brochure - Labeyrie Fine Foods
brochure - Labeyrie Fine Foods
DELABLI / Division Blini 77, Boulevard Haussmann 75008 Paris France Tel.: +33 (0)1 53 30 72 70 Fax: +33 (0)1 53 30 00 15 DELABLI / Division Delpierre Rue Saint-Exupéry 44860 Saint-Aignan-de-Grand-Lieu France Tel.: +33 (0)2 40 13 18 00 Fax: +33 (0)2 40 05 29 12 labeyrie 39, Route de Bayonne Saint-Geours-de-Maremne 40235 Saint-Vincent-de-Tyrosse cedex France Tel.: +33 (0)5 58 56 73 00 Fax: +33 (0)5 58 57 30 41 LABEYRIE TRAITEUR SURGELES Route du Pont de l’Arche 27110 Le Neubourg France Tel.: +33 (0)2 32 35 58 15 Fax: +33 (0)2 32 35 68 67 le traiteur grec Rue Alfred Morinière 45520 Chevilly France Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 52 35 35 Fax: +33 (0)2 38 74 07 44 lyons seafoods Fairfield House Fairfield Road Warminster, Wiltshire BA 12 9DA United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1985 224 300 Fax: +44 1985 224 310 farne salmon & trout Station Road Duns, Berwickshire TD11 3HS United Kingdom Tel.: +44 1361 883 588 Fax: +44 1361 882 854 RCS DAX 414 816 967 • Photo credits: Semi Fredo, Hild Agency, M. Colombet, Capa Pictures, Maud Bregeon • who why what • March 2015 HEADQUARTERS • 39 route de Bayonne • 40230 Saint-Geours-de-Maremne • FRANCE w w A GOURMET PARADISE 04 A Word from the President 06 About Us and Our Values 08 Our Company 18 An Industry Powerhouse 24 Our Customer Relationships 26 Our Innovations 30 Leading Brands 42 Labelling and Our Commitments 2 FRANCE’S #1 CHOICE FOR GOURMET FOODS AND STILL GROWING 3 EXPERT KNOWLEDGE… 4 OUR UNWAVERING COMMITMENT TO QUALITY Our unending quest for superior quality has an enormous impact on our customers. We help make every day a delightful one, turning ordinary moments into special ones, and special ones into unforgettable ones. We give customers the opportunity to savour mouth-watering delicacies, discover new flavours and experience the joy of gathering round a table. How? By utilizing our extensive know-how and innovative techniques in our search for uncompromising, premium quality in all of our product ranges. By bringing consumers the new, exciting and convenient products they expect today while staying true to our products’ roots. And by developing a culture of creativity and distinction through the cultivation of professionalism and passion. We’re determined to do what it takes to ensure our customers receive nothing but the best. Our ongoing commitment shapes our expertise, improves even the best of products and allows us to achieve the greatest of goals. OUR MOTTO: PREMIUM FOOD FOR PREMIUM PLEASURE. But we wouldn’t be able to achieve those goals without help from the thousands of men and women who endeavour, day in and day out, to earn the trust of our millions of customers and consumers in France and beyond. With the support of our diverse pool of employees and their invaluable knowledge, we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. Our workers are not the only thing we invest in. We also strive constantly to improve our abilities, processes and quality in order to enhance our brands and those of our customers. Such is the philosophy and bedrock of Labeyrie Fine Foods, where quality comes true. Xavier Govare CEO of Labeyrie Fine Foods … AnD THE QUALITy THAT comEs WITH IT 5 6 1946 Robert Labeyrie founds Labeyrie as a producer of foie gras. 1963 Labeyrie builds its first smoked salmon production plant. 1971 First foie gras cannery opens. 1986 Européenne de Gastronomie (part of Groupe Suez Industries) acquires Labeyrie. 1999 Company is listed on the Second Marché of the Paris stock exchange. 2000 Acquisition of Pierre Gueraçague’s foie gras and Prince Egor’s blinis and spreads. 2002 Industri Kapital acquires Labeyrie and its subsidiaries and withdraws from the Paris stock exchange. 2003 Labeyrie acquires Blini, a specialist in blinis and spreads. 2004 Labeyrie acquires Farne of Scotland’s smoked salmon, expanding its European presence. 2004 Labeyrie and its subsidiaries are acquired by the Icelandic group SIF (Delpierre, Lyons Seafoods) and listed on Iceland’s stock exchange. 