Leonel Lazcano, GA Thomas Longino, MGA Marcus Martin, MGA Meghan Modrak, GA Kareem Mutia, AGT Jimez Parker, SA Lineti Pasikala, SA Phillip Perrin, MGA Delroy Phang, GA Tauava Pitoai, AGT Timetris Roberts, SA Edwin Rosa, GA Kyle Schimizzi, GA Susan Scott, GA Adrian Segalla, MGA Taneshia Solomon, MGA Glen Sprigg, AGT Latia Stanley, GA Adam Stowe, MGA Alfred Uipa, SA Daniel Vilas, RGA Lisa West, PR 1 YEAR OF SERVICE Nicholas Abbass, SA Thomas Agee, AGT Angelique Albert, AGT Thbeni Amin, SA Elizabeth Andrews, AGT Jonathan Black, SA Renada Bogan, AGT Zane Breakiron, AGT Brittany Carroll, AGT Justin Chappell, SA William Chu, SA Hyunchul Chung, GA Charles Davidson, AGT Vanessa Delery, AGT Luke DeWitt, AGT Tanya Dodson, SA Kevin Dotzel, SA Chagai Englender, AGT Ryan Fickert, MGA Yairaniz Figueroa-Ruiz, SA Cristina Fox, SA Carlos Frazier, SA James Frese, SA Laura Frew, GA Renita Fulcher, AGT Richard Gaffney, SA Joshua Gassman, GA Kaprice Glover, SA Priscila Gonzalez, AGT Edy Haddad, GA Jeanne Halabi, AGT Karen Hamilton, AGT Kelly Hannan Daley, AGT Scott Harris, AGT Asiguy Haugabook, GA Paul Helling, AGT Andrew Hieber, AGT Heidi Holt-Peel, SA Hinalei Hukehuke, AGT Catherine Jackson, AGT Rakesh Jain, AGT Ian Jarlett, GA Hannah Jeffcoat, GA PROMOTIONS STATE GENERAL AGENT Erin Allen REGIONAL GENERAL AGENT Carlos Arballo Eugene Garcia Darren Miller MASTER GENERAL AGENT Laila D’Avignon Javier Diaz Jeffrey Hall Mir Khan Laurie Mazza Chad McLaughlin George Rosicky Mathew White Troy Williams Stephanie Wolfe 60% GENERAL AGENT Elyse Bryan Paul Cossier Richmond Gerrish Kevin Ishikane Kaytlyn McKay Jennie Overbey Dason Phaul Markee Richmond Kyle Schimizzi Steven Sibelman 57.5% GENERAL AGENT Jennifer Antunes Kushinga Baudi Jennifer Bettis Jennifer Bossett Nathan Doyle Tiffiney Harmouche Mchel Helgeson Dara Jean-Pierre Ayrlahn Johnson Crystal Johnson Tami Klein Kun Lee Carrie Padgett Mike Paragiou Begona Patino-Lopez Jamell Ramsay David Romfoe Matthew Roughton Michael Russo Pedro Santos Maxx Schumann Karla Stewart Brian Thai Julian Tinamisan Alba Williams Timothy Yaklich Paul Zuzick 55% SUPERVISING AGENT John Adams Candice Anderson Jacquelyn Bahr Emily Brunner Barbara Carlyle Felicity Chavez Mamdemba Faal Ronnie Franklin Marcus Fugate Jose Garcia Fanny Garcia-Ramirez Kari Gilbert Kathleen Gillespie Mitzy Gonzalez Donte Grant Courtney Griggs Dane Harnack Misty Hays Dustin Holtz Anne Hooper Nathan Hunt George Kamel Lucas Leach Robert Locke Orlinda Loza Jennifer McCarroll Matthew Miller Steffi Obilisundar Angeleena O’Hearn Eugene Pangelinan Charles Portis Crystal Revilla April Rivera Andrew Samples Raynetta Smalls Zachary Wallmann Tommy Ward Dana Winn 52.5% SUPERVISING AGENT Melissa Acosta Toniann Allen Kendra Alnes Keith Amrine Justin Ancheta Carmen Aponte Trey Appier Janette Bacani Reginald Bentajado Sanjit Bhatia Jonathan Black Philip Boyd Kamilah Brock David Brooks Bradley Cain Gregory Campbell LaKatta Carey Hayden Carroll Timothy Copenhaver Christopher Coppage Christian Craig Alma Cruz-Rosario Brittany Curry-Jack Paolo Dandrea Lance Daniels Michael Dean Tanya Dodson Elizabeth Eaves John Edison Joseph Fortune Raymond Fuji James Gale Joshua Gammon Luis Garcia Lauren Garrity Pierson Grasby Courtney Haas Breann Haley Richard Halliday Connor Heinrichs James Holm Thomas Huynh Eric Jaeger Angela Johnson Amanda Jones Hollie Kasaboski Catherine Kuehn Fatima Leon Francisco Wesley Lewis William Lewis Janelle Living Saul Lopez Stephanie Lovins Robert Lowe Kelsi Jewell, MGA Sherrie Johnson, AGT John Keslar, SA Jennifer Kimmel, AGT Courtney Kitzman, SA Michael LaFreniere, SA Simon Lee, SA Shelley Leech-Logelin, SA Donte Long, AGT James Madan, AGT Raymond Manu, SA Brunette Marthone, AGT Desiree Martin, MGA Ericka Martinez, GA Ricky Mizell, AGT William Neal, AGT Patrick Ngangyou Tchounchui, SA Conrad Nieh, AGT Ryan Orloski, SA Tangataotiuana Pasikala, AGT Jason Patryluk, RGA Dilushi Perera, SA Chad Price, SA Tracy Procyk, SA Donrie Purcell, GA Joseph Quintons, GA Janille Ramsey, AGT Daniel Reyes, AGT Jessica Rodriguez-Flores, AGT Tommell Rollins, GA Joshua Romanik, AGT Tiffani Ronda, SA Aleksandra Salamonska, AGT Juan Saldierna-Vera, AGT Rachael Santee, AGT Joshua Schofield, AGT Randy Schubert, AGT Christopher Shuman, SA Ceaser Silva, SA Tonya Sims, AGT Austin A Smith, SA Michael J Smith, AGT Terrence Smith, SA Jonathon Stephens, AGT Marie St Germain, GA Susan Sun, SA Jamie Tan, AGT Tovaughna Tipton-Adams, SA Asenita Tiseli, AGT Angela Torres, MGA Jessica I Torres, AGT Cyntesa Tuoyo, SA John Turner, SA Pedro Vazquez Armenteros, GA Josie Ward, GA Heather Watts, SA Huihann Wee, GA Tom Weller, MGA Benjamin Wilson, AGT Keshira Wynn, AGT Henri Young, AGT Matthew Zang, SA Pablo Zetina, SA Shawn Mahoney Jerimiah Mangum Raymond Manu Ariel Marinetti Faustino Martinez Daniel Martinsen Ashley Marty Chad Matejcek Tabitha McDermid Sunnie McRee Benjamin Meiller Steven Mencis Benny Millan Joshua Miller Cody Moreau Karah Nasif Joseph Nguyen Toby Painter Zachary Pareja Andrew Paterson Allyson Paulhus Duane Pellegrin Christopher Peppler Karla Petatan Angelique Piquion Kay Pomroy Justin Powell Michael Price Mirza Ramic Rosalind Reese Jennifer Russell Brenna Schmidt George Shafiek Franklin Snyder Cubert Steele Robert Sullivan Kelly Thompson Mondy Tongotea Bridgett Turner John Turner Julie Warwick Marget Weatherby Lavonda Wells Covington Raymond Wentworth Jay White Jhenea Young SGA ANNIVERSARIES 07 Erin Allen Southern CA August 3 Erin joined AIL and the Rich Correa Agency in 2012 after what she calls “an eclectic past” that included activities as varied as an equestrian in Cirque du Soleil and leading a wholesale/retail floral distribution company. She says that after managing a successful satellite office for her SGA, she decided it was time to “go big or go home.”When asked to name her greatest assets, Erin quickly replied, “I’ve got a lot of heart, a lot of passion, a lot of drive.” Erin makes her home in Corona, CA. NEW LAB 06 NEW Christopher Shelton Christopher Shelton was elected President of the Communications Workers of America on June 8, 2015. Since 2005, he has been Vice President of CWA District 1, representing 160,000 members in more than 300 CWA locals in New Jersey, New York and England. Prior to his election as Vice President, Shelton was assistant to the District 1 Vice President. He served as the Verizon Regional Bargaining Chair in 2000 and 2003, and overall Chair of CWA District 1, District 2-13, IBEW New Jersey and New England in 2008 and 2011. Shelton started his union career when he went to work for New York Telephone in 1968 as an outside technician. He was elected a CWA Local 1101 shop steward in 1968 and served Local 1101 in various positions until December 1988 when he joined the CWA national staff. He is a native of the Bronx, NY. 08 S R E N N I W T R SHI JU LY Souleymane Bah Souley led his Agency to 104.8% growth over July of last year. Recognizing the achievements of our newest State General Agents Ray Risucci Ray’s Agency had 102.9% growth over July of 2014. SGA *$300k-$3.3M+ Whether you are new to our company or someone with tenure, if you have ever wondered what you had to accomplish in order to be promoted to State General Agent, the answer is simple — achieve these four levels. Unlimited Annual Earnings Potential SGA Career Track Level 1: Qualify To qualify you must meet the following criteria: •2 years tenure with AIL/NILICO •Be on an MGA/RGA Contract •Production of at least $225,000 of 1st Six Mo. Agent production (Last 12 Months) Level 2: Interview You will be flown to McKinney,Texas for dinner and an interview. During this time you will also learn about the budgetary and start-up process for new SGAs. Level 3: Follow Up Home Office will schedule a follow-up call with you and your SGA 60 days after your interview to discuss your progress in the areas of recruiting, production and quality. If you are still growing and moving forward, we will prepare for Step 4. Level 4: Get an Offer After conferring with your SGA, the Home Office will contact you to: •Let you know what territory/territories we are offering •Discuss who may be going with you. (Your SGA can protect one person whom they feel they need to keep.) INDIVIDUAL PRODUCER Samson Adelufosi Charles Adkins Alix Albright Derron Alexander Jenny Alvarez Elvis Amor Christopher Angelos Collins Appiah Tyler Arch Coral Ashe Michael Ashton Jenna Ayotte Hannah Bailey Jordon Barron Theresa Bellajaro Anemone Bennett Christopher Bennett Richard Bentley Ryan Beuc Luckey Boston Christopher Botelho Chad Bradley Matthew Brazeau Natalie Bunce Amy Burzacki Brazos Campos Christopher Cargile Cyle Chapman Douglas Clarke Edill Cobos Corey Cox Christian Craig Judy Dawson Ariel Demesa Maria Diringer Lynn Doolittle Alexandre Duenas Dustin Dunlap Bryon Eddinger Lance Eldell Myaa Fallon Nathaniel Finger Havea Fonua Sheila Fowler Jean Francis Kyle Franklin Emaly Galeano Kathleen Gillespie Donald Gregoire Nicki Griffiths Michelle Grimes Kashala Guiden Meghan Harris Scott Harris Tammie Hartman Omar Hashimi Solomone Havea Alex Herrera Grant Hockman Teresa Hotard Ryan Hume Diana Hussman Grant Husted Nickoy Hylton Chelsea Johnson Shennelleh Kaine Thomas Karczewski-Geffs Alexander Keats Tammie Keslake Heba Kidd Kaylee Kielczewski Jay King Marc Kurzberg Tanya Labinowicz Margaret LaCroix Jordan Lacy Zachary Lakatos Joshua Lenix Heamoni Loloma Meletoa Longopoa Saul Lopez Melissa Losk Luis Jose Melinda-Rae Lyse Jerimiah Mangum Alex Marski Shai Mate Danny Mayorga Andre McCallum Gregory McDuffie Tyler McKnight Aubrey McMillan Igor Melcharek Benito Menchaca John Meneses James Miller Joshua Miller Risa Moniz Andrew Morey Miranda Mortensen Erin Moyer Nicholas Myers Fadi Nassar Milovale Nauma Roberto Navarro Mark Neilson Jonni Ng David Nham Oleg Novitchii Joel Nunez Adeola Obasanya AshLynn Orng Laurekins Pardovani Jimez Parker Ivonne Perez John Perry Riley Peters Scott Pfeifer Alejandro Pineda Devin Pinyerd Michael Ponziano Levi Porto Kenneth Preston Brian Prussia Humberto Quintero Scott Remmey Justin Ruscio Ronald Saling Brenna Schmidt Betty Schweitzer Amr Shater Peer Shmelzer Nadine Smith-Johnson Denis Snyder Ruben Soberanes Cleopatra Sola Felicia Steele Steven Stensrud David Stingl Julie Stringer Tiffani Tavormina Marc Thebeau Asenita Tiseli Inderjit Toor Matthew Vanderhoof Christopher Walsh Monika Wanis Steven Warner Ashley Wenning Jaclyn West Mathew White Piniece Williams Jeffrey Witherall Candace Worman Elena Wortham Cherri Xie Kunlin Zou SA Jamie Allen Deanna Aschwanden Collin Basmajian Jennifer Bettis Jonathan Black Eric Butt Benjamin Edwards Tarek Elabasy Lindsay Green Katalina Halaunga Torrey Hardy Dexter Hill Logan Klink Daniel Konise Amanda Krywy Michael Licata Shawn Mahoney Karen Mosley Toni Mussara Eugene Pangelinan Daniel K Perkins Eric Peyton Samuel Robertson Gerrit Stephens Silvana Velez SGA Souley Bah Bob Olson Raymond Risucci Brian Traboulay Jeremy Welch GA Richmond Gerrish Holly Lacey Joseph McCarthy Scott Mudrak PR MANAGER Melissa Lively Billy Sauers MGA Richard Dyer Albert Lau Morgan Lobello RGA Christopher Akins Patrick Bendure I-Perfection Harris Stephen Hill Robert Kanaan Michael Musso Salman Satti Marian Sertler Bobby Szwaja Michael Vasu PR REP Ralph Beard Lisa Bennett Holland Harriss Mollie Miller Merrett Anthony Simkovich Mario Soljan Bill Verbeten CONGRATULATIONS to all who qualified! Your shirt will be mailed to you shortly. HERE’S HOW TO GET YOURS: QUALIFICATIONS • Individual Producer – $5,000 ALP in a week • SA – 2 direct codes in a month –or– $5,000 personal ALP in a week • GA – 4 hierarchy codes in a month with 2 being direct codes –or– $5,000 personal ALP in a week • MGA – 6 Hierarchy codes/month –or– $5,000 personal ALP in a week • SGA – 100% of F6 Standard for the month • PR Rep/Marketing Specialist – 2 TGs and 600 cards in a month • PR Manager – 2 TGs for each of their respective territories in a month –or– personal production of 2 TGs and 600 cards in a month CONTEST DATES April — December, 2015 09 Update BIG 10 DREAM SMALL BY STARTING Susan Fuldauer Vice President of Public Relations Field Operations W HETHER YOU ARE WORKING IN Public Relations or have a career on the Agency side of our business, you must have a vision, a dream, a picture of where you want your career to go and what you ultimately want to achieve during your tenure with AIL/NILICO. I believe we all need to dream big, but start small and pay attention to the details of the small stuff. You can look at this as if you are building a brick wall. Each brick becomes a part of the larger structure. You need mortar to hold one brick on top of the other as you build. It’s the mortar, the details, that provides the glue for each step as you get closer to your dream and what you want to achieve. Much is the same for our business. In Public Relations we have a Circle of Success. It’s our foundational process for building relationships that ultimately generate the places for our partner agents to go. We build our relationships at a very basic, local level, with one handshake, one meeting, one act of support for the group’s members. We pay attention to the details whether it’s in building a relationship with the group’s gatekeeper, the staff or the Executive Board. Right: Rick Blocker, President of Detroit Metro AFL-CIO, Susan, and PR Steve Matous at the CWA international convention. We pay attention to the smallest of details in our communication at every level of the group’s hierarchy. Miss a step and our results diminish. Miss a communication with the union stewards or office staff that answers the phones and our sales conversion may suffer. Relationships happen because we take the time to start small, pay attention to what is important to the person or group we are working with and make ourselves relevant to their needs. Dreams don’t just materialize. They become real when you