File - Cedar Bayou Friends
File - Cedar Bayou Friends
â CITY OF BAYTOWN BAYTOI,t/N Pirelrc Wonrs DppRRtuENt /,/ 0t10i/5Ø7 ^ 2 12 3 Market Street P.O. Box 424 Baytown, 'lexas 17 522-0424 (281) 420-s300 Certified Mail # 7009 3410 0001 1904 9338 April16,2012 RECEIVED Ms. Elizabeth Sears, Team Leader TCEQ Water Quality Management Region 12 Houston 5425 Polk Street, Ste. H Houston, TX77023 RE: ApR I 7 Àsn REg¡oN 12 Response for: Notice of Violation for the Compliance Evaluation Investigation at: City of Baytown East Wastewater Treatment Plant, 3030 Ferry Road, Baytown, (Harris County), TX TCEQ ID: 10395-007, EPA ID: TX0020l l7 Dear Ms. Sears: Per your letter to Mayor DonCarlos, dated March 28, 2012, the City of Baltown appreciates the opporlunity to address your concerns and to provide details of the City's ongoing efforts to improve our system. In addition, with regards to specific requests from your office, we've detailed specific corrective actions taken and included required documentation to the alleged violations, Track No: 462163 30 TAC Chapter 319.302(d) Compliance Due Date: To Be Determined Alleged Violation: Investigation:995226 CommgntDate: 0312712072 Failed to provide to the TCEQ regional ofÍice documentation of media notification. Specifically on 02104112, the City of Baytown reported a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) of 231,000 gallons. While it was noted that the media was aware of this SSO, documentation of the notice was not received by the Houston Region Office. Within 48 hours of providing notice to appropriate local government officials and local media, the responsible individual must provide to the commission regional office in whose region the spill occurred a copy of the notice, the date that the notice was provided to the local offìcials and local media, and a list of notice recipients. Recommended Corrective Action: Submit to the Houston Region office a copy of the notice, the date that the notice was provided to local officials and local media, and a list of notice recipients. Response NOV - SSO March 28,2012 Page l of4 City of Baytown Response: Attachment No. I, pages I - 3 is a copy of the notice, the date that the notice was provided to local officials and local media, and a list of notice recipients. Track No: 462169 30 TAC Chapter 305.125(19) 30 TAC Chapter 305.125(9) Compliance Due Date: 0212012012 Alleged Violation: Investisation:995226 Comment I)ate:0312612012 Irailed to accurately complete the Noncompliance Notilìcation (NCN) repot'ts, Speoifically, the NCN reports for the unauthorized discharges,uvhich occurred on 01/09/012 and02l04l20l2 were complete<1 incorrectly. 'fhe NCN report f'or the unauthorized discharge which occurred on0ll09l20l2 indicated that an estimated volume of 12,000 gallons was discharged to Cedar Bayou, It was later determined that this amount was under reported, A correoted NCN was resubmitted on 0210812012 reflecting a volume of 120,000 gallons. In addition, the NCN report for 0210412012 indicated a start date and start time of 0210412012 at 10:00 a.m. and an end date and end time of 0210412012 at 12 a.m. 'l'he correct end date should be 0210412012, All data on the NCN must be reported correctly and accurately. Rccommended Corrective Action: While the corrected NCN report as been submitted fbr the unautlrorizecl discharge which occurred on0110912012, a corrected NCN report has not been received for tl're unauthorized discharge which occun'ed on0210412012. Submit a corrected copy to the Flouston Region office with the original to the '1'CIIQ, Compliance Monitoring 'learn, (MC224,) Enf'orcement Division, P. O, Box 13807, Austin,'TX787l l-3087 City of Baytown Response: Attachrnent No, 2 is a copy of the correctecl NCN previously sent to TCEQ on 0212712012 of the unauthorized discharge which occurred on 0210412012. Track No: 462180 2D TWC Chapter 26.121(a)(1) 30 TAC Chapter 305.125(l) Compliance Due Date: To Be Determincd Permit WQ0010395007, Permit Conditions No.2(g) Alleged Violation: Comment Date: 03 12212012 Investisatio n: L)9 5226 Failed to prevent the unauthorized discharge of wastewater. Specifically, since 0110912012, 39 Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) have been reported with photo documentation provided by the public for the 120,000 gallon overflow which occurred on 0110912012 and fhe 231,000 gallon overflow wlriclr occurred on 0210412012 (see Table I for the list of SSOs.) 