2005 The newly-formed Group changes its name to Alfesca. 2007 Acquisition of shellfish specialist Adrimex and of Traiteur Grec. 2009 Alfesca withdraws from the Iceland stock exchange. French cooperative Lur Berri becomes a shareholder. 2010 Acquisition of Brossard Surgelés, renamed Labeyrie Traiteur Surgelés. Acquisition of Comptoir du Caviar. 2011 Alfesca buys Bakkavör Traiteur France. 2012 Lur Berri buys back Alfesca, which is renamed Labeyrie Fine Foods and becomes wholly Frenchowned again. 2013 Purchase of Ledun Pêcheur d’Islande. 2014 New three-way joint venture by the management teams of Labeyrie Fine Foods, PAI Partners and Lur Berri. mAInTAInInG OUR V R VALUES… FINE FOOD FOR FINE MOMENTS Creativity Premium moments require premium food. Our motto represents our refusal to compromise when it comes to selecting recipes and raw ingredients, nor do we waver in our commitment to following tradition and putting the utmost care into our products. Our philosophy of excellence extends to our long-term partners. We believe in building strong relationships with our distributors and work closely with them to find the best way to ensure that our products reach their final destination safe and sound. Labeyrie Fine Foods strives constantly to meet and even predict consumer expectations. Our creative culture pervades all aspects of the company, from marketing to research and development, and drives us to produce quality products for unique, gourmet experiences. Performance CREATIVITY pragmatism performance respect Our quest for quality is influenced by our consumers’ tastes and desires. We endeavour every day to bring our consumers new surprises, surpass their expectations and take the time to listen to and understand their needs. Our goal is to satisfy our customers by offering fine foods for every occasion, from hors d’oeuvres to desserts. Our belief in “fine food for fine moments” is the timeless motivating force that drives our thousands of employees. Labeyrie Fine Foods continually seeks to optimize performance, improve efficiency and grow the Group in order to create value. Value is what will keep us and our partners strong over the years and give us the means to invest in our future. Pragmatism Labeyrie Fine Foods prides itself on “getting it done and done well”, but it is also realistic and pragmatic. As an expert in its industry, Labeyrie aims high while keeping its feet on the ground. Respect Labeyrie Fine Food remains vigilant about its economic, social and environmental responsibilities. With every action we take, we consider the needs of our associates, customers and vendors and the development of future generations. … MAINTAINING QUALITY 7 KEY FIGURES… SUPPORTING FIGURES €800M in sales (VS. €249 MILLION IN 2005) 50% from our brands • 50% from distributor brands 4,500 (VS. 1,100 IN 2005) ASSOCIATES Full-Time Equivalent €110M INVESTED INTO STATE-OF-THE-ART EQUIPMENT OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS 14 Source: July 2014 8 PRODUCTION PLANTS in France and the United Kingdom … SOLID, DYNAMIC SHAREHOLDERS Lur Berri cooperative: 43% of capital. A cooperative based in the southwest of France, Lur Berri has €610 million in consolidated sales and provides services to 5,000 member farmers. The cooperative is active in seed corn, vegetable crops (vegetables and grain), animal products (fattened ducks, cattle, pigs and sheep) and livestock feed. PAI Partners, private equity firm: 43% of capital PAI Partners is one of Europe’s leading private equity firms and is the largest private equity investor in France. PAI manages and advises on private equity funds. It has invested a total of nearly €5.8 billion in capital, thanks to its highly experienced professionals located across nine countries in Europe and its teams in Paris, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Munich and Stockholm. Since 1994, PAI Partners has overseen the acquisition of 50 companies in ten European countries for a total of almost €36 billion. The firm offers extensive knowledge of high-potential local markets and pan-European perspectives. An involved management team: 14% of capital. A hands-on strategy specific to the Group since 1998. 