pay attention to the small details and build from the basics, one brick at a time, until your dream is realized. The need to learn your business and continue learning as you grow in your career is vital to your success and to the overall success of the Agency and the Company. To become the premier in-home supplemental insurance company, we must dream big, but implement each step of that vision through career building. This takes drafting a plan that includes every small step needed to build a successful career as an agent, manager and SGA. By continuing to gain knowledge and sharpen the skills needed to sell our products, to increase the understanding for the uniqueness of our company, and to become intuitive sales professionals and marketers, we can become a part of the building blocks, which will lead us to realize the bigger dream. Each of us is a part of the vision to achieve $200 million ALP in 2015. As individuals, we are the building blocks for the vision. Together, as one, each pursuing the details and building our careers brick by brick, we will make that vision a reality. Jim Surace and Tom Hare, co-founders of ASAP Ohio. 11 AIL Supports School Assembly Program A merican Income Life, in partnership with the SuraceSmith Agencies, recently donated $10,000 to All School Assemblies Program (ASAP) Ohio as part of our Closer to the Heart program of charitable giving. ASAP Ohio has provided hope and answers through quality no-cost or low-cost school assemblies in the Greater Cleveland area since 2004. Dozens of local schools have benefitted from quality, character-based speakers who have challenged students about life choices. Thousands of students have heard messages of hope and encouragement. Many have given testimony of abuse, bullying, and suicide considerations. Local and national speakers have included ex-pro athletes, to bodyguards for the stars, to stunt performers, to professional musicians, and other roles in society. In addition to public schools, quite a few private schools, magnet schools, juvenile lock-up facilities, and resident treatment facilities have also been served. Local churches, business men, concerned citizens and other non-profit agencies have banded together through ASAP to serve their local schools and students. In most cases, an optional faith-based evening event with available adult mentoring is hosted in the same area as the day-time assemblies. At-risk teens or those needing help are connected to proper channels. Ongoing mentoring is available. Jim Surace reports that the organization facilitates about 30 assembly programs a year, and is currently working on an event that will be simulcast to more than 200 Ohio schools this fall. JULY TOP PERSONAL RECRUITING AGENTS Personal Recruiting provides opportunity for all Agents to earn an additional monthly income stream above and beyond regular 12 By Number of Personal Recruits▼ ● Total Personal Recruiting Agents: recruiting efforts performed by Managing Agents! Unleash Your Career! 312 387 Total Personal Recruits: JULY TOP PERSONAL RECRUITING AGENTS By Incentive Structure Payout■ July Total Payout: $281,402 July Total Qualifiers: 655 Christopher Shuman Rita Haidinger NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS Christopher Shuman Rita Haidinger Ofa Tupouniua Charles Firneno Janet Ramirez Thomas Longino Britton Costa Abdel Khawatmi Donald Malone Ernest Powell Christopher Akins Derek DeProspero Sidney Rodgers Justin Sutton Mondy Tongotea Victor Agurto Lesina Ah Sue Alberto Alcala Jonathan Boyd Monica Brown Shawntae Collins Patrick Cremeans Dianne Dedick Joshua Dishong Mark Dominguez Evan Donoghue Harold Durana Richmond Gerrish Bobby Gujral Jonathon Havens Gilbert Hicks Dwight Holmes Henry Ingraham Dean Jensen Junbin Koh Natalie Linker Jose Lopez Nicholas Lorence Mason MacFarlane Alipate Makaui Shai Mate Hillary Miller Brandi Morgan Ryan O'Malley George O'Shea Joseph Quattrochi Noel Rose Marc Salvaggi Jessica A Smith Soonalote Taogaga Ileana Tatafu Louis Thacker Tovaughna Tipton-Adams Brandon Turner Bruce Viaje 5 Recruits Simon Arias Alipate Makaui Thomas Agee Christopher Shuman Mondy Tongotea Marc Salvaggi NAMETOTAL NAMETOTAL NAMETOTAL NAMETOTAL NAMETOTAL Alipate Makaui Thomas Agee Christopher Shuman Mondy Tongotea Marc Salvaggi Fononga Koula Justin Sutton Natalie Linker Robert Locke Rita Haidinger Juan Olvera Janet Ramirez Ileana Tatafu Pamela Altman Todd Glazer Moli Kaufusi Ofa Tupouniua Steve Bryant Eugene Garcia Miguel Torres Shai Mate Eliza Alcover Arthur Menina Martyna Dudapasieka Harold Durana Andrzej Sertler Fritznel Octave Dale Hunter Victor Agurto Albert Serur Kenneth Preston William Lewis Bobby Gujral Ryan O'Malley Edwin Rosa Daniel Lopez Jacob Bush Calvin Triplett Joshua West Thomas Longino Derren Chapman Kasali Kotun Dean Jensen David Gautschi Mark Dominguez Lesina Ah Sue Britton Costa Jennifer Young Stephen Giddens Kaitlin Lazar Heidi Holt-Peel Cameron Colbert Michael May Abdel Khawatmi Michelle Martinez Aviles Violetta Goldman George O'Shea Casey Finley Donald Malone Nicholas Lorence Sanjae Watkis Kelsi Jewell Tiffany Babin Colin Bryant Jesse Doherty Chereen Mason Louis Thacker Jameetri Washington Jesse Dunlop Jesse O Martin Sela Mavae Ernest Powell Tibor Simon Johnny Ly Marian Sertler Dwight Holmes John Catalano Amanda Krywy Joshua Rush Jordan Lacy Kade Beck Taneshia Solomon Brandon Turner Jonathon Havens Rodrick Hahn Joseph Quattrochi Brandon Edens Taylor Black Samuel Wyco Tanisha Harris Andres Amador Dustin Dunlap Andrew Siebert Emilia Eich Orby Kelley IV Charles Firneno Richmond Gerrish Daphne Weber George Kamel Ashley Robertson George Shafiek Angelique Lavaly Andre Hawthorne Robert Smith Faustino Martinez William Katz Christopher Akins Jorge Leon Samuel Cohen Brandi Morgan William Echols Alex Henry Aaron Parsons Mary Mafi Patrick Guthrie Oscar Betancourt Myesha Perkins Brent Bowling Devon Gillissie Liza Dowdellel Kendra Orng Juan Garcia Stephanie Haarer Lucas Leach Joel Salmeron Jairo Garzon Travis Barnes John Leggio Mike Hudnall Robert Henderson Vincent Nicastro Meaghan Kehl Sonia Tyner Derek DeProspero Cleopatra Sola I-Perfection Harris Claude Perry Nicole Bergstrom Megan Haynes August Simons Sonja Atkins Shane Junger Trey Appier Elvis Durakovic Aissa Diehl Ransey Vazquez Ana Havea Brad Henry Japonica Waters Kenna Higgins Sherrie Woolridge Patrick Rieger Massun Collins Alberto Alcala Teresa Richardson Kierra Goodwin Charles Floyd Tonishia Watson Francisca Estrella Junbin Koh Richard Berrett Scott Wheeler Mildred Machuca Janisse Dale Frank S Kacvinsky Debra Frederick Hannah Morrison Rosalind Reese Alma Lozano Krishna Khandelwal Adrian Ortiz Avi Kauderer Avalon McLeod Jessica Cox Gregory Simpson Cyle Griffin Scott Sonnenberg Bennett Smith Derek Foore William Hoffman James Lawson Christopher D'Onofrio Omar Sanchez Hoang Nguyen Robert Sullivan Michael Joshua Hakan Ozalpasan Matt Dahler Matthew Dawson Gina Kramer Tovaughna Tipton-Adams Yvette Quintana Taylorr Nathaniel John Sardin Monica Brown Lawerence Smith Rasaki Are Pierson Grasby Ari Albiola Carlton Clay Lisa Hall Norma Jean Hinton Jennifer Lombardo Hillary Miller Matthew Miller Tabbitha Steagall $4,349 Steve Friedlander $3,428 Surace-Smith $4,349 3,428 2,863 2,151 2,138 1,973 1,879 1,866 1,790 1,676 1,607 1,595 1,554 1,548 1,526 1,437 1,371 1,326 1,322 1,315 1,298 1,294 1,285 1,283 1,282 1,281 1,276 1,263 1,258 1,239 1,202 1,196 1,151 1,113 1,112 1,095 1,090 1,077 1,056 1,055 1,053 1,047 $2,863 Simon Arias $1,044 1,032 1,023 996 993 990 964 959 944 941 936 931 916 915 903 901 900 886 879 856 851 848 811 810 802 800 795 778 775 775 774 770 765 762 762 761 761 755 752 751 750 748 $747 728 725 723 722 719 709 709 708 700 700 698 695 691 690 689 689 685 679 678 676 673 669 666 663 663 663 662 657 655 654 649 648 647 646 645 644 643 642 640 635 633 $2,151 Steve Friedlander $2,138 Surace-Smith $628 626 624 619 619 618 617 614 613 613 611 609 606 603 602 599 598 596 596 595 592 592 591 590 590 589 588 586 585 583 580 580 577 576 573 573 570 568 567 566 565 565 $564 564 564 564 562 558 556 556 552 552 550 549 548 541 541 536 523 523 518 518 517 515 508 507 507 507 504 504 503 503 503 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 Charles Firneno 4 Recruits Steve Friedlander 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Janet Ramirez 4 Recruits Joseph Diecedue 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 Recruits Sabrina Lloyd 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 MEMBERS Natalie Linker — By Number of Eligible Personal Recruits Bronze 6 Recruits Robert Olson Juan Olvera Bronze 6 Recruits Stephen Jubrey Joseph Quattrochi Andrzej Sertler Christopher Shuman Dana Black Devon Chapman Orby Kelley Adrian Ortiz Bronze 6 Recruits Mitchell Duplantis Bronze 6 Recruits Sabrina Lloyd Bronze 6 Recruits Simon Arias Bronze 5 Recruits Surace-Smith Michael Licata Bronze 5 Recruits Giglione-Ackerman Thomas Longino Arthur Menina George Oshea Nicholas Scordos Alba Williams Kunlin Zou Bronze 5 Recruits Steven Greer Bronze 5 Recruits Steven Greer By Number of Personal Recruits▼ YTD Total Personal Recruiting Agents: 991 Total Personal Recruits: 1,760 NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS NAMERECRUITS John Nieves Rita Haidinger Britton Costa Monica Brown Patrick Cremeans Bobby Gujral Thomas Longino Janet Ramirez Ernest Powell Ransey Vazquez Tiffany Babin Christopher Shuman Marvin Fox Eugene Garcia Natalie Linker Alipate Makaui Kendra Orng Joseph Quattrochi Melissa Quintal Ileana Tatafu Ofa Tupouniua 16 14 12 11 10 10 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 ■ Top Personal Recruiting Agents listed earned at least $500 ▼Top Personal Recruiting Agents listed have at least 2 Personal Recruits ●Spotlight will picture the top 5 Personal Recruiting Agents based on number of Personal Recruits. In case of a tie, top Personal Recruiting Agents will be determined by total Incentive Structure Payout as long as minimum Retention/Net to Gross standards are met. Bronze 5 Recruits James Cunningham YTD TOP 25 PERSONAL RECRUITING AGENTS 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ofa Tupouniua 4 Recruits Chris Hernandez Bronze 5 Recruits Giglione-Ackerman Bronze 5 Recruits Surace-Smith Bronze 5 Recruits Mitchell Duplantis *A Personal Recruit is considered eligible (will count towards qualification levels) when he/she has submitted $2,000 Net ALP Bronze 5 Recruits Altig-Orlovic Bronze 5 Recruits Eric Cochran Bronze 5 Recruits Sabrina Lloyd 14 CODES 15 SA NAME MGA #SGA Joseph Luminiello 7 Sabrina Lloyd Martyna Dudapasieka 6 Sabrina Lloyd Adrian Ortiz 6 Sabrina Lloyd Jeremy Schroeder 6 Sabrina Lloyd Jeffrey Gilliana 5 Sabrina Lloyd John Silva 4 Sabrina Lloyd Collin Basmajian 3Altig-Orlovic Jenna Grula 3 Simon Arias Joseph McCallister 3 Simon Arias Amanda Krywy 3 Laura Fisher Katalina Halaunga 3 Steve Friedlander Daniel Konise 3 Steve Friedlander Karen Mosley 3Giglione-Ackerman Jasmin Gallaga 3 Sabrina Lloyd Jordon Graham 3 Sabrina Lloyd Jennifer Bossett 3 Cisco Perez Jordon Barron 3 Jeremy Welch Silvana Velez 3Williams-Zophin NAME #SGA NAME #SGA NAME #SGA Jamie Allen Mason MacFarlane Jared Mercer Daniel K Perkins Jose Rubio Andrew Severson Coleman Thompson Steven Warner Matthew Zang Jamie Faulkner Christopher Shuman Jennifer Bettis Charles Firneno Shawn Mahoney Kelly Silvia Ana Havea Alipate Makaui Ileana Tatafu 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2 Simon Arias 2 Simon Arias 2 Dorian Brown 2 Joseph Diecedue 2 Laura Fisher 2 Laura Fisher 2 Steve Friedlander 2 Steve Friedlander 2 Steve Friedlander Jonathan Black Elvis Durakovic Daniel Franke Michael Licata Toni Mussara Paul Torman Briana Foster Robert Locke Deanna Aschwanden Azar Afnan Deonte Jones Logan Klink Eric Butt Samuel Robertson Dexter Hill Stephanie Haarer Courtney Kitzman Anna Pulit 2Giglione-Ackerman 2Giglione-Ackerman 2Giglione-Ackerman 2Giglione-Ackerman 2Giglione-Ackerman 2Giglione-Ackerman 2 Steve Greer 2 Steve Greer 2 Mathew Hart 2 Zachary Hart 2 Zachary Hart 2 Matt Henderson 2 Chris Hernandez 2 Chris Hernandez 2 Kyle Johnson 2 Sabrina Lloyd 2 Sabrina Lloyd 2 Sabrina Lloyd Janet Ramirez 2 Sabrina Lloyd Enrique Sandoval 2 Sabrina Lloyd Lindsay Green 2 Bill Myatt Eugene Pangelinan 2 Corey Neff Tarek Elabasy 2 Theodore Pappas Cassidy Carlotto 2 Philip Prata Edward Crocker 2 Imran Satti Benjamin Edwards 2Surace-Smith Michael Kachenmeister 2Surace-Smith Eric Peyton 2Surace-Smith Tatum Schneidmiller 2Surace-Smith James Sherwood 2Surace-Smith Japonica Waters 2 Daniel Umbertone Torrey Hardy 2 Dustin Venekamp Emily Brunner 2 Jamison Weatherspoon Gerrit Stephens 2 Jamison Weatherspoon Covals Douze 2Williams-Zophin Louis Thacker 2Williams-Zophin NAME #SGA NAME #SGA NAME #SGA Sokol Fazliu Phillip McElfresh Erin Moyer Pablo De La Cruz Phillip Goodwin John Bacaron Hyunchul Chung Amanda Hogan Aaron Voege Melissa Foy Corina Araujo Paul Cossier Paul Zuzick Stephen Giddens Slavita Hut DeAnthony Hartman Michael Stuver Tami Klein Michael Coulthard Peter Kwiatkowski Asiguy Haugabook Lawerence Smith John Sardin Ashley Bordelon Jodi Raymond James Sodan Veronica Carrion Rebyka Moyer Richard Pazak John Leggio Maxx Schumann Somprathai Sopha Brent Bowling Robert Drake Carmen Lindmark 3 Simon Arias 3 Simon Arias 3 Slav Bitman 3 Jose Carvajal 3 Jose Carvajal 3Cohen-Cohen 3Cohen-Cohen 3 Richard Correa 3 Nigel Crowe 3 Joseph Diecedue 3 Desi Dimitrova 3 Laura Fisher 3 Laura Fisher 3 Steve Greer 3 Steve Greer 3 Zachary Hart 3 Zachary Hart 3 Matt Henderson 3 Chris Hernandez 3 Chris Hernandez 3 Kyle Johnson 3 Stephen Jubrey 3 Michael Mandella 3 Bill Myatt 3 Durhon Oldham 3 Durhon Oldham 3 Bob Olson 3 Bob Olson 3 Bob Olson 3 Theodore Pappas 3Roland-Wrobel 3Roland-Wrobel 3Surace-Smith 3Surace-Smith 3 Moswen Taylor Josie Ward Tyler Dean Nickoy Hylton Pedro Santos Anacleto Arevalo Christopher Bentley Kristina Moore Ashley Ruhl