'Ihere shall be no unauthorized discharge of wastewater. Response NOV - SSO March 28,2012 Page 2 of 4 Recommended Corrective Action: Submit the steps taken to prevent the recurrence of unauthorized discharges for the collection system. City of lìaytown Response: '['o The City of Baytown is strongly committed to eliminating or minimizing sanitary sewer overflows. this end the City is aggressively addressing all concerns and issues that come with aging infì'astructure. The City has, and continues to direct signifîcant resources to the maintenance, growth and rehabilitation of our sanitary sewer system, As part o1'the City's ongoing efforts, three major sewer projects are presently in plogress that are expected to resolve most of the City's SSO issues, including those addressed in your letter. We will continue to proactively improve our system, and monitor it to appropriately address potential problems in the future. Project l: Cedar Bayou Lifl Station tJpsize and rebuild lJnder construction Project 2: Project 3: Raccoon Lift Station and Force Main Upsize, rebuild, and reroute the force main to Northeast Wastewater Treatment Plant Currently under design (90% conipleted) F-erry Road Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Currently under design Iìor the past 11 years, the City has intensifred its effofls to rehabilitate and expand its wastewater infrastructure, Proactively spending over $140 million, City engineers, contractors and Public Works employees have been systematically exoavating, repairing, replacing and expanding the wastewater ryrt... To date, tlie City has replaced or rehabilitated most of'the residential collection system and over 30 of the City's 82 lift stations. 23|ift stations are currently undergoing rehabilitation' We hope that this information provides your office with the assurance that the City of Baytown is 'ICEQ requirements. 'fhe committed to maintaining a wastewater system that meets and exceeds responsibility of providing our residents with a safe, sanitary, and efTìcient system is not one we take lightly. Shoulcl you have any questions, please oontact Darryl Ii, Iìourte, Public Works Director at (28r) 420-s312. ssi Darryl E. Fourte l)irector of Public Works City of Ilaytown Response NOV - SSO March 28,2012 Page 3 of4 DIIF/pj Enclosures: AttachmentNo. l, Press Release, Email with Press Release and notified recipients Attachment No. 2, Corrected NCN previously submitted on February 6,2012 Response NOV - SSO March 28,2012 Page 4 of.4 A{ro.n¡"en* ND'. lL CITY OF BAYTOWN Ior S Puslrc ArrArRS, Crv MRNIcERS Ornc¡ 1 Market Street P.O. Box 424 Baytown, T exas 77 522-0424 (28 1) 420-s802 February 6,2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Patti ]ett Public Affairs Coordinator (281) 420-5802 office (832) 217-9430 cell E-mail: patti.j Rains Possible Cause of Sewer Overflow The City of Baytown experienced a domestic Sanitary Sewer Overflow on a 36" sewer line located at 2809 Ferry Road on Saturday February 4,2012. The overflow was discovered at approximately 10 am and lasted approximately fourteen hours. An estimated 231,000 gallons of sewer flowed into Cedar Bayou stream, The cause of the overflow is under investigation; however preliminary analysis indicated the overflows are largely due to recent heavy rains in the Baytown area. All appropriate local government officials and the TECQ regional office have been notified and the appropriate documentation/records supplied. Clean up activities of the overflow area started Sunday, February 5, and will be continued until the affected area is clean and com pletely disinfected, lf you have any additional questions or need additional information, please contact the Public Works Department al2B1-4205300. RECEIVED APRITNN REG¡ON 12 Page 1 of2 \\\orhme^+ to+3 Mark.LeBlanc From: Patti.Jett Sent: Thursday, February 23,2012 11:14 AM To: Subject: Mark.LeBlanc FW: City of Baytown Press Release: Rains Possible Cause of Sewer Overflow Attachments: Rains Possible Cause of Sewer Overflow.doc I'd blind copied the mailing list. Let's see if I can cut and paste it. Next time, I wont use blind copy on these to make it easier for