43% 43% Lur Berri PAI partners 14% Management … A SOLID TEAM OF SHAREHOLDERS 9 FIVE UnIQUE cATEGorIEs… THE 5 TRADITIONAL CATEGORIES Labeyrie Fine Foods is divided into 5 major categories, each headed by its leading brands: Blini, Delpierre, Labeyrie, Lyons Seafoods and Farne. The Group also makes products for sale under other major European labels. smoKED sALmon, cAvIAr AnD fIsH Gourmet delicacies from the sea. 10 sHELLfIsH Prawn, jumbo prawn, langoustine, lobster, scallops. foIE GrAs AnD rEGIonAL proDUcTs Foie gras, duck. cosmopoLITAn AppETIZErs Blinis, spreads, finger foods, olives. froZEn DELI fooDs Hors d’oeuvres, main courses, pastries. … onE vIsIon of EXcELLEncE 11 SEEKING EXCELLENCE THROUGH INDEPENDENCE » Labeyrie Fine Foods was partitioned into different business units early on. This structure gives the units the necessary independence to meet the needs of their customers. » Each company is able to draw on the Group’s resources while retaining the agility, responsiveness and flexibility to deliver results. Xavier Govare CEO LABEYRIE FINE FOODS 12 WITH 7 BUsInEss UnITs, THE sTrUcTUrE of LABEyrIE fInE fooDs comBInEs EnTErprEnEUrIAL InITIATIvEs AnD GroUp synErGy. Each business unit is independent, with its own identity and specific area of expertise. Every unit has a place in Labeyrie’s overarching strategy and plays a role in the Group’s success. To facilitate growth and streamline investments, the units share support functions, which include a treasury and accounting department, legal assistance, information systems, strategic purchases, regional sales forces and communication services. BLInI Each business unit is headed by a chief executive officer who oversees a management team that is, in turn, responsible for marketing, manufacturing, sales and management. DELpIErrE LABEyrIE fArnE Lyons sEAfooDs LABEyrIE TrAITEUr sUrGELÉs UnITs ArE DrIvEn By THEIr InITIATIvE AnD THoroUGH KnoWLEDGE of THEIr mArKETs AnD A pErsIsTEnT DEsIrE for rEsULTs. LABEyrIE fInE fooDs InTErnATIonAL 13 7 BUSINESS UNITS... BLInIs, sprEADs AnD fIsH roE SALES €64 million Production plants Troarn, Chevilly - France Benchmark year: 2013/2014 14 smoKED sALmon, procEssED fIsH AnD sHELLfIsH foIE GrAs, smoKED sALmon, GoUrmET proDUcTs, rEGIonAL proDUcTs from Hors D’oEUvrEs To froZEn DEssErTs SALES €220 million Production plants Nantes, Jonzac, Fécamp, Wishes, Boulogne-sur-mer - France SALES €256 million Sites de production Saint-Geours-de-Maremne, Came - France SALES €50 million Production plants Castelsarrasin, Le Neubourg - France .. smoKED sALmon, procEssED fIsH sHELLfIsH SALES €85 million Production plants Duns – United Kingdom SALES €128 million Production plants Warminster – United Kingdom InTErnATIonAL DIsTrIBUTEr SALES €61 million ...onE EffIcIEnT orGAnIZATIon 15 A TEAM Labeyrie remains true to the overall strategy of Labeyrie Fine Foods. Backed by our creativity and experience in luxury foods, we offer a world of pleasure in our two flagship products of foie gras and smoked salmon. At Blini, we have a wide array of cosmopolitan recipes that offer an exciting alternative to standard hors d’oeuvres, to turn your cocktail hour into a gourmet tasting. At Delpierre, we know everything there is to know about seafood. We strive constantly to bring our customers exciting innovations, from novel recipes to new ways of consuming seafood. Our partnership with Labeyrie Fine Foods allows us to look to the wider world and bring consumers the new, exotic flavours they seek. Through Delpierre, the Group is conquering new aisles, bringing the riches and pleasure of the sea to consumers and supermarkets everywhere. We listen to consumers and work tirelessly to bring them more of the premium products they want. We are always on the cutting edge of new trends, such as gourmet meals and creative hors d’oeuvres. pIErrE-yvEs BALLIf pHILIppE DArTHEnUcQ JAcQUEs TroTTIEr CEO of Blini 16 WITH common GoALs… CEO of Delpierre CEO of Labeyrie We work closely with our partners and leverage our