Christopher Walsh Lara Wyatt Erica Fitzsimmons Branden Griffin Ariana Jones Heather Miller Christian West Menno Glick Komo Davis Barbara Seyoum Jamie Cates Delmy Diaz-Cervantes Damaris Henderson Kiet Truong Joshua Krueger Penny Reeves Amanda South Kathryn Chaisson Raudel Santos Kelvin Fernandez Laura Frew Edwin Rosa Lineti Pasikala Ryan Feehan Dominic Telymonde Christine Barbour Joel Johnson 3 Jeremy Welch 3Williams-Zophin 3Williams-Zophin 3Williams-Zophin 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2Altig-Orlovic 2 Simon Arias 2 Simon Arias 2 Simon Arias 2 Simon Arias 2 Simon Arias 2 Souley Bah 2 Slav Bitman 2 Samantha Chui 2 Jared Cleckner 2Cohen-Cohen 2Cohen-Cohen 2Cohen-Cohen 2 Richard Correa 2 Nigel Crowe 2 Nigel Crowe 2 Joseph Diecedue 2 Desi Dimitrova 2 Laura Fisher 2 Laura Fisher 2 Laura Fisher 2 Steve Friedlander 2Giglione-Ackerman 2Giglione-Ackerman 2 Steve Greer 2 Steve Greer Arthur Menina Micah Focken Robert Nolan Alia Aboulhosn 2 Steve Greer 2 Zachary Hart 2 Zachary Hart 2 Matt Henderson 2 Matt Henderson 2 Chris Hernandez 2 Chris Hernandez 2 Chris Hernandez 2 Kyle Johnson 2 Chris La Fond 2 Travis Moody 2 Dorian Oldham 2 Dorian Oldham 2 Durhon Oldham 2 Bob Olson 2 Chad Panzer 2 Theodore Pappas 2 Theodore Pappas 2 Theodore Pappas 2 Theodore Pappas 2 Philip Prata 2 Scott Rehberg 2 Scott Rehberg 2 Imran Satti 2Surace-Smith 2Surace-Smith 2Surace-Smith 2Surace-Smith 2 Brian Traboulay 2 Daniel Umbertone 2 Jamison Weatherspoon 2 Jeremy Welch 2Williams-Zophin 2Williams-Zophin GA NAME #SGA Steven Rios 15 Sabrina Lloyd Jason Lee 14 Sabrina Lloyd Duane Shaw 14 Sabrina Lloyd Chelsie Otto 9 Sabrina Lloyd Scott Mudrak 7 Sabrina Lloyd Robert Schneiderman 7 Sabrina Lloyd Andrzej Sertler 7 Sabrina Lloyd Michael Russo 6 Laura Fisher Taylor Black 6Giglione-Ackerman Timothy Bugge 5 Simon Arias Richmond Gerrish 5 Laura Fisher Scott Montgomery 5 Don Foti Pauline Cresswell 5 Steve Friedlander Laaina Havea 5 Steve Friedlander Mele Makaui 5 Steve Friedlander Sandra Sandoval 5 Sabrina Lloyd Holly Lacey 5 Imran Satti Brian Gilmore 4 Simon Arias Andre Hawthorne 4 Laura Fisher Ruben Santillana 4 Steve Friedlander Patricia Cicerale 4Giglione-Ackerman John McDougald 4Giglione-Ackerman Patrick Guthrie 4 Mathew Hart Kyle Lewicki 4 Mathew Hart Abdelaziz Farsakh 4 Theodore Pappas Laurie Mazza 4 Cisco Perez Matthew Bell 4 Philip Prata Joseph McCarthy 4 Dustin Venekamp Stephanie Wolfe 4 Dustin Venekamp Robert Park 4 Jamison Weatherspoon Tiffani Tavormina 4 Jamison Weatherspoon James Cassie 4Williams-Zophin Dan Ikei 3Altig-Orlovic Alix Albright 3 Simon Arias James DePetro 3 Simon Arias Mary-Delores Ayarzagoitia Jeremy Engrav Vincent Meyer Amy Skalsky Edford Banuel Joshua Kershaw Tucker Gregor Alisha Anderton Sierra Healy Elias Boles Susan Scott Paul Streater Shalom Chaimov Christian LaBoy Christopher Murray George Taramas Sean Conway Seneca Birchmore Christina Pierson Ryan O’Malley Lindsey Dettwiller Austin W Smith Anthony Theriault Daniel Walton Edy Haddad LaMorris Reynolds Marcus Moody Michael Joshua Donald Gregoire Kasali Kotun NAME #SGA Zach Otto 37 Sabrina Lloyd Marian Sertler 34 Sabrina Lloyd Ofa Tupouniua 14 Steve Friedlander Michael Musso 13Williams-Zophin Ryan K Hall 10 Laura Fisher Moli Kaufusi 9 Steve Friedlander Jinelly Urena 7 Jose Carvajal Cynthia Schneiderman 7 Sabrina Lloyd Bobby Szwaja 7 Theodore Pappas Robert Richman 7Roland-Wrobel Patrick Bendure 7Surace-Smith Matthew Diulus 6 Simon Arias Albert Lau 6Cohen-Cohen Christopher Akins 6 Laura Fisher Gabriela Sime 6 Laura Fisher Stephen Hill 6 Steve Friedlander Morgan Lobello 6Giglione-Ackerman Richard Dyer 6 Mathew Hart Nicholas Moore 6 Durhon Oldham Robert Kanaan 6 Imran Satti Ali Zaidi 6 Dustin Venekamp Blake Higuchi 5Altig-Orlovic Michael Clemente 5 Simon Arias Britton Costa 5 Simon Arias Monica Brown 5 Dorian Brown Mark Kukielski 5 Nigel Crowe Brian Zuzick 5 Laura Fisher Harold Durana 5 Don Foti Heath Bailey 5 Mathew Hart Rodney Ward 5 Zachary Hart Ransey Vazquez 5 Bob Olson NAME #SGA NAME #SGA NAME #SGA Syed Quadri 5 Theodore Pappas Timothy Wilson 5 Philip Prata Daniel Hartwig 5Surace-Smith Marc Salvaggi 5Surace-Smith Eugene Garcia 5 Dustin Venekamp Noel Rose 5Williams-Zophin Yussuf Elzein 4Altig-Orlovic Brandon Minor 4Altig-Orlovic Jonni Ng 4Altig-Orlovic Thomas Vena 4 Simon Arias Mark Beckford 4 Slav Bitman Patrick Knouse 4 Slav Bitman Herman Fennell 4 Samantha Chui Sean Velasquez 4Cohen-Cohen Mark Hileman 4 Desi Dimitrova Gevorg Yanukyan 4 Desi Dimitrova Craig Strompf 4 Cindy Furer Mark Dombrowski 4Giglione-Ackerman Magda Figueiredo 4Giglione-Ackerman Michael Gerstein 4Giglione-Ackerman George O’Shea 4Giglione-Ackerman Ryan Fickert 4 Zachary Hart Alta Herpel 4 Chris Hernandez Chad Potts 4 Chris Hernandez Christopher Rodriguez 4 Kyle Johnson Bryan Froneyberger 4 Michael Mandella Robert Smith 4 Durhon Oldham Andre Bent 4 Bob Olson Natalie Linker 4 Bob Olson David Wang 4 Bob Olson Mohammed Moalawi 4 Theodore Pappas Daniel Vilas Ashley Wenning Jamil Harris I-Perfection Harris Brandon Teter Jessica Wilhite Charley Forshee Adeyemi Akinade Fritznel Octave Christopher Hintz Igor Melcharek Phillip Perrin Brandon Summerton Cameron Cimino Jesse Rennich Albert Serur Scott Kim Matthew Turnquist James Bailey Herbert Stell Gary Slocum Sharif Grays Richard Barbour Ryan Giddens Taneshia Solomon John Young Chad McLaughlin Scott Sonnenberg Rita Haidinger London Nelson Kaitlyn Brandt 4 Cisco Perez 4Surace-Smith 4 Daniel Umbertone 4 Jamison Weatherspoon 4 Jamison Weatherspoon 4 Jamison Weatherspoon 4 Jeremy Welch 4Williams-Zophin 4Williams-Zophin 3Altig-Orlovic 3Altig-Orlovic 3Altig-Orlovic 3Altig-Orlovic 3 Simon Arias 3 Simon Arias 3 Simon Arias 3Cohen-Cohen 3 Richard Correa 3 Nigel Crowe 3 Joseph Diecedue 3 Desi Dimitrova 3 Cindy Furer 3 Steve Greer 3 Steve Greer 3 Steve Greer 3 Steve Greer 3 Matt Henderson 3 Matt Henderson 3 Chris Hernandez 3 Kyle Johnson 3 Stephen Jubrey Timothy Kieran Christina Meyer Shelley Suggett Jimmy Tchen Michael Cirelli Angel Martinez Sheila Downey Levar Morgan London Burnett Matthew Parks Patrice Amador Lisa Richardson Aaron Ralston Samantha Sliger 3 Chris La Fond 3 Sabrina Lloyd 3 Bill Myatt 3 Corey Neff 3 Dorian Oldham 3 Dorian Oldham 3 Bob Olson 3 Theodore Pappas 3Surace-Smith 3Surace-Smith 3 Moswen Taylor 3 Moswen Taylor 3 Jeremy Welch 3 Jeremy Welch RGA NAME #SGA NAME #SGA NAME #SGA NAME #SGA Robert Janev 81 Sabrina Lloyd Paul Kelly 23 Steve Friedlander Thomas Vena 19 Simon Arias Corey Helly 19Giglione-Ackerman CODE – $1,200 contract-to-date new agent THE MINIMUMS FOR RECOGNITION ARE: SA & GA – at least two codes during the month MGA – at least three codes during the month RGA – top three RGAs during the month This list recognizes SAs, GAs, MGAs and RGAs for the number of new agents who were coded under their hierarchy for the month. Left: The VP Challenge - Martin Groves, Steve, and Rob Gray hit the links in August 2015. Grover provides a list of traits that define a Cleaner and challenges us to use it to determine their level of competitiveness and focus. He discusses a total of thirteen traits to remind us that there is no such thing as luck. “There are circumstances and outcomes, and you can control both if you desire,” he writes. Here are Grover’s “RELENTLESS 13” traits that define a Cleaner. Notice that he labels each trait as #1, because on his list, everything is equally important. Nothing should be skipped or glossed over. WHEN YOU’RE A CLEANER… #1 YOU RELENTLESS TO THE END Steve Kafkis Vice President of Field Operations I N 2014, THE GOAL TO REACH $200 million in 2015 sounded so far away. Eight months into the year and we are on pace to achieve this milestone. It will take a relentless effort by all of us to achieve this goal. For the last 4 months of the year, we need to keep our feet firmly on the pedal, just as we have been doing all year. What does relentless mean? Webster Dictionary’s definition is, “Continuing without getting weaker.” Some synonyms for relentless are: ferocious, ruthless, determined, fierce, unforgiving, inflexible and unstoppable. We are a company that, when we focus on something, we achieve it by being relentless to our goal! What will it take to be relentless until the end? It will take all of us to continue the pace without getting weaker. It will take all of us to continue to do the little things every day, every week and every month to achieving our goals. It’s about not accepting any excuses until the end result is achieved. It’s about how competitive you are to win this challenge. It’s about everyone, from now until December 31st, doing one more thing every day—one more phone call, one more appointment, one more door knock and one more presentation. How bad do we want to achieve this milestone and celebrate its achievement in Puerto Rico as a Company? Tim Grover, the former strength and conditioning coach for the 6-time NBA champions, Chicago Bulls, wrote a book, Relentless: From Good to Great to Unstoppable. It sets forth Grover’s belief that there are three types of competitors — Coolers, Closers and Cleaners, “whose competitive focus and passion are, respectively, good, great and unstoppable.” Cleaners are defined as the most intense and driven competitors imaginable. According to Grover, a Cleaner’s attitude can be summed up in the three words, “I own this.” KEEP PUSHING YOURSELF HARDER WHEN EVERYONE ELSE HAS HAD ENOUGH. #1 WHEN YOU’RE IN THE ZONE, YOU SHUT OUT EVERYTHING AND CONTROL THE UNCONTROLLABLE. #1 YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHO YOU ARE. #1 YOU HAVE A DARK SIDE THAT REFUSES TO BE TAUGHT TO BE GOOD. #1 YOU’RE NOT INTIMIDATED BY PRESSURE, YOU THRIVE ON IT. #1 WHEN EVERYONE IS HITTING THE “IN CASE OF EMERGENCY” BUTTON, THEY’RE ALL LOOKING FOR YOU. #1 YOU DON’T COMPETE WITH ANYONE, YOU FIND YOUR OPPONENT’S WEAKNESS AND YOU ATTACK. #1YOU MAKE DECISIONS, NOT SUGGESTIONS; YOU KNOW THE ANSWER WHILE EVERYONE IS STILL ASKING QUESTIONS. #1YOU DON’T HAVE TO LOVE THE WORK, BUT YOU’RE ADDICTED TO THE RESULTS. #1 YOU’D RATHER BE FEARED THAN LIKED. #1 YOU TRUST VERY FEW PEOPLE, AND THOSE YOU TRUST BETTER NEVER LET YOU DOWN. #1 YOU DON’T RECOGNIZE FAILURE; YOU KNOW THERE’S MORE THAN ONE WAY TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. #1 YOU DON’T CELEBRATE YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS WANT MORE. If we all adopt these traits, we will discover what we are capable of — getting results we never imagined and achieving the goals we only dreamed about. If we all take this relentless approach until the end, $200 million will be a no-brainer and the celebration in Puerto Rico will be epic. I look forward to celebrating with all of you! “PREPARATION Before anything else, is the KEY to SUCCESS. 17 “ 16 - ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL LEADERSHIP ACADEMY BACK TO SCHOOL TIME! AFTER A 3-MONTH HIATUS, Leadership Academy resumed at the McKinney campus conference center with Leadership 201: Building for Ownership August 17-19. Approximately 70 GAs and newly promoted MGAs heard exciting presentations from Company leaders on such topics as: • • • • • • • • Recruiting for Ownership Using Recruiting Lead Resources Settings Sales Goals with New Agents Planning Agent’s Sales Activities, Appointment Setting and Field Training Weekly Recruiting Schedules Accountability (Management and Leadership) Time Management Managing, Leading and Mentoring other Managers UPCOMING SESSIONS: Leadership 101 | Sept 21-23 Leadership 301 | Oct 13-14 If you are interested in attending, ask your SGA about what it takes to qualify. Vice Presidents Steve Kafkis, Richard Meshulam and Martin Groves at a Leadership 201. 18 GEAR UP! 19 Your ideal income level is closer than you think! Adding just a couple more presentations each week can make a big difference in your income. How much do you want to earn? See the chart below to see the level of effort required to reach your goal! 6 Presentations 47,152 /yr $ 907/wk $ 8 Presentations 63,916/yr 10 78,482 /yr $ 1,229/wk 1,509/wk How to Improve Your Performance: We can’t see attitude, dedication, or motivation. To improve, we must set specific and measurable changes in our work habits. If we can change behavior associated with productivity, we will begin to show improved results. FOCUS ON TANGIBLE, MANAGEABLE ACTIONS: •Daily planning •Setting appointments •Practicing presentation •Asking for referrals •Working on objections, rebuttals & closing •Door knocking Presentations $ $ 36% 12 93,049/yr $ $ BE SPECIFIC Presentations 1,789/wk $ 66% 97% Download the Income Projection Tool from Disclaimers Projections assume meeting all minimum NTG, Retention, *Calculation Variables Production and other requirements for full payout on all advances and bonuses. All earnings figures for example only; actual results will vary. *Projected Annual Totals & Weekly Averages include: 1) $2400 total Guaranteed Advance at $200 per week during first 90 days; 2) $2250 total Agent Monthly Retention Bonus of $500 month 4, $750 month 5, and $1000 month 6; 3) $790 total per Personal Recruit, which is 5% of $1800 production for 6 months plus $250; 4) $1000 First Year Anniversary Bonus • $805 Average Sale Size • 35% Closing Rate • 50% Commission Rate • 65% Advance Rate 20 INDIVIDUALPRODUCERS 21 JULYPRODUCTION Rank 2 1 3 4 MELINDA-RAE LYSE CHRISTOPHER BOTELHO ABDEL ALKURDI THOMAS KING CALGARY, AB OTTAWA, ON LOMBARD, IL CHICO, CA 6 5 7 8 BRANDON MINOR TINA PHONGSAVATH DIANA AL ALI JOACHIM JEAN ALENE, ID KIRKLAND, WA GREELY, ON BURLINGTON, MA 10 9 11 12 BENJAMIN AINSCOUGH VAN ORTEGA MATTHEW BRAZEAU MOHAMMED BUKSH VANCOUVER, BC VANCOUVER, BC GLOUCESTER, ON EDMONTON, AB 14 13 15 16 MARK NEILSON MATTHEW ZANG JOHN COCHRANE ROGHIE HASSAN LOO HIGHLAND, UT ST PAUL, MN KANATA, ON TORONTO, ON 17 18 19 20 JOSHUA DISHONG JONNI NG MASSOUD VAZIRI DANIEL HANSON TROY, MI EDMONDS, WA VERNON, BC ROSEVILLE, MN ICEBREAKERS ALEXANDRE DUENAS WILLIAM TOMPKINS KATHERINE GARCIA SCHAUMBURG, IL HOUSTON, TX SCHAUMBURG, IL An IceBreaker is a Producer who made his/her first sale in the last 2 calendar months. We will recognize all IceBreakers in the Top 20 Individual Producers list for the month, as well as the next Top 3 in this category. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 YTDPRODUCTION Net ALP Melinda-Rae Lyse Christopher Botelho Abdel Alkurdi Thomas King Brandon Minor Tina Phongsavath Diana Al Ali Joachim Jean Benjamin Ainscough Van Ortega Matthew Brazeau Mohammed Buksh Mark Neilson Matthew Zang John Cochrane Roghie Hassan Loo Joshua Dishong Jonni Ng Massoud Vaziri Daniel Hanson Cathleen Hairston Mark Lomonaco Daniel Li Risa Moniz Samson Adelufosi Paul Smith Bruce Tan Susan Bedrossian Emaly Galeano Cynthia Sittig Theresa Bellajaro Michael van Delft Joey Sales Colin Bryant Marmin Alea Joey Kennedy Brandon Leonardo Avalon McLeod Alvin Ali Tyler McKnight Patrick Donovan Jonathan Emura Nicki Griffiths Omar Hashimi Ryan Kendl Douglas Clarke Alan Sedaghat Katie Massart Amy Shui Sam Chan $65,483 49,828 48,781 47,167 43,676 41,825 38,762 37,042 36,988 35,982 35,975 33,621 32,500 31,868 31,339 28,841 28,165 26,722 26,463 26,202 25,350 25,096 24,817 24,747 24,607 24,515 24,394 24,089 23,796 23,487 22,829 22,141 21,993 21,942 21,733 21,577 21,550 21,205 21,145 21,025 20,889 20,201 20,068 19,834 19,650 19,436 19,202 19,148 19,089 19,051 NTG RET 89.2 94.9 83 93.1 81.3 80.2 72.6 83.3 85.6 78.4 82.4 94 89.6 73.6 86.4 76.8 70.8 86.5 81.1 97.9 94.6 77.3 83.9 93 83.1 86.4 84.2 79.8 72.3 86.4 100 91.7 79.7 89 100 79.4 74.7 86 75.3 89.5 86.3 89.3 75.2 83.6 84.0 99 85.3 90.4 89.8 85.9 MGA Brandon Summerton David Wang Darrell Asbell David Nham Richard Mansfield Brandon Summerton Ryan K Hall Bobby Gujral Rafi Nawabi Corey Cox Christopher Hintz Nicholas Lorence Nicholas Walsh Brandon Summerton Hunter Houvener Troy Plummer Megan Herickhoff Mark Beckford Richard Mansfield Patrick Stenglein Blake Higuchi Patrick Bendure Jonathan Emura Corey Cox Charles Ferrari Jonathan Emura Jonathan Emura Ryan Giddens Anita Ferris AshLynn Orng Robert Kanaan Noel Rose Harold Durana Richard Mansfield Ryan Stenglein Robert Hamilton Nicholas Lorence Joshua Jackson Bobby Gujral John McGrath Paul Samra SGA Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Bob Olson Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Laura Fisher Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Josh Chalom Zachary Hart Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Chad Deley Slav Bitman Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Giglione-Ackerman Surace-Smith Altig-Orlovic Cisco Perez Altig-Orlovic Simon Arias Altig-Orlovic Imran Satti Altig-Orlovic Steve Greer Steve Friedlander Altig-Orlovic Imran Satti Williams-Zophin Don Foti Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Don Foti Altig-Orlovic Joseph Diecedue Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Giglione-Ackerman Don Foti ALL TIME RECORD: MARK NEILSON $159,402 Net ALP Rank *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 *6 *7 *8 *9 * 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Abdel Alkurdi Paul Smith Michael van Delft Thomas King Joshua Dishong George Kamel Joey Kennedy Roghie Hassan Loo Alvin Ali James Keefer Max Quasem Joseph Sarasin Dustin Dunbar Van Ortega Katie Massart Joachim Jean Mark Lomonaco Lily Sakai Gary Gooden Erez Shabtay Ronald Rivera Jesusdieu Portilus Bruce Tan Daniel Li Jonni Ng Kaleiokamaile Viena Mack Hanna Lesina Ah Sue Cynthia Sittig Kalen Dugan Jonathan Emura Benjamin Ainscough Brandon Minor Shalom Chaimov Sam Chan Alan Sedaghat Mike Sukhbaatar Joey Sales Orett Nelson Matthew Cessna Denis Snyder William Parmeter Myaa Fallon Cathleen Hairston Avalon McLeod Dustin Edgell Alma B Gonzalez Kasali Kotun Daniel Hanson Sherry Schick Net ALP NTG $196,342 169,343 160,221 159,691 152,136 150,548 143,682 143,032 137,693 137,043 131,593 128,718 127,331 125,285 123,513 122,959 122,214 118,000 113,330 109,089 108,040 106,970 106,631 106,270 105,821 104,444 104,088 102,758 102,408 101,843 101,715 101,368 100,025 98,987 98,725 98,526 94,465 93,869 93,205 92,257 91,534 91,462 90,624 90,170 89,114 88,395 88,073 87,772 87,322 87,201 83 RET 86.4 91.7 93.1 70.8 70.5 79.4 76.8 75.3 85.1 89.1 88.1 92.6 78.4 90.4 83.3 77.3 91.3 80.9 89.9 91.0 79.9 84.2 83.9 86.5 88.2 90 83.9 86.4 88 89.3 85.6 81.3 82.6 85.9 85.3 87.2 79.7 87.3 78.3 72.1 76.3 83.9 94.6 86 86.2 84.8 70.8 97.9 87.8 MGA SGA David Wang Patrick Bendure Bob Olson Surace-Smith Imran Satti Altig-Orlovic Zachary Hart Surace-Smith Altig-Orlovic Josh Chalom Don Foti Simon Arias Cohen-Cohen Surace-Smith Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Laura Fisher Altig-Orlovic Cohen-Cohen Jamison Weatherspoon Altig-Orlovic Cohen-Cohen Williams-Zophin Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Surace-Smith Steve Friedlander Simon Arias Don Foti Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Altig-Orlovic Theodore Pappas Don Foti Altig-Orlovic Daniel Umbertone Altig-Orlovic Josh Chalom Simon Arias Altig-Orlovic Durhon Oldham Sabrina Lloyd Slav Bitman Williams-Zophin Zachary Hart Don Foti Williams-Zophin Chad Deley Altig-Orlovic Darrell Asbell Patrick Bendure AshLynn Orng Harold Durana Thomas Vena Patrick Bendure Rafi Nawabi John McGrath Ryan K Hall Richard Mansfield Brandon Teter Robert Hamilton Fritznel Octave Jonathan Emura Patrick Stenglein Hunter Houvener Jonathan Emura Patrick Bendure Stephen Hill Charles Ferrari Angelique Lavaly Bobby Gujral David Nham Syed Quadri Paul Samra Bobby Gujral Jonathan Emura Justin Adams Benito Menchaca Hal Herman Zach Otto Mark Beckford Noel Rose Steven King Michael Musso Megan Herickhoff John McGrath ALL TIME RECORD: JOSHUA DISHONG $756,403 Net ALP 22 SUPERVISINGAGENTS 23 JULYPRODUCTION Rank 1 STEVE BRYANT HOUSTON, TX 5 2 3 4 CARRIE HAMMER ALIPATE MAKAUI VICTOR AGURTO LOMBARD, IL 6 JANET RAMIREZ SCHAUMBURG, IL AUCKLAND, NZ 8 7 JOSEPH LUMINIELLO SCHAUMBURG, IL EATONTOWN, NJ DEREK FOORE BOARDMAN, OH ROBERT LOCKE HOUSTON, TX 10 9 MICHAEL KACHENMEISTER JEFFREY GILLIANA 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $97,614 51,793 49,458 40,539 40,392 38,323 36,996 36,909 35,532 34,693 34,546 34,386 33,970 30,822 30,156 30,035 29,596 27,537 27,135 25,430 $113,592 53,169 51,584 49,536 41,708 37,376 39,889 39,760 37,848 51,694 34,810 43,896 34,730 46,394 30,359 30,035 29,616 33,325 35,222 28,635 Steve Bryant Carrie Hammer Alipate Makaui Victor Agurto Janet Ramirez Joseph Luminiello Derek Foore Robert Locke Michael Kachenmeister Jeffrey Gilliana Christopher Shuman Christopher McFoy Edward Crocker Jadelene Welty Jeremy Schroeder Jasmin Gallaga Adrian Ortiz Andrew Frilot Deonte Jones Alexander Wood NTG RET MGA SGA Rank 76.3 Ryan Giddens David Wang Moli Kaufusi Corey Helly Christina Meyer Zach Otto Marc Salvaggi Ryan Giddens Ashley Wenning Zach Otto Jesse Rennich Harold Durana Scott Wheeler Harold Durana Zach Otto Marian Sertler Marian Sertler Joshua Jackson Ryan Fickert Ryan Stenglein Steve Greer Bob Olson Steve Friedlander Giglione-Ackerman Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Surace-Smith Steve Greer Surace-Smith Sabrina Lloyd Simon Arias Don Foti Imran Satti Don Foti Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Joseph Diecedue Zachary Hart Altig-Orlovic *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 84 98 77.3 95 99 90 92.6 81.7 73.4 84 82.4 88 92 74.6 89 86 93 97 74.4 ALL TIME RECORD: $286,210 1st 6 Mo Agt SCHAUMBURG, IL TOLEDO, OH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 YTDPRODUCTION ALL TIME RECORD: $286,210 Net ALP 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP NTG $226,454 216,211 206,721 196,110 187,674 167,270 156,705 156,518 137,234 135,845 133,374 119,160 116,151 115,465 108,253 103,263 101,372 98,526 97,783 97,520 $243,508 257,666 259,310 417,707 218,651 187,726 187,312 194,123 193,400 141,488 184,812 158,602 142,762 173,917 301,599 163,490 166,968 179,995 139,082 161,645 84 Carrie Hammer Jenna Grula Julianne Scavo George Kamel Steve Bryant Derek Foore Edward Crocker Michael Kachenmeister Michael May Joseph McCallister Edwin Rodriguez Jesse Benwell Mickey Adkins Christopher McFoy Paul Smith Azar Afnan Derek DeProspero Victor Agurto Nic Iagulli Kashief Perkins RET 83.6 80.1 73.3 76.3 90 88 81.7 74.7 85 81.0 93 72.4 82.4 85.5 72.8 81.2 77.3 72.0 80.8 MGA SGA David Wang Matthew Diulus Julianne Scavo Patrick Bendure Ryan Giddens Marc Salvaggi Scott Wheeler Ashley Wenning Avi Kauderer Britton Costa Michelle Crowe Aaron McLean David Hefflin Harold Durana Patrick Bendure Rodney Ward John Conard Corey Helly Daniel Hartwig John Conard Bob Olson Simon Arias Richard Correa Surace-Smith Steve Greer Surace-Smith Imran Satti Surace-Smith Simon Arias Simon Arias Simon Arias Imran Satti Zachary Hart Don Foti Surace-Smith Zachary Hart Simon Arias Giglione-Ackerman Surace-Smith Simon Arias ALL TIME RECORD: $653,097 1st 6 Mo Agt ALL TIME RECORD: $959,675 Net ALP GENERALAGENTS JULYPRODUCTION Rank 1 2 STEPHEN GIDDENS HOUSTON, TX 5 3 SCOTT MONTGOMERY STEVEN RIOS CONCORD, CA 6 BRENT BOWLING SCHAUMBURG, IL SCHAUMBURG, IL DUANE SHAW SCHAUMBURG, IL 10 9 ROBERT SCHNEIDERMAN MELISSA QUINTAL BETTENDORF, IA MELE MAKAUI AUCKLAND, NZ 8 7 JASON LEE BOARDMAN, OH 4 LAFAYETTE, LA SLAVITA HUT HOUSTON, TX 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Stephen Giddens Scott Montgomery Steven Rios Mele Makaui Brent Bowling Jason Lee Duane Shaw Slavita Hut Robert Schneiderman Melissa Quintal Taylor Black Scott Mudrak Paul Zuzick Jodi Raymond Abdelaziz Farsakh James DePetro Robert Park Holly Lacey Asiguy Haugabook Heather Miller YTDPRODUCTION 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $170,543 111,644 105,775 88,584 88,358 68,662 65,564 61,394 59,565 56,425 52,867 52,467 51,295 50,584 50,052 49,683 46,344 46,234 43,049 42,471 $217,597 194,968 120,946 94,871 101,129 145,632 73,119 67,788 60,184 82,006 63,621 58,757 52,757 57,733 75,876 73,971 61,655 87,902 53,811 66,105 ALL TIME RECORD: $441,104 1st 6 Mo Agt NTG RET MGA SGA Rank 79.7 81.6 78.8 75.7 76.0 73.6 74.3 73.2 70.3 70.8 76.7 Ryan Giddens Harold Durana Marian Sertler Moli Kaufusi Marc Salvaggi Zach Otto Zach Otto John Young Cynthia Schneiderman Joshua Jackson Morgan Lobello Marian Sertler Brian Zuzick Nicholas Moore Mohammed Moalawi Michael Clemente I-Perfection Harris Robert Kanaan London Nelson Charles Ferrari Steve Greer Don Foti Sabrina Lloyd Steve Friedlander Surace-Smith Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Steve Greer Sabrina Lloyd Joseph Diecedue Giglione-Ackerman Sabrina Lloyd Laura Fisher Durhon Oldham Theodore Pappas Simon Arias Jamison Weatherspoon Imran Satti Kyle Johnson Simon Arias *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 90 86.2 95 81.1 75.2 82.6 75.9 73.2 84.0 ALL TIME RECORD: $624,474 Net ALP Stephen Giddens Steven Rios Brent Bowling Daniel Walton Scott Montgomery Holly Lacey Christian West Joshua Krueger Eric Thompson Andrzej Sertler Chelsie Otto John McDougald Jason Lee Slavita Hut Darcy Schrieber Duane Shaw Robert Schneiderman Magdnalene Franklin-Holmon Dan Ikei Sokol Fazliu 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $699,706 469,230 446,719 384,741 380,765 327,218 287,507 286,630 284,578 283,462 266,195 256,142 251,166 249,401 247,778 246,750 238,954 237,555 236,907 229,815 $925,317 523,911 637,461 744,965 816,446 550,638 362,241 376,443 487,322 303,750 347,357 335,088 506,458 271,329 345,084 305,415 305,057 275,838 303,712 332,218 ALL TIME RECORD: $1,468,394 1st 6 Mo Agt NTG RET MGA SGA 79.7 78.8 76.0 75.7 81.6 75.9 Ryan Giddens Marian Sertler Marc Salvaggi Patrick Bendure Harold Durana Robert Kanaan Albert Serur Matthew Turnquist Matthew Parks Marian Sertler Zach Otto Mark Dombrowski Zach Otto John Young Ryan Fickert Zach Otto Cynthia Schneiderman Taneshia Solomon Blake Higuchi Matthew Diulus Steve Greer Sabrina Lloyd Surace-Smith Surace-Smith Don Foti Imran Satti Simon Arias Richard Correa Surace-Smith Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Giglione-Ackerman Sabrina Lloyd Steve Greer Zachary Hart Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Steve Greer Altig-Orlovic Simon Arias 89 73.8 77.1 75.2 72.0 72.6 73.6 73.2 83 74.3 70.3 73.2 87.3 81.9 ALL TIME RECORD: $2,262,883 Net ALP 24 MASTERGENERALAGENTS 25 JULYPRODUCTION Rank 1 2 MARIAN SERTLER RYAN GIDDENS SCHAUMBURG, IL HOUSTON, TX 6 5 NICHOLAS MOORE PATRICK BENDURE ZACH OTTO SCHAUMBURG, IL COLUMBUS, OH 8 7 HAROLD DURANA CONCORD, CA ROCHESTER, NY 4 3 9 MOLI KAUFUSI MARC SALVAGGI AUCKLAND, NZ BOARDMAN, OH AUCKLAND, NZ Marian Sertler Ryan Giddens Zach Otto Patrick Bendure Nicholas Moore Harold Durana Moli Kaufusi Marc Salvaggi Ofa Tupouniua Michael Musso Ryan Hall Brandon Teter Robert Kanaan Joshua Jackson Timothy Wilson Matthew Conrad Brian Zuzick Robert Richman Michael Clemente Jesse Rennich 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $241,143 170,543 164,327 127,790 111,906 111,644 105,112 99,755 96,172 83,126 75,099 70,711 70,182 67,849 67,730 67,509 67,178 67,061 65,183 63,521 $274,220 219,139 267,451 310,537 205,433 208,974 110,078 127,137 159,336 161,960 143,999 122,316 127,396 94,766 84,058 106,216 80,843 101,249 106,185 59,353 NTG RET SGA Rank 70.4 79.9 73.1 76.9 80.2 80.5 70.4 78.6 70.8 75.5 77.6 75.7 71.0 74.6 75.9 81.5 75.9 Sabrina Lloyd Steve Greer Sabrina Lloyd Surace-Smith Durhon Oldham Don Foti Steve Friedlander Surace-Smith Steve Friedlander Williams-Zophin Laura Fisher Jamison Weatherspoon Imran Satti Joseph Diecedue Philip Prata Surace-Smith Laura Fisher Roland-Wrobel Simon Arias Simon Arias *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 91 72.9 70.1 ALL TIME RECORD: $723,872 Net ALP ALL TIME RECORD: $438,277 1st 6 Mo Agt 10 OFA TUPOUNIUA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 YTDPRODUCTION Marian Sertler Zach Otto Patrick Bendure Ryan Giddens Nicholas Moore Ofa