your report. Media List ('; 'Deanna.Allison'; 'Adam Yanelli'; 'AP'; 'Baytown Chamber of Commerce'; 'Bobby Horn'; 'Õarol Christian'; 'channel 39 KIAH'; 'Christian Palmer'; 'Connie Tilton'; 'Damali Keith'; 'Dana Guthrie'; 'Daniel Morales'; 'Dave Rogers'; 'Elizabeth Scarborough'; 'Greg May'; 'Houston AP'; 'Howard Decker'; 'K Lewis'; 'KHOU Channel 1 1'; 'KIAH Channel 39'; 'KPRC Channel 2'; 'KRIV Channel 26'; 'KTRH Radio 740 AM'; 'KTRK Channel '13'; 'KUHF FM BB.7 '; 'KWWJ 1360 am (gospel/baytown)'; 'Mark Fleming'; 'Mike Gunning'; 'On the scene news'; 'P Pace'; 'Roger Husdon Clear Channel'; 'S Duhon'; 'Stacy Parent'; 'T Rigia'; 'Tara Sullivan';'Texas Government lnsider'; 'Todd Bailey'; '' PattiJett Public Affairs Coordinator City of Baytown (281) 420-5802 office (832) 217-9430 cell patti jelt@þayt-awn,org Teamusork - ue utork together. Cítg AT-fEN'l'lON PUBLIC OFFICIALS: A "Reply to nli oJ Bagtou;n of tnis e-mail coulcl lead to violations of the Texas Open Mcetings Act. A "Forward" of this e-mail to another ontv 11rinlv iill i""1".: From: Potti.Jett Sent: Monday, February 06,20t2 lt24 PM To: Patti.Jett Subject: City of Baytown Press Release: Rains Possible Cause of Sewer Oveflow Rains Possible Cause of Sewer Overflow The City of Baytown experienced a domestic Sanitary Sewer Ovedlow on a 36" sewer line located at 2809 Ferry Road on Saturday February 4,2012. The overflow was discovered at approximately 10 am and lasted approximately fourteen hours. An estimated 231,000 gallons of sewer flowed into Cedar Bayou stream. The cause of the overflow is under investigation; however preliminary analysis indicated the overflows are largely due to recent heavy rains in the Baytown area. 2t23/2012 b.\ci Page 2 of.2 ft\\ucvlrn¿nç N0',! Fa3¿ 3o'ç3 All appropriate local government officials and the TECQ regional office have been notified and the a ppropriate docu mentatio n/reco rd s su p pl ied. Clean up activities of the overflow area started Sunday, February 5, and will be continued until the affected area is clean and completely disinfected. lf you have any additional questions or need additional information, please contact the Public Works Department at 281-420-5300. Patti Jett Public Affairs Coordinator City of Baytown (281) 420-5802 office (832) 217-9430 cell pqlti.jett@baytown. org Teamusork - ue usork togetLter. Citg oJ Bagtotun ptcnlsl n "Reply to Ril" oi tfr¡s e-mail could lead to violations of the Texas open Meetings Act. A "Forward" of this e-mail to of also lead to violations of the Texas Open Meetinqs Act if a quorum ¡s eventually involved. Please reply only to the sender' official could Þublic another ATTENTI9N pUBLlc 2t23/2012 TEXAS COMMISSION ON EIirvIROME¡flTAL QUAI,ITY UNAUTHORT.ZED DISCHARGE OF WASTEWATER \\btuhnnar''ç Name: CÍt,y of Baytown (EasÈ Dist,J (x) PermitÈee ( ) Subscriber County: *TPDES Permít No:L0395-007 TXo 02 0117 TECQ Region: HqrE¿q å Pal¿ lo9l" NONCOMPLIÀIICE NOTIFTCATTON Entíty N0' L2 Source and Location of Unauthorized Discharge (WWTP, lift station, Collection line, other): Manhole overflow at 2809 Ferry Rd. Cause of Unauthorized DÍscharge: heawy rainfall Discharge Route: Cedar Bayou Estímated Volumez 231,000 GaI. DuraÈíon: When Begun 02104/12 10t00 A.M a.n. hen Endea OZ/95/!Z t:!0, (Tlñe) Date) or When Expected to be Corrected: (Date (dísinfectíon, Actions Taken to Mitigate Àdverse Effects contaínment, cLeanup, other): and disinfecÈion procesc eE were fo1lowe{ e!-ltre--s.!!e Prooer cl ) Monitoring Data: ( ) Yes (x) No Fíeld Measurementg ( ) Yes (x) No LaboratorY SamPles ( ) yes (x) No Físh kiIl if yes, egtímate number kiLLed. Note: DaÈa should be attached or submitted to TCEQ when Àvailab1e. Actíons Taken to Correct the Problem and Prevent Recurrence: The ciÈy of , city-wíde program to reduce inflow Bavtown is in the mídst of a multiand infilÈratíon (IcI) into our sewer system. Other Comments: This is the revised TCEQ Ríck Fel-an (2/27 /20t2) Information Reported By: SSO Ri-chard García, Líft, Statíon Foreman (Name) DaÈq Reported¿ 02/06/L2 Signed: wít,h the correct date requested c\rc"cl) TECQ-0501 (ngV. L0/LO/94) *lf From a colIect,Íon sysÈem, use Telephone (281) 420-5350 Lift Station Foreman the unauthorízed discharge is the permit number of the treatment PlanÈ to which the collection system is Èied. Page L of 1 bY