expertise to offer carefully selected, high quality products. Thanks to Labeyrie Traiteur Surgelés, the Group is expanding into frozen goods. We create sweet and savoury products for all parts of the meal, from appetizers to desserts. At Farne, we combine traditional approaches with modern techniques. While we still use classic Scottish smoking methods, we also employ advanced production and inspection processes. Our specialized knowledge is available to all Labeyrie Fine Foods brands, as well as to distributor brands who wish to have a presence in the freezer aisle. At Lyons Seafoods, we have the best prawn production unit in the entire United Kingdom. Our ability to supply the world with prawns is widely recognized by industry professionals. frÉDÉrIc pErrIn crAIG WALKEr CEO of Labeyrie Traiteur Surgelés CEO of Farne and Lyons Seafoods Creativity, performance, pragmatism and respect: together, they make up the philosophy of Labeyrie Fine Foods. Our goal is to grow and expand in the many countries where our products, those ambassadors of French gastronomy, are of interest to both distributors and consumers alike. We depend on marketing and R&D to help us adapt our products to local tastes and supply nothing but the best. XAvIEr GAUDIo CEO of Labeyrie Fine Foods International … AnD A sHArED DEsIrE for EXcELLEncE 17 comBInInG STATE-OF- T 7 FARNE / Duns oUr proDUcTIon pLAnTs In frAncE AnD THE UnITED KInGDom 1 Troarn Blinis, spreads and fish roe 2 6 Nantes Prawns and seafood Boulogne-Sur-Mer Distribution centre Fécamp Smoked fish and sushi Jonzac Cod and processed fish Wisches Smoked salmon 7 Duns Smoked salmon and fish 8 Came Regional products Saint-Geours-de-Maremne Regional products, smoked trout and salmon 3 4 5 13 LyonS SeaFoodS / Warminster 3 4 BLini / troarn 9 11 Castelsarrasin Frozen goods Le Neubourg Frozen goods 12 Chevilly Blinis and spreads 13 Warminster Seafood products 10 deLPierre / Fécamp 11 LaBeyrie traiteur SurGeLÉS / Le Neubourg deLPierre / Wisches 12 2 6 Le traiteur GreC / Chevilly deLPierre / nantes 5 LaBeyrie / St-Geours-de-Maremne 9 8 18 1 deLPierre / Boulogne-Sur-Mer deLPierre / Jonzac 10 LaBeyrie traiteur SurGeLÉS / Castelsarrasin LaBeyrie / Came - THE-ART TECHNOLOGY… LABEYRIE FINE FOODS: A UNIQUE POWERHOUSE IN THE FOOD INDUSTRY. At Labeyrie Fine Foods, our equipment was developed based on observations and reproductions of artisanal processes. Each of our plants has a unique area of expertise and its own special industry knowledge, which it uses in its operations and specific domain and helps keep it competitive. Our processes have received a number of certifications, including ISO, IFS and BRC. … AND TRADITIONAL ARTISANAL TECHNIQUES 19 BEcomInG TRUE E oUr EXpErTIsE In smoKED sALmon LABEyrIE, DELpIErrE, fArnE: The three most magnificent smoked salmon plants in all of Europe (France, UK). Our production plants house all the phases of production—from cleaning, filleting and salting to smoking, slicing and packaging—which are carried out using artisanal techniques. In order to maintain top quality, we employ exclusive, advanced equipment to: • Create a 3D scan of each filet • Calculate the best cutting angle • Slice at varying angles and thicknesses • Insert rigid dividers • Chronological reconstruction oUr EXpErTIsE In sHELLfIsH DELpIErrE, Lyons sEAfooDs: Two plants (France and United Kingdom) ideally placed for the best quality shellfish. • Continual cooking • Very high production rate (300 trays/min) • 2,000 m2 drying area 20 E EXPERTs… OUR EXPERTISE IN COSMOPOLITAN HORS D’OEUVRES BLINI: Our two plants are experts in their field and feature Europe’s largest capacity for blinis and spreads. OUR EXPERTISE IN FOIE GRAS AND REGIONAL PRODUCTS LABEYRIE: A state-of-the-art production plant in the southwest of France, for the very best foie gras. • Full range of processes performed at our plants • Perfect combination of cutting-edge technology and traditional artisanal techniques OUR EXPERTISE IN SWEET AND SAVOURY GOODS LABEYRIE TRAITEUR SURGELÉS: Two high-capacity plants specializing in sweet and savoury pastries. • Products