Tupouniua Marc Salvaggi Erin Allen Robert Kanaan Matthew Conrad Patrick Knouse Ryan Hall Rodney Ward Adeyemi Akinade Michael Musso Heath Bailey Harold Durana Matthew Parks Steven King Moli Kaufusi 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $1,134,328 774,101 748,227 699,706 600,022 577,580 529,940 515,486 508,573 430,828 419,160 417,235 409,116 400,999 394,796 383,077 380,765 376,454 359,778 350,354 $1,286,301 1,235,290 1,968,817 936,887 1,341,754 1,047,865 890,848 708,633 912,061 667,143 621,715 756,303 682,558 522,094 784,585 657,864 875,684 818,286 586,836 507,645 NTG RET SGA 70.4 73.1 76.9 79.9 80.2 70.8 78.6 73.2 71.0 81.5 72.3 77.6 71.4 71.7 75.5 Sabrina Lloyd Sabrina Lloyd Surace-Smith Steve Greer Durhon Oldham Steve Friedlander Surace-Smith Richard Correa Imran Satti Surace-Smith Slav Bitman Laura Fisher Zachary Hart Williams-Zophin Williams-Zophin Mathew Hart Don Foti Surace-Smith Zachary Hart Steve Friedlander 89 80.5 74.0 74.5 70.4 ALL TIME RECORD: STEPHEN HILL $2,476,896 1st 6 Mo Agt ALL TIME RECORD: $4,468,285 Net ALP MICHAEL MUSSO POMPANO BEACH, FL REGIONALGENERALAGENTS YTDPRODUCTION JULYPRODUCTION Rank 1 2 ROBERT JANEV 3 MICHAEL LARAMIE SCHAUMBURG, IL HOUSTON, TX MARIAN SERTLER SCHAUMBURG, IL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Robert Janev Michael Laramie Marian Sertler Thomas Vena Matthew Parks Paul Kelly Matthew Diulus Brett Gryska Corey Helly Doreen Ryan-Foti 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $509,316 277,179 253,576 251,014 244,428 233,767 212,797 212,163 202,593 196,636 $657,015 408,571 318,518 482,280 442,358 287,167 290,122 491,736 267,840 501,984 ALL TIME RECORD: $980,159 1st 6 Mo Agt 4 THOMAS VENA PITTSBURGH, PA 5 MATTHEW PARKS CLEVELAND, OH NTG RET SGA Rank 71.6 76.7 70.3 74.5 77.1 71.5 72.1 80.1 74.8 79.8 Sabrina Lloyd Steve Greer Sabrina Lloyd Simon Arias Surace-Smith Steve Friedlander Simon Arias Durhon Oldham Giglione-Ackerman Don Foti *1 *2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ALL TIME RECORD: $1,435,508 Net ALP Robert Janev Thomas Vena Michael Laramie Matthew Parks Matthew Diulus Brett Gryska Marian Sertler Joshua Dishong Matthew Turnquist Corey Helly 1st 6 Mo Agt Net ALP $2,223,340 1,879,657 1,670,709 1,568,008 1,450,486 1,404,241 1,392,879 1,306,905 1,146,182 1,127,710 $2,940,053 3,525,854 2,403,539 2,849,819 2,225,014 3,390,550 1,620,700 2,225,565 1,748,356 1,693,636 ALL TIME RECORD: $5,230,627 1st 6 Mo Agt NTG RET SGA 71.6 74.5 76.7 77.1 72.1 80.1 70.3 Sabrina Lloyd Simon Arias Steve Greer Surace-Smith Simon Arias Durhon Oldham Sabrina Lloyd Zachary Hart Richard Correa Giglione-Ackerman 82 76.4 74.8 ALL TIME RECORD: $8,242,209 Net ALP JULYPRODUCTION 26 Category STATEGENERALAGENTS I SABRINA LLOYD IV JAMISON WEATHERSPOON VII II V RAYMOND RISUCCI III STEVE GREER ZACHARY HART VI CHAD DELEY SOULEY BAH VIII MATHEW HART † Performance Factor = % Net ALP Growth + % 1st 6 Mo Obj Spotlight recognizes State General Agents in Categories I-VIII with minimum 10% growth and 80% of First Six Month Net ALP Objective; SGAs with less than 12 months tenure in CAT I-VIII will be ranked with 100% of objective or above and are not eligible for YTD awards. YTD Winners for Categories I-VIII will be recognized at Convention by adding both their YTD Growth % and their YTD F6 Net ALP Obj and the YTD Spotlight number may not necessarily reflect that computation. SGAs <13 months will only be recognized by 80% or better of F6 month agent production. I Sabrina Lloyd Altig-Orlovic Durhon Oldham Don Foti Steve Friedlander II Steve Greer Giglione-Ackerman Williams-Zophin Cohen-Cohen III Zachary Hart Laura Fisher Imran Satti Desi Dimitrova Matt Henderson IV Jamison Weatherspoon Joseph Diecedue Philip Prata V Chad Deley Brian Traboulay Travis Moody VI Souley Bah Samantha Chui VII Raymond Risucci Jared Cleckner Eric Cochran Cisco Perez Daniel Umbertone VIII Mathew Hart Corey Neff Mitch Duplantis NTG RET 1st 6 Mo Agt 1st 6 Mo Obj 71.5 77.8 79.3 80.4 72.6 77.2 75.7 73.3 82.9 71.0 76.3 72.7 79.6 74.9 76.8 74.8 73.9 72.2 72.5 75.5 76.0 79.9 73.8 82.9 71.8 75.2 73.4 $521,751 1,159,654 212,164 214,183 304,902 $380,109 298,749 260,219 198,035 $226,613 209,089 147,898 89,887 100,632 $169,230 216,485 125,489 $45,837 87,988 46,438 $44,106 61,087 $47,665 37,612 51,611 49,486 46,676 $115,846 68,921 23,485 $200,000 967,000 227,000 250,000 324,000 $133,500 183,500 183,500 153,500 $130,000 90,000 103,500 97,000 115,000 $67,000 83,500 86,500 $50,000 53,500 47,000 $41,000 41,500 $25,000 27,000 32,500 33,500 37,000 $25,000 25,000 25,000 RET 1st 6 Mo Agt 1st 6 Mo Obj 71.5 79.3 77.8 77.2 75.7 73.3 82.9 71.0 76.3 74.9 75.6 $2,481,903 1,403,592 6,734,655 $2,245,835 1,886,217 1,732,267 977,171 $1,868,061 1,045,638 877,106 647,859 $838,547 1,037,668 750,573 479,532 $379,519 610,870 529,325 $547,220 431,190 $414,343 249,592 248,952 205,798 $746,767 314,405 329,512 301,132 $1,400,000 1,589,000 6,769,000 $934,500 1,284,500 1,284,500 1,074,500 $910,000 630,000 805,000 630,000 $469,000 584,500 605,500 504,000 $350,000 399,000 374,500 $290,500 280,000 $227,500 189,000 259,000 234,500 $175,000 175,000 175,000 175,000 98 74.2 92 % 1st 6 Mo Obj % Net ALP Growth 260.9 119.9 93.5 85.7 94.1 284.7 162.8 141.8 129.0 174.3 232.3 142.9 92.7 87.5 252.6 259.3 145.1 91.7 164.5 98.8 107.6 147.2 190.7 139.3 158.8 147.7 126.2 463.4 275.7 93.9 63.5 18.5 39.5 38.0 18.7 100.5 18.1 18.9 28.2 201.9 111.1 23.2 13.5 11.2 75.9 58.3 35.7 129.4 19.2 29.8 104.8 13.4 102.8 80.0 23.5 12.4 15.6 148.6 39.9 21.8 YTDPRODUCTION Category I Sabrina Lloyd Durhon Oldham Altig-Orlovic II Steve Greer Giglione-Ackerman Williams-Zophin Cohen-Cohen III Zachary Hart Laura Fisher Matt Henderson Slav Bitman IV Jamison Weatherspoon Joseph Diecedue Philip Prata Cindy Furer V Chad Deley James Cunningham Brian Traboulay VI Samantha Chui Scott Rehberg VII Eric Cochran Jared Cleckner Daniel Umbertone Cisco Perez VIII Mathew Hart Byron Paz Mitch Duplantis Corey Neff NTG 88 74.8 73.9 78.7 72.2 88 72.5 74.2 71.8 79.9 76.0 82.9 73.8 71.8 72.0 73.4 75.2 % 1st 6 Mo Obj % Net ALP Growth 177.3 88.3 99.5 240.3 146.8 134.9 90.9 205.3 166.0 109.0 102.8 178.8 177.5 124.0 95.1 108.4 153.1 141.3 188.4 154.0 182.1 132.1 96.1 87.8 426.7 179.7 188.3 172.1 31.8 31.8 15.2 69.4 11.8 23.7 13.7 124.3 36.1 13.2 19.2 53.2 24.3 13.5 11.8 86.7 30.9 32.0 71.1 16.1 50.0 88.8 23.4 12.9 193.9 114.0 25.0 13.7 Performance Factor † 324.3 138.4 133.0 123.6 112.8 385.3 180.9 160.7 157.2 376.2 343.4 166.1 106.2 98.8 328.5 317.6 180.8 221.0 183.7 128.6 212.3 160.6 293.5 219.3 182.3 160.1 141.7 611.9 315.6 115.8 Performance Factor † 209.1 120.1 114.6 309.7 158.7 158.6 104.6 329.5 202.1 122.2 122.0 232.0 201.9 137.5 106.9 195.1 184.0 173.3 259.5 170.1 232.2 220.8 119.5 100.7 620.6 293.7 213.3 185.8 27 PUBLICRELATIONS CATEGORY I 1 CATEGORY II 2 1 2 MALKA ARONY MARK GAGLIARDI GEORGE FARENTHOLD STEVE SANCHEZ PHOENIX, AZ OAKLEY, CA WASHINGTON, DC PEMBROKE PINES, FL CATEGORY III 1 CATEGORY IV 2 1 2 DAVID BLAISDELL TONY ANDERSON ANNA GUIDO ROHRER DARRELL DOREY GOODLETTSVILLE, TN INDIANAPOLIS, IN DAYTON, OH MAHONE BAY, NS I 1 2 3 4 5 II 1 2 3 4 5 III 1 2 3 4 5 IV 1 2 3 4 5 ROOKIE 1 ICEBREAKER 1 Production in Cards Malka Arony Mark Gagliardi Susan Gilbert Chuck Hill Brenda Di Somma George Farenthold Steve Sanchez Bernard Weaver JT Tasker Robin Andrade David Blaisdell Tony Anderson Mario Soljan Amanda Mlinaz Patrena Smith Anna Guido Rohrer Darrell Dorey Dion Dizon Ken Altizer Deborah Boles Donna Altshue Casey Cash 29 YTDPRODUCTION JULYPRODUCTION Category Rank 3,427 2,616 2,507 2,283 2,172 3,175 1,288 1,257 1,175 1,132 1,932 1,702 1,424 1,124 857 2,696 2,293 2,221 1,457 1,260 1,263 336 Location/Manager AZ/Carmella Swanson NorCal & Reno/Chuck Hill Chicago/Dawn Trudden NorCal & Reno/Jason Beckman NJ/Brian Ryan MD/DC & N VA/John Keliher S FL/Billy Sauers PA/Katherine Pratt NY State/Denise Gilbert Mass & RI/Rosanna Gill TN & SW NC/Beth Farm IN/Tami Williams NZ/Steve Friedlander WI/Laurie Onasch CT & W Mass/Rosanna Gill S OH/Tami Williams Maritimes/Melissa Lively HI/Daryl Barnett WV/Tami Williams BC/Jackie Lowe Chicago/Dawn Trudden MT/Shannon Bennett Category Rank I *1 *2 3 4 5 II * 1 *2 3 4 5 III * 1 *2 3 4 5 IV * 1 *2 3 4 5 Production in Cards Malka Arony Chuck Hill Judy Spade Mark Gagliardi Rona Pileggi Spano Robin Andrade Tami Williams Steve Sanchez Cheryl Cook David Scalisi David Blaisdell Leo VanDenBussche Tony Anderson Lisa West Mario Soljan Anna Guido Rohrer Ken Altizer Tim O'Connor Darrell Dorey Amanda Cross 21,169 18,132 14,084 13,846 13,765 11,669 8,123 6,681 6,671 6,605 6,965 6,807 6,197 5,836 5,439 12,117 12,060 8,058 7,636 7,181 Location/Manager AZ/Carmella Swanson NorCal & Reno/Jason Beckman OH/Michelle Baxter NorCal & Reno/Chuck Hill Chicago/Dawn Trudden Mass & RI/Rosanna Gill IN/Michelle Baxter S FL/Billy Sauers PA/Katherine Pratt NY State/J T Tasker TN & SW NC/Beth Farm MB/Jackie Lowe IN/Tami Williams N FL/Billy Sauers NZ/Steve Friedlander S OH/Tami Williams WV/Tami Williams OK/Christa Davis Maritimes/Melissa Lively KY/Tami Williams ALL TIME PR CARD PRODUCTION RECORD: DENISE BOWYER 61,879 CARDS ICEBREAKER TOPMANAGER ALL TIME PR CARD PRODUCTION RECORD: 18,960 CARDS TOPROOKIE 28 JULYMANAGERS Rank DONNA ALTSHUE CASEY CASH BETH FARM CHICAGO, IL GREAT FALLS, MT COLLIERVILLE, TN 1 2 3 4 5 YTDMANAGERS Card Growth Beth Farm Judy Spade Carmella Stroud Chuck Hill Brian Ryan 3,026 3,010 2,490 2,281 1,870 Director Rank Patti Morgan Michelle Baxter Jason Beckman Jason Beckman Michelle Baxter *1 *2 *3 4 5 Card Growth Judy Spade JT Tasker Jacqueline Lowe Tami Williams Carmella Stroud 20,690 9,036 3,417 3,171 2,105 Director Michelle Baxter Denise Gilbert Laurie Onasch Michelle Baxter Jason Beckman 1ST SIGNED TG JULYBONUSES PAMELA MONETTI BUNKER HILL, IL PUBLIC RELATIONS CATEGORIES ARE AS FOLLOWS: CATEGORY 1 2 3 4 POPULATION over 11,000,000 8,000,000 to 10,999,000 5,000,000 to 7,999,999 Under 5,000,000 ROOKIE: Reps with 2014 Hire Date ICEBREAKER: Reps with 2015 Hire Date PR MANAGER: Overall card growth at the end of the current month over previous year. Ken Altizer Donna Altshue Tony Anderson Robin Andrade Malka Arony Ralph Beard Lisa Bennett Gabriela Berloni David Blaisdell Deborah Boles Lou Nell Busby Casey Cash Fran Christie Cheryl Cook Amanda Cross Travis Daniels Robin Denham Dion Dizon Darrell Dorey Vivian Dwyer Viki Farr Mark Flemm Mark Gagliardi Susan Gilbert Laurie Gruber Holland Harriss Jerry Hartnett Krissa Hensley Brett Hulme Sandy Knapp Donna LaMontagna Timothy Leary Larry Lozano Lacy Martin Stephen Matous Mollie Miller Merrett Jermaine Moore Tim O’Connor Steve Orcherton Kathy Pappas Janis Pitts Cas Robinson Chas Robinson Anna Guido Rohrer Gary Rothman Rebecca Rozario Irene Rurycz Steve Sanchez David Scalisi William Slocum Tracy Smith Brenda Di Somma Rona Pileggi Spano Donald Spohn Jennifer Sprout Sarah Thomson-Dufrechou Leo VanDenBussche Bill Verbeten Al Wall Angela Waller Bernard Weaver Lisa West Jenny Williams 30 31 WORLD’S GREATEST BONUS 1 2 3 Melinda-Rae Lyse Christopher Botelho AshLynn Orng Thomas King Abdel Alkurdi $12,365 Altig-Orlovic $11,141 Altig-Orlovic $10,253 Altig-Orlovic $9,983 Altig-Orlovic $9,402 Bob Olson July Bonus Leaders $12,365Melinda-Rae Lyse 11,141 Christopher Botelho 10,253 AshLynn Orng 9,983 Thomas King 9,402 Abdel Alkurdi 8,840 Joshua Dishong 8,286 Brandon Minor 8,168 Joachim Jean 7,555 Matthew Brazeau 7,466 Benjamin Ainscough 7,271 Mark Neilson 6,706 Van Ortega 6,553 Katie Massart 6,356 Roghie Hassan Loo 6,266 Mohammed Buksh 6,228 Diana Al Ali 6,188 John Cochrane 6,013 Cathleen Hairston 5,979 Daniel Hanson 5,956 Bruce Tan 5,776 Massoud Vaziri 5,726 Paul Smith 5,676 Jonni Ng 5,588 Daniel Li 5,465 Cynthia Sittig 5,371 Matthew Zang 5,302 Joey Kennedy 5,270 Tevita Tupouniua 5,265 Susan Bedrossian 5,209 Michael van Delft 5,133 Tina Phongsavath 5,106 Samson Adelufosi 5,066 Cherri Xie 4,952 Sam Chan 4,944 Joseph Sarasin 4,938 Jonathan Emura 4,907 Erez Shabtay 4,886 Patrick Donovan 4,851 Alan Sedaghat 4,743 Tad Teeters 4,721 Joey Sales 4,678 Max Quasem $4,640 Colin Bryant 4,584 Mark Lomonaco 4,516 Jesusdieu Portilus 4,433 Daniel Toshner 4,401 Marmin Alea 4,371 Dustin Dunbar 4,361 Glenn Arakawa 4,250 Mack Hanna 4,179 Avalon McLeod 4,109 Risa Moniz 4,083 Tyler McKnight 4,014 Shalom Chaimov 4,006 Amy Shui 3,943 Lily Sakai 3,885 George Kamel 3,838 Igor Melcharek 3,823 Dustin Edgell 3,775 Kenneth Cato 3,712 Richard Carter 3,709 Christabel Ornelas 3,657 Hamilton Cribbs 3,641 Ryan Kendl 3,637 Elifranc Deus 3,633 Alvin Ali 3,617 Brandon Leonardo 3,576 Nicholas Ailport 3,567 Michael Ashton 3,536 William Parmeter 3,509 Ruben Soberanes 3,497 Veasna Keo 3,431 Jenny Alvarez 3,405 Sherry Schick 3,396 Nikki Miner 3,380 Mahadai Kryshundayal 3,371 Joshua Crisp 3,368 Mike Sukhbaatar 3,359 Randy Souliers 3,340 Stefan Johannsson 3,300 Havea Fonua 3,272 Joseph Corwin 3,255 Shennelleh Kaine 3,255 Nicki Griffiths 4 5 July Bonus Payout: $2,187,253 July Bonus Qualifiers: 3,068 $3,244 Robert Ulreich 3,234 Tiffany Babin 3,223 Marc Thebeau 3,216 Omar Torres 3,215 Adeola Obasanya 3,191 Muhammed Ashraf 3,181 Travis Picklesimer 3,179 Matt Flores 3,166 Tina Nelson 3,149 Dawid Liniewski 3,131 Danny Mayorga 3,121 Douglas Clarke 3,109 Ronald Rivera 3,107 Jason Charron 3,074 Hunter Houvener 3,042 Gary Gooden 3,036 Kashala Guiden 3,025 Lleison Martinez 3,017 Kaleiokamaile Viena 3,003 Yadollah Pourjalali 2,998 Christian Craig 2,972 Irma Gallardo 2,952 Shanita Ellmers 2,950 Beau Bequette 2,931 Corey Cox 2,917 Justin Sutton 2,905 Mike Paragiou 2,895 Andrew Hynan 2,890 Joshua Stone 2,874 William Tompkins 2,874 John Perry 2,871 Thomas Fleming 2,863 Ariel Sauer 2,843 Melissa Losk 2,836 Chad Matejcek 2,835 Bryon Eddinger 2,833 Kalen Dugan 2,832 Meletoa Longopoa 2,830 Lora Beronja 2,816 Daniel Bean 2,803 Priscila Gonzalez 2,783 Mondy Tongotea $2,778 Kareem Mutia 2,742 Natalia Tatkowska 2,737 Milovale Nauma 2,726 Ross Ewen 2,702 David Nham 2,697 