are frozen fresh to retain their appealing sensory properties • Pastries are made using traditional methods to form 200 flaky layers … AND SUPPLYING ONLY THE BEST 21 EXcEpTIonAL POSITIONING… More and more consumers are discovering our quality foods, from hors d’oeuvres to desserts, and bringing them home to their table. IN FRANCE, OUR BRANDS ARE: FOR SMOKED SALMON FOR SMOKED FISH FOR PROCESSED SHELLFISH FOR FOIE GRAS FOR BLINI HORS D’OEUVRES AND SPREADS IN THE UNITED KINGDOM, OUR BRANDS ARE: FOR PRAWN 22 FOR SMOKED SALMON FOR COOKED FISH FOR SEAFOOD HORS D’OEUVRES THE HUNGER FOR PLEASURABLE FOODS IS NEVER SATED… FOR FROZEN HORS D’OEUVRES FOR FROZEN PASTRIES Fortunately for Labeyrie Fine Foods, the hunger for pleasurable foods is never sated. We are a market driver, with high visibility in France and Europe in both our traditional categories (salmon, foie gras and seafood) and new, high-potential markets (desserts, frozen goods, hors d’oeuvres, caviar, etc.). LABEYRIE FINE FOODS ABROAD Labeyrie Fine Foods has become a leader in Belgium, Switzerland and Italy and is rising to the top in high-potential countries such as Austria, Germany, Russia and Central Europe in general. An ambitious expert in its field, Labeyrie Fine Foods is intent on becoming a top food processor in Europe, bringing only the best to gourmet consumers. Our products are available in over 40 countries. ES … AND DISTINCTIVE MARKETS 23 PREDICTING 24 G DESIRES… ANALYZING AND UNDERSTANDING OUR CONSUMERS’ SHIFTING DESIRES, TRENDS AND BEHAVIOR: AN ESSENTIAL PART OF OUR JOB. All of our companies have specialized marketing and R&D teams for each market to analyze consumers’ changing desires, lifestyles and behaviours. Our customer-centric philosophy is vital to our ability to continually give consumers the products they want, when and where they want them. Each of the Group’s business units tracks their consumer market closely, working hard to understand and satisfy customer expectations. Labeyrie Fine Foods conducts dozens of studies every year amongst thousands of consumers in order to continuously bring new products to market. … AND SATISFYING THEM 25 THE TAsTE FOR INNOVA “InspIrED By TrADITIon” ovEr 100 nEW proDUcTs A yEAr With its wide array of new creations, Labeyrie Fine Foods is rewriting the rules for fine foods, from hors d’oeuvres to desserts. … AnD T 26 A TION… “A LIfE of LUXUry” D THE sEArcH for “smALL pLEAsUrEs” “A nEW TAKE on Hors D’oEUvrEs” nEW, sUccEssfUL concEpTs 27 STAYING COMPE T IN THE FACE OF INCREASING COMPETITION, LABEYRIE FINE FOODS HOLDS STRONG THANKS TO THE CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION THAT MAKE UP ITS DNA AND LIE AT THE CORE OF ITS STRATEGY. Using their open-mindedness, curiosity and inventiveness, the Group’s teams excel at what they do and prove that the desire for gourmet foods is boundless. While Labeyrie Fine Foods remains true to the classic favourites that underpin its success, it seeks constantly to offer consumers fresh ideas and to diversify its product ranges. The Group is now expanding into new supermarket aisles. In addition to frozen goods, Labeyrie Fine Foods is entering the areas of Self-Serve Deli, Bakery/Pastries and Snacks. … AND 28 T E TITIVE… D froZEn AIsLE Main courses and individual pastries BAKEry/pAsTrIEs sELf-sErvE DELI sEAfooD sEcTIon THE sEArcH for nEW, sUccEssfUL concEpTs 29 30 oUr BRANDS 31 32 BrInGInG THE WorLD To yoUr TABLE Blini first opened in 1980 as a small family delicatessen in Paris. Only a few years later, it was successful enough that the company moved to Troarn in the northwest of France. At the time, it specialized in making blinis and taramasalata, which it sold to local delis. In 1989, the company began selling its products to large-scale distributors. A veteran in the industry, Blini believes hors d’oeuvres are becoming more popular as they take on new flavours that turn ordinary parties into festive ones. Today, blinis—small, thin pancakes found everywhere in Russia—are paired with more than just the classic taramasalata. They are eaten alongside dips and spreads originating in the Mediterranean, such as hummus or tzatziki! #1 in CoSMoPoLitan HorS d’oeuVreS In its desire to bring consumers new experiences, Blini continues to expand its product line with recipes from around the world customized with a unique Blini touch. Blini: Bringing the world to your table. With over 150 products—including blinis, taramasalata, hummus, tzatziki, spreads from around the world, exotic frozen goods and its l’Atelier Blini® line—Blini can be found in the seafood section, frozen aisle and self-serve deli at major supermarkets. To learn more, visit 33 34 BrInGInG yoU A TAsTE of THE sEA Founder Jean-Baptiste Delpierre came from a long line of fishermen who had been living in Boulogne-Sur-Mer, near the northern tip of France, since the 16th century. In the early 1900s, he founded Delpierre, originally a fishing and smoking operation. Over the years, as customers developed new tastes and eating habits, Delpierre began offering a wider variety of high quality, environmentally friendly products from the ocean. LeadinG ProVider oF FiSH and SeaFood to MaJor diStriButorS Delpierre sells peeled, prepared prawn and jumbo prawn; salmon, cod, herring and other smoked fish; raw and cooked fish; and ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat fish. Whether fresh from the water or ready for the plate, Delpierre brings seafood lovers the best the ocean has to offer. Delpierre: Bringing you a taste of the sea. Delpierre offers consumers a broad selection of fresh seafood, the best the ocean has to offer. Its products can be found in the refrigerated aisle and in the seafood section. Whether raw or as part of a balanced hot meal, they add an elegant touch to any occasion. To learn more, visit 35 36 fInE fooD for fInE momEnTs Since its inception in 1946 in Saint-Geours-de-Maremne in south-western France, Labeyrie has consistently focused on the two foods that represent the pinnacle of luxurious and pleasurable dining: foie gras and smoked salmon. A well known brand acclaimed for its strict standards and array of deluxe products, Labeyrie is devoted to making exceptional delicacies accessible to consumers. tHe undiSPuted Leader in LuXury FoodS in SuPerMarKetS Labeyrie has been following culinary traditions for nearly 70 years, creating authentic, delicate, refined recipes, including frozen hors d’oeuvres, smoked salmon, caviar, sushi, regional products, duck foie gras and desserts. From hors d’oeuvres to desserts, Labeyrie turns every mouthful into a moment of pure pleasure. 37 LaBeyrie: Fine Food For Fine MoMentS Today, Labeyrie is an artful creator of a range of fine foods—from mouth-watering hors d’oeuvres and appetizers to delectable main courses and desserts—perfect for memorable moments with family and friends. With over 300 unique and delicious items, the company’s list of products reads like a menu at the finest restaurants in the world. These include caviar, whole duck foie gras with fig bread, truffle carpaccio, duck confit, beechwood-smoked trout, Norwegian salmon, sushi, escargot-stuffed pastry purse, sweet and savoury macarons, frosted Yule log cakes and desserts for sharing. When it comes to new flavours and original taste combinations, Labeyrie has enough ideas to launch fresh trends. Whether sweet or savoury, from hors d’oeuvres to desserts, Labeyrie’s unique, refined foods are indispensable and irresistible. To learn more, visit 38 39 40 GrEAT BrITAIn rEDIscovErs fLAvoUrs from THE sEA Lyons seafoods began 50 years ago in Warminster in southwest England. Its rigorous standards and strict criteria for raw ingredients have made Lyons seafoods Britain’s leader in fresh and freshly cooked prawns. Because of the company’s high standards and exemplary thoroughness in selecting raw materials, Lyons Seafoods has become the leader in Britain on the fresh (or fresh-cooked) prawn market. With its 100% fresh, premium quality prawns, scallops, mussels and more, Lyons Seafoods is a provider to a wide range of clients that include both private individuals and restaurant professionals. tHe GrouP’S internationaL arM Constantly