Riley Peters 2,688 Bruce Viaje 2,684 Alan Fricke 2,675 Corey LaVigne 2,652 Theresa Bellajaro 2,645 Cristi Huffman 2,621 Omar Hashimi 2,619 Elizabeth Smart 2,618 Tiffiney Harmouche 2,617 Timothy Copenhaver 2,605 Jennifer Pletcher 2,589 Patricia Lambert 2,587 Harvey Quinn 2,585 Ifeanyi Ufondu 2,583 Constance Tuiteleleapaga 2,572 Anthony Iovino 2,568 Natalie Norris 2,564 Gregory Graham 2,562 Bryan Juskiw 2,559 Anemone Bennett 2,551 Matthew Kurey 2,549 Hannah Linderholm 2,533 Dorothy Niederer 2,528 Patrick Rieger 2,520 Bernardo Lopez 2,516 Christopher Salerno 2,505 Kaylee Kielczewski 2,505 Joshua Rush 2,490 Violetta Goldman 2,487 Jamie Tan 2,468 Ariel Demesa 2,466 Yolette Mompoint 2,445 Sally Wilson 2,438 Heidi Holt-Peel 2,431 Ricardo Flores 2,421 Stephanie Novel 2,407 David Watkins $2,392 Jerimiah Mangum 2,391 Thomas Yarbrough 2,385 Jesse Doherty 2,342 Mandale Tolefree 2,341 Bechir Abboud 2,339 James Jones 2,339 Kelly McDonald 2,324 Jean Vilno 2,315 Kyle Franklin 2,305 Jeramey Pitman 2,287 Benjamin Van Fossen 2,280 Steven Halm 2,269 Coral Ashe 2,268 James Lawson 2,267 Michael Botond 2,266 Jordan Lacy 2,266 Natalie Soboleva 2,263 Benito Menchaca 2,262 Katherine Garcia 2,260 Inderjit Toor 2,248 Alexandre Duenas 2,240 Judy Dawson 2,239 Lee van Delft 2,235 David Rockway 2,230 Johnny Ly 2,207 Oleg Novitchii 2,192 James DeCommer 2,187 Richard Bentley 2,180 Edward DeFurio 2,163 Ed Olfert 2,157 William Nesseth 2,156 Tanya Labinowicz 2,143 Mark Harhager 2,142 Andrew Chambers 2,138 Greta Wilson 2,131 Myaa Fallon 2,125 David Schanuel 2,125 Jose Abdul-Fattah 2,118 Anthony Bentley 2,109 Michael Thompson 2,108 Noel Rose 2,106 Joaquin Santos $2,101 Megan Richardson 2,101 Christopher Bentley 2,100 Victoria Herrera 2,097 Christina Jauch 2,093 Scott Hanna 2,067 Jeffrey Witherall 2,067 Zachary Bradshaw 2,065 Juan Garcia 2,058 Gregory VanSuch 2,052 Jennifer Russell 2,052 Sean Grant 2,049 Junbin Koh 2,042 Andrea Arballo 2,036 Omar Fernandez 2,034 Hannah Bailey 2,033 Daine Roswess 2,026 Michael Ponziano 2,026 Cody Toth 2,024 Humberto Quintero 2,013 Graciela Calderon 2,010 Paul Love 2,010 Liliana Rodriguez 2,004 Kristy King 1,994 Emil Mohareb 1,993 Adem Abdula 1,993 Maria Ramirez 1,992 Shana Sanders 1,984 Charles Portis 1,976 Tobe Pope 1,975 Aubrey McMillan 1,974 Michael Moreno 1,973 Raynetta Smalls 1,970 David Stingl 1,967 Matthew Cessna 1,949 Ricardo Benson 1,946 Herivelto Pereira 1,946 Phillip Waisman 1,943 Rita Charles 1,941 Jesse Atatai 1,938 Jorge Leon 1,929 Natalie Ball 1,922 Kehinda Pryor 1,920 Nadezhda Vitchev 1,918 Yihao Chen 1,918 Brian Mincher 1,916 Holly Bonhorst 1,913 Brett Maurice 1,913 Rubin Chaimov 1,911 Collins Appiah 1,901 Noreen McNear 1,901 Nolan Reid 1,889 Harold Durana 1,880 Ryan Hume 1,872 Miles Washington 1,870 Chelsea Johnson 1,861 John Sardin 1,861 Daniel LaFontaine 1,855 Elvis Amor 1,854 Sean Gillespie 1,853 Scott Remmey 1,852 Kyle Alden 1,851 Samvel Tigranyan 1,850 Yairaniz Figueroa-Ruiz 1,846 Shirley Patey 1,821 Alma B Gonzalez 1,820 Henri Young 1,816 Tony Geer $1,814 Phyo Phyo 1,806 Bilal Farsakh 1,799 Mustafa Ridha 1,794 Raymond Fuji 1,787 Emaly Galeano 1,783 Daveda Newsome 1,783 Luckey Boston 1,781 Jinzhou Zhao 1,777 William Irvine 1,775 Orett Nelson 1,768 Tammie Hartman 1,767 Edill Cobos 1,766 Victoria Perea 1,760 Lee Jeffers 1,759 Alejandro Pineda 1,758 Afuiva Vaai 1,757 Pablo De La Cruz 1,753 Jessica Uresti 1,750 Brandon Larkin 1,732 Chalena Grisby 1,731 Lincoln Dziekonski 1,724 Richard Halliday 1,723 Beau Locker 1,722 Lige Li 1,721 Jean Francis 1,719 Kasali Kotun 1,718 Deante Young 1,718 Felicity Chavez 1,712 Nadine Smith-Johnson 1,712 Joseph Tracey 1,708 Sultan Deckard 1,708 Arien Seemann 1,707 James Merriman 1,706 Preeti Sahgal 1,698 Christopher McFoy 1,695 Yuriy Kosovan 1,690 Alexander Shpirt 1,689 Demmerick Stevenson 1,685 Tracy Lepore 1,682 Robert Henderson 1,680 Piniece Williams 1,679 Robert Richman 1,675 Deana Plaster 1,674 Christopher Cargile 1,672 Elena Riley 1,665 Christine Wood 1,665 Tibor Simon 1,664 Andrew Wagner 1,663 Hector Sartori 1,663 Hakan Ozalpasan 1,660 Laurekins Pardovani 1,656 Ranjana Chopra 1,651 Aden Schrock 1,646 Sean Walsh 1,645 Toniann Allen 1,642 Lesina Ah Sue 1,642 Christopher Hamilton 1,641 Jean Alexis 1,632 Evelin Castro-Sharif 1,632 Robert Wright 1,628 Lawrence Dennis 1,623 Laaina Havea 1,612 Haydn Daniel 1,611 Andre McCallum 1,610 Dana Black 1,609 Jessica Velazquez 1,609 Steve Mersan $1,605 Casey Finley 1,604 Rachel Elfenbein 1,604 Rosemary Smith 1,603 Nadia Feleti 1,598 Naylyn Booker 1,595 Alex Herrera 1,594 Andrea Kessler 1,593 Adelfa Parinas 1,590 Odilia Goulart 1,590 Fabian Aniekwensi 1,588 Abdelaziz Farsakh 1,582 Brian MacDonald 1,578 Carrie Bowman 1,575 Mark Hart 1,567 Scott Florin 1,560 Alicia Nieman 1,559 Jonathan Black 1,553 Horatio Ward 1,551 Ana Tahifote 1,539 Dominic Telymonde 1,535 Shelby Poston 1,535 Jesse Coatney 1,534 Anastasia Martens 1,532 Brittany Saucedo 1,531 Mary Mafi 1,529 Roger Rau 1,528 Victoria Varney 1,527 Bradley Christiansen 1,523 Daniel Lopez 1,523 Catherine Fisher 1,522 Mike Allen 1,521 John Adams 1,519 Mynor Lemus 1,519 Gian Trinidad 1,519 Derek Wright 1,518 Michelle Eudy 1,518 Dustin King 1,515 Gerardo Davila 1,515 Sarah Gilmore 1,514 Samantha Munoz-Loya 1,510 Fadi Nassar 1,510 Joshua Lenix 1,509 Ashley Kelly 1,504 Winston Hills 1,502 Robert Adrahtas 1,500 Jonathan Mayfield 1,497 Sina Heak 1,495 Ala Awad 1,495 Matthew Vanderhoof 1,494 Cheri McWhorter 1,493 Amr Shater 1,493 Kevin Appasamy 1,490 Brody Maughan-Evanson 1,489 Elizabeth Eaves 1,486 Talicia Stringer 1,485 Jennifer Kimmel 1,479 Brian Stuckey 1,478 Thomas Huynh 1,475 Mia Mitchell 1,473 Rashidah Henriques 1,472 Pa Yang 1,472 Devin Pinyerd 1,470 Seroa Hodge 1,465 Joshua Goodman 1,464 Dominque Ward 1,463 Martin Robinson 1,462 Darrell Asbell $1,455 Kaila Stopa 1,452 Angelique Piquion 1,451 Steven Stensrud 1,450 Brian Jerome 1,446 Evan Donoghue 1,443 Samantha Erbe 1,439 Daniel Johnson 1,436 Abdel Khawatmi 1,434 Ellen Schultz 1,433 Susan Sims 1,428 Jaquala Hillman 1,427 Magaly Morales 1,422 Jimez Parker 1,421 Cornelius Wilkins 1,415 Mario Andres Chavez 1,410 Jadelene Welty 1,410 Elba Vargas 1,407 Corey Clayton 1,405 Charles Belt 1,405 Erika Torres 1,404 Levi Porto 1,403 Christopher Bennett 1,402 Elias Boles 1,389 Joshua Rauser 1,388 Dawn Selden 1,385 Frank Rodriguez 1,383 Fortuna Moise 1,381 John Turner 1,379 Timothy Chandler 1,379 Marc Demilia 1,374 Ericka Martinez 1,370 Denis Snyder 1,366 Alexander Wood 1,365 Nikki Sievers 1,365 Felicia Steele 1,364 Megan Haynes 1,363 Eric LaBossiere 1,362 Jordan Albright 1,359 Nicholas Forrest 1,358 Shelby Henderson 1,358 Garret Kun 1,356 Sawyer Skaggs 1,354 Raymond Angeles 1,353 Luz Echeverria 1,349 Andrew Covell 1,345 Andrew Rogers 1,342 Pauline Cresswell 1,342 Luke Biereonwu 1,340 Sarah Scott 1,336 Angela Johnson 1,334 Brandon Dodds 1,333 Kenneth Preston 1,328 John Meneses 1,323 Darryl McDougal 1,323 Lusieni Pasiaka 1,318 Jeff Innocent 1,313 Elcar Buhay 1,312 Wayne Burns 1,304 Anthony Sava 1,304 Kayla Hammond 1,303 Eugene Pangelinan 1,302 Miranda Mortensen 1,301 Nikol Logan 1,300 Robert Park 1,300 Chelsea Wilbur 1,289 Erna Gasanin 1,283 Nicholas Walsh $1,283 Steffi Obilisundar 1,281 Candice Rezzo 1,278 Dale Canterbury 1,277 Raymond Lau 1,275 Jordon Graham 1,275 Thomas Hoopes 1,274 Sonia Tyner 1,267 Kyle Lewicki 1,267 Sharon Manning 1,260 Nicholas Gasparro 1,258 Mele Vuna 1,257 Cyle Chapman 1,257 Luis Jose 1,255 Carlos Frazier 1,255 Justin Germany 1,248 Eduardo Rodriguez 1,247 Rachael Santee 1,246 Alix Albright 1,245 Lindsey Dettwiller 1,238 George Shafiek 1,238 Joel Nunez 1,235 Maxx Schumann 1,235 Angelika Scehura 1,234 Elizabeth Garcia 1,232 Brett Van Effen 1,231 Michael J Smith 1,227 Alexander Bayley 1,225 Juan Nunez 1,224 Jeffrey D Cobb 1,224 Kimberle Spooner 1,221 Grant Hockman 1,218 Johnny Castro 1,216 Christopher Ross 1,215 Patrick Rowe 1,213 Margaret LaCroix 1,213 Jason Hall 1,213 Scott Pfeifer 1,212 Henry McCormick 1,212 Nicholas M Smith 1,211 Kendra Long 1,206 Yuridia Stoffa 1,204 Elyse Bryan 1,197 Lenard Brown 1,197 David Basnett 1,195 Carlo Buhay 1,190 Richard Jones 1,189 Ryan Witham 1,189 Helen Taylor 1,188 Paul Angelopulos 1,186 Acacia Mark 1,186 Christopher Lilley 1,185 Joy Manasse 1,184 Milena Arceo 1,184 Brian Sewell 1,178 Matthew Hilton 1,176 Kassandra Power 1,173 Sonja Koryhaio 1,171 Justin Ruscio 1,168 Kevin McGuire 1,167 Jesus Parra 1,162 William Russell 1,161 Maxon Elozier 1,157 Claude Harriott 1,156 Michel Lavelanet 1,154 Mariha Pratt 1,154 Justin Eitel 1,152 Andy Ochoa 32 33 World’s Greatest Bonus - continued $1,152 Andrew Leah 1,152 Michelle Grimes 1,151 Nicole Harrell 1,149 Michael Nowak 1,145 Jessica Boss 1,145 Lisa Burleson 1,143 Richard Millington 1,142 Meghan Harris 1,139 Michael McClintock 1,138 Andrew Fletcher 1,137 Raphael Jaras-Dunfey 1,134 Jagdish Sukhu 1,133 Saint Labbe 1,132 Carlene Samecken 1,131 Seneca Birchmore 1,127 Peer Shmelzer 1,127 Cierra Ringberg 1,127 Franklin Snyder 1,126 Cameron Lilly 1,125 Peter Iverson 1,118 James Sherwood 1,118 Sunnie McRee 1,115 Sarah Vacheresse 1,114 Jesse Bachrach 1,113 Kyle Barter 1,109 Tomasi Tomasi 1,106 Janelle Living 1,105 Thames Nolan 1,104 Lawerence Smith 1,100 Jennifer Reed 1,098 Michael Givens 1,097 Robert Locke 1,096 Lawrance Combs 1,093 Marisha Sommerville 1,091 Jessica Rhoades 1,082 David O’Donnell 1,079 Robert Bilder 1,078 Erin Moyer 1,076 Michael May 1,071 Isaac Ashley 1,067 Sheila Fowler 1,064 Skyler Nickerson 1,060 Zachary Lakatos 1,058 Kyle Schroeder-Gurnicz 1,057 Pamela Faircloth 1,057 Ivonne Perez 1,054 James Sullivan 1,052 Kathrynn Levinson 1,052 Ana Havea 1,051 Kunlin Zou 1,051 Tony Washington 1,049 Cyntheya Riley 1,049 Ho Tran 1,049 Phillip Perrin 1,046 Christine Moore 1,045 Adam Huck 1,044 Daphne Goldsby 1,041 Fareedah Omar 1,040 Tarek Elabasy 1,039 Matthew Koleszar 1,036 Elizabeth White 1,034 Rebecca Richie 1,032 Fatima Leon Francisco 1,027 Tyler Moore 1,027 Maren Conway 1,026 Marc Kurzberg 1,025 Lafi Papalii $1,024 Badr Elkousy 1,023 Ryan Giddens 1,023 Jared Mercer 1,022 Christina LaPlant 1,020 Saul Lopez 1,020 Steven Trattar 1,020 Nicholas Hayman 1,018 Frederick Noel 1,016 Robert Hamilton 1,015 Leonard Paschke 1,014 James Sodan 1,009 Victoria Gonzales 1,007 Maria Diringer 1,007 Kristen Sponring 1,006 Michael Coulthard 1,005 Alexis Albolino 1,004 Carey Markoe 1,004 Timothy Cruise 1,004 Grant Husted 1,004 Jenna Ayotte 1,003 Austin Lounds 1,000 Giancarlo Silvestri 998 Mary Raughley 998 Christopher Pellerine 997 Thomas Reddoch 997 Kimberly Alston 997 Mario DiGiovanni 996 Cherie Mohn 996 Daniel Martinsen 993 Virginia Lee 993 James Resch 989 Damaris Henderson 989 Wislaine Laurent 986 Paeahelotu Langi 983 Guishaad Laguerre 981 Justin Diaz 980 Phillip Goodwin 979 Paul Torman 979 Sergio Joaquin Haro 979 Kelsey Shirley 978 Matthew Simon 977 Richard Beck 975 Daniel Souza 974 Ronald Saling 974 Elizabeth Tompkins 973 Scott Ross 973 George Bort 972 Raymond Wentworth 972 Daniel Konise 972 Catherine Nicholson 968 Lavonda Wells Covington 968 Leonard Kazmierczak 966 Kari Gilbert 965 Margaret Palmer 965 Edward Crocker 965 Lindsay Maring 964 Candace Worman 963 Marcus Piccirilli 959 Gloria Mendoza 958 Samy Jacques 957 Hussain Mir 956 Benjamin Meiller 953 Adam Kidikas 951 Calvin Bruch 951 Tammie Keslake 947 Monika Wanis 947 Ryan Yousefian $947 Kristi Graf 946 Janet Buckley 946 Betty Schweitzer 944 Angela Torres 944 Jacqueline LaBlanc 944 Timothy Scanlon 944 Curtis Young 941 Andrew M Bishop 939 Arlene Harty 938 James Keefer 936 Thomas Karczewski-Geffs 936 Suzanne McRoberts 935 Kelsi Jewell 934 Jeremy Rivers 932 Solomone Havea 928 Paramjit Sangha 925 Michael Cash 923 Richard Sidoti 922 Alipate Makaui 921 Thorin Somers 921 Sione Nau 920 Rosalie Matthews 918 Michele Hanrahan 913 Brian Hutchings 912 Maresa Rone 911 Steven Sparkes 911 Maksim Lagoda 908 Leon Burke 904 Gerald Weber 904 Miguel Perez 904 Asiguy Haugabook 903 Cristina Bryan 902 William Sukhenko 902 Lawrence Hadley 900 Lori Bracco 900 Benton Tong 900 Kushinga Baudi 899 Anthony Lacaria 895 Neil Washnock 893 Austin Morrison 892 Ira Randall 892 Dan Ikei 892 Timothy Blackburn 892 Anna Senra 891 Shams Kaddoura 889 Amy Burzacki 887 Jon Golin 884 Raymond Ross 883 Robert Montenegro 881 Hinalei Hukehuke 880 Lisa Gomez 878 Daniel E Austin 876 Whitney Taylor 873 Edmaggie Myrthil 870 Jean-Serge Mary 869 Steven Warner 866 Jose Garcia 865 Susan Cousineau 864 Candice Harrison 864 Scot Stelly 864 Misty Hays 862 Asad Ahmed 861 Jennifer Young 859 Maritza Gomez 859 Jesse Benwell 858 Keith Cameron 857 Susan Scott $856 Troy Williams 856 Noel Lopez 853 Kristofor Chappel 853 Zachary Clubine 853 Marie Campbell 852 Eric Antwi 852 Jennifer Wehrle 850 Paea Foliaki 848 Ronald Velestuk 846 Anthony Luminiello 846 Michael Tjapkes 845 Everton Brooks 844 Musediq Abdul 843 Alex Boachie 843 Patton Cain 842 Philippe Godin 840 Alex Charalambous 839 Ahlem Bejaoui 839 Marcus Martin 838 Clint Umbrell 838 Charles Boisselle 837 Charles Firneno 837 Jesse Loera 833 Adrian Segalla 832 Jackie Okimoto 832 Richard Skarren 829 Stephen Alexander 828 Alex Smith 827 Kathryn Fell 827 Adam Boggs 826 Michael Price 824 Michael Ceidro 822 Ivan Leung 821 Kay Pomroy 820 Jamaar Jones 819 Ronnie Franklin 819 Keith Pierce 817 Julius Evers 816 Tuikogau Afuamua 814 Karla Stewart 813 Cynthia Akins 811 Carl Lindsay 810 Nickoy Hylton 807 Christopher Petrosino 806 LaKatta Carey 806 Kirsten Watkins 805 Dilushi Perera 805 James Davis 804 Joseph Huh 804 Shaina Duchesne 802 Darrell Ballard 799 Bennett Smith 799 James Gale 799 Kimberly Dennison 798 Bridgett Turner 795 Skylar Chauvin 794 Fran Kolos 793 Armando Salva 793 Rachel Mahuiki 792 Lucky Faaitiiti 792 Markethia Jacob 791 Ryan Locke 791 Christian LaBoy 787 Cleopatra Sola 784 Luis Garibay 783 DeAngelo Robinson 782 Adam Scherer $781 Chereen Mason 781 Luc Do 781 Jae Ro 779 Julian McClain 779 Jeffrey Spanaus 778 Jeremy Morris 778 Luiza Ramanoska 777 Cameron Gunter 777 Sheterica Hamilton 777 Min Jiang 775 Adrian Davis 774 Tatum Schneidmiller 772 Elaine O’Neill 772 Steven Canales 771 Ashley Wenning 770 Peter Gabranski 769 Amy Baird 769 Daniel Smith 768 Erica Garbet 768 James Velas 765 Matthew Smith 765 Stephanie Kind 765 Angela DeVivo 764 James Franklin 764 Kendall Wilson 764 Rebecca Alloway 763 Brendan Franklin 761 Alex Normandeau 761 Athea Buchanan 761 Donrie Purcell 760 Candice Anderson 760 Adriana Madrigal 759 Armando Palacio 758 Dexter Hill 758 Glenn Martin 755 Chijioke Madugwulike 754 Nicholas Alvaro 753 Matthew Dawson 752 Ernest Patterson 752 Samantha McKimm 750 Timothy Tzimas 749 Michael Moss 748 Dustin Holtz 748 John Edison 748 Glenn Hampton 748 James Clark Jr 747 Casey Hayes 743 Lauren Kwecenski 741 Brandy Swift 739 Angelique Lavaly 738 Chad Bradley 738 Christine Sobb 736 Ricardo Alanis 735 Tia Johnson 735 Jason Kuepfer 733 Robert Ford 732 Sherin Sepulveda 728 Tyler Peel 726 Paolo Dandrea 725 Derek Swanier 725 Tachane Joseph 724 Ashley Robinson 724 Richard Gaffney 723 Elizabeth Parker 722 Daniel Juskiw 721 Michelle Simons 721 Thomas VanOsdol $719 Byron Belser 717 Sandra Diaz 716 Joshua Kershaw 716 Jessica Martin 715 Joseph Bryant 714 Steve Marker 713 Peter Kaplanis 711 Amber McGlynn 709 Anne Hooper 709 Dustin Dunlap 708 Joseph Hedborn 707 Brandon Mogel 705 Allan Adams 705 Jim Hintze 704 Brandon Carroll 702 Ashley Bodnar 702 Amanda Pineda 701 Mitchell Pfeffer 701 Angela Chong 701 Brock Lampee 699 Janina Wilson 699 Paavo Cymanow 697 Ryan Jones 697 Pablo Zetina 695 Kimberly Moody 695 Terah Taylor 694 Daneul O’Neil 693 Brenna Jensen 693 Derek Sandilands 693 Susan Bergh 690 Lamine Diakhate 690 Kevin Crow 689 Lauren Sheridan 688 Robert T Harris 687 Patrick Cremeans 687 Blake Bocci 686 Leah-Marie Rehfeldt 686 Guillermo Quintero 686 Samantha Washington 686 Michael Mallia 686 Wes Elder 686 Brent Bowling 685 Gilbert Pollock 685 Adolfo Lacayo 685 Audrey Kersey 684 Karla Petatan 683 Daniel James 682 Matthew Kozlowski 682 Nathaniel Finger 682 Lance Eldell 679 Heamoni Loloma 679 Markee Richmond 675 Erica Thomas 672 Andrew Severson 672 Charles Adkins 670 Rachel Gallagher 670 Sione Mavae 668 Calvin Shaw 668 Roberto Navarro 665 Ryan Dermody 664 Carlton Mack 664 Howell Smith 662 Travis Vandeberghe 661 Curtis Henderson 661 Heba Kidd 660 Tasha Hunter 660 Samuel Robertson $659 Tavauna Grimes 659 Maria Fe Abad-Barte 659 Eugene Garcia 659 Karen Fleming 659 Teah Dixon 657 Jennifer Peralta 656 Appoline Ridore 656 Peter Hudousek 654 Christopher D’Onofrio 654 Tyler-Dewayne Wright 653 Alex Marski 651 Richard Johnson 651 Laura Duncan 650 Cornelius Bland 650 Brock Schmuland 649 Holly Stave 649 Joshua Boyce 649 Frank Cordaro 648 Tyler Arch 647 Ryan Vopat 647 Jeff Hutchinson 647 Whitney Williams 647 Marques Holmes 646 Woffard Lomax 645 Heather Miller 645 Joshua Miker 644 Somprathai Sopha 641 Brenna Schmidt 640 Daphne Weber 640 Samuel Geissinger 639 Xavier MacLarty 639 Steven Rowe 638 Jessica Cagle 637 Gregory Bonnes 637 Jenna Grula 637 Jamaica Carver-Mann 637 Emmanuel Fedna 636 David Negron 635 John Lucas 635 Eric Thompson 635 Mildred Machuca 635 Gabriela Terrazas 635 Tara Cyphert 634 Chantal Mallette 634 Ryan McIntosh 634 Anthony Theriault 630 Anthony Sambula 630 Shawn Mahoney 628 Alan Arellano 628 Mary Robinson 627 Daryll Campbell 625 Polina Philbin 625 Karen Sessing 624 Austin Soboleski 624 Philip Ziegler 624 Karen Burg 622 Keith Booker 622 Martha Miller 622 Daniel Mulder 620 Bryan Robbins 620 Eric Hidy 619 Jennifer Perez 619 Matthew Willrodt 617 Lucas Larson 617 Courtney Griggs 614 Matthew Castelli 614 Caroline Mikhail $613 Benjamin Butzlaff 612 Juan Olvera 612 Glenda Crump 611 Cristina Fox 609 Theodore Ravetta 609 Brian Willis 608 Jeremy Engrav 606 Jeremy Gibson 605 Theodore Arshawsky 604 Jessica Torres 602 Justin Roberts 602 Nicole Walker 601 Scott Davison 601 Kelly Hannan Daley 599 Kenneth Burnett 598 Paul DiVincenzo 597 Eric Boyer 596 Hardik Sheth 596 Vanessa Delery 596 Tiffany Hedger 595 Jorge Ruiz 595 Deveney Wells-Gibson 595 Brittany Curry-Jack 594 Cole Hatfield 593 Kyle Sinclair 591 Patrick Connelly 591 Nicholas Wiley 590 Pamela Stanger 590 Heulett Suggs 590 April Rivera 589 Stephanie Young 589 Anna Midowicz 588 Frank Jackson 587 Sharon Rogers 586 Thomas Lafferty 586 Joseph Stas 585 Murray Nagler 584 Scott Harris 584 David Buetow 583 Anthony Ruiz-Velez 583 Jaspal Batth 582 Jason Cox 581 Eric Neff 581 Brian Thai 580 Andrew Dorf 580 Diana Vuong 579 Jonathan Frigola 578 Ryan Beuc 578 Brian Taylor 576 Caren Deanda 575 Robert Wurtzel 575 Julita Tinamisan 574 Brian Gilmore 573 Denis-Michael Catalano 572 Jamie Winters 572 Jose Rubio 572 Thomas Haefner 572 Craig Ebinger 570 Raymond Spiccioli 570 Alex Blodgett 570 Ricardo Grandt 569 Louis Thacker 569 Shirley Tadiarca 569 Belinda Rickles 569 Vincent Morgan 568 Aryeh Freedman 568 Robert Ward WGB recognition is based on $1,500 weekly ALP minimum achievement level $567 Natasha Wallace 566 Sarah Dulany-Gring 566 Moritani Ulia 565 Alexandra Berberich 565 Brian Hartman 563 Matthew Girard 563 Justin Whittington 562 Rodrick Hahn 560 Nicholas Myers 560 Jesse Bogart 560 Emily Brunner 559 Katherine Georgiou 559 Sydney Dunkle 559 Jonathan Durand 559 Brenden Mostoller 559 Kellen Buckman 559 Gregory Simpson 556 Donald Gregoire 556 Lynn Doolittle 556 Sabrina Hawkins 556 Steven Bensinger 554 Rajneish Poyser 554 Dianna Brown 552 Scott Porter 552 Tashika Nickle 551 Brandon Baker 551 Ian Hebert 550 Kyle Lenski 550 Tonia Reaves 549 Fanny Garcia-Ramirez 549 Alex Maya 549 Kendra Alnes 548 Matthew Parker 548 Donald Ladwig 547 Olufemi Olushola 547 John Keslar 545 Mike Hudnall 545 Julie Aprahamian 544 Elizabeth Chilson 542 Justin Heckel 541 Christopher Pabon 539 Trudy Sakaguchi 539 Victoria Cabrera 538 Lineti Pasikala 538 Hayden Davis 537 Marilyn Riddle 537 Ayman Elsalhy 536 Kevin Haines 536 Douglas Zigby 535 Peter Bernosky 535 Amber Dregalla 535 Christopher McDonald 534 David Kerul 533 Nicolas Vecchiarelli 532 Austin Hamilton 532 William Chu 532 Wilmer Munoz-Jimenez 531 Tamara Garay 530 Hollie Kasaboski 529 Benny Millan 526 Phillip Youn 526 Keith Amrine 526 Tucker Gregor 525 Michelle Martinez Aviles 523 Edwin Rodriguez 522 Jamel Smith 522 Andrew Moranville $522 Caitlind Boshears 520 Ruben Santillana 519 Kyle Greene 518 Breann Haley 518 Gerrit Stephens 518 Christopher Bonk 517 Patrick Guthrie 516 Kwang Bin Im 514 Irvin Lassalle 513 Krystal Kitchen 513 Dylan Gardner 512 Charity Smith 512 David Rigney 512 Kelly Schoenherr 512 Lavinia Rangihuna 512 Sharon Barnes 511 Morgan Kimak 511 Tavita Filemoni 511 James Morris 510 Tommy Ward 510 Orlando Salgado 510 Lindsey Crivea 509 Christopher Angelos 508 Thomas Agee 508 Brittni Kwiecien 507 Jocelyn Bolito 506 Veronica Randel 505 Robynann Callahan 505 Brittany Dupree 505 Jeanne Klapperich 505 Charles Floyd 503 Stephen Dillard 503 Michael Bell 502 Dustin Klingebiel 502 Jonathan Cook 501 Ashley Bordelon 501 David Klemp 500 Cecil Johnson 500 Jason von Rosenberg 500 Nathan Cathcart 34 35 LEADERSHIP BONUS 1 2 3 Patrick Bendure Zach Otto Ryan Giddens Marian Sertler Marc Salvaggi $45,121 Surace-Smith $36,511 Sabrina Lloyd $33,845 Steve Greer $28,281 Sabrina Lloyd $26,176 Surace-Smith July Bonus Leaders $45,121Patrick Bendure 36,511 Zach Otto 33,845 Ryan Giddens 28,281 Marian Sertler 26,176 Marc Salvaggi 24,182 Harold Durana 22,512 Nicholas Moore 20,904 Michael Musso 19,443 Robert Kanaan 17,489 Ofa Tupouniua 16,197 Matthew Parks 14,893 Bobby Szwaja 14,708 Doreen Ryan-Foti 14,344 Moli Kaufusi 13,455 Daniel Hartwig 12,880 Michael Clemente 12,455 Rodney Ward 12,414 Albert Serur 12,335 Mark Beckford 11,537 David Wang 11,529 Matthew Diulus 11,406 Robert Richman 11,271 Robert Hamilton 11,236 Syed Quadri 11,150 Erin Allen 11,070 Heath Bailey 11,031 Ryan Hall 10,549 Mohammed Moalawi 10,472 Stephen Hill 10,462 Justin Adams 10,100 Levar Morgan 10,040 Blake Higuchi 10,015 Kaitlyn Brandt 9,980 Brian Zuzick 9,946 Adeyemi Akinade 9,882 Troy Plummer 9,709 Timothy Wilson 9,601 Steven King 9,587 John Young 9,585 Taneshia Solomon 9,409 Christopher Hintz 9,330 Ryan Bisanz 9,320 Christopher Akins $9,180 Bobby Gujral 9,139 Joshua Jackson 9,114 Thomas Vena 9,029 Cara DeFiore 9,007 Ryan Stenglein 8,932 David Guzman 8,907 Todd Glazer 8,572 Cynthia Schneiderman 8,535 Patrick Knouse 8,500 Jameetri Washington 8,238 Marisa Willgruber 8,159 Charles Ferrari 8,057 Christopher Rodriguez 8,057 Alexandra Graham 7,987 Sara Vaz 7,932 Nasr Quadri 7,802 Sean Velasquez 7,783 Ryan Fickert 7,662 Nicholas Scordos 7,589 Brandon Summerton 7,473 Sharif Grays 7,328 Corey Helly 7,317 Lori Dacyk 7,314 Evan Holzhauer 7,229 Noel Rose 7,193 Jonathan Maust 7,186 Robert Smith 7,178 Herman Fennell 7,172 Ransey Vazquez 7,107 Nicholas Lorence 7,072 Jesse Rennich 7,010 London Burnett 6,961 Brandon Teter 6,868 Magda Figueiredo 6,827 Morgan Lobello 6,815 Jesse O Martin 6,770 Paul Samra 6,571 Krista Thieme 6,566 Ryan Wilson 6,535 Mack Doby 6,496 Michael Gerstein 6,488 Matthew Conrad 6,376 Mark Hileman 4 5 July Bonus Payout: $1,881,717 July Bonus Qualifiers: 1,124 $6,284 Henry Ingraham 6,134 Scott Kim 6,064 I-Perfection Harris 6,012 Albert Lau 5,895 Corey Hallam 5,863 Dean Jensen 5,758 Lorena Barriere 5,741 Melne Hughes 5,736 Shorne Brown 5,673 Kade Beck 5,630 Kody Kramme 5,623 Stephen Jeung 5,619 Dustin Dunlap 5,609 Rafi Nawabi 5,576 Chad Potts 5,574 Matthew Wolfanger 5,377 Aaron McLean 5,376 Christina Meyer 5,331 Michael Williams Jr 5,209 Scott Wheeler 5,146 Shawntae Collins 5,050 Hal Herman 5,049 David Rigney 5,006 Minh Phung 4,979 Duni Olusegun 4,934 AshLynn Orng 4,897 Eric Ebbitt 4,893 Rita Haidinger 4,811 Jordan Chalom 4,786 David Higa 4,682 Richard Barbour 4,652 Trevor Mayer 4,613 Stephen Giddens 4,403 Brandon Minor 4,388 Scott Montgomery 4,320 Herbert Stell 4,253 Patrice Amador 4,229 John Sparby 4,170 Craig Strompf 4,151 Alon Fischer 4,112 Gabriela Sime 4,093 Jessica Santamarina 4,072 Gevorg Yanukyan $4,061 Michelle Crowe 4,046 Ryan McIntosh 3,873 George O’Shea 3,813 Jason Lee 3,777 Daniel Vilas 3,750 Liam Flaherty 3,748 Jack Keiderling 3,689 Luay Ghawi 3,688 Ashley Wenning 3,678 Nicholas Engrav 3,675 Holly Lacey 3,639 Andrew McQuade 3,555 Mark Kukielski 3,547 Alex Kae 3,539 Natalie Linker 3,535 Richard Dyer 3,525 Corey Cox 3,514 Kelsi Jewell 3,466 Anita Ferris 3,429 Jamil Harris 3,426 Matthew Turnquist 3,425 Brent Bowling 3,391 Fritznel Octave 3,375 Steve Bryant 3,324 Phillip Perrin 3,317 Melinda-Rae Lyse 3,237 Alta Herpel 3,214 Yussuf Elzein 3,175 Daniel Walton 3,123 Roger Fung 3,095 Tina Phongsavath 3,074 Chad McLaughlin 3,071 Mathew Mealey 3,070 Timothy Kieran 3,052 Matthew Cartwright 2,992 Devon Chapman 2,958 Samuel Cohen 2,950 Darcy Schrieber 2,948 Nikolas Moreschi 2,912 Scott Sonnenberg 2,903 Angelique Lavaly 2,900 Ryan Tucker 2,873 Craig Ebinger $2,869 John Conard 2,859 Michael Cirelli 2,855 Mike Hudnall 2,820 Jeffrey Hall 2,719 Patrick Stenglein 2,671 Allison Cate 2,602 Javier Diaz 2,588 Ernest Powell 2,487 Atta Saleh 2,363 Abdelaziz Farsakh 2,340 Christopher Chovanec 2,318 Polina Philbin 2,275 Steven Rios 2,253 Linda Eichelberger 2,220 Luke Biereonwu 2,200 Lara Wyatt 2,163 Erin Moyer 2,150 Jorge Alvarez 2,133 Porter Balke 2,125 James DePetro 2,097 Tyler McKnight 2,086 Sheila Downey 2,038 Slavita Hut 2,022 Bradley Kampmeier 2,013 Justin Barker 2,009 Britton Costa 2,000 Patricia Cicerale 2,000 Duane Shaw 1,995 Iva Kalinova 1,969 Mele Makaui 1,963 Anthony Theriault 1,962 Joy Vann-Austin 1,938 Jordan Reinhold 1,899 Jessica Wilhite 1,899 Phil Folkertsma 1,894 Patrick Guthrie 1,893 Angel Martinez 1,869 Eric Thompson 1,850 Jeffrey Gilliana 1,844 Andre Hawthorne 1,842 Horace Johnson 1,834 Jorge Guerra 1,825 Dan Ikei $1,815 Joseph Tomanovich 1,815 Allen Watson 1,813 James Cassie 1,793 Tibor Simon 1,793 Amber Dregalla 1,774 Joshua Dishong 1,750 Kascey Williamson 1,713 Brandon Edens 1,700 Lindsey Dettwiller 1,700 Ryan Tomajcik 1,687 Benito Menchaca 1,663 Kasali Kotun 1,650 Robert Park 1,649 Peter van der Westhuizen 1,628 Michael Shaba 1,625 Joseph Luminiello 1,621 Brodie Fischer 1,613 Matthew Hogan 1,574 David Thornton 1,540 Jimmy Tchen 1,537 Jason Bratin 1,536 Jonathan Phillips 1,536 Steve Svendson 1,525 Paul Zuzick 1,513 Brian Gilmore 1,513 Ashley Ruhl 1,500 Pamela Altman 1,500 Asiguy Haugabook 1,500 Robert Nolan 1,500 Christian West 1,494 Jamie Winters 1,489 Amy Baird 1,488 Robert Schneiderman 1,475 Aaron Dupras 1,468 Lisa Richardson 1,467 Aaron Friedlander 1,465 Amie McCracken 1,463 John McGrath 1,463 Christopher Murray 1,450 Robert Locke 1,450 Peter McEnaney 1,448 Bryan Juskiw 1,442 Muhammed Ashraf 1,425 Joshua Krueger 1,413 Dominic Telymonde 1,400 Derek Foore 1,400 Heather Miller 1,400 Janet Ramirez 1,388 Tiffany Babin 1,388 Matthew Bell 1,388 Pauline Cresswell 1,388 Rohan Smith 1,375 Christopher Bentley 1,375 Mchel Helgeson 1,375 Joel Johnson 1,363 Darrell Asbell 1,363 Delmy Diaz-Cervantes 1,350 George Kamel 1,350 Stephanie Kell 1,350 Brandon MacDonald 1,350 Alipate Makaui 1,338 Vinecia Moore 1,326 Kenneth Greer 1,325 Jodi Raymond 1,325 Kimberly Wenzel 1,319 Ruben Santillana 1,315 Joseph Quattrochi 1,300 Elias Boles 1,300 Brendon Comeau 1,300 DeMario Cooper 1,300 Richmond Gerrish 1,295 Somprathai Sopha $1,290 Joshua Olin 1,286 Joshua Rush 1,281 Kevin Holtz 1,275 Victor Agurto 1,275 Seneca Birchmore 1,263 Mandy Johnson 1,251 Peter Gabranski 1,250 Kathryn Chaisson 1,250 Louis Thacker 1,240 Benjamin Roman 1,238 Magdnalene Franklin-Holmon 1,231 Juan Olvera 1,225 Jesse Benwell 1,225 Kierra Goodwin 1,225 DeAnthony Hartman 1,225 Sonja Koryhaio 1,225 Christopher McFoy 1,213 Gregory Graham 1,213 John Leggio 1,206 Scott Mudrak 1,200 Alma B Gonzalez 1,200 Christopher Kennedy 1,200 Arthur Menina 1,188 Sokol Fazliu 1,184 Mike Allen 1,183 James Bailey 1,178 Melissa Quintal 1,175 Michael Kachenmeister 1,175 Jeremy Schroeder 1,174 Troy Elliott 1,160 Beau Locker 1,150 Ileana Tatafu 1,146 Drew Sharp 1,144 Phillip McElfresh 1,138 Menno Glick 1,138 Kyle Lewicki 1,131 Carlos