striving for excellence, Lyons Seafoods has successfully maintained its market share over the years thanks in part to its comprehensive and diverse product range. The company continues to grow and adapt to the desires of its customers and consumers, offering products for all tastes—from prawns in cocktail sauce to smoked salmon and cooked salmon flavoured with capsicum or pepper… Its products are selected with care from around the world, offering exotic flavours and a round-the-world trip in every bite. To learn more, visit 41 42 A COMPANY RECOGNIZED FOR ITS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY 43 IT STARTS IN THE WORKPLACE… • Employee satisfaction surveys are conducted regularly within the Group by an outside firm called Great Place To Work. As Europe’s leader in gourmet foods, Labeyrie Fine Foods is conscious of its impact on society, mankind and the environment. For over 20 years, the Group has been committed to social responsibility, ensuring that its research, advancements and basic actions are sustainable. Moreover, since 2007 all companies in the Group have subscribed to shared ethics policy. • L abeyrie has developed a Management Charter that makes kindness, being a role model, efficiency and enthusiasm a priority. • D elpierre was honoured in a workplace ergonomics study conducted at the Jonzac plant. The company was recognized by the French Labour Inspectorate for its success and cited in the industry journal «Travail & Sécurité». ... OUR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY • Our supply chain is rooted heavily in France. Here are some examples: > Products raised in France and made using French expertise, such as herring, mackerel and haddock caught by French fishing fleets (sold under the Pêcheries de Fécamp brand developed by Delpierre), > Trout and salmon raised in France (sold under the Labeyrie label), > Cannelés de Bordeaux, another regional product by Labeyrie Traiteur Surgelés. Our duck foie gras has been designated IGP–Southwest (Protected Geographical Region – Southwest) for many years now. • As part of a pilot programme, Labeyrie recently performed a corporate social responsibility (CSR) diagnostic using a tool developed by Labeyrie Fine Foods. • Lyons Seafoods and Farne are measured against the Ethics Standard through audits performed by leading third-party firm SEDEX. • Each of our companies receives training on food waste: In addition to maximizing the efficient use of ingredients, we work with a group of local charity organizations, including soup kitchens. 44 ... TANGIBLE ACTIONS FOR REDUCING OUR ENVIRONMENTAL FOOTPRINT • We partner with Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) programmes to ensure sustainable, ocean friendly fishing. • We also develop AB-BIO certified products. Created in 1985, the AB-BIO label identifies organic, humane, environmentally friendly agricultural and fish farm products. • L abeyrie has launched a tree planting initiative. The project began as a symbolic gesture to replant young trees. Now, primary school students will participate in an educational programme to teach them how to take care of Mother Nature. • Using data gathered from Greenhouse Gas Evaluations and Lifecycle Analyses of our main products, we have implemented action plans in each business unit. • L abeyrie recently constructed a new building that meets all the criteria for a Low Energy Building. • We have equipped all plants with videoconferencing facilities to keep a close eye on our water and energy consumption, our waste management and our transportation usage. •A drimex was one of the first companies in France to build an ozone-powered organic purification station to manage its industrial waste. 45 Thank you for joining us on the adventure of this brochure. We are flattered and appreciate your hunger for information about the Group. We hope that you have had a good taste of who we are and appreciate our values and goals. But your knowledge will not be complete until you have sampled some of our products, the best way we know to share our passion with you. 46 47