Arballo 1,125 Robert Drake 1,125 Deonte Jones 1,125 Mike Paragiou 1,113 Justin Diaz 1,113 Micah Focken 1,113 Laurie Mazza 1,100 Alma Lozano 1,100 Andrzej Sertler 1,090 Ryan Feehan 1,088 Veronica Carrion 1,076 Andrew Wagner 1,075 Edward Crocker 1,075 Jasmin Gallaga 1,075 Christian LaBoy 1,075 Jason Matthew 1,075 Rebyka Moyer 1,075 Carrie Padgett 1,075 Julianne Scavo 1,067 Timothy Buckner 1,050 Toriano Landau-Bogan 1,050 Carmen Lindmark 1,050 Denville Loney 1,050 Danijela Matic 1,050 Spencer Rowland 1,048 William Brookshire 1,040 Summer Gonzalez 1,025 Jenna Grula 1,025 Pedro Vazquez Armenteros 1,025 Jadelene Welty 1,018 Eugene Garcia 1,005 Michael van Delft 1,000 Guitree Basdeo 1,000 Jeremy Gibson $1,000 William Robinson 1,000 Julian Tinamisan 994 Amanda Hogan 988 John McDougald 984 Ariana Jones 980 Mickey Adkins 980 Daniel Dunham 975 Michael Coulthard 975 Nic Iagulli 975 Alexander Spooner 975 Alexander Wood 969 Tiffani Tavormina 963 Pedro Santos 960 Brett Maurice 950 Laaina Havea 950 Jose Rubio 950 Michael Russo 945 Scott Swint 944 Roberto Navarro 925 Alvin Ali 925 Edford Banuel 925 Christina Pierson 925 Paul Smith 913 Phillip Goodwin 913 George Taramas 906 Sean Hansen 900 Derek DeProspero 900 Larry Finch 900 Lucan Schmidt 900 Mathew White 888 Adem Abdula 888 Marie St Germain 887 Jamey Haugen 875 Hunter Houvener 875 Julia Loboda 875 Mauri Ramirez 875 Gehan Stanley 875 Kiet Truong 863 John Bacaron 863 Hyunchul Chung 856 Taylor Black 855 Cleopatra Sola 850 Corina Araujo 850 Shalom Chaimov 850 Donte Grant 850 Genesis-Jane Hall 850 Anthony Lopez 850 Joseph McCallister 838 Tami Klein 825 Courtney Kitzman 825 Boris Mendes 825 John Silva 820 Andre Bent 813 Damaris Henderson 805 Tom Weller 800 Eyad Awdi 800 Deserick Davenport 800 Martyna Dudapasieka 800 James Frese 800 Taylor Orona 800 Ali Zaidi 793 Lineti Pasikala 790 Stephanie Wolfe 788 Alix Albright 788 Kelly McGuire 780 Bernard Ballou 777 Christopher Favor 775 Chantel Floyd 764 Aaron Parks 763 Ryan Locke 756 Chelsie Otto 756 Darrin Roberts $750 Komo Davis 750 Calvin Irving 750 Orby Kelley 750 Eric Snyder 750 Sonia Tyner 745 Jeremy Engrav 738 Mary-Delores Ayarzagoitia 738 Zeydilliana Fargo 738 Lori Sanders 731 Kyle Schimizzi 725 Christine Barbour 725 Daniel Franke 725 Daniel Juskiw 725 Angela Landry 725 Daphne Weber 720 Mike Lade 719 James Sodan 700 Angel Patryluk 700 Sandra Byrd 700 Tyler Dean 700 Andrew Dorf 700 Sarah Gilmore 700 Andrew Hynan 700 Grant Myers 700 Delroy Phang 700 Joseph Quintons 700 Kelsey Roth 700 John Sardin 700 Aaron Voege 700 Justin Whittington 699 Patrick Cremeans 695 Michael Vasu 688 Armando Aiello 675 Jacob Bush 675 Sean Conway 675 Megan Cox 675 Elvis Durakovic 675 Jon Gelhorn 675 Michael Hinojosa 675 John Keslar 675 Bryant Logan 675 Barbara Seyoum 675 Billy Stephenson 657 Jennifer Jantzen 656 Omar Sanchez 653 Ashley Bordelon 650 Tonya Bailey 650 Jamie Cates 650 Nickoy Hylton 650 Jessica Kendall-DeGraves 650 Hussain Mir 650 Marcus Moody 650 Christopher Pabon 646 Joseph Kleeb 638 Christopher Asbury 638 Kristina Moore 638 Lawerence Smith 638 Zathia Zarza 625 Laura Frew 625 Sina Heak 625 Jennifer VanKerckvoorde 625 Silvana Velez 625 Christopher Walsh 625 Mark Ziemianski 623 Carlo Buhay 600 Annmarie Aqui 600 Joel Braggs 600 Matthew Cessna 600 Derren Chapman 600 Kalen Dugan 600 Ana Havea $600 Richard Jones 600 Mir Khan 600 Michelle Martinez Aviles 600 Toni Mussara 600 Arien Seemann 600 Angela Torres 592 David Palmer 590 Jessica Cuff 585 Timothy Bugge 575 Collin Basmajian 575 Crystal Camacho 575 Derrick Coates 575 Bonnie Dupre 575 Bradley Fordyce 575 Alex Giddings 575 Mark Glazer 575 Jordon Graham 575 William Jenkins 575 Joshua Kershaw 575 Jonathan Kinnard 575 Brian Thai 575 Rebecca Warrington 556 Nicole Sanders 550 Jarod Bordynoski 550 Irma Gallardo 550 Michael Licata 550 Gregory Norris 550 Scott Poris 550 Edwin Rodriguez 550 Heather Watts 550 Robert Weaver 550 Joshua Yurinko 538 Benjamin Edwards 538 Jamie Schulz 534 Edy Haddad 531 Tyler Worstell 525 Alisha Anderton 525 Christopher Gray 525 Carrie Hammer 525 Min Jiang 525 Mahadai Kryshundayal 525 Gretchen Lasser 525 Mason MacFarlane 525 Keegan Malat 525 Glenn Martin 525 Jessica Napiza 525 Victoria Perea 525 Donrie Purcell 525 Andrew Severson 525 Karla Stewart 525 Janina Wilson 519 Jordan Kness 515 Patrick Duray 513 Thomas Yarbrough 507 Yihao Chen 504 Charley Forshee 500 Azar Afnan 500 Michael Africh 500 Derron Alexander 500 Olivia Cunningham 500 Briana Foster 500 Nicole Harrell 500 Megan Haynes 500 Simone Hunter 500 Immacula Jacques 500 Christine Jesoraldo 500 Siria Rodriguez 500 Raudel Santos 500 Bruce Viaje 500 Curtis Young 36 37 SA/GA DIRECT CODE FIELD TRAINING BONUS REINSTATEMENT BONUS 1 2 3 1 2 3 Alipate Makaui Steve Bryant Victor Agurto Derek Foore Mathew White Sami Mogannam Djenabou Diallo Faith Jones Dason Phaul Joseph B Smith $7,635 Steve Friedlander $6,417 Steve Greer $5,820 Giglione-Ackerman $5,656 Surace-Smith $5,638 Altig-Orlovic $4,927 Don Foti $1,500 David Hausman $1,450 Daniel Umbertone $1,386 Theodore Pappas $1,351 Simon Arias July Bonus Leaders $7,635 Alipate Makaui 6,417 Steve Bryant 5,820 Victor Agurto 5,656 Derek Foore 5,638 Mathew White 5,618 Brent Bowling 4,192 Edward Crocker 4,008 Paul Zuzick 3,977 Holly Lacey 3,706 Somprathai Sopha 3,674 Kelsey Roth 3,330 Lineti Pasikala 3,149 Kierra Goodwin 3,122 Magdnalene Franklin-Holmon 3,026 Ryan Locke 3,021 Scott Mudrak 2,962 Martyna Dudapasieka 2,923 Christopher McFoy 2,896 Janet Ramirez 2,885 Brendon Comeau 2,869 Robert Locke 2,749 Tiffany Babin 2,726 Joseph Luminiello 2,714 Melissa Quintal 2,580 Steven Rios 2,562 Stephen Giddens 2,462 Guitree Basdeo 2,440 Kasali Kotun 2,396 Joshua Krueger 2,360 Lindsey Dettwiller 2,342 Phillip Goodwin 2,175 Christina Pierson 2,021 Jadelene Welty 2,015 Michael Hinojosa 2,010 Kalen Dugan 2,004 Daphne Weber 2,001 Jeffrey Gilliana 1,987 Chelsea Wilbur 1,939 Gillian Harris 1,938 Ileana Tatafu 1,866 James Frese $1,859 Justin Barker 1,855 Nicole Harrell 1,811 Boris Mendes 1,810 Jasmin Gallaga 1,785 John Sardin 1,772 Jenna Grula 1,767 Brandon Dodds 1,759 Patricia Cicerale 1,753 Gehan Stanley 1,750 Robert Drake 1,706 Genesis-Jane Hall 1,667 Stephanie Haarer 1,640 Chad Matejcek 1,622 Arthur Menina 1,592 Andre Hawthorne 1,579 Alexander Wood 1,579 Avalon McLeod 1,553 Andrzej Sertler 1,548 Eric Snyder 1,546 Jeremy Schroeder 1,514 Virginia Rice 1,504 Jason Lee 1,502 Derrick Coates 1,485 Julianne Scavo 1,480 Deonte Jones 1,440 Rebyka Moyer 1,426 Donte Grant 1,419 Mele Makaui 1,408 Paul Smith 1,401 Joel Johnson 1,387 Crystal Camacho 1,387 Ruben Santillana 1,381 Jeffrey Graham 1,365 Kelly McGuire 1,364 Christopher Gray 1,358 Michael Russo 1,354 Calvin Irving 1,346 Mchel Helgeson 1,346 Naylyn Booker 1,336 Pamela Altman 1,324 Kascey Williamson 1,314 Jodi Raymond 4 5 July Bonus Payout: $334,551 July Bonus Qualifiers: 466 $1,310 Robert Novotne 1,284 Jessica Napiza 1,233 Amanda Hogan 1,205 Komo Davis 1,187 Tamara Davenporte 1,184 Melefatai Manako 1,179 Daniel Franke 1,160 Gretchen Crady 1,131 Tonya Bailey 1,130 Corina Araujo 1,125 Annmarie Aqui 1,116 Nic Iagulli 1,116 Emilia Eich 1,115 Chantel Floyd 1,111 Summer Gonzalez 1,095 Nikki Sievers 1,094 Vinecia Moore 1,050 Michael Coulthard 1,044 Darcy Schrieber 1,036 Duke Adujones 992 Larry Finch 988 George Taramas 985 Alvin Ali 978 Stephanie Kell 957 William Jenkins 944 George Kamel 944 Dan Ikei 931 Orby Kelley 924 Alexander Spooner 923 Jessica Kendall-DeGraves 917 Jose Rubio 884 Alisha Anderton 867 Juan Olvera 862 Timothy Penso 858 Carrie Padgett 846 Mike Paragiou 827 Justin Diaz 816 Derek DeProspero 811 Phillip McElfresh 810 William Katz 809 Jesse Benwell 806 Shalom Chaimov $796 Kyle Lewicki 790 Pedro Santos 783 James DePetro 775 Matthew Dawson 763 Elvis Durakovic 758 Sonja Koryhaio 752 Taylor Orona 750 Mark Glazer 747 Aaron Voege 746 Travis Barnes 745 Gregory Norris 745 Justin Whittington 744 Tami Klein 737 Ashley Ruhl 731 Mickey Adkins 727 Simon Lee 726 Daniel Dunham 710 Shawn Mahoney 702 Kyle Mitchell 698 Christopher Murray 695 Sonia Tyner 690 Stephan Gustafson 673 Karen Alvarado 673 Pedro Vazquez Armenteros 671 Seneca Birchmore 671 Mason MacFarlane 664 Louis Thacker 656 Tyler Moore 656 Zathia Zarza 647 Immacula Jacques 643 Bernard Ballou 639 Matthew Bell 637 Oscar Betancourt 624 Courtney Kitzman 621 Christopher Bentley 620 Virakbot Oung 619 Robert Schneiderman 617 DeAnthony Hartman 615 Abdel Khawatmi 608 Michael Kachenmeister 604 Jason Cox $602 Robert Weaver 600 Richard Jones Jr 600 Jacob Bush 599 Robert Park 599 Laurie Mazza 592 Edwin Rodriguez 588 Jared Mercer 587 John Leggio 581 Lara Wyatt 572 Eric Thompson 563 Mahadai Kryshundayal 562 Heidi Holt-Peel 559 Christian West 557 Julian Tinamisan 550 Scott Montgomery 546 Anthony Theriault 545 Richard Berrett 540 Beverly Sibert 539 Joshua West 537 John Silva 530 Alma Lozano 524 Bonnie Dupre 521 Megan Cox 519 Tokilupe Fohe 512 Jason von Rosenberg 506 Sandra Sandoval 503 Lori Bracco 502 Danijela Matic 501 Slavita Hut $1,256 Corey LaVigne 1,211 Nabil Spahi 1,058 Laurekin Pardovani 886 Maria Ramirez 882 Anna Senra 822 Mark Harhager 4 5 July Bonus Payout: $46,529 July Bonus Leaders $4,927 Sami Mogannam 1,500 Djenabou Diallo 1,450 Faith Jones 1,386 Dason Phaul 1,351 Joseph B Smith 1,271 Ryan Vopat 4 July Bonus Qualifiers: 142 $788 Muhammed Ashraf 739 Kareem Mutia 722 Dinah Cawthorne 698 Christian Ortiz 674 Musediq Abdul 641 Tina Nelson BONUS TOTAL: $634 Taylor Foster 632 James Wilson 630 Herivelto Pereira 561 Mitchell Look 554 Joseph Faisant 546 Richard Walus $532 Benton Tong 523 Carlo Bonifazi $4,450,050 WORLD’S GREATEST LEADERSHIP SA/GA TRAINING REINSTATEMENT $2,187,253 $1,881,717 $334,551 $46,529 All qualifiers listed achieved at least $500 in bonus totals Domenic with SGA Rick Altig at the Spring SGA meeting in Victoria, BC. 38 39 Another champion, another milestone! Each champion will receive a bonus of $5,000 and the Million Dollar Club Award. Congratulations on your achievements. July Qualifiers — Outstanding Producers & PR Representatives: Paul Smith Daniel Hanson Surace-Smith 3rd Qualification $92,581 Net ALP 86.4 Ret Chad Deley 1st Qualification $86,414 Net ALP 97.9 Ret Erez Shabtay Lily Sakai Altig-Orlovic 14th Qualification $60,460 Net ALP 89.9 Ret Cohen-Cohen 21st Qualification $58,518 Net ALP 91.3 Ret Bryan Juskiw Surace-Smith 1st Qualification $57,347 Net ALP 88.0 Ret Robert Ulreich Foti Agency Contract Date 08/17/00 Qualified July of 2015 $2,009,926 of Net ALP Crush Your COMPETITION EVERY TIME Sales Director of the Month Domenico Bertini Executive Vice President AIL & NILICO Scott Dehning Scott had 47% growth over July of 2014. PR Director of the Month Michelle Baxter Michelle is the Top Director for July 2015 with 31.55% Lead Growth. T HE OLYMPIC PRINCIPLE OF “IT IS more important to participate than to win” was idealistic at the time of the Baron De Coubertin, the founder of the Olympic Games as we know them. But the truth is that winning is everything today. That is why we compete to crush the competition, every time. So it is with you, when you are in the homes of your prospects. They are always looking at two proposals, one from you and one from your competitors. They may look the same in principle, but what is the tiebreaker that is going to get your proposal to win? I know you are probably thinking that it’s the “wow” factor in your presentation that is going to make that prospect buy from you. But truly, more often than not, it’s the basic things of the presentation that are the tiebreaker. In the second edition of his bestselling book Becoming a Category of One, Joe Calloway says, “Do what you do extremely well, every single time, with every customer. Relentless, attention-getting, differentiating consistency of performance; this is the ultimate tiebreaker.” Does it ring the bell with practicing your presentation every day, going by the book, allowing the prospect to guide you to the close? Bruce Lee used to say: “I am not afraid to fight someone who practices 100 kicks once. Who scares me the most is the fighter who practices one kick 100 times.” Crushing the competition is becoming a category of one. In this category you are the one who delivers solid, consistent performance, not most of the time, but every single time. That makes you a rare individual, and it makes us a “rare” company. Consistency is the great challenge of any company that wants to be great. And if you are not convinced, then ask yourself a question: why do you keep going back to companies you like to buy from — Starbucks, Best Buy, Amazon, etc.? Only one reason: you know they will give you consistent service and quality. Calloway tells the story of a plumbing company that decided to own being on time. The company staked its brand on this one customer expectation. Its advertising “hammers you over the head with this one focused, precise differentiator,” says Calloway. Sure, it’s a basic customer service, but in an age when people are more pressed for time than ever and waiting hours for a repairman has become a national joke, punctuality is a huge differentiator — and the company’s revenues show it. Now, imagine if you and the entire sales force were never again late to an appointment. How many more presentations a week would you/we make? How many more sales? How many more groups would we retain? We get so distracted by the search for the “wow” factor that we take our eyes off the foundation of our business: basic customer expectations. Do your job exceptionally well, every time, with every customer. Your business will grow, making you a rare sales person and us, a rare company where many more people are going to want to work. Protecting Working Families 1200 Wooded Acres Drive Waco, TX 76710 stay, play and explore 2016 CONVENTION AT THE EL CONQUISTADOR RESORT IN PUERTO RICO, MAY 22-25 For complete Convention Qualifications: &
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